ruewrites · 1 year
Song of a Mourning Dove
Ship: Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 4402
Warnings: Smut
A/N: Promt: Love Affair
It's been a hot second my lovelies! Classes have been demolishing me this semester, but I'm happy I got the chance to participate in this collab! I had the fortune of doing the writing part in collabing with Vera (Instagram @Hanxmura)! Make sure to check out everyone's work for Asmo's birthday! I feel so fortunate to have gotten the chance to work alongside so many talented people 💗
https://twitter.com/OMCollabs/status/1658547871883595778?t=9cZcBBSMCHQlsrftxy738g&s=19 (Go check out the beautiful artwork my collab partner made as well as the other peices that everyone worked so hard on!)
Please enjoy!
Comments are appreciated 💗
A broken nest surrounded by shattered eggs laid hidden in the shadows of the alleyway. Scattered feathers were strewn about, the ruined beginnings of a start that had yet to flourish, forgotten to time as the rain washed away the sins of another. A single soul darted through the rain.
He didn’t understand why.
Hadn’t he loved her?
Hadn’t he given her everything? 
Yet he was the one called vile. 
A Demon. 
She might as well have pierced his heart with a blade, that would have hurt less and ended his suffering quicker. Instead he was left wondering with little to reflect on. He felt like he was dying, and yet some higher power demanded that he march on despite one of his reasons for living being ripped away from him. 
It became difficult to distinguish what was his own tears and what was from the sky above. In the misty haze of water meeting the concrete, a single lonely light from an inn pierced through the gloomy night. 
He wasn’t going home, not tonight. He couldn’t bear to go home after what he had just experienced. He couldn’t deal with the chaos and calamity. Instead he was going to drown his sorrows until both her name and face were nothing but a faint memory in his mind, until her perfume left his senses and her hair was long forgotten from his touch. He would drink until he could finally move on to someone new, to when he could finally find comfort in the arms of a stranger.
A lonely dove fluttered down to where the tree cover met the meadow. It bobbed it’s head to one side and then the other before collecting  a few twigs in it’s beak and flapping back up to the tree cover, wings much more clumsy on take off. After all, it was easier to meet the ground than it was to leave it. The mourning dove disappeared, the cacophony of birds drowning out any song it would dare to sing this late in the morning.
The gentle summer breeze tickled Asmo's bare arms as the meadow flowers bent upwards. A quiet tiny town was tucked away in the distance, far away from the bustling busy life he was so accustomed to. It was serene, gorgeous, the type of place where you would live in a tiny cottage near the edge of town and walk to the bakery every morning. Every face was a recognizable one and a friend was always nearby. Asmo's eyes threatened to slip shut as he wandered deeper into his little daydream. 
"It would be the perfect place to start a life together with someone, don't you think?" Solomon was leaning over him now, head resting on his hand as he laid on his side, "I could have a garden in the backyard, maybe a few things to attract animals too. You would be just like a princess surrounded by all sorts of woodland creatures." 
Asmo hummed, raising an eyebrow and letting his eyes wander over to his boyfriend, "You talk as if Lucifer would let you keep me up here."
"I could steal you away," Solomon continued. He plucked one of the flowers scattered around them and twirled it between his fingers, eyes locked on the petals, "Like Persephone and Hades, I could steal you away."
The flower expanded in the sorcerer's hand and transformed into half of a pomegranate, "You don't even have to eat all the seeds."
"Solomon!" Asmo squealed as Solomon leaned closer to him, their lips barely brushing, "Lucifer would kill you." 
He couldn't help but whisper, as if his words were secrets even to the wind.
Solomon pulled away enough to scoop at the seeds with his tongue. The action alone made Asmo hold his breath and shudder. It was an offer, an invitation, promises for a future that could belong to him one day. He clutched at Solomon’s cloak, the only thing separating him from the earth below. Solomon had him surrounded, enveloped, and he was giving him an offer he couldn’t refuse. 
The pomegranate seeds lingered on his own tongue long after they disappeared, but Solomon tasted much sweeter.  They had shared thousands of kisses in the past, and yet ones like these always felt the most scandalous. The chaste ones, the ones where lips lingered just long enough and broke into smiles. They made Asmo blush like a virgin and hide his face in vain. The kiss had started heavy sure, but it evolved into something more, something that had Asmo feeling some type of way.  Thoughts that made him hasty and impulsive. Thoughts that he would still be safe within Solomon's presence.
Solomon's love tasted like whisky from a hazy Saturday night and smelt like the lingering smoke from the ghost of a fire. It lingered everywhere he touched Asmo, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
It was a lonely inn in the distance.
It was comfort.
It was home.
It asked Asmo to jump, and Asmo asked 'How high?'. 
It was a continuous burning, passionate but also safe and comfortable. It wasn't looking to consume him, but rather to light up his darkness, to keep him warm.
Asmo bit his lip as Solomon's cold hands ran over his back, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Asmo didn't remember sitting up, nor did he remember coming face to face with his lover, foreheads pressed together and the breath stolen from his lungs. Solomon leaned in for one more kiss.
"May I?" he whispered against his lips.
Solomon kissed him again and brushed gentle touches along his spine, "I want to see all of you, no one will see."
Solomon continued to whisper his request. Asmo let his eyes drift shut as he gave in. His wings unfurled from his back, fluttering as the wind tickled their membranes. And then Solomon's fingers drifted across them.
