#something about holding their bigass heads up
tricornonthecob · 6 months
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Based on a story from my sister. When my first nephew was still an infant, he did what babies do and cried in the night for something. He'd already been fed, so my brother in law took his turn with the beb. When he didn't come back for a while, sister went to investigate. He'd ended up falling asleep standing up in the middle of rocking his son in his arms.
(everyone thank @permanenthistorydamage and @lady-bird23 for convincing me that James' 18th century nightcap was in fact the correct addition.)
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If you are still taking questions, could I ask about Uryuu? Or Mizuiro, I have always loved him and wanted to see more of him.
The day after The Stabbing Incident in which Ichigo's Shinigami Powers were activated, Lunchtime:
"Rukia!" Ichigo called from the door. "We got a club meeting!"
"What? Oh, right!" She giggled, all bubbly persona, which immediately vanished in the hall "-You signed me up for a club? Ichigo, you know I don't have time for extracurriculars!"
"Calm down, this one doesn't assign homework. We just meet on the roof for lunch." He explained, marching resolutely against the stream of traffic in the hall.
"Oh? Up to something illicit are you?" Rukia teased, ducking behind him to avoid being swept away.
"Nah, we just meet on the roof so Kon can join us." Ichigo shrugged kicking open the door to the roof.
" 'SUP NERDS!" Ichigo bellowed affectionately at the gaggle of teenagers already assembled on the roof. "Okay Rukia, this is the "I Can See Ghosts And It fucking Sucks Club", guys, this is Rukia."
"Hi miss Rukia!" Waved a readheaded girt that puberty had hit like a truck.
"-Rukia is a shinigami like the freak that used to live in my dad's attic, and last night one of those bigass monster ghosts attacked my fuckin' house and Rukia kinda accidentally-on-purpose stabbed me and now I got fuckin' shinigami powers, which is mostly being able to ditch my body and summon a bigass sword to kill the monster ghosts with."
Those assembled stared at him in silence.
There was a rattle and Kon appeared at the top of the chain-link fence around the roof. "You know Ichigo, I think I know why your Literature class grades suck." the cat sighed. "Rukia got injured and used her magic sword to transfer her powers to Ichigo to fight off the hollow, and accidentally gave him too much and now she's stuck here until the Shinigami skills bleed back out of Ichigo."
"Ohhhhh..." the group nodded.
"-By stabbing me." Added Ichigo. "I feel like the stabbing part is being lowballed here."
"Welp. time to reset the counter." Sighed a lightly disheveled young man with brown hair, and the youthful looking lad with black hair beside him opened his laptop, typed for a few seconds and then turned the screen to show the group a digital counter that read
Previous streak: 17.324 Days.
"Thanks. Very helpful." Sighed Ichigo. "Tweedle Dee and tweedle Dumbass here are Mizurio and Keigo."
Ichigo pointed to the brunette. "Keigo here comes from a long-ass line of psychics and has been documenting every instance of supernatural activity in Karkura town going back to the middle ages since he was like. Ten? Don't let the fact that he's deliberately failing out of school fool you, he's probably the world's most brilliant moron."
"Iiiiiichigoooo, why you gotta make me sound like a loser in front of the actual-factual ghost girl?" Keigo whined.
"I'll stop making you sound like a loser when you stop being a loser." Ichigo huffed, and pointed to the black-haired youth beside him. "Babyface McGee here is Mizurio, he's our other technology geek, and he can cast Summon Gun."
"Pleasure to meet you Miss Rukia!" Mizurio said, extending his hand politely. "If you need some armament against the- what did you say they were called? Hollows? - I can provide you with something. First one's on the house, as my Uncle says."
"Oh!" Laughed Rukia. "By 'summon gun' you mean you have a way of purchasing weapons! I thought for a second you had the magical ability to spontaneously manifest guns or something ridiculous like that!"
The group collectively grimaced at her, except for the silent Giant, who was too busy snuggling Kon.
"Have you ever fired a weapon like a handgun Miss Rukia?" Mizurio asked holding his hand up beside his head, as though holding up an invisible object.
"Uh." Said Rukia, staring at his hand. ""...No."
"In that case I'm going to reccomend a Glock-17 lightweight pistol-" Mizurio nodded, and a small, bright blue light ignited in his palm, swirling and drawing Reishi into it, forming a physical object.
"-it's very reliable and easy to sight accurately, and doesn't have much of a kickback so I'm confident you'll only need a little practice to be able to handle it reliably!" He smiled cheerfully as the object finished manifesting in his hand, and he easily unloaded it with a practiced motion, set the saftey out of habit and offered it to Rukia to inspect.
"UH." Said Rukia, recoiling from the weapon with alarm.
"Oh don't worry!" Mizurio chirped. "Any gun that I make- And I make them, not summon them- has infinite ammo once the clip is loaded, and it's perfectly effective against hollows! You'll be perfectly fine using it!"
"I- You- I mean-" Rukia sputtered, staring wide-eyed at the gun. "-Did you. Learn? to do this?"
"Hm-..." Mizurio frowned at the gun. "Well, I've gotten better at it over time, but it's not like anyone taught me, if that's what you mean."
"Uh-huh." Rukia nodded, teeth bared in an attempt at a smile that completely failed. "You. Uh. You got any German ancestry?"
"Oh, I wouldn't know!" Mizurio laughed. "I don't actually know who my father is, and I strongly suspect he doesn't know his father either! Why?"
"...Mizurio, I think you're a Quincy."
Downstairs in the lunchtime meeting of the Karkura High School Crafts Club, Uryuu Ishida sneezed in the middle of a demonstration of different stitch types, and knocked over a large bottle of glitter, coating the entire room.
"...That's a bad omen if I ever saw one." Muttered one of the girls, sparkling.
"What's a Quincy?" Mizurio asked.
"It's a- Okay, before I start an explanation, is there anyone else here with weird supernatural powers?" Rukia asked.
There was a whirl of energy behind her and she turned to see the Silent Giant that had been cradling Kon had manifested a strange, sleek armor over his right arm. Kon was still cradled like a very spoiled infant in his left arm, purring.
"Hi. I'm Sado Yasutora, but I go by Chad." he spoke, voice barely above a mumble as he cautiously peeked up at Rukia through his bangs. "This is my punchin' arm."
"...Great." Whimpered Rukia.
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marzonomy · 3 months
Embarrassment x Reader headcanons (inside out 2) because I don't see any x readers of him anywhere 😋
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Secretly believes in love at first sight.
ESPECIALLY after he meets you.
I headcanon that they can sense when another emotion is feeling their emotion, even when they're hiding it.
For example, say Joy is sad but hiding it really well. Sadness would be able to feel that she's sad. Or if someone's frustrated and hiding it bc they're trying not to, Anger would know. It's like their gaydar but for emotions.
I promise I'm going somewhere here.
Someone on Twitter made an OC that's Love. They're like Embarrassments "annoying" sibling (tho i don't see how someone who's head is literally a heart could be annoying but go off). Love is canon to me now I love them
I think Love smell the chemistry between you to immediately. The moment you show up they look over at Embarrassment with the most shit-eating grin and a knowing stare in their eyes.
Love doesn't press at first, letting Embarrassment work up the courage on his own. But they realize Embarrassment is in denial of his feelings.
Because of course he would be?
Poor guy thinks you're waay out of his league.
Eventually, Love sits him down and has a talk with him. Kinda hard to deny you're in love with love themself says you are.
Love is an expert matchmaker and wingman (wingperson?).
Once they intervene it's not long before you and Embarrassment finally talk about your feelings.
You talk in the HQ at night when one of you has dream duty, as that's the only place you can really be alone.
It takes a moment, but eventually Embarrassment spills everything.
Rambles on about everything he likes about you (which is a lot). Tripping over his words like crazy.
Absolutely flabbergasted when you feel the same (Love ain't no snitch🤞).
Thinks he doesn't deserve your affection. Please reassure him.
Once it sets in that you love him, he's over the moon. That doesn't mean he isn't incredibly flustered though. He's literally the embodiment of embarrassment, it's in his name.
Nervously asks if this means you're together now. Obviously you say yes, that's why you're reading this.
An AMAZING boyfriend.
You're the only person other than Love he feels comfortable actually talking with.
He feels a little more confident with you around.
Views himself as astronomically lucky to have you. He appreciates you so much.
You have to be patient with him, he lacks the confidence to do a lot of the things you do.
He's eternally grateful for this.
Obviously not big on PDA, but he will hold your hand sometimes. Prefers to lock pinkies.
Very affectionate behind closed doors though.
Will simply hold you close to him, burying his bigass face in the crook of your neck (to the best of his ability considering he's an absolute behemoth).
Big spoon. Would switch it up if he wasn't built like the empire state building.
Just really likes to hold you.
Really good at comforting you specifically when somethings wrong, no matter how upset you are.
Doesn't say anything of course, just listens. Definitely gives really good hugs (I mean, he literally detained 5 emotions with a big ass hug) so he usually calms you down with physical affection.
Idk man I think a hug from Embarrassment would cure me.
