#i need more dean-focused headcanons too
castiel-w1nchester · 2 months
A Destiel headcanon/fic (fluff)
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When Cas became Lucifer's vessel, Dean felt his absence more than he had ever before.
It wasn't the first time Cas was "gone," but this time was different. Dean could see Cas in his physical form, as a vessel, but that stung even more. It reminded him of all the little things that made Cas, Cas. And he missed them now more than ever.
During their strategizing sessions, Dean worried that the fact that his concern for saving Cas from Lucifer overshadowed saving the universe would become too evident.
He lost sleep over Cas. Dean had always been concerned about the angel, but now his heart beat differently. He was feeling emotions he hadn't felt in a long time. Sometimes he stayed awake, imagining what it would be like to have Castiel around again, to be healed by him, just so he could feel his touch again.
Dean had pictured it a million times in his head, even then he didn't know how to act when Cas finally returned. He had so much to say, yet no words could capture the depth of his emotions.
Back at the bunker, Dean sat at the table, drinking his beer when Cas approached him. Cas studied Dean's bruised face with concern, then gently rested his hand on Dean's cheek. Dean instantly relaxed, leaning into Cas' touch as he felt himself healing, and not just physically.
"Cas, I-" Dean started to speak, but Sam entered the room, interrupting him. Cas withdrew his hand, taking a step back.
"Great, Cas healed you. Now it's your turn to run an errand," Sam said to his brother.
Dean rolled his eyes, standing up. "Wanna come with?" he asked Cas, hoping for a moment alone with him. Cas nodded.
Dean kept glancing at Cas while driving, it was always funny to him how laser focused Cas looked even when nothing alarming was happening. Dean took Cas' hand in his and said, "You need to relax a little".
Cas tilted his head in confusion, "What do you mean?".
Dean chucked and replied, "You know, loosen up a little, you survived freaking LUCIFER, man."
"Then what do you suggest I should do?"
There were a lot of suggestions in Dean's mind, but he let those slide, for now.
When they reached the store, Dean realised he had been holding Cas' hand the entire ride. And the best part was that Cas let him. It wasn't awkward, it simply felt natural. Cas gave him his half-smile, then looked at their hands held together and delicately traced his thumb over Dean's hand. Everything around seemed to fade away, and Dean just wanted to stay in this moment forever.
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angelsdean · 2 years
pt one here
listen. i flip flop on deanbenny all the time and can entertain multiple conflicting headcanons but. dean was SO hyperfocused on finding cas. do i think there was clear homoerotic subtext and attraction? yea. do i think they were really anything beyond
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no-where-new-hero · 10 months
curious to know about your changing attitude towards lm montgomery! i was always someone who focused on her writing over her, but i've definitely had authors I really connected with personally that are like uh oh when I took a deeper look into their life lol (idk if that's what you meant, but it reminded me of that given the kilmeny context)
This is a good and obvious question and I suspected I’d need to explain it as soon as I made that comment lol 😅
So. As everyone here probably knows, I grew up on Emily. I grew up Emily, in a way. I read those books at 11 and never really stopped reading them. I wanted to be Emily and Ilse, I wanted a friend group like theirs with Perry and Teddy, I wanted a mentor like Dean Priest (yes, like Dean), I wanted Emily’s confidence and hard working attitude toward her dream of being a successful writer, I wanted her young success. I thought everything in those books were true and beautiful. Of course, I loved Anne too—I read the Aogg series at around 9-10 and continued rereading my faves as I aged into them but they didn’t speak to me the same way. They didn’t speak through me. They didn’t make me who I am. And I had a strange sense of belonging with the Emily books that was incredibly intimate. They were mine. Someone I knew in college was curious about them because of course I couldn’t help talking about these formative books, but I refused to tell them the title lol. I felt like anyone would immediately know too much about me if they read the series too, and that felt like a violation.
But here I am. I’ve found an incredible community of other LMM fans. You all have read my metas and know my opinions, and I’ve seen some incredible analyses and headcanons that have broken my brain open in the best way about interpreting some stuff. I love it here. But that also means Montgomery isn’t mine in the same ways. The way those books impacted me as a kid won’t ever change, and neither really will the way that the words still twine themselves around my life (having a quote from the books to fall back on to express a hard day still makes the day marginally better). But it’s a bit like a coming out. Your relationship to an inimical thing automatically changes when you share it with other likeminded people, if only because now you have a community to make it greater.
And of course my feelings for Maud herself have changed. I see her racism much more clearly than before. I see how much of her own pain and trauma went into the stories that I wanted to pattern my life on. I see how problematic Dean is lol. And all this doesn’t make me like her any less. But she’s no longer the Holy Grail author she was to me for years and years.
I think part of this is me getting older, of course. I joked to @blackcatwalking when I turned 24 that I passed Emily’s debut age and would soon out-age her altogether. (@blackcatwalking’s extremely soothing reply was that this was why we have Valancy Stirling! To prove life doesn’t end at the end of our 20s!) But all jokes aside, and as much as I identify with Emily, I have made those books what they are to me because of myself, if that makes sense. The whole “there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers” thing. Maud’s Emily isn’t my Emily, and my Emily and my own self and the stories I write and carry around because of her have to grow out of Maud’s shadow and take their own identity.
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wolfpants · 2 years
like a brother would (a ronarry one-shot)
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Like A Brother Would | Rated E | 5.2k
Ron shivers, and his fingers are numb as he rearranges his jeans on the back of a chair. He starts slightly when he feels the rough slide of a blanket drape over his back, and he turns to find Harry right there, clasping it closed with slightly trembling hands over the front of Ron’s chest.
His eyes are so big. Too big. Ron’s always thought that Harry carries the whole fucking world in his eyes and—it’s too much.
“You just left,” Harry says. His voice is rough. His eyes are too big. He’s too close.
“You told me to,” Ron whispers. 
“Yeah,” Harry says, and he hesitates. His hands are still clasped around the front of the blanket, holding it in place over Ron’s bare chest. The front of Harry’s hair is a little wet, just where it curls against the slant of his cheek, the edge of his scar. 
Ron wants to tell him, again, that he’s not focused, that he’s not planning this whole thing through properly, that he keeps missing things. That they need more structure, that he wouldn’t have lost his temper like he had if only they had the safety of a strategy. 
But he also wants to say that they’re kids, they’re just fucking kids, and what the hell are they doing, how are they supposed to fix this, and he just wants to go home, and have a decent fucking meal, and not think about how Harry and Hermione are getting closer, and how even though he chose Harry first, Harry always seems to choose someone else.
What if Ron returned to the tent that night in the Forest of Dean?
This is a humble little (early!) birthday fic for the wonderful and wonderfully talented @oknowkiss. Thank you for being you - funny, warm, endlessly gifted with the old pen. I cackle every time we share our (often filthy) headcanons and fic ideas across the pond. You mentioned once that you'd like me to write a canon divergence fic set in the Forest of Dean after Ron storms off and, well... this is the result! I hope you like it! 💖
Thank you so much to my wonderful superteam of betas/cheerreaders @academicdisasterfic @sweet-s0rr0w @the-starryknight!
Like A Brother Would on ao3
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bullied trans masc s/o hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; anonymous (16/02/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “hi! I was wondering if I could get headcanons for Hunter, with a transmasc s/o?
