#soc 2 reports
siscertglobal · 1 month
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socaudit · 5 months
SOC 2 Audit Report Services in Alberta by SOC Assurance
Discover top-notch SOC 2 audit report services in Alberta with SOC Assurance. Navigate through our comprehensive solutions to fortify your organization's security and compliance
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ᰋ  ׅ࣪   ꒰  minors dni 18+ pac reading detailed ♡︎ your (future) person's hidden sexual thoughts  ꒱  
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01. 02. 03.
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disclaimer : this 18+ reading was made for adult audiences. it contains adult language and content and it may not suitable for minors and may not be for some adult readers. read at your own risk and be open-minded. kindly skip this post and avoid interacting if you don't feel it, stop reporting my posts! *chuu*
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cards : world, 3oC, ToW, QoS, KoW, SoC.
this person's hidden thoughts is that they want to see the reaction of their partner's body and theirs too when having juicy time together. not only that, but they also want to see the reaction of their partner on how they're performing and moaning while doing those things. they would likely want to have a huge mirror in front where they can see both of the oral bodies.
if this is a man, they have a huge manhood, while if this is a woman, they will have a small and tight lady bits. when it comes to the chest part, they are big, well circled, and very delicate to look at and to suck up, no matter what gender it is. i see that they may be interested in collecting different types of sex toys to pleasure themselves as well as their partner. i also don't think that your first sexual encounter with them will be their first; perhaps they will be someone who may have experience with this kind of things.
they also desire to carry, embrace, or own the body of their partner all night or day. they want to enjoy every inch of you; they want this togetherness to happen. they are someone who is very picky when it comes to their partner and places; it's like you can't just fuck this person around and everywhere you want to.
cards : 4oP, 9oS, the devil, judgement, 6oW, PoW.
holding, caressing and handcuffs are the ones i am picking up here. they want to touch their partner's body precisely, they want to own and say each part of it's body ‘‘this is mine, this, this and this one’’. they may want you to look elegant or the first night with them might happen in such milk and honey places.
this person wants to find someone who will able to share their sex fantasies, someone who can match their passion when it comes to sex appetite. this person prefer to do this in a way of secret and dark like a very private meeting. there's also a little bit of desire here where everytime they got crush on someone they usually daydreaming making it with that person. i don't think they will tell this to anyone since they likely embarrassed talking that deep secret of them, they probably gonna keep it by themselves alone. other than that, they purely want to experience unwavering and shivering affection of sex. altogether, this pile is giving me an energy of two couple dancing in unison and making a beat along with the waves of music.
cards : hermit, QoC, PoW, 10oP, SoS, 9oS.
pile 2 and 3, both have two similar cards - this might be means that you maybe a little bit attracted to pile 2, if yes then maybe it have message for you.
so as i see here, this person will love this aloneness time together in the near future but right now, they probably prefer doing it alone. if you gonna asked me, they're not really good with it but they trying their best and still on the phase where they still on learning process. they're not yet reading for any sexual things. not yet because they're still trying to figuring it out. if not then this spicy secrets of them is likely to be confidential forever. there's also a fifty-fifty chances that they become obsess with their partner.
but before all of that they do want first an emotional relationship security. when it comes to their favorite parts of human body, they probably like - bum and breast parts and they may want to squeeze, cupping, holding, sucking and massaging it. this is about holding and locking their lover around their arms. i don't know if you would like this part but they fancy phone sex such as vc and chat ones, nude photos, giving head, going down, 69 and anything related to oral sex. they have crave for someone who is foreigner, someone who looks good and someone who is unique from their eyes. if not they likely want to do it in such a far away places most likely overseas. the first time with them or a special getting together might happen in other places, a foreign country as i said and maybe this a honeymoon? or a relaxation for the both of you. cuddling after sexual intercourse is also included to their desire.
© thecelestialperiwinkle
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
A quick update on what's been going on in Iran
In the last month or so, the street protests have decreased. There have been sporadic demonstrations here and there but the fire from the first three months has paled. I believe soon the fire is going to be back because the financial situation is getting worse by hour now and the regime, instead of appealing to people's good side, has been enforcing inhuman laws stronger than before.
On the 40th day memorial of 2 of the executed protesters, the fire did come back alive and there were multiple big demonstrations in many cities around Iran.
The obligatory hijab law is being enforced harsher than before. Many of my fellow iranian women still refuse to wear hijab out considering all the risks. In the last two weeks, at least two drugstores have been closed because the pharmacist owning the place refused to wear hijab. A couple of higher education students have been banned from using the national library because they took off their hijab inside of the library, and many university students have been forced to sign statements that said they promise to not take their hijab off again or else they're going to be expelled from university and they won't be able to attend any university inside of Iran again. The regime has also threatened women who don't wear hijab on the streets that they would disable their id cards and ban them from receiving social services.
A female engineer also did something really courageous in an event and I suggest you check that out. The news links are below.
