#some ppl are rlly fucking stupid ig
autistic-gay-demon · 8 months
I js to want to say as a jewish person…being anti-Zionist is NOT anti-Semitic. ALSO u can be non-palestinian or non-jewish and still understand that both groups are inherently human and that pitting them against each other isn’t gonna do shit to stop the israeli government or hamas. AND js because something isn’t happening to u or ur country doesn’t mean u have to completely lack remorse.
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bunnihearted · 10 months
umm no but rlly we are all so fucked. countless scientists and experts are saying that we are so so close to the point of no return regarding the climate crisis. we are extremely close to it and when we reach it we can never turn it back. we can only wait for the apocalypse to fully break out (it has already started). and what do all the men in power do? they relentlessly mock ppl like greta thunberg and decide to put more effort into nuclear power, and make thousands other choices detrimental to the environment. and what do ppl in society do? jack shit. environmental activists who are screaming and pleading for ppl to listen only get ridiculed, physically abused and assaulted, jailed and murdered. ppl dont listen. ppl dont care. ppl dont fucking do ANYTHING.
what we desperately need is eco fascism. the entire world need military rule, the state needs to make laws, forbidding for example the use of gasoline etc etc. we're at the point where fucking fascism is the only thing that can save this planet. bc ppl dont do anything. ppl dont care. they live their stupid fucking lives that are in this state completely insignificant because we dont have a future. in a real way. not like oh yeah in 30 years we will have killed the earth. no. now. we dont have more than a couple of years before everything's fucked. so their silly lives dont even matter. yet they refuse to fucking change. all of society all over the world (rich parts of the western world are the main culprits tho) need radical change. and it's sad but true that we can only do it by force and laws. because people just dont care enough. the sad thing is that the men in power find money in their pockets righ this second more important than our (immediate) future.
it makes no sense bc in all the dystopians i've read, the state always does something to save humanity and stop climate change. but in real life, they dont do anything. thats so crazy to me. also, everyone in the entire fucking world needs to go out there, be on the streets, REFUSE to partake in "normal life". we need to protest and demonstrate and be on strikes. if there are no cogs in the wheel turning the capitalist hell machine then they have to listen and take action. but another sad truth that shows me humanity is garbage is that nobody wants to do that. they wanna continue living their dumb little lives, only valuing their immediate comfort and luxury and privilege. like mention global warming to almost anyone and they'll roll their eyes and scoff and start ranting about how that are just conspiracy theories. we're all fucked.
it's all making me so angry and hopeless and dejected because even if all y'all wanna do is cover your ears and go lalallalala and pretend like nothing's happening, you will die and suffer too soon. no one will be spared if that's what y'all think. it's bad enough that the western world are living far beyond our resources and that other parts of the world such as south america and africa suffer environmental catastrophes bc of it. but nobody cares. bc watching netflix and ordering food and partaking in mass consumerism and working some boring soul sucking job and driving ur car every fkn where is waaaaaay more important than banding together, taking a stand and trying to fight to end our imminent destruction and murder of the planet. god. i think most part of humanity deserves what they get (NOT the ones who fight or who are completely powerless in this) but the thing is the animals and nature dont deserve it. it's all so fucked. why dont anyone wanna fucking do something???? ig all there is to do is to sit and wait and see what part of the armageddon is what kills you.
like im sorry but so many ppl are like lalallala peace on earth we can change this :D ppl are fundamentally good we believe in us lallallala peace and love ppl are so good hihiihihihihi we can still revert it. yet......... no one (besides actual environmental activists) wants to do smth real. no one is willing or prepared to radically and fundamentallty change society and the way we live. bc that will be uncomfortable and difficult but it is absolutely neccesessary. it's not enough to sit there and say that humans are so good and u love humans and there is a way to revert it. u actually have to be willing to do it to. because as it is looking now, most ppl just wanna fkn talk abt for five minutes then that's enough effort for them. if ppl were truly willing to fix this and to fight, we woul be out there together and organizing and doing somthing real, but nobody listens or meets the ppl who reach out halfway. if u even suggest it ppl immeditately shut u down. how the fuck do u radicalize ppl if they dont wanna listen or take u seriously? sigh
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lesbian-gnf-archive · 2 years
I think Ranboo did something to make Tubbo upset I think that's why he stopped talking to them and maybe why Tommy still talks to Tubbo and still is his best friend if Tubbo did do something wrong I think Tommy, Billzo, Freddy, and Aimsey, and other friends of his wouldn't hang out with him not be his friend. But they still talk on Twitter and hang out with each other
Oh ig we're having a bduo discussions today Hey Bella maybe this will be the day I'm cancelled
So my idea of what went down is they were in Some kind of situationship, but I don't think they were actually together (most ppl think they were and maybe they were Who knows rlly). Tubbo's current bf has been an irl he's known for a while and had a crush on for a while (this is coming from my sister who has been hyperfixated on Tubbo since September), so I would personally be surprised if they were ever actually dating.
That said, I do think Ra.nboo caught feelings for Tubbo, especially since they made an entire playlist last January about getting ur heart broken by a boy and it's about the same time Tubbo started dating his bf 🤕 They remained friends after that though since he was there during Tubbo's subathon but after that they stopped interacting and we saw Tubbo had them muted on twt and unliked all their insta posts and unfollowed them on Spotify.
