#so yea there was that awkward af talk
mellowtaurus · 1 year
back with more 🌞astro observations🌞🍀 (again if you don’t resonate/relate than simply scroll hun)
-someone with too much fire in their chart can be toxic, jealous or even very possessive. Or can just simply drain you like I mean yea they’ll be be loyal and like a typical fire signs , but especially if they have a leo or aries stellium they can be very draining too be around/with.
-earth placements are really introverted and awkward like the more earth signs I meet the more I’m like we’re really introverts lol. Now I know not every earth sign is like this depends on their other placements.
- underdeveloped aquarians are loyal… TO THE WRONG PEOPLE.
- uranus/aquarius 11th🤝unstable friendships.
-9th house/sagittarius placements can be very outspoken and blunts af🔥🗣️.
- libra moon/pisces/12H moons are very much ambiverts or introverts. And they can also be manipulative in friendships , relationships etc. they are also very shy people and don’t talk about their feelings really.
- cancer placements can be motherly figures too people that don’t have no one too talk to or get advice from. They might even be the figure that didn’t have themselves growing up.
- the whole thing about Pisces being “majestic” , “dreamy” is true because look at Justin bieber for example💕♓️
- gemini placements are really funny. If I had too pick who was on my team in a roast session I would 100% pick gemini yup!!!!!
- bad aspects to mercury can cause tension, trouble and problems with communication/thinking.
- scorpio placements 🤝revenge on their ex(s).
that’s all for my Astro observations😁. Thank you so much!!
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ddanthedumbass · 9 months
~Her~ || Mattheo R. x fem! Reader
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Author note! <33 I hope you like it, I worked on it at flipping school so Its fluff only. I always accept corrective criticism, spelling correction, grammar correction, and requests. Im sorry this is so bad and cringy btw. -A/N❤
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You listened silently to the conversation the other girls at the lunch table were having, feeling awkward at the prospect you didn’t know any of them. “Oh my god I love him so much” a girl with short brown hair and friendly makeup gushed, pointing to a boy at the table across from the one you were sitting at. You turned your head slightly, enough to be able to see who she was pointing at but not enough to be noticed. The boy she was pointing at had curly black hair, brown eyes and light skin and was grinning and talking to a friend. Mattheo Riddle. — “Let's play truth or dare!” Lorenzo said excitedly “I need a new story to post on buzzfeed.” Theodore rolled his eyes and smirked at Enzo “I should’ve guessed. But okay because I am boooorrrrrddddd af” “Okay” Mattheo said, eying the pretty girl in a hoodie with H/L H/C hair sitting quietly and alone, like she always does. “I wanna play and I wanna go first.” Draco said flatly, slicking back his platinum blonde hair. “I want to play as well, like I have to catch up on all my friend’s drama” Blaise said casually while eating his hamburger. “Truth or Dare is my fav game so yes!” Pansy gushed “Okaayy Theodore Nott. truth of dare” Draco asked “Truth.” “Is it true you…. Are dating Enzo?” “Yea.” “Okay…. Enzo truth or dare?” Theo asked, smirking at his boyfriend. “Dare” “I dare you to kiss me right now” Lorenzo rolled his eyes but smiled and leaned in and gave Theodore a soft but long kiss. “You guys are such a cute couple” Pansy noted, smiling wide “ANYWaayy, my turn because Enzo is kissing Theo.” Blaise said.
“no, I’m still going” Lorenzo huffed, shoving Blaise softly. “Mattheo truth or dare?” “Dare” “I dare you to kiss your crush” “Wtf bro I don’t a crush” “Don’t lie I saw you staring at Y/N” “Oooooooohh” Pansy squealed “Someone has a cruuuushhh” Mattheo blushed and scowled “Fine I do like her buuut she don’t know who tf I am” “Don’t make excuses.” — The lunch bell rang, signaling the end of lunch period and you were the first to get up. You hated the cafeteria. It was loud, food was flying everywhere, but most of all, you had to sit with people you didn’t know and who had friends and you just sat there yourself. You looked over your shoulder at Mattheo. The girl from earlier was there. Her short brown bob bouncing as she spoke. As you watched her talk to Mattheo, you felt a twinge of jealousy. Why do I feel jealous?? — “I’m Joyce,” A girl with short hair that bounced annoyingly. “Yea hi Joyce what do you want?” Mattheo asked, trying not to sound irritated. He absolutely hated when girls talked to him randomly and flirted with him and asked for his number and tried to use pick-up lines that stunk worse than public bathrooms. “I like your…. Eyes” She gushed Ew “Yea yea I like your um shirt” Mattheo said curtly “Is that all? Because I have to get to class” “Oh yea” Joyce said sweetly “I have to go to class too. Why don’t we go together?” Mattheo rolled his eyes “What class do you have?” “I have orchestra!” “Well, I have ELA and the orchestra room is downstairs right down this hall.” Stupid…. Joyce blushed “O-oh okay. See you later, then” She winked and gave Mattheo what she thought was a winning smile. Well f I’m late now… — You carefully wrote your name at the top of your page. At least I’m a good student… even though nobody likes me. You thought, pushing the page to the corner of your desk. “We’ll be working as partners” no…… “You can choose your groups, I’m sure your capable” Oh my god no
Everyone buzzed with excitement and found groups with their friends, leaving only you. The door opened and a boy stumbled in, panting. “I’m sorry I was late sir” he said “A girl named Jane was bugging me.” “Okay, I don’t need your excuses,” The teacher surveyed the room “Go work with Y/N.” You flushed and looked away. I have to work with MATTHEO! “Okaayy” Mattheo said, giving you a ravishing grin. “Hey princess” he said when he planted himself in the seat beside you You scowled “I’m not a princess.” “I’m sure you aren’t. What do we need to do?” “You’d know if you came to class on time and not 20 minutes late.” Mattheo laughed, “A girl named James was bugging me.” “You said Jane” “Well something like that.” You rolled your eyes. “We have to write a book report.” “Nooooooooo” Mattheo whined “I hatteeeee book repoorrtts” “You sound like a child” You said, looking at Mattheo coldly. “Okay finee,” he straightened “What book?” “What did you read?” If anything, Mattheo grinned “I read The Lord of The Rings” You rolled your eyes “What happened?” “Umm… I actually read Wattpad fanfic…” “I figured as much” You said, smiling a little “What happened?” As Mattheo retold the story, you looked over his face. He’s actually kinda pretty…. Wtf!? “You good? You look like you spaced out for a sec,” Mattheo said, smirking “W-what, oh sorry, so um yea what continue” “I already finished,” “Oh okay you can write it down, then.” What is wrong with me?? Mattheo’s hand brushed up against yours as he took the pencil from your hand. You felt your face heat up and you bit your lip. “Do you want to go to the library with me during our free period?” Mattheo asked while writing down the book report horribly. “Why?” You demanded “Because I see you sitting alone during lunch and during your free period.” He looked like he wanted to say more, but he only smiled and set down the pencil “See you later, then?” and stood up to leave. You felt slightly disappointed as you watched him leave, but you shook off the feeling and picked up the book report he left. — “How’d it go?” Enzo asked, smirking at Mattheo. “It went amazing.” Mattheo grinned “I asked her if she wanted to meet me at the library during free period. She looked like she liked the idea.”
