#some jerk Olympians
thebibliomancer · 2 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #282: CAPTIVES
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August, 1987
Prisoners of the GODS!
In one sense, prisoners of the gods, yes, that is going on. The Avengers are clearly imprisoned by one or more gods.
But did you ever consider that from the gods’ perspective, its a gotta catch ‘em all of the Avengers?
I mean, Neptune (geez Marvel, stick to either Roman or Greek pantheons ffs) went out of his way to catch Namor and Namor hasn’t been on the team since before the Masters of Evil thing.
That’s completionist energy.
Wait... is the Collector behind this? Yeah, he died but when has that ever stopped anyone in comics for long?
Last times on Avengers: the Masters of Evil attacked the Avengers and managed to smash up the mansion and beat Hercules into a coma. There was a roster shake up as Thor and She-Hulk cycled back in, Dr Druid joined for some reason, Wasp went on a well-deserved vacation, and Hercules was in a coma.
That last point is the sticking point of this arc, it seems. Because Hermes kidnapped Hercules out of the hospital and then lured Thor to Olympus so Hephaestus and Ares could beat him up. While Hermes, Dionysus, and Artemis beat up the Avengers on Earth, partially by tricking She-Hulk into eating a drugged cherry Italian ice.
With the Avengers sufficiently beat the shit up, Zeus appeared to tell them they were on his shit list for letting Hercules make bad decisions and get beaten into a coma.
And rather than seek revenge on the ones who did the beating, Zeus is taking it out on the Avengers.
Because Zeus is a dick.
The story continues!
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The story continues with Namor minding his own business for a change, just enjoying hanging out with his new wife Marrina (oh hey, congrats!) when the ocean goes nuts with the shaking.
Namor saves some people that rocks fell on and then swims out with Marrina to investigate.
They notice some Atlantean refugees fleeing and go to help them because they’re the cool guys brave enough to join Namor in exile rather than live in Attuma ruled Atlantis.
But then Neptune pops up out of the ground, yells at Namor for questioning his will when Namor asks about the earthseaquakes, and then drags Namor down to hell.
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Saying “that happened” can be a cheap joke but really, the Atlantean refugees and Marrina standing around looking at the crack in the ground that a god popped out of and then sank back into after kidnapping their king has peak “that happened” energy.
Of course, I was joking about Neptune dragging Namor to hell.
He brings him to Hades instead.
Because god of oceans, he can just pop right out of the River Styx.
Neptune expresses some regret that things gotta be how they’re being and that Namor deserves better than this (open to debate). Why, if it weren’t for Neptune’s covenant with Zeus, Neptune never would have reverse raptured Namor to Hades.
But the brotherly covenant is a thing so Neptune turns Namor over to Cerberus to bring to Pluto.
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Greek god dammit, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, are there no monsters of myth you won’t just turn into a grimacing dude in Kirbarian armor??
Namor comes to while I Refuse To Call Him Cerberus is hauling him across the dismal fields of Hades like a sack of damp potatoes.
The Abstastic Avenger slips loose and tries to choke Not Cerberus with his shackles despite the dude wearing a helmet that covers his throat. And Cerberus just breaks the chain anyway so the whole exercise was a little pointless.
Well, almost pointless.
Namor was looking for answers and he got answers and stepped on to boot.
Namor: Tell me now -- who are you? Where am I? Why have I been brought here? Speak!”
Not Cerberus: “You think to threaten Cerberus?! Truly you are bereft of all reason! Know ye, mortal, that Cerberus is guardian of Hades, land of the unliving! ‘Tis there you be... by the grace of my Master Pluto and the will of Zeus!”
Namor throws Not Cerberus off of himself and then decides that really what he needs to do now is take a nice refreshing dip.
Except the nearest water is the River Styx and its full of monsters and it flows into the River Phlegethon WHICH IS ON FIRE!
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He’s having a bad time.
Namor washes up unconscious on the shore observed by a shadowy figure.
But this is apparently one of those beneficent shadowy figures because when Namor regains consciousness again, he finds that his shackles are gone and burns that should have taken months to heal have gone away with a quick nap.
(Is Namor an JRPG character?)
The shadowy figure introduces himself, or rather doesn’t introduce himself, but at least announces his presence and explains to Namor that he healed him with various poultices.
Oh, I see. Just an ordinary doctor passing by, is it?
The mysterious cloaked figure who pointedly does not tell Namor his name also tells Namor that he was brought to Hades to join the Avengers in captivity and WOULDN’T YOU KNOW IT, the Avengers are being held in the garrison of the accursed Fortress Tartarus just to the right.
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Can’t miss it.
Then the mysterious cloaked figure vanishes into the mists rather than answer any more questions.
Mysterious cloaked figure, vanishing into the mists: “I can say no more. The fate of the Avengers now depends on you! Do not fail them, Namor... do not fail”
I guess people don’t become mysterious cloaked and/or shadowy figures unless they love drama.
Namor heads to the doom fortress and finding no entrances makes one by punching the crap out of a drainage duct.
Where he immediately runs into some soldiers of Hades. Who he immediately beats up because he’s Namor. He also steals the armor off of one because yes, we’re going full... whatever you call this. Death Star infiltration? Its a trope and it definitely predates Star Wars.
Before long, Armored Variant Namor finds the deepest dungeon that the Avengers are being held in.
And I guess the order of the day is just random torture? The gods beat up the Avengers and threw them to Hades and now they’re just being randomly tortured?
Captain America is attached to a big wheel, Dr Druid is here for some reason and hanging from shackles, Captain Marvel is in a metal sarcophagus which is blocking her powers, and in an effective but cruel twist She-Hulk is chained to Black Knight.
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Maybe the dungeons of Hades didn’t have anything strong enough to hold her but by chaining her to Black Knight, they made it so the only way She-Hulk can bust herself loose is to tear Black Knight in half.
Afraid of the torturers using the imprisoned Avengers as hostages, Namor pretends he’s just another guard who wants to steal the spoils for himself.
He punches all the guards who are pawing over what they took from the Avengers, claims that its all his now, and dismissively throws away Cap(tain America)’s shield as gaudy.
It just so happens that the throw bonks the shield off the chains holding She-Hulk and Black Knight together but nobody notices that over what a dick disguised Namor is being.
His secret superpower is taking up so much oxygen in the room that nobody notices anything but ‘and now here’s this asshole.’
The torturer that was about to torture Black Knight goes to attack disguised Namor with Black Knight’s blade but freed by the shield bonk, Black Knight does that thing he can do that he doesn’t get enough chances to do.
He summons the extremely cursed Ebony Blade out of the torturer’s hands and into his own. And then he knocks out the torturer with the flat of the blade.
While She-Hulk joins disguised Namor in beating the crap out of the guards, Black Knight rushes over to cut Cap(tain America) loose from the big wheel. But Cap(tain America) tells him to free Cap(tain Marvel) first instead.
In fairness, she’s maybe their biggest gun.
Black Knight figures that the metal sarcophagus is probably enchanted to contain Monica but luckily Black Knight’s extremely cursed sword can cut through it.
Captain Marvel is ready to get some revenge for being locked in a box but She-Hulk and Namor didn’t leave any guards left unpunched.
But the breakout isn’t complete as Dr Druid notices that Thor isn’t in this dungeon so now they gotta go find him.
Of course, that just makes Namor wonder ‘hey actually what the here is going on here?’
Because he still has no idea what the plot is. He’s just been acting on punchstinct.
Of also course, the Avengers had no idea they were in Hades so everyone is a little surprised right now.
Captain Marvel does her Avengers chairperson duty of expositing the previous issue, to fill in Namor.
Actually though, the recap is only one panel and one additional narrative caption. The rest of the flashback is new content.
Pretty neat although it does mean that the entire previous issue gets smooshed down to ‘Hercules’ family ambushed us and took us to Olympus so Zeus could yell at us. What a dick.’
And yeah, what a dick.
When Zeus blames the Avengers for Hercules’ condition, Captains America and Marvel defend themselves by saying it was Hercules’ own dumbass that got his dumb ass beaten to near death.
Which... maybe not the best tone to take to a grieving, vengeful father?
Zeus: “Lies! I have learned how Hercules suffered your taunts and torments! I will not hear the lies of mortals!”
Thor suggests that maybe the truth will sound more believable coming from a fellow god and longtime friend to Hercules like.... well, Thor.
But Zeus takes the bold move of claiming that Thor isn’t Thor because hey what’s with that new armor. Also, even if you are Thor, screw you Thor, mighty Zeus don’t listen to a god that’s “so servile to mortal beings”.
Thor gets angry at being called servile and just FLEXES out of his bonds, then runs over and punches Ares who had the misfortune of being the wrong extremely punchable face at the wrong time and place.
But Zeus just zaps Thor, which I presume freezes or knocks out Thor. Dunno, flashback ends.
Either way, that’s how they got from last issue to now. And the bonds the Olympians put on the Avengers prevented them from using their powers. The Olympians knocked them out and then next thing they knew, they were in a dungeon.
Namor blames himself for being absent because maybe if he’d been around, Hercules wouldn’t have gotten so hurt.
Which Black Knight dismisses as ‘no, dumbass would still have managed it.’
The Avengers run into a massive army of Hades’ soldiers? Goons? Guards?
Why does Hades have so many employees??
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The Avengers start making short work of them because c’mon. They’re a faceless army of mooks. They exist to make the Avengers look cool.
She-Hulk even hits one dude with another dude.
The only thing they have going for them is numbers. Thousands of numbers.
But that’s just a ‘don’t let them surround you but do keep doing your cool moves’ moment, not a ‘we should retreat because we’re massively outnumbered.’
Dr Druid even gets to make some of the warriors see an illusory image of him to get them to hit each other.
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Pretty good.
I like that his powers require him to be a little creative.
Black Knight continues being a dude with a sword who doesn’t like hitting people with a sword. But he can hit other peoples’ weapons with your weapons to break their weapons.
The things that cannot be cut by his Ebony Blade, forged by Merlin, are next to none.
Captain America takes a moment out of punching dudes to watch Namor punch dudes and pines for him to rejoin the Avengers.
I swear, nobody likes Namor more than Captain America does.
And She-Hulk punches dudes but then grabs one and demands to know where Thor is.
This is the army of the dead so do they have anything to fear from her? I mean, aside from pain. Nobody wants to be punched by a Hulk multiple times.
Apparently the guy does tell She-Hulk where Thor is because the scene cuts to where Pluto is keeping him prisoner by having a giant rock block placed on top of him.
Is this comeuppance for all the people he’s pinned under Mjolnir?
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Also, like many fictional depictions of Hades/Pluto, he is just a jerk.
Pluto: “It has been centuries since brother Zeus allowed me any new subjects to do with as I wish! Having you at my mercy is a treat far sweeter than this honeyed wine, Asgardian -- you’ve interfered with all too many of my plans!’
Dang, Pluto Hades hasn’t been the same since his wife left him, I assume.
(It’d be funny if Persephone was around and was like ‘you’re doing great, dear’)
The guy I will never acknowledge as Cerberus comes in and tells Pluto that Namor jumped into the Styx so is probably super dead and Pluto calls him an idiot for just assuming that a guy called the Sub-Mariner wouldn’t survive being dunked in a dangerous river.
Instantly proven correct because the Avengers and Namor bust in right after Pluto tells Not Cerberus to go find Namor. Namor and She-Hulk punch Cerberus and knock him out and right on top of Pluto.
