#social media etiquette
alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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When I was in college, I let German tourists take pictures with me in my graduation gown. Even at the time I thought it was weird. But since my college years, I haven’t allowed strangers to take pics of me “just because” here or abroad. “Curiosity” means very little to me. People on the clock app were saying in China they actually have been known to post pics of Black people on WeChat to make fun of them. So, maybe not the best idea to let strangers take pics of/with you. Anyway, I wish you all safe, joyous, and comfortable travels. You deserve to see the world in peace just like anyone else.
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yellowcakeuf6 · 2 months
It seems I have committed a heinous faux pas so big apologies if the artwork I posted yesterday offended anyone. Firstly I will make one thing clear - I am NOT a DataLore shipper, I was just illustrating a fic I read and which fired inspiration. Secondly these are fictional characters and given they are not biological and were constructed separately, science would agree that they are not "brothers" in the incestuous sense. However I respect other people's views might be to the contrary and therefore I have removed the artwork and deleted a reblog (of something totally unconnected) which upset the OP because they took umbrage at my art (and which I had no idea about - sadly clairvoyance isn't a gift I've yet mastered lol). Also I'm autistic and though I'm doing my best I sometimes don't pick up on subtle social cues so sorry for that. However if it's normal etiquette to read someone's T&Cs on their page before reblogging, again, my apologies and I will do so ongoing. The last thing I want to do is overstep the mark and be a dick.
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banrionceallach · 1 year
'Why is everyone talking about Impressive Popular Thing I'm Tired Of? Why is no one talking about Impressive Less Popular Thing I Personally Prefer?'
WelI, obnoxious OP, I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally have an aversion to checking something out if the first time I'm exposed to it is someone disparaging a similar thing that I already like.
It does not encourage me to go look at the thing you like if you not so subtly imply that I am lacking in something (taste/class/whatever) because I enjoy something popular which you do not/no longer vibe with and have not yet joined the enlightened Likers Of The Thing You Personally Prefer. I will also reflexively hiss if you imply that the skills needed to perform the Cool Thing I Like are Not Really That Impressive, and that people who are impressed are lacking intelligence.
Less 'Why Are You Idiots Still Appreciating That Cool Thing I'm Tired Of And Not My Objectively Superior Cool Thing.'
More 'If You Liked That Cool Thing, You May Also Like This Other Cool Thing.'
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panicismydefaultstate · 11 months
Using the internet and social media when you have OCD and intrusive thoughts is so fucking difficult and complicated. I’m constantly avoiding triggers and doing mental compulsions and have to remind myself the internet can be a hard place to monitor and we all sometimes see things we don’t want to or shouldn’t for our own mental health.
So another reminder to tag things as accurately as possible! For all types of content across platforms! Genuinely, a missed tag or unclear tagging of content can completely cause me to have a full on spiral of OCD mess and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone else. There are many reasons to accurately tag and provide clear CW/TW’s, and this is just one of them.
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what's my deal????
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If your social media profile doesn’t make you catatonically unemployable then you’re using it wrong.
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firespirited · 2 years
TIL that softblock is when you click Block then Unblock on a follower which forces their account to unfollow but they’re not actually blocked from reblogging your stuff or anything and could refollow you again.
I don’t really understand the point (I use dms to request an unfollow from kink or agere blogs with an explanation why it’s uncomfortable) but at least I know what the word means now.
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Module 1: Social Media Best Practices - Donald J. Trump
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It came as a surprise to many when former President Donald Trump was elected into office by branding himself as a businessman and not a politician. This resonated with a large part of the population that had developed mistrust towards their elected officials. While his campaign etiquette was questionable due to countless scandals and inappropriate tweets, it was expected by most that this persona would cease to exist or at least mellow down once he became the President. The tweets shared above illustrate the very opposite: in spite of holding the most powerful position in the country, Trump continued to publicize thoughts supporting his personal brand instead of maintaining the professionalism and eloquence expected of the nation's leader. 
On paper, Trump’s honesty and authenticity, which was often displayed through hostility towards others (as seen in the above tweets), should have resulted in the downfall of his personal brand given that he was no longer just a celebrity or an entrepreneur.  Interestingly enough, his unpredictability became predictable and he was able to win over his audiences. One of practices highlighted in module 1 is practicing good digital hygiene, which was evidently not practiced by Trump given the plethora of inappropriate tweets that are still publicly available, some of which have even found their way into a hardcover book. 
