#so yes i rather hope i have gained weight.
caulo · 1 year
i didn't want to derail the subject in my tag essay on that post about diabetes, but that conversation didn't come up because i was commenting on my grandparents' eating habits. it came up because my grandmother was 'warning' me for the umpteenth time that my eating habits lately are 'fattening'.
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bucks-babe · 6 months
More to Love
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Pairing: Bucky x f!reader
Summary: Bucky wants to take care of you in every sense of the term; so what if you gain a bit of extra fat because of it?
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Slight angst, mentions of past relationships, kind of told in flashbacks, shitty ex boyfriend who forces reader to lose weight (not Bucky), Bucky is so in love it hurts, Bucky takes care of his woman, body insecurity, weight gain because of a healthy relationship, smut, CMNF (only for a little bit), looking in the mirror while on Bucky’s lap (yes, that needs a warning), crying during sex, daddy kink, soft!dom Bucky, so much fluff, no use of Y/N, Bucky calls reader love, p in v, unprotected sex (don’t do that), implied creampie, Bucky loves his girl’s tummy, emotions.
A/N: This is NOT fetishizing weight gain, nor unhealthy habits. Bucky is not forcing the reader to gain weight to make her attractive to him; he loves his girl at any weight and just wants to take care of her. I made this fic because I want to feel like the parts of my body that I’m insecure about can still be desirable. Also this turned out way softer than the drabble, but there is still smut going on. Thank you to the amazing @buckys-wintersoldier for beta reading; however, any and all mistakes are my own.
Ever since you started dating Bucky, you have noticed how different he is compared to your previous partners. Not just because he is a 6 foot something brick house, but also in the way he treats you. You’ve never experienced such raw and untamed love directed solely at you, or the way his eyes seem to bore into your soul, memorizing every quirk and tick you possess. It’s almost overwhelming how much he loves you.
Never before have you felt so comfortable in a relationship. Previous boyfriends never really felt like boyfriends, rather personal trainers. Maybe you were bad at picking them out, but your last partner was a gym rat, constantly obsessing over what he was eating and how many hours he put into the gym that week. The obsession he had for the gym followed through into your relationship. If you wanted to spend time with him, it had to be at the gym. 
He would construct fitness plans for you, saying that the softness of your stomach needed to go to make him happy, and you let him. You don’t know why you let him weasel his way into your head, but he did. Eventually, it went past the gym, and he would only allow you to go to a certain restaurant to eat because the others had way too many unhealthy options, side-eyeing you for ordering a side of fries instead of a salad. Cooking at home became a battle since you weren’t supposed to eat anything fatty or fried, nothing you did was ever good enough for him. 
Over the course of that relationship you did end up losing the extra weight you had, but also weight that you didn’t need to lose, and soon you were “too skinny” and “didn’t have enough meat on your bones for him.” He left you soon after - over text. It was something along the lines of, “I wanted to see if I could make you attractive, but you don’t look good, fat or skinny.” It crushed you. The man that you thought you were in love with, and who loved you, broke your heart. You never gained the weight back, hoping against hope that he could come back and realize he was wrong about you. He never did.
It took you a long time to get over that piece of shit, but what he said about your body never left - you were still terrified to gain weight. But then you met Bucky, and for a while you forgot about that asshole. You had the sweetest, sexiest, kindest man that you were able to call yours, so why would you even think about your past?  It started so slow you didn’t even notice until it was too late. 
You groaned, stretching out in bed, arm reaching out for your boyfriend, only to find his side of the bed cold and empty. Squinting, you try to open your eyes, sunlight forcing them to close. After a few tries, you get them open and look at the time - 7:19. Bucky must be back from his morning run. Searching the floor for his henley, you walk into the kitchen to find Bucky cutting up your favorite fruit in a bowl, shirtless. The both of you know that he can hear you walk up to him, hell he probably heard you the moment you woke up, but he humors you when you wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his shoulder as he jumps in surprise.
“What’cha doing, honey,” you murmur into his back, peppering it with kisses.
“Makin’ something to eat after runnin’ with Steve all mornin’. Hope I didn’t wake ya up, Love.” You feel the shiver that shoots up his spine at your touch.
“No, I was just about to get up anyway, just so happens that I woke up to this sight.” 
Bucky turns only his head to look down at you, a crooked smile adorning his scruffy face, “And you can wake up to it every day. Now how about you go sit your pretty little ass down on the couch and get our show ready? I’ll be there in a minute.”
You place a chaste kiss to his cheek before slapping his ass on the way out earning a glare from him. Bucky knows that you don’t eat in the morning but he has devised a plan because you not eating in the morning will follow to you only eating at dinner tonight. 
You hear his heavy foot fall as you’re getting comfy on the couch only for him to pick you up and rest his back against the arm of the couch, setting you down in his lap, his chest to your back. He ignores your squeals and settles down. 
While you are watching your show, Bucky is watching you, and before you know it, a piece of pineapple is passing your lips. Chewing happily, you don’t even notice that Bucky has you eating until the deep rumble of ‘good girl’ is whispered in your ear. A deep throb settles in your core as you continue to eat each piece he puts in your mouth, desperate to hear his praise again and again.
That was how it started, Bucky feeding you in the mornings. But it slowly progressed from that. He was always making sure that you’ve eaten your three meals a day, no if, ands or buts. You were an Avenger after all so of course you needed to eat to stay healthy with all the missions and training you go through. Bucky noticed the pudge on your belly coming back way before you did.
“Love, what is this movie even about? I’m so confused.” The smile in his voice was impossible to miss. With him against the headboard and your back resting against his chest, you couldn’t see his face. Whatever explanation you gave, Bucky didn’t hear a word of it. As you repositioned in his lap, you sat up, just a bit, but his hands on your stomach felt it, the small bit of fat soft and warm in his hands. 
To this day you have no idea why Bucky stripped off both of your clothes and pounded you for hours, but he did, and that little bit of soft flesh made him go a little crazy.
During this time you didn’t even realize that you were gaining your weight back because for the first time since you met your last boyfriend, you had so much more energy. You didn’t need extra naps throughout the day, or feel dead tired after doing absolutely nothing. Now, your body had enough nutrients to function properly, the hump of your belly was there because you were healthy. You’ve had it all your life, nothing getting rid of it. To you it made you feel like you were fat, but to Bucky, oh, it showed him that you were a strong, healthy woman.
Everyday after training, you would boast to him about how much better you’ve been doing in training, claiming Natasha said so. Of course you have always been a very capable agent, but now that you had enough fuel to support the vigorous Avenger training, you’ve been doing better than ever, and Bucky couldn’t have been more proud; however, it all came to a head when you finally caught on to your weight gain.
Fresh out of the shower, you head over to your closet. It was no special occasion but Bucky being the perfect boyfriend that he is, wanted to take you out on a date, just because. After finding Bucky’s favorite pair of lingerie and putting them on, you huff. You don’t remember the bottoms feeling so tight. You passed it off however, thinking that maybe you did something to them in the wash.
But what you couldn’t ignore was how your favorite dress wasn’t fitting. It took way too much wiggling to get it past your hips and waist. What really set you off though, was that you couldn’t zip it. Already too tight on you before zipping, now you couldn’t get the damn thing to move more than an inch. Looking in the mirror you found the reason why the zipper refused to move. The small pocket of fat on your tummy that you thought you got rid of, was back, and larger than it ever was. 
Turning to the side, you saw just how much it was coming out. You could’ve sworn you were a few months pregnant. How could you have missed this? It took a while, but you got the dress off so you could investigate the fat on your stomach. Gasping, you tried to suck in, in the hope that it would disappear. It didn’t.
Tears sprung in your eyes. How could Bucky find this attractive? Why hasn’t he said anything about this? How could you let yourself go like this? All these horrible thoughts raced through your head, before you heard Bucky’s sweet voice through the door asking if you were ready.
All of those little moments lead you to where you are now, standing in front of your mirror crying, while Bucky patiently waits on the other side of the door, thinking all is right with the world, as yours is falling apart right before your eyes. Before you can hide yourself, Bucky opens the door. Immediately, you move to cover yourself up, disgusted with the shape of your body hoping that he doesn’t look at what you can’t cover. Bucky, however, looks directly into your eyes first, seeing the pain and tears.
In two steps he reaches you and his strong arms envelop you, hands running up and down your back. “Love, what’s wrong?” You only bury your face in his chest further. He walks back to the bed, pulling you in his lap as he sits. Your naked body pressed up against his fully clothed one. Bucky’s right palm slides down your back and he tries to squeeze your waist when you jerk away from him.
“No! Don’t touch me there!” Bucky feels his heart crack in his chest at your repulsion, not understanding why you don’t want him to touch your waist. He doesn’t let you leave his lap however, keeping you in place.
“Why, Love? What did I do?” 
“You didn’t do anything. Look at my stomach, Buck!” You bite back another sob when he does, confusion written all over his face, not understanding what you’re trying to convey. “It’s FAT!” You all but scream, failing at trying to escape when his arms pull you down once again.
“Love…” He gets cut off by another sob falling from your lips. Instead of trying to talk you down, Bucky brings your lips to his and keeps your head in place. The only movement is the wobble of your lower lip as you try to contain your sobs. 
A few minutes pass by before Bucky can’t stand it anymore, and he tilts your head and moves his lips. The kiss tastes of your tears but neither of you care. Clawing at his back, you try to get closer to him, wanting him to consume you. 
When his hands trail down your sides, you pull away. Strong arms spin you around, naked back to clothed chest. The warm palm of his right hand forces you to look at yourself in the mirror.
“No, Love. Look at how fucking sexy you are.” With his right hand still holding your chin, his left trails down your body, stopping over the swell of your tummy. “So goddamn pretty, you know that?” He whispers in your ear, kissing down your neck, cock twitching under your ass.
He spreads his legs, forcing yours to open as well and he groans deep and long at the sight of your pussy. “God, Love, don’t you see how pretty you are, so soft and strong and all mine.” You try to pull away, the feeling of looking at yourself too much, but Bucky’s strong hands don’t let you move an inch. “Feel what you do to me? Feel how hard my cock is?”
 It’s too much, all of it. His praise, his touch, the sight of you. More tears well in your eyes and a pitiful whine leaves you. “Can’t, Bucky. I-I…” You have to close your eyes; you can't look at yourself any longer.
“Shhh, Love, you can, baby. Let Daddy take care of you. Let him show you how pretty you are. Open your eyes for Daddy.” At his request, you open your eyes, only to find his already on you. With tears still pouring from your eyes, Bucky wipes them away before laying you down on your back. 
If there was anyone who knew your limits better than yourself, it was Bucky. He knows that having you look at yourself right now would only do more harm than good, but showing you how much he loves you is a whole different story. Before laying down with you, Bucky takes his clothes off, needing to feel you against his bare skin. “I love you so fucking much, you know that? Never met a stronger,” Bucky plants a kiss on your cheek, “more beautiful,” another kiss, “smarter, sweeter, perfect woman in all my life.” 
With each kiss you can't tell if your erratic heart is slowing down or speeding up. This is such a foreign feeling for you, such unbridled love. Your head falls deeper into the pillows, Bucky’s scent enveloping all your senses, and you can’t think properly, your brain feeling fuzzy at the heedy stare Bucky is giving you.
“Daddy, I don’t, I can’t.” You don’t even know what you are trying to say, words no longer coming to you, but Bucky does, he always knows what you need.
“I know, Love. You just need Daddy to make you feel better, make you see how perfect you are for him.” Wrapping his arms around your back, he pulls you in closer to him, both of you gasping when his hard cock presses up against your naked core. Without thought, you grind your hips up, chasing the friction of his silky skin.
“All those tears, and all you wanted was Daddy’s cock, huh? Just want Daddy to fuck you dumb, turn that little brain off for you? Don’t worry, Love, Daddy’ll take care of you.” You wrap your arms and legs around him, pulling him closer, not leaving any space between the two of you, the hard planes of his abdomen pressed against the soft swell of yours.
Bucky doesn’t wait for you to beg, he can’t, not now, he needs to be inside of you, lining himself up, he pushes in, inch by perfect inch.”Shit, Love, you feel how perfect you are for me?”
Your lips part, letting a breathy whine out. Bucky doesn’t wait, slowly pulling out until only his plush tip is still inside, just to roll his hips back in. “Fuck. Look at Daddy, look at what you do to him.” It takes everything in your power to open your eyes and look at Bucky, the pleasure almost too much just after one thrust, but when you do, the sight that meets you is glorious. Face flushed, brows drawn together, lips parted, Bucky looked debauched. 
“Good girl, see that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Without warning, Bucky rolls the both of you over, with you on his lap. “Since you listen to Daddy so well, why don’t you ride his cock, let him look at his pretty girl bounce?” This snaps you out of your stupor, there’s no way you’re going to let him see your stomach jiggle.
“Bucky, I can’t, not this way. What about the other way?” You try to turn around, but his left hand grabs your waist while his right lands a harsh slap to your ass causing you to clench around him. 
“Ah, ah, ah, Daddy wants to see your face. You hear me?” Before you can complain again, Bucky thrusts his hips up, hard. You both moan, caught up in the sensation of his cock inside of you. Your hands fly to his chest, trying to balance yourself before you tumble off. Bucky doesn’t let up, thrust after thrust, pounding into your pussy.
“Oh, fuck! Daddy, right there, shit, please!” You don’t know what you’re begging for, just that you don’t want him to stop. The room is filled with the salacious sounds of your combined moans along with the clapclapclap of his thighs meeting your ass.
“So fucking good, Love, you know that? This pussy was made for me. Fucking perfect. Look at this little belly jiggling while I fuck you, shit, gonna make me blow my fucking load early. You’re. So. Fucking. Gorgeous.” Each word was punctuated by a vicious thrust. Ice pours down your spine, in the midst of pleasure you completely forgot why you didn’t want to do this position. He’s fucking staring right at your belly, hands gripping at your extra fat, just watching it ripple with each brutal thrust of his hips.
“Bucky stop, don’t look there, I don’t…” The rest of your sentence gets cut off when Bucky somehow fucks you even harder, effectively making your tummy move more. It’s too much: the feral look in his eyes, the perfect angle of his cock, and his beautiful moans. Despite your best efforts, you feel your orgasm building up. The little coil hidden under the small hump of your belly pulls tighter and tighter, and Bucky can feel it. He can feel your pussy pulsing around him so he moves his hands from your belly to your hips, grinding them against his coarse hairs with sharp thrust.
It pulls tighter and tighter until it snaps, dragging you under, blood roaring through your ears. You vaguely hear Bucky’s voice, “There you go, give it to Daddy. So good for me, soaking my cock. God, I fucking love you.” Bucky stops moving, giving you time to come down from your high. Still gasping for air, you fall down onto his sweaty chest, basking in the afterglow of your orgasm. You’re pulled out of your haze by Bucky. “Think you can give me one more? I think you can.”