Asmo pulled away from his lover's arms, smiling as Solomon chased his lips. "Explain to me how your hands are still cold out here when it’s so nice?” 
His wings fluttered before settling down in a comfortable position, “My wings have goosebumps on them.” 
He plucked a few flowers next to him. Fingers weaving on their own accord. Briefly, he caught the look on Solomon's face. His cheeks started to turn the most perfect shade of pink. Of course, Asmo was certain it was a reaction to the coy expression he shot Solomon's way before turning his attention to the flowers in his lap. Humming softly to himself, he folded the stems over each other. 
"That's why I have you to keep me warm," Solomon moved closer, wrapping his arms around Asmo's middle and leaning his chin on his shoulder. "You are my Eurydice, and I would follow you anywhere, even into the greatest dangers of them all."
"I think you just want to keep me as your heater."
"Can't it be both?"
Asmo let out a small trill as Solomon ran his hands up his sides, wings fluttering between their bodies. All throughout, his hands remained focused on weaving. Solomon's hands were as cold as ice, and yet they felt wonderful against his skin.  
"You're cute."
"And you make the cutest little noises."
"So do you when I get you in bed." 
Solomon choked as soon as the words left Asmo's mouth. 
Asmo allowed one hand to leave his little project in order for him to reach up and play with Solomon's hair before sliding a finger down the side of his face and down to his chin. He turned his head to the side and smiled against Solomon's lips. "Wouldn't that fit that perfect little idea of yours? Making love to me in a perfect little cottage in a perfect little town?"  
Allowing himself to take in the sight of Solomon's perfectly handsome reddening face, Asmo turned back to his little project and tied off the ends. Holding it up in the sunlight, he admired all of the tiny perfect flowers. His wings fluttered as a pleased little purr left his lips. 
"Shush," Asmo clicked his tongue and placed the flower crown on Solomon's head, "My king needs a crown." 
"You are unfair, you tease me so cruelly."
Turning around, Asmo cupped Solomon's frowning face, "But I am not too terribly cruel am I? I promise you'll get what I offered you." He leaned in and pressed another gentle kiss to his lips, thumbs running over Solomon's cheeks.
"I never deny you now, do I?"
"Not once ever."
Asmo was far from unfamiliar with sex by the time he became involved with Solomon. Even so, in the beginning their couplings had been a tiny bit clumsy, filled with shaking hands and nervous laughter. Fingers dancing across bodies, mapping every groove and valley to memorize over hours of contemplation. They had made the beginnings of their symphony together with small gasps and words of encouragement, where to direct hands, the most beautiful  moans, and tiny messes marking their union on the sheets below.
Sex with Solomon was an experience. It was breathtaking and adventurous no matter how it ended up playing out. Asmodeus was willing to do it however he wanted, because sex with Solomon was a chance to be close with someone he loved. Above all, Asmo felt loved when they engaged with each other.  Solomon was an attentive lover, a kind lover. His breath was always hot and shaky in Asmo’s ear. 
As he looked at him now, Asmo couldn’t help but catch the tiny sparks of desperation. He wanted him, craved him like nothing he had ever wanted before, and the feelings were more than mutual.
They tripped over their heels as they made their way out of the meadow, giggling and laughing through the town. It was a dance, a chase, and Asmo’s heart was racing. He couldn’t keep the smile from spreading across his face despite the number of people they almost crashed into. Asmo had almost forgotten to reinstate his glamor with the excitement that was racing through him. Their fast paced footsteps clicked against the cobblestone before coming to an abrupt halt in front of a tiny cottage as Solomon grabbed onto his wrist. 
“This one,” he nodded, fumbling with a little key in his pocket.
“You never had any intention of returning me home tonight did you?” 
Solomon grinned, a few small petals falling from the crown upon his head, “Now why would I return you before spring has come?”
Of course he would continue with his references of tales from old. 
The door clicked open and they were falling inside.
And falling…
And falling…
And deeper…
And deeper…
Each kiss was breathtaking.
Each touch was a fire burning brighter.
The bed was only a suggestion, and one they somehow managed to take.
The only thought that remained in his mind was Solomon’s skin against his own and the way their hands fit together so perfectly.
His breath hitched as cold fingers traveled along his sensitive regions. Fangs dug into his lip as his head arched into the pillow. Solomon smiled at him before disappearing between his legs. 
Oh if those first few laps from his tongue didn't stroke a fire within Asmo's core. 
His thighs squished against his lover's face and his hands went to grab for his silver locks. But Solomon was quick as he lifted himself from his meal.
"I need room to work," he chuckled, pushing Asmo's thighs back down.
"And here I thought you were desperate to cum."
"I can't enjoy a snack?"
"Excuse you! I am at least a full course meal."
Solomon hummed and kissed his inner thigh, "That you are my Dear."
Instead of going back to where Asmo so desperately wanted him, Solomon continued to kiss and nip along his thigh, and down his leg, right to the tips of his toes.
Asmo gave him a small kick, not enough to hurt him, just enough to grab his attention, "Hello, Mr. Hot-and-Bothered, you've got me all hot and bothered back up here."
Solomon gestured towards his throbbing cock, standing proudly as attention between his legs, "You have had me like this, on and off, all week. I think you'll survive if I pamper you for a bit."
