#something's wrong with this coloring but i don't have any energy left to fix it
yohankang · 2 years
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Favorite Bang Won moments 6/?
Look at you weeping so sadly here, as if you want others to see it. Even I was almost fooled.
My Country: The New Age (2019)
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wixelt · 2 years
Perhaps her coming into contact with the crystals of the calamity box anchored her to the world of their location, since they are containers for their powers but perhaps not the actual source. The powers ending up in the calamity trio meant the crystals were now empty containers and when a similarly natured power came into contact with them it seeped into them, but since the power is enherent to Gem she and the calamity box will be necessity occupy to same world until her power is removed.
Perhaps like oil and water her powers would simply spill over and out of the crystals in priority and back into her, but with the power not fully leaving Ann some was left in the blue gem, causing Gem to be forcibly transported between worlds when the calamity box ended up on Earth regardless of her proximity to the portal.
When Gem suddenly finds herself torn mid-flight from the deck of the Hermithius, abruptly spawning in some sort of swamp - about 2 meters off the ground, landing face first in a muddy puddle - there's a sudden wrongness she can't place, as if she brushed with something powerful during the transition & came away lesser.
No biggie, she thinks. What's most important is getting back to the other Hermits & working out what just happened. So she reaches out, intending to use her inherent ability to world hop to get to a familiar spot such as MCC Island - easily reachable even from this unknown place - from which she can hop to the ship, wherever it is...
Less than 30 seconds later, Gem's forcing back a wave of panic as she finds the spot in her soul where her powers reside suddenly empty.
She has no way of knowing that - mid warp - she was close enough to an artifact with a similar multidimensional power that drained her natural ability into itself to try & fill what it had lost.
Nor can she know that she & the box are now bound together til the gems are powered up again & her foreign energy's forced to the surface by what's actually meant to be there (which means just coming into contact with the box won't fix things til the box itself is set right, even if she can sense a part of herself inside).
But even when this is all fixed, things get... complicated.
With True Colors rolling around before Gem can get close to the Calamity Box again to remove her power from it (there's repeated dramatic near-misses where she keeps coming so close to getting it back), she's stuck without what was always hers' for a very long time. She's initially with group who dash to the portal with Anne to get to Earth...
...but the gateway forcibly repels her, and she realizes the full extent of how her power being in the box tethers her to this plane. Because the Nether's still technically part of the same reality, they hadn't noticed before past a discomforting tug from using Nether portals.
Even with Marcy handling the gems only a few meters away, a sudden tragedy makes reaching the box kind of difficult.
After that, Gem's fate is unclear, though I will say that if Gem still hasn't recovered her powers by the time of All In, the Newtopia army's heading to Earth - should that still happen - definitely drags Gem along for the ride. Who knows, maybe this even helps her get out of a sticky situation.
In the meantime, though, she's going to have to worry about whether Andrias will be able to do anything with her stolen power.
As for the ties to Anne, you're going to have to explain that to me, because I don't think that'd make any difference (though the idea that a tiny spark of Gem's power remains in Anne later is an interesting one).
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droopycoquette · 3 years
I Promise || Kai x Reader x Taemin
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Summary: You get fired and your hybrid boyfriends don't realize how much your mental health has deteriorated
Warnings: octopus!hybrid!Taemin, wolf!hybrid!kai, fluff, slight angst, poly relationship, your boss is a dick, sexual assault, gore, yandere!kai, yandere!Taemin
Word count: 2465 words
A/n: The lack of Taemin ffs is appalling to me
You sat in your car as you cried. Tears continued to stream down your face as reality hit you. You were jobless and you could still feel your boss's grubby hands on you.
Two Hours Ago
"Y/n, I can tell you love this job," your boss commented.
"Yes sir, I do. Everyone is so nice and the clients are amazing," you answered.
"I'm glad," he smiled as he got up from his seat.
You felt yourself stiffen but you held your position in front of his desk. He made his way to the front of his desk and leaned against it, he stared at you for a little bit and you could feel yourself growing more uncomfortable by the second.
"Sir," you questioned.
He continued to move towards you and you stayed glued to your spot, not knowing what to do.
"Y/n, I like you very much. How much do you want this job though," he asked as he circled you.
Your eyes stayed fixed to the wall opposite to you, not wanting to give him any more power than he already had.
"This isn't appropriate," you stated as you moved away from him.
He grabbed your hips and led them to his groin.
"Who cares about appropriate," he smirked.
"I do," you said confidently as you shoved him away from you.
You made a beeline for the door.
"Y/n if you walk out that door you will be fired," he called.
You halted and gritted your teeth. Flashes of your beloved hybrids, Kai and Taemin, flowed through your mind. How would you provide for them if you didn't have a job?
You felt your boss creeping closer to you.
"I knew you would make the right choice," he grinned.
Before he could touch you again you bolted out the door. And just like that, you were out of a job.
"Fuck," you cried.
You had held your tears as you drove but now that you were parked you let the tears flow. How could your boss do this to you? He seemed like such a good person.
After a good 15 minutes, you began to get yourself together. The last thing you wanted was your babies worrying about you. You waited an extra 10 minutes so your eyes could return to their normal color, you also sprayed a perfume that would mask your scent and the scent of your boss. Anything to make it seem like everything was alright.
"Okay," you said before clearing your throat.
You tried your voice a couple of times so it didn't seem like you had been crying.
"Let's do this," you sighed.
You left your box of office stuff in your car as to not arouse suspicion from them. You slowly made your way up the stairs to your apartment and you could feel the energy leaving your body. Every step was a fight and halfway through you seriously thought about just falling asleep on the stairs.
As you entered your apartment you could see Taemin and Kai in a cuddling session. As soon as you entered, Kai frowned when he couldn't smell you. Your scent was just not there.
"Y/n! You're back," Kai exclaimed anyway.
"Come join us, baby," Taemin added.
"I really want to but I'm tired. I'm going to take a shower and then go to bed. You guys can order pizza for dinner," you informed.
"And Tae," you started. Taemin gave his attention to you. "Do not even touch the stove."
"Yeah, the last time you practically burned down the entire complex," Kai laughed.
"Kai, this applies to you too," you sighed as you made your way to your room.
Kai pouted as Taemin cracked up. The sound of their laughter was dulled as you dropped all your stuff onto your bed. With a groan, you undressed and grabbed your stuff for a shower.
"Do you think something is wrong with Y/n," Kai asked Taemin as he cradled the octopus hybrid.
"I don't think so, why?"
"I don't know, something just feels off," Kai explained.
"She did seem tired. I'm sure with a good night's sleep she'll be fine," Taemin rationalized.
Kai nodded in agreement.
As you scrubbed away the grime and filth you thought about the coming months. You thought about how long it would take to secure another job and how many transitions were to come. You had to tell your boyfriends eventually but, you didn't know how. Then, there was the assault. You wanted to tell them badly but, again, you didn't know how to. Would they think less of you?
"Fuuuuck," you groaned.
You trudged back to your room with a towel wrapped around your body, you quickly put on some underwear and Kai's shirt before crawling under the covers of your bed. Tears began to fall again.
I thought my tear supply was depleted...guess not
Soon you found yourself drifting away.
"Kai," Taemin called.
"Shhh," Taemin chastised as he gestured him over.
Kai snuck up beside him and glanced at what he was pointing at. You. He immediately knew what Taemin was pointing at; you had tear streaks across your nose symbolizing that you had cried yourself to sleep.
Taemin's heart ached for you. He had played off your pain earlier and completely brushed off Kai's suggestion. Kai didn't feel any better than Taemin, he had sensed something off but ignored it. Both of them had been cuddling while you cried yourself to sleep, all alone, with no support.
"Fuck," Kai muttered under his breath.
"I feel so bad," Tae groaned. "We're the worst."
Any other time, Jongin would have made an argument about how he was better but right now he couldn't help but agree with his partner. They were the worst hybrids in existence and even worse boyfriends.
"How can we make it up to her," Kai asked in a hushed whisper.
"I don't know..."
You groaned and cracked your neck as you got up. Your eyes were almost glued together with eye boogers you had due to crying.
"Eww," you whined as you rubbed your eyes and got up.
"Babe," Taemin called as he peaked his head into your room.
"Hm," you hummed as you were still focused on un-gluing your eyes.
"How are you feeling," he asked as he came and wrapped his arms around you, placing his head on your yours.
"I'm okay," you answered. "Why?"
Taemin stayed silent but tightened his grip on you when he heard your answer.
Why is she pretending with me...Did I do something wrong, he thought.
"Tae," you called again.
"Yeah, no reason," he responded. "Kai, Y/n's up!"
You heard shuffling before Jongin finally appeared.
"Hey Jagi," he said softly.
You could sense their cautiousness but you didn't understand why.
"Guys, did you do something that I don't know about," you asked suspiciously.
"No, why," Kai answered confused.
"I don't know you both are being strange."
"No, we're not," Taemin gawked.
"Okay," you relented. "I'll start on breakfast."
"Actually," Kai interrupted. "We got breakfast."
Taemin moved as Jongin neared you.
"What are you doi-"
Kai bent down and picked you up, sending you into a state of panic.
"Wha-, what are you doing," you squealed, holding onto his neck.
"Just relax," Taemin giggled kissing your cheek.
Kai rounded the corner and entered the kitchen revealing pancakes, waffles, tea, coffee, with an assortment of cookies and candy.
"What's all this," you squealed, still holding onto Jongin's neck for dear life.
"It's your surprise and our apology," Taemin explained.
Jongin set you down on a clear part of the counter and stepped to the side of you, Taemin placed himself on his other side and the atmosphere became heavier.
"We're so sorry baby," Kai sighed.
"Yeah, whatever you felt, it was our responsibility to lift you up and make you happy again," Tae added.
How did they find out?!
Does that perfume not work
No, I've used it before it works, maybe it was my voice. I know my eyes weren't red so it couldn't have been that. What if they could smell me before I sprayed the stuff?! No, Jongin's good but he's not that good.
"Yeah, sorry, what is this about?"
"You cried yourself to sleep last night," Taemin exclaimed. "Then had the nerve to lie to me about it. Lie to us! Did we do something to make you not trust us or something?"
"No, no," you exclaimed. "No, that's not it. I just-"
"You just what," Kai asked softly.
"I didn't want you guys to worry about me," you sighed, feeling guilt eat at you.
"So, it's okay to cry yourself to sleep," Taemin countered.
You stayed silent, knowing you were in the wrong.
"Why couldn't I smell you yesterday," Kai questioned a little more forcefully.
"I-," you paused knowing how angry Jongin was about to get. "I sprayed a perfume that gets rid of scents."
"You did what," Kai growled.
"I know I-"
"What happened," Kai interrupted. "Whatever must have happened had to have been bad if you sprayed that."
You dreaded what was about to come out of your mouth.
"I got fired," you sighed, stalling.
"What aren't you telling us," Taemin questioned.
"I-My boss-I," you stuttered before taking a deep breath. "My boss, he uh-"
"What did he do," Taemin growled.
Their grips on your thigh were tightening quickly. Tae's tentacles were beginning to reveal themselves and wrapped around your waist.
"He touched you didn't he? That's why you sprayed that shit on yourself," Kai snarled.
He began to rub himself onto you, not liking the idea of your boss's hands on you. Taemin's tentacle's tightened.
"Tae I can't breathe," you gasped.
"You were going to go on and not tell us," Taemin sneered, his tentacles unfurling.
"I was going to tell you, I promise. I just needed to process," you explained.
Kai and Taemin relaxed and realized that you were right. Kai continued to rub his cheek into your neck and Taemin's tentacles stayed around your waist and you had no doubt in your mind that you would find suction marks there later.
"We're so sorry that you had to go through that," Taemin sighed as he nuzzled into the other side of your neck.
"I'm gonna kill him," Kai growled.
Taemin smirked into your neck.
"No," you stated firmly.
Taemin's tentacles lifted you up and sat you on the floor.
"No matter how many times you do that, it will always freak me out. Warn me next time," you demanded.
"Yes ma'am," Taemin giggled.
"Now, donuts," you drooled as you skipped over to the table.
You turned and faced Kai.
"Promise us that when something makes you feel bad or when someone hurts you, you'll come to us instead of hiding it," Kai demanded.
Taemin nodded and faced you.
"I promise."
"Good," Taemin smiled.
"I'm sorry for betraying your trust," you said as you looked down and fidgeted with the hem of Kai's shirt.
"We forgive you, just don't do it again," Kai demanded.
You nodded and walked towards Kai and Taemin to pull them into your embrace.
"I love you two," you sighed in contentment.
"I love you," they both responded kissing your head.
You kissed Taemin before moving to kiss Kai who lifted you up as your lips connected.
"Mr. Extra," Taemin muttered as he sat at the table.
"I think you need a kiss from me too," Kai smirked making his way towards Taemin.
"No," Taemin said stubbornly.
Jongin bent down to pick Taemin up.
"Kiss me," Jongin demanded.
"Okay okay," Taemin laughed before kissing him lightly.
You giggled as you watched them, falling into a state of contentment that you hadn't felt in a long time. You moved to the couch with a plate of waffles and whip cream and were followed closely by the two hybrids.
"Don't leave us," Taemin whined.
"I'm right here."
"Yes you are," Kai stated as he laid across both you and Taemin.
"And you're not going anywhere," Taemin added.
Blood splattered across the cement like paint and teeth hit the ground sounding as if a child had just spilled beads.
"Please, what do you want? Money," the man cried.
"Look at him Jongin. This is the man that touched our baby," Taemin laughed.
"Pathetic. Little. Bitch," Kai growled, kicking the man with each word.
Anger welled up in both of them as they watched the man trying to crawl away.
Taemin lifted the man's head by his hair, tilted his head as if he was interested then slammed his head down onto the pavement. Your boss's nose was broken on impact, the sound echoed through the abandoned warehouse.
"How many women have you touched like that and gotten away with it," Taemin asked, disgusted with the "man" before him.
Before the man could answer a crunch could be heard as Taemin bashed his head in once more. Blood glistened on your boss's forehead and oozed from his shattered nose. Drops hit the floor in deafening pitter-patters, bringing a smile to Jongin's face.
"I'm going to make sure that you never set eyes on Y/n again," Taemin sneered. "In fact, you won't leave this building alive."
"Hyung, leave some for me," Kai smiled.
"Of course, jagi," Taemin smirked. "Get up you cunt."
The man stumbled and stood as per Taemin's demand, clutching his abdomen and coughing blood but standing nonetheless.
"I said run," yelled Kai.
"I can't," your boss wheezed as he crumbled, his bruised legs and broken ribs finally taking a toll.
"Kai, we have to finish this up. Y/n will be wondering where we are," Taemin instructed.
"Fine," Kai muttered.
Kai stalked over to your boss and as he did, his nails grew making Taemin shake in anticipation.
"I wish I could drag this out, but our baby is at home and we can't leave her alone for long, unprotected from people like you," Kai growled.
"Please, don't I won't do it again," your boss begged.
"Oh shut up," Kai groaned.
His claws glided through the man's skin creating four jagged slits on his neck that gushed rivers of blood.
"You did such a good job baby," Taemin giggled, kissing the wolf hybrid and enveloping him in his tentacles.
"Thanks," Kai blushed as he kissed the octopus hybrid back. "Do you think that Y/n will be happy with us?"
"I think it's best if we don't tell her. It wouldn't be good if she felt guilty and having it weighing on her, lets keep this to ourselves."
"You're right," Kai sighed.
"I know," Taemin squealed as he slapped Kai's ass.
"You know what, Hyung," Kai started as he ran after Tae not caring about the body that they left behind.
After all, he touched what was theirs, why should they care?
A/N: Please leave me feedback <3
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whimsicallyreading · 3 years
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“I just realized I’m desperately in love with you-“
Prompt Day One for Rowaelin Month
"Rowan, take a picture of that one. It's so cute." Aelin fawns quietly.
Rowan gives a long-suffering sigh. "There are a thousand of them here. Do you have to pester me into taking a picture of every seal pup we come across?"
"Her name is Fleetfoot, and yes. Isn't that the whole reason we are here?" Aelin looks at him equally annoyed, a strand of gold spun hair freeing itself from beneath her parka.
"I'm here to study the behavioral patterns of tiger seals and orcas in a rapidly shifting environment. You are here to keep our equipment functioning. If you keep talking, neither of us will finish our jobs and escape from this wasteland." Rowan switches the lens of his camera to focus on two male seals who were squaring up with each other in the distance.
Rowan nearly threw his camera over the boat and jumped off into the coastal waters of Argentina when he realized who had been assigned to assist him on this expedition.
He'd insisted that only he and one other make the trek across the Antarctic. Insisting a large group could impede the quality of his research. When they agreed, Rowan thought they would send him with Lorcan or Brullo. Both were accomplished survivalists and scholars—valuable additions to any team.
Instead, it was Aelin Ashryvver who waited for him at the dock. The most annoying newbie on his floor. Dorian insisted that her knowledge of mechanical engineering would make her invaluable.
So far, she was just a verifiable pain in his ass.
She sat around bored as Rowan spent the day writing notes and snapping photos. Occasionally she helped him set up microphones. On one instance, she fixed their ATV. It was the first and only time he'd found her truly useful.
Rowan couldn't wait to go home.
"Alright, we have the cameras positioned. We should head back to the base. The temps are dropping. We need to warm up and eat."
Aelin nods quietly, she would never admit it, but the severe temperatures are taking a toll on her. It was amazing how important something like fat is in a frigid environment. Rowan is naturally covered in layers of dense muscle. While Aelin is fit herself, she's still small and the first to feel the effects of persistent cold.
Watching the seals, she occasionally found herself jealous of their thick layers of blubber that kept them comfortable. She should have carb-loaded before they set sail.
They hop on the snow ski and traverse quickly over the powderlike substance.
When they reach the Terresen South Pole station and ditch their coats, they fall to the floor in a cascade of flurries. Rowan's spine straightens for the first time that day. Their coats were dense. With the additional weight of all of the equipment he carried, there was a perpetual bend in his spine.
It was a huge relief to be inside a climate-controlled building—light layers, freedom movement, and feeling in all of his extremities. Tossing that coat off was the pinnacle of his daily routine on this mission.
That is until he realized it was freezing.
Walking over to a light switch with urgency, he flicks it a few times. Nothing happens. Anxiety wells in his gut, and he hits the wall a couple of times before flipping the switch again.
"Shit," Rowan hisses.
"The power is out," Aelin's eyes widen with the realization. "That's not good."
"I thought I was the scientist, but look at you stating the obvious," Rowan growls as he shrugs his jacket back on. It wasn't nearly as frigid inside the insulated building as it was outside, but it was still bitterly cold. Keeping warm would be their first step in survival. Without heat, shit could hit the fan for them very quickly. Thankfully their satellite phones should still be functioning; he'd charged the battery the day before. There should be enough juice in the phones to send out a mayday call even without power.
Aelin doesn't put on her jacket. Instead, she heads in the direction of the lockers with a look of determination plastered on her face. It was a look he'd slowly begun to grow familiar with, mainly when Rowan was holding a ration packet she wanted. It made him uneasy.
"Where are you going?" Rowan calls after her, picking up her jacket. He wouldn't be held responsible for his younger, female partner freezing to death. HR at the University would have his head on a stick if she died on his watch.
He follows Aelin to her locker, where she's already sliding a grey jumpsuit over her clothes.
"I can fix the engines," Aelin pulls her zipper up. The jumpsuit covered head-to-toe, but they weren't nearly as warm as their snow gear. He could already see a slight blue-ish tint to her lips. "They probably just stalled. All I need to do is go down, diagnose the problem, and fix it. Easy as pie."
Ignoring the massive oversimplification of their situation, knowing it was a lost cause, he focuses on the immediate problem. "You need to keep your jacket on," Rowan thrusts the article of clothing at her. Her color was concerning him, and the longer she went without the thermal garment, the higher his stress became.
Aelin gives him a long-suffering look, all too similar to the one he gives her. "And get my hood or a sleeve caught in one of those beasts? Those machines are massive. Getting snagged could rip my arm off or kill me. It's like you don't even have a master's in engineering and a spotless safety record," she smiles at Rowan's scowling face. "Oh wait, that's me. Let me do my job, Dr. Whitethorn."
Before Rowan could argue, Aelin was gone down the stairwell towards the engines.
Dragging a frustrated hand through his hair, he tosses her jacket on the floor. His time is probably better spent getting through to their mission handlers on the satellite phones anyway.
Two hours later, Rowan has long finished his call with Dorian.
Their expedition leader had asked if they wanted a recovery team sent out to them, but Rowan hesitated. He was on the mission of a lifetime. He'd spent years waiting for approval to research at the southernmost tip of the world. It would be a devastating blow to his career and his pride for it to be cut short. The selfish part of him wanted to stay. The rationale, reasonable part of him was aching to stay the full duration of the expedition.
"You know, Dr. Whitethorn," Dorian spoke carefully. "There is a reason we chose Aelin to accompany you. She may be green and lacking a doctorate, but she's a miracle worker at what she does."
"Are you asking me to put my life in the newbie's hands?" Rowan asked without his standard vitriol. The situation and the cold had left him with no energy to be spiteful. He'd heard talk of her capabilities amongst the guys, and he'd seen a fraction of it when their snowmobile broke down. Rowan thinks back to the look on her face when she'd gone down the stairs. The steely determination of a warrior marching off to do battle.