“you better make the most romantic scene bro. I want tea and I want a nice movie to watch” Theodore said, tossing Mattheo a cigarette. “And I want something to post on Buzzfeed.” Lorenzo said “and Theo you can’t have cigarettes.” “Ugh” Theodore reluctantly handed Lorenzo his box “You too, Mattheo” — You skipped your 4 period class to get ready. Something you swore never to do. You curled your H/C H/L hair and stuck a small flower behind your ear. You sighed “What happened to me?” You curled your lashes, and applied a light layer of blush. The bell finally rang and you felt excitement rise in your body, but you battled it down and put on a straight face. When you got there, you found Mattheo already sitting on a beanbag chair, he had a black Nirvana t-shirt and black cargo pants. “You look nice,” He said “How did you get that all done?” You had a black tank top with a nice necklace and faded blue jeans. “I skipped my 4th period class. It was gym, anyway.” Mattheo laughed “I pretended to be sick and ‘went to the nurse’” “You are such a bad student!” you said, smiling down at the ground as you sat in the beanbag chair next to Mattheo. “And you are a wonderful student,” he winked, “That’s why I like you.” You blushed “Shut up, Riddle” “Okay Y/L/N” “Can I ask you something?” Mattheo asked “Sure, what is it?” “I- this was a dare, but I really do like you,” “I expected as much. Who gave you the dare?” “Lorenzo Berkshire.” Mattheo blushed and looked down “C-can I kiss you?” “Part of the dare?” You asked, unable to keep the hurt from your voice “No- yes, but the dare was to kiss my crush..” Mattheo said, not looking at you. “Please don’t hate me…” You sighed “I don’t hate you, Mattheo. Why do you think I skipped a class to do my makeup?” Mattheo smiled “So can I kiss you?” “Yes” Mattheo pressed his lips onto yours. He tasted like cigarettes, mint gum, and strawberry shortcake, as odd as that sounds. His hand traveled up your back and his other hand went to the back of your head, tangling in your hair. “I love you so much, Y/N…” He mumbled in between kisses. “I love you too…”
— “Best movie ever actually” Theodore whispered to Lorenzo “This is gonna get so many views,” Lorenzo whispered back, typing furiously on his phone. “I’m gonna tease him for this for eternity” Draco whispered, smirking “Your meeeeean” Pansy whispered, her lips pouting “They’re adorable!”
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carefulfears · 23 days
ohhhh you should talk about the crazy family unit. hank karen becca mia and ... bill? (i cannot remember that man's name lol) or just mia & karen 🥹 whatever you feel ahaha
not you can’t remember the human dial-tone’s name 😭😭😭😭 he’s so absent in that family that he’s defined by it…what stands out to me about bill though is his status as A Father, to the point that we don't see him until he's Mia's Dad. he isn't in the pilot. and hank doesn't know (for plot?? reasons?? i guess??) that he has kids until the pilot, when karen says that becca is out with bill's daughter. even though they've lived with bill and mia for months (a year?) at that point.
by the time the audience sees bill for the first time, he's not just karen's boring "captain fantastic" fiancé- he's mia's dad. and his first scene on the show is annoying hank with parenting advice and trying to relate to him over having daughters.
so in a way, as much as the show wants to portray bill as the anti-hank (and as much as karen wants to latch onto that), they are characterized extremely similarly in a narrative sense...they both exist only in their relationship to the same 3 characters: karen, becca, and mia.
(i'm reminded of duchovny saying on a podcast that the world of californication was run by women)
and they both exist within this family in this odd awkward dynamic, where these kids need to be parented and neither of them are as present as they want to be.
what fascinates me about the relationship between hank and bill is that these are two men who see each other as rivals and who hate each other, but who are ultimately both just fathers and do have to be open to and rely on each other at times...and watch each other interact with and influence their girls…moments like when bill calls becca "honey" at dinner and everyone winces and looks at hank. bill going over to hank's apartment to ask him to please speak at mia's school, because he has to go out of town and can't do it. mia telling becca that it's only fun when she's around to "conspire against the parental units." they have this inevitable presence around each other's children. (hank having passed out at the house, coming down the stairs in bill's borrowed clothes, mia handing him the paper)
and when bill leaves town after the wedding, he leaves his daughter in LA to be effectively parented by karen and hank. and yea that's bonkers crazy and we could talk for days about how dangerously negligent and ridiculous the human dial-tone is but that's what happened
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they're regularly going over to the house to check on her, having her over at their family dinners, inviting her to their parties, convening with each other about her behaviors and safety, taking responsibility for the people who interact with her, looking in on her at school
and they're...more attentive and involved than bill was. (look at my parental figures dawg i'm gonna throw myself off a hotel balcony)
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and mia eats it up!! she microdoses having a grown-up give af about her!! same girl who told karen that her dad doesn't care about her whereabouts before going out to meet a "significantly older" guy at a bar. she starts going to her teacher's nasty apartment to do coke only after hank tells her to be careful around that guy. she starts a sexual relationship with lew ashby, watches hank and karen lose their shit over it, then tells hank she was just "yanking his chain." in the first vlog she alludes to calling hank and telling him she's in trouble "just fucking with him."
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and she did nothing wrong <3
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as far as the relationship between karen and mia goes you honestly need another post to unpack All That….it’s hard to mother a dead woman’s baby. then watch her stand up at your wedding and beg her father not to do it. to sit in a courtroom years later and listen to her tearfully explain her anger towards you, how much grief her father was “burying.”
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but she did mother her and that’s so difficult, even painful, for everyone...like my post on becca and mia and how kind of tragic it is, the way that they were "sisters" but only for a little while. like searching for protection and comfort in a man who will stand trial for harming you.
there are a few really enduring and reliable constants that this show rests on, and mia just isn't one of them. her family, her stability, her well-being, her home and individuality. it's all kind of fraught and wildly fluctuating. but for a little while, people tried.
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erenfox · 8 months
Episode 4.
It's the best piece of work Marvel has made after they made IW and Endgame.
spoiler alert 🚨
lemme start off with our favourite Miss Jolly Rancher Unhinged Clock and Victorian-Era HWR Fangirl. I KNEW Ravonna had somehow helped HWR in building the TVA, but him erasing her memories was straight up evil.
Then we come to the absolutely gruesome deaths of Dox and the others. HOLY SHIT MISS JOLLY RANCHER IS AWFUL like she was enjoying every second of Dox and her hunters literally getting crushed to their deaths. B-15 was traumatised, to say the least and you can see on Ravonna and Brad's faces a hint of disgust. But Miss Minutes grinning like that - outright disturbing.
I can't get over OB and Victor fanboying over each other's work - it was so funny yet wholesome.
Now let's talk about Loki and Sylvie. As a diehard Sylki stan you know I am, my fangirling heart was overjoyed seeing these two lovesick ducks working together willingly! I mean, yea, they did have that rather awkward talk in Pie Land (mind you that's it's official name henceforth) but after that they worked together as teammates! Now I must say, I completely agree with Sylvie on snapping on Mobius, because, well, yeah, the multiverse is a bigger priority than pie and I legit don't get why tf antis hate on Sylvie for doing so. Like you hated her for not giving a damn abt the TVA + the multiverse, but now when she stood up to do so y'all are hating on her again?? Like?? Make up ur mind, smh.
