#someone mush the photos together
lorarri · 24 days
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summary , the daughter of lewis hamilton and a 3 time f1 world champion life is pretty great especially now that you have found a special someone
pairing , jude bellingham x fem! hamilton! redbull! f1 driver! reader
main masterlist | football masterlist
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yourinstagram . 4hrs ago
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seen by lewishamilton judebellingham 76,389,589 others
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liked by lewishamilton judebellingham 102,890,199 others
yourinstagram winter break photodump pt. 5
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user my wife is a madrid...I don't know what to do with why self now
user stay away from my wifey mr. hey jude lookin ass
user it couple is cookin ya'll
user love that mother is living her best life
user bae wake up Y/N posted a winter break photo dump
user madam who got you those flowers
user jude better be careful or papa hamilton gonna have his head if he even thinks about trying anything with his daughter
user why am I kinda living from the idea of these two being a couple
user are you dating jude?
user Y/N come home the kids miss you
user 4th wdc pending...
user so we all know who the guy in the last slide is right?
user love my soon to be parents
user the queen soft launching wasn't on my 2024 bingo card
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did you really think you could sneek your way into Y/N Hamilton's ig dump and we wouldn't find out?
glad you finally got together
I was getting sick and tired of you talking about her 24/7
I'm surprised he even got the strength to talk to her
his brain normally turns to mush when ever her name is mentioned
proud of you bro
thx kyo
I always knew you were a real one
damn I see how it is then....
trents going dark lads
in his sad girl era
so wait who knows about you 2 being together?
besides the entire intent after that photo dump?
tell lewis he's the goat
hahah funny
let us have our damatic soft launch
obvi you guys know
the only others that know are max, sebastian, and charles
I'll let lewis know when he figures out I'm dating his daughter this Saturday
mate your fucked
secret forbbiden romance
didn't know you were built like that jude
what do you mean Lewis fucking Hamilton doesn't know you are dating HIS DAUGHTER
pray for jude guys
these might be his last days with us
he shall be missed
dw jude I'll delete your search history of you stalking Y/N's ig and twitter
thanks guys...
wiss me luck
break a leg
don't die
good luck
you going to die
what colour coffin do you want?
I'm thinking bright pink and rinestones
do you need a get away driver?
before you die get me and ronnie a hat singed by Y/N and Lewis
I feel so loved rn
yourinstagram . 4hrs ago
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seen by lewishamilton maxverstappen1 98,328,479 others
lewishamilton replied to your story!
he's a good lad
but if he hurt's you
winning a trohpy will be the last of his concern
okay dad I'll relay that message to him
also don't forget to use projection...
carlossainz55 replied to your story!
maxverstappen1 replied to your story!
Christian is asking if Jude wants to come to the team dinner before the livery launch?
also if he hurts you I will run him over with our matching aston martins
landonorris replied to your story!
what does he smell like?
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infamous-if · 1 year
we focus so much on the angst (which i love too!!) but can we get some fluffy facts about being in a relationship with the cast pretty please? 💕💕
Yes, I’m sort of ready for some fluff haha
Being in a relationship with
Seven: means a lot of mushiness. Seven is very free with their love. They will stare at you a lot and when you confront them they’ll just shrug and say “sorry you’re just so [insert compliment here].” Seven likes to take a lot of photos and expect songs written about you and many mixtapes. That’s how they communicate everything they feel: through mixtapes and songs. As I mentioned before, seven is also touchy, though it depends on MC’s comfort level, but their default is touching all the time. Always connected, as if permanently linked. Seven will always have at least one finger on you at all times 😭 they’re a clinger, like I said, they sort of act like a needy puppy who wants attention all the time. Pouty. Whining, but in an endearing way.
Orion: means romance in private. Orion is good with all the normal relationship stuff he just tends to cringe more over it LMSJSJS but in private, he is surprisingly romantic and sheepish? He’ll set up a whole five-course date and then play it off like “it was nothing” Orion is also someone who does a lot of things without thinking about it. He’ll buy something for MC and very casually say “this made me think of you so here” and while it may seem like it’s a big deal, it just comes naturally to him. He’s a bit possessive, but not an unhealthy amount? More in a protective way. What you saw in the demo during the interview is what Orion is like with a partner. In public he is a bit less affectionate, but in private there will be a lot of lingering touches, a lot more affection. Orion wouldn’t want to leave MC’s side, even if he doesn’t always vocalize it. He also gets a bit more reckless and loses that sort of “workaholic” habit of his (aka willing to ditch work to stay with MC.)
Victoria: mush, mush, mush. She’s super affectionate and loves PDA and everything that comes with romance. Victoria will shower her partner with constant love and support. She isn’t shy to express how much she misses someone, and will write long letters about how she feels. She wants to shout her love on the rooftops and is a bit clingy like Seven. She wants to be smothered and smothers in return. Hugging constantly; always has herself wrapped around her partner. Random kisses, random gifts. She will take her partner to every event. She does get a bit jealous but nothing too bad, especially considering her experience. She’s a very sweet lover who is proud of her partner.
Seb: Seb can be quite shy. His affection comes with a lot of hesitance and is not as loud, but sweet all the same. He likes to ask permission a lot (‘can I kiss you?’ ‘can I hold your hand?’) and is the type to pick out a flower from the grass and gift it to MC lol I can’t say much about Seb aside from the fact that he does sort of act like a young kid who is in his first stages of love. He questions himself often but there are moments of confidence that are surprising. He’s also protective like Orion, and likes to be entangled all the time (see: hugging from behind.) he’s more of a go-with-whatever-MC-is-doing type. If MC wants to get wild, he’ll get wild. If not, he’s okay with that too.
G: a lot of touching, a lot of kissing. G won’t care about anyone else in the room if you’re around. They won’t even pay any mind to anyone else. G’s love can be sort of intense in the sense that they aren’t shy about sharing how they don’t gaf about anyone else but you. They want to be on top of their partner all the time. Hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder. They want to spend all their time together. All their free time goes to them. G will include them in every convo. They won’t want to do anything fun or new without their partner. They’ll talk about them all the time. Ask where they are, look for them constantly. Moan about how they just want to talk to them or see them. G will become insufferable once they are apart. Like some bratty child. G turns into a completely different person when they’re in love.
August: means August is always thinking of their partner’s well-being. Always by their side. August will send them links to songs and videos that remind them of them and casually boast their partner’s accomplishments to anyone who will listen. They kind of lose a bit of their coolness and get a bit dorky around people they like; fumbling over their words, turning clumsy, getting shy. They’ll get real embarrassed to talk about their feelings or get mushy but they’ll do it if it makes their partner happy. They’ll think of them often and just want to chat about everything. August will be an open book with the person they love. Nothing is off limits. They laugh more, become more open and make more jokes. August becomes very free in the presence of the one they like. They’re a very different person (like G.)
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nevernonline · 9 months
Hello, I was wondering if I could make a request for Seventeen 🥺🥺, how would he react to seeing you breastfeed your baby in front of him?🫣
hiii nonnie!! of course <3 I'm sorry this took a second keke. I was nervous to make it feel right, thank you sm for the rec!!