Now that was a word Asmo liked. 
He laid back down on the pillow and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of Solomon's lips as they passed over his skin. The way his fingertips played with the strip of highly maintained hair made him shudder. His glamor dropped once more now that there was no risk of being seen by others. He didn't need to cause that type of scene on what was supposed to be a romantic getaway. 
He could feel the shape of each hickey Solomon left on his inner thighs, how he would come close to where Asmo wanted him the most just to quickly evade him seconds later. He was throbbing, pulsing, and he wanted nothing more than to have Solomon inside him.
Asmo wiggled his hips and started to thread his fingers through Solomon's hair. He appreciated that Solomon enjoyed foreplay, but he was starting to get antsy.
"Do you want to feel my tongue light you ablaze My Queen?" 
Asmo shuddered. Solomon using his mother tongue was playing dirty. 
"I would rather feel your cock split me open." 
His own words fumbled a bit due to an unexpected, and particularly pleasurable, flick from Solomon's tongue against his most sensitive regions
"But I do love pleasuring you with my tongue," Solomon's hand ran up Asmo's stomach and his breath hitched, "It is pleasurable for me."
"But if you'd rather have my magic meat wand rearrange your insides-"
The speed at which Asmo grabbed a pillow and smacked Solomon over the head was almost unbelievable.
"Don't. Hide. Your. Terrible. Terrible. Words. Behind. A. Beautiful. Language!" 
Solomon cackled with each accented smack of the pillow to his form. 
"And yet you're still turned on."
"I will leave."
Solomon wrapped his arms around his hips and pressed kisses to his side. It was a plea to stay, knowing Asmo would never leave. Asmo tried to stay mad, he really did but when Solomon climbed up his side and caressed  his wings. He let out a tiny content trill  as Solomon reached the crook of his neck.
"Have you ever seen a magic cock crow?"
Asmo couldn't help but snort.
"Well I don't have that but I can show you how it spurts."
Asmo squealed, but his partner held him close.
"And I'm about to cock-a-doodle do you."
"You're not gonna cock-a-do anyone if you get me laughing too hard!"  
Solomon grinned and used his other hand to lift Asmo's leg slightly. 
"Then may my cock enter the hen house?"
Asmo hummed in thought. The squeal that left Solomon when Asmo grabbed his manhood filled him with nothing but pleasure. 
"You know, they also have cows with the hens too, so how about I milk you for all your worth?" Watching Solomon's face darken was all Asmo needed to know he had the reins again. "And they all have to breed too."
Solomon adored him no matter what form he took, and that was part of why Asmo adored him so much.
A hiss and a soft 'fuck' left Solomon's mouth as Asmo started to stroke him. He could feel his partner thrust up into his soft hand, the tip of his cock brushing against where Asmo wanted him the most. 
Asmo was in control.
He squeezed his partner's cock and brought it closer to his entrance, allowing Solomon to feel the warmth that could be enveloping him.
"So," Asmo pushed the head in a little further, "Make love to me?"
Asmo loved the way they felt when they were in union with each other. Solomon filled him in the most perfect way, his fluttering walls grabbing onto him and making his human moan.  
Milky legs wrapped around the sorcerer, controlling his movements and pulling him in deeper. Solomon was going at his pace, going in as deep as Asmo needed him to to reach all those wonderful spots that had him moaning.
Solomon was panting and whimpering in his ear and it was driving Asmo insane. He couldn't help but nip at Solomon's neck. If Solomon could leave hickeys on his thighs, then his neck was fair game. His fangs always brought shudders out of Solomon. 
His hips stuttered and Asmo squealed, back arching off of the mattress.
It was so domestic and hot. Asmo didn't realize two things could be true at once. Lucifer had expected him home, instead he was here, out past curfew and being one with the man he adored more than anything. 
The little jokes.
The laughter enhancing the pleasure.
Asmo just wanted to hold him close and stay joined with him forever. 
Solomon reached a hand between his legs and Asmo gasped.
"I want you to feel just as good as I do," Solomon breathed, switching to his mother tongue once more, "I want to feel you finish with me."
As if he needed to ask. Asmo tangled on hand into the back of his hair and gripped hard, their thrusts remained steady and precise. 
This was personal.
This was sacred.
Asmo felt loved.
Asmo felt secure.
A sharp gasp left his lips and his thighs tightened around Solomon. He could feel that lovely heat reaching its peak. It made him squirm under Solomon to a point where it was his human’s turn to steady him. That lovely pace was becoming agonizing in terms of speed, and he let Solomon know with little nips to his shoulder. On one hand he wanted to reach his orgasm, but on the other hand-
Solomon’s hand sped up along with his thrusts, but only slightly. 
Tears started to prick at his eyes as an overwhelming feeling consumed him. It came out of nowhere, smacked into him like a freight train, and became more powerful the closer he came to his orgasm.
“I love you. I love you so much,” Asmo’s words came out softly, softer than he realized what his voice was capable of. Solomon met his gaze and that was when he lost it. It took him a moment to realize that Solomon was also crying, and through the tears there was laughter. There still wasn’t a name for that feeling, but it was mutual and Asmodeus adored it. 
