#soft rosekiller
percesdead · 20 days
evan who sits patiently when barty has meltdowns, picking up the shards of broken glass once barty crashes and holds him through the night so when he wakes up from flashbacks, he knows that evan's right there with him
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thedvilsinthedetails · 2 months
Evan loves running his hands through Barty’s hair and he finds it calming
Barty loves when Evan runs his hands through his hair and it really cheers him up if he’s feeling upset
sometimes they’ll just like sit. and Barty will have his head on Evan’s lap and Evan will be running his hands through Barty’s hair and they’ll be there for hours either in silence and sometimes Barty will even fall asleep [which is like woahhh because he finds sleep really hard] or like telling each other all about their hyperfocuses AND ITS SO CUTE MAN.
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bri-cheeses · 2 months
oh I just KNOW that Barty would steal the blanket on random nights. And on those occasions, Evan would be over on the other side, shivering and miserable because he just can’t wrestle the blanket away from Barty. But every time he brings it up, Barty always tells him that he should just “cuddle closer then” and not “sleep so far away” so they can “preserve body heat.” And Evan sighs and pretends to be annoyed, but eventually he gives in and Barty gets his wish. Cue Regulus waking up in the mornings and seeing Barty and Evan absolutely tangled up with each other, and being really confused because how did they even get into that position that cannot in any way shape or form be at all comfortable? But at the same time Regulus knows that they’re insane idiots, so it kind of makes sense despite all of that.
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showinalittlelife · 1 year
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bri-cheeses · 4 months
Barty’s solid body is a familiar foundation as they lay on Evan’s bed, their discarded homework scattered about on the floor. Evan loves moments like these, when they simply get to just be together in the moment. Nothing to do except be with each other. If Evan could pull Barty closer right now, he would.
Before Barty, Evan had always shied away from touch. It made him uncomfortable, a hug being just a different form of a cage, an arm slung around the shoulders nothing more than an unwelcome weight. But with Barty it was somehow different, comforting in a way that Evan had never known before.
And so really, it’s no stretch of imagination that Evan would crave contact from Barty. He has years of avoiding any form of touch to make up for, and only one person who he’s really willing to let make up for that lost time.
So he positively melts into Barty, snuggling closer and moving up a little bit to tuck his face into Barty’s neck. His fingers tighten in Barty’s hoodie and he inhales, relaxing even further against Barty’s body.
Merlin, Evan loves him. If only he could pull Barty closer, increase that contact between them somehow. He craves it, the way he craves air and water and food. It’s a need, one that Evan’s not sure how to fulfill.
Except… he might have an idea. It’s more than embarrassing to admit, though. Unfortunately, however, the words are out of his mouth before he can stop them.
“Will you play with my hair?”
His eyes immediately go wide and he tucks his face into Barty’s neck and groans, muttering “Never mind, never mind, forget I even asked. Please, please forget it.”
His voice is muffled due to his face being squashed into the mattress, but Barty is still somehow able to hear him.
“Evan,” he laughs, an arm that had been slung around Evan’s back moving up to tap Evan’s shoulder. It gets Evan’s attention easily enough, and he lifts his head to look at Barty. His cheeks are flushed red from his embarrassment, and wow, does Evan really want to just sink into the mattress and never reemerge right now.
“Look at me,” Barty says.
“I am,” Evan whines.
“No, you’re looking at my forehead so you can avoid making eye contact with me. Look at my eyes,” Barty says. Evan obliges, albeit somewhat reluctantly, making eye contact with Barty.
“Evan,” Barty begins, blinking calmly, “I am your boyfriend, right?”
Evan pauses before nodding slowly, not really sure where this is going.
“Right,” Barty responds, “and as your boyfriend, I want to make you happy, yes? And if the thing that would make you happy would make me happy, too, then it’s even better, right?”
Evan waits a beat before realizing that Barty wants another answer, so he nods again.
“I’m your boyfriend,” Barty continues, brushing Evan’s hair of of his eyes, “of course I want to do some mushy and gooey things with you, especially if you want to, too. Well, maybe not all the mushy and gooey stuff. We aren’t Regulus and James, for Merlin’s sake.
“But you should know by now that I am properly obsessed with your hair. Which means that I’d love to play with it. I just didn’t know if you’d like that or not, so I just haven’t tried yet.”
Barty says his next sentence with a wide grin on his face, one that’s dangerously close to becoming reminiscent of a smirk. “But rest assured knowing that now that I have permission, your hair will not go a day without my hand having been in it at least once. Feel free to take that any way you want, by the way. But you have been warned.” He finishes his monologue with a kiss to Evan’s head, one that has Evan smiling softly.
I love you, Evan thinks, as he tucks his smile back into Barty’s neck.
But judging from the way Barty’s hand comes up to play with the strands of Evan’s hair, he saw Evan’s small smile. And maybe, just maybe, he knew what Evan was thinking, too. And maybe, just maybe, he was thinking the exact same thing.
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