#some of y'all need to fucking learn this
marcyonacross · 4 months
Imagine you spend your whole life working your ass off to succeed with your metal band, something you've always dreamed of. You get so much hate from both the mainstream media and from inside the metal community itself, but keep going and end up as a Grammy award winning musician with a sellout arena touring band and your own movie.
And then at your movie premiere, your so-called 'fans' go online and say you need a shower and that your wife should be having second thoughts because you had the audacity to grow your hair out...
... Tobias Forge really is stronger than any US marine to have to deal with this shit
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youngmassidehoe · 1 year
Me: yeah people & society barely allow black women to have emotions let alone be serious or unhappy
Brain dead losers on here: its kinda hot when black women are angry at me ngl
I'm gonna start killing
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witheredoffherwitch · 7 months
This fandom is goofy as fuck! It's like you all think you're part of House Targaryen and have to defend your dragon-riding cousins at all costs. Do you realize they are fictional, right? And no, Rhaenyra Targaryen isn't your long lost aunt and Alicent Hightower isn't your evil mother-in-law 💀
“I can't wait for the day when your fave's bloodline dies out and you're left with nothing but karma hitting you in the back.”
WTF does that mean, you sad little loser? These anons are sadly not backing down from these cringe accusations 😭
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cosmikazie · 1 month
some of y'all would not survive if minecraft was still pushing out seecret friday updates today and it shows
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Long Post Ahead
Ok yesterday and today I've been busy, so I haven't had time to write up that "ongoing codywan fic recs" post yet, but I promise it'll be up soon (that shit takes a surprisingly long time).
Right now, though, I just want to say something--and yes, I know I said some of it in the reblog of another post, but I was pissed when I wrote that and now want to expand on what I said a bit better.
Everyone and their mother knows, by now, that Glimmer deleted all of their fics off of Ao3 because some asshole decided to harass them and make them feel like shit. Glimmer isn't the only creator that's been harassed off their platform before and I highly doubt they'll be the last, especially if things continue like they are, but I think a wake-up call is in order.
Everyone has been talking about supporting creators you like and making sure they know they're appreciated, which you absolutely should be doing, but I the bigger issue is entitlement.
Let me spell it out for some of y'all:
Creators don't owe you shit.
I think a lot of people harass creators for liking things they don't because they feel entitled to having their opinions validated by their peers--and having their peers not validate their opinions, whether that be by shipping a different pairing or not agreeing with some of their theories or whatever, makes them angry and feel like they've been personally wronged.
They also feel entitled to interacting with everyone and everything, so they think other people should change what they post rather than just filtering out tags, blocking people, etc--because they want to reap the benefits of creators without having to engage with things they might disagree with.
They don't want to give something they like up so they don't have to interact with something that makes them uncomfortable, but they also don't want to have to interact with (read: see) things they don't like in order to see the stuff they do.
Like I said: entitlement.
But here's the thing: people are going, and are allowed, to disagree with you.
That's life.
It is your responsibility, and your responsibility alone, to cultivate your feed and keep yourself from seeing shit you don't want to. No one else's.
You don't like a certain ship? Filter out the tag.
You don't like someone's opinion on the fandom media? Block them.
A post popped up that you didn't like? Hit "not interested."
If you like one thing from a creator but not something else then that is on you to decide whether or not to keep interacting with them/their works, it is not their responsibility to cater to you.
Again: creators don't owe you shit.
Not their art, not their fics, not their recs, not their theories, not their time, not their responses, not anything. Getting to interact with them and their works is a privilege, not a right, and y'all need to start acting like it.
You do not get to harass them for not agreeing with you on everything or validating your opinions.
And if you do harass others? Then you are a shit person and you don't deserve to ever interact with another creator's work again, because you are the reason we're losing so many talented and genuinely kind people to fandom toxicity.
And if one of your favorite creators gets harassed off a platform and you've harassed others? Then I feel sorry for them, but you don't have a single fucking right to complain about losing them when you are the one who's created a space where harassing creators for their work is ok.
Start minding your own fucking business and leave creators alone.
