#sokka and oc are best friends
demaparbat-hp · 3 months
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Izumi (steambaby) sketches.
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seyaryminamoto · 5 days
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My latest completed commission may have been a bit ambitious... because I went wild with it. But I certainly relished in doing so :') Combining my favorite ship with my favorite-ever Disney movie is, uh... a dangerous concoction :'D
The commissioner specifically requested for Azula as Mulan, Sokka as Shang, and Xin Long (my OC dragon from Gladiator) as Mushu. The rest of the cast was up to me to choose, and I pretty much went wild rewatching this movie and picking out some of my favorite moments to recreate them in my style, with these characters. I came up with a lot of correlating characters between both ATLA and 1998's Mulan, but I couldn't hope to draw EVERYTHING, unfortunately. Still, if you want my reasoning for the cast correlation... check out the Read More! Beyond that, feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to commission me, or if you want to join my Patreon!
The Herbalist as Mulan's grandmother might feel arbitrary but she honestly felt like the ATLA elderly lady with the most similar personality to Grandma Fa. Fickle, with a unique connection with a seemingly perfectly ordinary animal, old and sassy? Figured it fit! So for once, the Herbalist is Azula's grandma! xD strange notion, I know, Azulon/Herbalist is not a ship I ever thought I'd accidentally put out in the world but there have been wilder ships than that in this fandom...
Momo became Cri-Kee, I wasn't 100% sold on it but when I considered that Avatar features soooo many hybrid animals... I figured he could be a hybrid cricket-lemur. Weird, I know, but eh? Better than nothing xD
Aang as Chien-Po was a no-brainer. He's the only character I settled on instantly, never even considered anyone else for the role. Their personalities line up really well, and Chien-Po's tendency to be OP and resolve things that are outside of other people's reach sounded like he was prime Avatar material! So, while their dietary preferences are an obvious difference between them, I decided to go for it nonetheless considering all their other similarities!
Kino (another Gladiator OC) is Ling, and he actually did give me a ton of trouble to choose. I considered many characters for the role right up until I realized that Kino's personality actually lines up fairly well with Ling's, down to being a class clown type (who ABSOLUTELY would have cut gym class!) and breaking out in song about the hypothetical woman he'd like to fight for? Yeeeeah that's right up his alley xD but there's another reason why I picked Kino...
... And that is my likely unexpected choice for Yao:
(For the uninitiated, Aang, Zuko and Kino are best friends in Gladiator, very often together, and they make a really good team, so that's the extra reason why Kino became the obvious choice for Ling aside from having really similar personalities, definitely closer personalities than, say, Jet, for instance.)
People have likened Zuko to Shang a LOT since ATLA aired. This is the main reason why I'm even making this huge note! I suspect it's primarily because of the aesthetic, let's be real here, and because he becomes Aang's teacher, but people have exaggerated Zuko's alleged similarities with Shang, or taken them out of proportion, in many ways. I actually remember an AMV ages ago with "Be a Man" and it was Zuko "training the Gaang"?? It... didn't feel right to me. Obviously, someone might rebuff with "well, how does Sokka make MORE sense than that, though?" And believe it or not, I have arguments for that... (when do I not...?)
Not only is this what the commissioner specifically requested (and it obviously lines up with the ship we love!), but let's examine the actual reasons why Sokka as Shang adds up:
Sokka actually had to train a bunch of toddlers who weren't paying any attention to him. You know. Kind of how Shang had to train the unruly soldiers who weren't getting anything right. Sokka has a positive relationship with his dad (Zuko, ofc, does not). Shang also has a positive relationship with his dad! And not only this, but there's a military component to both relationships, specifically with Shang wanting to follow on his father's footsteps and aid him in the war... so much like someone else I know, who jumped at every opportunity to rejoin his father in the war, even wishing to join him as a child until Hakoda tasked him with protecting their Tribe instead (kinda like Shang is tasked with training soldiers rather than joining a battlefield).
And the final cherry-on-top that I'd loooove to hear Zuko fans try to argue against... is sexism :') didn't Sokka get characterized as a sexist guy for four episodes, which made people decide that this was his main character trait even if it went away that quickly? Um, yes, that happened. Shang literally sings the memorable song that's a crazy ode to masculinity, including the rather sexist line of "did they send me daughters when I asked for sons". Shang outright abandons Mulan once they discover that she was a woman all along (while, admittedly, choosing to abandon her rather than KILL HER, which as we saw from Chi-Fu, he was NOT supposed to spare her!)...
So, is this REALLY what Zuko fans, who willfully believe their boy is a feminist king (... why? beats me...) are trying to compare their unproblematic blorbo to? :'D Me? I have no problem linking Sokka with Shang due to Sokka's beginnings and due to the fact that both Shang and Sokka have similar growth when it comes to accepting femininity is as valid as masculinity, and as they both learn to respect women as fighters and potential heroes! (I simply do not believe Sokka's ENTIRE tenure in ATLA was about that, though, and that's what I continue to clash with the fandom over...) So... all this is why I've reasoned that Sokka is a VERY solid choice for Shang, in fact, better than Zuko could hope to be.
... but this isn't all.
Maybe some might accept my arguments for Sokka-Shang. And then, they might ask:
... And the truth is it took me long to see it, myself, but HOLY SHIT, DOES IT FIT!
What is the primary thing we remember about Yao in Mulan? This guy is constantly itching for a fight, to prove himself, surely riddled with insecurities that he exteriorizes through overcompensation of masculinity. He's funny as fuck, but he's taking himself 100% seriously as a manly man all the time, and he's always ready for violence. But there's one more thing...
He treats Mulan as his RIVAL.
And more often than not? SHE SCREWS HIM OVER. Intentionally or not.
What does that sound like? Why, yes, it sounds a LOT like Azula and Zuko's sibling relationship!
The fact that Yao is a temperamental dude who lashes out easily at things (oh, something he has in common with Zuko!), that he specifically resents Mulan (in this case, Azula, just as Zuko does!) and is either constantly looking to defeat her and prove his superiority over her (... wait, just as Zuko with Azula??), that he has a black eye perpetually across the movie, and it's his LEFT EYE (just as Zuko's scar is on his left eye! :'D), that he's friends with a pacifist he has basically nothing in common with, personality-wise (just like Zuko and Aang!), and that he pretty much has a REDEMPTION ARC in which he goes from a bitter, asshole rival to Mulan to treating her as a friend and ally, to the point where he was disappointed to leave her behind and THEN joined her at once when she says she has a plan? :') I have always been critical of Zuko's redemption arc, goes without saying. But if ANY of these characters redeemed himself in any significant way, it certainly seems to be Yao to me, and with people gushing NON-STOP about Zuko's redemption? Why, he ought to be the character who goes from bitter rival to loyal friend, right?
So. I'm not even sorry. Zuko is Yao. And I'd dare say that he should be flattered by the comparison, even, because Yao ends up being cool as FUCK!
