#soft sodo
you-know-honey · 11 months
The L rule
Part 2/2
Sodo/Dewdrop x f!reader
Summary: You know what they say about short boys...
Word Count:3017
Note: bad english, the L rule is something that until now I have only heard in Latin America but if you are from other countries and have heard it, comment :).
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"Ahg, why don't you just shut your mouth already!" Sodo shouted as he rolled over on her bed for the umpteenth time. He had been trying to sleep but the loud laughter, excited screams, and occasional music coming from Aurora's room had prevented him in each of his attempts.
He hated sleeping in total darkness so he could see himself reflected in the mirror at the foot of his bed thanks to the small lamp on the nightstand next to his digital clock, soon it would be 2 in the morning, he kicked a little between his sheets before sitting down and running his hands over his face, trying to relieve his stress.
He looked pitiful, her hair was tangled, her dark circles had turned red, her brain that hurt and he felt his body heavy like bad marriage. He didn't understand why he felt this way, but really wanted to close her eyes and sleep for at least 15 minutes.
He knew that Y/N had some sleeping pills in her room, she was always the last to be able to sleep and he knew it, he had seen her many times lying on the couch in the living room looking at the ceiling, when he got up for water. She had not seen him any of those times and it was better that way, she made him feel stupid with each of their interactions. Whenever they had to interact he could feel a huge wall between them and then she would just escape from it. She knew she had a difficult temperament, but not so difficult that they would run away from it.
Although in the rituals he loved to give Y/N the flowers that the fans threw for him so that he could be close enough to hear her voice and see the euphoria on her face at the screams of the fans, he did not have the courage to get on the his stage and playing alongside her as if Swiss and Phantom were doing it. After all, she always escaped from him outside of the rituals and her coexistence was almost non-existent in the ministry. So he didn't know how confidently she could go and wake her up to ask for a couple of sleeping pills.
He left his room dragging his feet down the hallway, the music outside was a little louder and there were no other sounds, only music, he didn't understand how the others could sleep. The hallway was completely dark and it was obvious that fresh air had not passed through there for quite some time. It's not like he needed light to really see where he was going. The closer he got to Aurora's room the music became louder, it was a long list of Pop songs that Aurora had made with the other girls, he knew it because he had heard Y/N and Cumulus talking about it after the rituals. In general it was not a musical genre that he liked, much less at 2 am.
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The knock on the door brought you out of your reverie, at first like a light distant touch and then like a nearby hammering. You tried to go back to sleep covering your face with a sheet but it was completely imprisoned by Swiss, in fact you were too. Aurora hugged you by her torso on the right side and on the left side you found Swiss open like a starfish, Cumulus and Cirrus had been more sensible and was sleeping comfortably in bed. You rubbed your eyes as you pulled Aurora's arms from your torso, dodged the popcorn on the floor and collided with the small table next to the door, holding in a scream of pain for the sake of your sleepover companions.
You opened the door enough to just stick your head out, as your eyes adjusted to being open again. The cold and darkness of the hallway welcomed you along with a silhouette that you knew very well.
"Sodo?" You asked and the silhouette raised its head. His blonde hair cascaded to the side of his face, his eyes were red from lack of sleep so his gaze was icy and even more intense than normal, he hadn't bothered to put on a shirt, so he was just wearing sweatpants. You didn't expect to see him behind the door, much less like that.
“Y/N?” He asked, his tone seemed surprised the same as yours. "What are you doing here?" he asked immediately.
You thought a little about the answer, perhaps because your brain was still a little sleepy. "A sleepover," you answered after opening the door, showing the rest asleep. You allowed him to pass.
"What a mess…" he whispered as he walked in and something crunched under his feet, praying it wasn't a gummy or something sticky, he took it in his hands. It was a leaf, the same one that Swiss had used to count the 'famous' L rule. That alerted all your senses, you wanted to rip the leaf out of his hands and eat it to make the evidence disappear. "What is this?" He asked as he opened the paper sheet. When he looked at the contents he exhaled a mocking smile and turned to you. "Satan, what were you doing at this sleepover?"
You clearly understood what he wanted to imply and you snatched the page from his hands. "Nothing." You crumpled it again and threw it near Swiss, now you wished he had never explained that silly rule to you and you regretted taking that test.
Sodo kept the smile on his face, 'it suits him' you thought when he saw him smile, it's a shame his reason was mockery. Your look revealed that you were not comfortable with the situation, you knew Sodo and you knew that he would not allow you to forget that moment, you did not have the courage to take him out of the room so you took a long breath and after thinking about it a little, to speak but he went ahead.
"Can you turn off the music?" He asked you as he massaged his temples, he seemed a little sore. "I can't stand that sound anymore"
You rushed to unplug Aurora's mini rainbow speaker, which seemed to relax him a little but not for long. He walked to the door ready to return to her room and held his breath for a moment before letting her go completely, it was a more serious pain than usual. You were afraid to ask if something was wrong with him, because maybe it wasn't your business to know, even so letting him be in that state wouldn't be a good idea. The ministry hated that the ghouls were up late 'mistreating' their earthly bodies.