More than a week before the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, there was an earthquake in Khoy, a northwestern city in Iran. Not only the Islamic Republic didn't send any help to the city, they tried so hard to stop us, people, from sending help there. They restricted some of the celebrities bank accounts and prevented people from raising money for the city. Turkey even offered their aid but the regime refused. People of other cities did send some food and clothes and blankets for the victims of the earthquake in the end. Even though the casualties of the earthquake wasn't high, many people lost their homes and had to reside in tents in cold snowy weather. But the most bewildering thing was that when the turkey earthquake happened the Islamic Republic volunteered to send help to Syria while still doing nothing for the people in Khoy. Unsurprisingly the help packages they sent to Syria didn't reach the places where earthquake happened, instead it went to Assad inventory.
Also this guy, a true hero. A human rights activist to his very core:
This is it for now. I appreciate anyone who has supported people of iran so far. We won't forget you. Woman life freedom ✌️
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zinniajones · 1 year
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Florida, SB 254, total HRT ban for adults: 5/25/2023 update
Note that in the span of two days, we have had to revise this policy map from including one last way (green) for adults in Florida to get refills (no new prescriptions) from an MD/DO, to removing the one last green endpoint, and replacing it with red/yellow stripe. It actually is unknown whether even refills can be prescribed by MDs/DOs; and because of that unknown, MDs and DOs are choosing not to provide refills either.
There are now NO ways for trans adults in Florida to even obtain refills of their established HRT prescriptions.
This is based on the reports we're receiving of trans people's current experiences attempting to fill their established prescriptions since 5/17/2023 - in a complete vacuum of any information for patients who just lost access to their medication, whether from state agencies or even from the state LGBT organizations that were supposed to protect us from exactly this happening to us.
This shouldn't come down to us alone. WE NEED YOU TO STEP UP.
The next in-person meeting of the Boards of Medicine, to draft highly restrictive "emergency rules" further regulating adult HRT, is next week!
Florida Board of Medicine/Board of Osteopathic Medicine Joint Rules/Legislative Committee
THURSDAY, JUNE 1 - 2:45 PM The Westshore Grand 4860 West Kennedy Boulevard Tampa, FL 33609
The Florida GOP and the DeSantis administration are directly responsible for a crime in progress against thousands of transgender Floridians!
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loser-female · 5 months
The job of a SOC Analyst
The #1 thing people ask me about is what I do for a job.
I'm a tier 1 SOC Analyst and I'm currently training to do some Cyber Threat Intelligence.
I will explain in detail what I do on a daily basis and why I've decided to do this job... And the negatives.
First of all, what's a SOC. SOC stands for "security operations center". It's a place (in my case virtual as I'm full remote) where a group of people, divided by experience and area of expertise, do the following:
Monitor the activities going on the customer's network or endpoints(= every device connected to the network);
Assess and mitigate alerts coming from the network and/or the endpoint of the client -> These tools send alerts that need to be evaluated and mitigated/responded in a certain amount of time (it depends on the SOC and the type of alert, generally I can assume an amount of time from 15 to 30 minutes per alert. Which is not that much;
Investigate cybersecurity incidents -> the SOC also analyses the kind of "incident" that happens in deep detail by analysing malware, spam emails, the behaviour of users and so on;
If the SOC is big/mature enough there could be some sort of prevention of cybersecurity issues, generally we talk about threat hunting (here for more information on that) and cyber threat intelligence (gathering information from various sources to produce a report about the potential attackers considering also the characteristic of the customer's company such as the size, the geographical area of operations, media exposure, geopolitical issues and what they do - doing this for a bank is different than doing it for a industry)
There are also other functions (such as we have a Security Architect that prepares a personalised solution for each client).
I know what you're thinking. But the AI...
No, they cannot do my job, as the ability of a human to notice patterns and correlate the information among various sources is unique. I memorised, with time, the usual activities my customers do, therefore I can interpret the user actions even with limited sources. And this is just one example.
Soc analysts are roughly divided in three "categories", always keep in mind that every SOC is different and has its own internal rules, that are not to be divulged. This is the rough division I've learned studying cybersecurity and NOT my organisation division.
Tier 1 Analysts are the one that monitors the traffic and activities I've mentioned before. They triage the alerts and if something deserves more investigation or can be discarded. They often perform simple actions of remediation of incidents.
Tier 2 Analysts are the ones that go deeper - they collect malware samples from the incident and analyse it, investigate and remediate more complex security incidents.
Tier 3 Analysts perform more active prevention duties like threat hunting and vulnerability assessments.
Some sources put intelligence activity on the tier 3, others consider it a different activity from the scenario I've described. If a SOC is big enough they might have their own intelligence team separated from the "regular" soc analysts. The rigidity of these roles can vary, as you probably got from my own duties.
On the top we have a SOC manager to coordinate the activities I've described and security architects that design the solution (although the deployment of these solutions can be delegated to the analysts, since we also have to monitor how well these perform).
All these people are usually referred as "blue teamers" btw, which are the ones that perform defensive actions.
A company can have a red team (basically they attack the customer to gain information that the blue team will use to improve their activities). I actually wanted to be a red teamer at first, since it's considered the "cooler" job.
Ok, got it. Now explain to me how you got there since I've never heard anything about this before.
I have a friend that's a system engineer and recommended this job to me.