Soon after, Asmo finally felt himself tilt over the edge, an airy moan pouring out of his pretty lips. Solomon was soon after, Asmo’s fluttering insides driving him over the edge. With a groan Solomon emptied himself inside of him, giving a few more thrusts before slowing to a stop.
They remained connected, enjoying the feeling of being connected, being one. Asmo squeezed, fearing that if he let him go that Solomon would disappear forever, that he would wake up only to discover that all of this had been nothing but a dream. 
No words passed between them. Instead their lips met in a gentle embrace furthering their connection. 
“I love you too.”
The light he woke up to was the first sign. He had never made it back home to the Devildom. A mourning dove sang its haunting melody from outside the window. He took in the room for the first time. It was cozy, small, and had the most intricate wooden trimming Asmo had ever seen. The sheets were a soft pale blue, he almost would have mistaken it for a gray. They were cool, a perfect contrast to how hot he had felt last night. From somewhere in the room amongst scattered clothing, he heard his phone buzz. He didn’t need to look at the screen to know  Lucifer had sent him an inconceivable number of text messages. He would certainly be in for a rather long lecture upon his return. 
And he wouldn’t be the only one. 
An arm made its way around his middle.
“Stay with me.”
Asmo twisted so that their lips could meet. Solomon was an eager kisser, always one to chase lips and seek out physical affection in private. He was an adorable man, and he was his adorable man. Asmo was smiling into the kiss. What he wouldn’t give to stay in this moment, to stay with his human.
“Lucifer is going to kill you, and lock me in my room for the next millenia,” Asmo whispered in between kisses.
“Then stay. Stay where he can’t reach you.”
“You know I can’t do that,” Asmo pressed one last lingering kiss to his lips before tracing his hand over his cheek, “He’s my family and I love him.”
Solomon’s face fell as he pulled Asmo’s hand to his lips. There was a certain sadness in his eyes that broke Asmo’s heart. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to stay, he did, but he also didn’t want to leave his brothers worried especially not Lucifer.
“Then I shall just follow you.”
Solomon smiled against his skin, “For I am no better than Paris, and I would follow you anywhere, even if it meant certain disaster.”
“You stop that.”
Solomon seemed stunned at his words, eyes wide and staring at Asmo who’s brows were furrowed and dawned a rather serious expression on his face. 
“You keep comparing us to tragedies. I don’t like that.”
“They’re all considered love stories Asmodeus.”
“I know, but are any of them happy? Did any of them end up happy? Don’t they all involve some sort of depressing something or other-?”
Solomon snorted, “Depressing something or other-?”
“Well it’s true!” Asmo stood fast in what he did, “Paris died and Helen married some asshole, Orpheus couldn’t save Eurydice, and Hades and Persephone can only see each other for six months out of the year like some weird divorced couple where they don’t want to be divorced but they’re like forced to be. And I don’t want any of that to be us. I actually want this to go well.”
His face softened and tears pricked at his eyes once more as he stared deep into Solomon’s soul, “You are, without a doubt, one of the best things that has ever happened to me Solomon, this is one of the healthiest things that I have ever had. I can’t lose you, because if I do-”
Solomon shushed him and held him close, letting Asmo listen to the steady drum of his heartbeat.
“I see what you mean, I want this to last too Asmodeus. You are an absolute delight and a beautiful shining light in my life,” he hesitated for a moment, biting his lip, debating whether he would actually decide to speak into existence the desires the ran through his mind, “I would- I would very much enjoy if this could be my life with you one day. To come home to your arms every day would be bliss for me.”
Asmo looked up at him. He was so nervous. It was rare to see his witty sorcerer squirm like he was now. He had borne something so vulnerable to him, and now it was completely in Asmo’s hands. 
“One day,” Asmo promised quietly, “I would love to make our little house-play permanent, and one day we will. I’m not the one you need to convince.” 
Lucifer would not take it well if Asmo dropped that he was moving in with a man he was less than fond of. He would take it even worse if he received the news over text with Asmo already moved in. Asmo liked Solomon in tact and would prefer it if he weren’t strewn into tiny pieces all over the House of Lamentation. 
The grin on Solomon’s face could light up the entirety of the Devildom and Asmo could only squeal as he was bombarded with a flurry of kisses. The laugh Solomon let out was beyond joyous, and it was contagious.
“Then I am going to do my absolute best to convince him, so that we can have our perfect little cottage on the end of town,” Solomon promised, “And then we can start a perfect little life together. Until then, do you think you could stay for a while longer? I’m not quite done playing house with you, even if it’s just for a little while longer.”
Asmo thought briefly about all the notifications on his phone, about what could possibly await him for when he eventually had to return home. It would no doubt ruin the perfect mood that he was currently swimming in. But oh the look on Solomon’s face. He was nothing but an adorable puppy in Solomon’s eyes, a puppy that he simply couldn’t ignore. 
What harm could exist in staying just a little longer? 
It would be wonderful practice for his future.
“I could see myself staying for a little while longer, especially if I get to continue to enjoy my time with you.”
Solomon’s excitement was palpable. A trill left somewhere from the back of Asmo’s throat as he was scooped up and carried out to the kitchen. He couldn’t help but admire his Solomon, the charm of his smile, the strong shape of his jawline, the pact marks that littered his body.
This could really be his life one day couldn’t it?
