#some stories end feeling like an incomplete chess match
thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
i think most of my wwx opinions are unpopular outside of my little patch in this fandom, but i genuinely do believe that post-canon wwx and jc are just better off being out of each other’s lives as much as possible, crossing paths only out of necessity for jin ling.
sometimes when the wounds cut deeply enough, even if none of those wounds were inflicted intentionally or maliciously, it doesn’t matter how much you loved your family member, how much you sacrificed for them, or how much they sacrificed for you. your presence in each other’s lives just aggravates those injuries and prevents them from healing, and maybe the kindest thing you can do for each other is to just leave each other alone.
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starthetripledevil · 1 year
Mario Legacy Challenge: 1984
Last year, Jumpman joined the circus career. At the end of the year, they gave him the task to capture a gorilla, but so far, Jumpman has not been successful. The search continues.
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At the beginning of 1984, Jumpman finds a gorilla named Donkey Kong (I don't know how/if Jumpman would actually figure out the name, but I will still use the name here). The perfect gorilla for the circus, or at least that's what he thinks.
I would assume Jumpman also has other people there with him as the Kong is so strong that it would be hard for one person to transport him, but I didn't bother making more Sims for this.
Also my version of Donkey Kong's story is something similar to this, although there are some major differences. But the whole thing about DK being forcibly taken from his home and the Kongs' intelligence being underestimated by humans applies here. (Though in my version, Donkey Kong Junior was not also taken - we'll get to him later.)
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Jumpman takes Donkey Kong to the city of Brooklyn (not New York).
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Of course, he can't just keep the gorilla in his apartment, so he actually takes him to the circus. No longer having to travel to the Kong Island, Jumpman can return to a fairly ordinary life - at least for now.
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Back home, Jumpman is feeling sick - though he is not sure if it has anything to do with his time in the jungle.
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Mario and Luigi, age 3, are playing.
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And here's the two with their older sister Pauline (about 8-9 years old).
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Donkey Kong is kept at the circus, owned by Harrison Gibbs. We briefly saw him before in this legacy in 1972 as the one who moved into the apartment where Tony Arthur used to live, in the building in which Jumpman's first apartment in the city was located.
(In-game, I made Donkey Kong live in Harrison's household.)
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During the year, the Marios visit the Arthurs.
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Pauline spends some time with her cousins Marianne and Luigeena, who are twins and about a year and half older than her.
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Mario is here with Uncle Tony.
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And here we have Luigeena Sr. and Jumpman. In addition to being siblings-in-law, the two have also been friends for 20 years now. And chess matches have been a long-lasting tradition for Jumpman and Luigeena. (With this particular game, Jumpman also reaches level 8 of the logic skill, leaving only fitness as a requirement for his Renaissance Sim aspiration.)
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Luigi is so tired, he falls asleep on the floor.
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Some time later, Luigeena visits the area of the city where the Marios live. She and Jumpman play some basketball together.
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At least once when Pauline comes back home from school while her parents are still at work, she spends some time talking to Emmalyn. As the two have a funny conversation, Pauline decides that she likes comedy.
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Later in the year, Pauline and Lady go to the local art gallery again. Lady wants to look at paintings while Pauline wants to play the piano.
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Playing for enough time, Pauline manages to complete her childhood aspiration (playing instruments for 5 hours was the only incomplete requirement left in Artistic Prodigy).
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Jumpman's friend Lana is also here, playing the violin.
(Also Lana is pregnant here but she's supposed to be like 54 at this point so I decided to consider it "non-canon". I later used MCCC to move the child to another family but I needed her to age up into an infant first before it worked.)
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And of course Elle is here again.
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Now I know I didn't really show Lady until the end of the year, but she has really been here the entire time (except in the Jungle Adventure part). She is also the one who mostly takes care of the cooking in the household.
For Jumpman's experiences in 1985, see this post.