I don't really talk about this much nowadays, but Mulan was my favorite Disney movie growing up, it ABSOLUTELY had a formative influence on me as a little girl, and Mulan was my favorite female character for a looooong time. Thus, any excuse to rewatch this movie makes me happy as heck. With the wisdom of age I know, of course, that it's not perfect, it's not what China wants, it's not the most thoughtful depiction of Chinese culture or the most faithful adaptation of Mulan's poem (... but I'd also dare bring up that the 2009 Chinese adaptation ISN'T all that faithful either...), but it has a kind of magic in it, a solid storytelling flow, so many memorable moments one after the next, that I could hardly choose which scenes to depict... Disney has never again seen the storytelling heights it reached with Mulan in 1998. I don't even care if that's a controversial opinion in any way... this is their best animated feature for me, and nobody can change my mind.
So... depicting Azula, my beloved, in all these scenarios as this character I adored and idolized as a child, was so damn fulfilling for me. While some might think that, personality-wise, these two ladies don't have much in common, the fact that Mulan is sent to a matchmaker who basically tells her she looks good but is going to be the worst wife ever...? Our girl Azula, with all those insecurities about being unloveable and a monster, probably would relate big time to that.
Mulan is also an INTELLIGENT soldier rather than a brawny one, which is how she starts to make progress in the army, it's how she manages to overcome the huns with that avalanche... and Azula's primary difference with most other antagonists in ATLA is that she's smart as fuck. She is very strong, no doubt, but a LOT of that strength comes from her intelligence, from assessing situations in unique ways, from planning and strategizing. The way Mulan finds the most unexpected solutions that still pay off reminds me a lot of how Azula achieves unexpected feats through rather unorthodox means, capable of taking over a city with basically no bloodshed while her nation has spent 100 years trying and failing to do so through major army incursions and who knows how much senseless violence. Obviously, I'm not saying what Azula did is GOOD and it's kind of dumb that we always have to point that out... I'm merely comparing the magnitude of the feats, and the fact that they both come from ladies who use strategy and intelligence to achieve their goals rather than muscle and physical power.
And while anyone would rage at me for the comparison between Fa Zhou (her dad) and Ozai, the truth is the dynamic between them CAN be compared, if loosely: Mulan literally goes to war to keep her father safe. Azula goes to war under her father's orders. Hell, she makes herself BAIT in the Eclipse to make sure the Gaang won't get to her dad?? While it's very much possible to say that both characters have different personalities and attitudes in life... I'd also bring up that their contexts are evidently completely different. I wouldn't say for certain that Azula, had she been raised outside a Royal Family, would be EXACTLY like Mulan... but they might have more similar traits than one might expect. Ultimately, though... I love them both. And this opportunity to swap their places was pretty much a dream come true!
Alright, that was plenty of rambling xD ultimately, I had a blast doing this commission, as I'm sure is obvious by now. So! If anyone wants to commission me, feel free to check out my prices right here and hit me up if you're interested!
#sokkla#sokka#azula#mulan au#xin long#zuko#aang#kino#the herbalist#momo#if you squint he's there okay he is just too damn complicated as a hybrid cricket-lemur alright#Xin Long is scale-less because he was too small and it was gonna look weird so for once he was a little less tricky :'D#I wish I could've had MORE epic scenes really this movie is a goddamn GEM#goldmine of glorious moments#it's just wonderful#I usually get sick of things as I work too much with them...#... Sokkla and Mulan are clearly a glorious exception to that rule#I wish I could've put in scenes with other correlating characters#Combustion Man was gonna be Shan-Yu#Chi-Fu was gonna be Long Feng#I can't remember who I had in mind for the emperor anymore#wasn't Kuei because he had to be old but welp#and yes it's too bad it's too sad there are not enough female characters here for the rest of the ATLA female cast...#but while I BRIEFLY considered making Toph one of the trio (Yao ofc)#the naked scene convinced me of the opposite quickly#... Toph would not succeed at convincing anyone that she was born a man she would straight up not even try#she'd just beat everyone up and scare them into shutting up#and while I'd LOVE to see that... it absolutely takes out the stakes from Azula being discovered as a woman pretending to be a man :'D#how tf would you kick one girl out while keeping the other one in the army#when the other one should be bold enough to stand on a rock in her birthday suit showing herself off in front of everyone
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that1garrulousfan · 3 months
🌸 - Interacting with a canon character
🎀 - Dress them in your favorite outfit and/or an outfit you wish you had
🔥 - a r s o n
🎃 - Halloween costume
🦾 - Robot or cyborg
🎤 - Singing
🎁 - Reacting to a present they received or waiting for a reaction from someone they gave it to
🛍️ - Shopping
👑 - Royalty
😈 - Villain
🖤 - Emo/punk/grunge aesthetic
🪡 - Working on a sewing projecting (or crocheting!)
🔪 - Horror art
🧥 - Investigator or a detective
🎬 - Film director
🤿 - Snorkeling and/or swimming
🥸 - Disguise
🍂 - Autumn
🍀 - St. Patrick’s Day
🪖 - Soldier
👾 - 8-Bit
🧤 - Gardening
⛲️ - By a water fountain
🎄 - Decorating a Christmas tree
⚽️ - Playing soccer/football
🏀 - Playing basketball
🏈 - Playing football
🎾 - Playing tennis
🏐 - Playing volleyball
⚾️ - Playing base ball/soft ball
🏓 - Playing ping pong
🪵 - Gathering firewood or just with logs/wood
🎡 - At a carnival
🕷️- Reaction to a spider
💐 - Giving or receiving flowers
💌 - Confession
😒 - Annoyed and/or sarcastic
🤣 - Laughing
🎫 - Buying tickets
✈️ - In an airplane or at an airport or boarding the plane
🐚 - Collecting seashells and/or at the beach
🤩 - Amazed
🌝 - Waiting for a reaction (specifically a prank or something obvious or “You’ll see” expression)
🎮 - Playing video games
🍔 - Eating a burger or other fast food
🎒 - Buying school supplies and/or getting ready for school
☔️- Standing in the rain with an umbrella
🌂 - Going out into the rain
🚗 - Driving and/or driving test
💅 - Painting nails
🧣 - Wearing a scarf
🤳 - Selfie (maybe with a few friends)
🪺 - Stumbling across a bird’s nest
🍳 - Making breakfast
🛹 - Skateboarding
🥧 - Baking a pie and/or cake
🪩 - Dancing and/or at a party
🤡 - The character’s most embarrassing moment
✨ - Star gazing
⛳️ - Playing golf
🪅 - Breaking a piñata
❄️ - In the snow
🛝 - In a liminal space
🐍 - Their reaction to a snake
🍉 - Eating a fruit
🍽️ - Setting up a table (maybe as a waiter for a restaurant or just a family/friend dinner?)
🕶️ - Wearing cool shades
🥠 - Opening a fortune cookie
🩰 - Ballet
🎼 - Learning and/or practicing music
🎯 - Playing with darts
🚲- Riding a bike
🛴 - Riding a scooter
🎪 - At a circus (maybe a d i g i t a l one???)
