#sola iced tea
barnabeetheraven · 1 year
Companion’s Reactions to the Inquisitor having PTSD
Cassandra: In her time among the Templars, the Inquisitor definitely isn’t the first one suffering from the past that she has seen. In fact, if she was being completely honest with herself, she would have to admit that she has some of her own. When she notices the Inquisitor zoning out or seeming to have flashbacks, Cassandra makes sure to position herself close by, being sure to note if the Inquisitor is having issues being touched or not. If needed, Cassandra will place a hand on their arm, just to let them know she is there if they need her. If Romanced: When she notices the Inquisitor struggling, she will softly pull them aside (where the others cant hear her, of course) and she will recite some of her or the Inquisitor’s favorite poetry, or quotes from a favorite book. Something that she knows will help get their mind away from those memories, and into the present, with her.
Varric: He spent enough time around Hawke, Fenris, and Anders to be able to easily spot when someone is having issues. If it’s problem with noise, he will politely excuse himself with a joke, and hook his arm into the Inquisitor’s to lead them away from the noise. If it’s a memory issue, he makes sure to try and distract them with some of his more friendly stories and jokes, while making sure to steer anyone else in the opposite direction, at least until he can see in the Inquisitor’s eyes that they are back in the present.
Solas: Many trips into the fade, into other’s pasts, (and his own, if he’s being truthful) have given him many, many years of experience, and many years of watching others struggle with their past just as much as Solas struggles with his own. He will catch the Inquisitor on their own and offer them a calming tea that he has perfected over the years; it helps with both the anxiety from the past memories, and it also helps with the nightmares. Not that they dont happen as often, but so that they dont remember them as much. If Romanced: He makes sure to always patrol their dreams, being the protective wolf that drives off all the nightmares that come to chase away the sleep of his love. He also makes sure to always be nearby in battle situations, just to make sure he can cast barrier on them if he notices that they seem to be zoning out at all.
Sera: She may not always understand it, but one thing she does understand is when it’s time for some of her ice breaking humor! She’s got jokes galore, pranks she pulls out of thin air, and she becomes amazing at coming up with random songs on the spot (Usually with the help of Varric) that always manage to get the Inquisitor smiling and laughing, instead of getting frozen. If Romanced: She makes sure to check in beforehand, but her favorite form of getting the Inquisitor out of being stuck are giant, flying hugs! Because you cant be sad if you have a handful of giggling, tickling, elven girlfriend, right?
Vivienne: While she doesn’t usually have the patience for people freezing up, she seems to have made an exception for the Inquisitor. Her voice lowers into a softer, more relaxing tone, and she just talks to the Inquisitor, about anything and everything. Stories from her being in the Circle, her experiences being a Grand Enchanter. Somehow it seems to work, distracting the Inquisitor just enough that their anxiety levels come down and their breathing levels out. Vivienne always gets just the smallest proud smile afterwards, although she would deny it to her final breath.
Blackwall: If anyone understands the PTSD, it’s Blackwall. He still suffers from his own, so it activates his protective instinct because he doesnt want the Inquisitor to suffer like he suffers. He’s always asking them if they are alright, always staying close to their side while they are out in battle, and he always tries to find some time to sit down with them at the fireplace and explain to them some of his own more traumatizing moments. He knows it might not help a lot, but even having someone there who just understands can be helpful; it would have been for him. If Romanced: Nothing seems to calm the Inquisitor down quite like his big old bear hugs. He rocks them back to sleep after nightmares, reassuring them that he is there to protect them, and he isn’t planning on going anywhere.
Cole: He always seems to know when the Inquisitor is about to have a flashback, and he pops in to help ease the memories, to make them less intense so that the Inquisitor isn’t suffering as much. He and Solas have become masters at monitoring the Inquisitor’s dreams, to make sure that they can start the day on some good, deep sleep, instead of being riddled. And all it takes is a soft, gentle touch from Cole to help the Inquisitor take a deep, calm breath, to reorient themselves.
Dorian: Dorian immediately delves into the library, reading up on any and every bit of information he can on pstd and what he can do to help the Inquisitor. He may not always be the best at it, but when he comes to the Inquisitor with an entire armful of books, demanding that they allow him to help because how they handle things in Tevinter is “Of course more successful than this dog ridden country”, it brings the biggest smile to the Inquisitor’s face and makes them feel so cared about and loved. If Romanced: Dorian develops a magical necklace, one for the Inquisitor and one for himself, so that it alerts him whenever the Inquisitor’s anxiety and stress is getting too high. This way, no matter what is happening, Dorian knows when his Amatus needs help, and he can always rush to their side.
Iron Bull: He is always noticing things, so it didnt come as a surprise to him to learn about the Inquisitor having ptsd. Most of the Chargers actually have it, so he pulls them aside and bluntly lets them know that look, they aren’t alone. They’re all a little bit messed up, but that doesnt mean they have to be messed up alone. Bull makes sure to keep an eye out for them, knows when to cover for them, and he knows when to put a hand on their back to gently bring them back to the present. If Romanced: He almost always has some physical contact with them, whether he is holding their hand, brushing arms against each other, or legs touching while they sit together. At night, he holds them tight, reminding them how much he loves them, and how much he admires them and how strong they are, and he is always there to rock his Kadan in his arms after they have had a nightmare.