Dorian laughs as if there was something funny about two of his most stubborn colleagues getting stranded in the south pole by themselves. "I'm not asking you to do anything. It's your call."
Rowan closes his eyes and contemplates their options. His head told him they should call the extraction team before they were nothing but frozen corpses. Yet, his heart didn't want to leave so soon. There was still so much work left to do.
Could he rely on Aelin?
"We will stay for now. Expect a call in twenty-four hours with a progress update." Rowan disconnected the transmission without any of the standard formalities.
After the fruitless call, he checks their food supply. Rowan scans the shelves, comfortable they wouldn't go hungry any time soon. Their only concern would be keeping all their shit from freezing, including their water. Rowan triple checks that everything is insulated, sealed, and stored away before moving on to other essentials, like batteries.
Another hour passes as he takes inventory, and Rowan is starting to feel the cold more than before. His nailbeds slowly shift from blue to white beneath his thick gloves, and he can't control the slight quaking spreading up his limbs.
When Rowan hears the doorway to the stairwell creak, he goes to check in with Aelin on her progress.
What he finds when he opens the locker room door sends his heart to his throat.
Aelin's hands loosely grip the zipper of her jumpsuit as she weakly attempts to free herself. Her face is a ghostly white, and her movements sluggish.
If she weren't moving, he'd have thought she was already frozen.
"Aelin, are you good? Talk to me." Rowan rushes to her and helps Aelin step out from the jumpsuit.
"I fixed the engine," Aelin coughs into the crook of her arm, her voice scratchy from the cool air. "It will be a couple of hours before they can catch up and heat the building."
Rowan rips off a glove and holds a bare hand to her cheek. Aelin's skin is freezing to the touch, even to his own icy hands. He notes that she isn't trembling the same way he is. It's not a good sign, the biologist in him notes. He knows it's her body growing too weak to keep itself warm.
"Sit down. You're freezing," Rowan helps her slide to the floor and looks at the discarded jacket that's still lying there. It won't warm her quick enough.
"Rowan?" Aelin speaks from her slightly slumped position.
Rowan is pacing, trying to think. They don't have a means of warming water for a bath. Laying next to the generators is too risky.
"Rowan," Aelin murmurs, her eyes drooping. "I can't feel my feet."
Rowan looks at her, and for a moment, she looks like an ice princess. Her blond hair is slipping from its braid and coiling across her colorless face. The cerulean blue of her eyes was the brightest color he now saw regularly beside the southern lights. They stood out even more starkly now.
It was all wrong.
"It's going to be alright, Aelin. You said the power is back on?" Rowan lifts her into his arms, her freezing nose burrowing into the crook of his neck.
"Yeah," she rasps against his shoulder. "But it will take a while for the building to heat."
"We don't need the whole building to heat. Do you trust me?" Rowan trots down the hall, careful not to bump her against the narrow doorframes.
She mumbles something incoherent into his shirt. "I trust you."
Rowan is thankful that the cold keeps the flush from his face. He reaches the desired room and fiddles with the control panel on the wall. A wave of relief hits him as the room behind the heavy door audibly hums to life.
"Okay, here we go." He says more to himself than Aelin. Rowan ditches the jacket and pulls his long-sleeved tee over his head. The buttons of his pants are next, leaving him in only his boxers.
Turning around, Aelin looks weary but not surprised. "Nice abs."
"Thanks," He says and kneels next to her, eyes searching her face for permission.
Aelin dips her head, "I'm not shy, Whitethorn. Don't fret."
Rowan helps Aelin maneuver her stiff limbs out of her garments until she is left in nothing but her bra and panties. Her face is pained as even more of her is exposed to the cold.
"Hurts," Aelin grits through her teeth, and Rowan gathers her up again. The icy room is like barbs against his exposed skin, but he's not in a position to complain.
The minute he carries her into the balmy air of the sauna, Aelin flinches. "Oh, that smarts."
"I know. It's going to suck for a bit while your blood recirculates." Rowan consoles softly, knowing he would also feel the cramping as they got their blood moving.
Drastic temperatures changes weren't the ideal way to warm up, but they'd spent far too long in the cold. He needed to get Aelin shivering again. It was the body's natural defense against the cold, and when a person could no longer shiver, it meant they were dipping into the realm of hypothermia.
The sauna was an added addition for the comfort of the researchers who visited the Southern base. It was a great tool to warm people after spending hours in the harsh climate. He'd heard tales of it from colleagues who'd visited the base before but hadn't yet saught to use it himself. Rowan was too focused on the mission. It hadn't carried any appeal for him until this moment, and now he was beyond grateful for its existence.
Rowan sits on the floor instead of the bench so that Aelin can curl up comfortably in his lap. Skin-to-skin contact was one of the best ways to help a person regulate their body temperature. He soothes a calloused hand over the length of her arm, trying to spread what remained of his warmth to her skin.
Aelin's cheek rests against his chest, and Rowan uses one hand to free her hair from its braid. The curtain of gold fans across her back, and he has to resist the urge to run his fingers through its waves.
He'd noticed how beautiful she was the day they first met at the university. Out of respect, he'd immediately repressed those thoughts. They were professionals, and Rowan wasn't about to ruin his reputation fawning over the new, young blonde on their floor.
But with her laying half-naked in his lap, it was hard to disregard how pretty she was. It wasn't even just her appearance. The girl was magnetic in every way. People paid attention when she walked in, and she claimed the lion's share of air in the room.
Fenrys and Conall flirted with her remorselessly. It secretly irked him. Rowan had long since memorized the way she laughed and how she'd smile as she shoed them away. It was all good-natured fun for them, but it always made Rowan irrationally angry. The time she'd showed up at the annual Christmas party in a green velvet dress with an open back nearly left his brain on the floor. His eyes had raked the smooth plains of skin, only turning away when she'd tried to catch his eye.
If he'd been paying attention, he would have seen her look of disappointment.
Rowan had written it off as an infatuation—a natural response to seeing an attractive woman. The scientist in him wanted to boil it down to chemistry and hormones. Cold facts that could diagnose the way he felt every time he laid eyes on her. Yet, as Rowan laid there with a hurting Aelin in his arms, he began to wonder if there was something more.
Her pain was making his chest physically ache.
A pair of arms snaked around his waist, and his body jerked. Aelin looks up at him sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm just really comfortable."
Rowan relaxes, "It's fine."
The steam in the room is slowly building. Rowan can feel the cramping beginning in his legs. Aelin's weight on his thighs was not helping the slightest, but there was no way in hell he'd move her.  
"My body is aching," Aelin says lightly, but he can hear the strain in her voice and feel a slight tremble running through her.
"That's good. Can you feel your feet?" Rowan can no longer resist, and her hair parts between his fingers like strands of gold silk.
Aelin tightens her arms around him, "Yeah. A bit. I didn't realize how numb they got until I took off my boots."
There's a slight tickle at his back, Aelin's finger tracing a pattern against his skin. A flush of warmth rushes through him, not from the sauna.
He's in unending deep shit.
"Aelin," his voice wavers uncharacteristically. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
The fingers on his back continue making their delicate patterns. "No."
"Aelin?" He asks again, but she cuts him off with a groan.
"Stop asking me questions and just kiss me," Aelin grips the back of his head and pulls his lips down to her's.
An inferno blooms inside his soul.
Aelin could never be a winter queen. She was the raging embodiment of summer. A burning ember he'd carried from the north into this land of ice. As his lips move against hers, he swears his body is lit ablaze, and when Rowan opens his eyes, he's delighted at the flush he finds unfurling across her cheeks.
"It's suddenly a lot warmer." Aelin laughs, looking more lively even as her body starts to quake from the warmth finally reaching her.
He kisses her cheek and tilts her ear towards his lips, "Aelin?"
"Another question?" Aelin's smile curls into something feline. "Is this that scientific curiosity the university is always going on about?"
"I just realized I'm desperately in love with you,"
Rowan lets the truth fall from his lips. It was just the two of them. They were the only human souls in this far corner of the earth. There was no one to stop him as he finally lets the emotions he'd been repressing until the moment Aelin was in danger wash over him.
"That's not a question," Aelin responds after a moment, her tone light and jovial.
Rowan smiles. "It's not."
Aelin curls back up against Rowan, enjoying the feel of his skin against hers. An embarrassing sound of contentment escapes her, which worsens her blush.
Not forgetting their original purpose in the sauna, Rowan grips her hands and massages them between his. "You have no response?"
"Not one that HR is going to like." Aelin winces as her hand spasms, and Rowan methodically works to ease the ache.
"Say it anyway," Rowan implores. Screw the university. He was tired of living for his work alone. Nothing outshined this moment, holding this woman in his arms. He could find a new job, but if Aelin reciprocated his feelings, he couldn't find another one of her.
"Well, I thought it was pretty obvious when I wore that dress to the Christmas party and then found a reason to walk past your office every day." Aelin huffs and looks up at him, "Don't tell me you didn't know?"
Rowan was speechless.
Aelin's eyes twinkle with amusement. "Rowan, Dorian, and I are friends. Did you know that?"
"What?" Rowan blinks confusedly. That was common knowledge, but he didn't understand why she was bringing that up now.
"Dorian and I go way back. He knew I had a thing for you, and I told him sending me on this trip was unethical when I'm such a new hire-" Aelin trails off, waiting for him to grasp her point.
"Wait," Rowan looks down at her, bemused. "Dorian was trying to set us up?"
"Human recourses won't like that very much either," Aelin grins. "But Dorian would keep our secret. He owes me a lot of favors."
The sauna's temperature had slowly been rising, and Rowan could see that his skin was returning to its usual color. Aelin still looked a bit pale, but it was probably residuals from being so close to freezing.
She'd risked herself to save the expedition and successfully fixed the engines. Rowan didn't believe for one second that Dorian only sent her in an elaborate attempt to set her up. She was bright and cunning. He was lucky to have her along with him.
"You got here on your merit," Rowan presses a soft peck to her lips as he soothes her unvoiced concern. He refused to let her doubt her level of skill. "But if the feelings are mutual, I would love to take you on a date when we get back home?"
"I would love that," Aelin crawls off his lap and holds a hand out. "Come on, now. We need to eat and sleep. We have seals to observe."
Rowan accepted her hand. Forget the seals. He would have a difficult time keeping his attention on them. His eyes were glued to her bare legs as they moved and the way her hair swung free of its constraints.
She smirked over his shoulder. Aelin knew precisely what she was doing to him.
Rowan had traversed to the end of the world to understand the natural universe a little better. While he hadn't unlocked any great mysteries, he couldn't help but think what he did find was better.
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irtealli-art · 3 years
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Hey everyone!! 👋🏻
This time, I decided to do 'Pick-a-Rune' Reading!
Pick a Rune you feel pulled towards the most, it holds your messages from Higher Powers.
Hope you guys are able to resonate with the messages, please keep in consideration that this is a general reading. For a specific reading, you may check out my services on the page - it’s a pinned post. 
I am currently giving all readings for just $5. If you fancy a one for yourself, send me an ask or DM☺️
If you like the reading, please like & reblog the post 🙏🏻
Somebody is finding their way to you. You have caught their eyes and perhaps you may not even know about them yet or you aren't aware about their feelings towards you. But their feelings are strong, grounded and they are sure of how much they feel about you.
The person might be a winter born earth sign, I am thinking Capricorn or definitely Earth Sign Stellium. You might be Spring/Summer born? This could also mean that they have had eyes on you for a while, perhaps last winter and all this while they have been planning on how to woo you, have your attention..finding their way to you and express how much you mean to them. You bring warmth to their heart, you make them see colors in a much grayscale situation...you give them hope. You symbolise life to them, a hope that everything's possible. You bring spring to their heart. Somebody who talks to the moon, somebody who believe in prayers...somebody who wants you to look their way.
This connection is blessed by the higher powers so if you find yourself surrounded by coincidences or magically things are taken care of, it's probably because the higher power want this union to take place as well. This connection will push you towarda spiritiual growth, finding your own powers and it will lift you to success. This union will come to fruitation this fall, there's snowfall happening. Does it snow where you are? Or planning to go somewhere where it snows?
They are manifesting you in life, they believe in themselves and believe you are the person for them. I don't pick up on any red flags or warnings for you....their intentions are good, their feelings are true.
Why do you keep repeating the punishments to yourself? Words, going back to the past, letting your hurt take control of your desires? There is no one there in the room. There is no one there...look closely...the door's open and you're free.
There is so much you'd like to achieve, so much that you desire and not just for yourself..you want to share your success, your vision but you don’t believe you deserve it or is the same voice telling you don't?
Don't believe in that voice, they are just somebody we have made and you can un-make them too...
It begins with forgiving yourself. You are so harsh on yourself, love...don't you know there's magic running in your veins.
Have you experienced strange incidents which you couldn't explain? Strange flashbacks or perhaps it's the dreams...
You are spiritually powerful but it has been supressed for a long time. Just glimpses of it here and there...and even then you tend to rationalise and down play yourself.
Don't do it.
Because the magic keeps calling out to you and that magic will guide you to your desires. Begin with forgiving yourself, forgiving your hurts, your past....and if it's not easy because sometimes it's not....begin with meditation. Go to a place where you feel safe, where you feel joy...go physically there or spiritually and you'll start to feel the power thumping inside you.
Taking some time out for yourself to meditate will also begin to heal you and as you continue this, ask for what you want...know its yours because it is. You deserve it. Trust yourself and your powers...I believe you already are powerful spiritual being who may be having hard time right now or you'll realise your ancestry and the power you hold to do what you want.
It didn't turn out to be like you wanted and now you want to be left alone, you want nothing to do with anyone...
There is no motivation, there is no joy or energy to get back to starting again.
'How will it ever be the same? I wanted it so much, I was so sure it was going to turn out amazing....how could I not see the warning signs..I was so close...so close before it all came tumbling down'
You think this is it, you think that there is nothing awaiting for you beyond this point but you are wrong. Oh you are so wrong...This is not the end. That's just how sometimes life lessons are and honestly,  even if that project didn't work out or the relationship didn't solidify into marriage ...be glag because you wouldn't have wanted it..you wouldn't have wanted that person. Something was not right since the beginning and it's better late than never to wake up and let it hit you.
Find peace in nature, I think many of you feel find nature calling out to you for your healings..visits to the park, visits to gardens full of flowers..you may pick up gardening as a way of pulling yourself back together and touching those flower petals isn't it the best feeling ever? You can almost hear them talking to you.
Take it slow my dears, confide in the ones you trust, spend your time with your friends and let them look after you...do not isolate yourself and shut off to the ones who care for you. It's okay to not be okay..it's okay to ask for help.
You may find plenty of time connecting with your inner child, going home to your folks or perhaps finally building your own little sanctuary where there is no one to tell you what you have to do or judge you, you can do as you like..things you always wanted to do since you were a child.
You will emerge from this, look back and thank yourself to where you are and that you chose yourself, you chose never giving up and came out stronger and happier.
Just because something has been with you for a long time, doesn't mean it's best for you. Some people break us through a period of time and they have a way of manipulating...making you feel like you are the one who is to blame. You don't deserve to feel that guilt.
People who have chosen this deck, pause and ask yourself if you are okay. If you are really okay...and if not...where in life you seem to feel otherwise? Is something bothering you for a long time but you don’t feel confident enough to raise your voice? You feel it's not important enough or perhaps you are at fault. Are you really at fault...?
Something much better awaits you...the spirits are telling you to not downplay yourself. If you have been hurt by somebody, if you have just gotten out of a long term relationship or if you are contemplating on going to back to an ex...it's time not to look back but ahead of you.
A new love awaits you, somebody who will keep your trust...you may have met them or seen them in your dreams...
Your guides may have been trying to reach out to you and send messages through dreams...keep note of strong symbols, signs and numbers.
Use the power of intention for the love you desire. Nothing is off the list, nothing is too much...so everything you want is yours. Affirm, Trust and Recieve.
Oh Hi there!
You are quiet something hmmm and I mean this with a face of somebody who is impressed and in awe of your strength.
You know you, you know you are not just anybody...you probably don’t feel belong to the group, you don't settle for anything but the best and I love that!
All who picked this rune, seems like spirit guides are here to assure you that you are on the right track. Your goals are fixed and the you'll see results quiet fast! Don't give up because you are so close!!
You might feel a storm here and there but believe me the storm is not stronger than you!
Are you a fire sign? Maybe a Leo or a Sagittarius? There is so much fire in you that you will pass through any storm that comes your way. Your determination is your power.
If you are somebody who knows witchcraft or beginning their journey, using fire element would help. You will feel more in alignment with your higher self.
I sense somebody younger than you, attracted to your energy...they are in awe of your personality, your boldness and how you are out there fully focused on your goals...meanwhile they are focused on you. They come bearing gifts, wants to impress you...perhaps with a bouquet of flowers...picking the best roses for you.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Extras for The Dusk Calls for me.
Authors Note: While I plan out the next few chapters of my story, enjoy these memories I did for the re-write I did on Wattpad.
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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions and a attempt of SA
Time: This Takes place a year before the beginning of The Dusk Calls for me.
"Makes me feel like flying
Top-down backstreet driving Dusty road all alone
Tip my hat Puff of smoke, smoke
Makes me feel like flying
I just run ."
American Gurl by: Kilo Kish
I was finally out, those words of bile my mother and sister spew toward me finally pushed me over the edge. Yet those words finally got me back with my father in Forks, where I always belonged.
Flashback: One Week Ago.
"FLEUR! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" My erratic mother Renee yelled from downstairs.
My heart started beating out of my chest, what did I do this time? I walked into the dining room, Renee and Isabella were sitting at the table across from where I was sitting. Bella had a smirk on her face relishing in the tension between Renee and I.
"Yes?" I asked.
"You always have to cause trouble don't you?' She replied back, malice laced her voice.
"What? What are you even talking about?"
"Bella told me you've been saving money to go see your father in Forks." She spat at me.
My rapidly beating heart sunk down into my stomach, I had been trying to see my dad in Forks for a year now. My mother refused to get me a plane ticket herself, she always told me I reminded her too much of my father and that I didn't need to be around him anymore than I already was which wasn't often.
"Mother, it's my money I can do with it as I please," I said calmly though I could feel the rage beginning to boil in my blood.
"YOU AREN'T GOING!" She yelled demandingly.
I couldn't control myself, it was as if someone else had entered my body.
"Well you aren't now aren't you? It's my own money and I will use it however the hell I want to!"
"Oh don't you..." Renee started.
"Are you going to tell me you would be doing the same thing if Bella was the one wanting to go see dad?"
"She isn't a trouble maker." She snapped back.
"How am I a trouble maker? For wanting my mother to be kind and considerate? For wanting my mother to treat me with respect? To get an ounce of love from the frozen, undead heart inside your chest?" I asked, my face heated up it felt like it was burning.
"If you can't stand to be around us so much why don't you just move down there to Forks?"
"I will, just give me the rest of the money for the plane ticket and I swear to god the second I walk out that door I will NEVER come back!"
"Fine..." I turned away from her before she could say anything else. Before I reached the stairs I turned around again, looking directly at Bella.
"Get away from her while you can Isabella, or you're going to end up being just as toxic as she is." I then left before they could say anything else.
Flashback over: 2 years before the Original story begins.
I looked to the side, staring out the window. The desert plains had disappeared while I slept and now the lush green forests overtook the view. The fog wasn't heavy but the skies were covered with dark grey clouds and a downpour of rain. The cold weather was a lot more favorable in my opinion, the sun couldn't burn my skin much here. The plane had begun to shake signaling that the plane was beginning to land. I couldn't wait to see my father again, I hadn't seen him since my 12th birthday. When I got off the plane I stretched, being cramped in a small plane for an almost 3-hour flight wasn't exactly the most comfortable.
I walked through the crowded airport, scanning the area for my father. I bumped into some disgruntled couples and quickly left before I was caught in the crossfires of their mood.
"Petal?" I heard from behind me. I turned around quickly recognizing that voice, it could calm me down before I got into trouble.
"Dad..." I said fondly before running up to hug him.
My heartfelt I little more full, and the pain my mother inflicted on me was healed for the time being. We walked out together, each of us was carrying a bag. The wind was strong today and my hair was flying all of the places. Its cooling touch raised goosebumps on my skin, mom didn't buy any warmer clothes for me so I was stuck in the typical Arizona tank tops and shorts. Luckily for me, the car was already warmed up so I dethawed quickly. We drove for a few minutes in silence, the roar of the engine and other passing cars were the only sounds filling the space.
"So, how have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in a while." Dad said.
"I've been better, you know how mom is," I mumbled.
"I don't know what happened to her, she wasn't like that in high school. If she was I wouldn't have even wasted a second on her."
"I know you would've dad...she's cruel for sure. She's just good at hiding it from people she wants to impress."
"Yeah, she is."
The drive was a giant wave of nostalgia, being 16 now and seeing all of the familiar sites and views brought back fond memories. The old ice cream shop dad use to take me to, the reservation that Sam and Leah lived on, it all brought me back. It also fueled anger, however, as my mother constantly kept me under the brutal radiation of the sun.  Dad must've seen the look on my face and put his hand on my shoulder.
"It's going to be okay Petal, you're away from her now." He comforted.
"It's not just her dad... Bella's acting like her too."
"That's a shame... it really is."
"Yeah... it is." I sighed.
"I just can't wait to get back home, the attic is calling for me."