Mornings spent naked without the slightest ounce of sexual intent, forehead kisses while they waited for coffee and tea to brew, chilly mornings outside the cottage quietly curled up together as they sipped on their cups. Steam rising into the air as the sun cast light on the first tiny drops of morning dew on the grass beneath their feet.  Wild flowers hung haphazardly in their hair, plucked from the ground without a word and stuck wherever they would stay. 
This life was his.
One day, he would spend all of his mornings like this. 
Cared for.
All the while, the mourning dove continued to sing, and hidden somewhere in the trees with a nest and a solitary egg. Soon a second one joined. A simple call and response between two lifelong partners haunting the quiet morning with their lingering melody carried in the light breeze that was traveling through, content with each other, and hidden from the rest of the world. 
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
thinking abt solasmo but not in a “currently dating” way but in a “refuses to admit they hate one another after the break up and say they’re still friends but it’s obvious they’re not” and a “co-custody of a household plant” kind of way
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hahafunyfungusman · 2 years
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ur honor they’re in love
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l3v1-m0rn1n95tar · 2 years
Spotify: *plays Our Destiny*
Me: Sweet.
Also Spotify: *plays Pomade immediately after*
Me: ...
20 notes · View notes
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Made a Robo Fizz OC named Solarise who, in my Helluva Boss AU, is in Fizzarolli’s place. No further questions please.
She’s a runaway sentient robot who left Mammon’s place for personal reasons. She ended up in the Lust Ring and laid her eyes on the king of Lust himself.
Once again, it’s an AU where my sonas are in place of the OG characters and if you don’t like that my OC is in Fizz’s place then you can leave
Anyways them
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devildomwriter · 9 months
“…Whoa, careful! You guys nearly trampled me there. What’s going on? Were you so excited to see me that you ran out to greet me? Or maybe I interrupted a game of tag or something?”
“We don’t have time for this, Solomon!”
— Solomon and Asmodeus (Chapter 35-2)
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telepathy-supremacy · 2 years
I feel like people need to understand that liking a character does not automatically mean that you think they're perfect flawless beings?
Like, my fave is Belphie. I love him, his storyline is very interesting, I think he can be kind and compassionate, I love how straightforward he is, and he's the adorable youngest sibling.
He's also a fucking menace who literally offed MC, had an entire plan to commit genocide, is snarky, sassy, part of the anti-Luci league, and a manipulative brat.
These things are not mutually exclusive. I very well understand that Belphie is certainly not a completely morally-amazing character; however, I still love his development, his sibling relationships, and his general personality.
In conclusion: The characters you like do not define your personality. You can like characters because of something in your real life, but when consumed normally, fictional characters are...pretty harmless drawings.
If you want extra reassurance: I am yet to murder anyone lol.
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raelyn-dreams · 10 months
(These ships do not exist as "set" ships. I ship characters in many different ways and with different people, while I may only rarely ship a said character with others. My usual "preferred" ships will be in bold. This list is not all-encompassing - please feel free to send me an ask about any ship or character!!! I love excuses to ramble!!!)
Death Parade: Decim x Chiyuki
Haikyuu: Daisuga, Sugadaiyui, Asanoya, Kiyoyachi, Ennotana, Kiyotana, Kinonari, Ennokinonari, Kagehina, Kenhina, Tsukkiyama, Iwaoi, Matsuhana, Kyouhaba, Kinkuni, Kuroken, Bokuroo, Bokuakakuroken, Fukutora, Fukuken, Toraken, Fukukentora, Levyaku, Inulev, Shibalev, Teshinushibalev, Bokuaka, Ushiten, Semishira, Kawashira, Kogagoshiki, Aofuta, Kogasaku, Kitaran, Osasuna, Sakuatsu, Daimika.
Ouran High School Host Club: Tamaharu, Tamahika, Tamahikaharu, Kyokao, Hanirei, Kasumei.
Pokemon: Satogou/Journey/Firstfriend, Pallet, Sapphirepearl.
Sailor Moon: Mamousa, Harumichi, Makoami, Reinako.
The Promised Neverland: Norrayemma, Gildon.
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children: Fugh, Emwyn, Enorace.
Carmen Sandiego (2019): Julethief/Carulia, Carmivy, Jeantonio.
Ninjago: Jaya, Pixane, Bruise/Geode, Mudshock, Lava, Glacier, Techno, Opposites, Plasma, Polyninja, Samurai, Amberpheonix, Scruffy.
Teen Titans: Robstar, BBRae, Starrae, Jerikole.
Twisted Wonderland: Azurid, Florid, Treyrid, Treyjade, Treycaterid, Treycater, Mallekei, Adeuce, Epeldeuce/Applejuice, Leoruggie, Leovil, Epeljack, Azuido, Azujami, Idiazu, Jamikali, Silkali, Rookvil, Silseb.
Enstars: Wataei, Yuzutori, Subahokke, PolyTrickstar, Chiakana, Midochia, Midotetoshino, Hiiai, Tatsumayo, Hiyojun, PolyEden, Shumika, Rinniki, Reikao, Adokoga, Mitsutomohaji, Kurokei, Izuleo, PolyKnights, Natsumugi, Reichi, Eikei, Eimugi, Watarei, Torikasa, Midoyuzu, Subanatsu, Ritsumao, Chiakao, Tetohina, Yuushino, Hiikoha, Kohaii, Kohiiai, Tatsuhime, Tatsukana, Ibahaji, Kanajun, Kuroshu, Shunazu, Rinneshu, Narumika, Ritsumika, Reikei, Adosou, Kogasou, Adosoukoga.