Josephine: She tries her hardest to not put the Inquisitor into any social situations that might aggravate their PTSD, doing her best to handle the things that she can, or getting the help of Cullen or Leliana so she doesnt have to involve the Inquisitor in problem situations. If Romanced: She always makes time to bring the Inquisitor into their Quarters, with a nice fire going, and she sits with them, stroking their hair and softly humming some of her favorite songs from Antiva. During the day, she always makes sure to softly take the Inquisitor’s hand to give a reassuring squeeze, so they know that even if they are both busy, Josephine is always thinking about them.
Cullen: He struggles with PTSD of his won, quite regularly, so he understands and empathizes with the Inquisitor. He invites them to training in the mornings, but only one on one, that way they aren’t having to struggle with their PTSD with anyone else around and can focus on sparring in a safe and controlled situation. If Romanced: He always offers that if they ever need someone to talk with, he is always there. And during the night, the comfort each other through their nightmares, being two souls lost at sea, but still having each other, and never being alone.
Leliana: She works with Dorian and Josephine, finding new ways from different areas of how to help cope with PTSD and Anxiety. She gets different kinds of teas for the Inquisitor to try, new spells and meditation for Solas to recommend, and she talks with many types of healers and mages. It’s her way of looking out for the Inquisitor, the silent protector in the shadows. She also creates the Nug Room; a room full of nugs where anyone can go in and pet the nugs to relax!!
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dragonagitator · 4 months
You wanna talk about rarepair hell?
My favorite rarepair -- Varric Tethras / Female Author Self-Insert -- doesn't even have a tag on AO3. I gotta do some Boolean shit where first I filter on the relationship "Varric Tethras / Original Female Character(s)" and then filter on Other tags to include: "Modern Girl in Thedas" to find the whopping 11 stories that I've already reread multiple times. (My favorite so far is the Varric/Auralee romance in Sugar Honey Iced Tea -- sometimes I reread just those parts of the 400+k-word fic.)
So, here's hoping that the next game inspires more MGIT fanfics. Given that Solas and Cole discussed Earth movies and TV shows during their party banter, it seems to be canon that The Fade also connects to Earth somehow. Therefore, I expect that the next game's Fade/Veil-centric storyline should provide some obvious opportunities for an Earth woman to be transported to Thedas, where she can then romance our beloved dwarf. :)
(My own abandoned/aborted MGIT fanfic was going to gradually reveal a long history of people being transported from Earth to Thedas, e.g., finding the wreckage of Ameila Earhart's plane in the remote wilderness of the Frostback Basin, leading up to the eventual reveal that the answer to the ongoing mystery of how humans came to colonize Thedas is also the answer to the mystery of where did Atlantis disappear to. But given my track record, I'm probably never going to follow through on writing any of my fanfic ideas, so please feel free to steal that one and run with it if you want.)
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teamdilf · 10 days
OC Deep Dive
Tagged by both @writernopal and @thetrashbagswasteland - thank you! Tagging @kalmiaphlox, @davenswitcher
Doing this for Iris Lavellan!
What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Iris' biggest fear is failure - specifically failing those she loves. After her entire family and clan are killed because she made a bad judgement call as part of her duties as inquisitor, Iris descends to a very dark place emotionally, and is now terrified that she'll fail to save Solas from himself, just as she failed her family.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Do shoes count as a pet peeve? She hates shoes and wandered through the entire Emprise du Leon in her footwraps, freezing her damned toes because that was preferable to caging her feet in boots.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Her lipstick, at least one plant (probably more than one), and a musical instrument.
What do they notice first in a person?
Probably their voice? You can tell a lot about a person by their voice - what sort of accent they have, and what the tone of their voice reveals about how they may be feeling.
On a scale from 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Probably an 8; she's been through some nasty shit, including having her left arm slowly melted away by the magic embedded in it melting down, and she just gritted her teeth and got shit done, because nobody else was going to do it.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight. Iris is a total scrapper - she's tiny and everyone underestimates her in a fight, which she uses to her advantage. She's a powerful mage and doesn't let the fact that she's now down an arm slow her down.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Iris was closest her to brother and his family; her relationship with her parents was strained, which is something that complicates the grief she feels after she discovered her whole clan had been killed. Now, she looks to Dorian as the family she has remaining and she's his roommate in Tevinter, where she's researching alternatives or a safer means to bring down the veil, in order to help Solas accomplish his goals without wreaking havoc.
What animal represents them best?
Green wing macaw. Iris loves the idea of flight - she often injured herself during her inquisition days because she misjudged the height of a rock or cliff. She has no fear of heights, she can be temperamental, more dangerous than she looks at first glance, and deeply, deeply loyal to those she loves. They mate for life, and Iris' steadfast devotion to Solas, even after years apart and the things he's done is as close to mating for life as most people would ever get. Few ever see her without her bright red lipstick, so there's an aesthetic similarity too!
What is a smell they dislike?
The blight - darkspawn corpses, red lyrium, and the smell of the Deep Roads in general.
Have they broken any bones?
So many, given her reckless streak and tendency to leap without looking.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Beautiful but aloof.
Are they a night owl, or morning bird?