🖼️ - Admiring art (or not)
🍋 - Trying to eat this
🍨 - Eating an ice cream
🥯 - “A bagel… Two bagels.”
🎢 - On a roller coaster
🎭 - Acting
🛶 - Kayaking or canoeing
📸 - Taking pictures of random objects for no reason :]
🪐 - Trip to space and/or on a planet
💻 - Working on something on the computer
🙌 - With something they admire
🌶️ - Trying a spicy pepper
🪨 - Rock climbing
🪃 “Wanna know the difference between your honor and my boomerang, Zuko?” “What?” “Your honor will never come back.” “THAT’S NOT FUNNY, SOKKA—“
⛽️ - Getting gas
🧭 - Using a campus
🏕️ - Camping
🌳 - Sitting under a tree
I may reblog and add more later but I hope this helps for now!! Best of luck y’all!! 💖
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ma1dita · 7 months
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jo's birthday event!
helloooo! i turned 23 on march 13th, so in hopes of ignoring my waning existence and time on this earth, i’ll be hosting an event open until march 23 so i can celebrate with all my online friends woot woot
the collection (ongoing)
this event is pertinent to the following characters (that i’m in the mood for atm, unless you can convince me otherwise):
luke castellan, the marauders, regulus black, weasley twins, spencer reid, steve harrington, zuko, jet, sokka, farleigh start (bro im scared to write him but i want him bad)
for luke requests, i'll take anything for the trouble!verse too!
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drop the following emojis into my inbox:
🐥 drop an ask for a short blurb/headcannon! send me a prompt and i’ll get to work as soon as i can (check requests for guidelines -> will write fluff, smut, angst, crack)
🍯 describe your favorite character, yourself/your oc, and an aesthetic/color & i’ll make you a moodboard (can cater to one of your fics if you send me the link)
⚡️ tell me a scenario/link a fic about you & your favorite character & i’ll tell you what song it reminds me of <3
🥂 send me an ask about anything you want! come chat, be my friend—tell me unpopular opinions, tell me how you perceive me, fmk, movie recs, even about your day, i’m here for ya!!
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hope you enjoy or else i'll look real stupid if so 🫨 i'll do my best to get them out as fast as i can xoxo, jo
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yikes-kachowski · 2 months
Hiii! I dropped by on accident and found out your avatar headcanons and OCs so so nice
I gotta ask a few curiosities of mine if that's cool? *takes out a notebook and a pen*
- since katara and zuko are a thing, did it make their friendship with aang weird or was he cool with it instantly? And how did it even began for them? Did it followed the show's events? Did Aang even got a crush on Katara?
- What happens to Azula?
- How does all these next gen kids react when Korra shows up? Is it weird, is it fine, is it all the same? I mean, they all knew the previous avatar and he was pretty much their family and all. Tho I think them having their own lives also mean it's not that much of a deal?
- Is Katara still one of Korra's teaching masters?
- Sokka's kids get along?
- Does Tenzin and Bumi eventually get okay with each other?
- Korra still loses her connection to the past avatars and therefore Aang? Do they even talk, like he did to Roku and all?
- do you have any other headcanon or change of other characters from tlok or tloa that you mind sharing? like, a plot from tlok that you think it could be better improved or discarded, or something that happens on your universe and you haven't talked about yet?
Sorry for this such a big of an ask, i really REALLY liked these ideas you had (and your art is also amazing and so awesome and pretty too 💞).
heyyyy anon! sorry for the late reply, i hope you still see this.
First of all, thank you! I love genuine interest in my stuff I never expect it. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy and clever. ALSO thanks for complimenting my art! i'm a slow artist so my blood sweat and tears (mostly tears) are in every drawing !!!
onto answering your questions to the best of my ability:
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1) Aang is completely cool with Katara and Zuko's relationship. He's basically their biggest shipper :) He did have a crush on Katara (and Zuko tbh), but he was able to let it go pretty quickly. As the Avatar, after the war he was almost too busy to even be sad about it. Overwhelmingly, he was just happy for his friends
Also, Katara and Zuko get together after the war, when Katara's about 17 and he's about 19. Katara goes to the South Pole and they fall for each other through letters and short visits.
Most show events aren't really taken out for me. Just really the kiss right at the end.
2) Azula has a redemption arc. I like to think of it as being a redemption arc she herself is hardly aware of. She just thinks she's really in the long haul of fooling the gaang into liking her. Her redemption arc starts immediately after the war because Zuko keeps her safe in the palace.
Aang becomes her friend first and encourages everyone else to give her a chance. Sokka provides an outlet for all of her older brother issues, since she and Zuko have an awkward relationship. And Katara is tutored by Azula in Fire Nation etiquette and history so she's better equipped to be Fire Lady.
sorry if this is confusing, but believe it or not this rambling all makes sense to me.
3) Korra is very important to the next gen kids, aang's kids and the zk especially. Her arrival is in the middle of great political conflict that never would have happened if Aang wasn't murdered, so they're eager to get her in on the Avatar business.
My idea with Aang dying so young, is that all of his business is half finished. His kids didn't get real closure for their relationship. So Bumi, Yelaan, Palkyi and Tenzin all have complex feelings toward her. Bumi's in particular are very intense.
Being around Korra FEELS like being in his father's presence, which is hard for him. He doesn't want aang to have been a good person or a good father because then he'd really have to miss and mourn everything he was gone for. but this is a lot and hard for me to say so
the steambabies also need Korra and consider her central. They watched their parents' reactions when Aang died (particularly Zuko), and that has affected them deeply. Sakari has been advised to always follow the avatar, so she's happy to have guidance. Besides, she hopes the Avatar will restore and era of peace since she worries for Bumi and Akiak.
Akiak has changed since Aang died, a lot. In ways he's not always proud of. Facing Korra is somewhat hard for him for that reason. Especially since sometimes she opposes some of his methods. He thinks her way of bringing peace is naive.
Tophs kids (and Tenzin to some extent) are the same :)
4) Yes! Katara is one of her waterbending masters. I feel like when you're an Avatar's Master, that's your role for life. She already knows how to train the Avatar. She, Zuko, and Toph taught Korra in the right order, and are old friends with her. Korra has already met the whole Gaang even if she doesn't see Toph or Zuko as often as she'd like
5) I usually choose not to give Sokka kids. I feel like he doesn't want to be a father (even though he'd definitely be the best at it). He and Suki work too hard and have agreed they just aren't super interested in kids. He and Suki are full time Aunt and Uncle to all of the Next Gen. Now, ive made some OCs for asks and I'd say that they do get along :)
6) Bumi and Tenzin's relationship is ROUGH in this story, but yes, they do. It takes a while but eventually they're only mildly hostile with each other. Tenzin helps Bumi reconnect with Air Nomad culture, and Bumi helps him commune with the spirits better. This is jumpstarted by Korra.