Would be very confused if you just crawled into his hoodie, but wouldn't really complain. I wanna crawl in there. He would be super flustered though considering you are making direct contact with his torso skin(?).
Lowkey wanna squish him and see how he reacts. No idea how he would though.
Definitely the type to take things slow.
When you first fuck, he's such a mess.
If you're not a bottom you'd have to top him the first few times.
First time he's submissive as hell (partly cos he has NO idea what to do).
Hiding his face behind his hands, but he can't help but peak through his fingers.
Definitely cums fast, at least at first. Is embarrassed as shit about it (duh).
But he can go a few rounds to make up for it!
After one or two times, you're still on top, but he might slowly become more dominant (though he'll always love when you ride him)
Starts with grabbing your hips and helping you bounce on him until finally (if you let him), he takes most of the control while you're on top.
Eventually he musters up the courage to top you. He's soo scared he's gonna hurt you.
So so gentle most of the time, but he can sometimes get carried away (especially if you egg him on or it's his first time on top. or you've been edging him-)
When this happens he practically loses himself. Your hips are higher than you head as he lifts them up and pounds into you, holding you close and burying his face wherever he can. You will NOT be able to walk for a while. Will stop immediately (and probably cry) if he realizes he's hurting you.
Does absolutely everything he can for you during aftercare. If there's baths anywhere in the mind, he will take you there. Even if it's far, he'll carry you and draw you up the warmest, most sensational bath you've ever had in your life. If you just wanna cuddle though, he's more than happy to oblige.
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blue-thief · 7 months
@galaxynajma here are the actor/artist/writer isakainess hcs i mentioned earlier 🫡 (this got wayy longer than i was expecting it to be so it's basically a fic outline atp
kaiser started off as a child actor which explains... everything
when he was really young he popped up in a few roles for some pretty big movies
his biggest role as a kid though came when he was about ten where he played a big supporting character in a long-running kids' sitcom (think stuff like hannah montana, icarly, etc)
he's more or less cut off contact with his parents but he was fortunate to get a hold of his money once he turned 18
he's since moved out, rents out his own modest apartment, and he's shown up in a few moderately successful things
he's far from being an a-list actor but he's got a decent following
even though most people wouldn't be able to recognize his face, he can mention the stuff he's been in and people will be like "ohh yeah i've heard of that, i've been meaning to check it out"
he usually has to wear makeup to cover up his tattoo. most of his notable roles came before he cut + dyed his hair
his goal is to become an oscar-winning actor and he was able to get the lead role for a really serious film. his new hair just happened to suit the role
meanwhile there's ness the writer
he started off studying something STEM-related to appease his parents. besides, he needs a backup plan just in case the whole writing thing doesn't work out
but he soon dropped out due to being overwhelmed by how intense his competition was
fortunately enough he's still in contact with an ex classmate and he got some money doing copywriting for their side gig's website
on top of that he started submitting flash fiction and poetry to different competitions and magazines like CRAZYYY just to make a little more money
kaiser stumbles across one of his pieces, looks into him a little more, and finds ness's personal blog
he reads up on ness ranting about his parents and how he has no money
at this point kaiser's kinda fallen in love but he doesn't wanna seem too weird
and he reaches out to ness saying, "hey ik this sounds kinda weird but if you really wanna pursue your dreams but you're low on money you can become my roommate"
at first ness is like "wtf is this guy gonna try to kill me"
but he's late on rent and about to get evicted so he's DESPERATE
he agrees to meet kaiser to assess the vibes
and well. obviously ness falls head over heels in love with kaiser
(obv kaiser isn't gonna kill ness but don't follow in ness's footsteps guys you probably won't end up being as lucky)
and it works out great. kaiser's more than happy to cover most of the rent, he's out most of the time filming, and ness just has this bigass apartment where he's got ample space to work
anyway while kaiser's out and about one day he's at this cafe
there's this one worker on break, still in his apron and everything
he's off in the corner doodling something
the worker is isagi
and kaiser notices isagi is drawing HIM
kaiser goes up to him all smug like "wow, are you a fan? you want an autograph?"
and isagi's like "bro idfk who you are i just really liked your tattoo"
they talk a bit and isagi tells kaiser where he can find more of his work
isagi's mostly focused on digital art and commissions but he's also studying animation
kaiser finds his instagram and commissions isagi
"that napkin doodle you made of me was pretty good but i'd love to see how well you can capture my beauty given ample time (and money) ;)"
kaiser quickly becomes isagi's most frequent and highest paying client
you can say he's basically become isagi's (and to an extent ness's) sugar daddy
but kaiser likes to think of himself of those wealthy patrons from the renaissance
kaiser loved swinging by the cafe to ask about isagi's progress on his latest commission
one day he overheard isagi panicking about not being able to pay rent
and kaiser's like "you can move in with me and my roommate if you want"
and well. isagi does exactly that
ness kinda gets all crazy and possessive like "WHO'S THIS HOW DID YOU MEET HIM HOW DO YOU KNOW HE'S NOT-"
suffice to say he and isagi don't get along at first
but kaiser's never home so it's mostly just them on opposite sides of the apartment, sending glares at each other every now and then
it's BECAUSE kaiser is never around that isagi and ness are forced to bond with each other eventually
oh whatever i'll probably make this into a fic and fill in the rest that way 😭😭
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atsadi-shenanigans · 6 months
Feeding Alligators 40 - Mirror, Mirror
Astarion goes fishing (and not for fish).
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On AO3.
Y’all coulda made it back by nightfall, now that y’all know where you’re going. But both Wyll and Gale agree that arriving after a whole day of hiking is a bad strategy (to the disappointment of Karlach and the disgust of Lae’zel). So y’all stop about an hour away—close enough y’all can be rested when you get there, but not so close a patrol might trip over somebody’s tent.
Gale has a spare canvas, nobody has spare poles or stakes; Karlach solves that problem by sauntering to the edge of the trees and ripping three saplings out of the ground to whittle into poles with that bigass ax.
She drives them into the ground and does not use a hammer.
You ain’t the only one watching this with a little too much interest.
big lady your brain chants.
She carries a regular pack, from which she pulls out a blanket that smells vaguely like vasoline, and a raggedy teddy bear she introduces as Clive. The bear is singed around the edges, and seems nearly shellacked in the not-vasoline stuff on the blanket. Some kinda fire-resistant salve she says.
She’s careful not to touch nobody, or even get too close. You watch this, lips pressed tight, chest hurting for her.
Dinner is, once again, bread and cheese and wine. No fire so close to the tollhouse. Karlach strikes up a conversation with Lae’zel about the best way to twist somebody’s head off, while Shadowheart watches over the rim of her goblet.
Gale, without much to do in the way of a cook fire, plops down outside his tent with a book, several scrolls, and an ink pot to start scratching away. Meanwhile, Wyll volunteers to go on patrol—make sure y’all really are out of fake paladin range—and set up some snares. You can’t tell if he’s upset with y’all’s decision to let Karlach join, or if he don’t like her around, or if it’s some secret third thing that’s got him so tense. He’s seemed like a real good dude—though everybody has shit takes on something.
The sun sinks low and the light goes gray as evening deepens. Lae’zel actually takes a night off from breaking your ass (either distracted by Karlach, or deciding that leaving you like, rested, increases your chances of not fucking anything up tomorrow).
Which leaves you just…hanging out. For the first time, you have the mental and physical energy to stay awake, but you have no phone, no internet, no books or movies or anything to fiddle with. Maybe you could work on that strip of linen Astarion “gifted” you. But then he’d see you doing it and start shit and besides, you got no clue how to sew.
You’re so busy trying to think up a way to be busy, that you notice the man skulk out of his tent. He’s got something shiny in his hand. He’s positioned his tent slightly facing away from the fire, tonight, which leaves it facing your tent more than usual. He’s not, like, hiding, but he’s not out in the open as he holds up what you realize is a mirror.
Huh. Lots of different cultures have vampire lore; you wonder if the mirror thing is accurate. You got nothing better to do, so you find yourself trailing over, coming up behind him.
“Looking at something?” he says. It’s addressed to you, even though he hasn’t glanced over.
“Saw me coming?” you say.
He stares a moment longer, before turning. There’s no sparkle to his eyes, tonight. His lips are a straight line. “The only benefit to a mirror when you have my condition. It doesn’t make up for a lack of reflection, mind you.”
Ah. That part of the lore is true, then. Ouch.
“Sorry to hear that,” you say. “You must miss it.”
And then you want to kick yourself over how stupid that sounds.
“Preening into the looking glass? Petty vanity?” he says all flamboyant. Until he deflates. Until you see what might be a flash of sadness in him. “Of course I miss it. I’ve never even seen this face. Not since it grew fangs and my eyes turned red.”
You didn’t know about the eye color thing. None of the others are anywhere nearby; you wonder if that’s why he’s letting this show. He’s never made so much as a peep that wasn’t joke-flirting, complaining, stabby, or bored.
“What color were they before?” you say. “If you don’t mind my asking.”
“I—” he starts. Blinks a few times and there’s the barest shiver of, dare you call it, vulnerability in his face. “I don’t know. I can’t…remember.”
