#someone please give Denji a break
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Ok important sequel, this line fits Denji too
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ouchthathurts · 1 year
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬) ⋮ Fiend! Denji + Human! Gender Neutral! Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ⋮ 3.6k
𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞 ⋮ One-Shot
𝐏𝐥𝐨𝐭  ⋮ After stalking you for months Denji has fallen for you, unfortunately, Denji’s trauma comes into the conversation as the confession takes place.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⋮ Writing contains mentions of talking of pass trauma such as grooming, stalking, and emotional/physical abuse.
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Denji looked over the letter he was about to put in your locker, simple enough, there was nothing more he could so desire then to tell you how much he truly loved being around you. Even if it was just him stalking you and always being around you in the public as someone who was just an on-scene Devil Hunter. You had never took notice to him ever, in fact you were a high school student at this time which is where Denji would stalk you from. 
Denji would just look over you at the school such as from rooftops, look down at you from above the school into the courtyard where you were continuing your normal human life, with your normal human friends, and nothing truly out of the ordinary. Denji felt the pangs of jealousy as he watched your life, from the walk to school to the moment you kicked off your shows at your door there was nothing truly that brought him more joy than being in your shoes.
Denji never meant to fall for you, as the months had passed, he had found that just staring at your life hadn’t come close to the more he played attention to you as a person. The young man studied the books you read, the people you chose to be around, your place in school, and even stealing your portable cassette player to listen to your favorite music. Denji felt so overjoyed by this discovery, often times just being there for you in ways you wouldn’t realize such as when you ‘lost’ things or a new book that would happen to be out that you talk about or even when he would get your favorite snacks and putting the in your shoe locker.
You took quick notice, he loved how attentive you were and how advanced your books were. Even if Denji didn’t know how to, he’d pick up the books he’d get you and look over them to try and help him on one of his biggest missions yet, confessing to you. Denji wrote the letter of his life, something that he admired from afar with immense joy as he looked for the words in the books you loved with an immense amount of joy and no other thought than giving you the joys he wanted in his life. Denji’s letter spoke of meeting you, and explained how he admired you from afar in the best love letter written in the world.
Daer, [L/N] [F/N].
You’ve probbaly seen this letter and you’re wondering who sent this–Honestly, it could be anyone who has sent you such a thing. Honestly, it could truly be ANYONE.
I hope you like this letter beacuse I dceorated it myself. Do you like this sort frilly stuff right? I made it reelly spiffy like those romance books you reed!I reellly, reelly, reelly, raelly hope this is your locker. I watch you around this locker with your friends so, I hope this is yours and not the other two’s. They’re not really as intiresting as you.
I like you a lot. I admyer the things you do like doing your work super early, very smart, your diliagnt delgient diilgent and very good looking! 
I hope you can meet me at that tree behind the school–Y’know that big sakura tree? I saw you go to it when you read it during breaks and after cleaning time, I like to see you read under the tree as I like to watch you talk to it and your reactions to it.
I even wrote you a writing thing and got you a gift if you showed up!
I hope you can come to the tree this Friday and listen to me say it to your face hear me say it loud and proud. ⭐ 
You couldn’t recognize the hand writing from anyone in your class, it was messily put together, lots of misspelled words and you questioned if the person even went to your school. You couldn’t help but look at all the doodles such as a couple of stickmen figures of you, books, and hearts. Honestly, you wondered about this person, it was very put to detail and nonetheless it seemed they were definitely trying their hardest when making such a letter.
You decided that you’d go to see this person, to make sure their heart was in the right place when you met them that day and even more so, to see who they were as a person–What if they weren’t a person? A bit of fear ran down your back as you thought of it being a Devil from the poor handwriting, becoming even more self evident as the mentions of stalking that left you rereading the letter in a bit of confliction and yet, you made sure you showed up that Friday.
You held the letter close to your chest with a soft smile on your face and look of inquisition in your eyes as you were unprepared for what awaited you once you turned around. You looked behind you to be met by a blond boy you had never met before, in fact you had never ever seen such a person in your life. They didn’t even have the male uniform on so, you questioned further who this person could have possibly been.
Your face dropped a bit, good for you that he was still catching is breath as the boy you found to have interest in you was one who you had never seen–I guess that makes sense because he stalked you? Way to keep yourself hidden. You looked at the blond with a bit of confusion to your face as you wondered about what in the world this boy could ever thought about you. The young man gave you a smile, flashing his sharp teeth at you that immediately made your face began to show signs of fear at the fact this could’ve been some type of undercover Devil waiting to lure you and kill you. 