So my best guess is maybe R decided to confess their feelings to him cuz Young and Stupid and it made Tubbo understandably uncomfortable so they're no longer friends.
This is my best guess since like you said if either of them truly did something fucked up their friends wouldn't still all hang out with each other. If Tubbo actually cheated on them like a lot of boobers think Aimsey would not hang out with Tubbo still
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ellellen · 1 year
‼️TW: bad english‼️Wait.. Wait, wait. Just before we start, yall need to get to know the charachters, and some past before all that chaos.. right? lets start. (there all r 15-16, execept ppl who have siblings) James, evryone think the apocalyptic started bc of him. hm, you will find out. or you wont? anyways he is in a group with 2 other ppl (basically an group of three) and he is an litlear jerk. He always bullies ppl and stuff. Anways next is Noah, He is in a group with James. He is rlly dumb. Not to be mean or smth but he cant even think staigh. He'll be walking norrmally looking staight and he will bump into smth. Anways he is too dumb to even bully, he ends up making fun of himself. And the last one in the group (main 3) Loga (short for logan) He is probably the most normal one. he dosent speak too much tho. He is just there to be there.. yk? anways they (main 3) used to bully allot of ppl (yall will meet them on the way) and they used to know alot of ppl. Ill just mention some. Ethan, he used to be rlly sweet and carring. Thats why he was made fun of in the first place. one day he just dissapired. Is he still the same? I guess well find out. Next is Mike. He is rlly mean and kinda of jerk. Anwyas he used to be made fun of too. But ppl kinda fogot aboth him. Him and Ethan used to hang out like alot. Anways lets meet some of the girls then get onto present. Luna, She is pretty smart and intelligent. She is pretty too. Alice, She can be smart if she wants too. She only cares ab her beauty tho. But i can say. She is stunning tho. Next is Scarlett, she is pretty smart, not only in school but when ot comes tho thinking. She is rlly strong too, and emo. Probably talest one. ???? ohh, well she is ?????? nothing much ab her. Anways "presents"
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Noah: Uhh guys? I think there's something like rlly weird outta here. Somone is green. he is falling apart. im so confused..
Noah: Um no..? Go look, he look goofy ngl.
James: Loga, go look.
Logan: bro why me.
James: bc. now go look.
Noah. Also, i think the school is burning. i saw fire.
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Noah: Guysss. I kinda forgot to tell yall but the teacher told us 3 hour's ago to get outta of school..
James: NOAH. how in the fuck could you forget that.
Noah: sorry, dont blame me that the tacher is lazy to tell yall.
Logan: Guys please. dont start fighting, we can all co- OH LORD YALL RUN.
James: stop being dramatic. We need to find other ppl..
Logan: yea. James is right, we would be stronger. but at the same time th-
James: og stfu. Lets just find other ppl
Logan: Okay.. whatever you say.
Noah: guys, maybe we shall order food?
James: Noah you fucking idiot, we cant order food, who do you expect to bring us food? A fucking fly?
Noah: damn chill out i was just asking..
Logan: I mean we can just go to store and get food, we just need to be fast.
Noah: Guys, what will happend to Allen?
James: Who in the- Ah who is Allen
Logan: Its his sister, how do you forget, god yall r stupid.
James: shut up, you are always here to say smth
Loagn: anywas we can just go get her
Noah: yall somone is behind yall
James: dude. RUN.
*after like 20 mins*
Noah: Guys im outta breath. Wait..
Noah: Wait i cant.
*while with girls*
Luna: Girls, we really need to find an place to stay at.
Scarlett: We can stay at my place.
Alice: Okay ig if we need to. i just dont want to get my new dress dirty. It costed like alot "sobs"
Luna: yea.. whatever you say.
*at Scarlett's house*
Alice: ig its fine as long as my stuff dosent get dirty.
Scarlett: Og gosh. Alice i swear to god stop complaning.
Alice: Shut up, you stink.
Scarlett: What did you just say to me.
Alice: that you stink.
Scarlett: you will stink once i throe you outta this window to the zombies.
Alice: id like to see you try.
Scarlett: Oh yeah? Well-
Luna: guys just stop it. We have bigger problems to deal with.
Alice: yeah. okay. anyways, where is Lisa?
Luna: damn. i forgot ab her. ill call her to see if she is okay. "Calling Lisa"
Lisa: Gu..s.. H...Wh..d-d..i ya..l call me?
Luna: Hi Lisa, can you come over? btw i cant hear you very well. the connection is rlly poor.
Lisa:.....Come..fiv..e.mi.. "hangs up the phone"
Luna: I think she will come.
Alice: okay great!
Scarlett: We can clearly see who you like and dislike..
Alice: Yea, im happy that you noticed!
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Luna: Huh. who could that be.
Scarlett: ill go get it
Alice: Ill come With
Luna: Same
Scarlett: Okay
????: Um. Hii, hope i can stay over for a while
all: oh. my. god.
