#someones gotta not agree with atleast one
inahallucination · 11 months
whats a dps headcanon/characterization that u cant get behind
no judgement zone
well other than mine
and anyone else who sees ur response ig
but all in good fun or ill bite
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strawberrymochin · 1 month
Springtime Fushiguros♪
Context-: exploring the memories of childhood of fushiguros, marking the spring time of you and satoru gojo.
Gojo's cooking skills-: gojo cooks for the fushiguros while you are away. (Disaster)
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Gojo frowns not being able to locate a pan in the kitchen. Megumi sighs at the sense of foreboding, it's already been 20 mins gojo's rummaging through the kitchen, just to find a single pan to cook. He could simply ask Tsumiki or Megumi but the guy believes in self reliance, thus asking help from the kids would feel like a betrayal to himself.
He wants to make you proud, by cooking for the kids, serving them the utmost savoury finger licking heavenly food. (Without the help of anyone)
'Tshh,' says Tsumiki drawing her brother's attention, 'Don't you think we should help gojo Sensei?' she whispers, keeping her voice low. 'And do you think he would agree?' replies Megumi fretfully.
You are out for work today, a rare occasion in this household. You work partime in a marketing firm that advertises a buisness good or service making it reach its desired market sale.
It haven't been much long since you joined this company, before moving in with gojo satoru you used to work 9 to 5 but now that you have the kids to take care of, you convinced your boss to work half-day. He agreed since you were only a part time employee. You normally go to work after the kids go to school and return before their arrival.
However today is a bit different, the work load is enormous for a special deal whose ad is supposed to be out tomorrow, which resulted in your boss asking you to do overtime. You agreed instantly, since gojo wasn't going on any missions today and the kids were on a special holiday. Moreover your boss has been too kind to you to refuse.
Gojo has reassured you that he won't need any help, even though you insisted him to call if he faces any problem. He didn't wanted you to work while stressing about them. Even after that, you had given atleast 3 lectures on how to take care of the kids, where the cooking materials are and about their likes and dislikes.
'How about you sneak in the kitchen, take the pan out of the shelf while I keep him occupied on something else?' Megumi raises a brow at Tsumiki's idea. He thinks it's waste of energy but agress anyways.
Both go according to the plan, Tsumiki drags gojo outside lying someone was on the door, while Megumi sneaks in the kitchen getting the pan out from the shelf.
'There's no one 'miki! You sure you heard someone?' Megumi hurries trying to place the pan on the counter at the sound of gojo's approaching steps, 'yes! Sensei! I'm sure. Why don't you come and check again!!' Tsumiki pulls gojo's hand dragging him to the front door again, when 'Megumi, what are you doing?' gojo asks nonchalantly as Tsumiki's eyes widen.
Megumi quickly places the pan on the top of the counter shutting the shelf sneaking out of the kitchen, when gojo picks him up in his lap, a pissed expression in his face.
Gojo's was nowhere near the kitchen a few seconds ago. He was standing with Tsumiki in the living room. Now Tsumiki is standing alone in the living room creeped out.
He drags a shocked megumi to the living room and settles him on the couch. He goes for Tsumiki next, settling her beside Megumi.
'you guys think you can surpass me? Tsk tsk tsk, I'm the strongest—' Megumi interrupts before gojo could finish. 'Did you just—teleported from the living room?'
'wow. So you can teleport! Can you do that too Megumi-chan?' says Tsumiki fascinated as megumi stares at his Sensei.
'megumi can do that too one day, if he works hard to keep up with me....and you have to now that you promised.' gojo ruffles megumi's hair annoying him again.
'now, you two don't interfere when I'm cooking, I gotta make y/n proud and prove i can take care of you guys without any lectures.'
Gojo strolls back to rummaging the kitchen, as the kids watch, turning their heads from the couch.
'megumi can do that too one day' said gojo to Tsumiki. 'I will do that too.' thought Megumi, he might not like his Sensei much, he might strongly believe he's unserious and annoying but he can't ignore the fact that his Sensei is the strongest. And it's the only thing he truly admires. He promised gojo to work hard and keep up with him. He promises to work hard again but this time not to gojo, but to himself. He will work hard and become like his Sensei one day.
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'Would you like pizza instead?' gojo said apologetically. He ended up burning the Ginger chicken rice and salad he was making. The kids were starving till the pizza arrived.
The kids accepted the their fate, desperately wishing you to comeback and never go back. Atleast that meant good healthy food that actually tastes good. Megumi made a mental note never to learn cooking from his Sensei.
When you arrived late in the house expecting the kids fast asleep, you were instead greeted by a whining megumi, who was having digestion problems.
That's it. You are never leaving the kids with him again.
'Atleast, I fed him on time!'
'Yeah, and you fed him pizza, which is the reason he's having stomach ache. You said you would make them something healthy.'
'I did.'
'Then—wait don't tell me you—' you rush into the kitchen to see a burnt cooking pan and a couple of dishes stacked in the basin.
'well, it wasn't burnt, just a bit overcooked—that it turned black.'
'yeah, into ashes.'
'But love, i atleast tried.'
'Aww honey! You're so sweet. Now go do the dishes. Without breaking anything.'
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potentialguybodyswaps · 10 months
Cum Locked Into a Marine:
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Are you in the military but feel like you joined the wrong branch? well there’s a way to swap branches, only catch, you have to swap bodies with someone in that branch and live their life, you can always swap back but only after both parties have finished their contract, so if you have 1 year left on yours, and you decided to swap with a fresh boot, you gotta finish the rest of their contract
Not many people wanna swap with a guy fresh out of boot camp but I did.
I’ve spent a year in the navy and didn’t like it one bit, when I joined I was hoping to join a brotherhood but the comrodery wasn’t there , when I was in A school, the base I was at for training was actually a joint base with the army, navy, Air Force and marines
Something that always upsetted me is when ever we’d see the marines, they were fine as fuck, for no reason, hands down the best looking fucking branch, no homo.
Even when I got to my ship and did a deployment with the marines onboard, they always looked hot and way fitter, if I would have join them instead of the navy, I’d definitely have abs but a lot of the navy struggles to stay within height and weight regulations
So I decided I wanted to swap with a marine, I made an account for the Body Exchange Program (or B.E.P. For short) and went to the subsection for military swaps and clicked on the marine branch to see what bodies were available
One thing I loved about the B.E.P. Is while the swaps are basically contracts and ment to last for the agreed time, they’re a couple ways to get out of that aswell… The B.E.P. Isn’t actually ment for long term swaps, so the only real way to do so is by breaking the TOS (terms of servicing). if both parties end up ejaculating while swaped, they end up locked in each others bodies
A lot of them had high standards in order to swap with them but I did find one Private named Matt Cummings. his profile says he’s only been out of boot camp for a week now and hates it, willing to swap with anyone from any branch as long as their not old.
I’ve only done 1 out of my 5 years so it didn’t bother me basically losing a year and having to restart a 5 year contract, especially if it ment I got to look hot as fuck and be a marine
Luckily I was only about 3 years older so I sent a request and after a little talking he agreed saying “I’d love to be in the navy and see more countries than just being deployed and stuck in 1”
Since we were in the same time zone this would actually be somewhat easy, we just set the time to swap to 3 A.M. when we’re both sleeping, and since we both actually had the next couple days off, it’d give us time to adapt and try to figure out our new lives
He asked me if I was sure I wanted to do this, promising it’s not like how I think it is. And I told him yes I’m sure…
Unfortunately he was one of the few profiles on here that didn’t have a profile pic so I was a bit worried about walking into this blind, but checking out the basic stats on his profile made me a bit more confident, 5’10 and 140. At the very minimum I might lose like 2 inches of height but atleast I lose about 40 pounds of weight also haha
I woke up the next day in a bed that didn’t belong to me and a dorm room that didn’t look familiar to me. Needing to piss I flung the blanket off me and saw that I was in nothing but my underwear, I rushed to the head (bathroom in military talk) and lowered them to piss and was kinda shocked, nothing too special about the dick, I mean about the same size as my actual body, but maybe a bit longer, ok, more than a little, I had to be atleast 3 and a half inches soft now, bro probably had like atleast 2 inches on me hard, I don’t know yet, so I’ll assume im about 6.5 or 7 inches hard maybe more now. What had me shocked tho was that I’m now uncircumcised! This is awesome man! I always wanted to be uncut. I just woke up and I’m glad this guy wanted to swap, definitely lucked out.
After I got done pissing and shooked my dick, I went to the sink to drink some water straight from the facet, after I got done drinking I stood up water dripping down my face onto my chest and onto my thin 6pack… if you could even call these abs, I’m not sure, maybe inbetween toned and abs status. Finally taking the chance to look in the mirror, I believe I lucked out, this guy seems to be one of the finer looking ones
While admiring my new self in the mirror I started to get hard and decided to check out the goods, pulling my underwear down my initial assessment seemed to be right, definitely bigger than my original body, so definitely atleast 7 inches. I decided to save playing with myself for later, hate to be a cliche and immediately go to touching myself after a swap, I’ll save it for later when I decide to act like a true marine and go get day drunk!
I tried finding some clean clothes but everything that wasn’t a uniform item was kinda just thrown onto the floor so I don’t know which piles are clean and which are not… I decided to take from the pile that smelled the lest like B.O. and get dressed
Once dressed I grabbed a backpack I saw laying around and left the onbase housing and found a store that happened to sell some IPA’s in there. I got a 6 pack and headed back to my room. on the way to the store and on the way back I was getting looks from everyone like I’m doing something I shouldn’t be, can’t be the alcohol can it? I mean no way, I tucked it into my bag. I mean, ya bro didn’t check the back of my CAT card to see my date of birth, so it’s technically underage drinking, but no one knows I have beer in my backpack nor does that explain the looks I was getting on the way to the store in the first place
I shrugged it off and just went back inside to my room. Once in I started drinking right away after I found some good shows to watch on this guys phone, I don’t know his password but the finger ID works, I’ll have to message him and ask him for the code later
It was taking me longer than usual to finish these due to not liking the taste anymore, and they were fucking me up more than usual making me a bit nauseous, I guess it makes since, this Matt guy has only been in for a week, probably didn’t have a taste for alcohol yet, not to mention different tastebuds in general, dam that sucks, this was one of my favorite brands too!