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lins-fandom-hub · 4 years
Murphy’s comfort
A quick story featuring the Quidditch cinnamon roll, Murphy McNully! Barnaby will always have my heart, but Murphy is very precious in his own way too. I figured he’d be a really good friend to Clara once they really got to know each other. Anyway, in tandem with the recent two Quidditch chapters that were released as well as the recent slew of chapters in year 6, I thought I’d write this. This has been on my mind for a while now, so let’s see how this goes.
Even with a blanket wrapped tightly around me, I still felt the thin veil of ice shroud over my limbs, chills tingling through my skin.
Drawing back the curtains of the four-poster, I glanced out at the window, at the sheer bright moonlight that glared back at me, and silently groaned, bringing my arms around my knees and hugging them close to my chest. This was not the best night to stay awake and wear myself out before the first rays of dawn; on the eve of the match against Ravenclaw and the fiercest Beater at Hogwarts, all players should at least get some rest. But this was also not the best night for the worst memory to resurface full force. Every time I closed my eyes, I could still see the spells that flickered between Ben and Rakepick, the brilliant green light that enveloped my best friend as she pushed him out of the way--how quickly her life dissipated without much of a hiss.
She was always a neat, orderly person, even if the way she tied her tie said otherwise. Now, with her belongings all taken home, there was not a single trace of her presence that used to grace the castle.
Without much thought, I grabbed hold of my blue mug beside my bedside table and slowly rose to my feet, quietly so as not to rouse my dorm mates still snoring like baby piglets. Easing now into the grey sweatshirt Barnaby gifted me and slipping into a pair of Niffler slippers, I slowly opened the door and tiptoed out, not bothering to close the door. It sort of became a ritual, honestly--whenever I was disturbed in the night by some unpleasant thought, I always found that a trip to the kitchens to help myself to hot cocoa would cheer me up. It happened even more so now that Rowan’s gone. I guess I couldn’t bear the thought of easing back into what once was normal with a large significant piece of the puzzle forcefully taken from me. The incomplete image would always stay with me no matter where I went.
Barely had I made my way to the common room, however, when my feet suddenly halted on the carpet floor by a strange sight by the armchairs in front of the fire. Sitting in Rowan’s old spot, his wheelchair set off to the side and his playbooks sprawled over the cushions, was none other than the Quidditch commentator and strategist, Murphy McNully.
In the midst of this whirlwind that was trying to ease back into my typical routine at Hogwarts, reeling the reckless back in line, protecting my sister with all I could, and planning executable strategies for the Circle of Khanna, I hadn’t thought that I’d see something else fall out of the ordinary.
The boy turned around in his seat to see me, and a small smile grew over his face which brought a warm wash of relief over me. The last thing I wanted was a long lecture about how I should prioritize rest at a time like this.
“Clara. Can’t sleep?” he asked, beckoning me to the sofa which I willingly accepted.
“No.” I crossed over to him and placed my mug gently beside the huge pile of playbooks on the table. Leaning back against the cushions, I wrapped my arms around my stomach as I gazed at the fire, flames flickering in its mesmerizing dance. “You?”
Murphy shook his head as well. “Honestly, sleep evades me at the worst times too. You’d think a Quidditch commentator wouldn’t experience the same thing the team he supports would...but I worry a lot. And you know how reading statistics brings me luck.”
“Haven’t forgotten,” I said with a faint chuckle. “I suppose given the circumstances, everyone would need as much luck as they can get.”
Murphy nodded in agreement as he gently shut another one of his playbooks and put it on the table. Then he turned to look at me. “So why can’t you sleep?” he eventually asked.
“I feel like I haven’t told you the full truth,” I admitted quietly. “Remember when you speculated that I may have been in a bit of a slump at one point?”
“As clear as day. There’s only a 14.6% chance I’d forget any of our conversations,” Murphy responded with a nod. “Why’s that?”