Anyways, back to Sylki. Sylvie got stuck in the elevator and the way she and Loki worriedly called out each other's names was so soft! And the "You ok?" trope CAME BACK OMG! THAT PHRASE IS LITERALLY THE BACKBONE OF SYLKI! When I tell you my fangirling heart screamed with joy omg-
The the whole paradox scene which brought Ep 1 back in a circle. I absolutely loved the way our Loki realised what he had to do and went real slow to prune his past self just so that Past Loki could get a glimpse of Sylvie; which would then lead him to be more determined than ever to go look for her. And I quite literally died on Sylvie being confused af as to wtf she just witnessed.
Then there's the telephone scene. OH MY GOD it was literally OB all this time when fans were out here speculating it was Kang or someone lmao. Both Loki and Sylvie yelling simultaneously to turn the security thing off gives out so much Couple Vibes, I absolutely loved it AAHHAHAH-
our friendly neighbourhood lovesick ducks teaming up to enchant Brad was just too good. Loki in his hot, creepy voice luring Brad into a dark area while Sylvie very swiftly just straight up grabbing his face from the back - pure horror. Absolutely loved it, 10/10. Tho I must say, to do execute elaborate scheme, these two must have done some detailed planning (=more Sylki moments we were robbed off).
Can we talk abt Victor's redemption? Man had been portrayed as evil since Quantumania, and has been manipulated by both Ravonna and Miss Jolly Rancher, but at the end of the day, he was a sweetheart. Man fanboys OB and basically became besties with him and Casey, worked together to create the solution to a mess he most certainly didn't want to be a part of, and then himself stepped up to fix the Loom once and for all to prove to everyone (and not let Sylvie's choice of sparing him go to waste) that tho he contained HWR's DNA, he wasn't HWR - he was a far better person HWR could have ever been. Seeing him getting spaghettified was tragically heart-wrenching, man deserved so much better :(
BUT HOLY SHIT DID THAT ONE HECK OF A GODDAMN CLIFFHANGER LEFT ME SPEECHLESS LIKE WTF WAS THAT?? U can't just kill off a character who had redeemed himself, and then make our main character and his homies watch literally EVERYTHING THEY WORKED SO HARD FOR GET ANNIHILATED TO THE GROUND-
But we know our God of Mischief isn't dead, and so are his homies eheheh.
However the looks on everyone's face was tragic. Loki knew all was lost and had tears in his eyes. Sylvie looked like she had accepted defeat and her death. Mobius and OB were in denial, refusing to believe that Victor was dead. Casey and B-15 looked horrified, as they realised what was to come now upon them.
Tldr, this episode was an ABSOLUTE BANGER. IM READY TO CLAIM IT SUPERIOR THAN ENDGAME, come and fight me. Its a top cinematic piece, and the suspense to Ep 5 is eating me up.
Ig i should go and study for the 4 tests this week before ep 5 ;-;
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espresso-ships · 20 days
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Mixed feelings! 😭
Before Nacho worked for him: She thought he was ok. At least when he was sober and you actually could talk to him without him screaming LMAO, otherwise she'd just stand there like: 🧍👁👄👁 H E L P
But after Nacho started working for him: ...No <3
Poor girl is stressed 24/7 because Tuco is crazy and she wants Nacho to be safe </3
If we think away the "canon" storyline...
She would either hate or love him LOL
I feel like they're both social and got that ✨Adhd-energy✨ (a bit stereotypical maybe but I have Adhd too AHSHSH), so they would talk to each other and get along until suddenly... They don't.
Idk I hope that makes sense HAHA
But Nacho would probably make sure they don't meet because he already has enough chaos in his life lmao
Leonel and Marco
She'd be scared of them LMAO
No, not because they're in the cartel
...But because they're so damn quiet!
Laura is socially awkward, so around quiet people, she gets really tense and either talks too much or makes the silence very awkward. Or just starts stimming because she's bored/stressed 😭
Ok yea, she'd probably feel like both are judging her because of their stone faces lol
Probably would try breaking the ice with a joke
...And fail miserably
And then it would be awkward af lol 😭
In conclusion... She'd be intimated by the Salamanca's 😃👍
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xxoxobree · 2 months
HEYYYY I wanna request for one of ur matchups 🔥,
Personality; I’m HELLAAA quiet, I can go through an entire day without saying a word (only to people I don’t interact to), but around my friends I make a lot of jokes, I talk A LOT (I’ll fr just randomly start complaining or yap about something),
Looks; puffy(?) lips, black hair w bangs and hime side bangs, black eyes, (my Instagram is miizca so u can check it for a better idea on what i look like 🙏)
Dislikes; insensitive people, mfs who always judge, people who don’t respect boundaries,
Hobbies; drawing/painting, sleeping, playing horror games n screaming on it 😛
Music taste; lana del rey. Beabadoobee, clario, chase Atlantic, wisp, any tiktok edit I see (I have 23.6k favorites..) honor mention— my favorite song is the night we met 🔥
Extras; I like my men to have dark hair (ie; dark brown, black, dark red, doesn’t rlly matter or it gotta be dark 🙏)
oh yea n btw if you’re planning to add an x reader tag (ex: yuta x reader) pls don’t put my matchup under it 😭 I don’t want to see my matchup bc I’ll be embarrassed af under the tag but I’m fine w it being on ur page specifically ofc (but ur the creator so do what u want I’ll get over my embarrassment one day LMFAO)
Firstly , you’re freaking GORGEOUS!
And I match you with Mr Gumi 🫶🏽
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He’s a little bit of a grump, but he’s such a sweet boy.
Is quiet too so enjoys that he can sit quietly with you without it being awkward. Looks at you every now and again with a small smile just to make sure you’re there with him and to let you know he’s enjoying his time with you.
Tries his hardest not to laugh at your jokes and tells you you’re not funny but you get him to laugh every time even if it’s a small grunt.
Doesn’t mind you talking at all enjoys it, may seem like he’s not paying attention but when you ask him what you said he can tell you exactly what was said. Adds his opinion here and there.
Hangs your paintings/drawings on his walls. Tells everyone to look at what you drew/painted. Will ask you to draw things for him.
Playing horror games with him probably anticlimactic, he plays with a straight face and no commentary
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
Thank youuu so much for liking my cosplay, it means so much to me 🥺😭 Im gonna probably do tiktoks in it and I also have many other ideas for his cosplay for example: cosplaying him in my casual clothes or even maid Anakin. 🤣🤭 Also yea, I live in the same town as his farm is, but I dont even know where is it exactly, I moved here in July :'D But even if I have met him, it would be awkward as hell, because my autism wont allow me to talk to him and I would be shy af. :D:D And tbh: If I were in relationship with him, I would desire handholding 24/7, because I love his hands and 24/7 cuddling ><
wow yeah i bet if you stick around there for a while you might have a chance at seeing him!! depending on how much of a recluse he is when he is at his farm 😂 but i don’t really imagine him as someone who would want to hire people to run all his errands for him, so he’s gotta go out and buy milk, right?
i’m jealous of your opportunity to glimpse him but i’m also sure i would be too awkward and shy to go up to him in public. i’ve seen celebrities before, even celebrities i admire, but i never went up to any of them because i didn’t want to bother them 😫 and also they didn’t seem to want to be bothered going into CVS you know? but it’s still cool to see people you admire, even if you don’t get to talk to them
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nathank77 · 25 days
1:28 a.m Edited
I look into your eyes and I feel like you're the girl I'm going to marry. I feel like you're my soulmate, but then I see your husband and I'm like I'm fucking stupid. I just want you to be happy.
I'm here for you platonically. Maybe this is why you won't talk to me. I'd hope if it wasn't romantic for you, that you'd cut yourself off of my tumblr if it's stopping you from talking to me. Why?