It took me almost 3 hours but I was finally on the last one, on a scale of like 1-10 I was probably a 6 on the drunk scale, trying not to throw up, which is ironic sense I use to black out and wake up never throwing up once throughout the night
When I get drunk I like to start cleaning or working out drunk, makes everything a bit more fun, I decided to do laundry, sense I can’t tell what’s clean and what’s not, I decided to just wash everything on the floor
Once I put everything in the washer I had a thought, technically I don’t know if the clothes I put on today were clean or not, and after spending some time in them today, technically they are dirty “fuck it” I said outloud and stripped completely naked tossing my clothes into the washer too before starting it
I went back and sat on the couch buck ass naked, it always felt weird walking around naked, so the fact that I’m doing it now in a slimmer body, balls swinging? Was kinda erotic, I started to get hard but the hornyness turned into fear when I herd a knock at the door
I remained still hoping they’d just go away, but then herd the sliding of the lock and the door open
“Aye Private FuckFace, I gotta talk to you. A sergeant and 2 corporals came in with him and closed the door behind them. For some reason I forgot that I was totally nude and thought it’d be a good idea to just start playin a movie again and pretend like I didn’t hear them
They walked around the corner into the living room to see me naked on the couch making them freeze and recalculate for a few seconds
I tried to not look up at them and continue watching my phone
“Well what do we have here” the sergeant said walking up to me
“Uh, uh, nothing much sergeant, just watchin a movie, you?”
“Me? What do I have? Let’s see, I’m given the task of coming to scald you for going out in public today and not shaving, what is this? Like my 3rd time telling you in the last week since you’ve been here that you have to shave EVERY DAY. And now I have YOU sitting on the couch, buck ass naked with beer cans on the table” he yelled knocking my partially full can over
“So that’s what we’re doing now? Underage drinking in base housing, not shaving. Sitting in the couch naked, legs open, not even trying to cover yourself, you know I told you if you kept fucking up I was gonna cum on your fucking face Private Cummings, I wasnt joking” he said unbuckling his belt
It didn’t register with me the first time, but it did the second, I’m so fucked up right now that I totally forgot that I was nude, fuck. Wait did he just say he was gonna fuck my face!?
I went to get up off the couch but he pushed me hard when I got half way up, sending me back on the couch.
“Now you know the rules to this, you can try to get out of this but I doubt you’ll be able too” he said nodding to the two corporals as he pulled his 5 inch hard dick out
I went to get up a second time but the corporals went behind the couch, each grabbing an arm and holding it back so I can’t go anywhere
“Suck” he said dick inches away from my mouth
“Fuck that” I screamed trying to spit on his dick as a sign of disrespect
Due to my slow reaction time the moment I tried to build up saliva and spit out on his dick, he just Jammed it in my mouth the second I opened it
I didn’t dare move, I’m not gonna fuck him up by hitting his dick but I’m not sucking it ether
I quit trying to fight to get up and just fell back into the couch more trying to get the dick to come back out my mouth
“Private FuckFace you are to suck my dick until I cum in your mouth, do you understand? That’s an order soldier” the sergeant said yelling at me
The moment he said “that’s an order” it’s like the combination of my boot camp instincts and this Cummings guy’s kicked in and I just quit resisting giving in and sucking his dick
Like a good soldier does, I gave it my all trying to do a good job and I suppose I did cause he yelled “I’m about to cum” I sped up a bit just so I can be done with this gay shit, the moment he started to blow his load in my mouth I quit sucking, but he wouldn’t pull out
I looked up to see my sergeant looking down on me, saying “you know the rules, now swallow, Private”
The moment I swallowed my sergeant nodded again and the corporals finally let go, they came back around the couch laughing
“Oh my god sergeant did he actually do it? Haha” one of them said laughing
“Yep, he swallowed it, which by Marine Social Code, means you, private fuck face, are officially my bitch now and have to do whatever I say whenever I say it” the sergeant said with a smile
“Bro what the fuck is wrong with y’all, fuck that I’m not nobodies bitch, you just mad a private has a bigger dick then you dude” I said standing up
“Private I told you, you know the rules, if anyone is able to take you by force and make you swallow their cum, your their bitch now, you could have gotten out of the hold we had you in, you just decided to say fuck your training, I feel like becoming a bitch all of a sudden right? Just accept it for what it is and do what I say like a good little bitch”
One of the corporals decided to tap the sergeant and ask him a question
“So uh, sense he’s your bitch now, do we get any sort of compensation for helping you? I mean he did put up a fight in the beginning and make us put some effort into holding him down, for someone that decided to become a bitch, he should have known he shouldn’t fight with his superiors” one of them said
The sergeant smiled and said “perhaps… Private go ahead and suck these two’s dicks aswell, take as much time as you’d like”
“No dude what the fuck is your problem I’m not doing that gay shit I’m a marine” I said angrily
“Private, you will suck these two men’s dick, that’s an order” the sergeant said
Once again it was like something in me was triggered and I proceeded to get down on my knees to make it easier for them to stick it in.
“ and you might be a marine but your a fresh marine, ment to be made into whatever the fuck we want you to be, if we want you to be the bottom bitch of the whole platoon, guess what your doing? Suckin dick just like we want you too” the sergeant said as I was giving one of the corporal the works
Both the corporals were bigger than the sergeant, so my only assuming is that the sergeant likes to get drunk with his power and assert it whenever he can, like now
After I got done blowing the first corporal, just like the sergeant did… he ordered me to swallow after cumming in my mouth. laughing, he pulled out and let the 2nd corporal take his turn
This time I didn’t need any instructions and just knew to swallow that way his dick come out my mouth faster, I hated every second of this, I thought the marine corps was the straight bad ass branch but I guess their even worse than the navy somehow
As I swallowed the 2nd corporal’s load I moved my eyes and glanced over at sergeant to see a pissed off expression
“What sergeant, I’m just doing what you told me to do” I said feeling the urge to please my superior officers
“I told you to suck their dicks, I didn’t necessarily say to let them cum in your mouth and swallow it, did i” he said rubbing his hands against the sides of the his temple
“Your point” i asked
“My point is now that you swallowed their cum, your all of our’s bitch now…. man you must really love this don’t you? It’s ok private, I knew from the beginning you must be a little gay from our first encounter, with that being said, we’ll round up the rest of the platoon and make sure you have plenty of cum to swallow and dicks to suck by the end of the week, I’m sure the rest of the guys will be ecstatic to find out they can get free blowjobs whenever they want and not have to go out into town to get it. Good work private” he said now smirking a little bit
“Ok I’ll leave the rest to you two” sergeant said and then walked out
Once the sergeant walked out the corporals both started dying laughing
“Hold up just stay right there private, ima make a call to the E-4 Mafia and get you some more dicks to suck tonight” one of them said pulling out their phone and started reading aloud the text he was sending to a group chat
“E-4 mafia, new platoon bitch is with me right now, drunk as fuck, giving out free blowjobs and swallowing, hit me up if you’d like to get in on this day one, goal is to get him to swallow every guy in the platoon by the end of the week” and send he said
Guys, come on now, this isn’t cool, y’all are gonna make me get a STD or something, you really want that? I said panicking
“Really only a problem for the ones after/if you get one private, but I think most would say it’d be a fair trade off in the hopes of having a platoon wide bitch, it’s gonna be a long 4 years for you dude haha” he said sitting down on the couch keeping an eye on me to make sure I don’t escape before his buddies show up
For some reason thinking about what just happened has me getting hard, the sergeant can go kill himself for all I care, but just like my new marine body, these corporals are starting to look kinda hot
The one that send out the group chat noticed I got hard and addressed me
“You find this hot Cummings” he said with a sly smile on his face
“I got something for you private, just go ahead and close your eyes and start stroking your dick dude, slowly”
I do so, and next thing I know I hear the corporal searching his bag behind me untill he found something, I herd a bag open and he asked me
“ do you like poppers private”
“I love them! What type of popper tho? Like jalapeño poppers?” I said starting to sound excited from the sound of food, drinking on a empty stomach wasn’t my brightest idea
As I’m still stroking my uncut cock I feel the corporal grab the back of my head and go
“ no these ones” he said as he forced my face into the bag inhaling chemicals
It suddenly felt like my dick was about to explode and so I let go immediately but it was too late
My dick started to twitch for a few seconds before I shot my load all over myself
“Noo!! What the fuck was that I yelled”
What I thought you said you liked poppers? I just figured I’d help you get off since you’ll be helping a lot of guys tonight he said with that same sly smile
My whole life has been turned upside down, I was hoping if I could make it pass the next few days the B.E.P. Would swap us back knowing I never cummed, not wanting the swap to be locked in
But now I’m stuck as this private Cummings guy for sure, since the corporal wanted to mess with me and make me cum myself, locking me in this body for years to come
#edit, I’ll try to make a patreon next week where y’all can see the pictures I really want to use for these stories 😏
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munsonsprincess11111 · 3 months
The stains
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: kind of like a part 2 to secrets. Edd returns to school once he's healed you do to. Your sat at the hellfire table and dustin has a question.
Holding Eddie's hand you walk through the cafeteria. This is both of your first day back since everything that happened with Eddie. Eddie stayed off to recover. You stayed off to take care of Eddie.
"Look who's back!" Gareth shouts. Eddie nods. "Dustin told us u was nearly bear chow." Gareth says, leaning in his chair. Ah, yes, the lie everyone agreed on. If anyone asked during Eddie's time hiding, trying to work out how to approach the cops and explain who it was, he was attacked by a bear but was found by a passer-by.
"Yup, no one can resist me, not even bears." He says, pulling a chair out for you and then himself, his left arm being in a sling due to how bad the cuts were on that arm. You both sat. Everyone was talking to Eddie about everything he had missed. You sat quietly, just observing.
Dustin was sat opposite u eating. He locked eyes with you, and a look of realisation washed over his face. He choked on what he was eating, and everyone looked at him. He grabbed his water and drunk some. Taking a deep breath. "You OK dust-" you attempt to ask but are cut off by him pointing a finger at you and almost shouting.
"Your the reason for that stains oh my god ew ew ew." He says in utterly disgust. You look at him confused as does Eddie and everyone else. "Dude... what." Eddie askes raising a brow.
"Robin told me the stains on your mattress where obviously from you doing you know what. AND IT WAS OBVIOUSLY WITH MY SISTER OH MY GOD!" Dustin explains freaking out. Your jaw drops eyes going wide. It's now Eddie's turn to choke on his food.
"Why have u seen Eddie's mattress..." Gareth askes. Dustin looks at Gareth.
"Me and Robin dragged it into the living room for him when he got all busted so Wayne could keep an eye on him." He says. It was a good cover you'll give him that.