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Black Knight breaks the giant rock block on top of Thor with a pretty sweet sword throw and Captain Marvel CHOOMs Thor’s shackles off.
Captain America notes that Thor doesn’t seem alright lately and Thor decides to confide in his best mortal friends, the Avengers and also Dr Druid who is there for some reason.
You know the deal or should if you’ve read Walt Simonson’s run on Thor, which you should.
Thor: “The death-goddess Hela has put a curse ‘pon me... rendering my bones brittle and unable to heal, while granting me life eternal... so that I would have no escape from the pain! In recent days, I have known agony beyond imagining. I created this armor to hold together my shattered body, that I might still function as befits a son of Odin. I... regret I did not tell you this before.”
Pluto, who of course is still in the room and hasn’t even been too inconvenienced by having a not-giant not-doggo dropped on him comments that he wished he knew about Thor’s curse so that he could have arranged more painful accommodations than just putting a giant rock block on him.
Thor warns that Pluto’s power is second only to that of Zeus (wow, get fucked Neptune Poseidon I guess) which the Avengers doubt until Pluto shoots some pew pew blasts at them.
Its not really selling the second only to Zeus who is equivalent of Odin thing even if he says he’s trying to torment them, not kill.
Either way, Captain Marvel blasts the ground so Pluto loses his footing and then everyone RUN AWAYYYYY on her command.
Fall back, technically. Its the more tactical version of FLEEEE but either way its a retreat which Namor hates but does anyway.
And She-Hulk busts the door on her way out so it’ll be harder for Pluto to chase them.
Because yes definitely the room only had one entrance and I bet he can’t just OH YEAH through the wall, being second only to Zeus and all.
Since Mjolnir is trapped on Olympus and none of the other Avengers have portal powers, the Avengers head towards the only path between Hades and Olympus.
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Its called a pathway, Thor calls it a bridge, and Black Knight calls it a stairway to heaven.
But it looks like a particularly wide ramp.
Cool of Olympus to be wheelchair accessible.
Maybe the grade is too steep? I really can’t tell.
The Avengers set up? down? the PATHWAY OF INFINITY! Thor tells Captain Marvel not to fly too high above the path because it is all the links the two realms of Hades and Olympus and to stray risks becoming lost in the abyss.
And Monica has gotten lost in an abyss enough for one life, thank you.
Unfortunately, it didn’t take Pluto long to catch up with his hell army and his giant hell tank and his giant hell tank blows up a portion of the bridge (he calls it a bridge. Can a pathway be a bridge? I swear, it looks like a ramp).
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The Avengers all stand near the broken portion discussing how they don’t have time to fly or jump across before the army of Hades is upon them.
Maybe if you spent less time verbally establishing that fact and more time hustling?
Also, the bridge looks a lot less wide now for some reason.
Thor volunteers to stay behind and hold off the hell army.
Which has to be reminding him of something in his recent past. I mean. A bridge. A hell army. Is he thinking of Skurge right now? Thinking it should have been him instead?
Didn’t Skurge bonk him on the head and send him away with the others at the time because he felt Thor was less expendable? Could be a survivor’s guilt thing.
I don’t know if that was on Roger Stern’s mind when he was writing this though. Could be a coincidence.
Anyway, Captain Marvel, as leader, tells Thor fuck that idea. They’re not leaving anyone behind.
Captain Marvel: “Stand or fall, we’re all in this together!”
Thor: “I cannot dissuade you? Then, so be it! Though every demon in Hades rises ‘gainst us, let the Netherworld rock with the power of the Avengers!”
Heaven or Hell, Lets Rock!
Gosh, how will the Avengers get out of this one?
I mean, the hell army is no big deal. They’ve already beaten up thousands of Pluto’s guards.
The big man himself and his big tank are more of a concern.
Follow @essential-avengers​ to learn the answer for why Pluto has a tank. Just kidding, I have no idea! Like and reblog please!
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caramelmacchiato07 · 7 months
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wtf hera
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frogdisco2021 · 4 months
How much better would it have been if instead of saying "shut up emo nerd no one ever pushed you away, you imagined all the rejection" Will said something like "listen, those people are judgemental jerks, but there are people here who want to be your friend! *I* want to be your friend, if you'll let me! There are people here who would be happy to see you stay, myself included!"
Cause him saying that no one ever pushed Nico away is literally just not true, we see from other characters perspectives that they see Nico as weird and untrustworthy. He has no cabin to stay in before the Last Olympian and many people are disturbed by the sheer fact that a child of Hades is walking around. There's literally a scene where the seven, including Jason who later becomes one of Nico's closest friends after he begins to understand him better, debate on leaving him to suffocate to death alone in a jar. For real I don't know how it was seen as a good idea to make Will borderline gaslight Nico and have that be seen as like....tough love??? What Nico needed to hear???
Isn't a better explanation that Nico WAS rejected by some people at camp, but there were others (including Will) who tried to befriend him but Nico always thought they were just trying to mock him so he'd respond by being mean aka "pushing himself away"? That's a really common thing with kids who are bullied or feel rejected, if someone is suddenly nice to you, you don't trust it. You think they're just trying to get close to you so they can make fun of you.
It would be especially fitting since Nico along with all half-bloods have ADHD, the fact that ADHD also often comes with rejection sensitive dysphoria could've been leaned into. Nico WAS rejected, and because of that, any time someone would make a legitimate attempt at befriending him he'd push them away. That actually makes sense and validates the feelings of the most depressed and isolated character in the series instead of turning it into him just imagining the years of people acting like he has the plague.
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bones4thecats · 3 months
This is just another request but can I please ask for Loki Thor and Poseidon with kianna komori
But in this scenario she ends up dying but ends up being resurrected as an angel but she still remembers them
Kianna: what made you think I would forget you?
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Fun fact in an alternate scenario she ends up dying but father Demaryius( my other OC)
Ends up bringing her back to life as an angel
Their S/O Gets Reincarnated As An Angel
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Loki, Thor, and Poseidon Name: Their S/O Gets Reincarnated As An Angel Requester: @nunezs-stuff
A/N: I read about an angel’s wing color, so to sum up the Reader’s different ones; Pink - Chamuel (Angel of peaceful relationships), Purple - Zadkiel (Angel of mercy), and Green - Raphael (Angel of healing)
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🐍 Loki hailed himself as a God who did not enjoy humans being around at all. Whether it be male, female, even a child, if they were human, Loki did not like being around them, for what reason? I have no clue
🐍 Probably just Odin rubbing off on him
🐍 But, when Thor came home one day with a duo of supposed humans, Loki gained interest in the shorter one, that shorter one being you!
🐍 He had begun to hang around you all of the time. From annoying you as you worked on stuff to just laying out small pranks on you whenever he wanted. He basically was hanging off of you like you were the bamboo to his koala
🐍 Once you both started your relationship, Loki had gained quite a bit more of an interest in you. So like, what your hobbies were, what your previous life on Earth was, etc.
🐍 Because of how much time the God of Mischief began to spend with you, he started to become very clingy and attached to you
🐍 So, it broke his heart into smithereens when it was announced that the traitor of the Greek Pantheon and the third-born of the four Olympian Brothers, Adamas, had attempted to ally the Goddess you were visiting; Aphrodite, in his endeavor
🐍 And, due to her attempting to pry more information of his reasoning for this battle out of him, he had thrown a spear in a random direction, and unfortunately, you were in that direction. Once the blade had pierced through your body, you had died, causing Aphrodite to attack Adamas herself in a fit of rage
🐍 Loki had an old scarf that you gave him on your first date in the winter, and he never let go of the long fabric ever since that fateful day
🐍 As he walked around the old garden that the Norse Pantheon had in their domain, he had gotten the message from Huginn and Mininn that there was an angel coming in for a meeting with Odin and the main Gods of the Pantheon, meaning Loki had to be there
🐍 Despite his sour mood, Loki gripped the green and purple fabric closely as he bee-lined for his uncle’s estate. And, once he met the room and walked inside, he had seen his cousin, Thor, patting the head of the supposed angel as Odin smiled, he was genuinely smiling!
🐍 Loki stood there as the angel turned around, their large pink wings flowing behind them as their tiny white halo glowed in the sunlight, and once their eyes met his, Loki dropped the scarf and ran towards them, wrapping his arms around their form, encasing them in a tear-jerking hug
" Holy shit… " " Hello Loki. "
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🌩️ Thor was beyond depressed, he didn’t even train for weeks after hearing the news of your passing
🌩️ You and him were very close. He had met you as he took a small stroll around the human realm, since he just needed some space from his cousin, Loki’s, antics
🌩️ He had been sitting beside a small pond in the middle of the woods as he heard a voice ask him if he was alright, making him turn around and nearly pull out his hammer to attack
🌩️ Once his eyes met yours, his heart skipped a beat; you had the most beautiful eyes, eyes that could, in his perspective, compare to those of the Deities of Beauty or Purity
🌩️ Thor began to travel down to the same pond to meet you, and eventually during your second month of knowing one another, he asked if he could court you, which led to dating, then marriage, and then you and him starting your real lives together
🌩️ Nothing was going to stop him from having a happy life with you, but, unfortunately, life had another idea for him
🌩️ The God of Thunder had heard the news from a distraught Loki, who had been a witness to your demise. He claimed that a minor God from the Pantheon had gotten angry with the fact that you, a human, was married to Thor, so, in the fit of rage, they had wrapped you in vines and squashed you to death as their poison flowed through your system, much to Loki’s horror who found your body just minutes later
🌩️ Thor had ordered for the guilty to be brought before him, and once they were, he hadn’t given them a fast death, he let them suffer at the hands of multiple Gods, Odin, Loki, Poseidon, Hades (whom the previous two you had grown close to), and him of course
🌩️ While many tried to woo him in the same way that you had, nobody had come close in his eyes at your place. You were his one and only spouse, nobody could ever come close to you
🌩️ Now, it was the marking of the day of your anniversary of your first meeting, and every year, Thor would go down to the forest to the pond that he had his fellow Deities keep in tip-top shape, and this year was pretty much the same
🌩️ But, seeing someone sit there, nonetheless an angel sitting there with their purple wings holding out and their bright halo holding above their head, its glow getting brighter as the God of Thunder neared you
🌩️ And, despite the stoicness staying strong on his face, his eyes lit up in joy
" It is lovely seeing you here again, Y/N. " " You as well, my dearest. "
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🔱 Much like Loki, Poseidon prided himself on his superiority against both humans and Deities alike
🔱 Poseidon loved to watch others tremble in fear at his mere presence, it showed how perfect he was compared to those ‘disfigured’ beings that laid underneath his feet dipped in scum
🔱 But, when his oldest brother Hades had brought a human soul to a meeting with the claim that they had a soul purpose of helping them out with their duties, he gained interest in you, that poor soul
🔱 Unlike Adamas and Zeus, he did not attempt to either seduce you to do things with him against marriage or threaten you into doing things for you, Poseidon just asked you and you did it. Due to these actions, you gained a mutual ‘respect’ for one another
🔱 This fake respect eventually developed into true respect, then a shared romantic interest before becoming a real connection of two souls wrapping around one another
🔱 Once he asked you to become his for the rest of your shared lives, he began to really show himself to you, no strings attached. Well, he did make sure you didn’t tell anyone how soft he was with you, but you get the point
🔱 Poseidon was shocked to watch Proteus run inside, slamming the doors open of his office where he and Hades sat down discussing matters. The first thing the two brothers noticed was the major amount of bloods on his hands, causing his heart to stop momentarily
🔱 Hades looked at his brother and nodded, which sent the God of the Seas running after the God of Rivers who was leading the way towards the edge of the sea’s boundary, at the land where the Greek’s led their lands to another Pantheon
🔱 The two brothers stopped once the bloody sight of one of your oldest friends, Apollo, holding you as blood covered his hands, sending waves of thoughts through your lover’s mind, the main one being; what in the name of Valhalla happened to you?