You looked into his honey brown eyes with a tilt of your head before questioning him, “You don’t go to this school do you?” Denji was quick to look at you with a softened smile as he was more lost in your appearance than anything. You tilted your head the other way, a bit of frustration as you wondered about what he was going to say or do next, even more, what he was going to say to you when you were quick to hum as to get his attention. Denji rearranged his eyes to your eyes after looking at the features that lovingly cradled your face, in embarrassment and awe with his cheeks pink from the ogling of your appearance, “I…I don’t go to school.” You knew that much by the letter, honestly, you felt a bit awkward and dismayed.
Denji noticed your eyes began to waver, wondering about what he could possibly do to help you get comfortable with him before it came to him in seconds. "Not yet enrolled–!” Denji barked as he pulled out the book from behind him, “I got you something!” it was of a series you were reading at the moment, and it was a apart you were missing as every time it went on sale you were stuck in classes and with the school rule of not being able to have a part time job you relied on allowance that you already spent on the previous books.
Your eyes lit up, Denji taking notice to this as his eyes began to light up and showed off his pearly whites with such eagerness. “You kept reading the series and I noticed you were always missing a number–That’s kind of lame, right? I’d want someone to give me a book I’m missing!” You nodded at this as he handed you the book, “I mean, I don’t really read.” Denji was quick to correct himself, “I mean, like, I read now! Because you rad! Been teaching myself!” You could feel yourself smile as you placed his letter inside of the book and closed it. 
You looked into the blond’s eyes, gratefulness as you felt nice with the gift and the way he talked about picking up reading for you made you feel a bit flattered. Denji was scrambling to get something out of his pocket, it was a crumpled piece of paper that left you with a bit of uncertainty, wondering about the contents before your thoughts were cut off by your answer. “I wrote this for you!” Denji exclaimed, looking at you with such a large smile as he began to clear his throat, you felt confliction nonetheless, you stood there and listened to him.
“I think about you often while I do stuff like bathing. I sometimes think about you washing my hair while I shower and when I do it I think about your hands instead of mine.” 
You found yourself wincing a bit at the wording in your mind, it was very strong yet, you let him continue. Denji had been study his writing, overjoyed by the fact that he was the only one who could decipher it and he wouldn’t have someone try to come expose him for it, he pronounced words effortlessly and made sure to sound as suave as those guys in the books you read. 
“I like to think about you when I’m dong work and how I hope to make this place safer for you especially, for the past few months I have also been studying my writing–It’s unique just like me! I really like the way you are so smart and do the stuff you do which pushes me to want to do just as great as you do.” 
You felt a small smile curl up on your lips, a bit awkward at such a random comment and even more, you still found yourself admiring the young man before you. Denji looked at you, it found yourself getting giddy at a confession to you in the first place and with the way things were going you found yourself a bit flattered by everything.
“I really like staring at you do stuff like how you’re always bringing your journal to write in an dhow you immediately notice when something is wrong. I like to watch you read, in fact, I spent a whole day thinking about just sitting around with you for every moment doing nothing at all besides listening to you read because your voice is so relaxing–Your present is warm!” 
You smiled at him, you lowered brow at him, ‘Presence?’ You didn’t want t correct him with how much he had said this far and you didn’t want to make him feel bad. You listened earnestly, a smile still planted on your face as you looked at Denji.
“I think about eating toast with jam on it with you everyday, going to school with you, admiring you during class, and even more when you’re with your friends. In fact, being around you makes me feel so nice and warm–I haven’t felt this warm in so long.” 
You watched Denji’s eyebrows furrow at this, the young man feeling himself conflicted about the next few lines as he found this blur in the idea of becoming one with someone else after he had eaten Makima. It was a weird feeling, one that he knew was wrong and knew he needed to get over at this moment. Denji was quick to diffuse the situation, as he hoped he hadn’t made you jealous in his delusions, “They’re gone now after I ate them.” You flinched at this, ‘The point of no return?’ you questioned before hearing the young man’s laughter. 
“I ate my sadness in food!” Denji applauded his save, you were quick to calm down at the realization but the words that fell out of his mouth still had you with feelings of confliction. Denji took quick notice, he was beginning to pick up on social cues better thanks to you and the books you were reading! Denji continued on with writing as a means to save his confession. 
