#some of the most unhinged stuff hAHAHAHA
inkykeiji · 9 months
I LOVE UR TASTEEEE i think u write sukuna rly well & i hope u continue to do so <3 i also luv when ur reblogs randomly appear in the notes section under sukuna posts, ur tags make me laugh (it's good to see a familiar face going feral over him)
aw omg!!! thank you so much!!! <33 i’m super flattered to hear that and i 100% plan on writing more for him!!! i’m really excited to write an actual fic for him that has more of a narrative than just smut hehe (although i obv enjoy writing pure filth for him as well <3)
oH HAHAHA well i am glad then!! (´∀`)♡
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omghallucinations · 1 month
charts that made me go "oh boy": stray kids lee know
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ok. well. i've been on a journey.
i was innocently inputting idols with known birth times into my astro software as i do and i put this guy in and said "oh... oh boy..." out loud so obviously i decided to do a write-up
i finished this write-up. realized i was bias wrecked all to hell. so. there u go. let this be a warning to you all. be careful whose chart you analyze because you could end up with a Problem!!
unrelated (related) i just love a sagittarius moon. my favorite moon there is. some people love a taurus moon, fair, valid (also lee know has his moon in the 2nd which is basically a layer of taurusy vibe) but i love a sagittarius moon most of all. those guys are crazy (affectionate). you cannot kill them in any way that matters. truly understand the inherent hilariousness of life... .. somehow can always see through the illusions of capitalism... i love them.
who is this anaretic degree ass
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girl how many important degrees... do u need... ... i have two 29s and one 0 in my chart and i thought that was a lot...
lee know has both venus and neptune at 29 (and venus at 29.59 which is, wow old soul ready to get the hell off this lawn much?). the anaretic degree is the "fated degree"--it's like, your soul has just about mastered this energy and is about to take it somewhere else (bc the next degree is not 30, it's 0 of the next sign) so it's time for some TESTS. it's crises and gifts. often you're naturally good at this energy in whatever form that takes, but it's gonna fuck with you on and off throughout your life. more during the first half to be fair. especially with that 0 degree saturn, he'll probably be in way better shape after his saturn return.
venus at 29(.59?!?!) in libra -- ok i also have venus at 29 (.09!), so i can tell you that he never has to be single if he doesn't want to be, but it is not gonna go right for a long ass time and he's gonna be weird and intense about relationships and it will not feel good. he might think it is going right. he is wrong. get ready for some gifts but ALSO some crises with love and creativity and beauty and shit--especially with venus at home in libra and his scorpio rising. he's definitely captivating, and can probably bamboozle whoever he wants with his beauty and charm, but his crisis and urgency feeling in love is probably a Whole Lot both for him and for his partners. and it's in the 12th house like.. .. . oh boy honey. he's gonna hide his need for love and validation and his sensitivity so hard. also literally his relationships (and they'll probably be undefined for a long time) despite the fact that every one is gonna be so intense.
it's also opposite his 0 degree saturn????? girl!! and conjunct his sun also in the 12th... .. . . . well at least you are so beautiful and charming and generous, lee know, and everyone really likes you. i know u issues and tremendous sensitivity that you hide like crazy and probably a judgmental family member (who probably means well, unfortunately!) whose influence burdens u even now as u feel like there are somehow always Forces Working Against You for no reason! even tho u just gotta Believe In Yourself dot mp3.....
bright side! when he works through some of this stuff he's very likely gonna have a very solid and mature marriage and he already has sort of a maturity leg-up, thank u saturn in taurus and juno conjunct sun. eventually you will look back on the many unhinged texts you sent at 2am and laugh... . .. more than you already do, you sagittarius moon, you!!
neptune at 29 capricorn in the 3rd house -- hahahaha welcome to crises and gifts around dreams, illusions, secrets, delusions, etc. and make it capricorn: old soul vibes, anxiety, not gonna settle until later in life. in the 3rd house: dreams and illusions with gemini vibes, unending curiosity, brain running at 300 all day all night, so many Thoughts. hm. does he have adhd (inattentive subtype)???he's super creative and iconoclastic but he may be doing a lot of talking and not a lot of... doing. it's also a weird mood to have the fanciful dreams planet in the harsh reality sign, there's conflict inherent there. (oh lord, neptune is square venus and saturn with a 0 orb??? t-square??? bro??? lee know did ur parents or teachers or society crush ur dreams??? do you now crush your own dreams urself in advance to avoid disappointment??? do u think you can either have love or success and not both???)