He stares out at nothing for a pause. Don’t got the presence of mind to slip the smarmy mask back on. It’s like he…like he just realized that. Doesn’t remember his own eyes.
Then his face shutters. Tight-lipped anger slips down and buries all traces of confused horror. He chucks the mirror to smash on the ground.
You try not to wince even as you take a step back.
“My face is just another dark shape in my past,” he says. Looks away. “Another thing I’ve lost.”
You can forget some details about your own face, sometimes. You don’t generally wear makeup (never learned, and then when you could, that shit is expensive), and your hair mostly sorts itself out when you comb conditioner through it in the shower. So you don’t see your reflection every day (the ladies room at the office don’t have a mirror—used to be a closet until the seventies or eighties when they converted it).
But you know your eyes are dark brown the way you know your own name. It’s just a fact about you. You can’t imagine what it would take to just…lose that.
“How long you been a vampire?” you say.
His gaze flits around a second. “About two hundred years, give or take. Things start to run together a little.”
Two…two hundred years? Under that fuckface? Without ever being able to see himself?
Holy fucking shit.
Holy fucking shit.
And yet, he’s standing here, traveling with all y’all, acting…well, not normal. But he ain’t catatonic. He’s only killed people when y’all were fighting already, and he only tried to bite you the once (without asking). He’s talking to you, and he makes jokes and…
And he said you were his first “thinking creature” blood.
In two hundred fucking years.
The kind of strength it would take to scrape himself together and hold in there…even if it was barely. Even if he wasn’t all there. You’d known that shit for over a decade. But two hundred motherfucking years.
You been staring. He notices, and turns to you. “What?”
The man teases you. Steals from goddamn refugees (he has got to stop that). And he hasn’t seen his face in two centuries. You can maybe afford to make a fool of yourself if the idea blooming in your brain makes a fool outta yourself.
“I can be your mirror,” you say, your neck heating up, trying not to squirm. “You don’t have to. Or I don’t have to. If I made this weird, that is. I can, uh, leave.”
His eyebrows twitch down into a micro frown. He stands there a hot second, sucks in a breath through his nose. His mask is slipping again, and the man underneath…
“I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me,” he says. “What, well, what you see.”
Slight emphasis on the “you” that you ain’t gonna read too much into.
A long face. Thick brows. A strong, straight nose. Thick lips, pointy chin, and floofy, white hair.
You ain’t never really described somebody in detail. Not like this, and not to their face directly. You ain’t a poet or an artist. This was probably a really bad idea.
“Your face is very, uh, symmetrical,” you say.
He pauses a moment, before drawing back. “Oh darling, you’re terrible at this.”
Fuck you, too!
“Well, I mean, it’s the most noticeable thing aside from the granny hair.”
And now he fucking recoils.
“What? I have the best hair in camp. If this is your idea of a joke—”
“Sorry, I’m sorry, I’m kidding,” you say. It’s only kinda a lie. It’s granny hair, no two ways about it. “Your hair is very shiny and it looks real soft. The rest of you” —you wave your hand vaguely around— “looks good.”
“Really?” His usual smirk slips back on and he damn near purrs. Then he lifts his hands and gives a slow, little runway spin. “Anything in particular?”
Jesus lord. Man’s moods turn on a fucking dime and he cannot stop being a prima diva.
You think. What would you want to know about your own face? You got no idea how elves age or how old he was when he got bit. He looks young, in the dim light, but there’s an age to him, a smattering of fine lines at the corners of his eyes that you started noticing on yourself recently. You ain’t gonna mention how gaunt his cheeks are, even if they do make the bones stand out all high fashion or whatever. It ain’t a healthy look (any time anybody mentions native cheekbones, you have to bite back the little historical fact that a lot of those photos was of starving natives, of course their cheekbones stood out like that, their food sources were butchered, burned, or a thousand miles away after a forced march).
You’re gonna ask in the morning if Wyll can bring back what his snares catch before he field-dresses them, and ask Astarion if he wants the blood. Man needs to eat more often. Put some goddamn flesh on them bones (oh god, you sound like your aunties).
“You got these eye creases when you smile,” you say.
But he does not take that as the compliment you mean.
“Excuse me?” he says like you just called his mama ugly. “I’m an eternally young vampire, forever beautiful.”
Forever corpse-y.
“It’s a good thing.”
“It sounds an awful lot, my dear, like you just called me old.”
“You just said you was at least two hundred.”
He gestures down to himself. “Vampire. Come on, darling, you can do better than this sorry excuse.”
And then the man has the audacity to fucking pose. Hand on his hip. Shoulders swaying like some old-timey, rich debutante.
“This whole thing is just you fishing for compliments, huh?” you say.
He looks at you like you’re the weird one. “Well of course it is. Now don’t leave me waiting.”
You ain’t sure if this entire cluster started as a sham, or if it just naturally devolved into one (he’s very good at the latter). His frustration had seemed genuine, though. He wouldn’t meet your gaze for a time. And you’re picking up on a pattern: obfuscation. He gets all fussy and theatric right around the time you notice (or he notices, maybe) he’s expressing something that ain’t flirt or murder.
You…kinda want to see what he’s trying to hide. What’s actually under that mask you caught a glimpse of.
In any case, it’s funner to play along right now, so you don’t got to think about the bullshit waiting tomorrow.
What would a vain peacock like him want to hear?
“Your eyes,” you say. “They’re real sharp, especially when you’re focused on something. I think people call that ‘piercing.’”
He rolls said eyes. “Acceptable. Finally. Now just tell me I’m beautiful and we can end this travesty.”
And you can’t help yourself. “Well, Karlach is beautiful. You’re fine, though.”
The moment of truth. See if he’ll engage…
He gasps, but through a grin. Literally splays his fingers over his chest. “How dare you. I thought we had something special.”
Warmth flutters through you. You set the game down and he picked it up. He’s returning it. Holy shit, you went and established banter with a maybe-friend. It’s a damn good thing you got so much practice keeping your face blank.
He clucks his tongue. Nudges at you with his hip. “Still. You’re nice, too.”
Well that’s an overstatement. You are plain and plus sized, and it ain’t some false-modesty thing. If you ain’t in some colorful or flowery blouse, you can feel kids staring at the store. More than once you caught a, “Is that a boy or a girl” and a parent frantically shushing.
You’d always thought the boobs would be a giveaway (they ain’t subtle), but hey, baggy clothes.
Sailing too close to the rocky Shore of Truth. Time to veer back into the humor pool. You deadpan. “Oh good. The pretty boy thinks I’m acceptable. Now I won’t have to cry myself to sleep in shame.”
The smallest snort tears out of him. Seems to catch him off guard. But he quickly folds it under his mask and sighs. “I’d better go get some beauty sleep, darling. Seems like I need it if I’m to catch up with the competition.”
“You do that,” you say, letting a tiny grin crack your own stoic mask.
Which he returns.
Which is right when the ground in the middle of camp cracks open and some kinda hell goo burbles up, spinning in a vortex, before it bursts into flame. Out pops a winged demon lady with her tits half out.
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bluewinnerangel · 1 year
(This would probably do very well in gif form but here's a block of text instead lol) Ok so the visuals in the Daylight music video that go with the lyrics are really fun, and I wanted to post a bit of a thing of it here.. i probably miss some maybe obvious ones or nods/metaphors an whatever, and there are things shown that relate to the lyrics but not exactly at the time he's singing it that I don't mention, but basically almost every lyric and visual directly relate. And that's really cool so I'm gonna list what I seem. I am failing to come up with a word for it that most likely exists but as @theirloveisgross said "My art school ass loves this" so we're calling it the myartschoolasslovesthis overview for now for now:
Ok so Lyric + visual shown while he's singing it that relates:
I'm on the roof - hes on a roof
You're in your airplane seat - he crouches like as if he sits down on a chair (in the air)
I was nose-bleedin' looking for life out there - he walks out of the celeste venus shes expert not novice camper thing
Readin' your horoscope - girlie in the back reading bigass book she's holding up in the air
You were just doing cocaine - walks by white powdered face bunny girlie
in my kitchen You never listen - stands in front of knife'd daggered wall and shows angrywrittenalloverherface devil girlie wanting to throw more
I hope you're missing me by now - she throws another and misses
If I was a bluebird, I would fly to you - walks past more circusmembers who are up in the air and he does a lil fly dancemove
You'd be the spoon Dip you in honey so I could be sticking to you - lil dip dancemoves, the others up in the air are now hanging face down also both with orangey head thingies very honey very dippy (also most headdresses and accessoiries are honey-ish colored like theyre all dipped in it)
(here its a bit thats not that much directly doing something with the lyrics but ill keep up vaguedescribing whats shown, basically every line he finds a new circus-person he interacts with/mimics:) Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (Ooh) - me the annoying bluegreen clown stops him
Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (Ooh) - weightlifting stongwoman and hes acting tough showing his muscles
Daylight, you got me calling at all times (Ooh) - screaming through a thing with someone on the other end who is annoyed on the other hand covering her ears
Ain't gonna sleep till the daylight (Ooh) - gets into a box covered in sky and clouds and pretends to sleep in it - then bambamchaos till the next verse-
Out of New York - he's also waving to a girl in a marching band costume on stilts above him and you see the "a prize every time" sign behind them i have thoughts about this none are remotely direct and obvious anyways
I'm on the comedown speed We're on bicycles - well. hes on a bicycle.