"I think I'm gonna be sick." You say standing up, getting your bag, and walking off. You walk to your locker and open it. Starring into it aimlessly. You only now remember the first time everyone was in the upside down, and the kids used the mattress to safely land you all as you didn't go back with them all.
You feel a hand on your hip and turn to see Eddie. "Hey you." HE says kissing your neck. You lean back into him groaning. "It's not that bad baby." HE says kissing your neck still.
"It is." You reply leaning your head onto his ok shoulder back still to his chest.
"Ok it is but we're dating its normal hunny n besides atleast he didn't assume I'd done it with someone else." Eddie tries to comfort you continuing to kiss your neck.
You stand like that as Eddie sways you slightly. "i love you." You mumble, closing your eyes, still leaning on him. "I love you too." HE says, kissing u. "Come on, 2 more classes n, then we go home." Eddie says as you stand back up straight, remembering you're in school.
"Mk but you gotta cuddle me when we're home." You say as Eddie wraps his good arm over your shoulders. "Ofcourse."
Your sat on Eddie's bed at his headboard. He's sat on the end of his bed, and dustins sat on Eddie's desk chair in front of him. Their talking about God knowing what when Dustin turns the conversation completely
"It's kinda weird sitting in here now." He says looking at Eddie. Eddie looks at him confused. "You know cause you guys have done stuff in here. I'm never sitting on your bed again by the way." HE says crossing his arms over his chest.
"Good means when you leave I don't gotta worry about if your ass has been on my pillow." Eddie says throwing himself backwards onto his bed tilting his head up and smiling at you.
"Y/ns arse is on your pillow right now." Dustin says, gesturing to you.
"It's different she's My girlfriend what's mine is her what's hers is mine." Eddie says scooting backwards up the mattress until his back finds in-between your legs. He lays back putting his arm under your leg as you stroke his head.
"This is weird." Dustin says shaking his head.
"Solution leave. Your in my trailer. In my bedroom. With my stained mattress. Either keep talking D&D or shuddup. We all had to deal with you being 10 times worse when suzie came to visit." Eddie says pointing at Dustin as you smirk. "Touchè" Dustin answers.
A few hours go by and your mum comes to pick you and dustin up. You ask to stay at Eddie's and she says it's fine. So here you lay on Eddie's bed with him pretty much on top of you. His head in your neck. Good hand on your side. Your legs open to welcome him as you stroke his head. His eyes are closed and you can feel him breathing on your neck.
"Tonight could be a whole lot more interesting of I didn't fuck my arm up." Eddie complains lifting his casted arm. He had taken the support off about 20 minutes ago knowing its gotta go straight back on in the morning.
"Mhm. Ever thought maybe I like just laying like this?" You mumble closing your eyes.
He kisses you sweetly. "And that's why I love you."
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
"I love you most."
"Wow the princess finally found something else to say I'm impressed."
"Shut up before I tickle you munson."
"God your trouble aren't you."
"I've been told once or twice."
A few more sleepy kisses where exchanged snd you both drift of into a peaceful sleep. Eddie's good arm over you and him laying on his bad knowing he's gonna complain in thr morning. And you cuddled up close to him. What more could either of you want.
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teylansimp · 2 months
Nor x GN!Reader
authors note; this takes place a fair way into the story after nors outburst, if you don't want spoilers don't read!!!
It all happened so quick.. everyone so worked up... Alma was now bleeding out infront of me... honestly it's all a daze, I don't know how to feel. I hear navi grunt and become agitated as Nor barges past them storming out of the base..
"GO, he needs someone to talk to.. we got Alma covered.." so'lek assures me before ushering me out the exit Nor ran out in such a hurry..
I run following his scent until I am met with a flowing river...
"Argh.. lost the scent.. ill try again.." going to turn around only to see a flash of blue... that's gotta be him.
Hes rushing around, he continues running away from where I stand and I am in close pursuit.. since when did he get so fast..
I lose him again..
"Oh Nor.. where are you?.." I whisper to myself softly changing tactics.. maybe sneaking around will work..
I hear sniffling nearby, surely that isn't Nor.. he never cries.. I slowly walk on a branch being careful not to be seen just yet.. my eyes lock with a fellow sarentu, green body paint and a devilishly handsome face.. that's him alright. But what was he thinking!?
I observe and listen as Nor tugs at his hair sobbing cursing himself..
Hes pacing around frantically trying to look for familiar locations but it's very clear hes lost... he hasn't spent enough time out here like I have.. he's panicking now, I should help..
Dropping down from the branch I resided in I walk infront of him casually to not scare him off again..
"Nor.. are you lost do you need help?" Nor is stubborn by nature, im prepared for the worst.
"I do not need your help go back to your human pets" his voice laced with agitation.. that seemed to tick something in me.
"...I beg you're pardon?" I don't break eye contact and put on a stern face Nor lowers his face knowing what he said was harsh and he apologises.
"Sorry.. I.. everything is a mess.. I doubt they will want me back at HQ after stabbing Alma.. "
Im still processing what happened myself but hes right, I don't know if they'd want him back so soon, but we have to get him to somewhere he's atleast familiar with.
I approach him further and place a gentle hand on his forearm as he grips the top of his hair in frustration. He looks down at me slowly his bottom lip quivering, I've never seen him so... upset?
I go to speak but am cut off by him suddenly pulling me in for a embrace.. he gently cries into my shoulder, I can feel his body shaking..
"Oh nor.. I know its not the best time to go back, you're scared.. but its ok I have an idea alright"
Baby talking such a stoik man has to be one of the most humbling experiences, but in this case he just nods and holds me close until he's ready.
We arrive at the Aranahe hometree, and I meet with Etuwa.. she agrees to house him here until time passes and tensions ease..
I sit with him at the ikran rookery legs dangling of the edge as we talk, it's been a long time since we both had a genuine conversation with each other. But in times like this he knows I am the most forgiving..
"The ancestors must be embarrassed, shamed for what I have done.. killing, hurting... is not the sarentu way.."
I look up to the sky seeing silhouettes of ikran soaring through the night sky.. I lean my head on his shoulder without thinking and straighten myself up straight away
"Oh.. sorry my bad-"
My apology cut short when he gently pulls my head back to rest.. and I relax my body and embrace this intimate moment we share..
"I'm never lost with you.. I always feel so welcome.. so at home"
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The Ring Fiasco
Book : Open Heart (post series)
Pairing : Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Meera Bose)
Summary : When Ethan misplaces his engagement ring, Meera and her girls come up with a plan to teach him a lesson.
Category : Fluff
Warnings : None
Rating : General
Word Count : 2041
Trope : Friends Intervene, Jealous
A/N : This fic was originally written in August of last year, but I was waiting for CFWC's you go girls event to post it and then accidentally deleted it while making space for notes during finals week. 🤡 So I wrote this very quickly and on very less amount of sleep, so please be kind. Participating in @choicesficwriterscreations You Go Girls Event, @choicesflashfics Week #31 prompt, which will appear in bold and @choiceschallenge-may2023 : Engagement. Happy Reading. ❤️
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Meera stood near the nurse's station, not so secretly watching her fiancé talk to an overly friendly woman. She forcefully tore her eyes away or she might just blow up from jealousy.
“Damn Bose, if you wanna stalk someone atleast don’t make it that obvious,” Jackie handed over her tablet and stood beside her.
“Ooh! Stalking? Sounds fun! Who is the target though?” Sienna followed shortly, smiling at the nurse at the station and picking up a patient report.
“It's nothing guys,” Meera sneakily looked up at Ethan and the mystery woman, but it was enough to draw the attention of the two other doctors.
“Yikes!” Sienna remarked, as the woman in question laughed at something Ethan had said, playfully hitting his arm.
“Jeez, go easy on the PDA, the man has a ring on him,” Jackie followed.
“I know!” Meera sighed.
"But who is she?" Sienna asked, quickly stealing a glance.
"That question has been burning in my mind since morning!" Meera replied. "Who is she and why the hell is she flirting with my fiancé?"
"Should I reverse image search her?" Jackie suggested, "because it looks like the identity of this mystery woman is eating your soul."
"Who, she?" a third voice made Meera look up, she was greeted with Tobias' smug face. "That's Dr. Emily Chester," he informed.
"Who?" the girls said, collectively.
"Professionally or personally?" Tobias asked, but Meera's glare didn't make him wait for an answer.
"Both. Got it. Professionally, she is one of the biggest names in endocrinology. Personally?" Tobias deliberately stopped enjoying Meera's agony a little too much. "She was at Hopkins, a couple years junior to us, and she had a huge thing for Ethan."
“And?” Meera pressed for more information. “What about Ethan?”
“In true Ethan manner, he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, too heartbroken over she-who-shall-not-be-named and walls too high and thick to let anyone else in.”
“But what is she doing here?”
“I hit up Kyra, apparently, she will be joining as an attending, as Dr. Stanley is stepping back to go into research after receiving a grant from NIH,” Sienna informed. “She was supposed to join from Monday but decided to come in today to settle in before starting work, Ethan is showing her around.”
“Nice! She hasn’t changed at all,” Tobias smirked and was immediately met with three angry glares, “I… I think I’m being paged… be right back,” Tobias exited.
“The settling in excuse is utter bullshit!” Meera said.
“Agreed! She just wants to get into his pants,” Jackie stated.
“Jackie! Don’t say stuff like that!” Sienna reprimanded.
“What? It’s the truth!”
“Don’t listen to her! Kyra texted she can cut their tour short and get Ethan back in the office under the ruse of a meeting,” Sienna showed Meera her phone. “What do you say?”
“I don’t know Si, it seems a little far fetched, and besides I trust Ethan,” Meera looks at him once again, enthusiastically speaking about the latest testing technology, completely oblivious to the flirtatious looks he receives from his audience.
“You are a better person than I am,” Sienna squeezed her hand.
The familiar sound of a pager made Meera look down, “I gotta go, my intern’s paging 911.”
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The remaining two doctors get to work, and shortly after Ethan walks up to them, Emily Chester following him like a puppy.
“Good morning Dr. Varma, Dr. Trinh,” he greeted.
As Jackie fixed him with a stone cold glare Sienna put on a fake smile and greeted him back.
“I was meaning to introduce you to Dr. Emily Chester, the newest addition to our Edenbrook family. Dr. Chester, this is Dr. Varma one of our finest young attendings and Dr. Trinh who is already board certified in internal medicine and is now pursuing a fellowship in pediatrics,” as Ethan made introductions, pointing to each of them, both Sienna and Jackie noticed something unusual. They looked at each other making sure that they weren't imagining things.