🔱 That sight was one that Poseidon never forgot, every time he saw blood, he would think of your form in Apollo’s arms on the ground
🔱 Ever since that day, Poseidon never left his castle unless it was necessary, preferring to spend his time looking at papers he needed done or look at old photographs you had wrapped up in a book. These photos had you, him, friends, family members, and allies during meetings and whatnot
🔱 A few years later, Zeus had requested Poseidon to attend a meeting with him and some of the other Gods, and, due to it being mandatory in Hades’ words, he had headed towards his younger brother’s home
🔱 Gripping his trident, Poseidon opened the doors and looked inside to find an angel sitting on his seat’s arm, much to his annoyance, since angels were ranked below the Gods
" Holy being, step aside. " " I’m surprised you're being so cold to someone you once cared for, Poseidon. "
🔱 His ocean-colored eyes widened once he saw the angel unwrap their green wings from their body, allowing their water-looking halo to drip down into small droplets of rain as Poseidon lightly sank
" Y/N? " " Hello, my love. "
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tsarisfanfiction · 8 months
Braids: Chapter 1
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rating: Teen Genre: Family Characters: Michael Yew, Apollo Cabin Five times Michael braided a sibling's hair, and one time a sibling braided his. It was pointed out to me that I don't give Michael much by way of fluff, so to prove I can write fluff, here is some Michael&siblings, well, fluff. I've also wanted to write a 5+1 format fic for years but could never come up with a concept that fit - until now! Also you guys get to see some of my Apollo kid ocs again, and also a few for the first time! I have a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi! Character ages in this chapter: Michael - 10 Ceri - 17
1) Ceri
“Michael, can you give me a hand?”
Michael jerked his head up from where he was sorting out straight shafts from bent shafts.  The arrow that had been spinning on the palm of his hand toppled as it ran out of momentum and he fumbled the catch, almost dropping it onto the floor.
“Huh?” he asked, setting the shaft down in the fucking bent pile – much larger than the straight pile.  “With what?”  He twisted around to face the older Apollo kid that had walked up behind him and baulked at the sight of a fucking hairbrush in her hands.
“Can I sit?” Ceri asked him, gesturing at the floor next to him.  It was strewn with shafts that Michael still needed to check, and with a grumble he nudged a few out of the way until there was room for her.
“Whatever,” he muttered.  “What do you want?”
Ceri settled cross-legged on the floor next to him and held out her hairbrush.  “Do my hair?”
Michael stared at her.  “You can do your own fucking hair,” he said.  He knew she could – her hair was long but he’d seen her twist it up into a messy bun in the blink of an eye when she got called to the infirmary.  “You don’t need me to do it.”
She gave him a soft smile.  The hairbrush didn’t move from in front of his face.  “No,” she admitted, “but I’d like you to.”
“Why?” he snapped, wondering why the fuck she’d want him to do her hair – why anyone would want anyone else to do their fucking hair.  Did she want half her hair torn out of her head?  Now that he thought about it, he’d seen Baird and Emily and several other Apollo kids perched on Ceri’s bed with her before, doing something with her hair.
Ceri’s hair was a really pretty red that fell in waves most of the way down her back.  Michael couldn’t understand why the fuck she’d risk it like that.
“Just because I can do it myself doesn’t mean it’s not easier if someone else does it,” she told him.  “And I like it when other people do my hair.  So… please, Michael?”
She sounded earnest, like she actually did, for some fucking reason, want Michael to do her hair.  She looked it, too, light green eyes fixed on his as she tilted her head fractionally to one side and gave him another soft smile.
Michael didn’t get it.  It didn’t make sense.
But Ceri was asking, and the fucking hairbrush was still in front of his face, unwavering, and part of Michael’s chest felt warm that she was asking him.  That she was trusting him not to fuck her hair up.
“Fine,” he huffed, snatching the brush from her fingers.  She let him take it easily, her hand falling down to her lap, and then swivelled on her butt until her back was facing him, complete with the mass of red spilling down it.  Michael shifted so that he was facing her back and not the strewn shards on the floor and raised the brush, before pausing.  “What the fuck am I supposed to do?”
She didn’t laugh at him, which was a good thing because if she had, Michael would’ve thrown her hairbrush somewhere, likely out the fucking window, and then run off into the woods with the intention of never coming back.  (Baird, or Lee, damn them, would probably find him and coax him back because they were getting good at that, to Michael’s frustration.)
“Start by just brushing it,” Ceri said.  “It’s the same as brushing your own hair.  Don’t worry if it tugs a bit.”
Michael still felt unsure, but reached forwards with the brush until the bristles were touching Ceri’s hair, then pulled down.  Immediately, it caught, jerking Ceri’s head back, and Michael instantly dropped the brush.  It stayed where it was, snagged in red hair.  “Fuck.”  He scrambled back, but Ceri reached behind her and snagged his wrist.
“It’s fine,” she assured him, lightly tugging him back.  Tentatively, Michael settled back down again, and watched as she extracted the brush from her hair.  “Try again.”  She handed it back to him.  “My hair is quite thick so it might be easier if you do it in sections, like this.”  With deft fingers, she grabbed a small part of her hair and lifted it away from the rest, offering it to him.  “Hold it with one hand, and brush with the other.”
Not quite believing that Ceri was letting him continue – wanted him to continue – Michael cautiously did as he was told.  The brush still wanted to get stuck, but it was easier to stop it from actually getting stuck, and if he was hurting Ceri when it snagged, she didn’t show any signs of it.  Eventually, he figured out that it was easier if he gripped the sections at the top and brushed underneath where he was holding it.  Ceri’s head stopped jerking around when he did that, even when he tugged quite strongly on snags.
There was something satisfying when he passed the brush through her hair and it didn’t snag on anything, all the bristles running through smoothly with no resistance at all.  It was especially satisfying when he finished doing all the different sections and could run the brush smoothly through the entire bulk of Ceri’s locks.
He let himself brush all of it a few times, before stopping.  “Done.”
Ceri didn’t accept the brush when he tried to give it back to her.
“Can you plait it?” she asked him instead, and Michael frowned, confused.
Now she let out a small laugh, light and airy.  Michael scowled, crossing his arms.  “Sorry,” she said, “I forget Americans don’t call it that.  I meant braid.”  He huffed – he still hadn’t worked out what Ceri’s accent was – and shook his head.
“Why the fuck would I know how to braid hair?” he asked.
“Do you want to know?” she countered, peeking back at him over her shoulder.  “You might find it useful.”
She gestured at his own hair.  “You’re growing it out, aren’t you?  Plaits – sorry, braids – are useful for keeping long hair out of the way.”
Michael chewed the inside of his cheek.  She had a point, he supposed.  “Fine,” he said, and she turned her head back around so that he was once again just facing the waterfall of red hair.
“I’ll talk you through it,” she promised.  “They’re easier than they look.  Split my hair into three sections.  The more evenly sized, the better.”
Michael reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair, and then another handful with his other hand, leaving a bunch free in between.  Despite being brushed out, the hair still clung to each other, making his three sections messy.  He scowled at them and dropped one side to tidy up the other, which worked fine until he realised that to do the other two sections, he had to let go of the one he’d just done, which would make the neat one messy again.
Ceri came to his rescue.  “Here,” she said, “I’ll hold this one while you sort the others out.”  Michael gladly let her take the neat section, although he was sure people didn’t normally need to do that.  “You’ll find separating the hair out easier with practice,” she assured him as he pulled the rest of her hair into two sections, running his fingers through the strands until they looked neat.  She offered him the third section back again, and after a moment, Michael dropped the middle section to take it.
“Now what?” he asked.
“Move one of the outside sections until it crosses over the middle one to become the new middle one,” Ceri instructed, and Michael did so, scowling in concentration as he had to drop one section and pick up another one, and they tried to tangle together again.
This did not seem fucking easy.
“And?” he prompted once he had the two sections somewhat behaving themselves.
“Do the same with the outside section on the other side,” she told him.  Michael obeyed, finding it no easier to keep the two sections from trying to merge together.  “Then take the outside on the other side again and do the same thing.”
Michael figured out the pattern after a few more passes, although that still didn’t make keeping the hair in its different sections any easier.  It seemed determined to mingle back together again, and more than once, Michael realised too late that he hadn’t managed to restore them properly.  Ceri didn’t tell him to stop or redo anything, though, so he carried on, frowning at the mess he was creating.
If he squinted, it probably did look like a braid, but it looked bad.
“Now you tie it off,” Ceri said, as though she didn’t realise her hair was a mess.  “Here.”  She handed him a hair tie.
Michael hesitated.  “It’s fucking awful,” he admitted, because it was behind her, of course she didn’t realise.  She couldn’t fucking see it.
“I’m sure it’s fine,” Ceri told him.
“It’s not-”
“And you worked hard on it,” she continued, ignoring his correction, “and that’s more important, so tie it off, Michael.”
“Not that fucking hard,” Michael muttered (lied), but took the hair tie and looped it around the end a few times.  He knew how to do that much, at least, and when Ceri actually looked in a mirror and realised how fucking awful it was, she could take it out and redo it.
Ceri ignored his words as she stood up again, the tangled mess of a braid swaying with her movement.  “Thank you, Michael,” she said, smiling widely at him.  “I’ve got an infirmary shift, now, so I’ll let you get back to your shafts.”
He shrugged.  “You’re welcome, I guess,” he said, and picked up another shaft to spin on his palm.  Still, he couldn’t help watching Ceri out of the corner of his eye as she left the cabin, not even checking her hair in the mirror before she went out.  He wasn’t stupid; he knew she’d fix it soon, and while he knew it was a mess and deserved to be fixed, the thought still made him a little sad.
Michael spun the next shaft super-hard, ignoring the feeling of the point trying to bore into his palm.  He was just being stupid.
The next time he saw Ceri, several hours later when they were getting ready for dinner, he stared, feeling that something warm in his chest again.
She was still wearing his braid.
Chapter 2>>>
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ace-writer-lani · 2 months
After being told they had both lost their parents and their memories, Bianca and Nico must stay in a hotel (one that seemed to have everything they could possibly imagine) until the time is right. But are they really just ordinary guests or is there something that they're hiding from? (Or the Di Angelos in the Lotus Hotel & Casino) (SonofPersephone!Nico AU)
“We’re here.”
The engine of the car sputtered out once it was fully parked and their lawyer gestured for them to get out with an impatient wave of her hand. At this point, Nico doesn’t think she’s ever done something with patience. Her personality only seemed to be defined by her short, clipped sentences, and the consistent scowl that sagged her face.
After finally freeing himself from his seat belt (which was totally sentient and had totally been trying to strangle him) and nearly face-planting onto the pavement when his foot had caught on said seat belt (he wouldn’t be surprised if being a murderer was one of its aspirations), he came to a stand beside Bianca.