He flips you over, back landing on the bed while he throws your legs over his shoulders, effectively causing your stomach to roll up, small pockets of fat pushing out. You whine, not wanting Bucky to see it, but he fucking loves this. Loves the bit of extra fat that has found its way under your chin, the soft flesh around your strong thighs, and the belly that fits perfectly in his hands. He loves it because it proves your healthy, that he’s feeding you well, well enough that you can train to your full potential, have the energy to do what you want to, not always be so tired you don’t want to do the things you love to do, that you aren’t afraid to eat what you want. That’s what he fucking loves, taking care of you and the way your body has changed has absolutely zero affect on his attraction to you. He will always think you are the most beautiful woman in the entire universe.
“Love, you don’t understand how fucking sexy you are, do you? Look at how well we fit together.” He cups the back of your head, making you look at your stomach as he enters you again, making your belly bulge more. “Do you see this, Love? See how pretty you are, and it's all for me, isn’t it?” The adoration in his eyes was almost too much, the swell in your chest threatening to burst as tears welled up in your eyes, feeling his love with every stroke. Bucky wasn’t fucking you anymore, he was making love to you, showing you how much you mean to him. 
Bucky takes one of your hands in his, lacing your fingers together, placing your hand on your tummy, feeling the bulge of his cock underneath your softness. “Daddy, feels so good. Fuck. Love you so much.” Bucky’s hips stutter when you say you love him, it has always been his weakness, the utter devotion and vulnerability that you allow him to experience is something he will never take for granted. Tears were streaming down your face, eyes probably red and puffy. Leaning forward, Bucky places his forehead on yours, eyes locked into yours.
“I know, Love. Can’t even begin to describe how much I love you.” Bucky can feel you getting closer again, pussy clenching around him, hands scrambling to grab onto something: his hair, back, hands, sheets, you can’t decide, the pleasure coursing through you too much. “Give it to me Love, make your Daddy proud and cum on his cock. Know you want to, just let go.” With two more thrusts, your eyes roll back, another orgasm rolling through you. This one shorter than the last, but no less intense. Bucky finds his release right after, burrowing his face into your neck, holding you to him, wanting to be as close as possible. 
It takes a few minutes, but the both of you calm down, hearts returning back to normal. You’re the first to speak, breaking the comfortable silence. “You knew I was gaining weight, didn’t you?” With his softening cock still buried deep inside you, Bucky lifts his head up a small smirk adorning his face. 
“Of course, but this little pudge,” he grabs your tummy and almost kneads it, “is because you’re healthy. You have so much more energy recently, and I fall deeper in love with you every single time I see how fucking happy you are now. You make me so proud to be able to call myself your boyfriend. You're so beautiful and I promise you that I will spend everyday for the rest of my life proving that to you.”
You don’t have any words to respond, so you just wrap your arms around him, breathing in his scent. And of course Bucky keeps true to his promise, and you believe him when he tells you that you are the most beautiful woman because he proves it to you everyday, in and outside of the bedroom.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen have their s/o sit on their lap for the first time
requested by anon : "hii!!^^ could u make a svt reaction when their s/o is sitting on their lap for the first time? btw i love your writing style!"
notes: i hope this is what you meant? some of these are probs a lil confusing to think about but i hope you get what i mean anyways haha
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you've always been sitting on his lap wym. it's basically you're reserved space whenever you're going to sit on the couch at home, in the armchair at someone else's home, out on a bench in the park, wherever. it's alarming to see you not sitting in his lap, tbh. even if it looks weird to other people, he loves having you in his arms and in his lap bc he gets to put his arms around you and feel your warmth and solidness against him
the first time it happened he'd tugged you into his lap when the entire group was squishing into one apartment to watch this show together because there were nowhere near enough seats for everyone to sit down individually. asked for permission beforehand, told you it was completely okay and you weren't an uncomfortable weight for him at all. essentially didn't pay attention to the show, was too fixated on drawing patterns along your arms and playing with your fingers
you were really sleepy, emerging from your room after sleeping for way too long and joshua was in the living room, on his phone. he laughed at your drowsy state, and patted his thighs half-jokingly for you to come and lay on him and, to his surprise, you really did. relaxed really quickly tho, placing your head in the crook of his neck, adjusting your legs so you're sitting in his lap comfortably and rubs circles into your back. now has you sitting on his lap whenever you're tired n clingy
idk he's probably curled up in your lap more often than you're in his. the first time you sat in his lap, though, it was an accident caused by misjudgment of distance but does that mean he's gonna let go of you??? no he had his hands wrapped around your waist in an instant n buried his face into your shoulder so that you couldn't move away. ends up falling asleep bc you're so warm and comfortable on top of him
had wanted you to sit in his lap sooo bad for sooo long bc he adores all forms of clinginess. and so when you go to sit on the sofa but find it full, before you can even Think of going to one of the armchairs he's making grabby hands at you and insisting that his!! lap!! is your!!! free seat!! and is so happy if you're comfortable enough to come and sit on him. will not let you go, is rocking from side to side bc he's just so happy to have you all curled up against him
he asked it completely out of nowhere. it was a quiet day, and as you were walking past wonwoo reading on the couch, he asked if you wanted to sit on his lap. totally calm, totally casual, and so how else can you reply other than with a yes?? has you rest against his chest, ear beside his collarbone, and he lowers the book a little so that you can see what he's reading too
i think he wouldn't want someone sitting in his lap, to be really honest. but the first time you put your head on his thigh, he's freezing up, surprised n flustered by the sudden contact before relaxing rlly quickly as you just close your eyes and rest there against him. it's rather calming, actually, and eventually he gains enough courage through you putting your head in his lap enough times for him to gently run fingers through your hair
he's sitting on the floor of the living room cross-legged when you come up to him and ask "is this seat taken?" before plopping into his lap. he's surprised, bc he was kinda zoning out before n didn't even realise you were there, but he doesn't mind bc actually, you fit really perfectly in his lap when he sits like that. wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your shoulder, laughing at the other members yelling during game night
had probably picked you up bridal style and carried you around bc you'd teased him or something, and when he sat down you were still in his arms so you ended up being placed in his lap. with your arms wrapped around his neck and your weight reassuring in his lap, it was sweet for all of three seconds before you push him down and pretend to headlock him instead bc how dare he pick you up like that???? 
imagine those kdrama-esque scenes where you're bickering in the house then one of you trips and falls backwards onto the sofa behind you. that's basically what happened, n you were the one to reach out to catch the falling seokmin and in the process, ended up in his lap with one knee on his thigh and the other beside his hip. your hands are cradling his head, and he's staring up at you with wide eyes before blushing so hard and ducking his head bc pls this man is a flustered mess for these things
FOR SOME REASON i'm thinking of it being a really fancy event, with him in a suit n tie and he's sitting at a table all bored and then you come up to him and just sit really casually in his lap. he's going bright red, totally surprised, even more so when you lean over and whisper in his ear that he looks way too handsome and people keep giving him eyes so you Needed a way to show them that he was taken. ends up loving it so much that you sitting in his lap becomes a regular thing
has had his thighs used by you as your pillow so many times now, but he's noticed that you've never, like. properly sat in his lap. brings it up w you one day, is utterly confused when you say it's bc you're worried you're too heavy. next time you're watching a movie together, he's pulling you into his lap and keeping you there the entire time bc he wants to prove you're not too heavy for him n also bc he actually really likes it so much
the first time it happens is bc you're watching a horror movie (that he put on smh) and you'd been basically clinging to him terrified the entire time. one particular jumpscare makes you scream and flinch so hard that you basically squash yourself into his lap, making him laugh. has an arm around your shoulders, covers your eyes for you and keeps you in his lap the entire time. refuses to confirm or deny whether he put on the movie solely for this reason
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haoboutyou · 5 months
hello!!! I really enjoy your fics and was wondering if you could do wonwoo, cheol & mingyu where they're crushing on you? separate ones!!
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when they have a crush on you | hhu
fluff | 1278 words (300-ish per member) | no warnings
an: hihi! hope this is what you're looking for! it took me a while ngl I have new-found respect for headcanon writers T-T + added vernon because 🤷🏽‍♀️
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1. Choi Seungcheol
He carries your bags for you. 
You’re not sure when it started, but you’ve noticed that Seungcheol would always carry your bags for you, even despite your insistence. It’s like he’s made it his own personal mission to carry your stuff for you, even when you’re out with others. of course, this came hand in hand with the other guys teasing you two whenever you hung out. It doesn’t help that Jeonghan often jokes that Seungcheol’s crush on you is an open secret, but the boy in question wouldn’t even dispel his best friend’s words, flushing bright red every time.
“Seungcheol, give me that!”
Seungcheol stops in his tracks, causing you to bump into his back. The equipment in the box clinks against each other as he turns around, facing you. Wordlessly, he dumps the box into your waiting arms, smirking when you almost topple over at the unexpected weight. 
“I told you, sweetheart; leave the heavy lifting to me.”
You glance up at him, a slight blush from the unexpected nickname. When did he start calling you that? A bead of sweat glistens on your brow as you brush that thought away, your expression a mix of defiance and sheepishness. 
"I can manage," you mumble, trying your hardest to conceal the struggle in your tone.
He can’t shake off the apprehension swirling within him. He had warned you, hadn't he? Yet, you continue to persist, your determination outmatching your physical strength. Concern floods Seungcheol as he watches the way your arms tremble at the weight of the box. 
He approaches you, gently but firmly emphasising again. "I told you, y/n.” With a resigned sigh, he reached out, his hands enveloping the box, effortlessly lifting it from your grasp. "Stubborn as ever," his voice's a certain fondness, tugging at your heart for no apparent reason.
You watch him, a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment colouring your features as he continues walking away with the box. Eh, what harm is an extra hand?
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2. Jeon Wonwoo
He lets you win in games.
Wonwoo’s proud of his in-game skills; he’s not afraid to say his reflexes sharp and his strategies are flawless. He’s rather good too– having high rankings in the server makes him cocky, Seungcheol likes to say. But as he glanced at his crush beside him, he notices the slight furrow of your brow, a hint of frustration clouding your features as you struggle to keep up.
A pang of empathy tugs at his heart. Wonwoo did ask you to join him at the internet cafe; he only wishes that you would learn to enjoy the game as much as he did. And so, in a split-second decision, he dials back his intensity, purposely taking on more hits to level the playing field.
Your eyes widened in surprise as you suddenly found your character gaining ground, rallying against the opposing team with newfound vigor. Unbeknownst to you, Wonwoo was subtly adjusting his tactics– allowing you to seize the advantage, all the while maintaining the illusion of competition.
Your team wins. Across you, Jihoon whoops in joy. “That’s foul!” Chan baulks opposite Wonwoo, clicking away furiously on his keyboard. Wonwoo smirks as he leans back in his chair, the loser banner blinking brightly on his screen. Arms stretching up, he leans over his monitor to peek your screen.
Your eyes seemed to shine brighter than the screen in front of you. Contrary to the boy next to you, your monitor flashes an animated victory banner.
“I did it! We–I did it!” you clap your hands together, grinning ear to ear. You lean towards Wonwoo to bump shoulders with him. 
He chuckles, arms crossing behind his head as he leans back in his seat. “Yes, you did!”
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3. Chwe Vernon
He gets you medicine.
“Here.” A box drops in front of you, breaking the concentration you had on your laptop in front of you. 
You look up from your screen in confusion. “What’s this?” 
Vernon nudges the box of painkillers in front of you. He settles down on the chair opposite yours, acknowledging Seungkwan seated beside you. 
“You said you had a headache.” He acts nonchalant as he dives into conversation with his best friend, but the heavy blush creeping up his neck suggests otherwise. Yes, you had texted him earlier asking if he had painkillers on him, but you recalled him replying a plain ‘no’. Either he was lying (you doubt it– why would Vernon lie to you?) or he had stopped by a pharmacy just to pick up some for you.
You’re slightly flushing now, and not because of the dull throbbing in your head. Sure, Seungkwan had fed into your delusion earlier, suggesting that Vernon might have a crush on you– but there’s no way that’s, right?
You sneak a glance at your two best friends in front of you, now engaging in a deep argument about potatoes. Vernon’s brows furrow even deeper but soften when he realises you’re looking his way. The shy smile he sends your way causes cartwheels in your stomach before replacing it with an exaggerated gasp directed to Seungkwan’s way. 
You bury your head back into your laptop, mumbling a quick thanks before trying to focus on your work. Still, you can’t shake off what Seungkwan said about your best friend.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Vernon has a crush on you.”
“That’s ridiculous, Kwan. He sees me as a friend, just like you.”
Seungkwan wiggles his eyebrows, choosing to scroll on his phone instead half-heartedly. “Sure, Jan,” he scoffs.
You slink back deeper in your seat. That can’t be true, right?
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4. Kim Mingyu
He gets jealous of others.
Mingyu watches from across the cafe as you laugh at something Seokmin said, your smile radiant, eyes sparkling with amusement. He feels a knot tighten in his stomach– a familiar pang of jealousy gnawing at his insides. Aren’t you standing a little bit too close for comfort? Your easy camaraderie is triggering a surge of insecurity within him.
Seokmin is charming, there is no denying it. He has a way with words, a magnetic-like personality that drew people in effortlessly. And you seem rather captivated, hanging on to his every word. Usually, your laughter rings out like music to Mingyu’s ears. Today, though, it was all a cacophony of discord. A reminder of what he could be missing out on.
He clenches his fists, trying to push down the rising tide of jealousy threatening to consume him. Mingyu knows he had no right to feel this way; you aren’t his to claim, and Seokmin had every right to befriend you. But logic did very little to quell the sudden surge of possessiveness coursing through his veins.
So he sits, pouting on his own until you notice him from the corner of your eye. He stares you down with his big puppy eyes until you sigh and walk over to your best friend. Your hand can’t help but run through his soft dark hair.
“What’s wrong, Gyu?”
“Hmm?” he leans into your touch, nuzzling against the palm of your hand. “Nothing, Y/n.”
You shoot him a condescending look. “Yeah? You shooting Seokmin daggers with your eyes for nothing?” Your eyes flutter shut as you sigh, shaking your heard in disbelief. Then, ruffling his hair, “If you say so, Gyu.” 
“Anyways,” Mingyu clears his throat, looking up at the cafe’s menu board. “Have you decided what to get? My treat today!” 
“Really?!” Your eyes sparkle, glad you won’t have to open your wallet today. “Help me finish the then cakes, okay? Promise!” 