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necro-hamster · 1 year
9 12 18 22 !! fallout and/or fc5
( this post )
9) worst part of canon
for fc5 i'd have to go w the endings, touched on it in a previous response but i think they both suck ass tbh. i end up just making up my own shit.
for fallout..... well that's a hard one because fallout's canon isn't very good. and has a lot of weird shit in it. i mean honestly i could just broadly gesture at all of it. fo has So Many Problems. but to point out smth specific, the way ghouls are handled comes to mind almost immediately. tons of missed potential and a lot of inconsistencies. wtf was up with the ghoul kid in the fridge?? lil man was NOT in there for 200 years. his ass would've fucking died. they still have to like. eat and stuff. plus it's just weird how 200 years post nuke ppl are still like EWWW AN IRRADIATED PERSON!!! like? bro you're all fucking irradiated. i know about your 11th toe and that weird spot on your butt cheek. you'd think ppl would get used to it by then. i get that obviously hatred of groups like that doesnt just go away over time magically but it just feels unrealistic the way they handle it. also boring.
i guess if you want an easier answer then i think it's stupid that the brotherhood of steel is still going strong on the east coast lol
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
grinding my teeth together. preston garvey for fallout. i will defend him until the day i fucking die. i'm convinced that the reason so many ppl hate his ass and are annoyed by his very presence is bc he's black idc. kiss my ass. he's my best friend.
also!! raul!!!! nobody ever fucking talks abt him but he's my FAVORITE new vegas oc. i think if he looked more fuckable ppl would pay more attention to him honestly 🙄
for fc5. hurk jr. the only reason ppl don't give him as much attention as sharky is because he's fat. idc. i will stand by this until the day i die. but i guess i'll fuck him since everyone else is a coward about it
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
CODSWORTH. it's criminal that bethesda's lazy asses slept on him too!!! he's got SO MUCH potential as a character but they didnt even give him a side quest???? i need yall to integrate him into your sole's story more PLEEEAAAASE. also raul again lol
far cry 5 im absolutely gonna have to say faith, she's so interesting but gets pushed aside so often and it pisses me off to no end. but that's the boring answer. that's the answer everyone expects. so i'm also gonna point out that i think it's super lame how so few ppl actually focus in on the cult and what average ppl were going thru inside of it. because, like, this isnt just Fascist Murderers or Literal Human Traffickers like the other games. they're cult members. many of them are victims of this shit too. obviously some of em were definitely just having fun killing ppl but like there were prolly a ton of ppl who were also just normal folks in desperate need of help and community and they ended up here. please have more discussions abt this shit.
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
for fallout, prolly civilization as a whole? specifically settlements/cities/towns/etc. a lot of ppl focus on being Alone In The Wastes (which is fun and cool) but i rlly like that we see time and time again that society has rebuilt in plenty of places. there's a city on a boat for gods sake. can we talk abt that shit more pls pls pls pls.
for fc5..... god. again my mind just turns toward faith and her craziness. ppl hate talking abt how much of a freak she is. so ig i'll go with the environment. how hope county is a rural place and the way that must've shaped many of the characters, including ocs who are from there. yall dont get it 😩😩😩
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yagamisdiary · 2 years
Nah bcs I CANT gain weight idk what the science is behind it bcs no one on my family is skinny skinny yk and I became anorexic from the age 10-14 and I remember when I got my period at 13 and in my culture u have to tell everyone bcs they have like this puberty ceremony and I got mine later than other girls and when ppl would come visit me when I got my period to congratulate me 💀 they would be like omg how did this poor girl get her period :( or oh keep eating a lot ur rlly skinny put some fat like baby if I could I would like I tried so hard to put on weight. And then lockdown came and then I started binge eating and ig I magically gained weight but even tho I’m at a healthy weight rn I still can’t gain any weight which makes it hard for me bcs I can’t get a flat stomach bcs you need to lose fat overall so I’d be super skinny again ☹️
i’ll never fucking understand the fact ppl bodyshame skinny girls. that period comment was so fucking unnecessary. i remember in middle school some girls started a rumor i was anorexic so ppl will always give me like pitiful looks and i was like ??? tf y’all staring at i was super confused
i don’t think ppl should comment on ANYONES body whether they’re skinny or fat i hate when ppl try to defend body shaming by saying “it’s okay they’re skinny” like no it’s not just don’t open ur fucking mouth cause u never know what kind of health issues they’re going through u stupid fuck
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nothing-ramblings · 3 months
havent rambled in a while which might seem lile things have been fine but actually i just forgot this blog existed. honestly the whole purpose of this is i have a weird unreasonable sense of guilt if i ramble/vent on my main so i figured id make a side blog but instead i just bottle shit up which is stupid this is supposed to be a thing that helps me process thoughts and emotions whether its about laios autism or personal things
anyway. i have to go to the dr tomorrow but i dont have an appointment which means ill be waiting for hours unsure of when she'll be able to see me. This isnt even a choice im making, the clinic called me and asked me to do this because my test resulta came back and my tsh levels r way too high (TSH is a thyroid hormone, i have hypothyroidism) so the dr needs to see me asap but she doesnt rlly have any opening on her schedule so ill have to go and wait
theres a whole bunch of reasons this is stressing me out to the point in making a rambly tumblr post at 2am
1. i checked the symptoms for hypothyroidism (most of my life my meds had been thebright dosage so i forgot what the symptoms felt like) and it explains like 70% of the shitbive been struggling including my worsening depression. this means the logical conclusion to fixing my meds would be i get better and i can finally do things instead of being in bed all day too exhausted to live. But ofc being a person with anxiety i am terrified that i might not get better at all and maybe theres something inherently broken with me.