"Are you okey?" You asked, a silly question, yes. But the best way to handle fire demon.
Sodo sighed as if gaining the courage to ignore his pain and say a word.
"My head hurts and I haven't slept at all. I'll drink water and see what happens" I sigh again, I was really having a hard time but I was convinced that everything would really change with a tasteless glass of water.
You looked at your sleeping friends and closed the door behind you, just you and Sodo in the empty hallway. He seemed surprised by your actions and he watched your every move.
"I have some sleeping pills. Do you want some?" You answered as you walked towards your room. Sodo wasn't surprised by your kindness, that's just how you were. But he was surprised that you did not hesitate to help him, even if his relationship was only cordial. He went after you like a little dog in the hallway.
"Thank you…" He whisper.
"Because?" You asked, grateful that you didn't have him in front of you and that so far your nerves were more than controlled.
"To help me, I know you don't like me but-" you laughed and tried to cover yourself with your hand "Why are you laughing?" Sodo asked seriously. His walk stopped as did yours.
"Who said I don't like you?" You said as if he had mentioned that the earth was flat.
"Maybe you," Sodo replied, crossing his arms.
"Impossible, I would never say that. Of course I like you" you responded with great confidence in your words.
His eyes seemed to create bright sparks in the darkness, a hint of illusion.
"Then why do you always stay away from me? This is the first time we've talked like that." A checkmate for you.
You remained silent, you couldn't say that wasn't true, your way of running away and concluding conversations quickly had made it impossible to carry on a normal conversation with Sodo.
You clicked your tongue and continued walking, although you couldn't see it you knew that Sodo had a victorious smile on his face. You continued walking to the door of your room, listening to his footsteps behind you, you had some ideas of answers to give him, but none seemed right at this point.
“Come in,” you offered as you opened the door.
The floral smell filled Sodo's nostrils the instant the door opened, he was hit by a welcoming sensation. The moon illuminated almost every corner of the room. He walked cautiously, looking at every detail of the place.
"It's nice" Sodo said looking at some details of the room.
"Thank you, I'll go get your pills" You opened your closet and searching through your small medicine box.
You could hear his bare feet wandering around the room, the sound of the bed sinking, and the heavy breath of exhaustion coming from his nostrils. The lack of light inside your small closet delayed the search, your hands moved nervously between pills. You were beginning to feel the atmosphere was beginning to become heavier for both of you, especially for you.
"Are those my flowers?" you heard him say, you turned quickly to see him point to the numerous bouquets of flowers framed above the headboard of your bed. The question left his lips with quite a bit of joy.
You left the search "Yes" and sat next to him on the bed.
"I thought you threw them away when they dried." He seemed so surprised.
"Why would I? They're gifts and…I love flowers." You responded with a smile. After every show where Sodo had given you flowers, you framed them with great care so as not to drop a single petal, that kind act always melted your heart.
"I thought they meant nothing to you," he shrugged.
"Why? Because they came from you? You act like hates you" you laughed again.
"And it is not like that?"
"No! How many times do I have to say it? I would never hate you." You sighed “I thought I was a bother to you, you always seemed tired around me.”
"No, I don't-" he stopped and took your hands in his as if on impulse. "Yes, I tend to be tired. But not of you, I could never get tired of you." Sodo was nervous to say something like that.
You were more than surprised by his actions, he seemed like a different Sodo than the one you saw every day, for the first time in a long time you managed to look him in the eyes and maintain contact, still as a statue. You didn't know what to do with this version of him. The moon made his hair shine and his expressions were soft and clear.
You cleared your throat and averted your gaze, resuming the conversation. "Eh, yes I…keep each of the bouquets. They are a nice gift…" you said although not very convinced that it was the best way to continue the talk.
Sodo's mouth opened, wanting to complain for taking the focus of your gaze away from you, he was an impulsive boy and he made it known when his warm hand slid through the air until it landed on your cheek and made you look at him again. You seemed so surprised, so unaccustomed.
"Why don't you look at me?" He asked in a whisper, looking into your eyes, you could feel your insides shake and your breathing stop.
“I…don’t…I…don’t know…” you said, the words swallowed up by the whirlwind of emotion in your head, leaving each sentence incomplete. "Your look is very strong…"
Sodo smiled showing his fangs, he was a beautiful sight, he caressed your cheek warmly and walked closer to you. "Does he intimidate you? Does it bother you to look at me?"
"Well… you usually have a 'special' temperament and sometimes it's-" You tried to say it as gently as possible. You had very rarely seen him fight with the other members, Swiss always intervened and was the only one who could control the little gremlin, the nuns did not want to go through the hallway if Sodo was there, there was something dark about that fire demon.
"Spooky? You think I'm spooky?" There seemed to be a hint of sadness, he moved his hand away from your face, as if it would hurt your touch, as if he didn't expect you to think that way.