I just did coups-hoshi for now so it's not too long if you want some more lmk &lt;3
SVT's reactions to you seeing you breastfeeding and taking care of your child in front of them:
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choi seungcheol:
he would melt immediately!! ik this man would be the biggest softie seeing his two loves enjoying themselves.
I can picture him catching his s/o off guard while they're casually resting as he comes home excited to see the two of them 😭
would come over to them without even saying hello verbally just giving a small kiss on each of their heads to join them sitting adjacent and watching with his little smile.
obvi the queen kkuma would come to enjoy being with her now larger family. (she is the light of MY life)
kkuma and baby cheol matching hair clips, when tbh?? (why can I write all day abt dad cheol idk??)
yoon jeonghan:
would be amazed he met someone who actually wanted to raise his child. not because he didn't think anyone would, just because he knows it has to be hard staying home while he works.
he would tend HAND AND FOOT while they take care of the baby, they worked hard so he would be working his ass off making them both so so happy.
constantly found giggling and buying the baby the cutest little gifts and playing with their sylvanian families families together.
seeing his s/o breastfeeding would def not be a surprise to him!! he'd be so happy that they just feel comfortable sharing the entire experience with him.
hong jisoo:
im so sorry shua as a dad would make me melt fr??
i can't even imagine the matching daddy x baby fits.
he'd sing softly to the baby while his s/o breastfeeds
Joshua def would make their s/o a killer ass playlist for while they feed just so the baby can have a chill time during feeding and so!! his s/o constantly thinks about them while they're doing so if he's not present.
hover dad <3 but in the best way!! knows he's busy so any little chance he can have to spend with his family he takes.
would be so excited about their child's first trip on a plane, probably to visit la and introduce them to the "LA Vibes"
100% best dad and husband a person could want.
wen junhui:
absolutely has read so many parenting books to understand how much goes into the process so he is always informed and not asking you too many questions if you're stressed.
when he saw you breastfeeding for the first time, he'd definitely be intrigued not in a seggsy way just in a genuine curiosity type of way.
he'd be really clingy asking you if you need his help for anything, pumping, diaper changing, etc.
above and beyond dad type like his s/o wouldn't even know what hit him.
him trying to teach your newborn his name >>>
playing you and your baby sweet piano medley's while plastering his cute smile all over the room.
def would enjoy sharing baby food
NEVER leaving your side, but in a helpful way, he'd def drop everything to be by your side like the best partner ever???
kwon soonyoung:
he's the mom 100%
I can picture him just literally going mush over the fact he has a child?? like??
would be tactile as hell to you while you breastfed, just crawling in the chair behind you to wrap his arms around you and his child, he has to be a part of it ALL.
showing everyone photos and videos 24/7 of the family he created. like he's so PROUD!!
compares his and his s/o's baby photos to see who their child looks like more and even if it isn't him, finds the smallest comparison to his features and gives them a nickname from birth based on that.
maybe a clumsy father at times but in the most endearing way.
makes choreography to cool baby songs and shows them off while his s/o feeds their baby for entertainment.
sings really soft and sweet love songs over a baby monitor.
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chaosfairy18 · 2 months
So I was going through WIPs and found that I had written almost 3k for a highschool AU. I'll just share most of this here I suppose because it is so funny and cute ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thinking about his boyfriend, Mush grinned widely into his locker, getting all the books he would need in the day out. Just a few more minutes and he’d get to see him. The last time had been on Friday before Blink got to his orchestra rehearsal and he himself had to get to soccer practise. They hadn’t had time to meet during the weekend with all of their homework and families, but they had been together for long enough that it didn’t matter.
Of course he loved being with Louis, but it wasn’t a need to see him everyday to make sure they still loved each other anymore. He knew that was the case.
Still, Mush hadn’t expected to see Blink grinning like a madman with a red-faced Race trying to get in his way as much as he could, elbowing him, pulling him by the arm, but not accomplishing much to deter him. “Nick, Nicky you won’t believe- Ouch! Why’d you got so sharp elbows, man? Mush, come here, I’ll have to tell you before I get stabbed to death, quick!”
Not one to refuse his sweetheart anything – and also intrigued what could possibly get Race to resort to almost killing Louis – he got closer, Race only doubling his efforts to shut Blink up without much success. “Don’t you dare, Louis Ryan Balletti, I’ll leak those photos of you I swear to god-“
“Do it, I dare you, I don’t care, this is better. Nick, Nick, guess what happened on Friday-“
If this was something from last Friday, it must have happened in their orchestra rehearsals. If Mush wasn’t wrong there was something special happening in these ones, he just didn’t quite remember what. “Racetrack, come on, let my boyfriend live, he’ll tell me sooner or later.”
“Not if he’s dead he won’t.”
“Race. No murder in public places, even your family can’t get you out of that.”
Race rolled his eyes at the implications. Race’s Italian family being part of the mafia had been a running joke for years, since they first found out about his heritage. But at least he stopped, leaving Blink to grasp his shoulders and grin like he’d just won the lottery. “Race, our dear little Tony, has a crush on one of the theatre kids.”
“It’s not a crush-“
“And how it happened is the best thing I’ve ever seen, I swear, Nick-“
“It’s not that important, Blink, you’re makin’ it out to be way bigger than it was.”
While the two kept bickering, Mush remembered what had been so special about Friday’s rehearsals. This year, the theatre club did a musical and instead of using pre-recorded music they wanted to include the school orchestra for the tracks. It was very ambitious, in his opinion, but if someone could do it, it would be Ms. Medda. She was an angel of a woman and responsible for both clubs, even though she shared the orchestra with someone else, who was also the conductor.
“Stop for a sec.”, started Mush, “It was the first meeting with the theatre kids, right? Because of the musical?”
Race, looking resigned, and Blink, looking manic, turned to him again. “Yeah! And for the first fifteen minutes Medda and Hannah were discussing some stuff so we were left alone and could just talk, you know? And apparently one of the Delanceys is in theatre.”
"Anyways, if this is happening, I may as well explain it. So Oscar was being really annoying, arguing with one of our girls, Stray, she’s playing the flute, and I don’t even know if he was trying to flirt or just plain arguing but it was getting loud and she was yelling at him to leave him alone.”
“And then comes Race’s knight in shining armour-“
“Then comes a guy from theatre I don’t know and pulls Oscar away and as he’s not backing down, so he punches him square in the face.”
“Race was practically swooning.”
“No I wasn’t, shut up.”, denied Race, already getting red in the face again.
~~~~~~ I skipped a bit of scene setting from that Friday pov ~~~~~~
With how Race had to look back to talk to Blink he didn’t notice Oscar Delancey, Mr. Wiesel’s nephew, come up to their front row and talk to one of their flute players, Stray. Even if he’d seen it, he probably wouldn’t have thought much of it, he and the rest of their friend group didn’t like the Delanceys much, with Jack fighting them regularly, but he wouldn’t have let that influence his orchestra experience. He’d at most have wondered why Oscar was in the theatre club. If he wanted to talk to someone that wasn’t their business.
Well, just talking wouldn’t have been their business anyhow.
Everything happened pretty fast after that. Race heard it get loud, registered Oscar and Stray arguing about God knows what and he’d had half a mind to get to the front and intercept the argument, as it didn’t have a place in today’s rehearsals, as another theatre kid got up to them, pulling Oscar back and sternly talking to him, much quieter. He had thought that was that and already wanted to turn back to Blink to ask him whatever had just been going on, as the expression on the unknown blond boy turned furious and he punched Oscar square in the face.