2. The eait time is usually very long. Because of the fucked up hormone i mentioned i have been struggling with fatigue, so the idea of the long wait is stressful. When i get tired i get easily overstimulated. And theres always too many people in the upstairsnwaiting room which makes me feel claustrophobic, and then the downstairs waiting area has a metal ramp that kids love running up and down being extremely loud and parents dont bother to stop them cause they dont care if their children are fisturbing other sick ppl ig. i dont blame the kids for this, they're bother and full of energy, but the loud metal thunk thunk thunk as they run makes me feel like im going to die. thats not an exageration. i feel awful.
3. I have way too many things to discusss w the doctor that are possibly related to the fucked hormone levels and idk if shes gonna listen to me cause i have way too many memories of doctors not rlly listening to me.
I dont want to go. I need to, because the sooner as i fix the dosage the sooner i might regain at least some energy. And then i wont feel so useless cause ill be able to exercise or help around the house more. So i know i have to go, i just really dont want to and im extremelynstressed about that which wont help my sleep. And bad sleep wont help the fatigue ill already have to deal with. and im tired and a mess and i want this to be over with.
ig thats the vent idk. gn?
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brothalynchhung · 9 months
2023 overview
im such a loyal person man LMAOOO i still specfically come back here to do this lool anyways this year was fucking insane like FUCKING insane and long as hell... grniguehrsi
i think i started the year a lil depressed cuz i was working that fuckass job
lets seee
i think jan 2023 was nothing but me suffering through that fuck ass job, gyming, etc.,
that old apt ahahah i mean tbh it was nice but too big and TOO SECLUDED omg
actually the way i spent a whole year so isolated from society was crazy what the fawk
i dont even think i got much out of it like self improvement wise
maybe japanese? guitar? but that came only at the end
i guess playing ps5... lol -_-
i gained so much weight cuz of depression and that stressful ass job
the way i think majority of that weight was just the AMOUNT OF CORTISOL BUILD UP I HAD
anyways jan was whatever
then i went to umrah in feb which was stressful cuz the amount of ppl and the BUGS man god
this whole time i thought my prayers werent answers but they were tbh i had a good year even if there was struggles
i didnt get gl yet but APPARENTLY thats too much to ask for
then barcelona lMAOOO which was okay!! i think i would have obv enjoyed it more if i wasnt there for work but i mean still it was just another european city
my spanish was ass
i was too paranoid about someone jacking my phone lol
survived tho
ate some GOOD ASS FOOD. omg best food ever
and the sangriaasss omg
it was worth it being the canon event of me getting fired LMAO
hoenstly was a lil ugly ass bitch that co founder was fuck him fr
loser highkey
so spain barcelona and saudi 2 countries down within the first 3months of the year
tbh basically up until june majority of my year was this stupid ass job travelling here and there complaining about that ugly ass bitch
omg what a shaytan that man was holyshit and not like a powerful shaytan more like a whiny weak insecure life sucking pitiful pathetic piece of shit shaytan the one that lowers the energies of everything around it
pitiful ass human fr im so happy that shit got out of my life
that was the best thing to happen to me this year like not exclusively him but the whole job too LOL
like thanks for the pay and travel finessed the fuck out all tbh BYE
chaper closed thank god
and whats crazy is that the SECOND after that meeting i forgot about it all lMFAOOOO LIKE I WAS READYY
march was cool i finally got to go back to america
actually march lowkey changed my life
texas was so much fun omg i miss america man americans are nice just h8 their govt
sxsw!!! DUDE ive always wanted to go and GOT TO ALL under someone elses coin LMFAOOOOOO
met cool ppl ig, saw cool things, film and tv industry - coool cool cool
and i didnt rlly have to do shit there LMAO
anyways then went to houston where nadas friend HELD IT DOWNNNNN
like finally omg i got to get hiiii FINALLY
so good
then i came back and i was mad depressed cuz i should be out there working and learning from ppl who like the shit as me not stuck out the middle of FUCK ASS NOWHERE DOING NOTHING
which yeah i think that like lit the fire out of my ass about how much i hated the job and place and cuz ad was like quarantine istg
thennn hmm april..OH YEAH JAPAN
i dont even remember waht the bullshit ass term is
uhhh i forget lMAOOO that stupid bullshit where i was PERFORMANCE PLANNN
stupid as fuck what kind of corporate fake working society term is that omfg
i dont care was worth it like fuck yeah bitch!! i really am using yall to fuck around and travel cuz THIS STUPID ASS JOB IS NOT MY FUTURE
and it isint omg its like it never exsited LMFAO
anyways that stressed me out but thank god i had edibles lmao
mmm then i survived to japan
honestly me going to japan was what made this year like this def had to be one of the best years of my life just for that on its own
actually like yeah this def was oddly enough one of the best years of my life?
emotionally hell yes but everything else was good
jsut stupid self-inflicted stress (minus that fuck ass job)
anyways japan was amazing left it wanting to learn the language and AM
i cant wait to go back
and the fact i hit tokyo kyoto and osaka all at once omg amazing
nintendo world 😭 shibuya 😭 just kyoto in general 😭
i bought so much omg
i had so much good food this year lmao barcelona, japan, texas 🤪
anywhoo after that i basically dont remember much of may like it was just tryna get through the shit and deal with that stupid ass plan and talking to that dumb bitch
which i punked off and he didnt like like fuck u u ugly untalented waste of life ? im not talking nice to u or respecting your bitch ass
and he think getting rid of me was a slap in the face as if that wasnt exactly what i wanted LMFAOOO
3 months leave with pay ??? and i scammed yall w the ticket price?? LOOOOOL oKAYYY THANKS!!!