I studies physics at university but I failed (in my country physics include some computer science classes btw) and I had some related experience I won't share for privacy reasons. No I'm not a criminal lol.
I then started studying - did a bootcamp and got a couple of certifications. Then I got my job.
However. Generally you get a degree in computer science or software engineering, and some universities offer cybersecurity degrees. Unfortunately I cannot tell you what to pick as every university has its own program and I cannot help you with that.
Certifications are a big part of my job unfortunately - mostly because due to how fast it goes you absolutely need to be "on top". It's annoying, yes, I hate it.
However. Consider that once you're hired you definitely will get them paid by your employer - at least in Europe this is on them(idk about the US), but you need some knowledge of cybersecurity to start.
Since some of them are stupid expensive I 100% recommend the compTIA ones. They're basics and respected worldwide. A+, Network+ and Security+ are basics, vendor neutral (which doesn't tie you to a particular "source", as every company works differently), and is relatively cheap (~300€).
Remember that I had previous experience so no one cares that I don't have a degree - I do however and I hope that in the future I will be able to "fix" this.
Great. How do I know if I'm good for this job?
This is on you. However:
One important thing if you don't live in an English speaking country is a good attitude towards foreign languages. I speak 5 for example, but it's an hobby I do since I was a teen;
Can you manage stress? A SOC is a fast paced environment, and you have a limited time to deal with whatever gets thrown at you. You have 15 to 30 minutes to deal with an alert and make a decision. Can you do that without panicking, crying or throwing a tantrum?
Are you a fast learner? You need to learn quickly how to do things, since the tools we use are quite complicated.
Are you willing to work on shifts, Saturdays, Sundays, festivities included? A lot of people can't cope with this and it's fine because it's a massacre. The job is so stressful to the point a lot of people leave cybersecurity because of it. Do not underestimate it, please.
How good are you at remembering random information and making correlations? Because I can remember random bits of information that no one ever thinks of it and it's one of my greatest strengths.
You need to do teamwork and be good with people, customers and so on - you have to explain complicated things you probably read in another language to people that don't know anything about what you do. It's more difficult than most people think.
Procedures are everything here - and for good reasons.
I think this is it.
USA avg salary: 74 307$ (Glassdoor)
France avg salary: 42 000€ (Glassdoor)
UK avg salary: 28 809 £ (Glassdoor)
There are random numbers I've found online(and with a lot of discrepancies). Consider that you MUST negotiate your salary, and that in certain places you get paid more if you work out of the usual 8-19 work shift. Obv since I live in a different place I cannot tell you if it's worth it - you do your own calculations.
But that's beyond the purpose of this post.
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Fire at MiG factory in Moscow
Fernando Valduga
A fire occurred at the Russian aircraft factory MiG Aircraft Corporation, which produces and maintains combat jets.
The Russian media reported that the fire occurred in one of the production workshops of the MiG factory in the Russian capital Moscow. This place is under reconstruction, but it is in front of the main factory building.
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The fire in an area of 70 square meters was located on the second and third floors of the building and all employees were evacuated. The cause of the fire is unknown.
According to local media, from 2 p.m. the fire managed to be extinguished. The roof of the building was damaged and the firefighters continue to work on site.
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Currently the factory that caught fire was under reconstruction.
MiG Aircraft Corporation MiG has several production facilities and administrative buildings. The company manufactures a range of aviation products and provides support for aircraft of its own production.
During the Soviet era, the aircraft manufacturer created a series of combat aircraft, such as the Ukrainian MiG-29 fighters, Russian MiG-31 interceptor aircraft and their modifications that currently use Kh-47M2 Kinzhal ballistic missiles launched from the air.
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In April 2021, stalkers entered the territory of this factory and filmed the state of the workshops. They sneaked through a hole in the fence and got unimpeded access to many of the factory buildings.
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Bloggers have discovered remnants of production tools, equipment, MiG-29 fighter fuselages and several prototypes of Russian MiG-AT training aircraft.
The MiG factory is developing a new MiG-UTS training aircraft.
Tags: Military AviationMiGRussia
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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The Fate Of Sodapop
Takes place 2 years after the outsiders
This based off the story that Rob Lowe asked SE Hinton what happened to Sodapop after the book and she replied He dies in Vietnam.
- [ ] Darry is 22
- [ ] Soda is 18
- [ ] Pony is 16
- [ ] Two bit is 20
- [ ] Steve is 19
Pony, now 16, knows how Dally and Johnny felt when they die, 16 years isn’t long enough. Most of his writing now consists of memories of Johnny and Dally and characters based off them. Darry sure is easier on him in the yelling at him. Pony saids the world is different now, the Socs and Greasers war is nearly over. 2 years ago, the fight got too far, 2 socs left the fight, Bob and Randy, and three greasers, Dally, Johnny, and Pony.
“Steve, ya hear the US joined the war in Vietnam” Soda ran in from outside the DX.
“Yeah, why are you asking are you thinking about joining?” Steve replied
“I mean I guess, I need to talk to Super Dope about it because Pony has been through so much between Momma, and Pops, Johnny, and Dally.” Soda said quietly. Tulsa has definitely been quieter since that night two falls ago. Pony’s nightmares are definitely worse than before.