Injustice: Greencanary, Jason Rusch x Jaime Reyes.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst: Faith x Icarus, Faith x Plastic.
Obey Me & Obey Me Nightbringer: Dialuci, Solasmo.
Cursed Princess Club: Gwendrick, Jellie.
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nnnneeev · 1 year
that makes sense, i also like dialuci
with solasmo i dont rlly ship it because i dont rlly see it, prefer solsim yk?
u put it in good words when u said i like the content but dont rlly ship ‘ship’ them
ahhh yes solsim interactions are also good jskjkj
0 notes
ruewrites · 1 year
Returning Lovesickness Chapter 2
Ship: Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 2823
Warnings: None
Grad scool had HANDS this semester. I swear-
Thank you all for being patient with meeeee. I very much appreciate it <3
This is an au that @leviathanswingman and I made and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do <3
It had been at least a week since his conversation with Barbatos. Asmo had been staring up at the canopy over their bed as the clock ticked away, hands folded over his abdomen. Nerves made his stomach churn, a little mantra of 'I should tell him' played over and over again in his mind.  It had been all day, even as he watched Solomon work away at his desk and his tiny requests for the man to come to bed began. 
Asmo's eyes flipped to the clock.
3 AM.
He should tell him. 
Before he lost what little nerve he had. Slowly, he turned onto his side, taking a moment to adore the silver tufts of hair tossed over the pillow. 
“Solomon?” he asked,reaching out to touch Solomon’s arm. 
The man shifted, but didn’t make any other move. 
“Solomon,” he tried again, gently jostling the man’s arm, “I need to tell you something.”
In true Asmo fashion, to make sure he had Solomon’s attention, and that the man couldn’t ignore him, he hooked a leg up and over so he was straddling Solomon’s midsection.
Solomon let out a groan, “Asmodeus, do you realize what time it is?”
“It’s happening again.”
The words came out faster than he intended to, the anxiety in his stomach forcing the words out of his mouth. He watched as Solomon’s eyes flew open. He sat up as much as he could under Asmo, propping himself up on his elbows. He blinked a few times and squinted as if he couldn't quite believe or process what Asmo was telling him.
"Again," Asmo could feel the sweat on the palms of his hands, the knots in his stomach tightened, "Solomon, it's happening again."
Asmo saw the click happen in Solomon's eyes as they widened. His hands moved to Asmo's hips. "Again? It is happening again?"
His voice was so soft yet brimming with energy. Asmo gave another nod in response to his question. Solomon's hands started shaking from where they rested upon his hips. And then a wide grin spread across his face. Arms wrapped around Asmo's middle, pulling him into a tight embrace and drawing a squeal out of his lips. Solomon held him tight, laughter bubbling out of his throat with each passing second, and that laughter was contagious. 
Asmo could feel the tears pricking at his eyes as giggles escaped them. Oh he had been silly to be so anxious. But what really did him in, was the look on Solomon's face. There was something so boyish about it, he was elated, and his eyes were sparkling. 
Solomon let one of his hands snake up to rest on Asmo's cheek. The cold metal of his wedding band chilled Asmo's delicate skin, "How long?"
"How long have you known dear one?" 
Dear one.
Asmo had heard it thousands of times before, but it still made his heart flutter. Asmo brought a hand up to match Solomon's.
"Not long."
"How long is not long?"
"A few weeks? Maybe a little less than a month?" Asmo guessed, "I didn't really know know, more like I had a suspicion."
"A few weeks," Solomon repeated, he softened from his high, "You're amazing." 
And then Solomon kissed him.
Solomon kissed him. 
Of course they had many kisses, and they would never exhaust kisses, but this was Asmo's first kiss with Solomon after days riddled with anxiety. Days debating with himself over what was happening only to continue worrying over what he would say to Solomon. But in the end, it didn't seem to matter. 
Solomon's fingers brushed against the skin of his back, making Asmo shudder and gasp and allowing for Solomon to deepen their kiss.
Solomon was taking this well.
Another brush against his spine made Asmo shudder once more.
Very well.
"You should get sleep darling, you have a class to teach in the morning."
"How could I possibly sleep with such exciting news on my mind?" 
Asmo had turned to face him, his fingers lazily tangling themselves in Solomon's hair. Solomon pulled him closer, face buried in Asmo’s chest. The smile on his lips  imprinted themselves on Asmo’s skin. 
“You’re wonderful.” 
Solomon’s mother tongue poured out of his lips like honey. He pressed a kiss against Asmo’s collar bone and continued, “Ashmedai, you give me so much, more than I deserve. All of your love, your strength, one beautiful child, and now a second.”
Solomon kissed higher up his neck.
“What have I done to deserve you?”
Asmo shuddered and gently tipped Solomon’s head up with the tips of his fingers, making their eyes meet before responding in the same tongue. 
Solomon softened even more and then buried himself under Asmo’s chin. He was truly adorable, the cutest man he knew. Well, aside from him that is. But oh, when his husband looked so soft, looking at him with such adoring eyes, how could Asmo not simply coo and admire him? He was an adoring father too. He’d been so wonderful with Lilith (and still was), and he’d be no different for this one. 