Race would later never admit it, not under torture or anything, but the moment he reeled back for his punch, as he was halfway turned in Race’s direction, it almost seemed like time slowed down.
He hadn’t seen much of the blond boy before, but the only thing that came to mind as he fully saw his profile was the word pretty. He had a kind of petite features, making him seem like one of the fairies in stories that would lure you into eternal damnation or something with a wrong word, with bright eyes whose colours Antonio couldn’t quite see from this far away that burned with an anger that made it more seem like he was some spirit of vengeance that had descended on earth for revenge and-
As the punch collected Race slightly shook his head. What had just gotten into him? He already knew he was very much attracted to men but that had never happened before. Even as Oscar tried to hit back, and as Medda got in between the boys, he could only think that whoever that was looked really pretty. And could probably kill him if he ever found out what kind of weird ass thoughts he’d just had about him.
Being absorbed in different renditions of ‘damn, he’s pretty’, Race didn’t notice that Blink had seen each and every reaction his friend had shown upon witnessing the scene and was already planning out his interrogation. For whenever Race returned to the real world.
Mush laughed at the explanation, obviously siding with Blink. The traitor. “Love at first punching a Delancey, that’s a first.”
Absolutely done with the assholes he called friends, Race intended to turn around and sulk or search for any of his other friends who hadn’t been present at Friday, but as he saw something – or someone down the hall he quickly turned around to blend in with the other chattering students in the hall.
Naturally, his asshole friends noticed. “What’d you see? Snyder? Or-“ Race could see the exact moment Blink recognized Race’s predicament as his face split into another gleeful grin. “Oh, who have we here?”
Mush, who hasn’t been subtle a day in his life got onto his tiptoes and leaned on Louis’ shoulder to balance himself while he looked around. “Is it that blond over there? Wait, I know him.”
“You do?”, slipped out of Race before he could stop himself. Goddammit, he was already a pathetic mess, and he didn’t even know anything about the guy.
While Blink’s smile turned into a grin Mush either hid his maliciousness better or wanted to be genuinely helpful. “We played against each other in soccer in Middle School, he played for a Brooklyn school. Everyone called him Spot, I think his last name was Conlon.”
Spot Conlon. That would make it a lot easier to find his accounts on any socials, just to see what he- no, no, don’t be a stalker, you don’t even know him, the crush will pass, don’t be weird.
Naturally, the universe hated him – or loved him, depending on when you ask him about this occurrence– so when Race got lightly tapped on the shoulder he had expected Jack, or Crutchie, or David asking him to compare their physics homework, not the object of his affections who shouldn’t even know he existed.
Standing opposite of Spot-the-blond-theatre-club-member he noticed that he was only minimally shorter than the other, which didn’t happen often, usually he had at least half a head less in height than everyone else, which didn’t help the fluttery feeling in his stomach. Spot’s eyes were also grey or a very light blue, which made it seem like he was unravelling every thought Race had just had about him. It didn’t make him any less pretty.
“Um, hi?”, he stuttered, not quite sure what could have prompted the other to talk to him. What if he’s a psychic and just heard all the things he thought about him-
“Hi, you’re Tony Higgins, right? Play the first trumpet in band?” And Mush must have been right with him being from Brooklyn because you could definitely hear that. Racetrack tried to concentrate fully on not turning red because he was forced to talk to a crush he hadn’t even really processed yet and god he was such a bi disaster, this wasn’t even funny.
“Yeah, that’s me.”, he said lamely. He heard quiet snickers from behind him, undoubtedly from Mush and Blink. He’d kind of forgotten they were still behind him.
“I’m Sean Conlon, I play Dracula in the production, I wanted to ask you somethin’ about a song I’m pretty sure you got a solo in, but,” he looked down at his phone for a second, “It’s gettin’ pretty close to first lesson, you got time after school to meet up?” Whichever higher power was at fault for this happening got both a thank you and a curse, because this wasn’t in his plans, he wants to meet me, shit what do I do?
“Yeah, sure. I don’t have anything going on.” It would mean he wouldn’t be able to drive Blink and Mush home, but he was sure Jack or David had some free seats, this was more important, and they only deserved it for how they laughed about him. Who’s laughing now? Well, not Race, but not them either.
Race wasn’t prepared for the small grin Sean – Spot, whatever – sent his was shortly before turning around. “Cool, see you then.”
Managing for another ten seconds to look like he was totally normal, he promptly fell into himself as he turned back around to Nick and Louis who were cooing in his direction. “What the fuck was that. You saw that too, right? I didn’t just hallucinate talking to him?”
Mush, with a far too sappy expression cooed: “You’ve already fallen so hard, it’s adorable.”
“And yeah, he was here, must be your lucky day, Racey. Should I already plan the wedding?”
Grumbling, he rolled his eyes. “That’d imply he’s interested.”
Yeah this is all but I do think it is funny and cute. It was supposed to be fake dating :3
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littlesstorietime · 5 months
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(Real photo of me 😳)
It was a long (Padded) day. Prepped and put in soup for dinner in the morning, last minute grocery shopping for the week, you know life. Once dinner time arrived, I got 2 bowls out (one for my girlfriend (I mean, mommy), and got a matching set of spoons. She enters the kitchen.
“Smells delicious, baby. But why do you have 2 bowls out?” She says with a devious smile.
“We… we are going to enjoy this soup?” I respond confusingly.
“Sweetie, with a little one like you, I think it’s time to use utensils that little ones use. I also have this..” she says as she walks around the corner. She returns with a high chair. Bright pink, baby blue restraints on it.
“Nooooooo!….” I shout in horror.
“Oh yes, sweetie, come over here and sit, now!” She says dominantly as she points as the seat of the chair.
I froze and didn’t know what to do. I told her about my diaper fetish, but this is taking this a bit far. First it was mittens. Then a onesie, now a pink cage….
“I…. I don’t ne…” I start to say but get cut off.
“Bum in this seat by the count of 3 or your cage time goes up a month!” She says, with a glare so fierce not even a lion would interfere.
I immediately start to walk to the high chair, when she again, stops me in my tracks…
“Ah, Ah, Ahh, little one, do babies walk, honey? No. I don’t think so, time to crawl.” Her face is glowing with victory at this point.
I get down and proceed to crawl to the chair, at her feet, and she patted the bum of the chair again, and I climbed up, and sat down. Before I could blink, she got to work strapping me down, including my hands. She places the table on the top, and turns to get our food.
She proceeded to get the food blender out, inserted the soup, and blended it together. Afterwards, put it in a baby bowl, and grabbed a baby spoon, as well as her serving.
“Ok baby, who’s hungry!?” She says excitedly.
“I don’t want fed….. I’m big enough! Please undo these straps….” I begged, while having a tantrum (well, what I could that is).
“Oh sweetie, it will taste the same, and you will learn to enjoy this mommy time!” She says, cooing at you trying to cheer you up.
“But I uMP!….” I get cut off by a spoonful of mushed together soup.
