#someone please give him a hug :'(
evelynpr · 9 months
Kaveh fan song really went from
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
poor link is so so stressed out in this game. from having a huge chunk of his flesh necrotized and losing zelda by a hair’s width, to being super jumpy and on edge, and looking so lost and like hes about to cry
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chrxnicdaydream · 21 days
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Nakahara Chuuya, no one does it like you
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mx-giraffe · 17 days
Okay. So, let me just preface this with; I love Dazai, he’s great, probably my favourite character actually.
But oh my goodness, Ryuunosuke deserved so much better 😭😭 i know that Dazai just taught him the only way he knew how, but… He taught him to be a monster, and then left him behind with newly acquired abandonment/daddy issues and a problem with crazily unhealthy obsessions.
Like, I know you’re trying, but maybe you should extend a bit of that effort towards the lil child you saved?? Cuz bbg, how is Akutagawa supposed to live laugh love now, huh?
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a-literal-toaster-wtf · 11 months
when rimmer’s talking about how his father had four strokes and he says “I did that to him! me!!” you can just.. tell he’s parroting what his family told him
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Genji: kiriko have you seen anij-
Kiriko: *points to the stage*
Hanzo: *definitely had too much to drink, practically weeping into the microphone* everything I had, I threw away! Everyone I loved, I betrayed! The flames of youth burn bright but fast, soon they dim to drifting ash- *hiccups*
Genji: oh Anija…
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sandyhelga · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Giyuu!🌊🎉
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herlockslimbo · 1 year
sometimes i think about rui kamishiro a little too hard and absolutely die inside because some of the shit he says casually is so ???
for example, sometimes he just has these throwaway menu lines that make me fucking ill
like the april fools mikudemy menu line where he says he never thought he’d see the day where he felt comfortable and happy at school
or his ny 2020 menu line where he says that this year has been so joyful, but also very emotional for him. (this was the year the game started running so he’s likely referring to joining wxs)
nene’s line, but her saying that rui has always been reluctant to celebrate his birthday because he knew nobody but nene would come… rui and his birthday in general make me fucking sad. like his one wish for his birthday was to have a normal party with his friends because he’d never had one before. what the hell. ughhhh his bday card story is soooo,,, he’s so happy to have friends who support him and care for him now🥲🥲🥲
sorry i’m just spiraling now but also ruis got this reoccurring habit of calling himself childish or cowardly when he gets too emotional about stuff. just for a few examples in cheer squad during both the conversations he had with kaito and luka he says he feels like he’s a coward cause he just can’t overcome his fears of people rejecting him. then in curtain call he says he’s acting like a child when he doesn’t want to “let go” of wxs… somebody PLEASE tell him he’s allowed to feel this way. and let’s not even start on him calling himself selfish every time he talks about not wanting wxs to fall apart. my guy. you found people you belong with. it’s not selfish to want that to stay.
also speaking of the too emotional thing, did y’all read his admidst a dream card story??? JESUS CHRIST. basically what happens is it’s late at night and he’s trying to work, but he can’t focus because he can’t stop thinking about the fact that the day wxs will have to disband is drawing closer. so to distract himself he goes to sekai in hopes of talking to kaito, but everyone’s asleep, except for meiko and luka because luka slept through the entire day and meikos keeping her company lol. rui then says he doesn’t really want to get into why he came here because it’s his own personal thing to sort out, and he just wants someone to talk about SOMETHING to right now. but then he ends up trailing into pretty much just?? ranting about his feelings. he says he hates that even though humans have the ability to use logic and reasoning, our emotions still get the better of us and we can’t control them perfectly. then he says that sometimes emotions get too much and it takes everything you can to hold them in and stop them from overflowing (WHICH IS??). then he adds on the last, horrifying part, where he says he wishes someone could just take his mind and handle his emotions for him, because right now everything is such a mess. eventually meiko and luka manage to get him out of this stream of conscious by talking to him about kaito, and rui thanks them for their help and promises he won’t do anything irresponsible, like just throwing these emotions to the side, and he goes home. LIKE I SAID. ITS FUCKED. was so expecting bumper cars and then i got hit by a BRICK.
alright i’m done now i just needed to get that out of my system
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unparalleledfocus · 5 months
"Parousia Diluvi"/Font of All Waters (choir) analysis
I am once again thinking about Chief Justice (Iudex) Neuvillette and his (music) themes. And the choir???