The pampering didn't stop there. Asmo woke up to more kisses and affection. It nearly had him bursting at the seams, and to add on it came coupled with Solomon's seemingly nonstop praises and words of affirmation. It was almost too much, but he wasn't complaining. Asmo would soak up every microscopic amount of affection Solomon gave him and then more. They fed into each other, amplifying everything the other had to give. 
"Can I bring you anything Ashmedai? Anything you want, name it." 
Asmo cracked his eyes open as Solomon pulled back from peppering his face with kisses. His body stretched out, little bouts of tension from sleep slowly slipping away. The entire time Solomon's eyes were on him, adoring and faithful. A soft trill left his lips as Solomon carded gentle fingers through his hair before pressing another kiss to his lips. 
"Can I have a latte with cute foam art and my favorite wicked cupcakes?"
"Of course, I'll make sure they come with extra sprinkles and the best frosting they have."
Asmo grabbed for his wrist as he went to pull away and pulled it close to his lips. "I would also like my husband home quickly, and hope his work goes by fast today."
Missing his husband was always a part of Asmo's day, but now it would be even moreso. All he wanted was Solomon this and Solomon that. It didn't even matter if he was being pampered by his husband or if he was the one doing the pampering. He only needed Solomon close.
With another soft smile, Solomon kissed his forehead, "I shall try my absolute hardest."
Shopping, no matter the circumstance, was one of Asmodeus's favorite pastimes. He knew he should be careful about what he ordered on Akuzon if he didn't want people getting suspicious, but that didn't mean he couldn't look. Little clothes, little shoes, the cutest little teddy bears, little bottles, it all flooded his feed and made him absolutely giddy. The hardest part would be deciding on colors and only picking a few. Cute babies deserved cute things.
He was more than content. Unfortunately, his husband would seem to not be in such a state.
"A few weeks?" 
Those were the first words Solomon said to him upon arriving home, looking to be in quite a state. 
"No kisses?" Asmo teased before letting himself flip back on the couch, "And yes, a few weeks. Why?"
Solomon had placed his hands on the back of the couch. Concern gripped his gaze as he mustered his partner, "We were on at least one mission in that timeframe.  Are you sure you have it down right?"
"Of course I do," Asmo reached up and gently caressed Solomon's cheek. His poor, poor human. So stressed and for what? Everything was fine and now that he was home they could cuddle and watch trashy reality TV with facemasks and snacks.  He'd been dying to see the new episode of Too Hot for Hell for a week. They could watch it together and Asmo could show Solomon all of the cute baby items he found. "What's got you in a tizzy Daddy?" 
"Asmodeus," Solomon ran a hand over his own face, eyebrows scrunched together as a sigh hissed out of his lips, "You ripped a wyvern to shreds and were covered in its blood. It was brutal. It almost sunk its teeth into you!"
"And you thought it was hot," Asmo teased, trailing his fingers up his chest.
"Asmo, you're with child, that was dangerous," Solomon grabbed his other hand, gaze turning towards pleading, "You know how other demons acted around you with Lilith, and it's already seemed to happen once now with this one."
"Barbatos seemed fine, he asked me about it."
"Barbatos knew?"
Oops. Oh well. Asmo would apologize for ratting out on their friend later.
Solomon covered his face with both hands and let out a groan. He was stressed, but he wouldn't be so stressed if he would just sit down with him and watch Too Hot for Hell like Asmo wanted.
"Nope. Okay. I'll talk to him later. But right now we should start packing."
This caught Asmo's attention. 
He sat up quickly, nearly knocking their heads together as he did so. Disbelief written all over his face. Before he could even speak Solomon continued, "I want you both safe. I want to do things a little more right than I did the first time."
There it was. Asmo melted a little. They had both been unprepared, uncertain, unknowing of all the dangers and stumbling and tripping to make sure their first got the chance to grow up. Yet Solomon carried so much guilt over so many things. Things that he had no control over Asmo cupped Solomon's face and leaned in so their foreheads were touching. 
"Darling, you were wonderful the first time,  and you're going to be wonderful again. Please, be kind to yourself."
Solomon closed his eyes, seemingly allowing himself to enjoy the embrace before taking and pressing Asmo's hands against his lips, paying special attention to the wedding ring. When he still didn't move, Asmo decided to continue. 
"Besides, I'm a strong demon, I open all of the jars in this house and another baby isn't going to change that."
Solomon snorted and finally met Asmo's gaze once more, "I know, but I will always worry. I love you."
“And I love you,” Asmo leaned forward and pecked Solomon's lips, "I guess I could start packing if getting back up to the human world will alleviate some of that worry. I don’t like seeing you fret darling."
Solomon nuzzled their noses  together, making Asmo squeal as he leaned over the back of the couch to get to Asmo's neck. His breath was hot against his skin, "Well, one episode of Too Hot for Hell couldn't hurt. You've been wanting to watch it."
“Oooooh yes yes yes! The last one ended on such a terrible cliff hanger! Oh but you remember that too! We were screaming about it until the next morning! Can you believe that two timer? And going behind everyone’s backs-!”
In one swift motion, Solomon tossed himself over the back of the couch  and into Asmo's squealing waiting arms. Oh how lucky was he to have such a darling man? 
