#sometimes I can't move or breathe due to the pain
elysiaheaven · 1 day
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐘-(𝐒𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥)-𝐉𝐢𝐚𝐨𝐪𝐢𝐮 𝐱 𝐅.𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫-(The Fox's Wedding Sequel!)
@kianasflowers Banner credit!
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Mentions of Gorey descriptions! Beheading descriptions
Dear Mei,
I realized that the village I'm in needs my help, I just remembered everything. Sorry for not replying for.. a couple of years?
I hope everyone is fine and well! It's a long story how I ended like this. But, I hope I will be able to see you again.
I really want to meet all but I can't! I have to save these people so, Maybe I'll die.
My location is the Xianzhou Luofu, If you want to meet me. You can! But I don't know how I'll be by the time you come or this letter.
Maybe dead, a corpse.
Or Alive, Helping people.
I hope that man who calls himself god wouldn't win...
Hey Mei, Will you get me some new kimono and a seed of the sakura tree? If I died. Place it beside my grave.
If I live...
Present day
The days in Yaoqing were quiet but heavy, filled with both healing and the lingering shadows of your shared trauma. You and Jiaoqiu spent much of your time indoors, a small, humble home nestled in a quiet corner of the village. The walls that held you both felt both like a sanctuary and a cage, protecting you from the outside world while reminding you of the isolation brought by your injuries.
You struggled with your mobility, the pain in your neck and feet making every step a reminder of the glass shards and the torment you had endured. Walking was a challenge; sometimes, even the simplest movement felt like an insurmountable task. And Jiaoqiu—his blindness had taken away much of his independence, and though he tried to adjust, it was clear the world felt different to him now, unfamiliar and unforgiving.
Cooking had become a trial for both of you. You would attempt to stand by the stove, wincing as you leaned against the counter, trying to prepare a simple meal. But even that was difficult. Your body protested with every movement, and Jiaoqiu—once so self-sufficient—was now struggling to eat due to the severity of his internal wounds. Spicy food, which he had once enjoyed, now caused him immense discomfort, his body rejecting the heat as it tried to heal.
There were moments of despair, moments where you both felt as though the weight of your past was too much to bear. The nights were particularly hard for Jiaoqiu, plagued by vivid nightmares that left him trembling and drenched in sweat. You would wake to the sound of his ragged breaths, his body tense with the horrors that played out in his mind.
Jiaoqiu stirred in his sleep, his body tense as the nightmare took hold. His breathing quickened, his chest rising and falling unevenly, trapped in the throes of a memory turned twisted and nightmarish.
In his dream, the air was thick with the smell of blood, the sound of clashing metal, and the sight of Hoolay standing before him, blade in hand. Jiaoqiu was bound, unable to move, his limbs frozen as he watched helplessly. You stood on the ground before Hoolay, your body bloodied, your neck exposed—ready for the final blow.
"No…" Jiaoqiu gasped, his voice hoarse, barely able to form the words. His throat tightened, his heart pounding against his ribs, desperate to stop what was about to happen.
But the scene continued, cruel and unrelenting. Hoolay's lips curled into a sneer, eyes dark and unfeeling as he raised the blade high above your head.
"Don't do it!" Jiaoqiu screamed, his voice breaking. But Hoolay only laughed, cold and merciless, the sound echoing in the empty space.
You turned to face Jiaoqiu, your eyes wide, filled with a strange, unsettling calm. Blood dripped from your wounds, your body trembling, but your lips twisted into a smile—a horrifying, broken smile.
"You did this," you whispered, your voice filled with a mix of sorrow and accusation. "It's your fault I died, Jiaoqiu."
He shook his head, eyes wide with terror. "No… No, I didn't mean for this to happen!"
But you only laughed, a haunting, echoing sound that filled the air. "Of course, you did. You were too weak to save me. You let this happen."
Tears streamed down his face as he struggled against the invisible bonds, desperate to reach you, to stop what was happening. "I tried! I tried to save you!"
Your smile widened, grotesque and unnatural, your eyes hollow, as if all the life had been drained from them. "Too late," you hissed, your voice turning sharp, venomous. "You always fail, don't you?"
Hoolay’s blade descended swiftly, and you didn’t flinch. You just stood there, still smiling as the sharp edge came down, slicing through your neck with sickening precision. The sound of flesh tearing and bone cracking filled Jiaoqiu’s ears, louder than anything he had ever heard before.
"NOOO!" Jiaoqiu screamed, his voice raw, his throat burning as the world spun around him. He couldn't bear to watch, but he couldn’t look away.
Your head rolled from your shoulders, hitting the ground with a heavy thud. Your body crumpled, lifeless, the blood pooling around you, a stark contrast to the eerie smile still lingering on your severed face.
Jiaoqiu sobbed, shaking uncontrollably, as Hoolay’s mocking laughter rang out. "Look at her," Hoolay taunted, kicking your head towards Jiaoqiu's feet. "Look at what you let happen."
Jiaoqiu was paralyzed, his mind broken, the sight of your dismembered form seared into his brain. Your head lay inches from him, eyes still open, still staring at him with that unnerving smile.
"I’ll never leave you," your voice whispered, even though your mouth didn’t move. "I’ll haunt you forever… You deserve this, Jiaoqiu. This is what you made me."
Jiaoqiu screamed again, his heart tearing apart as your words echoed endlessly in his mind. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"
But in the nightmare, there was no escape. Hoolay stepped closer, blade dripping with your blood, his grin widening. "You failed her once," he sneered, "and now you’ll keep failing. Over, and over, and over again."
Jiaoqiu's hands clutched at his head, unable to bear the torment. "Please… stop…"
But the nightmare only deepened. Hoolay raised the blade once more, aiming it toward Jiaoqiu this time, his voice cold and final. "It's time for you to join her."
It’s your fault. You let her die.
In the nightmare, your voice echoed, twisted and unnatural, as you stood over him. Headless, your body loomed, holding your severed head in one hand. The blood dripped slowly, pooling beneath you, and your lips—still smiling—moved, whispering something too familiar.
“Jiaoqiu." your voice rasped. “They’ll stuff us both in the secret box… of the goldfish.”
Jiaoqiu’s heart pounded violently in his chest. The words made no sense, but the terror they filled him with was overwhelming. You stepped closer, head dangling from your fingers as if it were nothing more than a toy. The smile on your lips widened, grotesque, and your dead eyes locked onto his.
“They’ll put us together," you continued, "inside that box. You and me… forever.”
Jiaoqiu couldn’t move, couldn’t scream. His body felt frozen, paralyzed by fear. His hands trembled, desperately trying to claw himself out of the nightmare, but it was useless. You bent down, pressing your headless body against his, your cold, bloodstained hands grabbing him, holding him tight.
“We’re going together,” you hissed, your breath cold against his skin. “Inside the box… together.”
He screamed, finally breaking through the silence, but it didn’t stop. Your grip tightened, your bloody fingers digging into his skin, pulling him into the darkness.
Suddenly, the world seemed to collapse. Your body went limp, falling to the floor in a heap of broken limbs. And then, with a chilling whisper, your head rolled toward him, your mouth still moving as it spoke: “It’s a nightmare, Jiaoqiu… Wake up!”
The words jolted him, and Jiaoqiu woke with a gasp, his breath ragged and uneven. His body felt heavy, drenched in cold sweat, his heart still hammering against his ribs. He blinked, expecting to see the comforting glow of light in the room—expecting to see you beside him.
But there was nothing.
Only darkness.
For a moment, Jiaoqiu’s heart stopped. He blinked again, harder this time, trying to adjust his eyes to the blackness that surrounded him. But no matter how many times he tried, no light came. It hit him then, like a punch to the chest: the Tumbledust poison. The nightmare had faded, but the reality remained.
He was blind.
The room felt suffocating, the weight of the darkness pressing in on him, as if the nightmare hadn’t fully let go. Jiaoqiu's breath came quicker, panic rising in his throat. He reached out, his trembling hands searching the bed, the space beside him where you should be. But all he found was emptiness.
“Where… where are you?” he whispered, his voice shaking, as his fingers frantically felt the sheets, the pillow, the empty space. His hands moved faster, desperate to find you, to feel your warmth. But there was nothing.
Jiaoqiu’s mind raced. You were there, he thought. You were right there.
But all he could feel was the cold emptiness of the bed, the sheets crumpled beneath his fingers, his touch finding no trace of you. Fear crept up his spine, his chest tightening with every second that passed.
“Where are you?” he whispered again, louder this time, his voice tinged with desperation. His hands moved in every direction, reaching for the space around him, the nightstand, the floor, anything that could prove you were still here.
Jiaoqiu’s breathing quickened, and panic clawed at his throat as his hands frantically searched the bed. His voice trembled, his desperation rising. "Where are you?" he whispered, louder this time, his heart pounding in the oppressive silence. His mind was spinning, trapped in the darkness, unable to find you, unable to escape the terror gripping him.
Just as he was on the verge of screaming, of losing himself completely to the fear, he felt it—arms wrapping around him from behind, warm and gentle. The familiar scent of you washed over him, grounding him in the present.
“It’s okay,” you whispered softly into his ear, your voice calm and soothing. “I’m right here.”
Jiaoqiu froze, the tension in his body slowly ebbing away as your warmth enveloped him. He exhaled a shaky breath, his heart still racing but slowing, his panic easing.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you continued, your voice a soft murmur. “So I stepped out for a bit. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
He was still trembling, still uncertain if this was real or another nightmare. The darkness made everything uncertain. He mumbled, barely able to form words. “Come… kiss me. So I know it’s really you.”
You shifted, moving in front of him, and your lips brushed his—soft, familiar, real. Jiaoqiu exhaled in relief, his body relaxing against you. He clung to you as if you were his lifeline, his grip tight and desperate.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered against your lips. “I didn’t mean to… I didn’t mean to doubt you. I… I was so scared.”
You smiled softly, stroking his cheek. “It’s fine,” you whispered, kissing his forehead gently. “It’s okay. I’m here now. You’re safe.”
You cradled Jiaoqiu, feeling his breathing slow and deepen as sleep finally claimed him, you tried to follow him into that same restful darkness. But something was wrong. Even in the silence of the night, whispers crept into your ears, soft at first, but growing louder with each passing moment. The voices of countless souls, pleading, moaning, begging for peace.
Their cries sent a chill down your spine. You squeezed your eyes shut, holding Jiaoqiu tighter, as if his warmth could shield you from the cold weight of their voices.
"Help us… free us… give us peace…"
The words wrapped around your mind, echoing endlessly. You could feel the souls crowding around you, unseen but close, their desperation pressing in on you from all sides. Your heart raced as you gritted your teeth, willing the whispers to stop, but they only grew more insistent.
You buried your face against Jiaoqiu, your grip tightening, as though if you held on tightly enough, they wouldn’t be able to touch you. His steady breathing was the only thing anchoring you to this reality. But the voices wouldn’t stop. They wanted something. They needed something from you.
You tried to block them out, tried to convince yourself that it was all in your head. But the feeling of their presence was too strong, too real. Your hands trembled as you clung to Jiaoqiu, your breath coming in shallow, uneven gasps.
"Release us…"
Your eyes shot open, the darkness around you feeling suddenly alive, shifting and moving with the weight of the spirits. You didn’t dare look. You couldn’t. The fear was too overwhelming, too paralyzing. The souls weren’t leaving you alone. They were here—right here.
Your teeth ground together painfully as you forced your eyes shut again, but the whispers slipped into your mind like cold fingers, clawing at your thoughts. You held back a sob, trying to breathe through the terror.
Jiaoqiu stirred slightly in his sleep, but he didn’t wake, his exhaustion keeping him under. You envied him. You wanted to escape into the same peaceful darkness, but the souls wouldn’t let you. Their demands grew louder, their voices overlapping into a cacophony that threatened to drown out everything else.
You gripped Jiaoqiu so tightly now that your arms ached, your body tense and shaking. You could feel the tears welling up behind your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. Not here. Not now.
But sleep would not come for you. The souls kept you trapped, their whispers pulling you deeper into fear, into the knowledge that you couldn’t help them. You couldn’t even help yourself.
And so you lay there, eyes closed, teeth clenched, shivering in the darkness, too afraid to sleep, too terrified to let go.
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hencheri · 1 month
Mark and cock warming. Maybe he slaps the reader 🫶🏾
18+. mdni.
hard dom!mark :(
mark doesn't fuck slow and steady. he fucks like he can never get enough — fucks like his dick is going to fall off. it never ends without a mess either, whether it's his cum everywhere on your body or the bottom half of his face covered in your arousal, there's always a mess.
but there are those days where mark wants to be intimate, where he needs you as close to him as possible. sometimes he's very tired and he just needs to relax with some cuddles — and in mark's book, cuddling means cock warming.
he swears he doesn't have any dirty intentions, but he's still rock hard just at the thought of having your walls tightly hugging his cock (though, to his defence, he has to be hard to slide inside of you).
so you reluctantly agreed, letting him play with your pussy a little bit to get you wet enough for him. your back is facing him, his pelvis totally flushed against your ass with his arms wrapped around your waist.
surprisingly, mark is very silent, and you're the one who's bothered, face burning hot and teeth sinking into your bottom lip. his cheek is laid on your shoulder, eyes closed, listening to your breathing that is clearly irregular.
you shift a little, creating some friction and getting mark out of his slumber.
he tightly grips your hips, pulling you back on his cock. "stop squirming around," he groans, his breath hitting your uncovered neck, making you shiver slightly.
"sorry..." you mumble back in response, feeling a little embarrassed for not being able to just relax. how is he so calm with your pussy around him? he'd be pounding you down onto the mattress by now.
and just thinking about that has you clenching around mark involuntarily. he definitely felt that.
"baby." he warns you, his fingers digging into the fat of your hips, so, so close to your crotch.
you clench again, and he doesn't like that.
"what did i tell you?" he growls, delivering a sharp slap to your pussy, making you flinch out of surprise.
he takes a hold of your jaw, turning your face to the side so he can look you in the eye. you're speechless, only gulping down as mark looks really pissed off.
"you speak when talked to," he says through gritted teeth, glaring at you with angry eyes, eyebrows frowned. he presses down on your cheeks, and you wince out of pain, forcing your mouth open. "i'm not repeating myself ... what did i tell you?"
"to- to not move!" you say, trying to wiggle your face out of his painful hold, but mark follows your movement, steadying your head in place.
"why are you being a little brat? d'you always need me to dick you down?" he asks, his hand still remaining on your hips inching closer to your heat, nails sinking into your soft skin. "can't think straight with a cock in your stupid, little pussy, huh?"
that's rich coming from him when he's fucking you every chance he gets, but you won't comment on that if you don't want to be in more troubles.
"n-no," you manage to croak out, but it sounds a little sloppy due to your strained neck and mark's hand around your face.
"what was that?"
you inhale, taking in your breath, "no, i can't think straight, so you better fuck some sense into me."
and he chuckles right in your face, the corner of his mouth lifting up into a grin. he eyes you down, looking at your lips before going back up to your eyes.
"want it that bad, huh? little slut."
and he finally pushes you onto your stomach, holding your head down against the pillows. he immediately starts moving his hips back and forth, hard cock sliding between your walls, hitting all the right places that make you scream his name.
he spanks your ass, too, the sound of his skin hitting yours echoing in the room. mark doesn't go easy on you, and he doesn't hold back either, especially not since you quite literally asked him to fuck some sense into you. which he will gladly do.
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sincerelyrki · 4 months
lacey gazes
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sometimes after a long day, all Sunghoon needed was your touch
pairing : sub!idol!sunghoon x fem!reader
warnings + genre : smut. sunghoon is ?partially? blindfolded. tiny sprinkle of oral + hj. sunghoon is tied to a chair.
wc : 0.61k
a/n : had to stop myself from continuing TT i don’t rly like this one but 🤷🏻‍♀️
pwtl : @vousty
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“What are you doing?” Sunghoon barely managed to stutter out between his gasps of pleasure, his vision highly impaired due to the makeshift lace blindfold tied in a deliberate attempt to conceal a large portion of his eyesight. 
You ignored your boyfriend's pleading words, opting to just press a gentle kiss against his exposed upper thigh.
Sunghoon couldn’t help himself from letting in a sharp inhale, his teeth pressing down against his bottom lip.
You continued your ministrations, your arousal growing the more you watched the way your actions affected the man strapped down before you. 
You looked up at him through your eyelashes, alluring eyes staring up at his hidden ones. You made a show of trailing your hands up his legs, nails leaving small traces as they travelled their way up toward the place he needed you most. 
You wrapped one hand around him, fingers tightening around the base, but making no move to continue further. It wasn’t hard to ignore his in twitching, his leg shaking against the side entirely of your torso. 
With your free hand, you pressed it against his knee, pulling his legs open further. The last thing you wanted was to waste another second to, once again, press your lips against him. 
But after seeing his needy face you couldn’t help yourself from wanting to tease him more.
Your lips opened on their own, wet tongue pressing down against his center thigh. You could feel the muscles from beneath your hand flexing, his body growing taut. 
His breath caught in his throat the higher your tongue travelled, the painful beating of his chest rushing down to his cock in a rope of desire.
The second your teeth bit into him, he snapped. His hands pulled at the restraints in an attempt to free himself, knees pushing together in reflex.
“The fuck are you doing?” You pulled your face away, eyes glaring up at Sunghoon in disbelief. You let go of his knees to press your hand against his lower stomach, pushing further back into the chair.
You tutted loud enough for him to hear, your disappointment echoing loudly in his ears. 
“M’sorry, can’t help it.” At his whine you rolled your eyes, tongue clicking against the roof of your mouth. 
Originally you were only planning on teasing him for a few minutes, his exhaustion evident the moment he walked through your apartment door- but now? 
“Keep your eyes on me.” You resumed your earlier position, placing one small kiss against the new indents before moving your head towards the place he wanted you.
The hand that was tightened around his base slowly moved its way up, stopping when it reached his tip. While waiting for his response you busied yourself with alternating small pecks and kitten licks against the skin above your fingers. 
His next words were almost too predictable, “But I can't see v-very well.” He choked out as his hips buckled up in response to your tightening grip, his lips falling open into silent whimpers. 
“Poor baby, maybe I should just stop touching you then?” A small coo left your lips, eyebrows furrowing at him in faux pity. Sunghoon rapidly shook his head when you pulled your hand away from him, his hips chasing the warmth.