7) Korra does keep communication with her past lives! But her path to being a fully realized Avatar is much more difficult. The decision to raise her in a compound was a mistake, and so her growth as an avatar is severely set back. This means, she speaks to her past lives when they reach out to her (and she's in tune enough to listen). Aang is not easy for her to talk to, but eventually she masters it. She doesn't really tell anyone because she's scared everyone will then only want to talk to aang, not her.
8) First of all: for atla, i write very particular cultures and geographies to expand the universe. They affect things in only minor ways for the most part in atla. Also, Aang is trans. I love it too much for it to not be true (if youre wondering how he had kids he made deals with spirits)
Now for tlok. In my opinion, it's very necessary for the different conflicts to not have clear starts and ends. These should all be interweaving conflicts that everyone's caught in the middle of. Not only does this facilitate a lot more character interactions, but it also builds stress and feels realistic.
Mako and Bolin are former triad members and pro athletes, they should be rougher around the edges. Also, Mako would NEVER EVER become a cop after seeing the direct damage they cause marginalized communities. I think that perspective would be very important for korra as an avatar.
Season two plotlines should just be a civil war between north and south. Tbh, I'm not digging all of the subtle ways the north takes over the south, and I imagine the south isn't either. They separated from the north for a reason, and then during the war, the north didn't even help them. The tensions were rising and Aang never came up with a good long term solution when he was alive, and that affects Korra.
Season three's plotline can mostly stay the same except there is no harmonic convergence that introduces new airbenders. The airbenders are the group that they are. They're travelling the earth kingdoms doing peace talks since much of the earth kingdoms don't want to be under ba sing se. Particularly the Si Wong Desert. Aang was in active peace talks when died and was never able to come up with a long term solution.
Season four is also mostly the same except no mechs or spirit nukes.
All the while the equalists are raging on at home.
ANYWAY. thanks for the ask! I hope you see this after i posted it SOOOO late.
See the pattern? Korra must fill aang's shoes while also dealing with all of his unfinished business. Every character serves a unique perspective that helps inform korras decisions.
I dont think these ideas are perfect and the only way to write Korra, but I think they make sense. They help tell a story Im more interested in.
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ao3feed-zukka · 7 months
Into the Blue
Read now on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/loM3ReG by Theas_Works Sokka and Zuko have been best friends since high school. They didn't start on the right foot, but have since made a life long bond. Now having gone through college at Ba Sing Se University together as well and have since graduated and stayed in extremely close contact. Like three city blocks close. After all, they're best friends After all this time and effort of laying down the dozens of egg shells used to walk around eachother and their respective feelings, they throw caution to the wind and turn the egg shells that where so delicately placed into dust. Will their relationship, platonic or romantic, meet the same fate. Words: 10388, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar) Relationships: Sokka & Zuko (Avatar), zukka, Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Additional Tags: Mentions of Katara - Freeform, Mentions of Appa, Mentions of Bumi, OC, mentions of Aang - Freeform, Mentions of Gyatso, Gay Zuko (Avatar), bi sokka, Friends to Lovers, Original Character(s), Best Friends, high school buddies, College buddies - Freeform, Alternate Universe, BSSU, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Kinks, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Mentions of Soccer Player Sokka, Mentions of Martial Arts Zuko, Zuko(26), Sokka(25), 420, Mentions of the Zaza, Aged-Up Character(s), Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Recreational Drug Use, Historical Pining, Pining, Boys In Love, Bisexual Sokka (Avatar), things get heated, first fic, Porn with Feelings, How to rearange tags, Tagging is the hardest part, Modern AU, Sexy Time, Sokka with piercings, Chronic Pain, Some Plot, Mostly porn, ok wtf is tagging Read it on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/loM3ReG
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paragonrobits · 7 months
anyway so a thing I've noticed is that if a character is popular enough and they wind up paired off with a specific other character (whether or not its shipping related, though it probably will be, but for the purpose of this thought the actual nature of the pairing is irrelevant), those characters and their specific dynamic are almost inevitably completely unrelated to canon and as such, any sufficiently popular characters get bounced around in fandom and take on new traits based solely on fandom interpretations without reference to canon at all, and as such are a kind of community-built OC
one example of this is the post-ATLA rennaisance depictions of Zuko and Sokka. Apart from being paired together to such an extent that Zukka is now one of THE big ships in the fandom, there are a lot of particular elements to their characterizations in fandom that have absolutely no basis in canon. Among other things the depiction of them as virtually being joined at the hip, them being a hyper competent duo who are very close and coordinate as world leaders, fluctating between that hyper competence and being comic relief dumbasses for fun and profit, often being depicted as the true motive force of the protagonist's collective (with Aang, if he's even considered at all, being a spiritual motivator at BEST), Sokka as a super intelligent technical genius and Zuko as a tremendously emotionally intelligent Soft Boy, and so on...
None of that has any actual basis in canon. Zuko and Sokka barely interact throughout the entire series, not even after Zuko joins the group. The excellent dynamic they have in the Boiling Rock double episodes is probably the source of this, for as good as it is, they really don't interact that much; the small interactions they have outside of it aren't substantial but DO present good starting points for fan works, but the point here is that its not actually represented in canon.
So they don't seem to be particularly close friends; they default to what Aang wants to do and trust in him as their guiding force; Sokka might be a creative person but he's not technically skilled enough to actually build any of the machines or devices the fandom credits him with, and Zuko's about as emotionally intelligent as a rock. Or given his association with turtle-ducks, perhaps some kind of snapping turtle-swan; even on his best days he's kind of a temperamental, hyper-aggressive dick that defaults to snapping at people at the slightest pretext (to the point that NOT exploding at mild teasing is a massive sign of character development for him at the end of The Firebending Masters).
But anyway this is some roundabout ways to make the actual point here; that looking at the particulars of fandom-specific characterizations and dynamics might be an excellent way to come up with solid character concepts for your OCs.
Those fandom specific characterizations functionally ARE OCs, with as little relevance as they have to canon; they are community-generated, so to speak, and might be a great source of character inspiration if you're lacking a more solid idea.
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naviaknell777 · 1 year
THE URGE TO WRITE FULL BOOK STYLE FANFICS THO!!! I have two requests still left to do but I have so many other one-shot and full book ideas. Here’s all the full book ideas I have so far. I’ll need to finish requests before I write anything else but what do you think of these ideas? Any one I should start first in particular?
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x OC (Maricielo, her design and character sheet is on my art insta at vera_prime_studio) -> she’s also a hero and miraculous holder
Steven Universe x human reader (future! Series) -> at beginning of the Future series she moves to beach city, befriends Steven, maybe even falls in love?
Donnie x OC (Veron, her character sheet also on my art insta), who’s a turtle yokai
Sans x monster reader -> who’s Sans’ bestie and they experience life while Frisk is on a genocide route.
Sokka x reader -> They’re a firebender who was abandoned by their parents, the GAang reluctantly takes them in
Edalyn Clawthorne x OC (Sairi, who’s character sheet is on my Wattpad), she’s had an on and off crush on Eda since high school (and they’ve been best friends ever since) and they finally get together during the plot of the show
Ofc, I’ll let you know of more ideas if I get any, but that’s all the long term fic ideas I have rn. Lemme know what you think!