“Sometimes” you confessed, assuming that would break the mood.
Sodo sighed, now he could understand why you never approached him, he never seemed to have the doors open for a chat and getting in the middle of his tantrums was something only a crazy person like Swiss would do.
"I'm sorry, I was always the problem apparently…" he said.
"Well…" you responded "We're talking more tonight than we have in recent years, that's a start isn't it?" You laid down on the bed, with your legs falling over the edge of the bed, making yourself more comfortable, inviting him to do the same.
"Yes, I suppose so," he took your invitation eagerly and laid down on the bed next to you, staring at the ceiling together, their hands inches apart. "Can I ask you something?"
"Forward." You assured, turning your head to look at him.
"Why were they investigating the L rule?" He asked, he clearly knew what it meant and wouldn't be surprised if it was talked about at a boys' sleepover but why would girls look for that? He didn't think Swiss had influenced them. Your face turned a light pink and you babbled nonsense that made him laugh. At this point his headache didn't matter. "Tell the truth"
"Well… The girls, Swiss and I were doing a silly test you know, the kind that predicts the love of your life" you took a sigh before continuing "So we did one about the band"
"What was the results?" Sodo asked curiously.
"The result of Cumulus was Mountain" Sodo made an O with his mouth, in his mind he was beginning to plot some small pranks to annoy his tall and shy friend. "Cirrus's result was herself" did not surprise him, Cirrus' self-love was infinite "Aurora's result was Swiss and Swiss's result was Aurora, it was fun to see their faces" you laughed remembering the scene and Sodo laughed with you, he could imagine Swiss having a brain block from being paired with her best friend.
"And what was your result?" You dreaded the arrival of that question.
"You," you said, turning your gaze to the ceiling, as if it were the most interesting thing you've ever seen.
"Me what?" Sodo thought maybe there was, that wasn't possible.
"You were my result Sodo" you told him as you exhaled nervously.
He lifted his torso like a spring, he was very surprised and turned to look at you, you felt so stupid. You were immediately going to apologize but he interrupted you.
"Wow, I didn't expect that" he laughed with pride and excitement.
"The test said something like: 'all good girls want a bad boy'. He also mentioned the L rule about short boys" you excused yourself, completely blushing, covering your face with the back of your arm.
"Do you know what the L rule means?" he asked with a double meaning tone and a suggestive raise of his eyebrows.
"Swiss explained it to us" You responded and felt the bed sink next to you, Sodo had gone back to bed.
"Oh then…" he took a few seconds "So what do you think of the result?" he asked you again, he seemed so curious or morbid about your answer. For a second he could imagine you thinking about him in that sexual way and a knot inside him tightened with pride.
"It's just a silly test, it doesn't really matter" You finished saying.
"I'm not your type?" He turned to look at you, you still covered your face and bit your lower lip, trying not to say anything else. Sodo longed to see your eyes and discover the true answer in your gaze.
"It's not that…" you spat that phrase from your gut, maybe you were trying your luck, there was nothing to lose.
He leaned on one of his arms admiring you with an amazed face. His hand slowly approached your arm, took it and imprisoned it on the bed above your head, your eyes took a while to get used to the darkness again and they opened wide when they saw him almost on top of you, his hair fell on yours, his eyes they were completely enveloped in you, traveling from your eyes to your lips with shameless frequency.
"Sodo, what are you doing?" you asked, hoping it was just you misunderstanding the situation. But there was a dark gleam in her gaze, as if a beast was screaming after the angelic beauty of her face.
"I'll become your type." You shuddered under her words, a shiver running through your body and hovering in the pit of your stomach. He smiled.
I know what's coming and so do you, someone help me write smut, I can't believe I've been writing fanfics for years and I'm still embarrassed to do it 😫
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ghuleh-anima-mia · 10 months
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♪ nothing wrong with that
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comp-lady · 1 year
I like the headcanon that Dewdrop was a lot more vicious and mean as a water ghoul than he is as a fire ghoul.
He was angry a lot as a water ghoul. He lashed out, verbally and physically. It's his time as a water ghoul that he built his reputation as hard to deal with. But people would still try and treat him softly, because that's what the stereotypical water ghoul is like. Which only made him angrier.
But boiling water is not soft or kind. It harms.
Meanwhile it's like his transformation into a fire ghoul burned away those rough edges. Made him softer and made him long for that soft treatment he got as a water ghoul. Of course soft isn't the sterotype for fire ghouls...
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dewdrop-confessions · 3 months
Cuddles against you, trying to get warm.
oh, hey.. jeez, you’re colder than rain. come on, we can warm up for a bit.