"Do you and Daddy need help with any unpacking?"
"I think we've got it, it's just some little things left. You sit down baby, relax!" Asmo chirped, leading Lilith over to a chair and kissed her cheek, "It feels so good to have my baby home! How's school? Your Daddy and I wanna hear all about it!"
Solomon kissed her forehead upon entry, "Any favorite classes?"
"Any cute girls? Boys?" 
"What? There's no harm in me wanting to ask!"
Solomon gave him a look. Alright, so Asmo had gotten carried away with this topic in the past. But could anyone really blame him?
Lilith laughed and leaned forward on the table. Oh how Asmo missed having her around the house. She was his first baby, his darling little bunny, his little girl, the most adorable little princess. And she was growing up so fast. The thought gripped at his chest. He couldn't tear up in front of her though, not now.
"Well, I have been taking some hellish deep sea classes. We're going out to the marina next Tuesday to try to catch a glimpse of some deep sea devil fish, and if we’re lucky a fin reaper!"
Solomon shuddered slightly, but he kept a smile on his face. As much as he hated the ocean, he was supportive of his daughter and her interest in sea life. Ever since she was little she had adored fish and anything with fins, she still had Mr. Fishy to this day.
"Treasure, Ollie, and I are also thinking about starting our own dorm next year, we're still thinking what our theme would be and what we would call it, but we're getting there!"  Lilith chirped. She had always been quick with her words. She had a similar cadence to Asmo's when she was excited, spitting out words in rapid succession. "Speaking of living arrangements, what had you guys moving back up to the human world? Nostalgia?"
Diving straight into the point.
Solomon and Asmo made eye contact. Asmo could feel himself shifting in anticipation. He just couldn't hold it in anymore! Reaching over the table he grabbed a hold of Lilith's hands, squeezing them tightly in his own. 
"Well when you were born my Little Bunny, we moved up here to keep you safe and so that we could let you enjoy being little for as long as you were little," he brushed a strand of hair back her ear. While he had been homesick for a while, he had made so many wonderful memories with his little family, and now he was going to make more. 
"And now your Daddy and I get to do that all over again," his voice was soft, but vibrating with excitement.
Lilith cocked her head, and then her eyes widened as the realization hit her.
"Wait, are you guys serious? Uncle Lucifer was asking me like if- and I mean- I didn't know like if- and all the family was there- and like are you guys serious? Like really?" with each changing thought Lilith's voice raised in pitch, "You're seriously having a baby? Like a real actual baby?" 
Solomon chuckled and threw his arm around Asmo's shoulders, "Hope you're ready to be a big sister Little Arsonist." 
Lilith didn't respond with words, she let out a squeal and leapt over the table in an attempt to wrap her parents in an embrace. With the help of some awkward stumbling, the trio made their way to their feet. Asmo cooed and trilled as he nuzzled against Lilith. He missed having his family close like this. And while his daughter was much too big to be lifted by him and Solomon now (thanks to his husband's genes for making her tall, which he still hadn't entirely forgiven him for), they could still hold her like this in their arms. 
"We're keeping it on the down low for now, alright?" Solomon winked and kissed her forehead again.
"I won't run my mouth as long as I can post tons of pictures on my devilgram when my new little sibling is heeeere." 
It was nice to have laughter like this in their house again. Asmo stared at the picture Lilith posted of the three of them, wishing he could like it and comment over and over and over again.
LilyOfTheValley: Love getting to spend time with my parents over the weekend! Ready to get spoiled rotten 💕
AsmoBaby: I absolutely plan on doing this! Anything you want is yours this weekend my sweet baby bunny 🐇
monSOLO: I have packed up the carpets so that you can have free reign this weekend 🔥
She'd be staying for the weekend, and Asmo couldn't feel happier. Even hearing both Treasure and Ollie’s voices ringing out over Lilith’s phone brought back memories for him. He was absolutely going to burst. He was wiping his blurry eyes when Solomon placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
"You're going to need sleep if we want our new bun to cook."
"Mmm, carry me?" 
"You're spoiled my Queen."
"It's because I'm your Queen that I'm spoiled."
Solomon responded with a kiss before taking Asmo in his arms. One arm supporting his back as the other hooked under his legs. Asmo wrapped his arms around and buried his face in Solomon's neck  as he carried him off. 
They really had made a perfectly beautiful family together hadn't they? Now, it was going to become just a little more perfect.
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again for the same reason as my dialuci poll
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psychlocke · 2 years
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[ translation ]
solomon: let's go back to being friends
asmo: but we're still gonna kiss each other
solomon: not anymore
asmo: sigh
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emothirteen · 2 years
good: solasmo are exes
better: solasmo are like those wlw couples who do everything together and break up but continue doing everything together after the breakup without ever taking space or time to process so things are always a little weird. you date either one of them and the other is always trying to go on "double dates" and solomon and asmo make weird charged eye contact the whole time
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beelzeboobs-central · 2 years
Asmo: Thanks for inviting me over for dinner Solomon: I didn't, you followed me home
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simpbuddy · 2 years
this what i saw when i first opened tumbler
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like it fits
number 1 pictures belongs to
number 2 belongs to
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fallencrowkarma · 2 years
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cropped version of a valentines present i made for a dear friend in our server gift exchange💜
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