“I thought I saw Meera here?” Ethan asked.
“She is busy, you know saving lives, managing a team being freaking awesome,” Sienna blurted out.
“What she means to say is Meera has a consult,” Jackie tries to avert, “and so do we. So if you’ll excuse us.”
With a small smile and a curt nod the two of them disappear around the corner. Ethan stares at their retreating figures, confused about what just happened and amused at the very weird conversation he had.
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“Did you see it? Please tell me I’m wrong,” Sienna said.
“Nope. You are correct, it's missing,” Jackie replied.
“We need to find Meera ASAP.”
The two of them didn’t have to wander the halls of Edenbrook much longer as Meera’s angry Ramsey-like voice blared through the hospital floor.
“The incompetence is unacceptable! You work with literal life and death, so you can’t afford to make mistakes,” Meera shouted at an intern who seemed like she was about to cry.
“I’m… I am… sorry Dr. Bose,” she mumbled timidly.
“Sorry? What am I supposed to do with your sorry? Apologize to that man’s wife and kids…” “Okay, that's enough,” Sienna stopped Meera before she could continue with her rage fest.
“I think Dr. …,” Jackie glanced at the intern’s ID badge, “Baker has learned her lesson, and we can continue with our day.” With that she dispels the crowd that had formed.
“That was very unlike you,” Sienna said, worried.
“And very like Ramsey,” Jackie added.
“I don’t know guys, Emily Chester just doesn't feel right to me, and I might be taking it out on the wrong people,” Meera sighed.
“Yeah about that…” Jackie shared a look with Sienna, “we found out something.”
“Ethan doesn't have his engagement ring on him.”
“Wait a second. Pause and rewind … what did you just say?”
Jackie and Sienna quickly update Meera about all the incidents and their findings.
“But why?” Meera asks, hopeless.
“Told you men are no good,” Jackie says and quickly receives a nudge from Sienna.
“Look we don’t know, but I believe there is an explanation,” Sienna consoles her fellow dolphin.
“I… I can help,” the intern from before said shyly.
“Not now Baker!”
“I mean I… might know why Dr. Ramsey didn’t have his ring on.”
The three older doctors stare at her.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear.”
“Spill. Now,” Meera said.
“Okay,” the intern takes a deep breath before steading herself, “I had to call a code blue on the third floor today, and I panicked. There weren’t any attendings or senior residents nearby, so Dr. Ramsey came in. I saw him removing his ring before slipping on gloves and taking over CPR.”
Meera visibly relaxed, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
“See! I told you there was an explanation,” Sienna chimed joyfully.
“But why hasn’t he put it back on?” Jackie retorted.
“He might have just forgotten. He is the chief, cut him some slack, Jackie.”
“It might be a mistake,” Meera said thoughtfully, “but he needs to learn a lesson. Baker, did you see where he put the ring after removing it?”
“In his pocket!” Dr. Baker replies without wasting a second.
“Good! Get me your intern friends, I have a plan,” Meera smiled mischievously, the wheels of her brain already turning.
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Later that day Meera crossed the atrium, she looked at her watch, according to the intel she had collected from Kyra Ethan was supposed to be here any minute. Five minutes later she spotted him descending the stairs, undoubtedly followed by none other than Dr. Emily Chester. They make eye contact and Ethan smiles at her, taking long strides to reach her. Meera looks over to Baker from the corner of her eye, who was hiding in plain sight. It was time to set her plan in motion.
“Hey! I have been trying to catch you all day, where have you been?” Ethan said, holding Meera’s hand.
“Hi, I know, it’s just been one of those days,” Meera replied, smiling.
“Anyways, I wanted to introduce you to Dr. Emily Chester, world renowned endocrinologist and a fantastic diagnostician as well.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you!”
“Likewise, Dr.?” Emily looked at Ethan to complete introductions.
“Dr. Bose. Our best diagnostician, head of the DT, my favorite mentee, and my fia…”
Right on Meera’s signal, a horde of interns led by Baker swarm Dr. Chester.
“OH MY GOD! Aren’t you Emily Chester?!” one said.
“You are literally my medical hero,” another one added.
“I am so fascinated by your latest paper,” a third joined.
As the crowd separated Dr. Chester from the couple Meera takes advantage of the chaos and stealthily picks up the ring from Ethan’s pocket.
“What is wrong with them?” As Ethan is about to reprimand the interns, Meera brings his attention back to her.
“Babe don’t you think you are missing something?”
Ethan’s brows furrow, he thinks about all the important birthdays and anniversaries, date nights and meetings, when unable to come to a conclusion he follows Meera’s gaze to his fingers and notices the missing ring.
“Christ!” he curses under his breath. “Listen rookie, trust me this was an honest mistake…” he searches for the ring in all his pockets.
“Looking for this?” Meera holds up the ring in front of him.
“Look, Meera I am deeply sorry, I meant to put it back on after running a code and one thing happened after another and it slipped my mind. I am extremely sorry, it won’t happen again.”
“I know babe,” Meera smiled. “But I’m not about to hand it over to you that easily.”
“Don’t do something stupid rookie,” Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose very familiar with the mischievous gleam in his fiancée’s eyes.
Meera went down on one knee, holding the ring in hand. The entire hospital had been gushing about Meera’s reverse proposal to Ethan by the dreamy Lake Louise a couple months back, so when given the chance to witness it in person and with the power of the Edenbrook rumor mill, quite a crowd had gathered around, clicking pictures, cheering and hooting.
Ethan shaked his head, a smile lining the corner of his mouth.
Meera looked at Emily, enjoying the look of pure disbelief and surprise on her face.
“Dr. Ethan Jonah Ramsey, will you let me be a colossal pain in your ass for this lifetime?”
Ethan joined Meera on the ground, “a hundred times over.”
They kiss with the Edenbrook crowd going feral. Everyone comes up to them to congratulate the happy couple.
As the crowd thins out Dr. Chester speaks, “well I guess congratulations are in order, “ she smiles politely. “But I’ll have to say, I had never imagined Dr. Ethan Ramsey would tie the knot.”
“I agree with you Chester, I had never imagined myself as well, but what can I say she brings out the best in me,” Ethan replied grinning ear to ear at Meera.
“So when's the wedding?”
“In a month,” Meera informs.
“In a month!” Emily shouts, surprised, “don’t you think it’s too soon?” She looks at Ethan, convinced that he has been wrongfully roped into a marriage.
The couple chuckle, a knowing look between the two, “we have been engaged a long time now,” Ethan said.
“This is the third proposal between the two of us. I just meant to include our Edenbrook family and that also means you, now that you are supposed to join us as well,” Meera fixes Emily with the most innocent smile and earnest look.
Dr. Chester matches her smile, “well, then I won’t keep you two from your celebrations. I’ll sign the papers on Monday, Eth…,” she stops, quickly rectifying herself, “I mean Dr. Ramsey.”
As Dr. Emily Chester moves away, their friends surround them.
“That was one hell of a way to prove a point,” Sienna declared.
“Yes you might have just peed all over him to mark your territory,” Jackie joked.
“Great idea!” Meera exclaimed. “Let’s save that for when he misplaces the wedding ring!”
As the entire group breaks into laughter, Tobias says, “you are in for a rollercoaster ride, my man!”
“I know, but she is so worth it,” Ethan says, kissing Meera, deeply.
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Thank you so much if you have read till here, it means the world to me. Hope to see you go on other different adventures with me, Ethan and Meera, till then sending love and hugs your way! ❤️
Perma : @starrystarrytrouble @quixoticdreamer16 @coffeeheartaddict2 @liaromancewriter @tessa-liam @gryffindordaughterofathena @crazy-loca-blog @zahrachoices @bex-la-get @potionsprefect @schnitzelbutterfingers @a-crepusculo @custaroonie @aishwarya2 @jamespotterthefirst
Ethan x Meera : @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @takemyopenheart @mvalentine
+ @openheartfanfics , @choicesficwriterscreations , @choiceschallenge-may2023 , @choicesflashfics
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. 💜
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Top Five with Crush Hero
While commiting crime he's wondering why the hero hasn't shown up yet. Then after walking around he sees their body based on the wall, severely beaten and just holding to their live with written above their head "*villain name* was here"
The Riddler: ITS NOT EVEN IN GREEN PAINT- Ohhh he's going to shatter someone's ankles. He has a THEME. He worked HARD ON IT. After that not so fleeting thought runs through his mind, he is pissed off hero is hurt. He considers doing some minor crime to make civiliians panic and at the mention of a green man in a suit, the GCPD activate the Bat symbol. That'd take too long. He huffed, looks like he'll have to do this alone. As he carries hero to...safety? See that sounded wrong even to the Riddler. Wait a minute, IS THIS WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF HIM NOW? SO LOW TO BEAT SOMEONE TO A PULP AND RUN OFF WITHOUT SO MUCH AS A RIDDLE? Ugh, amateurs. They're sickening.
Scarecrow: Not his. He's a doctor. First rule is unintelligible handwriting. Since when did he beat people to a pulp? Sure he's strong but as hero had said, he's too skinny- give him a hug and you'll get a paper cut. He crinkled his nose. He'll leave the beating people to the brink of death to the Joker...or the Riddler on a very bad day. He checked for a pulse. "Your luck is either very good or very bad for me to be the one to find you." Jonathan said mostly to himself. "Fear not, my dear, ill take care of it from here."
Mad Hatter: Oh- wait...did he do this? This doesn't seem like his thing. ...right? What exactly was his thi- now is not the time. He'll just have to ask hero when they're awake. Jervis was going to have to get creative about how to move you. Oh, just in time! Look! A big burly man who looked like he could lift three of Jervis. He almost resembled Bane. However Bane was much bigger. He took out his pocket watch, reminding himself to remember to make the man forget once he's done carrying them.
Two-Face: Okay no one can fall for this. That is the shittiest handwriting he has ever seen. "Can't they atleast spell it properly?" Harv said gruffly. "'To face' is just pitiful." "Why wouldn't I use my gun?" Harvey spoke with confusion. Two-Face checked hero's pulse. "Oh thank fuck." Harv' breathed. He wasted no time lifting hero, to move them to the car. "Where should we take them?" Harvey wondered out loud. "Could take 'em back to base. Got a first aid kid and no one will be bothering us." It seemed the best option. "If we ever get hands on whoever did this, I say we flip. Heads: they get their own besting they don't wake up from. Tails: a bullet." Harv' said as he got into the drivers seat. "Agreed." Harvey replied as he turned on the cognition.