Morning person, and she often drove Solas near-mad by interrupting his sleep in the mornings because she wanted to cuddle. 💜
What’s a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Hate: Buttercream icing. She's not fond of things that are too sweet. Loves: the Thedosian equivalent to chai tea.
Do they have any hobbies?
Gardening, doing her makeup using cosmetics she's made herself, and making music - both singing and playing instruments. She's also interested in magic from a theoretical perspective and spends a lot of time reading obscure research texts.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprise?
Assuming the person planning the party knew her specific likes/dislikes when it comes to parties, she'd be touched that someone thought to plan her a party.
Do they like to wear jewellery?
The only jewellery she wears on a regular basis are a simple pair of earrings, nipple rings and a barbell in her navel. After Solas leaves, he leaves behind his jawbone amulet and she begins wearing that regularly under her clothes. She has enchanted rings that she wears if she expects to be dealing with a combat situation but does not wear them daily.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Neat - she loves beauty in all its forms so worked hard to teach herself how to write beautifully.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
She tends to waver between optimism and sorrow.
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Probably some sort of soft fur!
What kind of accent do they have?
A typical Free Marches Dalish accent.
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greypetrel · 1 year
Beh, I'm bored. Che ne dici di [ SCAR ] for the prompt game? (Lmao now I'm mixing both languages, il cervello è davvero stanco XD)
LOL chiedimi se avevo capito fossi/parlassi italiano. Because I DIDN’T. Ma buonasera! xD And don’t worry for the mix, it’s perfectly fine, pidgins are the best. u_u
Sorry for being late, I didn’t forgot! Again, this took me a while to mull over and think about it… But after much much musing, I decided to delve back into DadWolf AU, interpret it metaphorically and well. It’s angst.
Angst with a bog unicorn. Enjoy, here’s a glass of iced tea.
Somewhere Only We Know. (🎶)
[ SCAR ]:          noticing a scar on the receiver’s skin, the sender tentatively stops them from covering it up, and rests a gentle, soft kiss over it.
When they got back from Minrathous, bringing down a friend who was in need of help, they all knew they would have needed time to cope and digest what happened. And after all it was only natural that they couldn’t have taken it well: they had to abruptly cut off their research, take what they could and jump on the first plane, leave everything they worked for in the last years behind and start from scratch. Felix didn’t know anyone in Ferelden beside the two siblings, had a dime to his name, name he couldn’t use without them all being discovered and followed by mages that weren’t as amiable and good natured as he was, and was also, incidentally, terminally ill.
Knowing their different ways to cope with emotions and grief, nothing was exactly a surprise.
It was no surprise noticing how Aisling retreated back in herself academically, refused to do anything substantial and veered her career towards something she liked, but was very inconsequential to a better good. She faced everything on stubbornly and took too much responsibilities, was in the Hospital as much as she could and worked in the weekends to pay for her own rent, refusing to just go back to the family house if not to visit. She looked fine, but some times she just showed up uncalled for, curled on the couch between Solas and Varric and let them both comfort her, saying nothing and, sometimes, crying. That done, she was good to start back, and never backed up. As per her usual.
Dorian, tho, was a whole other matter. He didn’t give in academically and looked for a field of research that was close to what they were doing North. On his own, and with a different team, because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t convince Aisling to jump back in, and Felix soon was in no condition to work continuously. Dorian went on nonetheless. Personally, tho, it was clear he was just swiping every negative emotion under a carpet, refusing to even admit there was something wrong. He went to visit Felix once, when it was clear his time was at its limit, and just held onto Aisling, offering her a shoulder to cry on, during the funeral. A small function, just them, the family that helped and some friends there for the siblings. Dorian didn’t cry, he just glowered at the coffin as if it was blaming it for everything. As per his usual.
They all knew that if Aisling appeared weak, the one they should look up more for was Dorian. They all knew he would have broken down, sooner or later. He always did, accumulating stress and bursting. It wasn’t a matter of if, it was a matter of when.
The when, it turned out, was a week after the funeral, in the form of a horse-transport van that let out a terrible stench, and parked in front of Varric and Solas’ house one Sunday morning.
“What’s the matter? Did you steal the content of a dumpster?”
Varric asked, stepping on the front porch and looking at his daughter, jumping off of the driver’s seat. It was Dorian, tho, to answer him, in a cheerful tone that was way too enthusiastic to be sincere, as he gingerly turned around the front of the track.
“We’re doing an experiment! Just for fun, like the old times… We need the back garden I think, can we? Of course we can, it’s not like you two are really going to build the swimming pool today, are you.”
He laughed, crossing past his sister and starting to unlock the doors of the back, humming between himself. Weird. Very, very weird. The dwarf exchanged a look with Aisling, still propped against the driver’s door, a silent question passing between them. She just shook her head, a sorrowful bent of her mouth telling him everything the dwarf needed to know before she walked back and started to help her brother.
“Did the garbage truck broke again?” Asked Solas, walking out of the door too, a mug of cocoa in his hand.
“Sparkler’s at his limit.”
“It was about time… Still doesn’t explain the stench.”
“I know as much as you do.”
