#somebody halp plz!
i-hate-my-drawing · 2 years
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somebody…..anybody help
I can’t stop making these damn things 💀💀
Plz halp 💀💀💀
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chiisana-sukima · 8 years
The Eldritch Bunker
***Collaboration Welcome. Add Your Headcanon Too***
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...because we are going to continually expand these characters                    -Jerry Wanek (thanks, @hazeldomain, for the production shorts!)
@chiisana-sukima (that’s me!) wrote, in a post that didn’t work for adding, because reasons: I think the Bunker is a Good Puppy, and loves Dean, Cas, and Sam all. But because it is a Smart Puppy, it tries really hard for each of them, but sometimes the outcomes aren’t quite what a Human might expect.
Cas and the Bunker understand each other the best. Cas understands about the Bunker being a deeply, weirdly inhuman creature whose existence is too large for mortals to fill. And the Bunker knows Cas gets bored and lonely at night while his human friends are sleeping. So when Cas wanders through the Bunker at night, the Bunker lets him explore its maze-like recesses and dimensions full of wonders and magic that Dean and Sam will never see. When morning is approaching, Cas has to gently remind the Bunker that it’s time for him to go back up to the surface levels where Sam and Dean live, so that the Bunker can lead him out, because even Cas can’t find his way back on his own.
For Dean, there’s an alcove off the garage, full of tools and parts for all the classic cars. And sometimes when its in an especially helpful mood, the Bunker leaves parts for Baby around too, or a better brand of oil than Dean usually buys, and Dean feels suspicious, because how could the MoL have had any of those things, but maybe Sam picked them up, but Sam’s not really into cars…. sometimes it’s best not to question. 
And also for Dean, the way to the dungeon is a little straighter, the corridor a little wider, the locks a little stronger, the soundproofing perfect. The holy water is always well-stocked and the salt never runs out. In the shooting range, the targets are far enough back that they’re right on the edge of Dean’s ability, so he doesn’t just keep getting useless bullseyes over and over. The bunker makes no judgements; it was built for war.
For Sam, one might think the library would be perfectly organized, all the information Sam could want catalogued and easy to find. But the Bunker knows Sam better than that. Sam likes a challenge, and the Bunker likes to learn. It scatters things around for Sam. There are always cluttered new storerooms, another archive, more magical tools to sort. That way Sam will have things to occupy his mind. He’ll make new connections, figure out things the Bunker didn’t know itself. 
And Sam’s room- the Bunker is still angry that Lucifer managed to find it. It’s the best warded room the Bunker has, radiating a false nonexistence so strongly, that from the outside it’s barely there at all. But Cas had been to it too many times already before Lucifer occupied him, and Lucifer was determined.
The Bunker is determined too though. It won’t happen again. When Sam walks through the library, sometimes books fall off the shelves and land open to pages on complex warding patterns. If he’s not paying attention as he walks to his room, there will occasionally be an ancient clay jar of holy oil in the hall that he’ll somehow fail to notice until he’s already kicked it over and broken it. By now there’s a solid wall of holy fire soaked into the floorboards outside Sam’s door, just waiting to be set alight, and a fire spell has etched itself into the wood of the door frame.
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@trisscar368  wrote: Sam’s room - yes PLEASE, because your idea of it being warded like that works perfectly with the fact that it keeps changing location.
The Bunker decided not long after the boys moved in that Sam would be safe when he slept; there were too many nights when Sam would still wake up breathless, the names of lovers and lost friends and tormentors alike all dying unspoken on his lips.  Too many nights where he refused to sleep until it was almost dawn, choosing to distract himself because the memories are just a little too close at hand.  So the Bunker cocoons his room away every night in the depths of the maze; it makes sure to have him back before morning, though it doesn’t always quite put him back in the same place, not after Dean snuck in that one morning to play music on full blast.
