#solomon david
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More than a little obsessed with this panel - hell, this whole update.
This man is so hopeless. He's desperately trying to abdicate all his power and responsibility because he failed once (1nce). He's also doing exactly what he was asked to do and ceding control of his empire, except he's so bad at it that his approach involves absolutely zero (0) assistance with the actual transition of power. He was so reluctant to give up an inch of his power that his entire home planet had to be obliterated in order for him to take the idea seriously. He got his ass kicked, responded by throwing the ass-kicker into a Zone of Holding, told nobody how long it would last, dumped all his powers onto the first person he saw after picking himself up, and fucked off to live on a mountain and passive-aggressively beef with the world's angriest fish. Now he is so so mad that she hasn't figured it all out yet. He is now finally helping by yelling at her, belittling her, and (most importantly) steadfastly ignoring that her Deeply Transgender situation is not exactly conducive to 'learning to use a Key and also a mystical forbidden martial art'. He is still, somehow, legitimately trying his best.
He's doing it so bad. Congrats little buddy that's the worst anyone's ever done it!!!!!
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pumpkaboots · 2 months
a part of Solomon must be furious that a woman that represents all he did wrong (which he thought was right) is his heir.
but it's also interesting that he's willing to see through White Chain's training until the end. Though I do have to wonder: is his main goal revenge against Jagganoth, the man who destroyed his empire? Or is it just resignation that he fucked up? Both?
Looking forward to see how things play out!
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
Today I’m thinking about how Solomon David’s primary motivation for becoming a Demiurge was to avenge/prevent similar tragedies as the death of his original family, but his control freak tendencies essentially cement the repetition of his initial trauma as an actual function of government; he staffs his entire administration exclusively with generation after generation of his children, all of whom he inevitably outlives, because sharing the secret techniques by which he attained immortality would require loosening his death grip on power. Tomorrow I will think about something else related to Solomon David
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sassyasses · 2 months
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sopping wet cat of a man
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cyrenesavage · 1 year
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wintsdom no. 2
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transfemnessie · 6 months
salami dave an asshole even after all that shit id kick his ass too
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karthedense · 5 months
What do you think would happen if these 2 met?
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kadanungra · 7 months
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Inktober Day 26 - Remove
Some person offscreen about to be removed from existence.
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goodsirs · 7 months
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The Terror 1.09 "The C, the C, the Open C"
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nomilkinmyteaplease · 4 months
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The loves of the Terror
For the
@theterrorbingo free slot
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artbyblastweave · 1 year
I think one of KSBD's great strengths and weaknesses is the abundance of additional reading and lore. It provides amazing grist for discussion, but I fear it also tricks Abby into thinking he's written more into the story than there actually is, namely, the skew between ROYALTY's presence in the lore vs the actual comic, and also the difference in depictions between who Salami Davis was supposed to be (awful tyrant) and who he seems in the comic (actually kinda alright, barring the brutal prison sentences).
I think there's something to this broadly, but in Solomon David's case specifically I think I have to disagree; I got the Bad Vibes basically from his on-panel behavior. Part of this is that I think that if you're in charge of an empire you created yourself, you're definitionally kind of a shithead from the word go, part of this is that I'm primed to bouts of paranoia at the site of an environment as shiny and orderly as Rayuba even before any untowardly repressive behavior occurs. One major element is that his Demiurge splash introduction occurs while he's in the process of relieving some of his workers of a burden he imposed on them in the first place, which struck me as extremely performative given that he's touring Zaid around when he does it.
And, of course, most of King of Swords is a tournament arc that basically reads as a colossal, televised PR event/ego fluffing exercise. Ostensibly it's a way to find a worthy successor- but if his concern is really purely about making sure his holdings will be secure against the other demiurges should he step down.... why not just step down from actually ruling the empire but make himself available in a military capacity if the other Demiurges try something?
Here my read wavers a little. Because it's possible that Solomon uses the Tournament as a fig leaf for his true desire to remain in charge forever, making his moral inclinations inviolate law; only running the tournament because he doesn't seriously think anyone will ever beat him. It's also possible that his thinking is so warped that he genuinely believes that recreating the universal war in miniature is a good way to pick a successor, and he might have actually honored White Chain's request that he abdicate if Jagganoth hadn't shown up when he did. But I wouldn't put money on the second interpretation. He did not have the facial expression of a guy about to abdicate, and the parts of his dialogue we can see over Jadis teleporting in read suspiciously like the beginnings of a convenient hedge.
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sassyasses · 2 months
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tfw you see an angel, a human, and a devil fuse into one giant woman
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cyrenesavage · 2 years
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letmeinimafairy · 4 months
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Brave tin soldiers of the Terror. A development of an old sketch, Sgt. Tozer on a metal tag, frost, lead poisoning and toy soldiers as a motif that won't let me go
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forasecondtherewedwon · 2 months
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Masters of the Air - Parts One-Five
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