They stood there, looking at the situation unfurling, ready to help at need. From the back of the truck jumped out a Qunari, panting grossly and loudly complaining that it was the most disgusting thing he ever did. Dorian just swatted every complaint, lamenting that for such a big creature he was surprisingly delicate, and urging them all to just get to work and stop losing precious time, tying a scarf around his nose and mouth and going on chatting about how science demanded strong arms and how it wasn’t a job for the weak of hearts.
The job not for the weak of hearts, was, apparently, dragging down the truck what looked like to be, in fact, the corpse of a black horse, lying on his side, flies buzzing all around and legs rigid that Aisling hat to gently bend to maneuver the hoofs out of the door, huffing loudly, a scarf on her nose and mouth as well, but not saying anything at all.
The horse -a poor, big beast who somehow met his destiny with a dagger crossing his head- got transported with difficulty by the trio, via a plastic cover the corpse was resting over, to the side of the house and in the back garden. Dorian kept on chatting with a glee that was very much unlike anything that was going on, the Qunari -Bull, he got called - replying with sarcasm to everything, and Aisling just silently working, casting glances at Dorian from time to time.
Both Varric and Solas follow them, half curious about what exactly he planned to do with a dead horse, half worried because if there was a shade of weirdness that felt like a scream for help, that was it.
But whatever the experiment was, it was for the siblings alone: when the horse finally was in a position that Dorian deemed optimal, he and Aisling started to chat, in a weird mix of Common and Tevene for the most practical things, circling the animal and discussing. The Qunari, without anything to add to the conversation and looking worried as well, stepped away and approached the pair of spectators.
He introduced himself to the pair as the Iron Bull, the mechanic working on Aisling’s car and owner of the garage on the ground floor of Aisling’s flat building. He was very pleased to finally meet the parents. He accepted something to drink –“Is that hot cocoa?”- and was good company, warming up a quite sceptical Solas too for a hour, before he had to get back to work and excused himself.
He patted Dorian’s shoulder, barely noticed if not physically, and earned a dismissive goodbye by a too concentrated mage. Aisling, tho, jumped up and hugged him tight, with a thank you, before getting back to work.
Qunari gone, the experiment went on as if the two siblings were on their own, with none the wiser and absolutely no neighbour peeking through the windows with big eyes. They all got unused to the experiments, in the years.
Solas, worried, went to offer his help when Dorian started evoking spirits, but Dorian harshly shooed away with the assurance that everything was perfectly under control and he didn’t need to worry, this was way past his comfort zone with spirits. Aisling, today’s silent interpreter and service sister, shook her head when Dorian wasn’t looking, preventing the older elf to reply and start a discussion. Again, damage prevented, the parents got the message that there was nothing they could do save going on with their life and waiting for the situation to unfold.
There was no talking him out for a pause or to stop to have lunch all together. He was in the zone, and not intentioned of stopping any time soon, hands working quickly and brain even faster, tension evident in the way he slouched forward and in the way his shoulders were contracted up to his ears. He hadn’t even insisted to have some sort of blanket, sitting on the grass without minding his clothes or his allergies. Which he never did. Varric brought them some sandwiches and a jug full of iced tea nevertheless - Aisling ate, Dorian didn’t. The afternoon went on like that, a frenzy foreshadowing a big, harsh fall.
When the sun was setting, finally, a neigh rose up from the backyard, loud and clear.
Solas and Varric exchanged one look and rushed back in the kitchen and out of the back door right into the garden.
The horse stood on its hooves, stomping confused and shaking his head -the sword was still planted in it. There were runes and glyphs on its flanks, most Nevarran but with some Tevinter and a couple of Elvhen in it, painted in red chalk. Aisling was standing in front of the animal -zombie?-, cooing soothingly and trying to calm the poor beast down. She managed, caressing his nose and patting his neck until it finally stopped neighing and stomping his hooves and breathing too quickly, with the soft voice she always used for horses, and a tired smile on her face.
“I know.”
“The horse was dead.”
“I know.”
As Varric was totally creeped out, there was pride in Solas’ voice, the usual pride that hadn’t been there ever since the children moved out and moved their crazy experiments in a laboratory, out of the house. It was disconcerning, but the horse looked, indeed, alive enough to, slowly, take trust and start nuzzling Aisling’s hand as a normal horse would. Well, there were some issues for him in opening his mouth, but the animal clearly did his best.
“What- Is that… Normal? Possible?”
“Very difficult. But yes. I didn’t know he studied Necromancy of all things…”
“Necr- Oh, shit. Did he-?”
“No. There’s a Spirit inhabiting the horse. Not the original soul. Still, the body can move.”
The Necromancer, tho, in spite of the success, was still sitting on the grass on his butt, legs folded in front of him and back slouched forward and down, not looking at the horse but at his hands in his lap, totally frozen on the spot. A minute later, Aisling reached him, leaving the horse to explore the new surroundings and its new life as she sat beside him.
Their hands were dirty and the foul stench of dead horse soaked their very clothes. Dorian, tho, had lost every willingness to complain.
“He’s fine, I think. What about Ugo? Ugo the Unicorn.” Aisling proposed, scooting close so they were side by side on the grass, shoulders and hips touching.
“Whatever, I don’t care. It’s yours if you want him, I… I just needed to know that-”
He snorted, shaking his head harshly as he grimaced, not concluding the sentence.