The first instance of the choir is at the very beginning - as the blur of people in the court argue, so does the choir intensely chant. It only stops when the scene moves onto Neuvillette's inner world, as he sits on his throne while it intensely rains. He sees that it is time to play his part, yet he lowers his gaze - his duty must be fulfilled, yet he cannot help but be heartbroken over the quarrels he is witnessing.
The next instance of the choir is when he uses his Elemental Skill "O Tears, I Shall Repay", yet again connecting to his compassion for others and his worries: he witnesses countless tragedies and disputes, be it through court, the waters, or maybe even simply witnessing something happen by the street, yet all of these, along with the lovely moments he has witnessed, have helped him grow and understand humanity and himself a little bit more, with his tears - the rain - guiding him, thus forming the wish of repaying others for their duties.
The choir once again, alongside the great rain, becomes more and more intense in the scenes where people begin accusing one another, while all Neuvillette can do is stand and watch the scene unfold before him. The choir and downpour almost become overwhelming, until Neuvillette puts a stop to it with his might, as if a silent, yet mighty, plea. Additionally it could be a form of sensory overload, though the emotions involving that would likely remain the same - distress, heartbreak and a crippling loneliness.
Finally, the choir returns again when Neuvillette sees a vision(?) of the Fontainians floating in midair/midwater(?). "You who were born with original sin, go forth and search for the long buried truth, before it is lost beneath the waves." Despite whatever chaos may arise he - as Iudex, as God of Life and simply as Neuvillette - wishes that the people of Fontaine could find a way to save themselves from the looming prophecy, to find the truth that could save them, because he loves them all the same. The choir begins quieting down as Neuvillette looks at a human floating upside down - they are reflections of one another, despite it all.
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photowizard17 · 1 year
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An angel in the dark
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Real footage of Connor after the party
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nerdynanny · 4 months
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nothing quite like realizing your entire life is a lie and your memories have been screwed with by an evil alien hell bent on destroying the world. oh and trauma, that probably played a part, too.
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aylinsmoon · 2 years
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You put me on a pedestal and tell me I'm the best Raise me up into the sky until I'm short of breath But what if I, what if I trip? What if I, what if I fall? Then am I the monster? Just let me know And what if I, what if I sin? And what if I, what if I break? Then am I the monster? Just let me know
Monster - Shawn Mendes, Justin Bieber
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uu-tella · 5 months
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Full panel under the cut
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lady-of-dark · 5 months
To Love is to Grieve
Red. Red in the darkest of black. Red that colors the skies, painting them with ash. In the sky full of endless stars the only thing that could be seen was gray. Heat. The burning feelings that clogs the lungs with thick streams of smoke. Run. Run faster. Run until you can't no more.
Ciel didn't often think of the days that happened before that one. He didn't often think of the times where life was simpler. The days where his brother would sneak him hot milk in the middle of the night to quell his asthma. The days where he would play chess for hours at a time until lunch or even bedtime. The days where he was left alone with only his sickness, Sebastian, and the servants to watch him.
What most people remember the most upon looking at him is his small, fragile, child-like body. A body covered in expensive fabrics and jewelry. A child with the mannerisms of an adult, of an earl. But he was just that. A child. Nothing more, nothing less.
He saw the way other nobles and common folk looked at him. Many people assume he is a young earl simply going on a shopping trip without his parents. A shop keeper at a local bakery, a kind older women with black hair, always looks at him with such sadness in her eyes. What did she even know anyways?
Did she know of the way he buried who he was in the past? Did she know how hard he tries to distinguish himself from his father? Did she know about how his reflection haunts him? How it reminds himself of the person he used to be. The eyes of his mother. The face of his father. But the laughable mirror image of the original Ciel. The Ciel he can't compete with.
Love is a weak emotion. One used to slow down humanity as a whole. To love is to be vulnerable with someone. To care so much that when they die, it destroys you from the inside and causes grief. Grief for the memories you shared, good and bad. Grief for the times you did not spend together. Grief that you could have done something, anything to prevent their death but you reach the conclusion that nothing stops the wheels of time from moving. They die and you have no choice but to move on.
In a cruel way, Ciel finds himself grieving. He finds himself retiring for the night. His night gown is already on and his eyepatch has been taken off. Sebastian tells him a quick goodnight before exiting the room, leaving nothing but silence in his wake. Only then does Ciel find himself reaching for his bed side table and opening a drawer. He pulls out a very familiar portrait. The hot tears from his eyes drips down and hits the glass flame. His knuckles grip the sides until they turn white while the picture is slowly obscured by waves of tears. Only in the silence of the night does Ciel grieve to himself.
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furbearingbrick · 1 year
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