Dad chuckled before speaking again.
"You know... I heard you just got your license... So I got you an older car."
"You did not have to do that dad."
"It doesn't get in until next week, so I'll have to drive you to school until then," Dad said as if that would balance out the fact he got me a car.
"That's fine dad. What is it?"
"It's an old Mustang, a Fastback."
"Thank you, dad..."
"No problem Petal.
When we pulled into the driveway of our small but beautiful home the nostalgia fully set in. The colors were exactly the same, and the grass was just as muddy and dead as before.
"Well I cleared off some shelves for you in the bathroom, your room was a bit dusty so I just cleaned it for you," Dad explained as he helped me take my luggage upstairs.
"Sounds good, thank you again, dad, I love you."
"Love you too Petal." He kissed my head before closing the door behind me. The room was bare, I would have to fix it later on. I collapsed on my bed, facing the ceiling.
"I'm home."
September 17th, 2004.
"Dad I have to go, I don't want to be late on my first day!" I exclaimed throwing on a leather jacket.
"Petal I am almost ready, I never knew you were so much of a bookworm." He joked, ruffling my hair.
"Dad I am an entire school year ahead of where I should be... I take my education very seriously." I said, trying to hide the growing smirk on my face.
"Alright alright let's go," Dad said, taking my arm and pulling me out the door.
We were only driving for a little bit when I decided to roll the window down, I placed my arms on where the window used to be and rested my head on them. My hair blew out of my face and the cool mist of Forks hit me. When we arrived at the school dad was scanning the parking lot looking for a place to park when he passed right by a group of people. They were all gorgeous, their faces seemingly perfectly sculpted, and they all had the same colored eyes, golden. My eyes locked with one however, they were filled with pain for a second before melting into shock. something strange filled my chest and my heart began to race. As we drove past them I gave him a smile, hoping to ease his shock.
Timeskip: September 30th, 2004
Something was up, the boy I saw outside that window, Jasper Hale was more than what he seemed. He was freezing cold all the time, and I swore I saw his eyes turn black for a split second when he saw a boy from another make a gesture toward me. It was strange really, we had been friends for a few weeks but he seemingly had a protective...energy over me. But at the same time, I still felt something... I couldn't explain it. It was as if we were connected to each other in some way. My dad had to take my car to the shop and he couldn't pick me up today so I decided to take a trip to the library, hoping to find some new material to read.
I didn't realize how long I had been in the library until I looked out of the small windows of the building. The sky was darkened and daylight was running out, I checked out a few books and left not wanting to be stuck walking in the night. I was a few blocks home when I heard 3 men talking behind me.
"Oh looks at this one..."
"She seems perfect for us."
"Come here girly... we just want to talk."
My heart raced and my pace quickened, speed walking home. I tried taking weird turns and cuts but they wouldn't fall for the bait. I decided to run for it hoping my legs would be quick enough to evade them all. I was then pushed against the wall 2 minutes into my escape again, the smell of alcohol made me want to retch.
"You aren't very good at listening to orders." One murmured, his face was inches away from me, he breathed in my scent and began to chuckle.
"Don't be too hard on her... I like ones that fight." Another said
"Make this easy on yourself girl..."
One reached down to take off my clothes when he was suddenly thrown back a few feet into the air. I just stood against the wall shocked, I saw Jasper standing over the man before making his way over to the other two men. They both took off leaving their "friend" behind but Jasper zoomed toward them. His speed was inhuman and his strength was unprecedented yet I couldn't stop myself from moving from my spot. The other two men were flown into the air and scream on impact. Jasper grabbed them both by the throats.
"If you EVER try to touch her or any woman for that matter like that again... I. will. kill. you!" He growled before releasing them down on the ground. They gasped and ran again, babbling in terror toward one another.
Jasper walked toward me with a guilty look on his face, his hand reached out for mine and I took it without even thinking.
"Come with me Darlin' I have a lot to explain to you." He said softly, his mood had completely changed with me.
We walked for a few moments in silence, I side-eyed him for any shift in behavior, when it didn't I decided to interrogate him.
"How did you do that?" My voice trembled.
He sighed before replying.
"I'm a vampire." He said blatantly.
I looked at him and laughed thinking it was a joke... when he didn't join I stopped and looked at him with shock.
"You're serious?" I said, my eyes widening again.
"Yes I am, I've been 17 for...141 years. I got changed during the Civil War."
"Damn... you're old... wait were you in the Civil War?"
"Yes, I was drafted to the Confederate Army when I was 17..."
"You're telling me, I ran away the first chance I got... I wasn't going to fight in some war that was fueled by warped and disgusting ideas just because I was forced to. I never thought the way they did... I never understood why someone could think so low of a human being just because of his skin."
"That's very brave of you."
"I had just made it to Galveston when I decided to take a break... I ended up on a beach... that's when I ran into an immortal named Maria. She was creating an army and decided that I would be a good fit for it."
"She changed you against your will?"
"I didn't even know what she was doing until I felt searing pains from my arms all the way up to my neck." He explained rolling up his sleeves and showing me his scars."
I traced the teeth marks on his forearm before looking up at him again.
"I'm sorry that happened to you..."
He looked up at me in shock.
"You... you feel sympathy for something like me? I'm a monster..." He said sincerely.
"It wasn't even your choice as to what you became... and I don't think a monster would've saved me back there. Face it, Jasper, you're a big softie who's had bad experiences in his long... long life."
He chuckled before glancing at me, we made it back to the house, dad still wasn't home yet. We walked into the backyard, sitting in patio chairs and looking up at the stars.
"There's something else I have to tell you." Jasper admitted in the darkness.
I looked at him in confusion, what else did he have to tell me? He's a werewolf too?
"You're..." He hesitated. "You're my mate." He said quickly.
"What? How... vampires have mates?" I asked in shock.
"Yes we do, and we instantly know when we've met them. Didn't you feel it, when you looked out that window at me? It was enamour... love, something I have never experienced before."
"I haven't either... but I have to admit I felt something too. I just didn't know what it was, I felt connected to you somehow though. But... I'm 16... falling deeply in love isn't exactly something I planned."
"I understand completely. I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do. I understand I am a vampire... this is a lot to take in." Jasper said lowering his head in shame, his curls covered his eyes.
I sat up and turned to him.
"Hey, hey it's not just because you're a vampire honest! I just need to think things through... we can still talk in and out of school I won't push you out." I said a bit faced-paced. I didn't want to hurt his feelings he did just save me after all.
He looked and me and grabbed my hand.
"Take all the time you need Fleur, I will accept your answer no matter what is it." He said sincerely.
"Thank you... Jasper."
"It's not any trouble." His face lit up all of the sudden, car headlights entered my line of view. I felt my hand by dropped by his cold one and a whoosh of wind flew my hair forward. I turned back around and he was gone.
Timeskip: October 16th, 2004.
It was hard, weighing the pros and cons of being with Jasper.
Pros: We were soulmates... destined to be with each other, He knew my limits and respected my boundaries, he gave me a choice, not forcing me into something I might not want to do, and he was a kind and gentle soul. We understood each other, our hearts and souls were connected and I would never find someone else I would be so close to.
Cons: He was a creature who thirsted for blood... a thirst he didn't always have the best control over, Being in a serious relationship at such a young age was a huge commitment I didn't even fully know who I was... would I ever be able to find out who I am being so committed to someone If I did become involved in a relationship two things would happen... I would die and leave him lonely for eternity, or I would be turned into a vampire... leaving my family behind.
My mulling over of the pros and cons was interrupted, a girl had cleared her throat. I looked up realizing I was still in the school library, standing in the back of the constant isles of books. I turned to the voice and my eyes were shocked to see Rosalie Hale looking at me.
"Rosalie? Is there something you need?" I asked.
"Let's go for a walk, I need to talk to you in private." She said she seemed tense about something.
I checked out the books I got before following her to the outside, we walked near the edge of the woods. The dead leaves and grass crunched underneath our feet.
"I know Jasper told you about us... and he told me that you wanted to think somethings over with him." She started.
"Hey... I just wanted to let you know I would never tell anyone about you guys... And I'm not trying to hurt Jasper with me thinking our relationship over. It's just a lot of process." By the time I finished that statement she laughed and patted my shoulder.
"Don't worry Fleur I completely understand why you want to think over some things... I would too if I were in your shoes. Besides, I trust you... I get a good vibe off of you." Rosalie replied smiling at me.
"I want to get into a relationship with Jasper I do but... I don't want to leave my father... he's all I got right now and I'm all he's got."
"Hey, I promise no one would force you into becoming a vampire in our family... I especially wouldn't force you to."
"Yes of course... It's nice to meet someone with a respect for mortality."
"It's just... I always to do certain things... like going to that art school in Cayon City Oregon... the Art Museums down there are amazing... and I always wanted to kid when I was older... a little boy." I explained smiling fondly at the thought.
"I did too... I always wanted a son."
"But at the same time... I wouldn't want to spend all my time with Jasper... only to leave him alone for eternity you know?" I asked her hoping she would get my point of view.
"Of course... I can tell you've been conflicted these past few weeks about it. But I wanted to vouch for Jasper... he's willing to do anything for you, and his thirst for blood has never been more controlled than when he's been with you. He won't take you away from your family either... he would never want to hurt you in any way possible." She explains turning toward me to look me in the eyes so the message could really sink in.
"Thanks, Rosalie..."
"Of course...give Jasper a chance, I promise it'll be worth it." She said.
"I will... I'll talk to him tonight, thanks for the guidance."
"No problem."
Timeskip: October 16th, 2004: 10:12 PM
Dad was gone, he had to work late down at the station tonight. My palms and legs shook nervous to tell Jasper my decision. I was sitting in the same spot I was in when Jasper told me I was his soulmate... the cool air calmed my nerves slightly before I closed my eyes and sighed.
"Fleur? You said you wanted to talk to me... are you okay?" Jasper's voice asked worryingly behind my closed lids.
"Yeah, I'm fine... I just wanted to give you an answer about... everything."
He sat down adjacent to me and nodded, wanting me to continue.
"I will get into a relationship with you... thank you for giving me the time to think about things."
He smiled before asking me if he could kiss my cheek. I said yes of course and it seemed my body melted in bliss and content. All the past weeks' tensions and worrying left me and it was replaced with love... and a sense of stability. We looked up at the stars and I pointed toward the largest one in the sky.
"You see that one?" I said.
"Yes, I do Darlin'."
"That is the star of the path I started with you..."
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penisman420-69 · 3 years
A gentle glow from the computer screen washes over the dark desk, colors flickering in rapid motion. The monitor whirs in self defense of the growing heat. The ceiling fan lays mockingly silent in the stifling air. Reclined in his seat, Dream's head is tilted back to watch the wooden slats for the slightest tremor.
Beads of sweat collect near his hairline. He tugs absently on the sticky plastic of his headphones, where they rest around his neck. The small light on the exterior blinks green.
"Dream?" He hears George say faintly.
"Wait, did he leave?" Sapnap asks.
"It says he's on the call, still." George's voice slowly grows closer. Dream begins to detach his eyes from the fan. "Dream?"
The concern in his voice makes Dream sit up. He pushes his headphones back on and wipes his face. "Yes, yes, hello, sorry. I zoned out for a sec." He blinks to register what's on his screen, seeing green grass blocks and Sapnap's avatar crouching in front of him. "Shoot, did you end the stream?" He quickly tabs out just in time to see George laugh.
"No, but I'm about to. Couldn't end it without you saying bye," George says. The small considerate act is enough to bloom a warmth in Dream's chest.
He smiles. "Oh, alright. Bye stream!"
"Bye!" Sapnap yells.
George waves to the camera. "Bye you guys, thank you so much. Also, pray for Dream's air conditioning."
"And my broken fan," Dream adds.
"Bye bye," George repeats, then disappears from Dream's view. This stream has ended. A familiar feeling creeps into Dream's chest whenever that message appears post-stream; disappointment clouded with confusion. Today, it is accompanied by trickles of regret.
He frowns. "Sorry I spent so much of your stream complaining about the weather," he says, clicking back to the server. Sapnap has placed an oak sign before him that reads: wee waa dream can't take the heat. He rolls his eyes and breaks it.
"It's fine, really. I just feel bad for you," George says. His avatar bounds over and starts placing doors on the ground. "Any idea when it'll be fixed?"
"Soon, I hope," Dream answers with a huff, opening and closing the doors to appease George. "I don't think I can take much more of this." They'd been playing for the past three hours, meaning Dream had been accumulating enough sweat in his boxers to stick to his chair for much longer than any man should. Physical comfort was a key component for him to stay mellow, and not much could distract him from itchy tags and blistering heat. Not much, that is, besides gaming. "Seeing you was nice, though, something about your cheerful face distracts me from my agony," he confesses, words leaving his mouth before he can attempt to filter. He cringes. What was that?
"Oh my god, shut up," George says. He sounds embarrassed.
Sapnap coos. "Maybe I should stream with my camera on too."
Dream laughs, running away from the two of them to ease his sudden spike in nervousness. "That would keep my attention."
"Oh yeah, are my streams not interesting enough for you Dream?" George says, flying after him.
"What?" Dream says, feeling a pang of guilt. "What makes you think that? I love your streams."
George continues to act offended. "If you loved them you wouldn't zone out randomly."
"I didn't mean to," Dream whines, which only makes the other two laugh. "I just got distracted by my misery, and tried to airbend a breeze in here."
"Yeah right," Sapnap says, "you couldn't have been doing just that for ten minutes."
"Ten minutes?" Dream repeats, bewildered. He didn't feel it had been that long; he was exploring the map and then clicked onto George's stream to see where he was, and of course George was smiling and yelling, but somehow so full of energy and spirit, and the hot air started to seep into Dream's soul—
"You were AFK for a while," George says, "we were still talking to you though and thought you'd muted yourself or something. Chat thought it was embarrassing."
"Oh," Dream says.
"Hold on, did you mean to mute yourself?" Sapnap asks, laughing as his own words leave his mouth. "Lil too excited watching George?"
Both Dream and George explode in disgusted yells. Good lord, Sapnap.
"Sapnap!" George sends a series of hits raining down onto his avatar. "You are so inappropriate off-stream."
"You're gross," Dream says with a laugh, but it's feeble and half-hearted. His pulse is rapidly drumming inside his skull. He is not lost to the strange dilemma of why he faded from their call for so long to stare at his George-less ceiling. Why did George have anything to do with it? Envy, perhaps, of his friend's ability to be wearing a hoodie in the middle of summer. He brushes it off. "It's true, though. George's face does get me excited."
George groans, making Sapnap and Dream laugh. "Now you're just trying to make me uncomfortable."
"Flustered, you mean," Dream inputs quickly.
"Okay, no, I'm sick of you two," George says, immediately exiting their server. "Consider this a rage quit."
GeorgeNotFound has left the game. Dream sends a :( into the chat.
"Noo, Georgie," Sapnap pleads.
"You did a great job today," Dream says, wholeheartedly. "I'm going to re-watch what I missed of it later." George laughs.
"I seriously have to go. I'll talk to you soon," he says, a small sound emitting from Discord signifying he's left the call.
The feeling returns to Dream's chest—it's akin to the cold rush that follows when he removes his hands from a steaming coffee mug. Some nights after their friends have logged off for good, he'll do anything to avoid giving in and going to bed. Twitter, mini-games, coding, creating playlists. His favorite nights, though, are when George wakes up early enough to keep him company. Their conversations radiate with the warmth of both the Florida night and the English sunrise.
So whenever George jokingly becomes angry with him, Dream can't dispel the tiny tremor of worry that maybe he's gone too far. He doesn't like to mull over the thought of them really fighting; it would terrify him like nothing else. He knows George will call again tomorrow, and that he isn't nearly as upset as he lets on. Yet he still finds himself carefully watching the dot next to George's name switch from green to a pale grey.
"I think I'm gonna hop off too," Dream says to Sapnap.
"Alright, seeya."
After disconnecting, he swivels around in his chair to face his bed. The dark comforter has been kicked to the floor, sheets askew. The window above his bed is shut tight to keep out the humid air and insects, but he can see the soft orange streetlights in the distance.
He sighs and wishes for rain.
He remembers running barefoot on his neighborhood streets as a child when storms would roll in from the sea, splashing in gravelly puddles and letting the cool raindrops dampen his hair. That space was always euphoric—a brief temperance from the smoldering air, green palm trees swaying in the wind, the hint of thunder and lightning—but it feels so far from him now. Especially in this dreadful weather.
He turns off his computer and begrudgingly gets in bed. He's nearly grown accustomed to the dark when his phone vibrates, the notification lighting up the room. He squints.
A text from George.
I feel like this song is a good way for me to get back at you, it reads. Dream clicks on the link, opening his Spotify to a new 'Glass Animals' song.
"Heat Waves," he responds, smiling. Very funny.
He'll listen to that in the morning. As he sets his phone back on the nightstand, Dream finds himself warmed by the gesture, even though it was an insult on his behalf. George is a thoughtful guy. Nothing wrong with appreciating that. Not that Dream finds it unnerving that interacting with George has a direct correlation with his general contentment and moods; in fact, it isn't worth the overthinking.
Settled by his own logic, he allows his body to focus on sleep. He slips in and out of shadows, occasionally tossing and turning in irritation at the cotton sheets. The fabric clings to his dampened skin up to the moment he sluggishly kicks it away. Something clatters to the floor, but Dream rolls onto his side.
Eventually, the night cools enough for him to sink deeper, and deeper, until he turns his head from his soft, warm pillow to a cold pile of sand.
Confused, he grasps at the foundation beneath him only for the rocky grains to slip through his fingers.
He sits up rapidly, glancing at the beach now surrounding him. Although the image is narrow, he can tell there is a murky-purple lagoon lapping a few feet before him. The moon ripples across its ominous surface. The night is quiet; a taunting breeze brushing the back of his neck and bringing chills down his spine.
He looks down at his hands, seeing his bright sleeves pushed halfway up his forearms. Bright green.
A sinking feeling begins to rot in his stomach as the familiarity sets in. He's been here before. He shifts his head cautiously, realizing where the shadows at the edge of his vision are coming from, and raises a hand to gently graze the ceramic covering his face. He doesn't need a mirror to know what the mask looks like.
He pulls up his hood, tensing as he anticipates the next subject he'll recognize. At any moment, behind his right shoulder, a voice will call from the edge of the trees that'll say—
He freezes. That's—that's not right, it isn't supposed to be—
"George?" He asks quietly, turning around with caution. George stands a few feet behind him, goggles perched atop his head and an axe in his hand. He's looking around their location, dazed. The starry sky reflects itself on his lenses.
He walks across the sand towards Dream slowly. "Where...are we?"
"Um." Dream considers curling in on himself, but can't help fighting the comfort of honesty. "My head, I guess." He knows from experience that this place values integrity more than anything. Facing it head on, so to speak. He just doesn't know why he'd let George in here—it isn't safe.
"It's pretty," George says, sitting on the sand next to him.
Dream's heart aches faintly at his remark. Once, he'd thought it was pretty, too. He can't find the words to tell George that after so many years of frantically slipping on the sand, coughing up lung-fulls of the dark water, and running from the woods—it has become a thing of nightmares.
He stares at George. Can he feel the memories here?
"So this is..." George gestures around with his axe vaguely. "Florida?"
Dream cracks a smile. "Yeah, you finally made it," he teases softly. George's grin is bright enough to make him look away. "It's a lagoon I used to come to as a kid."
"You make it sound like that was lifetimes ago."
Something foreign and lost weighs on the tension in Dream's features, forgotten behind the ceramic. "Maybe," he says, "I've had multiple lives here."
George says nothing. He lifts a moon-soaked hand to point at the water. "Do you see those?"
Dream turns his head, and small glowing blobs appear near the shore. Their light blue color is stark against the darkness as they float idly.
"They're moon jellies," Dream says in disbelief. He's never seen them here before. The curling darkness steals all hint of life besides him, his beating heart, and occasional whispers in the wind.
George hums in approval. Dream looks at him again, grateful for the mask covering his own features. Pale moonlight makes George's skin glow a soft porcelain, pink lips pressed together in a delicate brush stroke.
The word bubbles up from deep in Dream's chest, winding into his bloodstream and landing gracefully in his head.
He wants to back away from it, to shove it deep down. But for once, it feels safe here, safe to admit it to himself without needing an air of humor to skate by on. Here, it isn't a joke.
"Why are we here?" George asks in a murmur, gaze lifting to face Dream. The word here hangs with a heavy lilt, as if he'd meant to say, what brought me? Who pulled me?
Was it you?
In his large brown eyes Dream can see the faded reflection of his sloppy black and white smile.
"I know why I'm here," Dream says carefully, "but I don't know why you are." A brief rustling of leaves and twigs behind them causes him to tense again. "It's dangerous here, George. We should go."
"Why? Don't you want to stay in this memory?"
Dream ignores the comment, and lightly wraps an arm around his shoulders to help him up. George doesn't try to stand. He keeps them rooted to the white shore with a confused frown.
"Nothing is going to hurt us when I'm here," he says.
Dream feels his face grow hot. "Knock it off. This is serious."
George looks at him earnestly. "I'm being serious."
Now that his arm is draped protectively over George's small frame, Dream becomes extremely aware of how close they are. He can sense George's body heat, watch his chest rise and fall, see the goosebumps on his neck. Dream's heart begins to pound. For how long has he wanted to meet him? To hear his voice in person? The fear inside him slowly begins to ebb away into fondness.
