#something more thirsty
ex0rin · 1 year
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Wyatt Russell (2021)
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cosmicstarlatte · 7 months
Thirst/comfort???? How about Luci about to have sex with reader (their first time) and they cant at all relax? They're really tense and shaky because they know its gonna hurt. (Luci comforting reader during the whole thing? i dont know if this counts as a thirst)
18+ nsfw headcanon // minors do not interact
Omg 😩💕!!!
Lucifer is a caretaker at heart and that extends to the bedroom. Depending on what u want huehue 😏
He knows if it's done right, it shouldn't be that painful. Of course he knows everyone is different but he assures you that he will try to make it the least painful as possible, 'slow and steady' is how it'll be done he tells you when he sees how nervous you are.
He would be so soft and sweet, he loves you and he wouldn't do anything to harm you. He would check in on you frequently through out the whole session. He'd be so gentle, praising you when he can.
"Look at how well you're taking my fingers already."
He'd press soft tender kisses to your face and neck as his warm lubed up fingers gently finger fuck you. He'd murmur a small "we can stop anytime you're uncomfortable my little lamb."
He will make sure you're as comfortable as you can be. After all, and perhaps there's some selfishness here, it'd hurt his pride if you didn't enjoy your first time with him.
"Mm...doing so good. The tip is already in, how are you feeling?" He asks and presses a sweet kiss to your forehead.
"Oh my little lamb wants more? Very well then." ⬦
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also someone requested a virgin mc version of this back in june and I've been sitting on it ever since. perhaps I should continue to work on it?🫣
Lucifers part is actually done and idk if I wanna release that by itself or not in case I don't actually finish it... Decisions of an amateur writer. 😔
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louroth · 8 months
thought it's about time I poked my head out of the mire, and confirm that this period of silence just seems to be a part of my process. I can't wait to show you what I am working on. It has taken on a life of its own. It's beautiful and untamed like a wild horse. So much has and is changing. I love it to pieces. !!
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
Thinking about how the players of Double Life immediately started subtly being more careful because of the soul bonds. Thinking about how even though this is a death game, even though the goal has always been to stay alive at all costs and take as little damage as possible, I heard so many variations on "I'm going to have to get used to taking care of you, too" from so many of them, followed by them taking much better care of themselves. Thinking about how out of their way they go not to take small amounts of mundane damage from falls and drowning because the harm feels different when it isn't just you suffering it. Just...thinking a lot about that.
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sergle · 11 months
sergle i thought you didn't like ppl objectifying you :/
god okay this gave me whiplash. make sure you remember how to read before proceeding. sound words out for a friend or family member if you need to. People Being Thirsty in my general direction is different from people like. seeing me only as JO material. I Don't Like people thinking they're smooth as hell trying to dm me what they assume women want to hear. Describing some cringe ass shit. I Do Like a compliment. I even like a compliment that is clearly thirsty. I don't think "I've jacked off to you" is a compliment. not from yall anyway. super controversial, I know. a fat fetish blog following me and reblogging my selfies Is objectification. someone being vaguely horny can be good, or bad, or funny and I show it to ppl on discord and laugh- depends on the specifics. Most of the people following me are too uwu to even get close to the line. they've backed so far away from the line out of fear that they tripped over something while they were backing up and it was embarrassing for them. People trying to push me into sex work specifically while I'm fundraising, because they know I'm more vulnerable at that time and they want to take advantage of me needing money, is definitely sexual harassment, that's definitely me being objectified. the ask I just got, though, was not that. 😭 just telling me that some girls think I'm hot? that is tepid as hell. thinking someone is attractive isn't objectifying them. all attraction is not objectification. please. work with me here
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dykedvonte · 2 months
Ok so we know you love Benny (rightfully so, I mean look at the man) but do you have any thoughts on the other Chairmen? Swank and Tommy specifically?
I have so many thoughts on the Vegas families but even more on the Chairmen just because of how unique their position is.
Like to start off, I have mentioned and still fully believe the Chairmen are the most paranoid and distrusting of all of the Vegas families. You can get sucked into many personal dramas and plights when it comes to the other Vegas Families; Quest-lines that get you super involved with their inner workings and pasts, ergo, quest-lines like Beyond the Beef and How Little We Know. Other than the very little side quest we get from Tommy, where you don’t even out in a good word for the Aces Theater for the talent recruits, your very boxed out with the Chairmen.