“Please, please keep going.” Even though you couldn’t see his expression very well, you could tell that your boyfriend was near tears. His voice came out bubbly, his desperation heavily pushing through.
“Try that shit again and I’ll take a fucking video and send it to your members.” His body froze, your words causing a ripple of chills to rush across his chest. “But you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” 
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lucysarah-c · 11 months
Sometimes I don't think about Levi fucking, but rather in the decorous ritual of the aftermath. I envision a Levi who, after passionately fucking with you as if there were no tomorrow, the veins in his hands and arms popping as he loses control of his strength, overwhelmed by how good you make him feel, how much he desires to give his all, to go deeper, harder, faster. This "before" Levi, utilizing every ounce of his power to make you cum as many times as possible, the "after" Levi of buried between your legs as you squeeze his head and tug his locks slightly painful of how much he's overstimulating you. The "after" Levi of sinking his teeth into any soft flesh he can find on your body, his hands choking you firmly enough to make your head tilts backward.
This "after" Levi is the one who falls asleep after whispering about how much he loves you and how much of a good girl you've been for him that night, only to wake up a few hours later. The room is still dark, he has a significant amount of work to do, and though he wants to stay with you, he knows he won't fall back asleep. This Levi, with messy hair, gently tries to ease out the knots in your hair caused by him, gladly taking responsibility for them. The Levi who quietly moves himself from your side, planting a final kiss on your shoulder before softly kissing your head and ruffling your hair. He can't help but quickly check your breathing, ensuring you're not a dream but indeed there with him. A soft sigh of tiredness mixed with reassurance that you're alive. Like a mother leaving a child in a crib, he carefully removes himself from the bed, adjusting the blankets over your shoulders. His touch is so soft that you don't even notice him leaving due to your tired state.
Once again, the routine of him grabbing loose sweatpants to put on, no underwear because his cock is till too sensitive for all he did—wild sex transitioning into soft kisses. Levi walks to the bathroom to clean himself, avoiding a shower since the plumbing is old and would make too much noise late at night, potentially waking you. This is his love—he is willing to endure being dirty for a few more hours for your sake. He places a hand on the door of the adjoining room, ensuring it doesn't make a noise as he close it to disturb your sleep, before throwing himself into his office chair.
A single candle provides subtle illumination, careful not to disturb you even though you're not in the room. He forces himself to find the willpower to read and work on paperwork, legs wild parted and tilted to the sides, perhaps with one thrown over the desk. 'Cause once again, he's sensitive. If there's still warm water, he might make himself a cup of tea but refrains from going all the way to the kitchen. On other nights, he might light a cigarette and let it rest on his lips—those are the hard days. He works and waits, waiting for an appropriate hour to finally shower, shave, because he's too pale, and his dark hair shows growth quickly. He anticipates seeing you wake up, looking at him, and playfully blaming him for your tiredness and soreness, all the while sporting a silly smile.
"Did you pick up breakfast? Oh, you shouldn't have," you'll say, and he'll complain about your tendency to oversleep. But the truth is, he loves it—him freshly showered, towel around his hips as he picks up his uniform, the tips of his hair dripping, your hair a mess as you move around the room with a cup of tea, bare legs, his shirt on and nothing under. He leaves, off to train the recruits, work, or attend to business, all the while thinking of the ritual of the afterglow, eager to return and find you sleeping in his arms, compelling himself to leave the bed once again.
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sleepyangelkami · 5 months
BLOODY NOSE s.harrington
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 1.6K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - your clumsy self was used to running into things and hurting yourself, so much so that you practically couldn't even feel the pain anymore. however, a little blood was enough to scare you. thankfully, steve is there to clean your bloody mess up.
 ☆ WARNINGS - blood, kinda gorey, clumsy!reader, ditzy!reader, crybaby!reader (the reader's a lot of things, okay??), worrying, anxiety, mention of knife?, attentive!steve, pre-established relationship, petnames, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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clumsy was your middle name, at least it should be.
you can't recall the last time you'd gone a full week without falling over and skidding your knee or banging your head into the pole you were walking towards. something about hurting yourself came so easy to you. perhaps it was because you were a buzzing ball of energy and no cones would stand in your way.
and steve harrington couldn't have you any other way.
allthough, he'd love if you'd actually look where you were going, he didn't really mind shutting the cupboards after you to make sure you didn't hit your head or switch off the gas when you were finished baking so you didn't light the house on fire, or even snatching your arm and forcing you to one side of the street so you didn't walk straight into the pole right in front of you.
however, sometimes he truly did wish you wouldn't be so clumsy.
as cute as it was, he couldn't deny that he was a worrier. a worrier until his last breath. your every move had him on his tip toes, making him turn grey in his prime and forcing the wrinkled lines on his forehead.
there was no denying that steve was sort of alike a mother to everyone he let into his life. a father? no, no. a mother. which was sort of odd, seeing as he was also your boyfriend.
often times you were strolling into family video with another bruise or scratch. you didn't mind though, because there was no blood. truthfully, steve was always much more worried than you were, trying to hold your leg still as he patched a plaster on it.
you were always swinging your dangling legs across those tables.
as time progressed, so did your relationship.
steve supposed that he never stopped being worried, he just began being prepared. plasters in his pockets, always watching you with a close eye.
until he wasn't.
it was late in the afternoon, a chopping knife in your hand. you were cutting up some fruits, wooden chopping board soaked in many different colours due to the juices that fell from them. steve knew how you loved your snacks in the evening, especially fruit, you had this awful craving for them. perhaps it was due to the dehydration you had when you constantly forgot to drink water. usually, steve had to follow you around with a water bottle.
usually, this was steve's task.
he didn't often leave you alone with a knife. actually, come to think about it he never left you alone with a knife. he knew that the outcome would not be as blissful as one would imagine.
even now, after you'd begged to cut up your own fruit. you'd told him that you were a lady, not a toddler. he had to agree. and as nervous as he was, he sat by the counter. his eyes were strained on your hands, chopping up the fruit.
the knife slid from each piece of fruit, you grasping the little chunks and tossing them in a bowl. "you want any?" you questioned, back sort of turned to him as you sliced the pear.
"no, honey, i'm okay―" smiling at you before realising he was smiling at you meaning your face was turned away from the fruit. "eyes on the fruit, sweetheart." though there was obvious worry laced in his tone, his own throat clenching at the mere thought of you practically slicing your hand off.
honestly? it wasn't too far fetched with what you'd done in the past.
steve watched as you dropped the knife a little too carelessly onto the chopping board before sweeping the bowl into your hands. he'd breathed out a sigh of relief, thankful the worrying and bubbling anxiety of you slicing a limb off was over.
unfortunately, that feeling of relief? yeah, it didn't last too long.
"See that wasn't so hard―" before he could so much as utter out a word of caution, much too wrapped up in the whole knife business, the open cabinet drawer was hitting you right in the face, a loud "ow!" falling from your lips.
"shit." instantly standing from his seat, making his way over towards you.
holding your hand up to your face, you uttered the muffled words. "'m okay, i jus―" turning to place the bowl of fruit onto the counter before "ow!" slapping your face against the same cabinet drawer.
"jesus christ." panic evident in his voice. "just―just don't move, okay?" perhaps that was the best idea, seeing as you moving would possibly result in loosing some form of a limb.
truthfully, it didn't hurt that much.
there was a stinging pain in your nose but you'd felt that familliar feeling many times before. it was almost as if your body had grown numb to the pain. perhaps that was why it was so easy to keep repeating the same mistakes, your body simply didn't care enough to stop.
you said ow due to the pressure though also because you deemed it was sort of necessary. you hit something, you shout "ow" right?
you felt him before you could hear him. "you okay? c'mere, baby, show me a look." the bowl of fruit was discarded on the counter top while one of hands moved to shove the cupboard press closed so you were in a safe proximity, tossing the end of the knife over and tipping it into the sink, out of reach.
finally, his hands came down to your own wrists, gently maneuvering them away from your face so he could take a look at your nose. "'m okay." you quickly quipped, knowing you'd endured much worse than a little bang against some wood. "really, it doesn't hurt that bad." did it even hurt at all? perhaps the feeling of hurt hadn't truly settled in.
steve didn't listen, tipping your head back by his finger against your chin. "doesn't hurt that bad?" you nodded though your head stung a little just by doing so. "yeah, well you're bleeding."
he should have known not to utter those words.
almost instantly, he turned to grab some of the kitchen paper that had been placed on the table, using the roll to grab a couple sheets, knowing you were too far from the bathroom.
the word kept repeating in your head and suddenly you felt dizzy. perhaps it was the hit of the cabinet drawer against your head or maybe it was the way you pushed your hand up to your nose, gazing down at the red crimson that painted your delicate skin.
why did your nose suddenly hurt so bad?
perhaps it was the anxiety building up in your cluttered chest. whatever it was, you could feel stinging in your eyes now, not from any physical pain but instead the pretty silhouette of tears that danced in your waterline, all glossy.
steve took notice of your glassy eyes before you could utter a word. "hey, hey, wh's wrong? does it hurt?" you nodded your head in agreement, despite the dizziness, despite the fact that you didn't know if it was all that entirely true.
he placed the kitchen paper against your nose ever so gently, featherlight. "i didn't... i didn't mean to." your voice came out breathless, sort of wobbly as if you really were going to cry.
steve felt his heart ache a little at that. "no, no, i know you didn't, hey." his large hand moved it's way towards your waist, soothing the skin gently. however, he was suddenly aware of your glance cast down on your hand, covered in a little of the blood from your nose. "hey, c'mon, pretty girl, 's just a little blood, no biggie, okay?"
once again, you nodded as a response, sniffing slightly.
"stupid." you mumbled through the tissue held against your nose, stumping the bleeding. it caused the word to come out muffled, practically unheard.
"you're not stupid." he gushed. "it was an accident, it happens."
however this time, you shook your head. "no, not me." his brows pinched together a little, taking the napkin from your nose, dried blood at the base of your nose. "the stupid cabinet door." grouching like a child.
he couldn't help but grin at you, wiping the dried blood from the bottom of your nose. "yeah, stupid cabinet door." he agreed, thankful your fear of blood didn't last too long.
you see, if it was any other situation, you probably would have cried.
but when steve stood so close to you, the scent of him enveloping you, arms practically encaging you. there was something about it that made the world stop, that made you realise a little blood wasn't all that bad. hey, you got attention from the world's best boyfriend, right?
surely, that had to count for something.
half an hour passed, you laid on the couch with a pack of frozen peas against your already bruising nose while leaning against steve's arm. he used his other one to hold a fork, feeding you the chopped up fruit. "better?" he mumbled, unable to catch your eye when you were so engrossed in the tv in front of you.
practically dazed by the animation, you managed to nod your head. "better." mumbling back, barely uttering the whole word.
steve couldn't help but roll his eyes upon realising how much special treatment he was giving you. truthfully, he was thankful you were okay but there was only one thing on his mind. "never lettin' you cut fruit again." murmuring practically to himself.
however, you heard. you snapped your head up, dodging the strawberry with a shocked look on your face. "what why?" he stared at you with a little shock. "i didn't even get cut!"
he rolled his eyes, shoving the strawberry through your lips. "just eat your fruit."
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main masterlist/steve's masterlist
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bitchjerk78 · 6 months
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SUMMARY: y/n helps Dean after he got injured during a fight with a demon
PAIRING: reader x Dean Winchester
WARNINGS: smut, unprotected sex, dirty talking
You sigh while you walk towards Dean, his face dark and angry. He has his big hand on his shoulder pressing the wound he got while he was fighting that demon, the same one you could kill thanks to Sam help
<<Dean>> you whisper his name softly as you are almost scared to talk to him. His green eyes move fast in your direction and you stop breathing
<<What the hell do you want, y/n?>> his voice is harsh, deep. Full of pain and rage. You close your eyes for a second, remembering that the two of you don't really get along
<<Let me check that wound>> you reply with a firm voice. Yes, maybe you can't stand each other, but now it's different. You're not fighting for some stupid shit, he's hurt and you have to help him, even if you want to slap him most of the time
<<It's fine>> you roll your eyes bothered by his stubbornness
<<I said>> you took a step closer <<let me check the wound>> he stands properly and he looks up and down your body
<<Sam will do it when he's back>> you bite your lip even more close to losing your cool
<<Sam is covering our tracks, we don't know for how long he's going to be away and that wound needs to be suited, so you either go to a hospital or you let me check it>> your voice is confident and you look at him while you notice you can't breathe properly, the air in your lungs disappeared and you just can't inhale more. It's like everything stops while he lowers his eyes, and he nods slowly
<<Fine>> that's the only word that comes out of his mouth, but it's enough for you to get even closer and check it. When you see the blood, the skin torn apart, and the suffering expression on his face, you just can't hate him like you always used to do. You see it for what he is, just a boy. An asshole, sometimes that's for sure, but just a boy who needs help
<<Okay, why don't you sit down so I can stitch you up>> oddly, he does what you said and you can't help but notice his eyes looking at you in a way they have never done before. It's like they are looking at you for real, like they just noticed you <<Come here>> you whisper as you pour some alcohol on a tissue to disinfect the shoulder <<That bastard really got you>> you hear him chuckle and that makes you feel strange, Dean is chuckling, with you... <<Am I making you laugh?>> you ask while you put a needle in his skin to close the wound
<<No>> he growls due to the pain but he doesn't say anything about it, of course he's too proud to admit he's in pain <<I just think it's funny hearing you say bad words>> he says biting his bottom lip when you put some pressure on the wound
<<Shut up, Dean>> you roll your eyes and shake your head in disapproval
<<Shut up, Dean>> he says back, mocking you.You open your mouth slightly when you turn towards him <<Close your mouth, little girl. You never know what might slip into it>> as soon as you realise the joke, you pull away
<<Gross>> you shake your head again but you keep cleaning the wound
<<Oh come on>> he smirks <<Don't tell me you get embarrassed for something like that>> his deep voice makes you shiver in pleasure
<<No, of course not>> but you know you're lying, you know that you get embarrassed and you know why. Because even if you don't like him very much, you couldn't help but think about what would be like to feel him close. His hands on your trembling body. His lips between your shaking legs. His voice in your ear, whispering some secret desire
<<You are blushing, y/n>> he tilts his head <<Stop pretending>> you frown at his words, and you get up from the chair, hoping you can get away with this <<You think I don't know? You think I'm so naive I didn't notice the way you look at me?>> you stay still, too surprised to even move a single muscle
<<I have no idea what you're talking about>> you mumble but you can feel your heart beating way too fast and your panties getting way too wet just after some of his words
<<Liar>> he whispers in your ear, and you can feel his nose brushing against your jaw <<Bet you're hoping I'll touch you>> you find the strength to pull back and you look at him in disbelief
<<The hell is wrong with you?>> you raise your voice a little. his eyes looks at you and he opens his mouth
<<I...I'm sorry>> he says lowering his eyes <<I don't know, I just thought...>> you take a deep breath
<<Don't you ever do something like that again, don't you dare to treat me like one of your girls, Dean!>> you point a finger at him <<Because I'll fucking kick your ass>> you were hoping to see him a little scared, but his lips curls in a smile
<<I've always liked your determination>> your heart stops for a second <<The way you're independent, you don't need someone to defend you. You can do that yourself>> he takes a step closer and you raise your eyes to meet his <<Always ready to fight>> his hand gets closer to your face and he puts some of your hair behind your ear <<You have no idea how much you turn me on when you look at me all mad>> your mouth gets dry and your hands start sweating
<<What are you saying?>> you manage to ask because your voice is so low, too full of desire
<<I'm saying that I crave you>> everything stops <<I crave your touch, your body, your voice>> another small step towards you and your lips are just inches apart <<I want you, everything of you, every single part. Even the ones you hate>> two of his fingers trapped your chin so you're obliged to look at him <<Since the first day you walked through that door, I wanted you, I needed you>> you are speechless, all this is too surreale. It's like your dreams are coming true and you don't know how much you can resist the urge to grab him and finally kiss him
<<Dean, please>> you whisper out of breath
<<Please, what? Use your words, princess>> you bite your lip, and you feel his thumb touching your mouth <<Come on, I know you can do that. You like to talk so much, do it now too>> he smirks and he reaches your ear <<You're not nervous, right?>> he teases you <<Am I making you nervous, y/n?>>
<<N-no>> your voice is so full of pleasure that you almost moan as you talk
<<You really like to lie, little girl>> he says and his hands end up on your waist <<Why don't you stop pretending and you show me how much you want it?>> and without even notice it, your face gets so close to his
<<If we do this, there's no going back>> you whisper inches from his mouth
<<Oh baby, going back it's the last thing I want>> you gasp when you feel his lips on yours and, even if the feeling of it it's amazing, the only thing you're thinking is finally. He kisses you so passionately that you're almost out of breath, his tongue licks your lips slowly as you feel your knees getting weaker and you panties getting wet, you almost sure you are dripping on your thighs
<<What if Sam- >> Dean stops you, grabbing from your legs and putting you on the table
<<Honestly, y/n>> his lips end up on your neck making you shiver and moan softly as his hands keep grabbing your waist in a possessive way, his fingers pressing into your skin <<I don't give a fuck about Sam right now. I'm dying to feel your tight pussy around my cock, if Sam comes back I will gladly show him the way I can make you squirm and scream my name>> he wraps his big hand around your throat squeezing it softly <<So why you don't shut up and show me how much you want it>> the only thing you can do is nodding and you find yourself biting your lip as his mouth kiss your chest from above the t-shirt <<Bet you're so wet right now, am I right little girl?>> you shake your head but his smirk tells you he knows you're lying. So you stop breathing when his hand touches the throbbing part between your legs
<<Oh God>> you moan softly rolling your eyes back trying to keep your voice low
<<Lift your hips, baby>> now your pants are now on the floor, and you know he can see your panties all wet <<Look at the mess you made>> he shakes his head. You start shaking when his fingers rub your inner thigh <<Your dripping, y/n>> his breathing is low, full of passion and desire. The lust in his eyes is so noticeable that you almost lose control <<So you want me to lick it?>> you nod and look at him as he reach your mouth <<It's not so simple, princess>> he brushes his lips against yours <<You have to beg for what you want>> with a finger he starts touch you from above your wet panties <<So beg for it, y/n>> his movements are slow and light. So soft you almost can't feel it, but you know it's there touching you, making you go crazy <<Use your pretty mouth and beg me, come on. I know you can do it>> and while he keeps looking at you with a teasing smile, he kisses your inner thigh in the same soft way he was touching you. You feel your entire body on fire, and the desire of feeling it is so unbearable that you start moaning and shaking
<<Please>> you whisper out of breath, hoping he'll finally do it, but his soft laugh catches you off guard
<<Louder, baby>> he says biting the warm skin close to your soaked panties <<Be a good girl and say what you want me to do>>
<<Kiss me>> you say with your face on fire but he shakes his head
<<Be more specific, kiss you where?>> you close your eyes for a second, but you manage to whisper a couple more words
<<Kiss me there>> you can see his proud smile all across his face while his hands push your hips down
<<Good girl>> and with that, you finally feel his lips between your shaking legs
<<God!>> you lay on the table as your hand ends up in his soft hair <<Fuck>> you arch your back pushing your hips closer to his mouth. You can hear him moaning as his tongue licks the right spot over and over
<<God, y/n>> you almost scream when he bite your skin and suck it soon after <<You're so fucking delicious>> his hand reaches your throat while the other keep pushing your hip down the table
<<Dean!>> your head falls back on the table when two of his fingers start pushing inside you
<<Yes, good girl. Come for me>> you can feel it in your chest you're close, the fire is spreading all over your body and the shaking is unstoppable <<Come on my tongue, princess>> you arch your back one more time before the orgasm leaves your mouth while you moan his name over and over <<Such a good girl>> he smirks as he kisses your lips making you taste yourself <<I should have knew that behind that cute and innocent act of yours it was hiding this beautiful submissive girl>> he grab your legs and he push you close to his body
<<Shut up>> you say rolling your eyes trying to not be effected by his low voice and teasing words
<<Shut up? I'm pretty sure you like when I talk to you>> you hear his jeans opening and you look at his big and throbbing cock in his hand <<Oh, I know you'd like that>> he smirks while his hand moves slowly all around it, you can see some precum dripping from it and you open your mouth slowly <<All the time you were looking at it, you thought I wouldn't notice it?>> he put the tip on your pussy <<I could see the lust in your eyes, and you have no fucking idea how much I wanted to grab you and bend you over. Fucking you till the only thing you were able to do was screaming my name and begging me to let you come>> you feel the tip inside you and you squeeze your eyes
<<Dean...>> you shake your head. It's too big, you know you can't take it
<<Don't worry, princess>> he puts some of your hair behind your ear <<You can take it, I know you can. This cock was made for you>> you almost scream when you feel it all inside you, pushing you to the edge
<<Please>> you whisper as he starts to move way too slowly, making you feel like you're going to break
<<Please, what?>> you arch your back and roll your eyes as his hands grab you to make you stay still under his body
<<F-faster>> you beg out of breath, and his smile makes you understand you just said something right
<<My good girl>> he praise you as he moves faster, deeper. In an eager way, like this is what he always wanted, what he always needed. Your moans are louder than before, and his name leaves your mouth in a begging way <<You belong to me, y/n>> he wraps his hand around your neck <<From now on, your mine. Do you understand me?>> his pushes are more possessive, more dominant. So rough you feel like losing your senses. Tears of pleasure start running down your face and the only thing you can think about is how much you like this <<I've killed for way less>> his face close to yours so that you can hear his words inside your soul <<Because I'll kill anyone who tries to touch you>> another deep push makes you shaking and you wrap your legs around his waist so you can feel him all inside you <<Anyone who looks at you in the wrong way he'll find himself with a bullet in his head before he even realizes it>> your nails are grabbing his back so tightly as everything around you stop existing and you feel like you two are the only people left in this world <<If someone tries to take you away from me I'll make sure he's going to suffer>> his voice is so low, so full of things never said before <<I'd burn the world down for you, y/n. I don't care about the consequences>> another push takes you almost at the edge <<And now, come for me, little girl. Show me you feel the same>> hearing him saying all this makes you lose control of your body, and you let yourself scream his name as he whispers yours close to your ear.