I can truly put my feeling away for one reason- I want you to be happy and I want to be apart of your life no matter what it entails. Being a friend of the family. Helping you and your girls and your husband. I'd be there for the 4 of you, you know that right? If you're here and my tumblr is holding you back from being my friend, don't read it and try talking to me and see how normal I can be. I'll be able to read you. If it's just friendship. I'll keep it as friendship. I wouldn't tread.
Even if it was romantic. Sometimes I imagine you saying, let's hang out. And then us meeting and yea imma run into your arms prob. I'm shy and awkward and I'd go off of your body language tbh.. but let's say we met for coffee and you were already in the Cafe at a table.... or let's say your body language was that's just a friend who only means so much to me I'm not that excited to see him but at the same time I am. I'd just walk up to you and say hi.
Let's say in this hypothetical situation that you say, "I started a divorce with my husband and I didn't talk to you all this time bc I have feelings for you." Elise idk what I'd say. I'm awkward af. Idk what my face would do. Idk how I'd react. I imagine I'd just listen but if you stopped talking and waited for me to respond. I mean there would be silence... and Idk. Idk what I'd say. I don't expect that that's going to happen.
I expect you to make it clear in a few ways that you're happy.
1) maybe a profile picture change before you initially contact me assuming you ever contact me...
2) you saying me and my husband are going to California next year.
And that'll put me in my place sort of speak.. I will still want to know you and I'll adjust my idea of what we could be to just platonic and I'll try to be apart of your family if you let me be....
If you admitted you have feelings I wouldn't kiss you or hold your hand unless you did. I would be in shock. I mean I could imagine myself tearing up. I could imagine myself saying, "wait I'm not crazy." That's all i can imagine cause to me pigs flying is more plausible than you having feelings for me.
I may say a lot of stuff on here. I know if you're here you know I'm in love with you. I'd never say that to you... never unless we were dating for a long period of time. Or unless you said I'm in love with you. I'd never say what I write here....
This is my diary. And yea I chose a public web page to post on bc for whatever reason tumblr makes me want to write. I've been a tumblr kid for almost a decade. I didn't write like I do now but I've had writing phases... and tumblr is where I went.
All I'm trying to say is- your happiness means everything to me and if tumblr is holding you back and you're here don't read it and just talk to me. You're not going to hear about how I feel. Maybe you'll read it here but I mean... no one is forcing you to look. And you'll see that I'll come to terms with just friendship easily.
If you changed your profile picture to you and your husband, this is how my tumblr would read tomorrow- well I'm glad she's happy. I just wish she would be my friend.
After valentines day trust me I learned. I expect you're happy with your husband. However something tells me you're not... and it's not your profile picture. But that's not something I'm capable of knowing without talking to you honestly. I blew it on valentines day. I won't blow it again. I'll take it for what it is. My feelings will fade overtime.
Tbh they are fading now. Not entirely I'm still in love with you and I'm not sure that I'll ever not love you and maybe I'll tell you I love you as a friend bc it's true. I won't say I'm in love with you.
I have so much respect for you. And I just want to be in your life and if my dairy is keeping you out of my life please message me. Please stop reading and give me a chance to show you what I'm capable of.
I will let go no matter what but I can let go much easier if you talk to me and I see that you're happy.
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no-vamos · 8 months
Today’s updates consist offfffff
So i told another one of my friends who my crush was today
and istg her reaction was so funny
bc it started out with me needing to freak out to someone else besides my bsf and her bf so i turned to like my clone lmao (we have the same legal name and have basically the same hobbies and interests and both have brown hair we’re like the same person lmao)
So i was like (actually I don’t remember how I started the conversation but I think I told her why I had been in the athletics hallway before play practice)
bc i was talking to my crush then
and she was like wait who and i was like uhhhhh bc like i like him but also i know he’s not everyone’s type and is also kinda a developed taste lmao
and she was like you don’t have to tell me and i was like no it’s fine guess
and she was like ok so he’s on the xc team, is he in your grade? and i was like no
AND THEN SHE GUESSED HIM ON THE FIRST GUESS and i was like omg am i really that obvious and she was like no not really he’s the only junior i remember being on the xc team and like you wouldn’t like your bsf’s bf bc that’d be weird and i was like yeah duh
and then i think she either mentioned how i had said he was in my youth group or something
and then i was explaining how yesterday when i stopped to talk to her in front of the chemistry room prior to physics i was really talking to her then and there so i could see if he would be watching me (which he was) and she was like OH i remember that, i had entered the room and was really scared he hated me or something bc he had been looking out the door (with his deadpan face)
that was another thing we talked about
bc she was like i don’t know much about him except that when he talks to people his face is completely neutral
but when he’s talking to me he’s like half smiling usually
and then she was like wait is that why he was always looking towards us during choir
bc i also explained how that was another thing that happened between us
and i was like YEA and she was like THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW
and then she was like now i’m gonna watch when he’s looking at you for like statistics
bc we also talked about how sometimes you make eye contact with someone and it seems like they had been looking at you a long time and i’m like omg that happens with us
and then i told her how we’re getting baptized around the same time (basically together i think) and she was like omg that’s so cute
and all of this was prompted bc i got an email from my youth pastor about the sermon i’m gonna help her with in december and like the meeting times for going over that scripture and i had vaguely remembered her saying one or two other people were gonna help with this as well
HIMMMMAEOIFHOISHFOIH and i was like half freaking out about it bc like wtf
and my bsf was like girl what calm down
so like my bsf is my sanity and is like telling me not to obsess over this guy
and my clone is like girlie you guys are my otp now i ship so hard
and it was so funny bc she and i had this conversation in like five minutes and i was also explaining how we’re “talking” but not really “talking” bc nothing has actually been said but isn’t that basically what talking is
and she was like wait are you guys texting and i’m like no i’m too awkward for that
but we had a two hour conversation on saturday
of which he could’ve left but he didn’t so that has to mean something right
and she’s like omg right
and i also explained how we’re like mirror images of each other in terms of like, he wants to be an architect and i want to do math and art but not architecture
and then i was also explaining how like it also has to mean something that he thinks i’m at least somewhat smart
bc yea it doesn’t matter what he thinks but he’s also kind of like, doesn’t associate himself with people he thinks are less intelligent
but i’m smart af and like we’ve had conversations before and stuff and like he’s expressed some sort of like respect for me
and i was telling her about church retreat and that one time i was expressing how i didn’t like a certain teachers classes and he was like well most people who don’t like his courses don’t like the workload and i was like well that makes me sound lazy and he’s like well you’re an exception and she was like omg the backtrack like he cares and i was like rightttt?????