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carbondioxda · 5 months
Instincts and lovebirds (p.1)
Sokka x firebender!OC
c/w: swearing!! this is my first time writing an oc x canon so this may or may not be the worst thing you’ll ever read??, basically Sokka and Zuya making fun of Katara’s crush on Jet. This is also pretty long by the way. Written in third person and I usually avoid using adjectives that have informations regarding looks but I want you to have an idea of how Zuya looks like.
a/n: first time writing in the atla universe<33, english isn’t my first lanuage, please tell me if I make any mistakes
also just like in my previous posts, my way of writing dialogue might be different than what you’re used to.
I haven’t introduced my oc Zuya on this page at all, so maybe I’ll do it in a separate post. I hope you like her.
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This whole encounter was weird. First, Sokka swore on his instincts that they all should walk instead of flying on Appa and then suddenly they’re being saved by a bunch of kids from being ambushed. Yet somehow, even though they were saved, something didn’t feel right. Zuya felt as if they were still ambushed or captured in some way. It was plainly uncomfortable.
Jet, Smellerbee, Longshot, Pipsqueak, Sneers and The Duke. They didn’t seem like a usual vigilante group. More like, wild children mixed with pirates. Zuya noticed some dirt on their necks and hands, they must’ve hardly ever bathed. Only Jet seemed to vaguely know what hygiene is. Even if Sokka’s instincts proved to be incorrect, right now the bad gut feeling he had was shared with his friend, Zuya.
- Psssst. - the brunette hissed to Sokka, while Jet’s friends were looking through the fire nation’s supplies.
- I’m right next to you, idiot. - he hissed back, but louder. - If you wanna talk shit about them I’m here for it, just don’t hiss like a wild animal. - the boy crossed his hands, looking at his friend.
- Okay, okay I just wanted you to get the goddamn hint.
- I know what you’re gonna say. - he begun.
- They look suspicious as hell. - they both said at the same time. Zuya tried her best not to point it out, so that he wouldn’t feel too special about guessing what she had on her mind. That would get into his head. Everything goes right into Sokka’s head, actually.
- Katara doesn’t think so. - Zuya choked out, pointing her head to the girl’s direction. Katara was thanking Jet for their help. Sokka seemed to run out of ideas on commenting this whole thing. He rolled his eyes. - I mean, it’s nice of her to thank him but her voice is high pitched and she’s kinda getting red.
- What? What do you mean? - Sokka squinted his eyes to see better, as if that was supposed to help in any way.
- Seems like your sister has a little cruuush. - Zuya teased, twirling her dark hair around her finger to mock Katara.
- Hell no, why this freak of all? Why couldn’t she perhaps, I don’t know, have a crush on Haru?
- We were in that village for two or three days, it’s better for everyone that she didn’t.
- We’re not gonna be here much longer either.
- It’s best if none of us has a crush. Any kind. It would only slow us down.
- Same thing! This whole Jay, or whatever his name is, isn’t all that. Just look at him. What the hell is that in his mouth? A straw? Grass? Is he a cow? - Sokka tried to come up with a creative insult.
- You’re just bitter because your life-saving instincts didn’t work. We should call them life-ending instincts, cause you know…cause we were ambushed.. - Zuya giggled. Sokka’s glare was digging into her. Even if he wasn’t very intimidating, she wasn’t going to test his limits right now. - No, but seriously. We should get out of here before we even have the chance to meet those guys closer. I know the type of mr. nonchalant, it’s not gonna end well. It’s for Katara’s own good.
They followed the group, because Katara and Aang wanted to see their secret hideout. It was pretty obvious their spot wouldn’t be on the ground, given that the trees were the tallest they’ve seen and tents or houses would be too easy to spot. However, Sokka didn’t really think about it.
- Soo, Zuya, right? Are you from the Earth Kingdom? - Jet asked. She was in the same attire she left her village, Kyoshi. She was taken in by the village’s members when she was just a young child, nobody really expected her to grow up to be a firebender.
- Yeah, I’m from The Kyoshi village. - she replied.
- Are you an earthbender?
- Actually she’s- - Katara begun.
- A non-bender! Just like Sokka. - Zuya corrected her quickly. The rest of the gaang didn’t question it.
- A, nice to know. Explains a lot. Hey, you two, grab those handles. - Jet suggested, turning to the ,,non-benders”.
- What does this thing d- - Sokka was cut off, being plunged into the air. Zuya couldn’t react in time, sharing the fate with her friend and soon grabbing onto the thick branches for dear life.
- Look, shit, look! - Zuya tugged on his arm.
- What?! - he asked, just now getting his head out of the leaves. She grabbed his chin and pointed him to look down, where Katara and Jet where smoothly flying upwards to the hideout. - I’ve had enough, we’re getting out of here as soon as possible. - he commented.
- They’re having their movie moment in there. - she said, noticing how Katara’s face is constantly red from all of the blushing. - How cute.
- You seem to be having a moment too. - Aang startled them. They didn’t notice him flying up. It slips their mind that Aang can literally levitate.
- A moment? We’re having a moment of hanging onto a tree branch. - Zuya said loudly, still recovering from the Aang jumpscare. Sokka turned away and climbed onto the wooden plank attached to the tree that led to the hideout.
They caught up with the group and Jet showed them around, talking about how amazing his ,,freedom fighters” are in being a pain in the Fire Nation’s ass. Sokka looked like he was in agonizing pain the whole time, and even more when they sat around the fire. That’s when Jet did his whole inspiring speech.
He sat down, separating Sokka and Zuya from Katara and Aang.
- Hey Jet! Nice speech.
- Thanks. By the way, I was really impressed with you and Aang. That’s some great bending back there.
- He’s great, he’s the avatar. - Katara explained. - I could use some training. - she was blushing again.
- The avatar? Nice. Very nice. - Jet seemed to be so pleased about that fact, it made them pretty uncomfortable. Sokka’s instinct must’ve worked at that moment.
- Sorry, but we need to leave tonight. - he said, cutting their conversation short.
- Yup, we should’ve left earlier, we can’t slow down. - Zuya added to back him up.
- Sokka! Are you kidding, I needed you for an important mission! - Jet whined.
- What mission? - Sokka’s ears perked up, even if he didn’t get too excited. A mission was enough for him to be convinced, knowing him.
- Tomorrow, we have to do a patrol and make sure The Fire Nation doesn’t attack or anything. - Jet tried to bribe him. - You could use a good night’s sleep for once.
- True. We’ll get to the North Pole, Sokka, let’s just use this occasion. - Aang spoke up.
- Only for one night. We can’t stay longer. - he gave in. - I’m going to sleep now, if you don’t mind. Me and Zuya stayed up all night to guard the supplies. We’re tired, right Zuya?
- Right. Exhausted.
- You can go to the hut on the left. - Jet said. - Goodnight!