Black Mask: Okay first of all this is offensive if it was him there would be so much more blood shed and hero would be UNRECOGNISABLE- now that we got that out the way - WHO THE FUCK DID THAT TO HIS BABY? No, hero doesn't know they are his baby BUT THEY ARE. No one gets a choice in this! He's calling a car and getting one of the boys to pick them up. -that suit gotta stay crispy white-. He's going to be making some calls because he's finding out who did this. After all, he's gotta give a lesson on how to really get the job done.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 6 months
😭😭😭😭 did jaymina also believed this? If yes then does she agree with the fact that taehyung was dating Jennie this whole time atleast for two yrs or 1+1/2 yrs(based on first leaked pictures)??? This whole time when she was screaming on top of her lungs that tk are dating and that's why they're hanging out with e/o taehyung was DATING her.....lolol i mean if you believe one thing you gotta belive the other too
Hi anon,
Someone find out!
Jaymina has me blocked because I would go fight him in his stupid tweets where he "accidentally" says things about Jimin.
Tkkrs don't know if they can celebrate this out loud lololol
Freakin losers.
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skywlker-sluvtt · 1 year
okay yk how anakin is like peak everything because he’s the “chosen one” and his high midichlorians make him peak physicality- i hc that’s why his nut is so fertile; he knocked padme up when she probably was taking measures against pregnancy.
this is gonna sound so gross, but would if he produces like a lot of extra cum since he’s so fertile, and his balls get all full and heavy if he doesn’t cum atleast once a day, making his libido super high
oh my lord ᵃᵐ ᶦ ᵃᵗᵗʳᵃᶜᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᶦˢˀ ʸᵉˢ
and nooo it's not gross its delicious
that's one of my biggest ani headcanons his fertile asf nut and his big balls. and yes padme was most definitely on some form of birth control but anakins cum was just too strong. it probably didn't help that he was begging to put 'just one more' load in her all the time. idk what he expected.
i'd honestly volunteer as tribute to suck him dry every day and play with his fat balls. okay someone needs to put me down. but also imagine and hear me out because this is weird as fuckk. anakin as a cow. he just is a cow and needs to be milked every goddamn day.
he'd also be the cutest little cow with a little bell on his collar and droopy ears OKAY IM DONEEE. i would consider writing this but I'm stopping the urge
ANYWAYSSSS yeah i completely agree though his libido is hella high and he's just gotta have you at least once a day to not feel like his balls are sagging in his pants. before he had a partner he probably had to figure out how to jack off in secret and he despised it. anakin hates having to get himself off because he barely feels like it helps his heavy balls. that's why he loves fucking his partner so much 😩
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girlbossesarehot · 2 years
Right after chapter 243 in other words right after draken's death
Warning:Swearing and cussing a lot of them,mentions of mommy issues
Groaning and small yelps was heard as multiple dead bodies were dropped in a empty room that could rival the utter emptiness of shinichiro's love life-
"shut up opposite tanjiro" as I was saying there stood two beautiful females, three men-" hey who the fuck isn't a man there's atleast four of us...unless one of you isn't -" a female with sunflower blond hair and blue eyes and another with honey blond hair and yellow eyes.
"Oh hey guys the voice is describing emma and inui-san"
"yes we can hear that baji"
" izana your the older one don't start fights"
"shut it dOrAkEn"
"C'mon guys no fighti-"
Silence befalls upon this dead bitches for ebay tanjiro, white haired Levi and edward-
"Who the fuck is Edward"
"Language!" Steve is that yOu
"Oh..sorry bout that" "it's no proble-" "whomst the fuck is Edward"
,Edward and the bald babysitter "Pfftt-" had their mouths duct taped.
"Anyways! Hey there im the bad bitch that brought you here!" A girl with hair just below her shoulder appeared wearing seemingly an aot hoodie with hopefully shorts and gold fake gold cuz she too broke for that rimmed glasses.
The duct tape was tore off of them very gently "GENTLY MY ASS YOU TORE OF THE AWESOME MUSTACHE I WAS GROWING" "shut up shinichiro there's no point of growing a mustache here you ain't got bitches to impress!" "sO mEaN 😭"
"Anyways y'all are gon react to what happened after baldy over there yeah that one you know the one with a single string of hair the one with-" "WE GET IT GET ON WITH IT ALREADY"
"As I was saying this is the events that happened after baldemorts ashing" "I did not turn into ash!"
"damn really no peace even after we died"
"Not the baldemort 😭✋" "Emma!" "I'm sorry I had to💀"
"you say that I wanna be alive again I miss my ma's cooking"
"I mean it is kinda funny" "inui-san not you too"
"shut up baji not everyone had a mom!"
"So you guys will be reaction and stuff okay and make sure not to die a second time cuz of the amount of shock you lot are boutta face" "it can't be that bad can it"
"it's not my fault you don't have a mom! Just cuz you don't have one don't mean I can't talk bout my mom ain't talkin bout yo nonexistent mom"
"Shinichiro-san this is Mikey we're talking about" " I don't wanna agree but he's kinda right nii-chan"
"I'm gonna kill you"
"Anyways react!"
"hah! Jokes on you I'm dead!"
"and you two don't kill each other byyyyeeeeeee"
A big comfy looking couch appeared and they all sat down with akane at the end with izana next to her and shinichiro next to him and then emma, draken and finally baji.
"man no popcorn this shit suc-" popcorn appeared in front of the the dramatic dumbass.
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"who the hell is this motherfucker" baji munched on the popcorns aggressively✨
"How the hell are we gonna know who that son of a bitch is then?!" "Just wait" "nO-" "I am not afraid to smack you harder than kazutora smacked mikey" that silenced him knowing how hard his friend had hit mikey
"he looks mean, poor guy's being stepped on!"Akane looked worried for the guy knowing it must've hurt he looked quite beat up after all.
"I dunno looks kinda deserve I mean he shot ken" emma looked unbothered for this was the same guy who had shot draken sure she's happy he's here with her but she would've liked it better if he was down there rather than here.
"...I guess your right" akane had mixed feelings for one thing this guy shot someone and the other no one should be stepped on it just seemed cruel to her.
"so that's the guy that shot me...kinda pathetic of me to die to someone like him"
"HAH! Deserved"
"I gotta give it to him tho guys got balls, I mean to actually go after a guy like draken"
"meh don't care much bout the guy being stepped on I'm more interested in the one stepping on him" izana got flashbacks of him stepping on those he defeated just before their fight with toman
"he looks like he listens to metal music"
"he probably get more girls than shinichiro"
Akane looked at the male a second time the only comment she made was "...he looks..scary" akane didn't have that much exposure to delinquents when she was alive she'd rather focus on her school and her little brother.
Emma saw how uneasy she was and decided to comfort her "It's okay akane-chan"
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The first thing shinichiro had thought when he looked at him was "...did he smoke weed"
"Nii-chan you hypocrite you smoke too!" "Yeah! but not weed!" shinichiro looked at his little sister in disbelief to think she would compare him to that weed smoking crack inhaling drug taking pyscho.
"BAHAHAHHA why he look like that 😭✋" baji's popcorn fell on the grown rip popcorn-chan
"...I didn't look like that did I..." izana looked at draken with draken simply stating "no" izana looked relieved "you looked worse"
Before a fight could start another voice was heard "he looks kinda rough" akane had slowly started to get used to the people around her "i know right!"
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"TAKEMITCHYYYYY YOU BETTER NOT BE REPLACING HINA-CHAN!" emma had managed to convince shinichiro to switch seats with akane so akane could be sat right next to her "emma-chan calm down!"
"Eyyyy that's the dude I punched in the face who punched shitsaki!"
"So that's him..he looks better with his hair down then that crappy style he did"
"So that's the one tryna save manjiro right draken?" Shinichiro looked at draken for confirmation "yeah that's takemitchy he's a great guy he reminded Mikey of you" draken looked fine of the idea of going back to those good old days.
"I see so that means he's the same as m-" "he has girlfriend" that shattered the older males ego
"I picked up girls once or twice you know!"
Baji looked at him with clear look of doubt "bet" "why you-"
"who's that male with him tho" "well my memory is fuzzy but I think their a little familiar"akane looked at emma confused "their?" "you might never know the 'male' could be female" akane realized that she had just guessed the gender based on looks alone
"oh god! I didn't mean to-" "akane_chan it's okay an honest mistake plus you didn't mean any harm" emma smiled at the other female to comfort her with the said female smiling back in return"
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"Oh hey it's dead draken"
"Oi where the fuck was the ambulance when I got shot!?" "Taking their time apparently" baji snickered at the older male.
"Or maybe no one called an ambulance" akane intruded before a fight between the two could start "man...my gang members was shit did any of my heavenly kings atleast called?! Did kakucho even call one!?" Silence overcast the group.
"Wasn't he shot with you?" "That's not the point!"
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"He looks to be in shock" akane looked at the poor boy as he had just lost one of his friends 'i feel so sad for him'
"So when is that dude getting introduced I can't keep calling them he/her" baji felt like he knew that person 'do I know them from somehow' 'baji it's somewhere'
'woah how are you in my mind?!' 'magic✨' 'how'd you even say that?!'
"Ugh their eyelashes are to die for so jealous"
"There there emma-chan I think your eyelashes are quite pretty" "akane-chan you won't get it cuz you have them too!"
"Hmm...I guess this person is alright of course their eyelashes aren't better than mine"
"Didn't yours go on and off?" "No shut the fuck up"
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"Huh? Who's that?"
"Senju?" that name sounded familiar to baji 'no way that senju?!'
"WAIT THAT'S SENJU NO WAY!" "Eh emma-chan you know them?" akane looked at her friend who was basically surrounded by delinquents growing up
"I knew her from back then! But I don't know why they stopped visiting..." baji knew why but he didn't have the courage to ruin her image of her brother 'if only I was strong enough I would've been able to prevent that from happening'.
"So that's their name" "oh you guys can stop saying them now she's a girl actually"
"Ahh senju-chan I remember her the last time i saw her she was so tiny!" shinichiro felt guilty for not being able to stop what had mikey done to haruchiyo 'if only I was there I could've stopped it!'
Izana could see that baji and shinichiro somehow knew this senju person he could also read how guilty shinichiro looked and how conflicted baji was.
"I think her name suits her" akane was in awe at senju for she was a girl who fought other gangs.