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noyasmashing · 2 months
Can I have more Yan Tamaki hcs? 🫠
Me and my husband were sticking together
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• warnings: sub!yan! Tamaki x gn!reader, scent kink, soft yandere behavior, slight stalking, etc.
• authors note: HAII MILLY o(^ . ^)o I’m sorry for being so inactive!! Ive been traveling a lot more than I thought I would and I haven’t had much time to write :(( anyways yes yes here ya go!
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Alright I’m just gunna say it. He has a scent kink. Especially the scent of your worn, sweat-drenched workout shorts, he can't help but be drawn to it. Painting an image of you sweaty, tired and yet oh so pretty in his mind. He's become so obsessed with the aroma that he's started to steal your clothes, to the point that you’ve begun to notice something is off.
Despite his shame and guilt over his actions, he's unable to resist the allure of your smell, which has become an intoxicating trigger for him. As a hero, he knows he should be above such base desires, but how can he help himself when he’s never experienced such intense emotions before? It’s not his fault your so attractive!!
Tamaki's arousal is amplified by the prospect of being caught in the act, whether it's pleasuring himself while smelling your clothes or being caught red-handed while stealing them. Despite his deep-seated shame and embarrassment over these desires, he's unable to suppress them, and they often find their way into his dreams.
In fact, the fantasy of being punished for his actions has become a recurring theme in his sleep. He loves the idea of being helpless under your control, with vibrators placed anywhere on him you pleased. His cock, prostate, nipples, he doesn’t care as long as your happy.
His deepest desire is to relinquish control and surrender to your will, allowing him to abandon all responsibility and simply obey without hesitation.
Despite being so pathetic, he has a strong desire to impress you. Being shy, he's not one for grand gestures, but he makes an effort to showcase his small accomplishments in the hopes you'll take notice. If you show more interest in Mirio than him, he'll become sulky and withdrawn. When you're near Mirio, he'll feel anxious and insecure. However, his demeanor changes instantly if you direct even a simple question or comment towards him - it's as if a weight lifts off his shoulders, and he's revitalized by your attention.
Tamaki has a tendency to become dramatically upset in your presence, often feigning hurt or distress in the hopes of gaining sympathy and affection from you. Solely to get a reaction from you, one that he can store away to fuel his late-night fantasies.
Despite his ardent desire to catch your attention, he finds himself tongue-tied and unable to articulate his feelings. When he tries to speak to you, his lower lip begins to tremble and his ears turn a bright red with embarrassment. His words get jumbled and tangled on his tongue, rendering him speechless. As a result, he usually resorts to simply nodding his head or muttering a few faint words.
Tamaki's naturally introverted nature often leads him to adopt a listening role, and he finds himself eavesdropping on your conversations out of a misplaced sense of duty. He rationalizes this behavior as a desire to "protect" and "keep you safe," but it's clear that his true motivation is to uncover more about you.
But that's not all - Tamaki is quite the photographer. He likely has an entire album dedicated to pictures of you on his phone, filled with videos and audio recordings of your laughter, conversations with him, and hell even just you talking to a friend. The poor boy would not be able to contain himself if you made a suggestive joke in his presence. Scurrying off to the nearest bathroom with a raging boner. That’s how bad his fascination with your voice is, and he can't help but replay it in his head, imagining all the intimate things you might say to him. He can get rather sloppy with trying to capture you, oblivious as ever. Let’s just hope you don’t catch him recording you, even with his clumsiness. Tamaki's enthusiasm can sometimes get the better of him, causing him to be reckless in his pursuit of capturing your perfection. Let’s just hope he doesn’t get caught by you, even with his clumsiness.
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blakeswritingimagines · 8 months
A Little Bit Happy
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Summary: You seem to have won your husband's heart all over again after the news of you having his child, until he shows you how truly dark his heart is.
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: Part 1 Burn The House Down
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
"I'm pregnant." She spoke softly.
His eyes widened for a split second before he broke out in a soft chuckle. Was he imagining things, or were you truly saying what he thought he heard? “Do you mean it?” He asked slowly, taking in every word. He was unsure, but this would explain the weight gain, as well as why you had been so… moody. He had no other choice but to believe you for now. A child! This changes everything. Aemond was shocked. “P…. Pregnant?! Are you… serious?!” He was speechless. He tried to keep his composure but he could not hide his joy and excitement. Was it true, you were carrying his child? The thought alone sent his heart racing. He looked at you and put a smile on his face. This was the news he had been waiting for all this time. And he looked you straight in the eyes. “Is this true?” he asked, his eyes filled with joy and wonder. You heard Aemond's reaction, his eyes widened in shock and excitement. And you knew it was as you expected. You were truly carrying his child. "Yes, it is…" You replied in a sweet voice as your face grew bright with a wide smile. You felt so happy that Aemond was excited about the news, hoping the tension between you both would dissolve. "I am pregnant with our child." You continued, as you placed your hand on your stomach. "I've been trying to keep it a secret, but it has become difficult to hide. I guess I can make it official." You laughed and glanced at Aemond, who seemed to be beaming with enthusiasm. You wanted him to be happy and to hear the news he had been waiting for all this time. "It's true," you said, your eyes shining brightly.
“A baby?!” Aemond said with a grin. “You’re saying we’re going to have a baby?!” He placed his hand on your stomach, as you had done. “My lovely wife… I had feared that this day would never come. I could not imagine a day when we would not bring forth the next generation of our house. But, my worries are gone. We have made what I most desired.” Aemond laughed with joy and embraced you, holding you close in his arms as his grin grew wider and wider. Your hand rested on your stomach, the movement of your hand looked as though you were comforting the child being carried within. And he was overjoyed by this revelation. This was no secret anymore. Aemond was a man changed. He smiled and took your hand bringing it to his lips and kissed it. "Our child. Our beautiful child."
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Months later, the pregnancy went smoothly and you began to notice your belly growing larger and your mood changing. You felt your emotions become more intense as the pregnancy became more advanced. Your moods shifted from happy to angry to anxious to affectionate, all in the span of just a few hours. You could not explain it. Aemond knew your mood swings were common and he understood it the best he could. However, these mood swings of yours were becoming more frequent and intense as the pregnancy progressed. He was constantly finding himself walking on eggshells, unsure of which mood his wife might have. Your mood swings were often unpredictable, and Aemond never knew what to expect from one moment to the next. But he understood, you were carrying a life within you, it was bound to create such mood swings at the least. He had to be patient with you. And he was. The days he seemed to be distant were now fewer and further between the two of you, he was there by your side always. He could see the weight changes, you were getting rather large now. He could notice it in your face and around your midriff. It was not easy being married to someone who was so emotionally unstable. It was especially exhausting being forced to play the role of husband and father at the same time never finding a good enough time to come clean about what he'd done. He was constantly stressed and his nerves frayed at the slightest change in your behavior.
The pregnancy was taking a toll on you. Your mood swings were becoming more and more uncontrollable. You would be laughing one moment, sad the next, and you could not figure out what to do about it. You felt that you were losing yourself and had no control over your feelings. You were now getting closer and closer to the due date. Your belly was huge and you were uncomfortable even as you constantly asked if you were fat or pretty. You tried hard not to let it bother you, but it was getting more difficult to ignore. “My dear, you’re gorgeous.” Aemond’s tone was filled with love and kindness as he spoke to you. “You are bigger yes, because our child is too, but you are not fat. And you are not losing yourself.” He added as he held you close. “You are becoming a mother. These feelings are natural. You are carrying our child within you. Your emotions are bound to be different. This is how it should be. You are going to give life. You are becoming more beautiful with each day.”
You listened to him carefully as he tried to reassure you about your changing body. You felt your confidence rise at the way he talked, calming your nerves with his words. You looked into his eyes and saw nothing but love, nothing but honesty. "Thank you, my love… You are right. This is how it should be." You smiled faintly, feeling more at ease. You felt your mood shift slightly, your pregnancy hormones calming down. It felt good to hear the words come from him directly, not just in your head. He was happy to see, that his words were helping. He took you into his arms and held you. His hand stroked your belly, as he spoke. “You are more beautiful now than ever before.” Those were the words he believed in this moment. You were not getting larger, you were getting more beautiful. Because the child within you was, a part of you both. It was beautiful to him. Aemond kissed you, it was a long kiss, filled with love.
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Aemond was filled with nerves and excitement as the day of childbirth approached. He was as much worried for his wife’s health as he was for the child’s. But he did not show his worries to you. Instead, he tried to keep calm you. “You will be fine.” He told you. “In a few hours, we will see our child. Our beautiful child. I will be right beside you the entire time my dear.” He held your hand and kissed you once more. “I know you will. You have been by my side through everything… This will be no different.” You smiled gently at your husband, feeling comforted by his words. As you felt the baby kick inside your belly, you looked down and placed your hand upon your stomach, caressing the baby.
“Our beautiful child.” You repeated in a soft voice as you looked up to Aemond. Your breathing steadied and you felt more calm as he held your hand in his and placed gentle kisses upon it. You tried to focus on the good instead of the anxious thoughts that swarmed you. “I am so nervous.” You quietly admitted to him, feeling your emotions rise as you remembered the pain that would come during the delivery. “It is natural to get nervous my dear. But you won’t feel a thing. I hired the finest maester there is in King’s Landing to see to it that this whole process is as painless as possible.” He would let nothing happen to the woman he loved. You need not to worry. He would make sure of it. “When the time comes… we shall hold hands, and you need not fear any pain. I shall be by your side to ensure nothing goes wrong.” He spoke to you in a soothing tone, trying to quell your fears.
In your mind, all was well. You were going to give birth in a few hours to the child. A boy or girl. That did not matter much to you. As long as the baby was healthy and strong, it was all you could ask for. But the burning secret. It loomed over Aemond. He could not even feel anything but shame knowing what he was keeping from his wife. He had to keep this from you otherwise all would fall apart. He could not tell you. Not now. Perhaps never. It was the secret that loomed over him, that he felt he could not disclose to her. This was something that could change everything. But he could not find the right way to go about breaking the news to her. You were carrying his child, and you did not deserve to go through this pain when he could ease it. You were so vulnerable and he could not risk hurting you in this way. “I cannot stop thinking about the pain.” You said softly as you felt the discomfort in your stomach, moving your hand to your lower midriff and rubbing it gently. “What if I do not survive?” You whispered to Aemond, looking for reassurance from him as your eyes were glued to his. The burning guilt only grew as you approached your delivery hour. He knew he should have told you sooner, but each day the news got harder to reveal.
The more you spoke, the more he felt ashamed and remorseful. It had been months, and he had yet to tell you. What was so hard about telling you the truth, the same truth you so desperately wanted to hear. But it would ruin everything. The guilt he felt for hiding this from his wife was unbearable in this moment. You seemed so worried. You were afraid. You were looking at him of all people to console you, to tell you everything would be alright. “You will survive. I promise you that.” He told you. “You are strong. Stronger than any in the realm. I have faith you will emerge victorious.” The promise was meant to soothe you, to ease your fears, and he hoped you would believe it. He did not know how much further he could keep this from you. He had to figure out a way to tell you soon. But not now. Not while you were this fragile. His words comforted you, allowing you to smile faintly. Your gaze softened as you looked into his eyes. “I believe you.” You nodded, your breath becoming steady once again. “Just be by my side during this delivery, and we will be fine.” You said, holding his hands. You felt the contractions tightening and you gasped quietly, looking over to Aemond for a moment. "Thank you." You gave him a small smile, trying to stay positive. Your nerves seemed to have calmed down, and his words had given you a sense of relief. "I'm looking forward to holding our baby in my arms… The thought of me actually being a mother… We will raise our son or daughter with love, and we will be happy as a family." Your voice was soft and loving. You closed your eyes and leaned in to rest your forehead against his chest.
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You and Aemond were celebrating the one-year nameday of your babe being born. Holding held a grand feast, inviting all the important lords and ladies of the realm. The mood was lighthearted, and a sense of happiness permeated the air. The two took some time away from the feast to enjoy the evening alone together, walking through the gardens of the Red Keep as Aemond said he needed to speak with you. Aemond had been preparing for this moment. He wanted to finally tell you the truth. It had to be done. You were finally alone, the moment he had been dreading for so long. But he could not delay any longer. He had to tell you. All the signs pointed to now. “My love, there's something I must tell you” But now he hesitated again. Maybe this was not the best moment. Maybe it should be done tomorrow, yes. Tomorrow was a better day. Tomorrow was good. He will tell you tomorrow. But as the time of the walk came to a stop, he finally built up the courage.
You smiled at Aemond, not noticing anything amiss, and you continued walking with him through the gardens. You had been enjoying the quiet moment with your husband as you enjoyed the beauty of the gardens. Your mind was occupied with the happiness of the day, and you wanted to cherish the moment. "What is it dear?" Aemond stopped for a few moments. The time had come. He did not enjoy watching you walk and be so happy when he knew that he was going to shatter all joy. He hated himself and everything about what he was about to say. He turned to face you. For a few moments, he could not speak. But then finally, he managed to gather his words together. “I… there is something I must tell you. But I implore you, please understand…” You felt a sudden tension in the air when Aemond stopped walking and you could not read his facial expression. The feeling of unease set in and the happiness you had been feeling vanished. You looked up to him, awaiting him to continue speaking. You suddenly stopped as well, your face softening as you noticed the look in Aemond's eyes. You immediately grew worried, sensing something was wrong. There was a hint of fear in your eyes as you spoke to your husband, your tone becoming urgent. "What is it? What is wrong?" You said, your heart pounding.
You were so innocent. Too innocent to know what he was about to say. He would need to break this to you gently. To be kind in this moment. To not be too harsh. The guilt was eating him alive. There was so much he had done wrong. But he had to tell you. You deserved to know what he had been keeping from you all this time. “There is… an important thing I need to tell you…” His voice was filled with guilt. He struggled to find the words. To put a voice to his actions. And as he felt his heart pounding, he pushed through. “I have… I have seen.. another woman.” He paused. It felt as though the entire world was closing in on you both. “Her name is Alys… Alys Rivers. And I have been…” You did not believe what you just heard. You thought your whole world was crumbling down before you, yet Aemond's words were slowly chipping away at your heart. The fear and anger built within you as you listened to him confess about his affair. You felt cold and numb, all hope and happiness lost within you at that moment. It took you a few moments to even breathe, the shock of it making your heart sink even lower. You couldn't even look Aemond in the eyes… you just kept her eyes on the ground.