I immediately start bawling since I’m not a baby. She laughs, since it’s only fueling her fire. I didn’t even hesitate for the rest of the bowl, spoon after spoon, my eyes leaking like Niagara Falls. Couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything…
Once done, she cleaned my face, undone the straps, and set me down on the floor. Once she cleaned up the mess from dinner and put away leftovers, we cuddled together on the couch till 6:50pm.
“Ok sweetie, Its time to get ready for beddie byes, solet’s go get your teeth brushed!” She says excitedly, while she gets up and starts walking towards the bathroom.
I look at her in confusion. It’s a Friday night. Her, nor I worked the next day, what’s going on?
“Sweetie, am I going to have to say it again?” Sheeran this time as she turns the bathroom light on.
“Mommy, wh…” I get cut off again.
“Does someone need to spend time over mommies lap sweetheart?” She asks with a serious tone, giving me a serious face.
I crawled to the bathroom, and mommy helped me up to the sink, helped me brush my teeth, and guided me our room.
To be continued.
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itjazzbicch · 6 months
Forever Crazy
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Pairing:  Husband!Leonard Burns x Wife!Fem Reader
First time writing for Burns, so I hope I did well!
Summary: (As a part of my calendar reaction series):
Seeing the new fire force calendar, the reader is still madly in love with her husband she's been with for a long time, taken by surprise when he comes home and sees that she's still so crazy about him...
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) Foreplay, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie
Word Count: 1k
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“Did you see that next year’s new calendar is out?”
This was my favorite time of the year. Every time a new calendar was released, I had to see Leonard’s page. My best friend knew that as we were at the store, getting the calendars for ourselves, as both our husbands were in the force.
“Why do you think I’m here?” I laughed with her, both of us picking up a copy, flipping through to find what we came for.
Leonard never ceased to blow my mind in all the years we spent together. My mind blocked out the rest of his squad, solely fixed on him.
My best friend was going through the same experience while finding her husband’s page, singing a holiday tune jokingly:
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”
“You’re too much,” I giggled softly, lost in Leonard’s image, holding the calendar to my chest as she poked her head over to me:
“And you’re almost drooling!”
“Leave me alone!” I scolded playfully, shooing at her, “You know I’m still madly in love with him. I’ll never get over that I married such a fox.”
“I know. You two were meant to be,” She smiled, guiding me to the register, “But wait till you’re home to be drooling like that.”
“Shush!” I scolded again, rushing to the register, slightly embarrassed.
Saying goodbye to my friend, I quickly made my way home. Leaving the calendar on the counter, I figured I’d start dinner. Leonard would be home soon, and I always loved his smile when he came home to one of his favorite meals.
Dinner didn’t take me long to prep. Our food was in the oven as I washed my hands, relaxing against the counter as my eyes found the calendar.
I couldn’t resist, drying my hands and flipping back to Leonard’s page, completely gone in his image, memories, and endless fantasies of him.
“Hm, what are you doing, beautiful?”
Leonard’s voice made me jump, the calendar smacking the floor, holding my chest as I gasped for air:
“Leonard! You scared me half to death!”
“I said I was home when I came in,” I didn’t even hear him come in! He found it funny, rubbing my back and looking at what I dropped, a grin on his face, “Ahh, I see.”
Backing against the counter, I covered my bashful face as he picked up the calendar that was still on his page.
“Was someone having a little personal time?”
“You’re a wonderful sight, honey,” I muttered, filled with butterflies as he put the calendar down, towering over me with his chest revealed through the gap in his shirt, his blue eye beaming into mine.
“That right?” He smirked, toying with the trim of my dress before slithering up my thigh, thumb grazing the lace of my panties and feeling how they were damp, mushing the slick against my clit, his whisper making me jitter, “You’re that wet just from staring at a photo of me?”
“I can’t control it,” Putting my head down, he made sure my eyes stayed on him, unbuttoning his shirt some, still rubbing at my clit:
“Well, aren’t you blessed? Having the real deal right in front of you?”
“Surely blessed,” Whimpering, his thumb bundling my nerves had my walls clenching around nothing, making my thighs quiver, mouth watering at his silver, broad chest, moaning at his finger slipping into my panties, sliding through the wetness before giving my walls something to squeeze.
“All these years, and you’re crazy about me like we just met,” Kissing me, I couldn’t kiss back without my lips breaking in moans, only a finger creating a good stretch, clinging to his shoulders and rolling off my tongue:
“I’ll always be crazy about you, Leo.”
“That’s good to know,” Pulling back and pushing my panties to the side, I heard his belt buckle jingling, glancing to the oven as I knew where things were heading:
“I have to watch the stove-“
“We can keep an eye on it,” Picking my leg up by the calf, he turned me against the floor-to-ceiling cabinet where I wouldn’t slip or fall, stretching it up for access to my dripping cunt, “Nothing wrong with an appetizer before dinner.”
“You’re not wrong,” I blushed, hugging his head as he slipped into me so quickly, my backside smacking against the cabinet, jaw hanging as a bright flash blinded me, “Baby!”
“Yeah?” He snickered, amused but humming against my neck, grinding his cock deeper into me slowly.
“F-Faster?” He always made me desperate for more in an instant, the weight of his chest heavy against mine and had my breaths shaky, “Please?”
My back was glued to the cabinet, shaking as he bucked his hips into me, the sweetest moans flooding his ear, trying so hard to stay up, but the way his tip attacked my sweet spot, my legs started to fail me.
“I really make you weak, huh?” Holding me up by the thighs, I wrapped all fours around him, nearly screaming at the new depth; his cock was beginning to feel like too much, but I still wanted it.
“Uh huh!” Tangling my hair and his silver locks, I put a smile on his face with all my moans and praises; the way I’d lose control always made him proud of himself, but growing serious as the pressure in my core gained more weight, “I love you, Leo.”
“I love you too, honey,” Throwing up a rougher thrust, I kissed him, pressing my lips harder and harder as I struggled to breathe, hips jerking as his thrusts stayed calculated, driving deep to push me to my limit.
“G-God,” I swallowed down just to choke on my breath, gasping out as I started to cum and pulsate, “Ngh, ugh!”
Just as I came, the timer for the oven went off. I glanced at it, but he brought my eyes back to his.
“It can wait a minute,” Rapidly firing his hips, I came again before I even realized it, his cock so hot and twitching against my walls, stuffed deep in my womb and spilling his seed as he stilled, “You can let me enjoy this.”
“Of course, baby,” I enjoyed it too, more than he knew, kissing his cheek and cooing, “I’d never ignore something so good.”
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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goodluckclove · 3 days
70 horrible questions Hmmm... 14, 15, 34, and 62 c:
So 14 and 15 I'm mushing together. Because we have cats - Bob Odenkirk the Cat (otherwise known as Bob/Bobis/Bobby/Big Bob), and Nipsy (aka Nipsqueak/Nip Nip/Nipper/The Merper/The Stabber). They're enemies which I think is because Bob is like twice the size of Nipsy but he is also very, very stupid. We joke and say he has one thought a day. And Nipsy has intimacy issues and if you pick her up she'll make the most little Merps.
But I miss our cat Kafka. I've had her since she was 16 and we lost her recently. She was a weird looking cat with little legs and no teef, and near the end of her life she started playing with toys for the first time. We'd hear her at 2AM having conversations with this mouse toy she loved. I think she was hunting. I did a tribute to her on the back of the paperback of my novel instead of including an author photo.