"Yeah I remember him but I never would of thought it's a her" draken honestly didn't even have a clue that the senju kawaragi was a girl 'to lead such a large gang too this girl is something else'
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"Umm shouldn't they go inside so they could be sheltered from the rain" akane was worried they might get sick.
"Takeomi!" "Oh hey it's takeomi" emma and shinichiro knew him along with baji and draken.
"So that's the vice president of the first generation black dragons" izana wondered why he was in that gang uniform tho "but what relations does he have with this senju?"
"Oh their actually siblings takeomi is her older brother " izana still didn't understand why he would join her tho.
"Ohh I didn't know senju had an older brother but then again I only knew her from like a few minutes ago" if akane were to be alive she would've loved to get to know senju.
Now that surprised draken the fact that senju was a girl was already surprising enough but that she's actually the little sister of one of the great legends?! Now that came as a shocker the two didn't look alike at all.
'If I were to be honest she looked more like sanzu somehow' 'what is sanzu also gonna be her brother? Yeah right' draken rolled his eyes at that thought.
"He looks troubled" "I guess my death made him panick or worried whichever it is"
"hey hey izana I bet you 500 yen he smokes" baji thinking he'd bet too.
"Are you stupid? With what money are you betting with?!" izana is getting a headache from his question alone.
"We're dead and broke!" "Emma!"
"Oh yeah" izana had concluded he was just dumb.
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"Isn't senju the leader? So why's this guy ordering them?"
"Takeomi is the vice president" draken didn't know they were gonna go this far for his death alone.
"It's benkei! And wakasa!" shinichiro looked excited to see his friends again 'it had been a long time since I've seen them'
Baji wasn't familiar with them but he did interact with them once in a while back then.
'All the living legends are in one place' izana looked at them in awe 'so this is the people shinichiro associated himself with' not minding how takeomi but more focused on the fact that this was his brothers knights for his brother was the king like him.
Akane had only looked at the screen with unease she's worried they might not only get hurt but also get sick.
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"I feel like I'm watching Kdrama" "I think so too especially considering their out in the rain"
"Takeomi is thinking to irrationally" shinichiro shook his head at his friends behavior but gets why he's doing it.
"Geez would it hurt him too much to atleast think of a strategy?" izana knew he was being hypocritical because despite it being in tenjiku's favor in the fight it would've only happen because kisaki was there if he wasn't 'i would've ran straight to the opportunity of fighting him without a much of a second thought'
"Oh I like where this is going!" "Baji close your mouth when you eat! popcorn is getting spat at my face dammit" draken wiped the tiny bits of popcorn baji spat at him "disgusting"
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"Ohhhh it's getting juicy now" emma drank the slushie she had gotten from the magical table of food and drinks.
"Emma this is not a kdrama" draken sweatdropped at how his girlfriend is taking all this.
Akane giggled "I mean it does kinda feel like it"
Izana looked amused "I guess it's going to be a blood bath I would've loved to be there"
"Ahh geez were not getting new people here right?" shinichiro is wondering if he should make a welcome sign.
"Oh it better not" draken loved his friends but he would love it better if they stayed alive and become what they've always dream of cough-mitsuya-cough.
"We should welcome them then" baji got hit in the head by draken "don't jinx it dumbass"
"My god that was loud"
Baji patted his ear to stop the ringing "You didn't have to shout damn"
Izana looked annoyed "You shout one more time I'll hit you harder than ran hit that second division captain of toman"
"Ahh I think I've gone deaf" Emma softly shook her head to get rid of the ringing.
Akane winced "My poor ears"
Shinichiro looked unbothered for he had taken care of the gremlins known as baji and mikey.
Draken looked like he didn't care for he was used to loud noises because gang fights aren't exactly quiet and neither was his home.
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ghostfoolish · 1 year
i really cannot believe that this fandom within one day has turned naomi into the bogeyman that will apparently cause online race riots when armand is revealed to be terrible because of how she handled the podcast
like who is actually being irrational right now if not people making up and speculating fan reactions for something that has not even aired let alone been shot just so they can call fans illiterate and practice some good old racism and misogynoir against naomi
I just went into the tag and apparently a lot has happened 💀💀 I’m going to be as nuanced as I can just from what I’ve seen so far..
I don’t think people are blaming Naomi for future fan reactions persay, I think some people are just wary that calling loumand better can lead to misunderstandings among people who aren’t familiar with armand yet. Which makes sense because it’s not better and he’s not better. I said in a previous ask that Naomi is supposed to be somewhat of a guide for show watchers so while I’m not frustrated with her or any of the guests she had on, I atleast understand why someone else who’s more familiar with the books would get frustrated.
BUT I think people also have to keep in mind, (and this is something I also said in a previous ask) that she is also watching the show as it plays out and I doubt Rolin Jones is letting her read the script for S2 so if she does slip up, I don’t see a problem with it. She’s only human, she can backtrack on things she’s said or agreed with, nobody is gonna die if her or a guest jumps the gun or messes up. This is a fun, comedy driven podcast and I think some people just gotta loosen up a bit. It’s not the end of the world.
That’s just what I picked up from everything so I apologize if I’m downplaying anything..
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blehblehbso · 1 year
i am freaking the frick out. i have no idea how im keeping shit together right now. i mean hey i love botany, studying the subjects fun and cool but cramming all that frickin info for an exam?? the day before??m NUH HUH. my brain's basically saturated right now. i just wanna throw everything and watch a movie. not even a movie maybe. just lie down and do absolutely frickin nothing. nada. nit. i want to scream at the top of my lungs at no one and everyone and cry? not too sure about the crying part. i just feel really bottled up and i dont know when or how the bomb might fuse. everyones posting february this and that and feb done right and i feel all i have are some mall photos, where also we look like dorks. and ofcourse, a bazillion practical photos and slides and study notes ^ ^ so yeah thats fun.
i should really really be getting my head eyes and brain back to botany right now, buti just cant man. i want to (very much) but things just aren't registering. i'm reading the same line atleast 4 times, which is again, wasting some time. i mean i shouldn't really be talking about wasting time after watching 2hrs (or more?) worth of series but i was totally unable to concentrate. like nope. iw want to study. i want to study. I WANT TO STUDY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I kinda understand why people need friends? partners? (you get the idea) i mean one of the reasons, times like these you gotta vent to someone, or someone could actually just lose it. boom. thats when a friendly ear to listen to you, even its just blindly agreeing with you comes in. getting shit off your chest. huh, im wishing for the wrong person to talk to right now. someone that will never be who im wishing them to be. that mopey conversation is for a different day. anyway where was i ? yeah so i mean im not a loner,no. ihave friends, good ones i believe. but i just feel guilty when i vent to people, like why am i burdening them with my stuff wheni know they already have shit on their plate? its a pain, its a bother. not the best thinking yes, but thats just my brain. i sent a text to a friend, which im thinking about deleting at the moment.
and now im tired of talking in my head trying to get my feelings across to a computer and strangers who couldnt really bother with my rant. its not like anyone reads these things anyway.
anyway. i should get back.
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immasock · 2 years
Iam going to take my word and just dump every idea that pops into my mind here that has piled up in my mind these few days, you might aswell close your requests before I bombard your inbox.
1) Platonic relationships with MC whose atleast 12 - 16 years old
I want hcs from them of having MC watch a horror movie with them then when hoes to sleep, MC wears a white victorian nightgown then shows up beside the brothers' beds in the middle of the night staring at them while they sleep before they actually ask to sleep with them bc they are scared 😂😂. Imagine if they get 'slightly' startled or scared lolol
Wait no that’s hilarious-
I am LIVING for your ideas oh my god
I’m still working on that first one but I gotta do this one
Teen!MC Scaring the brothers after a horror movie
Pronouns: They/Them (but MC does wear a white gown)
It’s movie night in the HoL and no one knew what to watch. You were scrolling through the options when you found a human realm classic. The Ring. Now you weren’t the BIGGEST fan of horror movies but you did like them. So you clicked on it. As the movie went on, everything seemed normal. Mostly everyone seemed to enjoy it. Sure they got scared at the scenery and the jump scares but that’s what the movie is for
Later that night, after everyone else has gone and fallen asleep, you’re still lying awake. You just can’t seem to fall asleep. You just have a bad feeling from that movie. So you get up in your white, Victorian nightgown, and go to your favorite demons room. You slowly open up their door and creep up next to their bed
You stand there, staring at them until they wake up
This old man was dead asleep
For once
Man’s never gets to sleep
So why you gotta do this to him-
He wakes up
For whatever reason
He opens his eyes and the first thing he catches in his peripheral vision is you, standing over his bed, in a white gown, staring at him
Man is freaked out
He gasps before realizing it’s you and giving you a dirty look
Do you know how late it is?
Why are you up?
Oh. You can’t sleep?
Well no wonder
You ask him if you can sleep in his bed with him and he decides he’ll wait to scold you for scaring him in the morning
For now it’s late and you both need sleep
So get in
He is such a scaredy cat I love him
He hadn’t been able to fall asleep either
So he was on his phone
However he was so engrossed in whatever was on his phone that he failed to notice this child in a white gown sneaking up to his bed
When he finally does notice tho
He screams
And I mean shrieks
It probably woke someone up if I’m being honest
“Human what the hell are you doing here?? Geez you nearly gave me a heart attack!!!!”
He has half a mind to not let you sleep in his bed with him
But if he’s being real, he’s scared too so he very quickly agrees
Just don’t pull a stunt like that again
Another one that isn’t asleep either
Not cause he’s scared but because that movie cut into his game time and he has to make up for it
He is also way too absorbed in his game to notice you
When you pop up behind him and ask if you can sleep in his room he nearly dies
Man’s jumps out of his chair, falls over, and is still screaming
He realizes it’s just you
Which does not make it better
He starts to ramble about how you made him die in his game and how it took him ages to get to that level so now he has to start over
You’re just standing there like “okay but can I sleep in here tonight?”
He agrees since he isn’t gonna be using his bed but points out that his bathtub probably won’t be that comfortable for you
You don’t care
Of course
And make yourself as cozy as you can before falling asleep
Do you have a death wish?
He doesn’t want to hurt you
He really doesn’t
But when he wakes up to you staring at him like that, he comes very close
Can you blame him tho?