“I know, Dor.”
“I could have saved him.”
“You couldn’t have, Dor. That’s not the horse. There was nothing to do.”
“There’s always something to do… If I… If we-”
His voice broke, and her heart as well, all over again.
“We helped him as we could, Dor. We got him out, we were with him until the end. He knew, he never blamed you, he wouldn’t blame you now.”
“I’ve been a coward. I left him alone, and-”
That’s when Dorian started to cry, breath strangled as he unfolded and bends forward, curling on himself and sobbing loudly. Aisling was there to catch him - she had waited that moment ever since he had showed up to her flat, entering with his key and had explained the experiment to her, she was surprised it took so long. She hugged him tight, dragging his bust against hers and holding him as tight as she could. She started to cry too, for company.
“It’s ok. It’s ok. He knew. It’s ok. You did your best, and it was enough. He wasn’t alone.”
He unfurled and hugged his sister back, bawling in her shoulder, months of pressure and regrets and fear finally catching up with him, all together. There was no undoing what happened: the work they had done for the wrong people, in good faith, the escape, running back in the night like thieves, a luggage full of notes and papers prioritized over clothes and personal belongings. A PhD totally lost and to be gained again from scratch, and bringing Felix with them knowing they had no money and his days were counted. Starting from zero and separating in work for the first time. It all had left a scar, in both of them: they just had different ways to manifest it, different ways to cope, and different ways to help the other with it, of metaphorically healing the hurt with a kiss.
And for the first time in years since they left, dragged inside by Solas and Varric who were there too to catch him, coax him to have some dinner and take a shower and coze up all together on the couch, with a movie and blankets. For the first time in years they weren’t alone.
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frogbestfriend · 11 months
trick or treat <|:3 !!!!
You received:
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fadedsweater · 1 year
Get to know the blogger
Thank you @darethshirl and @anneapocalypse for tagging me 💛
Share your wallpaper:
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Nothing exciting, just this pink wavy background I got from Canva (it was called blush wave desktop I think)
Last song you listened to: Forever After by Woodes
Currently reading: I'm constantly juggling like five billion different books because I get very distracted and sidetracked, but the main two books I'm reading right now are Authority by Jeff VanderMeer and Dreamsnake by Vonda N. McIntyre.
Last movie: Just watched M3GAN with my friend last night. It was silly and fun!
Last show: The last show I *finished* was The Last of Us (very good, highly recommend.) The last show I watched like, an episode of, was Ghost Files (feat. Ryan and Shane from Buzzfeed Unsolved) on YouTube.
Craving: another cup of the delicious boba tea I had earlier this week. or maybe an iced coffee
What are you wearing right now: high-waisted jeans, a t-shirt, and a flannel
How tall are you: 5'4"
Piercings: I got my ears pierced as a kid but pretty much immediately let them close up. I've been thinking about getting them pierced again because I love the look of earrings so much
Tattoos: none, but maybe one day!
Glasses? Contacts?: Neither
Last drink: a can of Pepsi
Last thing you ate: a pack of instant ramen for lunch
Favorite color: this one is so hard. Lately I've been really loving warm colors. Maybe a nice pink, or a warm orange
Current obsession: besides Dragon Age, probably crochet. I've been furiously crocheting this past week and my wrist is very upset with me about it 😂
Any pets: sadly no. I'd love a dog, but it's not super feasible for me right now. For now I'm happy enough spoiling all of my friends' dogs
Favorite fictional character: I mean. Like. Probably Solas 😂
I'll tag @crackinglamb, @dragon--sage, @fiadhaisteach, @oxygenforthewicked, and anyone reading this who'd like to play. No pressure to participate if I tagged you 💛
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
Top 5 things to drink (alcoholic or nonalcoholic)
red bull, multi sola, sola ice tea, moscow mule, corona (beer)
ask me my "TOP 5/TOP 10" anything!
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blackbellybella · 2 years
What’s a song and album on repeat for you
I have a list *unravels Walgreens receipt*
Forest hills drive
being human in public- Jessie Reyes
Coloring book and acid rap- chance
Because of the internet, Awaken my love, Stone Mountain/Kauai and camp
Al greens greatest hits
Paramore just everything they’ve ever made
There Really is a wolf- Russ
Sola -Jessie reyes
Any of Jessie Reyes solo tracks specifically crazy, yessie, imported, and body count. Those are my anthems I resonate with those songs
Sugar honey ice tea and brujas- princess Nokia
Black truck
Circles, woods, good news- mac
Rita’s gone (suicide tw)
find yourself- Luke Nelson
6 summers
Bobby bitch
Drinking- jmsn
Black magic woman- Santana
I’m gonna stop there because I love music my tattoos have a music theme that’s how much I love music. This is mainly one genre
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
tagged by @swarmkeepers - thanks, Sola!
favorite color: I say it's yellow but it's probably actually emerald green
reading: I just finished Ryka Aoki's Light from Uncommon Stars last week and I intend to immediately start it again as soon as I have time
last song i listened to: Pressure by Bayem
last movie: Glass Onion, which unfortunately did not live up to the hype imo
last series: I'm rewatching Produce 48?
currently craving: Minute Maid raspberry lemonade. So soon I will be moved out again and able to buy my own groceries but today is not that day
currently working on: Ill-fated video essay (the reason why I'm watching Produce 48, it's sort of research) and a paper about Hatari and the queer archive that I might be submitting somewhere idk we'll see
tea or coffee: coffee but only if it's 1. decaf and 2. iced
i'll tag @jaz-the-bard, @softsophos, @transexualmothman, and @clearskiesbehind, but no pressure of course!
