#somebody. stop me i wanna write fics but i wanna write here MORE cause i have actual People writing w me </3
enslaughts · 1 year
tlou fics are prime real estate for fix its but i kinda hate how many of them completely invalidate or outright erase ellie's rightful anger at joel
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angelicsoka · 4 months
IDIOT, l. hughes
word count | 788 words
pairings | luke hughes x fem!best friend!reader, platonic!jack hughes x reader, mentions of unnamed ex boyfriend x reader
summary | in which luke’s best friend is left broken hearted and with a family dinner she has no date to, so he decides to step up and help.
warnings | not proofread. no use of “y/n”. reader was cheated on. lowercase intended. this is a work of fiction, i am by no means saying this is how they act in real life.
a/n | heres one of two of the valentines blurbs i'm gonna post today because i had a sudden urge of inspiration to write (but not for the fics i've already started lmao)
she stormed up the stairs of luke and jack’s apartment complex, tears of frustration welling in her eyes. she felt like an idiot, she should’ve known there was something off with him. that he was spending a little too much time with her. she knocked hurriedly on their door, waiting anxiously for them to answer. after what felt like a century, luke opened the door.
“hey–” he was cut off by her pushing through into the apartment, the tears already starting to fall. “what's wrong?”
“he fucking cheated! that asshole was fucking cheating on me and i didn’t even realize! i feel so fucking stupid.” she cried, wiping angrily at her tears. luke saw red, already grabbing for his keys. “don’t, luke, it isn't worth it. plus, i already broke his nose.” jack, who had paused his game to listen in, whistled.
“damn, girl. remind me not to get on your bad side.” jack commented, dropping the smile when luke glared at him. “sorry.”
“now, i have this stupid family dinner and my parents are expecting me to bring a date! how am i supposed to tell them he cheated on me and on fucking valentines day of all days?” she ranted, the tears still flowing.
“hey, it's all gonna be okay. you just need to breathe.” she took a seat at their island, messily wiping her tears. she took a couple of deep breathes, her anxiety still heightened.
“fuck, i really don’t wanna go tonight.” she groaned, accepting the tissue luke offered her. “and if i cancel, they're gonna ask a shit ton of questions and i can’t deal with that right now.”
“i could go with you.” luke spoke, causing both her and jack to whip their heads towards him. “what?”
“you would do that?” she question, her eyes brightening. “because you don’t have to! i can cancel.”
“no, i want to. i promise.” her face held a beaming smile as she threw her arms around him.
“thank you, lukey! okay, be ready by 7, i'll pick you up! and wear a suit ‘cause we’re going to mario’s.” she seemed genuinely happy as she ran out of the apartment.
“somebody’s in love!” jack sang, laughing when luke smacked his shoulder.
the car was silent, beside the radio that was playing. her fingers tapped against the steering wheel, avoiding looking to her best friend. “what did you tell your parents?” luke asked, looking to her.
“just that i was bringing a guy i wanted them to meet. i left it kind of vague.” luke nodded, looking back out the window. “thanks again, lu. i really appreciate it.”
“of course, anytime.” she smiled, the car falling quiet once more. “you know he’s idiot for cheating on you, right? i mean who would want to cheat on a girl like you.” her cheeks flushed red, a small smile etched on her face. he mumbled something she couldn’t quite pick up, her eyebrows furrowing.
“what was that, lu?”
“i wouldn’t do that.” she almost slammed on the brakes, stunned by his statement. she looked to him, his eyes already trained on her.
“what are you saying?” she asked, the car coming to a stop at a red light. luke rubbed his eyes, clearly nervous. “luke.” she continued to keep her eyes trained on the road, turning into the parking lot of the restaurant. 
“look, you’re my best friend, and i know you are still upset. and i understand if you don’t feel the same. but i–” he stopped, breathing in slowly. “i think i’m in love with you. and seeing you upset over some idiot who can’t see that he just lost the best girl he could’ve ever had, pissed me off. and honestly, i’m glad, because you deserve better.” she felt her heart beating out of her chest, the feelings she had spent years pushing down now resurfacing.
“listen, i understand if you don’t feel the same but–” he was cut off when she placed her hand on his cheek, pulling him in for a kiss. it took a moment, but he slowly eased into it, his hand resting on her neck. “i take it, you feel the same?”
“you’re an idiot.” she giggled, placing a short, gentle kiss on his lips. “of course, i feel the same. but we take this slow, okay?”
“deal.” he leaned in to kiss her once more only to be stopped by her placing a finger on his lips.
“we’re gonna be late.” he pouted, earning a laughing, ‘ok, one more, and then we go in. no more, no less.” he pecked her lips before getting out and opening her door for her. “such the gentleman.”
“gotta make up for lost time.”
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barris-events · 11 months
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Under the cut you will find a list of prompts to inspire your works for this fest. You're free to use whatever you want, to combine two or more of them, whatever you like. When you post your work, just let us know which one(s) inspired you in your notes and don't forget to tag us. If you need a reminder on the guidelines, you can find them here. Otherwise, happy writing/drawing/giffing 🌙💙🌕
Quotes, Poetry & Lyrics
🔵 The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections. - Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me 
🟦 Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars. - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
📘 Place, park, scene, dark / Silvery moon is shining through the trees / Cast, two, me, you / Summer kisses floating on the breeze - By the Light of the Silvery Moon 
🦋 It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me / At tea time, everybody agrees / I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror / It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero -Taylor Swift, Anti-hero 
💙 Your hands, like no-one else's / the ring around the blue of your eyes / lift all the sighs out of me / like the memory of something beautiful: / the moon, how close you are, how far. - Blue Moon, Linda France 
🔷 I heard somebody whisper "Please adore me" / And when I looked, the moon had turned to gold - Blue Moon, Hart & Rogers 
🔵 The month of August had turned into a griddle where the days just lay there and sizzled. - Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees
🟦 So much for summer love and saying "us" / 'Cause you weren't mine to lose - Taylor Swift, August 
🦋 I really wanna stop, but I just got the taste for it / I feel like I could fly with the boy on the moon / So honey, hold my hand, you like making me wait for it / I feel like I could die walking up to the room - Carly Rae Jepson, I Really Like You
🔵 Scenario: summer thunder storm traps them inside. they play board games to pass the time.
📘 Scenario, choose your own adventure: a trip to the beach goes awry. Do they a) discover a body, b) encounter someone from Thomas's past, or c) get caught up in a smuggling adventure.
🔷 Scenario: AU in which Thomas is an exasperated teacher at a private school and Richard is PA to one of the school wealthiest benefactors. Richard has been charged with dealing with the appalling behaviour of the benefactor's trouble-making child.
💙 Scenario: future fic. Richard and Thomas move into a cottage on the estate. It’s perfect, except for being haunted by Carson.
🟦 Scenario: there's an interlinking door between Thomas's room and the one where Richard stays at Downton Abbey.
🌀Scenario: Richard time travels to the past and encounters a younger Thomas. Whether he’s there to fix something or some other reason is up to you.
🔷 Scenario: AU based on the Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story subplot with the King's valet and the Queen's footman (spoilers for plot). Thomas is newly assigned to Queen Charlotte as her personal footman. He lives for knowing what's going on in society and reporting useful gossip to her. Richard is King George's valet and the only person who knows about his mental health situation and what's really going on with him and keeps it secret from all the other staff and Charlotte, using various machinations and making excuses for why the King is doing certain erratic things. When they start hooking up, Thomas quickly sees through Richard's web of lies. Richard has a choice about whether to trust the footman (known gossip and schemer) with the King's secret and bring him into his schemes or part ways with him to protect the king.
💙 Scenario: AU where Thomas owns a plant shop and Richard is a frequent customer.
📘 Scenario: Thomas is surprised/confused when Richard shows concern for his well-being, he's used to it only happening when his partner wants sex/intimacy.
🔵 Moon tarot meaning: Hidden enemies, danger, calumny, darkness, terror, deception, occult forces, error. Reversed: Instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error.
🔷 Blue colour meaning: Blue is the colour of trust and loyalty. It has a calming and soothing effect and you can always count on its support.
If you'd rather some visual inspiration, take a look at these picture prompts. You can use all the images from any set, mix and match, or just pick a single image to use.
🟦 Image set 1
🦋 Image set 2
🔵 Image set 3
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I've always had to write a NaeRyoko/NaeJunko story with Makoto inferring the events of Danganronpa Zero much earlier than expected. I want to write their relationship similar to Toko/Genocide Syo & Komaru from Ultra Despair Girls. However, considering you ship them, I'm wondering if you ever came up with ideas if the two meet much earlier (from Ryoko's perspective)?
Yes! I’m sorry naejunko/naeryoko anon who I’m 95% sure I know your true tumbler identity! I wanna answer your questions I have lots of naejunko and naeryoko opinions but every time you ask my brain chokes up and I turn into ryoko and forget! Then I get nervous abuse I don’t know what to say and then time passes and I don’t wanna be rude! But like that’s rude to right? I’m sorry! I love the ship keep asking questions and definitely write that fic I would 100% read it! Well I always had a idea based on their final scene in dr0 man that was sooooo love at last sight I can’t help but wonder what if mukuro didn’t stop him and makoto got to help her you so know which his power and kindness things would end differently like ryoko may be anxious at first as she was but hanging out more and getting to know and bond with him more I’m sure they could rekindle if not kindle more of their freindship as classmates and maybe even love ship part of me can’t help but think rom com with them but I’m more of a animated and musical man so no rom com hits my mind besiseds the basic plot of 50 first dates but 0 memory of that movie so I don’t wanna say more and the interaction between the doctor and main character in waitress specifically the musical like that song “it only takes a taste” the wholesome akward ness of it all oh! And “you matter to me” like you seen the musical? Like I could so see a scene just cause like she’s under so much stress she just needs someone to hold her and tell her everything is going to be ok I could see him do that all:
I could find the whole meaning of life in those sad eyes They've seen things that you never quite say, but I hear Come out of hiding, I'm right here beside you And I'll stay there as long as you let me
Because you matter to me Simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody You matter to me I promise you do, you, you matter too I promise you do, you’ll see… You matter to me
Beautiful man…
So yeah please ask me more questions I love them I apologize for takeing so long
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kassiekole22 · 1 year
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Description: While waiting for a meeting with Fsocitey to start, you and Elliot take a ride on the ferris wheel so you can have some alone time to talk... Warnings: Mention Of Anxiety And Poor Mental Health (But Nothing Very Detailed.), Friends To Lovers, Low-Key Pining. Word Count: 1.5k A/N: So, since the pole ended and I got more votes for writing for Elliot, I decided to finally post this fic that I've been sitting on for a month. I've reread and rewritten this thing over and over because I just can't tell if I'm getting it right. I guess I have the "writing for a new fandom" jitters right now. 😅 If I got something wrong, feel free to let me know in the comments so I can learn from it in the future. I haven't watched the full series yet so I made (Y/N) oblivious to what the meeting with Fsocitey was about, because I honestly didn't really know myself. 😂 And to those people who didn't want me to start writing for Elliot, your votes only made me want to write for him more. 😉 MasterList: 🖤 TagList: @lorebite, @mornandil. (I'm only tagging people from my original taglist, who I know want to read this. So, if you want to be added to the taglist as well, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
Pov: You
I arrived at the old Fun Society building around noon today. I walked quickly towards the building that was now taken over by Fsocitey, who I was joining for a meeting today. When Mr. Robot told me about it, he didn't give me any details on what we would be discussing. I wasn't nearly as skilled with hacking as the others were, so I was pretty much useless to the group, but Mr. Robot had requested that I be there because he seen my potential and wanted me to learn from the others. I approached the door to see Elliot leaned up against the wall, almost as if he was waiting for me - or somebody.
"Hello." I greeted him kindly. I was never one for social interactions but I felt pretty comfortable around Elliot. I felt as if he understood me which made it easier to interact with him.
"Hey." He muttered monotonously as his eyes glanced at me for a moment from under his hood, watching me step closer to the door while taking another drag of his cigarette and tossing it to the ground.
I reached for the door handle and to my surprise, Elliot grabbed my arm, stopping me and making me jump subconsciously. Elliot was never one for physical contact, this I knew. So, I was curious to know what caused this action.
"I-I'm sorry…" He muttered as he let his hand fall to his side, his eyes shifting away from me quickly.
"Oh, no. Don't be. It's ok." I assured him. "What's up?"
"Darlene is late. So, we are waiting to start the meeting until she gets here. I was wondering if you would want to take a walk with me?" He suggested and I smiled before nodding my head. After glancing over at me one last time, Elliot turned and began to walk in the other direction so I followed him away from the building.
The next couple of minutes were pretty quiet as we walked, which I didn't mind. Me and Elliot could just sit in silence for hours and be completely fine just enjoying each other's presence. I began to feel a chill and zipped up my hoodie which Elliot immediately took notice to.
"You cold?" He asked and I nodded shyly. He stayed silent for a moment, chewing on the inside of his cheek as if he was thinking of a solution before looking up at the big ferris wheel a few feet before us. "You wanna go on the ferris wheel to take your mind off of it?"
I looked into his light blue eyes that were now darkened due to the shadow that his hood was casting over them and thought for a moment. It was an odd suggestion to fix the current situation but I noticed the small smirk tugging slightly at his reluctant lips and I couldn't refuse. So, I nodded and followed him to the ride.
Pov: Elliot
Hello, friend.
Today took an unexpected turn. Though I don't have to tell you that. I bet you didn't expect me to take off with (Y/N) Instead of going inside? To be honest, neither did I. Darlene was late for our meeting so I decided to take this opportunity to be alone with (Y/N). Sure, Mr. Robot would prefer me to me inside, discussing the same shit over and over until Darlene arrives and we get to the important stuff, but I didn't feel like doing that today.
We sit in silence as we begin to approach the top of the ride and I notice that (Y/N) is now shaking slightly.
Shit. She's afraid of heights.
Yes, I know what you're thinking. It was weird of me to suggest it but I want to have her alone. I don't know why, but I just do. And the ferris wheel is the only place I know people won't interrupt us unless Mr. Robot wants to interfere.
"It's ok. The others have rode this thing hundreds of times and have been fine." I assure her and a smile tugs at the corners of her soft lips.
Wait… Shit, I'm staring at her lips again. I hope she didn't notice.
I have to stop doing that…
"So, how have you been?" I attempt to make small talk to break the silence that has once again fallen over us.
Yes, that's a good question. Keep it casual.
"Oh, pretty good. I've been practicing my programming and hacking skills like Mr. Robot asked me to and I think I'm getting better." She responds as her smile grows bigger with a bit of pride.
Good. She deserves to be proud of herself.
"Hey, if you ever need my help with anything-"
"I know. Thank you, Elliot." She says as her expression softens with appreciation. "How have you been?"
"I've been ok. I've been struggling a bit more than usual, but… I'm ok…" I confess as I look down to my shoes.
"I'm sorry to hear that." I look back up to see a look of genuine remorse on her face and I feel my heart stammer slightly.
I need to fucking chill. Shit. Maybe this was a bad idea. Can you help me out of this situation?
"It's ok. Hey, Flipper and Qwerty are doing good though." I chuckle softly to lighten the mood. Her eyes light up at the mention of Flipper and Qwerty and I almost don't notice that I'm smiling again.
I always seem to do that more when she is around.
"That's good! I miss them." She smiles at me and I feel a rush of heat in my cheeks. I remember the first time she came over to my apartment and met them. Her computer had shut down unexpectedly and she panicked and came straight to me. She spent the whole time, sitting on my couch while petting Flipper nervously and watching Qwerty as she nervously chewed on her lip. She thought I didn't notice. But I did. I notice everything about her.
How she taps her nails on any hard surface when she's anxious.
How she does anything to avoid eye contact when she's feeling shy.
How her eyes twinkle when she's happy.
How she blushes when she receives compliments and instantly decides to not believe them. Mr. Robot noticed that when he told her that she has potential to be a good hacker.
Yes. We talk about her. Quite a lot, actually.
Mr. Robot sees her as a distraction… But I think he's wrong…
Hm… She has only been back to my apartment a couple times since the day her computer broke down. And surprisingly, I don't mind having her around there. I swallow thickly as I advert my gaze from her, worried that she would notice the shift in my demeanor.
Things go quiet again and I'm beginning to think about things more. I can't even talk to Krista about most of the things I tell her with no problem. It's like she is the bug in the system that is my self sabotaging mind. Whenever I am around her, she is fixing me, slowly, I can feel it. Hell, now that I really think about it, I've never felt as comfortable talking to anybody like I do with her. Well, her and you.
Oh, fuck! Shit! She's you! All this time, I thought I was talking to an imaginary person but I was really talking to her - Well… I guess I mean you now.
I guess I should accept these new feelings and do something about this then…
"(Y/N)…" I stuttered slightly, nervous to speak the words I'm about to speak.
If I'm being honest, friend, I am terrified to make this confession to you. But if I don't, I might regret it.
No. I will regret it. I have to do this.
"I have never felt so comfortable with anybody but you before and I-I think I want to be more than friends." I finally confess and if it wasn't for the ferris wheel cart still swaying just a tiny bit from the ride's most recent movement, I would have thought that time had stood still.
You freeze in your spot and your eyes widen while your mouth falls agape. Even in a state of shock, you still look so beautiful. But I have messed things up. I have ruined what we had between us and scared you away by my confession. I feel my heart thud violently against my ribcage as if it's punishing me for being so stupid. But to my surprise, your shocked expression softens and your mouth shapes into a toothy grin. You're always the prettiest when you're so happy. You stand up, carefully cross our cart and sits down beside me before carefully taking my hand in your own, moving slowly as if you're trying not to startle a wild animal while watching my face for any signs of discomfort.
"C-Can I kiss you?" You ask shyly. My heart melts at the fact that you are so mindful of my hate for physical contact and are considerate enough to ask me before making the first move. I nod and you lean forward before connecting your lips to mine.
You're amazing, friend…
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sinfulspencer · 3 years
Devil eyes.
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Prompt: Spencer, dressed up as a devil, is drawn to the angel dancing around him at the club.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (18+, minors DNI)
Warnings: Dom!Spencer, Sub!Reader, degradation, dirty talking, hair pulling, public fingering, oral sex (male and female receiving), breeding kink, unprotected sex Let me know if I have missed anything. x
Words: 10.1k
A.N.: This is pure filth and I don’t regret writing it, ‘cause it’s been one of my favourite pieces to create. Can we please imagine Spencer Reid dressed up as a devil or a demon? That’s so hot, I wish we got to see him like this.
Check out my masterlist here. JOIN MY TAGLIST! Share your thoughts here. If you want to send me requests for a fic, make sure to read my guidelines.
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You’ve got the devil in your eyes You went and took me by surprise Say what you wanna say, I won’t go back
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When your best friend invited you to a party in the middle of nowhere with alcohol flowing and loud music booming through the speakers, you weren’t expecting to catch the eyes of a man who barely moved the whole night.
You were confused as to why he didn’t stand up to dance.
He kept playing with his glass with the tip of his fingers, staring at you with the hungriest eyes you’ve ever seen in someone. You weren’t sure he was looking at you, at first, because he didn’t even try to make a move to catch your attention.
He did anyway, because you’ve never seen such a handsome man before.
Dressed up in all black, with a fake scar running across his neck and fake blood splattered all over his arms, he looked sinful and delicious.
Your best friend didn’t notice him at first. She thought you were busy trying to flirt with the bartender in order to get more free drinks. When she settled her eyes on the man who was gawking at you and touching the edge of his glass with his fingers, she whispered in your ear to get him.
You thought she was joking because there was no way in Hell – pun intended for the stranger’s outfit – you’d leave her alone in the middle of a party, but she reassured you she was going to be fine and that she was going to find someone to go home with.
It wasn’t unusual for her to find somebody at a party, so you didn’t doubt her abilities to snatch people’s attention all around her. With her beauty and her grace, it wasn’t difficult to attract someone so you took her advice.
And put her words to the test.
You started to get closer to the man, enjoying the music booming through the speakers and dancing shamefully with whoever walked past you or behind you. You allowed the music to take control of your body, the excitement running through your blood to use you whoever it wanted.
Your outfit was in contrast to the way you were behaving, shaking your hips and grinding against the person behind you. The white fluffy wings on your back didn’t match the sensual energy you radiated and the stranger noticed it first.
If at first you acted like the angelic figure you were dressing up as, your movements betrayed it.
That cute little smile morphed into a wicked grin.
Your graceful movements on your white heels turned more sensual, more sinful.
As if you were trying to catch somebody’s attention. More specifically, his.
He couldn’t stop looking at you and admiring how you started to act like a whole different person when your friend left. Not that he can complain about it, he obviously loves this shift in your behaviour. You let go of your angelic attitude and allowed sinful thoughts to run freely through your body, staining your behaviour and poisoning the rest of your night.
In a good way, of course.
Now you’re making your way out of the crowd, headed to the bar of the club. Dancing didn’t have the effect you were thinking it would have on the man still sitting at his table, but that’s not going to stop you from taking another step.
No matter what it takes, you’re going to go home with him tonight.
The music is still blaring in the background as you lean over, whispering to the bartender the drink you’re planning on enjoying. He takes a good look at you, allowing his eyes to wonder at your cleavage before a smirk appears on his lips, and he pulls away.
He doesn’t say anything, getting back to work to make the drink you’ve asked for.
You lean back to sit on your chair and you turn your head to the side, noticing the stranger still sitting on his chair. He’s obviously looking at you, so you cross your legs, hoping your gesture might push him out of his comfort zone and force him to take the matter into his own hands.
The long white skirt of your dress rises just enough to show him what you’re wearing underneath: a white garter-belt you hope he’s going to take off with his tongue, with those big strong hands gripping your thighs and leaving marks in their way.
It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what attracts you to him.
It’s not just his beauty, it’s more than that.
His burning gaze.
His plump lips.
His broad shoulders.
His attitude.
He seems not to care about anything or anyone else inside this club but you and the music.
There’s another young man sitting with him at the table and he’s on his phone. You caught him looking at you once or twice throughout the night, but he didn’t say anything else – the only difference with the other man is that sometimes he stood up and danced with girls around him.
Other than that, they’re both extremely gorgeous.
However your eyes didn’t leave the stranger’s for one moment.
Spencer couldn’t have taken his eyes off you even if he tried. The hypnotic pace you were moving your hips to the music was enough to mesmerize him, shake him from the inside and steal his heart in the blink of an eye.
He wondered how you would’ve felt against him, swinging your hips and corrupting you.
An angel.
You were dressed up as an angel, you were behaving like an angel until you saw him.
Spencer knew you were looking at him in the same way he was doing to you, he could read your body language like a book – his favourite one. He could tell you were trying your best to capture and keep his attention the whole night, hoping he would’ve come up to you on the dance floor and danced with you, but he didn’t.
Luke told Spencer that you were going to get away quickly if he hadn’t made a move on you.
Now he has a chance to do so before you get away from him because you’re alone at the bar, sipping on your drink with those beautiful lips wrapped around the metallic straw.
Your thigh is completely exposed, the lights of the club making it look like the perfect area to mark with nibbles and licks.