“I haven’t said that to anyone yet, y’know? Like, I’m sad and stuff and I think I’m not but I am y’know?” Denji wasn’t reading the paper anymore, he looked at you with his lovely bright colored honey brown eyes, once filled with energy bouncing of the walls had now began to soften with a look into your eyes and the soft look of your facial expressions had cradled him. 
You nodded, even if you hadn’t gone through such trauma you were still very sympathetic with him and listened to him. “It’s like, when you’re living life and you’re thinking about stuff that happened and it kind of hits you at once? Like your first ever kiss that you had with that drunk woman then she vomited in your mouth and you ate it anyways?” You found yourself covering your mouth, trying to stop yourself from exhibiting any signs of being grossed out instead displaying shock to the young man.
“Himeno!” Denji commented, you felt yourself get queasy at this and you hoped for the best for him at this moment as you had grown to care for this young man’s well being, “Then there was Makima, she was someone I just let myself attach to because of feelings, or whatever. I loved her a lot.” You looked at Denji with a saddened look, “How old was she?” Denji’s response only made you feel worse for him, there was nothing you could and there was nothing you wanted to say as he opened up to you. “Older woman, like probably Himeno’s age, I wanted to be mindless to her and so, she killed all my friends-Except for Aki, I killed him…” You raised a brow at this.
You didn’t want to say anything, but you couldn’t hide the bewilderment on your face as you looked at the blond with dilated pupils. “That was all because I’m Chainsaw Man!” Denji shouted, he showed you the cord attached to his chest before quickly going back to the topic before, “It’s pretty cool to being Chainsaw Man except for the people that came with it-That was lame–But I became aware!” 
You raised a brow at this, “How so?” Denji smiled at you, “Because I came to talk to you–And I’m taking charge! I’m responsible enough to save money for food whilst still supplying stuff for you!” You found yourself hurt by the gift now, wondering if he’s ever skipped meals just to get you your things. “Oh, you didn’t need to–” Denji scoffs at you, “No need! I wanted to do this! I love doing this for you! Because I like you and I want a life with you!” 
You watched as Denji shoved the paper back in his pocket before he sighed, “There was more writing–I just thought it would send better without some stupid piece of paper blocking your face.” You nodded at this, continuing to stay silent as you listened to him. “I really like you, [F/N], and even more, I want to be apart of your life–Mine is a bit complex because I have this kid and I’m putting her through school.” 
You didn’t say anything to this, no reaction either as you thought about what in the world was going on with this boy, you kept listening to him in admiration and peaked interest. “I want you to know I’ll be there for you, even if you don’t like me back, I’ll still be there for you to protect you. Not just as Chainsaw Man, but as Denji Hayakawa too!” 
You didn’t honestly know what to say, from a traumatic story to the child he’s putting through school and then the fact he was Chainsaw Man–You were in utter shock at everything presented to you, other than that, you looked at Denji for a minute before looking down at the book in your hands and the letter that peeked out. You found yourself looking down at the book, wondering and questioning what you could possibly say in this moment to help get your point across to him.
You didn’t want to lie to him, and even more, you wanted to hear more about him. You felt terrible for him and you looked at him with joy as you found the words you wanted to say. “Denji…I think you’re great–I mean honestly, it’s a big thing for you to tell me all these things.” I looked at Denji, who continued to look eagerly at you with such large eyes filled with inspiration and hope.
It had been awhile since Denji’s been this excited since his appreciation for Nayuta had began growing. The hopeful eyes made your heart pound, it felt like you were almost entranced by this boy you had never met before and while you did have some interest in him there were still things that needed to be sorted.
“However, I think we need more time to get to know each other before I have these feelings for you…” I smiled at him, a warm one that tried to help convey to him how you felt, “Does that mean “No”?” You were disappointed your smile didn’t do much as you looked at Denji with soft eye, “Denji, it’s a not right now…Give me some type to get to know you–” Denji was quick to cut you off, “You know so much about me already!” 
The blond argued, childishly and you immediately argued with him, “That’s your trauma–Your trauma isn’t the only thing about you, Denji.” The young man raised a brow at this, Denji had been truly becoming a husk of himself with the passing days with the realization of all he’s been through with his trauma taking the biggest toll on him, yet, there you were making him feel just as young as he was so long ago. You looked at him, a soft smile on your face as you tried to think of any way to get him to realize such. “You’re capable of being more so, and I hope in the future we can become close–” 
Denji was quick to ask to you question, “I’ll do anything for you…Even kill some–" You found yourself gasping at this request, almost hurt by such a thing and quickly shut him down, “No!” Denji felt hurt by your change in tone, it felt like those moments with Makima where he would do all she had asked of him, just for her to acknowledge him and give him the physical affection he desired and craved yet still leaving him fleeting.