One of the online netiquettes states that one should not post anything that they would not feel comfortable saying to someone in person. It is reasonable to assume that a person with no prior knowledge of Trump would read the content of these tweets and feel that it might be easy to say such things online, and that the writer would likely not be so forward in their face-to-face interactions. Evidently, this was not the case with Trump’s campaigning as he continued to brand his lack of netiquette in a positive light, claiming it was simply a result of him not being a fraudulent politician.
Trump’s rise and fall from the presidency is perhaps one of the most unique cases one can study to analyze social media best practices since so many negative behaviours proved to be beneficial to his endeavours.
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kids-worldfun · 2 months
Top Ten Rules of Texting Etiquette For Children
How many hours do children converse with other children nowadays? If a child is not at school, do you see him/her talking on the phone with friends? Chances are that you would see them glued to the phone, chatting with someone. They prefer texting to talking. Texting is easier. Why? When you text, the other person is faceless. It is easier to communicate when the other person is faceless. In such…
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awwsamm · 2 years
Navigating Modern Dating: Concerns About Sharing and Seeking Information on Potential Suitors Online
The thread discusses how girls inquire about men who are pursuing them, often sharing pictures and seeking advice or "tea" on these men. One user specifically asks, "How do girls on here ask for tea on known men that are toasting them with pictures even. Like what if they look through this thread or someone tells them?" This highlights concerns about the men in question finding out about the thread, either by stumbling upon it themselves or through someone else informing them.
The conversation also touches on the anxiety of being just one of many women that a man might be chasing at the same time, as one user expresses, "And you happen to be the most recent girl he’s chasing/talking to. Maybe I’m delusional thinking I’d be the only one they’re chasing at whatever point in time." This reflects a common worry about the unrealistic expectation of being the sole focus of a man's attention during the early stages of dating or talking.
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The Power of Words: Online Friendships
I need to watch my words. I do sometimes. Because I can be misunderstood quite quickly. I have lost a couple of friends because of misunderstandings, and it’s been very uncomfortable being in that situation. I felt a loss of control and power. And lack of knowledge on how to handle it. I need to watch my words so that I don’t seem like I don’t care, and that I don’t come across as rude, or fake.…
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sparrownimbus2000 · 5 months
That bloody phone.
Daily writing promptHow do you use social media?View all responses Too bloody much, if I am honest. And too bloody much around my kids, to be honest. I am on my bloody phone in the car, while they’re falling asleep chatting to me… it’s in my damn pocket while I read them bedtime stories. And what do I bloody even do on it? Scroll social media, that’s what. Even though I am supposed to be…
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tishtashmarketing · 9 months
Building a brand’s presence is integral to any business, and it is a powerful tool. It can help a business engage with its target audience and drive sales. However, to navigate the social media landscape, we must understand etiquette to build a positive online reputation for our business.
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dragonly-plateau · 11 months
one of the BEST things about tumblr is that I baseline assume all news I see is incomplete/fake until otherwise verified (which usually, someone comes along to do). i EXPECT the misinformation machine and i am tricked LESS frequently because of it.
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Guys please Barbie has been out for like three days and I’ve seen so many spoilers (and recordings from ppl in cinemas?!?!?) on ALL platforms. Like what the fuck happened to spoiler warnings?!?!?
Ive legit seen more spoilers for Barbie scrolling on my feed in 3 days than I did for the entirety of the year it took for me to watch Infinity War after it came out. (Like I had no idea about the snap and who died at ALL). Because when ppl posted about it the often displayed a spoiler alert and gave you an opportunity to scroll away!
Please bring back spolier alerts!!!! I’m begging!!!
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rfswitchart · 1 year
Social Media Etiquette 101: Image Descriptions
Ok, so time for a lesson for social media. Suppose you see a person post a comic with words, but they didn't have alt text for some reason. Do you: A) leave a fair sized comment on their post explaining why they should put alt text onto their comic (I.E. they can't really see the words in the comic/can really see the image) or do you B) spam "image description" on all their posts in hopes they will magically put the alt text on the page? If you answered B, congrats, you're not helping anyone and are kind of a jerk. Not only that, but you're gonna possibly cause problems for people who are doing A because the creative might ignore those posts entirely. Yes, accessability is very important, but there is a right way and a wrong way to request it, and the wrong way can be detrimental to all of us. This has been a PSA from R.F. Switch, reminding you not to be a total Dickwad on the internet.
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