Spencer wonders what you taste like.
Everything he has ever wanted, combined all together.
Spencer leaves Luke’s table, carrying his empty glass of water. Not saying anything to his colleague, Spencer puts his phone in his pocket and heads over to the bar where you are.
He moves a chair beside yours and sits on it. His eyes are on your face the whole time, just like yours, and they don’t leave it until you turn your whole body to him with that straw still between your lips. That dark stare sends shivers down your spine; you’re not even sure you’re breathing right.
You should stop looking at him so shamelessly but you can’t.
Spencer doesn’t say anything, leaving his empty glass on the wooden surface. You keep your mouth shut as well, simply basking in his beauty as the lights of the club make him look like the most exquisite piece of art inside of a museum.
You wonder what he’s thinking about and why he’s staying silent, but you don’t mind. You’d rather have a man looking at you like this than a man opening his mouth and boring you to the point you need to come up with an excuse to leave.
However, you’re pretty sure this wouldn’t happen with the stranger in front of you.
You place your glass down, licking your bottom lip as a drop of water runs from your lips down to your chest.
Spencer follows the trace of water running across your throat and holds back the desire of leaning forward and licking that same spot. When the drop of water melts into your white dress, he brings his eyes back to your face and finds your lips twitched into a wicked smile.
How can you be so angelic when you’re clearly staring at him as if you’re reading to drag him into the pits of Hell? And by the pits of Hell, you mean the back of his car or one of the bathroom stalls inside that club?
Spencer is enchanted by this intense conflict between your outfit and your behaviour, which is why he’s right there in front of you now. He wants you and he’s determined to have you, to drag you outside and have his way with you until your legs are shaking and you can barely keep your eyes open.
He can’t believe you’re smiling, as if you’re thinking it’s funny to see him struggle to keep his desire deeply tucked in. If he releases it right now, he might scare you off - he doesn’t know that’s exactly what you want, what you crave for him to do.
Spencer blinks, the sound of your voice barely audible through the music.
“It’s my name.”
Spencer clenches his jaw when you lean forward, your cleavage now more exposed. It’s difficult to stay focused when a beautiful woman like you, wearing such an angelic and ethereal white dress, is getting close to him, ready to corrupt his already dark soul.
“Nice to meet you.” - Spencer manages to tell you, his voice making your thighs squeeze against each other - “I’m Spencer.”
You lean back, placing your right hand over the table. “Spencer. I like the sound of that.”
His eyes meet yours once more.
“Wanna get out of here?”
Straight to the point.
Spencer doesn’t blame you, he has been staring at you since you stepped inside this club. There’s no reason to wait, you clearly want him and he wants you even more.
“I’m not sure a little angel should hang out with a devil.”
His words are calculated to send shivers down your spine, to burn your body to the point of no return. You don’t care if you get damned right now, if he drags you to Hell and burns you with flames.
You’re willing to do anything with him, if it means having him.
“A taste of Hell never hurts anybody.”
Actually… it has, but there’s no need to digress about this right now.
Spencer leaves the tip for the bartender on the table, looking straight into your eyes. You’re hoping with your whole body he accepts your offer, you're silently begging him to do so.
When he does, you’re not surprised.
You’ve played this staring game for so long.
“Lead the way, little angel.”
Desire flashes behind your eyes as soon as he opens his mouth and in a matter of seconds, you’re practically running out of the club with Spencer right behind you.
The flashing red lights kiss your body as you make your way out of the club, the music vanishing into the background as the fresh air of the night hits you right in the face.
You turn around to look at Spencer and as soon as you do, he flashes you a smile.
The most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen.
A sinful smile that will cause nothing, but trouble for you that night.
You don’t care, you can handle anything he’s willing to give you and more.
Leading Spencer in the dark alley right behind the club, you feel your nerves slowly creeping up behind you. It’s the first time in so long you’re doing this with a stranger but you don’t care, because it feels so fucking good.
You want him, he wants you.
What’s wrong with that?
Once you’ve reached the spot you wanted to hide in, you turn your body around and you wait for Spencer to get a little close.
“That was pretty pathetic, you know?”
You hum, raising your brows. “What? My attempt at wooing you?”
Spencer nods his head, stepping closer to you. “A little angel trying to get the attention of the scary devil by dancing with those useless guys.”
His words are going straight between your legs.
“You noticed it, then.”
“How could I not? You were looking at me the whole time, begging me to do something, to show you that I’m better than all of them.”
Spencer’s hand runs across your exposed thigh, his fingers dipping into your skin just harshly enough to leave a mark. A short whine comes out of your lips as you bite on them, looking at him.
You barely see the silhouette of the body because of the dark alley you’re in, but you don’t care. You can imagine his face, that adorable smirk appearing and spreading wider with each of his movements.
“I guess there’s only one way to find out.”
Holding out your hand, you wrap it around the tie on his neck and you tug him so that his body is pressed against yours. The cold wall behind your back mixed with the hot flashes of desire and pleasure pulsating through your body is a dizzy combination, amplifying everything that you’re feeling.
Spencer brings his other hand up to your neck, gripping your hair and yanking it harshly enough to force you to look up at him. A short gasp falls out from your lips, his smirk spreads even wider on those sinful lips.
“Are you sure you want me to corrupt you, little angel?”
His breath lingers over your mouth, his eyes staring you down to the point you don’t know if your legs will be able to hold you up.
“Yes, please.”
You can see he’s pondering about what to say next, but there’s nothing coherent that seems to be able to slip out. You shudder when his right leg pushes against your hips, right where you need him the most. His mind is just as messy as yours right now, blinding him to the point he barely knows where to start.
Spencer pulls your hair again before slamming your chest against the wall. You put both your hands before you can end up getting hurt, the quick movements leaving you completely breathless.
His left hand works quickly to unbutton his pants and you wonder if he’s actually going to take you right there, in the dirty alley behind a club on Halloween night.
You don’t care.
His other hand lifts the skirt of your white dress before slipping right between your legs. Another moan comes out of your mouth as you close your eyes, ready to feel the collision of his body against yours once again.
“What are you doing, sir?” you ask
Spencer presses his chest to your back, his lips tracing the soft skin of your shoulder before leaving a bite right underneath your earlobe. He doesn’t need to answer you with words because his fingers are already making their way to your panties, gently grazing over them.
“Corrupting your soul.”
You push your hips back to his, licking your bottom lip when his fingers cast your panties aside. You’re already wet, the pleasure blinding you and overpowering you to the point you’re already a mess before he can even think about touching you.
Never in the world would you have thought you’d end up with a devil behind you, ready to take you and show you how you need to be treated.
Spencer barely touches your clit with the tip of his thumb when you let out a desperate moan, spreading your legs without even him asking you to. You’re so desperate to have him you barely hear the snicker coming from his lips, how he shakes his head and bites your neck once again.
The pathetic whimper slipping out of your mouth is enough to tell him you need more, so he gives it to you.
You bend over to push your panties down your legs, but Spencer brings you up again. He doesn’t want you to slip away from his grip, mainly because this night has just barely started.
“I would love to take you right here, but I don’t think it’d be fitting for an angel like you.” - Spencer whispers in your ear, his index grazing over your entrance before burying it right there - “I’m just going to give you a little taste of what’s going to happen tonight.”
You nod your head as another whorish moan comes out of your mouth, your head dangling behind against his shoulder. You’re grateful he’s not taking you right there for a simple reason.
You want to see him when he’ll bury his cock inside of you. You want to see every detail of his face when the pleasure will be so strong. You want to see him break down because of all the pleasure you know you can give him and know he can take from you.
You want him to crumble down for you.
When Spencer pushes another finger inside of you to the hilt, you can’t help, but whine at the stretching sensation. Your wetness is coating his fingers, allowing them to slip in and out of you with ease.
Spencer’s mouth is still on your throat.
“Fuck, fuck…”
“Such naughty words for a little angel like you.”
Spencer presses harder into you, the burning sensation disappearing to allow the intense pleasure to take over. You whine at his intrusion and close your eyes, focusing on the wet sounds of his fingers pushing in and out of you and the whispers from his lips.
“I didn’t know little angels liked to be fingered in dirty alleys behind clubs. Or are they just little sluts like us devils?”
Right now you’re a slut.
Right now you are whatever he says you are.
You don’t care about anything else, but his fingers inside of you, corrupting your soul and chipping it away one movement at a time.
“Or did I just find the perfect little slut for me?”
You can’t help but moan at his words, nodding your head. You want to spread your legs even more, but your panties are preventing you from doing so, the stretchy fabric blocking your movements.
You are a slut for him, needing his contact more and more to bring you to the edge of pleasure.
Spencer clicks his tongue, running it across your neck. “More? Does my little angel want more? Does she want to come on my fingers?”
You can hardly stand against the wall, your fingers gripping whatever they can as your hips push towards his hand. His fingers are brushing over the sweet spot inside of you, touching it so meticulously and pressing onto it as if they were meant to do so.
Each movement brings you closer and closer to the edge.
A heat wave spreads through your body, settling right between your legs and behind your belly button. You can feel his erection pressing against your ass, adding to the pleasure already burning deeply within you.
You’re shocked at how much self-control he has.
You hope he loses it soon.
Spencer picks up the pace of his movements. “That’s it, little angel. Tell me how good I am making you feel, how much you’ve wanted my fingers fucking your pretty cunt.”
A gasp runs out of your mouth.
“Spencer, please… I…”
The brutal pace of his fingers fucking you drags more moans out of your lips, not caring if anybody can hear you. That’s the last one of your problems because right now, you only need to come.
You grip his bicep with your right hand, digging your fingers into his skin and leaving moonlights all over it. You don’t know for how long you’re going to keep holding on.
You’re already slipping towards the edge.
“Say my name louder, little angel. Let everyone know how you’re allowing a dark, twisted demon to fuck your pretty cunt.”
Your hips buckle against his as you let out another whine, calling out his name in chants that seem to excite him even more.
Moans, curses, his name…
Nothing coherent is coming out, but he doesn’t care, he loves the panting mess you’ve become in his arms. If you’re letting go like this for his hand, he can’t wait to see what you’ll do and how you’ll behave when he’ll finally take you.
He’s going to enjoy every second of his night with you, watching those fluffy wings turning into demonic ones and your behaviour changing even drastically than before.
Now that you’ve got his attention, he’s going to make it worth your while.
Spencer presses his hips against yours, inserting another finger inside of you and using his thumb to toy with your throbbing clit.
“Oh fuck, Spencer! Fuck, please, m-more…”
“Take what you’re given and be grateful, little angel. This is just the beginning.”
His words seem to twist something inside of you because soon you’re coming, clenching your walls against his fingers and cursing his name more. Your whole body goes stiff, but his movements don’t slow down, dragging your orgasm for as long as they can.
You arch your back as you feel his mouth biting the soft skin of your throat, your wetness sliding down his fingers.
“Look at you, little angel.” - he whispers in your ear, his tongue caressing your earlobe before his teeth tease it - "Allowing a demon to own your body? That’s dangerous, you should know that.”
Tensing under his touch, you feel your body spasming.
Your breath is stuck in your throat, your legs are shaking and if it wasn’t for Spencer’s body behind you, you would’ve been on the floor.
Gently pulling out his fingers from your body, Spencer leans his forehead against your shoulder. You turn your head just enough for him to look up at you. The faint lights coming from a car not too far from you are enough to show you how his pupils are blown.
And his cheeks are flushed, desire clearly written all over his face.
Turning your body to his, you grab his hand and push his fingers inside of your mouth.
You taste your own arousal on his fingertips as your tongue swirls around them, sucking them clean.
“You look so good with my fingers in your mouth.”
Winking, you take them out and press a soft kiss on his wrist. “I taste good. You should try me.”
“Oh, I will, little angel. Just not now.” - Spencer mumbles over your lips, nudging his nose against yours - “Do you think you can stand for me?”
You manage to nod your head, watching him take a step away from you. When you don’t feel his arms around you, you let out a sigh and you turn around.
There’s no one in sight and you wonder if anybody has heard or seen you.
If they did, well… You hope it was a good show.
Fixing your pants underneath your dress, you watch Spencer buckling his pants up again. You wonder why he opened them if he wasn’t planning on fucking you - or maybe he wanted to do that, and then he remembered he didn’t have any condoms on him.
You don’t have them either.
You weren’t exactly planning on having sex with someone tonight.
“Do you want to come home with me?”
You run your fingers through your hair, looking up at the man in front of you. “I was hoping you’d ask that.”
Once you’re all fixed, Spencer wraps his right arm around your body. You follow him inside the parking lot with a grin over your lips, barely noticing people staring at the two of you from the entrance of the dark alley you were in a few seconds ago.
Maybe they heard you, maybe they didn’t.
Honestly? You don’t care.
When you’re in the car with Spencer, you pull out your phone from your bra. You forgot you had it in there and you know you probably have the mark of it on the skin of your breasts, but you don’t care.
Being pressed against a wall and finger-fucked by a man dressed as a devil felt too good to be interrupted by a stupid phone.
Spencer drives out of the parking lot while you text your best friend that you’re going home with the stranger. He doesn’t say anything for the rest of the ride, just enjoying the silent looks you’re giving him and the little smirk that is slowly appearing over your lips.
You admire his hands gripping the steering wheel, thinking about those fingers that were inside of you and bringing you to the edge of desire just a few moments ago.
They were covered in your arousal and then they were not.
They were in your mouth and then they were not.
That’s so fucking hot.
Spencer taps his index over his bottom lip. “You’re staring.”
Your nose twitches at his words. “Sorry.”
“No, don’t be sorry. I like it when you watch me.” - he tells you with a little smile, glancing at you before stopping at a traffic light - “I just didn’t think you’d keep doing that, since you’ve done it the whole night.”
Chuckling, you shrug. “You’re a handsome young man, dark and twisted demon.”
“Thank you. You’re quite gorgeous yourself, little angel.”
It doesn’t take long to reach an empty parking lot in front of a dark building on the right side of the road.
Spencer parks the car at best and unbuckles his seat-belt, jumping out and opening the door for you. Thanking him in a whisper, you step out while you take off your fluffy wings.
As cute as they are, they’re incredibly uncomfortable - and you’re sure you’ll end up completely naked in his apartment. There’s no point in keeping them on, but Spencer seems to disagree with your opening.
“Keep them on.”
You blink at his words, silently nodding.
You’re not going to disobey him, you want him to know that you’re willing to do anything he wants. After all, he just gave you an incredible orgasm and he was nice enough to not fuck you and ruin your dress in a dark alley.
That’s cute.
Spencer leads the way inside the building, quickly opening the door of his apartment before allowing you to step inside first. A faint smell of lavender welcomes you, soon followed by the warmth of Spencer’s fingers grabbing you by the waist.
You feel yourself growing impatient as soon as he touches you.
It’s incredible how addicted you are to him already.
You take off your shoes as soon as you start feeling his hands travelling down to your thighs, gasping when he pushes his skirt up your legs. Spencer only does that so he can take off your panties, sliding them down your thighs.
“Take them off and give them to me.”
You obey, shuffling out of your panties before picking them up. Spencer grabs them from your hands and puts them inside of his pocket, taking a step away from you.
His eyes never leave yours.
He’s admiring you, watching how your body is reacting to that simple touch and that request. Your cheeks are already red, your eyes are still watery from what he did to you earlier and he notices the vein on your neck vibrating.
You’re so excited, so needy and desperate to have him.
“Get on your knees for me, little angel.”
You do, dropping right in front of him as your fluffy wings flutter.
Spencer runs his fingers through your hair, gripping it before yanking your head back again. You’re forced to look at him, your gaze stained with pleasure and desire. You want to make him feel so good just like he did with you.
Never thought you, dressed up as an angel, would give a blowjob to a man dressed up as a devil.
It’s ironic.
And extremely hot.
“Angels should pray on their knees. Now you’re going to do more than that.” - Spencer says with a smirk, unzipping his pants - “Isn’t that right, little angel?”
You nod your head vigorously because of course you want to do that. You’re so desperate to feel him on your tongue that you’ve forgotten how to speak, too busy dreaming about how amazing he’ll feel.
Spencer lets go of your hair, pushing his pants down. “Good. Then worship me.”
You get to it as soon as his cock springs free, your right hand immediately wrapping around it with your eyes on his face. You’re not going to drop your gaze, you want to see Spencer break down because of your mouth, because of how sinful your tongue is and feels.
You wonder if you’re still good at it.
Spencer squirms under your gaze but pretends he doesn’t, licking his bottom lip and caressing your face with his hand. Having you on your knees, dressed up as an angel, feels so fucking hot - and naughty at the same time.
When you lick the head of his cock with a swirl of your tongue, Spencer feels like he’s being thrown up into Heaven. He has to repeat to himself that he can’t come so quickly, or he’ll disappoint you - but you don’t care.
As long as he’s satisfied, you’re more than willing to drink his nectar.
Spencer releases the sweetest moan ever when you finally take him into your mouth, massaging what doesn’t fit with your hand. Your eyes are still on his face, watching his nose twitching and his lips trembling.
His brown eyes are staring you down as well, not leaving yours for a second.
You wonder if he’s doing this to show you that he still has some control over you, but you don’t care. It feels so fucking good to give him pleasure and being able to admire his beauty through it.
“That’s my good little angel. You’re doing so good for me.”
His praise doesn’t go unheard.
You hollow your cheeks around his cock, sucking it lightly while your tongue works up and down his shaft. Your hands run up Spencer's body, settling over his hips to guide it back and forth.
You push his black shirt up, silently begging him to take it off. He does, showing off his beautiful body now kissed by the faint lights inside of his living room.
You realize that you’re basically against the entrance door.
Spencer was too eager to have you to carry you to the bedroom. You don’t complain, there’s plenty of time to get there.
The thought makes you giggle.
You swirl your tongue around the head of his cock, pulling it out of your mouth before sucking it again. Spencer gasps at your gesture but doesn’t say anything, caressing your hair again and enjoying the warmth of your mouth.
He swings his hips just a little, watching you gag.
“Fuck. Yeah, keep going, little angel.” - Spencer’s voice is broken by the pleasure and you feel a wave of pride washing over you - “I’m not going to last long.”
Pulling out his cock from your mouth and massaging it up and down, you lick your bottom lip. Spit is covering your chin and his length as well, making it easier for you to touch him like this.
“I don’t want you to.”
Spencer chuckles at your response, running his hand through his hair while he closes his eyes. The sound of your hand sliding up and down his cock, mixed with the little gasps coming out of his mouth are enough to make you wet all over again - the desire is radiating off his body, but yours as well.
It’s incredible how touching someone like this could have such an impact on you and your self-control.
Spencer moans loudly when you swirl your thumb over the head of his cock, your tongue touching the underside of it. You know it’s one of the most sensitive points so you keep hitting it, wrapping your lips around the head and sucking on it gently.
“Feels so fucking good, little angel.”
Spencer feels as if his body is on fire.
The more you take him into your mouth, the more he thinks he has just been thrown back into Hell because of the intensity of the pleasure. What you’re giving him is more than just pleasure: it’s desire, it’s greed, it’s lust.
You want to stain his soul.
And you’re succeeding.
“If this is what corrupting and defiling an angel feels like, then I should fall from grace a little more.”
You manage not to laugh at his little joke for obvious reasons as you continue your own fall, forcing him to give you what you need. Using your left hand to grip what can’t fit in your mouth, you start bobbing your head up and down. Your tongue swirls around his length, watching him getting closer and closer to the edge of pleasure.
The same edge you were riding not too long ago.
Until he finally falls off it.
Spencer grips your hair to warn you about his upcoming release but you don’t move away, wanting to know what Hell tastes like.
“Y/N, I…”
You shake your head, stroking his cock with your hand. “Come for me, sir. Please, come down my throat. I need it so badly."
Spencer feels the pleasure booming through his body when you bring your mouth back down on his cock, your lips wrapping around his head. And finally he allows pleasure to take control of his whole body.
His back arches as the tip of your tongue flicks over the slit of his cock and finally, you feel his come dripping down your throat. You swallow without complaining, the salty taste making your eyes roll in the back of your head.
You can’t wait to feel that inside of you, if he’ll be sweet enough to give it to you.
Spencer’s entire body is tingling with the release, his thighs are quivering and a chorus of curses are flying out of his mouth. The intensity of the moment and the sight of your beautiful eyes staring at him are enough to drive him completely crazy.
You watch him gripping the back of his couch, trying to find something to steady himself.
Slowly, you pull away from him and swallow every drop of his release with your eyes still on his face. Spencer hasn’t stopped looking at you, watching the saliva dripping down your chin and a few drops of his come running down your neck.
He has never seen such a beautiful sight in his life before.
“Holy fucking shit.”
You wink at him. “Holy indeed.”
Spencer takes a deep breath, watching you get up from the floor and stripping out of your dress without him having to say anything. You don’t care if he wanted you to keep the wings, you’re not going to do that - not even if he begs you on his knees.
They’re annoying.
You’re going to want to move freely when Spencer is finally going to fuck you somewhere in his apartment.
An apartment you end up admiring as he tries to get his breath back.
There are so many books around you, covering every single angle of the living room. Piles of books and documents and different prints are all over, there’s not a spot where you can’t find at least two books.
You wonder if he has read every single one of them.
The answer is probably “yes”.
Completely naked and wandering around the living room, Spencer follows you in silence as he unbuckles his pants. Once he’s naked as well, wearing nothing, but his briefs just like you’re only wearing your bra and your panties, he grabs you by the hand.
You turn around, eyeing him up and down.
You smirk.
He looks so pretty right now.
“Thought I’d join you.”
“Hm, the naked brigade.”
Spencer chuckles, his hand sliding over your arm before you turn your whole body around.
It doesn’t take long for you to end up in his arms again, his grip tightening around your waist as he finally pulls you into a hug. A hug that soon transforms into a kiss, because his mouth covers yours in such a delicate manner.
If before there only was desire and lust, now everything has been toned down by passion.
A passion that doesn’t need to explode but blossom between you.
His warm hands travel down your back, settling right underneath your thighs. You try your best to spread them for him, his body crashing against yours to feel the heat radiating off your skin. You’re basking in his grip, moaning softly over his lips with his tongue slipping inside of your mouth.
He can taste his own release on the tip of his tongue and he’s drunk.
Drunk of pleasure, of desire, of lust.
Of everything he knows you can give him.
Spencer doesn’t know if this is how Hell feels like, but he can’t get enough.
You don’t even need to answer him because he already knows what you’re going to say. His right hand slips right into yours as you follow him inside the hallway, leaving all of your clothes right in front of the door.
It’s amusing how you couldn’t even make it to his bedroom before.
Spencer leads you to his bedroom and turns the lights on, turning his head to look at you. The faint smell of lavender has been replaced by the smell of you. Spencer wonders if his bedsheets are going to smell like you tomorrow - if they won’t, he’s going to be so disappointed.
You stare at the pile of books on his nightstand right next to a file with the mark of the FBI.
You widen your eyes, surprised by the sight. You were expecting him to be a Professor or something similar, but never an FBI agent. You just… didn’t think of it.