- Goodnight. - Sokka spat out, before taking Zuya by the wrist and leading her away from the group.
- There’s no way you agreed to stay just to go on a mission, Sokka. - she hissed at him again. - It’s not even that important!
- Oh shut up, I’ll finally do something for once. Maybe they’ll give us some supplies for that.
- They won’t give us shit.
- Let’s just go. - he said, entering the small hut they were given to sleep in. They tried their best to ignore how annoying the newly met people were and just got ready for bed.
- Why did you tell them you’re a non-bender? - Sokka suddenly asked, when Zuya was brushing out her long hair. She usually wore it in two long braids, but this evening was a good occasion to brush it all out and distract herself.
- Gut feeling. They hate the Fire Nation.
- You’re not from the Fire Nation though?
- And how would they know that? It’s better to tell them the short version instead of explaining myself. I’m not planning on using fire here anyway.
- Good point. - he put his hands behind his head and laid down. - I’d love to see you firebend the hell out of them, though. - he added with a smug grin. It made her smile.
- Maybe I’d do that if I could firebend better. I only know a few moves. I think I might’ve noticed something. Sokka? Can you braid my hair?
- Yea…what did you notice? - he positioned himself behind her. Gran gran taught him how to do Katara’s hair when their mom died, he never really forgot how to do it.
- All of the ,,freedom fighters” have strange outfits. They’re so mixed. Jet has parts of the Fire Nation attire mixed with the Water Tribe’s clothes, or The Duke? He has everything in green and yellow, traditional Earth Kingdom colours.
- So, what are you saying?
- I’m just saying…don’t get into any trouble tomorrow. - she sat while he braided her hair. - Or your outfit might be worn by one of them soon.
- Thieves are the last thing I wanted to encounter. Still, why would I get into trouble? I’ll just pretend to be their friend or somethin’- he asked, already aware why exactly.
- You know damn well why. You’re going without us on that mission, don’t try to act like a smartass.
- I won’t. I’ll try to, at least.
- Promise me you won’t. I don’t wanna have to run to save your sorry ass again.
- Again? Excuse me. - he tugged her hair on purpose.
- Ow! Yes, again. If I wanted go count all of the times where I had to drag you out of someone’s hands I’d run out of fingers. - she grabbed his hand to stop him. Sokka scoffed at that. - Can I braid your hair too?
- No, my head is pounding when you do my braids, they’re too tight.
- I’ll be more gentle? - she smiled, just as he was finishing her own braids. He sighed.
- Just this once. - he finally agreed. - Don’t make them so tight.
- I’ll try.
- You don’t look exhausted. Is Sokka hitting on you again? - Katara asked when she entered the hut with Aang. She was in a good mood, who wouldn’t be if they found themselves a love interest?
- Not today. - she pretended to be let down. Or she wasn’t pretending.
- Just for the record, I’ve never done that. Focus on hitting on Jet, Katara.- he insisted.
- Stop moving so much or else I’m making the braids tight.
- You can’t deny it. Back in Kyoshi, Omashu and when pirates tried to take us. - Aang counted on his fingers and then shoved them into grumpy Sokka’s face. - And that one evening?
- You forgot the boat thing. - Katara reminded.
- Right, boat thing too. - Aang smiled like the cute kid he is.
- It wasn’t intentional. My charm is unbeatable, what can I do about it? Happens on it’s own.
- All of you should go to sleep. - Zuya said, carefully making small braids on Sokka’s head. She finished up and for the rest of the evening, thankfully nobody brought up the topic of Jet and his friends.
Zuya was abruptly waken up by Sokka, right when he came back from the mission. Katara and Aang must’ve already gone somewhere.
- Wake the hell up Zuya, they’re psychos! - Sokka shook her by the shoulders.
- Stop shaking me! - Zuya’s green eyes were barely open and the boy was still blurry in her vision.
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kigozula · 1 year
300th Chapter Celebration Weekend
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All readers!!
We prepared a new fun event for Gladiator.
17th - 18th June
After 10 years we officially reach the 300th chapter. This event is not only to celebrate the 300th chapter, but also for appreciating and revisiting the second part of the story. The other two events from the past took place before part 2 even ended.
Below (under the cut) are different kind of questions. Most of them are part 2 focused.
If you want to partake in this event, all you have to do is answering the questions, choose and guess. The last part contains a guessing game and a quiz, which is new. This event is more expanded than the previous ones.
Feel free to reach my askbox or message me if you do have any questions. I will be posting my answers early that day or even one day prior. You can take a look if it might help you with ideas.
CHANGE: The correct answers of the quiz will be posted on Sunday before the event ends!
Doesn’t matter if you have a Tumblr account or not. Everybody can participate. You can post it on your blogs or submit it to me here. I will post it then.
Another change:
A friend just brought to my attention that tumblr does not allow people without an account to send asks or submissions anymore. I didn’t know that.
If anyone wants to take part, feel free to send your entries to my fanfiction account if you have an account there, I am also Kigozula there.
My account on FF. Net
If I had known this new policy I would have thought about something else... sorry guys. If you see this after this weekend, you can still send your entries ;)
Don’t forget to tag us @kigozula & @seyaryminamoto and use the tags #sokkla & #gladiator300thchapter (and any more you feel like). We can find the posts and try to reblog everyone’s entries.
We wish you fun and hope for many participants!
Important note: I am making something nice here. I talked with Seyary before starting this event. I made it for her, for readers to have a chance to share their favorite stuff and because I love Gladiator. Nobody has to take part. Please be respectful, careful and have fun! =) As mentioned above (askbox/pm), if there are questions.
Pair/Couple (besides Sokkla)
Suitor for Azula
Place (any houses/island/cities…)
Event (weddings/festivals…)
Sokkla Kisses in Part 2 when they become finally a couple
Sokkla Love Making
Part 2, or Part 3 (so far)
Zuki Family or Mai Jian Family
Festivals Arc or Anniversary Arc
Captain Rui Shi or Captain Fei Li
Ozai or Zhao
Gladiator Brawl, Sponsor Race, Pairs Tournament or Scavenger Hunt
Xin Long or Appa
Azula’s Squad or Sokka’s Squad
Ty Lee or Mai
Shoji or Kino
Ruon Jian or Haru
A Place you would like to visit or live
If you could give Part 2 a title it would be
Something you look forward to
Best Arc(s) in Part 3 (so far)
Favorite Sokkla Artwork from Part 2
Future Ships you think will happen
Azula and Zhao will divorce when/because of …
When Hakoda meets Azula and Hotaru for the first time …
When Ozai and Ursa see each other …
I think Ozai's future looks like...
When Azula finally visits the south pole, I hope/wish/think …
First things Azula and Sokka will do after their reunion
QUIZ: (The correct answers can be found in my post on June 16th)
Name of the first Gladiator Sokka fought against?
How many years are Azula and Sokka a couple now?
Which character found out about Azula and Sokka’s secret relationship first?
Which character felt something might be going on/will be going on between Sokka and Azula from the beginning?