You both look at each other, your faces covered in sweat and your breathing deep and shaky. You touch his cheek as you try to calm yourself down
<<I do feel the same>> you whisper and your heart stops in your chest when he puts his forehead against yours
<<I know, princess>> he whispers kissing your forehead <<I know>>.
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Pls don't ignore if you don want to do it, please just dm me that you don't want to or I will assume you didn't see it and wait forever. I have a very specific request. How would bsd cast react to guiding light not being able to do a lot of things due to medical problems? I have a port wine stain on my left leg, it covers the whole thing, and it swells A LOT. Like, it is always swollen but sometimes it gets worse. I can't jump or run or even climb well because of it, making gym class hard and stuff like that. How would they react to it? On top of that, I think it'd be funny if the guiding light was short af, like shorter than CHUUYA. Teen reader if possible, gender neutral or male please. Byeeeee.
I hope, you enjoy it ☺️
Teen! Short! Male! Reader with medical problems
Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Characters x Male! Teen! Reader
Slight Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara x Male! Teen!Reader
Slight Self-Aware! Platonic! Oda Sakunosuke x Make! Teen! Reader
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Warning: OOC. English is my second language
🐾 BSD Cast have a feeling, that you have some health problems. They heard, how, sometimes, you rant to "them" about having problems during gym classes, or hissed under your breath, because "it hurts again". So, they prepared in advance. Yosano, Doc and Mori were searching web , trying to get all possible information about any possible way of treatment. They weren't sure, what exactly they need to do to help you, so, they try to prepare for anything.
🐾 When Kirako "woke up" from her stasis, she shed the light in your condition. So, they start to look in about your medical problem specifically. Yosano, Doc and Mori will keep all information in mind, to help you ease the pain. Or, if there is a way, to heal you.
🐾 When they got into the real world, BSD Cast won't immediately attack you with questions about your health. They will wait, until you feel comfortable sharing this information with them.
🐾 But, from the first day, they will try to make you happy.
School was over, and you were on your way home. Today was one of "this days", and your leg was sore. So, you tried to move carefully. Unfortunately, today all cars in the household were occupied, and Albatross was still in a process of getting license, that would allow him to drive teens on his motorbike. So, you will have to go home by feet. You called home beforehand and explained to BSD Cast, that you might be a little bit late for lunch.
You walked 1/4 of the road to your home, when you saw Chuuya and Oda walking towards you.
"[Y/N], hello. How is my little brother doing?" if Chuuya's grin is implying something, it would be the fact, that Chuuya liked, that you were smaller, than him, and he can tease you in a friendly way. You rolled your eyes.
"I am fine. And what you two are doing here?"
Chuuya point at your backpack.
"We decided to meet you and go home together. Now..." without further words, Chuuya put his hand towards you, waiting. You took off your backpack and give to him. Immediately, Oda offered his elbow for you to hold on.
"And, remember, just ask, and we will slow down." Oda ruffled your hair.
You three went home, talking about your day and what you want to do today and these weekends.
🐾 Yosano, Doc and Mori will be ready to help you at any moment of the day. Will offer to ease your pain (medical herbs, special massage, etc.)
🐾 If there is a treatment for your problem, Fitzgerald will offer to pay for it. The cost doesn't matter, he will pay for anything.
🐾 For the most part, their relationship with you won't be too affected by your medical problems. BSD Cast will still treat you as their son/nephew/little brother/older brother/grandson. They will spend time with you (watching movies, reading books, playing video games, doing hobbies, etc.)
🐾 They want to make you happy. And will do everything, to achieve that.
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panda-noosh · 10 months
authors note: oh hey. enjoy!
ask me about commissions!
this is Daryl's fault.
all Daryl's fault, as most things tend to be nowadays.
this isn't the first time you've been held captive in the three years since you joined Rick's group. in fact, you get captured at least once every fortnight, but you always took it as a sign you were doing your job right; hunters cannot be hunters without a brief spell of missteps, and getting caught by the enemy is usually high on the list of scenarios that could take place. by now, you are used to it.
but this is different, because it's Daryl's fault, and that makes it ten times worse.
the rope holding your wrists together is painful, skin already red raw despite the fact you've only been tied up for an hour. Daryl tells you it will hurt less if you stopped trying to maneaveur your wrists enough to flip him off, but that doesn't stop you from continuing your attempts.
the walls are oozing condensation. it drips onto your head, slides down your nose, gets in your eyes, and it smells like damp. mould grows in the cracks in the floor. mice dart in front of you, as if boasting the fact they are free to roam and you aren't.
the worst part is, your knives are nowhere to be seen.
"i didn't even see them take them off me!" you exclaim. beside you, Daryl has barely moved. his hands and feet are tied in the same way yours are, but he's putting up no fight to get free, or even loosen them. he keeps his head down, shoulders sagging, shifting every now and then with his ragged breaths. you can't make out his expression due to the curtain of dirty brown hair shielding his face, but you would like to think his expression is one of pure guilt and sorrow for being the idiot who got you both captured in the first place.
"oi," you hiss. "a little communication would go a long way right now."
"what do you want me to say?" he bites; anyone else would back away from that tone, but you're not anyone else. you're the person put on this earth to be a pain in Daryl Dixon's ass, and that's exactly what you plan to be.
"i want a plan," you reply. "the others are expecting us back before nightfall."
"we're not getting back before nightfall."
"not with that attitude." you sigh, doing yet another pointless scan of the room - well, dungeon more like, considering the amount of rock and concrete there is. "how long has it been since they left? do you think they'll feed us?"
"we're not dogs, y/n," he grumbles. "we're hostages. chances are, next time we see them, it'll be so they can slit our throats."
"i didn't really get that vibe off them, to be honest. i know we're tied up and everything, but i think we can negotiate."
finally Daryl looks up, bloodshot eyes bored. "don't even try. things always go tits up the minute you open your mouth."
your jaw drops open. "are you serious? how can you say that when you're the one who got us into this situation in the first place?"
Daryl rolls his eyes, looking away. "i never asked you to come with me."
"yeah, well, someone has to keep you from killing yourself."
"you can keep me from killing myself, but not getting kidnapped?"
"i'm not a miracle worker."
Daryl scowls. you scowl back, even though he's not looking at you. it would be so easy some days to just punch him square in the face, but you've never let yourself get that far. at the end of the day, and as tough as it is to admit it, Daryl is the only one in the group you can properly talk to, whether he likes it or not. everyone else is too. . . flowery, too keen on sparing your feelings. they know what you've been through, and that effects everything they do when in your presence.
Daryl isn't like that, and for some reason, it feels safer to be with someone who tells you the truth, and nothing but the truth. sometimes, it feels safer to be with someone who hates your guts.
still, that doesn't mean he doesn't drive you completely mad. the way he chokes up in stressful situations, offering no help or communication - this is a life or death situation, and yet he still insists on kneeling there with his thumb up his ass. you could scream. in fact, you're so mad at his silence that you're being driven into your own silence, unable to come up with a plan when you're so angry at the idiot beside you.
he's a domino effect. a bad one. a domino avalanche.
you sigh heavily, closing your eyes, tilting your head against the concrete wall behind you. Daryl glances over, but neither of you get a chance to continue arguing - as much as you'd love to - before the rickety wooden door on the other side of the room creaks open. light spills in, blinding you, but you don't let your discomfort show. instead, you stare right into it, waiting for the face of your captor to appear, because you don't remember it all too well. they were wearing balaclavas for one, the smart bastards, but you can imagine they're young with the shabby way they've tied you up, and the complete whim of which they decided to-
"what the fuck."
two people come into view once the door is closed. their faces are lit only by the flashlights they carry, but the puny yellow light is enough to show the wrinkles indented in their leathery skin. the flashlights shake from elderly trembles, held by veiny, pockmarked hands damaged from years - years - of hard labour never soothed by retirement.
you and Daryl share a look; something isn't right. these can't be the same people who managed to pin you to the ground and tie you up.
that would be too embarrassing to even fathom.
"are you awake?"
the voice is frail but commanding.
"yes," you reply, earning a glare from Daryl that you ignore. "quite hard to sleep on concrete."
the flashlight pivots in your direction. you wince.
"right, stop blinding me, would you?"
"what's your name?"
"who's asking?" Daryl grunts.
the stranger - the male - steps closer. "the people who have the power to kill you, or let you go. i suggest you cooperate."
you stare at Daryl, hoping to God he can feel what you're trying to say through gaze alone; he needs to work with these people. they didn't come in here guns blazing, which means there is room for release if they just cooperate, but that word has never been something Daryl fully understands. right now, you need him to understand. right now, you need him to use his brain, need him to-
he spits on the concrete, right at the mans feet.
you close your eyes, resisting the urge to start cursing.
"go to hell," he growls.
the man steps back and wraps an arm around the female's waist. she curls into him, shooting daggers at Daryl as she places one hand on her husband's chest, as if protecting him from Daryl's lack of manners. you really can’t say you blame her.
“there’s no need for the hostility,” the man says. “we did what we had to do; you can’t trust anyone nowadays.”
“the wise thing would have been to leave us. kill us, even.”
“he doesn’t mean that,” you hasten to add.
daryl shoots you a glare before continuing. “instead you tie us up and bring us to your base. what good is that going to do?”
“it keeps us in control,” the female replies. “just because we want the upper hand, doesn’t mean we want you dead.”
daryl scoffs. “biggest load of horseshit i’ve ever heard.”
“do you want us to kill you? because, young man, that can easily be arranged,” the man growls.
your heart jumps in your chest; this isn’t going as smoothly as it could be going, all because daryl can’t keep his mouth shut. he’s the quietest guy in the group when he shouldn’t be, and the biggest loud mouth when he should.
your brain work at a mile a minute as daryl and the elderly couple have a stare down. it’s your first instinct to scan the room for any weaponry, but then you imagine yourself actually slaughtering this elderly couple, and your stomach twists; there has to be another way, some kind of reasoning you can find, even ground you can all agree-
your eyes land on the wedding bands on the couple’s fingers.
you don’t even fully process the next words out of your mouth, just dive head first into the ridiculous idea that has suddenly sprung to your mind. “look, i’m so sorry about my husband. he gets grumpy when he’s tired.”
daryl’s head snaps around, mouth open,ready for a retort, but you’ve stated digging the hole, and you’ll be damned if you let him ruin it now.
“i’m sure you understand, being a married couple and everything.” you laugh nervously. “we were actually just talking before you came down - we think i’s so admirable that you two have grown old together. it’s the kind of marriage we want. of course, the cards we’ve been dealt make that a little more difficult, but hope prevails.” you look at daryl and smile. “hope prevails. isn’t that what you said, dear?”
daryl only stares.
the elderly couple share a glance. if you’re not mistaken, they look almost sympathetic, and when they look back at you and daryl, their expressions have changed entirely, watered down to something you can certainly work with.
“i’m sorry,” you chuckle, waving a dismissive hand. “i always get carried away when it comes to taking about him. we’re newly weds, you see - got married just a few weeks before the news broke about. . . well, everything.”
“oh, goodness,” the female gasps, wrinkled hand covering her mouth. “you poor souls. did you at least get to have your wedding?”
“a tiny one,” you reply. “people were isolating, you see. my own mother, god rest her soul - she never made it. we had to put her down the day after.”
the woman shakes her head like this is the worst story she’s ever heard come out of the apocalypse. you glance at daryl, urging him with your eyes to play along, though you have very little hope you’ll ever get him to tart spewing bullshit marriage stories. the least he can do is stay quiet - that’s all your asking.
“we’re married, though, and we’re together,” you continue. “that’s what we’re focusing on.”
“yes, of course,” the man says. “do you . . . do you have a home to go back to?”
“a group, actually,” you reply. “we have a few young’un’s waiting for us. don’t tell anyone, but i think of them as our children now. they’re probably worried sick.”
the couple share yet another glance, and you know you’ve got them. when it comes to old married couples, the idea of a young couple mirroring their experience with marriage is always an easy fix; if you want anything, just tell them it’s because you want to end up like them, old and in love. they fall for it every time.
the woman inhales shakily, letting her hand drop to her side before she pulls a knife from a tiny sheath in her leggings; you almost whistle appreciatively at the blade, how shiny and well-kept it is, nothing like your own which have grown almost completely dull with age and overuse, and very little care on your part.
she walks over and slices the ropes from daryl’s hands, and then she steps back and waits. you blink at the scene, waiting patiently for her to make her way over to you to do the same, but she doesn’t. she just stares at daryl, lips pursed.
she’s waiting for him to make a big scene about being released.
what would a young, married man do in this situation? probably rush to his significant others side, smother them with kisses, ask them if they’re okay. daryl just rubs the raw skin on his wrists, cursing quietly under his breath, seeming almost oblivious to the audience watching him.
panic grips your chest. you have to do something before they realise something isn’t right.
“baby, you’re free!” you exclaim.
daryl’s head whips around. “huh?”
“you’re free!” you repeat. “come here, let me make sure you’re alright.”
daryl raises a brow, but he’s at least got the common sense not to say anything in the presence of your captors. slowly, he crawls over and kneels in front of you, confusion still etched on his expression. you rake your eyes over him dramatically, feigning worry; in truth, he looks to be in better form than you are, his wrists not even raw from the ropes.
“what are you-“ he begins.
“you’re okay!” you throw yourself forward, letting him catch you, and then you do the extreme part of the plan. without warning, you press your lips to his. he grunts against your mouth, eyes widening, fingers curling around your biceps, but he doesn’t pull away, and you almost sob in relief. you were fully expecting him to shove you to the floor, probably fight his way out of this dungeon and leave you for dead. instead, he goes still against you, but his lips don’t leave your own. you’re almost tempted to push your luck and stick your tongue in his mouth just to piss him off, but there’s a time and place for things like that, and it certainly isn’t here and now.
you keep the kiss short and sweet, pulling away with a smile you hope is convincing. the elderly couple are looking at you like you’ve hung the moon and the stars in the sky; apparently the kiss was all they needed, as the man walks over and finally cuts the ropes binding your wrists. the cold air against the raw skin makes you hiss in pain, but you don’t let it take you from the character you have suddenly developed. as soon as you’re free, you throw your arms around daryl’s neck and drag him in to a hug. his hands hover at the small of your back.
you turn your head and whisper in his ear, “play along, you son of a bitch. i’m trying to get us out of here alive.”
he drops his hands, wrapping you in his arms. a warmth spreads through you, an odd sense of relief tat you don’t want to acknowledge when you’re in this position with daryl dixon.