You were too focused on eating him with your own eyes, you weren’t exactly thinking about what his occupation is. Not that you care, honestly. You need him to ruin you, to fuck you, to own you, to corrupt your innocence.
Did you really let an FBI agent finger you in the back of a dirty alley?
Spencer stands behind you, his mouth leaving quick kisses on his shoulders. You lean your head to the side and close your eyes, enjoying the softness of his lips brushing all over your skin as it leaves traces of fire behind.
“You’ve been so good for me tonight, little angel.”
Spencer’s voice sounds sinful right now, soft and raspy.
You can barely speak, your words stuck in your throat when his hand lingers right over it. It’s incredible how a simple touch can send you into overdrive, filled with desire and blind with lust. There’s no point in denying Spencer knows what to do.
“I want to make you feel good.”
Spencer nudges his nose against your throat. “I could see that. Your mouth felt incredible around me, but I’m sure something else will feel much better.”
You whine when his right hand travels down your chest, grasping your breast. His fingers are harshly digging into your skin, leaving marks that you will think about for the rest of your days.
“Don’t you agree, little angel?”
His fingers twist your nipple, eliciting a moan from your lips. “Yes. Yes, I agree.”
Turning your body against his once again, Spencer kisses your mouth.
This time is different because of the way his tongue is owning yours, biting your bottom lip, proves how much Spencer desires you and how deeply he’s eager to have you in any way he can.
You allow him, because there’s nothing you want more than to feel his touch all over you for as long as you can. You don’t want this night to end.
Spencer pulls your body closer to him with a swift move, his erection pressing greedily to your spread thighs. You gasp at the sensation, bucking his hips forward and moving just enough to steal a moan from his lips.
He doesn’t listen to your pleas, placing his other hand on your breast. He kneads them harshly, twisting and toying with your already hardened nipples. You moan against his mouth and wrap your arms around his neck, lifting your body just enough so that you’re completely pressed against his body.
You want him so fucking bad.
Spencer slides his hand behind your back, unclasping your bra and sliding it off your shoulders. He wants to see every inch of you and he’s going to worship every detail of your body, starting with your nipples.
His mouth attaches to the right one, sucking it lightly and gently biting on it as you throw your head back. You’ve never felt like this before, such a fire burning deep inside of your body - and it’s ironic, since you’re an angel.
Angel shouldn’t feel like this.
However, tonight you’re his little angel.
You run your fingers through Spencer’s curls, tugging on them. “Hm, feels so good.”
Spencer draws patterns over your nipple before moving to the other one, enjoying the way your back arches because of his movements. You close your eyes, allowing yourself to feel everything he’s giving you.
You’re lost in the pleasure.
Hell has never felt so good.
Your hips buck against his body, desperate to feel his hot tongue somewhere else. You don’t want to be too greedy but you don’t care, you want him to the point you’re willing to reach Hell and stay there for the rest of your life.
His mouth closes around your left nipples as his teeth graze over it, but his hands are working to slide your panties down your legs. You kick them away and spread your legs just enough for him to settle his hand right over your sex, now completely exposed for him and his lustful eyes.
Spencer seems to understand your eagerness because soon, he’s matching it.
“Please, take me. Please, Spencer, I beg of you.”
Spencer pulls away from your chest, giving you a long look. His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips look even plumper. He can sense the neediness booming through your body, noticing how your hands are desperately clinging to his arms and his curls.
You want him so badly.
He wants you even more.
Spencer pushes his briefs down his legs, finally exposing his beautiful body to your own eyes. You let them linger on his chest for a few seconds before settling them back up on your face, smiling softly.
“You look beautiful.”
“You look even better, little angel.”
Spencer moves behind you again, his palms sliding over your thighs before spreading them as you bend over. Your hands end up on the edge of his bed, a similar position he bent you in when you were still in the parking lot of the club.
“Now I’m going to finally have my way with you.”
An excited laugh comes out of your lips when you feel his cock pressing right over your entrance, your wetness coating his head.
“Yes. Please, take me. I know you want me to.”
“Is my little angel ready to have her soul corrupted by mine?”
You eagerly nod at his question, feeling his devilish smirk creeping up on his lips. “Yes. More than ready, sir.”
Spencer doesn’t enter just yet, pushing your body forward so that you’re laying flat on your stomach on his bed. Your thighs are spread wide open for Spencer and he has never seen such a beautiful image right in front of his very eyes.
You’re dripping because of him, your thighs are quivering in anticipation and there are marks all over your hips and neck that he did. He can’t believe he has you all for himself right now, after watching you so carefully and excitingly inside that club.
All of those guys who wanted you, all of those guys who tried to touch you...
They didn’t get to have you.
Spencer is.
“I want to see your face.”
You roll over his bed, lying down on the bed facing him. You don’t want to disobey Spencer and you’re more than willing to admire him as he owns you, possesses you, takes control of every single inch of you and more.
You’ve been craving that since you saw him, knowing exactly how he was going to touch you and show you how much he wants you.
You roll your hips to meet his, making him whimper at your gesture. “Come on, dark and twisted devil, show me what you’re capable of. I need it.”
Spencer towers on top of your body, his mouth attaching to the side of your neck and peppering it with light kisses. You close your eyes and arch your back, a soft moan coming out of your lips as you try your best to keep quiet.
You want him so badly.
You don’t know how you’re holding yourself back this way.
Spencer grumbles at your pleas. “Alright, little angel, but first...”
He doesn’t move from your body, reaching out for something in his nightstand on the right side of his bed. When you realise what he’s holding in the palm of his hand, you grab his wrist and shake your head without breaking eye-contact.
You don’t know if this is desire talking for you or if it’s actually what you want, but you don’t care. You want Spencer to be inside of you completely freely, feeling every inch of you clinging to him and gripping him like a vice.
You crave that contact so badly.
“I’m clean.”
Spencer’s eyes widen at your response. The condom falls back on the nightstand as he moves back on top of your body, staring you down. He’s not surprised by your answer and the desire flashing behind your eyes. You’re completely at his mercy right now and he knows you’d do anything for him.
You’d never lie, though.
“Such a naughty little angel.” – he whispers, his mouth grazing over yours and making your heart flutter in your chest – “Do you really want me to come inside of you? Are you sure you want to let a devil like me defile you, fill this pretty cunt?”
You nod your head ever so eagerly, humming. “Yes. Please, I know you want to.”
Spencer doesn’t need to be told twice, wanting tonight to be the end of your misery and the beginning of something incredibly wicked that will go on for long. He started to corrupt your innocence since he made you dance so shamelessly against others to catch his attention; now he’s not going to budge or give up on your demand, desperate to give you everything.
You’re going to take every drop he has to offer.
And you’re going to bask in it, enjoying it fully.
Spencer is going to show you how it feels to be owned, what it means to have someone marking you so deeply inside of you. He’s sure you won’t be able to think about anything or anyone else for days, you’ll feel him drip out of you for the rest of your life.
And honestly, you can’t wait for that.
“I want you to look at me the whole time I’m owning you, little angel. I want you to feel every inch of me, I want you to show me how grateful you are to have me inside of you.” - Spencer whispers, his mouth covering your ear as he nips at your earlobe - “You’re being too quiet.”
You don’t understand how he expects you to say something intelligent or coherent when he’s ruining you, chipping away your soul piece by piece with his hands, his fingers hooking on your hips and pushing you further down the bed.
Your breath is rugged, your chest is rising up and down rapidly.
Your mind is hazy, filled with nothing but desire, lust and whorish moans that you’re trying to hold back.
Spencer clicks his tongue, watching you squirm when he spreads your legs. “Beg me.”
You gasp when his right hand cups your heat, his fingers toying with your slit. You can barely keep your eyes open, which is already a disappointment.
“Please, Spencer, I… I need you inside of me. Please.”
Your voice comes out as a whisper, vanishing into the air of his bedroom. Your legs squeeze around his waist as Spencer hoists his hips just enough to align himself with your entrance. Not saying anything, he grabs his cock from the base and teases your wet folds.
You whine again, closing your eyes. “Please, I’ve been so good to you… Please, give it to me.”
Spencer reaches out for your neck with his free hand, his fingers digging into your soft skin as they cut off the air supply. You gasp at the sensation but you don’t say anything, the pleasure exploding through your body to the point you can barely say his name.
You don’t know who you are, why you’re there, or who you are with.
Nothing, your mind is completely blank.
“Spencer, please, just fuck me. I need to come, please, I need it.”
You feel so incredibly pathetic, moving your hips against his body and watching his eyes staring at you with that devilish smirk spreading over his lips. It’s annoying how he looks so amused in such an intense moment, because you can feel how hard he is and how eager he is to slip inside of you.
He wants you, it’s undeniable, but he has much more self-control than you.
“If you don’t do it, I’ll do it myself!” you exclaim
Those words seem to have some kind of reaction within him because Spencer immediately pushes his cock inside of you, barely giving you the time to stretch and adjust to his size.
Your body trembles at the sensation, your orgasm already building up behind your belly button as a wave of pleasure washes through you. Spencer leans forward and hides his face in the crook of your neck, his mouth immediately attaching to your skin.
“Oh my…”
“Don’t say God.” - Spencer whispers, making you smile - “Tonight there’s no God, just me.”
Once Spencer is bottomed out inside of you, he starts thrusting at a quick pace. You don’t even understand what is happening because the pleasure explodes even more intensely, forcing you to grip the metal bars of the headboard.
Every whorish moan you kept inside of your throat before, has been now released. Your voice echoes through the room, the wet sound of your bodies joining one another is enough to make your heart flutter in your chest.
“Fuck, fuck… More.”
As much as you love letting him know that he’s breaking you down until you’re at your most vulnerable point, you’re dying to hear his moans as well. You want to know how good you’re making him feel, how amazing the pleasure he’s taking from you is.
“That’s it, little angel, you’re doing so good.”
It’s like as if he heard your thoughts.
You place both your hands behind his neck, pushing his head down so that your lips can meet all over again in a kiss that has nothing sweet in it. It’s pure lust and desire, an animalistic need that has been running through your bloodstream and invading his body as well.
Your back arches off the bed, your breasts brush against his chest and his mouth bites and nibbles your neck. You know there will be too many marks on your neck but you don’t care, you need everything.
You want everything he can give you.
Spencer grits his teeth at the sensation of your walls clenching around his cock, admiring the way your face is twisted in pleasure. Your brows are furrowed and your lips are slightly parted, your mouth trying to pull away just enough.
When you do, it’s because you can’t help but cry out his name in pleasure.
You’re struggling to keep your cool, completely losing yourself at his incredible ability to touch you and pushing you closer and closer to the edge. An edge you ride with so much difficulty.
“Look at you, taking my cock so well inside this pretty cunt.” - Spencer groans, his left hand travelling between your body as he starts touching your clit - “You feel so good, I can’t get enough of you.”
You whimper with your eyes closed, your head thrown back against the pillow. You can barely hear the sound of his voice, too lost in the shuffling of the blanket and the wet sounds of your bodies coming together.
Slamming into you each time with more force, Spencer takes the words out of your mouth.
“You’re all mine, aren’t you? Mine for the take, mine to use, mine to worship.”
You purr at his words, smirking because you’re ruining him as well. He might be taking you down to Hell with him, but you’re not the only one who wants to be damned once and for all tonight. Spencer might have control over your body, but you have it over his mind - and you don’t know what’s worse.
“Yes, Spencer. I'm all yours, please.” - you mumble, feeling your orgasm approaching rather quickly and the pace of his thrusts faltering - “Let me come, please.”
You desperately crave the release you’ve been running towards for the past hour, his cock pushing in and out of you at such a quick pace. A pace that leaves you completely breathless, hopeless, filled with a deep desire that you can feel coming out of your throat and wrapping all around you.
“Is that what you want, little angel? Do you want to come for me?” - Spencer asks, voice filled with tenderness - “Do you want to come all over my cock for me?”
You nod your head, struggling to say anything else. It’s all you want and crave. “Yes, please. Let me do that, please.”
When you feel Spencer picking up the pace, you feel your toes curling in pleasure and your whole body tightening at his touch.
“Come for me, little angel.”
That’s all it takes for you before the orgasm washes over you. Spencer rips a cry of pleasure from your chest, your back arching and your fingers digging into the soft skin of his neck as you try to look at him in the eyes.
There are tears streaming down your face. Your fingers are gripping the bed sheet and his skin, marking him exactly like he’s doing.
The tension has snapped within you, a chorus of curses and his name falls off your mouth.
Spencer captures your lips with his, a kiss that is nothing but messy. There’s no grace at all, it’s just a gesture that Spencer showed you because he wants you to know that he owns you, he has you and you’re all his.
You are, you wouldn’t want anything else.
Spencer keeps thrusting in and out of you, prolonging his own pleasure until he can’t take it anymore.
Watching him apart because of you has never felt better.
His eyes burn your skin, the sensation filling his body finally comes to an end as he reaches his peak. You lose your grip on the headboard as your nails scratch his back, feeling his warmth filling you up to the brim and leaving you breathless.
“Take it, little angel. Take all of it.”
You do.
You stare at him with widened eyes, gasps and curses flowing out of your mouth as you praise him for being so good, so sweet and tender to you, no matter the marks he has covered your body with.
No trace of innocence, no trace of anything else but his desire dripping out of you and pooling it right on the sheets.
Spencer collapses on top of you with half-lidded eyes and the same devilish smirk on his lips, your arms quickly wrapping around his neck. The warmth of his body is enough to satiate you, making you smile even wider than before.
This is exactly what satisfaction feels like.
You throw your head back with your eyes closed, taking a deep breath.
You don’t know for how long you lay like that on the bed with him. His curls tickle the lower part of your pace as his fingers draw circles over your belly, before the palm of his hand gently caresses your thigh.
When Spencer pulls out of you, you whine at the loss of his body.
Closing your legs, you turn your head to the side where Spencer is settling and you roll your body, so that you’re laying your head on his chest.
Spencer keeps an arm around your shoulders and gives you a kiss on the forehead.
“My good little angel.”
You giggle at the pet-name, looking up at him. “All yours.”
He runs his fingers through your hair, pressing another open-mouthed kiss on your lips. “Do you think you can stand?”
“Hm, I don’t think so.” - you tell him with honesty, your nose twitching - “Can I stay here for a little while? I’ll be good.”
“I know you will, you’re my good little angel.” - Spencer pulls away from your grip, stepping down the bed - “I’ll clean you up.”
When he disappears from the bedroom, leaving you all alone with your thoughts, you roll on your bed again and you close your eyes. You wonder if your friend is okay, if she has found somebody to go home with because you did - and you plan on staying here the whole night.
Something tells you that Spencer is not done with you yet.
Once he’s back inside of his bedroom with a warm washcloth in his hand, he kneels between your legs and cleans you up. You whine when his hands linger a little too long over your spread thighs, admiring the mess he has made inside you that’s still dripping out of your body.
You feel the tip of his index sliding up to your clit and you squirm, looking at Spencer.
“What are you doing?”
He smirks, licking his bottom lip. “I think I want to know what Heaven tastes like.”
Before you can open your mouth to say something, you feel his lips closing around your clit and his fingers making their way back inside of you.
It doesn’t take long for you to linger over the edge of desire, your third orgasm of the night approaching rather quickly. Spencer is relentless, fucking you with his fingers and his mouth all over again with his eyes settled on your face the whole time.
You close your legs around his head, his tongue completely buried inside of you and probably tasting the mixture of his come and your arousal.
It’s so fucking hot.
“Heaven tastes so fucking sweet.” - Spencer mumbles, his lips caressing your clit before closing around it - “Let go, little angel. And let me bask in the joy of Heaven.”
Your orgasm takes you by surprise, exploding through your body as a loud cry of pleasure comes out of your lips. Spencer cleans every drop of your orgasm off your body, moaning softly at the sensation of your fingers pulling and tugging on his curls as he stares you down.
He has never seen such a beautiful creature before in his life.
Spencer lazily traces your slit with his tongue, watching you squirm because of him.
“Fuck, Spencer… You’re killing me here.”
He chuckles at your response, pulling away when you stiffen at his touch. You don’t want him to touch you again because you’re overwhelmed. Your whole body feels like it’s on fire and you’re sure this is the fire of Hell, dragging you further and further down to the point of no return. The painful pleasure running through every cell within you and your thighs is enough for you to push his hand away.
Spencer presses more kisses on your inner thighs, smiling softly before lying back down on the bed with you.
Cuddling up to his body, you close your eyes as he covers your naked back with the blanket.
“Stay the night.”
You nod.
“..So I can ruin you a little more tomorrow morning.”
You can’t help but chuckle, placing your right hand on your cheek. “Can’t wait.”
When you waddle out of his apartment the next day, you can’t help but giggle. His signs won’t fade away for the next few days, but by that time, there will be new ones to substitute the old ones.
And this time... You’re going to show him how Heaven feels like.
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NSFW taglist: @getyoutmoon​, @bookishspencer​ @calm-and-doctor @reidswhoree @nazifa94​ @srhxpci @eevee0722 @reichelhache @aperrywilliams @escapingrealities @beepbooptoop​ @anime-for-live @alfonsais @lil-stark @muffin-cup @allexthakatt @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @nomajdetective @gyllord @winterwhore @pauline5525mgg @hotchandspencearedilfs @matthewgraygublerwife @jadealicious06 @avocadopenguins @reidsmilf @softreidx
I added alot of people to my taglist because they asked me to. I don't ask much in return, just a reblog or a like or a short comment. I'm taking an extra step to tag all of these people in my taglist, but I've noticed a lot of them either haven't read the work (which is fine!!!) or commented/liked/reblogged it.
It’s seriously inconsiderate, not to mention irritating. It's frustrating to keep a taglist and take a lot of time tagging people, just for them to ignore my works or my mentions. I don't mean to be rude, but this had to be said.
Writing takes a long time and a lot of work. I put my soul in everything I write, so it brings me so much joy to know that people read my stuff - but if you ask to be a part of something so dear to my heart, and then completely ignore me and my works, then we have a problem.
If you don't want to be part of my taglist anymore because you don't like what I write or whatever reason you have (which I completely understand!), just DM me and I will delete your name from the taglist.
Thank you. x
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rattyoakenbitch · 3 years
❝𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲❞ ─ 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝
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but when he loves me i feel like i'm floating
when he calls me pretty i feel like somebody
❥ content ; little gn reader, sfw agere, corpse is a cg, mostly fluff with a smidge of angst
❥ warnings ; daddy issues, childhood trauma, hints of emotional & verbal abuse and of course age regression if ur uncomfy w that stuff. also pet names and the use of the word "daddy" but not in a sexual/smutty context!!! agere is not a kink!!!
❥ synopsis ; you age regress to cope and corpse takes care of you through it all
❥ a/n ; i got a request to write this agere fic a couple months ago on my wattpad! i myself used to be a part of the agere community but it has been years so i forgot a lot of what i learned. however, unlike age play and cgl, agere is just a coping mechanism and totally nonsexual!! pls do ur research before u attack members of the agere community (: ur coping mechanisms are valid!!!
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With a frustrated groan, you push yourself away from your desk, now spinning slowly on your little office type chair.
You had procrastinated and hadn't done any of your work, and even when you did try to finish it, you were easily distracted or discouraged by intrustive thoughts.
Your mind would never fail to drift back to memories of when you were younger. However, those memories weren't exactly fond or anything you'd even want to remember.
Yet they were there, either popping up unexpectedly or lingering in the back of your unconcious mind.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt two strong arms wrap around you, causing you to nearly jump out of your seat.
Corpse hummed. "Are you done with your work yet, darling?"
"Can't finish it.. My brain doesn't wanna co-operate with me today, or ever," you whine, feeling angry tears begin to form behind your waterline.
Corpse sensed the anxiety and frustration in your voice and immediately knew the cause.
"You're not a failure, Y/N. Your father was wrong, and you know it."
"Yeah, but hearing his words in my head don't exactly help when I'm trying to work."
"I know, baby, I know," Still not letting you free from his embrace, Corpse held your significantly smaller hands in his. "But he's not here. It's just me, doll. You're safe."
He knew what he was doing. And he knew that you knew.
You pulled away from his hold, now standing up to face him. He as well stood up to his full height, looking down at you with soft, comforting eyes.
"A-Are you sure I can..?" You ask timidly, looking down at the floor to avoid his gaze. He nods encouragingly.
"Of course, doll. I'll take care of you."
He brings his hand to caress your face and tilts it upwards so your eyes met.
Your eyes dart across the room, looking anywhere but into Corpse's own eyes.
"Tsk, eyes on me, baby."
You hesitantly bring your eyes back to meet his, prompting Corpse to praise you. You feel the blood rush to your cheeks at this.
"You promise?? I don't wanna be a distraction, I-"
Wordlessly, Corpse brushes his thumb on your bottom lip, causing you to quiet down immediately.
"What are you saying? I always have time for you. Now c'mon."
You giggle as Corpse lifts you up into his arms bridal style and takes you to the living room.
You end up watching a Studio Ghibli movie together, tucked underneath blankets and with you snuggled up into Corpse's chest.
At some point during the movie, you unwrap one of Corpse's arms around you and take his hand. This causes Corpse to unconciously hold your hand in his big, calloused ones, adorned with metal rings.
You both look down to where he held you.
"Awe, now would you look at that. Your hand looks so cute, the way it fits in mine," he coos, causing you to sink further into your blankets, hiding your blush.
"Mm stop," you pout, only making Corpse chuckle some more.
"You're hiding because you're blushing?"
"Yes!! Now stop laughing, you big meanie."
Corpse only responds by lifting you back onto his lap, resting his chin on your head.
"Aww, you really are blushing like a rose," Corpse fawns. "Aren't you just a pretty little thing?"
You decide not to sass back and instead accept the praise.
As you both refocused your attention on the screen, Corpse lets go of your hand and instead runs his fingers through your hair. You hum in satisfaction, leaning into his touch. Corpse continues to do this all while he whispers sweet nothings and praises in your ear until you drift off into a blissful sleep.
After what feels like an hour later, but was really just thirty minutes, Corpse's phone chimes, his screen lighting up to reveal a text notification.
As softly as he can, Corpse reaches over to the side table to grab his phone. Despite his efforts, you wake up from the movement and the sudden lack of warmth that was once wrapped around your body.
You huff in annoyance.
"I thought you said you weren't busyyy."
"I know, little one. Sean wants me to join a game with the others. If you want, you can watch us play. We won't be streaming."
You nod in agreement, and once again, Corpse carries you into the studio, setting you down on his lap soon as he sits down.
You hear a little beep, followed by a variety of voices, all talking above one another. It comes to a stop, though, and you're relieved of the overstimulation as soon as they realize Corpse had joined the call.
"Hey, Corpse is here!"
"What's up, Corpse?"
"Hey guys," Corpse greets them. "I hope you don't mind that Y/N's with me right now. They're little again and I promised I'd spend time with them."
You heard some 'aww's' in the back as voices overlapped again.
"Oh, no, yeah of course we're okay with that."
"That's really sweet!"
"All right, guys, no cursing or excessive yelling! If you scare Y/N, you're gonna have me to answer to!"