What’s the name of Ozai’s first love?
What was the first Gladiator event Azula and Sokka took part in?
How often did the Blue Wolf fight in the Slate?
Who would have almost been the potential future prince?
How old was Aang when he was forced to freeze himself and Appa?
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello everyone, I am looking for a few fandoms! Some are very niche! I am open to canon divergence, alternate universes, or making our own universe based off basics from the fandom! I am also looking for some original plots based on some vibes/themes listed below. I require a writing sample! I am looking for advanced novella (discord limit at least 2x please, acceptable grammar, etc). All writers and characters will be 18+! I do prefer FxF but MxF is okay if the characters mesh well together! I DO NOT double, other than that I have no requirements, no triggers, etc. Characters I write as are listed first, followed by who I ship them with!
1. Harry Potter:
Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle, Harry Potter.
Narcissa Black x Lily Evans, Alice Longbottom
2. Avatar: The Last Airbender
Princess Azula x Sokka, Suki, Katara, Aang.
3. John Wick
John Wick x Female OC
Male/Female OC x Male/Female OC
4. (Horror): The Perfection, Prom Night, The Descent, Cabin In The Woods, etc.
Male/Female OC x Male/Female OC
5. Resident Evil
Sheva Alomar x Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine
Jill Valentine x Chris Redfield, Carlos Olivera, Claire Redfield
Rain Ocampo x Alice Abernathy
Leon Kennedy x Ada Wong
Male/Female OC x Male/Female OC
6. Disney's Holes
Female OC x Female OC
7. Twilight
Rose x Leah, Bella
Male/Female OC x Male/Female OC
8. Game of Thrones
Dothraki Male/Female OC x Male/Female OC
9. Narnia
Susan Pevensie x Female OC
Other Fandoms, Inspiration/Vibes: Harper's Island, Yellow Jackets, The Wilds, The 100, Star Trek, Star Wars, Prisoners, Novitiate, Lost and Delirious, Disobedience, Brokeback Mountain, The Covenant, etc.
Original Plot
Religion, Religious trauma, Angst, Horror, Psychological Horror, Enemies to Lovers, Childhood best friends to lovers, Opposites Attract, Modern, Supernatural, Euphoria Vibes, etc.
Honestly, anything dark and icky and cute and sweet, something interesting that has a lot of plot development, character development, lots of angst, fluff, soulmates! :)
Hope to hear from you! Please like or send a writing sample and what you're interested in to azula#8183 on discord!
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Avatar: The Last Air Bender: 
Back in the classroom
!modern high school reunion au!
pairing(s): implied!sokka x reader, platonic!zuko x reader
summary: zuko had a mini freak out at their high school reunion and the reader tries her best to keep him company
Good morning
pairing: Sokka x Zuko
summary: quiet and calm mornings are the best and no one knows that better than Sokka and Zuko.
pairing: Sokka x Zuko 
summary: The two young men went out but they had two very different perceptions of what the night was. Eventually Sokka just had to show him instead of dropping all of the unnoticed hints. 
After work phone calls 
pairing: Sokka x fem!oc
summery: Sokka gets a concerning phone call from his girlfriend after work and he knows he has to see her.
pairing: Sokka x fem!reader
prompt: “I found a waterfall!”
Just a little rain
pairing: Zuko x fem!reader 
prompt: "We're in the middle of a thunderstorm and you want to feel the rain?"
Legend Of Korra:
Remember me
pairing: General Iroh II x fem!reader
summery: Your husband has been out of  communication with you for days and your daughter just wanted a lullaby.
Marry me
pairing: Wei Beifong x fem!reader
summery: You and Wei only just became a couple a few months ago but one night in Republic City changed that for the better. 
The Dragon Prince:
Bittersweet reunions
pairing: Soren x fem!reader
summery: after you choose to join Callum, Ezran, and Rayla on their journey and travel the kingdoms to save the dragon egg, you finally get to see your best friend again, however the circumstances aren’t at all what you’d dreamed of.                       
Heir to Love & Lies:
Honeymoon Morning
pairing: Sergio Jimenez x fem!reader
summery: The morning after your wedding is spent with quiet conversation about the future in an intimate moment.
pairing: Manny Ribera x reader
summery: Manny told you to dress up but he thought you needed something else, only the best for his querida.
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larz-barz · 1 year
If you have requests, these are the things I will do:
Fem character x male reader✅ (not rlly my forte but I’ll try my best if it’s requested:))
Male character x fem reader✅
Male character x fem character✅
Male character x fem oc✅ (just describe your oc so I can write her properly)
Fem character x male oc✅ (once again just describe the oc so I can write him properly)
Fandoms I’ll write for:
Demon Slayer✅
Characters I’ll write for:
Demon Slayer: Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Genya, Kanao, Inosuke, Rengoku, Mitsuri, Aoi, and Muichiro
Mha: Deku, Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, Momo, and Uraraka
Tbhk: Hanako, Kou, Yashiro, Aoi, Akane (Idk much abt him but I could try to write for him), Mitsuba, and Tsukasa
Atla: Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Katara, Toph
Scenarios I’ll write:
Abuse (physical and emotional)
Friends to lovers
Comfort after nightmares (can go either way)
(just bc a scenario isn’t on here doesn’t mean i won’t write for it, if you request something and I’m not comfortable with writing it then I’ll lyk!:3)
Scenarios I won’t write:
Sexual abuse
Enemies to lovers
Anything to do with suicide or self harm
If you have an emergency request just specify that it’s an emergency request so I can know to prioritize it!:)
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ao3feedzukka-blog · 7 months
Into the Blue
https://archiveofourown.org/works/54464254 by Theas_Works Sokka and Zuko have been best friends since high school. They didn't start on the right foot, but have since made a life long bond. Now having gone through college at Ba Sing Se University together as well and have since graduated and stayed in extremely close contact. Like three city blocks close. After all, they're best friends After all this time and effort of laying down the dozens of egg shells used to walk around eachother and their respective feelings, they throw caution to the wind and turn the egg shells that where so delicately placed into dust. Will their relationship, platonic or romantic, meet the same fate. Words: 10388, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar) Relationships: Sokka & Zuko (Avatar), zukka, Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Additional Tags: Mentions of Katara - Freeform, Mentions of Appa, Mentions of Bumi, OC, mentions of Aang - Freeform, Mentions of Gyatso, Gay Zuko (Avatar), bi sokka, Friends to Lovers, Original Character(s), Best Friends, high school buddies, College buddies - Freeform, Alternate Universe, BSSU, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Kinks, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Mentions of Soccer Player Sokka, Mentions of Martial Arts Zuko, Zuko(26), Sokka(25), 420, Mentions of the Zaza, Aged-Up Character(s), Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Recreational Drug Use, Historical Pining, Pining, Boys In Love, Bisexual Sokka (Avatar), things get heated, first fic, Porn with Feelings, How to rearange tags, Tagging is the hardest part, Modern AU, Sexy Time, Sokka with piercings, Chronic Pain, Some Plot, Mostly porn, ok wtf is tagging March 14, 2024 at 04:49AM
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ssreeder · 1 year
omg i don't think you can even begin to imagine how fucking happy i was while reading this chapter. i love happy zukka, they are so !!!! together thank u thank u thank u thank uuuuuuu.
i became fucking insane reading this i swear, i love how you write, all of the characters you write about feel so human and real and full of details and feeling i love it. like, ara is such a complex character i really enjoy reading her. i enjoy reading anybody actually and like, i sometimes forget that some characters are ocs instead of actual alta charters. i love katara and suki being besties and the interactions between toph and sokka. AND ZUKKA AJS2(+#+$IDO!!!!!!2?2(2929. omg just omg. i love how caring they are for eachother and I'm so glad they are more open and touchy with eachother, i now feel like they can actually start to heal together.
