#someone please come take care of me I’m so tired 😭
slythernnn · 3 months
I just spent like 3 hours walking around my kitchen trying to figure out what to eat just to decide on a grilled cheese 🫠
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targaryenluvs · 7 months
Can i ask for a finnick odair with a winner female reader who she avoids but he is obsessed with and wants to marry in front of the whole capitol
Some dark-ish fluff
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pairings: dark!finnick odair x fem!reader
warnings: obession, stalking, nc kissing, forced engagement???
summary: you’d thought you’d escaped the capitol, and to some extent, him, the ever so sweet and charming finnick odair. but it seems your fate had been signed as it seemed you couldn’t get away from him no matter how hard you tried.
a/n: i actual hate writing dark stuff cuz i never know if it’s decent, I DO FLUFF GUYS WE CAN TAKE THAT ROUTE 😭 NOT PROOF READ
you wondered what you were going to get.
all the pastries infront of you were mouthwatering and the aroma had your stomach growling.
“i’d recommend the dark chocolate cakes, they practically melt in your mouth. but maybe something as sweet as you wants a change?” and there it was, the voice and person you’d hoped to avoid. at such a large capitol party your hopes were high but it seemed as if the man had a radar, with your name on it.
“finnick, how are you?” you feigned interest as you turned his way.
“better, now that i’ve seen you.” he beamed at you, undeniably happy. it’s not as if you weren’t interesting at all, or ugly, but you truly had no idea why he was so infatuated with you. you’d never given him any signs, or at least you didn’t think you had, you’d hardly ever talked to him. even if everybody loved him, you could tell something, was off.
“how sweet of you. there are so many people here, best if i try my best to meet as many as possible, have a nice night finnick.” you dismissed him as you placed the cake down, yes it was petty but the fact that he’d suggested eating it deterred you even more-so than it’s insanely sickening contents. “i’ll come with you, the people would love it. the capitols diamond and darling. there’s not a single pair of victors as great of a duo as us sweetheart.”
and as he linked your arms together, you were off. you thought it’d be better to just go with him, stand and smile as he talked. it would give you a slight break at least, but after so much time greeting people your face was threatening to fall apart. so after an hour or so you’d excused yourself to the bathrooms, unknowing of the blonde on your trail.
“are you okay y/n?” finnicks voice asked sweetly as you lowered the towel you were using to pat down your face. “what’re you doing in here? the party’s down stairs finnick.” what did he want? you are so fucking tired of this party and just wanted to leave, you’d been here for hours already, long enough to know that it’d be appropriate to do so. and you may or may not have wanted to put as many kilometres between yourself and finnick. “i just wanted to make sure you were okay, everyone’s asking for us.”
“you, they’re asking for you. i’ve been here for a while, everyone’s seen me. you haven’t, they want you. and if you’d mind letting me exit.” as you tried to move past your wrist was caught in his tight grip. “they want to see us both sweetheart, trust me, we’re much better together. can’t you see? all of the capitol loves us together, even the districts.”
“i don’t care, if i’m going to marry someone it’ll be someone i actually like.” the door slammed shut as you walked away from him. finnick laughed, if there was thing he loved about you, it was your short temper. he walked after you, his hand clutching the velvet box in his pant pocket, he was going to propose one day, why not now?
as you made your way through the place, fake smiles aimed at everyone, finnick caught up to you. “y/n, please.” you turned around, “what? what is it?” you shouted as the party’s attention zeroed in on the two of you. you could her muttering of the people and shuttering of cameras.
this bitch.
he was down on one knee, a huge diamond ring rested in the middle of a box. his eyes glistened, teary eyed. was this dickhead really crying? as if he’d waited his whole life for this moment. “finnick-” you warned as you raised your hand, only for him to grab it and pull himself up. people were cheering and clapping as he wrapped his arms around you.
“i have loved you, since the moment i saw you. everything about you is my favourite thing, your smile, your laugh, your eyes- your gorgeous, gorgeous eyes. there’s no part of me that could go on without you. i love you so much sweetheart, so please put me out of my misery and marry me, you’re the only person i could ever imagine myself with.”
say yes!
what a lucky girl!
i knew they’d get together.
the crowd around you egged you on to accept. how could you not? finnick odair, tribute, youngest victor, terribly handsome and the capitols darling. a catch in everyone’s eyes but they couldn’t be further from the truth. a man who’d purposefully proposed infront of the capitol, knowing you could never say no. god knows what snow would do to you, let alone the capitol for breaking their favourites heart. you weren’t worried for yourself too much, you’d been a hollow shell ever since your games, but your family? your parents and siblings didn’t deserve to be killed.
“i know you’re in shock sweetheart, but i’ll take that as a yes.” finnick kissed your forehead and then slid the ring onto your finger.
the crowd is deafening and the flashes blinding.
and as he kissed you again, you couldn’t help yourself from crying. as everyone viewed it as tears of joy for being in love but you knew the truth about finnicks love for you. there was none.
just want and desire.
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bexalert · 8 months
Stardust crusaders having a crush on you
(Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Mohammed Avdol)
Stardust Crusader stuff because I just finished part V and I miss them 😔
Also, I started this a WHILE ago, and it’s just been sitting in my drafts, so here you go.
I’ll also probably be making something for part V soon because I love them all. My accounts about to just become Jojo I’m so sorry 😭
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Jotaro Kujo:
• He’s such a sweetie (he will literally ignore you)
• He doesn’t know how to just care about people??? So he won’t say anything
• But he will be very protective of you
• Atleast he’s not insulting you 😭
• He’ll just be watching you at all times, making sure you’re ok.
• He gets flustered, and then gets more flustered since he’s flustered
• Not that most people would notice
• He just starts sweating a bit and looks away.
• but you know who’s NOT shy???
• Star Platinum will not hesitate to play with your hair, stand by you, stare at you
• Obviously Jotaro will try to control him, but sometimes it just subconsciously happens
• He gets frustrated because people (POLNAREFF COUGH COUGH) will tease him
• But he bluffs well enough so you can’t tell
• When he does ask you on a date (if he does)
• It’s short, and almost a demand 😭
• “Go out with me.”
• He moves his hat so that you can’t see his face
• But he’s lowkey shaking
• Bro could defeat dio, multiple other stand users, and stop time without breaking a sweat, but when it comes to you?
• He’s just very out of his element, give my boy a chance
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Noriaki Kakyoin:
• He’s just naturally so charming
• Especially if you’re around Jotaro and you’re a woman 😭
• He’ll comfort you if Jotaro makes any rude remarks
• “Pay him no mind.”
• He acts like you don’t affect him as much as you do
• But not to the point of being rude to you.
• He tries to impress you, but might not even realize he’s doing it
• Like he’ll do something cool and then immediately look to you to see if you saw him
• Might act just a smidge more charming
• Oh you need to walk through this door? He’ll open it for you. You’re having a seat? Here, let him pull your chair out for you. There’s a puddle? Oh, don’t get your shoes wet! He can carry you across- for your safety of course!
• He’s very polite, and respects you so much
• Always want to hear your input
• What do YOU think is the best route? Which hotel do YOU like?
• “What do you think, Y/N?”
• Just cares about you very much.
• He’ll be confident but humble when he asks you out
• “Y/N, I like you. Would you go on a date with me?”
• He’s shaking in his boots
• He just always has this content smile when he’s with you.
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Jean Pierre Polnareff:
• Oh brother we got ourselves a yapper 😭
• Everyone knows he likes you
• It is absolutely not a secret
• You just assume he’s joking, or think he doesn’t really mean it
• But he is DEAD serious
• Shameless simp- he doesn’t care who makes fun of him
• “Ah, Y/N, do you need help with that? I’ll help!”
• You didn’t need help, he just can’t stand to see you working
• “Mon amour, someone as beautiful as you shouldn’t have to do work like this. Hohoho! leave it to me!”
• He’s incredibly corny and will say the cringiest things at any time.
• “Ah! You’re eyes are as beautiful and shiny are Silver Chariots armor!”
• and you’re just like thanks???? I guess???
• He will ask you out constantly. Just got done fighting? He’ll ask you out to cuddle in his sleeping mat (and also proclaim his undying love) you’re hungry? Please! Let him take you out to eat (and proclaim his undying love) you said you’re tired? He’ll ask you if he can carry you (and of course proclaim his undying love)
• When you finally take it seriously enough to give him a chance, he is over the moon
• He’s telling everyone
• “they said yes! We’re dating!”