You startled the avatar of wrath
He doesn’t actually do anything to you but, because he’s startled, his demon form instinctively comes out
And then he realizes it’s just you and that you’re asking to sleep in his room cause you can’t sleep
Once he calms down he offers to read you to sleep
But because he’s petty he picks a horror novel
You’re standing at his bed
Staring at him
In your little white gown like the tiny menace you are
And you poke him
He’s a heavy sleeper
You had no choice
He wakes up
Already not happy that his beauty sleep got interrupted
But then he sees you
And screams
Like a little girl
It’s very funny and it kinda hurts your ears a bit
Some of his brothers definitely woke up
You ask if you can sleep in his bed and, once he’s done scolding you about how you shouldn’t wake people up and how he needs his beauty sleep and that this is all really bad for his skin, he agrees
I think Beel is a light sleeper
He hears you come in and go to his bed
And he feels you staring at him
He opens his eyes and looks over to you
The sight of you is a little creepy but it doesn’t effect him all that much
He kinda just asks you if you’re okay and when you ask if you can sleep in his bed he hold up is blanket for you
Unlike his twin he is a very deep sleeper
Not even the HoL burning down could wake this man up
So you don’t even bother
You crawl into bed with him and fall asleep
When he wakes up in the morning tho
He feels another person next to him and looks over to see who it is
What he wasn’t expecting was you
He jumps
Man’s is wide awake
This wakes you up and so you’re confused as to why he looks scared
He yells at you for scaring him like that
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deadaccountsposts · 3 years
How they would react to a s/o who has a beautiful voice.
The genshin men react to you singing in your beautiful voice ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
Characters: Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Zhongli x gn!reader
Warnings/Disclaimer: Fluff, c/n means character's name, a bit of Darknight Hero quest spoilers, mentions of death in Childe's part, I may have gotten a bit overboard with Diluc's part~
You were in the middle of doing what you were doing, whether it's be cleaning, reading or anything really. You were singing your favorite song while no one was around. Atleast you thought you were alone. It turns out c/n was watching you sing your favorite song! How embarrassing! Little did you know, you had a beautiful voice, but due to your parents' strict nature, they don't allow you to listen to any songs back when you were a child. So now you're making up for lost time, and listening to songs and singing them, maybe even dancing to them at times when you feel like it!
❄︎ Kaeya
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You were in the middle of cooking breakfast for yourself and for Kaeya, singing in a beautiful melody. It was all nice and peaceful, when SOMEONE had to intervene.
"well well~" you abruptly turn around to see Kaeya leaning against the doorframe, smirking. "Didn't know my darling could sing oh so well" He said walking towards you, you pout in response. "You startled me" you replied. Kaeya chuckles and ruffles your hair. "Apologies, though I'd like to hear you sing again" he grins, "I'll sing when you don't come out of nowhere and startle me" you huff, continuing to cook the bacon and eggs. He wraps his arms around your waist. "I've already apologizied~ forgive me sweetheart~" Kaeya gives you a peck on the lips. "Fine, only if you agree on my proposition!" Raising your index finger up, it looks as if you're a parent scolding their children. "Alright then, what must I do to earn my darling's forgiveness?" You look at him, pleased. "You must take me on a date, Sir. Kaeya Alberich!" You declare confidently. Kaeya smirks. "Anything for your Royal Highness~" He bows and takes your hand in his as he kisses the back of your hand. "Shall we get ready?" You giggle. "We still have breakfast you know~" He smiles and let's go of your hand. "Of course, silly me~ let's eat shall we?"
☕︎ Diluc
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Diluc was exhausted, he had to keep an eye on the tavern, file out paperworks and to protect Mondstadt as the Darknight Hero. He was working his night shift in Angel's share, making everyone a drink, cleaning their glasses, and so on. Nothing new and certainly nothing special, Diluc was used to this due to the fact that he owns the tavern.
You agreed to go to Angel's share with a certain green, carefree bard Venti my beloved. "Oh oh! What ifffff, we both preform a song and then get dandelion wine afterwards? It sounds like a fool proof plan to me!~" the bard chuckled. "Sure why not? Although, you've gotta control your drinking Ven.." you sigh entering the tavern with Venti, you expect to see Charles behind the bar counter but instead you see your red haired boyfriend. And by the looks of it, he wasn't expecting to see you here aswell. "Evening Master Diluc! Hope you don't mind me bringing your s/o with me, we're gonna preform tonight ehe~" Diluc looks at you then the bard then back to you. "You're gonna preform tonight with this bard?" He asks almost in disbelief. "Yep, didn't expect to see you here" you smile, Diluc sighs and shows a tiiiinnnnnyyy smile that only you would be able to see. "Well it can't be helped, Charles had some urgent matters to tend to." You nod, smile never faltering. Venti grabs your wrist. "Apologies for intervening but (Name), we have to go! it'll be our turn soon enough" with that you give Diluc a look as if telling him that you'll continue this conversation with him later. Diluc, completely understanding the look you gave him, nods for you to accompany the bard.
Venti and you are currently on stage, you waiting patiently for Venti's introduction and speech to end. Atlas! After the bard has give his speech, both of you start singing, you and Venti alternating lines and harmonizing, it was a outstandingly melodic performance. Diluc can't help but stare in awe, time slowing down and all he could hear is your voice. He thinks you have quite an angelic voice.
After the performance, you head to the counter to get 6 orders of dandelion wine 5 of the orders being Venti's. Sitting on one of the bar stools, you tell Diluc your order. "6 orders of dandelion wine please" Diluc sighs, already knowing that a cheeky bard told you to order him some wine. "Your singing was.. great" He says while preparing the orders. You blush, not used to Diluc complimenting you in public. "Thank you, I think my singing would sound better with yours" you say, openly but subtly asking him for a duet. Diluc's gaze softens, and he utters a quiet response, to which you could hear quite clearly. "I think our voices would compliment one another."
⚠︎ Childe
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Your boyfriend rarely had nightmares, and if he ever did, most of them are about you. He told you that most of his nightmares about you are you leaving him for another or you dying.
Childe would always wake up in distress, profusely sweating, wide eyes and trembling shoulders. And in these cases, you are either still awake, or will wake up because of him. Either way, you assure him that you don't mind waking up because of him and his nightmares. He really appreciates that <33
Although this particular night, he had a nightmare about you leaving him for another person and you end up marrying them, create a family with them, and all the things Childe wanted, no, yearned to do with you. All the while you were happy with your family, Childe was left miserable and lonely. You end up dying infront of him because of the Tsaritsa's orders, and that's how his nightmare ended.
He woke up, crying and trembling so hard that there was no way you wouldn't wake up.
"Childe? There.. there.." you rub his back, Childe hugs you and nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck. "Ple..ase don't leave.. me.." he says sniffing and trying his best to stop crying. You only did what you could think of to comfort him, you sang to him. You sang him your comfort song, a song that never fails to cheer you up. Soon enough, Childe fell asleep on your chest after a few minutes.
The sight of him broke your heart, red puffy eyebags, dried tears, and a red nose. You wondered what kind of nightmare would make him cry and tremble so much, but you'll ask him in the morning when he feels better because right now, your top priority is to comfort him after his grueling nightmare. You kiss the top of his head and hug him. "I love you Childe, I'll never leave you okay..?"
To your suprise, Childe heard what you said and let out a muffled response. "I love you too, (Name)" Melting your heart in the process.
ꕥ Zhongli
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You recently found this book about types of massages and how to set up the relaxing mood. You've already read the whole book and you wanted to try your massage skills out. And who better than your boyfriend? You proceeded to tell him all about the book and how much you've learnt from it, eventually you ask him if he could be your first test subject customer.
Zhongli agrees on the idea, mainly because it's been a while since he's gotten a massage and second because it's you ofc!
Setting up the towels, essential oils, candles, lukewarm water, and scents. You set him up, laying on his stomach and face down. You lit up the candles and add scents around the room, you then start adding essential oils on his back and proceed to massage. You're not gonna lie, his back was as stiff as a surfing board 😪
Remembering the contents of the book, it said that the customer will feel a lot more relaxed if the masseur/masseuse sings or hums any song that will set up a relaxing mood.
Sure enough, you start singing. Zhongli is taken aback by the sudden singing, but nonetheless he loves it. He feels as though he could fall asleep at any moment and he may or may not have.
After the massage, he admits that he has never felt that relaxed before and that he would love to experience it again. You happily oblige.
"I must say, never in my whole life time have I felt such tranquil feeling before." You laugh. "You flatter me too much, love" He smiles. "I speak of the truth, please do let me experience this again. It was quite a memorable feeling."
𝐘𝐚𝐡𝐨!~ 𝐢 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐭 1:02 𝐚𝐦 𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐥𝐲, 𝐚𝐚𝐚𝐡 𝐢'𝐦 𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝~ 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢'𝐦 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬! 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬! 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 ♥︎
𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎, 𝙸𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚎 <3
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poisonousash · 2 years
Resident Evil characters carry Ethan shopping because he doesn't have a sense of Fashion
Chris Redfield
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Chris chose black because that's his sense of fashion now.
He thinks the black looks good on everyone especially Ethan, it remind him of someone way back, but we won't talk about Bruno, Ethan would disagree he thinks all black clothing makes you look like an evil villain, it's not his style but he would wear it for Chris, if it makes him happy, he doesn't see the appeal tho.
Leon S Kennedy
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Leon thinks Ethan looks like a badass and he is, he just gotta look the part and he thinks this outfit is perfect for him.
Ethan doesn't hate it, it's still a little too dark but it's not all black clothin and the army green doesn't look half bad but is a little hot for the summer, he would probably wear it in a different season.
Ada Wong
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Ada thinks red is his color but only because she like it.
Ethan disagrees, red is a loud color and he thinks he looks too.... it doesn't appeal to him at all but at least it fits the season a bit and whats with the dark colors he wants to find something a bit lighter.
Karl Heisenberg
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Karl thinks this outfit would suit Ethan's taste, it's simple and comfy, great for the summer look and he likes how good Ethan look wearing it but he would prefer to see him without clothing.
Anyways.. although Ethan was weirded out by the comment Karl made about see him without clothes, Ethan thinks the outfit looks... good surprisingly, he didn't think Karl would actually pick an outfit that would suit him, he's surprise that Karl could be so observing, he kinda likes the choice he made.
Jill Valentine
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Jill thinks blue is a calming color and thinks this outfit she chose looks very classy on Ethan.
Ethan agrees, it does look very classy and put together, Ethan thinks this outfit looks like a very responsible person that making good choices with thier life but Ethan thinks it's a little much considering how to put together it looks, he like it but he doesn't think it's for him.