As Soda gets home, he sees a familiar face on the steps along with a not so familiar baby. “Sandy?” Soda calls out.
Sandy snaps her head in Soda’s direction “Hey Soda…so umm well meet Sammy” she replies nervously.
From what Soda can tell the baby is about two years old and looks like how he did when he was that age, “Is he mine” Soda replied with a blank expression.
“I’m pretty sure” Sandy replied
“You don’t know who’s kid that is” Soda said shocked “can I hold him”
“Sure” she said giving him to him.
“Hey Buddy, I’ll be your dad if it’s on with your mom, my name is Sodapop Curtis” Soda saids to the baby.
Darry walks up holding his back, “Pepsi-Cola, who’s the kid?”
“Hey Darry, we need to talk.”Soda saids signaling Sandy to take Sam and leave.
“What is it, Sode?”
“Ok so, this is gonna be a lot. First off, I want to enlist to fight in Vietnam. Secondly, Sandy thinks that kid I was holding is mine and I did the timeframe in my head and the dates are close.” Soda saids slowly so Darry can catch all of it.
“The ‘nam thing, you need to talk to Pone about that, because he’s the one who’s lost his two best friends and his parents two years ago and the baby thing you can take paternal responsibility for it and never get a paternity test or get a paternity test and if the test says he’s yours you can raise him. ” Darry saids wisely.
“I’ll talk to Pony and I’ll just raise him I don’t care about blood because the gang is our family and they ain’t blood.” Soda saids walking in the house.
Soda knocks on the door to the room that he and Ponyboy shares, he walks in “Hey Pony, can we talk?” Soda asks
“Uh yeah sure. ” Pony saids putting his book down.
“So I don’t know if they talked to you in your history class today about the war in Vietnam.” Soda saids “How would you feel if I joined the war?”
“Soda, you do you just know that’s your life you’re putting on the line and I’ll miss you but if you really want to you should.” Pony replies picking his book back up.
Soda and Sandy meet up at the Dingo for dinner.
“I don’t care what Sam’s blood is, I will raise him, if you will allow me.” Soda starts “And I enlisted to go to ‘Nam I leave out in two days, will you wait on me? I would love to date you again Sandy. If you would date me?”
“I- Soda, you just told me you want to father my son, then you told me you are leaving for war in two day, and then you asked me to date you in that order” Sandy said “I’ll think about it.”
Two days later
Darry and Pony drive Soda to the airport to fly to whatever military base his reporting to.
Three months later
At this point, Soda has been gone for months and still no one has gotten a letter and has stopped hoping for a letter.
Six months later
Still no word from Soda and man is Tulsa really quiet now.
One year (march 30) later
Darry scans through the mail and one catches his eye. It reads “US ARMY ATTEN. DARREL CURTIS”
Darry quickly opens the letter and it reads “We regret to inform you that your brother Sodapop Patrick Curtis has been kill in action on March twenty-fifth, nineteen-seventy. His body is MIA, but we can confirm that he is dead.
Again I am sorry
Stg. Steven Grant”
Darry falls to his knees unable to move or speak. He feels deeply sorry for Soda’s son, Sandy, Steve, Two-bit and Pony.
Folklore saids, death and tragedies come in threes well then I guess, tragedies come in threes so the gang is free. “Instead of weeping when a tragedy occurs in a songbird's life, it sings away its grief. I believe we could well follow the pattern of our feathered friends”- William Shakespeare
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selloldmobile · 7 months
Redmi K70 Series Launch Date, Price & Specifications
Redmi K70 Series
Xiaomi has announced that the Redmi K70 series—which includes the Redmi K70, Redmi K70 Pro, and Redmi K70E—will be released on November 29 during a celebration of Redmi's tenth anniversary in China.
Officially, Xiaomi has revealed that the Redmi K70 Pro will have the newest Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC, the Redmi K70 is expected to have the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, and the Redmi K70E will have the Dimensity 8300-Ultra CPU.
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The Redmi K70's display has a hole punch cutout in the white colour option, according to leaked photos. The bezels around the screen appear to be a little thicker than usual. A triple back camera arrangement and an LED flash are also included with the phone.
With its metal chassis, the Redmi K70 Pro is expected to include 12GB of RAM out of the box.
The biggest 5000mm2 gaming-grade stainless steel VC among all Redmi phones will be included with the Redmi K70E. In addition, compared to the previous generation, the heat conduction area has risen by as much as 26.6%.
The 120W rapid charging capability is anticipated for both the K70 and K70 Pro. Concurrently, a 5500mAh battery with support for 90W rapid charging will be included in the K70E.
According to reports, the Redmi K70E has a 1.5K flat screen with 12-bit colour depth, 1800nit peak brightness, and 1920Hz PWM high-frequency dimming capabilities.
If you finally going to upgrade your phone then sell yourold Redmi mobile phone at RecycleDevice and get Best Value for your New / Old smartphone at your doorstep.