Saying, "There's life out therе" - points to the sky
You've got the antidote - circusact with a snake wee venom
I'll take one to go, go, please - ?looks in distorted mirrors
Get the picture, cut out my middle - crawls at like.. middle-length.. like he cuts himself im half in length.. in between people hoolahooping on their middles
You ain't got time for me right now - there's the sign again behind him that says "a prize every time" (and then past "cleanliness(?) and "peep show" idk bro)
If I was a bluebird - view of a girl in blue with feathers shot from below so the background is just sky
I would fly to you - idk some dance of the bluebird trying to get to harry and being held back by the other blue birds
You'd be the spoon, Dip you in honey so I could be sticking to you - theyre dancing around him and he seems confused and then he starts running away past the mirrors and theyre going after him.. its kinda like the bluebird wants to fly and stick to harry and harrys running away?
Yeap. cool. that was it for the lyrics and the matching visuals and from there it just turns to chaos (what a music video tends to do at that point). coolcoolcool
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amygdalae · 1 year
Oh I had a very fun, vaguely gothic horror flavored dream last night if any1 wants to hear about it. The dream itself wasn't particularly long but so much happened I won't be able to recount it in a way that isn't long-winded. So I'm putting it under a readmore lol.
Not the most "out there" as far as my dreams go but 1. It was very vivid, intricate and cohesive and 2. I actually remember like 90% of it. There is a haunting in it though! Always fun.
Not sure exactly where or how the dream started, but I was in this bigass old musty castle. I had amnesia, but I knew I lived there (or used to? I felt wistful, like I was returning after some time away). I also knew someone (a friend or sibling or something) used to lived there as well, but died of mysterious causes. I kept finding their belongings, small fancy things like lockets, jewelry boxes, expensive trinkets made of gold and porcelain. I'd try to pick them up but they were oddly light and they'd crumple or shatter in my hands.
There were only a few other people in the castle--one of whom was some sort of groundskeeper, a handsome but very tired-looking young man who I knew I had some kind of intimate relationship with (but couldn't remember the particulars). he was sweet and affectionate but had an air of sadness and anxiety about him (he seemed to know something I didn't, but was unwilling or unable to tell me)
I felt agitated, and was trying very desperately to find something. I remember wandering the courtyard and gardens awhile before goign back inside the castle and finding myself in an old theater. instead of a singular stage there were three small curtained stage-like platforms arranged in a half circle in front of the rows of seats. everything was coated with a film of dust
I went backstage, and there were old vividly-adorned puppets hanging in storage. As I walked past a rack of them, one started shaking on its own, and chattering its teeth very loudly. This scared me quite badly and I started to run.
I made it halfway down a hall before the floorboards beneath my feet gave way, and i fell into a very dusty room full of old furniture. The walls were somewhat rough-hewn and unadorned. The second I got my bearings I felt a deep dread rising into my chest, like whatever presence had animated the doll followed me into the room. I was then attacked by several large bugs--i could hear them muttering something angrily at me but couldn't make out the words. I waved my arms above my head to keep them at bay while they swooped down to bite me and looked around for an exit. I had this terrible feeling that if I didn't leave the room I would drown, or suffocate? (something to that effect. Vague indescribable dread is a very common thing in my dreams so it's hard to put into words)
I was able to kick my way out through the rotten planks of an old boarded up door, and wandered out into the sunlight-- I'd emerged into part of the garden, musty and suffering from neglect. I found my way to a pergola (covered patio). The groundskeeper found me there, seeming worried. The pergola was run down and coated with dusty moss; I rooted around some overgrown shelves and pried free a music box. I had to hold it very, very carefully; like other objects in the dream, it weighed nothing at all, and the metal seemed eager to crumple in my hands as soon as I picked it up.
Something about the music box filled me with bone-deep anguish. I sank to the floor, the groundskeeper joining me there with an arm around my shoulders. He seemed to immediately understand the significance of the music box, though I couldn't remember it myself. The last thing I remember is us sitting there together as I veeery gingerly turned the crank on the box. I have no memory of the melody that played, but (unsurpirisingly) it was mournful. Strangely, a comfortable numbness overtook me, and yet tears were streaming down my face. I think the other guy was crying too. The last thing I can recall is a warm glow emanating from somewhere; either the box itself or simply centered in our embrace. then I woke up.
anyways! 10/10! kind of rambling but overall a surprisingly well structured dream. I don't tend to have cool dreams like that without some off-color and insane shit thrown in by my subconscious for flavor but this one was weirdly cohesive? Felt worth documenting
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drealovesxenomorphs · 6 months
Robot and Monster Appreciation Post because I said so...
For an upcoming project that I'm working on, I *had* to rewatch Robot and Monster, and I have too many feelings in my heart and too many thoughts in my head to function, so this is a bigass love letter to one of the most underrated Nicktoons shows.
[TL;DR: the show is funny, give it a chance.] Before I get into the meat of it all, I want to say that the show features a lot of physical humor (characters being crushed and blown up etc etc) as well as dry humor and japes. I like both nuance and point-and-laugh humor so this was made for me (or I was made for it), though I do want to warn you, the first 5/7 episodes are very corny, just like any other beginning to a cartoon. I do ask that you give the show a chance despite those moments, the lore doesn't get too deep until later in the series so it's all pretty straightforward if you don't pay close attention to the beginning episodes.
Anyway, I wanna talk about the characters now 'cause I love 'em to death.
-Monster is my favorite because. The best.
-Whether explicitly stated or not, Monster is a himbo. Sweet towards others-literally everybody loves this big lug,-buddy gets hugs by complete strangers and so much love and and more hugs; though not too much, Monster is shown to be fairly strong and physically inclined; and we know Monster ain't that smart.... but that does lead me to my next part, and a personal headcannon that I feel very strongly about.
-OH MY GOODNES OKAY so we know that Monster's character is meant to be the dumb sweet dude that completely contrasts Robot and provided character balance and all that, but I swear man, the guy is just leading everyone on with that idea. So, when Robot messes up on an invention (which happens often,) Monster will try to say something supportive that ends up being a blunder that insults Robot, and we just chalk that up to it being nothing more than a blunder. I BELIEVE WITH MY WHOLE HEART that Monster is actually very cunning and witty and will get occasionally angry at Robot that this dude will actually use the misconception of his intelligence to strike Robot right in the heart. Monster is just too good at bullishitting that nobody can tell the insult was meant to happen. Good lord ❤‍🔥
-Gardener. Understands that love helps grow plants. Too good for this world.
-Has a security blanket from childhood. You're telling me this grown-ass adult STILL has the heart and understanding of sentimental value to hold onto a comfort item regardless of societal pressure to suck it up and forgo childlike tendencies? A whole character.
-Robot strives to be a great inventor, wants the fame and all that, but I'll be honest with you, only Monster sees the best in Robot's abilities, and there is nothing more relatable than a character who has the entire universe against them.
-If there was ever one thing that bothered me about the inventing, it was the fact that this dude was making MACHINES. Would this classify as regular handcrafting that we humans do, or is Robot actually creating children? If Monster could bring the organic bacon tree to life, you cannot tell me that Robot Default was not creating fetuses of the mechanical variety. And this is where I burden you with a headcannon: I think that this is based on Robot's own upbringing: Robot wants to put all of the attention and love into the little machines and projects because this guy won't let his ruined and near-loveless childhood get in the way of a healthy and happy future generation. Wants to heal the inner child while making sure the newest generation gets all the love and support they need. Anyways great character 🙏
-Sorry, the inventing this has me hooked to an unreasonable degree... does this mean Robot has a huge understanding in mechanical biology, or does Robot just understand how things are made? Look, this show was built on the bases of wanting to incorporate all the fun ideas that come to mind without giving any rhyme and reason, and I truly think that this is beneficial to the imaginations and mental stimulation of young'uns. But regardless, if that's the case, Robot would probably be regarded as a medicinal herbalist in our society (or maybe a chiropractor.)
-Arch-rivals with another scientist named Lucy, and this dude cannot catch a break on civilians that hate him. However, these meetings show us the depths of Robot's morality, and in the end (though pushed to do the right thing by Monster,) the well-being of another person is always chosen. Lawful-evil critter :D
-Already established that the Defaults are horrible to the baby of the family, but guess who Robot works for? That's right, Robot and Monster work for the Default Family Business, and I am near POSITIVE that they only receive minimum wage.
-Robot takes a lot of damage, and I assume if the heart is still beating in his chest, then everything is A-okay. Love a character that can take fall damage like a bug 💕
-Oh yeah, and despite the ego and sarcasm, Robot could have ended up being a snob and stuck-up just like the rest of the fam, but tries not to be. Robot keeps it real 99%, and I can respect that.