OOOO talking again about Ara, i maintain my point about wanting her to have some friends and to heal because she deserves it!!! i support womans rights and woman's wrongs (jk, I'm still a bit angry at her for like everything she did to zuko and i want to se some kind of interaction between them but at the same time i feel bad for her). oh and jet, yey I'm glad he's not dead and he's starting to realize how much of an asshole he was!!!! i also really liked the piandao bit, because it made me remember how much time everyone (hopefully) has to heal, so please don't kill anyone sreeady ☺️☺️
i love love love love love love love love love your ocs and your characterization and your worldbuilding and your writing and how fuckin long your chapters are!!!(god when I saw the wordcount of this one i almost screamed of pure joy). i am your biggest fan sreeady i swear 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
anyways, i am excited about the next chapter, i really want to read the whole family dinner thing because that could either way go akward asf or low-key bad (of hopefully good but i don't want to get my hopes up). i am not really excited about azul, don't get me wrong, i love her, but I'm really scared about what will happen when she finally arrived and stuff happens.
as i always say, i love you, you are the best and i hope you have the best week/month/anything ever because you deserve it (you have no idea how long I been waiting for cuddling zukka 🙏🙏🙏)
I’m really thrilled you enjoyed the last chapter haha, because honestly sometimes I get so used to writing angsty drama that I get to a soft scene & im like hmmmmmmmmm do i even remember what that is?? Haha.
I AM SO THANKFUL FOR YOU OMG!!!! you seriously have no idea how many times I read this ask and smiled. I am so glad the cuddly soft zukka hit all the right spots haha, they are such dorks in love I just wanna smother them! (I won’t…. I promise haha)
You know you mention Ara and I gotta say I was expecting SO MUCH ARA HATE after last chapter but I was shocked people seem…. Idk…. More understanding? Idk I know she’s complicated & not a ‘good girl’ but when you explore her characters thoughts it really makes her that much more complex. Haha I’m not going to lie I’m not looking forward to her finding out about Shen though ahhh.
Speaking of dead fire benders you’re right it seems like pretty much DYING was the push Jet needed to confront his life choices. He was forced to look at his situation without voicing his excuses and blocking out his thoughts. Now hopefully he accepts those changes and grows form it but ehhhh jets my stubborn boy so we’ll see lol.
Milky milk milk I adore you. Thank you for this wonderful ask & sorry I used it to rant a but. I love reading your thoughts you are adorable :) I hope you enjoy the next chapter too lol. We get some fun moments (& Zuko imploding & exploding a bit haha)
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marsmulti · 11 months
Going over the common ships for my muses and how I feel about them personally. Note: things can typically change with an individual portrayal, but these are my impressions from canon and how they relate to my portrayal. They are in random order...
Zutara: I hate it. Sure, Zuko is easy and will be with just about anyone who likes him, but I just find this ship grosses me out in a way I can't articulate well. It feels disrespectful to Katara's feelings for Aang and I really like them.
Zuko/Mei: it was stupid when it happened and I'm glad they broke up.
Zuko/Jet: OTP
Zuko/Sokka: maybe maybe maybe
Zutoph: she seems young compared to him? Regardless of actual age, I don't really see it.
My fav ship for Zuko is a random crossover ship I write with my wife and it's with Elsa from "Frozen."
S*ssr*n: big no.
S*ssinu: wtf no. Block me.
Sesskik: fucking no. Block me. Sesskag is the same level of ick.
Sesskagu: viable, but Kagura deserves better.
Sessomaru/Naraku: maybe maybe maybe.
My favorite ship for Sessomaru is no ship. Maybe a queer platonic partnership with SOMEBODY. A crossover or OC could work, but please keep in mind he is not interested in sex.
Anidala: his queen, his BAE. OTP, even if they're so toxic I don't care I love them.
Obikin: get the fuck out. NOTP. Let them be complicated and platonic. I HC they are ridiculously intimate, but with zero sex or sexual energy. They shower together in a single stall and shave each other, but they don't see each other sexually and I will not write anything simple with them I refuse.
Anisoka: NO.
Vader/Sidious: now if you want a fucked up master apprentice ship, this is the one. Maximum bad vibes.
Anakin could have any kind of random romance with most people, so I won't list them all out individually. But Aayla comes to mind as someone he could have been close to and possibly had an experimental phase with. /Shrug.
Inukag: I have mixed feelings about what we see in canon, but overall, I like them. Idk if I would wanna write this ship or not, it greatly depends on the Kagome.
Inukik: basically the same feeling as Inukag.
Inuyasha/Koga: top tier possibilities.
Inumir: maybe maybe maybe.
Inuyasha is also someone who could end up with just about anyone. I personally hate the whole soulmates crap, as it ends up feeling cheap and lazy and lacking in autonomy.
Zelink: OTP
Link/Ganon: it could work in the right circumstances.
Link/Zelda/Ganon: OT3
Link/Mipha: sorry but no... They have no chemistry and Mipha has no character... I'll still give it a maybe though because individual portrayals may change my mind.
Link/Sidon: It just doesn't feel fair to Sidon. Link will break his heart.
It's very difficult to ship with Link. He hardly ever lets people in. You need to build up so much trust and communication with him and build up to it for maybe years or through different lifetimes idk. He also isn't interested in sex, so there is no seducing him. You have to win his heart.
Vashwood: OTP OTP!!!
Vashmeryl: GTFO. platonic love only. I viscerally hate this ship and no amount of canon divergence is gonna change how I feel.
Plantcest: NO GTFO. I don't have an issue with Knives taking advantage of Vash, but that's what it is. Vash could NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS be happy, comfortable, or satisfied with this and I hate to see abuse played as romance. Abuse as abuse, I have no issues with.
Vash/Frank Marlo: tbh that one episode in the 98 Trigun awakened this ship and I really like it a lot.
Vash is not easy to actually get close to, even though he is horny all the time and wants to have relationships more than anything, his fear keeps him away. He will come onto anyone relentlessly and then back out at the last minute.
Livio is aroace and only into platonic vibes.
Wolfwood is his best friend. He loves him.
Vash is someone he cares about, but can't really hang around easily.
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