In front of them was a very tall and very loud building. There was music that echoed from inside, being blasted at a volume powerful enough to cause trembles in the ground beneath their feet. Rows of windows lined the walls, with bright lights that were shining through the glass and constantly changed from one color to the next.
Displayed right over the door (which was not a rotating one, thank goodness) was a large sign. It was in the shape of a simple lotus flower, painted a soft shade of pink. There were words carved over it, studded with multiple tiny light bulbs that glowed so bright it was like it was trying to outshine the sun.
The Lotus Hotel & Casino, it read. How creative.
“This is where we’re staying?” Bianca asked, staring flatly at the building.
“Yes,” said Lecto helpfully, not elaborating in the slightest.
“It looks like it’s about to vomit rainbows. Are you sure it’s the right place? I don’t think our parents, or anyone’s parents really, would have written in their will to have their children stay at a casino of all places-”
“What’s a casino?” Nico interjected.
“A place where stupid people gamble all of their money away.”
Nico frowned. Then he leaned towards Bianca to whisper to her. “But we don’t have any money.” She shushed him.
Lecto made some sort of…hissing noise. “Yes, this is the place. Now come if you don’t want to live homeless out on the streets.”
“I don’t think that’s what our parents paid you to do.”
She shot Bianca a glare, harsh enough to get her to shut up before trudging into the building.
Even though Lecto had apparently been close with their parents, she never seemed to like keeping them within the conversation. The only thing about them that she had mentioned was that they had supposedly died in a car crash, the same one that had given him and Bianca enough head trauma for them to lose nearly all their memories.
That was it. If they had any questions on the topic, Lecto immediately shut them down, much to Bianca’s dismay.
As his sister made a move to follow her, Nico stopped. His abrupt stillness jerked Bianca’s arm, causing her to look back at him, brows furrowing.
“Nico? What’s wrong?”
There was a growing tenseness to her voice and she gripped his hand harder. Her gaze flitted to everything around them as if there was some sort of hidden threat she needed to look out for.
He scrunched his face, resisting the urge to sniff because that would disturb the bubbling in his nose.
“I…I have to sneeze.”
Bianca stared at him.
As the bubbling started to grow more intense, he lifted a hand to his mouth. He braced himself for the incoming recoil. However, just as the feeling became large enough to practically explode, it dissipated in an instant, leaving a disappointing emptiness in its place.
“Never mind. I don’t have to anymore.”
“Ma dai,” Bianca sighed, exasperated, “Come on. If we don’t follow Lecto I have a feeling she would actually leave us to be homeless beggars.”
Then without listening to any further argument, she grabbed him by the arm and dragged them both into the hotel, igniting some sort of wave of déjà vu.
When they stepped inside, they were told to sit on the plush, misshapen chairs in the lobby while Lecto briefly talked to the receptionist. They had only been waiting a few minutes before their lawyer was handed something small and shiny, and she didn’t bother to waste any more time as she made her way back over to them.
“Your room keys.”
Nico took one of the cards while Bianca took the other. It was a small black rectangle, with a print of a sparkly skull etched in the center along with the number 113. “You’re not staying with us?”
“No,” Lecto shook her head, “I’m a lawyer, not a babysitter.”
“If you’re leaving, then how are we supposed to get food? How many nights are we even supposed to stay here? Wouldn’t they kick us out if they realize we have no means of pay?” asked Bianca, crossing her arms, and staring at Lecto with a gaze that was supposed to be intimidating. It didn’t seem to have much effect though.
Lecto grumbled. “You ask too many questions. Here.” She tossed them each a small, black drawstring pouch. “I’ll be back to retrieve you when the time is right, in the meantime, do not leave the building.”
Then she almost seemed to disappear, leaving them alone in the lobby with music playing from every corner of the room.
(Nico was starting to wonder just how much their parents had paid her. Probably not much if she was fine leaving them behind without a second thought.)
Curiosity seemed to draw his attention down to the pouch. It was light despite its bulky look, and when he shook it around there was a faint jingling sound that came from inside. When he finally pulled it open, he gasped.
“Oh my god.” He waved it at Bianca, practically bouncing on his toes in excitement. “Oh mio Dio. We’re rich!”
“You don’t even know how much it’s worth.”
“It’s enough for me to know that we’re rich.”
The sight of the endless amounts of shiny coins and paper bills inside almost made him want to cackle maniacally, like some sort of evil pirate. Forget wooden chests, this was a real treasure. He could rule the world.
Lecto had never told them how much of an inheritance they got from their parents, just that they had one, but it appeared to be a big amount as the money never seemed to end, no matter how far deep he reached into the pouch. He could buy so many things now, like chocolates, books, and more chocolates.
However, his joy was short-lived when Bianca immediately snatched the pouch right out of his grasp.
“Nope, nuh uh fratellino. I’ll be holding onto this.”
He puffed out his cheeks. The urge to stomp his foot to further express his frustration was strong, but he refrained from doing so. Instead, he tried to take back what was rightfully his, but Bianca was still a good few inches taller than him and mercilessly held it above her head, making it practically unreachable.
“That’s not fair!” he cried. Big sisters were mean and thieves. “You have your own, why do you need both?”
“It’s not because I need both-”
“Then gimme.”
“No. It’s because knowing you, you’re going to lose it. Not to mention you don’t know anything about how to spend money responsibly.”
It was very rude of her to make assumptions like that. Plus, it wasn’t like she was that much older than him, so who’s to say she even knew what she was talking about? However, Bianca didn’t give in to his complaints, pocketing both pouches as she took his hand.
“Come on, let’s go find our room. And stay close. It looks like it will be easy to get lost in here.”
(Continue reading on ao3)
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jaesqueso · 2 years
Tumblr media
member: haechan
genre: smut/fluff (just a hint)
movie quote: “Hey baby! You are hotter than Apollo at dawn” Percy Jackson & the Olympians, 2010
wordcount: 881
warnings: mentions of alcohol, protected sex, public bathroom sex
2.5k followers celebration drabbles ❤︎
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
If it weren’t for the drinks you had already and your best friend joining in, you definitely would not be dancing on the counter of a bar as everybody cheers. Tonight was all about spending time with friends and having fun, forgetting all about the troubles of the daily life. So you decided to let loose and it’s paying off because you’re having an amazing night.
As you two move your body to the beat of some cliché Saturday night bar song along with 3 other random girls, your boyfriend and the rest of your friends encourage you to keep going.
“Hey baby! You are hotter than Apollo at dawn!” Haechan yells over the song, raising his glass your way as you giggle through the embarrassment.
Soon enough the song is over all you’re all asked to go back to the dance floor as the bartender cleans the counter before they keep serving. You instantly throw yourself on your boyfriend’s arms, hiding your burning cheeks on his chest.
“Why are you shy? You did so good!” He rubs your back pulling you closer.
“I probably looked so weird up there.“ You giggle still in his embrace.
“If that was true do you think I’d be this hard?” As his lips move next to your ear you feel his bulge against you.
“Haechan!” You gasp, leaning back to look at him.
“What?” He chuckles. “It’s what you do to me baby.”
“Well then…” Wrapping your arms around his neck you gently tug on his hair. “How about we go take care of it?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” With a mischievous smile he pulls you through the crowd.
Messy kisses are shared as you walk down the hall that leads to the bathrooms, only stopping for Haechan to peak inside the men’s bathroom before pulling you inside.
“Here?” You raise a brow, slightly discussed with the surroundings.
“There.” He points towards a stall. “Nobody ever poops in the club, should be clean.”
You’re so horny right now that you don’t even question his words and head straight to the stall making sure to lock the door as both of you squeeze inside. Mouths are quick to get back on each other as hands roam around everywhere they reach.
Good thing Haechan’s wearing a flannel shirt over his t-shirt so he could take it off and cover the toilet so he can seat his bare ass after you drag his pants and underwear down to his knees freeing his cock.
Sitting on his thighs with your legs at each side of him, you take his dick in your hand pumping it up and down as you leave love bites all over his neck. Groaning, he tugs on your waist pulling you closer so that the tip of his member brushes against your crotch every now and then.
A sneaky hand pushes your flowy shorts to the side followed by your damp panties. He’s quick to run a finger through your slit, smirking at how it instantly got coated on your wetness.
Two fingers slide easily inside you making you moan but never stopping you from jerking him off, on the contrary it makes you go even faster as you feel his length throb in your hold.
His digits catch on the pace you have on him, reaching deep inside you each time, but although you love the feeling it’s not enough to satisfy you right now, you need something bigger and harder, something you’ve been prepping.
“Tell me you have a condom.” You half whimper against his ear.
“I’m always prepared when I’m with you.” Haechan struggles but eventually is able to reach the wallet on his back pocket. “I never know when all my love for you is going to descend down to my dick.”
“How can you be so sweet and so nasty at the same time?” You laugh as you take the rubber and roll in down his shaft. “Now shut up and put it in me.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Playfully saluting with a grin, he helps you lift your hips towards his crotch, slowly descending you down his length.
Neither of you tries to disguise the sounds of pleasure that leave your mouths as he fills you up, not even caring if someone comes to the bathroom, they won’t see you two anyway.
Holding yourself on his shoulders you start bouncing on his cock, bringing your mouths back together, kisses messier than before.
You can tell by his whimpers against your lips that he’s getting close and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t too. Your moves start to get sloppy when his thumb comes between your bodies to play with your clit and in no time he’s the one thrusting up into you chasing your highs.
Almost at the same time and almost in sync with the faint music from the bar, you two climax letting your heads fall back, eyes closing and jaws hanging. You keep grinding on his lap as you pant, trying to regain your breaths.
“You look so beautiful.” Haechan says through half lidded eyes as he watches the sweat drops slowly descend down your neck.
“I look like a mess.” You lazily smile caressing his cheek.
“A beautiful mess. My beautiful mess.”
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
taglist: @yokshi-unbeliebubble​ @nc-teen  @yutahoes​ @dimplehyunn​ @iknowyuno​ @bebskyy​ @ne0cultur3technology​ @nurenciye​ @luvjeongjaehyun​ @chenleyang @booyouwhore17​ @jenoxygen​ @nohyuckieduckie​​
unable to tag: @doahflix @criminalmindsz
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the-pjo-analyst · 6 months
Chapter 20 - I Battle My Jerk Relative
Theme of the day: War
Y’all I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna finish these last few chapters before the tv show comes out!! This year really didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to go but by the gods I’ll have at least one goal done no matter how skewed it got 😅 I was really like I’ll be able to read all the Olympus series in a year sjkdfhsd shit happens.
On to the chapter, “war” seems a bit self explanatory since this is when Percy confronts Ares. While Ares isn’t the one to have formed the idea of pitting the Big Three against each other, but he’s enticed by the idea of WWIII, a three-way war. Luke was lucky that it was Ares who caught him, since he probably was the easiest of the Olympians to manipulate (like hey... you could turn me in or you could let me go and start a giant war 😏). It really was a brilliant plan, as I said in my last chapter post, because it takes advantage of the Olympians’ weaknesses and paranoia. And the only way for it to go wrong was for a child to complete his quest against all odds despite having to 1) trek across the country, 2) face countless monsters, 3) thwart trickery from evil masterminds, and 4) trek across the country again. Percy really had very low chances to make it out alive. But he also lives off of spite and proving people wrong lol.