Aemond noticed how you did not look up to face him. It tore him to pieces. He was the one to hurt you. He was the one who had caused this. He was hoping there would be some sort of understanding. But he was not so lucky. “Please, I beg you. I could not stop myself.” He knew that what he did was unforgivable. But he had to at least try to make his case. It was all he could get out at this moment. He paused for a moment and thought about the consequences this could have. You were so sensitive and he was pushing you to the absolute limit. He did need to keep his words right. But he wanted to try something. Blame you for not getting pregnant sooner. He thought about that for a minute. It was the only thing he could think of, but was it the right thing to say? Could a simple lie ease the pain for now at least? He looked at you, hoping that his excuse would be enough. “You could have gotten pregnant sooner.” He said. He was testing the waters. He had to find a way to shift the blame.
Those words hurt you more than he could ever imagine. Hearing those words come out of his mouth shocked you to your very core. You hated him for blaming you, and yet your heart clenched at the thought. The rage inside of you grew hotter as you listened to his cruel remark. You felt furious as you thought about him placing the blame on you when he had been the one who had strayed from the marriage. That was absolutely unfair to you. You had been trying your very best to give him a child, while he had been fooling around. Your face grew pale as Aemond tried to blame you, and you felt your heart sink even lower. Your eyes turned to him, filled with anger and grief as you could not believe what he just said to you. You started to tremble, and your expression turned cold, as all of the memories of the failed attempts to bring another child to life came swirling into your mind whispering in a broken tone. "I did all I could." It was the best thing he could do. He had to do it. He could not imagine what would happen to him, to his marriage if he did not succeed. You might leave him. So he must use his cunning. It was something he had been practicing for years. He knew you were smart, but your feelings made you weak. He had to use it to his advantage. “You haven’t been trying hard enough, my love,” Aemond said in a harsh tone, His eyes softened to not give away his deception. “Yes… I only wish you would have done more.” He said to you. “I cannot help but think that this is all your fault.”
His words cut deeper than a razor, cutting directly into your heart. You froze at his words, unable to speak. You felt so lost and alone now. Your whole world was falling apart. Your heart was shattered. All of those times when you had attempted to bring another human life into this world… you gave her all, feeling so much frustration and worry when the attempts failed. To say it was all your fault was just cruel, but you kept quiet, letting him continue. The plan was working. He could see it in your eyes, in your expression. All he had to do now was continue to play it out. He was getting what he desired. The seeds of doubt had already been planted. And you were not stopping him. You were letting him dig his heels in and plant more. He had to continue, the entire fate of his marriage depended on it. He continued to push you. He was not holding back even as he stepped closer and cupped your face. It was best this way. No regrets. If he could not have your forgiveness he would settle for this. “It has always been so easy for you to give up. First with the miscarriages, then the failure to conceive sooner. It is sad, that it took me having an affair for you to do anything in life.”
Tears were flowing down your cheeks, your heart in pieces. You tried to keep your composure, but it was all becoming too much for you. His words were too cruel and too devastating. And the more he spoke, the more he cut into your heart making you think you should apologize, making you feel worthless. You were too weak to even speak, your mind and body both numb as you stood there, letting him continue. Yes, that was the effect he needed to see. The tears. The sadness. Your weakness. It was all there. He just needed to continue. “You need to understand your duty as a wife… it is to provide your husband with an heir. And you failed. You have failed until recently.” Aemond was enjoying this. Seeing you like this. You were so meek and pathetic. The thought of you on your knees, begging him to forgive you was not too far off now. He continued. “If you had tried harder…” he said. “If you had offered more…” The cruel words flowed from his mouth and landed perfectly. You were in a state of shock, but you were not fighting back. Instead, you were allowing him to tear you down. He could continue down this path and finally, he would have you. It did not take long for tears to flow from your eyes. He was taking full advantage of your sadness. No time for remorse now.
You could not believe what you were hearing. It was too much to bear. Your stomach twisted at these words. You felt sick. As you stood there, tears pouring down your cheeks, your voice was no more than a whisper as you let out some words. "P-Please…" You choked out as you tried to look away from him. Your knees began to tremble as you felt you were close to breaking, your eyes filling with fear. You were so close to giving up. Your strength failing you. 'Good,' he thought. You were close. He could taste your defeat in the air. His words had found their mark. You were in a despairing state that he had never seen you in before. He had to keep pushing you. You were on the brink, he could see it. You were on the verge of giving up. Now he just had to press on. “Your failure was the reason that I turned to another woman. You had the chance to give me children. You had the chance to keep me happy, all of those times when we tried…” He waited for you to apologize. For you to beg forgiveness. This is it. This was the moment that the seeds he planted would blossom into something grand. The thought of you on your knees, begging him to forgive you put a grin on his face. “Please?” He said, smiling at you as he watched you tremble. “Please what?”
"You're right. It's all my fault." You said as you finally looked into Aemond's eyes, your eyes overflowing with tears. "I should have tried harder. I should been a better wife. I should have given you more children. Please, please forgive me." You said as you began to weep, unable to hide your emotions any longer. You felt so weak, and powerless, and he had succeeded in breaking you even as you leaned against him for comfort. Exactly as planned. You were his. Now that you had said the words, you had admitted it. Your apology was accepted, despite its emptiness. You would not try again. “Good.” He said. “I hope that you have learned your place as a wife and as a woman… I hope that you will learn from this situation. And… I suppose I can forget this incident, so long as you behave yourself from now on. But I forgive you. I want to give you another chance.”
Relief washed over you at his acceptance of your apology and his forgiveness. You smiled softly at him, finally feeling some hope again after what felt like weeks of misery. You didn’t want to disappoint him again, and now that he had given you another chance, you were determined to make it count. “I promise you that I will behave. I won’t fail again.” You said in a soft voice before looking away for just a moment, feeling ashamed. “Thank you, my love.” “Of course.” He said, giving you a reassuring smile. “I know you will not let me down.” He saw how you still looked ashamed. A thought popped into his head. He must go further with this for now. Perhaps he would regret it later on but for now. “The fault is not completely with you. I have failed you as well. I have not loved you enough. I have not appreciated you. I have not given you all the attention you deserve.” He knew this was not the truth. But it was needed to ensure your completely submissive state. “Now, shall we return to the feast?”
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bedoballoons · 10 months
HIII haven’t seen me in awhile, I had to get surgery doneeeeee. But I just saw the new mitsuri heandcannons and 👌🤩 beautiful.
well 8 have a new request, can you do when mitsuri shows off her INHUMAN strength? Also just to clarify, mitsuri does not gain much s weight at all because it mostly gets turned into protein cells….?… idk I forgot but she is just insecure because of what others might think of her.
SPOILERS: so mitsuri has the strength/ if not more than I a demon from that Uni. So her strength is about more than human. For me I think still lower of an adeptis but still INCREDIBLY strong for a human. Cuz during the final battle she rips off the arm of Muzan, the demon king which I think is almost/same strength of an adeptis???… idk
Hello!!! Welcome back! I hope you're doing well after your surgery and making sure to rest! Im sorry it's taken me awhile to get to your request but I will do my best to make it worth the wait!
P.s You didn't mention which characters you wanted to I just went with the characters that were in the past one! Hope that's alright <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
{༻~Mitsuri strengths~༺}
CW: Fluffy! Slight fighting mentioned! Reader is described as very strong! Established relationships with the characters!
Also in case you'd like to read my other demon slayer works they are all tagged in the linked post:
Here for more!
(Includes: Diluc, Lyney, Albedo, and Wanderer!)
"Watch out they are-" Dilucs words of warning would ring in your ear for only a second before the lawlchurl dashed at you, anyone else would have screamed in terror, maybe ran, but you stood still, taking the beast by the horns the second it got close enough. The giant thing was no match for you and within seconds you'd taken it down, standing ontop of it victoriously while your boyfriend stared at you in disbelief.
"You're beyond even my wildest dreams...I love you."
"Oh my..."
Lyney was in a trance...with his heart beating heavily in his chest and his head spinning with a type of yearning only you gave him. How had he never seen you in combat...
"Lyney are you alright? Did you get hurt?"
"No...I am just going to stand here for a moment longer and try to calm myself after that...truly enticing battle."
"My love, you have got me wrapped around your finger more than you realize..."
You turned to face Albedo, wondering if he'd been hit over the head when you weren't looking, but to your surprise...he had a soft blush on his cheeks and a almost dazed with love expression, "Uh...you okay?"
"Yes, my apologies I just...you're so strong. I just witnessed you taking out a rather large group of monsters with no trouble at all and I must say, it's left me feeling a bit flustered...I'm in awe of you."
"Just let me handle it!" Wanderer jumped in front of you, prepared to take out anyone who attempted to hurt you...ready to protect you till the end.
"You don't need to."
"What the hell are you talki-"
You maneuvered around him, using your strength to best your opponents one by one, leaving none able to do anything but run away begging for mercy. It was easy for you, unnatural for a normal woman...but Wanderer seemed more pleased than unhappy with it...even a little blushed.
"You...when did you get so strong hmph...next time I'm gonna stand behind you instead."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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thornedrose44 · 1 year
There are so many good ones in the 100 dialogue writing prompts!
But I'll choose: 67. "What if we make a deal?" For supercorp if you will!
I love your writing so much! And hope you have a brilliant day😘
(Angst ahead, with a hopeful end)
“What if we make a deal?”
Kara turned round slowly, back pressing against the balcony balustrade as she watched Lena approach tentatively.  “What kind of deal?”
“With clear terms, if I do X that means Y. We can have a standard deal in place when you need my assistance.” Lena explained, clasping her hands in front of herself, pale skin glowing as she was backlit by the bright glow of monitors through the window. “I gain access to the tower’s laboratory and it’s resources, provide consultancy on the approach to dealing with the alien but no vote in how it is handled unless I provide a key element then I get an equal stake vote to the other Superfriend team members.”
Kara’s gaze narrowed as she accused, “You want to turn ‘helping’ into a transaction?”
There was a flicker of hurt that flashed through green eyes but Lena blinked it away quickly enough, expression returning to the blank one she sported whenever she was called upon to assist Supergirll and her team. “No.” Lena said simply, the syllable shaking under the weight of all the emotion it was holding back. “I want to help. But I don’t know the parameters that I’m allowed to operate in.”
“Look,” Kara’s jaw clenched, stomach swirling with regret and shame, head dipping low, “I know things are awkward-“
“Awkward is an understatement.” Lena corrected, with a harsh chuckle that Kara didn’t bother to deny. “I feel actively unwelcome, Kara. I try to help and give an opinion and I am met with silence and you actively choosing the option in opposition to mine.”
Kara shifted her weight from foot to foot, “I just don’t agree with you.”
“No, you just don’t want to.”
“That’s not-“
Lena’s expression hardened for the first time then, a flash of Luthor might that she had buried since coming to Kara with an apology and a request for aid with her brother. “I know you were all for using a containment method rather than risking Alex’s chemical compound on that last alien until I put forward a way to do that. Then you switched because I suggested it.” 
Kara winced, wanting to argue back and deny the accusation but she was trying to get better with the instinct to lie to Lena - an ingrained reaction that initially grew from a place of sincere good intentions but became twisted with each betrayal on either side.
 “This isn’t working because you don’t trust me.” Lena said, shaking her head mournfully, “And I… I understand that. So… let’s remove trust from the equation.”
“With a deal.” Kara guessed.
“Exactly. With parameters and terms and conditions.” Lena asserted, taking a shy step closer - Kara leaned ever so slightly further back over the balustrade, prompting Lena to shuffle backwards in response. “You know what lines I have to operate in and I don't need to tread on eggshells since I know what I’m allowed to do and what the response to my actions will be.”
Kara sighed, glancing away and staring out over the city skyline as she admitted, “I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
She knew how difficult it was for Lena, knew that when she came to the tower everyone stayed away - a bubble of distance to keep her isolated, knew that Lena pre-emptively flinched when offering a countering opinion because she knew it would be met by Kara instantly digging in her heels. Brainy and Kelly bridged the gap, doing what they could to keep the tension low and make it so Lena wasn’t without any allies. Kara knew that Lena was doing them a favour by jumping to their aid, and the least they should do was recognise that. .
“Yes, you do.” Lena whispered, shattering the rose-tinted glasses Kara had tried to wear. “I know because I was doing it not long ago and you’re doing it for the same reason I did.”
“Which is?”
“I hurt you and seeing me hurts all over again.”
Kara absorbed this, her heart shriveling up into something tiny as if by being smaller it couldn’t contain as much hurt and love as it currently did. She cleared her throat, finally looking back to her once best friend, “And this will help?”
“I don’t know.” Lena confessed. “But it’s different and right now it’s all I have. If it doesn’t…” She paused, gaze going far away as she considered her options before saying, “I’ll go.”
“Go? Go where?” Kara asked, the sharp tang of adrenaline and fear flooding her system.
“Away from here. Away from you.” Lena murmured, and Kara could see Lena’s throat bob as she swallowed back a lump of emotion. “I know I’ve done wrong but I don’t think I should make myself miserable as penitence…” Lena’s brow furrowed and she added in a mutter, “at least that’s what Kelly said. And you don’t deserve to be miserable either.”
Kara’s hands shifted to her hips, fingers digging in tightly, her head feeling suddenly light like she was floating above all this - she was instead watching the events play out, a version of the future where Lena wasn’t there at all. 
“Okay, then let’s make a deal.” Kara said quickly, words spilling out in an eager bid to extinguish the nightmarish vision she was seeing.
Lena looked surprised but didn’t question Kara’s decision, “I will draft a contract and send it to you for editing?”
“Okay.” Kara breathed, turning away and back to the city, unable to bear watching Lena leave. She could hear Lena’s heartbeat, and knew Lena waited a couple of seconds before making her move. “Lena?” Kara called out before she had a chance to stop herself.
“Yes?” Lena replied, her heartbeat rising in tempo to match the pounding beat of Kara’s own.
Kara licked her lips, eyes slipping closed as she whispered, “You leaving would make me miserable too.”
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Hi Mimi!!!!!!! So excited for your celebration!!!! Congrats on the followers!!!!!
I'm asking for my beloved Sergeant, naturally XD Here's some prompts!
"Don't sign to me in that tone."
"Do that again, and I'll throw you out the window. Wait, what are you doing?" "Checking how high the drop is; seeing if it's worth it."
"Don't go where I can't follow...please, I need you."
@dragonrider9905 Ahhhhh! I was so excited to see your request. You always give me such awesome requests.
I really hope you like this, I left it open ended for you.
Love oo
Don't Go
Warning: Injury, bantering, bickering, blaster fire, almost getting shot, flirting, angst, I think that's it, let me know if I miss anything.
Italics - flashback
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Hunter sat beside your cot, holding your hand, pressing your fingers to his lips. Tech was busy focusing on the scanner, and trying to understand the readout. He got up and moved to the communication station, Hunter could sense his uneasiness, Tech’s sweat doubled in the last few seconds. Something must be wrong. 