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edwinkjayesh · 1 year
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Galaxy S23 - everything  that we know till Date
Samsung will launch three phones - Samsung Galaxy S23, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, and Samsung Galaxy S23 Plus in the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S23 series launch event that will take place on 1 February 2023.
As per different reports, following are the leaked features and specs of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra smartphone.
6.8-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X display along with 1–120Hz refresh rate.
Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC processor.
The smartphone measures 163.3x78.1x8.9mm and about 233 grams.
12GB of LPDDR5 RAM and 256GB, 512GB and 1TB storage options.
A  5,000mAh battery with 45W fast charging capability.
An in-display fingerprint sensor
A quad rear camera system including 200 MP primary sensor, a  f/1.7 lens, a12 MP ultra-wide shooter, and two 10-megapixel telephoto shooters. For selfies and video calls, there is a 12 MP sensor on the front side.
Connectivity options include 5G, GPS, NFC, Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth v5.3 and a USB Type-C port.
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aaronburrdaily · 10 months
September 3, 1809
Couche at 1. Rose at 9. Of this time, however, lay two or three hours without sleeping, having taken some very weak tea in the evening, having dined to-day and yesterday on brö och wattn¹; two days preceding on mjolk koka. Went this morning before breakfast with Mr. Gransbom as interpreter to hunt vessels. Went on board several from Wismar and that quarter. Not one would take a passenger by reason, they say, of the great difficulties to which it exposes the ship. The French, they say, are very strict and very suspicious and suffer no passenger to land till after great inquiry. I do not believe all this. Read last evening and this morning about 100 pages in Montesquieu and finished "La Dot de Gazette." It is a small octavo, 237 pages, Paris: 1803. Anonymous but said to be written by a lady. It is a pretty little tale. Read also "Le Conteur ou Les Deux Post"²; trois actes; prose; par L.B. Picard; Paris: an. VIII; very trifling, but as a trifle, tolerable. Walked out 5. Swindled out of another dollar pour rien absolument. * * * * with 2 avants; 1, 15; l'aut 22; 1 1/2 d.³ Bru. och wattn pr. din. Ost soc.-watn. koka brü fer afton.⁴ At 6 young Robertson came in. He also had undertaken to hunt passages for Calserona and Wismar and came to report that there were many small sloops for Calserona but too small and dirty to be thought of. To-morrow I will set Hosack at work. Only think, I have not seen him since Monday last, seven days! Called this afternoon on Baron d'Albedÿhll to arrange about a trip to Drottningholm. He objects to my mode of traveling and is to look out for other and more rapid means. And now (8 P.M.) I am going to read any nonsense. You perceive that A.E. Afzelius has not returned. I much fear that he has gone some other route to Upsala, which would be a very great disappointment to me, for I have notes of a hundred questions to ask him.
1 For bröd och vatten. Swedish. Bread and water. 2 "The Story-teller, or The Two Posts" (Postes). 3 For Pour rien absolument, * * * * with deux aventures. L'une [âgée de] 15 [ans]; l'autre [de] 22; 1 1/2 dollars. For absolutely nothing. (Undecipherable word) with two adventures; the one aged 15 and the other 22. 4 For bröd och vatten pour dîner; ost, sockervatten, kaka, bröd för afton [måltid]. Bread and water for dinner; cheese, sugar-water, cake [perhaps milk-cake], bread for supper.
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siscertglobal · 2 months
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deepspacedukat · 10 months
My OC Masterlist
Master Post | ENT Masterlist | SNW Masterlist | TOS Masterlist | TNG Masterlist | DS9 Masterlist | VOY Masterlist | Non-ST Masterlist | Main OC Masterlist | Kinktober 2022 Masterlist | SoC 2023 Masterlist |
Below, you will find basic information about my OCs as well as links to all my various fics about them.
Fic Masterlist Key:
💛 = SFW, ❤️ = NSFW (18+ ONLY), 👀 = WIP/Coming Soon
✨Cassandra Connor✨
Basic Background Info: Species: Human Orientation: Queer Appearance: Picrew to be posted soon Affiliation: Starfleet Specialty: Medical
~ The Hat 💛:
Summary: Jorik explores Earth during a free weekend in his Academy days. (2355)
~ Occupational Indulgence 💛:
Summary: Jorik is posted to Deep Space Nine. (2371)
~ Predictably Divine ❤️:
Summary: Riov S’Talon spots someone who piques his interest while sketching in Quark’s. (2376)
Part 1 ✨ Part 2 ✨ - COMPLETE
✨Celas Tyrh✨
Basic Background Info: Name Pronunciation: Say-las Teer Species: Andorian Orientation: Gay Appearance: See this picrew Affiliation: Mercenaries, then Starfleet Specialty: Command
~ A Blue New Year 💛:
Summary: Jorik learns about an old New Year’s tradition as he always does - in a completely logical way. (2355)
Basic Background Info: TBA
~ Coitarche ❤️:
Summary: Major Denak of the Rei’karansu recalls his first time with a lover during a moment of quiet contemplation. - SoC 2023 Day 29
✨Jana Miller✨
Basic Background Info: TBA
Basic Background Info: Name Pronunciation: Yor-ick Species: Vulcan Orientation: Bisexual Appearance: Jeff Combs as a Vulcan (think Crawford Tillinghast with the ears, eyebrows, and temperament of a Vulcan) - Or have a look at this beautiful artwork done by @jaxifye!Born: 2298 Affiliation: Starfleet Specialty: Security Rank: Lieutenant Commander Assignment to DS9: 2371 (age 73) Under the command of Lt. Commander Michael Eddington as a result of the Maquis incident in ST:DS9 S2E20&21 “The Maquis” Parts 1&2.