It hasn’t quite forgiven Dean for what happened under the Mark.  Oh, it doesn’t blame him particularly for destroying doors when he was a demon; he was a demon, he was barely the same creature.  The Bunker treated him as such - it has no eyes after all - trying to protect Sam by weaving extra passages between the two of them, only letting Dean find Sam when Castiel was close enough to help.  But since that last day with the Steins, with what happened in the library, Dean’s room has a habit of being slightly… misplaced in the morning.  Dean hasn’t said anything.  He still hasn’t forgiven himself, so why would the Bunker?
It wishes Cas would stay more.  It quite agreed with Kevin (oh, the Bunker tried to commune with Kevin’s ghost, but he just couldn’t hear the Eldritch being the way Cas can) that Winchester pity sessions are annoying.  Dean tends to be happier when Cas is around, and, well, the Bunker grew rather attached itself when Cas stayed those few weeks when he was ill.  It tries to feel more like home, this weird amalgamation of ideas and memories of all the people who’ve stayed inside its walls, but it doesn’t quite know what Cas wants; austere hallways of light?  Or dimly lit rooms smelling faintly of whiskey and leather and gunpowder.  Cas doesn’t know what he wants either.
The six weeks when the boys were gone were hard on both Cas and the Bunker.  He had a habit of forgetting the lights, wandering the halls in pitch black, losing himself in the grief and the guilt, trying to hide from the shadow of Lucifer.
Lucifer, now it hates Lucifer.  It hates the scent of rust that trails in his wings.  It hates how Sam stopped sleeping again when the boys knew Lucifer was free.  It hates how Cas sometimes wanders into the kitchen expecting to see a television on the counter, and stands there staring while he remembers where he is.
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@floralmotif  wrote: Follow me below if you want to engage with headcanon speak dabbling in the idea that the bunker is an eldritch abomination. It’s just fun:
I’m actually not sure if it would like people in the same sense as a dog would. It would probably allow Cas a bit more reign just cause he can perceive it a little better and may be able to handle the concepts it presents without his brain shorting out. He may also be unaware of its nature on a conscious level. If this thing were actually a being, it would be pretty powerful even as presented. Amara needed Cas to find Dean in the bunker. This would mean that the bunker theoretically is more powerful than Chuck or Amara or is at least capable of hiding from them. It is no creature of creation. It just kind of settled there, perhaps drawn by the MoL or maybe it manifested on its own and they found it. They may be the only perception of human things its ever experienced. The Winchester’s found it after and it still had the same appearance. It’s possible it looks that way because the MoL were the first to meet it and the Winchesters don’t do anything to tell it any different. It may just be a void in reality with no perception that there is an outside at all. It’s like a computer display. It can display coffee as much as it wants but it doesn’t know what coffee is.
That being said, it’s a lot more fun to imagine it has a personality that can enjoy things and can create easy passage for sleepy Winchesters when it’s 3am and they have work to do. So Dean can find the kitchen easily even when it took him 3x as long when he was a demon. He doesn’t question it, neither of them do. It’s weird sometimes but they wave it on and the Bunker doesn’t mind that its unknown. It’s rather glad of it. No one has ever known it. The closest is maybe Cas but if Chuck didn’t notice the massive being of the cosmos, he probably wouldn’t either. Sometimes though, the bunker opens places for him. It wants to see how far it can go and Cas is a calm and curious being himself.
Perhaps it can sense intent or longing, or fear. It carefully arranges itself for whatever situation feels comfortable for it. The emotions of humans are perplexing but it isn’t a violent creature, it tries to avoid it.
                       (some shorter headcanons below the cut)
 @somekindofsaviour asked: Sam said in ep 12x12 that he has uploaded the Bunker library to an online archive. Don't you think that's really unrealistic? There must be thousands of articles and books in the library. The keywords alone would be a nightmare.
@grey2510 answered: I agree that it’s unrealistic. That kind of job would take FOREVER to do properly on one’s own, even if that’s ALL Sam were doing (and not ya know, hunting and making sure the world doesn’t end). (...)