-One last thing that probably goes against all the good things I just talked about, I'm pretty sure that when Robot couldn't seem to make Monster feel happy again, he was literally going to kill a dude. Robot was going to make Perry disappear so Monster could be happy again. I shouldn't be this happy about the situation, but Robot's a true homie omg.
-Mentioning this Mofo at all will either be the catalyst to get you to watch the show, or deter you from it. Regardless, I am giving you the straight up facts, and if you think you won't like this kind of character, then I promise you won't. However, if you appreciate a little spice in a cartoon, then Ogo's got PLENTY to offer.
-Mega ultra horrible creep. Neighbor that knows everything about Robot and Monster. Slimy. You could consider him a yandere. Had the show been more popular, probably would be the fan favorite. Has that creeplord rizz.
-The first ever gaslight gatekeep girlboss. This SOB is manipulative. Will keep the darkest of secrets. But radiates the purest of girlboss energy. I can't explain it. It's just Ogo.
-Apparently accidentally leaves stains on their stuff, you know, when Ogo is breaking and entering into their home. What kind of stains is never mentioned, but even Ogo thinks it's gross.
-Has a dream journal filled with trips and delusions. I actually ache to be able to read what this dementoid's head can create.
-Speaking of delusions, this girlboss also invented the word delulu. Again, can't explain how.
-Knows how many bumps are on Robot and Monster's tongues. This show molded me into what I am today, send help and watch the show.
🩷❤JD + Spitfire
-Look, this show made 2 great, badass female characters. That's all. But, I was debating on whether to make their own separate lines, but you can't separate these two... I mean they tried to in an episode so you understand why I can't do it now. They are a team.
-Biker girlies. They beat up gangs and keep the streets safe at night. Fight dudes bigger than them and win. Wonderful.
-I love that they were able to make JD have everything going for her, but also have flaws as well. I mean, she's extremely strong, she's very pretty, she's got a sweet personality, and she's academically gifted. However, she's also a slob and doesn't really read people's emotions all that well. I don't know, I just feel like that's a great character.
-Spitfire is the complete foil to JD (and vice-versa, of course.) Spitfire is grounded and down-to-earth, cynical towards life and people, organized and calculating, and uncaring about the norm and societal standards. Seriously, sarcastic and badass. That's a great character.
-Despite their differences, they still have the same level of calmness. They work together so well from a fundamental standpoint. Dynamics similar to Robot and Monster, just... different vibe.
-JD has a very feminine air about her, and Spitfire has a very butch air about her. They very much level each other out.
🤖👾Final note💕🌚
-I would not be surprised if they have explored each other's bodies/hj. Very nonchalant as well.
-No lie, I don't know how to describe Robot and Monster's dynamic. "-And they were roommates." If you watch the Christmas episode, it seems like they were trying to make a nicktoon-friendly family splitting up a non-hetero situationship [which, hey, they find happiness with each other, wouldn't be surprised.]
-The show is weird, funny, sweet, comforting, the best. It is what it is, and for better or for worse, it will always hold a special place in the core of my soul.
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de-fright-ful · 21 days
Imagine attending a massive Tournament hosted by the Pokemon League, hosting the Gym Leaders across several countries all tied to the league.
You mind your own business, loving the high-energy atmosphere and Pokemon as far as the eye can see, and seeing this ENTOURAGE, literal ENTOURAGE of twelve people pass you by like you walked out of a Pokemon Tournament into a historical reenactment for a region that is absolutely NOT yours and not one you've been too introduced to, though its familiar in the aesthetics department, but doesn't quite click with a name at first.
You got this leading woman at the cluster's centre, who is almost comically shorter than all the attendants fussing around her like Combees around a Vespiqueen, fussing over her appearance and talking with her. It sounds like Saihōka, but they're going a mile a minute. It's obvious there's no proper conversation, just context on top of context and a repeating 'yeah, yup, got it, you fuss, listen to me, I'm fine.' but it makes sense in the busy environment - but maybe they're saying more.
It's hard to pay attention to the conversation because holy fuck is this woman OVERDRESSED, we're talking full jūnihitoe (at least 6 layers from what you can see) with fabrics patterned with various fall seasonal crops, hair styled, face paper white and powdered with painted features, holding a metal crook taller than herself with an IRON LOOKING PAGODA LANTERN HANGING FROM IT AND WITH A FIRE ACTIVELY INSIDE IT and you're left questioning WHAT?! When she bangs the staff on the ground and releases this NOIVERN, this bigass bat dragon, from its Pokeball and says something in a commanding way, when the people nod and break from around her (and her bat dragon), letting both walk off to check in before battle.
The lady walks off but like, she's going to stay in your head for a while, and you're going to have to head back and get one of those promotional pamphlets or look into the fan clubs, because now you HAVE to know. What's her deal? What was their deal?
To that end, I'm not surprised Amity and Natsuo got the sort of audience interest they did after they began making big appearances per the Pokemon League contract. Amity IS overdressed, and honestly, she doesn't even dress up to that degree for AT HOME gym battles, only special special ceremonies as a part of the league. But it's about sending an image, being memorable, and making people go 'Different! What? Why?' and what's better for that than dressing up as the common folk-character that is the EMBODIMENT of the fall to make them start asking those questions & get them hooked. And you know Amity doesn't wear the full get-up all tournament, absolutely not, it comes off after the first two days of her active participation, but it served its job VALIANTLY!
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fischlcatgirl · 1 year
Truly I am normal about tartaglia. Like listen ok I'm going to describe a post to you that I don't think I'm ever going to create just because. It will never be what it is in my mind but it was. Comic of the Tsaritsa basically interrogating him. She asks him if he trusts her over his own instincts and he's literally like. Yeah. Yes. 1000000%. She goes hey. Hands him a bigass sword. Goes ok I need you to um. Impale yourself <3. He does it. He apologizes for crying. She- you know how in like movies and stuff when the protagonist comes back from running away their parents hold them close and cry and kiss the top of their head? Yeah she's doing one of those. Childe wakes up in the fucking. Abyss. Goes ok I guess this is what eternal damnnation is huh. He finds a cave where he and Skirk trained however many years ago. Makes himself some makeshift armor out of Skirk's old stuff. Sings a little song to himself. Blacks out for a few hours and when he wakes up again he's eaten. Like he found something to eat and had a full meal but has no memory of it. He's literally like. Losing himself and splitting fully down the middle
Tbhies. There's literally like. No way to fully express how much I think his abyss backstory should get explored but until then I will be sitting here making stuff up. Vote tartag for most epic babygirl to torment
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weirdlet · 10 months
Got off a little early from work, so game is on early as well! Or- late because GM is late, but we are starting off with between-session shenanigans. Due to the last plot point floating out there, it turns out a dark god we inadvertantly pleased some time ago has temporarily raised the lava in the volcano and trapped the mighty dragon for four rounds in an enormous ruby. So we get some chances to actually stab it a lot before it reaches its second phase and super-sayin's us.
We fight the dragon most heartily as he strains against his prison, and finally a disintegrate hits him, turning him to dust- but as he goes poof, the ashes turn to living flame. As a great ancient wyrm, this is his final form- we stopped him from becoming a god, but HOLY SHIT this thing is powerful regardless. And now we have to fight the living heart of a volcano.
We are chugging potions and hacking away and also fighting three bigass fire elementals. Glory downs a potion of haste and is praying under his breath. Maeve is wielding a frost-sword that keeps her from taking heat-exhaustion. And after a big hit, the dragon coruscates with white flames that burn the eyes and radiate damage if you're too close. Fortunately, Trinidad is gigantic and hardened and probably wearing sunglasses.
The breath weapon comes back online, and he spews fire across the northern part of the map- Glory and Trinidad are betwixt them nimble and strong, and covered in extra strength fire resistance potion, so it's terrifying but livable.
A sunbeam blinds and injures one of the elementals, and nearly slays Hoornmdargh! But the dragon turns, and snaps Alain between his jaws, even as his own wounds gush!
And then Trinidad spins his giant glaive, and slices the dragon's head clean off!
AS we're hastily pouring healing potions down throats and getting Alain upright, Ilmater himself steps through a portal to take us to a fight we must also tend to. Something about a runestone. The final cult that was the reason Alain came to be, until his purpose was fulfilled. We're a little leery about it just because we are exhausted, all our useful abilities are spent, but we have missions to fulfill. As Glory announces, he has a husband, a harbor to run, and babies to have, just like Trinidad has a wife, and Sorianna wishes to have Alistair who is now Alain, and who might be again. Maeve is a paladin of Ilmater, so take a wild guess.
40k gold pieces and 36k platinum rain from the ceiling, but absolutely no useful magic items. We step through the portal and the GM calls for a break, disappointed but amused by the treasure table's results.
*insert appropriate 'Let's All Go To The Lobby!' song break here*
As we step through, we receive visions- back in the magical tower of Leilon, the world covered in inky darkness and conquered by cthulian things, and each of us are taken through two scenarios- one in which these things tempt us into our primary character-driving sins, and we end the world but stand tall; and one in which we reject our sins and self-sacrifice. And we're asked if we would choose one or the other.