“you two get home safe,” the man says, his voice being the only thing to remind you and daryl that you can actually let go of each other now. “tell your folks we’re sorry. we didn’t mean no harm.”
you pull away from daryl. he keeps his arm around your waist, tugging you into his side like the old little actor you never knew he could be. “thank you. honestly. we appreciate this.”
daryl gives a nod, which is probably all you should expect from him.
and with a final goodbye to your captors, you walk up the stairs and into the night.
daryl doesn’t speak the whole way back to camp. you didn’t really expect him to.
nonetheless, you still try. you would hate to go back to camp with all this tense energy between you, a direct result of daryl’s inability to communicate like a regular human being.
he barrels ahead of you, letting all the branches swing back in your face. usually you would tell him to fuck off and stop being a child, but it’s obvious what happened has shocked him, and the last thing you want to do is make it worse.
maybe you shouldn’t have kissed him. maybe you shouldn’t have let things get that far. hell, you probably could have worked out some way to get free without telling lies, but in the heat of the moment, it was the only thing you could come up with.
it worked, didn’t it?
“daryl!” you holler after him. “daryl, come on. slow down.”
“keep up,” he shoots back.
“are you mad at me?”
he tugs on the ropes holding the prison gates together; in the distance, glenn stands atop one of the watchtowers, watching you like a hawk.
you grip daryl’s arm. “are you mad?”
he pulls away and glare before finally getting the gate open; he doesn’t give you a reply, instead storming off without another word, which you suppose is answer enough.
you follow him into camp, eyes cast to the floor in any attempt to hide your emotions from anyone you might come across; it doesn’t matter that you’ve been gone for hours - you don’t want to explain why daryl has marched off in a huff, because that will be the first thing they ask you. always you, like you’re tied to the man in some way.
you make your way to the canteen without seeing anyone. you slump in one of the metal chairs and finally take time to rub at the raw skin of your wrist; it burns, but the sting is familiar at this point. you could easily go another few days before having it looked at, but of course hershel has other plans.
“you’re like a bloodhound,” you say, sensing his presence in the doorway.
the click of his cane echoes. “what happened?”
“what always happens - we got in shit, got out of shit. now we’re here.”
“now you’re here.” hershel kneels in front of you, taking your wrist for examination. “where’s your other half got to?”
you wince. “don’t call him that. he’s nothing of the sort; especially not right now.”
hershel raises a brow. “no?”
you sigh, looking at the ceiling; hershel is one of those men you are able to trust with anything, the grandfather of the group after dale died. you have told him secrets, confided in him with embarrassing questions, but he has never judged you. in fact, nine times out of ten, he knows what you’re going to say before you’ve even said it. still, he expects you to make an effort, which is why he doesn’t fill in the blanks, just inspects your wrist whilst waiting for you to speak.
“it’s complicated.” your go-to statement when it comes to daryl. “we ran into some people, and we had to. . . play pretend, and i don’t think daryl appreciated it very much.” you wince, cheeks burning. “did i violate the poor guy?”
“i’ll need more details before i can answer that.”
you hesitate. “we kissed.” hershel’s head snaps up, but you’re quick to clarify. “we had to kiss. the only way we were going to get free was by pretending we’re a married couple.”
hershel blinks. “i’ve. . . never heard of that tactic before.”
“either have i, but it worked like a fucking charm.” you sigh. “only problem is-“
“daryl’s huffing.”
hershel shakes his head, muttering almost to himself. “i don’t understand that man. he makes absolutely no sense.”
“he has every right to be mad,” you say. “it took him off guard, and we all know daryl doesn’t like surprises.”
“yes, but. . .” hershel shakes his head, taking your wrist again. “never mind. i’ll have a chat with him; i want to check him over anyway.”
the days pass, and daryl continues ignoring you.
you’re very good at pretending this doesn’t bother you; the group are absolutely none the wiser, not mentioning daryl to you once. however, you refuse to be in denial - you have greatly pissed daryl off, and you don’t like it.
your hunting trips aren’t the same without him. they’re lonely, and boring, and too quiet; you never realised how often you turned to him when it was just you in the woods, and no one else, how often you leaned on him to take your mind off everything going wrong in the world. without him, these hunting trips are almost scary.
of course, it would be easy for you to approach him, just ask if he wanted to hunt, but you can’t throw your pride away like that.
so you spend the next few days trying to distract yourself from his ever-looming presence. he stands in the corner of the room during group meetings, arms folded, avoiding your gaze. the fact he finds it so easy to completely block you out is a punch to the gut, but you refuse to let it get to you.
you will not be the first one to break.
two weeks pass with no disturbances at the prison. days actually start to grow boring, a repetitive cycle of prison upkeep and hunting that drives you insane. you tell carl this as the two of you sit on the floor of the courtyard, watching the small pile of walkers cling to the gates; you and rick fixed them up yesterday, so you’re in no rush to get up.
carl scoffs at your complaint. “have we not earned a little boredom?”
“yes,” you grumble. “i knew you were going to say that. make me feel all bad and stuff.”
“I’m not trying to make you feel bad.” he shrugs. “i’m enjoying the boredom.”
“not like you.”
“keeps dad calm. can’t ask for much more than that.”
you nod. “fair enough, i suppose. fair-“
carl suddenly lurches forward, eyes narrowed. immediately your knife is in your hand and you're joining him, one hand on his shoulder, the other curled around the hilt of your knife.
you don't need to ask him what he's looking at, because you see it instantly, the one breathing being amongst the dozens of corpses clawing at the gate.
"fuck," says carl.
"watch your mouth." and then you're both on your feet, sprinting for the gates. you catch glenn's attention up in the watch tower and wave your hand above your head, signalling for him to get the others. your heart pounds with an adrenaline you haven't felt in days, you're dizzy with it, on the verge of-
you nearly trip over your own feet when you finally get a glimpse of who the person is.
the same woman who watched you kiss daryl. the same woman who took you captive and forced you into this situation.
the same woman who let you go when she could have easily slit your throat.
"carl, wait!" you grab his arm and yank him back. "i know her."
carl doesn't lower his gun, merely glances up at you with a raised brow.
you step forward, pushing him behind you. the woman meets your eyes and continues to yell, slamming her hands desperately against the wire fence; a few walkers have already noticed her, slowly peeling away from their group and making their way towards her. by the looks of things, she doesn't even have a weapon; she's come here out of pure desperation.
"what's going on?" rick hollers, sprinting down the hill with most of the group close behind. "y/n?"
"open the gates!"
"open the gates!" you demand, before thrusting your knife through the fence and into a walkers brain.
you ignore the confusion happening behind you and just hope they're following your orders. you continue to stab and yell, drawing the dead away from the terrified woman and towards you.
it doesn't take long for daryl to join you, though you aren't sure who he's doing it for. even though this woman showed you kindness, she is still the one who kidnapped you in the first place; you aren't sure if daryl would appreciate her presence near him again. and yet he takes the walkers down without hesitation, even helping glenn and rick rip the gate open, allowing the old woman in.
she's disgruntled to say the least, gasping and stumbling. she collapses at your feet, and that's where she breaks down completely. tears streak the mud caking her face, dripping into a mouth held open in absolute horror. her grey hair is matted with blood, and her husband is nowhere to be seen.
you glance at daryl, and for the first time in days, he looks back.
"someone grab her," rick orders.
"no," you bark, pushing maggie back. "can't you see she's distraught?"
"that doesn't matter," rick fires back. "we don't know who she is, how she found-
"y/n said no."
all heads turn to daryl. he meets everyone's gaze, letting them know he is not one bit intimidated before looking back at the woman. too caught up in daryl's overall presence, you hadn't even noticed the woman go silent, flicking her gaze between you and daryl like you're some kind of spectacle.
you kneel next to her. "hello again."
you and daryl decide to talk to her together. nobody else allowed in the room.
he's nervous, or furious - you don't really know which one. he paces back and forth, crossbow not leaving his hands once; rosalie stares with wide eyes, glancing at you like she expects you to do something about it.
you have a sip of your water. "you can ignore him if you want. he never really adds anything to the conversation anyway."
daryl whirls. "you know, your little jokes really aren't handy in situations like this."
"good thing i don't give a fuck-"
"no, of course not. everything's just a big game to you."
"why are you yelling? you think that's going to-"
rosalie's voice is barely a whisper, but you hear it nonetheless. she sounds so fragile, so broken - so much so that you actually feel guilty for being so hostile in front of her. you have been in this interrogation room for nearly twenty minutes, doing nothing but bicker with daryl.
"please," she repeats, not looking up. "don't fight. we don't need any more of that in this world, especially between two people who love each other."
daryl stiffens, and you wince. that's right - she thinks you and daryl are married.
you fold your arms on the metal table. "rosalie. sorry. look, you have to understand why daryl and i have been sent to talk to you. this - you showing up out of nowhere. . . it looks a little weird. we just need some answers."
"why are you here?" daryl demands.
you shoot him a glare and repeat the question, softer this time. "why are you here, rosalie?"
she sniffs, wipes her nose on her blood stained sleeve. "our base got ambushed. patrick didn't make it; they got him while he was trying to protect me." she squeezes her eyes closed. "i ran out and just. . . kept running. your prison was the first place i came across that looked like it had any sign of life." she opens her eyes again. "i didn't know it was you two. i promise i didn't."
"bullshit," daryl scoffs. "it don't matter that you just kept running. this place is in the asshole of nowhere. you couldn't have found it unless you had us followed that day."
rosalie's eyes widen, darting to you for support you can't give her. despite daryl being a known drama queen, he also has a point right now. rosalie could have ran for days, but the chances of her finding the prison without forewarning of it's whereabouts are slim.
daryl stalks over, leaning close to rosalie's terrified face. "what do you want?"
she pulls back, and you don't miss her wince when she does. "i-i don't want anything you're not willing to give. i just needed a place to rest. i'm exhausted."
"you think we should give you anything after-"
"where are you hurt?"
daryl looks down at you, that familiar glint of frustration in his gaze. it's a look you've become accostomed to, so it's easily ignored, especially when you're focused on something else. you didn't notice it at first, but the wince rosalie makes every time she moves is becoming increasingly suspicious.
rosalie stares for another few seconds, as if waiting for you to retract your question. you lean forward, pushing your knife closer with your elbow.
"i've been nice to you," you say. "and i'll continue to be nice if you tell me where you're hurt. why you're hurt."
daryl stiffens. "a bite?"
you narrow your eyes. "i don't know."
rosalie shakes her head violently, fresh tears beginning to leak down her face again. "i'm not bitten! i swear i'm not bitten!"
you grab your knife. "show us."
immediately she scrambles to her feet and yanks up the hem of her pink jumper, revealing not a bite, but what looks like a nasty burn mark. still, you and daryl have been through this before, are both well aware that there's no such thing as being too cautious when it comes to injuries. it's an unspoken routine when daryl grabs rosalie's arms and tosses you the flashlight always strapped to his belt. you catch it with ease, shining it on the throbbing, wrinkled mess on rosalie's hip.
"well?" daryl grunts.
"looks like a burn." he drops her; she lands back in her chair with a clatter.
you glare at daryl.
he plucks his flashlight from your fingers. "now what? we keeping her here or not?"
"you're letting me decide?"
daryl shrugs, but you don't miss the tiny blush rising to his cheeks, one he tries to hide by going back to his pesky pacing.
you decide to leave the teasing till later, instead turning to rosalie. "hershel will want to check her over."
"why does hershel have to know? send her out on her ass without telling him, he's gonna be none the wiser."
you raise a brow. "you're not really that evil. the tough guy act doesn't work on me." and just to add salt to the wound, you add, "we're married, remember?"
daryl scowls, but that blush only gets more pronounced. you're finding this quite fun.
"okay," you say to rosalie. "we're gonna get our medic to look you over. that burn doesn't look too good. once he's said it's alright, the group should have some idea of what to do with you."
rosalie hollows out her cheeks, slumping back. "thank you." "don't thank us yet," daryl grumbles. "we aint decided yet."
daryl lets you in his cell that night.
it's the first time in a while he's let you follow him to bed, the first time in a while you've actually wanted to. after everything that happened when you were captured, it seems almost. . . inappropriate, even though these little sleepovers have never been anything more than a platonic comfort for you both, just having someone there to exist with.
daryl doesn't invite you in or anything, simply lets you hover in the doorway as he sits crosslegged on his bed, busy sharpening an arrow.
you fold your arms, watching him. it's always jarring to see him like this - sitting still, doing something slow paced. he's the type of man you expect to always be in motion, like he might cease to exist otherwise. when he's sitting still, you can admire everything about him, and there's nothing he can do about it.
"you didn't like it, did you?"
you say it because that's really the only thing you need to say, the only elephant in the room. judging by the way he freezes, it's obvious he knows it too.
"i thought it was our only chance of getting out of there." you shrug. "you know me and my stupid ideas. i should have asked you first."
"you admitting you were wrong?"
you hold your hands up. "just 'cause the word 'sorry' melts your brain, doesn't mean it melts mine."
he glares through the tops of his eyelids, making you grin.
you step into his cell. "i'm just messing. i really am sorry."
"stop apologising," he grumbles. "fuck, it worked, didn't it? we got out alive."
"alive and wed."
he scoffs, but it's close enough to a laugh that you make your way over to his bed and take a seat. he goes back to sharpening his arrows, and suddenly it's just like old times. it was only two weeks of his silent treatment, but you still missed the evenings spent just like this, watching him work, those calloused hands so skilled in anything he puts them to. you can imagine a ring on his knobbly finger, though you aren't sure why the image sends heat racing through you.
"have you ever been in a relationship before?"
the question takes you by surprise; it's not the kind of thing daryl would ever ask about, not a topic he particularly cares about. when you look at him, he keeps his head down, tongue gliding across his bottom lip.
you shift on the bed, bringing your feet under you. "not a serious one, no. i'm better on my own, i think."
"ain't that what they all say?"
"what about you? have you ever had that special person?"
he pauses a moment too long. your heart jumps, a flood of some dark, grim feeling filling your body before you can get a hold of it.
you clap a hand over your mouth, gasping dramatically. daryl groans, lifts his head to tell you to shut up, but you need to bury this burning jealousy somehow, and the only way you can come up with is by embarrassing the shit out of daryl.
"you have, haven't you?" you grab his arm. he lets out a hiss of pain, drawing his arm back to reveal a droplet of blood welling on his finger.
you flinch back. "shit, sorry!"
daryl glares, placing his finger between his lips, and holy god, why is the room getting so stuffy? why can't you stop staring at his lips? those same lips you kissed only two weeks ago, those lips you have tasted, those lips-
"i've never been in a relationship," he grumbles, snapping you out of your daze.
"i don't believe that," you scoff. "a fine, sociable man like yourself? surely the ladies were dropping at your feet."
daryl rolls his eyes. "funny."
"seriously though. never?"
"don't act so surprised. you haven't either."
"yeah but that's. . . different. i'm . . . me."
daryl freezes, eyes snapping up to meet yours. "what's that supposed to mean?"
"well, i'm not exactly the best person to-"
"shut up y/n. you're ridiculous."
your eyebrows rise. "woah, okay. fuck you, dixon."
he just shakes his head, going back to his arrow sharpening. this is what he does, one of the many things that infuriate you about him; he will say or do something entirely out of pocket, and then go silent when you confront him on it.
but it's been years, and you're used to it by now. taking a deep breath, you try steering the conversation someplace safer. "you know if rick decides to let rosalie stay, we'll have to pretend we love each other."
he flicks his eyes up. "why do we?"
"well, she thinks we're married."
"who gives a fuck what she thinks? she's our prisoner now."
you roll your eyes, exasperated. "don't call her a prisoner. we're not tyrants, daryl."
"everyone's a tyrant."
"she came to us." you sigh. "we could just stay away from each other if you think that's easier."
his reply is quick, almost panicked. "what good will that do? married couple it is."
just to really seal the deal, you shake hands. it goes quiet after that, neither of you knowing what to say or how to proceed. still, you don't leave his cell, enjoying his presence more than you would ever willingly admit. despite him being a complete pain in the ass, he's still your closest friend in this place, the guy who knows you better than anyone. the guy who somehow managed to break down every wall you've ever put up, all whilst keeping his perfectly in tact.
rosalie is released from the infirmary and put under watch, but she is still free to roam the halls of the prison. rick decided an injured, unarmed, grieving old lady isn't much of a threat in the grand scheme of things, and you weren't going to argue. you have no problems with rosalie besides the fact you have to get uncomfortably close to daryl when she's around.
again, this isn't something that ever bothered you; once upon a time, you and daryl would spend hours with each other, out in the woods hunting, or just sitting in each other's company. however, after your last little sleepover, being in daryl's presence has become a very confusing experience, one you don't have time to face head-on. all those weird, warm feelings you felt just don't make any sense.
nonetheless, you keep up the charade when rosalie's around, because it's easier that way. even daryl agrees, which is why he sits beside you now, an arm thrown loosely over your shoulder. you can hear glenn and carl snickering behind you, but rosalie is talking, so you can't do anything about it.
she's in the middle of a story about the travels her and patrick used to embark on, how they aren't even from atlanta, but got caught there after the first wave of walkers made an appearance.
she's explaining how they didn't fret, because at least they had each other, when she turns her attention to you and daryl and says, "i'm sure you two understand. this world could really do some damage if we didn't have people we love."
daryl's grip tightens, and you purse your lips. you can appreciate rosalie's optimism, but her naivety takes the forefront; how can she say such a thing to a group of people who have lost everything, have watched their loved ones get ripped to shreds one by one? it wasn't that long ago rick lost his wife, carl his mother, you a friend.
you sniff, grabbing daryl's hand to keep your angered trembles at bay. "very true, rosie, very true."
"such a good thing that daryl and y/n have each other," glenn chimes in, amusement dripping from every word. "not so lucky for us - they can be loud when their - uh - love takes over."
carl chokes in his attempts to keep from laughing.
"oh!" rosalie gasps, abashed. "goodness, well, at least that spark is still there. i loved patrick dearly, but when you're busy surviving everyday, you don't get time to . . . you know."
"i wish you'd tell that to these two," glenn continued. "almost every night its-" and then the little bastard starts slapping his hand against the wall just to really get his point across.
you spin around and punch him right in the leg. carl bursts into laughter as glenn cries out. even rosalie laughs, a nervous little titter that tells you she doesn't want to get on your bad side.
you slump back in your seat, and daryl immediately wraps his arm back around you, tighter this time, like he needs something to hold on to or he'll lose his temper. you flick a glance his way, but he doesn't meet your eyes, jaw set and gaze straight ahead.
you turn back to rosalie, shaking your head. "ignore them."