Though they couldn't see you, you still shyly huddled closer into Corpse's chest. Corpse's friends, being your friends as well, knew that you were an age regressor and were fully supportive and accepting. So this wasn't the only occassion where they'd played with little you around to watch.
"Thank you," you mumbled sleepily into the mic before yawning and laying back down into Corpse.
He gives you a kiss on the top of your head before he goes back to chatting and playing with his friends. An hour passes, and then it's night. The cold nighttime air seeps in through the windows, causing goosebumps to form on your exposed skin.
Silently, you tug at Corpse's hoodie, prompting him to look down at you. Though you've been quiet throughout the past hour, Corpse hadn't forgotten about you.
He raises a brow, confused for a second until you grab at his hoodie again with pleading eyes.
"'M cold, daddy."
"Shh, okay, baby, I got you."
Corpse pulls his sweater over his head, and on instinct, you raise your arms up as well. Corpse takes his hoodie and puts it on you, causing you to giggle in delight.
"There you go. Is that better?"
You beam, "Mhm!"
As Corpse shared this moment with you, he was still blissfully unaware that his mic was still on. That was, until he heard the choruses of "awe's" in his headphones.
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baepsaesbae · 3 years
Babysitters Club
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x reader    
Genre— SMUT, fluff, babysitting au, strangers to lovers au
Warnings— Dom!Taehyung, roleplaying, face fucking, oral sex (m and f), bondage, explicit rough unprotected sex please stay safe irl, squirting, choking, hickies, a surprise cameo from Spring Will Come Again!Jungkook because I have no self control
Word Count— ~7.6k  
Summary— A generic summer job hunt leads you to babysit rowdy (but still cute) kids alongside the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. What shenanigans will you get into with Taehyung by your side?
A/N— HUGE shoutout to the lovely @kimtaehyunq​​ for making this beautiful banner for me! This was literally the Taehyung I had in mind while writing this uwu. This fic is the epitome of self indulgence but I truly hope you guys like it too! Please let me know what you think! My askbox/inbox is always open, don’t be afraid to come chat with me. Love you all, hope you guys are safe <3
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Crumpled up newspapers littered the floor as another ball was apathetically tossed aside. A sigh of defeat escaped your lips as you looked up at the ceiling in desperation.
“Still at it with the job hunt, huh?” your roommate, Hyuna, said when she saw your mess, “I told you to search online. Or try to get a job at a cafe or a boba shop or something.”
“Easy jobs online seem sketchy, and I told you I don’t want to work in the food industry ever again,” you groaned.
“But you’d rather...be a babysitter?” she questioned as she held up an ad, “Wait you could get paid up to $15 an hour? That’s pretty good.”
“I didn’t see that one. Is it an agency or something?”
“Not sure, take a look,” she handed you the paper.
“Oh, it seems like it’s a daycare run out of someone’s house. They’re looking for multiple applicants. You wanna do it with me?! I think it could be fun!” you ask excitedly.
“And spend most of my summer vacation with a bunch of snot nosed brats? I don’t think so. You have fun though!” she blew you a kiss as she walked away.
You whipped your phone out and immediately called the number in the ad. This job was the only one that seemed bearable, and you thought kids were cute for the most part. You’ve had a few babysitting gigs in the past so this shouldn’t be too bad.
“Hello?” a deep voice answered the call.
“Hi, I saw your ad in the paper! I was wondering if there was still a babysitting position open?” you inquired.
“Oh yes! Yeah there’s still a spot open. Um, can you give me a sec?” the man said quickly as you heard wailing kids in the background. After two minutes or so he returned to the phone.
“I’m terribly sorry about that. You don’t have a criminal background or anything right? Gosh, I’m sure this sounds unprofessional but--”
“Nope, I don’t have any charges or anything like that. Should I call back later?” you offered since it seemed like the man was a little preoccupied.
“It’s like this all the time. Why don’t we do a practice run tomorrow? Oh! I mean, whenever you’re available to start. Or technically have an interview? I guess? Hey, don’t put that in your mouth!” the man chastised at someone in the distance.
“I can come in tomorrow!” you said.
“Great! Just use the address in the same ad you got this number from! Oh, and please get here by 9am! See you soon!” the man hung up abruptly.
“That was chaotic…” you said to yourself.
A moment later your phone began to ring. It was from the babysitting guy.
“Hello?” you answered.
“I realized I never got your name! I promise I’m not always this frazzled,” he laughed as rambunctious laughter erupted behind him.
“Oh, I’m ______,” you gave him your first and last name.
“Cool. See you tomorrow Miss ____!” he said before hanging up again.
You were actually excited to babysit. It had been a while since you had done it, and playing with kids was usually fun. Then again, you’ve never had a bad experience with babysitting before. You prayed that this gig would continue the positive trend.
Donning shorts and a simple Mickey Mouse t-shirt, (you figured some kid was bound to like the mousey character) it was time to head off to your potential workplace. The babysitting place was actually fairly close to you, only about a 10 minute drive. It was 8:55am by the time you arrived. A couple of parents walked past your car to drop off their kids. All of the kids seemed to be pretty excited to enter the house, which was definitely a good sign.
You gently knocked on the door at exactly 9am. There was no response as you awkwardly waited for about a minute or so. All you could hear was shrill laughter and thumps that you presumed was the kids running about. You realized there was a doorbell, and sighed at your foolishness.
The door opened seconds after you rang the doorbell. A tall man with dark hair greeted you with a warm smile. You were taken aback by the handsome guy, suddenly questioning whether you were at the right place or not until a child popped up from behind his shoulder and yelled out a loud “Boo!” that caused you to jump.
“Ah, sorry about that! This one is always trying to play pranks,” the man laughed as he playfully jostled the child that was latched onto his back, “You must be ______?”
“That’s me!” you say with a little too much enthusiasm.
“Cool. C’mon in, I’ll introduce you to the kids,” the man led you inside.
The living room was littered with toys, from cars to building blocks to barbies. This place was definitely a kid’s happy place. Four little kids were playing with various things when you walked in. All of the kids there seemed to be between the ages of 4 to 6. At a glance, it seemed like they were all playing house. It took you a few seconds to realize that one of the kids was actually playing by herself; she was just physically close to the other kids.
“Everyone! This is our newest helper! Her name is Miss ____. Let’s all play nicely with her okay?” the man announced.
The kids playing house immediately stopped what they were doing and rushed to you. Two boys began asking you questions in a rapid fire succession, while the little girl merely clung to your leg.
“Those two are Kota and Bel,” the man pointed to the two boys, “The little girl stuck to you like glue is Ava, and the one playing over there is Lucy,” he continued to name each child.
“AND I’M SAM!!” the last boy exclaimed over the man’s shoulder.
“Yes, this troublemaker here is Sam. That’s basically the whole gang! We could get a few more additions as the summer goes on, but these guys are the OG crew. They’re all really sweet kids, once you get to know them. Any questions so far?” your employer asked.
“I don’t think I ever caught your name, sir,” you say politely.
“Oh! No need to call me sir. I think we’re probably around the same age? Not that I’m assuming your age or anything but--”
“He’s my horsey!” Sam interrupted.
“No, he’s the chef!” Kota yelled.
“No, he’s our dad who’s not our dad,” Lucy chimed in.
“My mom told me he was a babysitter?” Bel added, now visibly confused.
“I am all of those things,” the man reassured the children, “But my name is Taehyung. The kids call me Tae or Mr. insert whatever title I have in the game we are playing on that day. Pleasure to meet ya,” Tae extends a hand out to you, “Let’s see how your first day goes.”
The first few hours consisted of a rather intricate game of pretend set up in a fantasy world. You played a princess who was captured by an evil dragon, who was played by Taehyung (you couldn’t help but think about how you wouldn’t mind being his hostage).
The boys were valiant knights on their quest to rescue you. The girls played different creatures that aided the knights as fairies or unicorns or any other things they wanted to be. Most of the game consisted of you and Taehyung sitting together in a corner of the living room. Even though you didn’t have to do anything, it was fun watching the kids play. Their imagination amused you.
“Enjoying yourself, princess?” Taehyung asked as he also watched the children run around.
His deep voice sent chills down your spine. Something about the way the word “princess” rolled off his tongue was so enchanting. You cleared your throat before answering.
“This job has been pretty fun so far, Mr. Evil Dragon,” you smile.
“Hey! I’m not evil, just misunderstood,” he protested.
“Oh no! The dragon is about to eat the princess!” one of the boys cried out.
“What? No, I’m not going to eat her,” Taehyung said defensively.
“You need to pretend to eat the princess so that the knights save her,” Lucy, the quiet one, scuttled over to whisper to the both of you before hurrying back to her spot.
Taehyung turned towards you to appease the kids as they held their breath in anticipation.
“Rawr! I’m going to eat you!” he said in a deep voice.
“Oh no! Somebody save me!” you cried out, playing along.
A few moments passed but none of the kids moved. You both turned your heads towards them in confusion. They stared back at you blankly.
“You need to bite her!” Sam demanded.
“What?” you and Tae said in unison.
“Bite her! Bite her! Bite her!” the boys started to chant.
“But not too hard!” Ava expressed her worry for you, making you smile.
“I…uh…” Taehyung was at a loss for words.
“They’re not gonna stop, are they?” you whispered to him.
He nodded with a sigh as their chanting got louder. You offered him your arm. Kids can be crazy stubborn over silly things. Besides, you’ve done worse for less (college is crazy).
Taehyung shot you an “are you sure about this?” look, to which you just nodded. Once he got the okay, Taehyung grabbed your arm and pulled you harshly, causing your face to be a mere inches away from his.
“Fools! You think you can save the princess? I will devour her before your very eyes!” Taehyung declared with an even deeper voice. He opened his mouth menacingly, as if to show off his fangs. Then, he proceeded to bite your bicep. To be honest, he was being so forceful that you thought he was going to bite you for real, causing you to involuntarily close your eyes.
Instead, he gingerly placed his teeth on your skin so lightly that you could barely feel anything. You opened your eyes to see Taehyung grinning at you with your arm in his mouth.
“Aaaaggghhh GET HIM!!” Sam yelled, leading the other boys straight into Taehyung.
Taehyung quickly let go of you before he rolled out onto the floor. The boys began to pummel Taehyung with their foam swords and pretend bows and arrows. The girls came to your aid to help you escape during the battle.
The little boys triumphantly stood over their defeated babysitter who pretended to be passed out on the floor. You applauded their victory as the girls sat by your side.
“Okay! Good game, it’s almost lunchtime,” Taehyung announced as he quickly popped back up.
“Chef Tae makes the best mac and cheese!” Ava informed you excitedly.
“I wanted dino nuggies!” Sam puffed out his cheeks in disappointment.
“Sam, you know it’s Ava’s day to pick out lunch. It’ll be your turn tomorrow okay? I promise! You guys can stay here and play with Miss ____ till food is ready,” Tae called out as he walked to the kitchen. Lucy silently followed Tae.
“Lucy likes to help out in the kitchen a lot. She sets the table,” Ava explained when she saw you watching Lucy.
“You’re good at being a princess!” Kota butted in as he ran to hug your leg.
“I like your shirt! I like Mickey Mouse too. I saw him in DisneyWorld last year,” Bel said as he clung to your other leg.
The kids took turns holding onto your legs as you tried to walk around. Apparently the thought of making you tumble over was an exciting one, and that kept the kids busy until Taehyung called for everyone.
Five little bowls of mac and cheese were set up on the dining table. The kids took their seats as Taehyung handed out juice boxes. He positioned himself by your side as the little ones began to chow down.
“I normally just eat the rest out of the pot, but since you’re here I can get you a bowl. Sorry about biting you earlier, the kids really like it when I get serious about my roles,” Taehyung chuckled as he scooped out your portion.
“It’s no problem, you’re a great actor. Thank you,” you say politely as he handed you a bowl.
Lunch was spent making small talk with Taehyung. He was a newly graduated college student trying to make extra money before starting a real job hunt.Taehyung had been running this makeshift daycare since he was a senior in highschool.
“Summers are always fun with them,” Taehyung said while smiling fondly at the kids, “How has it been so far?” he asked.
“I’ve been having a good time. The kids are all really sweet! They have so much energy,” you answer.
“They do indeed, which is why playtime is so important in the morning! It makes what comes next easier,” he winked at you before collecting the empty bowls, “Okay kiddos! Who’s ready for nap time?”
Lucy quietly raised her hand while the boys groaned. You figured it would be hard to get those active boys to settle down, let alone to take a nap. You helped Taehyung set up blankets and pillows in the game room. The kids made a beeline to their designated blankets without a fuss.
“Do you sing, Miss _____?” Taehyung asked out of the blue.
“Um, not really?” you say hesitantly.
“Ah, I see. No worries. Everybody ready?” he said.
“Yes!” all the kids replied.
“Alrighty. Do you have any song requests, Miss ____?”
You thought about which songs would make for a decent lullaby, “Do you know Adore You by Harry Styles?”
“I’ll have to look up the lyrics but yeah I like that song! I like his whole album actually,” Taehyung nodded as he pulled out his phone and took a deep breath, “Walk in your rainbow paradise~”
You were shocked by his vocal talent. His voice control was superb and the quality of his voice was downright euphoric. Even though Taehyung’s voice is deeper than Harry Styles’, his range was incredible. He was still able to go as high as Harry without any trouble. All the kids had fallen sound asleep by the time he finished the song.
“This is when I typically have about an hour of free time,” he said after quietly leading you back into the kitchen.
“You have such a beautiful voice! Do you sing to them every day?” you praised him.
“Thanks! Yeah, I sing to them every day. They used to get duets actually,” Taehyung sighed.
“Did you have another coworker before?” you asked.
“Yep. My best friend actually. He’s my roommate too, but he landed an internship this summer so he couldn’t be here. I’m very proud of him! But usually this is a job for two people so I decided to put that ad out. I’m happy you came out! The kids seem to like you,” Taehyung gave you a thumbs up.
“I hope so! Lucy might be scared of me though,” you recalled the way she mostly avoided you all morning.
“Nah, she’s just really shy. She told me that she thought you were really pretty though, so that’s a good sign!” he tried to reassure you.
“I guess it must be true then. Kids are brutally honest,” you smiled.
“She definitely wasn’t lying,” Taehyung smiled back at you.
You had to look away awkwardly to hide your blushed cheeks. There’s no way you could handle a direct smile from this guy. How was it possible for someone to be that handsome without even trying?!
“So what happens after naptime?” you quickly asked to change the subject.
“Basically more playing until their parents come. It honestly just depends on what the kids wanna do. We can play inside, in the backyard, and sometimes we go to the park,” Taehyung answered with an amused smile, “Let’s use this free time to conduct a more formal interview, shall we?”
Taehyung then asked you a series of questions about your summer schedule, if you’re willing to work every day of the week, how you feel about the kids, along with other things. You answered truthfully and kept up a professional demeanor. Taehyung seemed to be satisfied with your answers and leaned back in his chair.
“That all works for me! The people who really need to approve of you are the parents. I’ll introduce you to them later this afternoon. I’m sure they’ll all be fine once I vouch for you,” he nodded.
Soft giggles caught your attention. Taehyung signaled that break time was now over and led the way back to the living room. Kota and Bel were wrestling each other while the others threw pillows at them.  
“Did everyone have a good nap?” Taehyung sing songed.
“Yes!” they replied.
“Can we play house now?” Ava asked.
“Yeah! Miss ____ can be the mommy now!” Sam bounced up in excitement, “Our last mommy used to be a boy.”
“Jimin was a great mommy and I’m sure he misses you all dearly. Jimin is my roommate/best friend/ex-cobabysitter,” Taehyung explained.
The game of house was more hands on from your end. The kids demanded you to carry them and read them stories like a real mommy would. It was mainly the girls who wanted to play with you, while the boys took turns wrestling with Tae or riding on his back. You were braiding Lucy’s hair when the doorbell rang.
“Kota! Your mom is here!” Taehyung called from the front.
All the kids trickled out one by one as their parents arrived. Taehyung introduced you to each parent; their reactions were all positive, especially when their kids raved about you being the new Jimin.
“If she’s anything like Jimin, then I have nothing to worry about. I trust your judgement, Taehyung,” one of the sterner looking parents said (Sam’s father to be exact).
“Congrats! You got the job,” Taehyung congratulated you once all of the children were picked up, “We get paid on Fridays. I’ll basically just split what we earn 50/50, cool?”
“That’s fine by me! I’m looking forward to working with you,” you bow graciously.
“Ah! No need to be so formal. We’re partners now! I’m not your boss or anything,” Taehyung gave you a friendly pat on the shoulder, “See you tomorrow!”
Summer was about to get rather eventful. All of the children warmed up to you surprisngly quickly, even timid Lucy (who had arguably grown the most fond of you). As the days went on, you couldn’t help but admire Taehyung’s kindness and patience when it came to the kids. From firm to understanding, he was everything a caregiver should be. He handled spats between kids with ease, often by making them forgive each other then laugh at some silly joke of his.
One afternoon, the kids voted to watch a Disney movie. All seven of you curled up on the couch together with you and Taehyung in the middle. Lucy sat in your lap while Bel sat in Taehyung’s. Halfway through the movie, Taehyung fell asleep. The kids didn’t notice since they were so engrossed in the movie. You however, DID notice. Mostly because he rolled his sleepy head onto your shoulder.
Your heartbeat quickened as you slowly turned to take a peek at the handsome man sleeping beside you. He looked angelic, and you realized that he smelled pleasant too. He had a sweet scent that was uncharacteristic for a young man. You took a deep breath and pretended not to notice him. He didn’t wake up until the doorbell rang near the end of the movie.
He seemed to be confused and perhaps even slightly flustered when he lifted his head from your shoulder, but quickly shrugged it off to go answer the door. The incident (and the drool on your shoulder) was never mentioned.
It had been a month since you started babysitting with Taehyung, and it honestly had been a lot more fun than you expected. The kids are wonderful silly little beings and Taehyung is...well...Taehyung.
You were cleaning up the living room on a late Friday afternoon after all the kids had been picked up. Taehyung was somewhere splitting up the week’s paycheck. Once all the toys were back in their respective bins, it was time to gather your stuff and go.
“Great work this week,” Taehyung commended as he handed you your cut.
“Thanks! Same to you as always. I’ll see you on Monday,” you wave as you open the front door.
“Actually um--” Taehyung cleared his throat.
“Yes?” you whipped around with almost too much eagerness.
“My friend is part of an art gallery showing tomorrow night and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me? I heard there will be drinks and finger foods…” Taehyung trailed off, presumably due to imagining what kind of snacks will be served.
“I’d love to! I’m not an expert on art or anything, but it sounds cool,” you smile.
“No worries, I’m no expert either. I’m just a guy who appreciates neat expressions of creativity,” he nodded humbly, “I can pick you up at your place, if you’d like.”
“Sure, I’ll text you my address. Oh uh, what’s the dress code like? I don’t really attend these things,” you ask shyly.
“I’d say a step down from formal? Like no t-shirts or jeans. Pretend like you’re going on a date to some restaurant that isn’t a michelin star but is still classier than Olive Garden,” Taehyung tried to explain.
“I’ll do my best,” you smile at his peculiar way of describing the appropriate attire.
A smile never left your face as you drove home. A chance to hangout with Taehyung one on one without any kids around? All of his attention will be on you? Yes please. You love the kids and all, but you finally have a real chance to get closer to Taehyung. To be honest, you might have the teensiest little crush on him, but who could blame you?
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The next day was spent preparing for your night out with Taehyung. It probably wasn’t a date (90% sure it’s not), but you wanted to look irresistible anyway. You put on a purple dress with flowy sleeves that made you feel like a princess. It was on the dressier side, but being slightly overdressed never hurt anyone.
You usually only had time to slap on mascara and a lip tint in the mornings before babysitting, but now you had abundant time to play around with your makeup. You settled for a soft yet glamorous look with shimmery eyeshadow and eyeliner. Sparkly lip gloss tied the whole look together and made your lips look tempting (or so you hoped). You decided to leave your hair alone since you were having a miraculously good hair day.
“Wow are you sure this isn’t a date?” Hyuna whistled when she walked into your room.
“It’s not! This is just the first time Taehyung will see me actually trying to look good,” you say defensively.
“You’re cute even in ratty t-shirts, but I get what you mean. Have fun tonight!” your roommate gave you a tight hug.
A strong knock on your front door indicated Taehyung’s arrival. Hyuna tagged along as you went to answer the door; she wanted to see the guy you’ve been gushing over for the past month for herself.
Your mouth hung open in shock for a split second when you opened the door. Taehyung also dressed up. He was wearing a bright sunflower shirt paired with a black blazer that perfectly combined fun with sophistication. He wore a red silky bandana looking belt for an added pop of color with his black pants.
“Hey Taehyung!” you greet him happily.
“Good evening, Miss ____. You look spectacular!” he complimented you immediately.
“So do you! It’s funny seeing you not in a t-shirt, though I’m sure you’re thinking the same thing,” you say.
“You’re charming even in your graphic tees, but this is a nice change of pace too,” Taehyung agreed.
“Hi! I’m Hyuna, ____’s roommate,” Hyuna butted in to shake his hand.
“Hi, I’m Taehyung, ____’s babysitting partner,” he introduced himself.
“We should get going,” you say politely before Hyuna could start to get chatty.
Hyuna mouthed an exaggerated “oh my god” coupled with a double thumbs up as you waved goodbye after Taehyung was already out the door. You playfully rolled your eyes but blew her a kiss anyway.
“I didn’t realize you lived so close to me,” Taehyung said as he pulled away from the curb.
“Yeah, it made the job even more appealing,” you nodded.
“I really am glad that you applied,” Taehyung said softly, as if to himself.
“Sorry, what was that?” you couldn’t hear him properly.
“Nothing! I said I’m glad you agreed to accompany me tonight!” Taehyung quickly stated.
“Thanks for inviting me out! I’m actually pretty excited,” you admitted.
The gallery was somewhere in the swanky part of downtown. You gazed out of the window at all of the high end stores Taehyung drove by. Everyone walking around the stores looked like supermodels, which was actually pretty intimidating. What if the people at the gallery looked like that too?
“We’re here!” Taehyung announced, interrupting your thoughts.
There was a decent amount of people wandering around the venue when you both entered. It was basically one big dimly lit room with spotlights on pieces scattered around on the walls plus some sculptures in the middle. Thankfully, the patrons already inside looked like normal people, most of them probably students like you.
“Taehyung!” someone called from the side of the room.
You both made your way towards the voice, only to find a man who was just as handsome as Taehyung greeting you with a bunny like smile. He had long hair that almost covered up his assorted dangly earrings. He definitely had art student vibes mixed with a dash of bad boy. The boys greeted each other with a ferocious hug, indicating that they’re probably good friends.
“Oh! What’s up, I’m Jungkook,” the boy shook your hand once he noticed you.
“She’s my babysitting partner this summer,” Taehyung said proudly.
“She’s replacing Jimin huh?” Jungkook laughed, “Taehyung and Jimin are like my brothers. We were all pretty close in college and are batchmates, even though I’m younger than them,” he stuck his tongue out at Taehyung.