And in most instances, our own sins prevent us from giving in to these things that would destroy our world. Glory in particular is offered, in the name of his Wrath, the ability to slaughter anyone who wronged him, to wreak vengeance upon the next ten generations, to which he responds with a resounding "Meh." "Ten generations? Slaughter armies? I can kill anyone who pisses me off myself! Ten gener- what? Get a hobby! Take up drinking! Get a girlfriend!!!"
As we come through these visions, refreshed and healed, we find the god of martyrs upon the ground, the pool of his blood forming a shield against the man-sized starspawn surrounding and pressing against it. The same things that killed Alistair. In the same tower he had died in. And one of them, more wizardly than the rest, the wizard we fought with against them, holds the runestone and monologues at us about finding his purpose and using the stone to destabilize reality and let things in.
Basically, if we can get rid of the runestone it will be a net gain, but there may have to be self-sacrifice to do it.
Protected by the blood of the god, staring at these horrible things, Maeve gives a holy, magically enhanced command- and the starseer blinks and throws the runestone into the corner away from himself and near us.
Sorianna mage-hands it! And we all look at each other, going, 'how the f do we destroy it?'
The seer gapes at us, and is like- 'are you joining me? Or- you really need to worry about my boss, he's perfect and beautiful - and he is coming soon.' And then he tries to collapse reality around Sorianna, who counterspells it but is freaked out by the sight.
Glory stays still, waiting safely ensconced in the blood as the creatures swarm around us- then stabs the one closest to him through the face on a natural 20 with a massive doubled sneak-attack. Trinidad rages, and we are shredding these creatures.
And then the big one slinks down the stairs. It pushes one of the bodies into the blood to stand on.
Meanwhile, Alain touches the big holographic vision-generator in the center of the room, guiding it to show him the possibilities of what he can do, what different outcomes depending on who sacrifices what- and he jumps out the window after dumping that raw in our brains, jumping out the window to be the distraction in order for someone else to successfully take the stone out with them.
An inspiration point is used to switch turns, and Sorianna throws her bag of holding at Glory, says "We're not going through this again," and teleports the rest of us to her home as she misty-steps herself out into the void with the runestone in her arms.
The dying god breathes on Alistair and guides him through time and space to find himself a feasting table, while Sorianna bounces through time and space, following bloodied footprints that take her to different points Quantum-Leaping around us throughout our journey.
And her journey through time and space, influencing all the outcomes, ends with her appearing in her home, as we three others are about to walk in, and Alistair, her darling, sitting at the table with a feast before him.
There is such an embrace. There are tears. Each of us are greeted- Maeve by her lost dog, Glory by his husband, Trinidad is punched in the arm by his orcish wife. And we hear Ilmater's voice, whispering thank you in his last breaths, as he fades out of existence. The bleeding god bleeds no more, and he has helped us to save ourselves.
At first there's shock. Carver and Maeve have lost their divine power. There's an initial round of how do you replace/revive a god, and some chattering back and forth, and Sorianna actually feels another pull to leap in time again. Somehow, this is not the last stop, and there's one more thing that needs done.
She disappears, and we're left with jaws gaping. After some teleport shenanigans, we're back at the lair of the dragon to collect the cash, and are greeted by glowing knights, asking us if we believe Alistair is worthy of taking up the open slot of godhood.
Glory's like 'you leave those two alone! They deserve their happiness together!' Maeve argues that he should only become a god if he wishes. Trinidad argues that no mortal is worthy of godhood. Love, free will, and gatekeeping- the gods will take these into account, though which will reign supreme is anyone's guess.
There's a new left turn to the pathways that wasn't there before. As Trinidad and his wife are gathering up the biggest fortune in the world, Maeve and Glory investigate the metal doors to a stairway that goes up, and up, and up-
about the point where there's clouds and blue skies, Glory says 'I don't think I belong here- are you sure you want to keep going?' The sending stones aren't working, and Maeve tells Glory- you have a family. And I really want to find out what's on the other side.
After a short argument about what kind of friend would I be- Glory says 'I hope you find what you're looking for' and gifts her his mother's haircomb with the one missing jewel, before sauntering vaguely downward.
Maeve keeps walking. Meeting gods along the way, who guide her to Ao and meets the godhead. She is undone and remade in the image of her best self- she becomes a goddess. Her armor becomes cosmic. She is taught that all children under Ao are worthy, even if starspawn and gods and mortals need different things. And she renames herself and takes her place.
Sorianna pops out in her final destination! Alistair is being argued over by all the good gods, petted and pulled and spoiled between them. He's being pulled to godhood. She calls out to him-
-and he calls back, saying, "Join me, my love!"
The gods start whispering among themselves. The moment runs long. Sorianna says "We are better together, we are a package deal-" and is given the same morsels Alistair is. All the gods are familiar to her, except one, with the cosmos in her armor.
"I'm happy to see you again, friends. Welcome!"
All three become known for their mercy, though each have a different spin.
Glory finds his way out of the disappearing staircase via some lava tubes, emerges coughing and forswearing that left turn at Albaqurqe, and comes out into the full salvage operation of the ruby. He goes home with his husband, one of the richest people in the world.
He has babies, becomes pirate king of the seas but legit, and loves his husband Carver, who takes the loss of his divine power with grace and humility- and still rises every morning at dawn for calisthenics and prayer.
next week, we're probably working on a Pathfinder campaign. Several folks are switching out because of scheduling issues, and I'm going to be late regardless because of work, but we've had so much fun and want to do it again.
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beantothemax · 11 months
Chapter Three:
The two arrive, slightly tenser, in a small town in the northern part of the Goldlands
It’s called Millheart, it is positively FULL of windmills, and it’s surrounded by large hills
A few caves rim the town, just because it’s getting a little close to the Stonelands
Some asking around the town is required to find out about what the seer was talking about
It seems that the general consensus is that there’s something amiss in the cave north of town, so it’s safe to say that that’s where The Thing might be
However, the townsfolk are all being like. Real cagey about it. Hard to say why
Eventually the two reach the cave in question, which by all accounts looks like a perfectly ordinary cave
However, as they approach, a villager in armour stops them, saying that they can’t go in and that “they’re not going to lose any more people to that thing”
Praem insists that they are going to enter that cave whether this guy likes it or not
Blades are drawn, and there’s a mandatory Challenge section (because I had to incorporate one somehow and there’s no way I’ll be able to fit one in chapters 4 or 5, trust me)
The two clean the guy up a bit and put him in a safe place but then swiftly move on into…
The Third Dungeon: Infested Cavern
Hey just heads up this is gonna be tagged with bug and spider content warnings in the post form but if you are tumblr user beantothemax reading this from your askbox. Be warned. There are a lot of creepy-crawlies ahead.
Anyway it is extremely obvious what the boss is going to be as soon as you enter the dungeon
Cobwebs are EVERYWHERE and they are BIG
A few sections of it are fully just spider webs suspended over open chasms that you have to painstakingly walk over
The enemies? You guessed it: spiders.
I don’t think there’ll be any puzzle-type sections in this one, though
So it’s mostly just exploration through this creepy cavern
Eventually Praem comes to a large cavity in the cave, at the centre of which lies a bigass spider web
Like this is clearly the head honcho right here
Troublingly enough, however, the wall BEHIND the spider web has some carving on it that’s difficult to make out with the web in the way
Praem and Ekaterina get to work clearing the web
Ekaterina needs to borrow a sword for this because she’s a fencer, so Praem ends up using the dagger that the seer gave her
LOTS of thoughts in her brain about that one
Her ability has never steered her wrong before
In fact, it’s been incredibly accurate about most everything
There’s no way to escape the fact that it’s right
She has seen what’s going to happen
She can’t escape it and
These thoughts are so rudely interrupted by (no points for guessing what comes next) a vision! Just a quick one this time like what happens during battle tho
There’s something overhead. She needs to push Ekaterina out of the way because it’s about to get both of them
She quickly sheaths the dagger and dives into her ally, getting both of them out of the way to look up and see…
The Third Boss: The Great Web-Spinner
This one’s just a real big spider
I think it’s a bit of a shame that the warriors truly get a non-human boss to fight (Olberic fights the Lizardman Chief, yes, but also fights Erhardt in the same chapter), so I’m being the change I wish to see in this world
Enters the fray with one Arachnid Lieutenant, which in turn is able to hold its own decently well, but the main event is the big ‘un
The main gimmick of the fight is effects that progress as time goes on
As its first action, the GWS always uses an attack that lowers the party’s speed
The next party member to take a hit from an attack will be afflicted with some kind of custom debuff
The custom status gradually reduces attack and speed by small increments, and when it reaches a certain turn count (5-10), the afflicted member will lose mobility altogether
It can be removed, but only if no other debuffs/afflictions are present on the ally
So if the speed debuff is still there, you can’t get rid of it, but if you run down the clock on that, you can
Other than that, the Great Web-Spinner is gonna try and poison the party members one at a time, and the Arachnid Lieutenant is going to try and inflict blindness
This boss is mostly here because Praem’s final boss was originally going to be a giant spider and I wanted that idea to live on somehow, so here we are
The fight closes, and the two are able to resume work on clearly the web
Before they start, Ekaterina cuts off the spider’s head and stashes it in her bag, saying that they’ll be able to show the townsfolk to let them know that the cave is a little safer now
Cut to a montage of the two getting rid of the webs
Eventually, the full thing is uncovered, revealing a few things
One: an enormous crevasse, splitting in a Y shape
Two, a waterfall surrounded by stalagmites, with something just visible behind it
Three, a stone efface in a similar shape to the thing behind the waterfall, marked with a symbol of an eye
The same symbol of an eye as the dagger
And that’s the same waterfall as the…
Cut back to Praem’s vision for the second time (forgot to mention but it cuts back to the vision when she gets the dagger) as a flashback, this time to the footsteps on wet stone, and the waterfall
She’s going there
They are going there
She is leading Ekaterina to the place where she will kill her
Praem is again somehow able to maintain her composure but she is shaken by this in her internal monologue
Ekaterina seems to ignore this, and points out where this place might be
It features very prominently on the game’s world map, and is located in the northeastern part of the Stonelands
The two leave the cave, are able to present the spider head to the townsfolk, and then it’s time to head for the cave where it will happen.
