#sometimes he says aww :( when i say something sad and it does make me want to throw my phone. a bit.
chthonicillness · 4 months
he's a pretty good therapist but idk how to tell a therapist that i would prefer if they'd quit being so nice about it
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p3terparker · 8 months
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: leon is too shy to make a move on you
𝘄/𝗰: 0.7k
𝗮/𝗻: this is my first leon fic and i haven’t written in months so please be nice to me 😭 i hope you guys enjoy!! ♡
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it’s no secret leon is shy. ever since the beginning of your relationship– which was months ago– you were always the one to initiate things between you two, not just sexually. he was too shy even to hold your hand or start a cuddle session. you don’t mind that; in fact, you even find it quite cute how he starts to blush when you do something as simple as kissing him on his cheek, but sometimes you don’t always want to be the one to make a move, which is why you had completely deprived him of any physical touch.
you can tell he’s bothered. he’s been staring at you as soon as you two sat on the couch together and put on your guy’s favorite TV show. he not so subtly coughs to get your attention too, but you choose to ignore that as you hold back a giggle. it’s obvious he wants to cuddle, but you’re not going to give him what he wants unless he does it himself.
as the show progresses to the next episode, you finally decide to speak up after feeling his eyes on you throughout the entirety of the first episode.
“you need something leon?” you ask while looking away from the TV you were watching.
“w-what? oh um, no. why do you ask?” he stumbles over his words as a slight blush creeps over his face.
“because you’ve been staring at me ever since you got home” you giggle
“oh.. sorry” he murmurs out timidly while finally looking away from your face and towards the TV.
that was the last thing that was said before the next episode started and you were engulfed in the show you were watching again.
it didn’t take long for his attention to fall back onto you, staring at you in disbelief because you’re not giving him what he wants. it’s killing you inside to not just wrap yourself in his arms, but you have to stand strong. you continue watching your show for another 15 minutes before leon finally reaches his breaking point.
“why are you doing this to me?”
you pause the show and get a good look at his face. he has a small pout and a look of sadness painted all over his face which causes you to feel a twinge of pain in your chest.
“doing what?”
“ignoring me”
“i’m not–”
“yes you are. you didn’t give me a hug or kiss when i got home and now you’re not cuddling with me like you always do” he cuts you off and lets the words pour out frustratedly.
you kind of feel bad but at the same time can’t help yourself from laughing at how frustrated he is over an issue he could’ve avoided by just making a move on you.
“you know you could’ve kissed me and cuddled me yourself, right?”
now he’s silent because you just called him out.
“yeah but… i don’t know how” he timidly says.
“what do you mean you don’t know how?”
“you make me nervous. you’re my first relationship and i don’t know how to initiate anything between us without making things awkward” he quietly states, barely able to make eye contact with you.
“aww leon, come here” you say while finally embracing him. you can feel the tension release from his body as soon as he lays his head on your chest.
“you could never make things awkward between us leon. and as for me making you nervous, do you know how nervous you make me? like seriously, you’re insanely hot and also have the sweetest personality ever”
“stoppp” he whines but gives you a look that tells you he secretly loves what you’re saying.
“alright alright, but i'm serious leon. nothing you say or do could make things awkward between us. you don’t know how much i want you to initiate something for once, i’m tired of practically wearing the pants in our relationship” you laugh while semi-joking.
you don’t know if it’s the entirety of the little speech you gave him or the comment about you wearing the pants in your relationship that caused a change in his demeanor, but suddenly he flipped your position to where he has you pinned beneath him on the couch and passionately kissed you.
“who’s wearing the pants now?”
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heartssatoru · 1 year
Heyyyy! I was thinking of the fact I can be a slightly clingy GF and was wondering if you could do HCs on how the JJK boys would be with a slightly clingy GF. Megumi, Gojo, Itadori and Toge!!! Oh and Sukuna because I know you love him!
AHH THANK YOU!! I do infact love sukuna hehe🙏 but yeah of course! Thank you for the request!
Megumi secretly likes it.
But he's scared. Especially when you always try to be with him. Especially during missions, he doesn't wanna lose you.
If you also are the type to literally drown him in affection:
He'll push your hand away whenever you try to do anything. He's just awkward like that, n shy
If you stop he forces you to go back to doing what you were gonna do
He just gets really red cause he doesn't know how to respond
He acts like your clingeness is annoying but deep down he really does like it
Saw him smile slightly while you were playing with his hair? No you didn't.
He himself gets kinda clingy whenever he has a bad day, but he doesn't notice that.
Tease him about it and he'll face the other way, ignoring you. His face is extremely red.
If your clingy, that's fine. Hes clingy too.