There will be three different story arcs for Jorik: 1.) A more canon-compliant, Jorik/Jadzia arc. 2.) A less canon-compliant, reader-insert arc. 3.) An AU Jorik/Celas Tyrh arc. There will also be some stories that are applicable to all 3 universes, because they occur prior to the point of divergence between the three. The stories themselves will be marked accordingly.
Chibi Jorik In A Sweater
Pre-Divergence Fics (Prior to 2371):
~ Broken 💛:
Summary: T'Lir talks to her brother about his future after he tells her about his decision regarding his betrothal. (2348)
~ The Hat 💛:
Summary: Jorik explores Earth during a free weekend in his Academy days. (2355)
~ A Blue New Year 💛:
Summary: Jorik learns about an old New Year’s tradition as he always does - in a completely logical way. (2355)
~ Dream A Little Dream ❤️:
Summary: Jorik has a vivid dream after he forgoes his nightly meditation. (2356) - Kinktober 2022 Day 10
Jorik/Jadzia Arc:
~ Occupational Indulgence 💛:
Summary: Jorik is posted to Deep Space Nine. (2371)
~ Tense ❤️:
Summary: Jadzia is determined to make her husband take a break from his work. With over three hundred years’ experience under her belt, she knows just how to tempt her Vulcan husband away from his reports. (2374) - SoC 2023 Day 5
Jorik/Reader Arc:
~ TBA 👀
Jorik/Celas Tyrh Arc:
~ TBA 👀
Basic Background Info: Species: Vulcan Orientation: Bisexual Appearance: Art and a Picrew to be posted soon Affiliation: Vulcan High Command Rank: Senior Minister (former)
Main Arc Fics:
~ Multi-chap fic to come 👀
AU Fics:
~ Compromise ❤️:
Summary: The reader was granted permission to study under a prominent scientist for a limited time at the Vulcan Science Academy as an apprentice. As the end of her allotted time approaches, her appeal to stay garners more and more attention, finally reaching the pointed ears of the highest authority on the planet: the Vulcan High Command. Can she convince them to intervene on her behalf? - SoC 2023 Day 31
~ From Never To Always ❤️:
Summary: The reader is ripped across universes, tossed into a place where nothing is quite as she remembered. Even those whom she's close to are different…more jaded. Can she survive in this dark version of the galaxy? - Dark!Tales Halloween series 2023 Week 2
~ Icing ❤️:
Summary: Kollos dotes on his wife and seeks to ease a particular ache of hers, creating one of his own in the process. - SoC 2023 Day 11
Basic Background Info: TBA
Basic Background Info: TBA
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littlebigmouse · 2 years
Thinking about it, I don't think we'll ever get a properly faithful adaptation of the Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom books, at least not without some serious retconning of everything that happens with the Crows in Shadow and Bone. Let me explain:
As of now, the Crows are cleanly split into two groups. Those who are right where they should be for the Ice Court Heist to begin right now in S&B Season 2, and those who aren't.
Kaz and Inej were clearly set up to be prequel characters that explicitely still have other stuff to do before the Ice Court Heist can happen. They aren't as ruthless or violent as their book counterparts, they work better as a team, Kaz isn't reporting to a boss or running a gang that can usurp him later (we see him running a club, not a gang), Inej is still looking for her brother in Ketterdam and has only just killed a person for the first time, and we didn't see Kaz get violent with anyone at all.
So it wouldn't make sense for these two at all to start next season off with some kind of Ice Court-ish subplot, because that Heist relies on two leads with rather different personalities, and the story would lose a lot if that were changed.
So let's assume we won't get anything Ice Court-ish next season, but instead some sort of plot that gets Kaz out of the the other barrel leader's sight, the Crow Club back (presumably Kaz and the Crow Club are 'saved' by Per Haskell, if they ever want to actually do something resembling the books), potentially a subplot for Inej to find her brother, etc.
But then what the hell are Nina and Matthias supposed to do for another two seasons?
Right now, these two are exactly where SoC starts off. Matthias is in prison, Nina got him there, she still cares about him, he hates her now. Sure, Nina needs to get herself work in Ketterdam and needs to get to know the Crows, but we already got a shot of all Six Crows together in the Sneak Peak for S2, so they won't just slowly get to know each other, they'll already be working together. All six. Matthias, presumably outside of prison, then.
I suppose they could do that. By some ploy, Matthias gets out of prison, Wylan joins the team, they (probably only briefly) all team up to briefly intersect with whatever Alina has going on in her plot. For the team up to make a bit of sense or at least for Nina&Matthias to not remain ultra static for the next two seasons, they'd need to make up again, or at least begin to tolerate each other.