• He’s so head over heels and just adores you
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Mohammad Avdol:
• Dude he is SWEATING
• Like you won’t notice because he’s very calm and collected, but he’s freaking out
• It also doesn’t help that Magicians Red always comes out when you’re around, and he just keeps getting hotter.
• Like if you’re having a long conversation with Avdol, it will just progressively get more hot
• He tries desperately to keep Magicians Red under wraps, and for the most part he does
• But he gets so embarrassed when he cant
• He’s super respectful, like feels bad for even liking you
• He thinks he’s being gross for thinking of you like that especially if he doesn’t think you like him 😭
• He feels embarrassed outright asking to just have a conversation with you, so he always tries to cover it up with something else
• “Y/N, do you mind helping me read this?”
• HE COULD READ IT!!! He just wanted an excuse to talk to you ☹️
• Since he’s also the groups stand teacher, he’ll use his knowledge to his advantage
• Like you’ll made some off comment about “hmm wonder why that happened.” And he’s going into nerd mode
• 🤓☝️ “Actually when a stand user…”
• Like it was not necessary for him to go off like that, but the way you listen so intently makes his heart flutter.
• if you take his advice into account or say something reminded you of him, he is DEAD
• You actually thought about him, even just for one second, and that is wild to him
• He is also a simp, but no one would notice. Pouring your tea for you, helping set up your mat, bandaging your wounds, etc.
• You just think he’s being a good friend
• When he finally asks you out, he’s so flustered, but tries to keep calm.
• “Y/N, when this is all over I would like to take you on a date. Is that ok?”
• He’s just the sweetest nicest big ol’ teddy bear.
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licorice-tea · 6 months
I Think I Love You!
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader, Platonic Straw Hats & reader
Content: Strawhat!reader, cursing/strong language, kissing, Law has trouble with accepting his feelings, reader is a schemer and plotter fr, misunderstandings / miscommunication but more funny than angsty, fluff, idiots in love <3
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: this is a song fic based on “I Think I Love You!” by the Partridge Family lol, so the indented parts are song lyrics! also i wrote this between like 2 and 5 am… please forgive me for any grammar mistakes😭
This morning
Law cannot stand being a guest on the Thousand Sunny. He wakes up in the library- he must have fallen asleep there last night- and can already hear shouting from above deck. Why are they causing such a commotion this early on in the day? To him, the reason is simple: because the Straw Hat Pirates are inarguably the loudest, most annoying, chaotic bunch of-
thump thump thu-thump thump… knock knock!
Pushing the door to the library open with your back, you carefully turn while entering the room to reveal a serving tray in your hands.
Your voice rings out in the mostly silent room- save for the noise coming from the deck of the Thousand Sunny. “Hey, Law? Sanji made coffee for the girls and I, so I had him make you a cup t- oh.”
You smile to yourself upon seeing the ally captain, Law, fast asleep at one of the library desks. (Or at least, he looks like he’s asleep.) Wordlessly, you set the tray down beside him.
“He looks cute like this,” you think, “calm.”
On your way out, you pause and grab a sticky note from a drawer in another desk. You decide to jot down a little note rather than wake him. But, unbeknownst to you, Law is already awake and staring at your back.
Ok, so… there might be one exception to his feelings of contempt toward the Straw Hats.
And maybe it’s because he wants to let you fulfill your kind mission, or maybe he just panics, but when you turn around he closes his eyes again. You stride back across the library to his desk makeshift bed, and stick the note on the tray as quietly as possible. Law can feel the soft exhale of your breath fanning over him, knowing you’re probably smiling. Soon after, he hears the door open and close softly, and decides it’s safe to sit up and open his eyes again.
I woke up with this feeling
His tired eyes scan over your words with the tiniest hint of a smile: “Sanji made coffee! + There’s milk and sugar in separate cups, b/c I’m not sure how you like it. -y/n :)”
To think, you went out of your way to ask that dumbass cook to make a cup for him, too? Then you had arranged it so neatly- and written the sweetest goddamn little note… Well, it was really just a simple explanation of the tray sitting before him, but it was cute because it came from you. He knew you wrote it out of care and concern for him, not to mention your own kindness. And- as he allows his mind to wonder while staring at his untouched coffee- he thinks that maybe you did it out of love.
“Wait, no, that’s crazy.” All this time around Straw Hat and his crew must be getting to him. Law tries to remedy his outlandish idea that you might feel for him the way he does for you by starting on the coffee you brought him. He doesn’t usually take milk or sugar in his coffee, but since you went out of your way, he adds a splash of the former and a small cube of the latter. And suddenly, his mind is wandering again…
What a kind thing to do for someone. This makes him feel sure of his previous notion once again- that you just might love him. You have to. Because he’s falling in love with you, slowly but surely, and…. oh. Fuck. He loves you.
Law curses himself. Realizing he’s falling in love is NOT how this day should start. Or any day, for that matter.
I didn’t know how to deal with
Though he got at least 6 hours of sleep (which is around 3 more than usual for the surgeon), and drained his coffee cup, Law’s head is aching. It’s a result of stress, most likely. Because, ever since he came to the terrifying realization that he’s falling for you, he can’t stop thinking about it (love, you, etc.)
Your smile is one of his favorite things, for example. It ranges anywhere from bright (like on the night he cracked a single joke while the two of you kept watch from the crows nest, and suddenly you outshone the stars while laughing) to sweet (when you accept a compliment from the love cook with a shy expression), with at least a dozen more variations.
And your eyes… God, he needed to stop thinking about you. He can barely concentrate now; what did he even plan on doing today?
Law decides then, that if he’s to get anything done at all, he’ll need to push all thoughts of you to the backburner.
And so I just decided to myself
“This is a foolproof plan,” Law thinks to himself, “one of my best yet.”
He’s most definitely lying to himself, but is it really lying if the liar themself believes the lie?
“Shit. Even that doesn’t make sense.” Whatever, he just needs to concentrate on something- anything other than you.
So Law, stubborn as ever, uses this trait to his advantage by becoming dead set on not thinking of you at all. He does so by ignoring you when you pass by each other in the halls of the Thousand Sunny, not meeting your eye when you offer a friendly smile over dinner, even straight up ignoring you once when you knocked on the door to his room. He knows it was you because you have this habit of making a short tune out of knocks-
No! He absolutely can’t think of you. Law has already made up his mind, and under no circumstances can he backtrack.
I’d hide it to myself
Law is very obviously hiding something, you’re just not sure what.
It’s like his demeanor toward you changed overnight. Before his switch up, the two of you had been spending a large portion of your days together. And sure, there aren’t many people to choose from for company when you’re at sea, but you took pride in the fact that Law still wanted to be around you.
It had taken a little time for the Captain of the Heart Pirates to open up at first- which you didn’t mind at all, some people are simply more reserved than others- but once he did, your purely physical attraction to the man grew into a head spinning crush. So, once you gained the confidence, you began flirting and showing him how you felt in careful ways.
And it had seemed like it was working! He engaged in meaningful conversations with you, started sharing sly compliments and jokes and looks, would always sit beside you at dinner- or directly across from you if both adjacent seats were taken- and didn’t seem to mind trading in his late night reading for keeping watch from the crows nest with you. All signs had pointed to him at least thinking of you as a friend, if not reciprocating your feelings for him.
So why the hell is he ignoring you all of a sudden? Whatever the reason, you intend to find out.
And never talk about it
After consulting with your team (Nami, Usopp, and Robin- the most emotionally intelligent people and/or those with the most relationship experience on the crew), you decide to confront Law. “It would be best to be straightforward and honest,” is the consensus the four of you came to.
But, it proves to be harder than you thought since he is still avoiding you. You’ve taken to hanging around the kitchen because everyone has to go there at some point, as everyone gets hungry or thirsty, but Law never shows. How is he getting his morning coffee if he never goes to the kitchen? It bewilders you; how he’s managing to sneak by you on your own ship. (On the second day of trying to catch him, you realize that he can, in fact, use his devil fruit abilities to avoid walking around the ship and simply teleport into the kitchen instead.)
The next day, you decide to hang around inside the kitchen. Sanji doesn’t mind one bit, and you think that Law is sure to pay a visit at one point or another.
And he does! You don’t even have to wait long, because early in the morning- around 6:30 am or so- he teleports in with a flash of blue light and greets Sanji with a nod. However, he doesn’t take notice of you sitting on a stool at the kitchen island.
“Just as I suspected.” You mentally pat yourself on the back for your sleuthing skills.