It’s interesting how each pjo book up until the final one is about Percy delaying a war in some way (kinda a theme with Riordan’s books lmao). The start of the chapter shows the beginnings of war with Hades’ army starting to rise up from the Underworld, causing massive earthquakes and fires and general chaos. Like a harbinger of a greater battle. In the immediate sense, it’s a taste of what could happen if an Olympic civil war occurs, but it’s also a bit of foreshadowing to the actual war that will take place in the future. Just like this whole book, it’s setting up what’s to come.
Continuing on that theme, Percy’s battle with Ares really culminates everything he’s learned on how to fight so far, and it sets the stage for what the readers should expect the rest of his battles to go in the series. It makes me think of the final climax of The Last Olympian, how Percy chooses to use his brain and his heart rather than his brawn against Luke, because those are the things that truly matter in the end. In this case, while Percy does use his strength and demigod powers, the reason he wins against Ares is because he uses his intelligence. It really correlates his battle with Echidna, since at that point he didn’t have enough experience to fight with more than just instincts. Actually since St. Louis, Percy has had to rely on his brain when confronting enemies, maybe that encounter influenced him to do that more. And with Ares, he finds that just his instincts doesn’t cut it. He forms a strategy vs Ares’ brute force. Percy even remembers Annabeth’s words from an earlier chapter: “Ares has strength. That’s all he has. Even strength has to bow to wisdom sometimes.” Like the old saying, the pen is mightier than the sword! Which is really ironic in this context lmao. Speaking of irony, it’s funny how Luke’s advice on how to sword fight helps Percy in his battle. The very man behind the robbery and evil plot being a reason Percy survives this quest lol. I know it’s addressed in hoo, but it’s strange how Ares is all brute force and no strategy, because the latter is such a huge part of war?? And it’s not like the ancient Greeks didn’t use strategy in their battles. But ig that’s what Athena is for 🤔
Other ways war and its effects is sprinkled in the chapter without an actual war in bullets bc I’m too tired to fully analyze these very sad things:
Percy mourning losing his mom (again)
Percy compartmentalizing his grief to focus on his mission
Despite winning his battle, Percy not feeling very victorious but instead feeling drained bc there’s no true winner for those in a war
Moving on to something a bit opposite, I can’t not talk about Annabeth giving Percy her camp necklace. Two people, potential enemies, reconciling as Annabeth says. The act is a physical symbol of Annabeth’s words from ch 16 (moreso than the oreos lol). She’s showing how she’s truly on Percy’s side, setting aside an ancient rivalry. In the face of war, Annabeth will fight with Percy and not against him. Kinda mirrors their moment in Blood of Olympus under the Parthenon doesn’t it? 🥹💖
Small things:
Can you believe a child taunted a literal god and the god fell for it
Like Ares could’ve been you’re beneath me and let him feel the wrath of Hades but instead he was like y’know what Ima fight this kid. he called me a coward.
Percy attributes his ability to observe things with his ADHD so ig that is a demigod trait. But he is extremely good at it.
Previous: Chapter 19 - We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of
Next: Chapter 21 - I Settle My Tab
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toasecretsanta · 1 year
Match: @heresronnie21 Prompt:  Sunflower siblings tea party Relevant warnings: Gen Written by: @sierice​
“Are you okay?”
Lester frowned. “Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?”
Because they were one day away from facing Nero once and for all. Because sooner or later, Apollo would have to face Python himself and regain his godhood.
“Because you’re sitting in a field of strawberries and having a tea party like you’re Alice in Wonderland.”
Hello! This is my attempt at TOA Secret Santa 2022 (ty heresronnie21 for the prompts!), set in chapter 12 of TON, where Meg and Apollo have their conversation about going to Nero's lair the next day, except I've dragged out that conversation to about 6 extra pages worth of indecision. I hope you enjoy!
Apollo sat near Hestia’s hearth, mulling over the conversation he had had with Meg just an hour or two ago. Nobody seemed to mind him sitting there. Or well, it would be more accurate to say that nobody had noticed him there.
Imagine that. A year ago, him coming to Camp Half Blood would have been the highlight of the year. It might’ve even come in the Olympian newspapers that day! But, well, when one is Lester Papadopoulos, Apollo had found, it was a very easy thing to be ignored.
“I have to go back. I have to see if I’m strong enough.”
“Maybe I’ve gotten stronger. But when I go back to the palace, will it be enough? Can I remember to be who I am now and not…who I was then?”
Well, that was the million dollar question here, wasn’t it? Would Meg be able to stay true to herself, even when faced with her horrible past head on? Would she be able to handle that toxic environment once again?
(Honestly, didn’t the same question apply to Apollo himself? Could he stay true to his promise if once he got back to Olympus? Could he remember what it was like to be a human?)
“Keep quiet.” Apollo muttered to himself, moodily fidgeting with a blade of grass. You know, this was why he liked Hestia’s hearth. At least it didn’t throw infuriatingly valid questions at him. Or, at least, most of the time.
“You know, talking to yourself is usually not a good sign, mentally speaking.”
Apollo jerked up, and he could’ve sworn that his powers had made a brief comeback with how high he had jumped.
“What, do I look like anyone else?”
Considering the form he was in — a portly middle aged man holding a diet coke — Apollo was tempted to say yes, but honestly, he could do without being cursed with visions of mad insanity or leopard print shirts for the rest of, oh, forever. (The first and last time he ever wore a leopard print shirt was during John Deacon’s 23rd birthday party, Never again.)
“What are you doing here?”
“Could see you being all mopey from all the way there, just came to see what it was about.”
Apollo scowled. “Yeah, well, not much to see here.” It’s more likely that Dionysus came to tease him about how pathetic he probably looked right now. “You know, facing past abuse is usually not an advisable idea. In fact, it’s strongly recommended that you distance yourself from it as much as possible.”
Apollo stilled. Had Dionysus been listening in on their conversation? Was he offering advice?
Dionysus continued. “But in the case that it is necessary, it's advisable to face it with someone else by your side.”
Apollo’s eyebrows floated up somewhere to the heavens. There was no way Dionysus would be giving advice like that without some sort of ulterior motive.
But… the reasoning behind his little speech was sound, to be honest.
Maybe I’ll give him the benefit of doubt, Apollo decided.
Dionysus huffed, as if sensing his thoughts. “Just stating my opinion. No need to get all worked up about it.”, he said, turning around to walk back to the Big House.
“Thanks.” Apollo decided to say. All he got in response was another huff, before he was left alone with his thoughts once again.
Together, huh?
“Meg, Lester’s asking for you,” Billie said, one hand on the frame of the Demeter cabin’s door. “Said to meet him at the strawberry fields.”
Meg got up from the bed she had been lounging on (It was Katie’s, if she remembered correctly), and frowned. Lester? What was he calling her for? Couldn’t he just have come himself?
Billie shrugged in reply. “Dunno. He was pretty insistent about it though.”
Meg sighed and got up from the bed, shaking off the leaves that the dryads she had been talking to had left behind.
“‘Kay, I’ll go.”
She took her time walking over to the fields— punctuating her steps with a few cartwheels along the way, glaring at that one Ares kid (What was his name? Sherman or something?)— you know, the usual.
Nothing, however, could have prepared her for what she was about to receive.
“...Lester, what on earth are you doing?”
Apollo beamed. He was sitting on a blanket in the middle of the strawberry fields, on an empty patch of land. Around him were various different food items and— was that a teacup?
Okay, looks like he finally cracked. Meg always did wonder when it would happen.
“Are you okay?”
Lester frowned. “Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?”
Because they were one day away from facing Nero once and for all. Because sooner or later, Apollo would have to face Python himself and regain his godhood.
“Because you’re sitting in a field of strawberries and having a tea party like you’re Alice in Wonderland.”
Lester frowned. “This is not a tea party. It’s simply a medium for conducting a conversation. With tea.” He opened his mouth, then closed it once again, probably realizing that he just defined what a tea party was, and began hurriedly speaking again. “And how do you know what a tea party is? When did you even watch Alice in Wonderland?” Meg shrugged. “Dunno.”
Lester pressed the bride of his nose, exhaling slowly. “Well, whatever. Just— sit down. Eat something. I took a lot of trouble smuggling these magic plates in from the kitchen. You do not want to know how hard it is to steal them from under the harpies’ eyes, I swear.”
While Lester kept babbling on about the hazards of stealing from harpies and how she should Never steal from harpies, and never challenge them to a fight either, Meg — (Yeah, right, like as if that was gonna stop her. Did Lester even know how convenient these plates and stuff were? She was not leaving this camp until she had at least three of those plates with her) — Meg decided to try out whatever weird food Lester decided to bring.
And there were a lot of weird food items there. How did he even think of them, honestly?
She hesitantly took a bite of a weird pastry looking thing that was shaped like a ball. Meg blinked.
It… was actually good. Honestly, with Lester’s aptitude for food, she thought it would be bio-hazardous or whatever. She took another bite.
Lester cut short whatever he had been talking about. “Do you like them?” 
“What is this?”
Lester smiled. “Ah, that’s one of my favorite pastries from the French! I believe it was called the gougère, if my memory serves me right.”
Meg choked.
“The what?” She managed to say after a while.
“The gougère! I remember the person who made it, lovely fellow, though at first he made it a savory dish, which, really, come on. It was very clearly meant to be sweet!”
Meg squinted at Lester, and then shrugged and continued to eat. Well, weird names aside, it tasted alright, and that’s what mattered.
“So,” Meg began, as she took up her fourth plate of suspicious pastries, “what did you call me out here for?”
Lester dropped the dopey smile he was making at a plate of what he had called tiramisu. “Is it wrong to spend a good meal with a friend?”
“It’s a tea party, Lester. Nobody does tea parties nowadays. You wanna say something.”
Lester raised his hands, as if signaling defeat. “You got me. I did want to talk to you about something.”
“So? Spill.”
Lester frowned. “You’ve spent way too much with Lavinia.”
Meg rolled her eyes. “Just say what you were gonna say,” Meg said, phrasing it as an order.
Lester obeyed, but not after taking his own sweet time to answer.
“Meg… would you have rather preferred to have eaten all of this alone?” He began.
Meg furrowed her eyebrows. What did he mean by that?
“Uh, no? Why should I?”
“Some things,” Lester began, “are better experienced with other people. Tea parties, birthdays, singalongs—”
“Get to the point, Lester.”
“Logically, tomorrow's journey would also come under that bracket, wouldn’t it?”
Meg stilled. “What do you mean?” She demanded.
Lester sighed— and for a second, he actually looked his age, centuries and millennia older than her. He looked old and weary, but mostly, he looked tired.
“I’ll admit it,” He began, slowly taking up a cup of tea (Because he was weird like that). “I don’t know what will happen to you tomorrow. I don’t know what will happen to me either.”
Lester turned to Meg, and looked her in the eyes. “But we can get through it together, can’t we?”
Meg looked away, blinking her eyes. Stupid Lester and his stupid reassuring speech. Why did he have to say such cheesy lines? What did he know about all this?
She rubbed her shoulder and sniffed (It was because of allergies, okay? Nothing more).
“Together, then. We have to try.”
Together, huh?
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So I’m honor of me being that fun age of ✨27✨
Just spice posts all day.
Starting with the ending storyline for Club 27- Birthday Drabble I started last year.