the entire web spinner fight sounded SO cool,,,,,,,, i am in fact not immune to large bugs
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also i know we're in the certified Scary Zone for this chapter but the term 'arachnid lieutenant' is very funny to me. i'm just imagining a spider with a lil army general hat with a bunch of spider badges of honor on its spider vest. sorry what was that about a waterfall i got distracted
the fact that we know what's gonna happen in that waterfall cave and with that dagger since the first chapter with praem's visions and everything slowly building up to it is. GAH. its got me extremely intrigued and also scared... we know what's gonna happen but i feel like that's not gonna make it hurt any less. iris have i mentioned how good of a storyteller you are
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months
Chapter Three (Praem):
The two arrive, slightly tenser, in a small town in the northern part of the Goldlands
It’s called Millheart, it is positively FULL of windmills, and it’s surrounded by large hills
A few caves rim the town, just because it’s getting a little close to the Stonelands
Some asking around the town is required to find out about what the seer was talking about
It seems that the general consensus is that there’s something amiss in the cave north of town, so it’s safe to say that that’s where The Thing might be
However, the townsfolk are all being like. Real cagey about it. Hard to say why
Eventually the two reach the cave in question, which by all accounts looks like a perfectly ordinary cave
However, as they approach, a villager in armour stops them, saying that they can’t go in and that “they’re not going to lose any more people to that thing”
Praem insists that they are going to enter that cave whether this guy likes it or not
Blades are drawn, and there’s a mandatory Challenge section (because I had to incorporate one somehow and there’s no way I’ll be able to fit one in chapters 4 or 5, trust me)
The two clean the guy up a bit and put him in a safe place but then swiftly move on into…
The Third Dungeon: Infested Cavern
Hey just heads up this is gonna be tagged with bug and spider content warnings in the post form but if you are tumblr user beantothemax reading this from your askbox. Be warned. There are a lot of creepy-crawlies ahead.
Anyway it is extremely obvious what the boss is going to be as soon as you enter the dungeon
Cobwebs are EVERYWHERE and they are BIG
A few sections of it are fully just spider webs suspended over open chasms that you have to painstakingly walk over
The enemies? You guessed it: spiders.
I don’t think there’ll be any puzzle-type sections in this one, though
So it’s mostly just exploration through this creepy cavern
Eventually Praem comes to a large cavity in the cave, at the centre of which lies a bigass spider web
Like this is clearly the head honcho right here
Troublingly enough, however, the wall BEHIND the spider web has some carving on it that’s difficult to make out with the web in the way
Praem and Ekaterina get to work clearing the web
Ekaterina needs to borrow a sword for this because she’s a fencer, so Praem ends up using the dagger that the seer gave her
LOTS of thoughts in her brain about that one
Her ability has never steered her wrong before
In fact, it’s been incredibly accurate about most everything
There’s no way to escape the fact that it’s right
She has seen what’s going to happen
She can’t escape it and
These thoughts are so rudely interrupted by (no points for guessing what comes next) a vision! Just a quick one this time like what happens during battle tho
There’s something overhead. She needs to push Ekaterina out of the way because it’s about to get both of them
She quickly sheaths the dagger and dives into her ally, getting both of them out of the way to look up and see…
The Third Boss: The Great Web-Spinner
This one’s just a real big spider
I think it’s a bit of a shame that the warriors truly get a non-human boss to fight (Olberic fights the Lizardman Chief, yes, but also fights Erhardt in the same chapter), so I’m being the change I wish to see in this world
Enters the fray with one Arachnid Lieutenant, which in turn is able to hold its own decently well, but the main event is the big ‘un
The main gimmick of the fight is effects that progress as time goes on
As its first action, the GWS always uses an attack that lowers the party’s speed
The next party member to take a hit from an attack will be afflicted with some kind of custom debuff
The custom status gradually reduces attack and speed by small increments, and when it reaches a certain turn count (5-10), the afflicted member will lose mobility altogether
It can be removed, but only if no other debuffs/afflictions are present on the ally
So if the speed debuff is still there, you can’t get rid of it, but if you run down the clock on that, you can
Other than that, the Great Web-Spinner is gonna try and poison the party members one at a time, and the Arachnid Lieutenant is going to try and inflict blindness
This boss is mostly here because Praem’s final boss was originally going to be a giant spider and I wanted that idea to live on somehow, so here we are
The fight closes, and the two are able to resume work on clearly the web
Before they start, Ekaterina cuts off the spider’s head and stashes it in her bag, saying that they’ll be able to show the townsfolk to let them know that the cave is a little safer now
Cut to a montage of the two getting rid of the webs
Eventually, the full thing is uncovered, revealing a few things
One: an enormous crevasse, splitting in a Y shape
Two, a waterfall surrounded by stalagmites, with something just visible behind it
Three, a stone efface in a similar shape to the thing behind the waterfall, marked with a symbol of an eye
The same symbol of an eye as the dagger
And that’s the same waterfall as the…
Cut back to Praem’s vision for the second time (forgot to mention but it cuts back to the vision when she gets the dagger) as a flashback, this time to the footsteps on wet stone, and the waterfall
She’s going there
They are going there
She is leading Ekaterina to the place where she will kill her
Praem is again somehow able to maintain her composure but she is shaken by this in her internal monologue
Ekaterina seems to ignore this, and points out where this place might be
It features very prominently on the game’s world map, and is located in the northeastern part of the Stonelands
The two leave the cave, are able to present the spider head to the townsfolk, and then it’s time to head for the cave where it will happen.
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
Yo, so- augh- your Sonic as a tagger post has been living in my head and I've gotten obsessed. I've gotta ask this: Since Sonic and Shadow are foils, if Sonic is into tagging... would Shadow be the kind of person who does the bigass murals on the subway cars and under the overpasses then? Like his point is also to be seen (if only by a few, if he really goes into deep tunnels and odd little areas) but distinctly NOT in the same way Sonic and his tagging are to be seen? (Also, what other headcanons do you have? I'm super curious <3)
(a follow up to my graffiti headcanon)
First of all, I want to apologize because this ask got stuck in my huge pile of drafts I keep on this blog for all my brainrot. So I'm deeply sorry about that.
Second of all, I want to apologize again because I see Shadow as a foil. . . in the way that he doesn't see the point of graffiti much at all. I just don't think he could ever bring himself to do it.
I think he would hold respect for the huge pieces thrown up on subway cars and overpasses, but perhaps it would bother him somewhat- why would someone devote so much time and attention to something that is ultimately unwanted? Something that will just be painted over in a matter of weeks or months? It's just so. . . ephemeral. If he had things his way, he'd preserve every large mural like that in a museum.
Meanwhile, though, he'd probably find tagging unbearably arrogant. What right do you have to ruin a public space with your scribble, Sonic? He'd consider himself above such "attention-seeking" behavior. The sense of community and the thrill of not getting caught don't hold much appeal to him. He's spent his entire life hiding parts of himself; he doesn't need something new to cover up.
But I do think that Shadow likes creating art, and is his own personal art inspired by graffiti style? Absolutely. A small part of him does appreciate the freedom and rebelliousness in the style, along with the emphasis on individual identity. Sonic would probably discover his sketches and go "yo, we should slap these on some stickers!", but Shadow would rather die than ever actually post anything anywhere.
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knife-drawer-rp · 1 year
🎲 For Caz, Woowoo, or both? You pick! ( @plague-on-the-run / @nomans-land-rp )
Might get long so sit tight!