His eyes fell back on your face, it looked so different from what it usually was. Where was the smile that was always on your lips? Where was the glimmering sparkle in your eyes? He couldn’t see it with your eyelids closed. 
‘Are you sure this is the way?’ You teasingly signed to Hunter as you both climbed your way around the side of the hotel towards the Ambassador’s suite. 
Hunter focused his eyes back on your sleeping form, was that the last time he saw that sparkling smile? No. That wasn’t it. 
‘Yes, I’m sure. Focus.’ Hunter signed back exasperated and rather rudely.
You pulled your head back a little, giving him a look that said, no you didn’t, and it took all his strength not to laugh when you signed ‘Don’t sign to me in that tone.’
Was that the last time you made him laugh? It couldn’t be. That couldn’t be the last time. He reached his hand out and gently caressed your forehead and cheek, “Wake up, cyar’ika. Please.”
When did everything go wrong? Was it because Cid had given them the wrong information again? Or was it when you threw him out of the way narrowly missing the blaster fire from the stormtroopers?
Hunter landed with a thud, his back slamming into the wall, your weight falling on top of him, knocking the air of his lungs. It took him a second longer than it should’ve to gain his breath back. Both of you were returning fire, and when one stormtrooper fell, two more took its place. You were both trapped, in the Ambassador’s study, when Tech commed, saying he found a hidden elevator. Within seconds a bookcase slid to the side and the elevator opened up. 
A few minutes later, you were both on the roof of the building waiting for Tech to swing by to pick you both up. 
Hunter paced back and forth shaking his head, “You’re reckless.”
“Excuse me? I believe the appropriate response is, ‘thank you, sweetheart, for saving my life,’ not, ‘you’re reckless.’” You shifted, shaking your head, as you saw the storm troopers down below calling for reinforcements. “Tech better hurry, we don’t have much time.”
“You don’t get it, do you?”
You looked over to Hunter, “Get what?”
“You do that again, and I’ll throw you out the window.” He watched as you leaned over the edge of the building, he grabbed your arm, “Wait. What are you doing?” 
You smiled, “Just checking how high the drop is; seeing if it’s worth it.”
He shook his head, a smile slowly creeping onto his lips, as much as he wanted to fight you, he couldn’t help but love you more, he cupped your cheeks, pulling you into a kiss, “You’re going to be the death of me.”
“Probably, but it’ll be a fun ride.” You teased him, smiling against his lips.
You both pulled away when you heard the engines from the Marauder, Hunter forced you to clip on to the winch first, as soon as you were lifted off the ground, he clipped himself on to the second winch, as Wrecker started the winch. 
In a split second that Hunter replayed over and over again in his head, wishing things had been different, he saw the blaster fire, fly past him and hit you in your chest. He screamed, turning to fire on the trooper who had taken an aim at you. Both he and Wrecker fired rapidly, as Omega pulled you from the ramp. 
After that everything moved too fast and not fast enough. Wrecker picked you up like you weighed nothing and laid you on your bunk. Hunter closed the ramp and Tech entered hyperspace, faster than he had ever moved the ship. 
And now, things were what they were. 
Hunter sat there watching your chest slowly rise and lower, the oxygen mask strapped to your face helping you breathe. The bacta patch on your chest didn’t seem to be helping much, aside from slowly healing the wound. 
He leaned closer, pressing his forehead against yours, his eyes closed as he breathed in your scent. 
“Cyare, hang in there. Please, I can’t …” he cleared his throat, fighting back the warm bubble that was creeping up his throat, “Tech’s taking the ship to a medical way station that’s been abandoned since the war, he says there should be a surgery room, equipment and maybe supplies. So hang in there. Please.” 
He reached up and wiped away the tear that had escaped, he pressed his lips to your temple, “Cyare,” he whispered, “Don’t go where I can’t follow … please, I need you, baby.” 
Tears were streaming down his face, he couldn’t lose you, not when he finally found his peace. His rock. His home. 
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cxtori · 2 months
Michizo Tachihara ✮ Rest
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summary: Living a double life is hard and sometimes Tachihara just needs a break. Which is why he’s lucky to have you 
genre: not really angst but not really fluff either, kinda just, melancholic? Yeah, let’s go with that. Hurt and comfort? Idk man.
wc: 1.3k
warnings: SPOILERS for Tachihara’s character. all covered in season 4 of the anime so if you’re caught up in reading/watching you’re all good!
tori’s note: I love Tachihara soooo muuuuuuch. I was so happy with the screen time he got in season 4 and 5. I hope he comes back 🥹
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Playing the part for both sides is exhausting. More so than he ever imagined it would be. 
Being a spy for the Hunting Dogs, being a member of the Port Mafia. Two identities that contradict each other, and he was somehow keeping up both.
Most days he could manage, shove aside the conflict enough to continue on. To do his job. To rest.
But then there were nights like tonight, when the weight of both responsibilities proved to be too much. When the thought of going to his mafia apartment or his Hunting Dog dorm was nauseating.
It was nights like tonight, when he needed a break from his double life, when he needed time to just exist, that he came to you.
He never told you about his being a mafia member or a military agent. You only knew him as Michizo Tachihara, and he wanted to keep it that way for as long as he could.
He knows you have questions, that you’re concerned, and he hates hiding such a large part of himself from you. He hates lying to you. But he can’t tell you the truth, not now. Partially for his own selfish desires, but also for your safety. 
You have your suspicions. There are only so many things he could be out doing all day and all night. Things that require secrecy, that result in him having minor injuries, that he refuses to share with you.
You used to ask questions, lots of them actually. But most of the time you were met with silence, odd excuses, or he would just outright say he couldn’t tell you. You eventually gave up on gaining further information, deciding that he would tell you on his own when he’s ready.
You knew you should probably cut ties with him. A man who actively hides almost everything about himself from you must be dangerous, right? You would always tell yourself that tonight would be the last night. That unless he tells you something, anything about why he’s always covered in cuts and bruises, you would turn him away and ask him to never come back.
And yet, every time he shows up on your doorstep, you never have the heart to turn him away. You’re always the first to reach out, take his hand and lead him inside.
And so tonight, when he shows up at your door, face bloodied and bruised, hands dry and scraped, amber eyes darker than usual, you do the same as you always do.
You don’t say anything as you take his hand in yours and gently pull him inside. You lead him to your bathroom where he begins to remove his clothes as you turn on the shower. 
As he steps into the shower, you go back to your room and tidy up a bit before rummaging through one of your drawers to pull out some of his clothes, a collection that’s grown significantly over the months.
You grab your first aid kit on your way back to the bathroom, another collection of things that has grown in the time you’ve known Michizo. 
You step into the steamy room just as the man is drying himself off. You used to knock, and you both used to be awkward about him being naked in front of you. But it’s so routine now that neither of you think twice about it.
You set his clothes on the counter and take the first aid kit in your hands.
“Are you hurt?” You ask, despite seeing the obvious cuts and bruises littered randomly across his skin.
“Nah, I’m okay,” he states blankly, his eyes focused on the towel he’s wrapping around his waist. You glance over at him and see a rather painful looking cut on his bicep.
“You idiot, yes you are.” You sigh and grab his hand to pull him over to you so you can get a better look. It’s not deep, but it’s not a surface scrape like the others.
You frown and open your kit to take out a bandage and some disinfectant. Michizo moves to sit on the counter beside you, having done this enough times to know that’s where you prefer him to be.
You clean his cut in silence, not an awkward one, but not exactly comfortable either. Just… silence.
“I’m sorry,” He whispers. You don’t have to ask what he’s apologizing for. He’s sorry for dropping in unannounced, sorry for needing you to clean his wounds, sorry for keeping secrets, sorry for worrying you.
You don’t reply as you finish cleaning the cut, and he doesn’t take offense. He knows how you feel, that he doesn’t need to apologize, that you don’t mind helping him. He knows that you care. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be sitting on your bathroom vanity as you clean a cut that you know he won’t explain.
You carefully place a bandage over it, a heavy, oversized band aid of which you’ve bought several  after realizing your little finger bandages weren’t going to do anything. 
Once you’re done, you leave the bathroom again to let him get dressed. You climb into your bed and lay down, scrolling through your phone while you wait. Michizo comes in just a few moments later, dirty clothes in hand.
You watch as he makes his way over to your hamper and tosses the clothes in, an odd expression on his face.
He seems more somber than usual. Though it wasn’t usually on his best nights that he came by, he was typically still a bit chipper, teasing you about little things like how messy your room is or the silly graphic t-shirt you’re wearing. 
But tonight, he doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t comment on the trashy 90’s comedy playing on the tv and he doesn’t laugh at your rainbow-puking cat shirt. And his eyes lack the sparkle they almost always held.
Against your better judgment, you let the words fall from your lips, though you already know the response you’re going to receive. 
“Are you okay?” He turns to look at you and gives a small smile, though you know it’s not sincere.
“Yeah, I’m good.” As always, brush it under the rug, pretend everything is okay, don’t explain a thing. You wonder if you’ll ever learn to accept his obvious lies.
He walks over to the bed but hesitates to climb in. You study his face, his internal conflict written all over it. You lift the covers, a silent invitation for him to lie down. But he doesn’t move.
“Michi,” you say his name gently. His eyes snap to yours, like he’s just broken from a trance. 
He doesn’t say a word as he gets into the spot beside you. He shuffles closer to you, wrapping his arms around you to pull you close. He presses his face into the crook of your neck and you get a whiff of your body wash. Maybe you should buy some of his own to keep here.
You remain in that position for a while, his head nuzzled in your neck and your fingers running through his hair. He doesn’t move for so long that you’re beginning to wonder if he’s asleep when he whispers something against your throat.
“Thank you.”
“What for?” You ask quietly.
“For… everything,” he sighs. “For being here. For letting me stay. For letting me in even though I never answer your questions. All of it.”
You don’t reply immediately, but you know he can hear the way your heart beat has picked up pace.
“You don’t have to thank me. You don’t have to apologize. Having you here is enough for me.” Michizo’s arms tighten around you and his face presses further against your skin.
“One day, I’ll explain everything. I promise.”
“And I’ll be here when you’re ready to.”
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©Cxtori 2024 please do not copy, plagiarize, repost or translate any of my works. reblogs are appreciated
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writing-the-stars · 2 years
Little Piece of Heaven
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Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x GN!Reader 
Summary: You are Elijah Mikaelson’s anchor in the sea of dysfunction brought on by his maladjusted family
Warnings: In Theory Really Fluffy and Cute, But I Feel I Could Say Angst (Very Minor If So), No Use of Pronouns. Let Me Know If I Forgot Something
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this short little imagine I conjured up. I felt so comforted writing this and I hope it does the same for you. I hope everyone’s new year is going well so far!  As always, thank you guys so much for reading!!! Please feel free to leave a comment or send in an ask. I love interacting with you all. Have a wonderful day!!!
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Elijah was exhausted. The weight of being his brother’s keeper was settling heavily into his bones. It was becoming too much for him– this endless pursuit of the hybrid’s redemption. He wasn’t ready to admit it, but he was beginning to think that maybe there was no hope of saving his younger brother after all. Despite his best efforts, it seemed that Klaus always found a way to undo the substantial progress Elijah had helped him make. But it was that progress, however little it lasted, that kept Elijah coming back to his brother’s side because as long as Klaus displayed a potential for goodness, Elijah was committed to helping him fulfill it. 
Tonight, however, the hybrid went too far and Elijah reached his breaking point. He needed a recess– a weekend perhaps where he could escape the city. Go to the mountains and retreat into a cabin where he could indulge in nothingness. 
As tempting as this fantasy of Elijah’s appeared, the Original knew it was just that– an impossible dream. He could never leave the city, not while his brother inhabited it. The guilt would gnaw at him, rob him of any semblance of peace he could hope to gain till he was driven back to the city regardless. Yes, the Mikaelson was bound to the city, but he couldn’t find it within himself to care. Not when he had something better than his asinine daydream. You.
Despite the lateness of the evening, he knew you would be up, waiting for him to get back. He was certain he would find you lounging on your sofa– a book in hand– pretending your interest in the novel is why you are up so late and not your worry for him. 
You always fretted so much over him. Scared that one day he would become too caught up in his brother’s dealings and become severely injured. Or worse, end up lying daggered in a box for the rest of your life rather than lying next to you where he should be. The Mikaelson assured you he would always make his way home to you, but that never seemed to ease your worries. 
He could see your lip tugged between your teeth as the minutes ticked by, waiting anxiously for the sound of his keys jiggling the lock of your apartment door. Your body, undoubtedly wrapped inside the wool blanket he gifted you for Christmas, sits perched on your chaise sofa draped in one of his shirts because the scent of him helps to bring you some comfort as you wait for the genuine article. 
He smiles at the thought of you jumping into his arms as soon as the door closes behind him, relieved by his presence filling up the space of your apartment once again. The overwhelming sensation of serenity he will feel as soon as he holds you in his arms again. You are his anchor in the sea of dysfunction brought on by his maladjusted family. You are his inner peace, his little piece of heaven. 
Despite his gifted amplified speed, Elijah felt like his feet could not get him to you fast enough as he climbed the flights to your floor, eager to lie with you. As soon as the key enters the lock, he hears your breath hitch– the rate of your heart increasing as you anticipate his entrance. The pages of your book ruffle as you shut the novel, tossing it on the small coffee table. Just as the vampire imagined, he finds you curled up on the couch dawning his shirt as you shrug the wooly blanket off you, readying to launch into his arms.
A sigh of relief escapes the Original’s lips as you crash into him– legs wrapping around his torso–  immediately finding tranquility in your embrace. You press the Mikaelson further into you as if trying to meld your two bodies together and leave a series of kisses trailing from his neck to his face. Elijah hums contentedly as he walks you over to the sofa, settling you down into his lap and finally allowing himself ataraxy. 
“I missed you,” you breathe into his neck, finally able to feel at ease knowing he has made it back to you another night. The tension from both of your bodies melting away under the steady, reassuring touch of the other, knowing that as long as you were in each other’s arms, nothing could harm you. 
“I missed you too, darling,” Elijah exhales, placing a kiss on the top of your head– your scent fresh and hair damp from the shower you took earlier. There was absolutely nothing that could compare to this feeling, in this millennium or the next– Elijah was sure of it. 
“Tell me about your day,” the Mikaelson requests of you.
You shift in his lap, pulling back to fully take him in for the first time since his arrival. He had a hard day, you could tell. Though incapable of ever appearing physically fatigued, the shallow look in his coffee eyes was enough of an indicator of his exhaustion. While you greatly admire his selflessness and devotion to his family, you will never understand why he goes to the lengths of repeatedly sacrificing himself for them when they would hardly do the same in return. 