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opuswrites · 1 year
dew and mist have a special bond. when dew was transitioned from a water ghoul to a fire ghoul rain and the others were not summoned yet. (imo.) so there was only one water ghoul in the ministry who could help soothe the burning ache all over his body.
mist welcomed dew with open arms and calming whispers and coo's, cradling his face and rubbing his back, decreasing the forest fire that was currently going on in his bothered mind. she had a way with both her words and touch, calming the freshly transitioned fire ghoul however he needed to he calmed.
she would be with him every second of his transition, would cool him down with her powers, would bathe him and comfort him along with aether. (i like to think that she has a teeny tiny bit of quintessence in her)
since then, mist is one of the few people dew's never afraid of reaching out for when he feels weak or just had a rough day. after tours that did a number of exhaustion on him he would seek out her help and they would lay in a cold bath with mist's back against the tub, him between her legs laying on her chest while her arms hug him softly, cooling him where the water couldn't reach.
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ghoultemple · 2 years
“i’m here for you, cara mia”
how i think copia would take care of you when you’re feeling down (SFW)
first, i’d like to clarify i had a terrible time last night and was spiraling so this is how i think copia would take care of me (and anyone) who ever needed his assistance and comfort. enjoy babes
as always, copia is very agitated, so he’d get in the room with the sunniest smile simply for knowing you’d be there. but as soon as he noticed you’re not in your typical self — and he detects rather fast just for your stance; he’s very observant — his smile would drop immediately and run to you.
first, he’d ask what happened. if you did tell him, he’d try his best to find a solution (if there is one). if there’s no solution, he’d ask how he can be helpful for you.
if you need silence, he’ll happily be there by your side. if you need space, he’ll let you alone until you’re ready to have him back.
he’s very affirmative. his love language is words of affirmation, acts of service, and physical contact.
when you’re feeling down, depending on what it is, he’ll give you a massage on your back and shoulders. kiss some spots along your neck. nothing sexual; just lovely, smooth, and tender kisses to demonstrate how much he loves you. he’ll bake you your favorite cake, make some tea and give you some biscuits. sometimes, he’ll cook pasta with pumpkin sauce and a lot of cheese, the contrast of flavors filling your mouth while all he can do is gaze at you with a cheerful face.
copia is very snuggly, and he’ll embrace you as tight as he can if you ask. he’ll stay in bed with you, your head on his chest, while he caresses your head and arms. his legs wrapped around yours, humming a lullaby to ease you out of your mind.
he’ll always prefer for you to be vocal about your problems and what’s affecting you. it’s important for him to know what’s going on, and how to help if that’s what you want. he’ll be by your side the whole time no matter what.
copia will constantly make sure to know if he’s taking too much space, as if you need time to think by yourself. but he’ll always be available to take care of you.
lastly, he’d ask for the ghouls to join you when he’s too busy with church duties. he knows you love their company. rain would stay with you in silence, maybe watching a movie both of you like. mountain would bring your favorite flowers, you love to take care of them. sodo would act like a heated squishmellow, and let you hug him while he warms you. swiss would try his best to make you laugh with his jokes. aether would take good care of you, and make sure you’re safe in his arms while papa is away. cirrus would braid your hair — she knows you love it — while easing your mind with fun facts. cumulus would cuddle up with you and make sure you’re safe and warm, while singing one of your favorite songs. sunshine would make you laugh, she loves to see you smile. when they’re all together, they make sure to place you between all of them and take turns to be by your side and attend to your needs.
when copia is back, he joins all of you and whispers how much he loves you while holding your hand. he kisses your nose and lips, smiling at the sign of your presence. he loves you dearly, and would move skies and rivers to see you better again.
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Dew's Gift
Aether: Dew what are you doing here?"looks at the clock"
it's 3 am.
Dew: ''looks away'' W-well you know how we been together for a few years now?
Aether: yes?
Dew: and you know how it's the anniversary of your summoning right?
aether thoughts: oh shit, it is coming up! it's been that long?
Aether: yeah! Dew thoughts: Bullshit!
Aether: it was the day when i first met you.
Aether: you were a bit shy, Omega was kind of pissed, copia was esthat-
Dew: i'm not here about how things were different when you were summoned , this is about us! uh-i-mea-"starts freaking out"
Aether''blushes and flutters"
Dew''freaking out" ae- i-i-uh-
aether''put's hand on Dew's shoulder" dew breathe and relax, i won't make fun of you.
Dew''looks up to aether, breaths in then out"
10 minutes later...
Aether: better?
Dew''looks up" yeah...
Aether: now''clasps his hands together" what really brought you here?
Dew''smiles" alright then, Close your eyes! i promise it's not mountains skin nor one of cumulus collection's this time.
Aether''closes his eyes, chuckling''
Dew''places the gift in aether's hands'' what does it feel like~
Aether''squeezing/pushing it'' it's feels...Hard''feels it more" Sharp and rough.
Dew: What does it, Remind you of?
Aether: it reminds me of You.
Dew''smiling" Will you like it, once you open your eyes?
Aether: yes.
Dew: will you like it, if it was apart of me?
Aether''smiling" dew, yes?
Dew: will you still love me, either way now or forever?
Aether: Dew, is this a ri-
Dew: Aeth! tell me, Would you Still love me?
Aether''put's hand on dew's cheeks and caresses it" Yes, My Love.