Two possibilities from then on out:
1) The SoC books do get adapted and by some strokes of probably pretty awkward writing Matthias is put back in prison by the end of S3, they hate each other again, Wylan didn't tell anyone (except maybe Kaz) about his dad, everyone's all set up for the Book Heist now. Which would be awkwardly doubling a few points and/or retconning a bunch of plot.
2) No retcons, no changes, but the Ice Court Heist starts from a different point/gets changed to fit where the Crows are at the end of S3.... Which would also make the Heist almost boring, if not completely different, because the biggest factor of that adventure was that everyone at least majorly distrusted one other person on the team and at least half of them would have easily betrayed the rest. That's a big part where the tension came from. Matthias as the hostage, hating them all but Nina in particular, Nina absolutely planning to assassinate Kuwei behind Kaz's back, Kaz and Jesper fighting over Jesper's accidental early betrayel, Kaz having how own unresolved revenge plot for which he endangers the whole mission, no one really knowing Wylan or the truth about why he left home, etc.
I have a feeling S2, if not then S3 will already dig into Wylan's backstory a bit, probably showing him escaping his father's assassins, but if they spoil/reveal the "If you read this, you know how much I love you" plottwist, I will be so mad. It was incredibly well done in the books and to this day one of my fav plottwists ever.
They already gave us Nina's and Matthias' whole backstory, uncovering which was also a pretty nifty part of the Ice Court Heist because it meant you didn't know exactly where these two were coming from until they discussed openly betraying each other & Kaz in the forest the earliest, but I guess the story still works if their backstories aren't revealed gradually. An early reveal of Wylan's entire backstory would tank a lot of tension of the first book, imo.
Since they didn't really do anything with Jesper in the first season, he and Wylan are kinda wildcards. They could both start into the SoC Heist right now, since Jesper's power- or ruthlessness level doesn't really change (he's arguably way weaker in the books) and the only things missing (a serious treatment of his addiction, his crush on Kaz, his relationship to his father) can all still be added later without breaking what has been already established about his character (since he doesn't really have an arc or an inner struggle in S1, that is, not much in the first place).
TL;DR: We'll either get a significantly changed SoC/CK adaptation after S&B, or they'll have to seriously change some things up in S3/post S3 with regards to Nina&Matthias especially for SoC/CK to still work out similarly to the plot in the books.
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harveypower · 1 year
What is the BMS (Battery Management System) ?
At present, the most used energy storage battery should be lifepo4 battery. For an energy storage battery pack, a fully functional BMS management system is very important, which can improve the efficiency of the energy storage battery pack. Give full play to it.
The general name of BMS is Battery Management System, which is a control system to protect the safety of battery use. It is mainly for intelligent management and maintenance of each battery unit, to prevent overcharging and over-discharging of the battery, to prolong the service life of the battery, and to monitor the status of the battery.
The BMS battery management system unit includes a BMS battery management system, a control module, a display module, a wireless communication module, electrical equipment, a battery pack for powering electrical equipment, and a collection module for collecting battery information of the battery pack.
And threr are 4 Core Functions of BMS:
1. Measurement function
It can measure the voltage and temperature of the single cell in real-time, and measure the terminal voltage and current of the battery pack and other parameters. To ensure the safe, reliable and stable operation of the battery, the guarantee
The service life requirements of the whole battery meet the requirements for optimal control of the operation of the single battery and the battery pack.
Ideal for stationary and mobile use from thousands of watts to hundreds of kW of power, battery-based backup power supplies can reliably and efficiently power a variety of uses.
2. Online SOC diagnosis function
On the basis of real-time data collection, an expert mathematical analysis and diagnosis model is established to measure the remaining power SOC of the battery online. The remaining battery capacity and reliable use time under the following.
There are many challenges in implementing a battery management system for energy storage applications, and the solution is by no means simply "scaling" from the management system of a small, lower-capacity battery pack. Instead, new, more complex strategies and key supporting components are required.
3. Battery system operation alarm function
When the battery system is in over voltage, under voltage, over current, high temperature, low temperature, communication abnormality, BMS abnormality, etc., it can display and upload, report alarm information.
The starting point of the challenge is that the measured values of many battery parameters are required to have high accuracy and reliability. (You can read about "How to Test the actual capacity of the battery")
Furthermore, the planning of the subsystems must be modular to enable the configuration to be tailored to the specific needs of the use, taking into account possible expansion requirements, overall management issues, and necessary maintenance.
4. Battery system protection function
For abnormal fault conditions such as serious over voltage, under voltage, over current (short circuit) of the battery that may occur during operation, the high voltage control unit realizes fast
Cut off the battery circuit quickly, isolate the fault point, and output sound and light alarm information in time to ensure the safety and operation of the system.