Specifically one who’s struggling with bullying in Hexside after coming out. (this could honestly verge into protective Hunter very quickly, so if it’s too similar to any of your other requests I totally understand!)”
warning(s) ; bullying, transphobia, hurt and lots of comfort
note ; changed the school to an unnamed high school in a different area as even the bullies at hexside are shown to be accepting
the two of you had been a thing before you publicly came out, back when you were still keeping your transition private to anyone beyond your immediate circle
and he was so very proud of you when you made the decision to start socially transitioning at your school — getting you a cake to celebrate and going with you when you went to the dean and asked them to correct your information records to reflect your identity as it is now
the staff were accepting and everyone seemed to be fine with it — until hunter left for the day
that was when the bullying started
the moment the revered golden guard was out of sight they descended on you like a pack of starved wolves eager for a feast
snidely picking apart everything about you in writing and in whispers too quiet for the teachers to catch
throwing around the words ‘girl’ and ‘feminine’ like knives, each one sharpened to perfection and aimed just so — slicing through your well placed barriers and tearing your confidence and euphoria to shreds
ribbons of assuredness falling to the floor like blood soaked snow, leaving no room for warmth and reprieve even as the last bell rang and you were dismissed for the day
by the time you’d gotten home you were a wreck: cheeks and uniform stained with tears, quivering bitten lips, red eyes and trembling limbs that felt more like jelly or mulch than bone
you wanted nothing more than to disappear or go back in time and keep your identity a secret
and then hunter showed up, cheery and optimistic with a gift in hand, eager to ask you about your day
then he saw you and stopped and took of his mask
and you ran into his arms and just broke down, him cradling you close to his chest whilst he shushes and kisses and comforts you as best he can
‘babe, what’s wrong? do you want to talk about it?’
‘i’m here now, it’s okay,’
‘let it all out, it’s okay,’
‘i’m not going anywhere, take all the time you need,’
he holds you like that until your sobs have subsided enough for you to explain what happened — what you were told and how you were treated
and hunter is absolutely horrified and infuriated
comforting you and assuring you whilst planning exactly what’s going to happen to those students — bigotry is unheard of in the isles and he wants to stamp it out before it takes root
but, for now, he focuses on you
‘what a load of crap, you’re not a girl babe,’
‘you’re my boyfriend — which, y’know, means the exact opposite of whatever they were spinning,’
‘those guys are a bunch of bullies, don’t take their lies to heart — they don’t know the first thing about you,’
‘definitely jealous because of how handsome you are,’
‘their heads are so far up their own asses that all they can do is talk shit,’
spitting venom towards those that hurt you disguised as scathing remarks whilst he showered you in affection
doing everything he could do make sure that you know that you’re loved, that you’re who you are and that those bullies don’t know the first thing about you
that you’re his geeky adorable boyfriend and it’s his job to look after you — and maybe break a few noses (he is due to go there for a coven expo and he’d be able to pass off those injuries as training)
he’ll protect you for as long as you’ll let him and he’ll be damned before he lets anyone treat you so poorly
and he won’t, not after this
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coffincanary · 1 year
hi dove!!!! i've got AU brain something fierce today so i wanna know what YOUR favorite wincest aus are! fics, headcanons, anything, i love hearing how people put those boys in situations
Happy WW, Thank you for the ask Rae!! And this is the perfect ask for me because AUs are my favorite thing :D I love way too many AUs tbh so I can't really go into too much detail with each of them because that'd be way too long. I love things like Sam actually becoming the boyking of hell or Demon!Dean feeding Sam some blood. But I think my biggest current (admittedly horny) obsession right now is genderbent AU's, especially Sam/Deanna. Ever since I've read @wastemanjohn's take on Sam/Deanna's first time I've had brainworms about that dynamic <3 I like the idea of Deanna growing up a little bit differently than canon Dean, still as a hunter but 100% more pampered. She still goes along with John on hunts, and she's still the (somewhat) responsible older sister, but she'd probably get a little bit more leeway from John in regards to her mistakes, because while John would absolutely see Mary in Dean, he does even more so in Deanna. As a result, he goes a little soft on her and because of that, Deanna can be a little bit reckless in the normal teenager/young adult sort of way. She takes Sam out to parties, she lets him get drunk and, once he's old enough in her eyes, encourages him to hook up. She's more openly sexual with her brother since she's not really held back by any ideas of masculinity, but there might also be a little bit more restraint there, too? There are things that Sam and Deanna do that Sam and Dean wouldn't and vice versa and I think that is largely due to the fact that Deanna treats Sam's affection and desire as puppy love. After all, she's the only steady female figure in Sam's life, so those feelings are probably normal. She'd practice kissing with Sam, and maybe she'd give him his first blowjob, but she'd always be the one touching him, not the other way around. She does like her brother, but she feels like he should grow up and find someone else, and focuses most of her affection on John. She doesn't really satisfy much of her own needs when she does anything with Sam. Meanwhile, I think pre-Stanford Sam and Dean wouldn't really excuse their relationship as puppy-love, for them it'd both be pretty serious, which is why they would be pretty hesitant with each other, aside from maybe joint jerk-off sessions. I feel like it only becomes serious post-Stanford. Deanna poured a lot of her physical and romantic affection towards her father, and when she encounters Sam again and Sam looks at her with those same loving eyes and Deanna can't really go to her father with it, she's forced to confront it. The fact that her brother still seems to like her that way and that she still wants him. I think they don't really beat around the bush after that, too, no shame or things like that, because they crossed that line pretty long ago, so crossing it again is, essentially, normal.
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chiisana-sukima · 8 years
The Eldritch Bunker
***Collaboration Welcome. Add Your Headcanon Too***
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...because we are going to continually expand these characters                    -Jerry Wanek (thanks, @hazeldomain, for the production shorts!)
@chiisana-sukima (that’s me!) wrote, in a post that didn’t work for adding, because reasons: I think the Bunker is a Good Puppy, and loves Dean, Cas, and Sam all. But because it is a Smart Puppy, it tries really hard for each of them, but sometimes the outcomes aren’t quite what a Human might expect.
Cas and the Bunker understand each other the best. Cas understands about the Bunker being a deeply, weirdly inhuman creature whose existence is too large for mortals to fill. And the Bunker knows Cas gets bored and lonely at night while his human friends are sleeping. So when Cas wanders through the Bunker at night, the Bunker lets him explore its maze-like recesses and dimensions full of wonders and magic that Dean and Sam will never see. When morning is approaching, Cas has to gently remind the Bunker that it’s time for him to go back up to the surface levels where Sam and Dean live, so that the Bunker can lead him out, because even Cas can’t find his way back on his own.
For Dean, there’s an alcove off the garage, full of tools and parts for all the classic cars. And sometimes when its in an especially helpful mood, the Bunker leaves parts for Baby around too, or a better brand of oil than Dean usually buys, and Dean feels suspicious, because how could the MoL have had any of those things, but maybe Sam picked them up, but Sam’s not really into cars…. sometimes it’s best not to question. 
And also for Dean, the way to the dungeon is a little straighter, the corridor a little wider, the locks a little stronger, the soundproofing perfect. The holy water is always well-stocked and the salt never runs out. In the shooting range, the targets are far enough back that they’re right on the edge of Dean’s ability, so he doesn’t just keep getting useless bullseyes over and over. The bunker makes no judgements; it was built for war.
For Sam, one might think the library would be perfectly organized, all the information Sam could want catalogued and easy to find. But the Bunker knows Sam better than that. Sam likes a challenge, and the Bunker likes to learn. It scatters things around for Sam. There are always cluttered new storerooms, another archive, more magical tools to sort. That way Sam will have things to occupy his mind. He’ll make new connections, figure out things the Bunker didn’t know itself. 
And Sam’s room- the Bunker is still angry that Lucifer managed to find it. It’s the best warded room the Bunker has, radiating a false nonexistence so strongly, that from the outside it’s barely there at all. But Cas had been to it too many times already before Lucifer occupied him, and Lucifer was determined.