What was my last dream about? The last dream I remember vividly was my wife Riley telling me that they were going to quit engineering and become a dancing robot street performer. And I was trying to be supportive but I was concerned until they put on a trilby and started doing a robot dance. It was really impressive, and my last thought before waking up was I think they're onto something.
What makes me happy. Hm. Lots of things. I'm really easily amused and I think that's one of my most valuable qualities. Redbull released an elderflower flavor that I love because I'm a sucker for botanical flavors. Someone bought a paperback of my novel for the first time, that's crazy. Saw a really cute Chihuahua yesterday and I'm still thinking about it. Most things, really!
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TTYD Remake — Chapter 3, 4, & 5 Ramblings
I suddenly realized I forgot to post all my rambling here! And then I beat the game haha. But I will post my notes like I did not just Watch the Credits Sequence today . So do not fear! This is only for Chapters 3 4 & 5
I like when they show all the partners out together! Like at the Thousand year door or the blimp cutscene with them all riding together … That one made me unreasonably happy when starting chapter 3 haha.
I was . Literally kicking my feet giggling hysterically when I saw that the photo standee now actually does a little photo op??? I was sooooo happy oh my god . Noone asked for them to make the standee actually interactable to this extent but they did cause they could ! As a kid I would always pretend I was getting photos in it so this literally shot an arrow directly at my Child Self . This game is for meeeeee.
The fact your title screen has your Yoshi color on it! Suuuuuuper neat, I was quite surprised by it -- I just love the title screen in general . How everyone shows up as they join the cast! So fun. Another one of those details just added because they could ! I named my Yoshi Hot Dog by the way . And it was pink! I always wanted the pink one as a kid haha -- but I never got it.
I spent so much time talking to every NPC in chapter 3 it was embarrassing . And I don't think I even saw every piece of NPC dialogue despite my best efforts . Chapter 3 was such fun for me to go through I looooooove Glitzville . One of my favorite chapters for sure
I can appreciate how much foreshadowing there is for everything in this chapter now that I'm older… Bandy Andy and the Seven Wonders are an obvious example -- he directly foreshadows both Grubba's motive and his own demise. NPCs won't stop talking about Prince Mush, especially the juice shop lady -- who is obviously Jolene in disguise… My favorite might be this extremely obscure piece of dialogue if you talk to the freelance cameraman on the second floor, he tells you that Rawk Hawk used to be such a polite guy; he even sent Prince Mush a cake before their match! … Yep. Super Polite Guy! Bet that cake wasn't poisoned.
The way Bandy Andy's disappearance is like. All but unsaid is so cool to me. He just vanishes from the hallway and is silently replaced like nothing happened. But if you talked to him, you'd know exactly what he investigated that caused his disappearance. Loveee chapter 3.
Shellshock eating the cakes will never not be funny to me 🍰 that and him calling Mario "baby" is just inherently amusing to me. Mario is NOT your babygirl.... (End of Chapter 3 Notes)
THEY DID IT THEY CHANGED THE TRANSLATION !!!!! 🏳️‍⚧️ we looooooove you Vivian . I will give her The World . They also changed the translation for Jerry though too! Originally, he said he had to stop Luigi from wearing a dress ever again, but now he says he can't let Luigi fumble around in heels again because he might just kill someone . Jerry Character Development we love to see it .
I love the fact all the NPCs have different little voices it just adds so much … And I still can't get over all their cute little animations.
VIVIAN'S THEME IS SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!! I will be listening to this Again . The spooky battle theme rules too . Such great Spooky Atmosphere they set with this chapters music and visuals .
Doopliss rocking in his little rocking chair was an absolute highlight for me . Look at him . I love his room so much . All he does is sit around, watch TV and curse the townspeople all day. He's bored!
the partner hints can be very silly . I really like how because Goombella DITCHED Mario for his poser in Chapter 4 that Vivian becomes the main partner hint girl for a time ! Love extra Vivian content .
I had the W Emblem badge when I got to chapter 4, but I was thinking that it wouldn't affect how Doopliss looked, let alone random NPC dialogue. But color me shocked when Doopliss stole the Wario Color Palette and the townspeople said he wore purple and yellow! This attention to detail is so cool.
The reveal at the end of the chapter ! How the paper ripped away to reveal his true form ! How Mario's shadow state was peeled off like a sticker! Finally a good use of stickers in Paper Mario . (Laughtrack)
My mother wasn't pleased that we had to beat Doopliss up because "look at him he's so cute he didn't do anything wrong." But she did say he should give up Mario's identity because his true form looks much better which is true. (End of Chapter 4 Notes)
Arfur saying he wants to talk to Swindell but he can't find him anywhere … You walk over two feet and see Swindell across the bridge. That got to me LMAO. That and Swindell calling some guy hopping into people's chimneys dashing. Happy Pride!
Mario tipping his hat to pay his respects to Scarlette …
FLAVIOS SINGING VOICE IS SO FUNNY. imagine being on a ship forced to listen to that for days on end.
The sequence of them all going overboard was Awesome love seeing everyone drown . But actually just so many of these cutscenes look so good in this remake !!! It's almost hard to appreciate them all because they set such a standard for them all!
Keyhaul Key looks so good actually. I mean I love all the new graphics in general it just really was hammered in here. Like wow. This game looks awesome. I love the battle theme here too.
Flavio and Pa-patch fighting over who's the Bravest Coolest Guy only for them to both quiver behind Mario is both entirely expected and very amusing. I Enjoy whatever is wrong with them.
(not) LORD CRUMP DOING THE FUCKING 👉👈 POSE??? hilarious. Also him Evilly Apologizing all the time. AND WHEN HE PICKED UP MARIO OVER HIS HEAD. why didn't he just drop him over the bridge and get it over with .
Koops saying "here I was feeling depressed … Mario, whack this guy" after they realized Bobbery wasn't dead . LMAO.
"Um. No. Not fair. I hate you all." Has got to be one of my top ten favorite lines from this game now.
The amount of joy Flavio riding on Yoshi with Mario brings is insane it's so funny to me. Two grown men piggybacking on a child . The only downside to the new pipe system is that you can no longer do the Flavio glitch and keep him forever.
Bobbery's partner hints are so full of personality… Also you can interact with the winch with every character and you bet I did that just to see what everyone said. I like how Koops didn't even know what the sluice gate was called, it feels very in line with him growing up in a peaceful village doing Nothing. Me too buddy.
I Can't Believe It Was Lord Crump This Whole Time! … Is what I would say if he hadn't told us earlier. I mean his disguise was flawless. Can you imagine Lord Crump doing this 👉👈? (Joking Statement)
CORTEZ SHAKING WITH RAGE WAS SOOOO FUNNY . He is SEETHING. also him eating the Skull Gem . Yum yum! I love this whole sequence with him and Flavio so much. His cabin is soooo pretty in the remake. They really went all out with the coins and gems here. I had to take so many screenshots !
THE SHIP FIGHTING SEQUENCE is great . I watched it twice just because I could .