Law walks to the counter to grab a mug and pour a steaming cup from the pot the chef had just brewed, when you speak up.
“Morning, Law.”
He nearly drops his mug before turning around to see you, sitting at the kitchen island, with your own cup of coffee. (He notes how yours is a much lighter shade, and you’ve added ice and whipped cream. It fits you, he thinks, to prefer something sweeter. Great, just another reason why you could never like him the way he likes you.)
Law had purposefully been using his devil fruit and any other means to avoid you these last couple of days; yet here you are, looking at him with your knowing gaze. He was sure that you had caught on to his avoidance, because you’re perceptive like that, he just didn’t expect you to outsmart him like this. It’s enough to drive him crazy inside; like everything about you drives him crazy. (In some strange and foreign way that makes him yearn to be around you, but forces him to push you away.)
He mumbles out a quick “Morning.” and tries not to look as caught as he feels.
This is where you realize the flaw in your plan to confront Law: Sanji is also there. And despite the love you have for your crewmate, you don’t really want to do this in front of him.
So, when Law leaves just moments later, you follow.
And didn't I go and shout it
“Law! Wait up!” You call from a few paces behind him.
Though he doesn’t wait, he responds, “What?”
“What do you mean what? You’re being weird, and I want to know why!”
Law finally slows down, but only to open the door to the library, “I’m not being weird. Go away, y/n.” He states simply, then tries to close the door, but you hold it open.
When you walked into my room
You follow Law into the library- the room he has begun to frequent and sort of staked his claim on ever since he became a guest on board the Thousand Sunny.
With equal fervor, you respond; “Then why are you avoiding me? And straight up ignoring me when I try to talk to you? Because it’s really fucking rude. We’re friends, you know, and I thought-“
“We can’t be friends.” his voice is cold.
“Oh… Oh.” You think you understand now. “That’s so dumb, Law. Like, really stupid actually. Our friendship doesn’t depend on this alliance, if that’s why you-“
“It’s not!”
“Stop cutting me off! Ugh, just…” you sigh, clearly frustrated, “just tell me what’s going on then, please.”
He looks at you, your arms crossed and jaw set tightly. One might take your expression for angry upon first inspection, but there’s just a hint of sadness in your eyes and furrowed brows. He doesn’t want to ever see you like this- especially not because of something he’s done.
“I think I love you!”
This is it. He’s going to confess his feelings to you and ruin everything. You’ll probably hate him, never want to see him again, and that will just make it a hundred times harder to endure the remainder of his alliance with the Straw Hats.
“Well.. We can’t be friends because I…” Where was confidence and blatant disregard for the opinions of others when Law needed it?
You tilt your head and quirk a brow, giving him a quizzical look. The knowledge that you would never judge him so harshly; nor do anything to purposely hurt him, wasn’t doing much for his nerves right now, but it would have to do. He just needs to spit it out and get this over with now.
“I think I love you.”
You blink a few times as your eyes widen in clear surprise. Are you upset… or happy? He can’t tell, so he quickly corrects himself; “Uh- I’m falling in love with you. I think.”
(I think I love you)
Your frown grows into a small smile before the curve of your lips opens up into a much happier, brighter grin. And you laugh in a way that’s practically melodic to Law, which allows him to finally release the breath he’s been holding.
“I… I think I love you too, Law. Or I’m falling.” You emphasize the word like it’s an inside joke, just between the two of you. “It’s hard to tell.”
“So… that’s why you’ve been avoiding me?”
“I’m, uh, sorry. I didn’t-“
Law stops when he feels the gentle press of your lips on the corner of his mouth. It’s barely a kiss, but you’re so incredibly warm and soft that he really doesn’t care that it only lasts 3 seconds. (Though, he would very much like it if you did it again. He makes a mental note to kiss you back with more certainty, should he get the chance.)
“It’s ok.” You tell him after you pull away.
He nods slowly- it’s probably the first time you’ve ever seen him in such a flustered state- before hesitantly leaning in again to close the distance between your lips. He tilts your jaw with one hand, and his other comes to rest on the small of your back. But he waits for you, like asking for your permission, which you grant him by parting your lips slightly. Then Law finally kisses you; it’s slow and a little unsure at first, but he quickly gets caught up to speed. You both find yourselves lost in the other as the whole exchange becomes more passionate, albeit a little aggressive and clumsy.
And this time, the kiss lasts much longer than 3 seconds.
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beenbaanbuun · 2 months
Can we please have more interactions between darling and yeosang 😭 they’re so cute wtf I love the whole addams matz universe so muuuuch! Like when they hang out while mommy and daddy are busy or when she’s cuddling him and he’s annoyed but not annoyed lol or even them eating snacks together
you can tell yeosang is fed up by the way he keeps sighing. the ears atop his head twitch every so often, and his tail keeps flicking in agitation. you can’t lie, you actually find it rather amusing, watching him so desperately try to keep his annoyance to a minimum as you play with the hem of his sweater. you wonder how far you can push him before the switch in his brain flips.
“cant you go and bother someone else?” he grumbles after you ‘accidentally’ scrape your nails against the bare skin of his side. it doesn’t tickle him like you hoped it would, but the irritated grumble you get from him is satisfying enough. you’re about to do it again when he slams his own hand down onto yours and shoots you a glare. “i’m serious! find someone else to annoy before you push me too far.”
you scoff as you let yourself relax fully on top of him. such a boring little mutt, you think as you snuggle the side of your face into his fuzzy jumper. at least he’s good to cuddle with, even if it doesn’t help you release all that mischievous energy that’s been building up inside of you since hongjoong and seonghwa left you to your devices first thing this morning. you could’ve really done with a little help from mommy and daddy to release it all, but since they’re both busy…
you groan into yeosang’s stomach, “who else am i supposed to annoy, hm? daddy is out and mommy told me not to disturb him for another—” you spare a glance at the clock, “—3 fucking hours? please, sangie! i’m going to die of boredom if you expect me to just lie here and do nothing…”
“at least i’ll get a little peace and quiet,” he jests, earning a glare from you. the look on your face only makes him grin, sharp canines glinting under the flames of the candlelit chandelier. it’s such a pretty smile for such a rude creature; you almost wish you could wipe it off of his equally pretty face. you hope the harsh slap to his shoulder with your free hand will do the trick.
“you’re mean, yeosang,” you grumble as you pull your other hand free from his grasp. it’s harder than it looks—damned werewolf and his weirdly muscular body—but you’re more determined than yeosang gives you credit for. sure, it hurts a little as you finally tug your fingers loose, but you still give a cheer of celebration, wiggling them in his face to antagonise him. “i’m sure seonghwa won’t appreciate it when i tell him just how mean you’ve been to me.”
the threat is empty and the both of you know that. seonghwa would turn you away if you rushed to him now. it’s hardly like it’s an emergency, and your lover is far too busy to deal with such trivial matters as yeosang teasing you a little. you wouldn’t get much more than a side-eye and a slap on the thigh before being sent on your way. of course you could wait until seonghwa is finished, but by then you’ll have probably forgotten the whole ‘i’m going to tell on you,’ schtick you have going on right now.
“be my guest, little lady,” yeosang smirks, hands lifting up in a gesture of surrender, “go have a chat with your precious mommy and see where that gets you. but don’t come crying to me when you get saddled with a punishment later, yeah?”
honestly, a punishment sounds nice right about now. something to get all this annoying energy out of you. it would tire you out, make you all floppy and docile like yeosang clearly wants you to be. you’re almost tempted to do as he says; to go and bother seonghwa until he gives you that familiar look that means you’re in deep trouble. maybe he’ll take care of you right there on his workbench…
although probably not. the greenhouse is a sacred space for seonghwa, not to be desecrated by any sort of sexual deviancy. sure, you might be slapped with a punishment, but you’d almost certainly be forced to wait for it. those three hours would be painful for both you and yeosang, and you’re not sure the wolf would put up with your anxious fidgeting for too long. he’d probably abandon you in the living room, taking himself up to his room to do whatever the fuck he does in there. you’d be left and anxious mess, waiting for a punishment that would take entirely too long to come.
you give a dejected sigh before relaxing against the werewolf once more. the low chuckle he gives you rumbles deep within his chest and you can’t help but press your ear against his rib cage in the hopes of hearing more of the pretty sound. a hand finds it way to your head, petting and stoking you as if you’re the pet in this situation. if you weren’t enjoying the feeling of his claws scraping against your scalp, you would’ve scoffed at him and moved away. it really does suck that he’s managed to learn all of your soft spots from all the hours spent watching you with seonghwa and hongjoong. he really does know how to make you submit.