But rather than starting that futile conversation with him again, you fulfill the vampire’s request to hear about your practically uneventful day, detailing as much as possible all the moments you could remember. The Original smiles up at you as you ramble, admiring the way in which you narrate your activities. The recount of your day brings a therapeutic distraction from the numerous problems his day had brought and he finds himself thoroughly invested in the story you craft, making him feel as if he was there with you all along. 
Your hand subconsciously toys with the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling the Mikaelson into a deeper state of repose. His eyes fall shut in absolute bliss. Elijah could stay like this forever– you and him in this little piece of heaven. 
You were halfway through informing the vampire about your attempt at a new recipe you found when you notice his eyes had closed– a contented smile dressing his features. It was a state you didn’t get to see him in often as his mind was always working out how to bring his family out of the calamity they had incited. You take the opportunity to study him, wanting to commit this beatific version of him to memory. Your eyes trail the contours of his angular features– his high cheekbones and strong, clean shaved jawline– somehow softer than usual. He was the most beautiful man you had ever laid eyes on and by some miracle he belonged to you.  
“Why did you stop?” Elijah interrupts your surveillance– eyes fluttering open at the halt of your voice. The action surprises you, having assumed he had succumbed to his exhaustion while you spoke. He was waiting to hear what you did next, eager to know if the dish came out like you wanted, and was confused when you suddenly got quiet.
“I want to hear how the recipe turned out.”
“I thought I bored you to sleep,” you joke with the brunet, only making his furrowed brows deepen. He was appalled that a thought like that could ever cross your mind. 
“Never. I could never grow tired of listening to you speak.”
A warmth pools in you at the sincerity reflected in his coffee eyes and, though incredibly trivial, you have never felt more loved than in this moment with this man. This perfect man who was too good for his own benefit. 
You smile at him, pecking his lips before returning to your story and finishing out the narrative of your day. 
“How do you do it?” Elijah asks you, enclosing the entirety of your hand into his large grasp. 
“Do what?” you ask curiously, watching him bring the back of your hand to his lips.
“Manage to make my world so perfect.”
A blush clamors at your cheeks as his words suddenly make you shy, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. Even after two years the Mikaelson still manages to astound you.
Elijah chuckles at your bashfulness, kissing the skin of your neck as he brings you in closer to him. 
“I love you, darling. Thank you for everything.”
“I love you too, Elijah.”
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Taglist: @catmikaelson20 @jennyamanda8 @tsukilover11​
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vivalas-vega · 1 year
new perspectives / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader / prologue
new series alert !!!! I’m really excited about this one :) I’m still brainstorming a cute nickname for our reader here so if anyone has any ideas lmk and as always lmk what you think and if you want to be added to the taglist for this!
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new perspectives / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader / prologue
to be tagged in future works, please turn on post notifications for @vegaslibrary 
part one
word count: 1.7k
warnings: none :) series will include language, drinking, smut, the whole nine lol
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You knew thoroughly and completely that this was supposed to be the most exciting time of your life… It was the time for new beginnings, to embark on new journeys and gain new perspectives but it didn’t feel that way at all. It felt like the sky was falling and your life was ending though it was truly just getting started and Jake was feeling the same way. Of course he did, you shouldn’t have been surprised, your families had joked you shared one brain since you’d first met at ten years old. A screaming match at recess landed the two of you in the principal's office with your parents and while you’d walked in as mortal enemies, you teamed up in your disdain for your parents and teachers assessment of the situation and left as friends, never to be seen far from the other for the following eight years. 
“We knew this was coming, sweetheart…” he said, planting a kiss on your forehead as you nestled into his side. It was rather dramatic and you knew it, because he was right but that didn’t make this any easier. You weren’t leaving yet and neither was he, it was a simple question he’d asked… wanting to know if you’d made any college decisions yet and halfway through your answer you’d broken down. The weight of that decision had hit you like a freight train and left you wracked with emotion as you cried into his chest.
“I don’t want to leave,” you blubbered and he rubbed soothingly along your back.
“Yes, you do. I do, too. Trust me, if there was a Navy flight school in California I’d be there in a heartbeat.”
“If there was a good biology program in Florida, I’d be there in a heartbeat,” you replied and he just chuckled.
“Wouldn’t do much good anyways, I’d be off to Rhode Island before you graduated anyways.”
“Why would you say that right now?” you asked, another wave of tears cascading down your face. Theoretically you knew Jake’s dream career would leave him bouncing around not only the country but the world for seemingly the rest of his life and it was a disgustingly bitter pill to swallow. 
“Hey, you’re going to be all over the place, too… after Stanford who knows where you’ll go for residency… then you’ll have your pick of fellowships because why wouldn’t you?”
“I’m offended you didn’t say Massachusetts for residency, you have to speak it into existence, Jake.” you mumbled.
“Your plans could change… it’s okay for plans to change,” he pointed out and you looked up at him deadpan. “Right, forgot who I was talking to,” he laughed. “We’re going to be okay.”
You shook your head, “no… we’re not.” This was where you and Jake differed. He had an unwavering optimism for your relationship's survival after graduation but you didn’t share that same hope. You knew what was coming, you knew how few relationships actually survived the first year of college. By some miracle if it did, it would only grow more strained once medical school started, and residency was a completely different beast… not to mention the fact that he would be frequently deployed only god knows where with no ability to call or check in. 
“Honey…” he started, but you just cut him off.
“We have to be realistic,” you muttered. “I think we should…” you trailed off, feeling your throat grow thick, almost as if your body was forcing you not to say it because once you did everything would change. You felt him stiffen beneath you and your body’s attempt at self-preservation was in vain anyways, he knew where you were going.
“We should what? Break up?” he asked, hurt lacing his voice and you sat up to face him as you wiped your tears.
“No, I… I don’t want to break up, Jake, you know that… I just-”
“Think it would be easier?” he asked and you shook your head, taking his hands in yours as you tried to keep him from spiraling.
“I’m not saying this because it’s what I want, Jake. It’s the furthest thing from what I want, if I could make myself have the same dream as you and go to flight school with you so we could keep doing everything together like we always have I would. God, I’ve even tried to want that but we’re just… we’re on different paths. We both dream too big and eventually it was going to catch up to us.” 
“So is this… are you ending this right now? Are we over?” Tears were forming in his eyes and you reached up to swipe them away as they fell.
“No. I’m saying that… I’m saying that we should soak up the time we have together, make the most of it before we both leave and when we do…” you trailed off again, and he cradled your head in his hands.
“When we do, we’re over.” You nodded, your face curling with pain and he couldn’t bear the sight. He pulled you in close, hugging you tight as if he loosened his grip you’d vanish into thin air. “I love you,” he mumbled into your hair and you nodded as you wrapped yourself around him.
“I love you too, so much…” 
And you did just what you said you would. You made the most of the few weeks you had left. Your parents knew what was coming and loosened the reins, sleepovers that had stopped the moment you got together were no longer forbidden and despite their own grief at their babies moving out and moving on they allowed you to spend all of your time together because secretly your impending doom was just as hard on them as it was on you. The four of them had all known your relationship was an inevitability, even had wagers on when it would happen… your mom had won, something she boasted about frequently, she’d even gotten it right down to the day, your junior prom. They also knew what you did, that it would never survive the rigors of college, the unpredictability of the Navy, or the grueling schedule of residency. They’d raised two kids that were larger than life, two kids destined to become the greatest at what they did and you just weren’t old enough or mature enough to figure out how to make each other fit. 
You helped each other pack, studied for finals, danced the night away at prom and walked with each other onto the field for graduation and when the time came to load you onto a plane to San Jose he was right by your side until he couldn’t be.
“This isn’t goodbye,” he said, sensing your body language as you turned to face him before entering the security line. 
You nodded, “I know… I’ll see you at Thanksgiving,” you said softly and his hands rested on your hips. You had said your goodbyes to your parents this morning, they suggested Jake drop you at the airport to let you have your final moments in privacy… as much privacy as the airport would allow. 
“We’re making the right decision,” you weren’t really sure who he was trying to convince but in the end it didn’t really matter. Neither one of you were sure this was true, but it seemed to be the only way to handle things right now.
You nodded again, “it’s not an ending it’s just… all we’re saying is not right now.” He leaned his forehead against yours, eyes fluttering shut as he pulled you as close as he possibly could and you felt tears spill out and onto your cheeks. “I’m going to go learn how to become a doctor, you’re going to go learn how to be the best damn pilot the Navy has ever seen and we’re going to be good.” Again, who you were trying to convince was up for debate. You pulled your head back to instead bury it in his neck as you threw your arms around his shoulders and breathed in as much of him as you could. 
“We’ll be good,” he mumbled and you knew you had to pull away… you knew you had to turn around and walk away from him but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it just yet. You wanted to stay here, right here in this airport wrapped up in his arms for the rest of your life, but you couldn’t… you had a plane to catch and dreams to follow and he did too. You pulled away suddenly, keeping your arms around him as you looked at him seriously.
“Promise me something,” you said as you fought another wave of tears.
“You’re not going to wait for me, we’re not going to hold back and miss out on life waiting on a maybe.”
“Honey-” he started to protest but you shook your head.
“Promise me, Jake, otherwise I can’t get on that plane. Promise me you’re not going to wait.”
He cursed under his breath, “okay, honey. I promise.”
“And promise me you’re still my best friend,” you said, letting the tears fall now.
“Oh sweetheart, not being your best friend was never an option,” he replied and you nodded, letting your hands rest on his cheeks as you looked him over. This was the last time you would hold his head in your hands and this was the last time you would look at him as your boyfriend, because the second you boarded your plane you would be single and embarking on a whole new journey. He placed a hand on the back of your head and pulled you in, pressing his lips to yours so gently, as if he applied any pressure you’d crumble beneath him. You had other ideas, kissing him back in almost a frenzy as he matched your pace and allowed his tongue to slip past your lips, tasting you for the last time and savoring the moment as he knew it was the last. You pulled away slightly, giving him a few more gentler kisses as you swiped away the tears wetting your hands, 
“I love you,” you whispered and he kissed you again.
“I love you too, honey.”
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next part
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catchyhuh · 2 months
FIGHTING STYLES!! capability, training, how they compare to one another, any 1v1's that might be interesting?
this is the kinda shit i KNOW someone somewhere has done an intricate, lovingly crafted, knowledgeable breakdown on with personal experience in combat. but i knew people had made better perfume breakdowns for the cast too and that never stopped me SO
lupin’s fighting style is very evasive, as you’d expect from a thief, really. he doesn’t often bite off more than he can chew, and he’ll spend the first good bit of a fight saving his energy and gauging where his opponents weak spots are
he has a quick reaction time but it’s not perfect. compared to goemon or fujiko it’s not impossible to catch him off guard and topple him for a minute but he ALSO recovers super quick!
he was absofuckinlutely trained to fight dirty and inelegantly if it means getting what he wants. that said he doesn’t usually resort to that unless the “thing he wants” is. you know. living for the next hour
really all things considered he’s not a bad sport about fighting, even if he really does think the other person intends to kill him (and he’s not too worried about them besting him) but when he’s fighting the OTHERS in the group he pulls out the nasty tricks immediately. poking people’s eyes, kicking the back of shins, pinching with the nails of his fingers IT’S DIRTY WORK!!
OKAY HE’S NOT A BAD FIGHTER. DON’T TAKE THIS TO MEAN HE’S A FUCKING WIMP OR ANYTHING but you can very much tell that hand-to-hand combat is really low on his priorities for “shit i need to keep up with”
if lupin is “evasive” jigen is “ducking like he’s losing at punch out”
he tends to use his legs more than his hands, probably because he’s kiiiind of hoping by some miracle he’ll gain access to a firearm before the fight is over and he doesn’t want to risk his hand getting broken/cramped/anything that would make it difficult for him to use. so he tends to kinda stay low throughout, not necessarily like sweeping kicks but… moves that make it easy to maintain his center of gravity
the funny thing is that the others probably think more highly of his combat skills than he does, but… yeaha you guys if a man has been watching how you fight people for years he’s. probably going to pick up on how to beat you very easily by the time you go “cmon fight me fight me i wanna see how it goes”
it’s very… sharp. does that make any fucking sense. fujiko’s fighting is sharp and quick and intense and god help you if you’re even a bit slower than she is
because of her size she tends to default to (and i imagine was taught about) using the bulk of her leg for attacks since it can carry more weight behind it, but that doesn’t mean she’s a slouch with her arms either. OR HER HEAD you ever see that part in fuma when she jerks her neck back and smashes the vase on the guy’s head and the beam. that was sick. 
like jigen she’s very conscious of where to get hurt, if she has to. but where he’s like “wugh my Gun hand” she would really just rather not get severely injured ANYWHERE where she knows she won’t heal within a week. it’s very rare she comes out of a fight busted up to hell and back because god knows she’s actually smart enough to fucking leave if things aren’t looking up for her, but she’s definitely broken ribs before
her big thing is sneak attacks. yes even in the middle of a fight. she’ll look around the immediate surroundings, find a way to retreat out of sight, and then run up behind them and BAM fujiko wins
well. it’s strange because you’d think he’d have a significant leg up on the others but really that’s not the case. it’s more like… goemon has a specific type of efficiency the others don’t quite have, but he’s not like, WAY WAY WAY better than them
he does tend to treat fighting different as a whole though, probably because he’s the only one who fixates on it to this degree. even when goemon’s not fighting he’s THINKING “ok, if some crazy shit happens here, i grab the bouncer, fling him toward the stage, and then jump for the rafters.” you gotta read that sentence in lex lang’s voice btw
point being he’s definitely the most practical. there’s never wasted time, wasted energy, but because of this it might take him just a bit longer to fully down someone. of course if he doesn’t have to spend any time recouping before moving to the next, bigger problem, then really what time was wasted anyways!!
YKNOW SOMETHING FUNNY GOEMON’S ALSO THE ONLY ONE WHO (initially) TAKES THE AFTERMATH OF A FIGHT PERSONALLY. anybody else would go “thank fuck i got out of there with only a black eye lmao” but early-stage goemon’s like “no… impossible… how could she give me a black eye… i gotta Train this out”
have you ever walked into a wall before. have you ever had that same wall try to punch you. now that i think about it zenigata might be the only one out of them that doesn’t default to defense he’ll just fuckign SWING
i vaguely remember one of the og manga mentioning that he’s “as skilled as goemon at martial arts” which. like. maybe he WAS i’m not seeing that right NOW but like maybe super early on into the bullshit he wasLIKE THE THROWING PEOPLE OVER HIS SHOULDER THING ASIDE,
he loves throwing shit. that’s just his default move. guy too close? throw him. like. large chair? throw it. i watched him throw a motorcycle one time. 
honestly i think it’s important for everyone (esp AT tms) to understand that yeah ok it’s funny if he’s bad at shit. but it’s even funnier if he’s freakishly good at some shit. you ever see that bit in dead or alive where he throws those guys over the table without ever getting up from his seat at the restaurant. classic
this is the only real matchup i can think of because i don’t know why it would happen, and i doubt it ever would, but it would be so funny to watch fujiko and zenigata get into a fight fight. closest i can think of is when he lunged at her in hemingway papers and that was funny enough in and of itself but really seeing the exact opposite ends of the spectrum fighting each other would be golden
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issacharmastersdp18 · 10 months
Legit saw someone call Coriolanus a sociopath.