The Bunker is determined too though. It won’t happen again. When Sam walks through the library, sometimes books fall off the shelves and land open to pages on complex warding patterns. If he’s not paying attention as he walks to his room, there will occasionally be an ancient clay jar of holy oil in the hall that he’ll somehow fail to notice until he’s already kicked it over and broken it. By now there’s a solid wall of holy fire soaked into the floorboards outside Sam’s door, just waiting to be set alight, and a fire spell has etched itself into the wood of the door frame.
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@trisscar368  wrote: Sam’s room - yes PLEASE, because your idea of it being warded like that works perfectly with the fact that it keeps changing location.
The Bunker decided not long after the boys moved in that Sam would be safe when he slept; there were too many nights when Sam would still wake up breathless, the names of lovers and lost friends and tormentors alike all dying unspoken on his lips.  Too many nights where he refused to sleep until it was almost dawn, choosing to distract himself because the memories are just a little too close at hand.  So the Bunker cocoons his room away every night in the depths of the maze; it makes sure to have him back before morning, though it doesn’t always quite put him back in the same place, not after Dean snuck in that one morning to play music on full blast.
It hasn’t quite forgiven Dean for what happened under the Mark.  Oh, it doesn’t blame him particularly for destroying doors when he was a demon; he was a demon, he was barely the same creature.  The Bunker treated him as such - it has no eyes after all - trying to protect Sam by weaving extra passages between the two of them, only letting Dean find Sam when Castiel was close enough to help.  But since that last day with the Steins, with what happened in the library, Dean’s room has a habit of being slightly… misplaced in the morning.  Dean hasn’t said anything.  He still hasn’t forgiven himself, so why would the Bunker?
It wishes Cas would stay more.  It quite agreed with Kevin (oh, the Bunker tried to commune with Kevin’s ghost, but he just couldn’t hear the Eldritch being the way Cas can) that Winchester pity sessions are annoying.  Dean tends to be happier when Cas is around, and, well, the Bunker grew rather attached itself when Cas stayed those few weeks when he was ill.  It tries to feel more like home, this weird amalgamation of ideas and memories of all the people who’ve stayed inside its walls, but it doesn’t quite know what Cas wants; austere hallways of light?  Or dimly lit rooms smelling faintly of whiskey and leather and gunpowder.  Cas doesn’t know what he wants either.
The six weeks when the boys were gone were hard on both Cas and the Bunker.  He had a habit of forgetting the lights, wandering the halls in pitch black, losing himself in the grief and the guilt, trying to hide from the shadow of Lucifer.
Lucifer, now it hates Lucifer.  It hates the scent of rust that trails in his wings.  It hates how Sam stopped sleeping again when the boys knew Lucifer was free.  It hates how Cas sometimes wanders into the kitchen expecting to see a television on the counter, and stands there staring while he remembers where he is.
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@floralmotif  wrote: Follow me below if you want to engage with headcanon speak dabbling in the idea that the bunker is an eldritch abomination. It’s just fun:
I’m actually not sure if it would like people in the same sense as a dog would. It would probably allow Cas a bit more reign just cause he can perceive it a little better and may be able to handle the concepts it presents without his brain shorting out. He may also be unaware of its nature on a conscious level. If this thing were actually a being, it would be pretty powerful even as presented. Amara needed Cas to find Dean in the bunker. This would mean that the bunker theoretically is more powerful than Chuck or Amara or is at least capable of hiding from them. It is no creature of creation. It just kind of settled there, perhaps drawn by the MoL or maybe it manifested on its own and they found it. They may be the only perception of human things its ever experienced. The Winchester’s found it after and it still had the same appearance. It’s possible it looks that way because the MoL were the first to meet it and the Winchesters don’t do anything to tell it any different. It may just be a void in reality with no perception that there is an outside at all. It’s like a computer display. It can display coffee as much as it wants but it doesn’t know what coffee is.
That being said, it’s a lot more fun to imagine it has a personality that can enjoy things and can create easy passage for sleepy Winchesters when it’s 3am and they have work to do. So Dean can find the kitchen easily even when it took him 3x as long when he was a demon. He doesn’t question it, neither of them do. It’s weird sometimes but they wave it on and the Bunker doesn’t mind that its unknown. It’s rather glad of it. No one has ever known it. The closest is maybe Cas but if Chuck didn’t notice the massive being of the cosmos, he probably wouldn’t either. Sometimes though, the bunker opens places for him. It wants to see how far it can go and Cas is a calm and curious being himself.
Perhaps it can sense intent or longing, or fear. It carefully arranges itself for whatever situation feels comfortable for it. The emotions of humans are perplexing but it isn’t a violent creature, it tries to avoid it.
                       (some shorter headcanons below the cut)
 @somekindofsaviour asked: Sam said in ep 12x12 that he has uploaded the Bunker library to an online archive. Don't you think that's really unrealistic? There must be thousands of articles and books in the library. The keywords alone would be a nightmare.
@grey2510 answered: I agree that it’s unrealistic. That kind of job would take FOREVER to do properly on one’s own, even if that’s ALL Sam were doing (and not ya know, hunting and making sure the world doesn’t end). (...)
Who knows. The Bunker already seems to have magical tech capabilities. Maybe it has magical digital archiving. Bonus feature!
@floralmotif​ (in response to a gifset where Mary is walking, and the corridors are going a different direction than usual): Now I’m thinking of an instance where the bunker gets Mary lost. She wanders around until finally getting to the kitchen and Sam and Dean think she’s slept in and she’s like “I got lost. This place makes no sense” and they both look at each other and offer her coffee in concern and confusion because they don’t perceive the Bunker’s nonsense most of the time.
@eruthiawenluin wrote:  #but what about when demon/MoC!dean is roaming the halls?    #and the bunker is //confused//    #because it can sense that there’s something wrong with him but this is //dean//  #but it tries to give sam some reaction time when dean’s after him    #and sam is almost killed for it and stays away from certain areas of the bunker   #and it kind of… panics?    #sam’s already hesitant to call him ‘home’ because of his history (and lack thereof) with 'home’  #so he’s always careful to create detours for sam   #the bunker is a bitter sam boy    
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Sam Winchester
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Sam Winchester Bingo Masterlist | 1 work
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His Rose | 106
Sam was captured, held and chained, waiting for things to happen. And then, she came.
Freeze This Moment | 99
The date was coming to an end though neither Sam nor Y/N wanted it to.
I Won't Say It | 100
She's falling for Sam
From The Pits Of Hell | 101
She mourned him
Not Moving | 100
Sam doesn't want to move
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Headcanon: Sam X Demon!Reader
Sam dating a short girl
Sam as a clingy drunk
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Babe, Seriously? | 827
Y/N wants Sam’s attention. Pure fluff and a lil but of making out as well
Don't Ignore Me | 1.9k
Sam is insecure and hides it behind the wonderful idea of simply not talking. Naturally, Y/N is fuming as she can't read minds
Head Rubs n Cuddling | 1.2k
Y/N likes to play with Sam's hair. He notices. It's cute
A Greeting | 550
Y/N didn't expect this when she opened the door
I'll Be Home For Christmas | 1.7k
it's Christmas Eve and Sam promised to be home.
Listen To My Voice | 595
"You two stay safe and get home in one piece"
I'll Hold You'Til The Hurt Is Gone | 2.3k
Sam gets hurt on a hunt and while Y/N tries to patch him up, everyone's a little too nervous for the situation
It's A Clumsy Life | 542
Y/N cuts her finger accidentally. Sam's there to make it better
I Will Help You Hunt | 3.1k
ten years ago, Sam had met Y/N in his senior year and saved her from a convent of witches. Now they met again on a hunt and she was determined to help.