"they're just jealous anyway," daryl pipes up. "couldn't make someone moan if they tried."
you choke and bury your head in your hands; this is not where you expected the conversation to go. around you, everyone besides daryl is doubled over in fits of laughter, a sound you would have treasured if it wasn't for the fact it's aimed at you.
you glance at daryl through a crack in your fingers. he smiles smugly, chewing casually on a toothpick. you hate that he looks so good after embarrassing you like that, putting the image of that in your head, and now you feel all warm and gooey, like you might melt straight into his arms.
rosalie excuses herself to help maggie and hershel with dinner, and glenn and carl follow suit shortly after. you dislodge from under daryl's arm, ignoring the way you instantly crave the weight of him again.
"didn't realise you had such a sense of humour," you say, plucking your shoes from the floor. "good job by the way; arm over my shoulder and everything. you're really sticking to the character."
he shrugs. "might as well have fun with it."
"watching you get all flustered?" he trails his eyes down your body, back up again in a slow, almost sensual way. "my idea of fun."
you blink. he stares right back, and the thing is, he isn't even doing anything he wouldn't normally do. the man is just sitting there, waiting for you to reply to his teasing remark, but there's been something in the air these past few days, finally coming to immobilise you for good. you can't even keep the eye contact as heat crawls up your back.
"right," you mumble, looking away. "that's all good then. glad we got that over with. i'll see you later."
he lifts his hand in an amused little wave, ending the conversation and allowing you to scramble from the room.
"you were stomping too loudly the entire time. no wonder we didn't get anything."
"if anyone was being too loud, it was you."
"bullshit, daryl. i would have had that rabbit if you hadn't-"
daryl shoves past you, storming towards the prison. you grit your teeth and follow close behind, desperately trying to keep calm. another unsuccessful hunting trip, and daryl is clearly losing his patience - still, he doesn't have to take it out on you, and you're not going to let him.
"you can be such a child, you know," you call after him. "there's still plenty of food in the kitchen, so you don't need to be throwing all your fucking toys out of the pram."
"oh, shut up!" he exclaims. "all your smart little remarks ain't helping!"
"i'm not saying them to help, i'm saying them 'cause you're being a fussy little-"
he whirls around and pushes you against a tree.
you gasp, but the noise comes out weak and choked by the fingers gently tracing a line along the column of your throat. daryl presses his knee between your legs, all but holding you up at this point, because suddenly he is so close you can see the tiny green specks in his blue eyes. you have half a mind to shove him away, tell him to go to hell, but the words fail you when he drops his forehead to yours like it's the most normal thing in the world.
you swallow thickly. "w-what are you-"
"no more yelling at me," he says quietly. "rosalie is standing at the gate."
you go to turn your head, but daryl catches your chin, keeping your gaze pinned to his.
"don't look over," he orders. "that'll be too obvious."
without another word, he trails his fingers down your throat, hooking them in the neckline of your shirt. you rise on your toes, you can't help it. you've never had him so close to you before, never had the opportunity to crave this proximity so much, but there is a fire lit in your stomach right now that is impossible to ignore.
"y/n," he croaks, sounding just as desperate as you feel.
"daryl," you manage. "i-is she still looking?"
he nods without looking over, but you take his word for it, because you don't want the moment to end just yet.
you watch the movement of his eyes, the way they slowly slip to your lips, lingering there. he wets his own lips with a swipe of his tongue, throat bobbing, and suddenly this isn't a performance. suddenly you are overcome with the urge to grab him, drag him into you, audience or not.
you have the strange, impossible feeling that he might want the same thing.
but that doesn't make sense, because daryl doesn't like you in that way. from day one, his boundaries have been clear when it comes to you - you're his hunting partner, someone kept around to make life a little easier, his pain in the ass. not once has he ever expressed feelings for you. not to your face. not like this.
his hands fall away from your throat like leaves tumbling off a branch. your breath escapes you in a rush as you wait for him to step away, but he does no such thing; his hands find your waist, and he oh-so-gently nudges your hips back against the tree.
"y-you're taking this roll very seriously," you manage.
he huffs a laugh, breath fanning your face. his eyes slip closed. "right."
you cup his cheeks. "hey, open those eyes or she'll think we're breaking up."
he looks at you then, the eye contact more intense than it has ever been before. daryl isn't an emotional person, but he could fool anyone with the gaze he levels on you, like you're the only person in the whole world.
you draw back, hand still holding his face. "hey. what's wrong?"
but his answer is too quick, too orchestrated.
you furrow your brows and finally risk a glance at the prison gates; rosalie is nowhere to be found.
"coast is clear."
daryls eyes snap over, and he immediately stumbles away. "right. good. let's get back."
you watch him leave, legs still too weak to follow. he runs a hand through his brown hair, tugging on the strands, a complete demeanour change that leaves you stunned. you don't want to acknowledge your racing heartbeat, but it's difficult to ignore when it is so all consuming, so confusing.
you have to take a few calming breaths before heading to the prison. you duck under the gap daryl made in the fence and head to the canteen, desperate for a distraction. you think you've managed to sneak past the group until you actually enter the canteen to see hershel sitting at a table, all on his own. you have half a mind to walk away, avoid any conversation, but then you remember this is hershel.
"need company?" you ask, sitting across from him.
he looks up with a smile, though that expression is quickly replaced by furrowed brows and a frown. "what's wrong with you?"
you don't meet his eyes. "what do you mean?"
"you look like you've ran five miles."
"i don't know what you're talking about."
he lowers his head in an attempt to get a better look at your face. you do everything to hide away, but you should know better when it comes to hershel greene - nothing gets past him.
he slowly leans back, having clearly inspected your flushed cheeks and frazzled hair enough to make his own conclusions. "oh."
"don't start," you grumble.
"you know i hate gossip, but could you explain. . ."
you chew your bottom lip, twisting the ring on your finger. "just. . . daryl. rosalie was at the gate, so we had to keep up appearances, obviously. he's just. . . really good at his role. got me a little flustered, that's all."
hershel is silent for a beat too long. you risk a glance up and catch his sceptical eyes, all furrowed brows and a frown so deep you think you may have accidentally hurt his feelings somehow.
"what?" you ask.
"rosalie was nowhere near the gate."
you pause. "huh? yes she was. daryl-"
"rosalie's arthritis had a flare up this morning; she's been out cold all day. hasn't even left her cell."
your heart stops, because surely that isn't right. daryl wouldn't have gone anywhere near you if rosalie wasn't watching. you were having an argument, for crying out loud, and lord knows the only way daryl settles an argument is by blanking you, not pinning you against a tree and making your insides turn to complete sludge.
you go to tell hershel this, but the words die the moment you see the amused little smirk pulling across his face.
"what?" you spit.
"is it not so obvious?"
you know exactly what he's referring to, but you refuse to acknowledge it. "clearly not."
hershel chuckles. "my dear, that man is head over heels for you."
please don't.
"that's not true."
"you don't believe me?"
"it's not like that with me and daryl. we're hunting partners at best." you don't mention the way your heart races when he's around, the way you aren't comfortable with anyone in the same way you are with him, the way you would call him your best friend.
hershel tilts his head, but you can't meet his eyes. that would give too much away.
"y/n," he says softly. "come on now."
"you're looking too deep into things."
"i would agree if daryl hadn't confessed his feelings to me personally."
you open your mouth to shoot back a reply, but again, the words die the minute you process what hershel has just said. a confession from daryl? daryl dixon talking about his feelings? the idea is so bizarre you nearly start laughing, but the shock has left you almost immobile, so all you can do is blink, waiting for hershel to get to the punchline. he stares back, not a trace of humour on his face.
realistically, you know this isn't something hershel would joke about, but you can't bring yourself to accept any other possibility. it doesn't make any sense. it doesn't fit in the puzzle that is you and daryl.
"he. . ." you shake your head. "what did he say?"
"will you believe me if i tell you?"
"what did he say, hershel?"
"that he thinks he's in love with you, and it scares him." a soft smile graces his lips. "that's why i was so confused when he reacted the way he did to you kissing him. i would have thought he would be over the moon." "but that's. . . why wouldn't he just tell me?"
hershel scoffs. "when has daryl ever made his own life easier?"
you close your eyes, letting your head fall into your hands. "holy fuck."
"rosalie was nowhere near those gates today, my dear. i can promise you that."
you stand before you can think better of it. you are suddenly overcome with the need to see him, to look him in the eyes and hear this confession for yourself. you don't care that he'll be put on the spot, that his anxiety will probably morph him into a hostile beast. you need the truth, because going one more day without it might just drive you mad.
hershel doesn't even try to stop you. you storm out of the canteen and make a b-line for daryl's cell, pushing past a confused rick and carl on the way.
of course, daryl is laying on his bunk, crossbow held over his face as he inspects the weapons underbelly. he looks over when you storm inside, opens his mouth to no doubt yell at you, but he doesn't get the chance as you grab his crossbow and chuck it onto the floor.
"do you love me?"
the colour drains from his face in an instant. it is answer enough, so answer enough, and you nearly crumble under the weight of it. part of you wants to kiss him, another part of you wants to yell at him for making all of this so complicated, for denying himself something good just because he's less in tune with emotions than the corpses walking around.
you trail your hands through your hair. "oh, daryl. . ."
"did that old fuck tell you?" he sits up. "i swear to-"
you push him back onto the bed. "don't you dare start on hershel. you wanna know where rosalie's been all day? nowhere near those fucking gates, that's for sure." daryl looks away, but you're not playing games any more, not when your heart is beating so fast, and you don't know if it's out of anger, or excitement, or dread, or all of the above. you just need things to be straight forward from here on out. you just need the truth.
"daryl, what was that?" you demand. "why . . . why would you play along instead of just telling me the truth?"
"it's a lot harder than that," he grumbles.
"how long?"
he narrows his eyes. "huh?"
"tell me how long you've felt this way. since i kissed you?"
he scoffs like the suggestion is ridiculous.
you raise a brow. "before?"
"a long time before," he replies. "that's why the kiss. . . freaked me out so much. i ain't used to that shit. especially not with someone. . ."
you pause. "someone you love."
he squeezes his eyes closed. "it's so fucking stupid. hershel should have kept his goddamn mouth shut."
"rosalie's on bed rest. i would have found out eventually." you take a step closer and reach for his hand. he stares for a moment before slipping his hand in your own; his fingers are rough, yet the minute he intertwines them with yours, you realise you never want him to let go. "it's nothing to be intimidated by. it's not stupid."
"it is stupid. it should be the last thing on my mind. the dead are up and walking, but all i can fucking think about is you. it's always just you." he shakes his head, grip tightening the smallest bit. "i'm caught in a hoard and all i can think about is where you are, if you're safe or not. do you know how fucked that is? how in my head you are?" he scoffs in disbelief, tilting his head back. "christ, and you don't even try. you never have tried; you just managed to completely take me down without a care in the fucking world." he rakes his hands down his face, groans into his palms. "i should hate you for it."
"but you don't."
he drops his hands into his lap, dejected. "no. no, i really don't."
he looks up at you then, expectant, like a child waiting for their next task. you can only stare back at him, because there isn't an awful lot a person can say after an admission like that. you wish you could reply with something coherent, something that would get your own feelings across, but for the first time in history, daryl has articulated your emotions for you. every experience he so heart-wrenchingly described is one you have experienced yourself, so there's nothing you can add.
so instead, you guide his hand to your waist and let him draw you in. he's hesitant at first, never taking his eyes off you as you step between his knees and take his face in your hands. for a man so muscular, his cheeks are soft and round, a feature you've always found so amusing and appealing at the same time.
he inhales shakily. "you're still a pain in my ass."
"but you love me."
he scowls, but there is no denial.
you grin, and finally your mind clears enough for you to kiss him. for real this time.
he stiffens for just a moment before easing into it, grip tightening on your waist to pull you closer. you slide your hands over his shoulders, deepening the kiss, feeling his body against your own. you taste the cigarettes on his tongue, a flavour so perfectly him that it doesn't even gross you out. your nails bite into his back, forcing a growl from his throat that nearly has your eyes rolling into the back of your head with how desperate it leaves you.
that's how you know it's time to pull away.
he chases your lips, hands never leaving your waist even when you gently push him back. he groans, pressing his head to your stomach as he says, "why'd you stop?"
breathless, you reply, "it's the middle of the day, daryl, and these cells aren't exactly private."
"so? as far as everyone knows, we're a married couple." his hands slip lower, making you gasp. "and according to glenn, we're known for being loud anyway."
you swallow thickly. the only response you can give is another kiss, only this time you do let your eyes roll into the back of your head.
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sirfrogsworth · 2 years
The Decision
Taking care of my dad has been challenging but probably the most rewarding thing I've ever done. In the past year I've had to push myself beyond my limits, beyond my illness, and do everything I could to make sure my dad was comfortable as his body slowly failed him.
I hadn't driven in over a decade, but he needed to get to dialysis so I took the entire driving test like a teenager in order to get my license again. I had to move out of my cozy basement command center and upstairs into the light. I hate the light. Much too bright. Since then we have been spending almost every second of every day together. This causes us to get on each others' nerves on occasion. But most of the time we are happy to have each others' company.
My job is mostly supervision and problem solving. I watch him to make sure he doesn't fall. But if he did fall, I needed a way to get him back up. So I found an electric chair lift. I just scoot his butt on and raise him back up. If he had a medical problem, I would figure out which doctor could help him. If his feet were cold, I would find battery-powered heated slippers to keep his toes toasty. Our house is filled with little solutions I found to make him as comfortable and safe as possible.
If he needs help with anything I am always right there to assist. It's usually little things, but for him, sometimes little things can be impossible things.
I was proud to do this and I believe it brought us closer than we have ever been.
Wednesday morning the surgery team came to visit my dad and look at his foot. They told me they cannot save the foot. My dad would need a below-the-knee amputation. This would require two months of grueling, painful rehab. Then another month or two for him to adjust to a prosthetic leg. Which he may not be able to tolerate with his balance issues.
Then the lung doctor came in. He said my dad's breathing could improve, but probably not to a comfortable degree. He explained with my dad's congestive heart failure getting worse, he is probably looking at another six months to a year of life, but only if everything with the amputation goes well.
I asked the lung doctor if this was all worth it. Four months of painful recovery from amputation just to live another two months? He said a reasonable person could decide it is worth it. That some people want to squeeze every second out of life. But another reasonable person might decide that quality of life is more important than length of life.
My dad has been unhappy with his health struggles for a while now. Dialysis is just awful. He sits in a chair for four hours, three times per week, and comes home absolutely wiped out. He sleeps for two to three hours and then feels miserable the rest of the night. Sometimes he will recover from the dialysis and then it is time to get more dialysis. Sundays were his only real day of rest because he had an extra day of recovery time.
He has breathing difficulties and they are getting worse. He can't take deep breaths so his lungs keep filling with CO2. The CO2 exacerbates his delirium and confusion. He has to wear an uncomfortable BiPAP breathing mask for hours to get rid of the CO2. Once the CO2 is blown off, he switches to high flow oxygen in his nose. The CO2 builds up again... back to the BiPAP. It has become a vicious cycle.
He is constantly trying to right his balance when he walks. He has arthritis pain that never stops. And because his circulation is so bad, his extremities are always either tingling or stinging him with neuropathy pain. Those heated slippers were his only refuge.
His depression is obvious. He curses at every little inconvenience. Every dropped pill due to his hands not working. Every time he bumps into the wall with his walker. Every time he fails to stand up, having to try multiple times. Everything frustrates him.
He hates being tethered to oxygen. He feels trapped in a 50 foot radius. He constantly wishes for nothing more than to go outside and take his riding mower for a spin.
I try to entertain him with new movies and TV shows, but he has trouble concentrating on new things. Sometimes he prefers just to watch his NCIS shows that he has seen many times. That way he won't get frustrated if he falls asleep and misses the ending.
And... he lost his wife.
He has had to exist without her for a year now and he sometimes forgets she is gone. He'll call out to her and she won't respond. He'll think she is still lying next to him in bed only to discover it is the pillow supporting his back. I think when she died a part of himself died as well. He lost a huge reason to keep fighting.
And since he has been back in the hospital, his delirium and confusion have returned. He is more lucid in the mornings after sleeping. But the exhaustion from not getting enough sleep, dialysis, his foot infection and pain, the drugs, the constant in-and-out of people checking on him... it's just too much. His brain cannot function without restful sleep. So he ends up hallucinating and losing the ability to communicate.
There just does not seem to be a path forward where he could have a comfortable quality of life.
In the height of his foot pain he has exclaimed many times "I WANT TO DIE." And while I know part of that was due to his misery and frustration and pain in that moment... I think that exclamation contained his unfiltered wishes.
He was lucid Wednesday morning and we had a good conversation. He did not want to endure months of recovery and rehab. He did not want the pain of losing a leg. He did not want to fight for every breath. He did not want to lose access to clear thoughts on a regular basis. And he did not want to continue on without the love of his life.
There is this selfish part of me that wanted to convince him to keep fighting. He is my best friend. He is the greatest father I could ask for. Taking care of him this past year has given me great purpose. It has been an honor to help take care of him--as he had done for me all of my life.
Lately, he has had trouble getting into bed and covering himself up. So I have been tucking him in every night just like he did for me when I was little. First I have to arrange his pillows just right. One between his legs and one for him to hug. I put on his toasty slippers to keep his feet warm. I pull the covers up, give him a hug, tell him I love him, and say goodnight. Then I ask his Alexa speaker to play Billy Joel for him to fall asleep to. And I love doing that for him. I feel happy that we got through another day.
Whenever I am alone in our house, I miss him. I have never been in an empty house. It just feels wrong. And I'm not sure I am ready to adjust to that reality.
I want to watch another season of Cardinal's baseball with him. He loves The Mandalorian so much and I want to watch the new episodes with him. I downloaded every John Wayne movie, and even though I don't always care for those films, I like seeing him smile as he watches The Duke get into trouble.
I don't want to lose both of my parents in the span of a year.
And, well, I also don't want to lose the house. I don't want to live on my own. I don't want to worry about not having enough money to live. These are just things I can't help worrying about. And I feel guilty for worrying about myself during this time.
I have all of these reasons to want him to continue on. And I bet if I asked him to keep trying, he would do that for me. He would continue suffering and struggling for me. Because there has never been a time in his life that he would not do *anything* for his sons.
That's just who he is.