she’s feeding the delusion so much and like now it’s all i can think about
I also had made the excuse to go hang out in the athletics hallway bc i was trying to find my bsf and forgot where she was (she was up the street at a voice lesson) and her brother was in the hallway too as well as my crush and less important bc he’s still technically my friend but also my ex
ANYWAYS point being i talked with them a while about things mostly bc i wanted to be where my crush was and he just
so much
i desperately want to know what he thinks of me bc he just watches me so… intensely? you know what i mean
it’s also kinda funny bc, for reasons being we share the same name and i currently am borderline obsessed with this guy, i would have the most massive crush on my clone like
she’s gorgeous and so nice but also a really great friend so i appreciate her in that aspect
but also the fact that she is gonna keep an eye out for our reactions a bit more
and honestly her saying that we’re her otp makes me want to make a ship name for us
but the moment i do that things usually spiral out of control
so i’m gonna avoid that by making one and then not telling anyone
oh another update and then i’ll stop
my bsf’s bf is like seriously judging me in ap bio rn bc we’re studying a process that shares the same name as the guy i like so i keep making half jokes about that and then he gives me his disgruntled judging cat glare and i’m like whattttt i’m doing serious bio things
not making vague references to the guy i like that you’re also friends with bc you run xc together
but i had made a joke about being the athletics hallway to do bio review lmao
also i’m like so nervous about making eye contact with him bc he’s just so intense
but also super endearing he’s like such a guy so awkward
0 notes
scarefox · 10 months
my brother ignores me most of the time, barely even communicates non-verbal with me as long as we are in public or at work, keeps my text messages on read
the moment we are at each's home he texts me back even though we sat like 30 minutes in the bus side by side
we are both so mentally healthy :)
... I suspect him to have ADHD and he hates talking in public transport since childhood, probably social anxiety related (also he's a bit of an ass sometimes). so yea it's awkward af working at the same place atm
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beardedhandstoadshark · 11 months
ever experience the most awkward car rides?
Y’know when a day went great but then something incredibly minor happens that completely escalates into a big argument? That but in a car, and also the ride goes on for multiple hours
Or when you’re the only person in the room and everyone else knows each other but you’ve got no clue. And also you’re a teen between a bunch of 40-50 year olds who know who you are because of your parent. But car.
Or awkward silence. But car. And for some reason the radio isn’t on but asking if the other person is cool with it being on is also awkward af so you just sit in silence. And sometimes one of you tries to do small talk but it only leads to a single answer and then even more awkward silence
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han-and-kai · 7 years
im just gonna vent in the tags a bit
#or alot#so i went to the hospital yesterday because my school called my parents and were like#um yes hello our lovely student wants to die and its kinda ur fault so u need to get her help#and i technically couldnt have gone to school if i didnt go#so first we went to a psychiatrist and it was really weird cuz i knew him#like i get that its his job but like 1 ur a guy and 2 i helped babysit ur kids and um no#so yea there was that awkward af talk#then we went to the emergency room for like 6 hours#and this nice lady named jessica talked to me and i asked her to tell my parents everything i told her cuz i was too afraid to say it on my#own#and then we went home and ate chinese food and i thought id wake up the next morning and theyd try to help me#nope#everything was the same#actually it got worse#my dad technically told me god might stone me to death for being pansexual so uh fun#and then my mom thinks im this lazy egotistical prideful bich who cares about nothing but herself#but im just here like uh so i waited a month to cut my hair and last week u said we can go today so....can we?#and she said no cuz she was tired and busy#she was playing candy crush#last week she was watching stranger things#and i got annoyed?#so what did i do#oh such a terrible child i am---i stayed quiet---talked to no one---ate by myself#ah yes true disrespect at its finest#and she starts yelling at me so i went to the bathroom and cried#and here i am#yea im probably never gonna get actual help#theres no cure to depression if ur parents are stubborn pricks#i legit tried so hard to get help and they just#they just dont want to
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evermoreparker · 2 years
Lost In Translation -Part Four
Synopsis: Peter and you were inseparable since you were kids, until you started hating each other right before you two went to college, but now Peter needs your help to win a bet.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: drinking?, frat parties lmao, and... some make out sessions.
Prologue Part one Part Two Part Three
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This is the part where you know your little deal with Peter wasn’t such a good idea as thought.
There he was, standing in the hallway with an awkward smile, another shirt with science pun, and you can’t lie, he looks good af. WAIT WAIT, not good af, maybe not so bad?
‘’Looking not as hideous as always, Parker.’’
���’Uhhh… Thanks? You look good. I mean, not like your usual self.’’ Alright, nice save.
‘’Fuck off, but thank you. Do you think this dress is too much?’’ You say as you turn around to show Peter your outfit. But he’s kinda too busy to notice the whole dress while trying not to look at your tits in full display.
‘’Yea yea, whatever. Looks ok. Very neat.’’
‘’Neat? Why are you acting weirder than usual?’’ You turn around to look at Peter staring at you with wide eyes.
‘’No, I’m not. Shut up, you’re the weird one.’’ That makes you giggle when you see him glancing at your chest and then looking at the ceiling. Definitely wearing this dress again.
‘’Uhh you got a leak right there.’’ Points to where he was looking. ‘’Now, c’mon we gotta go.’’ Peter grabs your hand and leads you two to the party.
‘’Are you gonna make me walk all that in heels?’’
‘’Yea, considered this punishment for making me awkward at the restaurant.’’
‘’Please, you’re always awkward. And aw no, daddy. Was I bad girl?’’ You change the tone of your voice to make your teasing more apparent. Which makes Peter blush.
‘’No, and shut up, don’t call me that.’’ Code for please, call me that again. ‘’And look, we’re here.’’
‘’Whatever, any time spent with you it’s an eternity.’’
‘’Aw thank you.’’
‘’Shut up, that wasn’t a compliment.’’
‘’Yea I know. Now, are you ready m’lady?’’ Peter stands his hand for you.
‘’Yea, let’s sell this shit to the world.’’ You say while taking Peter’s hand and entering the frat party.
As soon as you enter the party you see your friend running out of breath from laughing too much at you walking in with Pete. Silently signaling her to shut up, you follow Peter to his friends. It’s fucking show time, people!
‘’Parker, see that you brought Y/n with you. Do you want a drink?’’ One of them offers you their cup. Please, who in their right minds would accept that?
‘’No, thank you. I’m gonna grab one for myself. Do you want one, babe?’’ Peter takes a while to realize you’re talking to him.
‘’Right… babe. And yea sure, I’ll come with you.’’ Peter puts his arm around you while walking towards the kitchen.
‘’Are they looking?’’ You whisper to Peter.
‘’Yea, they are.’’ Peter quickly looks behind him.
‘’Good, now don’t freak out.’’
‘’Why would I fr-’’ Before Peter could finish his sentence you press your lips on his neck to give his ‘’friends’’ some pda.
‘’Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.’’ Yea, definitely didn’t affect Peter.
‘’Now, what do you wanna drink?’’
‘’Uhh, just some soda.’’ Peter nervously rubs his neck, remembering that your lips were there just a few seconds ago.
‘’Alright, are you sure you’re not gonna drink? It’s not like you’re gonna drive tonight.’’ you stifle a laugh.
‘’Ha ha, very funny. And just put some vodka with cranberry juice.’’
‘’God, that's a very girly drink. Respect.’’
‘’So what? What are you having then?’’
‘’That’s it? Straight?’’
‘’No, bi.’’
‘’I meant the vodka. I already knew that.’’
‘’Yea straight vodka.’’ Downs one shot. ‘’Now, let’s go to the dance floor with your cranberry juice.’’ You grab Peter’s hand, leading him to where the music is coming from.
‘’Shut up, it’s really good.’’ Peter hands his cup to you. ‘’Here, try it.’’
‘’Ok’’ You take a sip, while looking suspiciously at Peter. ‘’Alright, it’s not that bad.’’
‘’Told you. So.. are we gonna just stand here awkwardly or dance?’’ Peter takes a long sip while looking around.
‘’Yea, I could grind on you or something while they are looking.’’ That makes Peter choke on his drink.