“Yeah yeah okay whatever. Skipping grades in elementary school and bringing in a ton of transfer credits will help you do that I guess,” Taehyung shook his head even though he was still smiling.
“Are these your pictures?” you asked Jungkook, motioning to the mounted pictures behind him.
“Yeah! I took most of these in Madrid, I’ve been working abroad for my dream company,” Jungkook answered you proudly.
“Who’s this?” Taehyung pointed to a picture of a girl laughing by a giant tree.
“Yeah, she’s gorgeous!” you added.
“She’s um...a good friend. She was the perfect model,” Jungook said with a faraway look in his eyes that told you there was more to the story.
“Tell me more about her on our next phone call. Tonight is for celebrating you!” Taehyung picked up on Jungkook’s sudden change of tone.
You enjoyed listening to their old college stories as the boys reminisced about their past together. Jungkook relished telling you all of Taehyung’s embarrassing moments at various parties. Taehyung returned the favor by recalling Jungkook’s past run-ins with women. Despite his natural charm and god like looks, apparently Jungkook gets really nervous around girls.
You and Taehyung were on your own once Jungkook was flagged down by an older patron interested in purchasing some of his work. Taehyung stayed close to your side as you explored the rest of the gallery. Each artist was so incredibly talented as their pictures told  stories with just a single frame.
“____ look! They have those fancy charcuterie boards!” Taehyung grabbed your hand and excitedly dragged you over to the snack table. You couldn’t help but smile at his childlike elation.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve been getting tired of being force fed fruit snacks every day,” you laughed as you ate the assorted appetizers.
“I completely understand. Unfortunately, the kids are too sweet when they want to share. I don’t have it in me to turn them down,” Taehyung agreed.
Once the food was eaten, you resumed walking through the gallery. It was fun making up stories to go with each picture. Taehyung seemed to gravitate towards adding a romantic twist to each story, while you opted for a bit of mystery. At the end of the event, Taehyung met up with Jungkook once more to say his goodbyes.
“Thanks again for coming with me, I had fun! I hope you enjoyed yourself,” Taehyung said as he drove you back.
“It was really neat! I liked hanging out with you outside of work,” you nodded.
“Would you say it was a successful date then?” Taehyung raised an eyebrow with curiosity. Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes widened with surprise.
“Was...was this a date?” you asked quietly.
“Did you want it to be?” Taehyung teased.
“I wouldn’t have gotten so dressed up otherwise,” you said defensively, taken aback by his sudden cheekiness.
“I realized I should’ve clarified that after you had already left. My bad,” Taehyung shot you a boxy grin, “But then I figured maybe you would be more relaxed if I didn’t mention it.”
“That’s odd logic, but I guess it worked,” you admitted begrudgingly.
Taehyung walked you back up to your house. He sweetly kissed your cheek and bid you goodnight, leaving you frozen in place.
“S-see you on Monday!” was all you were able to stammer out, to which Taehyung just smiled and waved back.
Hyuna happily freaked out with you once you were back inside. She was watching you from the moment Taehyung pulled back up. She shrieked with excitement once you told her that Taehyung confirmed that it was a date. Hyuna didn’t let up with grilling questions about how your night went. She even asked if the Jungkook guy you met was single, to which you truthfully answered that you didn’t know.
“Besides, he told me himself that he’s scared of girls. You’re scary enough as is,” you teased her.
“Oh shut up. So is Taehyung like, your boyfriend now?” Hyuna asked the million dollar question.
“I don’t think so. I think it was just a date, but that’s a good start!” you declared optimistically.
Babysitting on Monday went on like normal. Taehyung didn’t act any differently, which was both concerning and relieving. You were in the backyard pretending to eat whatever dirt concoction the little kids were serving you.
“This one is for you,” Lucy quietly offered Taehyung a clump of dirt sprinkled with blades of grass, topped with a dandelion.
“Oh, how pretty! What is it?” Taehyung played along.
“It’s a love potion. The next person you hug will fall in love with you,” Lucy smiled.
A smirk crept on Taehyung’s face as he pretended to eat Lucy’s love potion. He made a satisfied “Ahh” sound that made Lucy giggle.
“Tae has to hug me now! He loves me the most!” Sam yelled as he ran over to latch onto Taehyung.
“No, Tae loves me!” Bel argued as he pulled on Taehyung’s shirt.
“That’s not how it works!” Lucy huffed as she yelled at the boys.
You watched with delight as the little kids chased Taehyung around the backyard, demanding that he has to hug them. It was easy for him to juke them out as they constantly ran back and forth. You were content with just watching them until Taehyung began to make a beeline for you.
“Oh no no no,” you cried as you got up to run.
Taehyung (and the kids) chased you around for a little bit. The backyard was on the smaller side, so there wasn’t much space to evade all of them coming for you at once. To make matters worse, Taehyung actually started to try and catch you. His speed was no joke; he was much more agile than you gave him credit for.
With one pounce, Taehyung tackled you to the ground. Somehow he managed to whip himself around while you were falling, so you ended up falling on him. Now wrapped up in his arms, Taehyung smiled up at you with a shit eating grin.
“I guess you have to fall in love with me now,” he smirked.
“You wish,” you laughed as you pulled yourself up.
“Aw now he loves Miss _____,” Sam pouted.
“No, now Miss ____ has to fall in love with Tae,” Ava corrected him.
“That’s dumb,” Kota shook his head.
“Tae! Kota said a bad word!” Bel immediately tattled.
“Kota, remember what I said about bad words. No one wants to play with someone who says mean things,” Taehyung chided him.
“Sorry,” Kota mumbled.
“Let’s play go play inside. Who wants juice?” Taehyung patted Kota’s head.
The kids followed Taehyung inside like little ducklings. You loved that sight, you always thought it was the cutest thing. The rest of the day went by without a hitch.
The topic of favorite movies came up during lunchtime the next day.
“I like Frozen 2,” Ava stated, and Lucy nodded furiously in agreement.
“Detective Pikachu was better. Pikachu is funny,” Sam interjected. The other little boys then began to argue about which pokemon was better/stronger.
“I’m not really a big movie watcher,” Taehyung confessed as he took a bite of a dino chicken nugget.
“Have you at least seen the classics? Harry Potter? Lord of the Rings? Star Wars?” you listed with concern.
“I’ve seen Harry Potter and Star Wars. I think I saw the Lord of the Rings? I can’t really remember. I know I wanted to watch the newer Lord of the Rings movies,” he chuckled at your growing disbelief.
“Newer Lord of the Rings? You mean the Hobbit series?” you were disgruntled.
“Yeah those. I didn’t realize you were a nerd,” he nudged you.
“What of it? All of those are great movies. I have copies of the Hobbit series if you ever wanted to watch them,” you offered.
“Do you wanna watch them with me?” he perked up.
“Sure, I love them! You wanna do a marathon? It’ll take up a full day though,” you warned.
“I’m down. Are you free this Sunday?”
“I believe so.”
“Great! I’m excited to see you geek out over hobbits. Okay kids, naptime!”
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You drove up to Taehyung’s place Sunday morning, you weren’t kidding when you said it would take all day. Taehyung said to dress comfortably so you showed up in your sweatpants and oversized college tee. He answered the door wearing gray sweatpants and his favorite CELINE shirt. His dark fluffy hair fell over his forehead and was almost long enough to cover his eyes.
“Good morning! I hope you’re hungry. I made some waffles to eat while we watch the first movie,” he greeted you.
His humble abode smelled heavenly as the scent of dough tinged with a hint of cinnamon wafted through the air. The soft belgian waffles were delicious as they practically melted in your mouth. Taehyung asked a ton of questions with nearly every scene, but you didn’t mind. You were happy to flex your knowledge of Tolkien lore.
Hours later, you found yourself cuddled up with Taehyung as the final credits of the Battle of Five Armies began to roll. Taehyung was still trying to process everything that happened as he asked you clarifying questions about each character.
“Well crap, now I’m sad,” he pouted.
“Yeah, the ending is kind of a downer, but that’s what makes it so good! The Lord of the Rings has a happy ending if that makes you feel better,” you look up at him from his chest.
“You look cute like that,” he observed.
“Like what? Tiny from your angle?” you tilted your head.
“I guess so? Tiny, maybe submissive,” Taehyung’s voice lowered with his suggestion.
“Submissive? Is that how you see me?” you sit back up completely with defiance.
“Not at all. You’re pretty feisty, which is why making you be submissive is even more alluring,” he raised his eyebrow in a suggestive manner.
“Do you want me to be a damsel in distress for you? Not happening,” you smirked.
“Pretty princesses are good for one thing,” Taehyung hopped off the couch.
Before you could say anything, he promptly grabbed you and swung you over his shoulder. You were too shocked by his boldness and physical abilities to retaliate.
“They’re perfect for kidnapping!” he let out a dramatic evil laugh as he carried you off to his bedroom.
Once there, he roughly threw you on the bed. You couldn’t help but look around curiously since this was the first time you’ve ever seen his room. It was surprisingly neat; his bed was made and there were no messy clothing piles in sight.
“Are you an evil dragon then? Capturing princesses and such?” you teased.
“Evil dragon, dashing captor, I can be anything you want me to be. Just please not an orc,” he let out a chuckle before getting back into character, “Just know that you’re trapped here with me. No one is going to rescue you.”
“Oh no! What a terrible situation to be in! What on Earth is this extremely handsome dragon going to do with a poor defenseless princess like me?” you taunted.
“Ok this is all very hot but before we go any further, are you okay with this?” Taehyung asked sincerely.
“I can’t think of anything that I’ve wanted more,” you nodded.
“Perfect. Safe word is red,” he winked at you, “Now strip for me, princess.”
“And if I don’t?” you challenged.
Taehyung grabbed a fistful of hair on the back of your head and forcefully brought you up to his face, “I suggest not making me angry,” he sneered.
You didn’t think you were one for being manhandled, but god damn that was hot. There was already a tingle between your legs and he hadn’t even really touched you yet. You complied with his request, and quickly tore off your shirt and pants. Though you weren’t wearing any fancy lingerie, you were wearing a gray bra and gray panties that could pass off as matching.
“Mmm what a pretty treasure. It would be a shame to let it gounappreciated,” Taehyung stretched out that last word as he gently ran his fingers from your torso up to your neck before firmly grasping it.
Taehyung straddled you as his long fingers were wrapped around your neck. Slowly, he leaned down to kiss you. Though apprehensive at first, he gradually got more bold with it. His tongue dipped into your mouth the instant your lips parted. His other hand crept under your bra to fondle your breast.
“You take your clothes off too,” you said as soon as the kiss broke.
“You don’t get to make any demands, silly princess,” Taehyung shook his head.
You pouted and reached out to tug at his pants anyway. Big mistake. Taehyung slapped your hand away and slammed you back onto the bed.
“You don’t listen, huh? I’ll have to do something about that. Stay still or else you’ll make things worse for yourself,” he ordered.
You reluctantly obeyed, partly because you were curious about what he was going to do, and partly because you were actually intimidated by him. He returned back to the bed a few seconds later, but with a familiar silky red belt in hand.
“Give me your hands. Good girl,” he smiled deviously as he bound them together, “Remember the safe word is red, okay?” he gently reminded you.
He looked down at you with a satisfied grin as he began to take off his sweatpants. He had an obvious bulge in his underwear that outlined his massive dick. You were further entranced by his physique when he took off his shirt. He wasn’t ripped, but he was still fit, as you could plainly see when his chest was finally revealed.
“Open wide, princess,” he demanded.
You opened your mouth, and even flattened your tongue out a little bit for him. He pulled his cock out of his underwear, finally exposing his full length. You doubted you could fit even half of him in your mouth, but at this point it wasn’t up to you.
Taehyung lowered himself down to you, and teasingly tapped the tip of his cock on your tongue. He slowly eased himself into your mouth, forcing you to open your mouth even wider to account for his girth. He made his way back out once you gagged. He grabbed your head to hold you steady as he fucked your mouth once more. He got closer and closer to the back of your throat until he finally hit it. All you could focus on was breathing as tears welled up in your eyes. Taehyung thrusted a couple more times before he pulled out completely.
“Good girl indeed. Well done, princess,” he softly stroked your chin before wiping your tears away. All you could do was smile meekly back at him.
“Don’t worry, it’s time for your reward,” Taehyung smiled down at you as his hand slipped under your panties, “Oh you’re so wet. I can’t wait to taste you.”
He positioned himself between your thighs after he tore off your panties. His thumb fiddled with your clit, causing you to squirm. He placed a strong grip on your thigh to hold you down as he circled your clit faster. Your helpless whimpers were music to Taehyung’s ears.
Without warning, he easily stuck two fingers into you. He didn’t even let you adjust as he rapidly fingered you, his fingers curving to graze your g-spot with every stroke. His tongue swirled around your clit, adding even more toe curling sensations.
Him adding a third finger was the catalyst for the strongest orgasm you’ve ever had in your life. There wasn’t even a build up, everything just hit you at once. Suddenly you were crying out even louder as you violently came. Did it occur to you that you were squirting all over Taehyung and his bed? No. Were you doing exactly that? Absolutely.
“Delicious,” Taehyung said as he licked his lips, “Look at the fucking mess you made.”
“I-i’m sorry,” you managed to stutter, you were still recovering from your orgasm.
“It’s only fair that it’s my turn to make a mess now. Do I need to get a condom, princess?” he cooed.
You weakly shook your head. You needed to feel all of him, right now. Taehyung chuckled at your neediness as he aligned himself with your pussy. He slowly inserted his entire length into you until the base of his cock touched your soaked pussy. You moaned together as he stayed still for a second. You looked up to see Taehyung’s face lit up with pure bliss.
“You’re still so fucking wet,” he growled as he began to mercilessly buck his hips into you.
You moaned with every thrust as Taehyung shook the entire bed. Taehyung placed both of your legs on his shoulders, allowing him to hit you even deeper from this new angle. He leaned over to plant his lips on your neck as he fucked you. What started as a gentle peck took a violent turn as he harshly sucked on your neck. He left dark spots wherever his lips touched, and soon you were covered in dark blooms.
“Do you want me to soil your back or your chest?” he asked in a guttural tone.
“Back?” you answer dubiously.
You were immediately flipped over. You were laying flat on your chest waiting for him to prop up your ass, but he never did. Instead, he simply spread your legs wider and fucked you flat against the bed. Taehyung grabbed your ass and spread your cheeks to get a better view of your sopping pussy. You could feel another orgasm brewing as he fucked even deeper into you, and his cock was continuously dragging against your g-spot.
“Taehyung, I--”
“I know, princess. Let it all out. I want to feel you come on my dick,” he demanded.
A few more strong strokes was all it took for you to go limp under him as your orgasm took over. Seconds after you hit your high, Taehyung pulled out and came all over your back.
Once you were all cleaned up, Taehyung untied you and kissed your forehead.
“How was it, princess?” he asked as he stroked your hair.
“I’ve never been fucked by a beast before, but now I don’t want anything else,” you admitted before kissing his neck.
“Good. I was worried about going overboard. As I told you before, I really like getting into character,” he laughed.
“I’ve never been into roleplay but I’m willing to change for you. Oh shit, it’s late already,” you noticed the time on his alarm clock.
“Just stay the night. I don’t think the kids will care if you’re wearing sweatpants or not. I can lend you a turtleneck to cover up those hickies though,” Taehyung yawned.
“Are you sure?” you questioned.
“Yeah, I don’t mind. Be warned, I’m a cuddler,” he pulled you closer to him.
“I guess I can sleep in a little later then,” you reasoned.
“Perfect. Goodnight, princess,” he quickly kissed your lips.
“You’re sleeping like that?”
“Like what?”
“Butt naked?”
“I can put clothes on if it makes you uncomfortable. I just figured it would make things easier for tomorrow morning,” he said sleepily.
“Tomorrow morning?” that got your attention.
“You’ll see! Be patient, princess. Night night.”
Never in a million years would you have guessed that applying for a babysitting job would result in this, but you weren’t complaining.
Published April 17, 2021. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2021 Baepsaesbae.
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honey-sweet-hiraeth · 3 years
Elizabeth Olsen Characters When You First Meet
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This is what happens when I wanna write but I have no idea how to continue my countless WIPs
Wanda Maximoff
Wanda wasn't totally sure what to think of you. You hardly reacted when she'd shown you what was supposed to be your worst fear, but the panic that visibly rose in you when you saw the other Avengers in pain was immediate.
You were too aware of what was real and what was in your head for her magic to take full effect on you. (A trait I'm sure us fic writers and readers TOTALLY have- this is entirely directed at myself and those who it resonates with 😂 don't take offense 🥺)
You weren't unaffected by the imagery in your mind- just more focused on helping your team. She admired that-- but she was also a little annoyed that the first person you went to was Tony.
As the others retreated to the Quinjet you stuck around just a bit longer until you saw them, the twins.
"Hey- I gotta go but um- next time could you not traumatize my friends?" You smiled and gave an awkward wave, causing a chuckle from Pietro as Wanda studied you incredulously.
"Excuse me?" Wand raised an eyebrow and you shrugged.
"I know we're on opposite sides and all, but I have a feeling you're not as bad as the other's want to think you are. So uh- yeah I kinda care about those guys so- don't do whatever *that* was again okay?" You waved again as a goodbye and made your way to the Quinjet.
"She's/He's/They're cute" Pietro commented, earning a sharp glare from his sister.
"Shut up"
Jane Banner
"Hi- are you Jane Banner?" You tried to hide the shaking in your voice as you entered the Agents office.
"Yes I am" Jane's attention was only half on you as she studied the files in front of her, sipping her luke-warm coffee. "Can I help you?"
"Actually I'm here to help *you*" You chuckled softly as she finally looked up at you, surprise taking over her features. "I'm Y/n y/l/n)
"Aren't you in forensics?" Jane made a face and you nodded.
"I come bearing information" You giggled softly
"By all means" Jane gestured to the chair across from her and you shook your head with a smile before gesturing for her to follow you.
"Information's in the lab" You chuckled and Jane smiled before following you.
"Good news or bad news?" you asked as you entered your workspace
"Answers" Jane deadpanned and you grinned
"I've got them- I took Lieutenant Sanders' dosimeter apart and I discovered that it is.. hinky. Um..." You gestured over at your set up, consisting of several colourful laser beams and a dismantled dosimeter " if you follow this red beam, you can see there's no clear path between the photomultiplier tubes and the crystal lattice. This little piece of plastic is blocking the light emissions."
"Sabotage?" Jane looked over your work with furrowed brows.
"Or faulty manufacturing. I mean, it's a state-of-the-art life saving device, but it's still made from injection-molded plastic. Just like a Happy Meal toy." You explained quickly "And you know how sometimes you get one of those and there will be a little blob of plastic on the leg and you have to bend it back and forth and back and forth?"
"Y/n?" Jane interrupted and you glance at her, her posture was ridgid and her face indicated she was losing patience.
"Somebody needs a Happy Meal" You mumbled with a small smirk.
"What about these?" Jane gestured to a table of dosimeters you had laying out- some taken apart. Others recently put back together.
"Um... these are operational. No globs. Their reading was a true positive. My conclusion is that Sanders had a bad batch." You continued to explain yourself " There was no foul play. If he hadn't gotten sick, he wouldn't have even noticed."
"I need to talk to Evens" Jane sighed as she started out of the lab before stopping at the door "It was... nice, meeting you"
"Lilly!" Gerri threw herself into the blonde's arms with a sigh "I'm gonna miss you so much more now"
Lilly giggled and pulled away slowly as you just watched awkwardly
"I'm gonna miss you tok. By the way-- This is Y/n, my roommate. Y/n this is Gerri" Lilly smiled and you gingerly held out your hand to greet Gerri.
"I've heard all about you" You smiled shyly and Gerri gave you a look.
"Funny, I haven't heard a whole lot about you." You didn't miss the slight bite to her tone but you laughed anyway.
"There isn't much to tell you about" You rolled your eyes playfully "Lilly thinks I'm lame"
"Shut up y/n/n" Lilly smack you with a laugh "You're just mysterious and you never talk about yourself. How am I supposed to tell people about you if I don't know anything about you?"
You giggled and bumped Lilly with your shoulder before turning your full attention to the Brunette in front of you.
"Lilly told me you sing, and I'm in a really shitty band that plays at parties sometimes. Next time you come visit you should come jam with us" You grinned and Lilly gave you a confused look.
"You never told me you were in a band?" She seemed almost offended and you shrugged
"You never asked" You giggled "Plus, you never go to parties- otherwise you would already know"
"Lilly! You're supposed to be enjoying college- not wasting away studying" Gerri scolded playfully.
"Well maybe I'll go to a party or two if y/n is playing" Lilly said and you noticed the jealous look that flashed across Gerri's features.
"Come visit again- and you can definitely stay in the apartment next time. No more sketchy hotels" You directed your attention to Gerri again "We can drag her out to a party together. Deal?"
"Deal" Gerri raised an eyebrow at you before tentatively shaking your hand then looking behind herself sullenly at the car parked outside. "I gotta go"
She sighed and a sadness washed over the atmosphere.
"Yeah you better, or Kate's gonna think you got murdered" Lilly pulled Gerri into another hug. "You're already gonna be an hour later than you said you'd be"
With that the three of you said your goodbyes and Gerri drove off, feeling slightly threatened by your existence if she was honest.
"What did you think?" Lilly asked as you made your way into the living room.
"Why does it matter?" You giggled and Lilly groaned
"I want you guys to like each other" Lilly stated as if it were common sense.
"She's cool- she seems a little fruity" You chuckled and Lilly gave you a look- pressing you to explain. "It's gay term"
"You think she's gay?" Lilly seemed shocked and a little confused
"I definitely hope so"
Leigh Shaw
"Hi- I'm Y/n this is my first uh- meeting I guess." You waved awkwardly and the rest of the group greeted you with a monotonous 'Hi Y/n'
"It's been six months since I- well my sister passed away and- yeah" You immediately sat back down and the overly cheerful voice of the group leader started again- making your entire body Ridgid.
"Thank you y/n for that-- well, that. Welcome and we hope to hear more from you in the future?" She sent you a tight smile that made you want to throw up. "Who's next?"
As the meeting continued you found it harder and harder to pretend to be interested. This meeting was ridiculous. You were only there because y/f/n practically forced you to go. You glanced around the room as the group leader went on her own little rant. Something about grief and support and blah blah blah. When you met the eyes of a gorgeous brunette.
You sent her a soft smile and looked away, rolling your eyes as the leader continued on to tell everyone how important these meetings were and how much she loved everyone there.
A few minutes later you looked up to catch the gaze of the brunette again and you raised your eyebrows at her. She made a show of overdramatically rolling her eyes and made a face at you, causing you to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
Then she surprised you, nodding her head to the side in a way that said 'lets get out of here'.
You nodded lightly and glanced at the group leader who seemed oblivious to your silent exchange.
You stood slowly and waved a silent goodbye to the rest of the group before slipping out completely unnoticed, followed quickly by the other woman.