I sighed and turned to him. To this day, it still scared me that he looked very much like my boyfriend, Barnaby--except his hair was blond, not brown, and his eyes were a piercing stormy grey, not emerald. Still, there was no mistaking the glimmer of care that suddenly sparked in his eyes, and I felt my chest buzz, guilt spreading through my being.
“Do you know of a student named Rowan Khanna?” I asked him.
Honestly, I half expected him to shake his head. I figured that not many people in the Circle of Khanna would have as strong a bond with Skye, Murphy, and Orion as I have--I wasn’t even sure if Rowan knew them as well as I did. To my surprise though, Murphy nodded.
“Yes. Rowan and I were very good friends,” Murphy answered, a fond smile on his face now. “She and I used to discuss broomstick models, and she’s actually very passionate about Quidditch too. Sometimes we even played Wizard’s Chess together.”
“Has she ever mentioned me?”
“Loads of times! Sometimes we talk about the recent matches and the probabilities of each team winning each match and the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup. And the topic of you came up more than once--but she never really talked about you as just a player for Gryffindor. I figured you two were close,” he added quietly, tilting his head in thought.
“Very,” I confirmed, choking on the word as the happy memories returned full force, vivid and vibrant as they had been in the very moment. “And I’m still kicking myself over everything that happened. How, right now, we’re all still in danger despite the world slowly resuming its normalcy. There’s no sugarcoating the truth, either--this was why I was in a slump, Murphy. It’s not just about Skye and her strange behaviour. I’ve been so worried about what would happen to the rest of my friends and the school and my siblings that I let it get to my performance in...everything, I guess.”
That much, at least, was true. Most of my professors have noticed a slight deterioration in my academic performance after the incident, not to mention that I wasn’t sure whether the Circle of Khanna was actually working for the rest of my friends and peers. The longer we stayed within the confines of the castle, the stronger our enemies could potentially get. If they overpower us in the end...well, I couldn’t see why that wouldn’t bolster the headline for my failures. And if I failed...
“I won’t deny that I’m scared of the curse, too,” Murphy said after a bit. “I’ve seen the students and Madam Pomfrey in the wing. I know enough of the curse’s potential. But worrying over all of this will affect your performance in everything, and Rowan would not want that.”
“So everyone keeps saying--but--”
“No ‘buts’.” Murphy’s hands gripped at my shoulders now, eyes narrowing and piercing right through me. “I may not know you as well as the rest of your friends, but I still care as much as they do. Don’t let your grief swallow you whole. You have to keep fighting for everything that matters--and Quidditch is one of them, is it not?”
I nodded. “O-of course. I’d do anything for our Quidditch team.”
Murphy’s smile returned as he let go, and he picked up another one of his playbooks, cracking it open over his lap. “Speaking of which, did you find a lucky ritual for yourself?”
“I find that playing a piano piece I know very well in my head before flying out onto the pitch does wonders with my focus,” I told him then, a small smile fluttering back over my face as the warmth slowly seeped back into my chest, overpowering the icy cold that once held my nerves hostage. “And a mug of hot chocolate helps me get through any tough night,” I added, gesturing to the mug still on the table.
“Hot chocolate, you say? Now how did I not think of that?” Murphy’s eyes lit up at that, and he grinned at me now, abandoning the playbook still in his lap. “You don’t mind if I get a mug of it as well, and we can drink it together?”
I nodded. “I don’t see why not.”
Moments later, after making a trip to the kitchens and making two mugs of hot chocolate there, the two of us sat by the fire drinking hot chocolate and leafing through playbooks. The wee hours of the night came and went, and it only felt like a few minutes before the two of us eventually dozed off, enveloped by warmth and comfort from the others’ presence.
In scarce moments of peace like this, I have never felt more at ease with my conscience.
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randomfangirl330 · 7 years
Fav Narumitsu pwkm
I’m going to keep some of my favorite pwkm fics here that I can’t find on AO3 or Fanfiction.net These will probably mostly be Hurt/Comfort fics. 