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the most beautiful and most horrible part about being in a fandom is the fact that people can just post whatever absolute batshit insane takes they want and everyone else can see it.
particularly in the good omens fandom, this is beautiful because people can post so many different theories about clues and hidden meanings, and some of them are so wild and out there that they hardly make sense, but it's wonderful because even the most fringe theories can generate new ideas and get people talking and are otherwise fun and everyone get to participate.
but it's also horrible because people really be out here spitting takes like "crowley and aziraphale are evil and don't actually love one another and here's why i believe they shouldn't end up together in the end" and say that shit with they whole chest and don't hear how absolutely fucking bonkers they sound like some of y'all really shouldn't be allowed to consume or engage with media without taking a literary test
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raeofalbion · 4 months
It's 2024 and people are still insisting Reaver fans are "just" horny for him and don't actually care about the series beyond wanting to fuck him??
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indi-glo-archive · 3 months
ppl who only conditionally care about child abuse based on whether the victim makes them uncomfy while they're being abused contribute to a real life child's abuse by sending hate asks regularly, attempting to gaslight them, calling them terrible names, accusing them of terrible things, telling them directly how much they hate the characters the child relates to and enjoys talking about, and being generally racist and ableist in a way that seriously might have scarred me for life, making a literal teenager hate their hobbies, favorite shows, and the people who enjoy those things, and ultimately cyberbullying a child out of multiple fandoms because they don't want to think critically or acknowledge their own faults, all while being 35 and really embarrassing themselves because someone half their age has a better grasp on the concept of nuance than them: more at 6
but noooo, y'all "love neurodivergent/disabled people," have "racists/ableists DNI" in your bios, and don't say slurs, which is all you have to do to not be racist/ableist, so *I'm* some psycho black bitch and you're a wittle angel like the fictional character you infantilize
(P.S. I swear to fucking god if people respond to this post with "but he sexually assaulted someone" and ignore literally every other personality trait/experience he had that could've been relatable to a child abuse survivor and the way people mistreated me, a real human being, which Charlie is not by the way, I will start doing the things you wanted to do to Ben)
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mischiefprincess · 4 months
I have so many thoughts about Mobius, I absolutely HATE the way he treats Loki in various moments of s1, the way he tries to manipulate him and use him for the tva's mission, and he has the audacity to feel betrayed by Loki when he runs after sylvie and leaves him behind in s1e2???
What he does after is even worse, I could NEVER accept him putting Loki into a torture loop to be kicked in the balls and to hear Sif telling him that he deserves to be alone and he always will be, the worse part imo is that a lot of lokius fans seem to think this is cute and a show of Mobius's feelings towards Loki, what the hell???
First off he doesn't have the right to be mad at Loki, second, torturing someone like that is absolutely fucking VILE and I don't care that people think it's cute or funny
I blame those disgusting actions more on the directing of s1 who was very keen in humiliating Loki at any given moment than in the character of Mobius itself, I ADORE Mobius in s2 bc he is sweet, caring and understanding of Loki, he truly is a good friend and I love their dynamic in it, I don't know what Kate Herron had against Loki but she truly tried her best to diminish and humiliate him whenever she could, every character is annoyed by Loki in s1 and he's treated like a fucking idiot, thankfully that was changed in s2 and he was finally treated with respect and dignity
Btw I should say that I appreciate lokius very much and I think they're cute together but pls stop with the crap, Mobius's "jealousy" isn't cute or funny, he literally abuses Loki just bc he can and Loki never gets a proper apology for that, Mobius apologizes to sylvie but never to Loki (KH when I find you...), again I blame this on the directing and writing of s1 and I don't think s2 Mobius would've done all that to Loki bc he's a different character in it
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laurelwinchester · 4 months
Did you hear Stephen Amell is going to be at an upcoming spn convention?