Can We Dance? | 1.4k
when Sam came home to the bunker, he found his girlfriend waiting with music and all the patience in the world. He didn't know how he had gotten so lucky. Takes place a year or two after the events of I Will Help You Hunt but doesn't necessarily needs to be read beforehand (all you need to know is that they met before and Sam saved her in their senior year from a bunch of witches)
Your Hands On Me | 849
Sam liked to try things. Y/N was more than happy to try them with him.
Make It Better | 1k
Y/N wasn't in their bed. Sam was beginning to worry
Badass Is A Turn On | 493
Sam had a helpful realisation mid battle
Don't Die | 861
Y/N wanted to go on a hunt with Dean while Sam had to stay back with an injured leg. Neither of them was happy about it
I Keep My Promises | 1.4k
Sam and Dean had just smoked out a nest of vampires when the two survivers decided to get revenge by kidnapping Y/N.
A Flicker Of Hope | 2.7k
The wall in Sam's mind was deteriorating with every passing day and still he held on. Y/N had to make sure that he didn't need to any more
Oops? | 602
it was Sam's turn to pick someone up from the hospital. Unlike Dean though, Y/N was more prone to little injuries, much to Sam's amusement
Nothing To Wear | 1.2k
Sam noticed some oddities in Y/N's behaviour. As the good boyfriend he was, he helped her with her problems
Pasta To The Rescue | 1.2k
The cheery sound of bells rang through the house - Sam could here it outside still - and moments later, light footsteps followed.
Sam stood up a little straighter, squared his shoulders and put on a smile that would hopefully distract from the blood seeping through his shirt sleeve. The door opened and revealed Y/N with a fork full of spaghetti in her hand.
Nap Time | 862
long study sessions led to exhaustion, everyone knew that. What else could help better than a little nap?
Focus And Boredom | 688
Y/N was bored, Sam was focused and Dean wanted to learn new moves. a completely normal day at the bunker
Study Sessionus Interruptus | 888
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studying. Y/N's current life summed up in exactly one word. Luckily there is also Sam who makes sure that they don't get too lost in it
Let's Go Home | 1.2k
you work as a teacher at the local high school and often stay later than you mean to. Luckily, you've got a husband who checks his watch regularly
I Bet You Think About Me | 6.2k
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
A new person messes with Sam's head. For once, it's the fun kind though
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Main Masterlist
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thatblondeperson · 3 years
What are some of your more... rated R TimSteph headcanons?
Answering this one because I don't have to fig fof issue numbers for this. (Except oops I did cuz I'm not fucking around today I guess.)
I don't have like...a ton of headcanons here, but I do have some.
For starters, while I'm very ace, I don't believe either Tim or Steph are ace. I could make a case for Steph being demi!ace, but eh. It's not a priority headcanon for me.
But hey hey, that's not what we came here for.
I feel like, and I could ramble about this forever, that their first time would be something very special. While others have written fics where Tim isn't a virgin when this occurs, imma keep him as such to put them on equal ground. (I am aware that Steph is not a virgin, but I refuse to believe Dean was a smooth ride. She deserves better. )
Tim did have that one instance where Ari wanted to cross that threshold with him, (and they were 14!!! Yeesh!!!) and Tim turned her down. Nor because he didn't want to, just not yet. It's suggested that Tim at this point is a wait till marriage guy, and throughout Robin he's consistently not pushy or really focused on that kind of physical connection. He likes smoochies, but he's tame otherwise. Fast forwarding to RR, his hormones have caught up with him a bit, but while he's thinking about things more, he's not acting on them.
Tim is not a one night stand guy imo. Tim wants emotional connection, he wants trust, and this is mirrored by Steph who has a whole different experience with this matter.
Stephanie has suffered several counts of sexual assault. As a child there was Jim Murray who was a threat to her, who fully intended to violate her when she was eleven. (Robin #111)
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There was Dean who was definitely not a teenager who she was with way too young, and he only came back around after she'd given up her kid to what? Keep fooling around? Gross. (Robin #80)
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And then there's the heavy HEAVY implication that Black Mask sexually assaulted her as a part of her torture in War Games. (Robin #130)
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Super disturbing comments to make towards a 16yo.
Yes we are, but it's crucial to the convo about sex.
Stephanie also desperately needs trust. She needs care and gentleness she needs patience and understanding. Tim already being slow to the finish line himself, I think he's a perfect match in this scenario, and her natural empathy is also a good match for him.
Are we getting into vulnerability again? Fuck yeah we are.
Shedding masks and layers is a symbol of their growth as a couple. Whether literal or metaphorical, these two took their sweet time opening up 100% to one another. That last layer shed would be an emotional explosion for them. There's not a single barrier after that, that's about as intimately as they can know each other. I think in a way, even by RR, Tim is already kinda there. If they stuck around each other a bit more, worked up a better repertoire, if something had started between them and Steph suggested it? I don't think there would be much pushback from him. But Steph needs more reassurance. She's down for trust, but it's more than that. She wants reliability, stability, she wants love. I think when that shoe drops, it'll be an easy decision for her.
There's the idea that Tim being the boy virgin would be bumpy and uncoordinated, but let me plant a dif idea in your head. Tim is an overachiever, he's a planner, he's meticulous and hyper focused, he's diligent. Watch him try to work overtime to get it right. Even if he finished fast due to emotional overstimulation of experiencing the that kind of uninhibited love and affection and giving all of yourself to one person, I want someone to tell me that he wouldn't still try to make it better for Steph. He's a good guy, he cares for the people he loves, let him show it. Let him also ask WAY too many times if what he's doing is okay. He has to be sure.
And for sure, Timmy's a giver. 😏😏😏
I do think, as do many, that they're pretty vanilla. I don't think they're hopping onto any crazy kinks. Look me dead in the eye and tell me either of them likes being tied up after looking at the panel of Steph above, and the fact that in RR issue #24, Tim was also tied up and nearly r*ped.
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(And I haven't even talked about Tim being sexually assaulted by Rose Wilson but I'm sure that puts a damper on certain types of kinky shit)
I know there's a heavy fandom focus on pegging for TimSteph, and while I'm not going to discredit it, I think a lot of fans use it to hyperfeminize Tim or use it as an excuse to push the hypersexual Steph headcanon that I despise. I don't think either of them is truly trying to dominate the other. I think they are taking turns taking care of each other. They switch it up.
As far as how kinky it gets, I'm firm on Tim being a biter. I think there's the occasional bout of "can't keep hands off each other" neediness, but not so much that it would happen in public. (ie: they're not ducking into a bathroom at a restaurant any time soon, or parking the Redbird somewhere to have a go. Well...maybe. I do think they're not as frequent as a TV drama, but there's a sort of unspoken cue that they have where they just know what they need. Maybe it's not a full go, maybe it's just a bit of intimates touches and lip/bite marks in extra places, but it's just a re-centering for them. Shower sex? Sure. Wash away troubles and engage in a bit of dopamine heavy fun times. This also works for bubble baths.
I think for them sex isn't so much a "I need this feeling" it's an "I need to feel you" type of dealio.
Sex is connection. It's a warmth that melts them together. And yes, Tim has absolutely cried during it a handful of times, as well as blurting out some very awkward sweet nothings in the moment because he's a bit overwhelmed and he becomes unfiltered. Dirty talk? Nah. Mildly incoherent comments about how incredible Steph is and how he wants to be with her forever? Yah.
Just let them get lost in the physical love that neither of them have received or experienced before. LET THEM.