so basically june they let me gooo true freedom then had the best month of my life in thailand which was FUCKKINGGG MAAZINGGG
omg thailand was so much fun i felt so free
the most free and most happy i ever felt in my life
krabi .. rayleh beach omg the weed and shrooms on the beach 😭
seriously i had no one in my face, no bitches, no work, money, freedom, time, no problems NOTHING
i seriously think those few days in krabi were the happiest moments of my life ever
like pure freedom and security and happiness in ever sense of each word
soooo grateful
and i deserved it after all the stupid ass stress that stupid ass job put me through
and the whole time i was there i was just so grateful i never felt that much gratitude in my life ever
thailand in general was fun omg i bought so much stuff i loved bangkok
i just love travelling man seriously im just built to travel around discover and learn about the world i love connected with the world and exploring and adventuring i hate being stuck in a place
all i ever want to do is travel and live like really LIVE
hate work
anywho right after i came back to my freedom then basically just chilled until i had to go to canada
which was 🙄
listen - ottawa was surprisingly okay actually i enjoyed it, i smoked, i walked around listening to y2k music, stayed at home all cozy, appreciated the nature and the nostalgia lmaoo even chilling w lina and her cousins was fun
but toronto -_- listen im never going to forgive that bitch for throwing me out and those other hoes for not being there for me
shout out to p tho lol
all i wanted to do was leave istg
toronto was a lil boring but i was also just mad cuz all my friends were all
CUT OFFFFF ill never see yall again except maybe nadine and p
for once ottawa was better than toronto
anyways i think im 1000% done w toronto
thank god finally
oh yeah i started a youtube account that im trying to take seriously i guess LOL
i still need to keep going and working on it but its fun
yeah thank god that crazy bitch didnt come but omg what a waste of a ticket but anyways her L not mine
just thankful that i had the money for all of this -_- shout out that fuck ass job i guess lmao
part 2... ?
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whiteanti · 6 years
idk but sitting in a room full of white ppl bullshitting abt how atheism is the only logical path whilst staring at another asian girl is just like peak my life
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munamania · 3 years
I missed the original dating app post, but GOD I agree with you. It's exhausting and so stupid to try and meet people and have just... normal conversations. I am so bitter about covid taking away most social things that I would've met people at.
yes!!!!! i feel u. it's so absurd. basically the entire post was me saying 'i hate everything' but i was right! and like yea i feel like if parties and other social events were safe i wouldnt be so like horrible in terms of dating but that's just how it is now l o l and even like classes are weird bc you're supposed to try and stay distanced so it's not like there's been even that casual classmate acquaintance yk??? idk. basically it blows nd im gonna stay a wretched bitch abt it bc i rlly hate it all
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 years
You know what,
Steve and Dally as friends hcs if you have some, I feel like they would do something stupid together and I'm in like a steve mood rn.
yknow what?? they would actually b good friends
not the BEST of friends but they can relate to each other in more ways than ppl rlly see
BUT ANYWAYS hc that while they were hanging out thats how steve met evie and dallas and soda were like his wingmen, well soda was, dally was that “i didnt mean for u to actually catch feeling w the girl u fucking loser but if u like her go on ig” guy
sometimes steve, evie, dallas, and sylvia go on double dates, usually its just dallas and steve doing stupid shit (sometimes to impress them) and evie and sylvia watching shaking their heads bc they r idiots
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nonclassyparty · 2 years
firstly, tell me why i had that wooyoung shit figured OUT LMAOOO. I literally called it HAHAHA. the way i knew this fool was part of the fruit community
i love the idea that like this story and your writing in general continues to make me go, men ain’t shit fr. but then my tiktok has san getting scared while playing video games and mingi being called pink princess like 🧌.
reading this story with the prologue in mind is insane bc i get that technically no one has really done anything wrong yet ? per se. but san rlly is or ig…is going to be? a grade a asshole.
atp i can understand that sans not at fault (YET apparently) bc like, let’s be real LMAO the agreement was set in place and even y/n herself UNDERSTANDS it, she just continues to play into it bc of her feelings. i cant imagine how san ACTUALLY ends up fucking up (ig putting aside the fact that he couldn’t even be a friend or at the very least an acquaintance and help her w her assignment). like ik y/n probably WILL get mad but she doesn’t rlly hav the right to get mad at him for kissing that girl watever her name is cus she and san aren’t exclusive. but like regardless of the fact, i’m stil obv rooting for y/n bc she’s going through it and she’s being treated terribly by so many ppl for stupid reasons, esp w the knowledge that they all think so shallowly of her and don’t take into account any of her actual interests or experiences like damn.