ew what the fuck why
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kuromi-hoemie · 1 year
i just finished iron blooded orphans and need to lay down for a bit
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#it was so good#i don't have a lot of concrete thoughts rn just Feelings™#it was SUCH a wild ride. I'm always kinda hesitant to talk about a show bc i feel like I'm gonna spoil it but it's also not new lol so??#imma talk about it a bit anyways so tags after this will have spoilers#BUT SJFKGKDLA#so many people died 😭 imo the late deaths weren't as Sad™ as the earlier ones but still.#the way everyone changed their names and picked up new lives but still kept in touch with each other#and everyone finding Something because they kept moving forward. particularly Takaki in particular for me 🥹🤲#hearing something as simple like if u see a lot of places and learn a lot of things u will have many options. but The Way he's#living that out is just 🤌 a long way from being human debris my boy 🫂 I'm so proud of him#and I'm glad that greedy arms freaking mf got shot up in the bathroom 😼 it's what he DESERVED!!#last episode just like. rly emphasizing that even though the group is done everyone still lives on and finds their niche#and it's tragic fr how many people had to die trying to realize a dream that happened anyways 😔 though it wouldn't have#without their deaths so.. i fuckn KNEW at the beginning of the second season when Olga got the warning#about how if ur taking shortcuts/fastest way possible ur going to regret it later was MASSIVE foreshadowing#and it's just like damn y'all r letting me know this early huh 😭imma enjoy the ride regardless and what a fucking ride it was#i almost want to watch it again but there are also Other gundam series i need to check out#not for a while though.. imma do some stuff around the house n maybe draw for a bit.#just rly sit on my feelings and the Experience i just had. thank u everyone who brought up IBO it was SOOOO fucking good#feel free to recommend other favorites of yours i should check out next. mecha anime has always been a blindspot too so#if y'all have any in general from the genre lmk ^~^
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h2llish · 8 months
hating/disling a character is fine yk?
"well you're wrong about them" okay. stop attacking them for it?? some people give valid reason to dislike a character and you have to respect it.
if they're not shitting on you for liking that character you shouldn't shit on them for disliking.
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asteria-argo · 8 months
if y'all catch me totally changing Keeley's entire plot in TATBP with no elaboration mind your own business.
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idiosyncraticrednebula · 10 months
A large percentage of people on this godforsaken site read a post and deliberately manufacture an entire strawman that is so far removed from the actual point that was being originally made that it makes you wonder if they were ever taught comprehension and analytical skills and how to use them adequately when it comes to utterly anything, real or fictitious.
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fionarara · 11 months
still randomly remembering that one time i attended the creator of Minecraft's annual house party even though i've never even played that video game lmao and after getting to watch Skrillex dj in such an intimate setting (surreal), we all hung out and he had like a harem of cute girls surrounding him on the couch, haha it seemed super platonic though and he was really respectful,,, literally he was so kind to me and everyone,, by far the nicest celeb i've ever met besides elijah wood.
#the infinity pool view was truly epic tho. best i've ever seen like#i've been to my fair share of random LA hills parties whenever i'm in california where the house was fire#but this one took the cake#apparently he beat out beyonce n jay-z in getting the property or somethingn.. as i later learned by someone that evening ?/ hm random fact#also he had like a massively ginormous room *inside* his home dedicated to displaying LIFE SIZE transformers and actual cars i felt so tiny#i wish i could remember that moment better but i think the party drugs i was on kicked in right then lol#the uber ride home later was a mess though bc i was p fucked up by the end and i had to teach some guy about#consent with the girl he was with in the backseat and i got really protective of her. she was so grateful she ended up kissing me instead !#like actuallymaking out with me and i was shocked but okay hell ya why not right?#i think the dude understood and got what i was saying in the end tho so that's dope#fuck i love teaching problematic 3D men how to think with their heart and not their cocks<3#i honestly think i get super off on it. i've done it too many times to count#teachable non-misogyny moments FTW bling~bling! <3#sorry this is so random i just needed somewhere to dump this thought out bc i could never to do it anywhere else in my actual life lmao#anyway hope y'all have been healthy and well <3 how's the anime world doin...?#haikyuu's comin back soon eh? and AOT too? maybe maaaybe i'll be back around then 👋#➕ara~ara gomen !#minecraft#video games
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chiefnooniensingh · 2 years
If I ever found out who forced Kit Conner out of the closer I am not responsible for what happens next
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