(i can fix him!! wait.)
lunar nodes at 29 (NN in Leo in the 10th, SN in Aquarius in the 4th) -- lol this plus his 29.59 venus, his soul is Ready to Move On from these lessons hahaha, luckily his career really reflects his soul growth shit--moving away from his comfort zone of being a semi-reclusive iconoclastic weirdo with depressive tendencies who stays at home and moving towards self expression, celebration of himself and creativity in his career/a public space. he is gonna have a lot of crises about this though, since the south node is still really important and you shouldn't abandon it, it's ur foundation. he's gonna have questions like what does "be yourself" even mean??? how public is too public? how private is too private? what if i Fail, Publicly??? what if i don't put myself out there enough???
(he probably does not put himself out there enough, because of the relationship between his nodes, saturn, venus and his 12th house sun--but he should!! fight for your opportunities king!!)
(if u do not already have a therapist, lee know, please... get a therapist... it will help u.... i swear....)
we're still not done with degrees for some reason
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saturn at 0 degrees taurus in the 6th house: another #same, my saturn is also at 0 degrees!! ateez jongho is another one with a 0 degree saturn, it's a very strong aura no matter what. any planet at 0 is fresh and new and EXCITED TO BE THERE and depending on aspects etc it will almost always express the energy of the planet in that sign real... loud... and real... vibrantly... ... .. without much nuance... for better or worse. this doesn't have to be a straightforward manifestation of the sign, sometimes it's wonky, but either way it's just a lot of Pure Sign and Planet Energy.
saturn is a more outer planet, so normally the sign its in is more of a light flavor and the much more important thing is the aspects and the house its in. if saturn is at 0, scratch that whole sentence
saturn in taurus is really. really clear in lee know's personality, tbh even to someone who only knows him from his professional activities. like. startlingly. i see her. saturn is a force for maturity, lessons, responsibility, discipline, structure, practicality, actual real physical life not the idea of life, and in taurus it's going. home. bye. the taurus jumps out. he's not too fussed about how much attention he's getting, or how much center time, he never jumps in ego-first. in the sixth house of work daily life and virgo vibes he's just gonna do what he's gotta do and get it done. solid, mature, grounded, no celebrity disease in sight, really a nice counterpoint to the kinda manic romance he's got going on in the 12th that would unhinge him from reality in many ways if it weren't for saturn
sixth house also gives some health stuff, some virgo vibes, can be critical. he might have or have had some health probs, or he may have them in future if he isn't super careful
taurus in the sixth to me gives apartment rooftop garden, beloved pets (6th house is the small animals house :)), dependable cornerstone at work but leaves at 5pm sharp because he wants to GO HOME. he's not gonna do more than he has to do because that's #stupid and he's not #stupid. he's not lazy at all he uses exactly the amount of energy he needs to and no more, again, because he's not dumb. vibes. icon. comfort. ease. chilling out.
he probably can really cut you deep if he wants to (especially with his chart ruler being his super specific and critical virgo mars in the 10th), luckily he doesn't care enough most of the time
(being mean in a funny way does not count, because of his aforementioned sagittarius moon and various gemini/virgo influences, it's the way he expresses affection!)
party (?) in his first house
idk i think a lot of idols have stuff in their first house, more proportionally than most people, which makes sense for their whole...situation. anyway. his first house has:
scorpio mercury: fun!! anything in your first house is gonna color the rest of your chart, almost like another layer to your rising. for example ateez hongjoong and (g)idle soyeon are both capricorn risings with uranus and neptune in the first house, so they're not regular capricorn risings, they're capricorn-aquarius-pisces risings. with mercury in there lee know gets a fun gemini/virgo flavor to his life path/vibe. he's gonna be chattier, funnier, externally wittier than most scorpio risings, more similar to a gemini or virgo rising in that way. it really is his cross of Sexy Intense Head Bitch You Shouldn't Cross but also Head Silly Yapper. his mercury is widely conjunct his ascendant, so the gemini/virgo/communication focus comes across strongly.
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he's smart and curious and can talk anyone into anything at any time. it's another thing in his chart that chills out the sort of. self-serious Drama of scorpio placements (she said, scorpio moonly). mercury is zany!! and can really think itself into all sorts of interesting places (anxiety vortex? deluluville? why not both???)
scorpio chiron: well ya can't have it all. he has some pain and wounds around his own identity and place in the world as well as his soul-need for independence and self-assertion. it's complicated for him to Be Himself and with scorpio he probably has some past life shit here (in addition to his many heavily karmic 29 degree placements, let's all say thank you god for giving him a sagittarius moon and mercury in the 1st house)
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sagittarius pluto: power. magnetism. take the usual power of a scorpio rising and crank it up to 20. also he has a temper under the calm, methodical taurus saturn and also thinks he's right 100% of the time. and he has some deep feelings and can empathize with the suffering of others! most importantly his past life stuff has been rooted in the search for identity and place in the world and he finds unconscious security in independence and his ability to assert himself, probably extra complicated for his 29 degree libra venus who craves union with another! lol!
this is honestly only just scratching the surface (just like any chart interpretation) but i gotta stop!! unfortunately i've been bias wrecked by an astrological chart. embarrassing as hell!!
