simplysquamb · 1 year
Hit 'em a bit too hard with the roller
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It doesn't show up on the replay but you can see me react to it.
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mavtech · 2 months
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Canine Catastrophe Leads to Communist Capers: My Dog Destroyed My iPad, Now I Have a "New" One from China (Don't Tell Apple!)
Let's face it, folks. Owning a dog is a constant gamble. You open your heart, you open your home, and sometimes, you open the door to find your favorite chew toy transformed into a drool-covered iPad graveyard.
That, my friends, was my reality last week. My trusty iPad, the one that held all my notes, games, and questionable internet searches, was now a mangled mess, courtesy of my overly enthusiastic golden retriever, Sir Barks-a-Lot (yes, very creative, I know).
Devastated? Absolutely. Broke? Also, yes. But then, a glimmer of hope emerged from the depths of the internet (a place Sir Barks-a-Lot is thankfully banned from). I stumbled upon a website that promised "amazing deals" on electronics – specifically, iPads that looked suspiciously familiar to my dearly departed one.
Now, I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but something smelled a little… well, like cheap plastic and questionable manufacturing. But hey, desperation is a powerful motivator, and the price tag was lower than a squirrel's self-preservation instincts. So, I took the plunge.
A week later, a package arrived (wrapped in what appeared to be recycled pizza boxes – a sustainability effort I can get behind!). Inside, nestled amongst packing peanuts that suspiciously resembled packing ramen noodles, was my "new" iPad.
Let me tell you, this thing is… unique. The Apple logo looks more like a confused pear, and Siri has been replaced with "Shiri," who speaks in a heavily accented monotone and constantly reminds me to "drink more water, comrade." The games are… interesting. There's "Angry Birds: Siberian Gulag Edition" and "Candy Crush: Proletariat Sweets."
But hey, it works! I can still write notes, play questionable internet games (though I swear the graphics are slightly more… socialist realist), and most importantly, keep Sir Barks-a-Lot entertained with his newfound chew toy (don't tell him it's his iPad doppelganger).
So, the moral of the story? Never underestimate the power of a desperate online search and a dog with a penchant for destruction. And if you're looking for a "slightly used" iPad at a bargain price, well, you know where to look (but maybe stock up on instant ramen and vodka for after-sales support).
Disclaimer: I am in no way endorsing questionable online marketplaces or iPads that speak in broken English with a communist agenda. But hey, if you're feeling adventurous (and broke), who am I to judge? Check it out at your own risk: [https://tinyurl.com/mr7a9aft] (Just don't tell Apple I sent you!)
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matt-the-ggg-guy · 9 months
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My laptop screen broke of its hinges so I put my engineering into good use
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m---a---x · 9 months
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I guess tumblr really wants me to see this post
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spotforme · 2 years
So, my youtube just called Mirrors by boc a hard-rock song. Like yeah totally.
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blackberryjamboree · 9 months
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dustofthedailylife · 9 months
Uhm... I'm not sure this is what tumblr is supposed to look like??
Or is this another new design attempt? /s /silly
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just-michael799 · 2 months
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Nice Peace Of Picture :)
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silver-ace-of-spades · 4 months
strangest scarlet violet glitches my cousin and i have encountered:
where did the table go? (me)
clavell with darker skin (cousin)
i (salandit, pawmi, etc) am inside your walls (both of us)
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enbleu-19 · 2 years
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[image ID: a screenshot of an iPhone popup confirming a pinned post (in French). the responses are ‘ignorer’ (French) and ‘yes’ (English). /end ID.]
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lum1n0s1ty223 · 2 months
Uhm.... Galvantula? Are you uh. Ok?
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goodnightwindy · 2 years
should i get reddit
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
Which subreddit would irritate Ren more, HardwareGore, SoftwareGore, or TechsupportGore?
✦゜ANSWERED: I'd put Ren's ass on blast in r/malelivingspace for thinking that living like this is perfectly fine, so I don't think r/hardwaregore or r/techsupportgore would irritate them much ^^; His phone screen is also cracked to kingdom come and he refuses to put a phone case on, so suffice to say, Ren probably wouldn't care.
r/softwaregore might get a rise out of him, however, because Ren needs his interfaces to look/work a certain way — or else he won't get anything done jkgsjhd
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sneeb-canons · 3 days
heart gets really offput by images of guns, military-related stuff, and anything related to animal abuse [specifically gore of birds makes him really eueegh] so when he and mind are watching movies, or just scrolling youtuber or some other social media, mind watches very carefully for those things and tugs heart's blindfold down onto his eyes when a trigger appears. mind also has triggers [mostly guns like heart but also he hates softwaregore] but he has this system that turns off his eyes and audio processors when he gets triggered, kind of like a blacklist! also heart LOVES regretevator [specifically he adores pilby and split and scag] and often convinces mind and soul to play with him, and soul can identify what floor they're on within a millisecond of the door starting to open, so he warns heart on the landmine-type floor so he doesn't get triggered. soul is DEFINITELY a wcue player, and mind only plays roblox when he has to with his brothers.
^ has all those triggers and plays regretevator w my partner i am projecting so hard
Headcanon #609
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king-minisculetale · 4 months
[Blood, spider, softwaregore cw]
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Anti-Error by @A-V-J
Fatal-Error by @Xedramon
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britt-kageryuu · 3 months
Leo is streaming. His model is only in his mask, wraps, and a blue hoodie, and sitting in the blue inflatable chair. He's play Stardew Valley, doing some mining. River is next to him with a couple 'light screens' in front of her.
Leo: So I still don't know which romance route to chose this time. I went with Shane the last time I played before restarting for the stream.
River 'snorts' before slowly starting to laugh. Chat is flooded with cuteness overload.
Leo: Do you think my choice in the guys of Stardew is funny?
River holds up her hand like 'give me a sec' and calmed down to talk.
River: No, I was reading a ebook Dee let me have access to. There was a grammar error that just hit a bit funny.
Leo's model reflects the amusement on his face.
Leo: You're laughing at a grammar mistake? Dee must be proud.
River: Well the line says... oh I misread the line. There wasn't an error. Darn.
Leo chuckles a bit and pats Rivers model on the head.
Leo: How does a smart program like you misread something?
River: Have you ever looked at r/softwaregore? Or run into a glitch in a game! It happens to the best of programs!!
River is now pouting, and glaring at the light screen that their ebook is on.
Chat is still very much overwhelmed with cuteness. Memes were made of this interaction that were popular among fans. River knocked out a few people to vent her frustration.
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