‘’Are you alright?’’ You put your hand on Peter’s shoulder, but as soon as you notice, you take it off.
‘’Yea, yea. And, yea we could do that. If you want, of course.’’
‘’Yea why not? It’s not like I can do that with anyone else.’’ You take a long sip of your.. drink? Vodka? Idk.
‘’Gee, thanks. I’m flattered. But yea, you’re right.’’
‘’Always am. Now, let’s set some rules. I’m fine with hands on my hips, don’t go lower than that or I’ll break your jaw.’’
‘’Alright. But why my jaw?’’
‘’I don’t know, now we gotta just wait for them to change to the song and-’’ Before you could finish your sentence, Crazy In Love starts playing.
‘’Alright, let’s go!’’ You down your whole cup while Peter watches with wild eyes.
‘’Uhh are you sure that was a good idea? That was just vodka.’’
‘’Yea yea I’m fine. Now, just put your hands on my hips.’’ You turn around so that you can grind on Peter.
‘’Alright, sure, yea.’’ Peter hesitantly puts his hands on your hips, which makes you put your own hands on top of his and squeeze it, so that he knows it’s ok to grab your hips. He gets the message, but he’s still too tense.
‘’Are you alright? We don’t have to do it, if you don’t want it’’ You turn your face so that you can see why Peter is so tense.
‘’Yea, I want it… I mean, I don’t mind. It’s just- Idk it’s just weird, you hate me and have your ass right on my.. uhh crotch area?’’
‘’Listen, if it helps, let’s put aside all of our differences for tonight, ok? Just imagine I’m just a random girl grinding on your ‘’crotch area’’, ok?’’ Peter couldn’t imagine that because you’d never be a random girl to him, you’re Y/n, the girl that offered her umbrella to him so that he could use it as a lightsaber when you were kids, the person that May always asks him about, but he’s too scared to tell her that you hate him. Maybe keeping that part to himself would bring a little hope to Peter that you two might be back one day to what you were before.
‘’Yea, ok.’’ You notice Peter looking at his ‘’friends’’.
‘’Hey, don’t worry about them. Let’s just have fun, ok? Now, don’t make me turn my head again because I’m really close to get a neck cramp.’’ Your last sentence makes Peter giggle, and, just for this moment, you find yourself smiling before turning your head back.
‘’Yea, you’re right. Fuck them.’’
‘’That’s the spirit!! You say as you casually rub your ass up and down on your ‘’worst enemy’’. Pfft, please. Who still believes in that?
‘’Yea it is.’’ Peter giggles, because that man is in a very drunk state atm, while also squeezing your hips, and you don’t mind at all, kinda just makes you grind on him harder.
‘’Fuck, they look good together, don’t they?’’ One of Peter’s friends says to your friend while leaning against the doorframe and watching you two.
‘’Yea, a lot of chemistry apparently.’’ Your friend watches you, skeptical about what’s really going on between and Peter.
‘’I think you probably should stop doing that.’’ Peter says, which makes you abruptly stop.
‘’I’m sorry. Did I do something you weren’t comfortable with?’’ You fully turn around this time, a worried look on your face.
‘’No, it’s just-’’ Peter nervously laughs. ‘’It’s getting really hard not doing anything other than just having you grind on me. Not that I don’t like that! I definitely do- Not definitely just-’’ And for the first time that night, you found a way to make Peter shut up. Pressing your lips against his, hesitantly at first, then stopping for a bit to see if he would reciprocate, and he definitely does. Peter’s hands that were on your hips, find their way around your whole body, forgetting for a brief moment that you were in public. Until you finally stop, but Peter’s lips find their way on your neck, and it’s getting harder and harder to remember that you are at a party in front of everyone.
‘’I think we should go.’’ You say and Peter looks at you with puppy eyes.
‘’Oh yea, sure I can take you to your dorm.’’ He tries to hide his disappointment, but it’s not like it’s your fault if you don’t want to.
‘’Actually…’’ You wrap your arms around Peter’s neck. ‘’I was thinking you could go with me?’’
‘’You mean…’’
‘’Yea, if you want to, of course.’’ Peter realizes none of his ‘’friends’’ are around and quickly nods his head, while pulling you out of the crowd and leading you two to your dorm.
As soon as you get there, you fumble with your keys, being really distracted by the way Peter has his arms around your waist while softly pecking your neck.
‘’Can you wait?’’ You giggle and you feel Peter smiling against your neck.
‘’Alright, you have two minutes.’’ Peter puts his hands up, which makes you laugh harder.
‘’Got it!’’
As you finally open the door to your dorm, Peter is quick to push you against the door, which would be hot if your back wasn’t pressing against the doorknob.
‘’Ouch Peter hold on.’’ Peter stops and looks at you, worry written all over his face.
‘’Do you wanna stop? Did I hurt you? Shit I’m so sorry.’’
‘’No, no, just hmm… You put me right against the doorknob and it’s hurting my back.’’ You say while laughing, and Peter does too.
‘’Oh shit, my bad.’’ Peter suddenly picks you up, bridal style, which makes you giggle.
‘’Put me down, please.’’ You say while kicking the air, trying to get out of Peter’s arms.
‘’Mmm with pleasure’’ Peter abruptly throws you in the bed, which makes you bounce a bit and almost fall off the bed, causing more giggles between you two.
‘’I think you’re really cute.’’ You suddenly confess to Peter.
‘’Why thank you! But I do happen to have a mirror at home.’’ Peter smirks, and you softly punch his arm. ‘’And I think you’re really cute too.’’ Peter says while trailing kisses down your neck til your chest. ‘’Actually, not just cute, hot af.’’ Peter says before biting your collarbone, making you giggle.
‘’Do you think we’re gonna regret this in the morning?’’ You say as you softly play with Peter’s curls, which makes him stop and looks up at you.
‘’Yea I do, but I’ll never regret this, no matter what I tell you in the morning.’’
‘’Same, but let’s not talk about it. We have the whole night to enjoy, right?’’
‘’Yea.’’ Peter goes back to distributing kisses all over your upper body. ‘’The’’. He kisses your neck. ‘’Whole’’. He moves up to kiss your cheek. ‘’Night’’ Peter says as he finally kisses your lips.
Taglist: @kidney9-9 @selfcarecap @hollandlover19 @potayaa @wildxwidow @namoreno @badass-yn 💜
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meigh-day · 3 years
Meet Cute (Tendou x F!Reader)
Title: Meet Cute
Pairing: Tendou x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff!
Status: Complete
Word Count: 2.1k
"I can do this..." You mumble to yourself, eyes focused on the single page menu in your hands. The words scrawled across the page wanted to seem familiar but only a couple managed to find their meaning while the rest just sat there taunting you. Maybe choosing to eat out was a bad idea. It had been only a couple of weeks since you'd uprooted your whole life and moved to beautiful Paris. Sure, your apartment wasn't the prettiest or the biggest and yea maybe not actually speaking a word of French prior to moving wasn't the brightest idea but you couldn't say you regretted the decision. Not yet anyway. A kind looking waitress approached your table, pen poised to take your order as she spoke to you. Her words came quick and left you staring up at her with an awkward smile while she stared at you, expectantly at first and then confused when you said nothing.