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 3 months
top 10 strongest airbenders
this list is tough. we don’t see many airbenders at all throughout the show. but ive ranked all the other elements, so here’s this list now!
let’s go
*gyatso*- i dont want to put a nunber next to his name because i have 0 concrete evidence as to where he would rank. if i had to guess i feel like he’d be 2-3? but i just can’t put him there based off vibes alone lol. with that being said, i still have to give him credit. there is no number 10 lol sorry.
9. bumi- yeah he kinda sucks as an airbender lmao. i loveeeee bumi and to be so honest i really really REALLY wish he had stayed a nonbender. it was such an important part of his character and what made him so interesting. but alas he has to be an airbender. boring lame boo!!!!! but he does do a few cool things. good job bumi.
8. opal- boringggg snoozeeeee. i don’t really like opal. but she airbends which is cool. i dont remember her doing anything significant at all as an airbender though lol. maybe that’s on me because i dont care about her character so i just forgot, but from what i remember she’s a good airbender, just nothing special.
7. kai- kind of a similar situation to opal where he doesn’t seem to be special but i will say i think him and airbending compliment each other very well. he naturally is able to utilize airbending which is honestly reminiscent of aang to me a tiny bit. obviously he’s not on his level at all but the vibes are still there! but yeah other than natural ability he doesn’t have anything else of note imo. it’s kinda like he just plateaus after the timeskip i feel like? idk i shoulve made these lists immediately after my most recent rewatch lol.
6. meelo- hate him HAHAHAHA sorryyyyyyy. his fart stuff is so annoying. however i think its obvious that all of tenzins kids are great airbenders and it comes pretty naturally to them. so yeah all three are excellent he is just the least impressive to me.
5. ikki- i loveeeeeeee ikki omg. but she’s very similar to meelo to me in that she is clearly naturally gifted and practically a master airbender but i don’t remember her doing anything really impressive that would make her any higher. she gets to be higher than meelo because i like her way more and she doesn’t fartbend. congrats ikki!
4. zaheer- im kind of annoyed that he’s this high. like he should not be that good of an airbender but here he is i guess. he gave almost everybodyyyyy a run for their money during his season and was kicking lots of ass. idk why he’s so good, i guess because he was spiritually connected to airbending before he became an airbender, but he definitely is amazing. mf can fly which no one else can do. also the way he killed the earth queen was awesomeeeee! wish more airbenders could be more unhinged. but yeah he can’t be higher bc he lacks a fuck ton of experience.
3. jinora- people argue she’s the best airbender in tlok and ok she mightttt beeeee because of her spiritual abilities, but i do think she lacks some combat skills and experience. with that being said though her spiritual abilities make her insanely op. im just saying like if u average out her impeccable spiritual skills with her just good combat skills, she gets number 3 imo. but she is obviously a master who earns her tattoos at such a young age so that’s why she’s here! also i think in her adulthood she will surpass her dad, but she aint there yet!
2. tenzin- gonna get his con out of the way first, he has little to no spiritual connection. which i dont think is a HUGE detriment but it is a detriment nonetheless and it’s why i also kinda flip flop between him and jinora and who i think is the better airbender. but today, for me, it’s tenzin. what he lacks in spiritual ability he makes for in strength, agility, technique, IQ, skill, utilization, and literally any other feat you could think of. remember when he was making zaheer look like an absolute amateur? that was awesome. yeah he is the best airbender that isn’t an avatar in the whole series.
1. aang- LOLLLL im not following my own rulessss butttttt idc. there arent many airbenders to choose from anyways and for a majority of the first book we really only know aang as an airbender anyway soooo im bending my rules lol. i dont feel any need to give a big fat response. he is not like any airbender we ever see throughout the entire show and it is not even close.
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dangermousie · 1 year
Give it up for the most obsessive evil overlord to ever destroy a universe stylishly. He is in some sort of semi-gateway-to-death thingie conversing with demon god essence and his question? WHERE IS MUH WOMAN!!!! God, I love his one-track mind.
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“Come on, man, we got people to slaughter, worlds to destroy and stylish outfits to make, get with the program,” fumes the demonic entity.
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Demon entity needs to get it in the neck. 
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The whole scene with Tantai Jin taking out Tantai Minglang was epic, but the more and more I watch this drama, the more I think they will not end happily like the novel, but end right after he saves the world and disappears, perhaps with Susu left with their daughter to wait for him hopefully. I don’t think censors go for bad(dish) dudes getting happy endings, and even if he’s a saint compared to the novel version, he’s still done a lot of bloody stuff.
(Gotta love his lifting the robes as he walks away from the best rat barbeque in history. Regicide may be happening but can’t get the hems dirty.
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Mmmm yes he IS!