Who knows. The Bunker already seems to have magical tech capabilities. Maybe it has magical digital archiving. Bonus feature!
@floralmotif​ (in response to a gifset where Mary is walking, and the corridors are going a different direction than usual): Now I’m thinking of an instance where the bunker gets Mary lost. She wanders around until finally getting to the kitchen and Sam and Dean think she’s slept in and she’s like “I got lost. This place makes no sense” and they both look at each other and offer her coffee in concern and confusion because they don’t perceive the Bunker’s nonsense most of the time.
@eruthiawenluin wrote:  #but what about when demon/MoC!dean is roaming the halls?    #and the bunker is //confused//    #because it can sense that there’s something wrong with him but this is //dean//  #but it tries to give sam some reaction time when dean’s after him    #and sam is almost killed for it and stays away from certain areas of the bunker   #and it kind of… panics?    #sam’s already hesitant to call him ‘home’ because of his history (and lack thereof) with 'home’  #so he’s always careful to create detours for sam   #the bunker is a bitter sam boy    
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anxiouslumpypotato · 7 years
Sitting next to a guy in class who is ordering alcohol online because it's cheap rather than pay attention to the prof and if this doesn't sum up uni struggles, then I don't know what does.
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
Ok so... I’ve been trying to figure this out for ages, the RWBY Pairing Colour Game (if Yang and Blake are yellow and purple, RG is red and green/silver and gold, and these are all complementary colours and canon(ish) ships).
It obviously seems like colour is very important to the symbolic order, like say aura and eye colours (windows to the soul) carry such thematic importance (’there will be no victory in strength’ / ‘there’s a light that shines’ re: silver eyes, and that is needless to expand upon, but silver eyes = purification = protection etc. etc.)... anyway, making this about my OTP now
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are his eyes dark blue
and HERS
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if not to TEASE ME
and why is her brooch BLUE (her secret colour)
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(blue and orange are complementary colours on the colour wheel. Like yellow/purple, red/green).
Plz halp, I am constantly fucking tinfoiling with this ship and at war between ‘has fun in the corner making my dollies kiss’ and ‘plz crwby... why’. Somebody just kill my hope now for this ship making sense colour-wise, at least, cuz this is embarrassing.
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scribblemetae · 4 years
Idk if this is a kink but the thought of multiple creampies during seggs 🥴
Okay so I started writing this three times. At first I was like ‘ Not my thing ‘ Then I was like ‘ When I think of it practically I don’t think i’d..’ then my hoe brain took over and she was like... ‘Plz yes’ PHAHAH So if that lets you know how I feel about it you know more than I do... I think it would depend on context of how its used? I dunno... I think I don’t like it but when I pair it with Taehyung theres something crazy appealing ... Somebody halp
Yes I’d 100% write about it though  
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lunarosewood23 · 4 years
Okay what the frick???
Somebody did art of different NPCs as Lightwardens and I was trying to find the one of Haurchefant bc someone on Twitter asked for it AND I CAN'T FIND IT WHAT THE FUCK????
Halp me plz??
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dickbaeson · 6 years
I have a really amazing partner who adores me, and who I love back, BUT I don’t think I ever got to truly explore my Queer side, so it comes out in my dreams instead, my very Gay Dreams. Halp.
i mean, listen, you’re talking to one of the Densest motherfuckers on the planet, so like, as far as i’m concerned, dreams don’t mean jack shit & i don’t think you have anything to worry about.
but this does seem like it’s less about your dreams and more about, shall we say, an Existential Queer Crisis™. you didn’t specify you or your partner’s gender in your question (not that you need to) but through context clues i’m going to assume you’re in a straight-presenting relationship (plz feel free to correct me if i’m wrong). 
i’m also going to assume, from your language (”my queer side”), that you might be compartmentalizing a bit for the sake of your partner--or maybe just for the sake of society as a whole, who knows. whether you felt it was something that needed to be done for the sake of your relationship or whether it’s something you’ve done sub-consciously, it doesn’t really matter. what does matter is that it seems to have gotten to a point where you feel like you can only fully express yourself in your dreams.