THANK YOU ANON!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved this one, I hope you weren't looking for something dirtier cuz instead we went into angst territory! Pro tip: it will always be angst territory with me. 💜❤
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septembersghost · 3 years
"#i look at him and think. he doesn't know. he has no idea" I think that every time I see baby Dean 😭😭😭
he's only 26 years old. 26 years old and he's been in this life since he was four. his baby brother was put in a bundle in his arms, and fire reflected in the irises of his eyes, and smoke singed his nostrils, and he was so small, but he carried it, he held it up. that weight wasn't only sam, it was the chasm he had to fill, a place he had to become where the echo he was chasing never even truly existed.
he's had to cope with being apart from his brother, the only person he really had, but also the person he had to take care of, before and after himself because no one else would, for a couple of lonely years, years where we don't really know what happened to him, how much his focus narrowed to the cold, brutal task of hunting alone (although we do know he met cassie at some point, however briefly), how often he rolled from one town to another with no one at his side during that time. he doesn't get to leave the life, it is his life. he plays the role of soldier like he has, and it's still never quite enough. how many times did john leave him to handle things alone? how many times did he pick up the phone to call sam and hang it up again, because he was afraid he wouldn't answer or that he wouldn't want to hear from him? how many times did he get a space that was free where he drove to stanford to check on him (this is headcanon but, let's be honest. it was not john who went to stanford to make sure sam was doing alright). how many times did he just long to laugh with him again? but he let it go, and faded into the background, and was a bit of a specter himself. (they say, "you're a little much for me, you're a liability, you're a little much for me." so they pull back, make other plans. I understand, I'm a liability, get you wild, make you leave. I'm a little much for everyone.)
then his father disappears, and he's so desperate he goes to his brother for help. and he gets him back, but for the worst possible reason, in a way that takes his brother and burnishes him into something else, curves him into someone who's going to carry vengeance in his bones forever, the way their father does, and he has to worry that sam will become like that too, too driven, too angry, too focused on payback to even be himself anymore. but then it gets worse, because there's something else happening to him. something bigger. and their dad doesn't even pick up the phone when they go back home for the first time. when they stand in front of the ghost of their mother. and their dad doesn't even pick up the phone when dean is dying.
he's 26 years old and he's so world-weary that he doesn't even fight against that death. makes light of it, checks himself out of the hospital, insists that he's probably not worth saving. it's sam who has to drag him to the surface, sam who has to make a choice to save him, a choice with consequences (a choice he'd make again), and dean is tired, and more than a little lost. his grief and confusion needs to be put aside because there are other things to handle. deep down, he's so happy to have sam there again, but guilty due to the circumstances because sam had to lose so much for it to happen. he jokes and he joyfully turns up the music and he comforts children and he looks at his brother in the passenger seat, in their home, and he wants to be whole again. all he wants is to be a family again. all he wants is to not be left alone. he's older than he should ever have to be, and he's recklessly, hopelessly, beautifully young.
he has no idea what lies ahead on that road. the machinations, the plotting of the celestial and the gaping maw of the dark, the endless suffering and loss after loss, how the pain of each one could bleed him to death. he doesn't know that the suffocating pressure of it isn't merely in fighting or trying to save people (all the people, that's the quota), while learning to grasp hold of his own agency. how he'll willingly give up his soul rather than sit with his brother's body. how the fragments of love scattered everywhere around him, because of him, are abiding and transfixing and a little terrifying.
he's just a boy in a too large leather jacket with a pretty gun that was put into his hands when he was far too young, flashing a smile from behind the wheel, hoping this time things will be better, this time he'll be enough, this time sam will want to stay, this time things will be mended when they're all reunited. just this one time. haven't they earned it? can't he ask for that one small mercy alone? this time they'll make it through, and his heart will stitch itself right again.
and i want to say, darling, you're already worth so much. please find a safer road to drive. and i know he wouldn't be able to anyway.
untold words that i have spilled but i could never capture what he means or how i knew i'd always love him. and now we're here - but that's still true.
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touchstarvedsam · 4 years
Sam and Dean are the definition of queerplatonic relationship
Just to drag the point home: A queerplatonic relationship is a type of relationship that isn't sexual or romantic, but signifies a more intense level of commitment, companionship, and/or love than a platonic friendship.
Sam and Dean are exactly that. Their relationship is beyond a normal sibling relationship. They love each other more than anything in the entire world but they’re not in love with each other. But despite not being in love, there is also no one else for them. It’s always been about each other. They have always chosen each other over everyone and everything.
Dean left Lisa, Sam left Amelia, Dean killed one of his closest friends to save Sam despite Benny risking his life to help Dean through purgatory. Dean didn’t care that closing the gates of hell meant no more demons if it meant losing Sam. Dean gave in and chose not to lock himself away in the Ma’lak box because Sam asked him not to. Dean was crushed when Sam even suggested that Dean would trade Sam to get his hands on Chuck.
Sam gave up on wanting the apple pie life years prior because all he wanted was to be with his brother. He no longer wanted “normal” or “safe” he just wanted his brother. He didn’t actively pursue Eileen because he knew she wasn’t for him. Dean was the one pushing them together because he thought the apple pie life was what Sam still wanted, and although it would hurt like hell so late in the game, Dean would have let Sam go if he chose her. But Sam didn’t. Sam’s happiness has always been riding shotgun next to Dean.
I’ve been headcanoning for years that Dean is aromantic and Sam is on the asexual spectrum. Sam feels demisexual to me; it just feels right. But Dean is aro, there is no doubt about that, not anymore, not after fifteen seasons of him choosing his baby brother over everyone else, friend, mother, etc.
The term queerplatonic relationship was coined by asexuals and aromantics (so Sam and Dean) and Supernatural gave us the most aro/ace ending they could have ever given us. Supernatural as a whole is queerplatonic, so that’s the representation right there. My dumbass is aro/ace and I feel perfectly represented with Supernatural, honestly. I’m also bisexual and wasn’t looking for any kind of representation in that sense in the show because I know that’s not what the show is about. It was never about that. The show is and always was about Sam and Dean and their psychotic, irrational, erotic codependence on each other. Real fans got that. It was never about sex; we never wanted them to have sex. We wanted platonic, we got platonic, and those of us that are real fans understood and loved the show for what it was.
It’s just so refreshing to watch something that doesn’t center on romance or sexual relationships. Supernatural was gritty and dark and sometimes bad but the show has so much meaning. It gives so much to those of us that have no desire to be in a relationship.
There’s too much media focusing on romantic relationships and I just want so badly to see more platonic relationships. That’s what Supernatural has given me and I am so grateful for it. Sam and Dean’s relationship wasn’t perfect -- in fact it was fucked up and twisted -- but it’s what has kept the vast majority of fans tuning in every week, for every new season. Every relationship in Supernatural ended up being platonic and that is what is so beautiful to me. True fans didn’t want or need romance, we just needed the brothers and their queerplatonic relationship with each other.
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deanwasalwaysbi · 4 years
12x06 - Mary is Dean - So Jody Mills, You Learn that Boy Some Soft
Sam and Dean stop at Jody’s - Their mom has walked out and maybe they needed some motherly affection from Platonic mom Jody.                                                                 -  or  - Dean needs to hear that you can both be badass AND have feelings watch chick flicks. Whhhaaaaaahhhhh?!
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Toxic Feminity. [“Pick a bloody side!” ‘Or What?’] I don’t think it’s a coincidence that in this episode we get Max Banes, a cute and openly gay witch who hunts with his sibling. Below the cut for analysis of 12x06, Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox (cont. under the cut)
Mary is being portrayed as a stand in for Dean, or at least Performing!Dean.  In 12x03 she likes Bacon! She likes loud music! We must be the saaaaammmme peeeerrrrrson. ‘We are so related.’ 
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When we met young Mary in ‘In the Beginning’ she was a stand in for Sam.  Mary wanted to get out of that hunter life her father brought her up in, she got dragged in by tragedy but that wasn’t her goal.  Like Sam, Mary has come to be drawn to hunter life by 12x06 to hide in it from her pain.  