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They have softened him up considerably as the emperor; in the novel, there was a serious xianxia Caligula or Caracalla* vibe (I am sure there are more apt comparisons with Chinese emperors but I don’t know enough to make one.) But huge points to LYX for still conveying that slightly playful yet terrifyingly unhinged edge.
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Pure insane edge. He is SPEAKING like book Tantai Jin lite but the vibe and the acting choices are pure OG book Tantai Jin and I am living for it.
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When I saw the scene with the giant pot of soup I shrieked because this is such a nod to the novel where he cooked the prior ruler to serve them in pots because if they ate the past monarch they would always be viewed as traitors to same. If you didn’t read the book, you probably wondered why the random soup pot tho. MMMM ILY makers!
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Chicken Soup for the Soul, by his Sovereign Majesty, Emperor Tantai Jin.
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The thing that I really love is that just like LBFAD showed that not feeling doesn’t mean bad (it means he can’t have bad feelings either), this drama shows that self-interest and cold-bloodedness and rationality do not have to be bad either. (And it’s not even just that - TTJ wants to protect his homeland in general.) Because TTJ smartly realized that if he’s a good, popular, powerful emperor, this isn’t just good for the kingdom, it’s good for his independence and safety.
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PS He is STILL searching for Susu AAAAAAA!
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watchingspnagain · 6 months
Rewatching Sympathy for the Devil
Welcome to “Sexy Dom Murder Cas and Unhinged Possibly Queer Expert German Cuckoo Clock Repairmen: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e1: Sympathy for the Devil
Luci anesti and the boys are left reeling from poor Sammy’s massive fail. But while they’re struggling to navigate this new phase in their brotherly relationship, the hits just keep on coming: Bobby, while possessed, plays on Sam’s sense of self-loathing, and then Dean finds out that *he’s* the sword of Michael, meant to become his vessel in the Final Battle. He gives the asshat angels a big NOPE and is trying to deal with the immediate and violent fallout from that decision when Cas swoops in with his sexy dom voice and rescues them. Meanwhile, back at the Satan Ranch, Luci is busy gaslighting his own potential vessel. It’s about to get real, y’all.
[and we begin:]
many many guitar chords
nnnnnng Cas
the way they both grab onto the other's jacket
Dean’s first thought is Cas. But yeah, they’re just buds.
"well. my HEAD hurts"
oh Dean. "are you sure"
oh man
"Cas, you stupid bastard"
"maybe we let it happen" ug
Dean’s collar is UBERPOPPED
because he has the ATTITUDE
"cram it with walnuts, ugly" OMG
i need to work that into my daily vernacular
oh zach do NOT call Dean son
"you listen to me, boy" oh now Dean's REALLY not gonna do anything you say
oh look, they underestimated Dean. Fun.
"I learned that from my friend Cas you son of a bitch"
"supernatural methadone"
oh boys
I’m so glad we’re getting to the Luci era
this dude plays the most unhinged possibly queer expert German cuckoo clock repairman on one ep of Northern Exposure and it is a TRIP
wow. that is a NICHE role
ug. Becky
omg Dean's eyebrow raise when she says the demon stuff was getting old
Her tastes are on point, though
she SHOULD get her hands off your Sammy though
I mean, I want to slap her hand away from Sam’s chest but only because I want mine there...
"I heard, Romeo" I LOVE BOBBY
he is so GUILT
So. Flipping. Hot.
I like the parallel between Bobby’s “boy” and the angel’s
omg his EYES
castle on a hill of 42 dogs
I love it
OH! I’ve been bamboozled!!
(I remembered)
How did I not remember this?
(well, how many times have you watched this ep?)
Bobby only tolerated John bc he was their father. Come on, Dean
mmm. five?
yeah, so quit with the smug
ooooof. Poor Dean always having to talk possessed people he loves out of killing him
oh Nick. this is where you call a friend, buddy
friends don't let friends get gaslit into saying yes to Lucifer
poor Sammy. he really needs some comforting in this ep
he really does
and I know this is exactly what Bobby would want them to do, but I hate that they have to leave him alone in the hospital
"oh thank god, the angels are here" DEAN
oh Dean
"it's you, chucklehead"
simpering wad of insecurity and self-loathing. that’s a little on the nose
because he is Dean's shield
oooh, smarty DeanDean
"you need my consent" I LOVE IT
omg those little winks
“on the other hand, eat me.” HAHAHAHA
he's a smarty smarty and everyone always underestimates him
omg his voice when he says no
omg someone give Sam back his lungs 
I love it when he BAMFs
lookit his hair all mussed and his coat all disarrayed
OOoo he’s got his dom voice on
"now put these boys back together and go" DED
so ded. on the floor. several times
staying down here on purpose. ahem
"no I carved it into your ribs"
omg the difference bt Sam's and Dean's faces when he says that
goddamn it, Cas, your boy has abandonment issues don't just LEAVE
"sure. naturally. could you do me a favor, there, Satan" haaaaaahahahahaha
so if Nick is also a vessel for Luci, does that mean that Sam and Dean are related to him somehow?