Denji was projecting, it was terrible for him at this moment with the realization that he would even do such a thing for someone he formed such an unhealthy relationship within those few months with someone who was unknowing of his watching. Denji knew this was wrong, your reaction said it all, and it made Denji felt this reprimand feel as if it was nothing but a blessing to his behavior as he quickly shut his mouth.
You were quick to notice him, so attentive to him, “Oh, Denji. I hope you can understand how absurd that was…” You commented, the blond nodded and sighed to himself before gaining the guts to look at the bottom half of your face. Denji still felt terrible, it felt like he was mumbling when it came out of his mouth, "I hope I can be better for you in the future.” You smiled at Denji, a smile that conveyed the warmness you felt for the young man as you found your hands traveling to his chin to pick his head up and look at you in the eyes,
Denji felt like melting before you, he looked into the eyes that were nothing more than the warm baths that he hoped to have with you as you washed his hair in a similar way to the love, he had so desired from such a young age, to let himself become childish and comfortable with you whilst you doted on him and kept him in check. Denji yearned for this for type of affection.
You smiled at him, bringing your other hand to his cheek while the other began to glide up his jaw, “You will get better, with or without me…” I explained looking deep into Denji’s eyes, “I hope, however, that it’s with me as well.” Denji looked at the warm expression, the way the sun setting had created the light around you as if you were an entity. “I want you to do and be better–To be better for the girl you’re putting through school and the future you want for yourself.”
You glowed without that sun; the darkest night couldn’t compete with the natural illumination that traveled around you when you smiled. Denji swooned to himself, groaning at how amazing you were in his eyes and the fact you were even saying these words to his face had brought him even more of an inspiration. The petals falling around the two of you were a sight for the world to be blessed with. Denji launched himself to you with his arms quickly wrapping around you tightly and bringing you into a hug.
“I swear, [L/N] [F/N], I will help myself and become better person!” You looked up at Denji after your head was pulled into his shoulder, you looked him into his eyes, “Promise?” Denji winked at you, “Promise!” You giggled at this, engulfing the young man into a hug with not knowing the impact this had on Denji. 
That day, Denji swore to better himself in hopes for the day the two of you can be one…
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©️ Please don't translate or claim as yours or plagiarize in any way! Like, Comment, and Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 5 months
I would really like to know if you did any kind of character study for Makima when writing your two-part fics. I'm sure others have said this to you, but you do a really good job of writing Makima. Her interactions with others (specifically reader) are never out-of-character in terms of tone and diction. Was there any aspect of her personality/character that was difficult for you to flesh out in writing? What did you enjoy the most when characterizing her? Thank you so much for your time!
TAT thanks so much, the amount of love the duology has received since I've written it makes it really happy! And I love being asked about the technical side of things I've written so thanks for asking!
I have done a couple of partially in-depth character studies in Makima, some of which I've subjected anyone in the tags to reading and subjected my friends to reading as well.
If you ever want to read those posts separately, you can check that out here.
But to summarize, after a thorough read of CSM I came to the conclusion that what got in the way of Makima's dream wasn't her nature as the Control Devil, but herself. She enjoys being in control, she enjoys tormenting people. Part if it is nature, yes. Controlling people comes to Makima as easily as Power desires blood as the Blood Fiend. But some of it's nurture. We aren't entirely sure how she was brought up but it clearly created a terrible, terrible person. A person who enjoyed fucking with people.
And by the time chapter 1 has rolled around, Makima is too far gone to ever get the sort of relationship she wants even if she had won.
So going with that analysis in mind, I wanted to craft a story with a Makima not quite at her breaking point.
I thought going in Makima would be difficult to write but it came surprisingly easy to me! I'm not sure if that's because I was up in CSM hell dissecting her character because it didn't feel like I was when I read things initially. I was mostly going "Someone PLEASE take all of Denji's suffering and give it to Makima" lmao, she grew on me after my reading part 1 of the manga.
She was even fun to write, in my opinion. It's her condescending way of talking to others, her surprisingly gentle voice that lacks any true warmth.