now, listen, i am a Certified Dumbass™, so please feel free to take everything that i’m saying with a grain of salt, but one thing that i do want to make absolutely clear is that Your Partner’s Gender Identity Doesn’t Make You Any Less Queer. you dating someone of the opposite sex doesn’t suddenly mean you have a gay side & a straight side, you are still queer regardless & that’s not something somebody can just take away from you, and that includes yourself.
i’m not saying you gotta throw the whole partner away & start over with a Newer, Stronger, Gayer Person, especially not when it’s clear that you love them very much, because tbh i don’t think that would really solve anything. what you can do, though, is start looking into you local queer spaces, find places you can go (whether in person or online, whatever works better for your lifestyle) & people you can talk to & connect with that will understand your struggles. sometimes just having people in your life that can relate to what you’re going through helps so much, and being surrounded by other lgbt people might help to make you feel more at home with yourself.
if your partner is as amazing and loving as you say they are (and i don’t doubt that they are), then you should sit down and talk with them about how you’re feeling. explain that you don’t love them any less, and you’re not asking for either of you to change into something that you’re not, but you feel disconnected from something that is so deeply part of who you are. be honest and upfront about how you’re feeling, and explain how much you would benefit from their support if you decide to explore more of yourself during this time.
i hope this helps, & i also hope that i’m not, like, Totally overreaching here. either way, kiddo, i believe in you & you got this
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best-tiny-box-tim · 6 years
I'm trying to draw a picture for Mark but I keep messing up ;< somebody plz halp
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empress-of-misery · 7 years
So I might do a quick animation (blinking, hand movements, etc.)
I only have Gimp to animate and Sai/Fire Alpaca to draw/animate in.
Are there any FREE or CHEAP anination programs I can get and NOT PAY MONTHLY FEES on? That and use sound (or somebody plz halp)
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plz halp
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literaryartisan · 7 years
tagged both by @khaleesi-onthemoon​ and @lancelotmylove​!  (I notice both of them answered GOT for “last show i watched” hehe)
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better. (A couple of the questions were different between the two, noted as “a” and “b”.)
1. nicknames: Abby or Cata seems mostly what people call me these days. Way back in the 5th or 6th grade one of my classmates called me “Hamster” (because I had a pet hamster) and it was the greatest nickname I ever had.
2. gender: Like I don’t mind marking ‘F’ on forms but sometimes wish I didn’t have to.
3. star sign: Cancer
4. height: 5′9″ with just enough people asking me “are you sure you’re not 5′10″??” to make me question that.
5. time: 1:44am
6. birthday: 7/7
7. favorite band(s): h-how dare you make me pick a favorite?? Epica, Kamelot, Rhapsody (of Fire), The Who, ...I suddenly feel like I’m blanking on some major favorites 0_0
8. favorite solo artist: uh. ???
9. song stuck in my head right now: “The Zoo” - Scorpions
10. last movie I watched: Arrival
11. last show I watched: boku no hero academia (season 1)
12. when I created this blog: June 2012, apparently. What is time even.
13. what I post: hahaha I don’t post, I put things in my drafts (i never should have found that function ever ever ever it’s up to 1762 somebody save me) This was a lot easier when I started and it was just the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Max Payne. Now it’s also MCU, Star Trek, Witcher stuff, puns, lots of animals, SNK, even the occasional Homestuck content. Stuff.
14. last thing I googled: “Scorpions” for the answer above, because I couldn’t remember if they’re just “Scorpions” or if they’re “The Scorpions”. I should know because I just saw them live in concert on Wednesday, but I had to ask google.