“that’s it, pup,” he chuffs, “just relax for now. you can get all that energy fucked out of you later, hm?”
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foreingersgod · 2 months
Ur so right about cc content being non existent 😭. I was wondering if I could request a cc fic or hc with Pro Tennis player!reader 🫡
Of course my love!! hope you like it :)
A/N: i’m not a huge athlete so apologies if this has slight inaccuracies
Battered and Bruised . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: typically caitlin is the one that comes home with the injuries, but when you take a nasty fall during your big tennis match, she’s the one to take care of you.
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you love caitlin, but god did she get hurt a lot. you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t tired of the late nights stood between caitlin legs as she sat on the seat of the toilet, tending to countless bruises and scrapes.
but there were a fair share of sweet moments when she’d come home from an intense game. regardless of the pain she was in, her eyes would never leave your face. she was entranced by how beautiful you looked: hair messy from your evening practices on the court, mascara slightly smudged under your eyes, the way your tongue poked out of the corner of your mouth while you tried to open the bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
“please stop staring, i look like shit” you’d say.
“you’re the most beautiful woman i’ve ever seen in my life” she’d reply, fingers fiddling with your skirt “i’m so insanely lucky”.
and she really meant it, she’s so grateful to have someone like you. someone who was willing to ‘nurse her back to health’, as you put it, no matter how late in the night it was or how little the cut might be. she wished you could understand how much something so little could mean the most.
so when you came home from a pretty nasty game, skin drenched in sweat, knees sore and covered purple, and your feet blistered, she knew this was her moment to return the favor.
“holy shit, YN, you look terrible” caitlin said, shocked to see you so beaten up.
“gee, thanks babe” you dropped your duffel bag and racket at the door, collapsing on the couch. you did your best to give her a sarcastic smile, but everything hurt and you could barely feel your face.
“stop that’s not what i meant,” she wasted no time rushing to your side to sit next to you. pulling up both of your legs to rest across her lap, she gently removed your socks and shoes to rub your aching feet. “what the fuck happened today?”
you honestly don’t really even know what happened, the match started off so well. but the entire time you couldn’t stop thinking about how caitlin wouldn’t be there this time due to conflicting schedules and it really threw you off your game.
“everything happened” you sighed, rubbing your head “first, you weren’t there today, so all i could think about was how badly i wanted to come home to you. then i kept messing up all my drills before we started…and the girl i was against today was so fucking bitchy and such a dirty player! i just couldn’t keep up like i normally do and i just…” you rambled mindlessly as pain shot through your entire body.
she reached over to push the hair out of your face, softly rubbing her thumb over your cheekbone. “YN…”
“and i just kept tripping and i skinned my leg, i think at some point the ball hit me square in the head so now my whole fucking head hurts” you cried.
“baby, it’s ok, shhh, you’re ok” she cooed, forcing you to sit up next to her and she enveloped you into a hug. you just wanted to cuddle up into the side of her hoodie and stay there forever.
caitlin held you for a few minutes while you tried to catch your breath and give your body a break. her hand found its way to your hair once again, pulling out your pony tail and headband to massage your scalp.
“i think it’s my turn to take care of you this time” she finally whispered into your ear. she could practically feel your smile against her shoulder.
“i think that’d be nice”
“alright stay put for me, don’t move a muscle”
your girlfriend grabbed your gear as she headed up the stairs so she could put everything away for you. then she headed into the bathroom, dimming the lights and starting the bath. she made to sure to add your favorite bubble bath (the one your sister got you for Christmas last year) and some epsom salts to ease your sore muscles. on top of all this, she made an extra effort to set out some fresh clothes for you and hang up a new towel on your designated hook.
you perked up when she finally game down the stairs, eager to see what took her so long.
“ok, up you go” she urged, helping you off the couch and up the stairs. her hand rested at the small of your back, fingers lightly toying with the band of your skirt as she guided you towards the bathroom.
once she opened the door to reveal the elegant bath she had prepared for you, you had to bite your lip to suppress a moan of relief. the bubbles, the steam, the smell of the room could just about make you cry.
“i hope it’s ok, i made to sure to add in the stuff you like to help you relax a little bit, but tell me if it’s too much or too hot or anything and i’ll-” your lips found hers before she could finish her sentence. your fingers desperately grabbed at her hoodie, trying to pull her as close to you as you could. lips molding into one another’s with ease.
“this is perfect, caitlin. i don’t even know what to say”
“don’t say anything, just get in” she smiled at you.
like the sweet woman she is, caitlin helped you undress. assisting you with your sports bra and taking off your wristbands for you too. as you stepped in the warm water, you instantly felt alleviated and sunk into the comfort. while you closed your eyes, caitlin sat next to the tub on the toilet, soaking a rag in some cleanser to take off the days makeup and wipe away the sweat and grime.
when it was time to wash up, she forced your hand away from your shampoo bottles and body wash, begging you to let her do it for you. you had to admit, it felt good to let her do all the work for you and pamper you tonight.
after soaking in the tub for nearly an hour and caitlin allowing you to vent about the match, you finally forced yourself out and let caitlin dress you for bed. she had set out your “women’s tennis” college t-shirt and matching shorts for you and helped you into bed.
“so what you’re saying is i’ve got to start getting hurt out there more often?” you teased as cait settled behind you and pulled you against her chest so she could help you brush out your hair.
“god please don’t do that,” she laughed “not that i still wouldn’t do this for you regardless, but you just always take such good care of me when i come home battered and bruised.”
she stopped combing to kiss the side of you head and snake her arms around your waist. “you’re so good to me, baby. i love you, you deserve this and so much more”
though almost falling asleep from pure exhaustion, you managed to turn your head to catch her in one last kiss and a soft “i love you”. you were so blessed to have her in this life and the next.
A/N: sorry if this is a little vague for “tennis player!reader”, but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless, thank you for the request <3
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vamp4kaulitz · 11 months
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Make up sex w tokio hotel🤗
No pacific pronouns, can be seen as any gender. requests open<3
2008 n up will make a 2023 one
We all know bill is hella scary when he's mad, so you'd back down but he'd still be mad.
Definitely would curse at you in German
Would say "Scheiße" a lot
Definitely would run his hand through his hair and sigh..🤗 lawd have mercy
"I'm holding myself back for you, liebe. Please do not test me right now.”
Would sing LOUD ASF and pretend he couldn't hear you. When you would try to talk to him he would sing even louder.
"Bill! I am talking to you, don't act like you can't fucking hear me!"
You'd get enough you'd kiss him to shut him up.
He'd definitely degrade you a lot. No doubt.
He'd even call you his fuck toy and doll.
"Hm? You wanna cum? No, you decided to be a fucking bitch this morning, so now your gonna take me like the slut you are."
If you'd beg him he would pretend to think and then say no.☠️
He's scary but not that scary as Bill.
He would definitely like chuckle angrily and move around a lot.
"I'm a asshole? What's new, its not like I never heard that word come out of someone's mouth."
Would play his guitar to cool down. If you tried to talk to him he would lose it.
He'd say; "What? Are you coming back to bitch at me?' In German and then scoff and continue playing.
He would definitely try to play his guitar aggressive and loudly and then be like "I can't hear you." Knowing damn well he can😒.
He would also put on music and pretend he can't hear you. He wouldn't care when you came in the room he made his practice room in your house.
You would get enough and crash your lips onto his, and it would get more heated.
Touching on your waist a lot.🤭
"Hm? What was that? You wanna cum? Nuh uh, you were being a bitch earlier and now you wanna cum? No, your gonna sit here and let me use this tight hole."
This mf is imitating when he's mad omfg..
He would say nothing and let you yell at him, he would death stare at while sitting there all imitating n shit😭
"Look, you know what, l'm just gonna go upstairs and play on my guitar."
You'd get so fucking heated omg
"Georg are you serious?! You do this every fucking argument! You go huddle yourself in your practice room, and at like nothing is wrong!"
He would slam his practice door room and you'd bust right back in. "Georg Listing! Who the fuck you think are you slamming this fucking door in my face!"
You would be yelling at him and he would get enough and put his guitar down and walk up to you with that imitating ass look omg 😭you'd start backing up while stuttering on your words🫢.
You'd back onto his table and he'd put his hands on the side of the table. "I'm so fucking sick of your yapping."
And then he would kiss you aggressively while y'all moving y'all's heads to the sides.