Also, if you are any of the author anons of the incomplete works... PLEASE!
Caged (Incomplete, but stops fine) - Phoenix is an actual phoenix and is captured by a hunter
Frozen (Complete) - Phoenix is found trapped in a freezer, seriously beaten, and Miles is investigating who done it
Wright’s Love Guilty (Complete) -  "Edgeworth... we can't have sex in front of Charley!"
Hospital Fic (Complete) - Another missing hospital scene fic from 3-5
Hiding in Plain Sight (Incomplete) - Phoenix is shot after witnessing a crime, so he is put under Witness Protection while Miles tends to his injuries
Sleepless (Complete) - After Phoenix misses his flight from an overbooked plane, Miles agrees to let him spend the night in his hotel room
Heartbeats (Complete) - Miles is calmed after an earthquake by Phoenix’s heartbeat
Five Times...  (Multiply fics; Incomplete) Vampire Kristoph Gavin sets his eyes on a new victim; and that victim happens to be Werewolf Miles Edgeworth’s mate
Kinematics (Incomplete) - Phoenix and Miles are taken hostage by a crazed gunman
Turnabout M.D. (Incomplete) - Ace Attorney and House M.D. crossover
Sanctuary (Complete) - Miles reflects on how lucky he is to have Phoenix by his side while sharing a bed
Tremors (Complete) - Miles and Phoenix are in the same room when an earthquake happens and Phoenix gets knocked out
intertwined. (Complete) - Phoenix and Miles cuddle up together after a long week
Once Upon a Time... (Complete) - Princes Miles is sent to try to woo Princess Mia, but finds himself falling in love with her bodyguard, Sir Phoenix, instead
That Damn Feeling (Complete) - Miles can’t shake the bad feeling he’s getting from Phoenix’s latest client
Capsicum. (Complete) - Phoenix is sprayed with a powerful mace and Miles watches over him while he recovers
No Day But Today (Complete) - Phoenix is evicted from his apartment and tries to hide it from Miles
A Perfect Revenge (Complete) (TW: Graphic depiction of torture) - von Karma escapes death and patiently waits for the day to execute his revenge against Miles Edgeworth and the attorney who defeated him
Untitled Story... (Complete?) - A hostage situation happens in court and Phoenix is shot protecting Miles
2 fics with the same premise (Both incomplete) - Phoenix realizes his client is really guilty while in trial and tries to subtly let Miles know because said client is threatening him with a gun
Gazing Within (Incomplete) (TW: Referenced Rape) - Phoenix wakes up in the hospital to bad injuries and Miles by his bedside with concerning news of his condition
I’m so evil (Complete) - Miles and Phoenix are trapped in a glass elevator 40 stories up
A Gut Feeling (Incomplete) - Phoenix and Edgeworth are in the middle of a heated cross-examination when Phoenix collapses. It's his appendix, it has to come out now, he had appendicitis and hid it
Under the Gun (Incomplete) (TW: Implied NonCon) -  Phoenix plays poker and wins a familiar looking person
In Sickness and In Health (Incomplete) -  Edgeworth gets in a nasty accident and wakes up in the hospital with amnesia. His last memory is Phoenix Wright beating his perfect record. However, he is told he's married to this very person.
Sick Is As Sick Does Not (Complete) - Miles gets sick while forced to go to a log cabin and everyone is snowed in. The only one who seems to notice his state is Phoenix
List (Complete) - Miles keeps a list of all the things he loves about Phoenix
Nightmares (Multiply Fics; Complete) - Phoenix and Miles comfort each other after having nightmares (There’s also a Klapollo one too)
You Can Cry Now (Complete) - Miles wasn’t the only one who lost someone in that earthquake (This one MAY of been intended as friendship, but I’m consistently wearing shipping goggles)
Forbidden Fruit (Complete) - Just why does Miles always wear a cravat?