The moon jellies rapidly multiply until the lagoon is dappled blue, and gleaming.
George grins. "I told you it's pretty."
"Because of you," Dream says warmly. Even though George rolls his eyes, he means it. They laugh lightly at each other, glowing water and gentle sparks blooming as the moment passes.
George's gaze lingers on Dream for a few heartbeats, before letting go of his axe. He raises his hand to reach for the ceramic mask.
Dream freezes as his eyes follow the motion. His hood falls when George runs his fingers gently through his wavy hair—he can't remember the last time he let someone do this. It feels intimate. It feels terrifying. His eyes shut when George finds the metal clasp on the back of his head, he exhales when he feels the weight of the mask drop from his face.
The breeze is cold on his cheeks. He can smell the nearby saltwater. He opens his eyes, and sees twice as many stars as usual.
"How did you do that? I've never..." He looks at George, who is smiling softly.
"I know honesty is important to you," George says. His hand moves to gently touch Dream's cheekbone.
Dream reaches and delicately takes George's hand in his, slender knuckles and fingers sliding together with timid grace. He feels alive. He leans closer, studying George's eyes until he slips down, further, to his soft lips. His breath is trembling.
"And what if I kissed you right now?" He murmurs, heart racing. "How honest would that be?"
George's eyes grow wide. "I—well, Dream—you—" he stammers, giving Dream exactly what he needs to let go.
Their movements happen nearly all at once—the inclining of George's jaw, the slide of Dream's hand into his hair, the connection of their lips. The kiss is raw with emotion, and gentle. Hot embers rise from Dream's chest to heat his face. The soft presence of George's mouth against his own is surreal, as their senses collectively slip away into the dreamland. His hand rises to softly cup George's jaw. He pulls his face closer, breath hot, heart stuttering. Nervous energy quickly ebbs into a strong hearth of longing, as he kisses George again, and again, and again. George emits a soft noise that makes Dream melt. He can feel George's hands in his hair, then on his neck, then on his chest.
Dream pulls away to capture brief puffs of air. His chest rises and falls rapidly, as he looks at George's flushed cheeks and mouth kissed red. Because of him. A low feeling stirs in the space just below his ribcage, the first flickering of a dangerously hot flame. All of it, all of George, just for him.
Dream parts his lips to say something, anything—and promptly wakes up.
I have heatwaves saved on my computer it doesn't phase me anymore I've read this several times you can't hurt me with this
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stellacolletore · 4 years
i know this much (you will never be enough) summary: Mashima Reiko is crazy, and rich, and the mother of the person she loves. note: title and blurb inspired by the film ‘crazy rich asians’ because reiko is basically eleanor
“If you’re not doing it, I will.”  
Chihaya didn’t dare breath. A single move from her and she knew—she knew Sumire will see through her threat. Her thumb was perilously close to pressing the dial button. Should Chihaya say the wrong thing, she might end up having to answer to Mrs. Pressure without any mental preparation at all.
“Wait!” She pleaded. “I’ll call tonight. Promise.”
Sumire narrowed her eyes. Assured that Chihaya was completely serious about her resolution, Sumire handed the phone back to her.
Everyone in the club room exhaled. No bomb was unnecessarily detonated this afternoon, fortunately. “Man, you’re almost as scary as Mashima-san just now, Hanano-san.” Nishida remarked, finally able to swallow the pork bun in his hand.
Sumire sighed, still exasperated. “It’s been three days since I gave Ayase-senpai Mashima-san’s number. Forgive me if I sound impatient right now, because I totally am.”
Chihaya prostrated on the tatami. “Sorry, Sumire-chan!”
“Don’t be like that, Chihaya. We understand,” Kanade patted Chihaya’s head lightly. “But Sumire is right. Mashima-kun has been sick for three days already. We’re all very worried about him, just like you are.”
Komano fixed his glasses. “And as his unofficial girlfriend, the task to check up on him falls on you.”
Chihaya exhaled in defeat. She had ran away long enough.
It was time to face the inevitable.
Chihaya felt like coming down with the flu herself as she searched Mashima-san's contact number on her phone directory. It was a good thing she delayed eating dinner—her stomach was in knots just thinking about finally calling Taichi's terrifying mother and asking her a favor.
"You're a Queen, Chihaya," she muttered to herself, "You can do this."
Momentarily psyched up by her pep talk, she pressed the CALL button.
Clutching her Daddy Bear to her chest, she nervously waited for the other line to pick up.
"Moshi moshi. Mashima residence."
The voice unmistakably belonged to Mashima Reiko. Chihaya instinctively froze at the recognition, failing to follow through with a greeting.
"Hello? Who's ca—"
"It's Chihaya!" she blurted. Voice slightly shaky, she chattered, "Um, this is Chihaya. Good evening, Mrs. Pre—Mashima-san."
Reiko's voice instantly turned ice cold. "Ah, Chihaya-chan. It's a pleasure to receive your call at dinnertime."
Chihaya's eyes latched on the clock. Of course she'd end up calling at an absolutely inconvenient hour. She instantly replied, "I'm so sorry! It's just—I'd like to ask if Taichi's okay..."
She could hear a disappointed sigh. "If he is still unable to message you and your friends, I believe that means he's currently unwell. Now, do you have other questions, Chihaya-chan?"
Every nerve in her body was desperately begging for her to drop the line already, but if Chihaya would back down now, she's sure Sumire would find a way to still make the request, which may make things more difficult. Steeling herself, she took the plunge. "May I come over tomorrow?"
When she was met with silence, Chihaya rambled on, "I was asked by Tsukue-kun—I mean, his classmate—to deliver the notes for the lessons he missed. And our club members bought him oranges and apples and—"
"You may come tomorrow at five. You can help me prepare dinner."
Chihaya almost choked her stuff toy. This wasn't on the plan. "Sorry?"
"I believe you have excellent hearing, Chihaya-chan. Surely I won't need to repeat myself."
Like a soldier under scrutiny by her commander, she automatically replied, "Y - yes, Ma'am."
Pacified with her answer, Reiko said, "If that is all, then I must be going back to dinner. See you tomorrow."
"Thank you for your time, Mashima-san. S - see you tomorrow."
As soon as the call disconnected, Chihaya collapsed on the bed, energy spent. A minute later she got up, exited the room, and dashed down the stairs.
"Mom! Please teach me how to cook!"
"Woah—is meeting Taichi's mom really that scary for you?" Nishida inquired, staring at Chihaya's bloodshot eyes. "And what happened with those?" He pointed at Chihaya's freshly bandaged fingers.
Chihaya blinked rapidly, moistening her eyes. In between yawns, she explained, "I slept late. Mrs. Pressure asked me to help her with dinner so I had to learn how to chop vegetables. Perfectly."
Nishida gave her a comforting smile, "Ganbatte, Ayase. If you survive tonight, I'll treat you with pork buns for lunch tomorrow."
Resting her head on the desk, Chihaya muttered, "Thanks, Nikuman-kun."
Had Chihaya been a lucid dreamer, she would've realized that the castle was simply a representation of the Mashima house, the sleeping prince was Taichi all along, and the fire breathing dragon guarding the gate was definitely Mashima Reiko. If she were, she may not have woken up with a start, embarrassing herself in the middle of Fukasaku-sensei's class.
Looking at how messed up Chihaya was, Nishida began to doubt if he'd be able to buy her pork buns the next day.
It's okay, Chihaya, she's not really a dragon, she inwardly declared. She pressed the doorbell with her free hand, and then sighed in relief when she found Rika peering excitedly at her from the entranceway.
"Welcome, Chihaya-chan!" Taichi's younger sister greeted. Quirking an eyebrow at her, she then questioned, "Do you want some water? You look pale."
Chihaya waved her worry away. "I'm fine."
Locating Reiko at the kitchen, Chihaya presented the basket clutched in her hand. "G - good afternoon, Mashima-san. This is from everyone in the club." She proceeded to extract Komano's papers from her bag. "And these are the notes from Tsukue-kun."
"Please extend our gratitude to them, Chihaya-chan." Reiko took the basket and began to put the fruits inside the refrigerator. "You can leave the notes on Taichi's desk later."
Chihaya's heart skipped a beat. For all the stress she had gone through in the past twenty-four hours, the prospect of actually visiting Taichi had been at the back seat on her mind, overshadowed by the daunting ordeal of dealing with Mrs. Pressure without her son's intervention. Her thoughts led her to look in the direction of Taichi's bedroom.
She had never seen Taichi this sick, and she dearly hoped she could help him recover, if only a little.
She heard Reiko clear her throat. "You may see him as soon as we finished making dinner."
Chihaya's gaze snapped back to Reiko. "H - hai."
Reiko seemed to consider something, staring at her with a surprisingly concerned expression. "Would you like to have some tea first? Your face is pale."
Chihaya slapped her cheeks in response, giving some color to them. "I'm okay!" Encouraged by the thinly-veiled worry for her wellbeing reflected in Reiko's eyes, Chihaya attempted a smile, "I'm ready."
Having tried her hand in kitchen work for the first time last night, Chihaya could recognize how admirable Mashima Reiko moved through the space, retrieving cooking tools from the cupboards and ingredients from the refrigerator with exceptional grace. Taichi must have inherited his poise from his mother.
Chihaya put the vegetables in the strainer and headed to the sink. "I'll wash these up, Mashima-san."
Reiko hummed in agreement. "I'll be seasoning the meat." She turned to her daughter perched on the dining table stool, happily watching over the two of them. "Go work on your homework, Rika. You have nothing to do here."
Rika started to protest. "But I wanna see—" her words were cut abruptly, and from behind her Chihaya could guess that Mrs. Pressure had given Rika her intimidating gaze.
If Mashima Reiko were karuta Queen, Chihaya was sure she'd never become a challenger. If she did, she would have to play blindfolded, just so she can avoid that look.
"Fine," Rika relented. "Ganbatte, Chihaya-chan." She proceeded to go upstairs, leaving Chihaya and Reiko alone.
Finishing her first task, Chihaya deposited the vegetables on the container next to the chopping board.
Time to show what I've practiced. She picked up a medium-sized knife and was about to slice the head of a cabbage when Reiko suddenly ordered, "Stop."
Chihaya stared at her, dumbfounded. Was she already deemed a failure? That fast?
Reiko withdrew the knife from her hands. Then she remarked. "Your fingers are hurt."
Chihaya blinked. "They're all right. I can still—"
"Take a sit over there and just watch me, Chihaya-chan," Reiko instructed, her tone clearly expressing that Chihaya have no other choice but to follow. Flustered, Chihaya merely nodded, settling on the stool Rika had previously occupied.
Reiko continued preparing the meal, making Chihaya feel more and more anxious at being utterly unhelpful each second that passed. She knew she should attempt to make small talk, but her mind can't come up with any dialogue, not even about the weather.
It was Reiko that broke the silence. "If I remember correctly, you've injured your hand once before. Was playing karuta that challenging?"
Taken aback by Reiko's recollection, Chihaya failed to filter her thoughts. "Harada-sensei trained me harder so I won't get injured like that again. I, um, got these last night chopping carrots."
As soon as the words were left hanging in the air, Chihaya bit her lip. Please don't think much about it please don't think much about it please don't—
Reiko stopped swirling the ladle in the pot. Chihaya held her breath, preparing herself for whatever it was that will come out of Mrs. Pressure's lips.
Her imagination couldn't have predicted what she had finally said. Not in a million years.
"You know, I never disliked you, Chihaya-chan." Reiko resumed her motions, "Just how early you arrived."
Even though they were merely two sentences, Chihaya couldn't begin to grasp what Mrs. Pressure was telling her.
Even without Chihaya's prompting, Reiko elaborated, "When I became a mother, I promised to myself that I will raise my child with the same standards that my parents had set for me." Having finished cooking the broth, she turned off the stove. Reaching for the box of genmaicha tea, she continued, "Fortunately, I hadn't had much trouble with Taichi. He is naturally brilliant and determined. He listens to my demands and takes on the challenges I set for him. But then one day he came home saying he wants to be good at playing this obscure game,"—Chihaya straightened up, ready for a lecture—"and it worried me, not just because it wasn't in my plans, but also because the game came from a girl that has taken more than his attention, even though he's unaware of it at the time."
Reiko poured hot water on two porcelain cups, then submerged the tea kernels in them. "Just as how my parents had given me freedom to choose the person I like, I must give the same choice to my children. But you happened to come into Taichi's life far earlier than when Oligo came into mine, and I can't help but treat you with unwarranted hostility for that." Reiko gave her a stricken smile, "But maybe it was for the better. If I had Taichi controlled for all these years, he might have been leading a broken life by now." She slid one cup towards Chihaya. "I suppose I owe you both an apology and my thanks, Chihaya-chan."
Unable to completely digest the sudden disclosure from Reiko, Chihaya could only refute her last statement. "That's not true! Taichi is the person he is right now because of your efforts, Mashima-san." Chihaya recalled a moment from way back their first team tournament as a seven-membered club. She relayed the details of the event to her, narrating how Taichi had uncharacteristically snapped at Tsukuba for arguing with the word 'but' all over his sentences, declaring that a man has no use for the word. Chihaya had then commented how Reiko's strictness with Taichi had disciplined him, allowing him to become strong in his own way.
This time it was Reiko who was rendered speechless. Chihaya sipped the tea, finding her nerves settling. After finishing her cup, she shyly ventured, "If you will, I'd like to take up Taichi's dinner with the notes now, Mashima-san."
Composing herself, Reiko nodded, then started assembling the food.
She found Taichi covered under layers of blankets when she entered his room. Setting the tray on the study desk, Chihay tiptoed towards his huddled figure.
She rested a hand on his arm, finding it awfully warm. "Passing Todai must've been so hard, ne, Taichi?" She swapped the dry towelette for a cool one, setting it on his forehead. Feeling the sudden chill, Taichi stirred. His amber eyes connected with Chihaya's, and he muttered weakly, "Now I'm delirious."
Chihaya chuckled, placing a hand on his cheek. "Not yet. I'm real."
Taichi sounded genuinely lost when he insisted, "You can't be. You'd have to get past my Mom to be here, and you're terrified of her."
Chihaya perked up, "About that..." she decided against telling him about her upgraded relationship with Mrs. Pressure. Taichi would be more convinced that he was hallucinating if she did. Instead, she took his hand. "Everyone was worried about you. Please get well soon, Taichi. I missed beating you in matches."
Taichi grinned mischievously, "You could leave out the beating at matches part."
Chihaya felt her face warm. "Fine, just because you're sick this time. I missed you, Taichi."
Satisfied at her admission, and perhaps still feeling very much unwell, Taichi began to drift off again. Checking her wristwatch, Chihaya noted that there was still an hour before he had to take his medicine.
Reaching up to gently caress his head, Chihaya found herself narrating, "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful prince who was stuck in a castle. There was a big, fire breathing dragon at the gates and everyone in the land was afraid of her. It turns out, the dragon wasn't bad at all, and so when the princess..."
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rikuphobic · 3 years
A gentle glow from the computer screen washes over the dark desk, colors flickering in rapid motion. The monitor whirs in self defense of the growing heat. The ceiling fan lays mockingly silent in the stifling air. Reclined in his seat, Dream's head is tilted back to watch the wooden slats for the slightest tremor.
Beads of sweat collect near his hairline. He tugs absently on the sticky plastic of his headphones, where they rest around his neck. The small light on the exterior blinks green.
"Dream?" He hears George say faintly.
"Wait, did he leave?" Sapnap asks.
"It says he's on the call, still." George's voice slowly grows closer. Dream begins to detach his eyes from the fan. "Dream?"
The concern in his voice makes Dream sit up. He pushes his headphones back on and wipes his face. "Yes, yes, hello, sorry. I zoned out for a sec." He blinks to register what's on his screen, seeing green grass blocks and Sapnap's avatar crouching in front of him. "Shoot, did you end the stream?" He quickly tabs out just in time to see George laugh.
"No, but I'm about to. Couldn't end it without you saying bye," George says. The small considerate act is enough to bloom a warmth in Dream's chest.
He smiles. "Oh, alright. Bye stream!"
"Bye!" Sapnap yells.
George waves to the camera. "Bye you guys, thank you so much. Also, pray for Dream's air conditioning."
"And my broken fan," Dream adds.
"Bye bye," George repeats, then disappears from Dream's view. This stream has ended. A familiar feeling creeps into Dream's chest whenever that message appears post-stream; disappointment clouded with confusion. Today, it is accompanied by trickles of regret.
He frowns. "Sorry I spent so much of your stream complaining about the weather," he says, clicking back to the server. Sapnap has placed an oak sign before him that reads: wee waa dream can't take the heat. He rolls his eyes and breaks it.
"It's fine, really. I just feel bad for you," George says. His avatar bounds over and starts placing doors on the ground. "Any idea when it'll be fixed?"
"Soon, I hope," Dream answers with a huff, opening and closing the doors to appease George. "I don't think I can take much more of this." They'd been playing for the past three hours, meaning Dream had been accumulating enough sweat in his boxers to stick to his chair for much longer than any man should. Physical comfort was a key component for him to stay mellow, and not much could distract him from itchy tags and blistering heat. Not much, that is, besides gaming. "Seeing you was nice, though, something about your cheerful face distracts me from my agony," he confesses, words leaving his mouth before he can attempt to filter. He cringes. What was that?
"Oh my god, shut up," George says. He sounds embarrassed.
Sapnap coos. "Maybe I should stream with my camera on too."
Dream laughs, running away from the two of them to ease his sudden spike in nervousness. "That would keep my attention."
"Oh yeah, are my streams not interesting enough for you Dream?" George says, flying after him.
"What?" Dream says, feeling a pang of guilt. "What makes you think that? I love your streams."
George continues to act offended. "If you loved them you wouldn't zone out randomly."
"I didn't mean to," Dream whines, which only makes the other two laugh. "I just got distracted by my misery, and tried to airbend a breeze in here."
"Yeah right," Sapnap says, "you couldn't have been doing just that for ten minutes."
"Ten minutes?" Dream repeats, bewildered. He didn't feel it had been that long; he was exploring the map and then clicked onto George's stream to see where he was, and of course George was smiling and yelling, but somehow so full of energy and spirit, and the hot air started to seep into Dream's soul—
"You were AFK for a while," George says, "we were still talking to you though and thought you'd muted yourself or something. Chat thought it was embarrassing."
"Oh," Dream says.
"Hold on, did you mean to mute yourself?" Sapnap asks, laughing as his own words leave his mouth. "Lil too excited watching George?"
Both Dream and George explode in disgusted yells. Good lord, Sapnap.
"Sapnap!" George sends a series of hits raining down onto his avatar. "You are so inappropriate off-stream."
"You're gross," Dream says with a laugh, but it's feeble and half-hearted. His pulse is rapidly drumming inside his skull. He is not lost to the strange dilemma of why he faded from their call for so long to stare at his George-less ceiling. Why did George have anything to do with it? Envy, perhaps, of his friend's ability to be wearing a hoodie in the middle of summer. He brushes it off. "It's true, though. George's face does get me excited."
George groans, making Sapnap and Dream laugh. "Now you're just trying to make me uncomfortable."
"Flustered, you mean," Dream inputs quickly.
"Okay, no, I'm sick of you two," George says, immediately exiting their server. "Consider this a rage quit."
GeorgeNotFound has left the game. Dream sends a :( into the chat.
"Noo, Georgie," Sapnap pleads.
"You did a great job today," Dream says, wholeheartedly. "I'm going to re-watch what I missed of it later." George laughs.
"I seriously have to go. I'll talk to you soon," he says, a small sound emitting from Discord signifying he's left the call.
The feeling returns to Dream's chest—it's akin to the cold rush that follows when he removes his hands from a steaming coffee mug. Some nights after their friends have logged off for good, he'll do anything to avoid giving in and going to bed. Twitter, mini-games, coding, creating playlists. His favorite nights, though, are when George wakes up early enough to keep him company. Their conversations radiate with the warmth of both the Florida night and the English sunrise.
So whenever George jokingly becomes angry with him, Dream can't dispel the tiny tremor of worry that maybe he's gone too far. He doesn't like to mull over the thought of them really fighting; it would terrify him like nothing else. He knows George will call again tomorrow, and that he isn't nearly as upset as he lets on. Yet he still finds himself carefully watching the dot next to George's name switch from green to a pale grey.
"I think I'm gonna hop off too," Dream says to Sapnap.
"Alright, seeya."
After disconnecting, he swivels around in his chair to face his bed. The dark comforter has been kicked to the floor, sheets askew. The window above his bed is shut tight to keep out the humid air and insects, but he can see the soft orange streetlights in the distance.
He sighs and wishes for rain.
He remembers running barefoot on his neighborhood streets as a child when storms would roll in from the sea, splashing in gravelly puddles and letting the cool raindrops dampen his hair. That space was always euphoric—a brief temperance from the smoldering air, green palm trees swaying in the wind, the hint of thunder and lightning—but it feels so far from him now. Especially in this dreadful weather.
He turns off his computer and begrudgingly gets in bed. He's nearly grown accustomed to the dark when his phone vibrates, the notification lighting up the room. He squints.
A text from George.
I feel like this song is a good way for me to get back at you, it reads. Dream clicks on the link, opening his Spotify to a new 'Glass Animals' song.