Claire Redfield
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Claire chose this for him, something simple but dad like and she thinks this is the one
Ethan agrees, he thinks this looks like something he would pickout although it's a little dark he thinks this outfit looks great on him.
And winner is.... Claire Redfield
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He really likes this look and thinks Claire did a great job choosing it for him.
Claire is happy that she helped find something that he likes and would help him again if she ever gets the chance.
Chris is happy that his sister find the perfect outfit for Ethan.
Leon is a little bummed that he lost but atleast Ethan got what he wanted.
Ada & Jill doesn't mind that their outfits wasn't chosen, they're just happy to see that Ethan is satisfied.
Karl is a little grumpy that he didn't win the competition or Ethan's heart so he leaves like a sore loser who lose the battle of his beloved but he won't stop till Ethan is his, well in his dreams that is.
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iwadori · 3 years
Getting hurt in argument PT 1 (Iwaizumi, Tsukishima)
hi!! so can i request a hurt to comfort with iwaizumi, tsukishima and any character that you want ? i saw you had reblogged a prompt list so you could us 18 for inspiration! @sheiscalling
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Word count: 2.1K
Genre: angst,fluff
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You and Tsukishima just moved in with each other a few days ago
Sharing a house has kind of put you at odds
As getting used to each others habits takes a while to get used too
You just hope that after a while things will go back to usual
Tsukishima has been conveniently busy since you guys moved in together, claiming he has to practice more since the Sendai Frogs have a supposed upcoming tournament. 
So he’s left you to your own devices unpacking boxes, picking out and buying furniture whilst working from home. Today’s task is choosing the wallpaper, which you wanted to ask Tsukishima’s opinion on (since he’s always been judgmental of certain colours, patterns and prints.)
Y/N: Hey Tsukki! You coming to *insert store that sells wallpapers here* today… it closes at 5pm??
Kei: Yhh practices finishes at 1 so I’ll probably run some errands get changed and meet you there for 3
Y/N: Okay! See you then <3
You were ecstatic, Tsukishima is finally going to do something for your new place and on the plus you get to spend time together. Maybe you’ll get to go to that new desert place across the road from your house.
You decide to get there a tad bit early so you can have a few options picked out (as you know how detailed and picky Kei can be.) As you picked out paints and swatches you noticed how time went by…
Surprised that Kei isn’t here right on the dot (since he despises lateness and on many occasion have reprimanded you when you’ve been just a tiny bit late) but just assume he’s stuck in traffic or something.
You’re still standing outside waiting, getting a tiny bit embarrassed of the looks of the passer-by strangers as if they could tell you’re desperately waiting for someone. You checked your phone, expecting a message from Kei explaining his lateness or saying he’lll be there soon.
He’s now an hour late, with no contact at all which got you frustrated as you really hoped that he would do at least one thing for you today. So you decided to go and choose what YOU want since it seems that Kei doesn’t seem to really care.
After nearly emptying the store with all your choices and additional furniture picks you finally make it back home with still NO word from Kei. You are completely over it! But he is now the least of your worries, now your current agenda is unpacking plates and cutlery (so you and Tsuki actually have something to eat of off and that’s if he ever joins you for dinner)
You’re washing and polish plates as you hear your front door open and shut with a slight slam. “Ugh practice was draining today” he said, tired 
You did not acknowledge his presence at all, you were beyond agitated that he made plans with you and then didn’t show up AND THEN didn’t even make sure the first thing he did was apologise. “Babe, whats for dinner” He asked entering the living room.
AN: Btw you have like a open kitchen type of thing so you can see the kitchen and the living room in the same room if that makes sense ://
You still ignored him, washing your plates annoyance slowly but surely building up inside of you the more he spoke “Y/N, did you hear me i asked what was fo-” Tsukishima stopped his words as he saw all the stuff you’ve bought for the house and before realising that he blew off your plans together he says,
“Y/N.. what the fuck is this shit”
That made you take a pause, and freeze ‘That is all he’s worried about’ you think. As you’re still ignoring him and he’s wondering why you decided to buy all this ‘crap’ (in his words not yours) he picks up one of the wallpaper designs and brings it to you.
“Y/N you really think we’re putting this shit on the walls..?” He asked 
You still ignore him, scrubbing harder and harder on the same plate you’ve been washing since he’s got here ( you definitely know it’s clean by now but who cares )”Y/N, are you listening to me” He then grabs your shoulders turning him to face you “Why the fuck would you buy this??” 
By now you were raged, “Is that ALL you care about!” You shout “You don’t care how I’ve been slaving away getting this place, our NEW place ready for us to live in but you don’t care you’re so self obsessed that all you’ve been doing is going to practice and complaining!”
He was about to speak before you stopped him again “Oh and by the way if you’ve got a problem with my choices for our walls then maybe YOU should’ve been at the store at the time we agreed upon! You dick.” after saying this his lips part in surprise, as he now remembers the promise he made you. 
You turn your body back to the sink, tears filling your eyes as you go back to ferociously scrubbing the plate again. 
“Y/N I’m sorry I-” He starts
“Oh shut the fuck up Tsukishima” You say a bit to agressively slamming your hands (and the plate) down on the counter, cutting your hand in the process 
“Shit” You say as blood starts to seep through your hand well there goes the clean plate you get a towel and hold it against your hand stopping the blood for a short while and you bend down to start picking up the plate remains as Tsukishima just stands there not really knowing what to say or do.
“Y/N i’m sorry about EVERYTHING” he says bending down to your level as you still pick up the plate remains. “What can I do to make this all better?”
“Just fuck off Tsuki” You say bitterly not looking him in the eyes
“I’m not leaving until I know you’re okay” he says grabbing your wrist softly to stop you from further injury “Just come sit down so i can atleast bandage your hands”
You finally look up at him, tears still in your eyes but you silently agree getting up and letting him lead you to the couch. He bandages you up, not saying a word as your sniffles and whimpers fill the quiteness in the room.
“Y/N. I am really truly sorry I-” He says
“Why don’t you care anymore?” You interrupt tears now streaming down your face “I know i can be overbearing at times, but I just wanted you to be excited about moving in with me as I was about you. Do you not want to live with me anymore” you cried
“I’m sorry i’ve been so busy it’s just practice and tournaments and … I was kind of nervous about moving in with you I just love you so much and I don’t want to mess anything up” he said “And I’m sorry about not coming to the store I just got tired up with practice and I’m just really sorry Y/N”
He goes over to the things you’ve bought and picks up one of the paint colours you chose (your favourite option) “This is beatiful Y/N you have such a great taste and I like anything that you like to be honest.”
He stares at you for a response as he noticed your tears have stopped running, which is a good sign. “I just want you to be more involved and show that you care about me about us “ you say
“I will and I do.. I always do” He said pulling you into a hug 
“I love you Kei” You say into his chest 
“I love you too” 
You spend the rest of your night unpacking plates, putting up wallpaper, painting walls and putting up furniture ending up on the couch with two slices of strawberry shortcake from the bakery across the street watching an episode of *insert your favourite TV show here* in your new place which you can finally call a home.
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You and Iwaizumi have been dating since highschool
You’ve had a past with anger issues but that was all sorted before you met Iwa
You’re very hard working and sometimes overworking but you have Iwa to always make sure you’re not too hard on yourself
You play volleyball just like your boyfriend, being the captain of your team is your pride and joy but sometimes you are way too hard on yourself trying to reach perfection. 
You’re in the gym way past normal hours setting to yourself against the wall with sweat dripping down your forehead breathing slightly more than usual
‘5 more minutes’ you think to yourself knowing damn well it’s going to be more than 5 minutes but you just have to perfect your form then you can stop.
You stop for a small water break and also to check your phone seeing 5+ messages from your lovely boyfriend Hajime
Haji: Y/N how was your day 
Haji: What do you want for dinner
Haji: I think we should get chinese
Haji: Y/N… you alive
Haji: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeffhpeE/
Haji: I just ran into *Insert Best friends name* and she told me you were last seen at practice I hope you’re not in the gym Y/N
Haji: I’m coming to the gym… you better not be there
By the time you start going back to set against the wall you look up to see a semi mad Hajime at the doors of the gym..
“Y/N.. I thought you said you wasn’t going to keep overworking yourself this term” He said slowly approaching you 
“Just” set “Gotta” set “Fix” set “My” set “Form” 
“Your set is fine babe, it’s perfect … you’re perfect” he says reaching out to touch you
“Well I guess perfect isn’t good enough then” you mumble
“Y/N that’s not what I meant” He responds touching your shoulder
Out of reflex, your hand flicks to his face your nail (which are amazingly sharp and long) catches him on his cheek causing a petite cut to now appear and small amounts of blood to come out of it. You both are frozen shocked at what just happened, you never meant to touch him like that at all. 
You quickly rush to your stuff leaving your volleyball in the gym running out the doors. How could you be so horrible, hitting your boyfriend in the face after doing so much work getting over all your anger issues. ‘Hes going to hate you now’ you think.
You stop at a bench trying to clear your head, crying softly to yourself worrying now about your relationship with Haji and where it stands now. Without you noticing, Iwaizumi sits down next to you, waiting for you to compose your self before speaking.
“I know you didn’t mean it Y/N” he said pulling you under his arm 
“Iwa, I’m so so sorry I didn’t mean to stay late in the gym it’s just that we have a competition next week and last time we lost because of me and I just … wanted it all to be perfect “ You said sniffling you look up at him and see the cut on his face that you caused making you even more upset “I am really sorry, I understand that you probably want to break up with me for hurting you which is completely valid”
You don’t want him to confirm your suspicions of him breaking up with you, so you abruptly stand up getting reading to move onwards again before he grabs your wrist “you’re not leaving till I know you’re okay” he says
which makes you laugh a bit “It’s crazy that I’m the one that messed up, yet you’re worrying about me”
“Well that’s my job Y/N, I always worry about you when you’re overworking yourself and being hard on yourself it’s not good” he said “accidents happen, I know you didn’t intend on me getting hurt and I know you’re going to do great in the upcoming game babe dont worry”
A week later, all was forgotten Iwa’s cheek healed quickly and he never blamed you for it all and reminded you that it wasn’t your fault whenever it seemed you felt bad about it.
You’re now playing your volleyball game Iwa in the stands cheering you on as loud as he could and of course you were doing your best because in Hajime’s words you are perfect.
AN:Thank you so much for my first request I hope you like it. I’m not really a fan of the Iwa one but the tsuki one i like the way it went even though I was meant to add a third character but got too tired. But thank for the request keep them coming!! 
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