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ciwiseman · 6 hours
SOC 2: Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Achieving SOC 2 compliance is crucial for organizations that handle sensitive customer data. It demonstrates a commitment to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. However, the path to SOC 2 compliance can be fraught with challenges. This guide explores common challenges organizations face in achieving SOC 2 compliance and offers strategies to overcome them. Understanding SOC 2 Compliance What is SOC 2? SOC 2, developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), provides a framework for managing customer data based on five "Trust Service Criteria": security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. SOC 2 reports are unique to each organization, outlining how a company adheres to these criteria based on its own processes and controls. Importance of SOC 2 Compliance SOC 2 compliance is essential for building trust with customers and stakeholders, demonstrating a commitment to data security, and gaining a competitive edge. Non-compliance can lead to data breaches, legal liabilities, and reputational damage. Common Challenges in SOC 2 Compliance 1. Understanding SOC 2 Requirements Complexity of Requirements SOC 2 requirements can be complex and difficult to interpret, especially for organizations new to the framework. Understanding how the Trust Service Criteria apply to your specific environment and processes is crucial. Customization Needs SOC 2 reports are tailored to each organization, meaning there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Customizing controls and processes to meet specific SOC 2 criteria can be challenging and time-consuming. Overcoming the Challenge Engage Experts Engage SOC 2 compliance experts or consultants to help interpret the requirements and tailor them to your organization's needs. Their expertise can provide clarity and streamline the compliance process. Conduct Training Provide comprehensive training for key personnel on SOC 2 requirements and their implications. Ensuring that everyone involved understands the criteria and how they apply to your organization is essential for effective compliance. 2. Implementing Robust Controls Designing Effective Controls Designing and implementing controls that meet SOC 2 criteria can be challenging. Organizations must ensure that controls are both effective and practical, addressing specific risks and processes. Integration with Existing Processes Integrating new controls with existing processes and systems can be complex. Organizations often struggle with aligning new controls with their current operational workflows. Overcoming the Challenge Conduct a Gap Analysis Perform a gap analysis to identify weaknesses in your current controls and processes. Use the findings to design and implement controls that address these gaps and meet SOC 2 criteria. Leverage Technology Use automated tools and technologies to streamline the implementation of controls. Automation can help integrate new controls with existing systems, reducing manual effort and minimizing errors. 3. Maintaining Continuous Compliance Ongoing Monitoring Maintaining SOC 2 compliance is not a one-time effort. Organizations must continuously monitor their controls and processes to ensure ongoing compliance, which can be resource-intensive. Adapting to Changes Business environments and regulatory requirements change over time. Organizations must adapt their controls and processes to remain compliant, which requires continuous effort and vigilance. Overcoming the Challenge Implement Continuous Monitoring Establish continuous monitoring practices to track the effectiveness of controls and detect any deviations from compliance. Use monitoring tools and technologies to automate this process and provide real-time insights. Regularly Review and Update Controls Conduct regular reviews of your controls and processes to ensure they remain effective and compliant. Update controls as needed to address changes in the business environment or regulatory requirements. 4. Ensuring Employee Engagement Lack of Awareness Employees may lack awareness of SOC 2 requirements and their role in maintaining compliance. This can lead to non-compliance due to unintentional errors or oversights. Resistance to Change Implementing new controls and processes can face resistance from employees who are accustomed to existing workflows. Ensuring buy-in and engagement is crucial for successful compliance. Overcoming the Challenge Provide Regular Training Conduct regular training sessions to educate employees about SOC 2 requirements and their responsibilities. Use real-world examples to illustrate the importance of compliance and how they can contribute. Foster a Compliance Culture Promote a culture of compliance within the organization by emphasizing the importance of data security and integrity. Encourage employees to take ownership of compliance efforts and recognize their contributions. 5. Preparing for the Audit Audit Readiness Preparing for a SOC 2 audit can be daunting, especially for organizations with limited experience. Ensuring that all documentation and evidence are in order is critical for a successful audit. Handling Auditor Requests Responding to auditor requests for information and evidence can be time-consuming and challenging. Organizations must be prepared to provide detailed documentation and answer questions promptly. Overcoming the Challenge Conduct Pre-Audit Assessments Conduct pre-audit assessments to simulate the audit process and identify any gaps or weaknesses. Use the findings to make necessary improvements before the actual audit. Organize Documentation Ensure that all documentation and evidence are well-organized and readily accessible. Create a central repository for compliance-related documents to streamline the audit process. Benefits of Overcoming SOC 2 Compliance Challenges Enhanced Security Overcoming SOC 2 compliance challenges helps organizations implement robust security measures that protect sensitive data and reduce the risk of breaches and incidents. Increased Customer Trust Achieving SOC 2 compliance demonstrates a commitment to data security and integrity, enhancing trust with customers and stakeholders. This can lead to increased business opportunities and customer loyalty. Operational Efficiency Implementing effective controls and processes can improve overall operational efficiency. Streamlined workflows reduce redundancies and enhance productivity, benefiting the entire organization. Competitive Advantage SOC 2 compliance can serve as a competitive advantage, differentiating your organization from competitors. It demonstrates a commitment to high standards of security and compliance, attracting more customers and partners. By understanding common challenges and implementing effective strategies to overcome them, your organization can navigate the SOC 2 compliance journey successfully. Continuous vigilance, employee engagement, and regular reviews are key to maintaining compliance and protecting sensitive data. Read the full article
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