But I think the thing I enjoyed most of all as far as the Makima duology was writing Makima's displays of affections while still maintaining her possessive nature. Using her abilities to take control of the senses of animals to check when Reader gets home, eavesdropping, half-jokingly talking about how she can make people come to her wedding with the reader, using absolute control to force the Bureau to accept her resignation because all she desires at this point is living peacefully with her beloved. And especially her ambiguous wording of the contract in Man is the Breast, Heaven is the Playground.
As she maintains in her contract with the reader, she doesn't use her abilities on you and you'll stay with her forever. But I chose to have word choice be ambiguous because for Makima, a future where she can't guarantee she'll be loved the way she is in the present by the reader is one she doesn't desire. She won't allow it. She won't let herself be anyone else's so by extension, she doesn't want anyone else to have you.
It's a twisted selfishness blossomed from genuine love and affection, a feeling only you've given her.
She wants you forever. In this life and the next and the next and the next. Something you agree to without realizing the full implications of what she meant, not that you really care. You want to be with her forever too even if your belief was that it would be contained to a single life.
So in the sequel A Blazing Star Sought Refuge in My Chest, I really loved writing the scene where the reincarnated Reader meets Nayuta.
「You glared at the girl, ready for a fight. “Hey get off of m-,” You. Your words halted as soon as you saw her wide-eyed stare and tears. There was nothing familiar about this girl, you had never seen her before in your life. There was nothing familiar about her black hair, nor the mole under her left eye. You were sure you couldn’t say you’d ever met anyone with golden eyes with red rings in them either. There was no reason to feel like your senses had been set ablaze and the universe shifted.
You didn’t know this girl.
This girl was a stranger.
You knew this and yet you still fell to your knees as warm tears flooded your eyes without your permission. Your mind had gone blank, unable to conjure a single thought and even if you could, you doubted you would be able to voice them. So you followed instinct as it screamed at you to hold this stranger in your arms, welcomed the way she threw her arms over your shoulders in return.
An indeterminable amount of time passed while you cried in the arms of a stranger before you stood up again. 」
I wanted that scene to be purely instinctual with their souls recognizing one another. And with Reincarnated Reader's earlier mention that she felt like there was something in her life she needed to do, for the both of them it was like an awakening. A single moment of seeing each other was the birth of a universe. That's blazing star has found refuge in both of their chests in that moment.
The reason I chose to make them both children during this section of the fic was because of the inherent innocence they would have. An adult would have this experience and more than likely be skeptical and less receptive to such an experience. They'd be too cynical.
But for two kids alone in the world and instinct telling them they're meant to be together, that the other person is what they've been looking for this whole time, it makes perfect sense not to question it and live the rest of their lives together.
And as far as my completely separate Makima oneshot when it all comes Crashing Down (the title was a stylistic choice), I used Makima having a sweet tooth and the reader disliking things being too saccharine to reflect Makima's desire to clutch onto any traces their dying friendship and the Reader's dying affections towards her and yet still remaining by her side despite knowing their friendship is pretty much dead. I had a lot of fun with that!
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skiplo-wave · 7 months
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The war flashback I got thinking he wake up in a trashcan jfc
Alright. He’s in hospital, who brought him there maybe Yoshida, public safety, or someone with common sense among the chaos. Yet no signs of Nayuta :’(
This chapter heartbreaking dude. This arc is nayuta arc, she’s getting all spotlight and conflict. The fact she knows what she is and who she use to be is. I know while back people theorize if Nayuta faking who she is. Answer is no. Literally with love and care Nayuta understands humanity in a sense. She doesn’t want destroy Denji life to get chainsaw she wants to be part of Denji life.
Fact she went from quiet devil girl to basically a child acting like a child raised by Denji says a lot. I like Makima who controlled everything 10 steps ahead Nayuta has zero control.
But sad Denji can never keep a family for himself. With what little support system he has also burns down to himself. I hope Nayuta is okay, I doubt Fami let her sister die by Barem hating ass. But that could be her plan from jumped. Any starving can become her pawn. Ridding Nayuta of her very power is easier for Fami to get upper hand.