He would grab the hair tie off your arm because you kept it there for him when he needed one, and he tied his hair in a ponytail.
Would praise you! Also would kinda grip your hair.. 🤗
"So good for me, very good for me." He said while grabbing your hair while he face fucked you. He would definitely lay you on the table in his practice room while fucking the emotions out of u.
He would get so mad at a point every sentence he speaks has a curse word in it.
He would take off his hat in frustration and run his fingers through his hair and then put it back on.🤭
“Schatz will you—“
You’d be so mad you wouldn’t hear him calling you and then he just screamed at you💔.
“SCHATZ! I’m not dealing with this right now!! I had a long day with the band, and I’m tired! Leave me!”
He’d storm off and go play his drums HELLA LOUD and fast.
You open the door and slammed it and then went off at him. You know he couldn’t hear you well, but it was a good stress reliever to get everything out that’s been bothering you.
You got so mad and then left. You knew he wasn’t gonna stop anytime soon.
He come back later after showering and cooling down and lay in bed with you. He would start kissing your neck and rubbing all over. “Liebe..I’m sorry for yelling at you..”
You couldn’t help but cry, because Gustav never raised his voice at you, ever. If you did he wouldn’t, he never liked having arguments with you.
He would hear you and turn you over and immediately get sad. “No no no..liebe…” He would at in such a sad voice. He would kiss all over you and wipe your tears.
Then..he kisses your lips and you didn’t wanna pull anyway and it became more heated🤭.
He would praise the fuck out of you😭
“Your so beautiful meine liebe..I’m obsessed.”
Missionary, he wanna see how good he’s fucking his baby. He will definitely pound harder when he feels you tightening around him.
He would go to fucking crazy and he would have no choice but to degrade you.
“Fuck, your gonna cum? Your gonna cum huh? That’s right baby, come on this dick, come on this fucking dick like the slut you are!”
that was a roller coaster 🫢
hello everyone!! i had this account for a year but never posted omg😭. i have a huge passion for writing but not as much as i love dancing! but u kinda get it!
i am currently accepting requests, but i will make on what to NOT request for them!!
banner made by tokiosaturn0 on Pinterest, I only use this one and the black one they made!! if u are the artist themselves and want removal DM me!!
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wonillaa · 2 years
enha boyfriend thoughts :(
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heeseung ♡
- “honey, i’m home”
- started saying it as a joke but now its illegal to come through the door without saying it
- shared playlists
- cute dates :( dog/cat cafes, karaoke
- voice messages + random selfies
- prefers to just stay in and lay with you
- unspoken love for each other
- actions > words
- still makes sure to send good morning and goodnight texts tho 🫡
jay ♡
- he’s so endearing LMAO
- the care you’d get when you’re sick ..
- you’re eating so good w/ him
- i think matching small things like jewelry or jackets
- surprise gifts ☹️
- sprays his cologne on your stuffed animals for you to feel closer when you aren’t together
- always making sure you’re comfortable
- layers you until you’re waddling like a penguin in the winter . he does not care
- involving you in everything he’s interested in + always info dumping on things
- uses you as a model for outfits
jake ♡
- bf jake makes me so sad
- pictures of you in his wallet
- has playlists of songs that remind him of you
- so many dates
- hikes maybe ? idk i think he’d like being in nature with you
- gym partners
- he says you’re his motivation so he needs you there lmao
- has a separate album in his camera roll of pictures of you and him
sunghoon ♡
- his love language is being annoying /j
- he reminds me of winter </3
- zips your coat up and puts your hat + gloves on
- throws snow, leaves or even grass at you no matter the season + if you bake together flour will end up all over you
- baby talks to you bc he knows you hate it
- you frequent a coffee shop together and get a drink every morning 🙁
- sends you gym mirror pics .. ha ha 🤗
- he’d be so sweet tho everything he does is out of love 😞
sunoo ♡
- your relationship is built on impulsive acts
- you walk either every morning or night like an old married couple
- everything is so perfect with him (◞‸◟)
- he’s so loving and praises you for just breathing
- you take turns giving each other massages and playing with each others hair
- so much affection :(
- he just wants to experience everything with you and see the world together
- cheek kisses
- my biggest wish is sunoo getting the most love in this world im devastated
jungwon ♡
- jungwon 😭😭😭😭<3
- has a note in his phone dedicated to all your favorite things, allergies, etc
- reads you so well he’s like a part of you
- if your mom/parent has a facebook he’d def follow it
- he’s a fan of all love languages
- clingy jungwon .. 💔
- steals your stuff and always in your personal space
- he’s so cute
- makes sure you stay on top of taking care of yourself , if you’re too tired to brush your teeth or wash your face he’s doing it for you
niki ♡
- he’s so childish and maybe a little evil
- i think he’d really feel bad if he took things too far 😭
- he lives to tease you he’s like a mini sunghoon but worse
- makes fake photocards of you and shows you his collection
- refuses pet names
- the most you’re getting is ‘my love’ everything else he uses is to bribe you for something or to mess with you
- please take him bowling . the amount of times he’s asked for someone to go with him is truly getting sad
- just dance competitions
- he likes everything if you’re involved
- he whispers his favorite things about you + how much he loves you while you’re asleep ☹️ he’s shy
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uchihaharlot · 5 months
I asked about Obito and Itachi’s crush offering a massage. And loved it. And now I am here to beg for a more…NSFW version? Please?
Consider your wish granted. 😈 I probably should have done that first time around, but sometimes I like writing fluffier cutesy things.
Also, my apologies nonny! I try to answer these in the order that was received, but there are often shorter drabbles I like to work with first. ❤️🫶
NSFW; dom-ish…Obi (wuuuuhhh??); assplay; penetration; soft/needy Itachi (🥹); soul sucking blow job; these men live the good life, I swear!! Someone come rub my busted ass hip!! 🥹😭😭
His crush is a bit perturbed this time around. Why the hell didn’t he get the message the first time she took his damn shirt off?? He’s a bit…dense, ok? Obito is not stupid though, he definitely had a feeling she was up to something. Mm, still up to it this time too, man just didn’t want to get his hopes up. This time he doesn’t stop her when she rucks his shirt up, a little more rough than necessary. Her greedy hands mapping every small dip and minor scar on his back. Roaming down his hard muscles and up to his neck. Despite having small hands, his crush works out those tired muscles and soothes his aches.
‘Let me return the favor.’ It was bold, yes, and laced with a devious tone. Obito couldn’t think of a better way to make her squirt squirm than to return the gesture. ‘Finally.’ She thinks.
He does the same to her as she did him, removing her shirt and bra. Spinning her around pressing stomach flat to floor. Firmly dragging calloused hands over warm flesh. How soft and delicate she left in the hands of a man who has seen caused destruction. How he could destroy her with just a few thrusts. The first kiss on her shoulder has her heart racing. Obito’s warm breath was katon heat on her skin and caused goose flesh to break out. Searing smaller teasing kisses in his wake, Obito lifted her hips and pressed his severely aching girth to her and bent down to whisper in her ear.
‘Is this what you want?’ Dragging his lips down her backside again, lowering his briefs to let out cock and run it against her thigh until it pressed against her clothed heat.
‘..yes.’ Panting already, how badly this girl tried the first time around, she shouldn’t be this breathless. Obito didn’t want to make things any more tantalizing than they already were, but nonetheless, he pressed into those moist panties before slipping his arousal down between her thighs and shutting them.
Bodies pressed close, Obito gently rocked with her. Dragging his girth in and out of her thighs, the head of his cock was a great visual when she looked through her arms. Mimicking hard thrusts, she only imagined how full of him she would be. Why was he taking so long, ‘Obi..?’
‘Ask nicely.’ High on himself, Obito lowered the remaining barrier between them. Stuck his thumb in his mouth and ran it over the sensitive skin between her cunt before slipping it into her ass. The sound that ricocheted out the back of her throat made him press in further. Obito gently tugged her clit with his freehand, ‘or I’ll stop.’
‘No!’ Desperate, sheer lifted her head to look over her shoulder. ‘…please. Obito, gods please.’ He ran that hand to push her panties down to her knees and parted them a little, tracing her entrance.
‘Please. What?’
When her response was his fat cock, only then did Obito brazenly sheath himself to the hilt and slowly drag in and out. The loud mewl she let out told Obito he needn’t be too careful, if she was taking him this well. She could handle a little more. His thumb rocked in and out of her ass, hurried but precise. The way her soft but taut cunt sucked him in more as his thumb worked a different nerve, delivered coinciding sensations.