Dew''nuzzles into the hand softly''
May i open my eyes, My Fire?
You may now.
Aether''opens eyes, looks down'' oh, it-
Dew: My horn''smiles''
Aether: how did yo-
Dew''laughs'' it was easy to find it once everyone had gone and some of you went on the bus to rest, try to force it on with glue didn't work''laughs''....''looks down''
Aether''looks at him''Dew...
Dew''looks up at him''
Do You Love it?
I love it.
A + D =
No matter What, i'll still love and cherish you even it's from a apart of you.
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lowkeyliminal · 1 year
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Sodo gets shy, Aether helps. Backstage after a long ritual, Sodo gets his reward for being a Good Boy (tm).
Full image contains omo and omo related content. If you do not know what this means, look it up first! Thanks!
Full image here
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Soft Sodo in ur new fanfic had me melting at 7am 💀 I can’t stop rereading it
I’m so glad you liked it babes <3333 it makes me happy knowing so many people enjoyed it
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ask-sodo-ghoul · 3 months
the kit huffed, touching the bubbles playing with them happily giggling.
The bubbles distracted them from the actual water as they giggled blowing bubbled into his face
*he smiled, putting some shampoo and conditioner in his palm, reaching down and scrubbing it into the kits hair and tail*
The water isn't too bad, is it, bud? You like the bubbles?
*he lathered the soap into the kits hair, trying to be as gentle as possible and making sure to get no soap in their eyes*
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gh0stchoir · 7 months
cannot get out of my head the thought that the ghouls/ghoulettes love expression is bites.
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comp-lady · 1 year
Dew likes to make little gifts for his packmates. All the time. Little bouquets of flowers and critters carved from wood or sculpted in clay. He's not a master craftsman, so they're always kind of wobbly and awkward looking. Still the pack absolutely treasures the gifts. Putting them in places on honor in their rooms.
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blanchebees · 10 months
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A soft Sodo with a flower crown
Tip jar
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asexualsinner · 1 month
Ghoul Hair Headcanons
This wouldn't leave my brain until I put it out into the world
Pin straight corn blonde that goes to his mid back
Very thin
Dry and damaged from his fire transition (Cumulus bullies him into letting her put oils and serums in it to help. He won't admit that he likes it)
Will wash his hair everyday/every time he takes a shower. This is sometimes multiple times a day. (Cumulus and Rain cry in despair)
Cowlick at the front part. Annoys the shit out of him when it dries funny
Let's his hair air dry after a shower
His hair used to be normally oily pre fire transition from the ministry's lake but noticed that if he swims for long periods of time his hair will be greasy and gross
Leaves hair EVERYWHERE. In the shower, on the furniture, clothes, you.
Uses everyone else's shampoo and conditioner bc he's too lazy to get his own
Will wear it up in a spider clip when practicing
Doesn't like people touching it, will let the other ghouls braid/style it on occasions or if they give him their best puppy dog eyes long enough
Somehow manages to not have bed head. Wakes up and his hair is fine. The pack considers this the 8th wonder of the world
Gets annoyed when his hair gets caught in his mask/balaclava bc he was too lazy to either tie it up himself or let one of the others do it for him preshow
Wavy hair that curls up just under his ears, blackish almost dark blue in certain light
Hair defies logic, will curl/wave in patterns that don't make sense
Uses 837+ products in it to make it glossy and soft after swimming (screams internally after Dew leaves barely a squirt of shampoo left in the shower and doesn't replace it)
Sleeps with a silk pillowcase
Will pin his hair back with pearl barrettes that papa gifted him
BEDHEAD. The WORST BEDHEAD out of all the ghouls. Wakes up looking like he lost a fight with a moose
Will let anyone run their fingers through it/brush it/style it. He will make you wash your hands beforehand though
Dries it using a cotton T-shirt. Usually the one he was wearing pre-shower
Washes his hair every 3-5 days
Brown 3b curly mullet/Mohawk
Shaves the sides bc he finds the hair tickling his ears and horns annoying
Usually has leaves or flowers caught in his hair
Bangs cover his eyes
Cowlick at the crown of his head
Oil? Seums? Who is she, bc Mountain has never heard of her
His horns make headbands impossible so he will use bobby pins to keep his bangs out of the way while in the greenhouse or practicing
Bobby pins are everywhere. In the greenhouse, the practice room, living room, kitchen, EVERYWHERE
Consequently knows how to lockpick doors with said Bobby pins. No he will not tell you how he knows how to do this
Wraps his hair in silk handkerchiefs to sleep
Will wash his hair once a week if he remembers
Shakes his hair out like a dog to dry unless one of the others corner him with the Dyson hair dryer. (He won't admit that he hates the sound it makes)
Will throw in leave in conditioner overnight
Let's Phantom and Aurora put in cute clips that he forgets about
Once showed up to practice with a head full of colorful butterfly clips bc he forgot about them. Copia didn't say anything, wanted to see how long it would take Mount to notice while head banging. He didn't notice the entire practice until one flew off and hit his drum set
Dark brownish black locs, sometimes will braid in colors if he's feeling like it. Mostly dark colors like burgundy or purple. Has been convinced to do gold before tours by the others
JEWELRY!!! LOTS of metal rings, cuffs and jewels. Loves being the shiniest thing in the room
Has as many if not more hair care products than Rain. Takes care to make sure his hair doesn't get damaged and is healthy
Sleeps with a silk bonnet to protect his hair
Has done fun style like space buns with his locs but will usually leave it down or in a top knot
Will wash it every 7-10 days or so unless it gets super dirty
Will take care of the rest of the packs hair, is the pack mom about it
Dew/Sodo frustrates the HELL out of him. What do you mean you don't use conditioner??