While the other families are more curious and intrigued by the NCR and Legion tensions rising, House being killed and other things, the Chairmen are always paranoid, concerned and negative. They mention wanting to leave like in the old days but can’t drop the act. They don’t mention anything that isn’t in a way that relates back to them and it tells how little they wish to or do interact with those outside the family. Swank mentions how he doesn’t trust the other families and the sentiments are shared with Tommy who discourages you from seeing the other sights. They are probably not purposely isolating themselves but they keep to their own. I only think this is extrapolated by House favoring Benny as a successor and possibly more restrictions on them. They were the first family and likely the prototype of whatever is detailed in their contracts. House was not as lenient as he is now, taking Swank referring to House’s rules into account.
Specifically about Tommy and Swank is interesting. Tommy feels like he’s older to me, not like more mature but he’s been around to see how far the Boot-Riders changed into the Chairmen. He’s not like an old guy either but older than Swank and Benny. I like to think he’s a middle ground to Swank and Benny, where Benny is the idealist, Swank is the nihilist and he’s there realist. You gotta real with people when you work in entertainment. He has a keen eye and can tell when things aren’t right but doesn’t jump out of his lane, not without provocation that is. In relation to Benny, I think Tommy’s like a snide older brother type guy. He rips on Benny cause the guy is so obsessed with not being seen as a tribal anymore but Tommy of all people can see when someone is playing too much into a bit. Benny keeps him close cause he keeps him real.
Swank is described in universe by House as being dependable but unimaginative. I don’t think that’s fully the case but he isn’t the person to push things in my eyes either. He has complaints but he does what he’s asked of and is loyal. More of a “Are you sure” Man than a “Yes” Man. I don’t think he sees the best in the people around him but prefers to see them as static. I take this with how hard it is to convince him that Benny is a traitor and how he seems shocked you are so ready to kill him. Things run a certain why and it’s why he likes that. It’s why he’s so good a managing The Tops. He wants things to run smooth and easy and everyone to be having a time. He’s the type to struggle with a shift in change at first but then forget why when the new song and dance start to come naturally. He plays the part just like Benny but also reminds him of what they came from. He’s his most trusted advisor and friend keeps him in focus.
This is all personal opinion and just a quick run down of it. But I hope I answered at least some of what you asked:p
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stormvanari · 5 days
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Laverne Strych, Marigold Gang’s drug dealer who grows marigold flowers for her colleagues and infodumps about gardens, drums (music instrument), anatomical knowledge, knives, poisons, cleaning up traces of their kills and—
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13eyond13 · 6 months
doing this amazing new thing called eating well EVERY DAY and drinking enough water EVERY DAY and trying to get a bit of a healthy walk in EVERY DAY and sleeping at least 7 hours EVERY DAY... and then looking at my Fitbit stats like a nerd to see what happens EVERY DAY... will let you know if anything interesting does happen
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quaddmgd · 1 year
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"Good morning. Coffee?"
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Okay. This is going to be long and probably confusing but I felt the urge to address Zoro's body count, or if it even exists. Because a part of the fandom is divided in either Team "Zoro kills" or Team "Zoro does not kill". And while watching OPLA I had to think about this. I can't provide sources but thing is that Luffy doesn't employ murderers (he kind of said that one way or another and has kind of a "no killing in my crew" policy, Oda more or less said the same thing and had Zoro state that he uses the back of his blades in a fight (which is a blatant lie btw) so he wouldn't kill his opponents (which is bullshit as pointed out by Nami bc he still can cause serious lethal injuries wielding his swords like that) and I've come across multiple discussions if Zoro actually does kill his opponents or not. Even if it's not explicitly shown or confirmed. Long story short: with Eiichiro Oda being the creative supervisor behind the One Piece live action series on Netflix, making sure the show stays somewhat close to the source and the characters don't divert (too much) from the original ones, I think it's safe to assume that Zoro, canonical, indeed kills/killed people.