AND THEN there’s like the fact that (entirely from context and my assumptions alone) y/n didn’t even outright SAY any of this or tell san how she felt until she wrote that letter AFTER THE FACT like ??? that’s INSANE like my brain is scrambling to finish the puzzle before i even hav all the pieces. like ik u said ur not sure about the ending but does san get the letter ? do we even see how he reacts to it ???? (i’m assuming she’ll tell wooyoung or hongjoong tbh)
ALSO i can’t get over the description of why yunho doesn’t like y/n like…damn, homie’s giving incel energy. giving nate jacobs wanting maddy to be a virgin energy (but not nate jacobs wanting maddy cus yunho apparently can’t handle high maintenance bad bitches). idk he’s giving very small peepee, in the closet, daddy issues energy and yeosangs got his own issues that we don’t even know about yet like don’t let me find out i’ll probably lose it.
i’m LITERALLY rambling nonsense and i’m at work rn. anyways amazing work ONCE AGAIN. i cant get over how you write and how you flesh out the characters. cant wait for my boy mingi to be properly introduced. let’s see how my emotions handle that.
there is so much to discuss in this message hold on;
first of all, wooyoung being part of the skittles squad well idk how you got that right i'll be honest with you
this is exactly why when i write i have to stay away from atz content bc i went and watched the new wanteez eps today and i just cant write afterwards bc san is so fawking soft and precious how am i supposed to write him as a fuckboy that breaks hearts??? at one point i was like 'damn i shouldve picked someone else as the fuckboy for starring role' and not HIM😭😭
about san fucking up, it will happen in act 8 and i cant say anything else without giving away spoilers but yes! san never promised her anything, yn is aware of it and she knows where the two of them stand deep down but she just doesnt want to accept it (spoiler: that will basically be what the next chapter is about). also keep in mind that the story doesnt end with the letter, there are a couple more chapters afterwards 😭
YUNHO. WAIT NOT TOO MUCH ON HIM?? thats still my man but i wasnt really going for that sort of energy but now re-reading the part about him, i could see why it might've came off like that 😭. basically, with yunho i was going for the type of guy that doesnt like spoilt girly girls who care about makeup, clothes and are shallow, that only dates girls who, by his standards, have some depth to them and are sorta not-like-other-girls but in a pinterest cottage core aesthetic way (kjsghdjfhkfdj??? idk if that makes sense but he likes sweet girls who he can bring back home to his parents basically. its pretty much what svoh yn was) and yet he would still sleep with starring role yn without a doubt 😭. he was inspired by many guys ive meet in college
yeosang's storyline...im kind of nervous about revealing it tbh, also mingi will be properly introduced in the next chapter! as something much more than just boyoung's friend.
thank you so much for this message, i always look forward to yours in particular and theyre so fun to read. i really appreciate them. i hope you have a good day 💝
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palms-upturned · 3 years
Uhhhh ur misogynistic gay man whose name I can’t remember for that character ask meme
character ask meme
What I love about them
love is a strong word when it comes to saionji 💀 but ill admit i enjoy watching his clownery djsgdjxb in the end i found him p compelling, i think the way the show handles both his and touga’s positions as simultaneous victims and perpetuators of the system is rlly interesting… something something about how oftentimes we cling to systems that actively harm us because they also give us some degree of power over others and tempt us w the promise of even more 😔 err anyway, the point is i love that saionji’s queerness and legitimate struggles that come w that don’t exempt him from being taken to task for the ways he abuses what privileges he has, also it’s very funny to watch him get owned 💙 that being said tho i do get like 😔 over his part in the final duel… oh god oh fuck saionji we’re really in it now
What I hate about them
what’s not to hate about this guy… every time he even exists in the same space as anthy i want to rip him limb from limb… but in all seriousness i think the most damning thing about saionji is that he proves that he’s perfectly capable of understanding the abusive dynamic between akio and his victims and even goes to weirdly touching lengths to forgive touga and help him escape, and yet he does not extend any of that kindness or effort toward anthy and actively heaps on more abuse… i do appreciate that a lot about the show, portraying abusers not necessarily as like fundamentally evil people™️ who are somehow different from everyone else and easily identifiable, but people who make the active choice to leverage their power over others, whatever the circumstances may be 😔
Favorite moment/quote
im obsessed with the entire verdant hopes light novel like it’s maybe the funniest thing ive ever read, there’s a scene where saionji runs into wakaba at a department store and drops a bottle of salad oil, which he then asks a store clerk to wrap in a pretty bow bc it’s a gift for a girl, and wakaba is like WHAT. and saionji is genuinely shocked that she thinks it’s a stupid present. second funniest moment is when touga comes to talk to him at the dojo and says “i came to invite you on a date” and saionji pauses before tentatively saying, “me? 😳” and touga is like “haha a double date, i mean. don’t get me wrong, i don’t swing that way” and the narrator is like “this was obviously a lie but saionji didn’t need to know that” LIKE. GOD DHXGSJXBXBC
What I would like to see more focus on
im haunted over saionji being literally homeless after he gets expelled, like… “i have no family or friends to turn to” WHAT? the friends part i can believe but dhgsjdbxbx what?!!?? i just think it’s kind of hilarious that we know a little about each of the stuco members’ families but nothing about saionji’s even tho he seems to be in the most dire situation of them all 😭 but maybe what he meant was that he got disowned after his expulsion… who knows… legit hysterical that no one cared enough to explain that plot beat
What I would like to see less focus on
🤔🤔🤔 again i have no answer for this, i think his storyline was fine
Favorite pairing with
im not immune to tousai… in spite of [gestures broadly]… explaining why would get a little too personal ksbsjdnxbc but let’s say unfortunately i relate to some issues between those two
Favorite friendship
i think it’s p funny that nanami calls him kyouichi, i like to think she bossed him around mercilessly when they were kids
errr idk, do ppl really ship him with anthy or wakaba? i hope not 😭
Favorite headcanon
hmmmm… well for some reason when i picture him and nanami as kids i always imagine her just fucking biting him when she gets mad KSSHSGDH so ig just that nanami put the fear of teething toddlers in him
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aerltarg · 3 years
Maybe this is a stupid question, buuuuut:
I just can't imagine a world that Rhaegar comes back from the Trident, wins the war and becomes king. No, I'm not a anti Rhaegar, matter of fact I like him very much, I'm just can imagine how would Lya, little Jon, this whole affair, would settle in the capital. The norm that fics (at least those I read) tend to follow is to make Rhaegar:
1. A douche, paranoid and destiny-obessed king.
2. Completely incompetent, aloof monarch, that deep down has a heart of gold, but can't really be understood.
I mean, isn't he supposed to be a scholar since he was a kid? What's are your thoughts about it?