"Could she have been any more self righteous in there?" The woman stood by you on the steps leading to the parking lot and you giggled. "I'm Leigh"
"Nice to meet you Leigh" You chuckled and held out your hand for her to shake.
"So that meeting is a total bust- wanna go get some donuts?" Leigh grinned at you and you returned it with the same energy.
"Yes, always but-- why donuts?" You laughed and started walking with her down the street.
"It's a long story" Leigh made a face as she walked.
"I've got time"
Taylor Sloane
"Woah- I am so sorry I almost templed you oh my god" You gasped as you nearly ran directly into a blonde walking onto your set.
"You're fine no harm done" She fixed you with a nearly blank stare, a forced plastic smile on her face. "I'm Taylor, do you know where I can find y/n y/l/n?"
"Uhhhh why do you ask?" You raised an eyebrow and the blonde seemed to tense her jaw, that smile still present on her lips.
"They're supposed to be photographing me, my time slot is in like.. five minutes also-- could you get me some coffee or something?"
She clearly didn't know who you were, which amused you because you had taken her picture before- just in a much less professional setting that ended with you laying down in the sand to get a good picture of her.
"Oh- well. I'm Y/n, your time slot wasn't actually scheduled for another half hour and I could definitely get you some coffee but the coffee here tastes like dirt and honestly isn't worth it" You watched as the blonde's face changed between surprise and confusion as you spoke.
"Wait really? Half an hour?" You almost giggled at the face she was making. "Damn"
"You're more than welcome to stay while we finish setting up but it probably won't be very interesting" You gave her a tight smile and turned to help your assistant with the backdrop, Taylor following directly behind you.
"That's okay I'll watch" She smiled that plastic smile again and you fought the urge to roll your eyes. You hated Instagram models.
You used Whatever excuse you could to leave about fifteen minutes before her slot *actually* started and walked to the Starbucks next door. You weren't sure what her order would be but you figured most girls like Taylor had similar, if not identical taste in coffee.
So you ordered something non-fat, sweet and iced with soy milk and diet sweeteners. Almost certain that would satisfy your client.
You came in with the coffee and handed it to her without a word as her eyes widened and her 'Barbie™' grin widened to a nearly genuine smile.
"Oh my god you're so amazing I love you" She rambled off and you chuckled at the nonsensical way the words fell from her lips.
"No problem princess" You laughed before clapping your hands together. "Now let's get this shoot done"
A/n: Kay y'all now I need opinions
Also if there's a Character you want added to the list lemme know
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~ 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 ~
Part II
© sailorhyunjinz 2021; Rights Reserved
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All picture rights to their respective owners.
ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥: Photographer!Hyunjin x fem!model!reader, model!bestfriend!Felix, barista!Seungmin, agedup!straykids, fluff, character driven story, stranger to lovers, summer!au, mentions of death/passing away, mentions of injury, slight angst, mentions of self doubt, mentions of bad economy. 
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 4.6 k 
ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖: lmao if anyone is wondering why the cafe is open at night; it actually exists! most commonly found in korea but hey this fic doesnt have a set place so just imagine that it’s a cafe that works 24/7 ALRIGHTY? 
If you have any feedback I’m more than happy to receive it! <3
Taking pictures of you - MASTERLIST
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“What do you think this means? Why does he want to contact me?”
You anxiously paced around the living room, Felix sitting on the small grey sofa, his soft brown eyes going from left to right, following your distressed figure.
“Maybe he just wanted to talk to you directly, make it feel more personal you know?”
Felix sounded unsure of his own answer as he tilted his head questioningly, his gaze still glued on you.
“But why does he want to know me personally? Does he do this with every model?” You bit your lip as you thought, stopping hastly before running to the kitchen and grabbing the water bottle from the day of the photoshoot. 
“y/n! What are you even...” Felix abruptly halted his sentence before widening his eyes at your intentions.
“Surely you’re not actually gonna call him?” he asked in surprise.
“I should at least find out what his motive is! I can’t just ignore the poor boy can I?” you held the water bottle tightly in your hand, removing the plastic wrapper with the number scribbled on and observed his delicate handwriting.
“He seems...strange, to say the least. He rarely talks to people during events and is only ever interested in anything that involves his work.” 
Felix knew since he himself was a model. The two of you met during a casting in the earlier years of your career, both being youthful teenagers with dreams and slightly puffy cheeks, babyfat that eventually got away and revealed your hidden features. The day of the casting Felix injured his foot causing him to fall when walking in front of the hawk-eyed judges. Your heart ached when you saw his desperate figure on the cold floor, he was just like everyone else in that frigid casting room, just a youngster with a dream. You passed the audition, smiling as you accepted a blue clipboard with papers from the judges, feeling everyone’s eyes drilling into your back with jealousy. Moments later, after night had fallen over the big city, you found Felix hunched over a small step of stairs meant for the fire escape. 
“H-hey,,,uhm, are you fine?”
You hestitated speaking to the quivering boy, his hands covering his face as tears dripped of his chin. 
“W-what do you care?!” he spat towards you, his attitude making you want to leave but you felt to guilty to do that, after all he was simply upset and not actually mad. 
You inched closer to his cowered body and sat down next to him on the hard stone steps. You looked at him in guilt. You had passed the audition but how were you any better than him? Softly, you put your hand on his shoulder, patting it a couple of times and letting the dark haired boy cry out, his sobs echoing in the dark stairway. He leaned into your touch and you ended up hugging him in silence for what seemed like hours. 
Times change and here he is. Signed to a highly respectable agency and catching flights left to right. Nothing more made you prouder than knowing that he didn’t give up on his dream.
“Felix! He’s not strange... maybe he’s just shy?” you tried to defend Hyunjin but realised how defensive you got over somebody you barely knew.
“Shy? In this line of work?” he furrowed his eyebrows, glancing at the white wrapper in your hands. “I’m not sure...what if he’s interested in you in that way?”
Your heart almost jumped out of your chest upon hearing Felix’s words. 
“You mean r-romantically?” you cleared your throat, feeling butterflies in the depths of your stomach. 
“Well...that will never happen, don’t wanna ruin your career, right y/n?”
Your gaze fell onto the white wrapper in your hand as your heart started beating faster. 
“R-right y/n?” He coughed as you grabbed your phone and started typing in the digits, glancing over at the wrapper and pressing accordingly. 
“Y/n, are you crazy? What if he actually has romatic interests in you? That could ruin both of your careers especially since he’s a world famous photographer that has every girl wrapped around his finger because of his looks.” Felix spoke bitterly, looking at your phone screen and then back at you with heightened eyebrows. 
“I’ll guess I’ll have to find out, Felix” 
“Ok but do that after I leave, I don’t want to hear you talk about him anymore and also be careful. You never know whats brewing on the inside in people like him” he said while rolling his eyes.
“What you wanna eat then bestie?” you laughed as you threw your phone onto the couch and made your way to the pantry. 
Hours later Felix was waveing at your from the other of the door, you waved back at the freckled boy, smiling at him. 
“Be careful with that dude!” he yelled as he walked down to the flight of stairs, his voice echoing in the old apartment complex. 
“I will, mom!” you laughed at his cute consideration before shutting the heavy door. 
Silence broke out once the door shut, leaving you alone in the apartment yet again. You dragged your feet on the light laminated floor, making your way to the couch where your phone was buried underneath a multitude of pillows. 
“Where did I put that number”. You searched for it, finding your phone and the wrapper wedged between two seat cushions. Sitting down, you landed with a thump on the soft couch, the blue light from your phone emitting onto your face as you typed in the number yet again. A big lump was situated in your throat, your hands shaking as you sent a message to the number. 
[y/n] Hi! It’s y/n, it was a pleasure working with you. 
You stared at the message you sent before cursing to yourself. 
“Why the fuck did I write that? He’s gonna think that I’m some sort of weirdo, can I ever do anything ri-”
A pling from your phone erupted in the living room, catching you off guard. It’s probably not him, why would he reply so fast?
You were wrong, it was him.
[Hyunjin] Hello! It’s Hyunjin, hope you weren’t too surprised at me leaving my number. I’m just happy that you decided to reply. 
You gulped as you typed. It didn’t seem like he’d ever done something like this before. 
[y/n] No, not at all! Did the pictures turn out well?
[Hyunjin] Oh, you haven’t seen them? 
[y/n] My manager usually shows them on the date of the release...
[Hyunjin] How about this, we meet up and I’ll show you the pictures beforehand. We’ll keep it a secret from your company. 
M-meet up? This soon? A million thoughts passed through your mind in an instant, your mind zoning out while your eyes were glued on the well-lit screen that displayed the messages. You were curious about the photos but also about him. Wanting to know more about the blond boy and his abrupt ways you replied back, fingers shaking while moving over the keyboard.
[y/n] Sure, when and where?
You didn’t have any work to do anyways so why not solve the mystery called Hwang Hyunjin?
[Hyunjin] 2 PM, tomorrow
An adress was attached to the message which led to cafe you used to work at, not to far from your place. You placed your phone beside you and looked up at the white ceiling, sighing heavily. Maybe Felix was right, it’s strange to meet someone you’ve only met once, especially since he’s met countless of models just like you if not even better. The thoughts consumed too much of your energy and you ended up falling asleep on the couch, chest heaving peacefully. 
The sudden vibration of your phone woke you up, the sun shining through the window as you grabbed your phone, light straining your eyes. 
[Felix] I’m 100% sure that you messaged that dude, right?
You laughed before typing through squinting eyes, laying down on your back.
[y/n] What if I did? 
[Felix] You’re insane 
[y/n] That’s my charm, Lixie~
Putting the phone away you slowly sat up, looking around the sunlit living room as if you’d never seen it before. Rubbing your weary eyes, you yawned before thinking ‘breakfast!’
Without even taking one step to the kitchen your phone vibrated once again. You lifted your eyebrow at the signal but ignored it for the time being, thinking that’s it’s Felix pestering you about your desicion to talk to Hyunjin. After you made a bowl of porridge and quickly washed up in the bathroom you grabbed the phone, wanting to scroll through your socials but what you saw on your home screen made the spoon of porridge that was on it’s way towards your mouth stop.
[Hyunjin] Slept well?
You’ve met him once and he’s already asking such a question? But something made you believe that this isn’t how he normally is. He’s hiding a type of shyness underneath those bold messages and actions. This Hyunjin isn’t the one that you’ve been described, this is a different Hyunjin. 
Your mind was blank. What do you even reply to that? In search for answers you texted Felix, knowing he wouldn’t give you a good answer but at least some emotional support. 
[y/n] Lixie, what does one reply to the question “Slept well?”
[Felix] You don’t, you pack up your things and you leave.
[y/n] You dickhead
[Felix] That’s my charm y/n~
If you could punch someone through the screen you would punch Felix. Returning back to the message that Hyunjin sent you, you quickly typed something down and sent it. 
[y/n] Yeah, fine! Everything well with you?
[Hyunjin] Yes, it’s fine. See you later then, y/n
The porridge infront of you had cooled down, now being a sloppy mess of oats with a spoon slowly sinking into the substance. You stared at the message before your gaze returned to the breakfast bowl. This wasn’t going to be an easy day. 
The clock ticked as your stomach was filling up with butterflies, one by one. 
“This is a casual meeting not a date, y/n” you mumbled as you tapped your foot, standing infront of the multiple racks of clothing in your slightly stuffy walk-in closet. You rarely wore even half of the clothes. Most of the pieces were sent by companies or given to you after photoshoots, this being both a blessing and a curse. 
Your hand gravitated towards a white blouse with puffy sleeves because it reminded you of him. You shook your head wanting to get the thought out of your head. You hated that you cared so much about him but at the same time you knew why. Because he ignited a feeling of longing. A feeling called love. 
Snatching the blouse from it’s hanger you digged through your drawers and fished up a pair of beige colored wide pants. You glanced at the brown watch on your wrist as you stepped into the pants, pulling off your pyjama top in one swift motion before putting on the flowy blouse. You looked in the mirror, combing through your hair with your fingers and reaching for a pair of pearl earrings that rested in a small tray infront of the mirror. Turning around, you observed the shelf that displayed the dozens of shoes in your possession, all while tilting your head and putting on the small pearls. Varnished heels would be good, right? Stretching out your arm to grab the heels, your gaze feel on your watch. As usual, you were going to be late and you hoped with every bit of your mind that Hyunjin wouldn’t find you rude. With the heels on you grabbed your purse, throwing in your keys that were decorated with keychains off all shapes and sizes as you staggered out the door. 
The breeze hit your face as you made your way down the street, the heels clicked against the broad stone sidewalk making both women and men turn their heads. Lucky for you, Hyunjin chose the cafe where you happened to know somebody working at. 
That somebody being your friend Seungmin. 
You see, when you were just starting your career money was an issue. Your family wasn’t well off and when you set out to find your calling in the big city without a stable job your family was worried to say the least. You moved into a small apartment that more looked like a mouse burrow than an apartment. Holding a bag of trash you went down to the lobby of the apartment complex, the trashcan reeking as you lifted the lid and quickly threw in the bag, bending your spine backwards with a disgusted look on your face. Walking back you accidentally knocked down a paper that was resting on a corkboard by just how fast you walked passed. The light yellow paper landed infront of your feet, halting your movements. You picked it up.
« Searching for barista assistent »
The pay wasn’t too bad and neither were the working hours and so you folded the paper and went back into the apartment, smiling as you thought that this was the moment when everything changed. 
And it did. Seungmin became one of your first friends in the city, right after Felix came into your life. You have very fond memories of that cafe. Working late nights with Seungmin, drinking coffee to stay awake through the late hours. 
“What’s your dream, y/n?” Seungmin asked on one of the first days, still not knowing who you were and what your goals in this big city was.
“I-i want to become a model” you muttered underneath your breath, scared that he was going to belittle you and crush your dreams into nothing but fine powder.
“I believe in you, y/n” he said in a low voice, wiping the counter, not making eye contact as you stood on the other side. 
Silence overtook the empty cafe, the low humming of cars on the road being the only noise that was heard before you cleared your throat, looking down at your shoes and leaning against the counter.
“Thank you Seungmin, that means a lot” you said before the silence took over again. 
You swore you could’ve cried right then and there. Hearing those words when being in such a vulnerable situation really did mean a lot to you. His words stuck with you and in every interview where the interviewer asked about what you want to tell to aspiring models you always said those words. “I believe in you.”
The neon pink open sign in the window was brightly lit, the silhouette of people sipping on their lattes and chatting could be seen from the outside of the reminiscent building that was covered in hops. You stepped in, your heels making a loud clicking noise on the dark walnut colored wood flooring.
“How can I hel- y/n!!” Seungmin looked up at you, standing infront of the espresso machine as steam was billowing out. The other co-workers gave you a glance before returning to their tasks. 
“y/n! I haven’t seen you in so long, how are you?” he asked, you had contact on the phone but didn’t meet each other too much due to different schedules. 
“Minnie! I’ve missed you!” you squealed out as he walked through the low wooden gate that seperated the working area from the rest of the cafe. Seungmin pulled you into a hug, warmness emitting onto you as your bodies touched. 
“I’ve been good!” you continue, smiling as you pulled away from the hug seeing Seungmins waist defined by the strings of the apron wrapping around him, a kitchen towel hanging from his shoulder. 
“But I have to tell you something, Seungmin” you say quietly making the dark haired boy tilt his head in question. 
“I’m meeting Hwang Hyunjin here in about 5″ you say with a smirk, knowing Seungmin would be jealous.
“Wait,,, the Hwang Hyunjin?!” he said a bit too loudly, alerting the customers before he turned to them with a embarrassed smile, bowing his head in an apology. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“He was the one that suggested it, I couldn’t help it” you answered to which Seungmin’s eyes widened.
“H-he knows about this place?” He was stunned as he looked into your warm eyes.
“Yeah? Such a coincidence right? I was sur-” Your sentence was cut short as Seungmin’s breath hitched and a cold breeze hit your back. You turned back and there he was. 
His presence shined in the relativly small rustic cafe. A white t-shirt and black slacks decorated his well toned body, a long leather coat draping over his shoulders as his black boots shined perfectly. Multiple silver chains hanged around his neck and the rings from last time were boldly placed on his lanky fingers. The blonde boy is tightly gripping what looks to be brown leather computer clutch. 
He waved awkwardly and you smiled sweetly his way, playfully hitting Seungmin whose mouth was wide open, looking at the dashing boy. Hyunjin walked over to you, the other guests staring and some of them already picking up their phones to capture this moment. He looked oddly stiff, mannerisms totally different from how you saw him last. 
“Hi Hyunjin! uhm,,, this is my friend Seungmin, he works here.” you said, trying to initiate a conversation but only earning a wide eyed expression from Seungmin before Hyunjin spoke. 
“Nice to meet you!” he smiled, his eyes forming into half-moons.
Seungmin snapped back to reality before bowing slightly, his eyes twinkling and his ruffled hair landing infront of his deep brown eyes.
“It’s an honor to meet you, mr Hwang” 
Hyunjin chuckles slightly at his cute gesture.
“Your cafe seemed charming” was the only thing he could response before looking at you and blushing. 
“2 americanos, Minnie” you said, momentarily glancing at Hyunjin before staring down at your heels. 
“It’s on me” Seungmin leaned in to whisper in your ear to which you giggled and looked at Hyunjin’s confused expression. You pointed at a table in the corner of the cafe with your chin, signaling to sit down.
As you walked over to the cedar table you couldn’t help but to wonder about his duality. He seemed so comfortale last time, talking to you with no problem and being as bold as to leave his number but now he seemed like a young school boy that wanted to ask his crush out. You started to understand what Felix meant by “people like him”. 
You sat down on one of the wooden chairs with steel details, the only thing seperating you from Hyunjin being the light ash table. He pulls out his computer, clicking away as you observe his perfect features. His concentrated eyes were fierce but had a soft gaze, his plush pink lips being soft, perfect for kissing you thought as your eyes drifted to his adams apple that bobbed everytime he swallowed.
Before Hyunjin could show you his screen Seungmin came over, shyly placing the drinks on the table and striking his sweet smile your way to which you laughed inaudibly until he went back behind the counter, observing the action from afar. 
Hyunjin cleared his throath nervously as he turned his computer to show you the colorful photos, looking at your judging gaze in reassurance as he sipped on his americano. 
You were amazed. The photoshoot seemed simple when you modelled but no one could have ever guessed that by just looking at the photo. It had a touch of charisma. The angles, the lighting and the editing made this originally plain photo look dimentional while still having a youthful touch with the pastels.
“W-what do you think?” He said, looking at the screen as his ring finger flicked through the pictures, pressing on the right arrow key on the keyboard. 
“It’s amazing, no wonder you’re so famous” you said while grabbing your americano without lifting your gaze from the enticing photos. Heat rose to Hyunjin’s cheeks upon hearing your words. Sure, he’d heard it before but not from you. Not in that cute, geniune voice that ringed through his ears like music. 
“Thank you y/n” he said, his gaze drifting over to you. He was stunned from how beautiful you looked in the cozy ambiance of the cafe. A wall plant descended down behind you as your eyes twinkled when you caught eye contact with the blond boy. Everything he wanted to do right now was to capture your beauty, make this moment last forever. 
“Earth to Hyunjin” you said, giggling as his gaze froze on you, feeling your heated cheeks get even hotter. 
“Uhm,,, s-sorry, wanna get some sneak peaks from other photoshoots?”
You nodded excitingly, feeling special but also questioning why he treated you so specially. He was shy, theres no doubt about that but it almost seems like he trusts you. You move your chair closer to him, wanting to see the screen properly before you notice Hyunjin shifting awkwardly in his seat, not used to being this close to you. 
“H-here are some I took last week, another one of mr Styliz many projects” he smiled timidly before taking another sip of his beverage. 
Once again you were amazed by his talent but what caught your attention even more was how undressed the female model was, her curvy body being covered by nothing more than a short glittery dress with a plunging neckline, displaying her cleavage. In her hands there was a delicate red bottle, decorated with art deco lines.
“What was the concept?” you asked, curious of this sensual vibe that emitted from this photo. 
“Something along the lines of elegancy. It’s for Aurora Perfumes”
He namedropped the famous brand in the most colloquial fashion, seemingly an everyday occurence for him. 
“Y-you worked for Aurora? That’s,,, wow” you were speechless as Hyunjin quietly giggled at your reacting, waveing his hand in the air in disagreement.
“I don’t like to b-brag about my career so hopefully I don’t come across that way” he said, almost worryingly. 
“No! Not all, it’s really impressive, your entire career is.”
Your sweet voice made his heart flutter, never before had he heard compliments sound this pleasant. 
“Why did you become a photographer?” you asked, your curiosity bubbling over as he looked at you with his penetrating brown eyes. The mood suddenly got cold. Hyunjin took a deep breath, exhaling loudly from his nose as you sipped on your coffee. 
“I’m an only child and therefore I spent a lot of time with my grandparents when I was younger.” 
You knew this was going to be a sad story, you bit the inside of your cheek, regretting asking that question as you thought that it might be too personal but judging from how Hyunjin’s words spilled from his mouth you believed that he felt comfort telling you.
“They had photoalbums stacked up in their attic which I flipped through for hours, observing their youth and innocence and seeing how time fled by. When I got my first camera I was overjoyed, taking pictures of everything around me and putting them up on my wall, acting as if my room was an art gallery.”
He smiled when talking, his voice turning mellow as he reminisced. 
“But when my grandparents passed away,,, I noticed that I didn’t have any photos of them nor of my friends or family which made me feel disappointed. I had spent so much of my time trying to capture beauty when beauty was infront me.”
Shivers ran down your spine as his sugared voice ran through the words. Hyunjin looked nervously down on the table and you did the same, not knowing what to say or how to comfort the blond boy. 
“I-I’m sorry for your loss” 
That was the only sentence you could muster to say but Hyunjin glanced at you, his dimples appearing as he smiled. 
“Why are you sorry? No one usually asks me that question so it feels nice to get it off my chest.”
You nodded shyly as silence erupted in between the two of you. 
“It really was a pleasure working with you y/n, I would like to have you modell for me again” he blurts out, trying to put an end to the painful silence.
“Y-you what? B-but my manager hasn’t told me anything ab-”
“No, just the two of us.”
You went quiet, not believing your ears. A photoshoot, the two of you? Isn’t that practically a confession? Your dazed mind seemed to wander off to places far off, imagining the tension that would be looming over the both of you. Felix sure as hell wasn’t going to like this but you didn’t care. Hyunjin seemed comfortable with you, talking as if he’d known you for years and now he was asking you to modell for him? Saying no to this opportunity would be a crime.
“S-sure, when were you thinking?”
“You free tomorrow?” Hyunjin says, leaning back in his chair and spreading his legs comfortably, looking up at you through a curtain of blonde. 
“Yeah,,, sounds great!”
A smile crept up on your face as heat rose to your cheeks, feeling everything and nothing all at once. In this moment you didn’t care about the shutter coming from the guests phone cameras. You just cared about him. 
The next half an hour went by in a blur. In that short time you probably covered half of the conversational topics on this earth. Hyunjin laughed as you told him about your childhood.