Like, what?
Does your definition even remotely resemble the actual one?
I know it’s uncomfortable, sometimes, to analyze the antagonist and realize you have anything in common, but that’s no excuse to go around slapping labels on them.
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He tried to avoid war.
Because he wanted to keep his power, yes, but also because he’d seen what war did to people.
This is a man who experienced some of the worst of humanity, at a very young age. Events which shaped him. People manipulating him, grooming him, to continue to uphold the system and the distance between District and Capitol. A man who felt the weight of continuing his family’s name (literally and figuratively) when he was a boy.
He was not born who he was when we first met him. He was molded into that person by circumstance and company.
If you pay attention, Coriolanus does care for people besides himself. (Granted one is his flesh and blood, but still) He’s not antisocial. Simply accustomed to being surrounded by a certain kind of people. He’s not amoral. He sympathized with Sejanus for a time. Not strictly disagreeing with his objections to the Games. Merely the way he went about it. Rather than having public outbursts and going rogue, biding his time. Quietly garnering support. Allies. Inherit his family’s wealth. Gain the finances and the power to implement lasting change. But Sejanus had no patience and couldn’t see that his impatience was only working against his intentions.
Though it didn’t make theatrical release, we can see Coriolanus is trying to keep the carnage to a minimum. “We agree a war could end humanity. Keep saying that.” Pair that with how he went about things. He first tried to have Katniss and Peeta calm the uprising. He didn’t want to kill anybody if he didn’t have to do so. As he says, he’s not wasteful. When that didn’t work, he THEN decided she had to be eliminated. Which culminated in the 3rd Quarter Quell. Where he hoped she would destroy her own public image before she died. That didn’t happen. 13 got Katniss to use as they pleased, so he took the opportunity to do the same with Peeta. Peeta, who had much more confidence in public speaking and a better stage presence. Someone with more impulse control. When Peeta went rogue, he could no longer use him for television. Still not wanting to kill anyone unnecessarily, Peeta wasn’t killed. He was turned into a weapon to kill the face of the rebellion. Then that didn’t work.
He admitted himself he was too focused on Katniss and Coin counted on that. He admitted he’d been bested. Rather than let Katniss “fuck around and find out,” he told her exactly what would happen. Though in denial, she did believe him. She knew he was right. She just couldn’t accept that her personally perceived enemy was not her only enemy. That she had been working with someone who she saw as equally bad. Someone who had been responsible for the death of her sister.
When you stop viewing antagonists as two dimensional “oh they’re the bad guy and they can’t possibly have a good reason for anything they’ve done,” and start realizing they are three dimensional (if written well) characters. People with experiences. Feelings. Thoughts. People whose motivations might not be as inhumane as you think. What he does isn’t any less wrong if he has a good reason. I’m not trying to excuse anything. I want you to be able to understand the point of the series. That anybody, given the right circumstances, can become Coriolanus. Or Coin. Or Dr. Gaul.
Dr. Gaul even makes a point of making that quite clear.
Hunger Games is a warning. A cautionary tale. A reminder that we must be careful, or we can become that which we fear.
Not just as individuals, but as a collective society.
We can slap a label on anybody. “Evil” “Sociopath” “Psychopath”
But those labels keep us from thinking critically. It’s important to discuss the how and why of things. When we label something simply as one of these words, we are giving ourselves reason not to do so. And because we don’t want to do that work. We don’t want to be confronted by the harsh realities of humanity, nature/nurture, etc. We will slap a label on anyone and anything any opportunity we get so we can remain in our comfortable bubble. Feeling unburdened by the responsibility each of us has to make and maintain a world where everyone has what they need and want for nothing.
While our elders aren’t always reliable examples (*cough* RNC *cough*), some of them are not only reliable, but good. Trustworthy. Filled with wisdom.
Donald Sutherland knows a thing or two because he’s seen a thing or two. It is not difficult to find the man discussing Coriolanus’ motivations and thought processes. He makes no attempt to paint the things Coriolanus has done in a better light. Only to explain how and why he arrived at the decision to do the things he does. Donald understands The Hunger Games the very way in which we all should understand it.
Yes, I practically worship the ground the man walks on. I admit that. However, I am not without reason.
Before you get the wrong impression, I have no delusions of him being any kind of messiah. He is just a man. A kind, funny, and intelligent man, but a man nonetheless. One of many people whose wisdom goes largely ignored and unheeded.
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Rant over. For now.
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himbochub · 2 months
hi! ive been kind of lurking and i was just curious to ask a few questions to you since you are into fe*derism (feel free to ignore this if you aren't comfortable or miss any questions you don't want to answer)
do you consider there to be different types of fe*derism? if yes, what type do you engage with?
what are your thoughts on people posting fe*derism content on apps like tikt0k, y0utube or instagr@m where they are likely to be seen by people not in your community?
how do you feel about other we1ght contr0l k*nks? like fetishes for underweight people or very muscular people, doms who set up gym schedules for their subs or doms who otherwise control their subs diets? (consensually obvs)
do you think they are comparable to fe*derism? or that they should not be considered the same as a k*nk for gaining?
you call fe*derism a RACK k*nk so i was wondering about what you consider the risks of the lifestyle?
(censored words so this doesn't show up in searches if you don't want it to)
thank you in advance <3
i honestly love this question- hoping it comes from a good place but super open to answering all of these questions! I’d start by saying that “feedism” is a more accurate term than “feederism” imo- the term feederism centers feeders more than it should, and i think feedism is a more accurate umbrella term.
1. there are absolutely different types of feedism, different ways to engage in it- i think from an outside perspective most people’s idea of is extremely heteronormative and the feeder/feedee must be man/woman respectively, with dom/sub aspects to the relationship- and that absolutely isn’t always the case. some people prefer more “soft” feedism, some people want to be teased and humiliated, some people just want to gain a little weight, some people are more just into stuffing/bloating rather than gaining, some people want to be immobile. there’s a whole spectrum and i can’t say i haven’t dipped my toes in everywhere!
2. this is hard because i honestly just prefer that we keep to our own side of the internet. apps like tik tok, really any other social media that doesn’t have kink centered sides to it, are a) exposing potential minors to kink content they don’t need to be seeing in spaces they wouldn’t otherwise learn about it and b) unnecessarily bringing fatphobic attention to our community. obviously though, people making those types of videos on other platforms are typically there to “educate folks” on the “dangers” of this fetish or “manipulative/abusive” feeders- which is so hard to even break down. i hate that those people had those experiences, but i typically also notice them shifting their content into ED centered mid sets as well as obviously, rampant fatphobia and also suggesting feedees are mindless and don’t make any choices for themselves. i am Not talking about sex workers advertising lewds on IG- go off!
3. honestly i can’t say i “feel” any type of way about them because fat centered feedism is really my only shtick. ever since love lies bleeding i do have a very soft spot in my heart for muscle mommies and i do love a super toned feeder, but only in the context of them being obsessed with my fat.
4. I would say they would perhaps be comparable to feedism in the sense that they are a similair type of body altering fetish, but I would imagine they would stand alone in their own regard as far as the more nuanced things that go on in those kinks and spaces. For example, outside of kink discussions, fat liberation is hugely centered in topics of discussion in our community- I doubt we could say the same for a muscle kink type community.
5. This is something that is massively important to me, which is the mental health aspect of gaining. I’ve talked about this a lot on twitter and a bit here, but like any kink that is widely part of your day to day lifestyle, you have to be mindful of how it effects you mentally, and be realistic about that. I see feedees leave this community every day for different reasons- internalized fatphobia taking over, financial aspects being daunting or overwhelming, neglected medical health issues becoming too overbearing. these things could happen to anyone who is too caught up in a kink and not practicing mindfulness and balance. i really encourage other feedees to stay self aware, take breaks when you feel like it’s necessary, don’t let gaining become an obsession that overtakes your personhood. i know that isn’t a super sexy take, but that fantasy is truly not for everyone! a lot of what feedism is is fantasy. most people can’t realistically manage being as big as a lot of us want to be, and especially with many of us being low income, it can be easy to accidentally put ourselves in a bad place in a lot of ways. basically to sum it up, practice safe kink and take care of yourselves! to many people i’ve been told this sounds “redundant” in feedism, but it absolutely is not.
thanks for listening, lol!
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blakeswritingimagines · 8 months
Brand New Man
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Summary: You seem to have won your husband's heart all over again after the news of you having his child until he shows you how truly his heart is to you.
A/N: This is a technical part 2 still just an alternative with the happy ending everyone wanted. The first half is the same just so it flowed easily.
Word Count: 4.8k
A/N: Part 1 Burn The House Down
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
"I'm pregnant." She spoke softly.
His eyes widened for a split second before he broke out in a soft chuckle. Was he imagining things, or were you truly saying what he thought he heard? “Do you mean it?” He asked slowly, taking in every word. He was unsure, but this would explain the weight gain, as well as why you had been so… moody. He had no other choice but to believe you for now. A child! This changes everything. Aemond was shocked. “P…. Pregnant?! Are you… serious?!” He was speechless. He tried to keep his composure but he could not hide his joy and excitement. Was it true, you were carrying his child? The thought alone sent his heart racing. He looked at you and put a smile on his face. This was the news he had been waiting for all this time. And he looked you straight in the eyes. “Is this true?” he asked, his eyes filled with joy and wonder. You heard Aemond's reaction, his eyes widened in shock and excitement. And you knew it was as you expected. You were truly carrying his child. "Yes, it is…" You replied in a sweet voice as your face grew bright with a wide smile. You felt so happy that Aemond was excited about the news, hoping the tension between you both would dissolve. "I am pregnant with our child." You continued, as you placed your hand on your stomach. "I've been trying to keep it a secret, but it has become difficult to hide. I guess I can make it official." You laughed and glanced at Aemond, who seemed to be beaming with enthusiasm. You wanted him to be happy and to hear the news he had been waiting for all this time. "It's true," you said, your eyes shining brightly.
“A baby?!” Aemond said with a grin. “You’re saying we’re going to have a baby?!” He placed his hand on your stomach, as you had done. “My lovely wife… I had feared that this day would never come. I could not imagine a day when we would not bring forth the next generation of our house. But, my worries are gone. We have made what I most desired.” Aemond laughed with joy and embraced you, holding you close in his arms as his grin grew wider and wider. Your hand rested on your stomach, the movement of your hand looked as though you were comforting the child being carried within. And he was overjoyed by this revelation. This was no secret anymore. Aemond was a man changed. He smiled and took your hand bringing it to his lips and kissed it. "Our child. Our beautiful child."
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Months later, the pregnancy went smoothly and you began to notice your belly growing larger and your mood changing. You felt your emotions become more intense as the pregnancy became more advanced. Your moods shifted from happy to angry to anxious to affectionate, all in the span of just a few hours. You could not explain it. Aemond knew your mood swings were common and he understood it the best he could. However, these mood swings of yours were becoming more frequent and intense as the pregnancy progressed. He was constantly finding himself walking on eggshells, unsure of which mood his wife might have. Your mood swings were often unpredictable, and Aemond never knew what to expect from one moment to the next. But he understood, you were carrying a life within you, it was bound to create such mood swings at the least. He had to be patient with you. And he was. The days he seemed to be distant were now fewer and further between the two of you, he was there by your side always. He could see the weight changes, you were getting rather large now. He could notice it in your face and around your midriff. It was not easy being married to someone who was so emotionally unstable. It was especially exhausting being forced to play the role of husband and father. He was constantly stressed about you and the baby and his nerves frayed at the slightest change in your behavior.
The pregnancy was taking a toll on you. Your mood swings were becoming more and more uncontrollable. You would be laughing one moment, sad the next, and you could not figure out what to do about it. You felt that you were losing yourself and had no control over your feelings. You were now getting closer and closer to the due date. Your belly was huge and you were uncomfortable even as you constantly asked if you were fat or pretty. You tried hard not to let it bother you, but it was getting more difficult to ignore. “My dear, you’re gorgeous.” Aemond’s tone was filled with love and kindness as he spoke to you. “You are bigger yes, because our child is too, but you are not fat. And you are not losing yourself.” He added as he held you close. “You are becoming a mother. These feelings are natural. You are carrying our child within you. Your emotions are bound to be different. This is how it should be. You are going to give life. You are becoming more beautiful with each day since the day I met you.”
You listened to him carefully as he tried to reassure you about your changing body. You felt your confidence rise at the way he talked, calming your nerves with his words. You looked into his eyes and saw nothing but love, nothing but honesty. "Thank you, my love… You are right. This is how it should be." You smiled faintly, feeling more at ease. You felt your mood shift slightly, your pregnancy hormones calming down. It felt good to hear the words come from him directly, not just in your head. He was happy to see, that his words were helping. He took you into his arms and held you. His hand stroked your belly, as he spoke. “You are more beautiful now than ever before.” Those were the words he believed in this moment. You were not getting larger, you were getting more beautiful. Because the child within you was, a part of you both. It was beautiful to him. Aemond kissed you, it was a long kiss, filled with love.
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It had been a year since the day of the child’s birth. In many ways, a lot has changed. Aemond and you had grown even closer than before. The little bundle of joy was a source of joy for you both. Tonight you would learn something that would change everything, and he dreaded this moment. He led you into the garden. “My love.” He spoke softly. “The feast is going well, and I wanted to take some time with you to speak in private.” You were enjoying the peace of the garden, taking in your surroundings and breathing in the fresh air. You looked over at Aemond when you heard his voice, glancing up at him with a soft smile, seeming to have a certain air of importance about him. You could hear the music fading from the distance and the distant sounds of the party still ongoing, but your surroundings were now much calmer than before. "Is something wrong?" You asked in a sweet voice, as you stopped in your place and turned to face him. "What would you like to speak about?" You asked quietly, sensing that something was troubling him but not wishing to intrude.