February 27th next chapter. Who honestly knows where story is going. I miss Asa/Yoru need see how girlies are doing. One thing I miss about part 1 is that chapters did manage itself to focus on various people even if Denji wasn’t center focus. Then again folks complained about Denji not getting focused on well here you go
9/10 please give Denji a god damn break omg
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stackslip · 2 years
quick train of thought dont mind me
devils make contracts with humans and cant between each other
both parties are bound to it no matter what and these contracts can be a one-off payment or a continuous one
devils who grow to love humans nevertheless offer them contracts as a gesture of love and trust. power contracting denji to find her in hell, pochita obviously, etc
devil hunting is a job with private and public sector and boring job legislation and unionization and there are confidentiality clauses and all
public bureau offers incredible benefits in exchange for your life and soul and suffering and you can quit or stay bc you have no other path you cannot see another way you will offer yourself up on the altar and your workplace will give you a bonus
if you do x ill give you y, makima teaches denji that relationships are transactional in nature
makima and chains denji and leashes etc etc
sell your body parts to be stronger sell your body parts to pay off your debt
food tastes better when its on somebody elses tab huh kobeni
family burger! we're a family in this workplace! adapt or be fired
german government will literally offer kids up as payment, japanese and usamerican governments will offer up their own people
makima keeps offering to pay dinner and when she showed her strength the scarred duo was like ah nvm no thanks uh and she was genuinely. disappointed
you have two choices, die or belong to me and i will reward you with breakfast
i looked for a way to break the contract between you and pochita. but was it really a contract
alienation in chainsaw man is directly connected to the idea of relationships as transactions and selling yourself, directly connected to jobs and the workplace and can you really be friends with your colleagues when they might die any moment when you are just there to work your ass off and survive
denji always shared his food with pochita and offered him his body. when pochita took over he tried to bring denji back. it was never ever a contract it was mutual it was love
all the instances of true intimacy and love are unconditional, freely offered, freely given; like making a home and cooking for someone and refusing a job that will harm them and running away from it all together to escape these jobs these responsibilities and just instead be with each other
akis will and money going to his family for them to be safe and taken care of
people give all of themselves to makima by her very nature; she has never known what its like for someone to knowingly truthfully give her unconditional love while knowing and seeing her
denji my dream was for someone to hug me and you gave it to me without me ever asking and you kept doing it and loving me and i would rather be a dog by your side than anything else
dogs love their masters unconditionally haha stupid right, dog used as insult and degrading and quaint inferiors to manage while denji views a dog as. someone to love and care for with no ulterior motive. please make me your dog miss makima please take care of me i will never ask anything of you i will do it without a thought or price attached
miss makima i will take on your sins. i will bear them with you, knowing eaxctly what you are. i will do this knowing you have never seen me or cared because in the end, i cannot help but love you. the only thing that can bypass a contract is willing love.
chainsaw man as a figure as a hero is now a literal consumers product; denji begs–can you love me still when i am no longer your distant fantasy if im not the logo on your shirt or mug.
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minerviewrites · 3 years
can you make one with the characters from Chainsaw Man that Reader who is as strong as Satoru Gojo and is a beauty in person? Please 🥺
Ofc! Thank you for requesting <3
Chainsaw Man with a strong and beautiful s/o
Sfw fluff with gn reader :]
Warnings: silight spoilers for Reze and Makima, fighting, trauma implied, descriptive words like beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, etc
❀ —————————————— ❀
Denji- Constantly wonders how in the world he got someone as majestic and powerful as you. Of course Denji was around Makima all the time, who is super strong, but even she seemed frail in comparison to you. He's super curious about your abilities, but he understands the possible disadvantages that come along with showing it to people. Denji compliments you all day long; he wants you to know how much he appreciates your presence and beauty in his life
Power- Asks to fight you almost every day. She has a extremely high respect for you since you're so powerful, especially since you're gorgeous as well. Power prides herself on not being involved with human emotions like 'love', but she definitely falls in love with you after a couple of fights alongside you. She tries to impress you by bringing you pretty rocks and trying to make you food... which is actually kind of like poison...