“That’s so cute y/n”
“Well it wasn’t cute in the moment but now I can laugh at it” you laughed with him, stroking a piece of your hair behind your ear. 
“I think you’re cute y/n” 
“Of course I was cute when I was little” you roll your eyes at him, tears prickling in your eyes from laughter but when you glanced at Hyunjin he wasn’t laughing, he was simply observing you. 
“I think you’re cute now” 
You froze. All these things he’s saying made your heart beat faster than ever, a nervosity that couldn’t be described with words.
“You too” you exclaimed without thinking to which Hyunjin glanced at you with a grin. He coughed before streching his arms.
“Time to head home?” He said, packing up his computer. 
“Yeah, I have something to do” you said looking at your watch, knowing very well that you had absolutely nothing to do for the rest of the day except for anxiously thinking out every potential scenario that could occur tomorrow.
“Meet me at my studio tomorrow at 5 pm”
You nodded carefully, knowing exactly where his famous studio was.
“Don’t tell Bangchan I showed you the photos” he laughed mischievously, looking a bit like a ferret. 
“Alright, alright I won’t even though I really want to tell him how good of a photographer you are” you said cheekily as you stood up. The both of you headed towards the wooden door with glass panes, flashing a wink towards Seungmin that had his eyebrows heightened, amazed from how the little cafe lit up with two attractive people walking side by side. 
Outside the sun beamed, the bustling of the city and high skyscrapers stimulating your senses. 
“Guess I’ll see you tomorrow Hyunjin”
You scratch the back of your neck nervously as you speak before remembering something.
“Oh! Do you have a concept in mind?”
“Wear whatever, I’ll think of a way around it” he said. 
“Mhm! See you tomorrow!”
“Text me when you’re home, ok?” 
That sentence made your heart flutter and before you could embarrass yourself by saying anything stupid he waved, his rings shining in the sunlight. Turning around, you promptly started walking back home.
Your heart thumping, your thoughs scattered, your mind dazed. 
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@vogueinnie @that-anxious-bisexual @putmetogetheragain13 @hyunsluvv @lawleighette @meow-minho @minaamhh @ohmysparkle @hwangi @rindomo​ @fleeingreality @nycol-ie​ @jisungsplatforms @p0t4t0don14ll
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bucky-bucket-barnes · 2 years
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i'm bucket and welcome to my 2k writing challenge! i'd like to first thank you all so much for all the love and support. with that, i'd love to use my platform to boost other writers.
all writers are welcome, whether you're a seasoned pro or this would be your first piece sharing publicly. the writing prompts below will be based on some of my favorite song lyrics, but feel free to let your creativity go wild! angst, fluff, and smut are all welcome here. dm me if you have any questions and happy writing, my friends!
opening act (start date to post fics): December 15, 2021
last encore (final day to post fics): February 20, 2021
when posting your fic, please put the hashtag #bucket 2k writing challenge so i can find it
all fics will be put into a masterlist for this challenge so y'all can see everyone's work
this is a bucky barnes x reader account, but feel free to write whatever pairing you desire within the marvel universe! no incest or pairings with someone underage!!!
put appropriate warnings for your fics
there's no constraint on word limit, however, please add a keep reading feature to your fic if it surpasses 750 words
when you find a lyric you like below, please dm me so i know who's doing what prompt -> up to 2 people can do the same prompt
these are just writing prompts, so feel free to use the actual lyrics in your fics or just take inspiration from them :)
if needed, i will add more prompts to the list or if you're feeling super strongly about a certain song that's not here, dm me with your own!
this is for fun! this is a no judgement zone and i encourage anyone who wants to give a stab at it should!!!
"I always want you when I'm finally fine." - i bet on losing dogs, mistki
"I have emotional motion sickness, somebody roll the windows down. There are no words in the English language I could scream to drown you out." - motion sickness, phoebe bridgers
"You lose your way, just take my hand. You're lost at sea, then I'll command your boat to me again. Don't look too far, right where you are, that's where I am." - mariners apartment complex, lana del rey (@majestyeverlasting)
"The pink in your cheeks when you slightly lose your temper makes me love you even more." - soren, beadaboo (@real-jane)
"Are we still friends? Can we be friends?" - are we still friends, tyler the creator (@ohheyjanie)
"I think I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending. I'm not your problem anymore, so who am I offending now?" - exile, taylor swift ft. bon iver (@msvillainous)
"Do I look like her? Does she talk like me? Been feeling insecure." - painkiller, beach bunny
"The quiet comprehending of the ending of it all. There it is again, that funny feeling." - that funny feeling, bo burnham
"Baby, you're a vampire. You want blood and I promised. I'm a bad liar with a savior complex" - savior complex, phoebe bridgers
"I'm the love of your life until I make you mad. It's always one step forward and three steps back." - 1 step forwards, 3 steps back, olivia rodrigo
"Kiss me, beneath the milky twilight. Lead me out on the moonlit floor. Lift your open hand." - kiss me, sixpence none the richer (@babiebucky)
"Ever thought of calling when you've had a few? 'Cause I always do. Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new." - do i wanna know, arctic monkeys
"I am my mother's child, I'll love you 'til my breathing stops, I'll love you 'til you call the cops on me." - writer in the dark, lorde
"And maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much, but maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up." - all too well, taylor swift (@gf4hjp)
"Didn't I do it for you? Why don't I do it for you?. . .And I don't want to have to share our love. I try, but I get overwhelmed." - cellophane, fka twigs
"You're running late and it's not even like you. You were doing so well. Did the dog eat your homework again?"- moment, vierre clouds
"Baby, though I've closed my eyes, I know who you pretend I am." - washing machine heart, mitski
"I shouldn't have called cause we shouldn't speak. You do make me hard, but she makes me weak." - be my mistake, the 1975
"It was always you and me, always and forever." - you and me song, the wannadies
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btsandvmin · 3 years
Vmin fic rec - Canon compliant
So I got an ask quite a while ago, and considering I am an avid lover of canon compliant Vmin fics myself, it took way too long for me to answer this.
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Thank you so much! <3 Like you I love canon Vmin fics, and have a bunch of them bookmarked...Actually there are over 100 in my bookmarks and since I don’t know if you wanted quailty or quantity I added most of them here. I simply searched for canon fics amongst my own bookmarks. That also means I likely missed some as I just searched based on the one tag “canon compliant” and not everyone might have used that tag.
Mind you this is in no particular order in how much I like them but rather from when I bookmarked them, some I love and others I like. Also, I don’t know your taste and standard, so I’m sorry if some of these aren’t for you. Also, I would include a description, but I think it’s easier and takes less space (aka I can add more fics) if I just add the link and you can check them out one by one. 
There are definitely NSFW ones in here, and honestly I probably can’t remember all of them too well as I simply went through the whole list without stopping to see what fics I had in my list. 
I hope you will find something you like here as canon Vmin truly are to die for. <3 I mean, they sometimes outdo fiction don’t they?
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Check under the cut for 100+ Canon Vmin fics.
a space we're in together by hammersandstrings
ships in the night by albinococonut23
I'm in love with you, My Honeymoon by SilverLions
glow in the dark by bwimincore
a bed made and ready by smashthatlikebutton
an incident of fate (and dumplings) by majestaekim
Blue & Grey by imhereforvmin
settle down by as7erRisk
under the midnight sun by mistilteinn
life makes love look hard by yoontros
"Friends" by imhereforvmin
Just Soulmate Things by bangtanmirage
like an ancient sun by vastlyunknown
honesty is beautiful (like you, darling) by IGotJams95
Cuddle Buddies by teamkimseokjin (closetfairy)
an excerpt of love by vmxns
made visible by yeongwonhanrain (pudgypanda)
The Beginning of Forever by adidasjungkook
fast track by latertater (vmincrumb)
Counting The Beat by TracksDifferent
basic instinct by taekmindown
the brightest part by latertater (vmincrumb)
my heart is pounding tonight by chlexcer
Like Vines by TracksDifferent
Mandu Incident by VMINSaranghae
Friends by smolkook
The Other Side by Serendipitous_VMin
The Greatest Declaration of Love by Serendipitous_VMin
5000 days, 5000 ways by mistilteinn
A Nameless Bird That Sings by afraidtocare
deep in our bones (i know you) by ninefives (vmxns)
rest your bones (with me) by firebreathe
stay (you are my soulmate) by starlit_tae
Helping Hands by fandomfab16
Friends? by sweetnight_vm
Friends by rabbitfur
Friends by justpromisemin
in the space between the words by jardin (huayuan)
love is no big truth by venusghost
bro shut up i'm trying to find your gspot by namginut
Friends by PeaceFanfics for pjm_prmise
stay by momjoon (NogitsuneStiles)
Friends by Love_yourself_12
Bad Habits by 1995soulmates_coms (orphan_account)
taehyung's leash incidents by Anonymous
Mikrokosmos by imhereforvmin
Then There Was Malta by TracksDifferent
irritated by minblush
We're a perfect match (perfect somehow) by tang_jin_jaem
Map of the Soul: vmin by imhereforvmin
Secret Love Song by whatareliefwehaveeachother
twenty-one minutes. by naturallyvante
the start of something new by cryptonomica
all i wanna do (is drive home to you) by glossedmouth
3, 2, 1 by Serendipitous_VMin
Tiptoeing Over The Edge by vminthough
As Sweet As Sea Salt by vminthough
You're hurting too 'cause you're mine by escribeloquequieras
Show Me Yours by eron_less
these stars in your eyes by vmxns
Pressure of Light by timesuck2000
95z by alittleharder
Taehyung's Non-proposal by apocryphalic
there's something between us, anyway by chlexcer
any stranger i choose by hyalinos
Stigma by Manek
base coat by jeonbenet for makesomelove
When you move (I move) by jwimin-ssi (abaegel)
Maybe I'm In Love With You by VantaeKimTaehyung
every drop counts because of you by IGotJams95
you got your name in lights by pettey
those goddamn pants by orphan_account
It’s my mouth Kim Taehyung, I’ll do with it what I want by happily_missy
dance with the one that brought you by brendonurie
what am i gonna do, say no? by naturallyvante
i just want to kiss the stars by IGotJams95
Asking For It by Peppermintprism
The Perils of Dating Park Jimin by softbangtanboys
wanna end up on you by vastlyunknown
Why are you crying (You and I are the only ones here) by kkyufms (halo_dean)
just like a tattoo (i'll always have you) by cypherkooks
More Than Yesterday by 1995soulmates
contact by loveismore
beautiful thing by loverslight
A List on You by blithevmin
what ifs and whens by billykaplan
let's get going by gangbang
Sticky Sweet by x______o (orphan_account)
Three Sixty Five by orphan_account
two weeks by buichim
Bossy by CheekyBrunette
Keeping Score by 1995soulmates
Act Natural by orphan_account
With You By My Side(s), My Love Won't Go To "Waist" by btsax (znks)
4 O'Clock by Awalk66
Lovesick by orphan_account
Eclipse by orphan_account
here comes the rush (before we touch) by knth
tonight, the world is blue by vmxns
summer days and daisy dukes (wow, look at you) by vmxns
Ask Me Anything by Trilluvium
Unbothered by sugarlizard
how to confess to your best friend on April Fools' (hint: you don't) by blurbluefrog (ForestFish)
friends help each other by minblush
kissing up on fences (and up on walls, i don't want to fall) by bonnia
Can I Have This Dance? by SevenSoulmates
Your love was handmade for somebody like me by tangowithsuga
crashing waves by autumnleavxs
A Fault In My Structure by Zee
till the ocean is folded and hung up to dry (i'll love you, dear) by orphan_account
trust that particular flavor by pettey for parksinbloom
At Last (my love has come along) by orphan_account
for him by mellzmallow
best of me by firejimin for for chels! i hope i didn’t disappoint ctfu
Intro: Going to Lose my Mind by VanishedElf 
you make me wonder sometimes (all the time) by minblush
we don’t believe what’s on tv by chahans
out of the woodwork by lvlyvmin
Through dozens of skies by mecchayabai (this is a personal favorite of mine, I love the concept mixed with canon Vmin)
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I also got another ask about fics, and if you want more Vmin I made a Huge Vmin fic rec that you can check out. Hope you will find something you like. :)
If you want a rec with my favorites I could always do a much shorter one... Or you can check my previous rec post (above) for canon compliant ones as I was more picky when I made that list. 
Also here is a short little drabble that I wrote...  Do you write Vmin fics? Yes, and here is a small drabble. (Which reminds me I should also write on my own Canon Vmin fic I’ve been working on but neglecting in favor of writing analysis. T__T)
Again, thank you so much for this ask. And as another canon loving fic reader let’s hope our lovely Vmin writers keep providing us with new ones. :) <3
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
I recently read Shades of blue after you rwcommended it and Oh My God was it worth it. That was beautiful and amazing and do you have any other recommendations?
AAAAAA I’m so glad you read it!!! Honestly I’ve been waiting for someone to ask me for recs for awhile because I have.........a few...
Miscellaneous ships here, not just Revalink but the first lot are
- Pinesong by @a-perplexing-puzzle D-Do I even need to explain myself more??? I talk about this fic every other day of the week..... it’s just great vibes....soft and fluffy and angsty just *chef’s kiss* two gay boys searching through their old memories to remember how gay they are 
- Shades of Blue by @unapologetically-asexual OK I know original anon just said they read this but for you idiots that haven’t read it yet....uhhhh get on that. Nothing I could say would really advertise this fic better than this post
- somebody’s always looking (nothing’s quite as sweet) by @kouzaires One of my FAV Coffee shop AU’s for botw....so sof......so tender...........so warrmmmmm.............they characters are written so well.....just love it...a lot
- Broken Spirits by @legendoftoad It’s just AAAAAAAAAA??!!? My boys are hurting and the malice for half of it is frickin doing things to my boy and then of course you got your PTSD themes meddled in there and hnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhghgh my hurt/comfort itch is sufficiently scratched go read
- Linger On by ICanFlyHigher [idk if they have a tumblr] Ok I actually haven’t finished this fic yet but it’s been recommended time and time again so I’ve been reading this in my spare time I’m on like Chapter 12 or 13 I think but I can say with CERTAINTY that the writing is fantastic and tender moments are off the charts and my boys are so precious and also the Yiga are actually cool in this so that’s nice
- Learning Flight by homewardbound This is just *chefs kiss* *standing ovation* *throws confetti in the air* quality quality Revalink. Just a delicious chocolate cake of botw and Revalink. You got your mysterious Revali waking up 105 years later batter, and your angsty PTSD gay boys duo chocolate chips, and then you can chuck in some engaging sideplot elements as a few tall tiers, and then the cake is all whipped up with the wooden spoon of subtextual writing just mmmm delicious. and ALSO I betaed a thing that is gonna happen and let me tell you shit is gonna happen like VERY IMPORTANT SUPER COOL plot twists be happening so you better read it 
- Conversations After The End Of The World by @bismuthllie Ok this one’s a oneshot but I always go back and read it because...idk it just strums my heart strings a lot...I’ve said Pinesong was my first big Revalink fic I’ce read, but this was like...my first, first piece of Revalink content I read ever so...yeah <3 ....and also the art for this comic is fantastic too even thought it gives me the emotions......hahaha ok Revali it’s time to stop being dead
- I See You Swimming In The Sky by @unavoidablekoishi OK OK I know my logic isn’t the best considering it’s the only Revali/Mipha fic I’ve read, but god dammit it’s the best Revpha fic I’ve ever read I still need to catch up cause I’m like 3 chapters behind but this fic CONVERTED me ok, miphvali went from a “huh yeah the art is nice I can kinda see it” to “THAT FISH IS SIMPING FOR THE BIRD 24/7 AND THEY DESERVE EACH OTHER″ This is some *claps* GOOD. SHIT. Ok? *slaps roof of fic* This bad boy can fit so much charming characterization and interaction (and also has made me scream both happily and not happily on several occasions)
- Guardian of The Wilds by @no-themes-just-memes in which I constantly miscall it “Guardian of the Wild” because I’m stupid This isn’t so much a ship fic but it’s so cool Link is a spirit, Urbosa and Zelda’s mom are a thing, Zelda is HERE and she is AMAZING like no spoilers but holy shit Zelda is here and slaying in more ways than one and riding Satori and hhnnnnhhhhhhhh it’s all about those ~plot twists~ and tone changes ya know? very very very nice...
- Firebird by @paellaplease Oh no, it’s Kip’s obligatory Firebird gush whoopsie poopsie who would have guessed surely not me. This is just my standard for Oc ship content now it’s so good I am gay for one fire girl Maiya is my spirit animal and I just wanna cup her in my hands softly even though I know she would probably burn me for it but it would totally be worth it. The writing is just superb and I am also gay for great imagery and action which this is chalk full of so go read it 
Ok it’s actually 2am right now and I still need to finish a bunch of AP work so I’m just gonna speed run the rest of these recs
@echogekkos writes such cute and soft Miphlink fics that are on my top tier list like this one and oh crap this post made me realize Healing Touch updated crap there are so many things I need to read and catch up on anyways want more miphlink angst? BOOM read the inspiration for eternity by Merakkli and oh what’s that? You want deep lore that was custom made with lots of hot ocs in a fic that spans way beyond BOTW welp here’s Hyrule Bound a universe entirely created by @themisadventurescrew which is yet another fic series that I am behind on crap but oh shit @kittmoon has started a chapter fic called Jaded Seas recently so you should go read that but also all of their oneshots are great as well so you should follow them and did I mention that everyone I’ve tagged are people you should follow because yeah anyhow here’s a crackfic about Goron children that had me shaking out of either fear or confusion for a few days by @angsttronaut ok moving on @thatsnotzelda writes beautifully just take a look at this angsty Revalink thing and also bambambambam you’ve been ambushed by @hatenostorms @going-fancognito @ashrel @lizards-writing-blog so now go request some from them because I said so they’re great also uhhh @idiotic-canadian and @moonchildrenn [Pins_and_Patches on ao3] hate happiness but that’s ok because I get to be emotionally wrecked by their angst and whump hurray! wait fUCK I completely forgot to rec this earlier but my first Zelpha fic was this gorgeous Coffeeshop AU by @theseventhsage called Dreaming of Coffee and Love so go read that *flipping through entire history of ao3* let’s see let’s see... All of the Rito Chronicles by  sturms_sun_shattered is great, and this Teba/Harth one is also a fav and oh CRAP my zelink content is just everything by @fatefulfaerie because it’s just *throws colorful streamers in the air* pretty and I love their writing welp I’m about to collapse lets just end it off with the z’s like @zzariyo and @zeawesomebirdie on ao3  they are some pretty radical french fries if i do say so myself and and ok ok read this other Zelpha coffee au which is also by @kouzaires and this Modern au also by @unavoidablekoishi ok that’s all I can remember right now bye 
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 3 years
Strike a Chord (Gavin x MC)
Summary: Gavin learns to face the music.
Prompt: First time they saw each other cry.
Notes: This was part of @belovedstill ‘s New Fandom February event :) so it’s my first fic for MLQC and my fav Gavvy boi (just in time lol) <33 The prompt was also provided by @stehkotori ‘s collaborative writing event ‘Our Firsts’! (Both from discord). Also, do yourself a favour and PLEASE go check out these lovely ladies’ blogs, they are extremely talented and hardworking and I weep a little thinking about it hahah, I promise you won’t regret it!!!💛
Word count: ~2000
(Psst, if you wanna have an idea of what the piece MC plays in this sounds like, I imagined something like this: youtube / spotify) 
Another day, another pair of knuckles striking another face, painting another cheekbone red, another eye stained purple.
Gavin stepped out of the teacher’s office, clicking the door shut and sighing as he dragged his feet away. He studied his red and bloodied knuckles as he wandered through the hallways, grimacing as he ran his fingers along a particularly nasty cut.
There was a slight tremor in his hand, the effect of the pure adrenaline that had coursed through his body finally catching up with him. He heavily fell against a locker for a moment, surveying the golden-dipped leaves that whirled around the tattered bench across the path from him. The inevitable crash hit him, like waves against rocks on the shore. He should be going back to class now, he thought, and he almost entertained the idea until piano music began to fill the hollow hallway. The ethereal echo sang to him, calling for him in his temporary haze. A siren in a sea storm.
His budding curiosity got the better of him as his unsteady legs carried him towards the music. It wasn’t unusual to hear students practising during school hours, yet it often wasn’t as pleasant on the ear as it was now.
Gavin wandered past each practise room, only offering a quick glance into each one. All were empty except for one, and his stomach flipped as he did a double take.
It was her. Of course. How had that not been his first thought when the music started playing? Only her music had the power to captivate him so completely.
Rose brushed his cheeks as he found himself staring, yet he was physically incapable of breaking the gaze that focussed in on her hands, as long but delicate fingers danced tenderly across the keys.
It took Gavin a minute longer than it maybe should have to pick up on the subtle glisten that rolled down her cheek and the occasional jerk of her shoulders. She was crying, and the tears continued to run with every second that Gavin remained on the other side of the glass, helpless.
Except he wasn’t, not really. He could walk in there right now and comfort her. It would take no more than ten steps and he would be there for her, just like she was for him the last time she played. How could it be that something which had saved him before was now tormenting her?
Gavin pondered as reached for the door handle, the cool metal against his palm bringing a prominent reality to what he was about to do, and he started to question himself. Whether she would really want him in a vulnerable moment like this, whether he would actually be able to comfort her in the way she needs.
In a rare moment of weakness, Gavin decided he didn’t want to know.
So he walked away from her song, heavy with guilt but heavier with doubt. He would watch over her, like he silently promised her he would, but it was better for both of them this way. He didn’t need to be personally involved to look out for her, and she needn’t bother herself with him.
After all, she was a girl whose hands left subtle fingerprints on keys, whilst his left bruises on skin.
She defeatedly slid down the wall and swiped the back of her hand against her brow, wiping away the sweat from her efforts.
Gavin followed close behind, three boxes stacked high in his arms and not even a glisten on his face. His eyes tracked down to find hers, a chuckle escaping his lips at the state he found her in, “Done already? We’ve not even brought up the kitchen stuff.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
Gavin couldn’t help but laugh again when she completely sank to the floor, her hand pathetically waving an imaginary white flag in mock surrender. He placed the boxes down, “Okay, I hear you. We’ll take a break before we bring up the rest.”
“You always know what to say to make my heart flutter, Officer.”
Gavin rolled his eyes, but the curving of his lips followed swiftly after. He managed to pull her up to her feet, wrapping her arms around his waist before moving the damp wisps of hair out of her face, “Actually, I have something to show you.”
He smiled, “Mhm. Come on, let’s have a look round.”
He laced his fingers with hers as they wandered through each room, mentally placing each piece of furniture. The vase that she had bought from the market on one of their first dates would look best on the windowsill, and the lucky elephant figurine that Minor got them as a housewarming gift would beautifully compliment the books on the shelf, standing proudly above the fireplace. The pair couldn’t restrain the smiles that crept up their faces or the occasional squeeze of their intertwined hands. Little pieces of them started to fill the space before they were even out of the boxes, their future unfolding before them.
Gavin stopped her before the conservatory, the curtains drawn and the door locked.