oh, yeah, i can totally understand this! it's is the whole point in canon actually, "the wrong man came back from the trident". you would expect a hero win against his antagonist and have a happy ending w his lady love but it doesn't happen. instead the subversion happens to them with rhaegar being killed by robert who becomes obviously a shitty king and lyanna dying after him. they were never supposed to have happy ending, they were created as tragic and doomed and dead from the beginning for the whole plot to start, jon to have his parentage mystery and dany to take the passed baton as the last dragon, prophesied savoir and the heir who has to carry entire house on her back now.
as for the realistic rhaegar wins aus that's the difficult question. tbh we just don't know enough abt their situation, plans and wishes. you see, e.g. in agot we can be right in ned's head and see his motivations, what he was thinking abt, what he was planning, what he was hoping to do. but if his story was told the way rhaegar's was i bet he would have his own crowd of haters and ~intellectuals~ jumping out every two seconds w their "hot takes" how actually all hints abt what rlly happened (ned being a good man w his own sense of honour, justice and experiences affecting him and the deal w cersei's children) doesn't matter and he was an ambitious prick, planned to grasp the power by being joffrey's regent and make his daughter sansa queen. (you can actually insert there any bullshit and still don't reach the level of stupidity of such "hot takes" this fandom loves so much lmao). also he would be blamed to the hell and beyond for being too stupid and not foreseeing the future and actions of other ppl bc ofc after everything happened it's so easy to say what was so obvious to notice. also they would say that the deaths of his men and horrible fates of his kids are 100% his fault and even straight up say he killed them lmao. i can rant abt it for hours so yeah. this is a situation w too many unknown variables bc it depends too much on actions of too many characters we don't know enough abt. the only thing it's possible to tell for sure is the fact that there couldn't be any perfect solutions since things got too complicated at this point.
such fics as you've mentioned tho are just a part of this dumb fanon where rhaegar is "too prophecy obsessed"/"incapable of love"/shrodinger's rhaegar both smart and stupid at the same time/whatever/all of this combined lmfao. the man was notably intelligent from the early age as you've absolutely rightly mentioned, his guesses abt himself being tptwp have nothing to do w egocentrism as some parts of the fandom would want us all to believe unless he wouldn't be so reasonable abt it and later on, after so many years, wouldn't have changed his mind and thought his son could be tptwp.
and literally fuck all antis that think you shouldn't consider prophecies that hold real power in this fantasy world lol. you know, aegon the conqueror was said to be motivated (or at least partly) to unify westeros by the prophecy and still got the treatment of perfect/maximum close to perfect figure of a leader everyone should look up to from the narrative and grrm. prophecy obsessed much, huh? i don't even talk abt all these parallels between him and rhaegar grrm put there not for bitches to ignore them completely! and i will never get tired of reminding that dismissing prophecies is UNWISE for targaryens of all people. the house whose story is built on the dream of young daenys and her father aenar that listened to her despite common sense (or what local "anti magic"/"anti prophecies" clowns consider to be common sense). targs would be as dead as the rest of dragonlords if not for daenys the dreamer. who else in the world has as many reasons to take prophecies seriously as them?
yet antis out there act as if rhaegar is one dimensional weirdo whose every character trait is abt mf ~prophecy obsession~. like how can they miss one of the main points so badly?? the game of thrones distracts ppl from the real danger beyond the wall, yk, the one rhaegar was aware of and meant to deal with. there wouldn't be such a problem if he became king and had as many years of head start before ice zombies apocalypse as ignorant bobby b did. rhaegar had to die just for westeros to sink in shit and our main heroes to save everyone to make this story more epic LMAO
so yeah, too many ppl portray rhaegar as this one dimensional robotic creature without any knowledge of what feelings are idk even for what reason. it seems these ppl can't read for real bc rhaegar was not only intelligent af as well as dutiful ("it seems i must be a warrior" but "he loved his harp more than his lance") but also. ugh emotional?? my boy had constant emo sessions w brooding at ruins of summerhall, sleeping out there beneath the stars all alone and writing songs that made all women cry. does it sound as someone who "isn't capable of love" lol? folks act as if he was completely heartless from the day he was born (bc he didnt play w other kids ig??) but in reality their emotional range is less than the one of a spoon in comparison to rhaegar's lol. i'm not even gonna address the horrible attitude of demonizing him for his implied depression, vile clowns never listen to themselves when they talk abt targaryens and their "madness".
tldr; these fics are mostly lame af and suck at characterization if they're making rhaegar like that lol. anyway his character isn't abt being a good or a bad king, it's abt being a would-be-king for characters in books and readers in reality to sigh over his tragic aura and pretty aesthetic abt how it could've been. however, grrm clearly doesn't write rhaegar as evil or incapable as some parts of the fandom would want to try to persuade others. realistically speaking in the scenario where he wins there couldn't be any perfect decisions but it's a territory of speculations on thin air and lit nothing more since canon doesn't provide us with enough information to rlly theorize anything instead of building biased headcanons some ppl call "analysis".
but remember what barristan said about rhaegar while practically watching him all his life, from a literal baby to the man grown:
“I know little of Rhaegar. Only the tales Viserys told, and he was a little boy when our brother died. What was he truly like?”