Instead, in season 12, the show has made Mary a stand in for Dean.  Mary had herself her very own muscle car as a stand in for performance personality baby, she was ‘saving people. hunting things.’ she inspired another hunter ... but that’s a different essay.  [Common! Bacon and loud music guys! they are like, clearly the same person!] Mary is scared.  She blames herself for everything the Winchesters have endured, not just in the 12 years of the show but over their entire lives.  If Mary hadn’t have made the demon deal, she reasoned, none of it would have happened. 
[Okay let’s just move on and not note that actually Sam was always going to be Lucifer’s perf vessel and Dean, Michael’s, and let’s FURTHER ignore the fact that John would have been dead and Mary would have been single mom to Dean and Sam wouldn’t have existed. Not mentioning, because it does not matter, nope. nope. nope. ahem. anyway.]
It’s not just bacon - it’s about guilt - it’s about not feeling you are deserving of love - that you deserve to be saved.   I have just NO IDEA WHO THAT MIGHT SOUND LIKE. [cue Cas/Misha in my brain].
With this cloud hanging over Dean, the boys go to visit Jody and we learn the truly shocking news.  Jody. Watches. Chick Flicks. Mind. Blown. Yes, Dean, you aren’t the only one. You don’t have to hide your secret shame. We already know that you like chick flicks.  You admitted it in the season 11 finale.
Now that we’ve established that, Jody can challenge him on actual feelings once Mary shows up.   Awww, surrogate mom meets Mary mom. 
“Is that why you spent the entire ride up here telling me in extreme excruciating detail about how you killed Hitler but uh, you neglected to mention that somehow your mom is back from the dead?”
Jody might be teaching Dean that it’s okay to have feelings. But fake Dean Mary has some learnin’ to do too.   Billie is talking about Mary the way she will later talk about dean in season 13 .  But now Dean can step up and talk about feelings, sort of.  Mary’s learning that she didn’t just condemn Asa, she saved him and he saved others.
Mary: “I didn’t ask to come back here” Billie: “No, you didn’t, and you hate it. You’re all alone.” Dean: “Well, she’s not alone.   ... Billie says if Mary dies she can give Mary a ‘one way ticket upstairs’ Mary looks at the boys, clearly worried they are about to lose her again, and tells Billie, “Well... Then... Then I guess you’re just going to have to wait.” 
Dean watched this - Dean’s learning that model him is choosing to live over going straight to heaven.  Both characters develop, continuing to move that needle.  There’s a reason this episode title focuses on the life of Asa Fox, not the death. In a few short episodes Sam and Dean will make a deal with Billie, prepared to trade one of their lives to progress the story.  Mary steps in, ready to trade the life she may not even want for their lives. 
It’s Cas that will step in, kill Billie, and lose his absolute shit at them again like DEAN YOU CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS TO ME. STAY ALIVE. -  FUCKING WINCHESTERS!   - [Just love for Cas and what he does to this fam and comment if you think that car scene involved holding hands.]
Dean’s daddy Kripke ending didn’t have him learn, didn’t have him change, didn’t have his character develop from believing that the only way for Dean to find peace was to die, in a blaze of glory. If Mary can learn that there is value in staying alive - trying to return to the Mary that was yearning for family life, then so can Dean. 
This continues in the clues as to why the finale was so tragic to fans.   Finale Dean died the way Kripke always envisioned, he got Chuck’s Dean after we spent 15 years watching this performing!boy grow into a [more anyway] emotionally mature man. Dean was on a 15 year arc of overcoming this nonsense, overcoming toxic masculinity, overcoming trauma response, this self hatred.  
Finale!Dean doesn’t have to be your headcanon. And that’s okay. 
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Big City Big Dreams Initial Thoughts
These are just my little ramblings during my first watch, so nothing too analytical or well thought out. If you want to know any specific opinions feel free to drop an ask. I’ll probably make more posts later.
I liked the opening visual style of black-and-white New York contrasted to the bright pink van Barbie arrives in and then Barbie herself. It’s simple and cool. Also the background medley of songs was cool.
“Dad placed a tracker on your phone” UM GEORGE WHAT THE FUCK?! That’s is a huge invasion of your daughter’s privacy and not okay!!
Okay, I do like that they named the school after Ruth Handler. I never get tired of subtle meta references in Barbie movies.
Oh I never noticed Brooklyn’s little baby hairs before. Cute!
Okay so they aren’t questioning the room thing anymore? I mean that room is clearly room for two, but only one of their names is on it. So were they supposed to be roommates anyways and the school just put one name on the door? I’m confused.
Okay now in context and with the the visual, I think “Before Us” seems a lot more platonic and less queerbait-y. But I still think I like the song itself more when it’s separate from the movie.
Of course the event will take place in Times Square. This is a movie in New York, so we have to mention Broadway and Times Square. I wonder if Madison Square Garden will also get a mention.
Taking bets now, the girl with the glasses is actually Emmie.
Rafa is definitely gay. Again, I am NOT giving Mattel any credit for making a “canon” gay character; it’s just my headcanon. I love his energy.
I’m a little confused about the dance class. It looks like a ballet class but then they’re clearly doing multiple styles of dance. I guess maybe it’s for the sake of the song? I’m not sure.
Ken please come back into an important role we need you.
Oh yeah I was right. And her name is actually Emily? Cool so “Emmie” is her stage name.
Oh damn Emily’s story is pretty sad actually. She just rocketed into insta-stardom and it became all business all the time? She should meet Kiera.
Okay I don’t mean to be a debby downer but if Brooklyn and Malibu just want to perform for themselves and the sake of self-expression, then why would they choose such a competitive school to train with? I mean competition can absolutely elevate one’s training, but I just think it makes more sense if they had gone into a program that focused more on honing one’s skills for self-expression and enrichment instead of one that is clearly about making and finding “star material” and becoming famous. I mean Malibu jokes about it a lot but still.
We’re over halfway over and finally getting our third song. I mean it’s one of my favorites for how chill it is but this is definitely an overall flaw of the movie. It really needs more songs to be a more proper musical.
You have GOT to be kidding!! Dean Morrison just automatically believes ONE WITNESS about something that was clearly an accident?! What is this bullshit?! There were plenty of other people who saw it too!!
And now this is gonna break them up? Again, THERE WERE MULTIPLE WITNESSES. I know we need that drama to push the story forward, but this is just plain awful.
I mean at the same time I don’t blame Brooklyn herself because she has lost friends before to competition so I guess I can understand why she would be so quick to conclude that Malibu was faking. She’s been hurt before so of course her brain and emotions would twist the situation.
“Playground of Our Dreams” is still the best song on the soundtrack.
“That’s a serious accusation” BITCH SO IS SABOTAGE. GOD I HATE THE DEAN FUCK HER.
This plot point got resolved way too quickly honestly. I kind of wish we had more buildup to this idea. Like, maybe both Malibu or even both Barbies get swept up in the competitive nature of the program and then they go separate ways because of that. We really didn’t need an outside force like Emmie’s dad getting in their way. Makes it less impactful because then it’s less about an actual interpersonal conflict and both Barbies just forgive each other because they were tricked and taken advantage of.
Okay so she was gone and came back immediately goddamn how are either of them not sleep deprived? Two flights from New York City to Malibu back to back and they're just fine??
Aw they brought the drum kid a new drum. That’s sweet.
Wait I thought there was going to be an actual competition.
Barbie’s friends and family are here for no reason. Um…why?
Nothing at the end of the song? Just straight to credits?
I knew it. “Big City Big Dreams” is just the credits song. What a waste.