yeah I’ve wondered that before
actor is a real asshat but he does an AMAZING job at this
he is?
what’d he do?
well he's BIG into Ayn Rand
Aha. enough said, then.
what a putz.
ooooh Bobby
maybe nick is just a vessel on the level of Cas’s vessel, esp since he doesn’t last long before he starts breaking down
"screw him, you'll be fine" I LOVE YOU DEAN
yeah, that's true. the vessel falls apart fairly fast
"they can find their own planet" lololol DAD GAVE IT TO US, NOT THEM NYAAH
a GED and a give-em-hell attitude. ADORABLE
"a GED and a give em hell attitude"
"it's been said"
oh Bobby. good on you
"that was the demon talking"
omg that Sammy smile with the dimple
"I'll fight. I'll fight to the last man." oh, hon
both of these boys need therapy so hard
I hate when they get all grrr and can't get on the same page, but I do like this representation of the idea that sometimes you understand but still can't get past it
although the Sam Girl in me thinks Dean’s being just a smidge of a whiny lil bitch here
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simmonsized · 2 years
I have the same internal conflict about my interest in him!!
God, yesterday I found someone else to talk about Bro Strider with and I got so excited because I barley have anyone who would willingly talk about Bro with me besides one person (bless them). And you maybe heh.
So I was going on and on about him, how they were relieved to find someone to talk as well, talking about your fic and the asks, etc etc
And I just caught myself in how I was acting as if I was talking to my first crush. Freaking mortifying man, Bro Strider should not make me this happy. Literally makes my mood 10x better and I think that’s kinda weird. But I also really like talking about this guy so… sigh. He takes up most of my thoughts these days.
Well anyway, can’t wait for part 2!! I love personal thoughts as much as I like textual facts, maybe even more so.
omg isn't that the best??? it took like. well some effort, and years ago now, but i managed to collect like five/six people i trust more than anything with all the crazy, unhinged shit i have to say about bro, all the time. i love them all SO much for what they put up with, and each of them is so goddamn talented in their own right, which makes it even more special!!!
i think that is part of the reason why i have not left homestuck since i came back in 2016, because i carved out this little niche for myself
it's really important to find fandom space that lets you be yourself, and talk about the things you like, and all that stuff.
also embarrassed you were talking about my silly fic o lfijse;ilfwe;oifw but it is also such an honor
i like talking to you!!! it's really awesome, dude, and i don't mind answering asks and stuff!! i really like it, actually! it kinda feels like no one ever actually wants to talk to me about bro (can't imagine why) so it's really fun lol
ALSO he makes me so happy too but i also love to say silly things like, "man i could just swing him around by the ankles all day long" like it is a complicated relationship! it's also fun hahahaha
(one day we will all see part 2 and you can be embarrassed for me because if i post it i'm not sure i'll remember how)
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What if after the teams merge everyone is a LITTLE mean to Eli because they don’t trust him yet (like they’re not bullying him or anything just a little like 😒 lol) like they’re teasing about the sleep enuresis and stuff and Demetri feels so bad because he can see the look of “about to cry” on Eli’s face (and it was all Eli, no Hawk to be found) before he runs out and of course Sam is slapping Miguel’s arm for taking things a little too far and of course he feels bad, he was just teasing, but Demetri runs after him and Eli’s crying and whispers “you weren’t meant to tell, ever” and like saying how he deserves it but he just can’t believe he publically humiliated him about THAT particular thing because it was their biggest secret together 😭
But yeah, I’d like to see the sleep enuresis thing come back to bite Demetri in a “you deeply violated my trust and now I don’t know if I can ever trust you with secrets or intimate personal stuff again” kind of way, rather than just the “GRRRR YOU MADE ME BIG MAD BY PUBLICLY HUMILIATING ME AND NOW IMMA BEAT YOU UP” thing they did in canon. Like...as much as Hawk deserved to be taken down a peg after the way he’d been treating Demetri and as cathartic as it was to see Demetri finally retaliate and strike back against Hawk’s attacks in his own way (as physically striking back had been proven not to be his forte), spilling the beans about the bedwetting was definitely a dick move. Not that Hawk didn’t deserve it, and I did love seeing how much him acting like a cocky douchebag failed to get him girls after that, but like...that’s probably something Eli hated about himself for years. And Demetri accepted it, never seemed to judge him for it and never made fun of him for it (aside from some lighthearted teasing, maybe, but never truly mean-spirited), but Eli still found that he was terrified of it getting out, because shit...Kyler would have an absolute field day with the fucked-up lip and bedwetting. But Eli was always so certain that info was safe with Demetri, and felt secure in the fact that Demetri would never tell. That his best friend would never hurt him like that on that deep and intimate a level. He was scared of it getting out, sure, but he never in a thousand years thought it would be because of Demetri. Maybe his mom would make a comment while picking him up from school and one of the mean kids would overhear. Maybe Demetri’s mom would accidentally mention something about “Eli’s Waterbed” while gabbing with some other mom, and word would eventually get around and make it back to the teens at their school. But Demetri letting loose about it??? Not even fathomable. Eli thought it was so outside the realm of possibility that he didn’t even cross his mind to consider it.