🌟💀The New Queen of Solar Dead 💀🌟
Enjoy guys thanks for sticking it out with this page. And yeah final warning this is a
🌶️🔥spice🔥🌶️ post
Heavy panting filled the sweltering throne room. The flames that lit the room were burning low just enough light to where you could make out his outlines. His body was built like that of a gold medal olympian. He was currently working out your insides. The muscles that were getting the most defined concentration were his broad arms that held you in place while his hips ceased flogging you from the back.
You were happy that he stopped driving himself into you. Ever since he introduced himself he immediately jumped into raw dogging you. It felt like an eternity already….and Alfred was only just getting started. Your eyes swept over the cobblestone floor hoping and praying that this ruthless dungeon was a reality you wouldn’t have to stay in. You knew this couldn’t be real. It had to be a bad dream. It just has to be!
You jerk your arms like a feral cat trying to flee captivity. To no avail your plan failed as Alfred grip held you down tight. His fingernails dug into your forearms. It caused a few thread-like scratches that drew out some blood.
“AH! STOP!” You shout out.
It was the first time you’d spoken in a while. You quickly found out that no matter how fearsome your pleas were to beg him to stop, he wouldn’t. Why would he, he was the King of Hell. He was going to do with you as he pleased. He lets out an amused chuckle and then proceeds to thrust once more into your backside.
You let out a short squeak.
He rolls his head back and lets his hands grip you tighter. Being able to control you was ecstasy. He felt the thick sexually charged air and his body was doing its best to hold back his fervor. He inhaled deeply and allowed the oxygen to fill his lungs and his chiseled abs. It was all preparation for his final move. Every muscle in his body clenched as if trying to continue to hold onto a plank position for those last few moments before you reached goal. He swiftly pulled himself out from behind and spun you around so your eyes could meet his.
All you could make out from the dim firefly glow was the lining of his lips that showcased his hungry teeth and his brightly lit red eyes that were still famished. Both desired more. So seconds, thirds, and so on would be served until stuffed.
“Hey, babe.” He purrs out to you as if the two of you were nothing more than sweet lovers.
You simply glare at him. You hated him for killing you and bringing you here just for his own amusement. Your breaths were deep and concentrated in your core like scorching magma. You wanted to fight back. You try once more to wriggle free from his tight wedding ring like grasp he had on your forearms.
Aroused and amused that you think you had any chance of breaking free he tries to ease your sorrows by drawing you in with a love drunken kiss. It reeked of longing and pent-up sexual frustration… That seemed to have been spanning a lifetime. Your hands flew for his face and you managed to get his suction cup off but only for a moment.
This angered him.
He snapped his fingers and a heated iron contraption came from the floor. It spread your legs out wide and kept them open. Metal cuffs rubbed against your upper thighs and heated them up causing sweat to glaze over your legs like a freshly buttered bread. More appetizing to the King you now found yourself eternally bound to.
He intertwined his massive calloused hands and encased your smaller ones between his giant roots from a tree settling in. He looks down on you with lustful eyes and all you could do was let out a low whimper. He kissed you on the lips again gently this time. Then whispered to them.
“I’m your King now. And I’m going to have to show you your place, my Queen.”
He hoisted you up to the searing chains that ate away at your soft skin. You let out a loud scream in agony. His desire in his cock stands at attention once more. Desire that thrived off of schadenfreude. He roughly grabbed your waist so he could hold you in place. He rubbed the tip at your entrance to run all of your senses into hundreds of brick walls.
Pleasure and pain are quite a powerful and intoxicating mix.
He began to suck at the skin on your stomach and worked his way up to your soft and supple breasts that were quaking from all of the thrashing movements. He allowed one of his hands to roam up and grope one of your mounds. You tried to yank your leg up to deliver a swift kick but the chains kept you in place. He attached his lips to the other and ran his tongue over your nipple. He pauses for a brief moment and tries not to let his aching dick release just yet. Another deep breath fills his broad chest preparing itself for its next powerful battle tactic. His teeth sink mildly into your breast and you let out a thundering yell that could probably be heard all throughout hell.
Confusion and pain flooded all of your senses, your arms felt like they were melting off and you. Only hints of pleasure popped into your brain in only momentary bursts. The pain was so intense if you could die again just to avoid it you would.
“Please….” you plead in a quivering voice.
His red eyes flicker up to meet yours as he detached himself from your chest. A lightning bolt struck your stomach and made you nervous. A grin spread wide on his face that you didn’t need a lot of light to see because of the amount of mischief that radiated from his lips. The rest of his body was ablaze with lust.
His member jolted against your entrance with a little pre-release. You wanted to slam your legs closed but simply stiffened your muscles in a feeble attempt to stop the incoming blow. The hot rod forced its way in forcing itself into your wet cavern that was writing in pain and pleasure. A disastrous mix that left you breathless.
“Ah….please …. stop ….” You say when you manage to get just enough air into your tired lungs.
Your words fell on deaf ears. He plunged himself into you to your hilt and held you there making you teeter on his cock between opposing sensations that were anxious to consume you.
He kisses your cheek gently and he commands you to shout his name when he resumes his trusting.
“If you can do that my Queen I’ll un-schalke you.” You let out a nod as you finally realized that tears had been streaming down your face.
You whimper out a weak okay.
He brings a hand to your chin and brings you into a French kiss. His tongue wrapped tightly around yours. You feel your arms suddenly fall back down only to collapse on his brawny shoulders. They cling to him for support.
He parts from the kiss he revs himself up and begins to thrust.
“Sing my name y/n! Sing it so loudly the screams of pleasure make it all the way to the ears of heaven!”
A moan at first was all you could manage. But you think of how things could be worse if you didn’t sing for him like a morning bird hyped up on caffeine.
“Ahh…Ahh.. Alfred!” You blurt out in a huff.
“Louder my Queen, that was a little pathetic.”
“ALFRED! AH! AH! !” His pacing began to get faster while his cock got fatter from all the pent up tension building from the passion. Your struggle to say his name appeased Alfred just enough. He was reaching the end of his tread anyways.
“Oh Queen Y/N you’re going to be a great ruler and wife.” He continues to bounce you up and down on his throbbing member that finally burst its seal and milky white spilled everywhere. He threw his head back and moaned out your name he had reached his cloud nine pleasure. It took him a few minutes to ride out his orgasm while you were hardly keeping conscious in his strapping arms that were shimmering with sweat.
He sealed your lips with his as you still struggled with his member. He trails a few kisses on your neck and leading on down your breasts he lingers there for a while causing you to moan but also continue to shake in agony. The chains are still hot against your wrists. Your arms had been disfigured and recreated by the lava like embers. Your once clear skin now had ancient writing that looked like lace but had thick strokes like it was etched in barbarically.
Alfred’s claiming curse.
You suck in another sharp breath as you suddenly feel your arms drop onto a soft silk surface. The rest of your body followed suit. You felt a wave of relief wash over you. You were happy to not be sewn into the wall while your insides were being filled to the brim.
You allowed your eyes to close for you knew that nothing you’d say would convince a Demon King to let you go.
Alfred allows his body to hover over you hauntingly. He lowers his head and allows his lips to linger close to the nape of your neck and give you a hickey. He moves to the other side of your neck and bare his large fangs and digs them in deep into your soft and sweaty flesh.
Your eyes shoot open at the intense intrusion of enamel into your flesh. The flood that had begun to pour out as if holding back an ocean. You could feel hot blood rush down your back. Your face scrunched in pain while you began to notice you felt as light as a feather.
Alfred licked the bite area clean after sucking up as much blood from your neck as he could.
He looked at your half lidded eyes that were unconcentrated. He gives a small chuckle and an award winning smile appears on his face. He grabs right below his curse mark that is on your wrists and whispers softly to you. You could feel the intense heat that radiated off of his toned body.
“Welcome to your new reality Y/N where you’ll always be beneath me. Now, let's go get cleaned.” He picks you up and leads you to his grand bathing room where he’ll clean your wounds and pamper you for the rest of the night. He knows full well that you won’t recover from this encounter for a while.
As he ran the bath into his coal black tub no thoughts really passed through your subconscious. You were unsure of what to do. You simply looked down at your bare feet and concentrated on the Stygian marble floor that had elongated cracks of silver and gold that trailed through the wide room flowing up the walls. You let your mind wander as it couldn’t hear the rushing water fill the room with steam and intoxicating fragrances like fresh lavender, bergamot, and sea salt.
‘Perhaps I’m lucid dreaming right? I have to be. No way in hell any of this is real. Or I have lost my mind. I really have…but why did that feel so real. That sex really did feel real.’
The demon watches you glide your feet back and forth as you swing your legs on the elegant window seat that overlooks one of the volcanoes that America controlled. The scarlet, violet, navy, and dusky sky blended together to make up the sky of the Solar deadzone. The smog that consumed the sky that night and your mind wouldn’t be going away. It would linger in the corner of your mind like an impervious tar.
Alfred walks over to you and hoists you up into his strong arms. It was the first time that you actually got to look at his face. Black hair hung low in his eyes that were now a dark cobalt hue and it had a heavy contrast with his pale skin. He had an ever present from on his face that showed off his K9’s. So of your own blood still on the surface of his pearly whites.
He stepped into the 4 feet deep bathtub that looked like a chasm with a few lights that shined through the darkened water and bubbles that overflowed at the surface. You couldn’t help but be dazzled by the monochrome orbs of soap that distracted you from your grim fate you’d been assigned to.
You descended into the heated water that instantly calmed your overstressed muscles.
A sigh leaves you and a smile spreads on Alfred's face as he allows his long thin tail to wrap around your thighs he grabs a loofah and begins to scrub off the dry blood on your back.
Silence and the sloshing of water continued for the rest of the night in dim candlelight. Once done some servants brought libations and snacks for the King and Queen of the Solar Dead Zone. This is the first full night of Queen (Y/N).
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callunavulgari · 5 months
Scrapbook 2024 | Pt I
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things that I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal.
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 70 books and write at least 50k of original content.
Past Years
N/A (yet)
You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment
Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Delicious in Dungeon, s1
Little Women: Limited Series
The Brothers Sun
(Stranger Things, s2)
Watcher: Making Watcher
Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells [Fin]
(Sabriel by Garth Nix) [Fin]
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Morena-Garcia
Watcher Podcast
The Adventure Zone: Live In Seattle
LoZ: Tears of the Kingdom, looots of hours [Fin]
(Ghosts of Tsushima), 22 hrs [Fin]
Baldur's Gate, 82 hrs
you let me complicate you | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 5,219 words | “But I thought—” Eddie starts, sucking in a deep, quelling breath when Steve sucks a mark into the side of his throat. His pulse ticks just a little higher. He tries again. “I mean, you’re straight?”
600 words of Dead Girl Walking (sequel to you let me complicate you)
152 words of Steddie singing neighbors meet cute
Fanmixes/Spotify Playlists/Graphics
put your back into it [a playlist for getting closer to god]
Stranger Things: the Musical
they're going to send us to prison for jerks by greatunironic | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 16k | In which Eddie is TikTok famous, and his personal favorite creator just had an unexpected face reveal.
can't live long on starvation rations by ghostoftonantzin | WWDITS | Nandor/Guillermo | 6k | The temperature goes up, the air conditioner goes out, and Nandor is reminded what it's like to be driven near mad with lust.
in the backseat of your (boy)friend’s car by greatunironic | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 4k | A story about a first time.