"Heat Waves," he responds, smiling. Very funny.
He'll listen to that in the morning. As he sets his phone back on the nightstand, Dream finds himself warmed by the gesture, even though it was an insult on his behalf. George is a thoughtful guy. Nothing wrong with appreciating that. Not that Dream finds it unnerving that interacting with George has a direct correlation with his general contentment and moods; in fact, it isn't worth the overthinking.
Settled by his own logic, he allows his body to focus on sleep. He slips in and out of shadows, occasionally tossing and turning in irritation at the cotton sheets. The fabric clings to his dampened skin up to the moment he sluggishly kicks it away. Something clatters to the floor, but Dream rolls onto his side.
Eventually, the night cools enough for him to sink deeper, and deeper, until he turns his head from his soft, warm pillow to a cold pile of sand.
Confused, he grasps at the foundation beneath him only for the rocky grains to slip through his fingers.
He sits up rapidly, glancing at the beach now surrounding him. Although the image is narrow, he can tell there is a murky-purple lagoon lapping a few feet before him. The moon ripples across its ominous surface. The night is quiet; a taunting breeze brushing the back of his neck and bringing chills down his spine.
He looks down at his hands, seeing his bright sleeves pushed halfway up his forearms. Bright green.
A sinking feeling begins to rot in his stomach as the familiarity sets in. He's been here before. He shifts his head cautiously, realizing where the shadows at the edge of his vision are coming from, and raises a hand to gently graze the ceramic covering his face. He doesn't need a mirror to know what the mask looks like.
He pulls up his hood, tensing as he anticipates the next subject he'll recognize. At any moment, behind his right shoulder, a voice will call from the edge of the trees that'll say—
He freezes. That's—that's not right, it isn't supposed to be—
"George?" He asks quietly, turning around with caution. George stands a few feet behind him, goggles perched atop his head and an axe in his hand. He's looking around their location, dazed. The starry sky reflects itself on his lenses.
He walks across the sand towards Dream slowly. "Where...are we?"
"Um." Dream considers curling in on himself, but can't help fighting the comfort of honesty. "My head, I guess." He knows from experience that this place values integrity more than anything. Facing it head on, so to speak. He just doesn't know why he'd let George in here—it isn't safe.
"It's pretty," George says, sitting on the sand next to him.
Dream's heart aches faintly at his remark. Once, he'd thought it was pretty, too. He can't find the words to tell George that after so many years of frantically slipping on the sand, coughing up lung-fulls of the dark water, and running from the woods—it has become a thing of nightmares.
He stares at George. Can he feel the memories here?
"So this is..." George gestures around with his axe vaguely. "Florida?"
Dream cracks a smile. "Yeah, you finally made it," he teases softly. George's grin is bright enough to make him look away. "It's a lagoon I used to come to as a kid."
"You make it sound like that was lifetimes ago."
Something foreign and lost weighs on the tension in Dream's features, forgotten behind the ceramic. "Maybe," he says, "I've had multiple lives here."
George says nothing. He lifts a moon-soaked hand to point at the water. "Do you see those?"
Dream turns his head, and small glowing blobs appear near the shore. Their light blue color is stark against the darkness as they float idly.
"They're moon jellies," Dream says in disbelief. He's never seen them here before. The curling darkness steals all hint of life besides him, his beating heart, and occasional whispers in the wind.
George hums in approval. Dream looks at him again, grateful for the mask covering his own features. Pale moonlight makes George's skin glow a soft porcelain, pink lips pressed together in a delicate brush stroke.
The word bubbles up from deep in Dream's chest, winding into his bloodstream and landing gracefully in his head.
He wants to back away from it, to shove it deep down. But for once, it feels safe here, safe to admit it to himself without needing an air of humor to skate by on. Here, it isn't a joke.
"Why are we here?" George asks in a murmur, gaze lifting to face Dream. The word here hangs with a heavy lilt, as if he'd meant to say, what brought me? Who pulled me?
Was it you?
In his large brown eyes Dream can see the faded reflection of his sloppy black and white smile.
"I know why I'm here," Dream says carefully, "but I don't know why you are." A brief rustling of leaves and twigs behind them causes him to tense again. "It's dangerous here, George. We should go."
"Why? Don't you want to stay in this memory?"
Dream ignores the comment, and lightly wraps an arm around his shoulders to help him up. George doesn't try to stand. He keeps them rooted to the white shore with a confused frown.
"Nothing is going to hurt us when I'm here," he says.
Dream feels his face grow hot. "Knock it off. This is serious."
George looks at him earnestly. "I'm being serious."
Now that his arm is draped protectively over George's small frame, Dream becomes extremely aware of how close they are. He can sense George's body heat, watch his chest rise and fall, see the goosebumps on his neck. Dream's heart begins to pound. For how long has he wanted to meet him? To hear his voice in person? The fear inside him slowly begins to ebb away into fondness.
The moon jellies rapidly multiply until the lagoon is dappled blue, and gleaming.
George grins. "I told you it's pretty."
"Because of you," Dream says warmly. Even though George rolls his eyes, he means it. They laugh lightly at each other, glowing water and gentle sparks blooming as the moment passes.
George's gaze lingers on Dream for a few heartbeats, before letting go of his axe. He raises his hand to reach for the ceramic mask.
Dream freezes as his eyes follow the motion. His hood falls when George runs his fingers gently through his wavy hair—he can't remember the last time he let someone do this. It feels intimate. It feels terrifying. His eyes shut when George finds the metal clasp on the back of his head, he exhales when he feels the weight of the mask drop from his face.
The breeze is cold on his cheeks. He can smell the nearby saltwater. He opens his eyes, and sees twice as many stars as usual.
"How did you do that? I've never..." He looks at George, who is smiling softly.
"I know honesty is important to you," George says. His hand moves to gently touch Dream's cheekbone.
Dream reaches and delicately takes George's hand in his, slender knuckles and fingers sliding together with timid grace. He feels alive. He leans closer, studying George's eyes until he slips down, further, to his soft lips. His breath is trembling.
"And what if I kissed you right now?" He murmurs, heart racing. "How honest would that be?"
George's eyes grow wide. "I—well, Dream—you—" he stammers, giving Dream exactly what he needs to let go.
Their movements happen nearly all at once—the inclining of George's jaw, the slide of Dream's hand into his hair, the connection of their lips. The kiss is raw with emotion, and gentle. Hot embers rise from Dream's chest to heat his face. The soft presence of George's mouth against his own is surreal, as their senses collectively slip away into the dreamland. His hand rises to softly cup George's jaw. He pulls his face closer, breath hot, heart stuttering. Nervous energy quickly ebbs into a strong hearth of longing, as he kisses George again, and again, and again. George emits a soft noise that makes Dream melt. He can feel George's hands in his hair, then on his neck, then on his chest.
Dream pulls away to capture brief puffs of air. His chest rises and falls rapidly, as he looks at George's flushed cheeks and mouth kissed red. Because of him. A low feeling stirs in the space just below his ribcage, the first flickering of a dangerously hot flame. All of it, all of George, just for him.
Dream parts his lips to say something, anything—and promptly wakes up.
oop there’s the entire first chapter of heatwaves
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liljungie · 5 years
MVP | Jeon Jungkook | part 4
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Pairing: [soccer player] jungkook x reader
Warnings: angst SO MUCH ANGST
One / two / three
A/N: let me know if you like what happened in this part Please.
After you shut your bedroom door behind you, you heard him sigh loudly then his footsteps walked away from your door.
Without another word, without a fight, without a last kiss, he didn't try to reassure you..tell you you're the one he'll be with, he didn't prove you how wrong you were about him and his intentions and that he actually wanted you and is willing to fight the world for you.
Your heart shattered completely, you wanted him to argue with you, you wanted to hear him say I love you and mean it whole heartedly you wanted him to be yours so desperately because you couldn't escape the way you loved him, you wanted him to burst right through your door and argue or talk until the two of you made up again.
Loving him is starting to hurt,
How much your heart is full of love for him but his is far from your reach, it made the heat crawl up on your skin, you hated yourself for loving him this deep and this much, you hated how crazy he made you feel, you hated how no matter what happens he will always have your heart.
With a shaky breath you gathered the bit of energy you had left in you and started to clean your room from the shattered glass, even though you were out of your mind when you were collecting the pieces, all you could think of was him, the way he laughs and his captivating smile and those chocolate eyes of his.
You could picture him, looking at you with those eyes, if you only knew the lies and everything he hid behind them maybe you wouldn't have fallen for him.
3 days later and your roommate was still not back yet...
You figured hoped if jungkook actually broke up with her she'd be back by morning that night crying her heart out..but she didn't so he didn't..he didn't do anything.
you knew he wouldn't.
You thought if he had the least bit of interest in you he'd do anything to prove how wrong you are about him, but him leaving without putting up a fight proved the biggest point of all; If he wanted you your roommate would be here instead of being with him at God knows where.
You didn't bother to call her and ask about her whereabouts you actually didn't care about her or him or anything anymore you just were trying to pass your life by without any drama. You've had enough.
You decided to go on with your life, waiting for him would only break you more because deep down in you, you knew he'll never be yours. surely playing pretend for awhile was nice but now it's not and you hate to admit it but you regret it all.
You didn't regret loving him it was out of your control and anyone would fall between the cracks if they had that level of intimacy with someone.
Although you just wished things were different, you wish he didn't belong to anybody else, it would have been easier but nothing ever comes easy, not for you it seems. feeding your high hopes only made you drown in the disappointment of them not happening so you pushed all thoughts of them, of him happening aside and moved on with your life.
It was a hell lot easier, even though that was a lie you told yourself every day.
You walk towards the cafeteria to get something to eat, your stomach hurting you and it was making noises at this point which embarrassed you.
you rarely ate the past few days thanks to Jungkook.
Even though he was out of your sight he wasn't out of your mind,the minute you wanted to do or focus on something the thought of him would steal all of your attention.
Your brain wasn't cooperating with you anymore, you didn't even cry over him which hurt more, your heart felt heavy with sorrow and you wanted nothing more than to cry but you couldn't.
You didn't know which would hurt more crying it out or holding it all in and hoping it would vanish without causing you any harm...
You tried to walk faster so no one you knew could stop you to say hello because you really needed to eat before you went in this one class that drained you, even on your best days.
You jumped out of your skin when you felt a hand smack your books out of your grip, making them all fall around your feet you sigh in annoyance and turn your head to glare at a very satisfied jimin, you knew it, "good morning _____!" He cheerfully greets you and you want nothing more than to slap him.
"Morning," you sigh again and drop to your knees to gather your books "and jimin I'm not in the mood please leave me be" you tell him softly as you stand up fixing yourself.
At that he frowns that's not like you, you'd slap him or yell at him or hit him back.
"You okay?" He asks trying to look at your face that was hiding behind your hair he see you hum and nod biting your lip "I'm fine don't worry"you say quickly trying to end the conversation as soon as possible so you don't have to face jungkook who might be trailing behind jimin. You didn't want to look behind jimin to make sure either you just want to flee.
"Bye now" you say behind you, picking up your walking pace which makes jimin raise his eyebrows and frown this definitely wasn't like you at all.
He walked faster to catch up with you holding your wrist and turing you around to face him "not so fast!", you stare at him shocked "jimin seriously?" You ask furious now.
Why is he all of the sudden the caring jimin you used to know before he joined the football team.
You wished he could just take a hint and leave you be but jimin was dense and stubborn.
"Yes seriously what is wrong with you?!" He asks loudly and you thank the heavens that there's no one in the hallway you place your hand over his plump lips to shush him slamming him against the wall "are you trying to get us expelled? Classes are in session!" You whisper shouted at him his eyes were wide at the way you pressed him to the wall.
"I'm okay, okay? Stop annoying me can you do that? Just for today at least" You ask your hand still on top of his lips his eyes staring into yours as he nods furiously so you let him go, a smile form on your face.
"Good boy!" You pat his hair letting your hands fall to your sides, you decided to tease him a bit before you leave and placed a kiss on his cheek near enough to his lips but not quite, he stood still not believing what's happening but not minding it either, you giggle at how stiff and flustered he is and walk away leaving him speechless.
He places his hand where you kissed him and looks at you disappear in the crowd.
You actually kissed him, you really did. he thought. he couldn't help but let out a light hearted laugh and walked back to his class.
Both of you didn't notice jungkook staring at you two from afar watching the whole encounter wishing he was where jimin stood. In your arms, face to face with you just how he always wanted.
Feeling bitter; he dialed a number and walked away biting the inside of his cheek waiting for the other line to pick up, he's not losing you.
Not to jimin!
Jealousy ate him up bit by bit.
Just the thought alone made him furious wishing he showed you how much he wanted you how much he craved you, all of you. he wished he had devoured you like he originally planned to do before you broke down crying.
You and your 'moods' always got in his plans and that always frustrated him, he wasn't going to lie; he didn't know how to handle you sometimes which made him like having you around.
Everything about you frustrated him but not everything about you was his favorite kind of frustration, if you would only loosened up he might have been yours.
Yet, he did not want jimin to have you.
He loves you, yes.
Would he ever tell you? Probably not.
And he wants to keep it this way until he figures things out with his girlfriend, if he ever does.
[4:55 pm]
Before you reached your apartment you could hear voices inside, you didn't think much of it and swinged the door open, not noticing jungkook who was standing in front of the door his back facing you but when he heard the door open he slightly turned to see who it was.
he knew it was you, which made him more excited to steal a glance at you, coming through.
Your breath got stuck in your throat when your eyes finally landed on his figure near the door, your heart froze, he was so close but so far away, suddenly every wall you built up started to break apart the more you look at him.
"Oh hey _____!" Your roommate, who was very much still his girlfriend, peaked from the living room greeting you way too cheerfully.
"Hey" you smiled at her walking past jungkook, not even sparing him another glance your arms brush against each other making the hair on his skin stand up, all he wanted to do was grab you and hold you in his arms and he tried his hardest not to.
"What are you doing?" You asked when you see all of her stuff, mostly clothes, on the couch, "I'm moving out!" Your eyes at that widen "why?" You ask thinking of the reasons before she uttered a word
'Is she and jungkook moving in together?'
'Is she moving into jungkook's dorm instead? But jungkook already had a roommate!'
'Was she pregnant with his child?!'
She let out a laugh "I'm messing with you, I'm going to busan for the holidays with kook" she told you making another bang hit your heart, you tried to seem unfazed "oh really" You say your face drained of color, you didn't know why you were disappointed but you were.
She glances at her boyfriend before she turns to you and whispers "He wants me to meet his parents!" she squealed silently
She's joking.
There's no way.
You wanted to scream at him then and there but you couldn't, you felt your blood boil and your heart was beating uncontrollably.
Meeting his parents meant he was serious about her and their relationship which made your world collapse.
You were right about him, he was only using you.
You felt tears start in your eyes at the realization that was far more painful than seeing them smile at each other "I'm happy for you" you tell her holding the strap of your bag tightly around your shoulder, trying not to break then and there infront of the couple.
"_____? You don't look too good" you hear her whisper, at that jungkook ears perk up and concern was written on his face he steps closer to the two of you wanting to look at you to see what's wrong but decided not to, he stood his ground. close enough to you.
You let out a forced laugh wipping away the tears that escaped from your eyes "oh I'm fine!" You giggle "today was just a busy day no worries I'm gonna go wash up, have fun at busan!" you say carefully walking away from the living room trying not to brush against him again.
she shrugged her shoulders and continued to fold her clothes in the bag, you could feel his eyes on you as you walked away, you made sure to glare him when you turned to close your bedroom door your eyes pierce through him like lazier, your face was stone cold as you slammed the door shut in his face, sliding down against it crying softly placing your hands on your mouth to muffle your sobs.
It was all your fault, this was your doing, you could have said no you could have ran away, you knew how bad it is to want something you couldn't have.
This was your karma for what you did in the past,you thought. this was your karma for rejecting jimin, a year ago.
You didn't believe in it until your turn came and tasted just how awful rejection is.
[ December ]
You didn't like how jimin behaved lately he was acting closed off and quite.
Which wasn't him at all, every time you'd touch him or step closer to him he'd be stiff or he'd push you away lightly but you knew he didn't want you near him.
You've had enough on Christmas day when you and him were hanging the ornaments on the tree the only thing that was left was the big gold star on top.
Usually jimin would lift you up and you'd put it on top the tree with ease and he'd gently put you down both of you would smile after, his arms around you holding you tight telling you that you did a great job.
The last Christmas though was odd,he wasn't singing Christmas songs with you while he helped you decorate the tree, he wasn't joking around with you with the mistletoe, he used to hang it above you and tell you to kiss him only for you to shove him off laughing your heart out.
it was time for you to put the gold star on top, you turned to him smiling as the star dangle from your fingers "it's time jimine" he avoided your eyes "I'll go grab the ladder" he told you walking away you frowned, ladder? He always carried you.
All you could see was red you slammed the star on the table, it even left a mark on your palm and marched your way to him stopping him from walking further, you were furious "what is wrong with you?" You yelled not caring that his parents were sound asleep upstairs his eyes were wide staring at you "nothing!" He responded trying to push past you, to avoid you"you just got fat I don't want to be crushed" you gasped, your hand smacked his cheek.
"You know what jimin" you angrily sighed "fuck you!" You spat watching his face fall "ever since you joined that stupid football team you became the biggest douch ever worse than that jeon guy!" Your lips trembling trying to keep yourself from crying.
He laughed "but he sure knows how to get your pants wet" you shoved him "he doesn't even love you like that!" He said again glaring you "grow up _____! When are you going to realize that he'll never love you the way you love him!" Jimin screamed at you.
Your heart was hammering against your ribcage making it hard to breath as you just stared at your best friend break you apart, your tears fell helplessly.
Jimin was heartbroken to hurt you like this, he knew he crossed the line but he just couldn't take it anymore, he loved you, he adored you and he just didn't want to continue living like this, seeing you; the love of his life, be in love someone like jungkook!
"The crush you have on him is going to kill you!" He cried "I hate to break it to you but jungkook is in a relationship! He can't and won't be with you!"
You knew that. you knew your roommate was his girlfriend. but you couldn't stop your feelings and you knew jungkook felt the same, you both didn't act on it back then but he felt something for you, you knew he did, because he constantly was over and he'd talk to you more than his girlfriend and flirt with you when she wasn't around.
"Why are you saying this?" You cry "why would you say that you basterd!" You shove him again but this time he held both of your hands that were ready to claw his eyes out if you could and pulled you closer "because I'm the one who loves you!" He shouted
You froze at his words, your heart beats slowed down,your body went cold "what?" You asked shaking, if it wasn't for him holding you tightly surely your legs would have given up on you.
"I love you" he paused to swallow " I always have and I always will" he told you as he stared at you with admiration he moved your hair out of your face then you felt his fingers trace your lips and move down to hold your chin, you shake your head pushing him away.
"Is this one of your pranks?" You said wiping away your tears as his heart broke into a million pieces his hands were still in air from the shock "because it's not funny!" You shouted, his parents were now on top of the stairs watching you both silently.
His chest was heaving up and down, he was trying his best to stay calm and not smash your head against the wall, why couldn't you understand?
'Why were you so naive?! did it really not cross your mind at all? All the hints he'd drop really went unnoticed?' he thought.
Why couldn't you understand that he isn't jungkook! Why couldn't you understand that other people are capable of loving you, yet you only cared about jungkook's love for you, tossing everything and everyone else aside, it tore him apart and he couldn't take it anymore.
"For fuck sake _____ I'm not joking!" He stepped closer to you "look at me, do I look like I'm joking?..is any of this funny to you?" He asked trapping you between him and the wall behind you.
The realization hit you like a brick to the head, his eyes bore into yours waiting for an answer.
If only eyes could speak, his eyes would scream how much he loved you and count all the reasons why he loved you.
But yours were empty, you couldn't say anything you just cried and pushed him away lightly which made him cry too as he looks at you with dispare "I don't jimin" you whispered choking on your tears..
With that being said you ran out of his house, not caring about the snow that started to fall, not caring that you were only in your pajamas and your fuzzy slippers in the winter, running in the streets like a maniac.
That Christmas was surely one to remember...
[Present Day]
Day turned into night and your apartment was dead silent, you checked her room and surely she was gone.
You were left all alone with your thoughts, your painful thoughts.
You couldn't get him off of your mind, you couldn't shake away the feeling of his arm brushing against yours, that spot burned you constantly. You love him and hate him at once and it drove you insane.
You hated how much of a coward he is, you hated how he used you over and over again and when he knew deep down you're not the one he wanted. you hated how he had the heart to continue his relationship with her even though he cheated on her and who knows if you were the only one... maybe there's a whole group of girls who were used and tossed to the side.
It was so stupid of you to ever think he'll want you enough to break up with the hottest girl he ever laid eyes on.
Ever since highschool.
Every guy had his eyes on her and because everything to jungkook was a competition he took it upon himself to 'score' her, you and your friends had a bet that she'd last two weeks,tops. but here you are, years later and they're still together.
Going over all of that in your mind you're not sure if jungkook is a guy you'd love for all your life, you're not sure he's even worth it, if he had the heart to lie straight to her face he surely lied to you.
Once a cheater always a cheater.