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kaleidemaran · 2 years
tagged by @matrose :D!!! i love these ty
favourite time of the year: SUMMER all of my best outfits are made for summer and i love being outside comfortably. early fall also gets points bc it’s pretty but still warm
comfort food: toast with cinnamon and butter and brown sugar!! or like. double baked potatoes. pierogies
favourite drink: iced chai tea latte or a passion fruit bubble tea with lychee jellies
do you collect anything?: SO MUCH. i collect shells and earrings and rocks and books i already own and also i have a bunch of saved letters from my friends. i have so many knickknacks it’s insane
current song on repeat: loving, loving by vera sola and nightfall by blind guardian
favourite fic: EVER????? oh god. the first two that come to mind are “if e’re we move the mountain” by whatiwouldnotgive which is a bagginshield fic w like 90% of my fave tropes of all time and “playing haruspex” by batshape
favourite video game: i am NOT a gamer but i like stardew valley. i also like super smash bros but that’s just bc it’s fun to lose to my friends
i am tagging whichever of my mutuals would like to play! (or non mutuals im not the boss of you)
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parkerbombshell · 7 months
Rules Free Radio Feb 20
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Tuesdays 2pm - 5pm  EST Rules Free Radio With Steve  Caplan bombshellradio.com On this week's Rules Free Radio with Steve Caplan, we’ll hear several new and recent releases in Rock, Jazz, and singer-songwriters. We’ll hear The Woods, remastered music by The Replacements, The American Analog Set, and Nirvana. New music by Sonic Youth’s Kim Gordon, The Umbrellas, Goat Girl, former Doors guitarist Robby Krieger & The Soul Savages, Ducks, Ltd., Butcher Brown, Vera Sola, Madi Diaz, Helado Negro, Itasca and a few more. In the second hour we’ll do an album spotlight on the new one by Jazz Funk multi-instrumentalist DJ Harrison, and we’ll hear a few remembering the late Damo Suzuki, who is best known as the vocalist from the Kraut Rock band Can. Classics and others by Flamin’ Groovies, Chime School, R.E.M., Simon & Garfunkel, Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever, Jeff Beck, Frank Zappa, Dead Can Dance, Joni Mitchell, and more. Ducks, Ltd. - The Main Thing Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - Falling Thunder Flamin' Groovies - Please Please girl The Boys With The Perpetual Nervousness - Old Pictures of Ourselves Chime School - Taking Time to Tell You The Umbrellas - When You Find Out The Woods - Miracles Tonight The Laughing Chimes - Ice Cream Skies The Replacements - Left of the Dial Nirvana - Come As You Are The American Analog Set - The Only Living Boy Around R.E.M. - Man on the Moon The Chocolate Watch Band - I'm Not Like Everybody Else Kim Gordon - I'm A Man Goat Girl - Ride Around Margaret Glaspy - Act Natural DJ Harrison - Contusion Jeff Beck - Scatterbrain Frank Zappa - Peaches En Regalia DJ Harrison - Galaxy Can - Bring Me Coffee or Tea Dead Can Dance - Desert Song DJ Harrison - Tomorrow Never Knows Can - Spoon Damo Suzuki Band - Ballad of Diver Butcher Brown - Espionage Robby Krieger & The Soul Savages - Never Say Never Quincy Jones - Body Heat Joel Ross - Chant Vera Sola - Is That You Jennifer Warnes - Famous Blue Raincoat Madi Diaz - For Months Now Cinder Well - Crow Joni Mitchell - Marcie Father John Misty - Real Love Baby Itasca - Under Gates of Cobalt Blue Simon & Garfunkel - Homeward Bound Vashti Bunyan & Gareth Dickson - Thoughts Of Mary Jane Helado Negro - Flores Terry Callier - What Color Is Love Vijay Iyer, Linda May Han Oh, Tyshawn Sorey - Panegyric Read the full article
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celtfather · 2 years
St. Patrick's Day Morning
Dream of St Patrick’s Day morning with this exciting episode of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #596.
Lissa Schneckenburger, Mary Beth Carty, Niamh Parsons, The Bookends, Charmas, Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, Solas, The Out of Kilters, Brobdingnagian Bards, Ballinloch, Brett Lipshutz and Randy Lee Gosa, The Haar, Karan Casey, Thom Dunn, Will Macmorran, Plastic Paddy, The McKrells, IIsabeau Corriveau et Les tisseurs de rêves
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2023 episode.  Vote Now!
Two weeks after the episode is launched, I compile your votes to update a playlist on Spotify and YouTube. These are the results of your voting. You can help these artists out by following the playlists and adding tracks you love to your playlists. Follow us on Facebook to find out who is added each week.
Listen on Spotify and YouTube.