Her body quaked with his. Obito can only act tough for so long. The second her fluttering walls encapsulate his throbbing cock, its game, set and match. Neither one of them can keep quiet. Whispers of ‘I’m going to pump you full of my cum’ to ‘gonna put a baby in you’ seemingly come from a deep seated desire.
Her into reprieve is to thrust back into him with as much force, feeling the tip of his length kiss the spongey muscle of her cervix. Tap, tap and then the warmth of his loins spreads through her insides. Leaving a line of it down his shaft when he slips out.
They’ll lay on the floor in blissful silence, softly petting one another hair, face and body. Deep slow kisses until the euphoria has subsided.
Gurl is making Itachi flustered this time around. Two back rubs back to back, barely 24 hours apart. His genius didn’t leave room for debate, she was DTF. Just how far was this girl willing to go to please him? When she ran her hand over his abdomen, Itachi pulled her closer. There was no need to beat around the bush. If she really wanted it, just come out with it. Itachi was never one to mince words, he rather found being direct and concise yielded better results.
‘I know what your hands can do.’ He whispered, running a thumb down her palm. ‘I’m more curious about your mouth.’
Under the gaze of the sharingan, his crush drops to her knees. She’s gentle but eager with unfastening his slacks. Tracing the hair that peaks, he slouches in his chair. It wasn’t like he had anywhere to be. In the privacy of his own home he could give in to a prohibition or two. As his crush runs her hands over his briefs, both hands pulling down at the hem. He took himself in in hand and tapped the tip of his cock to her lips. She eagerly swiped up his shaft, Itachi growled lowly. Choked out when she sank the warmth of her mouth over his aching cock, to the base and back. Looked up at him and did it again. And again, taking the plunge over his aching head, and fully reaching the back of her throat. Gag reflex seemed nonexistent relatively quickly.
His eyes rolled shut when she tugged his testicles a little and took him in stride again. The urge to ram his cock in her mouth almost took precedence over the desire to last a little longer. Itachi was not virginal by any means, but goddamn his crush was making him feel like a half cocked 16 year old again. When she took him in both hands he went incoherent. Her breathy laugh and whispers fell on deaf ears, ‘does this feel good ‘Tachi?’ Followed the sounds of his low moans and pleas. Itachi gripped a hand at the back of her head to pull her off, but she neither yielded nor slowed down.
He wasn’t a push over, but that familiar itch of the floodgates opening up was the harbinger to the loud grunt that crawled out his throat. Her hands delicately worked his throbbing cock, the tingle scrunched up his balls and soothed the ailment for release. She drank him in full. Allowing the tip of his cock to ram the back of her throat once more as his creamy sperm coated and sloshed down her throat. Unfazed by the bitterness, and her little seductive pop off his cock. It drove him bonkers, Itachi bent down eagerly for a kiss. What was it about a woman drinking from your cock like a straw and swallowing it like the worlds freshest smoothie? Itachi gave two shits about the lingering flavor.
When she thinks he’s satisfied, he’ll bend her over and sweetly offer his gratitude…
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angelshimaa · 5 months
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@driaswrld :: could i get maybe a meet ugly w kuroo? where like he cuts reader in line cs they were so short he rlly didn't notice em 😭😭 idk i js think that would be funny
a/n :: dria bby hai ! i'm so sorry this is coming out so late, but i hope it's what you wanted :) gn!reader, reader is short(er than kuroo)
event (closed).
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maybe he should stop making bets.
the thought sits on kuroo’s mind as he scans the video game store, looking for the games he owes kenma. he doesn’t even remember what the bet was about— proof of just how long he’d put doing this off.
however, tetsuro fancies himself a man of his word, no matter how long it takes him to get there.
after some help from the staff, he finally has the game series in his hand. kenma had been smart about his conditions; this one would do a number on his wallet. regardless, kuroo goes to stand in line, eager to get this over and done with.
as if he had any plans.
“excuse me.” he hears a voice call out, to nobody in particular it seems. he thinks nothing of it, focusing on the moving line more than anything else, until someone behind him taps on his shoulder, repeating their words with a more urgent tone.
when kuroo turns and looks down, he’s met with a less-than-pleased expression on a pretty face.
“oh, hey— didn't see you there. what's up?” you watch his lips curl up into a grin, one that you don't take too kindly to, regardless of how attractive this stranger might be.
“you cut into the line. the end is behind me.” you deadpan, gesturing backwards and kuroo’s eyes follow— there are two people that come in to line up behind you. his eyes trail back to you and you stare pointedly at him, arms folding over your chest with the game you plan to buy clutched in your hand.
“...sorry, beautiful, but i’m pretty sure i didn't cut.” play dumb; that was his plan. he was here now, and he just didn't feel up to losing this spot. even if it wasn't his. amber eyes look over you, trying to see if the nickname might have flattered you even in the silence.
the way you glare at him hints at quite the opposite effect he wanted.
“i’m telling you that you did.”
“...and i’m telling you that i’m sure i didn't.”
“i don't really care how ‘sure’ you are, it doesn't change the fact that you pushed into the line. now, i don't know if your eyes always fail you, but i said the end is right there.” you hope you're articulating your agitation as much as you feel it spreading through your body, it was making your fingertips tingle a little. you had places to be, and you weren't about to let some jerk delay you any longer.
kuroo watches the way you try to tell him off, tracing over every word your lips form— you're cute. cute enough that your sentence practically bounces off him and though he knows he probably shouldn't, he lets his grin spread wider, suddenly entertained.
“my eyes work pretty well, darling— they just aren't used to picking up such... small things.”
he likes watching your face contort into offense; your eyebrows furrowing and creasing your skin, your lip dropping a little so you're gaping at him the slightest— looks like he found a trigger.
“excuse me?”
the cashier, who looks too tired to really care about this disagreement, calls for the next in line, which now happens to be him. you can smell the smugness in how he takes a step closer and pays for the games he's purchasing, and you feel like hurling a few colourful words at him.
irrational? maybe, but such an antagonising face brought it out of you so unexpectedly easy.
“well then,” kuroo has the nerve to keep smiling at you while he grabs his plastic of purchases, the little shit. he heads towards the exit, tossing you a half-hearted wave goodbye with his back to you. “see you around, shortie.”
“i’d rather not, you pig,” you huff, getting a little annoyed with yourself for not biting back with venom. your eyes follow him out the door, narrowed at so much audacity.
kuroo grins— you're sure to remember him now. he reaches into his pocket and gets his phone out before notifying kenma that he's finally got his games.
maybe he'll accompany kenma whenever he visits the store from now on. he probably (definitely) owes you an apology of some sort, and he can't say he doesn't feel intrigued at the thought of your paths crossing again.
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Can I pretty please have some SFW romantic headcanons for Zooble with a humanoid biblically-accurate angel (S/O)? 🥺👉👈
The angel look is just their digital look, though it comes with a perk (Hovering a few millimeters off the ground, though it took them a long while to do so without crashing into someone.)
Also, let me say the angel look is entirely ironic, the (S/O) is a cheeky flirt. Basically the dynamic is “Shut up.” “Make me~!”
(You don’t have to do this, I just think Zooble is neat. I have an OC who is like what I just described. I ship them together and I’m curious how you would write this out-!)
Zooble x biblically accurate angel!reader !
So so so sorry it took so long to get tto this anon ! I've been in a little motivation slump and between fighting intense allergies and taking baking orders, I only really find the time to answer requests late at night 😭😭
Evil so, I hope you enjoy this !!
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Honestly I think theyd think you look cool!
I always say that zooble is into the supernatural and the macabre, and even though Angels dint fit the macabre... and actually I'm not 100% sure if they fit the supernatural..? They still find your look to be very interesting!
Obviously they understand that you're not actually an angel in real life
Gives you a very creative name
I can already hear them saying it in their tired, "I'm so done with everything and everyone" voice
Likes holding your hand and letting you glide next to them
Usually you guys talk while walking around... not really speaking about much
Now onto the flirting
The flirting!
Okay I believe I may have said this somewhere, but zooble does not like PDA
Like I feel like anything more than hand holding is out of their comfort zone... please don't be overly flirty with them in front of others
It's not like theyre embarrassed by you or the relationship or want to hide it, they just dont like the.. vulnerability that comes with being publicly flustered.. gotta keep up the "I'm so done" thing and they don't like being percieved as anything else
You're the only exception ^
When you teo are alone, that's an entirely different story
I like to think their antennae twitch when you get them all flustered... sure I usually hc that they twitch when they're irritated, but I think the flustered twitching is cute too
Their spiral eye spins slowly when you decide to give em some kisses!