Five Times Steve Surprises Eddie by nbfutureboy | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 5k | “We are some kind of after-school dads, my friend… Extra-curricular fathers. A real pair of paternal putzes.”
Let The River Run by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Robb/Brienne | 61k | The deep satisfaction of having made the right choice; of having found a clear-flowing wellspring of true honor to protect.
hold me now, i need relief by ToEdenandBackAgain | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 26k | “Sorry. Couldn’t die without knowing what that felt like.”
think kindly of a stranger by magneticwave | GOT | Jon/Sansa, Robb/Dany | 16k | The dead walk again.
crashing high by brawlite | X-Files | Krycek/Mulder | 3k | Handcuffed in the freezing cold, Krycek comes down on Walter Skinner’s balcony. It’s not ideal, but he’s had worse crashes in his time.
Show Me Your Teeth by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 8k | Eddie Munson apparently didn't get the memo that you can't just bite the people you're interested in. But Steve decides that he's surprisingly willing to hear him out.
I Want to Hold Your Hand by Peachesandpears | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 4k | Steve, on the heels of Starcourt, tries to drown his memories with cheap beer. At least until Eddie Munson checks in on him.
In the Kitchen or the Tulips by teddywesworl | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 34k | Did he touch me? Did he touch me? Did he touch me?
Alive and Kicking by gayhandshake | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 13k | Eddie is laboring under a misapprehension about the nature of his relationship with Steve Harrington.
Vino by teddywesworl | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 39k | Eddie comes back hungry. It doesn’t go the way you think.
Dissonance Theory by colossalflea, teddywesworl | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 30k | In the most exclusive luxury attraction on Earth, Steve Harrington follows a scripted loop of violence and cruelty.
Fight the Hurricane by spqr | Hannibal | Hannigram | 6k | “He’s the best Jaeger pilot we have,” Jack says, grimly.
look what you've done, now i'm a mess by Civil_Hearing | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | “That’s it, baby, look at you,” Eddie coos from beyond the wall.
We Better Make a Start by thefourthvine | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 11k | As soon as Eddie gets to the counter, Steve turns to him and says, “Back me up here. Kissing is no big deal, right?”
smoking guns (hot to the touch) by fivecenturiesverse | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 7k | “Your boner is digging into me,” says Robin, and Steve snorts a tired sort of laugh.
so let's sneak in from the cheap seats, honey by pricklywhicket | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 14k | The Hawkins Public Pool is open from Memorial Day to Labor Day, 8AM to 8PM, seven days a week. It employs three lifeguards, two of whom work each day: one from 8 to 2, and one from 2 to 8.
steve harrington's six-step guide to getting the guy. by oaseas | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 35k | Lucas needs love advice, Dustin & Robin despair, and Steve's a regular Casanova.
four puffs of farrah fawcett spray (and a mouthful of UD pollen) by oaseas | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 17k | Steve Harrington can take a hit. He can take many hits. In fact, thanks to the Upside Down, there isn't a hit Steve can't take.
STRIKE TEN. by oaseas | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 16k | One double scoop of pining, please!
time you taste it. (don’t need to wait for an invitation) by oaseas | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 5k | Eddie gets a tongue piercing. Steve despairs.
2023 Movie Trailer Mashup
2023 || Multifandom Mashup
Doctor Who - Here We Go Again
if I could go back in time ┃ steve & eddie
Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson | Make Him Pay
Steve Harrington || No parents, big house
steve & eddie | bad habits [+s4 v1]
Steve & Eddie | One Night
Eddie Munson - Lovely
Steve Harrington | You're On Your Own, Kid
(ST) Steve Harrington | The Babysitter
► Eddie Munson | Heroes
Didn't run away | Stranger Things
i believe - christina perri
dear arkansas daughter - lady lamb
yes i'm a mess - ajr
goodbye - bo burnham
my sails are set - sonya belousova
and the world was gone - snow ghosts
waiting in the wings - annapatsu
dandelion - gabbie hanna
child of ashes - madds buckley
you will be okay - annapatsu
the jellyfish song - kleonlumi
murder on the dancefloor - sophie ellis bextor
won't stand down - muse
mount rageous - andrew rannells
nothing can take from me - rachel zegler
bad idea, right? - olivia rodrigo
alice - peggy
bring me to life- corvyx
revived - derivakat
you will be okay - sam haft
the sound of silence - disturbed
paint it, black - ramin djawadi
only the lonely survive - marianas trench
red flag - billy talent
sleep walking orchestra - bump of chicken
waiting for the end - linkin park
spice up your life- spice girls
blood - starbenders
waterloo - abba
white rabbit - haley reinhart
closer - nin
sweet dreams - marilyn manson
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achtung-attitude · 8 months
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Not ten minutes had passed since Shizuka and T’onga laid hidden amidst the wreckage of All-Kill’s mansion. Shizuka’s spirits had fallen lower than they had ever been. Her friend was gone, his memory desecrated and corrupted by the man who had stolen his Stand, and was using it to tear the place apart in search of them.
It was then T’onga revealed the truth.
“You and All-Kill were born with your Stands. And you probably know better than I do, a Stand isn’t just some ghost, but a physical manifestation of a person’s will. 
“That’s the difference between me and you. Your Stand is yours, since the moment of your birth. But me? And Kilo, and Moya, and the rest? We had to make our Stands our own. Dust gave us the Stands of evil people with powerful wills we had to overcome, otherwise they’d destroy us. 
“All-Kill got desperate. That’s where he slipped up. He thinks he can just take SATURN BARZ and make it his own? Hell no. You can’t just take another person’s soul without a fight. It takes time and effort. He’s like an untrained genius swimmer going up against a champion Olympian with years of experience. He might have the talent, but if you put him under pressure, the fool will sink. That’s how we can win. If my plan doesn’t work, that’s the only way we can win. Put him under pressure. Annoy the bastard to death. Shake his resolve to the point his own Stand rejects him.”
Shizuka stared, her eyes adjusting to the darkness of their hiding spot. “There’s… no way to be sure that would work.”
T’onga frowned. Beads of sweat bud on her forehead. “Maybe. Maybe not. But…” Shizuka’s mother paused, unsure of what to say. She glanced out of their hiding spot and saw All-Kill looming overhead, still scouring the wreckage for them. “We owe it to your friend…” she quietly says. “He isn’t gone. He’s up there.”
She jerks her chin up at the madman above. “He took him. All that was left of him and warped him into an ugly parody… For all the wrong that I've done, even I know… evil like that can’t be allowed to pass.”
She turned to her daughter then, forcing an encouraging smile. “You can do this. You can free yourself from that man the way I never could. Do it for Moya, and Kilo. But most of all… For yourself…”
These words inspired her, even in her moment of weakness over Kilo’s remains. Every ounce of pain and torment, desperate planning and hasty preparations, all to keep a single step ahead of All-Kill. “You can already do so much awesome stuff with your powers! You can make it rain! Sure, it’s deadly scalding acid, but still. I’m sure you can make it snow!”
“It’s not… It ain’t that simple. I can’t just…” Kilo searched for the words, but ultimately gave up “Ugh, whatever. Yeah, maybe. One day…”
And in the end, her efforts at last bear fruit. Her determination blossoms and she stands to full height. By blood, she is T’onga Kim’s child! By commitment, she is the child of Joseph Joestar! She is Shizuka Joestar! “Hah… hah… Now you’ll say…” she gasps, “Ah, screw it! I’ll just cut to the chase! This whole thing, All-Kill… All of this was part of my plan!”
“You… You damn…!” All-Kill chokes out as Shizuka strikes a triumphant pose, in spite of the radiation sickness wracking her body still.
“I stacked the whole deck!!” she declares.
The man in black rages, doing what he can to pry LONELY BOY’s hand off of his neck. But the Stand does nothing but stare with the blank slate where its eyes should have been. As he squirms, the flesh of his neck begins to bubble. “Ahhhhh… AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” he howls. Steam the color of flesh emerges from beneath LONELY BOY’s hand, as though the upper layer of All-Kill’s neck was being turned to mist.
“Kilo…” Shizuka mutters, dropping her victory pose.
It only gets worse for All-Kill. His eyes bulge as he feels a rumbling in his body. A dense shuddering that rapidly escalates until his insides as a whole vibrate. Even more blood seeps from his mouth, as well as his eyes, nose and ears. He recognizes the sensation and gags. “GAAAAAAHHH!!! This… This can’t be…! LONELY BOY… It’s… It’s canceling out my… my order… Grraaaghh… H…HOUSE OF PAIN…!!”
Shizuka watches in awe at the culmination of her own plan. Even she had not expected this; betrayed by his own Stand aside, LONELY BOY had further doomed All-Kill by setting loose her mother’s Stand, still active in his body, but made dormant by the shut-down power.
Shizuka watches and her cocky smile slowly fades as All-Kill’s doom is confirmed. The terrifying, unstoppable enemy she faced is no longer here. All that remains is a middle-aged man choking on his own blood. Her hand balls into a shaking fist.
But nothing else follows. She merely exhales, relaxing her hands. With a snap of her fingers, the laser lights disappear. There is no longer anything more to do. She limps past All-Kill towards the destroyed forest.
“What… Where do you… think you’re going?!” he shouts as she passes, but prompts no reaction from her. LONELY BOY’s attention also turns to Shizuka as she moves weakly past. Strands of hair from her head. “You… You’re not going ANYWHERE!!” the man in black shrieks.
LONELY BOY’s free hand blurs, swiping at Shizuka. Both she and All-Kill gasp in surprise at its movement. Shizuka tries to duck away, but it’s too late. It’s hand has taken her arm. She feels BLACK KEYS sliding through her sleeve and penetrating her skin. The shock melts from All-Kill’s face, replaced by a vindictive scowl. LONELY BOY turns its wrist.
A huge gasp escapes from Shizuka, but… It’s not her last. Rather than meeting death, her body is reinvigorated. LONELY BOY regards her solemnly as she inspects herself, her hands, body and hair. All-Kill stares, aghast. Only one answer is possible.
“The… The radiation…” Shizuka softly exclaims.
The man in black writhes in the Stand’s grasp. “No… NOOOOOOOOO!!!!”
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keanthegooseman · 1 year
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The Song of Achilles | Book Review
Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance, Fantasy
Author: Madeline Miller
Publication Date: September 20, 2011
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone."
A modern retelling of Homer's Iliad, focusing on the perspective of Patroclus. The story begins with Patroclus' exile, his meeting of Achilles, their training with Chiron, and eventually the Trojan War. The book expands on a relatively minor, yet significant figure in Greek myth.
I am a BIG fan of Greek mythology. I was first introduced to it by playing God of War and reading Percy Jackson and The Olympians. They got me interested in all the different stories it had to offer, including the story of Achilles and the Trojan War. So when I first heard of this book, I immediately knew that I just had to get a hold of a copy. Come Christmas time, I received some Christmas money(yay!), and I went to buy it the first chance I got.
Let me just say, I LOVE LOVE LOVED it! I was on the verge of tears by the time I finished reading. I never knew that Greek myth could be so sorrowful and tear jerking, but this book proved to be so! Heart wrenching in the best of ways, The Song of Achilles shows an unseen, more personal side of the classic myth it's based on. Full of drama, tender moments, and tragedy, I'd be surprised if any reader didn't feel like choking up from the emotion. And even with all the additions Madeline Miller added in order to write this book the way it is, I'm glad that the story is faithful to the source material, and any additions or changes that weren't in the Iliad didn't feel like fanfiction. 