She raised an eyebrow, “Gavin?”
He said nothing, he simply unlocked the door and led her into the bright room. Her eyes took a second to adjust, but when they did her jaw fell slack, her eyes widening.
Standing there splendidly in the centre of the room was a sleek grand piano. There was not a fingerprint or smudge to be seen on its surface, completely untainted, as if it had always been there. Untouched, waiting patiently for her melody.
She looked to Gavin then, unable to formulate words as tears pricked her eyes. She stumbled over a few words of disbelief before Gavin chuckled, taking mercy on the girl, “Somebody owed me a favour, managed to settle on this. Isn’t she a beauty?”
She nodded, her smile reaching her eyes as she lunged towards Gavin, practically leaping into his arms. He caught her, he always did. Enveloping her in his arms, he held her closer, nuzzling into her neck as she spewed her gratitudes.
“Anything for you,” he said, pulling back and looking into her eyes before pressing his lips against her forehead, “Play me something?”
She nodded enthusiastically, plonking herself onto the seat. Gavin slid up next to her, noticing the instant shift in her energy as she admired the keys. She became serene, focussed, pondering over what song she should play for him. With the slight curve of her lips and a glint in her eye, her fingers began to move.
Within the first few seconds, Gavin felt his heart drop.
It was the song.
Not the song that had saved him all those years ago; not the one that had pushed him over the edge, but the one that he heard as he fell for the second time -- fell deeper in love with her. The first real snippet of her that he got; the first time he wanted to hold her, protect her from whatever caused her tears to run. It showed her vulnerability, an intimate moment formed between them unbeknownst to her.
He was so lost in her song that he only registered the tear long after it had fallen. One perfect drop, sliding down his cheekbone to lay rest at the point of his chin, before falling into his shirt. He tried to blink away the remaining moisture in his eyes, but only when he saw the glisten of droplets on her eyelashes did he stop himself.
Here she was, emotionally bare before him, unguarded and unafraid. A piece of music so personal played so freely, for him. The simple idea that he was trusted enough, that she felt safe enough, to be this vulnerable with him and let him into this sanctuary she had created made his eyes burn more, but now he didn’t care. They were on a path to a deeper, more vulnerable place in their relationship with this song, and he would meet her half way.
When her fingers seized, they finally looked at each other, sparkling pool staring into sparkling pool. There was a tender, warm silence shared between them before they erupted in giggles, palms wiping away the aftermath of their shared emotion.
She softly brushed the hair that obstructed the gold of his eyes and cupped his cheek, guiding his gaze to fall on hers, “I know why I’m crying, but what’s got you all upset, hm? You never let me see you cry.”
Gavin placed his hand over hers, leaning into her touch, “I’ll only tell you if you go first.”
She told him it was a song her grandfather had composed - for her. It told the story of her childhood, her growing up. She would often hear snippets of it when she visited, always in the background, the soundtrack of her youth. The first time she heard it in full was after he had passed, having left her the score to do with what she pleased. The first time she had heard it in full, was the same time Gavin had heard it in full. Completely unknowingly, by chance, an act of fate.
He could hear it now. The piece was absolutely riddled with her. Everything she was, and everything she became. This song, it was her.
Perhaps that was what pulled him in all those years ago in the barren school hallway. In fact, he was certain that was it. That song was what tied the knot in the rope they held between them, pulling him to shore every time he drifted away.
It was the second time he had been saved by her song, and he was saved every moment after.
“Would you believe me if I told you I’ve heard this song before? The day you played it in the music room?” he asked, her eyes widening at his confession. He continued, “I saw you, and nearly came in but...I was too much of a coward to go to you. I should have-”
He stopped when she threw her arms around him, burying her face into the crook of his neck and taking in his clean, fresh scent. He was so silly sometimes.
“You know, after I finished playing that day, I felt a huge wave of relief and...comfort. I thought it must have been the release from all the crying, but from that day I couldn’t help but feel that someone was watching out for me, protecting me. I assumed it was my grandfather looking down, but that never felt right. It didn’t feel like him,” she pulled back, meeting his eyes once again, “But I know now. It was you, wasn’t it? You didn’t need to come in, I felt it. I knew you were there, and that was the greatest comfort I have ever felt. You have a way of doing that, you know,” she rested her head on his shoulder, “Making people feel safe.”
Gavin could hardly keep it together, but he held on long enough to wrap an arm over her and pull her close, planting a long kiss on the top of her head. He focussed on the feeling of her against him, reminding himself that she was there, that he had truly found his way back to her. That, after all his years of doubt and bitter regret, he had never actually failed her.
That was his new favourite song. Not because it saved him, but because it saved her -- saving them.
Thank you so much for reading!! Have a lovely day <33
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yelena-bellova · 3 years
Fault Line: Prologue - Steve Rogers x F!Enhanced!Reader
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Prologue - chapter one
Plot: Y/n’s life is a game of hide and seek and so far she’s beaten everybody. But her winning streak may not last as long as she’d hoped it would.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: OKAY. I have too many fics going at once but I got this idea and couldn’t let it go. I tried writing a Steve x Reader series a while back and it sucked quite frankly, so I spent a little more time developing this one. Steve doesn’t appear in this chapter but plenty of familiar faces do. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist! (no beta reader because we die like men.)
Bosnian winters were brutal. It got down to freezing temperatures, the pavement was iced over, you couldn’t go a day without being hit by a snowstorm…It was by no means remote but if you were hiding from something, not many people thought to look there. Which meant I was safe.
I casually strolled through the crowded Sarajevo marketplace, the only care in my mind being what I should eat for lunch. As soon as I stepped foot into the city, I knew I was on borrowed time. Not that it mattered, quick escapes were my forte. I spotted a falafel stand run by a middle aged man, one of the only stalls I hadn’t stopped at in the last few days. 
“Jedan, molim,” I said, smiling sweetly at the vendor as I watched him make the dish. As he prepared to hand me the finished product, I faked innocence and rushed to dig through the empty pockets of my coat. The man handed me the food wrapped in paper and raised his eyebrows expectantly. I looked up from my coat pockets and tilted my head, “Izvini.” Before he could understand why I was apologizing, I was gone…Having vanished into thin air.
When I reappeared, I was no longer in the marketplace. I was outside the abandoned shack in the Bosnian forest I’d been calling home the last couple days. I was living a ways out from the country’s capital so the search for the disappearing woman remained unsuccessful. Triumphant in having scored lunch, I turned on my heels to head inside my temporary home.
I hadn’t expected the dozen armed soldiers with their guns aimed at me.
“You boys wanna come in for a drink?” I quipped in English, gesturing to the front door, “I’m not sure I have enough for everyone but I can pop out to the store and get some more.” “I’d stay here if I were you,” a shadowed figure said from the front porch, “It didn’t take us long to track you and it won’t be hard to do it again.” Americans. In Bosnia. Interesting…
“Mind telling me who the hell you are?” I called, squinting to try and make the voice’s body out.
A man came forward, stepping in between two of the soldiers who still had yet to lower their weapons. He pushed back the hood of his winter coat to show his face, “Agent Coulson, we’re with S.H.I.E.L.D. We’d like you to come with us.” I looked behind and around me, waiting for someone to make a move. “So I’m supposed to just go with a group of soldiers with their guns pointed at my head? Is it that simple, Agent Coulson?” “It can if you want it to be,” he replied, for as threatening as he should have been he wore a small smile on his face, “We’d like to talk to you.” “About?”
“About how someone like you has been jumping from Russia to Colombia without a plane. Or India to Canada. Or Jamaica to Scotland.”
I raised an eyebrow and casually took a bite of the stolen falafel I still held, “So you have been tracking me.” “Miss Y/l/n, it would seem that you’re highly gifted,” Agent Coulson continued, taking a step closer to me, “We’re here to help you, not to hurt you. I’d like to bring you back to headquarters to talk to you about your abilities.” I smirked as I chewed, “I’m not a mercenary that organizations like yours can just hire for an assassination.” “That’s not why we’re here. It’s not what you can do for us, it’s what we can do for you.” “Hmm,” I sarcastically smiled, “And what is it that I’m getting out of going with you?”
“A life where you don’t have to steal baklava for lunch.”
Having lived how I had for so long, I prided myself on my good instincts. There was good, there was bad and every once in a while there was a grey area. A combination of right and wrong that was subjective to each person’s perspective. As my eyes scanned over Agent Coulson, a professional yet non threatening presence, and the soldiers ready to kill me if I dared to fight back, I decided that I had just landed in a very grey area. If I didn’t go with them, I wasn’t sure what they’d do. If I did, I wasn’t sure what they’d ask of me.
Then again, I was a bit of a grey area myself.
I held up my food, “It’s a falafel.”
It had been a long time since I’d been back in the states longer than the five seconds it took to steal a bag of Cheetos from a convenience store.
Agent Coulson had deposited me in a stark white interrogation room and promptly left. After the twenty minute mark passed without anyone entering, disappearing and landing in Cairo began to sound more and more attractive. Just as I was seriously considering it, the locked door opened.
“Miss Y/l/n,” a dark skinned man greeted, “You’re a hard one to pin down.” “Really? Cause according to Agent Coulson, it was as easy as breathing for you guys,” I replied, tightening my crossed arms.
“It got easier once we developed the right tech,” he said, coming to sit in the the chair directly across me, “But apparently you’d never heard of us until today ergo you didn’t know we were tracking you which begs the question…Who were you running from?”
“Wow,” I chuckled, “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?” “I don’t like to waste time.” I snorted before giving him a once over. He wore an eyepatch, all jet black clothing complete with a matching trench coat. He looked the part of Man In Charge perfectly. “If you’re gonna ask me for my life story, I’m gonna need to know a little bit about you too.” “All you need to know about me right now is that I’m a man who sees potential in you.” “Potential?” “Potential.”
“That’s not what people typically see in me,” I narrowed my eyes and shook my head.
“No, they see a thief, a cheat, and I’m willing to bet,” the man leaned forward and put his arms on the table that separated us, “Somebody sees you as a threat.” Oh, if only he knew…
“If you’re a government agency then you already have a file on me, meaning that there’s not going to be much I have to say that you don’t already know,” I spoke up, making sure to continue matching the guy’s intense eye contact. 
He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head in concurrence before turning to the double sided glass window. It didn’t take more than five seconds before the door opened and Agent Coulson stepped through carrying a manila folder. He handed it to my questioner before disappearing through the doorway once again, I almost wished he would stay. He was the only person I knew at the moment.
“Looks like you’ve been all over,” the man observed as he flipped through the folder, “Gotten yourself into a lot of trouble and whenever someone catches you, poof! Like magic…”
I was excellent at hiding, but I knew when I was beat. As nice as leaving sounded, S.H.I.E.L.D knew too much about me for me to run.
“I don’t know,” I sighed, lowering my gaze to the table.
“Don’t know what?” “I don’t know who I’m running from,” I continued, “But they’re there. If I stay in one place for too long, someone breaks into whatever rusted shed I’m living in or ambushes me in the middle of a bazaar…Somebody wants me.” The man had stopped browsing my file and was intently watching me recount my story, “How long’ve you been on the run?” “Five years,” I explained, suddenly not comfortable with meeting him eye to eye  “I was fifteen, woke up in God knows where with no memory of how I got there. While I was wandering around trying to figure out where I was, a group of men tried to grab me. Fortunately for me,” my lips twisted into a smirk, “I can make a quick getaway.”
“You remember where you’re from?” I inhaled deeply and shut my eyes as I exhaled, “No. Any memories before I started living like this are…blurred. I can almost make out a few, mostly from when I was a kid, but I don’t remember any details about my life other than my name and my age. Got anything in your almighty folder that can fill in the gaps?” “We only know what you’ve told us and what you’ve chosen to shown the world,” he replied as he reopened the packet, “Looks like disappearing isn’t the only trick you’ve got up your sleeve.”
“A girl’s gotta defend herself somehow,” I cocked an eyebrow, by now I’d relaxed my rigid posture and was tracing shapes on the table with a finger, “But if you’ve done as much research as you say you have then you should know I don’t bring any of that out unless I absolutely have to.” “Oh, I’ve seen the security cam footage,” he laughed, folding his hands together in front of him, “You put on quite a show. That’s that potential I was talking about.”
After a beat of silence, I finally asked the million dollar question. “What is it that you want from me, Director Fury?”
He should’ve been surprised, most people were, but it didn’t seem like me digging around in his mind was more of an event than eating breakfast was. “Only when you absolutely have to, huh?”
I gave him a small shrug and waited for him to answer. He kept his eyes locked on me, nodding his head ever so slightly. “Miss Y/l/n, whether you’ve thought about it or not, you have the ability do a lot more with yourself than skipping out on the dinner bill. You could be out there stopping the kind of people that are after you instead of running from them. And if you weren’t interested in the prospect of that even just a little, you wouldn’t still be sitting here.” Now there he was right. I agreed to come with Agent Coulson, I willingly let them bring me into an interrogation room, I’d discussed vulnerable details of my life with Director Fury…There was a small part of me that wanted to be a part of something.
“You wanna keep bouncing between continents praying that you don’t get caught? That’s fine, it’s no skin off my back,” Director Fury held his hands up in mock surrender and promptly lowered them back down, “But you stay and you can be a part of a world bigger than you could possibly imagine.”
The only world I’d ever known was spinning a globe, picking a random location, finding the most remote part of the county, stealing what I needed to get by and living in abandoned houses. I’d never had any sense of security. And while the life that Director Fury was offering me gave no guarantee that I’d live long enough to grow old, it didn’t require me to stay as paranoid as I was in the name of survival. I’d gotten by just fine on my own, but I’d never allowed myself to think of a future where I didn’t have to just get by…
“I already told Agent Coulson that I’m not a mercenary,” I began firmly, “I’m not a weapon for you to utilize whenever you want. I’m not joining some super secret spy organization only to find out after a while that I’m working for the bad guys,” I paused to take a slow breath, “But I don’t particularly enjoy being a criminal and if what you’re saying is true, I’m willing to give it a shot.” Director Fury gave me a single nod and just like that, I’d accepted a job without actually committing to sticking around. Fury turned once again to the double sided mirror and the door swung open, ushering in Agent Coulson, a redheaded woman and a blonde man I had yet to meet.
“You’ve already met Agent Coulson, I’d like to introduce you to Agent Romanoff,” he gestured to the woman, “And Agent Barton,” he looked towards the blonde, “He and Coulson will be some of the senior personnel personally overseeing your transition into S.H.I.E.L.D and I have a hunch you and Miss Romanoff will work well together.” “I work just fine on my own, thank you,” I stated, the thought of trusting someone to have my back sent the walls I’d just lowered shooting back up.
“I hate to break it to you but we work as a team here,” Agent Romanoff said, her voice cool and unaffected by my displeasure. If anything, it seemed like she found it slightly amusing, “Besides, you don’t have anything to worry about. Agent Barton’s my partner.” 
Director Fury made for the door, Agent Romanoff and the still silent Agent Barton following promptly. “I’ll leave it to Coulson to get you settled, but I’ll be watching your progress closely.” I could give the man credit, he knew how to wear the whole Tall, Dark, Man-With-All-The-Secrets hat well except for one thing. He couldn’t keep any secrets from me. Once the room’s occupancy had lessened, my eyes flew to Agent Coulson.
“What’s the Avengers Initiative?”
He wore a small and knowing smile, “A work in progress. For now, let’s focus on getting you through training then we’ll work on finding you a partner.”
Standing up to follow him out the door, I protested against his checklist, “I already said-“ “I know, but there may come a time where you change your mind,” he interrupted, his tone had gone from professional to semi-friendly as we walked down the hall, “This job is rewarding, but it’s hard work. Having the right partner by your side makes it all a little easier. You’ll see…”
We approached a railing that overlooked the main floor of the headquarters. Coulson didn’t think twice about the view while I approached it curiously. There were people everywhere, more than I’d been around in a long time. Something about the sight of so many individuals dedicated to doing the right thing made something inside of me relax. Maybe for the first time in my life, I was right where I needed to be.
Agent Coulson must have sensed my peace, he came to stand beside me and turned his gaze to where mine was. “Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D.” 
Translations: Jedan, molim: One, please.
Izvini: Sorry.
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damienthepious · 3 years
this bitch a long one. this week’s other LKT offering! horny yearning via lyrically specific music.
heart beats best (the playlist)
[spotify] [the actual fic]
01. Showyourself - Montaigne // 02. Do I Wanna Know? - CHVRCHES // 03. Stay With Me - Better Love // 04. Crane Your Neck - Lady Lamb // 05. Bad Ideas - Tessa Violet // 06. No Face - Haley Heynderickx // 07. Monster - dodie // 08. Drive Slow - ADDIE // 09. The Thunder Answered Back - Gabby’s World // 10. Mezzanine - Lady Lamb // 11. The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives // 12. Company - Daisy the Great // 13. Distractions - Wild Painting // 14. R U Mine? - Ratwyfe // 15. Choices - To Kill A King // 16. 1996 - Wild Child // 17. Honeydew - Small Talks // 18. Lost - Liza Anne // 19. Waiting on a Ghost - Left at London // 20. Moon Song - Phoebe Bridgers // 21. Rearview - Beach Bunny // 22. Vacation Home - Whitehall // 23. You Are the Apple - Lady Lamb // 24. Baby No More (acoustic) - Anjimile // 25. Things We Never Say - Bad Bad Hat // 26. midnight love - girl in red // 27. Please You - Montaigne // 28. His Hands - Blegh // 29. Bottles - Little Image
[lyrics breakdown under the cut because i’m! a disaster. and this is a long ass playlist and i have thoughts about every single song. i think i was kidding myself to think this would be less effort than just Writing. Subject to future change when i find yet more songs that suit this frickin story. there’s lots!!!]
01. Showyourself - Montaigne - Show yourself, shadow, I'm lonely / Show yourself / I don't know how to take care of me alone
02. Do I Wanna Know? - CHVRCHES - So have you got the guts? / Been wondering if your heart's still open / And if so, I wanna know what time it shuts / Simmer down and pucker up / I'm sorry to interrupt, it's just I'm constantly on the cusp / Of trying to kiss you / And I don't know if you feel the same as I do / We could be together if you wanted to
03. Stay With Me - Better Love - Come stay with me another night / Don't overthink / Oh, I know I just met you / But you're clouding all my dreams / Go on and set me free / I wanna see you tomorrow / Are you thinking of me?
04. Crane Your Neck - Lady Lamb - We ripped off all our clothes and this included all our jewelry / And we ran hand in hand back when you brought out the beast in me / The parts that are dormant, I wish to set them free / And in the clarity of this night I make myself believe I can sleep easily alone
05. Bad Ideas - Tessa Violet - I don't know what compels me / To do the very thing that fells me / I wake up, still high on you / But by the night, I'm crashing through, so
06. No Face - Haley Heynderickx - Tell me what's wrong here / Is it the bridge of my nose / Or the backs of my skin / Is it the pull of my hips / That you couldn't let in
07. Monster - dodie - So maybe I will talk to you / The only way I know how to / Mhm, you've said your speech / Mhm, through sharpened teeth / You break the rules and spikes grow from your skin
08. Drive Slow - ADDIE - The rush that I feel when / Our hands are intertwined / We're always together / It kills me that you aren't mine
09. The Thunder Answered Back - Gabby’s World - So here I sit, I've come to rest some weight upon your little chest / You free-for-all, you wrecking ball / Hovering next to your bed, to lay waste to your healthy head / You spider web, you dance of death
10. Mezzanine - Lady Lamb - How I ache, I ache in the pit of me / I awake, awake with this fear in me / How it makes, makes a fool out of me / With its knife how it carves the seeds out of my heart / For to plant in the soil for to feast 
11. The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives - We could have been anywhere, anywhere else / Instead I made a bed with apathy / My heart knew the weight / Ten years worth of dust and neglect / We made our peace with weariness / And let it be
12. Company - Daisy the Great - Tell me the truth if the truth means I'm better / Than I am in my head (I am in my head) / I hate what I want because I can't have it / I want your company
13. Distractions - Wild Painting - I'm here lyin next to you / In my mind, you're all that I really want / Claws and the marks on my favorite shirt / Got me feeling the motions, I didn't know / I had for you, you thought you knew / But you didn't / And I didn't at all
14. R U Mine? - Ratwyfe - Looking into your moonlit eyes / You look so enchanting tonight / I get scared when I see your face / ‘Cause I don’t know why you would ever stay
15. Choices - To Kill A King - He's on your doorstep / He's laden with flowers / This garden is freezing, teasing / You're leaving me for hours
16. 1996 - Wild Child - Sometimes it's more than I can take / I try to hold on 'cause I always run away / Just want to see you at the end of every day / Guess if I lose, I'll love you anyways
17. Honeydew - Small Talks - Honeydew / Don’t take it personal cause I love you too / But not the way you want me / I adore you, but not the way you want me to
18. Lost - Liza Anne - I'll be lost if I love him, lost if I won't / And I can't muster up the courage to say it's best that I leave / I can't muster up much of anything when I'm feeling you breathe
19. Waiting on a Ghost - Left at London - I was in love, I couldn't stand you / I could move on, I never planned to / Now I'm in the kitchen just making a meal you won't eat / And cooking exhausts me but I thought I'd try to be sweet
20. Moon Song - Phoebe Bridgers - You couldn't have / Stuck your tongue down the throat of somebody / Who loves you more / So I will wait for the next time you want me / Like a dog with a bird at your door  
21. Rearview - Beach Bunny - Underneath all apathy / You're woven into my tapestry / Did you ever love me at all? / Sometimes I start to lose control
22. Vacation Home - Whitehall - Sometimes, I feel like I'm a house / By the shore, oh I don't wanna be / Some kind of resort for you when you get bored / You know me, I'd rather be / Some place where you can feel happy
23. You Are the Apple - Lady Lamb - You devoured my heart / You devoured my heart like it was strawberry cake at a birthday celebration / But I still need your love / I still need your love / I need your love / I need your love / Yeah, yeah, yeah / I still need your teeth around my organs
24. Baby No More (acoustic) - Anjimile - Am I / Not supposed to hurt you? / Am I / Not supposed to make you cry? / Damn, I / I just don't know good loving / The right way
25. Things We Never Say - Bad Bad Hat - Wish I knew what you were thinking when you kissed me on the floor / But I’m not sorry that I let you, or that we did this whole thing wrong / And I never say I love you, but I meant it all along
26. midnight love - girl in red - I hope that the right time one day arrives / So I'll be willing to let this die / Able to look you right in the eyes / Say I'm not your consolation prize
27. Please You - Montaigne - I'm going to sit here in the dark / And hope one day I make my mark on you, it's all I long to do / I belong to me and to my heart / I hope one day that I can stop, can stop, can stop / Trying to please you
28. His Hands - Blegh - You're too real for me / You should go to something better / I'll give you to someone better / I have friends that'll be on earth for longer / I have friends that won't feel like monsters
29. Bottles - Little Image - I loved you, I loved you / Woah-oh / Did you love me? Did you ever love me? // Or anything anymore? / You bottle your love so tightly
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