But like megumi. Does not want you getting hurt. He takes on missions that could result in you being killed.
So he has his reasons, however
He always teases you about it, saying how you can't resist him n stuff
Love's how you both be smothering eachother in kisses
Everytime he comes back from missions n stuff he always gets you something, especially if you get sad that he's not home.
(Everytime he comes home your arms are already wrapped around his waist)
And since he's so busy he gets you plushies of him, and only him.
"Since I know you love me so much hehe"
Itadori enjoys it so much, he's not very clingy. But is at the same time.
Just uh.. sometimes it really gets to him and he starts crying a little
"Yuji are crying?" "Nuh uh! It's just my allergies" said in a shaky voice
Someone actually wants his company? Wow!!
Everytime hes home late he always apologizes and hugs you so tight.
You can't breath cause of it but aww! Hes suffocating you (with affection)
sometimes he'll be a little mean and tease you about it though.
gets so confused when he isn't welcomed with you smothering him in kisses as soon as he gets back
But when you do he starts giggling all happily. "Your so mean"
Likes how you always cling onto him as soon as he's home. And finds it cute when you whine about him being gone for so long
He appreciates it a lot, and doesn't even move an inch whenever you're drowning him in affection
Mostly also cause he's kinda awkward, but not too much. (Not as much as megumi)
He always wants to be with you. But missions stop him from doing so.
Hes not really used being welcomed back with you and your affection, like the rest.
He doesn't mind it though, and he himself can be clingy too, like the rest (too lol)
He doesn't even know his cheeks are slightly red with everything you do
I can picture him being kinda clingy in certain situations too. But its kinda rare
Over all he's a little cutie, loves your clingyness and you.
Mocks you and makes fun of you, but thats no suprise.
Thats just how he is. He wont admit it if he likes it. But im being real here he'd probably use it as an insult
Even though he likes it, he wont admit it. He'll bully you about it😭
If you actually get upset he'll stay quiet cause he feels awkward. Won't bully you, as much.
However if you just ignore him he'll keep going. He just wants to get on ur nerves tbh
But still since he knows you love him so much he'll be like "of course your so needy for me"
Or something like that. He's clingy in certain situations, but thats extremely extremely rare.
Working on:
"Okay since you do write for Megumi I was thinking of a scenario where fem reader(if you do that) and Megumi have been together for awhile and new sorcerer starts at Jujutsu High and immediately develops a crush on him and reader gets insecure about it. How that would play out and how he would react! "
"can you write some headcanons for when the jjk boys lose their s/o in a large crowd? ^^"
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ghoulphile · 4 months
I absolutely love ur fics!! And I want to write fics of my own soon (not for fallout yet..) can u give me any advice/tips? How do u try to write down the characters as accurate as possible?
Aww thank you so much!!
That's awesome, I'm glad you're getting into writing ❤️
I'm more than happy to talk about what works for me; however, no two writers are alike so some things might resonate and some might not.
Take what does, and leave what doesn't.
Read - a lot. Published works, fanfic, poetry, novellas, series, oneshots, longfic; read it all. Explore different genres and storylines. Find what you like about them, and what you dislike. What makes them good or bad in your opinion. Play around with what you'd do differently if it was your story. All of this will help you figure out a few things: one being what you personally like in storytelling, and two the basic structure of storytelling/what makes it compelling.
Find your voice. We all have a unique tone when telling a story, verbally or otherwise. Figuring out what your personal voice is will help you write authentically but also I can guarantee you're going to be 10,000x more happy with what you come up with.
Showing vs telling is a delicate balance. Sometimes things need to be written out plainly, and other times it works better if you add more meat to the sentence. An example would be: she's angry vs her heart rate pulsed in her temples, her fists shaking at her sides as a wave of heat rolled through her body. While they both convey the same thing, one can be more engaging to read over another.
Sometimes you have to write the boring bits - and write them plainly - to further the plot.
Most people are not a walking thesaurus, and using big fancy words like you're writing a dissertation can be very off putting. Absolutely use stronger words if you can, but you don't need to be using furfuraceous to replace scaly.
Additionally, forward momentum: one action should always lead into another which leads into another and so on.
A first draft is never pretty (if you decide to do multiple drafts) and that's okay.
If you get stuck, go back several sentences. Sometimes we write ourselves into a corner without realizing. OR add what you want in brackets and move on if you're getting hung up on certain parts. An example being something like: He was [find word for mix of angry and sad] but had to stiffen his upper lip and move about his day as if [insert phrase mentioning what happened earlier]. Worse case, put it down for a day or so and come back to it later with fresh eyes.