But I know I have to filter those feelings and reasons out. I know I can't ask my father to endure any more pain and misery because I fear being alone. He has always done what is best for me, and now I need to return the favor.
He has lived a long life. He had a wife that he loved. He had two sons that he raised and instilled his values in. He has a beautiful legacy that will live on in us.
He has nothing left to accomplish in this world.
He told me he wanted an out but he didn't know how to go about it. But I did. And I had to fight the urge to keep it to myself. I did not want to tell my father how to end his life. And telling him almost felt like I was personally killing him.
Thursday morning his favorite doctor is going to come speak to us. She is his kidney doctor. She is going to explain the process of stopping dialysis. With palliative care, it can be a relatively painless exit. Over a few weeks his kidneys will fail to filter out toxins. They will build up in his system. And eventually he will fade to black.
My mother had a horrible, painful, lonely death. Her final words were over a telephone because of COVID restrictions. The last time I saw her was across the ICU through a glass window.
Thankfully, my dad will be able to go out on his own terms.
He will be comfortable and surrounded by loved ones.
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rollup2theparty · 7 months
—₊˚⊹♡ round & round! eunseok
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❦ cold and aloof, it drives you nearly insane how difficult this man is to read. your blood boils at the thought of him, yet you seem to encounter his impeccable being in every spot of your mind. by some twist of fate, the two of you find yourselves trapped behind the locked doors after hours with nothing but fragile silence and a lot hanging at the tip of your tongue.
౨ৎ HIGHSCHOOL AU (fem!reader x s.eunseok)
⟡ enemies to lovers / mutual pining / forced proximity
⚠︎ minor angst / sfw
notes!! y/n is slightly embarrassing forgive me but she has it together i promise (NOT PROOFREAD YET)
cold and aloof, it drives you nearly insane how difficult this man is to read. from snoring through class or absent-mindedly staring out the classroom window, as the reigning rank 5 and class president you cant seem to figure out how this privileged jerk seems to not have a single care in the world despite being 4th from the bottom. his desks and lockers overflowed with snacks and flirty post it notes from his many admirers, and he doesn't seem to care. not like you were unpopular yourself, you never let the admiration get to your head but he? he's an inhospitable, cold blooded pain in the ass who conveniently has a face sculpted by the Gods. a face you find yourself thinking about a lot before you go to sleep (angrily, of course). he is a glass half empty person with a muted demeanor and you always thought of yourself as a person with a lot of love to give. really there is no better combination in the face of this earth. your hands are itchy with the urge to poke at him until his face explodes, or do basically anything to see him show emotions for once but your pride reprimands you to sit still.
the 6pm rush hour trip could give anyone a stroke, thats why you avoid it at all costs (its totally not because you know eunseok rides the 730pm bus after his basketball practice). your day starts and ends with his figure, a few seats in front of you on the 0119. how "unlucky" do you have to be to be stuck on the same commute to and from school daily? oh the disdain for his unchanging figure. every single day without fail, he sits next to a window with two wired earphones plugged in each ear, head off into space. a brawl could ensue and he would still be seated there, perfect unmoved. like being pulled in with a magnet, your pupils could never seem to wander elsewhere, even when foxy shy freshmen giggle as they hand out their phones in hopes of a connection. how can you erase this blurring unwanted regard when he haunts your every breath? your blood boils at the thought of him, yet you seem to encounter his impeccable being in every spot of your mind. sometimes you wished the bus would crash into a pole, maybe that'll stop you from thinking.
friday mornings always caused your heart rate to fluctuate, it flutters with the thought of a weekend of glory ahead of you. but today its beating hard for a different reason. you scan each passenger a multitude of times, yet you can't see the sight of him. he's a no show. your brain scrambles for possible explanations, 'his parents gave him a ride? he got up late? he's home with a fever? gasp he's on his death bed?? no, he moved halfway across the country to be with his secret lover?? god no'. manually, you shut down your brain's intrusive notions and instead you force out a sigh of relief. yeah, maybe this is a blessing in disguise. the school festival was coming up and as a proud student council member, you had a lot to prepare for and everything would be made easier without a constant mind interference.
"attention, all students are expected to be dismissed by 530pm due to the forecast of tonight's upcoming thunderstorm, expect school doors to be locked by 6." the muffled voice over the intercom sends the classroom into a frenzy but everything other than your half done event proposal was mere white noise. your were ambitious by nature and by the work of some deity, today your mind was on focus mode, not even the clutter of joy behind you could get you to lift your head from the word file on your laptop. you were invincible, typing in the speed of light. you were at an intellectual high only to be washed down low with a light tap on your desk. breath halting, you were ready to give the coarse, senseless dimwit a good mouth beating until you lock eyes with his.
"y/n. im late, please hand this to our homeroom teacher." his voice departs from his lips in a monotone as he places his tardy slip on your desk.
"me?" you ask, almost hopeful.
"admin staff said to give it to the class president."
"oh! yes of course, i'll hand it to mr lee during recess, if thats okay with you. do you need anything-"
"thanks." frigidly, eunseok halts your ramble with a flat bread smile and a close up view of his back as he walks away.
no this isn't the first time he talked to you. he apologized once when he accidentally poked you with his umbrella at the bus stop, and another time when water bottle made you trip during recess. he remained reticent even when he bumped into your shoulder in the cafeteria, only offering a slight dip in his head as an apology. granted he doesn't actually speak to anyone beside his friend group, today marks the third.
oh you were in a constant bind, like a swing that tumbled from one side on another with the passing wind. do you like him? do you hate him? you two barely spoke, barely interacted but he called you by name. 'y/n'. oh you're aware you sound borderline delusional and psychotic but the ring of your name will forever be intimate. no one, not even your subject teachers or closest friends ever refer to you by 'y/n'. it had always been 'class president', nothing more nothing less. you've been crowned as the classroom's leader since elementary school, at this point there should be a ceremonial plague with your name engraved on it, thats how often you had the throne. people say the main thing that ties a human to their identity is their birth name, well this position is yours. you hear the title more than anything else, at one point you wonder if that should be what would be written on your headstone. so why does your name sound so natural when it rolls of his tongue?
your mind was balancing on a rather precarious tipping point when a reality check crashes onto you. every second you spend on this superficial distress is a second wasted. you were sitting there mouth agape, fighting a dilemma you didn't physically have, over some guy who barely acknowledged your existence when mid year examinations are soon and the school festival counts on your ability to drive it to success. you are a standalone piece, confident and able. a crush? unrequited love? some things are just so minuscule in this great world of troubles. you drag yourself back to earth by the hair and untangle your bundle of thoughts, you had to focus on what was important.
by lunch time, you were a changed man.
“hey, did mr lee get my slip?” he questioned as you crouch by your decorated locker at the far corner of the room. without missing a beat, you nod soullessly and wander back to your seat. but not before you look into his eyes. there was something more than an empty stare, yet you wasted no time jumping into conclusions. you could no longer drown yourself in an pool of wishful thinking
not even a split second after the ring of the dismissal bell and you were out of your seat, making a bee line through the chorus and chaos of the narrow hallway. the pop up notice declaring your impending doom gave you adrenaline like no other. '5%', the glaring red battery symbol taunted you to break into a sprint. your campus was the size of a local mall but the only decent place with electrical sockets was the desolate east wing library. does this make any sense? absolutely not. even while bolting, you make time to write up a mental note to file an official complaint to the office.
you shut the unnecessarily heavy door behind you and in the nick of time you manage to breathe life back into your computer. with 30 minutes on the clock, you knew you could finish up the paper in 20, giving you a perfect 10 to pack up and leave before they lock up. your epiphany of plans is interrupted by a trickle of footsteps and the bump of a book to its spot on a bookshelf. you were never one to believe in ghosts but then and there your heart was tied up into a knot. maybe all the tales told by the bonfire last camp season finally got to you. your skittish hello echoed through the airtight room to no avail. would this be a life changing episode about your first ever encounter with a ghostly apparition? while it would make for a good application story, you silently beg with your life for any possible logical explanation.
from shelf to shelf, you tiptoe across with your breath held tight. 3/4 your way into the room, you manage to convince yourself it was nothing but the sound of the rumbling, worn out and abused air conditioner. yet you don't stop checking (for good measure). as the tip of your toes hits the floor of the final shelf, you feel the fear finally catch up to you, it was as if the room is closing in, you feel the motion in your gut as the world around you spins in a blur and like clockwork, the lights turn off. in an instant, the blurry pandemonium crashes into a black purgatory of nothingness.
a rock is now permanently lodged in your throat and you struggle to swallow the saliva that has run dry. you scream as if an invisible knife sliced your heart open and your mouth goes numb. the muscles holding up your limbs are forced to halt and you fall to your knees. you swear if anything else happens, you would melt together with the ground to form nothing but a puked up puddle of a mess. together with the prerequisite drizzle to the forewarned rain, a tap to your shoulder almost sent you running for the heavens.
"y/n?" there it was, again. the same word, the same intonation of voice. the arms that wrapped around your knees as you crouched fell back and you finally muster up the courage to look up.
this was all either a figment of your hallucination or that by some twist of fate, eunseok was standing over you. somehow, through a series of (un)fortunate events, you came to a quick conclusion that the latter was true. hesitantly, you pull yourself together and got up to your feet with the help of his offering hand. it seems that even in a situation like this, your heart can't help but flutter at thought of his touch. your dedication to a love life of abstinence down the drain just like that.
you only manage to mutter a subdued "thank you" before rushing to the door for some air. you've studied there enough times to know the door is a pull not a push, but no matter how hard you tug on the handle, the obnoxiously large gateway just wouldn't budge. your heart pounds against the safeguard of your chest as you feel the hot air of his steady breath on the crown of your head. he approaches your side only to be greeted with the same futile attempt over a shut door. they must have locked up early unbeknownst to the both of you when you lost your mind over a pseudo shadow encounter.
sometimes life throws out a wild card and traps you behind the locked doors of the school library after hours. no amount of knocking, yelling or pulling on the shut knob of the oak door could save you from this ticklish torture. with the gush of the pouring rain interfering with cell service, your sanguine shot at dialing any number on your phone also lets you down. you flounder to the ground with your back against the wall, your energy depleted and your hope ran slim.
"we'll have to wait until the morning staff clocks in in the morning." to your disbelief, he broke the fragile silence.
eunseok took the spot across from you with his back against a collection of encyclopedias. you briefly message your parents in hopes that the signal would come through when the shower starts to fade. out of his black nike heritage backpack, he pulls out two bottles of peach soda and an uneaten sandwich only to tear into halves, mindlessly offering you each a piece. does he not know how staggering each and every one of his moves make you?
"the gs25 egg sandwiches and this sparkling drink are my all time favorites, thank you" you chirp, in effort to kill the stuffy air.
"i know, i got it in the convenient store across from our station" he muttered, unthinking.
his brazen declaration made you choke, your esophagus begs to breathe as a piece of toast hinds its entrance. your brain instantaneously flashes back to the plastic bottle that would sit on the right corner of your desk after recess. you always assumed it was an underclassmen braving declaring their interest but now you've come to realize that you have never expressed your interest in it anywhere else other than during the long waits at your bus stop.
whatever bit of rationale left in you begs you to not get ahead of yourself. you, however, takes it as a green light to make conversation.
"hey, do you know what major you're choosing for college counseling?"
"child psychology." eunseok's answer startles you. you were guessing finance or accounting, something to match his logical disposition.
"but my grades are unsteady so im unsure." he says in passing.
"let me tutor you." you offer with vigor and he nods near automatically, you were almost sure you could see him fight a smile.
"we take the same bus home, we can review a bit on our way back. only if you would like to of course, i can come up with a learning plan."
he beats his reddish flush to speak, "can we start right now? we have time to kill." you softly tap the space next to you twice and he gets up before you even finish the first.
the two of you have never been in such close proximity of each other. you have always been in his orbit, but it was never enough to make contact. if eunseok was the unwavering earth and you were the persevering moon.
you learn that he's been there since free period, tasked to set up the new influx of books as a punishment for being tardy. you also learn that he couldn't make it on time because his white poodle, charlie, required immediate veterinarian attention after hurling all night. in the world filled with phony personalities and kids doomed to mediocrity, your heart fluttered at the thought of someone with genuine, authentic convictions. you revise literature devices and math formulas for hours, nonetheless his eyes never lost focus. your unimpeded voice brought him more clarity than any high paying academy ever could.
the storm reaches an all time high as the clock strikes midnight, you can't help but stretch out your limbs in exhaustion as your body dozes off to sleep. but who were you kidding? despite the physical need to shut your eyes, your brain could only beg to stay still.
a shift.
you could hear a soft shuffle but you wouldn't dare open your eyes. all you could do was sense his body moving closer to yours. his hands reaches out to delicately push your head to rest on his shoulders.
you hitch in breathing.
if only humans could communicate through telepathy, or you were mythically born with a divine skill to read minds. maybe then you would finally see how smitten he was all this time. only then would you know how he kicked his blanket, restless with apology when the point tip of his umbrella pricked your skin, or how he stopped bringing his litre tumbler, afraid you would fall, or how he fought his anxious silence only to miss the chance to express his sorry when his shoulder grazed yours in the dining hall. you were so preoccupied with thoughts of your own, you never noticed his nervous tick of biting the inner corners of cheek as he gives himself a peptalk to finally call out your name.
"thank you, for giving me a chance." his whispers only for himself to hear. despite your desires and inhibition, you reluctantly fall into a slumber, with a inkling feeling this conversation won't be your last.
by the time the sun makes it's daily appearance, his frosty demeanor fades and you awake to his blazer as a blanket for your knees and a newfound tenderness for one another.
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lorablackmane · 7 months
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It's time for ghosts y'all!! I wanted to make this post once I finished a chapter or 2 of my AU's fic, but I've talked about these lil fuckers so much w/ Teal in the past month I figured it might be best to make a post b4 that so ppl aren't confused in the future.
The premise of this AU is after the night after the King is defeated, everyone is celebrating! ...Until odd things start to appear in the House. A giant bloodsplatter in the Death Corridor and a trail of blood leading from it to the King's room. A shattered shelf and knocked over pot missing it's contents in the kitchen. A frozen body near the storage room.
One by one, ghosts created from the breaking points of Siffrin's wish start to appear, and they're here to stay! For better... or for worse.
Below is how each ghost was made, their wishcraft's scent (I put too much thought into this info so I'm adding it), and a bit about them!
(Cw for the ghost's stories below: death, suicide, allergy attack)
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The Stoned - Created in Act 1 - Smells like Copper and Sugar
(This one will get a proper ref later bc this doesn't fully capture him)
Despite their looks, The Stoned is the calmest out of all of them, even though their death was one of the most painful. It happened so quickly and also messed up enough that the Wishcraft couldn't fix most of their body after the boulder disappears... so he can't feel pain anymore. He can't really feel much honestly there's... there isn't many nerves to feel with anymore. The additional lack of bones is a detriment to their ability to move, making them have to crawl around and continuously shift so they won't lose their balance until they get items like crutches and a wheelchair to help.
The Stoned doesn't know the horrors of the House and so are innocent in a way even Bonnie isn't. They never even it made it to the second half of the first floor! So a lot of the things the others talk about fly over their head. The others don't leave them out of talks about the House though! ...Not that the Stoned... really speaks - but it's the thought that counts!! They have their buddy to speak for them, anyway.
Just like how Loop's Wishcraft made their body unique, each ghost has their own lil quirk due to the Wishcraft that powers their bodies. The Stoned has the oddest one: due to their lack of most their bones their body is almost completely powered by Wishcraft that is activated by the air he breathes in. Because of this, he can actually almost flatten himself by releasing all the air inside themself, and will stay that way until he breathes back in. He can't move like that, but it does sometimes come in handy - by releasing some instead of all the air they can make themself slightly more compact to get into tight places!
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The Silent - Created in Act 2 - Smells like Saltwater Taffy
The Silent is a fearful one, they remember the pain the House offers but cannot feel it. They only truly remember up to Bonnie accidentally pushing them, however they know so much more. Each time Siffrin touched a tear he gave them the memories of that run, but to the Silent it was less like a memory and more like watching a play. Detached from themself... yet the fear is there. They aren't like Stone who only remembers his death, they know the blessing was a curse wrapped in a pretty bow and the thought that what they see is only a fragment of the loops Siffrin went through... it makes them retreat into themself, especially bc they see their existence as unneeded bc well... Siffrin already exists. They don't need another to bother them.
It's much easier to stay put, to let them become one with the House as the tears intended. They don't need to breathe, to eat, or anything really so it's quite easy for them to do so! For them to just... exist. Hiding in plain sight, like the books hidden on shelves of the House written in their mother tongue. So this is where they stay, until one day maybe people can hear them speak once more. They do occasionally move, mostly when they hear that the Housemaiden's need the area they're in, but only when they're certain no one is looking.
When it comes to fight, flight, or freeze they choose freeze every time... which isn't helped by the quirk of their body's Wishcraft. The Silent can freeze anything up to the size of a medium bowl if they hold it for long enough. The Unseen will sometimes use this to pull pranks on people who upset them, stealing their umbrellas and placing them in The Silent's hold. They find this very petty... but they don't like moving bc a Housemaiden might see them and it is funny so they don't stop the two from doing so.
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The Unseen(Left) - Created in Act 3 - Smells like Candied Pineapples
The left one is similar in personality to the Stoned as when they were created Siffrin knews that something was wrong, but still had hope that things were okay. They are an odd one: they see their accidental death as nothing in the grand scheme of things considering how many deaths already happened before them. If anything, he sees his death as a vital piece of showing their love to their family oddly enough! His memory is spotty, but the answer to Bonnie's question is forever engraved upon their skin so none of them will ever forget (even if most cannot see them anymore except outta the corner of their eye). There is a great sorrow in them though, after meeting their counterpart and discovering that there was so much pain afterwards - that like them this fact is engraved into their counterpart... but they'll stay with them, and maybe... they can bring some joy back to the right.
They help keep their counterpart's pranks in check, as unlike the right left remembers how fragile people are and doesn't see them as actors or dolls. Most of the pranks they plan are leaving lil letters with terrible puns around the House. Like you go into the bathroom, there's a letter tied to the handle of the sink. You open it and it says something like, "water you doin, handsome?" Stupid stuff like that, that makes them feel like the funnyjokespunperson they were before everything. A way to reclaim what the loops took from them both.