Although you hate to admit it but jimin was right all along, he called it before it even happened.
guess you should have trusted him, he was his best friend after all so of course he knew jungkook like the back of his hand, sure this year jimin acted just like jungkook at times but you knew who jimin was deep down and you hated yourself for breaking him the way you did.
instead of spending your holidays depressed wasting away in your dorm room alone,you started getting ready, knowing someone that would welcome you warmly despite everything that happened; Jimin.
You bumped into taehyung a few hours ago and he mentioned that jimin went to busan to visit his parents, so you prepared a bag filled with clothes and a few snacks for the long car ride and off you went.
[ 10:30 pm ]
You tossed your bag in the small hotel room, locking the door shut and walking back to your car.
Your fingers hover over jimin's contact in your phone, still debating whether to call him or not but it's now or never you're already here and his house is a few minutes away from the hotel.
The same hotel you crashed in the night you ranaway from rejected him.
You decide not to call him and just show up unannounced so you drove off to his house, hoping you still remember his neighborhood and hoping that his parents don't kick you out from their porch.
Your hands on the steering wheel were shaking as you practiced what you wanted to say over a thousand times, the nervousness overwhelmed you and you just hope to God his parents accept your apology and that jimin forgives you.
Because after that night jimin didn't talk about what happened and you were too embarrassed to dig into it so it just slipped, and you continued your friendship with jimin.even though it wasn't the same, you still were friends.
And no matter how much you pushed the thought of that night away you still owe jimin an apology more than his parents who also deserved an apology, not only you ruined their christmas but you also broke their son's heart.
Jungkook was miserable.
He hated how much his girlfriend kept nagging the whole car ride, nothing could shut her up.
He tried to hold her hand, stroke her thigh, sing to her, he bought her favourite snacks to munch on...nothing worked!
She kept crying about how much her feet killed her from sitting down for hours in the car and how she wanted to lay down because her back started to hurt.
Only then he realized what a huge mistake he had made, he only wanted to make you jealous he wanted you to break and come running into his arms but that's not what you did and it made him go mad.
With another whine from her he stopped the car in a halt,he sighed loudly rubbing  his face "why did you stop kook?" She asked looking at him with worry he glanced at her and sighed "I'm so sorry babe it completely slipped my mind...I-" he sighed again trying to come up with a lie"my parents are visiting my brother in Rome" he lied, he had enough, this is not the girl he wanted his parents to meet.
He wasn't gonna go through with it in the first place he just hoped it worked long enough to fool you.
"What!" She yelled, his ears started to buzz from her tone "and you decided to tell me that halfway there? god jungkook!" She rolled her eyes at him while he shrugged his shoulders "I can drive to Rome if you still want to go" he joked making a U turn and driving at the fastest speed he could to return her home and to see you.
"Take me home Jeon!" She said with gritted teeth making him snort, a smirk playing on his face "as you wish princess" she roll her eyes at him.
And oh boy this ride felt so much lighter not only she was disappointed but she stayed silent, jungkook's heart was at ease knowing he's on his way back to you.
This time he'll make it right.
This time he'll do it right.
This time he won't let you go until you're his.
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litanyofra · 5 years
EYE of the beholder of the plantation workers right journey men and women.passed down sworn Oath knowledge. Knowing plantation workers are the ones that learned too many rules from broken hearts the hard way.more than they did. Right fully There's. I'm Defender of the Sworn Oath knowledge                                    
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Knowing that the Founders loved you so much. You know that if it feels Wrong you know there is a rule for it. Know that Doom or Evil lies on the other side of that. And if it feels right to know true Beings don't second guess themselves to that. Founders Gift takes 2 Common Sense Problem Solving Ability Tools and drives all rules with . confidence. Only way you get that . confidence to feel right feels wrong. It 、 confidence towards bravery and Loyalty and everything else too. Once practiced picking up on the person you like as well Ooo I see why this is usable. Besides the point. But it's the sinker. It's the same way a safety officer does his or her job. And it keeps kids safe to.. You swore your OATH to reteach the Information by learning the information With the same OATH attached to everything by learning the information from me.  Please and thank you to the text of the eye of the beholder.
Label categorizing profiling to paying attention to the details most missed Common sense mistake. To know there is 3 for everything. To sort out color and symbols esp-ecially. Make a list of 3 different groups. To good Evil Doom . To 🌟 with it. Gray black wight and black hole unicorn symbol to doom list. Evil put red and Horn's and he'll boy stuff in that list. Good put all bright colors and through in Halo in that list and then try to look through those 3 categories to make everything easily identifiable. To get the first Gift to the Eye. The eye has many gifts to be identified. The fractal amplifier.
Front line of the Defender is telling their opponent to make sure they have a conscience the theory of relativity. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction to the proven theory of relativity of Albert Einstein. Have proof of that FYI. Journey men women always back that Up to their Master Sensei Bruce Lee. Energy=Mass Area 3 AxAxA cubed never be 2 dimen-sional square flat knowing mass in the equation. Then 3 cubed.
The Automatic learning equation: Rules= [block]= common sense ( ! ) = True physics = 4th demen-tial understanding Automatic learning Common sense ability tools. Probably every thing stupid left out of your education obiously.
Oldest theory in the Galaxy is that you put too much mass into a single Area. The equal and opposite reaction is that it will implode and explode like a back draft on a fire. The fire pyramid is fuel, oxygen,and heat.
Have to feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie. You entered a 2 demon-tail lie into a 3 dimensional realm. SOUNDS like an angry Egyptian God to me. There was a warning by Lincoln. Warning do not leave anyone alone with the Founders foundation block of automatic learning. Rules=[Block]=common sense=Real Physics= 4th dimensional understanding of Automatic learning
Only God creates nowhere artist created day to day life talking truth. Like fish story or beating around the bush ECT or depends on Stupid erasing things or burning man-ual and rule hand books ECT. Sounds like short for they Follow the same or similar pattern to the paper trail of a paradoxical paper trail of a lie.
Have to Master you most important common sense short and simple explanation point. Problem solving ability tool list. Have.To pay attention to the details. Is your most missed mistake. To knowing there's 3 for everything. To Good Evil and Doom. sorting out color and symbols esp-ecially. To label, list, categorize,and profile. Add stupid to the list of things you should not do. So when God created us might as well just ADEM to the list of stupid to.. That's for giving the list of stupid to a theif that learned to many rules the hard way with a Sworn Oath to the plantation workers to protect the eye of the beholder. Knowing no one learned more rules the hard way than they did. And not being stupid enough to come back. They alway want the best of both worlds and it's knowing not even God can have that. GOOD!!!!!!! There you even know! GOOD!!! It's the explanation point!!!!! To get their fair share to this circus. So look through those colloms you sorted out to make everything easily identifiable. Illuminati Knight's most important Problem solving ability tool. Must do that to qualify as Common sense Short and simple to the Explanation! Point!!!!!!!
There Symbols are everywhere I guess that means stupid thinking those taggers are not here then. LoL
Art of fighting without fighting by teaching rules and Common sense eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight litany Illuminati of Ra The Illuminati gargoyle Knights Valkyrie Valor Warrior's Way. To know That all is forgiven Following your heart or gut instinct or you 6 sence like a 🦁. Knowing it's still there fault for not teaching rules And still is there fault for not teaching rules. All is forgiven after you read the rule hand book.. Shield Believers equation The equal and opposite reaction by deflection. And you get sole back as long as you read the rules handbook!!!!. To follow your instinct and read the rest of the Common sense you swore an oath to reteach the same oath attached to everything including the rule HAND BOOK!!!!!!
Everyone does something for a reason and they don't do things for no reason. Knight's are easily able to make Common sense Explanation points!!! Problem solving ability tools answers to other Illuminati Knight's. Stupid is to stupid Even know what Common sense is. Not a Problem. That try to have a good Common sense fact or pretend to do that it's usually week with no Common Sense EXPLANATION POINT FLAVOR. And then won't have a good plan on how to fix anything of prioritized harmonic balancer importance. Everything has a harmonic distortion value. Just try the ARK welder. with Common sense problem solving ability tool to back that up knowing Illuminati always back what they say up. Sort as possible in as few words as possible. Short and simple to the COMMON SENSE EXPLANATION POINT (!) TO There Dojo masters Come in Pairs Everyone has someone with them. Back in Black and BACK to BACK. Feels RIGHT KNOW TRUE. Everyone has equal and opposite say and stands on equal and opposite ground to be heard out as long shot and simple. Otherwise, I will talk at the end of class. Unless warning of energy.
See your goals to break them down to simple objectives to prioritize the list of things you have to do.. It's the Dojo Master says: IT'S THE Explanation!!!!!!! You're supposed to say (Point)!!!!!
Know there is 3 at least for everything. /Good, Evil, and Doom/. Backward rules forward rules and no rules/. To summer Winter fall./ Green Orange Purples./ Black Wight Grey /red blue yellow./ Light space Sub space and Dark space./ Boy girl, sex X/ typhoons, hericans and cyclones. Don't do the same thing look it up.
It's known that the sky's the limit is an understatement of the year. Knowing subfolders go down forever as far as space goes up.. 3 demen-tial Chess is for morons. Thodon fav is super subfolder Chess. That why your stupid.
Team work is never a bad idea. It's the explanation point!!!!
Don't see your opponent as the enemy but someone you can learn something off of. That's how you get better. It's the explanation point!!!!!
More rules for edicut in golf than any other sport. Just matter of finding that manual. Don't ask me that's why I stopped playing to slow no rule hand book
Gargoyle Samur-ai Illuminati Knights make their own luck. It's the explanation point!!!!!
Common sense is the front line and back to back is on the end of the Explanation point! Equal and opposite reaction. Common sense is the explanation point!!!!!?
You get what you put into it. it's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
It's common sense Automatic learning Problem solving ability tool list never seen before. Know they probably hid something from you. That's also Common sense.
Albert Einstein had reverse psychology a Jew had reverse psychology for a reason and. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!
Fire pyramid is heat= oxygen= fuel. it's The Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
Everything happens for a reason being don't do nothing for no reason Explanation!!!!!!!! point!!!!!
If They had no reason to change it and why did they? Everyone does something for a reason. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
It's common sense that wood winery Al's were used to get rid of the rodent problem knowing that the flea's were the carrier of the plague. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Feels right feels Wrong Rules is the same way a safety officer does his or her job keeps kids safe to. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!! Of sensei master Bruce Lee !! Family symbol EXPLANATION !!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
When they don't play by the rules the equal and opposite reaction to their guilt is the more fluffy they have to hide when they don't teach rules to make perfect Samur-ai. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!! Point!!!!
Only God creates nowhere artist created day to day life talking truth. Like a fish story or beating around the Bush ECT. Sounds like short for they follow the same or similar pattern to paper trail paradoxical of a lie. It's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!
There's no such thing as a quinkedink. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!! That everyone does things for a reason and no one does something no reason without a common sense automatic learning answer.its the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!
Know there 3 to everything Good evil Doom. Summer winter fall. Blue Red yellow. Orange green and purple. Hot Warm Cold. Black wight grey. Boy girl and sex X. Forward Rules, Backwards Rules, and no rules. Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons. Backwards Esp Forward ESP and No ESP. Witcher sorceresses and genie. Magician's Wizards Warlocks. Robot Cyborgs and humans. Subspace Light space and Dark space. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
Oldest theroy there is is when you put to much mass into one area. The equal and opposite reaction is it will implode and explode. Same would be true to fire backdraft. It's the Explanation!!!!!! point!!!!!
Know they hid the programmer's language behind those rules. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!?! Knowing apprentices. we back it up to their sensei with a short Common sense answer of the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Mind like a punch card can't forget a memory the equal and opposite reaction to that is feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie feels right feels wrong rule it's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!
Reading rule hand books can't have one without the other side to everything can't have Rules without common sense losing it to having rules on one side brain and common sense on the other coming together for automatic learning. Must have all the rules from the hand book in order for that to start working. It's The Explanation!!!!!!! POINT!!!!!!!
Know there is 3 for everything good evil and Doom and good always has a common sense answer to his sensei it's the Explanation!!!!!!! to his master dojo trainer its the Explanation!!!! point!!!!!!!!
Reason Tron has 3 discs. Disk1 all the rules disk2 common sense and disk3 Physics to the theory of relativity is important for Bruce Lee Force Punch to figure out what that call after reading the rule hand book is important . It also protects your mind from incorrect understanding. Questions that have no right answer, for example, have to feel right and feel wrong for everything being don't second guess themselves to the King of the jungle. It's The Explanation!!!! Point!!!
The Fractal amplifier of the Knight Triax Samurai called it fallow Six sense to there Triax Samurai power feel wrong Rule feels right true Sparton have same understanding call it something different every coulter's different for this Fractal Amplifier of the eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight eye in the sky. they always try to hide. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!! Believers know Matalica has a song called eye of the beholder for a reason.
When rules make perfect everything makes happy beings with the founders gift. It knowing that nothing is that Happy on this planet when Stupid does not teach rules to make good perfect beings and lose all there knowage and common sense. To know can't have one without the other. and is probably got fuse blown in head being over Happy to I'm Happy and sad when they don't play by the rules.renting a 3 demon-tail realm with a 2;: demon-tail lie sounds like an angry Egyptian God to me so mind like punch card can't forget a memory unless you feel your way out of a fraggle fractal caught lie. Rules make powerful beings. When they don't teach rules from broken hearts.It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
All ways be prepared to safety and research in 4 the demen-tial way to Google it Wiki encyclopedia it unencyclopedia and then look unpike of sticks stupid allways put under a pile of sticks to important information it's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point of moron trying to hide something. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't have a common sense automatic learning answer. To solve a problem that you are protesting or communicating with you trying to get some type of change. Shut up and quit wasting the Sensi it's the Explanation!!!!!!!! POINT!!!!!!!
Everything has an equal and opposite reaction to the proven theory of relativity Energy=mass area 3. It's known that Mass is in the same equation and the world will never be 2 square flat. Confirming that the world is still not flat. It's the Explanation.!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
It's known that Albert Einstein invented the theory of relativity right before he invented the nuke so it's common sense that this theory is used to teach being conscious. Obviously! It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
. Knowing stupid lies ever where. To know you have to feel your way of a Fractal caught lie you entered a 2 dimen-sional moron lie into a 3 dimensional realm of understanding there for feels right feels wrong to not second guess themselves in combat. It's the Explanation point!!                                                                                                     
common sense automatic payments that can't stop the equal and opposite reaction esp-ecially when you don't play by rules. Not wanting to stand on equal and opposite ground with equal and opposite weapon to not being able to settle it on playing field or boxing Ring Extra. Except for theory of def-ection. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction by deflection to the proven theory of relativity of Albert Einstein. Energy = Mass Area3 AxAxA cubed..What do you think the Griffith Celtics double Shield is for stupid. All is forgiven because it's still their fault for not teaching rules and regulations AND STILL IS !!
iFind real journey men and women knowledge in real encyclopedia books not on the internet where there is not 、 confidence behind 、 years or more of journeymen and women teaching others over and over passing down real information about their knowledge. It's common sense Automatic learning that you can't learn in one lifetime what 💯 years of experience in men and women teaching will give yo
It's common sense that it is inhumane to Alter and hide these important theories to give being a fair chance knowing rules are psychological knowing Albert Einstein was a psychiatrist. To reverse psychology. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!
Oldest theory in the physics book is that when you put too much mass into one area. The equal and opposite reaction is that it will implode and explode. Like a back draft to a fire. Knowing that the fire pyramid is fuel oxygen and heat. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
Flammable, vaporizing and exploding number factor is the triangle warning symbol on the side of semi's and trucks Vans extra and those vehicles are not allowed in designated locations. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!? Point!!!
Other countries teaching rules to driver and they save lives. And are very good drivers on their roads. They know the rules are psychological and still there is a fault for not doing their Goddamn job. Knowing their fault for not teaching rules and regulations to edict morals and values to drive edict. Knowing they have a better driving record if they had done there no Common sense answer to not teaching rules to drivers either when it definitely helps they still don't do that It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!
someone has ALS Or there undergoing radiation treatment. It's common sense that low doses of direction shots right kind of steroids can be used in a very efficient way of helping a person direct way of getting better. I had steroids shot for disk bulge in my lower back. And it made me better. Not having any pain to make me better without complicated issues. Not letting patients change doctors and when they do you charge them with Felony to your knowing that doctor is a yes man answering to someone that owns a business. So I might want to find a doctor appointment with a doctor that owns their own practice. The one that says . Cancel all my appointments there is a sick Baby who can't get to the office. And grabbing their doctor's bag and making a house call. That's called a Hero for FYI.
Knight's have positive input and choose their battle wisely knowing numbers matter don't open their mouth making bad decisions for the rest of your team. Knowing teamwork is common sense. And Knight's makes his own luck. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
After reading the rule hand book You swore your oath to reteach the information with the same oath attached to everything by learning the information from me. To Follow your 6 sense to be Knighted Triax Samur-ai Spartan Halo Soldiers. Don't get your panties in a bunch we'll add you later LoL.
It's knowing that the only thing your God ever asked from you was to follow the dragon ❤️ to feel right know true and feel wrong rule. Knowing Moron lies on the other side of that common sense to just go back to laying on the couch. Not like we're asking for donations that's what Bruce Lee's dojo is for Common Sense explanation point Master Lee Sensei dojo Apprentice training is for!!! It's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaa,!!!!!!!!! It's the Explanation!!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Being an education they were building a foundation of all the rules they should have started. Knowing rules make perfect powerful beings and soldiers and good children Everything else. Spent 12 years doing something! Sounds like they were building something to me.it's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
Always' an equation to back this up of course. Rules = [Block] = Common sense Right and wrong decision making = physics = 4th demen-tial understanding. Automatic learning. War-ning does not leave someone alone with the foundation block of automatic learning. Mind like a punch card can't forget a memory. Unless didn't learn too many fack rules and can feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie. To feel wrong feels right.. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!! Don't leave beginning learner's alone with the foundation block of automatic learning warning. Note rule hand book project against lies Entered 2 dimen-sional lie 3 demon-tail realm. Have feel your way out of those no both wrong answers know all morons are going to be worn about that stay out of girl bull shit posting lies I Founders foundation block of automatic learning screwing that up.
If they have no Common Sense answer for not teaching rules. And it doesn't hurt to learn rules. And if you still don't want to learn rules.Just DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like grampa
programmers to me! FYI. LoL!!!! It's The Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Redrick  is used by morons talking in circles with no common sense short answer and their stories are shot with no flavor. Knowing only God creates no where. Can't just make things up nowhere to know they're lying. It's the EXPLANATION!!!!!!! Point !!!!!!!
Follow your Knighted Illuminati way. My license accredited personal teachers knowing you always have to triple check your source of Information E-PLURIBUS-UNUM Out of many one. We are one out of many. We are 1 in 💯 to 1.!!!!!!!!!!.We are 1 in 💯 Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                             Iiumanty Knight's
                              ❤️ //)MjM(\\❤️
Art of fighting without fighting by teaching rules and Common sense eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight. Is the Illuminati gargoyle Knights Valkyrie Valor Warrior's Way. To know That all is forgiven Following your heart or gut instinct or you 6 sence like . lion.. Knowing it's still there fault for not teaching rules And still is there fault for not teaching rules. All is forgiven. Shield Believers equation The equal and opposite reaction by deflection. And you get sole back as long as you read the rules handbook. And the rest of the common sense and Explanation point to the same thing. Except Explanation Point. Goes on at the end obviously. Knights always have Common sense answers. FYI
You swore your oath to reteach the information by learning with the same Oath attached to everything. By learning the information from me with the rule hand book attached you read to be Knighted by TITAN Thodon Defender of rules from Broken please. And thank you
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flowerboyethan · 4 years
Goodnite Socialite
Chapter 1: "Difficult For Me To Do, Quiet The Brain"
We all go through phases in our lives, right? There's ups and downs, high and lows, it's all part of the human existence.
Human existence seems subpar as of lately.
This voice has crawled into my head and made a home, filling my thoughts with nothing but negativity, sucking my motivation dry. I've done nothing but wake up, record a video, send it to my editor, and then crawl back in bed. I've been stuck in this damn routine for the past month, and people have noticed. What could I do? This voice refused to give me a break.
Luckily, Mark hasn't given up on me. Last week, we proposed a plan, a plan to create a channel to end in one year. He told me it might bring my motivation back, and I couldn't agree more. He dragged me out of bed today to record one video for Unus Annus and then drag me to some bar to watch his friend perform.
"A break from your routine would help," Mark had said as he dropped me off at my house to get ready. "Get you back on your feet."
I didn't want to be out in public, and certainly not inside a crowded bar. But Mark was right, I needed a break, I should push myself to get out.
I stood in front of my closet now, filing through different shirts to wear. Something nice, but not too nice. I glanced at my yellow hoodie.
A hoodie makes you look like a slob, the voice mocked.
I moved on to a long-sleeve.
I huffed, grabbing a random shirt. It was a button-up, red, yellow, and blue geometric shapes against a grey background.
There was no snarky comment from the voice.
I put it on, shrugging in the mirror. I looked good, but I couldn't let myself admit it.
I texted Mark, letting him know I was ready. I gave Spencer a scoop of food, gave him a quick pat and headed out the door. Mark smiled as I hopped in the car.
"Lookin' good, man!" He exclaimed, backing out of the driveway.
"Thanks, where's Amy?" I asked. Amy was supposed to join us, but she wasn't in the car.
"Already there. She's helping Salem set up."