I can't get over this dialogue from Pa-Patch after chapter 5 . The only explanations I can think of is 1: this is somehow offensive in Bom-Omb Culture or 2: he realized this sounded like he was flirting with a widower who just barely stopped blaming himself for his late wife's death. Bad look.
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fluffyf0x · 1 year
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Arataki Itto x Reader
TW: Slight mentions of Insecurities
Story notes: this contains insecure Itto, and nervous wreck reader. I'm like dead inside cause I'm not sure if I wrote it properly lol. (I'll just edit later on hehe)
**✿❀ Now Playing: Heat Waves by Glass Animals ❀✿**
You and Itto have been together for about a year. You knew you loved this man with all of your heart and soul. You knew you would do anything within your power for him. Glancing at the framed photo of you and Itto by your desk, you smiled.
You turned back to your laptop, trying to fix your bad posture. You fingers worked their way as you had to finish an essay before your next class starts.
Being a college student was never easy. You had to make sure you had good grades, all the while making sure that your projects are to be submitted on the deadline and that you performed well enough in your role being part of the student council. You had a shitty sleep schedule because of that.
You sighed, it was 6am in the morning, you've been awake for the past 24 hours, and you're running on coffee. You've barely had time to talk to Itto. You miss him very much.
You grinned anyways, you had a date after class since it was Friday. Your heart fluttered with joy, excited to see him again.
Classes ended and you were chatting with Ayato. He was the student council president, so you needed to report to him regarding your work in the student council. But as the the issue you raised to him ended and the misunderstandings we're cleared, the two of you started to casually chat. Laughing at each other's jokes and such.
"Oh I remember, you're dating that troublemaker Itto correct?" Ayato confirmed, fixing his jacket. His blue eyes were gentle looking at you. You nodded at his question. Sipping on your ice coffee.
"No wonder he's been behaving. You two are a cute couple. I hope for the best in your relationship" Ayato said sweetly. He then noticed something, or perhaps someone, then excused himself.
"I'm afraid my sister is looking for me, I will take my leave for now" Ayato said. You smiled.
"Bye!" You piped. Waving him goodbye. Not soon after, you arms wrap around your waist, snuggling into your shoulder. You turned to see Itto.
"Hi baby, how's class?" You asked. Itto mumbled into your shoulder, tickling you a bit. You giggled.
"Tiring" he groaned. You patted his head as he held your waist tighter.
'I love him so much'
The two of you sat on the bench. The air was chilly as the street lights lit up the night. It was already peaceful and quiet. Little to no people around as it was already late in the night. You took a deep breath and smiled. Enjoying Itto's presence and the peaceful environment.
Itto on the other hand, seemed to be down.
You turned and pat his head. Sending a curious glance to him.
"Is something wrong?" You asked him, your voice was a bit quiet but you were sure Itto heard you. He sniffed, as if he was crying.
"Do you still love me?" He asked. You stopped in your tracks.
What? Of course you love him! Why wouldn't you?
You tried to speak, saying that he was your everything and that nothing will stop you from loving him. You loved him so much.
But where did you go wrong in expressing that? What happened? Did you do something to make him think that way? Were you not expressing your love enough?
Your breath hitched as you tried stuttered. Unable to speak. The next thing you knew was that tears spilled from your eyes. Itto widened his eyes. Pain evident in his eyes. You started sobbing. You hit him in the shoulder.
"Why would you think that!" You questioned him. But it seemed more like a choked out sob as your words mushed together from crying. Tears seemed to fall from his eyes too.
You wrapped his arms around his neck and buried you face into his shoulder. Still crying.
He hugged you back as you tightened your hold on him.
"I love you so fucking much. Don't forget that" you mumbled. Itto merely nodded into your shoulder.
"I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. But I love you so much. I really do." You inhaled his scent. Sweet hazelnut cologne.
"Please don't leave me"
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sk1ttery · 11 months
When ever you can give me your Blush ideas for the wallflower au plz and thanks
Ask and you shall reciece.
Wallflower AU Blink is transmasc, and he and Mush started dating pre Blink coming out, before Blink realised.
When Blink came out to Mush, he was really worried Mush would want to break up with him but Mush was just kind of like. “Yo, I got a boyfriend now??” (this is a tiny bit of projection in a way)
Blink may have cried a little. /pos.
They started dating about a year from the current Wallflower AU, so when I fianlly get around to writing the fic, they’re an established relationship and Blink’s already out.
Mush’s love language is physical affection and acts of service. He loves to hold Blinks hand, play with his hair, hug him, and cuddle when they’re watching movies. And he likes to do little things for him, like cook, or look after him when he’s not feeling well/is down from things like dysphoria. He loves baking for Blink and Blink absolutely loves his baking.
Blink’s love language is quality time and gift giving. He likes to just spend time with Mush even if they’re doing their own things. When Mush comes over sometimes they’ll hang out in Blink’s room while Blink plays guitar. Or when Blink goes to Mush’s apartment, sometimes he’ll just sit at the breakfast bar with Elroy (Mush’s cat) and watch Mush cook or bake. Blink loves to get Mush silly little gifts if he ever sees something that reminds him of him.
Their first date, they went to the cinema together to see some stupid action movie and neither of them ended up paying full attention because they were too busy trying to steal each others snacks and sneakily hold hands.
Blink still has the tickets from that date in his phone case, and Mush has them in his wallet.
Mush absolutely loves Blinks laugh and smile because he rarely gets to hear and see them. Blink is pretty quiet and has a bit of a RBF but sometimes Mush will tell a dumb joke and Blink starts laughing, and Mush fully has to stop and stare at him because “holyshit hes so pretty??”
Blink loves Mush’s smile too, but he also loves Mush’s eyes. He thinks they’re really pretty and sometimes he just stares at his phone wallpaper of them both because Mush’s eyes look nice.
They have matching sun and moon jewelry. Mush is the sun, Blink is the moon.
They do the three squeezes of ‘I love you’ when holding hands. If people don’t know what that is,it’s when you squeeze someone’s hand three times to tell them you love them in situations where talking isn’t possible. (This is a common thing throughout the group)
Blinks lockscreen is a photo of Mush. In the photo, he’s walking away and half turned to the camera laughing. His Wallpaper is a selfie them from one of their dates.
Mush’s lockscreen is Blink playing guitar and his wallpaper is a selfie of him with Blink asleep next to him.
They are so ☹️☹️
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ktenvs3000w24 · 4 months
Discovering Citizen Science
I have mentioned in previous blog posts that one of the best decisions I have made in the last 5 years was to get involved in my local mycological society. Foray NL is a not for profit collaborative group that involves folks from a variety of backgrounds including mycologists, lichenologists, indigenous partners, students and citizen scientists. All of these people get together once a year to collect, analyze, identify, photograph, and catalogue mushroom and lichen species from across Newfoundland. Each year new species are discovered, species that have never been collected before or in some cases never been identified before. There are so many different kinds of mushrooms and lichens. Lichen identification by Foray NL has helped to play a part in conservation efforts here in Newfoundland. It makes me feel like we are making a small but meaningful difference in the world.  It is truly fascinating that despite the tens of thousands of specimens collected over the 20 years Foray NL has been active, we still have only grazed the surface of biological variety. This element of discovery really ignited a curiosity in me that has led to a new career path, and has helped me discover a joy in continued studies as an adult (such as this course!) 