Will chew on the cuffs like a fidget toy
Takes great pride in his hair, will spend forever in the bathroom if you let him
If his hair isn't cooperating with him, that's it for the day you will not see him
Has injured himself/others while practicing from all the metal in his hair while headbanging/throwing himself around (was forced to wear a cone of shame during the rest of that practice)
Very wavy almost curly black hair with white streak on the left side
Hair thins out and curls around his shoulders with whispy bangs
Wolf cut girlie ✨
Soft and fluffy, loves to have his scalp scratched and hair played with. Will absolutely fall asleep while it's being done
Has tinted his hair with purple bc he likes the aesthetic
The others have found him in the bathroom at 3am with scissors bc he saw a trend on TikTok and wanted to try it (he was banned from scissors for 3 months)
Swiss cried when he saw it in the morning (what did you do??)
Forgets to wash his hair but is still better than Mountain about it
Washes every 5-7 days
Originally would use a towel to dry until he found the Dyson and now is a menace
Will chew on his hair until it's brought to his attention
Headbands, headbands, HEADBANDS! LOVES THEM.
Has demon horns ones, cat ear ones, regular ones, even those zig zag ones that hurt he doesn't care he loves them
Will use whatever's in the bathroom but prefers softer smelling products
Hates hairspray with a passion
Doesn't sleep with any special pillow cases, etc
Double cowlick where his bags sit and at the crown
Gets really REALLY bad knots at the base of his skull. Will cry when Swiss or Cumulus has to brush them out
Strawberry blonde short hair and shaved on the sides
Slicked back fade, likes the greaser look from the 50s
Do not touch this man's hair
Not only is it slicked back with 50lbs of product he will also bite you
Has sideburns
Somehow still uses 3-in-1 despite being picky about how his hair looks
Will sing into the hair dryer while using it
Hair is dry, not damaged but definitely not hydrated/healthy enough
Doesn't wear any accessories except for a beanie in the winter
Looks like a peacock in the morning, hair is just everywhere. Sticks up in every direction when he wakes up
Washes it everyday due to the product he puts in it
Fell asleep on the tour bus once and there was a grease spot left from his hair gel
Uses hair pomade that smells like vanilla and sandalwood
Goes through a jar of pomade every two days. The ministry's budget is crying, shaking in their boots bc of this ghouls usage of hair gel
Is a walking fire hazard from the gel
4b curl pattern, rocks the afro with bangs
Natural color is a dark reddish brown but dyes it fun colors like sky blue
Loves to tie it up with a cute designed handkerchief or bun, etc
Will accessorize with butterfly clips or spiral hair wyrms/Jewels
Washes it once a week but uses hair oils/serums daily
Bullies Dew/Sodo into letting her care for his hair
Is the go to for hair advice after Swiss
Uses a silk bonnet and silk pillowcase to sleep
Will use a cotton T-shirt to dry it/scrunch it and then finishes with the dyson
Second biggest hair shedder after Dew/Sodo
Will style it like Rosie the Riveter for practice
Doesn't like it when people touch her hair unless they ask first
Even then the answer may be no
Likes floral scented shampoo/conditioner
Straight flat hair with choppy bags
THICCCC hair, goes to the bottom of her shoulder blades
Platinum blonde but dyed underneath
Enjoys the shocked gasps she gets when she pulls her hair up to show the rainbow underneath
Doesn't hold a curl for the life of her, she's tried
Usually keeps her hair down, will do a low ponytail for practice
Twin braids on sides framing her face
Likes playing with the others hair since hers doesn't hold different styles well
No cowlicks but her hair knots horrendously. After show care includes at least two other ghouls trying to help her unknot her hair from her balaclava
Washes it once a week,prefers cinnamon scented soaps
Super greasy if she uses too much product
Is in love with the Dyson hair dryer, fights with Aether on who gets to use it as a mic
Thin, straight dark black hair to her mid back
Twinning with Dew/Sodo except she takes care of her hair ✨
Shorted whispy hair framing her face
Her hair looks blue in certain light, almost like an oil slick
Split ends? Couldn't be her
Favorite shampoo scent is mint
Will spend hours combing her hair
Prefers combs over brushes
Doesn't get bad bed head but her hair is super static-y.