Careful not to overwhelm them, they're probably going to fall apart.... literally
Honestly I love the idea of zooble trying to act cool, even when it comes to romance only to just not be used to it at all
Like they're not helpless or totally inexperienced, but... you know...!
I think if I had to rate the characters in order of who takes flirting like a champ and who cant, I think I would put it like...
Caine takes it like a champ, then its ragatha, jax, kinger, zooble, pomni, and gangle who immediately holds and melts
So I guess zoobles a middle point! Just depends on what all you're doing to them !
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sixpennydame · 2 months
"so if eruri is triggering for you, I’d suggest you start filtering certain tags so you can curate the kind of experience you want here."
I guess you think I don't really filter them out, but you're wrong. Believe me, no matter how much I ban everything related to this ship, it comes up in every way. For example eruri shipper Levixreader writers. Even in the Hcs/fanfic's they write, they are in every way squeezing their own ship under the guise of "this is not ship discourse" and they write the dynamics of that ship under the name of 'levixreader' in order to show that their ship is canon. And you naively Rb'd them and think that Levi's character is really like that. He's a perpetually angry man, he's a cruel selfish man who hates the weak and who hates the weak and who immediately abandons you because he's weak, who puts his feelings for erbin ahead of his duties 🥺 who puts humanity through hell for erbin. but someone who is a dog and a softy for him and someone who threw S/o out of the window for him. Yes he loves S/o but he would even sacrifice S/o for the landlord whose dog he is 😔 But again keep saying "great Levi fic post 😭".
And that's what I'm talking about when I say don't let them manipulate you, because even one of your recent articles is similar to their writing style. I wouldn't be surprised if you soon write Levi as an ass upturned, bed whining, super fanon twink whiny lowlife sub. One of your Rb's in particular is a super delulu shipper levixreader writer, and they so much portray Levi as Erwin's lapdog, order dog, loyal dog, someone who never questions whatever action he takes, never wavers in his loyalty, that Cosmic finally had to write them a misleading reply that Levi is not like that Lmaoo. And they are egotistical and self-righteous enough to say "I know better than you" when they see criticism that contradicts their fanon thinking. Man its 2024 and fucking ackerbond has been debunked years ago and even Isayama's dusty old interviews deny it. Yeah, no matter how much I filter eruri, I see exactly that in both Levi tags and Levixreader tags 🙃 and now whenever I want to read fic or browse Levi posts, I have to look at them with hesitation and fear. I don't understand if I should filter Levi directly?
I'm so tired that I would love for Isayama to drop a bombshell that will disprove both the selfshippers and shippers and all their rhetoric, all their Hc's, and leave us all in a big disappointment. For example to give him a really random female partner. Or I would like him to write a characterization where he really doesn't care about everyone and throws them into the fire, where he thinks about himself and his life instead of thinking about them, where he focuses on himself, where he is truly selfish. Then we wouldn't have to see discourses, dramas and fights like "Levi cared about X the most" "He did this and that for X" "Levi doesn't have a canon ship, but if he did it would be X"
*sighs heavily*
I don’t know what to tell you, Anon. If my reblogging and my moots bring you so much distress, you are free to block me.
I refuse to get involved with ship discourse - that’s not what I’m here for.
But I will say this: the writing I do is xreader, but I love to read and view Levi in many forms - canon and AU, eruri, LeviHan, and everything in between. I’ll be sure to make that clear on my ‘About Me’ page.
I love my moots’ writing and art, and will continue to reblog anything that I find beautiful or pleasing to me. Because that, dear Anon, is why I am here.
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datsleepygirl · 1 year
Hi hi Saya!! I hope you’re doing well :) this is my first time requesting from anyone so I’m a bit nervous lmao- :’) I’ve been following your blog for a little while and I loved your mornings with Zoro scenario it was so adorable 🥺 could I ask for some cuddling hcs with my boys Corazon and Koby please? I love them sm it’s kinda sad 😭 tysm! And please take your time with this, take care of yourself 💜\(//∇//)\💜
ok so I definitely took my time with this, which I am terribly sorry about :((( no worries, it's finally here. I added Law as an extra to make up for taking so long to get this done so I hope you don't mind. I'm also not familiar with the characters you've requested, so I hope Law is one of the characters you like. Thanks for requesting!
Cuddling HCs with One Piece Men
- First of all, get the ciggies and the lighter away from him, unless you want to be roasted alive.
- This man lives for you running your hands through his blond hair, undoing the knots in them.
- Fluffy jacket on while cuddling with him is always appreciated.
- There will be moments where he's using his abilities to make sure you both have a comfortable environment to cuddle, perhaps even falling asleep.
- Moments like this are very rare since he's always working. I swear it makes Doffy jealous that his brother got someone to cuddle with.
- I believe that you, him and smol Law fell asleep on your bed with the two f you sandwiching Law. Let's just say that the both you you enjoyed it more that Law did.
- Also, remember to snatch that hat when you are hugging him, that'll make him crave cuddles more.
- Shy
- Shy.
- SHY.
- You can't tell me that this boy isn't shy while cuddling. If you don't, get help. (Bombastic side eye)
- Definitely grandpa's favourite couple.
- The only time he'd hug you in public will be when someone is either flirting with you or that person is unable to keep their hands to themselves.
- Not big on PDA, but will be when someone is treating you in a inappropriate way.
- Forehead kisses is a must, wrestle me to change my mind.
- I don't know much about him, so I'm sorry if this is short :(
- Ahh, so you've wrestled him into bed. Good for you. judging by the bags under his eyes and the dark circles along with it made it hard to believe that hE wAsN't TiReD
- Melts into your touch once you've settled with him under the covers. Mf wraps his arms around you immediately and he wraps them around you tightly, best wishes to you if you need to go to the bathroom at night.
- I mean, you can, but once you get out of bed he'll be awake and will get back to work, so either let him go back to work or hold it in. Getting out of bed while this man is cuddling with you is NOT a good decision.
- On rare occasions where this dude is dead asleep, prepare to wake up covered in drool. He refuses to admit that it's his, but we all know the truth.
- Like pal, it must've been Bepo's.
- When this man is having nightmares about his past, just pull him closer to your chest and he'll cry it all out. He's stressed, but he feels safe in your arms. You bring him comfort.
- If you guys are not on the bed, you're probably cuddling in his office. You facing him while sitting on his lap with him burying his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent, his scent, to be exact.
- Shy about cuddling, but can't get enough once you manhandled him into it. Don't tease him, just hug him.
- Once you've hugged him at least four times a day for two consecutive months, dude will come looking for you and hinting that he wants cuddles without saying anything. Big sighs, rubbing his hands on his arms, you name it.
- "iT's KiNdA CoLd In HerE"
- stuff like that
- Just hug him.
- Please.
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810nd1 · 4 months
Niki’s ideal type
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First, around 5 people requested this. Second, as always I asked him if I may do this reading, and he was so exited that he gave the world as a yes. And it hit my nose. Why do I have a feeling that our moody teenager was actually waiting for me to ask him about this? 🤣🤣
Let’s start the reading
I see here some sort of a broken millionaire drama, when he’s on top of the world, when Niki would be the one that lost himself in all that fame and luxury, when he lost his path, forgot what life is about, going from a party to a party, him being in his fuck boy era, I also see him being much older and mature in this reading. This happens when he’s tired of his life and feels kina empty inside. His lifestyle would be an escape mechanism for him,
I think of a scenerio when Niki sees someone sitting alone at a large party, hidden in a corner away from people, not having fun at all. There is something about them that intrigues him, some kind of a magnetic pull. He comes to them with confidence that they will be all over him. After all he is THE NIKI, everybody loves him. But as he proceeds to flirt with them, he gets humbled with their sarcasm and wit. At this point he would just stare as they leave, too stunned to say anything,
But he wouldn’t let them leave, he would chase them, convince them to give him a chance, they would be the first person that he would open up to in years. They would heal him from, show him the new, brighter path. They would make him feel complete again, awake that passion that was gone for so long,
I also got some more cards to get to know that person better, they’re supposed to be someone compassionate and loving, some with a pure heart (but someone that isn’t keen on him), he might fantasize about someone outside of his social circle, an ordinary person, not famous or rich but with smart, someone that has everything while having nothing, that celebrates the life for the small things and that stands their ground when they need to, but I’m also picking up some sort of a traumatic childhood, they had to learn to take care of themselves early in their life, because they were left on their own,
Please remember this is the scene from his subconscious mind, this doesn’t even have to be something he would want to happen in real life. It’s him being delusional. That’s from my own experience, I’ve done this reading on myself and I swear if I were to date in real life I’d want something less ✨toxiqe✨. However I can’t say that it wasn’t accurate 😭😭
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Hiiii! I’m new to your blog and I love it so much and usually I do not like yandere stuff but smth abt ur writing is just so insane it’s good 😭 (like Mikey pulling a gun out to a one year old abt to kill it…who does that?! 😨 ) so I was wondering if maybe you could do like a soft yandere Mikey ? (Idk if I even is a thing/makes sense) but like yk like he doesn’t want to hurt u but he kills ppl who look at u in a way he doesn’t like? And he doesn’t let u out of his sight? But he doesn’t hurt u 👩‍🌾 idk if that makes sense but then the readers just sweet and kinda oblivious so she just goes with it and thinks it’s cute how much he loves her? Maybe some guys were staring at her on a date and he does something bad 💁‍♀️ ahhh I’m sorry I’m half asleep and this makes no sense but I hope ur well!!! (And ofc don’t feel pressured to do this) take care!!!! 💗
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄!𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 "𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐲" 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐨
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝚂𝚘𝚏𝚝 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦: 𝚃𝚘𝚔𝚢𝚘 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 "𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢" 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚘
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊��𝚒𝚘𝚛 , 𝚄𝚗𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚝, 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛.