Focusing on Patroclus was a very interesting choice. To be honest, I barely remembered Patroclus in the myths, all I remembered was his death pushing Achilles to fight again. But you know what, Miller was able to pick out the few details about him in the myths, and was able to create a likable, and compelling character from literary scraps. I also enjoyed Miller's portrayal of Achilles. I always found him to be prideful, and someone whose anger got the better of him. Yet, Miller was able to paint a more sympathetic picture of Achilles, who was still very much the best of the Greeks, but had a human element to him that wasn't really present/apparent in the myths.
The interactions between Patroclus and Achilles were filled to the BRIM with sexual tension. Literally every time Patroclus sees Achilles he always thinks about how hot he is or how much he wants to hold his hand (im joking on that part). Also, to state the obvious, Patroclus and Achilles are both men, but whenever there is a romantic moment between the two, you kind of forget that and all you see are two people in love, which I think is great writing. There's also a couple of scenes that are pretty erotic, so if you're into that, go ham.
The Song of Achilles is an amazing retelling of the Trojan War for modern audiences, and is a great way for people not familiar with Greek mythology to get immersed in it. Ignoring all the stuff about myth, Patroclus and Achilles' romance makes this a worthwhile read for those not interested in the gods and monsters aspects. Definitely a must-read for anyone looking for LGBTQ+ romances as well.
p.s. - this is technically the first yaoi book ive ever read 
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docgold13 · 2 years
I am forever sad that we will probably never get Hercules in the MCU. I know the Olympians are in the movie but I doubt they'll dedicate time for Herc to play a big role. Doesn't help that ever since Ragnarok Thor has become the "Mythological Himbo" so it feel redundant.
oh I think there is a very good chance of seeing a MCU version of Herc at some point in the future. there’s always room for more than one himbo, or even a slightly different take on the hero.
but no Kevin Sorbo… that guy turned out to be a huge jerk.
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bythevenus · 2 months
molten gaze / various storms.
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previous chapter / masterlist / next chapter.
Camp Half Blood, 2016.
Ever since Theodore was getting claimed, the sky was getting no better. Day after day, stormy clouds hovered above the camp, trapping us under their gloomy cage. As if the sky itself was screaming, “If I feel gloomy, you all should to.”
Was Zeus regretting his choice of claiming Theo? Or should we go far back behind, was Zeus regretting his choice of having another offspring with a mortal woman and once again, betraying her immortal wife’s trust?
have heard many things about the queen of the goddess. She was many things, but forgiving to her own husband was nothing I’ve ever heard about her.
I could clearly understand her, though. Because, if I were in her shoes, I might have cut his balls off at some point in my life. I mean, imagine being stuck for thousand years with a cheater, that was the least I would do. So, I guessed, perhaps all those gloomy clouds were pretty much had been expected. Even Chiron only sighed whenever he glanced to the sky.
“This time, it would last longer than the last time.” He said one time, more like mumbling grimly to himself, after an archery class.
Unfortunately, I was the only camper left at the arena since I was responsible to clean after as a part of my punishment. (I accidentally charmed someone from Iris cabin to humiliate herself to the whole camp.)
“Why?” I asked, couldn’t hold back my curiousity. What can I say, gossip is always fun to hear. Though initially I didn’t think he would reply. But he answered anyway.
“The last time we had his demigod, it didn’t end quite well and so he promised his wife in front of the Olympians, in the name of their marriage and Olympus, to not betray her and have another half-bloods.”
All men do is lie, indeed. Although I was smart enough not to say it out loud. “So I guess she is quite angry this time?”
“The goddess has always been quite angry everytime things like this happened. But this time?” His front legs moved with unease, shifting from side to side anxiously. “She is 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘺.”
“That doesn’t sound good.” I mumbled, the gloomy sky still held my gaze as its clouds only getting darker as the time passed by, and the wind blew strong enough to sway the trees and making the birds singing angry chirps.
“Nothing we can do.” He turned his upper body, the human part of his body, to me. Practically loomed over me with his fatherish eyes bore into mine. Did I just see a glimpse of worry in his eyes?
“Let we just hope it wouldn’t go as worse as it could be.”
And honestly, it didn’t make me feel any better at all.
“Clean up, child, we never know when the rain will start pouring.” He said one last time before trotting to Big House.
I looked up to the sky one last time and I saw various storms started to build.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀•⠀⠀•⠀⠀• ⠀
I saw him right there. At Zeus fist. His back on me and he still had his double edged sword on his hand. His grip was tight, a little too tight I believe his knuckles had turned white. But at the same time, I could see his hand trembled slightly and his shoulder being a little too tense.
The game, capture the flag, had been over almost an hour ago and supposed there was no reason for him to be that rigid and tense. Unless he was fighting something else in the meantime. But what could it be? Or 𝘸𝘩𝘰 could it be?
“The game is over. What’re you doing?”
It all happened too fast and suddenly one end of his sword was at my throat. I gasped, jerking my body away from him and nearly tripped myself. “What the actual 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬?!”
But then I saw his eyes for the first time that afternoon and realised they were the darkest shade of gray I had ever seen in someone’s eyes. They were almost too dark it might have been black. But even black eyes wouldn’t be as menacing.
It was molten. As if someone had put him on fire and burned him inside and out. His gaze felt too raw and rough. But it was nothing like him at all. More like an empty shell. More like he was being kept hidden somewhere deep behind those cloudy eyes.
“This was a mistake from the beginning. I 𝘢𝘮 that mistake.”
He started to ramble and the wind started to blow far too hard, I had to hold on to my jacket to keep it still.
“She came to me.”
Did thunder strike around us or was it just my imagination? Whatever it was, I felt as if I had been struck by lightning.
I wanted to ask what he meant, I wanted to ask 𝘸𝘩𝘰 he meant. But that would be me lying to myself. Because I knew exactly what and whom he was talking about.
Yesterday’s conversation with Chiron was playing in my head: ‘... promised ... to not betray ... another half-bloods.’ ‘... the goddess ... is angry.’
Hera. She had come to Theodore personally.
But I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t say anything. Not only because I had a very bad feeling about all of this, but also because his sword was still on me. And I just froze at the moment.
My eyes met his stormy ones. The wind swirled inside them, stirring those storm clouds away, and I could almost, 𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵, see a glimpse of the light grey I was more familiar with.
It was so close.
But another lightning struck the nearest tree; the dryad screamed in ancient greek and ran away, her tunic smoking; the rain poured down heavily, we were drenched only in a few seconds; and his eyes returned to their steely state.
I’d learned from my mistake, so I ran. Just right at the moment he swung his sword at where my head was. I heard the sound of air cutting as it happened, but I decided not to turn my head. I kept running, under the heavy rain and on the wet ground that seemed to suck in my every step. I didn’t even have time to direct my feet to the right path, the one that would take me to the camp and some helps, and instead I went deeper and deeper into the woods.
Not a single dryad or satyr did I see on my run. Which meant, no help at all. How very lucky of me. Indeed, I had always been Tyche's favourite. Panic laced my footsteps and my breath grew heavier; between the run, the stream of panic, and the heavy rain pouring down on me.
I knew. I knew he would outrun me soon enough, and I really really regretted all the combat classes and trainings I’d missed. Because there was no way I could fight him back and win. He, even though he came to the camp a year later than I did, was somehow a natural swordsman. He knew when and where exactly to swing his sword when needed.
I, on the other hand, was just a typical Aphrodite’s child with very little sense of fighting. But I gripped my knife from the satchel, the one I had for the game before, although I didn’t know what I was going to do with it.
I didn’t know how to use it properly, in a way that would make him stop this frenzy. Neither did I want to hurt him. Because this, whoever I was up against, was clearly not him. The Theodore I knew wouldn’t do such thing. He was just an empty shell of Theodore right now.
I heard another swishing sound so close to my left ear, I dodged and stepped away in a way that forced me to face that molten gaze, as stern as his double-edged swords.
“Theodore, what the hell is──”
He lunged forward. The tip of his sword hit my shoulder before I tripped and fell to the ground. Blood mixed with the rain, vintage Dior sank into the blood-red and dirty ground. And yet he didn’t stop. I rolled on the ground, much to my dismay, as he raised his sword, ready for another attack.
Then, I felt something force its way out of me. A sudden rush of adrenaline and something else I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I felt another tug inside me. Stronger this time. And before I figured it out, my voice rang out, cutting through the foul air between me and Theodore with a familiar power, “𝑆𝑇𝑂𝑃!” Warm flooded over me as the realisation hit.
My voice affected him, like I knew it would and should be. He hesitated. His sword was still hanging high on the air, frozen. His eyes were lost in empty space, in those hazy situation I often find whenever I use my charmspeak on someone.
Fucking hell. I didn’t know whether to laugh in relief or mourn my own stupidity at the moment. But I didn’t have time for either.
Before the haze slipped away from him, I added through my heavy breath, mustering all the fear and channeling it into an indisputable command. “𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒.”
And so he blinked. Once, twice, as I raised to my feet. My knife was still pointed in his direction, just to be safe if my power failed to affect him.
And with each blink, his eyes grew brighter and brighter, getting closer to the shade of grey I was familiar with. Even in the midst of the heavy rain and strong wind, his eyes didn’t look as stormy anymore.
“Theo?” I called, raising my brows, and testing my odds.
He looked puzzled. His pale lips twitched as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t find the right words. Until the galloping sound broke the silence between us.
Chiron arrived with that fatherly look of concern on his face. His old and tired eyes glanced at me, then at Theo, then back to me. “What had happened?” He trotted forward, his gaze now fixed on the open wound on my shoulder.
“Oh.” I said, just noticing the wound and dripping blood. It didn’t even feel hurt until I realised it was there.
But Chiron didn’t push the answer right away. Instead, he took us to the safe of the Big House first; treated my wound and offered us some warm.
Just after a moment, he asked us again. I side glanced at Theo in another chair, still looking as confused as he had been in the woods, but fortunately the colour had returned to his face.
After another sip of nectar, I told the whole story to Chiron. Theo told his version of the story after a few more minutes. It began when the game had just finished, before I found him. He said he’d met a woman, a regally beautiful woman with an unmistakable queenly grace, who looked at the Zeus’ fist without any longing, despite of her caressing to the carved stone. Even without the belt of peacock feathers wrapped around the waist of her white dress, he had known it was her at the first sight. The goddess Hera herself.
He fidgeted, looking uneasy as he repeated her words word for word. “Another broken promise leads to another betrayal. And being the storm he is, he has broken many things. Riot began to splatter. And when the flame erupts in Olympus, remember, child, you will bear some of the burden.”
I glanced at Chiron. The centaur didn’t react, like he was in some very deep thoughts as Theo went on; about how he had missed the rest of the story. He couldn’t remember anything past that. The last thing he could remember was only anger had started to bubble inside him, and he felt a sudden pull. Then the next thing he knew, he was already drenched in the heavy rain, with me and my wounded shoulder, and Chiron.
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toon-kirby · 4 months
With the recent revival of Percy Jackson I kinda realize that the only one of the twelve Olympians who isn't a complete jerk in some way is Demeter. The only time she did something problematic was when she had a mental breakdown after her daughter got kidnapped
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