Will wear twin braids when practicing or pin the braids to her head with clips
Hair always looks super elegant
Like Aurora her hair can't hold a curl
Doesn't use anything special to sleep with
Will wash every 3-5 days
Uses serums as needed but her hair is super hydrated
Very soft
Prefers not to be touched but will allow certain ghouls to braid it if asked
Is the one who bought the Dyson hair dryer, is super amused by everyone's feral reactions to it.
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ghulehcirice · 10 months
Lavender Fog [Phantom X Reader]
[A/N; am I posting a self indulgent fic for all my other phantom simps out there? Yes, yes I am. HE DOESNT GET ENOUGH LOVE:( also I see the ghouls as demonic pack creatures, AND NOT THE PEOPLE BEHIND THE MASK. Also this is really short but if if people like this I’ll write more]
Edit; please note that I published this when I was sleep deprived so there was no Beta Reading
Warnings; none really, Possessive?Phantom, this was supposed to be puppy!phantom but oh well!
Word count; 479 Words
Being a sibling of sin often had you busy, but you still had time for indulging. You had managed to befriend the nameless ghouls. The demonic summons brought up from the pit to aid papa with The Ghost Project, one of these Ghouls, Aether was retiring to stay back with some of the surface born ghoul kits and another, Sunshine was going to stay back with him, atleast for now.
This called for new summons. You were lucky enough to be close to the ghouls so they asked you to come and help them get used to humans. As of now you were sat outside an empty room in the section of the Abbey reserved for the ghouls. Waiting for the go ahead from Papa and Sister Imperator to come in, you had so far been told about the new rhythm guitar ghoul, who had allegedly been referring to himself as Phantom. You had been told by the other that newly summoned ghouls can tend to be alittle rough, something akinned to a puppy learning how to play. They just warned you to not appear like a threat.
Eventually the other ghouls go to meet him in groups of twos, you were being introduced last so he could accumulate to the idea gently. At last your brought in by Aether and you see Phantom sat in the middle of a nest, watching the door with caution. You make eye contact and all of a sudden it feels like your brain stops, you meet his lavender eyes, contrasting against his splattered black and white skin, you felt surrounded by a mist of lavender matching that of his eyes. Finally your trance is broken by phantom standing from the nest and stomping over to you, you attempt to step back, praying to Satanas you had done nothing wrong, but instead you are taken up into his arms , and being brought into the nest before he curls his spaded tail around you waist and enveloping you in his chest
You tried to look to the other ghouls for help only to find them seemingly snickering at your situation, gently trying to manuver out of his arms your pulled back in, quickly finding yourself being kissed by Phantom, Aether and Mountain come over to attempt to help you, shouting about how it’s not appropriate on the surface only for them to be growled at the ghoul who held you close, quickly collapsing into the soft embrace of the nest whilst still atop you.
“H-Hey guys can anyone tell me what’s going on?!” You should out from your rather warm, seemingly purring(?), prison. You can’t help but hear Sodo and Swiss laughing their asses off, before the ever motherly Cirrus speaks out
“I think you and phantom appear to have a kind of bond, my dear. It’s not.. common to happen like this..”
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𝔊𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔥 ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 III
What would it be like to sext/send nudes to the Ghouls and Papa Copia? 
Prompt by the magnanimous @endhisbloodlineinmyesophagus
Tumblr media
NSFW/Suggestive below the cut.
Count on this man to ruin the mood, not by his own accord (although he does get flustered)
It’s because of him misspelling things/not knowing how to work a phone
It barely matters though when you’ve got him hot and bothered and you know he’ll be thinking of you all day
You sent him a photo of your juicy thighs, pressed together from your seated position. Your garter belt just barely peeking out from underneath your short skirt. 
𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚜𝚘 𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝙳𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝙳𝚄𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶
Ducking, my heart?
𝙸𝚝 𝚠𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚢𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙳𝚄𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙳𝚄𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙳𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜
I’m fucking crying 😂
𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚎?
(You can practically hear him cursing in Italian, getting mad at the stupid phone.)
I’ll come by later to teach you how to fix autocorrect
𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝
If you send Swiss a nude just know he’s smiling devilishly
Tries to lick his phone/bite his phone
Just feral things
Wishes he could climb inside his phone and kiss the pixels of your body
He immediately goes wherever he can and strips down to send you an equally racy reply 
You almost drop your phone at his response. There’s Swiss in all his naked glory, standing proudly in a mirror. Fuuuuck.
𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗’𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝙸’𝚖 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚝
You didn’t give me any warning! Someone could have been looking over my shoulder!
If they were I’m sure they would also like what they saw
You’re incorrigible
Idk what that means  But I’ll take it as a compliment 😏
🙄 ... What are you doing right now? I need to see you
I’m getting ready for a ritual now but if we make it fast…
Say less 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️
His reaction to receiving a nude from you is best described in two words: 
Cartoon character
His eyes are bugging out and his heart is beating out of his chest
He practically drops his phone upon seeing the explicit photo you sent
I think I'm having a heart attack
Surprise 😽 did you like it?