Aki- Is a little wary of you. It's not because he doesn't like you; he's just very skeptical because no one can be this perfect. Aki tries his absolute hardest not to fall in love with you... but eventually he gives in. You've given him a reason to keep going- a hope of a better world with strong people like you. Aki loves that you are strong and able to protect him when needed, but he'll put you first in any scenario over himself
Makima- Power couple forever and always. She heavily respects you and asks for your input on things like Division 4 or what to do with certain devils. Makima tends to be protective over you and your abilities just like she is with Denji; she knows you can handle yourself in any situation that is thrown at you but she doesn't want you to be captured and used. Often gives you kisses on your muscles because she likes them a lot
Kishibe- Has a huge crush on you but won't let you in for some time. Of course he'll be his usual flirty self still, but he'll never go past the occasional comment about how beautiful you are. Kishibe is afraid of losing more people he loves; so when you finally break down his walls, he admits to you everything that he feels. His main concern with you is how you might attract attention- you are gorgeous and it doesn't help that you're strong as hell too. Just make sure to comfort him every once in awhile
Kobeni- Is very afraid of you at first because she thinks you're a devil. There's no way a human is that strong- right? Her thoughts are running miles a minute when you're near her, so sometimes you just need to kiss her to snap her back to reality. Kobeni is blushy and slightly clammy when she's near you; she wants to impress you so much but she's so afraid of getting hurt! She'll hide behind you during fights and makes sure to warn you of anything around
Quanxi- You were probably introduced to her through her agency work, and she immediately knew she needed to have you. You're strong, independent, and gorgeous; what is there not to fall in love with? Once she gets the other girls approvals, she quickly sweeps you off your feet with incredible dates and shows of strength. Constant compliments from not only her, but her wives as well! They love you- all of you- even your little quirks and habits
Reze- Asks you out immediately after seeing you. She doesn't even know how strong you are at that point- she just knows that you're hot and wants to get to know you. Once she finds out that you're not only incredibly good looking, but you're also talented and strong? You've stolen her heart right from her chest. Showers you with love and kisses- added bonuses of free coffee. Reze wants to run away with you- somewhere no one will ever find either of you- but she knows that isn't possible. She just has to live with the time she has now and loves you every single second of it
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ghostlykeyes · 2 years
Hello! I’m new to these ask and very shy but could you do married life with Aki please if not it’s alright 💕
needed a break from the flood of angst that has been writing the Denji fic and this was so sweet I just HAD to write it as a little breather from the sad lol
Hope you enjoy anon, please feel free to request any time💕
Aki never thought married life is something he'd get to experience, and he's incredibly grateful that he gets to have the privilege of being your husband. He's well aware that a devil hunter isn't the easiest person to have a lifetime commitment to, and he appreciates beyond words the fact that you still chose to give him your all anyway. Aki adores you, and this shines through in every day of your marriage. Plan on endless kisses, dancing in the kitchen, and a lifetime devoted to making each other smile.
One way Aki shows his love is through food, so being married to him means you're well-fed. Mornings start with a delicious breakfast sleepily snuggled up by the table. Aki meal preps for the week ahead, too, so most of the time you've got a wonderful lunch waiting for you in the fridge. He willingly makes dinner, but Aki appreciates when you help with the little things; chopping onions, peeling potatoes, stirring together a sauce. He doesn't mind doing all these things himself, but he'd much rather have you in the kitchen with him. Aki thinks this peaceful time, absentmindedly chatting away with you about anything on your mind as you both make dinner, just might be the highlight of his day.
There's a few photographs from your wedding framed and displayed around your apartment, but Aki keeps his favorite one folded up and takes it with him wherever he goes. It's a candid shot of you both laughing after you've smeared a blob of wedding-cake frosting across his cheek.
It doesn't happen often because Aki's not the type of person that likes to sit still, but his favorite way to spend lazy days is snoozing the morning away with you. He loves hitting the 'off' button on his alarm and rolling back over to spoon you, reassuring you that the day's tasks can wait until later. If you end up sleeping in much longer than he does, he reads a book and lets you snooze on his chest until you're ready to get up.
Aki is not the type to take family photos or send out holiday cards, but if you absolutely insist, he'll cave and get a few pictures taken with you. Just don't be surprised if he looks like he's trying to hide the pain on all of your holiday card send-outs.
Whenever he's holding your hand, Aki absentmindedly rubs a finger over your wedding ring. It's an unconscious reminder that you're really his; a tangible proof that he gets to experience the day-to-day joy of married life with someone he adores, something he never thought he'd get to have.
Aki makes doing chores and running errands fun, somehow. He always holds your hand through the grocery store, flicks soap suds at you when you're doing the dishes, and buys you a coffee or milk tea whenever you two have to drop something off at the post office. Day-to-day domestic duties feel special with him, and he truly makes every moment together count (even if you're doing something as mundane and ordinary as cleaning the bathroom).
Count on Aki to remember all of the important dates in your relationship. He marks on the calendar your birthday, the day you met, and other important dates. He brings you flowers for all of them.