It just makes that tiny, devastated “Don’t” Eli lets out right before Demetri tells everyone about the sleep enuresis all the more heart-wrenching because like...you can tell this is the very moment it comes crashing down on Eli that this thing that he’d always thought to be totally inconceivable is happening right in front of him. It probably just...fucks up his entire worldview and makes him question everything he thinks he knows for a hot minute. Because if Demetri, who Eli’s always counted on to keep the most embarrassing, disgusting parts of himself concealed, can betray him like that, then what the fuck else that he’s always considered an absolute truth and an irrefutable fact of life just...isn’t???
Hell, maybe that’s why he went as crazy and psycho as he did during the school fight, going after Demetri--like he wasn’t just angry about being humiliated, Eli was literally questioning his entire reality. To the point where his very sanity was slipping for a bit there. If anything, the thing that seems to finally snap him out of it is the little shoulder squeeze Demetri does right before kicking him into the trophy case. @jackonthelongwalk suggested that Demetri uses shoulder touches to kind of comfort and reassure Eli, like we see him do at the party in Season 2 when Demetri’s trying to help him feel better about Moon. Demetri does the EXACT same shoulder squeeze when grabbing Eli during the school fight, when he says “no hard feelings.” This could be Demetri’s way of communicating “Hey, I know we’re fighting, but I still care about you” and THAT’S what finally snaps Eli out of his kinda crazed rage. Because if Demetri caring about him is still a fundamental truth in his life (despite Demetri obviously fucking up big time by spilling his secrets in a petty revenge plot), then maybe all the other truths in his life aren’t going to suddenly unravel after all.
You’ll notice in Season 3 that, although Hawk certainly still tries to fuck with Demetri and make his life miserable, he never really does it with the same pure sadistic glee and almost-psychotic mania that he does in that hunting-down-in-the-computer-lab scene. Hell, even when Hawk breaks his arm, he notably hesitates in a way I’m not sure he would have during that school chase scene and immediately regrets it afterwards. My theory of why that is is basically that Hawk’s entire world was upheaved when Demetri broke his trust like that, to the point where he just became unhinged. He was just like “Haha :) Nothing matters! :) I don’t even know what’s true anymore! :) Might as well go beat Demetri to a pulp, since it’s his fault everything is spiraling and everything is confusing and I don’t know facts from lies anymore, hahahaha! :)” Once Demetri stabilizes him again, he’s a lot more, er, controlled--like he’s still a chaotic disaster, of course, and he’s still generally a very angry individual, but he’s not mentally losing it and reveling in a serial killer-esque glee at finding and beating the shit out of his ex-best friend the way he was before.
Anyways, yeah, I think spilling the deets about the bed-wetting fucked up Hawk on a much deeper level than Demetri realized. Like it shattered his perception of the world and everything he thought he knew for a hot sec, and Demetri probably never imagined it would affect him that deeply and fundamentally. All Demetri wanted was to knock him off his high horse and turn that inflated ego down a few notches, and he ended up just like...almost mindfucking his friend into oblivion by accident and most likely giving him some pretty bad trust issues for a while D: I really hope we get a genuine apology from Demetri for his “roast” in Season 4, and it isn’t just not brought up again...because even after all the shit Hawk pulled, I still think that hurt him really deeply and Demetri’s gotta make some kind of amends for that before they can fully rebuild their trust and their relationship.