"Oh... uh... un moment..." Is all you finally manage to stammer out in your very limited French. She sighs a bit but nods and disappears back inside, leaving you to stare a bit longer at the menu as you worry your lip between your teeth. With a sigh you place the menu flat on the table. Resting your chin in your palm as you stare out at the bustling street before you. People wandered by, laughing with friends, arms full of shopping or flowers, hands intertwined as soft words passed between them. It seemed familiar in a way, watching others pass by on their way to or from some place. Yet, that familiarity only seemed to make you feel all the more alienated, amplifying that feeling of loneliness that was starting to creep up on you. You let out a soft hum of acknowledgement, your train of thought derailing immediately after as you realize someone was talking to you and you'd absentmindedly acknowledged them.
"Ah, sorry!" You sit up, turning your attention towards the source. An amused smile greets you as a pair of sharp red eyes catch your own. For a moment you sit stunned, mind stuck on one word: pretty. A short chuckle brings you back and you clear your throat as you try to think of something, anything to say to this stranger. "Uhm... Ah... P-pardonner monsieur." You offer up a stammered apology, though you aren't sure if you are sorry for not hearing what he said or for deciding to grace this café and the city with your inadequate French. Both maybe?
He laughs and shakes his head before pointing to the seat across from you as if to ask permission. You nod, offering him a somewhat nervous smile as you watch him take a seat. He was tall and thin with the prettiest red hair you had ever seen. He squints his eyes at you a moment before plucking the menu from the table and reading it over. With nothing else to occupy your attention, you watched him, curious why he had decided to approach a complete stranger.
"Hmm, do you like sweet stuff?" He questioned, eyes peering at you from atop the menu, not a hint of French accent in a single syllable.
You smile and nod, humming in affirmation before your eyes widen. "Wait... You speak... You're not..." A sigh of relief passes your lips as you relax in your chair, grateful to not have to stammer and stutter through the minimal French you'd managed to remember. The red headed man snickered at your obvious relief, hiding his smirk behind the menu.
"Geez, you poor thing. I admire your courage."
"Yea. I didn't try my hand at dining out for like the first 2 or 3 months." He lowered the menu, his smirk now visible to you as he placed the menu back down on the table.
"Oh, heh, yea probably not the smartest move. It just smelled really good and my stomach overruled my brain."
He nodded, almost as if to say he understood the feeling before glancing back up at you. "I know we just met and all but do you trust me?" He taps the menu as he asks, indicating the reason behind his question.
"I might be inclined to trust you a little more if I knew your name..." You chuckle, watching his eyes widen in the realization that not a single word of introduction had passed between you. The smirk that had been on his lips is replaced by a sweet smile, his squinted red eyes soften as his whole express shifts from that slightly mischievous one he'd been wearing to a rather warm one.
"Ah, yea. It's Tendou, Tendou Satori."
Several minutes later, introductions now over and your order placed by the very gracious man before you, you two sat chatting back and forth. Both curious what had brought each of you to Paris, almost equally as unprepared. You found out Tendou was attending school to get his associates degree in bakery and pastry arts with the intent on training to become a chocolatier after. You stared at him, eyes wide with excitement as he spoke very animatedly about his latest project.
"But yea, not super exciting or anything." His own excitement dwindled a bit, nervousness settling in as he realized he'd been prattling on about himself for the last ten minutes.
"That sounds incredible!" You finally say. It had been so fun watching and hearing him talk about something he clearly loved.
"What about you?"
"Me? Ah..." The main reason you'd come to Paris was school. Well that's what you told people when asked and it was true. Though you couldn't deny to yourself the underlying reason for moving halfway across the word was to get away from your family. They had wanted you to stay local, go to college and work at your uncles company when you graduated. What a nicely planned future, all neat and packaged with a bow. It wasn't what you wanted though and you expressed that on many occasions. In the end you decided that if you were going to go to school for what you wanted you might as well do it as far away as possible while you were at it. Not wanting to unpack any of that though you gave him a very watered down version of why you'd come to Paris.
Tendou could tell as you spoke that something was missing from your story. Maybe it was the way your eyes shifted around as you spoke, or the stiff smile on your lips, but it was clear to him you maybe weren't telling the whole truth. Though considering he was more or less a perfect stranger, he couldn't fault you for that. Just as you were wrapping up your food arrived so any further talk regarding your coming to Paris halted in favor of eating whatever deliciousness Tendou had kindly ordered.
"Ah, that was so good." You breath out happily, leaning back in your chair in an effort to alleviate the fullness in your stomach. Tendou gave you a wide grin as he set his empty cup down. "I did a pretty good job guessing at what you'd like then?"
"Mhm!" You agree enthusiastically. "God knows what I would have ordered if not for you. So.. uh..." You sit up a bit, fixing your eyes on him as your smile softens. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."
He shakes his head, waving off your gratitude. "Nah don't worry about it." The waitress comes back around and leaves the bill, just the one, but before you can even think about how to fix this, Tendou has paid for the both of you.
"Oh no you don't have.. "
"Consider it a welcome to Paris gift." He stands and smiles down at you before slowly turning, a bit of reluctance in his step.
This was not how you had anticipated your lunch going. If anything you thought you might order something, hopefully delicious but at the very least edible, in your awful broken French and then go home. You couldn't fathom you'd end up meeting someone so kind and generous, who you maybe also thought happened to be the most beautiful person you'd ever seen. Yet you had, and now you were sat in your chair like a complete idiot watching his back grow smaller and smaller, he'd be lost in the crowd by now if not for his lovely hair.
"What am I doing?!" You harshly mutter to yourself as you stand, grabbing up your jacket and bag before breaking out into a run.
Tendou chewed on his lip as his feet carried him away from the small café. It wasn't like it was totally unusual for him to talk to strangers but he'd never just invited himself to eat with a complete stranger, pay for their meal and then leave. Yet here he was, having done all that, though the latter was being done rather reluctantly. Part of him wanted to turn around and go back to you. You'd only spent the better part of an hour together but he was curious about you. There was something that had drawn him towards you. At first he thought he'd gone to you out of the desire to help, and that was part of it to be sure, but maybe there was more to it. Sure your wobbly French had drawn him over but that wasn't why he stayed. Was it the way you had smiled up at him? Or was it the way you sat and listened to him ramble on with actual interest? Perhaps it was the gentle look on your face when he'd caught you staring off into space. Whatever it was, it had his already slow pace halting.
"Tendou!" His eyes widen at the shout of his name, turning to see you waving at him as you run, reaching him a moment later half out of breath.
"Miss me already?" He jokes, watching as you lean down, bracing your hands against your thighs while you attempt to catch your breath. He isn't kept waiting long as you stand upright, a nervous chuckle finally coming out in response to his initial reply.
"Kinda, yea."
"I-- uh... What?" Tendou falters as he tries to process what you just said, not trusting his ears.
"I know we really don't know each other but it seems like such a shame to just... ignore this."
"Ignore what?" He asks, genuinely confused.
"This!" You state as you frantically motion between the two of you. "I mean what're the odds we'd even meet. Besides, I don't know about you but I don't really know anyone around here and it'd be really nice to change that..." You end with a shrug, starting to second guess this whole endeavour as you watch Tendou stare down at you. His dark red eyes were wide at first, surprised that you had even bothered to run after him but even more so that you wanted to be...well friends or at the very least friendly. His look of surprise softened a moment, a smile on his lips before he narrowed his eyes at you, a glint of mischief in them.
"Sounds pretty suspicious to me but I suppose I can show you around or whatever." His smile widens, almost curling at the ends. "But it'll cost ya."