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Subscribe and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
Intro: La Unica
0:14 - Lissa Schneckenburger "Scolding Wives of Abertarff/ Were Totaly Justified/ Using Their Leadership Skills To Get Shit Done" from Falling Forward
4:13 - WELCOME
5:48 - Mary Beth Carty "Dutch Tea Jigs" from Crossing the Causeway
9:20 - Niamh Parsons "A Kiss in the morning early" from Heart's Desire
12:06 - The Bookends "The Kilfenora Barmaid" from Chapter One
15:20 - Charmas "Skye Boat Song" from Songs of the Sea
20:27 - FEEDBACK
24:39 - Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh "An Spealadoir" from daybreak: fainne an lae
27:22 - Solas "The Primrose Lass/Molly From Longford/The Four Kisses (reels)" from Sunny Spells and Scattered Showers
30:45 - The Out of Kilters "An Poc ar Buile" from Hot Potatoes
34:35 - Brobdingnagian Bards "An Irish Lullaby" from Songs of Ireland
38:26 - Ballinloch "End in Front" from Rise Up!
42:45 - Brett Lipshutz and Randy Lee Gosa "Miss Galvin's / Ran's Dirty Vans" from Night and Day
45:28 - The Haar "Whiskey In The Jar" from Where Old Ghosts Meet
51:43 - THANKS
54:48 - Karan Casey "Sister I am Here For You (feat. Niamh Dunne)" from Nine Apples of Gold
59:23 - Thom Dunn "The Rising of the Moon" from Forfocs​é​ic, Vol. 3: Love & War
1:02:11 - Will Macmorran "Ejs" from Glen Echo
1:04:57 - Plastic Paddy "I Know My Love" from Lucky Enough
1:09:30 - The McKrells "Donegal" from Somethin' Fierce
1:13:38 - CLOSING
1:15:40 - IIsabeau Corriveau et Les tisseurs de rêves "Inisheer" from Leap of Faith
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs.
Visit our website to subscribe to the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode. You’ll get access to our Best of this Year Playlist. You can subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Finally, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Celtic musician and podcaster out of Atlanta, Georgia.
If you’re new to this show, this Podcast is here to build our diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. These artists rely on your support. So if you find music you love, please tell your friends about the musicians, buy their music and merch. Support them on Patreon. And email the artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
Hey Celtic Bands, I’m looking for new music and stories in 2023. To submit your band, just complete the permission form at 4celts.com. You’ll find information on how to submit a story behind one of your songs or tunes. And you can Get a free Celtic Musicians Guide to Digital Music eBook. email gift@bestcelticmusic
Because of Your kind and generous support, this show comes out at least four times a month. Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow.
As a patron, you get music - only episodes before regular listeners, vote in the Celtic Top 20, and you get a private feed to listen to the show.  All that for as little as $1 per episode.
A special thanks to our newest Patrons of the Podcast: sunshine, John Bilderback, Tim Sanphy, Mike Sigler, and our Celtic Legends, Lynda MacNeil and Bill Mandeville
Go to our Patreon page.
Decide how much you want to pledge every week, $1, $5, $10. Make sure to cap how much you want to spend per month.
Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos.
In 2023, we’re going on a Celtic Invasion of County Mayo in Ireland. We’re gonna explore the area and get to know Grace O’Malley, the Pirate Queen. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
#celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can take a screenshot of the podcast on your phone. You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Or how about a picture you took of a band that you saw.
How would you like to introduce an episode of the podcast? It’s super easy. Contact me for details.
Email me at celticpodcast@gmail, message me on Facebook, or contact me through Mastodon @[email protected].
Lauren Oxford responded to a show post on Facebook: "Hi Marc! Thank you so, so much for featuring me here, and for your kind words. I certainly don’t feel worthy being in the company of such accomplished and proficient musicians & players, but I’m honored nonetheless. 💙
So many thrilling new musical discoveries too—I can’t wait to dig into the rich backlog of episodes! This podcast is a gift, and thank you so much for everything you do to foster the Celtic community and its music!"
Chip Noland emailed a photo from Huntingtown, MD: "Hello, I really enjoyed the all instrumental episode today. The music minus the lyrics really helps me to keep focused when working outside.
You asked what we were doing while listening and I was in my garage building and finishing speaker boxes for my car stereo turned garage stereo. Almost done with the final touches and am looking forward to getting rid of the styrofoam holders.
Thanks again and keep up the great work!"
Mitchell Petersen sent a photo from a Syr Concert he saw a few weeks back.
Lou Cipher posted on Mastodon: "I recently started listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. On the current episode I learned the host, Marc Gunn, is on the Fedi! Thank you @celtfather for many hours of good music!"
Check out this episode!
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kimdelafuente · 6 years
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*chants* “chug chug chug!”
Nope. Not a freakin beer post. Just an Iced tea. Oh wait, wait. The Iced tea. —
Well if you know me enough, you would definitely know that I don’t drink all the teas in the world. Including milk teas, green teas, granola teas (idk is there any?) and iced teas. I mean i don’t drink EVERY iced tea. 
After years of living on earth, I discovered that it’s because I don’t like the taste of mixing rice and some flavored H2O. I mean, I eat rice most of the time and i wouldn’t want the drink to alter the taste and the cravings. I don’t like adding more flavors to what I’m already dealing with. Yeah, call me picky, bite me. So yeah — The thing is, I would rather grab a water whilst having my favorite meal, soda can do but still, water. 