For Caz
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What do you get when a lightning storm and a typhoon meet up in a bar? A bunch of bounty hunters looking for a quick payday with reckless abandon for everyone else around them. There were chairs and bullets alike flying through the air, along with a couple of people who the biggest of the brute group getting real handsy about chucking a pair of outlaws around. However, what they certainly didn't expect, though they should have with double dollars to their names, was the ferocious combination of Caz and Vash fighting together. One cussing up a storm at their assailants and the other apologizing before clocking a man in the head with the side of his bigass pistol. There were no casualties, though no one really left that tiny saloon without bruises and bumps. To the pair's rare grace of fortune, after all had been said and done, it turns out those "bounty hunters" have been causing trouble for civilians, acting more like thugs than protectors, so the people were more than glad to hold off calling the authorities on the two until... Midday the next day. Don't get the people wrong, they're very thankful, but the mere presence of people with such high profiled bounties is bound to attract more trouble, especially Vash... Which he completely understood and thanked them for the generosity (even though they're going to have to SPRINT out of town first thing in the morning). The allotted time, however, did grant the Harbinger and Humanoid Typhoon enough time to scurry back to the inn they'd split costs in to gather their stuff and lick their wounds. That's when he noticed that Caz hadn't been using their left arm much since the fight. Granted, it was hard to see when they had their cloak on, but when the realization that they'd probably dislocated it hit, Vash immediately took it upon himself to tend to his friend. He insisted that it was okay, that he's set dislocated bits at least... Once or twice... And that it'd hurt only for a second. Maybe that was a white lie, but after some banter back and forth about trying to convince his stubborn companion that they were not fine and did need some help, he made quick work of straightening them out.
They did a count down from three, and with a loud CRACK, Caz's arm was set back where it should be. Vash made a face of sympathetic pain, and before he realized what he'd done, he'd found himself reflexively putting his forehead to their injury as if that'd soothe it. But that's not how humans make booboos feel better, so he quickly readjusted his technique and gave their shoulder a quick kiss, "There! All better. We just have to make you a sling or something so you don't put more stress on it... Why are you looking at me like that?" The redness to their face will be chalked up to the adrenaline of the fight still coursing through their veins. They weren't flustered by the sweet gesture. Shut up!! ❀❁✿❀❁✿❀❁✿❀❁✿❀❁✿❀❁✿❀❁✿❀❁✿❀❁✿❀❁✿❀❁✿❀❁ NOW IT'S TIME FOR....... El WooWoo
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Under the pale light of the planet's five moons, Nicholas D. Wolfwood may be wondering why in the hell himself and Blondie surprise over here even kid themselves by booking rooms with separate beds. It's not every night's stay, but there's been a significant few times where they've dragged their asses into their lodging and just laid claim to the same bed simultaneously, with neither of them relenting giving up the space.
Tonight, Nico would find himself crammed off to the right side of a twin bed, having to share it with Vash, who definitely got there second and insisted on just... Curling up like a big dog with his head resting on Wolfwood's stomach. They weren't gonna share the single pillow too, that would be insane.
There was some boyish bickering over the whole situation, the least of which included the priest being called out for his lack of generosity and sharing skills, which was followed by trying to shove Vash off the bed... Which only inspired the idea of WHAPPING his prosthetic hand down onto his dearest companion a bit harder than he intended to. Apologies immediately followed after Wolfwood tensed up under the tremendous open-palmed slap to his gut, (as if neither of them have experienced injury worse than that in their life). Another push was made to shove the walking disaster of a man off the bed, which was met by the biggest, saddest, wettest beast plead of forgiveness Wolfwood had ever seen prior to a little kissy kiss being put down over his already fading slap mark. Didn't matter that the shirt was in the way, its the intention for forgiveness!
Bah. It's too late and they're both too tired for more arguing and all this other crap. With a gruff "Stop lookin' at me like that, I'm fine" given, Vash would take that middle ground met and resume their regularly scheduled program of stubbornly and mildly uncomfortably sharing a bed for the night. They'll both wake up weirdly sore in the morning from the odd angles, but that's a tomorrow them problem.
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I'm being brave about it. have a kid cable as rider-waite the fool. I'm learning how to digital so it could be better and I'll redo it eventually. explanation of Why It's Like This under the cut.
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anyway so.
the fool. the card of innocence and naivete and the beginning of journeys. very kid cable coded. even jonathan hickman thinks so, and I'm not gonna argue with him. there's this one great line in x of swords where cable's talking to his parents and he says "I should have been the other guy for this." (referencing the future cable he will become eventually) and I bring it up because. he is naive he is young he is stumbling around. he is at the start of his hero's journey, he has just now entered the unknown world.
also I think symbology is fascinating! hence why I started this project (yes it's a project, no I probably won't post all of them unless for some reason everyone really wants to see the others? it's just for me to learn symbology and get less bad at digital art). and according to the several sites of various levels of credibility I cross-referenced with wikipedia and my roommate who knows a weird amount about tarot for being a neuropsychology major, there are two major pieces of iconography in the original (rider-waite) tarot card -- the bindle (the bag on a stick) in the fool's right hand and the white flower in his left.
the bindle signifies the start of the journey (it theoretically carries his belongings and whatnot that he's taking on the journey), but as a Symbol, it represents "untapped collective knowledge." (wikipedia's words). while aforementioned sites do not agree on what "untapped collective knowledge" could theoretically mean, that doesn't super matter! because jonathan hickman did the work for me and I love him. anyway I replaced the bindle with cable's sword / the light of galador. it's got a massive amount of space energy and also zetabytes of untapped information. and in the comics where that's discussed there's this line about how "cable has refused to be separated from the sword long enough to find out." which is like. peak untapped collective knowledge. there's also this great bit at the end of x of swords that will live rent-free in my head forever! cause cable gets his Ass Handed To Him in the contest and is basically like. out of commission for the giant final battle. and I would keep explaining it but I realize it would be significantly more efficient to just. find the page and show it to you
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[x of swords: destruction, jonathan hickman and tini howard, pepe larraz]
anyway. the sword is the key to winning the fight. but not because it's a sword, so he doesn't realize it. and that's very the fool. the fool thinks the bindle is just. his stuff. he doesn't realize that "his stuff" is also the collective history and knowledge of the place it comes from.
on to the left hand! in the original rider-waite card, the white flower represents... a lot of things depending on who you ask. innocence? purity? naivete? the folly of youth? someone with more Tarot Knowledge will probably read this and go "???" and help me in the comments or something and I'll either be right or horribly horribly wrong but anyway. as you can see he is Not holding a flower. he's holding this wonky string of beads.
which you can see the real version of in the top left panel in the comic and I'm realizing I like this version much better so I'm going to use it instead of phil noto's version next time! sorry phil but anyway kid cable and old cable have very similar costumes. the bandolier the boots the thigh pouches the bigass shoulder pauldrons etc. in fact there are really only two huge differences between their costumes! one, the brown cloak thing, and two, the beads.
the cloak thing (poncho? everyone draws it different) is just to keep kid cable like. hooded in the shadows for the several issues of x-termination where we aren't supposed to know who he is and then to sweep dramatically around him when he's being Emo™ in his brief x-force run (and also because dylan burnett said so). and anyway old cable has had a version of it? (and so has hope I think). it's not special.
but the beads are! in the future, cable doesn't have them. in fact, kid cable doesn't have them when he goes back to his own time. he gives them to esme before he leaves. (esme technically? has them in the future? but also I thought she was dead in the future cable came from? I don't know. I blame gerry duggan.) we never get a huge explanation about what they are or where they came from. in fact, I don't think we get any explanation, cause I don't actually know how he got them, and I have read everything with him in it I can find (if it wasn't already obvious he's one of my favorites). but kid cable always has the beads. except when he gives them to esme before he goes back to his time.
and him going back to his time is a huge deal because he's just. giving up what he has on krakoa. girlfriends (or a girlfriend I guess. see earlier monologues), friends, a cool sword, all of that, but also. his sister. his parents. literally, an entire chance at a childhood. he returns to his own time and leaves all of that behind to go back to being a soldier. and he's a different soldier when he returns. he's learned from his parents and illyana and wolverine and his future self. he's lost a lot of that innocence and childishness. the only real childishness he has when he returns in the fall of x is belligerence and impulsiveness. but no innocence.
even when he was in x-force, he had the beads. and kid cable in x-force is still a child -- an extremely tactically adept, massive-gun-wielding, insurrection-leading child, but a child nonetheless. and you see that. you see it in his attachment to deathlok, in his desperation when he's trapped with the TO virus running free in his system, in his drive to save his sister no matter how many other members of x-force he's going to have to piss off and/or fight to do it. he knows nothing about being a father (he hasn't been one yet) but he leverages it talking to cannonball anyway. you can see he's a leader and a tactitian, but there are also places where it's painfully obvious that he's like seventeen. he's just a kid. and he gives all that up to go back to his time. like look at these.
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[x-force (2018), ed brisson, dylan burnett]
HE'S LITERALLY JUST A KID WHO WANTS HIS BIG SISTER BACK. also the fact that warpath is literally holding him in the third panel for no reason other than the fact that he is small and in a massive amount of pain. like they would never have done that to old cable. but this one is a child.
so me in my infinite love of symbols and my infinite hatred of Doing Things That Make No Sense For The Bit When There Are Better Albeit More Complicated Options, I'm using his beads to represent that sort of innocence/youth/childhood. it distinguishes him from his older self.
oh my god this is so long i'm so sorry. but thank you for reading all that if you did! and if I don't understand the card please tell me. or if I did understand the card and you think it's cool. I don't know what I'm doing but I'm certainly having a lot of fun about it!
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