Because Oda let it happen that OPLA Zoro cut Mr. 7 in half on screen. And when OPLA Zoro fought Buggy, he immediately aimed for Buggy's neck, intending to straight up behead the clown without hesitation. These scenes alone should be enough proof of Zoro's killing intent, which doesn't necessarily mean he intends to kill each of his opponents (he does spare numerous others as the series goes on). But if Zoro wasn't meant to actually kill some of his enemies, Oda wouldn't have greenlit these scenes, and it debunks the "Zoro's not a killer" theory for me. To me, it feels as if Oda, thanks to the show's rating, had the opportunity to show a few things he wasn't allowed to portray in the original source material, because "a hero doesn't kill" and so on, and I have to say I like this "darker / more grim" version of Zoro, it always felt natural to me that he's not afraid to fatally injure an opponent anyway, because why would a swordsman assume he would never kill someone during battle. There's just always the possibility, same as Zoro could be killed in each battle he faces. It's just how it is. He's not engaging in pillow fights. But live action Zoro killing people on screen, greenlit by Oda, makes it canon for me that Zoro kills. Serving under Luffy or not. Doesn't necessarily mean he killed each of the 100 bounty hunters on Whiskey Peak, or all of these fishmen in Arlong Park and so on and so forth. But certainly a good percentage of them. He's just as unafraid of killing an opponent as he is unafraid of dying and I think it suits his character well. My hc or understanding of the character is that Zoro does indeed aim to kill certain opponents when he considers them too dangerous for a reason, but with others he fights, he makes sure to defeat them, but also ensures they're gonna stay alive or at least have the chance to survive his cuts. He's fully aware of which damage his attacks are and how and where to cut a person to have them survive his blows or not. Means he knows how to seriously injure one, without the attack being lethal. Imagine being at the mercy of his blades, his mood, and if he considers you dangerous or just in the way... a scary thought.
And no, Zoro would not kill a member of the Straw Hats if Luffy would give him order of doing so, for whichever reason Luffy would ever tell him that. Zoro would rather fight Luffy for this than actually going for any of his nakama's lives like where does that bs even come from
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syrinq · 9 months
i haven't felt that "people of x fandom are interpreting character y wrong or reducing them to such a surface level" to a strong degree until like
now with baldur's gate 3
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princelythirsts · 11 months
there’s gotta be a way for people who have trouble drawing their own f/o’s but can draw other characters to help each other out
I have the organizational skills of a bagel but I’m thinking rn would be cool to do a selfship art trade or two with people who are in a similar boat to me
I find my main f/o hard to draw at the moment but I want art and I can draw and write for other people, so…
I’m willing to talk about this with anyone who’s interested! priority to my mutuals and followers and people whose f/o’s have little to no merch tho
(minors DNI)
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kxllerblond · 3 months
I missed making cringe longer form videos. tumblr is going to EAT the quality but whatever!!!! i love my dangerous little criminal man!!!
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benevolentgodloki · 3 months
// Tempted to have a separate verse I can call my Magic!Anon Loki who can have those sorts of things happen to him for as long as my whim dictates and would allow even non-mutuals and anons to send things in and bug him. Not sure how well it would fare however since I've trimmed down to such a smol amount of partners and 80% of you lovely people aren't as openly filthy as I am on tumblr 😂
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orchidbutch · 5 months
oh no
i think lil nas x did make me think about jesus after all????
except it's like. liberation theology god is black queer theology jesus
instead of the one everyone screaming blasphemy probably follows
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melangedmess · 5 months
Can't wait for Christmas fever to be over it's too exhausting
#Personal#Nothing ever good happens during Christmas#You have your catholic parents and relatives spewing the most atrocious bullshit and u have sit there like 🙎🏻‍♀️#SHUTUP#I am glad they aren't so uptight abt church & all now at least.#The fact they are converted Christians is hilarious and sad like#Christian missionaries are EVIL and I will never stop yelling about it. If something has to convince you or worse prey when you are the mos#Vulnerable then that's not a religion that's a cult. Especially led by 1 (one) person????#When that church can only ever talk abt Jesus being killed by the blood thirsty jews. Flat Earth.#or whatever bs u try to cook up. This group of missionaries have been busted on news a lot for being. funded by outside aid to#Convert more people.#I can't believe how brainwashing will have you believe the most weirdest shit.#Altho I'm thankful they weren't converted to Islam because then i wouldn't have the freedom I do now plus the horrible stories I've heard#From ex muslims#What other religion is there anyway who is so bent on converting as many people as they possibly could#To all my friends who have succeeded in leaving behind their families of both these cult-ish religions I love you and I'm glad you're safe.#It still affects me. I can't wait to finally start earning enough to leave this whole chapter behind. I've had enough.#Anyway if you can't tell or simply lack basic comprehension it's not a attack on YOU. It's a world wide phenomenon of conversion and brain#You can't deny that and I'm again NOT blaming you for it. Religious trauma is real.#The gangs or worse family members who will kill you for leaving religions is not something unknown. It's real it's true it's happening.#Anyway
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