This movie really needed to be longer everything gets set up and resolved way too quickly for the emotional impact to fully take hold.
I just realized that for a movie that really marketed the New York setting, it felt like this could’ve just taken place in any other city. And for all the talk about Broadway I really wish they had at least seen a show during the “Before Us” montage. Other than that it feels pointless.
Another Barbie movie with lots of interesting ideas but nothing gets properly talked about or developed.
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supertransural · 3 years
okokok but hear me out here.
what if the whole link between “being happy”, “getting taken by the empty” and “i love you” did not compute in dean’s brain?
a): what if dean figured “he’s finally understood the meaning of happiness, the feeling, he’s been figuring it out for a while since we got Jack back (it’s gotta be because of Jack, why else???) and he’s speedrunning through the realization because he needs to summon the empty (is this really happening oh god no no no i’ve got things i need to say no no no). also, he’s about to die for real therefore he’s telling me stuff he won’t have the chance to tell me again. there is absolutely no link whatsoever between me and his sudden happiness. he loves me: HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ANSWER TO THAT WHEN THERES BLACK GOO ABOUT TO COME SWALLOW YOU UP YOU GODDAMN WINGED IDIOT”
b): what if he thought the declaration was false but the happiness real. as in, “but maybe he’s lying through his teeth and is happy to be able to save me, but he’s gotta sell it to the empty, because surely i’m not all those things and i didn’t do all these things and how can he love me? yeah he’s probably lying but he’s so happy to die to save me i don’t know i don’t have enough time oh god i can’t- i don’t know I NEED TO SPEAK THERES QUESTIONS I NEED TO ASK YOU YOU CANT JUST DISAPPEAR I DIDNT UNDERSTAND”
c): what if he did the gay thing of “haha you like me? but like as a friend right lmao? guys if someone dies for you while professing their love for you, that’s like as a brother right?” because he couldn’t believe that his own (buried very deep) feelings were requited.
which. all of these three things could’ve easily been fixed by like. idk. a kiss. or just 5 more minutes. OR HM I DONT KNOW MAYBE SAVING HIM FROM THE EMPTY?????
and also my personal headcanon is that he was having a panic attack when all that was happening, therefore the few words he was able to blurt out weren’t the ones he actually meant to say, panic attacks don’t help when trying to think or speak clearly. he was so frozen in place and his eyes so focused, and then getting pushed is like a sudden snap back to reality but it’s too late and lemme tell you about the guilt this man must’ve felt from that panic (this is dean “everything is my fault” winchester we’re talking about here) thinking maybe he could’ve done something, just something, to save cas before he was taken.
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miskatonique · 3 years
since my muses are not super well known in the contemporary rpc ( and i’m too lazy to do a full about page at this very moment ) i decided to put together little posts for them that give their general backgrounds, vibes, and plot possibilities !
this is a mix of canon and headcanon, and these are subject to change / adapt as i get more used to writing the characters
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Films: Re-Animator 1985, Bride of Re-Animator 1990, Beyond Re-Animator 2003
We don’t talk about Beyond Re-Animator......
Dr. Herbert West, 24 in the first movie, 27 in the second movie, idk like 40 in the third movie. Mad scientist to the MAX. In the novelization Herbert is an orphan who gets passed around in foster homes before eventually going to undergrad at NYU and pursuing his theory about the re-animation of dead tissue. Mostly people think he’s sort of crazy until one of his articles catches the eye of Dr. Hans Gruber at a university in Switzerland, and he invites Herbert to come work alongside him. Herbert eventually grows to respect Gruber as both a mentor and father-figure.
Herbert and Gruber develop a reagent that affects re-animation in dead animal tissue but they know that for their results to be taken seriously they need to do a human trial. Dr. Gruber volunteers but the dosage of the reagent is too large, and though it brings Gruber back to life it quickly overwhelms his system and he dies again. Herbert is taken into psychiatric custody in Switzerland but is eventually released.
Herbert returns to America and specifically sets his sights on Miskatonic Medical School in Arkham, Massachusetts because one of the staff, Dr. Carl Hill, used to work with Gruber years ago, and even went on to plagiarize some of Gruber’s work and publish it in America. Herbert makes it his secondary goal to absolutely terrorize Dr. Hill, and because he’s a chaotic gremlin in human form he’s very good at it.
Herbert continues working on perfecting the reagent, rooming with Dan Cain and eventually pulling Dan into the experiments as well when Dan’s cat dies and Herbert is able to prove his research by reanimating it. Herbert isn’t perturbed when Dan’s talk with Dean Halsey goes south, and just digs his heels in and insists that the only way to truly prove that the reagent works is to reanimate a human cadaver.
Results are just as bad as you’d expect. Sure, the cadaver reanimates but it also wrecks the morgue and kills Dean Halsey. RIP. Herbert insists that they reanimate him and the dean comes back less like himself and more animalistic, trying to kill both Herbert and Dan before his daughter Meg shows up and stops him. Despite it all, Herbert manages to wriggle his and Dan out of any suspicion from the police but Dr. Hill takes an interest in Herbert’s work once he does exploratory surgery of Dean Halsey and finds out he’s technically dead.
Dr. Hill confronts Herbert in his laboratory and threatens to steal Herbert’s work and take it for his own, offering Herbert the meager honour of being his assistant. Herbert promptly murders Hill via decapitation but decides not to let his fresh corpse go to waste and reanimates both Hill’s head and his body, which come back to life and knock Herbert out and steal all of his work.
Yada yada, Herbert gets Dan to help him go after Hill, the big climax happens. Herbert is able to prove his theory about overdose by shooting up Dr. Hill’s headless body with a bunch of reagent, which backfires and Herbert is left for dead all tangled up in Hill’s intestines, but not after he ensures that his research is safe with Dan.
They never explain how Herbert survives the first movie but he sure is alive in the second movie! It’s roughly 3ish years after the first film, so he’s got his doctorate now and he’s drug Dan all the way to Peru so they can be volunteer medics in a civil war. This obviously gives Herbert an unprecedented access to fresh bodies for his experiments.
Eventually he and Dan head back to Miskatonic Hospital, where they’re able to get jobs and a creepy cute little house that used to be a mortuary so they can continue the work. Herbert is now obsessed with the reanimation of separate parts and convinces Dan to help him build an entirely new life from parts. Dan’s not on board until Herbert shows him Megan Halsey’s heart and promises that they’ll build the body around it.
Dr. Hill’s head also somehow survived the first movie and it tries to terrorize Herbert, along with a cop who’s investigating Herbert for stealing corpses. Herbert eventually kills and reanimates the cop, and then gets into even more trouble when all of the other strange creatures he’s been reanimating start coming after him because they’re being mind controlled by Dr. Hill’s nasty head ( don’t ask me okay, this script was written in literally 6 weeks it makes no sense )
Anyway Herbert and Dan successfully bring their creation to life right before getting attacked by Dr. Hill and his army of weirdos, all while Dan is having a mental breakdown because he thinks the creation is his dead girlfriend Meg. In the chaos Dan and the creation escape separately while Herbert and Hill and co. get trapped under buried rubble and are left for dead ( AGAIN ).
But surprise! Herbert isn’t dead! We don’t know how he survived but we do know that at some point in time Dan turned over evidence to the authorities that led to Herbert’s arrest and imprisonment. The third movie picks up with Herbert who’s been in prison for 13 years and the dumbass new hospital doctor is a fanboy of Herbert and brings in some of his reagent. Herbert basically starts a prison riot, chaos ensues, this movie is Not Good, but the important thing is that Herbert escapes prison with his work and gets to walk off free and definitely alive into the night <3
His work is EVERYTHING to him -- there have been multiple times where Herbert has put his work above his own bodily safety or chance of survival, and I guarantee he would do it again, too. Herbert is mostly focused on being able to do the impossible simply because it’s “impossible.” He’s able to convince Dan to help him because he reasons the practical applications of his reagent, like saving lives by aiding in surgeries or helping with amputations, but at the end of the day Herbert is only concerned with discovery, acclaim, and giving classical science a big ‘ole middle finger.