Citizen science is about asking questions and observing. Check out this mushroom house party! What kind of music do you think they are listening to?
In 2019 when I attended my first Foray NL three day event. I was initially a bit nervous, but interested in learning more about mushrooms as an amateur forager. It fascinated me to discover that there are edible food sources wherever we go. Knowing what to eat was just a matter of researching a bit more about plant and fungi biology. As a forager I wanted to know what else I could eat aside from the wild berries, Labrador tea, and plethora of edible backyard weeds. I wanted to dive head first into the woods and talk to the people that knew about wild food sources, and how not to die while eating mushrooms. What I didn’t expect was a welcoming, interesting community of people who were maybe a bit eccentric, but incredibly knowledgeable, funny, caring and ready to take on the world on mushroom at a time. I don’t remember what I was expecting, but when I stepped into the “mush-room” I was blown away. The “mush-room” is a large makeshift laboratory where all the species of mushrooms that have been collected over the weekend are laid out for identification on tables. There were piles of books for identification, a photography booth, microscopes, dehydrators and tables and tables of unique fungi and lichens. The variety was astounding to someone who really only knew about wild chanterelles. I went past each specimen taking in their names, features and examining their qualities. I observed their spores on microscope slides, witnessed bio-luminescence in the photo room, and along the way learned so much from each person I spoke with. It was fun, and I helped to contribute to the collection, my role even had a name - citizen scientist. This slow building of knowledge has been incredibly rewarding and the yearly event is something I continue to look forward to. My hope is that by sharing my story other folks will reach out to similar organizations and seek out the knowledge that lingers there. You too can be a citizen scientist!
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Folks at Foray NL learning about how to identify mushrooms.
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The "Mush-Room" identification tables at Foray NL
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One specimen of identified mushrooms on the table.
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A bolete! From the tables, 2023.
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Science! Is for everyone!
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My favourite part, prepping and eating a foraged fungi feast for everyone at Foray NL to enjoy after a day in the woods collecting specimens.
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minimallyminnie · 11 months
Jaxon and Riddle sitting somewhere like the Hearslabyul lounge or something and Jaxon accidentally falls asleep on Riddle and then Riddle is trapped and unable to move but he doesn't want to wake Jaxon up
bonus points if someone else walks in and sees Riddle stuck lmao
Heart on my shoulder
A/N: Riddle is such a simp
Summary: Riddle has a tiny problem with his boyfriend…..
Tw: None, Jaxon belongs to @ryker-writes and the Twst characters belong to Twisted Wonderland
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Usually, when they spent time together it would be in the town or a secluded part of the school
But Riddle being so so busy that whole week just made Jaxon more grumpier than usual
Grumpier as in even the prefect who he was friends with was not an exception to this.
“Jaxon, how has things been in cla-“
A glare was shot their way and they just stopped asking questions
You bet people went out of his way when he walked to the Heartslabyul mirror
He stepped inside and even the students there ran away
The bluenet knocked on the housewarden’s door, almost breaking it with how fast and hard he was basically punching the door…
“Great sevens! Don’t you all know the rules by now?! Don’t knock more than ten times on my do—Jaxon?” Riddle opened the door with a annoyed face before his eyes widened at the taller
And of course, Jaxon being well, Jaxon just let himself inside
“Don’t you know how a guest acts?!”
“Aren’t I more than a guest by now Rosehearts?” He grinned
Riddle groaned and shut the door before strutting up to Jaxon, glaring at him despite being shorter
“What business do you have being here currently? I’ve been swamped with,” The housewarden gestured to the neatly stacked papers on his desk “housewarden work. The prefect has the worst of it though. But this is my work.”
Jaxon stayed quiet for that, looking over all the paperwork. Riddle actually got really concerned over the quietness
Did he need to tell him something important? Only for him to push it aside for work…? No, no that won’t do.
“Is everything alright Jaxon…?” Riddle raised his hand to brush the blue strands out of his face before Jaxon grabs his wrist and presses a kiss to Riddle’s hand
You bet he turned rose red
“W-what in twisted wo-“
“Y’know I’ve missed you.”
The yellow eyed then adjusts the blue eyed’s hand to cup his cheek, his teasing expression turning into mush in an instant
“I know you’re busy with all this..housewarden crap, which I’ll apologize to Ramshackle later…but we barely had time for each other lately.”
“Just…let me stay? I won’t bother you.”
Riddle smiles warmly at the rare sight of his boyfriend being so soft like this, not bothering to mask his emotions.
“Of course. Stay as long as you’d like.”
Riddle pulls a chair over next to his near his desk, both of them sit down on the seats as Riddle works in silence
Jaxon held his rose by his waist, mostly sitting on Riddle’s chair at that point. His head laid comfortably on Riddle’s shoulder as he worked
With the silence of the room and the warmth he’s been craving for the whole week, the blue haired fell asleep
The shorter doesn’t realize this until he’s finished with all the work
“Finally! I’m finished…I get to spend some time with you now…oh.” He tuned out the world so much, he didn’t hear Jaxon’s snores.
‘Ack! What do I do?! If I don’t wake him up, he’ll be regretting his position when he wakes up! But he looks so tired, I can’t wake him up! What to do, what to do…”’
A knock on the door snaps Riddle out of his thoughts
“H-hang on!”
“Sorry but Cay-Cay needs you now Rids!!”
The door opens wide with Cater happily talking about what Trey wanted to tell Riddle before…
“…Is that Jaxon?”
“I-well-I can explain—“
“OMG YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE!!! I HAVE TO SHOW THIS TO THE LIGHT MUSIC CLUB LATER!!! MAYBE POST THIS ON MAGICAM!!!” Cater squealed as he took photos of the couple, Riddle’s face turned red again as he tried to cover his face in embarrassment
The last thing that was heard from Cater Diamond that day was his scream before the resounding call tore through the Heartslabyul dorm
How Jaxon didn’t wake up was out of anyone’s imagination…
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Don’t you love it when your goofy boyfriend ends up pissing off the prefect which leads to a prank war between both of them for a whole week…?
Hope you enjoyed!!!
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babylulururu · 2 years
just getting around to reading artem's revisting youth card, reactions will be below the cut
Kiki KNOWS. She KNOWS ROSA'S WITH ARTEM. I'm not really surprised because these two are really close but still KIKI KNOWS
kiki is the best wingman for rosa i don't think rosa would be able to do anything without her
kinda like artem; without celestine he wouldnt be able to do anything
maybe kiki and celestine are plotting together
Rosa looks at his yearbook photo, and then when he arrives she just kind of turns into a puddle of mush she's just like me for real
her brain forgot to work when she saw him lmao
poor rosa has tunnel vision she heard the words "was bullied" and started freaking out artem has to explain everything to her
so proud of him he's grown up so fast
NOW HE'S GONNA CARRY HER PRINCESS STYLE idk if he actually did but the way the dialogue was phrased it sounded like that
he took her to the rooftop how sweet
then they forgot to add a verb to this fucking sentence
Artem Wing can pick locks very cool
ROSA'S WORRIED NOW but then artem distracts her by giving her lunch lmao
artem's line he says about the past is really sweet why is this man so precious
then she just wants to say his name aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
then she just CASUALLY TOUCHES HIM and compares him to his highschool self and he is RESTRAINING HIMSELF
second anniversary is next year artem you can wait
then their kiss got interrupted stupid visitor
then he tells a story about how he almost got caught on the rooftop
and then he goes into that he's not as perfect as rosa thinks he is, and thinks she's disappointed in him, to which she freaks out and denies this cause she likes him just the way he is and that she gets to know him better
and then he kisses her
and you'd think that would be the end but a photography club student wants to take pictures of them and casually says to rosa that artem loves her a lot
then rosa tells artem that she makes her feel cherished and love and being that i personally headcanon rosa to have abandonment issues due to her family basically leaving her and not contacting her for years and leaving her on her own just makes me feel really happy that she's got someone to trust and love now
overall it was a really sweet story totally worth the predictableness of getting and reading marius's card
now time to wait a million years for the next artem ssr!