Dinner and a Movie (Complete) - Phoenix gets a horrible stomach ache and Miles takes care of him
Frozen (Incomplete; Different fic) - Miles finds Phoenix unconscious during a freak blizzard in LA
Of Life, Pride and Pess (Complete) - Pess seems to of taken a very strong liking to Phoenix, much to Miles’ shock
Post-sex fun! (Complete) - Some pillow talk after sex
Nick's Sick (Complete) - Phoenix calls in sick and everyone seems to have an idea of how to cure him
Dreams of Perfection (Complete) - Phoenix just wants his and Miles wedding to be perfect. Life seems to have other plans though.
Miles' Migraine (Complete) - Miles gets a migraine while working and Phoenix comes over to take care of him
Bad Day (Complete) - Miles has a long day and want nothing more than to go home to his boyfriend who is apparently also working late
Bitter Re-Union (Complete) - What if the poison in the bottle Phoenix ate took effect on him when he ate it?
Reverse Aromatherapy (Complete) - Phoenix accidentally uses Armstrong’s aromatherapy bottles and now smells. Everyone is avoiding him expect Miles, who seems to be trying to get closer to him.
"Hopefully you'll feel the same" (Complete) - Miles is completely wasted and confesses his feelings to Phoenix
Your Secret Admirer (Complete) - Phoenix gets a series of love letters from a secret admirer
Returning the favor (Complete) - Young Phoenix sees young Miles being harassed by bullies, so he stands up for him in thanks for helping him
I'm Yours (Complete) - The sweetest love-making fic you'll probably ever read
Unnecessary Feelings (Complete) - Miles wakes up and silently admires a sleeping Phoenix next to him.
More Loving! (Complete) - Phoenix gets mysterious treats sent by an unknown sender while Miles is out of town
Distant Traces (Complete) - Dahlia has trapped Phoenix in his own mind and is devouring his soul until Edgeworth comes to save him
P/E Kidfluff (Multiple Fills; Both Complete) - Phoenix continues to be picked on for the class trials, and Miles continues to stand up for him
exchanges (Complete) - Miles is planning on proposing to Phoenix, but he feels he needs Trucy’s blessing to do so
The Wright One (Incomplete) - Phoenix runs a matchmaking business and tries to find a match for the incredibly picky Miles Edgeworth
FILL (Complete)  Phoenix has a nightmare while in the hospital after his fall, and Miles finds himself on the comforter end 
The Not So Ordinary (Complete) - After being attacked in court, Phoenix dies in Miles’ arms... or so it seems
True Bluff (Complete) - The Princess Bride battle of wits scene reimagined as Ace Attorney
Consolation Prize (Complete) - Phoenix is tired of Miles always beating him in chess, so he offers a new game to play. Candy Land.
Let Go, Give In (Complete) - Miles accepts his own feelings and confesses them to Phoenix, only to find Phoneix trying to resist his own
Sofa Hair (Complete) - Miles is sick and refuses to go home, no matter how much Phoenix insists it
Commentboxing (Complete) After their officiate is arrested, Phoenix and Miles need someone to perform their wedding ceremony. It seems only Wendy Oldbag is able to do so
Edgeworth's Good Day (Complete) - Miles misses Trucy’s big show and feels absolutely guilty about it
Extinguished (Incomplete; frustrating incomplete) - Phoenix is buried alive somewhere and Miles has to find him
The Bad Guy (Complete) - Phoenix get a parental crisis when Trucy calls Miles the “Fun Dad”
Untitled (Complete) - Phoenix gets some advice from Maya and what to get Miles’ birthday not knowing what he was really asking
Blood Fever (Complete) - Miles has Vulcan ancestry and is going through the Pon Farr... with his eyes set on Phoenix
(If I find any more I like, they will be added to the list)
(This one’s not Narumitsu, but I still like it)
(Was probably supposed to be narumitsu, but the author didn’t get there)
(This is just funny!)
(Trucy doing the Flour Baby assignment)
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