He looked at you with a smile, but it did not reach his eyes. Your eyes were sharp and observant. He had to think carefully about his words. “Nothing is wrong. I just-“ His speech stumbled as he tried to find the right words. How could he say what he was about to say? “There is something. I have been meaning to speak to you about.” Your smile faltered as you noticed the change in his demeanor. You paused, waiting for him to continue, taking note of his hesitancy. It was obvious that there was something he wished to say, but was having difficulty doing so. You nodded gently, encouraging him to go on. This is going all wrong. The thought plagued his mind. This was not going the way he wanted. He did not want to lose you. “I have been distant from you…. More distant than I should have been.” He told you. “I have been distracted by my duties.” He paused. “I’ve been busy, but that is no excuse.” He began. “I apologize. I have let my responsibilities keep me from you, and that was something I should have avoided.”
"I have been concerned…" You said softly, listening to his explanation with a soft expression on your face. You were disappointed that he had been distant so easily, yet he seemed to have a good reason for it. "You have many burdens as a prince and as a husband. It is understandable." You gave a reassuring smile, though your eyes remained sharp, and observed his reactions to your replies. “I am thankful for understanding.” He began, choosing his words carefully. “And I want to start to remedy this. From today I will focus more on you and our son. My duties can wait, you and our child cannot.” You listened to his words keenly, watching him carefully, not wanting to interrupt him as he chose his words carefully. You were pleased to hear him express his desire to spend more time with you and your son, but there was still a part of you that was unsure. "You promise?" You asked gently, your voice soft and quiet. "You will no longer distract yourself with your duties? From now on, you will dedicate your time to our family?"
“I promise.” He told you in a quiet voice. “My duties are unimportant when compared to yours. You are my beloved wife, and I was a fool to forget that. My priority will always, and I mean always, be my family. Never again shall I make you feel that you have to beg for my attention. As long as you forgive me for my behavior. I promise,” he told you, speaking firmly. He could notice the doubt in your eyes. “I swear by all things that I hold dear. I will be a father to our son. Your husband and protector. And I will ensure that we all spend time together as a family. I have ignored you for far too long dear. I know the weight of these words, and I have no intention of going back. I swear it.” Your doubts seemed to dissipate as you listened to him pledge his devotion to you and your son. You began to believe in his words and felt the trust in your heart returning. You couldn't deny that you were pleased to hear him speak with such sincerity, his voice full of conviction as he made a solemn promise.
"I believe you," You told him softly, feeling reassured by his words and his tone. You took a deep breath and paused, allowing him time to speak. As you did, you wondered if perhaps there was something more he wished to tell you. A sense of relief washed over you as you heard his words. You were glad that he acknowledged his mistakes and vowed to change his ways. Your expression softened, and you took a step towards him, placing a gentle hand on his cheek. "You are forgiven." You told him in a warm and loving voice, bringing your face closer to his. You were glad to see him change so quickly, and you were happy to have a husband like him who would dedicate time to the family. You were truly a good woman he thought. He was taken aback, as you spoke with compassion and understanding. He felt touched by this and felt the guilt leave him. A little at least. He did not expect you to walk a step closer, your hands reaching out to his face. His heart skipped when your hands touched him. Your lips were so close to his. He yearned for you. He missed you. He could not resist and he leaned forward and kissed you deeply. It was something he was wishing to do for a while now.
Aemond did not let up. He had been this hungry for a kiss before back when he first laid eyes on you. The passion was intense, as he pressed himself upon you. He wanted every last bit of you with a fire burning through him once more. You returned the kiss with the same vigor. The heat was palpable. Your movements were seamless, and you were as one again in this moment. It was one of the most heated kisses you had ever shared. It was the kiss of a man who had been away from his wife for far too long. The kiss was heated, and you could feel the intensity of his desire for you. You felt his hands exploring your body, his touch sending shivers of pleasure through your bones. Your breasts pressed up against him, and you let out a soft moan of enjoyment as you kissed, your tongues tangling and twining together in an erotic display of passion. You gave yourself up fully to him, submitting to his every move and giving him complete access to your body.
His hands groped and fondled your breasts, feeling your body responding to his touch. Everything about you was a sight to behold. Your body was pure bliss. You were a goddess in his eyes due to your beauty. Everything about you was perfect and you were his alone. Aemond found every inch of your body perfect. He felt his body grow warm and hot. Your moans turned him on, and he let out the same noises. The kiss was so intense that the world around you both seemed to disappear, and it was only you at that moment. Slowly pulling away he softly panted. "I'm sure we can sneak away to our bed chambers but for a moment no?". You chuckled softly, the kiss still lingering on your lips. You felt every inch of your body come to life in his passionate embrace, and you loved how he desired you. She looked up at him, smiling warmly. "I'm sure we can find a way out of here for a moment…" She leaned up and pressed her lips onto his, kissing him again, her tongue teasing his lips. "For a moment." She looked at him, blushing faintly. She was taken by surprise by his sudden urge to take her to their bedchambers, and her breath hitched softly at the thought. She glanced away nervously. "Let us go before we are caught," she advised softly. She did not resist his advance. The urge was mutual.
He grabbed your hand and ran with you out of the garden and straight into your room, closing the door and locking it behind you both. The adrenaline was rushing through his blood like a river. His eyes were blazing, and he was focused on one thing and one thing only. You could feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins as well, the excitement of what was about to happen filling you with energy. You followed him into the room, feeling his intensity as he locked the door and led you toward the bed. Your heart pounded in your chest with nervous anticipation, and your breathing quickened as you wondered what he had in mind. He picked you up and laid you on the bed. His breath was heavy and quick, as he looked at his beautiful wife. His heart beat heavily in his chest, with desire, and with intent. There was nothing that was going to get in the way of what he wanted to show you. He would make this up to you, he would take all his pent-up desire and release it.
He could not keep his eyes off of you. In this moment, he could only think of one thing, and that was you. You were the most beautiful thing in the world to him, and he would take you here. The heat of his desire for you was intense. You could feel the heat pouring off of him and onto you. He stood at the edge of the bed. He leaned in toward you and spoke in a low, animalistic tone. “I want you.” Staring up at him as he stood at the edge of the bed, his eyes burning into you with intense desire. Your breathing quickened, feeling the heat from his tone of voice. You leaned up on the mattress slowly, meeting him halfway as you let your body lean into him. You placed your hands on his shoulders, drawing him closer to you and closing the small gap between you. "Take me."
He chuckled softly, pulling you gently down onto the bed. You could feel his strength as he held onto you. You seemed so small and vulnerable, and he was the giant. He could do anything to you right now. He could take command of you and do as he wished with you before he started undressing you both. "Be rough…" You whispered in a breathy voice, your gaze locked on his. You trusted him completely, eager to see him reveal his passion again. You lifted your arms, allowing him to slide your clothes off, exposing your skin to him. You had missed this intensity only he could provide, and you were looking forward to being taken by him as he pleased. “Are you asking me to be rough with you?” He grinned, looking at you with desire in his eyes. “Or are you telling me?” He smirked, looking over your body with an almost predatory eye. Your words were like a challenge and an order to him. He gave a smile. He took the hint. Aemond did not wait another moment. He grabbed you by the waist and pinned you against the mattress. You could feel the power and strength of his grip, and you could feel how intense he was becoming. He started to kiss you passionately.
You gasped softly as he forced you onto the bed and pinned your body down, his strength sending jolts of electricity through your bones. His grip was firm the same way as when he first got your attention, and you could feel his intensity as he pinned you down, not allowing you to move or escape his touch, and you couldn't help but tremble from the pleasure. Your hands traced down his strong back, exploring his muscular physique as you let out a low moan in response. Aemond felt the chills run through your body as he pinned you down and took control of you. You were so small and your body so vulnerable. You were his now. Your moan did not go unnoticed. It excited him even more. He ran his hand down your back, exploring those curves and shapes that you always hid. It felt so good to touch you like this again. You let out another moan, which in turn caused Aemond to moan as well. He was so turned on he could barely control himself. Aemond looked at your body and smiled. You were perfection. Your breasts were perfect, the shapes of your body reminding him of a goddess. You were everything he desired and more. He lowered himself between your legs. He groaned as he kissed your thigh teasing you.
Your body trembled beneath the touch of his hands, your nerves tingling with exquisite sensation. You gasped softly, feeling him kiss your thighs, his touch teasing and tantalizing. You were filled with suspense, your breath caught in your throat, feeling him kiss and touch you in this way. Your lips parted, and you moaned softly as he started sucking on your skin again, your back arching slightly. As he kissed your thighs, he could feel your body arching and your breath becoming shorter. Your lips parted, and your moans were getting louder. You were enjoying it a lot. He took pleasure in this. He wanted more than anything to see you feel a wave of pleasure that broke down every wall and defense you tried to keep. As a result, he began to kiss higher and higher, toward your inner thighs. You seemed so sensitive Your breath was caught in your throat and you could barely moan. And you let out a soft moan from the feeling of his lips on your dripping cunt. and it was driving you crazy with anticipation. He was not letting up, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
The sensation of his lips kissing your swollen cilt was driving you crazy with anticipation, and you bit your lip to keep from whimpering. His kisses were so soft yet so intimate and sensual. You felt as though his mouth was a fire that was consuming your body, the heat radiating from his mouth as he licked and sucked sensually eating you like a man starved. You gripped the blanket tightly, trying to keep your moans quiet, yet his touch was making it impossible to do so. You were close to the edge, and it was becoming unbearable. Your reaction to him was everything he hoped for. You were reacting perfectly. You biting your lip was only making you more desirable to him. Your moans were growing louder and stronger with every motion he delivered to your pussy. He was not allowing you to feel anything but this sensation. Aemond could feel how close you were to the edge, and it caused him to moan as well. It was an incredible feeling. He wanted you to reach that point now. His kisses were getting more intense and his touch more passionate. The kiss had turned into a tease, he ran his tongue over you, your flesh as smooth as silk.
You couldn't take it anymore, and you let out a loud moan of his name, your body shaking uncontrollably with pleasure. Aemond's tongue was driving you crazy with need, and you couldn't resist anymore. Your back arched slightly as you pushed your hips against him, enjoying the feeling of his tongue. The heat inside you rose, and you felt your body grow restless and tense, wanting more and more. You had finally reached the edge, and you could not hold back anymore. Aemond had control of you in this situation, and he was going to take this opportunity to take what he wanted. There was no more teasing or playing. Your moans had driven him over the edge, and now he wanted to satisfy his desires and needs. Aemond was in a frenzy from the passion as your body quivered. He kissed you one more time and suddenly he grabbed you by the legs, pinning you down so you were unable to move. He was now going to take what he wanted while giving you more pleasure.
You gasped softly as Aemond pinned you down while moving to hover above you, the sensation of his hands on your skin sending shivers of excitement through your bones. You felt a wave of heat wash over your body, your heart rate rising as you were filled with a rush of primal desire. His hands on your body gave you a sense of powerlessness, yet his touch was filled with so much intensity and passion that it almost made you want him more. You were on the edge, and you eagerly awaited him taking you. Aemond saw the way you were responding to his touch. he understood your desires and your needs. He had never felt as in this moment as he was now. He saw the way your body heaved and your hips pushed into him. He was overwhelmed with desire and a need for you. He pinned your legs up into your chest, as it was easier to position you. He wanted every inch of you, and he intended to take you just like this.
You gasped softly as you felt the sensation of his cock stretching you out, his warm and firm body filling you completely. You felt his weight on top of you and liked the power that came with it. You could feel his hands exploring places you hadn't felt him touch before, your body quivering and your breaths coming out in soft sighs. Your body was overwhelmed with pleasure as you coupled together, the passion and energy building between you as your bodies moved together in a slow rhythm. Aemond enjoyed the control. He loved the feeling of his body against yours. He could hear your sighs and your moans of pleasure, which drove him crazy with desire. Your body was so responsive and you had no control over what he was doing. Your body was his, so to speak. Aemond could feel himself approaching a climax, this was something he couldn’t deny or fight against.
You liked the feeling of him on top of you like this again, his body pressed against yours. The power he had over you drove you crazy with desire and pleasure, the warmth and comfort of his body over yours making a feeling of protection wash over you. Your body was submissive to him at this moment, allowing him to do whatever he wanted with you. You couldn't help feeling turned on by the power dynamic between you two. The pleasure building within your body was becoming unbearable, and you were close to the edge. Aemond was in another world. All he could feel was the heat and joy he got from your body. You were so responsive and it was such a thrill to have you beneath him like this. He was enjoying himself immensely. Aemond would hold nothing back. He didn’t care if it was too intense, too much, or too strong. He just wanted to feel the ecstasy and pleasure that came with this. As you felt yourself approaching the edge once more, he would speed up the movement and his rhythm, making it more intense and passionate. With each moment that passed, he wanted you more and more. He knew you would break soon and he was enjoying every second of it. The pace of his actions and the rhythm of his motions were increasing. Your body was his to explore, savor, and delight in and he was going to do exactly that. Aemond made sure he would not finish quickly, he wanted this to last, so his strokes continued and became more aggressive.
Your breath hitched, feeling Aemond's passionate thrusts, each one sending waves of pleasure through your body. Your body was tense and stiff, as you were getting closer and closer to your climax. Your thoughts went blank, and you focused on the sensation of his cock inside of you. You grunted softly as you moved together in a pleasurable motion, the heat, and desire building up more within you. You could feel yourself reaching the edge, a deep ache inside of you beginning to build. Aemond heard your grunts and he felt you tense up. You were getting close and clenching around his member. Each moment was so intoxicating, so enticing for him. The sounds coming from your mouth told him all he needed to know. He knew how close you were, and he was enjoying every second of it. The heat inside of him was increasing, as he neared the peak himself. Your body was quivering as you were pushing yourself closer and closer to that climax, that release that you wanted so badly. You were on the verge of explosion, everything that was pent up inside you was finally releasing. Your fingernails dug into his back as you grunted softly. The sounds of pleasure were heard across the chamber. Your eyes were locked with his, You were in an absolute state of bliss.
Your bodies moved with incredible intensity, a rhythm built between you. The sounds of pleasure from you both echoed throughout the bed chambers. He held you tight, not allowing you to move away or escape his touch. He was enjoying this way too much to let you go. He was right there with you. your pussy tightened against his cock as the sensations became overwhelming for you. He could hear your breathing become heavy and rapid. The sound made him tremble with desire as he reached his own climax. He was tired and spent. He was still panting as he looked down at you. Your eyes were closed as you attempted to catch your breath. He could sense this helped but couldn't help but think. The feeling of forgiveness. He took a breath and then spoke. “Do you forgive me?” You gasped softly as you were still recovering from the intense climax, your legs shaking slightly underneath you. Your eyes locked with his again, and you looked at him with the same emotion you did when he had first taken you. You were overwhelmed with a feeling of euphoria that was difficult to describe, you were so overwhelmed you couldn't say anything for a long moment until you caught your breath and whispered.
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