He can be incredibly manipulative when looking for a specific action or behavior in the people close to him. This mostly is seen in how he treats Dan, often reeling him back in with promise of how much good their work will do in the world when Dan starts to get squeamish. Herbert is also really good at finding the sorest spots in someone and pressing on them, but usually only does this when he wants to prove a point or if he really hates someone.
He gains a lot of power by seeming like the more “level-headed” person in an altercation, but he can get extremely excitable or aggressive, especially when something goes well with his research or if it’s being threatened.
He’s genuinely a good doctor, doesn’t freak out under pressure, has neutral-good bedside manner, is very decisive and isn’t afraid to make difficult decisions when it comes to a patient’s life. However, Herbert considers himself a scientist first and a doctor second. The work on reanimation will always come before anything else.
He’s a HUGE fucking nerd, he loves making puns or little zingers whenever he can fit them into a conversation. He also likes playing practical jokes, though he doesn’t do it often. He’s got a great evil giggle.
Oh he’s terrible at taking care of himself. There’s a deleted scene from the first movie where Herbert is shown to be injecting himself with a weakened version of the reanimating reagent because it helps keep his brain sharp and makes it to where he doesn’t have to sleep. What a NUT. I think he probably weans off this habit, by force or choice. His sleeping and eating habits are still pretty bad, though. Definitely the kind of person who doesn’t eat/sleep/rest unless he’s genuinely about to collapse because of it.
Oh he’s also sooooooooooo gay. gay gay gay homo sexual.
There are very few people he outright respects or enjoys spending time around, and with everyone else he is absolutely so bitchy and rude. He doesn’t give a single shit about being polite. Also ACAB.
Got any canonically dead muses? Want them to be alive again? Herbert can help with that! He’ll definitely want to make sure they stick around and observe them to see why the reagent worked so well, maybe do some extra tests, so he can also double as a really annoying, creepy roommate. Score!
Med student muses? I have a new classmate for you
Ever wondered what your muse would do if they saw someone graverobbing, or smuggling body parts into their house in the middle of the night? Do they stop him? Ask questions? Offer to help? Now’s the chance to find out!
He could always use a new assistant since Dan keeps abandoning him after every movie, jfc, loyalty is so hard to find these days
Meet-cute where one of his reanimated creations tries to murder you and he saves you from it <3
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laufire · 3 years
i want to hear more about the following wips: megstiel role reversal, lesbian mary, and all the kaia ones?
(from this list)
The idea came from this anon’s prompt and it’s evolved into a series of prospective one-shots, each focusing on a different episode from s4-5 (not all of them, as I have little interesting in rewriting some of their plots. Just the ones where I’d get a lot out of Meg, Castiel, or their dynamic with each other).
They’ll be mostly from Meg’s or Castiel’s POVs, although Sam and Dean will have theirs here and there; for example, “The End” is from Dean’s POV. I considered starting 4x01 with his too, but lately I’m leaning towards Castiel’s, as he’s sort of another Lazarus in that one -I’ve made him a brand new demon (although he spent his sweet time in Hell before that), because I wanted to explore how that perspective could be, and as a contrast to Meg as this ancient creature who’s Seen It All.
I want to keep most of the AU choices I’ve made for this series to myself, at least for now, but a couple I don’t mind throwing in is that Crowley is the demon Castiel made his original deal with (I’ve posted a tiny snippet about it here), and that Ruby survives 4x22 (Castiel is not an angel and can’t send Dean to the convent, while Meg remains loyal to Heaven’s cause at least at that moment, so things go down a little differently).
This WIP was born due to my frustration with fandom’s utilitarian lesbian headcanons, especially when it comes to this fandom. They’re way too often solely to remove a female character from the shipping board. If it was more about the f/f pairing, there would be no reason not to make them bi if they canonically showed feelings for men, js. Plus frankly, it leaves a bad taste whenever I see specifically the Cool Lesbian, Seductress Of Men variant. A lesbian who sees themselves cornered into having to respond or use men’s attraction to her isn’t a Cool Story, it’s fucking tragic. And it just... bothers me that fandom takes lesbianism, something removed entirely from men, and makes it about men, and their ships. Ugh.
That thought process led me to think about the possibility of Mary being a lesbian, because there’s NO way to think about it as “cool”. It’s horrifying. It takes Heaven’s violation of her to another level. And it could be interesting, cathartic, and painful to explore in a fic.
My disappointment with her s12 plot further shaped the story. I’ll likely ignore a lot of the BMOL content because uhhhh. It sucked xD. So plot-wise, idk what I’ll do. It’ll be a more internally driven story, with Mary finding out about the cupids’ plot reclaiming that part of herself, figuring out what she and her sons are going to be to each other, learning about what happened in her absence, etc. Also, with 4x03 and 5x13′s actress in mind, because that’s who I’ll always see as my Mary, and I reiterate it would’ve been a lot more impactful when it came to her dynamics with her sons.
I’m putting these two together because it’s not unlikely they’ll be part of the same story, or at least the first and last parts of a series.
“Kaia & Kaia TBP” is about Dark Kaia nursing Kaia back to health et al, from the original Kaia’s POV and entirely canon-compliant, going roughly from 13x10 to 15x12 to encompass all the time we missed with her.
It’s also VERY likely that there’ll be an interlude between the two stories (15x12-15x19), with Claire and Kaia’s reunion, the two of them getting together and finding some balance, etc. In Claire’s POV.
“Resurrected Dark Kaia” is exactly how it sounds. Since Jack already brought back the people Chuck killed in their world, I don’t see how his god-like powers wouldn’t allow him to restore the destroyed alternate universes, that he also canonically worries about (Jack Ex Machina, my favourtie post-series plot device asñdlkfjaf). So Dark Kaia would be back, in her world, and the two Kaias would dreamshare again. I don’t know much yet about what happens next, but it’s in Dark Kaia’s POV.
Instead of needing to be resurrected, this time Kaia tries and convinces Dark Kaia to save herself and return with her. Reluctantly, she’s made a space in Sioux Falls as well, where both she and the rest will struggle with the situation. Lots of Claire-Kaia-Kaia shenanigans will occur. For now I’ve only written snippets in Claire’s POV (one where she and Kaia talk about the complications with Dark Kaia, and how both Kaias are the same, but not, but yes, but-; and another after the WS hear about Dean’s death which is... tense -Dark Kaia is NOT a fan lmao), but that might change.
This is probably the most ambitious one of all the above. It’s a “what could have been” story about exactly that -what Wayward Sisters as a show could’ve developed like. I want it to follow a structure similar to an actual show: chapters as episodes with their own monster of the week, a “seasonal” plot (firstly, Claire’s search to find who “killed” Kaia), etc. Being VERY ambitious, it’ll cover the remaining SPN canon, maybe a bit more, while likely rewriting a lot of it Because.
It’ll have POVs for each of the characters: Claire, Patience, Alex, likely Jody and Donna, and maybe both Kaias, although probably not since the beginning.
It’s going to need me to create waaaaay too many OCs if I want to do it right, but I think it’s doable. And I plan to use this WIP as an excuse to bring here all my beloved female characters whenever possible. For example, I already have a plot all laid out to bring my dear Bela into the fold xDD, with significant Claire & Bela scenes, and an appearance of the SPN characters for a reunion or two.
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