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The Most Oreo of Oreo Reviews
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Where does one even begin?
Oreo? Oreo Oreo? Oreo Oreo Oreo? No. This is the MOST Oreo Oreo. Or, as I keep accidentally calling it, The Most Oreo of Oreos.
Someone had an idea. Some magnificent human in some home office or large concrete building had an idea. This idea not only encompasses tasty treats but an entire Oreoverse. A thing that EXISTS. But how? Why? Does it matter?
As the foremost reviewers of Oreos on this planet (can’t speak to what happens on other planets) I felt it not only right but also my solemn duty to review this new specimen for this much neglected Tumblr... blog... thing. I just need to dust off a few of the graphics we made oh those many innocent years ago, take a few photos, eat a few of these creations and see what happens, right? Right.
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I’m just gonna come right out (of the closet) and say it: fuck this is good. Someone spent A LOT of time on this and it is (not it’s but IT IS) gorgeous. Did ya notice the “MOST” has an “O” that’s filled in but “OREO” has two empty “O’s?” That is a deliberate choice that was probably debated for weeks. WEEKS. I also respect their dedication to the current Oreo logo as the only blue point of reference on this packaging. And the QR code that is in an Oreo. As someone who works in marketing, a well placed QR code is, as the kids say, a slay. Design note: the outline of the QR code was not transparent so you can see it is a different white than the creme of that Oreo. Hire me, @oreo ?
Only thing I dislike? I think the arrow that shows you where to open the package looks a bit off.
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It’s an Oreo. It tastes like an Oreo. It rules. Still great. 10/10 on the Oreo scale. Oh right, we do things in 5′s here at forseriousoreveiews.tumblr.com. 5/5.
It’s great. It says “COOKIES-N-CREME FLAVOR CREME” but that’s just more Oreo mushed up and put into an Oreo. I love a double stuff. Dedicated readers know I especially love the creme quantity in a seasonal Oreo (see Halloween, Holiday, etc.). 
It’s good. It tastes like Oreo creme but like... better cause it’s got Oreo cookie in it. As Bernie Mac once said in his pivotal role as Frank in Ocean’s Thirteen: “‘nough said.”
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Consumption Styles
Just eat that thing. Dunk it in milk. Eat it. Twist it apart. Eat the creme. Hell, stack like sick of ‘em together to make the most most most most most most Oreo. I don’t care. It tastes great.
Oh dang. I scooped myself. It tastes great. Like it’s so much Oreo I can only eat one of them but daaaaaang, when I do, so satisfying. Eat ‘em. V. good. 10/10. DAMN. Did it again. 5/5
Taste Comparison Score
4/5 - Can’t lie. OG Oreo still wins. But damn is this good.
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Final Score
5/5 - The Most Oreo Oreo is the Most Oreo Oreo you can get.
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kiichii · 1 year
really annoyed with the people i see defending ai art and claiming that “it’s still art!!” even though the vast majority of it is stolen without consent from actual artists
when you cut out pictures from a magazine or a book to put in collage someone was already paid to make that art and take those photos
when you take a bunch of images you found online that an artist made for fun and slap them together and then try to profit off them you’re an asshole like, this isn’t hard to understand
maybe ai “art” will one day be useful and meaningful but at the moment all it is is a bunch of motherfuckers stealing art and trying to make quick and easy money off it. an interesting concept that is being executed so fucking poorly it boggles my mind
if people want to create images so bad then just draw!! make them yourself!!! who cares if it turns out “bad” or messy or whatever that’s art!! and it has 100% more value and impact than a computer mushing images together based on an algorithm!!!
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travisjacksonfiles · 1 year
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Recent revelations of someone’s experience with Travis, also can we please speak truth to power? His speeches are mush mouth word salad bullshit, with chunks stolen from other women/women veterans in the community. It gives you a whippet headache and leaves you asking, “what??”
All of the message compiled after the jump
I just wanted to reach out to you after I saw Travis Jackson in a recent article you posted regarding and I feel I need to make you aware about him. As you know, I volunteered as a clinic escort at RHS as well as worked for the clinic for years. Travis is a loyal volunteer. I admired that in him, so early on I invited him to join but he didn't like my brand of non-political activism, so he never participated.
Travis has always had narcissistic tendencies. For example, it's been my experience that Travis will do whatever he can for a photo opportunity or an opportunity to talk with the media. He loves the spotlight, and is a good speaker, however he is tone deaf and has even gone as far as to interrupt interviews with female participants just to ask when the reporter is going to get to him. A few months ago I stopped volunteering when Travis made multiple advances towards me, and continued to pursue me after I flatly told him no, I'm married, and not interested in pursuing anything other than friendship with him. Not going to go into detail, but he was very inappropriate on multiple occasions. It got to the point where I had to start avoiding him altogether. He has also done this with other female clinic workers, patients, and volunteers and even went as far as unwanted physical sexual advances with another one of my colleagues. Once Travis got wise to the fact that many of us were comparing notes about our experiences, and our friendships with him started cooling, he launched a vaguebook character assassination campaign against me proclaiming that I'm a racist. He also uses his mental health issues as reasons to excuse his poor behavior and gain sympathy. He seems to do this with every woman who rejects him and that makes him dangerous, especially in the reproductive movement where people are just looking for any excuse to invalidate our work.
Because Travis has been so steadfast a volunteer (and knows all the trade secrets), his behavior has been largely ignored and he has had zero consequences for his actions and he has been allowed to continue to volunteer. I think they are hoping he'll move on to greener pastures on his own. In my opinion, Travis is a predator. I have staved silent about my experiences with Travis because he is so well thought of in the community and any public words against him would sadly, just be considered another white woman lying about a black man. You are the only person I have discussed this with outside the clinic. I hope this can stay between us. I'm not saying this to hurt Travis in any way, but rather just to make you aware of any possible pitfalls and protect other women."
I thank this brave individual for allowing this post to go public. There is strength in numbers. Highlighted are the MANY patterns of disturbing behavior we've seen ad nausea and can be referenced by his many public egotistical musings. Please continue to encourage others that it is now safe to speak up, you now have backup.
Your futile attempts at deflection are no longer working, Travis
Everyone is now watching and putting the pieces together.
If you have your own personal stories you’d like to share along with any proof, please submit them
>h e r e–> https://travisjacksonfiles.tumblr.com/submit
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