"The friend you're going to meet."
I nodded. "That's a badass name."
"Fits her personality, too. She's sweet, just a little…" he paused. "Out there."
"What do you mean?"
"You know how I have a big ego?"
"All too well, my friend."
He ignored my comment. "She's that and then some."
I winced.
"You'll like her better than most people she's associated with."
He was making her sound like a bad person. I started to regret leaving my house. I wasn't up for dealing with a bigger ego than Mark's.
"She's a socialite," he continued. "She just does this cover band thing for fun."
I kept quiet. A socialite. So, she's rich. I hated the rich.
"Listen, man," Mark sighed, picking up on my silence. "You know me, I'd never be friends with someone that I didn't think was a good person. Amy's known her since they were teenagers. She's a good person. I didn't mean to give you a bad impression of her."
"It's okay," I finally spoke up. "I just don't know if I have the energy to meet someone like her."
Mark nodded in response, pulling into the bar's parking lot. It wasn't too packed, but we had to park a ways away from the door. We spotted Amy near the center of the bar, sitting at a small round table with several baskets of fries and a few beers.
"Hey!" She greeted us as we sat down. "You're just in time, they're starting in a few minutes." She slid a basket of fries and a beer bottle to me. "These are from Salem."
I was being buttered-up already by someone I haven't met yet. I smiled, masking away the truth. "Tell her thank you."
"You tell her yourself," Amy sipped on her own drink. "She wants to meet you after the show."
Puzzled, I asked why.
"'Any friend of Mark and Amy is a friend of mine' she said to me. And she always loves meeting new people."
"And she likes to show off," Mark piped up through a mouthful of fries.
Amy rolled her eyes. "Yeah, that's true. She can be a bit flirtatious, but she means well."
A flirtatious, egotistical, narcissist. A perfect reason to get out of the house. I sighed, looking down at my fries. Was I really stubborn enough to not eat these just because she bought them for me? I've barely eaten anything for the past month, I guess a few fries wouldn't hurt.
The lights flickered up on stage, drawing my eyes to a woman adjusting her base strap on her shoulders.
She looks pretentious, the voice mocked again. For the first time, I disagreed. She was stunning, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt tucked into her jeans. All my previous thoughts of her faded away. She was graceful but powerful in the stage lights, as if she belonged in the spotlight.
"Good evening, everyone!" The woman on stage purred in a singsong voice, placing her round glasses on top of her head to keep her wavy hair back. "Welcome to tonight's show!"
The crowd cheered as the rest of the band walked on stage.
"If you are new, my name is Salem. This is Melanie." She gestured to the soft-looking keyboard player who blew a kiss to the crowd. "Pike," an androgynist guitarist winked. "And Vivian," the drummer danced in her with her drumsticks in hand. "And we are Witch Haven!"
"Witch Haven?" I leaned closer to Amy, questioning the band name.
"An homage to her ancestors," she whispered back. "They were witches during the Salem Witch Trials. She gets her name from that, too."
"Yes, now hush!" She waved me off with a smile.
Salem continued to speak upfront. "We have a few covers lined up for you tonight, starting with Goodnight Socialite by The Brobecks." A few people in the crowd cheered. "Mel? Will you start us off?"
Their show began. For a cover band, they played well together, and didn't try to outshine the original artist. Salem, the lead singer, sang beautifully, and I could hardly look away.
Halfway through the song, her eyes landed on me. The anxiety that I had felt this whole month increased. My stomach turned, my palms sweating. Every time I glanced back at her after taking a swig of my beer, there her eyes were, dark, and fixed on me. I gulped, and she must have noticed. She winked at me. Was she into me? I felt myself give into that idea.
You think she'd ever be with a loser like you? The voice shot me down. You? She's rich, Ethan. She has no interest in you. Why would she ever be into you?
I covered my ears, trying to drown it out. Would this ever end? This low-point? Would I ever get a break. It was a mistake leaving my house, I should have protested to Mark more. I should be at home, with my dog, curled up in bed while I wallow in misery.
"Ethan?" Mark's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Ethan, are you okay?"
I paused, what could I say? They both knew what was wrong with me, so why ask?
"Is it too loud?" Amy asked.
I nodded, a good excuse.
"The next song is quieter. Or do you want to go home?"
I shook my head. Something in me wanted to stay, to possibly talk to Salem. Maybe I had a chance despite what the voice said.
After an hour, the band finished their show, and the bar started to clear out. Mark left to go talk to the band, Amy headed for the restroom, leaving me alone at the table with an empty beer bottle and a basket of fries. I watched Mark disappear backstage, I was truly alone in the bar now. Should I wait by the car? Do I wait here? I didn't know what to do.
Salem walked out from backstage, beginning to pack away the instruments and cords.
You should leave.
I stood up.
Leave! Now!
My feet involuntarily started towards the stage.
What are you doing?! What do you think will come of this?
I reached the stage, Salem’s back turned to me.
She doesn’t see you. You can still turn away and-
She turned around, her shoes squeaking against the floor. She smiled, her tongue sticking out a bit. “Hello,” she cooed, crouching to meet my eyes. “And who might you be?”
Hazelnut. Her eyes were the color of hazelnuts. “I, uh- I’m Ethan.”
“Ethan!” Her eyes started to sparkle. “Amy told me about you. Come, come!” she stuck her hand out, waiting to pull me up onstage with her. “Any friend of Mark and Amy is a friend of mine.”
I took her hand, pushing off the ground with my foot to climb up. She fixed the collar of her Hawaiian shirt, shaking it out a bit. “How did you like my show?” She took her glasses off her head, cleaning them on her shirt.
“Oh, it- it was incredible,” I fumbled my words a bit, trying not to look at her stomach that was slightly exposed.
“Ah! Good!” She placed her glasses on her face. “I love meeting new fans. Now, do you have a favorite part, dear Ethan?”
My heart jumped. “Well, I- uh…”
She tilted her head a bit. “You seem so nervous! Is everything alright?”
“I'm- I'm just going through this anxious episode, thing.”
Stop talking.
“Oh, you poor thing!” She grabbed my hands, holding them close to her chest, causing me to stumble forward slightly. “I do hope my show helped!”
“It- it did! It did!” I stuttered. God, I couldn’t think straight. “It’s just that-”
“Did I upset you somehow?” She started to lean closer, concern covering her face.
Spit it out.
“You were making eyes at me!”
Salem dropped my hands, taking a step back. “I was doing what?” Her singsong voice disappeared.
You shouldn't have said that. 'Making eyes at me'? Who even says that? She winked at you, nothing more, you idiot.
“I was sitting near the back, and you couldn’t take your eyes off me, and-”
“Oh!” She started laughing. “Oh, no, my dear Ethan. My girlfriend was sitting in the back. I was making eyes at her!”
Every ounce of hope left my body.
“You must have been sitting in front of her,” Salem continued. “Her name’s Cherry. I love her to death.”
“You- you must be- you must have been- been together for a while, then?” I stuttered, shoving my sweaty hands into my pockets.
“Five years!” Her eyes lit up, clasping her hands together. “I couldn’t be happier. She always takes off after my gigs, though,” she stood on her toes, peering over me to scan the room. “She’s a busy woman, taking calls left and right. I’m proud of her!”
“I’m happy for you,” I cleared my throat, rubbing the back of my neck. “Look, I’m really sorry for thinking-”
“Don’t be!” She took up my hands again, just like before. “You are so sweet and respectful, Ethan. Stuff like this happens more often than you’d think!”
“Wha- really?”
She nodded vigorously, her glasses slipping down her nose a smidge. “Some guys will straight up try to kiss me after a show without even asking. Pike will have to step in and throw ‘em out.”
“I’m so sorry that happens to you,” I was itching to leave now. I felt my stomach turning.
“But you are a gem, Ethan. Will you come to my next show?”
“When is it?” I was filling in words to get this over with. I had to leave.
She shrugged. “It’s never set in stone.”
“I’ll try my best, then,” I pulled my hands away. “I gotta go. It was so nice to meet you, Salem.” I hopped off the stage, speeding towards the door, hardly hearing Salem call after me.
“Goodbye, Ethan! Lovely to meet you!”
I stumbled through the exit, sprinting towards Mark’s car. I fell to the ground, dry heaving into the ditch. The parking lot was almost empty now, only a few cars parked on the other side.
I’m an idiot. A loser. How could I be so stupid to even think of talking to Salem? Let alone think she even had a desire to be with me. Of course, she was in a relationship. Of course, she had a girlfriend. Just my luck, falling for a girl who had no desire to even be with a boy.
Since when did I start crying?  I stopped dry heaving at this point. I sat on my thighs, knees digging into the dirt, sobbing into my hands.
“I’m such an idiot,” I choked on a tear. “Look at me, crying in a bar parking lot. Pathetic.”
“Ethan? Ethan!”
Oh, god. It’s Mark.
Mark grabbed my shoulders from behind me, gently pulling me to his chest. I kept my face in my hands. “Ethan, what is going on?”
“Ethan.” I heard Amy’s voice next to me. She started rubbing my arm with one hand, the other on my knee. “Ethan, everything’s gonna be alright.”
I whimpered, shaking my head, still covering my face. “No, it not.” I pulled away from Mark and Amy. I had nothing more to say. Everything was going wrong. This low-point, it felt like my world was ending. I wanted this voice gone, I wanted my motivation back, I wanted this anxiety to leave. I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have spoken to Salem. I should never leave my house again.
They were silent for a moment, Amy rubbing my back as I hunched over, crying.
“Do you want to go home?” Mark asked, his voice soft.
I nodded.
“Will you be fine alone?” Amy chimed in.
I nodded.
“Let’s get you up,” Mark coaxed, placing his arm around my waist and a hand in mine. I never protested as he lifted me up and brought me to the car door. I usually would, claiming that I could do it myself. I was too tired to protest.
So tired…
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rnufharose · 5 years
Chapter 13
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Words: 2.5k
Warnings: None
A/N: Soomin belongs to @anzalulu! I just want to add that I know Chen is getting married and he has a fiancée but for the sake of this fic since I’ve already written it on another site, he is in a relationship with Soomin. Thank you for understanding.
Songs used: What’s Your Name - (G)I-DLE
︻デ═一 ♥
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Sehun was the first to awaken the next morning. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up, the covers falling from his bare torso, and he combed his fingers through his hair. He looked toward the corner of the room with a short yawn where Vivi was still sleeping.
He got out of bed, his feet hitting the cool floor and grabbing his t-shirt, slipping it over his head and stepping into the hallway. At the sight of the door across from him, Sehun closed his hand around the doorknob carefully, opening it slightly to check on his new roommate.
Haneul was sleeping soundly, the covers pulled to her chin and her breathing steady. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, long lashes casting shadows on his cheekbones, and her hair was braided to keep it away from her face.
He sighed with relief, content she was comfortable and catching up on sleep. He imagined she hadn't gotten much since her grandmother's passing. Sehun closed the door gently, deciding to go about his morning routine before he left on important business.
A few moments after his footsteps had left the front of her door, Haneul opened her eyes, shifting toward her side to look at her cracked phone, the time unreadable. She decided to sit up, stretching her arms over her head and getting out of bed. She propped the pillows neatly and smoothed out the comforter, taking the time to make her bed and pull out any wrinkles before stepping into the hallway. She could hear the shower running, assuming Sehun was getting ready for the day, and she sat on the couch, waiting.
Just as she hugged her knees to her chest, Vivi had come out from Sehun's room, smiling at her and jumping onto the couch to join her. He yipped kindly, and she managed to smile back at him, scratching behind his ear. "Good morning, boy. Did you sleep well?" She asked, putting her legs down and he curled up in her lap, tilting his head and putting his tongue out.
Sehun had emerged from the steamy washroom, rubbing the towel over his wet hair with a new t-shirt and sweatpants on, his gaze on the brunette as she smiled down at Vivi. "Neullie?" He asked, hoping to grab her attention, and she faced him, her eyes wide as a doe's.
"A-Annyeonghasaeyo..." she bowed her head once.
"Annyeong," he replied with a grin. "You look refreshed. You must have had a good sleep."
He wasn't wrong. She didn't have a nightmare last night nor did she feel drained. Instead, she could feel the energy returning to her body, and she wasn't trembling.
"You should get ready too," the raven-haired hitman said, holding his towel in his hand. "and don't worry about breakfast. We'll be eating there."
"Where's 'there?'" She wondered, bewildered.
"The Kim Estate," Sehun answered, looking down at Vivi and making kissing sounds. "Vivi, come." He commanded and the Bichon left her lap, standing beside his master and wagging his tail. "You'll be meeting the rest of my brothers. If I'm to protect you, they'll need to know you too."
"R-Right," she sighed, standing from her seat and walking past him.
"Don't go too crazy about to wear," he added with a soft chuckle.
She continued back toward her room and grabbed something she thought would be appropriate for meeting the other members of the EXO Clan--a blue cut arm long-sleeved shirt with jeans. After grabbing her toothbrush and other essentials, Haneul took a quick shower. After drying her hair, putting on eyeliner, a lip tint, and drop earrings, she was ready to head out. Walking back toward the living room, she found Sehun was already waiting for her, wearing a black buttondown with red designs, dark jeans, and blazer, his hair into a comma style. She had to admit, he pulled off the look effortlessly, and his sense of style was like no other.
"You look beautiful," he spoke sincerely, his dark gaze glazed over as he took her in. Compared to the black dress she wore the other night, the color blue brought out her innocent beauty, accentuating her chocolate eyes and her pale skin, her hair tumbling past her shoulders. He watched as she averted her gaze, her cheeks becoming flushed, and he couldn't help but smirk, content with her reaction. "Let's get going," Sehun gestured, grabbing the keys to his car, and she followed him out of the apartment.
︻デ═一 ♥
Chen took it upon himself to help the housekeeper clean up the estate. After spending the early morning getting rid of every speck of dust, he was now in the dining room, fixing the silverware and folding the napkins carefully while setting the table.
"Jongdae-ssi," the housekeeper, Soomin--a young woman in her last year of university who was pursuing a career path in psychiatry, with brown hair, a soft, round face and big eyes--pleaded with the older male. "you don't have to this, you know... I feel terrible..."
"Yah, Soominnie," he stood straight, turning around and giving her a smile. "what did I tell you before? I don't mind helping you."
"But you're not the one getting paid," she argued. "Jongdae-ssi, I've never gotten on Junmyeon-ssi's bad side, and I don't think he'll approve if you--"
"--And did you forget the other conversation we had?" He interrupted, smiling sweetly, closing the distance between them and wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her close.
"Oh!" She pursed her lips, breathing with surprise when their bodies were pressed together. "I can't argue with you, can I... Chen?" She frowned.
"You know it'll hurt my poor, little heart," he pouted cutely. "You don't have to hide our relationship, you know. Junmyeon hyung isn't going to fire you..."
"Still, I need to work," she rolled her eyes and that earned her his lively laughter.
"You are working, and I'm helping," Chen stated.
Soomin looked down, her hands resting on his arms now, "What's it going to take for you to let me work on my own?"
"I'm not going to budge, nae sarang," the older male leaned down and she met him halfway, getting on her toes, their lips mere inches away from each other.
"Jongdae hyung!" Sehun cut them off suddenly, and Chen pulled away with slight frustration, his eyes on the younger male. Sehun looked between the two of them, knotting his brows in suspicion for a moment before looking to his side, where Haeul stood. "Neullie, this is Kim Jongdae, but the others call him Chen. I mentioned him yesterday after the others left. And she is Soomin, the housekeeper."
"Ah," she nodded slowly and Chen's slightly irritated expression faded, greeting the girl graciously.
"Annyeonghasaeyo. You must be Cho Haneul," he said. "As Sehun just told you, my name is Chen."
"Annyeonghasaeyo, ahgassi," Soomin bowed.
Haneul bowed before them as well, and Sehun pressed a careful hand to the small of her back, ready to lead her away, "Do you know where Junmyeon hyung, Kyungsoo hyung, and Kai are?"
"They should be in his study," he said. "they're also waiting to meet her."
"Breakfast will be ready soon. Until then, please make yourselves at home," the housekeeper spoke, going back to work.
The hitman hummed in compliance, leading Haneul away from the dining room and toward Suho's study with Chen trailing behind them. While they walked the many corridors of the estate, the girl observed the many antiques and chandeliers, the Victorian-styled furniture in one room with contemporary items in another one. There was even a library, a piano room, a sunroom, a garden, a pool--back when she had no knowledge about the mafia, she would have assumed this estate belonged to royalty.
"Minseok hyung, Baekhyun hyung, and Chanyeol are handling some small business," Chen said to the raven-haired male. "they're making sure Lay hyung's imports from China have come safely. They'll be home in time for breakfast."
He opened the door to Suho's study, and Haneul spotted three men. One was of average height with short hair and thick eyebrows, and his eyes harbored this soft glare. The second male was tall with beautiful gold skin, full lips, and a lithe physique. She reminded of him a dancer, and he had a very sweet smile. The third male was slightly shorter, his hair a fluffy light brown and he had a kind expression, his skin flawless and his eyes large, his eyebrows slightly thick.
"Sehun, Haneul! Welcome," the kind male said, grinning from ear to ear.
"Good morning, hyung," Sehun greeted him and gestured. "That's Junmyeon, but everyone calls him Suho."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," the tall male with gold skin walked up to her and grabbed her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "What a pretty thing you are. I'm Kai."
"I'm Kyungsoo," the male with the soft glare smiled a bit, holding his hands behind his back. "You're the girl from the Cho Clan, yes?"
"Um," the brunette was unsure how to answer that. "Well," she pulled her hand away from Kai's grasp gently. "I... don't really know much about the Cho Clan. I've never really been involved in anything. Sehun just told me about my family yesterday..."
"Is that so?" Chen stepped in front of them to join the other men in the room. "Then I guess it's a good thing she doesn't know. The innocent shouldn't be involved in the underworld."
"I agree but it's not that simple," Suho stuffed his hands into the pockets of his slacks, frowning slightly. "Now that the FT Clan know she's here, they've made her a target."
"FT?" Ha-Neul parroted. "What is that supposed to be? Another syndicate?"
"A very dirty and dangerous one, yes," Kyungsoo answered her question quickly. "But don't worry. You're safe with EXO protecting you."
"That's right!" Kai piped up suddenly. "Your father was our ally! We swore we would always protect the Cho Clan, even when they were in their graves. Since you're a survivor, that applies to you too!"
Though it made her relieved that there were people here to protect her, she still felt it would be a difficult task. Haneul looked at them with uncertainty, "Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden..."
"You won't be," Sehun looked down at her, his gaze firm and determined. "We'll protect you and your friends. You just have to stay out of harm's way, which means you have to stay with me at all times."
"And you'll have us to keep you company," Suho rounded the desk and stood in front of her. "You're in good hands, Haneul."
Even though they said she would be in their company, it still wasn't her friends in The Magic Shop. She didn't mind making new friends but it hurt knowing she had to stay away from them to keep them safe. Nothing would ever be the same now, and Haneul would have to live with that fact.
She would have to live knowing she was a danger to those most important to her.
︻デ═一 ♥
Some time after breakfast, and listening to the boys in the EXO Clan ramble, Haneul found herself walking around the Kim Estate and exploring all the different rooms. It wasn't until she came across one that caught her eye did she stop wandering.
It was a room with a grand piano, and it looked exactly like the one her grandmother had in their house. The brunette entered the room, walking toward the piano and seating herself on the bench, opening the flap which revealed shiny ivory keys. She tapped a key, listening to the soft note that tickled her ears, and her fingers began to tingle, the urge to play taking over her.
I haven't touched a piano since... Her thoughts trailed off, and she recalled playing the piano a day before her grandmother's murder. Has it been that long? She shook her head of any unpleasant thoughts and brought her slender fingers to the keys, beginning to play a song she had written some times ago but never got to sing it at The Magic Shop.
Enclose all the harsh words and feelings in the clouds
Sit down, forget, like a night's dream
These beautiful words, "we," "you," now
There are no more, I don't know
After one day, they have all disappeared
If we gather the painful rainwater
Shall we go between the little stars?
You were my life
You were like you were my ocean now
What's your name?
Oh, what's your name?
Sehun could hear the distant sound of the piano and her voice as he traversed the hallway. He recalled going to the room whenever Chanyeol and Baekhyun wanted to play the giant instrument. They would either make beautiful music or just jam on the keys out of pure mischief.
Now, there was someone else touching those keys, and another voice that belonged to these hallways.
Once he found the piano room, he watched as the girl sang and played, making the most breathtaking music just like the other night at The Magic Shop. How she was able to captivate him with her voice was beyond him but he didn't want her to stop.
He wanted to hear her sing more. He wanted time to stop so he could listen to her play the piano forever.
He wanted her to write songs for him.
To Sehun's disappointment, the song came to an end and she released a deep exhale, closing her eyes and tilting her head down. He furrowed his brows at her melancholic expression and walked deeper in for he room, taking a careful set next to her on the bench.
"Are you okay, Neullie?" He asked, and she opened her eyes, facing him and giving him a nod.
"Yeah, I'm okay," she answered. "I was just thinking about how long it's been since I played, that all..."
"It's a beautiful song," he complimented. "Did you write it yourself?"
She gave a nod and looked back at the keys, "Yes. I came up with it out of the blue one day... I wanted to try my hand at love songs... but I'm not the most romantic person."