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The Lonely - Created in Act 3 - Smells of Sugar and Moldy Cloth
This ghost is the culmination of so, so many fragments Siffrin left in between those walls. For a long time they did not remember anything besides the motions to get to the King, yet they could never defeat him. They couldn't survive his major attack, no matter what they did. It feels like at one point he could though... wasn't there a way? It isn't until the ghost event that they remember what they lost and while it felt absolute euphoria in that moment, after that the loneliness became soul crushing. The hunger for someone, anyone to be with them hurt so much! ...It made them remember why they forgot their family the first time.
The Lonely's quirk unlike most of the others isn't seared on their skin. No, the Lonely's ability is actually only really useful for dealing with The Unseen - anytime one of the others is in danger or about to do something dangerous they sense it. The Vengeful is constantly ringing this mental alarm, but it can't do anything to help due to it constantly moving so they don't even try with them. The Unseen though, it is often seen dragging them by the ears before they do something like unleash a barrel full of marbles in a hallway.
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The Vengeful - Created in Act 4 - Smells of Steel, Salt, and Sugar
It is the culmination of the King's cruelty and Siffrin's agony, a beast made of anger, pain, and sorrow in equal measures. It hates the King both bc Siffrin did and bc it sees him at fault for it's creation as it doesn't know of Wishcraft as it was created right on the line between 3 and 4. That is why it tore his right hand off and stole the gauntlet upon it - a punishment for the action that created it and a trophy for it to wear as proof that, even after such a horrid deed, he didn't win. It runs away from the House and it's former family because of this memory - it cannot confront the people it feels it failed even with the knowledge they survived, that it's sin wasn't permanent. In it's eyes it will always exist. It's eye will sometimes gleam with the same shade as the one that appeared when the world was breaking!
The Vengeful is the only ghost no one is completely sure the location of due to it throwing itself out of the first available window after completing it's mission. It mostly stays in forests or caverns where it can easily hide, only going near towns if someone reminds it of the King. Once it has dealt with said person however it views it needs to, mostly by scaring them, it returns to it's current hiding spot. The Vengeful is a lonely one, but it's not ready to be near people for long periods of time. It's afraid that due to how it was created it'll bring bad luck to those it spends too much time with - how couldn't it? It was created from a person trapped in the middle of an hourglass until they drowned in the golden sands and by a man who saw his will as absolute, who caused so much agony. One day, though, it'll realize that isn't true... but it'll be quite a while.
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The Unseen(Right) - Created in Act 4 - Smells like Steel and Sugar
This one is the closest in personality to Loop. It mocks even though it has no voice, they play with the people around it to remind themself they're real. Without the left the right Unseen would be much more dangerous as it is so desensitized to death they have forgotten what is actually dangerous and so some of their mischief has to be tempered by the left one to avoid killing those around them. For a very long time they view others, besides left, as merely actors in a similar vein as Loop, only referring to others via titles if it needs to interact with anyone and left doesn't control the writing pen. As time passes this trait slowly disappears, as the days show more changes like rain upon the rooftops or snow in the gardens, things it long forgot.
Together with their counterpart The Unseen are the ones who were left behind through actions seen as small, but were greater than thought. The ones who cannot be seen without drastically changing the views of ones most loved by the person they once were. And so they stay hidden from sight by their own Wishcraft... but that is a lonely way to live they discovered. The two of them alone cannot satiate their need 4 company. And so they do little things that are easily noticed so they can be seen without breaking their rule: walking around with open, stolen umbrellas or pulling little pranks.
Most Housemaiden's don't talk to them, because they never get an answer they assume they don't like talking. This isn't the case though they cannot tell them that... neither can speak. The left's throat is closed up and the right's is... well u can probably guess why theirs wouldn't work even if they had a mouth to speak with. The Lonely though does speak to them often - it has a chalkboard in the room it lives in inside the House for them to write lil questions or answers on.
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figgrrr0 · 2 years
i loved your tighnari fic, you did so great on it <3 could you write foreplay hcs with fem reader x cyno?
This was my first time looking into Cyno, I've only seen him portrayed as pretty rough, but I get a slightly softer vibe from him idk. That being said, I had a harder time reading his character than usual so let me know!
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Foreplay with Cyno
Reader: Afab, no pronouns used
Genre: Smut // Cw: Oral (f rec), vaginal fingering, slight pain, implied praise, teasing
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Cyno is at his calmest when he's with you, or, more specifically, when he's bringing you pleasure. He can really just let the world fall away, forgetting the cruelty and justice that he painstakingly chases, when he's got his head between your thighs.
Running his tongue between your folds, slurping at the juices that flow from your needy hole, flicking over your sensitive, little bud; the repetitions, familiar due to how often he insists on this act, help him to find peace in the fluidity of the motions.
He relies on his muscle memory for this, letting his mind fall upon every part of you: your stuttered breaths. Your hand in his hair, tugging lightly at the roots. The pulsing of your hole as his deft tongue glides past it. He takes in everything that you are, everything that you have to offer. And despite his usual monologue about maintaining control and rejecting greed, Cyno can't help but find himself wanting more.
When his mind spiels like this, Cyno has a tendency to get a little... messy.
Your slick sticks to his cheeks and cum drips from his chin, smearing over your inner thighs. His hands, which had originally been placed upon your thighs to keep them held open, had now become completely focused on feeling the plush of your skin beneath them. His fingers squish and knead the heated flesh absentmindedly, leaving small bruises where his fingertips pressed in a touch harder than intended.
While he prefers to take his time with you, sometimes, one of you is just a bit too impatient for that. On these occasions, Cyno's fingers press into you slowly. He starts off with two, the slight burn they provide just from the first slide sending shivers straight through your core.
Once you've gotten comfortable with the stretch and pace he's set, his fingers separate, splitting your walls apart uncomfortably quickly. You're forced to keen at the unexpected action, the light pain from the stretch lighting up your nerves in preparation for his cock.
Even when he's hasty with preparing you, Cyno is never unaware of your emotional needs. He presses sweet kisses to the underside of your jaw, whispering praises and encouragements that keep you pleasantly distracted from the discomfort of his rough fingers scissoring open your tight, drooling pussy.
And, eventually, when it comes time for him to give you what you both want, he'll drag it out for even longer.
His hands trail up your body, taking your breasts into the warmth of his palms. The texture of his skin rubs against your nipples, which harden beneath the minute attention, for that's exactly where they stay.
Then, the head of his hard cock, finally receiving the attention he'd deprived himself of in favour of taking care of you, spreads the lips of your pussy wide. He drags his cock through the pooling cum that he hadn't licked up, using the slick to smooth the slide of his hips against yours. A glistening sheen coats the tip as it peeks through the hold of your folds, ghosting over your throbbing clit, only to move down, putting pressure against your desperate, needy hole.
And just when you steel yourself for the breach, ready and wanting to feel the ache that settles deep between your hips when he thrusts in...
He stops moving, the head of his cock just barely inching past the initial ring of your muscle. You're about to murmur a complaint, maybe even push yourself down onto his length, when he shifts focus instead to lay a heady kiss to your parted lips. And you can't blame him, truly, when he's being so attentive, when he's spent the past hour bringing you to the edge over and over again, with no regards for his own pleasure. After how sweet he's been tonight, there's no way Cyno would be teasing you on purpose now, right?
The only tell that he knows exactly what he's doing, is the smirk that he hides behind your shoulder when he finally pushes home.
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Want to send a request/brainrot with me? Check my rules!
Thank you for reading! 🩷
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writing-whump · 5 months
👋 Hellooo
Sooo I've been thinking about some ideas for part3-something serious as you asked for opinions 🤭 (I actually even Googled for it tbh xd)
And I saw that fever, severe pain and infection related things are quite common after appendectomy. Well, if we consider that Hex's appendix infected and he stayed for a while like that (idk, a day or less?), it's possible that there's still some infection in his body even after the surgery which his shadow cannot heal. In short, I believe it's a good chance for Hector to whine and being grumpy due to really high fever, feeling sick (coughing and shortness of breathing are two other possible complications as I read on google) while Isiah and Arnie are taking care of him..
As I was the one who insists for Isiah&Hector parts I thought I should help 🤭 but I trust and love your imagination, so I'm sure you'll write another great part for them when you have time and energy!
Thank uu!! Take care&Lots of love 💕🤍
Thank you for all the ideas & even research! That's so sweet. Hope this lives up to it :3
Appendix part 3
"Can I have some water?"
"Yes," came the immediate reply from Isaiah. Hector was currently draped over his lap, feverish forehead against his brother's stomach.
"But real water. Not that sweet shit you've been feeding me."
Isaiah laughed softly, his stomach muscles vibrating under Hector's ear. "It's a rehydration solution. You can't take more than a few tiny sips to keep it down and this actually helps. The water does not do enough."
Isaiah's voice was still a picture of calm, but Hector thought he was staring to pick up on the difference between real calmness and fake, carefully controlled big brother voice. He talked with authority, the intent to reassure dripping from each syllable.
Hector also noticed Isaiah talked more formally when he did this. The opposite of relaxing, truly.
Isaiah's hand landed on his shoulder. He rubbed little circles on his arm, waiting for Hector to tense up to start lifting him. He always waited for Hector to make the first move, the decision to get up, even if it was just a little twitch to his hands. As if he was scared not to do something Hector wasn't ready for.
It was kind of nice. It made Hector feel like he was in control of what could be controlled. Otherwise he was content to leave the rest to Isaiah. There was something very relieving about it.
It allowed Hector to whine and complain about everything, even though he could hardly come up with anything better himself.
His insides were boiling. Weren't you supposed to be cold with a fever? His clothes were sticking to his skin with sweat.
The cut on his lower right side was radiating pain. There was no comfortable position to be in, it just hurt. He shifted around sometimes just to try it, but every movement just send more spikes of the searing heat up.
Hector took shallow short breaths, as little as he could just to not move his stomach too much. It even still felt bloated, although he couldn't eat for the last two days.
Hector groaned when Isaiah helped him sit up, leaning back against his brother's chest. Isaiah held the glas with a straw to his lips. Hector drank greedily, his throat dry and hot.
Although the liquid was nicely soothing and cold, the sweetness almost made him gag. He held it in, swallowing heavily before almost choking on the next sip.
He coughed, doubling forward. His eyes went black with the pain that clawed at his stomach with the movement.
Isaiah quickly put the glass away, tucking Hector back against himself as his chest heaved with the painful coughs. He murmured something that Hector couldn't understand, carding his cold fingers through Hector's hair.
Hector whined quietly, glad for the contact. At this point it was a shock to him that he wasn't steaming from the way his insides cooked in his skin.
"You are okay, you are okay. Just breathe."
Hector managed a pained scoff. "It fucking hurts. Keep your stupid advice."
On some level he understood he was being mean and whiny and that he probably shouldn't be relying on Isaiah's endless well of patience. But he also couldn't really formulate why it was bad, his brain breaking his sentences in two before they were finished. He was going to figure it out later.
"Just four more hours to go," Isaiah said, but his hand froze in Hector's hair. He turned back towards the door as if hearing a noise Hector wasn't catching.
It was just great, that without his shadow he was basically deaf. Like a damn human.
"Could you hold on for a minute? I need to check something," Isaiah said, looking down at Hector.
"Yeah, yeah. Get out. I need a break from you anyway," Hector said acidly.
Isaiah sighed quietly. He gently maneuvered himself from under Hector without jostling him, easing him down on the pillows.
Hector slumped back against them, stretching his hands. There was a warm spot left after Isaiah.
He rolled a bit away from it, looking for coldness in the sheets. It was soothing for just a bit, the cool part of the pillow and the untouched cover...
Hector opened his eyes. Even his skin hurt. Looking up the ceiling felt nauseating and he felt like he was choking a bit more with every breath. They came hard and short. Hector was too fearful of the pain that would explode if he let himself take a deeper one.
He hated the way his stomach rose and fell so obviously. The round puffiness around it, the way his loose shirt brushed against the gauze on the wound.
He hated everything.
The wounded wolf reached for his shadow on instinct, trying to coax it up ahead of time. He could feel it stirring under his call, like a quiet warm presence at the end of his mind.
That was progress from the numbness from before. But it wasn't enough. It made Hector's chest hitch with a quiet sob at the helplessness.
He balled his hands into the sheets, digging his fingers into the fabric. Trying to find something grounding.
At least Isaiah's calmness, the warmth of his concern at Hector's back, the soothing trust this was just temporary small discomfort and he would be okay...Even just the pathetic way he would pet Hector's hair or rub those little circles onto his shoulder...something soft and pleasant to focus on in the sea of pain made a huge difference.
The weight of not having it suddenly hit him like a brick in the head.
Did he say something again that pissed Isaiah off? This was still such a new territory. It didn't feel natural to be so...so careful around Isaiah. Hector had never done it and he wasn't sure he knew how.
But Isaiah required more sensitive treatment now...why was it again?
Hector felt a wave of guilt and sadness wash over him, but just as it hit he couldn't remember why he felt that way.
There was just a new load of horrible-ness on top of the pain and heat and general ickiness.
"Is-" Was he really going to beg him to come? For real? Wasn't that even more pathetic?
He grid his teeth together, not sure why he felt like crying. He wanted...he didn't know what. To go home? To go away? How would that help?
Everything was so confusing. Why was he in this state again? And more importantly, why was he alone?
"Zaya?" Maybe he would know. Isaiah always knew everything. Especially about what to do next. "Arnie?" Or maybe Arnie. Arnie knew more about emotions than Hector ever could. His younger brother understood what hurt people and what pleased them with a skill of a chessmaster. Hector should ask him...what did he want to ask? It felt important. How could he forget?
He sobbed quietly, chest constricting with panic. The panic made the nausea worse, slimy heaviness pooling in his stomach.
Hector tried lifting himself up on unsteady arms, his mouth dry, but he could feel the goosebumps of nausea climbing up his arms and neck. His teeth throbbed. Oh god, he didn't want to throw up again, it always hurt...
No such luck though, his chest heaved. His stomach rolled, sqeezing and contracting back into itself as he gagged. He manged to drag himself over the rim of the bed, before his arms buckled underneath his own weight.
He dry heaved painfully over the edge, the pain in his wound burning like he was on fire.
That's when the door burst open. Isaiah gave him a shocked look, before his features smoothed out and he climbed up into the bed behind Hector.
One cold hand went to Hector's shoulder to prop him up, the other to his forehead. Isaiah helped him to lean over the edge. A splash of the sweetened water made its way up.
Hector whimpered from the pain, the gag turning into a ruthless cough right after.
"Shhhhh. I'm here, I'm here. You are okay. All good now. Deep breath."
I can't fucking breathe, he wanted to protest, but all that left his lips was a whine and a strangled burp, punctuated by more coughing. His chest hurt, another little note in the cacophony of pain.
Isaiah turned Hector over gently to prop him up against his chest again. It made breathing a little easier. As if he had heard him after all.
Hector closed his eyes. They were burning with the tiny drops of liquid that managed to force their way out.
Isaiah wrapped an arm around his forehead, petting his cheek and then his hair, pushing the sweaty blond curls behind his ear.
"Shhhh. Sorry, bud. I just called the hospital to check over the symptoms. They say the nausea is normal, but we should check you in if the fever doesn't go down soon."
"I'm not going back there," Hector moaned. "Look what they did."
"They helped you. If they didn't operate, your appendix would have burst and killed you. It's not that much harder to kill a wolf than a human," Isaiah said sternly, not leaving room for an argument. "Now try to relax. Your breaths are too shallow, that's why you keep coughing. You need to breathe properly."
"I want to lie down," Hector whined. Even slumped against Isaiah like a toddler and his head spinning, he wanted to lie lower.
"Can't do. Breathe for a bit. Your lungs need more space to stretch out. Sitting up will make it easier."
Isaiah still petted his hair and Hector didn't have enough strength to his pride to dislike it. He leaned more into the touch.
The panicked emptiness from before dissolved at Isaiah's touch and explanation. His chest undone from the knot, he dared to take a bit longer breaths, head clearing out as oxygen refilled his lungs.
"I got a new towel." Arnie stuck his head into the room, whispering like Hector was sleeping. "You think-"
"Yeah," Isaiah said, voice vibrating under Hector. "The fever isn't any better. Not climbing up though."
Hector forced his eyes open so he could brace himself for the cold touch of the water-soaked cotton.
Isaiah unwrapped his arm from Hector's forehead so Arnie could circle the towel around his head instead.
Hector sighed contendly at the coolness. He was starting to see a way out of this by focusing on everything nice that he could feel. Like little beacons of light in the suffocating fog of pain.
Fog was way better than a fire, after all.
He focused his bleary eyes at his youngest brother. The kid had dark circles under his eyes and there was a telling redness to them. With the wet eyeslashes and the shaky way he moved, Hector knew he must have been crying.
Was that why Hector saw so little of him?
The night felt like a week to him and Arnie was absent for most of its days.
"Hey, pipsqueak," Hector said in a rough voice, opening his palm.
Arnie knelt down on the floor, throwing the previous not cold towel at the splash of sick next to him.
He took Hector's hand in both of his, a tiny quiet sob escaping him at the contact.
"It's alright," Hector said. His voice sounded like he gurgled nails before. "Don't cry."
Arnie's breath hitched, but he tried to smile. He pressed his cheek to his own shoulder for a second to wipe it dry. "'m not."
"Did someth'ng happen?" Hector asked, suddenly confused at the possible reason for Arnie's distressed. He thought he understood just a second ago.
Arnie blinked at him, his eyes going to Isaiah in concern. He squeezed Hector's hand. "It's nothing."
Arnie's giggle was watery. He climbed into the bed beside Hector, curling up against his middle brother's side, the only one of the three that was lying instead of sitting.
Hector made great effort to lift his hand and put it onto the top of Arnie's soft blond head.
Isaiah made a pleased, almost approving noise at the back of his throat, relaxing under Hector's weight.
The oldest wolf adjusted the towel around his forehead, then wrapped his hands snuggly and gently around Hector's waist. Avoiding the injury, but also holding him a bit straighter. Tighter.
"Just three more hours."
Hector nodded, leaning his head back, tucking it under Isaiah's chin.
Cocooned like this by his brothers, he felt like there wasn't that much that could happen anymore.
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sombritas-des · 3 months
Had to fix some typos due to Tumblr suggestions...
It can't be it
the beheaded stood up confused,it's dark the kind of darkness that not even their flame could light up this place. The floor feels oily and the air seems thick, as much as they eye could see it was only darkness.