"C-cost me?" Oh no, maybe this was a bad idea. Perfect stranger remember?! "W-what?"
"Whoa now." He chuckles, holding his hands up in as if the action would ward off whatever dubious thoughts were drifting through your mind. "Just your number... It'd be pretty hard to show you around if I can't get a hold of ya."
"Oh... OH, yea right." You nod, cheeks tinged pink from embarrassment. You pull out your phone and enter his details, not really sparing him a glance, too mortified by the assumptions that had sprung to mind.
"I'll text you so you have my number too." You mumble as you type a short message and hit send. A moment later you hear a ding and Tendou pulls out his phone.
"Ah, is that the time?!" He practically yells as the screen lights up, his carefree smile replaced with panic. "Shit, I gotta go!" He offers you an apologetic smile before hurrying away, leaving you a little startled by his sudden departure but overall happy with the outcome. Your grin down at your phone only to see it light up as it buzzes in your hand.
(02:37pm) Y/N: Hey it's Y/N :)
(02:41pm) Tendou: You Free tomorrow?
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You're an ex-civillian and Cole's cousin, you were first introduced to Baird and we're immediately down bad, you land a spot as COG's official chef in their mess hall getting a chance to see more of the blonde.
Also Cole calls you half pint bc boy is that man tall af (if I also continue to make more one shots of reader being Cole's cousin I might use the other nicknames I made in a list lol)
Sorry if Baird is too OOC, I'm not very good at writing definitely not good at writing fluff or romance but to get good ya need practice.
I wrote this and plan on writing more docs of Baird and a black reader so hopefully I get better at writing lol.
I also tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible but there is a use of princess in there (I think anybody can be a princess if they want to be :) )
I also choose to write black reader fics bc there may be a lot of reader insert fics but a lot of them usually tend to describe a reader more with lighter/pale skin so I want to cater this not only for myself but other people who have dark skin like me
From the first moment you saw him you knew you were fucked, Damon S Baird was fucking hot. Your cousin Agustus actually introduced you to the delta team. You were a civilian and one of the few that were really willing to help them and be kind to them. Eventually getting a spot as cog’s official cook in the mess hall. “Hey half pint what’s for breakfast?” Cole greets you. Baird giving you a nod of acknowledgement “I was thinking of making pancakes and bacon! Since the last supply run we were lucky enough to trade some things for eggs, bacon, and a bunch of other stuff!” you beam. “You know i’m actually glad we picked you up we were all getting sick of the stuff that other cog members were… attempting to make” Cole whispers as his eyes land on Carmine. Baird snorts “half the shit they made was either inedible, sentient, or both! But yea i’m glad we finally have someone in this hell hole that can cook!” His compliment makes your heart flutter and you give him a quiet thanks before starting on breakfast. Normally the two would say their greeting and go sit with the rest of delta squad but surprisingly they were a bit more chatty today…well Baird was, Cole was his usual extroverted self. They both told you stories about some of their missions funny moments and some scary moments, some other cog eventually starting a conversation with Cole which led him to sitting at their table possibly gossiping. There was a slight awkward silence since normally Baird didn’t talk to you, not even sass or his usual asshole facade he shows to everyone but what you didn’t know was that whenever you were in the room his eyes would always land on you, when you were talking with cog members joking and laughing he can never seem to look away.
“Soo Baird, how goes things with killing grubs and protecting the world with your genius inventions?” you smile breaking the silence. “How about later you stop by and I'll show you?” he smirks ‘Was he flirting? Nah that can’t be he has a thing going on with Byrne.’ “Sure! No problem, I'd probably get confused like most people when you start explaining things..” you chuckle nervously playing with the ends of your curls in your afro. “Eh it’s fine don’t worry about it I don't expect most people to know what I'm talking about which is why it's better to show you and then you can see for yourself.” Even though you’ve only known him for a couple months you noticed Baird normally didn’t invite people to his works space, or any of his personal space for that matter so this was quite the honor to be invited to his workspace and to get to see what he was working on. “Cool, can't wait!” you smile as you finish up breakfast handing him the first plate. ‘He’s been surprisingly nice today.’ You thought signaling everyone else that breakfast is ready.
~Later that evening~
You gently knock on the door, anxiety starting to spike the longer you stood at his door. After a couple minutes you raise your hand again to knock and the door opens. You take the sight of him in. He’s wearing a tank top, sweatpants, and of course with his signature goggles on. “Well you just gonna stand there or are you going to come in?” his eyebrow raises. You snap out of it and nod not trusting your words and he lets you in. You were surprised how clean his room was, you expected a lot of parts and machinery scattered everywhere but most of it was on desk along with a few of his tools. He shows you a few new guns that are works in progress, a bot, and blueprints of vehicles he considered making. “I think out of all the things you showed me I really like the bot you're making, it's kinda cute.” you smile at him. “Well it was supposed to be a surprise…i planned on making this bot to help you out in the kitchen.” his cheeks flush as he avoids looking at you fiddling with the bot. “Wait really?” you tilt your head and god were you cute. He could kiss you. “Yea. I saw you struggling the other day when you served soup, the pots were really big and heavy…” the rest you couldn’t quite catch since he mumbled the rest of it. “Damon…” you gently cup his cheek causing him to face you and you place a gentle kiss on his lips. His hand cups the back of your neck, fingers tangling in your coily hair. “Fuck…” he groans when you both pull away. “I've been wanting to do that since day one.” you chuckle, you feel the heat rush to your cheeks. “Damn had i known i would’ve done it a lot sooner.” he pulled you into his lap. “Well guess we’ll have to make up for lost time…come here princess.” he pulls you into a kiss again, this one with more passion and desperation in it. Looks like you weren't getting any sleep tonight
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makis-lover · 3 years
Hehe! The love triangle is a really interesting game!! 😋 So I’ll start with my likes,, mmm I love love to daydream, escaping reality tbh. I enjoy using my time to the fullest like baking, drawing, anything that involves creativity and expression!! Ahhh yes, music is love and music is life 👁👄👁 i love people who understands that I am not free all the time. I have a life and I am busy at times. So understanding and super supportive people are really really appreciated <3 I most probably dislike bossy people, anyone w superiority complex ig. I genuinely hate people who chooses to be friends with others based on looks, idk anything they can gain from it.
My personality is quite social but I can be awkward too? Like I love to approach people who are more introverted as I appear extroverted to them. But I appreciate if the extroverts approach me first because I would never have the guts to talk to them first HAHAHA. I love LOVE to support my friends. I don’t even care if what they say sounds impossible? Because I just believe that anything is possible, it’s just the matter of how much you really want it! I’m ambitious af :’ totally scared of failure. My friends describe me as a clumsy funny type. Personally I think I’m the type to never settle for less and i just love to realise my worth 👁💋👁
I am 5’4, black hair but currently dyed brownish purple 🤧 I love to wear cardigans and idk any outfits that shouts out CEO vibes. People said that I look like a person who would be choosy with who I approach. Maybe it’s because of my RBF face 😭 but they would always take it back since I would approach them first 😋 i swear I’m learning to make friendly expressions since the lockdowns by making new expressions in front of the mirror every night HAJSJSJA. Honestly i think im a simple person with a very sensitive heart. But I am used to keep everything inside, so yea i guess that makes me emotionally unavailable (as in hard to express/open up what I’m feeling to others)
I think that’s all!! Thank you so much <3
Please have a nice wonderful day ahead :*
Here’s ur love triangle:
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