Additional crap that you may really wanna get yourself out of this blog —
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I know house parties have those beers and vodkas, but if you’re like me, who’s not really in a robust situation of slacking off, drinking boozes while snacking pizzas, you should have always a good back up. Why am I teaching kids how to drink? Get a hold of yourself. 
Anyway Though besides that sola can be a freakin chaser, sola has been kicking asses, this is in a freakin can now (we know kim, ancient) Makes my life a lot easier though, its lesser, cheaper than the bottled one, not heavier, you can also drink this while having a meal or eating some snack, probably when your on the go, not liking the chaser your friend offers (kidding be grateful and drink moderately) late for work because, yes. It’s in a freaking can.
On behalf of me saying to you guys a gazillion times about the teas vs kim, I thank thor for letting me take the risk and pushing me to drink this. It was such a toothsome drink. This is something I won’t dodge every now and then coz hell it really taste so damn good. 
Sola iced tea has 7 different flavors now,  Sola Lemon Iced Tea, Sola Peach Iced Tea, Sola Raspberry Iced Tea, Sola Apple Iced Tea, Sola Orange Iced Tea, Sola Strawberry Iced Tea and Sola Apple Iced Green Tea. 
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Lucky me i get to taste SOLA RASPBERRY ICED TEA & SOLA LEMON ICED TEA. I loved both of them. 
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Your sola map:
711 Stores, Landmark, Sm Supermarket, Family Mart, Mercury Drug, Puregold & Shopwise.
Thank you for the love, Sola Iced tea family. ♥
And yes, thank you for reading you crazy kids. Talk to you on my next one, alright?
Keep safe.
All the crap and everything in between,
The damned queen.
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the-dream-witch · 5 years
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peachy 🍑
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vhyral · 6 years
Do you like tea or are you in the same club with solass ? 👀
This is a trap question, isn’t it
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The Day the Inquisitor Changed
“Inquisitor, it’s been 10 years since we’ve heard anything else of Solas! Why are we still searching for him?”
Cullen said gently softly walking towards Atanya. Wrapping his arms sweetly around her. Atanya pulls herself away grudgingly.
“Because Solas is ma vhenan. I must be with him again Cullen. You must stop with your games. Do you not see that I don’t want you? You were just there when I was in distress.”
Atanya moves around the war table. She placed her hands on the edge while thinking deeply. Cullen comes closer and pulls her to him.
“I will not go so easily Inquisitor!” He says fiercely.
The war room doors swing open promptly and Varric walks.
“Inquisitor, I... oh my um am I interrupting? I mean carry on I don’t mind watching.” He says in a jokingly tone
“Varric! Just in time what did you need?” She says attentively
Atanya pulls away from Cullen once again and rushes towards Varric pushing him past the doors and shutting the viciously.
“Varric, I... I can’t thank you enough for walking in at the time you did...” Atanya says softly.
“I just need to find Solas. I’ve lost everything even my arm... I just want to speak with him even reason....” cut of by Varric.
“Inquisitor, I must say you’re a very difficult person. One minute you love Solas the next you wish to rip him apart. Aren’t you a least bit concern if he’s still even in love with you? Don’t you know everyone knows of what you and Cullen have become....”
“We are nothing!” Atanya cuts him off ferociously
“But Inqui....”
“As you say my lady, but still what if Solas heard?” He asks
“I’ll deal with that myself then.” She says in a somber tone
Cassandra walks into the hall and spots the Inquisitor.
“Atanya!” She yells bodaciously
The inquisitor turns softly and smiles. She walks firmly towards Cassandra and hugs her sweetly.
“Cassandra! How is Skyhold right now? I must know if I need to repair anything.”
Cassandra smirks lightly.
“We can’t think of that now, I have news you will want to hear.” Cassandra says in a mellow tone.
Atanya looks at Cassandra’s face and understands immediately what it is. She rushes Cassandra into Solas’s old work room.
“Is it Solas? Has he finally been made known?” Atanya asks beggingly
“Yes, but he only wants to see you. He says only a true elf can come to him or so I’ve been told, but how are you a true elf if you removed your tattoos?”
“They were meant for slaves Cassandra, and I am no slave. I’m free and I will stay that way only my heart isn’t free.” Atanya states in a lamentable tone
Cassandra looks at her with weary eyes. She places her hand softly upon her shoulder.
“I’ll go fetch your horse and have it waiting for you by the gates. Do not dread yourself Inquisitor, for you are a woman of many talents and traits.”
Cassandra walks out slowly leaving Atanya alone within Solas’s work room. Atanya looks at the many art works within the room admiring them deeply. A tear falls from her cheek as she sees the details where the paint brush had been. She softly touches it, the paint falls off onto the floor. Just like that she falls to the floor with tears in her eyes soft whimpers break through her lips
“Solas why didn’t you want me to be with you, why wouldn’t you just take me, why couldn’t we have done this together even if it is wrong, just why?” She says quietenly
Atanya stands roughly whipping the tears from her eyes. She walks tediously towards the door. She stares back into the room.
She whispers sonantly “I’m coming to get you ma vhenan, Fen’Harel. Ar Lath Ma Vhenan. I will never give up.”
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