╰┈➤ . . . 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
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"Like who pulls a gun on a 1 year old" Literally my yandere bonten Mikey would- I once read a Bonten fic where he's so insane, like so out of it and I've adopted that behavior for when he gets angry.
But yes I understand what you mean by soft headcanons XD I dunno which Mikey you meant so I'll do Kanto Manji Mikey since I haven't written for him yet.
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Yes you do have a better chance with him if you don't know who he is. Even if you did it's best you ignore it and act how you'd normally act with a friend.
It's like a small light finally lit up in Mikey's dark world.
He seems, and is, really harsh towards everyone, barely talking unless it's about business or he needs to explain something.
Yet when it comes to you Mikey could listen you chatting up a storm or simply sitting down next to him and just standing there.
I don't think Kanto Mikey is very forward with physical affection unlike his other versions, but when you initiate it first he'll never let go.
Always hiding his face either on your hair, neck or shoulder.
"[Y/N], you smell so nice... I didn't say that for you to tell me your shampoo... Is it alright if I stay like this for a while? I'm really tired..."
And you allow it. You have this man's heart squeezing and pulsing from happiness- you literally have his vulnerable already broken heart in your hand and you're unconsciously fixing it.
Then you start giving kisses and he just MELTS.
The first kiss Mikey just stared at you in shock. The second kiss he started blushing a lot. And by the third kiss he was the on basically suffocating you with a hug and placing kisses all over your face and neck.
Believe it or not Mikey's favorite time consists of him cuddling you and falling asleep, because he feels at peace in your presence, like all of his problems are gone.
And he feels guilty about how possessive he feels over you.
"I love you so much darling... Please never leave me... You won't leave me right?"
You reassured him with such a sweet smile while kissing his forehead.
And Mikey broke. Mumbling how much he wants to lock you away so no harm would come to you. Yet you again giggled and said it's okay, he was there to protect you so it wasn't a need.
Hook, line and sinker.
Now all someone needs to do is tell Mikey that you had came to see him and he'd literally drop anything he was doing and go to you, such a soft side.
"Angel, you should've told me you'd come over, I would have came to pick you up... A surprise? You're so sweet~"
And here comes the problem. You're Mikey's pretty little lover so obviously you'd be targeted by other gangs.
And Mikey will be damned before he let's any harm come to you- in fact, no, instead he'll damn anyone who hurt you to hell instead.
Mikey personally would execute anyone who even harms a strand of your hair, who mutters anything other than praise about your existence, who gazes at you for too long despite him being there.
Sure, anyone and everyone can have Mikey at attention by saying your name, but only his men come out unharmed because they either announce your presence or tell Mikey the usual report about what you did and where you went that day when Mikey couldn't be with you.
Anyone else will be met with a fist to their face... And another... And another until they're a South kinnie-
Whenever someone interrupts your dates by even as much as making a comment about you Mikey probably orders Sanzu to take you away until he deals with whatever unworthy being dared to utter your name with their dirty mouth.
And after he's done Mikey will immediately go back to you and give you a hug.
"I got tired, please make me feel better [Y/N]~"
And of course like the pretty doll you are you agree, cleaning the blood from him, giving him a hug, placing soft him kisses on his knuckles and forehead. Leaving Mikey a mess unknowingly.
You're always his priority no matter what, whenever he visits he always makes sure to bring a few gifts. Whenever you vist he interupts whatever meet up they had, sits you on his lap and cuddles until you have to leave. Yes everyone is forced to watch the sweet couple act.
Mikey sometimes says things that seem strange. Like confessing how he WILL kill anyone who tries to take you away, yet you just happily giggle and cup his face.
"You must really love me if you're willing to go that far, but don't do it okay? I don't want you to be sent to jail."
"Yes, yes I love you that much... And okay, I wouldn't want to be separated from you either."
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banananuttrash · 1 year
Hi, I just read your headcanons about sword leaders with an info gf and it was just *chefs kiss*. I loved it, and I was wondering if you were up to making an entp gf version? Cause I feel like entp’s are a bit more different to infp? I’m an entp and I feel like we’re just menaces to society and hard to understand since we argue for fun and are sometimes harsh with words? You don’t have to do it if ur not up to it though. I’ll completely understand. 😊😊😊
SWORD Leaders w/ ENTP Girlfriends
Notes: I'm back!!! Had to do more investigating for MBTI, lol. Really tried my best to understand this personality type and really think how they would be with you. This was hard for me (especially Smoky, I really struggled 😭) I'm not going to lie, but I really tried my best. As always with these, please give me feedback. 🙏🏼😆
⋈ *. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚ * . : 。 ✿ * ⋈
I feel like he's just going to go with the flow with you tbh. He won't argue with you but rather have the other members of the squad do it.
You'll ask the most random questions about life and he'll just stare at you because he has no idea what to say.
Whenever you get too hyped up about something, he will calm you down with his touch. He will probably rub circles on your back or on your hand.
Never takes your harshness to heart because he knows that you mean well.
To guess where you want to go to eat he'll probably say, "guess where we're going?" And whatever you answer is where he decides to go.
Rocky is used to being around traditional, quiet women, so when he meets you, he's thrown in for a loop.
He finds your personality refreshing and is always surprised by your constant creativity when it comes to new ideas.
You would give Rocky lots of ideas on ways to improve the club, customer wise and as an employer as well.
Your favorite place is probably on his lap and you make sure that other women know it, not that you're intimidated by any of them.
He tries to surprise you on dates, but somehow you always know where you are going, but try your best to make it seem like you're surprised.
Because of the way that you two are, I feel like people that see you two for the first time would never think you're dating.
To other people it seems like he gets annoyed with you all the time, but little do they know that you do it on purpose because you like how you get under his skin.
He probably tells you to shut up all the time and you'll respond with make me, then he'll kiss you, which is what you want.
Even though he acts annoyed with you, he's your number 1 supporter, and he wants to accomplish everything you set your mind to.
Whenever you two plan a date he'll let you pick where to go, even if it's something out of his comfort zone. He won't care and just wants to spend time with you.
Smoky started to like you when he sees all the ideas that you come up with in terms of helping all of the citizens of Nameless City.
Smoky doesn't typically debate, so whenever you want to, you will probably have to go to someone else from the Rude Boys.
Honestly, due to his shy nature, you more than likely will initiate any kind of romance, whether it be public or private.
He knows that you dream beyond Nameless City, and will support you in whatever journey you decide to take in life.
Even though he is the opposite of you, you find lots of energy in spending quality time with just him, hanging and talking about life together.
Due to the nature of your personalities, I don't think people would believe you guys are dating at first.
Hyuga will spend a lot of time just listening to you talk and reason about anything and everything.
When he does get tired of you talking, he'll probably kiss you to shut you up. Which then will probably lead to some good quality time (wink wink).
You probably work in something creative like in the arts. Maybe performer or designer, or something along those lines.
Hyuga is your number one fan even though he does not physically show it. He will be there at every showcase that you have, front and center.
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