ANYWAYS LONG RANT but I’ve been meaning to talk about Demetri’s little “roast” for a while now, and then I guess I got carried away and just went where the post took me XD
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albatris · 4 years
uhm hi there im new to your blog, and your ocs/snippets seem really interesting! i also love your art, but i have no idea whos who and i can’t seem to find a master post with all of your characters, what they look like, their pronouns, backstory etc. would it be possible for you to maybe give a brief rundown of each character or link some posts related to them?? it doesn’t have to be super in depth and please DO NOT feel obligated to do this at all if you don’t want to. but id love to know a little bit more about them! hope you have a good day and sorry for the long message :))
hello!!! thank you so much, that’s so nice of you to say!!! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen so far :D :D
now, you’ll have to forgive me, it’s super late and this reply will NOT be neat or concise whatsoever....... which kinda sets the tone for most of this blog tbh so I guess it’s cool
I don’t really have any sort of masterpost, most of what I post about these guys is in the form of snippets and rambles and usually people just jump on board wherever..... which, yeah, can be confusing and difficult for folks to keep up with especially if they’re new HAHAHA
I will start out with the bits I *do* have nice neat intros for! I have two main WIPs, All The Doors Are Open and Undertow! Undertow is currently more of a side project, but you can read about the characters here, and here’s some art for Aster and Kit and also Meg so you have faces to the names c:
and now this:
the main four I speak about on this blog are Noa, Tris, Shara and Kai from ATDAO, n I have these handy character intros on hand for this exact purpose!! here u go (I mean here’s the link to the old post but it’s still got the wrong name for Tris so eh)
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n honestly knowing these four is like 90% of the work tbh, I am a simple man, I post content about the same four OCs 24/7 until everyone is sick of it,,
Tris and Noa are the protagonists and viewpoint characters! 
Tris’s plotline involves him trying to figure out what happened to his older brother Jacob, who got hit by a car and straight-up vanished from existence entirely, and involves a quest into an unreality that can be described as “getting lost down the back of an interdimensional sofa”. also there’s a sword and a cat. think fantasy/adventure vibes that veer into horror
Noa’s plotline involves her work at the Department of Interdimensional Instabilities! and her becoming tangled up with otherworldly energies and gaining some strange powers, as well as her clash with basically-a-cartoon-supervillain Laurence Marrick Thiele, whose full name I like to type out and who’s attempting to manipulate interdimensional doorways for his own gain and putting a hell of a lot of people’s lives in peril. think mystery/sci-fi vibes!
Shara and Kai aren’t viewpoint characters but they’re still up there as MCs and I love them! Shara’s story centres around her attempting to solve three mysteries from her childhood which she believes will lead her to the source of the apocalypse, and Kai’s story involves them dealing with the emotional and interpersonal repercussions of losing seven years of their life to a time loop and their attempts to reconnect with their family, who thought they were dead
annnnnnnnd that’s basically all the nice neat concise stuff I can give ya! 
under the cut will be some additional rambles you don’t really need to read, I’m not so good at coming up with Nice Neat Character Summaries on the fly, so it’s just me scrambling about to find vaguely relevant posts and links..... it will unfortunately be a bit of a mess and perhaps only tangentially relevant
cannot emphasise enough that I debated not even including the next stuff but hey! I like talking
Other side characters you might see around are Alice (she/her, red curly hair, undercut, dresses in lots of green) and Jet (he/they, green spiky hair, freckles, dresses like a thrift store got hit by a tornado), who are Noa’s teammates at the DII! Alice is Noa’s love interest n is cool and mysterious and Jet is the team leader n is completely chaotic and unhinged
these two
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There’s also Kai’s younger brother Kieran (he/him) and Tris’s siblings Becca (she/her) and Jacob (he/him), none of whom I have ever drawn more than twice and whose appearances seem to change every time I write about them so I’m not going to describe them here hahahaha
I do have a Kieran for you though uhhhh where’s my One Decent Kieran Drawing
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that’s the one!
anyway, backstories are................ a lot. so I don’t think I’m gonna go into too much of it here on this post
I have, like........ a collection of posts scattered all over the place that kind of go into some things? but in very tangential ways. I’ll toss you some plot + character rambles that might be of interest! though my rambles are not everyone’s cup of tea ‘cause they’re, well, rambling
first! the plot of the story is here! which might give you some context for the Everything! this one is a Big ramble, not all of them are like this lol
Greer siblings!
here’s Jacob info for an ask response I did one time which is one of the few posts where I talk about Jacob at length ‘cause he’s just lots of spoilers
also did one for Kai which might have some info for ya?? but idk if it’s all that relevant
might come back and add more rambles later, it is currently 2 in the AM
or I might come back and be like “logan could you really not think of a better way to answer this question” and delete the rambles
yeehaw thx for listening I love you
also apologies for the complete and utter lack of info on Kieran he is a mystery that eludes me still
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gracefulweather · 3 years
hello ! it's been quite a long time since i last sent an ask 😅 sorry fam !
once i pull an eric pc it'll b over for me :") but i got my friend a maverick album and she pulled the sunric pc lmao ! i also got a nice collection of sunwoo photos from a friend and i ordered a sunric photo strip 😳😳😳
hyunjae 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 stay away !!! jk i love him
UR SUNWOO FIC !!! IS SO GOOD !!!! IM OBSESSED WITH IT FR 😭😭😭 the way u write is so beautiful and how everything connects, it's so effortless and detailed ! i love it sm, seriously 🥺 the plot and the characterization is so amazing !! u did so well, truly one of the best fics i've ever read
hahahaha lovesick ..... . its a journey tbh, it always takes me a while to decide...so we'll see ! i've changed the plot so many times too lol but hopefully it'll stay interesting and i'll actually find the inspo to write it haha !