Aki rarely misses date nights, but on the days that devil-hunting keeps him a few hours late and you two miss your dinner reservations, he always makes it up to you. He makes sure to reschedule your plans for as soon as possible, and brings your favorite dessert home as an apology. (If you want to ask him for something, now's the time; he hates the disappointed look on your face when plans fall through, and even if he knows you use your pouty lip as a weapon sometimes, it always breaks down his defenses, anyway.)
Aki is by no means a traditionalist, but he does insist on keeping his last name. His surname is one of the only things left connecting him to his family, and he's hesitant to give that up. If you're eager to take his last name, it means more to him than he can say. On your wedding day, and every day after, it brings him a sort of indescribable comfort to know he's not truly the last Hayakawa anymore.
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scxrierspice · 4 years
toxic!chainsaw man boy headcanons
warnings: all characters portrayed are 18+
characters included: denji & aki
a/n: read chainsaw man 🕺
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oh brother how do we start
if you were looking for a monogamous relationship go home
this dude man boy pal what the fuckever is 100% prepared to ignore you when you ask if you’re in a serious relationship
the answer is no, no you’re not
sorry that he has soooo many fangirls willing to give him head
it’s not his fault that they happened to fall and land on his dick, simple mistake really, it could happen to anyone
he’s just sooooooooooo horny :((( not his fault :(((
wait a minute…..did someone say….immaturity???
yes, he has a reason to be emotionally stunted
but his little pea brain is an empty cavern filled only by boobs, butts, and makima
he will never take any responsibility for his actions whatsoever
but it’s whatevs
because you’re his world and the center of the universe
until s/o number two enters the building
he’ll go from “y/n is so pretty and perfect and amazing” to “wait, what’s their name again?” the second he sees someone else’s tits
and i just fucking know he’s comparing you to makima, i feel it in my right ass cheek
“they’re so cool but miss makima is sooooo hot i love her i love her i love her-”
we get it you own a makima x reader wattpad account 
please just proceed with caution with this damp toast man and prepare to never be his one and only for too long
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i will never not include aki on chainsaw man boy lists i don’t care about about chapter 78 it doesn’t exist
oh me oh my where do i begin
i would like to see you try and maintain a healthy relationship with him that’s longer than a month
say it with me now, emotional unavailability 
he’ll flat out ignore you
3 missed calls from you?? oh well, don’t care
if you wanna see him in person to see what’s the matter, be my guest
it’ll be the most awkward 2 minute conversation that involves you standing outside his apartment door and him opening it just enough to see who knocked, i guarantee it
you could break down and cry and he’d be like “oh” and slowly close the door
and you can’t tell me he’d prioritize denji and power over you
you thought you were meeting aki at the movies?? change of plans: he couldn’t make it since denji tried to eat the table 
that’s fine, you’ll just invite him over for dinner and oh my god why the fuck are power and denji with him 
i mean it’s not too bad that they’re there, you’ll just have to not eat or something since you cooked a meal for two and power and denji are already in the kitchen
oh yeah he’s not opening up to you whatsoever
his dark past, his motivation, his topknot 
yeah, okay, he told you he’s a devil hunter, sick
that’s all you’re getting out of him
he won’t express his emotions at all
literally you could tell him you’re in love with him and he’s just nod or say “okay”
what a silly goose
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fullmetalsapphic · 3 years
i'm gonna cry. my man Denji can not catch a fucking break to save his life. this boy is literally 16 and he does not know his abc’s please someone help him and actually give a genuine shit about him I swear to god 
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hxgure · 5 years
“ don’t say thank you or please. ” / from denji u_u give him food sjdosjo
Grunting, Nicolas merely gave a once-over to the male that stood a few feet away from him. All skin and bones, the boy looked like he would break if someone were to run into him. Not really interested in heeding the boy’s words, not that he was one to let his gratitude be known in a blatant manner such as that, Nicolas walked past him. 
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Strutting towards a food vendor, he brusquely ordered more than what was probably meant for one person. Finishing up the food in a quick fashion, the man packed the orders neatly into a paper bag, setting it on the counter as he tapped at the price on the register. Fishing for the twenty in his pocket, he handed the bill to the man before taking the bag of food. Making his departure, not letting the man give his change despite how he kept calling over to him. It all went unheard as he had his back already turned to him.
Just as he was about to pass the boy that came to him earlier, Nicolas subtlety slid the food on the seat next to him. As he kept walking, he didn’t bother glancing back. He could pay him back next time if they were ever to run into each other again.
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