The old man considered a moment. “Able. That above all. Determined, deliberate, dutiful, single-minded.” (ASOS, Daenerys I)
“Prince Rhaegar’s prowess was unquestioned, but he seldom entered the lists. He never loved the song of swords the way that Robert did, or Jaime Lannister. It was something he had to do, a task the world had set him. He did it well, for he did everything well. That was his nature. But he took no joy in it. Men said that he loved his harp much better than his lance.” (ASOS, Daenerys IV)
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springtidesnowfall · 2 years
no bc my family (aunts and uncles etc) get on my nerves so much . yes i know the guys r chilling in the basement . they literally told us to come sit w them . its sooo fucking annoying idk why they think we (the younger kids) shouldnt be around them . this is why i love my parents (let me hang out w my brothers friends without commenting on it)
for some stupid reason tags r not working properly so im typing it here instead
like hello. first of all ur son my older cousin said its cool second i am 18 anyways 3 its just stupid to assume i dont know what im doing? and like . what even is your problem with it at this point. what do u think theyre talking about that i havent already heard. why do you think trying to shelter us is going to work. also do u think they are incapable of monitoring what they say when my younger cousins r around?? bc like . they arent lmao ik you werent paying attention to much in the last few weeks but we were all crammed together anyways. also unrelated but i fucking miss my brothers friends like . havent seen them for obvious reasons but i miss hanging out w them :( its so so fun like . when we all pile into my brothers room to play smash or when theyre in our living room getting drunk and im sitting w them n we r just talking about whatever, or when we end up at one of his friends house by coincidence so we r all just sitting around kane (my baby), idk just like . i rlly do love those guys . they dont have to include me in their shit from time to time but thwy do anyways, like one of em got me to help pick out my brothers secret santa gift, anothers birthday was a week or two ago so i dmed him on ig (which again . i have a bunch of them on ig or just their numbers), n like . idk. its nice to have ppl who have no obligation to care but do anyways . im significantly less pissed now actually thinking ab them helped . this sounds insane but some of my best memories of the last 2 years are bc of them, okay thats all i think
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keroseneinhalers · 3 years
would these mlp characters respect your neoprounouns? (i know them personally this is all a fact. fight with the wall.)
pinkie pie - she doesnt know what neos are and if you explained them she still wouldnt get it. shes not stupid, but she doesnt want to put time into learning, so get over it. shes not going to misgender you on purpose, but she'll probably use "they" instead. would she use neopronouns? no.
applejack - you tell her what neos are and she doesnt understand but tries her hardest. she gets it wrong sometimes but she is trying, appreciate that. would she use neos? nah, they confuse her.
fluttershy - she knows what neos are because the kids at the magic school told her and she respects them and uses them as much as she can. she may not always have the best grasp on them nor remember a bunch of different sets for one person, but she is doing her best. would she use neos? maybe!
twilight sparkle - neopronouns are super new to her, she laughs at them before you tell her they are real (and valid) and she goes oh! sorry! and educates herself. she thinks in the back of her mind it doesnt really make much sense grammar-wise, because shes just like that, but she does respect them and uses them on those who use neos! would she use neos? no way.
rarity - she hears abt them and fully denounces them. no if ands or buts. not even if sweetie used them. she'd make fun of them for a solid hour before one of the other mane 6 tell her thats kinda not cool and she should dial it back and at least try to be respectful. she does, but only when her friends are there to check her. would she use neos? no goddamn way.
rainbow dash - she thinks neos are actually kinda cool after learning about them. she definitely goes to twilight for help on educating her but ofc twilight doesnt have all the answers, so she just takes it slow and makes sure to use neos on those who use them as much as she can in order to make them feel as cool as their pronouns sound. would she use neos? honestly, probably yeah. she'd be down for any rainbow or speed or boom related neos. though ig rainbow neos would just be her name.
scootaloo - she doesnt get it but she'll respect it, she wouldnt want someone else to feel upset bc of ppl not being accepting of who they are. shes a disabled victim of bullying, she's not going to be some edgelord saying neos arent valid or whatever. would she use them? probably not, unless she saw rd started using them and she'd use the same ones bc #sisterschamp
applebloom - she rlly dont gaf tbh. you wanna be called "kitself"? ok! thats your choice, and she'll respect it. she grew up respectful, theres no way she would get away with misgendering someone just bc their pronouns are unconventional. would she use neos? nah bc she rlly just dont care. theyre just words to her.
sweetie belle - shes sooooo fucking annoying with it. shes like ... performative ally annoying. she'd use a bunch of different ones in one fucking sentence like GIRL WHO IS ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THAT... good that shes respectful but gahdamn put some back!!!! would she use neos? no shes holding onto that she/her for dear life (i hc her as a trans girl btw)
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