The beheaded walked feeling their feet's get stuck with every step, a few things could be seen in the thick darkens of the floor, a broken sword, their shoulder plate , a helmet.....wait a second. The beheaded rushed towards a piece of a broken helmet, his now trembling hands holding the pice close to the flame, it's his, the beheaded though as he now rushing body turns to scan around.
This is one of this days the beheaded wishes they could scream, the darkness of the floor seems disturbed by a thick layer of blood, bright pink seems to form a carpet that mocks the beheaded. It's his body they know it, laying lifeless over the pool of blood.
The beheaded panicked and tried to run, their steps getting stickier as the oily surface tries to slow them down making it fall sometimes and getting his arms marked with the blood on the floor,as the beheaded approaches they could see better,the small figure of the drifter still giving up sighs of life some short breaths could be seen as his hand rest on its neckless.
As the beheaded seemed to approach something was moving on their peripheral,"it can be it" , the beheaded thought as their flame turned to look ,the figure mirrored their movements but not only that but the appearance of the drifter, a darker cloth mask covers it's face of what's looks to be it,the robes darks with a gray colors that gives the beheaded an eerie feeling.
The thing look at him then at the beheaded,a singular eye with a bright magenta color is all the beheaded could see before it started moving, it was far but moving fast , the beheaded panicked as it seems to target them instead of the drifter,they moved as well as fast as the oily floor could aloud them,the thing screeched as it leaped to clash against the beheaded, by pure memory muscle the beheaded dodge it his body rolling down and making them get covered with the thick layer of blood that still tops the oily substance of the floor.
-" I need to get to him ,I need to get to him,for f*ck sake LET ME REACH HIM!"- the beheaded repeat to himself as their desperation reached its peak, their flame as bright as it could possibly be .
The figure seems to prepare another attack as it's feet's seems to splatter gently against the sticky floor, the beheaded was almost there they could see the now still alive drifter fight to breathe against a prominent cut against his chest, the beheaded reached their arm out, they're going to make it almost at their reach. The head of the drifter slowly seems to turn and look at the beheaded but only empty black eyes and a mouthful of blood is what the beheaded could see, the black eyes seems to open in surprised as the panicked look of the drifter alerts the beheaded.
It was too late,the creature jumped and tackled the beheaded down, their back against the thick oily floor as their arms and legs seemed to be under the creature weight, the creature pinned them down as it now shakes the beheaded's against the floor, it's face screeching just Infront of the beheaded's flame, they get slammed against the floor as the creature shakes them roughly as it screams an eerie sound, in the back they could barely listen the drifters pleads something far like "come back"," get here","it's not here!", "WAKE UP!"
Wait....what was that last one?....wake up?
With a burts of light the beheaded snapped awake, their flame topping up as their eye open abruptly, the creature that was pinning them down now switched by a horrifying drifter, his face pure in angst as he looked down at them, a single tear seems to annoy drifter's eyes as he pins down the beheaded with a hug.
-"I couldn't wake you up, you seemed in pain" drifter spoke, his voice soft and full of worry that it nows seems like a lullaby for the beheaded.
They hugged them back ,it anchors them the still breathing body of the drifter over them and the soft couch against their back, they let the body relax as it sinks back into confort. The beheaded tapped the drifter back in order to get his attention.
The drifter leaned back a bit so the beheaded's hand would be free.
-" a nightmare I think... haven't had those in a while"- the beheaded signed as their mind seems to remember the horrifying thing that hunt them.
Drifter could feel how the beheaded stiffed as the lingerie memories of the nightmare seems to plage it's mind
-" do you want to talk about it or..." The drifter spoke on a gentle tone, the beheaded simply tapped his hand once "no"
-" can I?"- it's all the beheaded signed before the drifter nooded, their callused hands reached out to cup the drifter face, their fingers gently tracing his cheeks as it connects and trails his freckles. This is something they sometimes do, drifters freckles are something the beheaded loves, it anchors them to follow a line in the patterns of drifter's face keeping their mind occupied as their thoughs banish.
They stayed like that for a while, none of them would be able to fall asleep again but at the same time they do not care. Drifter still hugged at the beheaded's torso as their hands caress his face with a touch so gentle it could be no harm.
The house of the guardian couldn't be more quiet, it's dark but the flame of the beheaded always lights them up, the warm pinkish color bathing the room, if it wasn't for the dark corner that somehow seems to watch over them.....
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kairiscorner · 1 year
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
not me imaging how if your lips bled after you bit down on them too hard, miguel would just...
miggy helping clean your lips up
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content warnings! the following contains mentions of blood, bleeding, and depictions of picking at wounds or scabs. if your are uncomfortable with these, please feel free not to read any further ^^
summary: you had a habit of biting your lips, picking at the skin there sometimes, and you didn't know when to stop until you accidentally pulled a little too much and made your lip bleed. luckily for you, miguel's here to help relieve the pain and clean up the little drops of blood away from your supple lips.
a/n: excuse the shitty grammar here BWAHHAHAHAHHA not proofread boos
word count: 1,630
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you were taking in a sharp breath as the burning pain from lip persisted; it worsened when you ran your index and middle finger over your lower lip, where the abrasion was a mix of a maroon and burgundy. the wound stung the minute your skin made contact with the exposed flesh, causing you to pull away in a jolt and hiss. you breathed out a sigh as you put down your hand. you weren't sure why you kept biting your lip when your lips got chapped, or just at any given time. you felt the urge to pick at your dried skin sometimes, it just felt right. you knew it hurt and would leave marks on your lips, but you didn't care.
you started caring, however, when your friends would point out the wounds and scabs scattered across your lips when you picked at them; they'd get worried about what you were doing, but you convinced them it was just the effect of your lips crackling due to dryness. you were insecure about how your lips appeared, you didn't realize your little idiosyncrasy would be noticeable through the damage it'd incur upon you.
you wished you could stop it, but like an itch you just can't shake, you kept entertaining it; and unfortunately, you picked at the wrong spot. you clamped down on your lower lip too hard, for the very first time, and drew blood from your lower lip as a result. your cursed at yourself for your negligence and "interminable" picking at your lips, now burgundy and maroon drops of blood stained your fingers as you ran your finger over the wound, wincing and groaning in pain as the exposed flesh from underneath twitched at the contact.
as you pulled your fingers away from the wound, you peered down at your fingers; a bright, liquid red droplet of blood was drawn and smeared on the pad of your finger. you sighed as you flicked your tongue in annoyance, and soon brought your tongue over to lap at the blood, which tasted strongly of iron. the bleeding refused to stop, but you mitigated the flow with your saliva. as you were about to leave the room to head to the restroom to get a paper towel to soak the remaining blood from the cut, you were surprised to meet miguel there.
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he stepped back a little in surprise. he was about to enter the room, and you were about to exit it. "ah, excuse me." you muttered, covering your lips all the while. miguel looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "going somewhere?" he asked you as he gripped the door frame with his left hand and leaned against it, not allowing you to take another step further. you nodded profusely. "restroom." you said in a hurry, as if that'd get him to move when he connected the dots that spelled out: "i need to go now. urgently. now get out of my way."
but no, it provoked miguel even further to press you. he narrowed his eyes. "is it... that immediate?" he asked as his nose twitched a little, he caught the scent of something. something delicious. miguel inched closer to your face, hoping to get another good whiff of that scrumptious fragrance that wafted throughout the air just earlier.
you couldn't bring yourself to speak without bleeding all over your fingers, and it hurt to touch. you nodded yet again, a little more agitated. "it is." you seethed as your eyebrows crinkled, and your eyes narrowed as you peered up at him. he made you feel so, so small. you were a good foot or two smaller than him, and his darkening eyes made you feel a shiver crawling up your spine and fan out throughout your arms and legs--making your hairs all over your body stand on edge.
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miguel slightly pursed his lips into a small pout, he then nodded slowly at your growing disconcertment as you felt the blood flow down your vermillion border. you grunted slightly at the uncomfortable feeling of warm, fresh blood flowing down your lip. miguel's nose quivered at the scent of iron that came from the blood dripping down and he looked intently into your eyes.
he took hold of the other side of the door frame, caging you inside the room with his gigantic figure. he stared down at you, a small flash of red crossing his eyes as he tilted nearer and nearer your face. "be honest with me..." he whispered as he gently took hold of the hand that covered your lips' wrist, and he gradually pulled it down as he got closer, and closer, and closer. "...are you bleeding right now?"
at that question, you could hear a sort of primal, insatiable undertone from miguel. it was as if he needed to hear you say yes, he needed to hear you were bleeding, but... for what? "why... do you care?" you asked in a soft, shaky voice as you felt miguel's breath on your face. it was hot, and desperate. he didn't have time to answer your question, he just needed an answer. "just answer me." he said as he let go of the door frame with his left hand and placed it under your jawline, causing for you to swallow the lump forming in your throat, swallowing the iron tang of your blood as he caressed your jawline.
"yes or no?" he asked you in a low, low whisper, as if he were trying to keep himself from ravaging you here and now. you shuddered at his deep voice and close proximity to you, and he wanted to make it clear as he gently pushed you down onto a computer chair that there was no limit he wouldn't hold himself back from pushing, at least, nothing that you were comfortable with.
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"i can practically taste the blood on you. it's so, so palpable..." he whispered as he lowered your hand down to your side and witnessed the flowing blood from the cut you gave yourself. he clicked his tongue as he held your face in his hands. "what did you do to yourself this time?" he asked in a concerned voice. your lips quivered as he moved closer, but you somehow found the courage to answer him in one breath. "...picked at my lip." you said as you tried looking down or away from him, but he kept your face looking straight at him.
miguel sighed and shook his head. "you really are my little pain in the ass." he whispers as he sighs again and stares into your eyes, and you stared back into the mix of a deep red and brown that were his own. despite his menacing demeanor and appearance, he had nothing but pure intentions with you. he wanted to help, he wanted to ease your pain and burdens, starting with this little cut you gave yourself, your sweet, clumsy little self.
"you don't have to get tissues for this, i can help. i can clean it up better than a piece of paper ever can for you." he said in a softer tone from before. "if you'll let me... i'll make it look like you never bled in the first place. i'm very discreet about this, you'll be in good hands." he said with a small smirk as he ran his thumb over your cheek and breathed closer towards your face. "what do you say?"
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you hesitated to answer, and for a split second, you would have, without question, said yes. but... what reason did you have to say yes? it was just a cut, he was making a pretty big deal out of it. unless he was craving for your blood that he was doing this... well, only way to find out, you supposed. you breathed in deeply and let out a ragged exhale. you looked up into his now mostly red eyes and reluctantly nodded. "alright." you told him as miguel chuckled to himself.
"good. now, relax... this won't hurt a bit." he claimed as he tugged a little at your lower lip, his smirk widening, and soon... he brought his lips upon your lower lip, lapping at the blood that continually flowed down it, drinking up the essence of the red iron. he imbibed on the flowing red goodness from your lip, and you found yourself whimpering just the slightest at how gentle, yet hungry, he was at slurping away at you. he sighed in contentment as he pulled away, licking his lips in satisfaction.
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"you taste so wonderful, i... i'd be lying if i said just a few drops of it were enough." he said with a small chuckle as he ran his hand across your lower lip, most of the blood gone, and your cut ceasing from releasing more blood.
in your flustered stupor, you held on to his forearm as he was about to leave you be. "please, um..." you began, stuttering and speaking over yourself in rambles. miguel looked down at you with a raised eyebrow. "what, did i steal your voice back there?" he teased with a smirk. "you can talk, you can do it." he said as he turned around and pulled you closer to him. "we can... do that again, you know." you muttered. "if it wasn't enough for you, um..." you blabbered, but miguel got the hint.
he tucked a lock of stray hair behind your ear and swiftly planted a soft kiss on your lips, smirking against them before pulling away. "that's what i like to hear come out of those lovely, delicious lips." he whispered before he'd have you melting all over him soon enough, and singing him praises with those lovely, delicious lips of yours.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck
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illuminatedquill · 1 year
Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger:
Star Scar-Crossed Lovers
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They don't know how much they'll miss At least until you're gone like this Talking to the mirror, say, "Save your breath Half your life, you've been hooked on death" Twice the dreams, but half the love Be careful what you bottle up The chemistry is a mess, it seems But me, I'm still a sunbeam I will never ask you for anything Except to dream sweet of me I will never ask you for anything Except to dream sweet of me Tell me, when the party ends Will you still love who I am, I am? - Fall Out Boy, Heaven, Iowa
Here's the thing - Ezra's disappearance and subsequent absence from Sabine's life was always going to hurt her in a way that no one else's did.
All because Ezra was kind. That's the horrible, tragic irony of it all that keeps me up at night. Sabine has lost so many loved ones throughout her life: ran from her own family; her fellow Mandalorian and friend Ketsu Onyo left her for dead; Kanan died to allow her, Hera, and Ezra to escape Imperial forces; and, later on, her master, Ahsoka Tano left her shortly after the Purge of Mandalore.
It's arguable that even Hera and Zeb presumably became estranged from her at some point during or after the events of the Original Trilogy. The Ghost Crew split up. Sabine is alone on Lothal and clearly is not accustomed to visitors when we see her in the Ahsoka premiere.
Sabine, as we know, is accustomed to this. She has developed a method of "moving on" and forging a new path ahead. She internalizes the pain, for better and worse, and keeps moving.
It's served her fairly well.
But not with Ezra. He does the one thing none of those others did: he leaves a message, just for her, shortly before his disappearance with Thrawn into another galaxy.
With that message, that act of unconditional love and kindness, it leaves an indelible scar on Sabine's heart.
With the others who left or died or she ran away from, she could ignore the pain. Sabine could justify it for being due to one reason or another.
Ezra's message does away with that defense. Slips past through her hardened exterior and nestles deep within her heart.
Because he's kind. Because he's Ezra and he didn't want to leave his friend without saying good-bye and wanted to give her some sense of closure.
"Sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined." - Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
She doesn't close the door on Ezra. But she can't cross through it either. For the next ten years, Sabine becomes stagnant, keeping that fire of hope burning for her lost friend but unable to act on it.
And she plays that message every day, probably.
Plays it again.
And again.
And again.
She dreams of that recording; has Ezra's statement memorized to where she mouths along the words with him and can even copy his mannerisms. Sabine takes to heart every little one of his movements and how shy and awkward he looks when he says she's "like a sister" to him.
(And she scoffs. Every single time. But doesn't quite know why that line irritates her.)
The tragedy is that Ezra's message was meant to reassure Sabine and let her move on . . . only to do the exact opposite.
It becomes a burden to bear - one that she does so willingly and with all the ferocity and determination she can muster. But, still a burden it is, despite Ezra's good intentions.
Sabine eventually does the unthinkable - she takes on the mantle of a Jedi.
Think about it. Never, in the entirety of Rebels, had she ever shown an inkling of being interested in following the Jedi path.
Why now? What's changed?
It's simple. Ezra's gone.
Maybe it's a desire to get closer with him but, equally likely, Sabine sees it as a potential avenue to find him someday. She's seen it's power and the abilities it produces in those who are able to wield it.
But even that path forward to Ezra fails. Her people - and her family - are purged by the Empire and Ahsoka cuts her Jedi training short out of fear for Sabine becoming dangerous should she reach her full potential after such a tremendous loss.
More years pass, but the fire never dies. But Sabine cannot do anything. She stays locked in Ezra's watchtower, seeing the galaxy return to life but not feeling any of it for herself.
And then, eventually, Ahsoka returns with the map to Thrawn.
We know the rest.
The planet of Seatos. The map. Ahsoka's fall.
Sabine's choice. The only choice. The grand calculus of the universe demands that she place duty over love; that she throw away Thrawn's one chance of returning to finish what he started.
And, in doing so, doom Ezra to die far, far away from home.
And Sabine makes her choice. Gambles the fate of her galaxy, the hard won peace that so many had fought and died for - all for love.
The Ahsoka finale seems to find Sabine and Ahsoka making peace over her choice. Yes, Thrawn has returned to the galaxy - but so has Ezra, thus fulfilling Sabine's promise to herself of getting him home.
Ahsoka reassures her that the Force has plans in motion - that although they are stranded in another galaxy, they are meant to be here. Just like Ezra is meant to be back home.
Trust in the Force. Sabine and Ezra will find their way back to each other, no matter what.
. . . But there's always consequences to a decision. Always.
I don't believe that Sabine sacrificing her desire to be with Ezra after being kept apart for so long is the true cost of what she did. I don't think that's her real trial.
I think the real reckoning is yet to come.
Because Ezra never found out how she came to find him.
Sabine could not bring herself to tell him. Because she is, appropriately, scared of how he will react. She does not want to lose him again.
(The weight of that will break the galaxy.)
Helping Thrawn return is not only a betrayal of everything Ezra and others had sacrificed for but it places Lothal, Hera, Jacen, Zeb, and countless other beings in extreme danger.
In making her deal with Baylan to find Thrawn, Sabine may end up losing him again in a way more permanent than being trapped in a distant galaxy.
Sabine got him back after so long . . . only for her choice to cause an irreparable rift in their relationship.
The loss of Ezra's love, trust, and respect for Sabine is something I cannot fathom how she would handle. She saved him, only to lose him because of it.
And to think from it on Ezra's side - that he doesn't know how his message came to define Sabine's life these past ten years. He's Force-sensitive and, more importantly, knows Sabine better than most people; he knows she's hiding something from him.
But I don't think he could guess it was something like helping Thrawn. He wouldn't even consider it being in character for her, let alone especially for someone who is training to be a Jedi.
Ezra would never, for a single second, consider that Sabine is a traitor. It's unthinkable for him. It's probably why he never questioned Sabine further after she showed up on Peridea with little explanation.
For what reason would she risk the galaxy? To throw everything into the hands of the galaxy's most feared and cunning Imperial warlord?
And when he finds out it was all for him . . . . my heart breaks for Ezra.
The scar of Sabine's choice would mark him long enough for several lifetimes.
How do you fix something like that? How do you come back from a betrayal that burns everything you've ever sacrificed for, everything you've ever stood for?
How do you face the person you trusted to safeguard all of that, only to find out that they're the one who lit the flame?
How do you reconcile that they did all these terrible things for you?
(Ask Vader how well that turned out for him.)
It's Sabine. It's Ezra.
And the scars they've given each other . . . all for love.
If Filoni is brave enough, then this could be the most interesting relationship in all of Star Wars.
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