15. do I have any other blogs: Vaguely. I tried making a cosplay blog but have not kept up with it ( @ruthlesscata​ )
16. do I get asks: Extremely rarely
17. why did I choose my URL: @truculentbantam​ named me! Way back when she was trying to get me to make an account and I was like “but my usual usernames are taaaaken ;_; halp”
18. followers: 183, now that i’ve purged the latest batch of pornbots (plz stop)
19. following: 201, though many haven’t updated in years ( @deepseafauna​ i miss youuuu)
20a: favorite snack for movie/tv show: This is a really difficult question for some reason. I guess I don’t often snack when watching things and when I do it varies quite a lot? If I’m going to indulge at the theater i’ll get junior mints so there’s that. 20b: favorite colors: Blue and green! I like purples and wear a lot of black too.
21. average hours of sleep: I seem to do best on a solid 8-9 hours but frequently try to make a go of only 5, so let’s say 7. That’s a pretty good average.
23. lucky number: Let’s go with 3
24. instrument: I played piano when I was younger, then started clarinet in middle school and played it through high school, where I’d also sometimes play saxophone (alto, except once a borrowed tenor for some reason). I haven’t played anything in a long while, and I miss it. I’ve always wanted to learn guitar.
25. what am I wearing right now: pajamas.                       ...which tonight are excessively fandom-y. (pj pants with a cap shield design and an attack on titan t-shirt ^^;;)
26a. first celebrity crush: i was going to give a snarky aroace answer but actually... if you count “crush” as “wish i could be friends with”, then Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko on DS9) 26b. how many blankets I sleep with: 1 or 2, depending on the weather. Though I’m also often in my sleeping bag instead (work, travel, camping, etc)
27. dream job: I think I might be doing it guys. I could do without assorted bureaucracy, permit writing, and constantly being on the road, but I wanted to work with animals as a kid and here I am: wildlife biologist.
28. dream trip: I don’t have a dream trip so much as many trips I would love to take. Camping/roadtrip to reprise a canyonlands trips I took with my family when I was young. Camping/roadtrip to explore more of BC and the Yukon. I went to Japan for the first time this year and already I’m like, “But I didn’t get to see this or this” so of course I would like to go back. I want to go back to Costa Rica. There’s so many many places I haven’t been that I would like to see.
29. favorite food: I love food and it’s so hard to choose a favorite. ;_; I have a weakness for pineapple. And also olives I love olives. And minty things. Chocolate. You can do so many delicious different things and call it pizza. I just had a conversation with my sister about how many different varieties of soup there are and how good they are. why is food so good.
30. nationality: usa
22. favorite song: nooooo another ‘favorite’ question!! I will leave you with what has been my song obsession (that I refuse to overplay for myself) for like the past year: “Center of the Universe” - Kamelot
tagging: (optional as always! trying to think of who I haven’t seen do this meme yet...) @truculentbantam @himikochan @falcon-hill @needmorefiction @mooksmookin @ladisadi @summercomfort @faux-pearls @nymphaliday @elephantemos
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fragrantbeast · 7 years
Somebody teach me how to draw so I can make Life is Strange shit.
Plz. Halp.
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antriebsloosigkeit · 8 years
an audiobook of the coming insurrection, except every sentence is followed by
“- but what does it mean ? - nobody know what it means, but it’s provocative ! It gets the people going !”
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opheliamayerswife · 8 years
I really want an autistic!Jules au but i dont know enough about autism to write one and sOMEBODY PLZ HALP
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keleidoscopes · 8 years
I HAVENT BEEN ON IN GOD KNOWS HOW LONG BUT SOMEBODY TALK ABOUT TEEN WOLF WITH ME RIGHT NOW. RIGHT. NOW. That stydia scene not only had me SOBBING but i was shaking and my heart was racing and i was sweaty. IT WAS LIKE FUCKING TEEN WOLF WAS LITERALLY GIVING ME A HEART ATTACK. so yes PLZ SOMEBODY TALK TEEN WOLF WITH ME. SO HELP ME GOD. anyways hi I'm alive. kinda. maybe not after that episode. but yes.
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Plz Halp
Somebody, HELP! I spilled sticky orange sauce on my carpet, what do? D’’’X
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