When he doesn't reply, you actually get a little anxious (like, did he actually die?), but then it sounds like someone slams into your door and you about jump out of your skin.
You wrap your silk robe around yourself, barely getting it tied to answer the rabid banging at the door.
“Phantom! You’re all sweaty! Wait, did you run here?”
“Couldn’t. Stop.” He wheezes, “Had. To. See. You.” He collapses in a heap on the floor.
“Well you didn’t have to sprint here!”
He is still panting minutes later before he composes himself and grins up at you wickedly, “And you, vixen, didn’t have to send me photos of you naked, but here we are.” 
You've got a long night ahead of you.
You didn’t think much of the picture you took
It was provocative, sure, but not explicit
Dewdrop thinks differently though
He’s a sucker for a tease
Boy is off his leash going feral 
Got any more? 🔥
You want more?
Fuck, yes
You send him another picture, this one showing more of your soft skin than the last.
Fuck me
When and where?
All day and I don't care
He pings your location, he’s on his way.
You send him a text and a photo of yourself to accompany it
Rain’s phone is a lil slow though, so he only sees your text first
It’s not his fault
But it is his fault that he refuses to upgrade his phone...
I need your help, I fell out of my clothes 😏
Your phone screen lights up. Rain is calling.
You answer in a sensual voice, “Rain? Like what you s-?”
He interrupts you immediately, “You fell?!? Are you okay?!”
“Wait, what?”
He yells again, “Your text!!”
“Oh,” You pause, looking down at your message, “The photo I sent, did you get that?”
“Why would you send me a photo if you fell?”
An exasperated sigh escapes you, “Just wait.”
His phone pings, the picture message coming through finally. He sees a sultry photo of you, bare, in front of the mirror in your bedroom.
“Rain? Are you there?”
He spoke again after a moment, his voice about an octave lower, “I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
He does not text
Like, barely at all if he can help it
If you want to discover his weakness though, just send him a suggestive photo
This ghoul will wax poetic about your body all night long
Unless he's tired of course
Hi you
Hi I’m so sleepy
I’ve got something that will keep you awake if you want
You send him a suggestive photo of you in bed, the sheet pulled up just barely covering your body and showing plenty of skin.
Fucking hell
Yeah? What would you want to do if you were here?
The chat bubbles sit there for about ten minutes before you get antsy.
You send him a meme from SpongeBob: “One Eternity Later”. Still no reply.
I stg if you fell asleep…
The next morning you wake up to a text from him apologizing for falling asleep. A second message says that he isn’t going to tell you what he would do to you, that he’d rather show you instead.
You didn’t give her any warning, you were just feeling yourself so you sent a little slightly nude photo
Cirrus doesn’t have her phone on her though, it’s in her bag
The kicker? She and Cumulus have the same phone, down to identical phone cases which were gifts from Aurora 
Better not open your phone in public while waiting for her to reply
She will always have to one-up you
Cirrus’ phone buzzes, but she ignores it.
Cumulus holds it up because she thinks it's hers and reads the lock screen, “Cir - your ‘Midnight Snack’ sent you a photo message.”
“Could you open it and see what’s up?”
“Sure.” Cumulus pauses, clearing her throat, “Get over here, you’ll want to see this.”
“What could it possibly be -” Her eyes widened into saucers. "That little -"
"Are you going to reply?"
"Yes," Cirrus says confidently, "and you're going to take a photo of me to send back."
There is one thing for certain: her "Midnight Snack" is getting a treat tonight.
She carries her phone around of photo opportunities and to spam the group chat with memes only
You can send her a naughty pic if you want
But it’ll take hours for her reply
She will make the wait well worth your while
You send Cumulus about 20 or so texts before she finally replies to you.
She doesn't read anything, just sees the picture.
Look at you
It's about time!
You look good enough to eat
The moment is over, been over for hours Unless...
You're in luck, little temptress, because we're in different time zones So the moment is just starting for me
You play along, especially when she sends you a photo to up the stakes that has you falling to your knees.
Solely communicates via Snapchat, so it’s easy to get a little spicy
She doesn’t get what you’re trying to do though, at first
Once she catches on, all bets are off
What are you doing right now? 
The photo you send is slightly on the sultry side, your hair looking mussed, and your top undone a few buttons.
She sent you a picture back of her wide grin with the line: 
Just shopping! I wanted to get some ribbons for my mic stand 😁
Well what are you wearing?
Her next picture is from someone else’s POV of her body, she’s standing in a cutesy way in corduroy overalls with her arms crossed. 
Idk what this human outfit is called It combines pants and a top and I love it!
You smile at your phone, she’s so fucking adorable. You reply with a chat:
It’s called a jumpsuit, my sweet ❤️
Yes, that’s it! Cumulus says your first message was “sexting”?? 
Your face turns red and she sends another chat message in rapid succession.
I’ll be there after I check out! Don’t unbutton any more of that top! 🍽️
They're all truly living rent free in my brain rn
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