YES YES YES i was hoping for atz to release the kingdom ver. of the songs i'm so glad they did ! i wish all the groups would make official releases and hopefully tbz will give us that spicy monster cover 👀 AND THE ROCK VER. OF THE STEALER WE NEED IT !
i started watching 'our beloved summer' ! rn its like enemies to lovers to enemies and i like it !! PLS i thought we were promised goedam in like august :"( wait hyunjae's drama was cancelled??? i watched the first episode i thought it was fun :")
oohh i see ! i find that i am v uncreative in letting my mind wander :( and i rewrite and recycle the same plotlines a lot lol but it def helps for me to go out and like.. do stuff to get inspo ahaha 👀 omg the hj etl !!! i am excited
yesss i feel like hoon's hair color has changed a lot recently ! but its so cute !! HYUNJAE >:( why does he looks so good all the time
what if !! we get hypnotized at the GDAs ?
WORLD. TOUR [!(#*#)! O H MAN .... i cannot do that, hopefully they come to somewhere near me 😭
hyunjae is literally unhinged lmao his sense of humor is amazing i love it
also we finally got the milsun live 🤩🤩🤩 the fucking part when sunwoo said he likes hotdogs at the movie theater and hyunjae was like those r for kids and sunwoo made those fucking faces PLEEEASE a comedic duo 😭😭😭 and also sunwoo going tf off abt loud chewers in movie theaters hahHa
today i saw sunwoo promising to do some sort of ab reveal and then i closed twitter i can feel my eye twitching as i type this rip my sanity
my exams ended and i surprisingly didn't fuck em up too much ☺☺☺ all i've been doing is working so far and dealing w my uh 😅 kinda rude boss lol anyway !
i hope u are thriving and doing well and resting !! what else have u been up to???
HII BESTIE HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 🎉🍾🎆✨ did you do anything fun? any resolutions? anything you're looking forward to this year?
oooh rooting for an eric pc for ur next pull hehe but that sounds like a nice collection of sunwoo!!! do you have like a shelf in ur room that's just for ur kpop stuff? HAHA i did the pc in clear phone case thing for a bit but then got a new phone case so put sangyeon back on my shelf :')
adklfjk ty for ur comments really 🥺🥺🥺 i spent most of the writing process hating it so i was pleasantly surprised to have it turn out well in the end!! wrote way too many versions of it too LMAO but ahHHH thank u for ur support 🥺💖
ohhh how much of ur smaus do you plan before you start posting? i've tried writing series a few times in the past but i always need to like.... get the whole thing done before posting otherwise it'd never get done 🤡 i hope u find ur inspo soooon ahh i'm excited for whatever u decide to do with lovesick!!
omg yes the tbz monster cover and now ROCK VERSION OF MAVERICK TOO!!! are they rlly never gonna release them tho 😭 but omg did you hear about how the person who arranged their upcoming ost is the one who arranged the reveal/checkmate mama 2020 stage and stealer rock ver??? is this who we go talk to... (ง'̀-'́)ง
ohhh is that the drama where exes have to film a documentary or something? i've seen it around and it looks like fic inspo 👀 is it good? but omg enemies to lovers to enemies LOL. ikr what happened to goedam :(( and i guess hyunjae's webdrama didn't do well enough to be continued? although.... it's supposedly.... the most popular thing on that youtube channel LMAOOO
i am also very uncreative omg sometimes i read other people's fics esp if it's a fantasy or magical realism kind of world or has a cool concept and i'm like.... how do you come up with this??? nothing wrong with cliches tho!! but yeahh going out and doing stuff deffs helps with inspo haha
oooh do you like hoon's long hair? kinda miss his black hair now LOL. hyunjae..... we don't speak of him 😶 WAIT GDA that's this weekend..... they're performing?? i've lost track of all the award shows already but hypnotized would be amazing (drink it... would be too... BIG SIGH 😔). i'm gonna rely on jacob and kevin to pull some strings and get them to canada for the world tour hehe
SUNWOO'S FACE AT THAT PART WAS SO FUNNY AKDFJKFL i laughed every time i saw it on my tl!! and yeah i also read about that ab reveal thing 😶 sangyeon once made that promise but never kept it... so maybeeeee you'll be safe 👀
oooh that's so good go get that 4.0!! i believe in u!! but ur rude boss :(( props to u for handling school and work and everything tho!! and ikr the year went by so fast... i saw a post that said '2021 is proof that time flies whether you had fun or not' HAHA think it's accurate 🤡 the holidays felt way too short tbh, i was stressing over this fic exchange and gifts the entire time so not much rest but that's ok!! LOL
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