"Jinjjah?" He asked, smiling half-heartedly at her words. "I thought maybe... you would have been with someone. I mean, you're absolutely beautiful."
"I never dreamt of men," Haneul chuckled. "I was too busy daydreaming about becoming a singer to think about them."
"Not even a crush?" Sehun cocked an eyebrow.
"Nope," she shook her head. "Never crushed on anyone."
I guess I'm learning something new about her everyday, he thought as he stared at her side profile, adoring the way her long eyelashes cast shadows on her cheekbones, how soft and rosy her pale skin was, the chocolate pools of her eyes that held mystery. Maybe I have a chance...
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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What an excellent day. James just left after coming by after his theater shift. I'm laying in front of this box fan trying to stave off the mid atlantic humidity. But i feel good.
I had a lot of trouble falling asleep last night. I was just really freaked out. And the way I woke up this morning was not helping that. Because when I woke up I went in the living room and my screen was open. Like full pushed to the side. Something that you have to do by hand. And I literally never touch my screens. Ever. So now I'm sure somebody tried to break into my apartment last night. I am never living on first floor ever again.
But I left on time and felt okay. I was missing the front bolt on my bike. Another guess that someone was trying to steal it. So James would come by later and bring me a spare bolt that he had. And the cookies he made for my students. He's a very good boyfriend.
I gave myself lots of time so I could go to McDonald's for breakfast. I really wanted a sandwich and orange juice. The orange juice was really expensive. But it was a good breakfast and gave me a lot of energy for training someone on the program this morning.
It was a huge group. I've never had 50 kids and balls and track before. But it went well. And I enjoyed working with them. There were some issues because the one of the groups of boys decided that they needed 10 Marbles and kept losing them and not even trying to find them. And then there was another group who's chaperone decided that the tape didn't stick well enough and so she made them quit the project and just sit there for half of the program. It was absolutely bizarre. I'm sorry that it was humid and the tape wasn't sticking super well but no one else was having these problems. At least not that bad. And it wouldn't have been that big of a deal for me to go and get another roll of tape. It's just very strange to act like that.
I ran scavenger hunt and finished up with them and put things away. And then I headed out. I biked up to see James. He put the bolt on my bike and gave me the cookies and soon enough the bus was there.
I got to work and did some organizing. Got stuff ready for the show. It wasn't a ton I could do so I mostly just worked on their Awards. I was very concerned I was going to spell something wrong. But what I actually did was write 2009 instead of 2019. Thankfully I only did that on one. But still very annoying. I had to turn it into bubble letters to fix it.
I went and picked up the kids and brought them upstairs and they got right into their work. I love how organized and on task they've been lately. I wish they were like that all year. But we did our thing and then we went outside.
It was way too hot. Just uncomfortable. But the playground was fine and the basketball court was open. So the kids got to skateboard and that was nice. I rode around once but my shoes were too slippery and it was too hot. So I just chilled. As best I could.
Dinner was fine and then we went back to the classroom and Chelsea showed them some of their videos and we sowed and we got stuff ready for the art show. Everyone got a task of explaining a project out in the hallway. And I was very proud of them.
During our time I handed out their Awards. And some of them were very confused about what they want. But you know it's fine. I gave them their award and a cookie and they took a coloring book and it was all good. It was decided that we would sell the rest of the books. Starting at $5 and then eventually going down to $3. McKenzy, Chyna, and Deaira were very good sales women and sold all of the books. They made $40. I'm so proud. I'm going to buy the whole class presents from the dollar store with the money. Art supplies and things like that. Probably clay because they love it so much.
It was a really fun night though. Lots of parents came and my kids were really good about showing all the work. We had a lot of trouble showing our video. For some reason the files would not move to the USB plug Chelsi had. So we ended up just bringing her computer into the hallway. And that work just fine.
We got to talk to lots of people and what's a good night. Everyone slowly went home. Me and Chelsi hung back and talked about next week in the party and the field trip and all that. I can't believe the school year is already over. Just one week left.
I left around 6:45 and went to catch the bus. I got home a little after 7. It was a really humid in here but I made dinner and went and worked in my studio for a while. I'm trying to finish that to sculpture for the dentist by the end of the week. I've been putting it off for too long because I've been depressed. But I got all of the bits finished and I got the interior painted. And tomorrow I'll paint all the bits and put it all together and hopefully Thursday finish any details so I can give it to them on Friday. That's the goal for the week.
I took a shower and I've been laying in bed watching videos. I move some stuff down to the basement because someone's coming to look at my apartment tomorrow and I don't want the hallway to be a fire hazard. The whole place is kind of falling apart because I'm in the middle of moving. So it doesn't look great. But that's okay. They'll understand.
James came over around 9. And we laid in bed and talk. I showed him the video I back of my kids art installation. And we made some plans. About this weekend and our anniversary and moving. And then he went home. And now I'm going to get ready for bed
Tomorrow is going to be expensive because I have to take 2 lyft's because I have a very quick turnover in the middle. But that's fine. I never take Lyft so in the long run it's not that big of a deal. Just slightly annoying. I hope you all have a good night though. I hope it's not too humid Where You Are. Good night
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averagedoctor · 6 years
Hi can you continue "The worst thing" where the doctor still remembers reader and regrets leaving reader/yelling at them. But reader doesn't remember him and thinks he's crazy? sorry if it's extremely sad and if you don't write it that's fine! It's just a question since it says -hi "can" you continue, blah blah- so question not a demand~! bye
Yep, and don’t worry about your wording, you’re fine!! I’ve been thinking of adding to this one for a while so thank you for suggesting it!! (along with @terrainhead)
Part 1: https://platonicdoctorwho.tumblr.com/post/177152549589/the-worst-thing
11th doctor x reader
Pronouns: gender neutral
Word count: 1,755
TWs: none?
Tagging: @evyiione (if you’d like to be added to this list, shoot me a message! i also keep forgetting about this oops)
The Doctor slumped against the wooden door, the back of his head hitting it hard as he leaned back. He could hear your sobs outside and he hated to do this, but he had to. It was the right thing to do. With effort, he pulled himself up off the ground and over to the console, switching her to leave. The last thing he heard from you was your broken cries as he tried not to let remorse enter his heart.
One week since leaving you has felt like an eternity. He wondered how you were doing and if you were okay. He struggled to justify kicking you out now that he was all alone. To distract himself, he went to places he never had before in an attempt to wipe you from his mind, just for a little bit. It worked, but then he had to return back to an empty TARDIS with no one by his side. Sighing, he would go into your room and sit for hours, just watching the space you used to sleep in.
Three months without your presence was slowly destroying him. No, not slowly, more like rapidly. He liked to lie to himself and say he was fine, but he was running out of quick fixes. He no longer found joy in fun trips and couldn’t appreciate the beauty in anything. He contemplated going to see the Ponds, but knew they would have questions for him. He couldn’t deal with questions right now. He found himself wandering the halls of the TARDIS, a pit aching in his chest of how much you loved to explore here. He swore he could hear your laughter echoing through the halls, but that was, of course, impossible.
A year. It had been a solid year at this point. At least, it had been a solid year for you. He had been keeping track, and even tacked up a calendar so he wouldn’t be wrong. On Earth, you would be a year older now. He often imagined if you looked any different. Maybe you cut your hair or changed the color, maybe  you wore different clothes, maybe even your personality had changed. He didn’t like dwelling on that thought and as soon as it would come he would try and push it far from his mind. At around the six month mark, he found himself overcome with energy and cleaned the entire TARDIS, well he cleaned the places he could find. However, he avoided your room. It contained all your things you had brought on board and pictures you managed to snap on an excursion. It pained him too much to go through it so he left it alone. Lately, he had thought about going to visit you, but hesitated. You probably never wanted to see him again. He ruined his friendship with you because of one lousy day. Yes, people died because of a mistake you made, but people died all the time. He felt like a monster when he tried to rationalize why he shouldn’t have kicked you out. He knew deep down it was the most right course of action, but the crushing loneliness wasn’t backing that up enough for him to believe it.
One year and six months. He started traveling a bit more with Amy and Rory. He appreciated the company but he could tell they were a little antsy. Sure, of course they loved traveling with the Doctor, but they could tell something was bothering him deep down. He had gotten much better at hiding it by now, but the darkness still seeped through at times. He started getting paranoid about their stares and whispers and dropped them off back at home. Amy tried to get him to talk but he whisked away and shut the door, leaving them in utter confusion and worry. He promised early to them that he would be back at some point, and he knew he would. He just had no clue when.
Time started moving by faster and faster with this depressive haze going on in him. Normally, he wouldn’t hold such a grudge over letting a companion go but the fact that you were still alive and that he had hurt you wouldn’t stop gnawing at his insides, a constant ache he couldn’t get rid of. Soon, it was two years, then three, then four, then five. Five seemed to be the magic number as he finally let his temptations fly free and directed the TARDIS to your house. His hearts were beating wildly in his chest and he felt giddy at the prospect of seeing you. He hoped that you would forgive him, but he could find himself accepting if you wouldn’t. It would be hard, as hard as dealing with you not traveling with him had been, but at least he would have to get over himself at that point.
He touched down outside your townhouse and tried to contain the smile on his face. Striding up to your door, he poised his knuckles over the wood and took a deep breath before knocking. Butterflies were crashing over him in waves as he waited in anticipation for you to open the door. Soon enough, he could see you coming down the stairs behind the opaque glass outlining your front door.
“Hi!” The Doctor said, clasping his hands. “I know that it’s been a really long time, and I’m so so sorry about that, but I came back. It took a while but–”
“I’m  sorry, who are you?” You cocked your head, leaning against your open door. The Doctor isn’t sure what he was expecting, perhaps a slap to the face, but hearing you utter those words did the same job.
“Hah, it’s… it’s me, Y/N. The Doctor.” He wrung his hands, his smile fading.
“How… how do you know my name? Who are you? Get- Get out!” You exclaimed, flustered with panic and went to slam your door shut on the strange man.
“No! Wait, Y/N, please. It’s me, come on, you know me. Please.” He pleaded with a hoarse voice, stretching his arm out to grab you wrist. You immediately recoiled from his touch.
“I- I don’t know who you are, why you’re hear, or who you think I am… but, but I’m not the person you’re looking for. I haven’t seen you in my life. I’m sorry.” You stammered out at the man’s hurt face, troubled that you couldn’t help him. However, he was pretty weird and knew your name, so you didn’t feel too bad about shutting him out.
“Please! Let me explain!” He shouted in vain as you closed the door. He beat against it with his fists as you sunk down to the ground. “Y/N, please! Please tell me you remember me! All of our adventures! Please, we had so much fun, we did so many things. I know I kicked you out and that it’s been five years but I was wrong for doing that! I was hurt and angry and then weren’t sure how you’d feel about me trying to come back into your life so long after. I know I hurt you that day and I’m so so sorry, just please, please tell me you know who I am.” He cried, tears dripping down his face as he spoke through the door, ear pressed against the paint. He heard movement behind the door and hope entered his heart again as he stood back up. You cracked the door open, biting your lip.
“I really wish I was who you were talking about, but I have no clue who you’re referring to. I haven’t seen you a day in my life and if you don’t leave my property I’m going to call the police.” Taking one last glance at the man, you closed the door and walked upstairs. The Doctor balked at your words, clutching his chest.
“No… no…. no…. nonononono….” He muttered under his breath, tears flowing steadily now. Fluttering a hand around his mouth, he looked at your door and then back to the TARDIS, conflicted. His emotions were running on high and he didn’t know what to do. For both of your well beings, he followed your wishes and returned to the TARDIS. Inside, he broke down like he had never broken down before. The pain he was feeling was unbearable and his whole soul ached. He wondered if this is what you felt like when you had been kicked out. Suddenly, he loathed himself and his actions and rage tore through his body. He smacked the railings and kicked the walls, like a child have a tantrum, before once again breaking down into sobs. His body felt empty in a way he had never felt before and it was like his breath was gone. Struggling to stand, he set coordinates for Amy and Rory’s, finally going to tell them what happened. It seemed optimal, since his break down was in full swing and he had no one else to turn to.
Amy and Rory immediately ran out of their house to see the Doctor hobbling out of his TARDIS, face red and streaked with tears. He explained everything that happened and allowed them to comfort him. He wouldn’t isolate himself this time and he would never make the same mistake as he did with you.
Meanwhile, in your house, you sat on the edge of your bed, staring blankly at your wall. You couldn’t believe he had really come back and that you had the courage to deny him. It hurt like mad to see him so devastated, but you were terrified of messing up again. You were one hundred percent lying when you said you didn’t remember him. In fact, you remembered every single detail from your adventures, and you would go back to them in a heartbeat. Part of you desperately wished you had said yes to him and accepted him back into your life with open arms, but you couldn’t take that pain again. No, remembering him from a distance would be better than even one second of closeness. You couldn’t handle pain like what he caused you ever again. At least, you didn’t think you could. You probably shouldn’t even think about wanting to go with him again. Yet, here you were, wishing for him even though he hurt you so bad. Numbly, you curled up on your bed and wept softly over everything you could have just gained but then lost simultaneously.
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Hello dear! Me again. You mentioned in my first ask something about unhealthy argument styles regarding those who have suffered domestic abuse. My question is, what sort of styles would that be? The only one that came to my mind was victimization. But it's a tough line to walk because I don't want to invalidate the character's suffering but at the same time it's logical for them to have some sort of unhealthy argument style because of what they endured. Could you help? :) Thank you in advance! X
There are plenty of ways to have an argument and very…. few of them are healthy and productive. A lot of us have unhealthy ways that we go about arguments, just because it’s what has been modeled for us. This doesn’t mean that all of our arguments are abusive- just that sometimes we as human beings, make things harder for ourselves and harder to resolve because we haven’t been taught how to have a healthy disagreement.
Go ahead and ramp this up a notch for anyone who has been in an abusive relationship. When you’re being abused, you learn on a survival level how to play on the other person’s turf. This isn’t always the meek ‘okay, you’re right. I’m sorry I won’t do it again.’ Sometimes it is things they pick up while trying to have any sort of agency or power in the relationship. Sometimes it is an argument style that they learn because it’s the only way to make the abusive party make even small changes.
Think of the abused housewife who breaks dishes one day because the abusive party is never satisfied that they’re clean enough.
So, possible things a character might have picked up about arguments that can be unhealthy:
- Immediately giving into everything the other person says. 
Doesn’t matter what it’s about, doesn’t matter if the character knows 100% they’re right, doesn’t even matter if the thing is very important to them. They will avoid an argument at all costs, even if it means repeating ‘you’re right, I was a stupid selfish _____ for not taking out the trash last night when I knew you were so tired.’
- All or Nothing.
One or both parties refuse to compromise. They will not give a single inch. There is no  ‘you’re right, we need to start putting things on the calendar in advance but I’m still upset that you forgot our anniversary.’ There is no ‘I’ll start doing the laundry more if you promise to take over the dishes.’
Sometimes characters like this will also realize halfway through the argument that they were in the wrong, but because they treat arguments like they have winners/losers- they don’t know how to back down.
- Refusing to let it go/not being satisfied with any means of going forward.
This character mistakes still having any negative feelings as a sign that their partner is still in the wrong. If someone apologizes, then they’re just doing it because they got caught. Or they did it all wrong. If the partner offers to do something differently, they’re just trying to save face.
The character will claim that there is some measure that would make them feel better- but continues to move the goal post if someone actually does that.
This is especially unproductive if the issue is of the variety that is going to take time for the other person to get better about. It tends to make the other person feel like no matter what, nothing will make their partner happy- so why try at all?
Some abuse survivors get trapped in this because they’re used to that negative gross feeling being linked to abuse.
But there’s a huge difference between a ‘you need to stop trying to force me to have sex when I don’t feel well’ argument and a ‘I wish you did the dishes more often’ argument. Until that person learns to self soothe after the latter kind of argument, they just end up trapped in a cycle that neither party is happy with.
- All At Once
There is no argument about one thing, and the argument isn’t even about related things. Logically, an argument about someone forgetting an anniversary might also involve a lack of date nights or related insecurities about feeling unappreciated.
It doesn’t also logically involve the fact that the character hates the fact that the dog hasn’t been taken to the groomer recently and that the dishes aren’t put away correctly and that the other person’s mother is horrible and that the color the other person picked to paint the living room in is hideous.
People with this style in my experience fall into two camps- either they do complain about these things all the time with no… effort to differentiate what is something that needs to be fixed immediately/more upsetting/etc or they literally say absolutely nothing about what is upsetting them until it’s bad enough to start a screaming match.
Arguing this way makes it basically *impossible* for resolution to happen. Coming up with an active solution that isn’t entirely overwhelming for *one* thing is hard enough. It’s impossible for ten things.
Some abuse survivors learn this because it’s how their partner did things and it was the only way to respond in kind. Others learn it because they didn’t have the energy to complain about anything until one thing comes out and everything comes out at once.
- Blow up- oh, nothing happened.
Fist fight the night before? Pretend it didn’t happen the next day. A lot of abuse survivors learn this one.
But it becomes extremely problematic for them when they get out of the abusive situation.
One of two scenarios tend to present themselves
a) The other party wants to work toward a resolution and the person doesn’t know how to deal with this. Sometimes they resort to that top one up there just to end the conversation.
b) Things don’t immediately go back to normal and the person on a gut level feels like the abuse is going to happen again. That there’s a blow up just on the horizon, the fact that there is any tension left all is a sign of that.
- No, don’t apologize that way.
I have within the last two months gotten into not one, not two, but three arguments because I have a very hard time accepting apologies.
Very hard. And this isn’t because I don’t think the other person is sorry, it’s because I am literally triggered by like, half of the ways that people apologize because of an abusive situation I was in. Most of the people in my life favor the ‘blow up, nothing happened’ method and the people I knew that apologized… apologized in ways that made it all the abuse survivors fault.
“I’m so sorry, I should have remembered that you’re crazy and would take it that way.”
“I’m sorry. I understand that your depression makes it hard for you to remember things sometimes. I’m not offended that you think I screamed at you. We can work past this.”
“I’m sorry. I should have recognized that your past would mean that you would think that ____________ is abusive. But it isn’t, plenty of people do this and we’re just going to work together on making you realize that it’s okay.”
Some abuse survivors go to number one and try to fix things, sometimes with… overstated offers. They step on your toes and they offer to carry you. And over text, the panicked tone doesn’t come through and instead it comes off as ‘you’re making a big deal about this situation, so I’m going to mock you.’ And then the other person reacts to that because they’re used to being mocked and the conversation ends up….
way worse than it needed to be. 
This is something I am working actively to try and rectify, it is something I’ve warned people in my life about. My partner knows that if they do something to hurt me, and they need to apologize- just to say sorry and move on because if not I feel like I have to comfort them and it just… isn’t good for either of us.
-Fix it with Sex.
Partner unhappy with you? Offer yourself up for sex. Partner unhappy at work? Offer them sex. 
Survivors of sexually abusive situations will often do this because it was better to at least pretend they were consenting than have it forced on them. 
This doesn’t solve the problem though and often times it can make non-abusive parties feel terrible. 
- Underlying tension? Pick the fight so at least you know when it’s going to happen.
A lot of people accuse abuse survivors of reading into things that aren’t there. Studies have shown the opposite though- survivors aren’t spooking at a ghost- they’re noticing microexpressions and small signs.
But a partner rolling their eyes because you haven’t done the dishes, but mentally deciding that it isn’t worth the fight or that they love you enough to put up with it-
Isn’t the same thing as the person who stores this information to hurt you later.
But sometimes to a survivor they can’t tell the difference. And at least if they go ahead and pick the fight they have some agency and it won’t happen in public/ on their mom’s birthday. They have learned how to make the abuse happen earlier so that they might be okay at later times.
- Passive aggressive
This person has learned that direct confrontation is BAD. So instead they try and drop hints and get increasingly frustrated that the other person hasn’t gotten them yet.
- Screaming is the only way to be heard
Feel like that one is pretty clear.
Alright that was way longer than I intended it to be but I think you get the general drift? I’m sure there are others.
Your character might have picked up one or two of those styles along the way. It can be hard to show that this is an abuse reaction rather than just… people argue that way.
But it is possible. Some ways include:
- Showing that this is how fights went down before. Either because you show it happening actively or in a flashback 
- You can engage in a bit of telling and have say… Character A and Character C sitting over coffee and Character A Miserable and Upset because this is just how things went down with their abuser and they don’t know how to make it better and they tried to communicate but everything they say just keeps being wrong.
- Picked out your ‘what does this character look like when triggered’ symptoms? Go ahead and have it shown. Do they bite their lip, bounce on their toes, scratch their arms? Do they have panic attacks?
- Nightmares/intrusive thoughts/negative patterns of thoughts. Especially if you’re doing the fight from that character’s pov. 
- Again, a bit on the telling side, but you can also have another character apologize for their actions/tell the other person a better way to go about the problem. This doesn’t even have to be like “well, you see, she was abused and her abuser did a and you did something like a and now she’s upset.” If it fits the character’s tone better- it can just be- ‘Look, I don’t know what her deal is, but she really hates the word ‘sorry’. Just like… bring her flowers or some shit and she’ll understand.’  Take something like that that shows it’s a pattern of behavior and then add in some other signs that she’s been abused and you’ve set it up for your readers to make connections. If all of them don’t? That’s okay.
Hopefully that helps a bit,
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