As mad as it makes me, and as hilarious as it is... writing in Comic Sans helps. RIP.
Saying your sentence out loud can help you figure out if something is off, and saying your dialogue out loud can help determine if it's something an actual person would say.
Taking your time and being patient is the best thing you can do for your creativity otherwise you might burn yourself out.
I find music helpful so I create playlists for every fic I write that matches the vibe I'm going for. Additionally, I have pre-writing rituals that help me get into the headspace.
Yes, cryofreeze your darlings - put them somewhere safe for later. You can use those sentences for something else, they don't need to be completely deleted.
As for keeping characters... well, in character, it depends. Watching/listening to/reading whatever media they're in and paying close attention to the words they say + how they say them + if they have any specific phrases, the way they move + their actions + how they react to things helps a lot. Personally, I keep little lists of things I've noticed that I can refer to if I need them. And sometimes, you just have to suspend your disbelief a little and determine how someone might react to the particular situation you've put the character in. When it comes to that, I tend to think back on when I've been in similar situations or have felt the way they should in that scene, and use how I've reacted as a touchstone.
Write what YOU'D want to read.
And most importantly, HAVE FUN.
I hope this helped, nonnie~!!
Happy writing, you've got this 🥰
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midnight-light · 7 months
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Characters AGAIN~!
So I decided to do ANOTHER character post, because I played through the DLC's not that long ago, so let's just dive right into this shall we~? (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's; Teal Mask and Indigo Disk Spoilers ahead! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.) Starting with my new favourite character~! (Sorry not sorry Arven!) KIERAN
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Where do I start???
Upon first meeting him, my inital impression was; 'Aww, adorable wet cat boi! He needs a hug!
Throughout the course of teal mask I began to feel REALLY bad because well...
How dare the game make me lie to that face-
I went into the DLC's practically blind, so his change in personality, while I saw it building up in Teal mask, still got me HELLA off guard in Indigo disk.
Like DAMN boi!
I personally really liked the idea of the theory of the toxic chain (Though I know it was not what actually happened in the game) twisting Kieran's desires, that might just be me though.
For those who might be curious...yes, yes I did use Ogrepon against Kieran.
The fact that he was so desperate to beat Juliana/Florian (Player Character) That he used a master ball to catch terapagos and then recklessly used the pokemon that he barely knew anything about... said something
I liked the overall character arc for Kieran (though I wish I could have given him a hug at the end when he apologized)
Definitely throwing him onto the therapy bandwagon with Arven though.
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Moving on to Carmine, I...had a mixed first impression of her.
She agitated me at first, but I knew i was only looking at the surface so I didn't want to jump to conclusions
and damn was I glad that I didn't, she proved to be an enjoyable character.
She started to win me over when Kieran tells the player character, "Actually, she was tearin' the shed apart, trying to find a third mask for you before you got there..."
That finally tipped my dense brain off that she's not all mean and that she does care, just doesn't exactly show it in front of others.
she completely won me over when she told me I could sucker punch Drayton (I love him but sometimes I stg-)
When she was genuinely showing worry for her brother during Indigo disk I just kinda sat their like; "I did this, and I'm sad that I did this." regretti spaghetti was hitting hard.
She also paid witness to Kieran nearly DYING near the end of indigo disk, not to mention helping with battling terapagos... and so...
*Yeets her into the Therapy Wagon* That makes the therapy count four now. (I never mentioned this in my previous character posts but Arven and Penny are ALSO in the therapy bandwagon) Whose next?!
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This guy
Don't get me wrong, I love him as a character
But sometimes, SOMETIMES, I want to punch him.
For me at least, he's like the older sibling that LOVES to annoy the hell out of his younger siblings.
but I wont lie I was definitely giggling a bit under my breath when he swaggered up to Kieran and called him "Ex Champion"
It was like he'd been WAITING to say that in revenge for when Kieran beat him and dethroned him from his champion spot.
He is cunning and I love that to bits.
he knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he dragged you into joining the league club and getting you to challenge the elite 4 + Kieran.
"I've got a feeling you're trying to play puppet master." He was not just trying, he was playing puppet master rather successfully.
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This may turn into a rant but here we go regardless!
At first, I thought; ah a professor, surely she must be pretty responsible!
and yeah at first she was decently responsible for the students she was in charge of.
Then I started getting near the end of indigo disk
Madam, I know that Kieran is a strong trainer, but also, let him mentally spiral in peace.
Also the fact that Kieran literally says this; "Ms.Briar can be so reckless sometimes... I feel like I always have to keep an eye on her."
Okay, mild concern is officially rising.
'Terrastrialize Terapagos' she says, Ah yes, let's terrastrialize this pokemon that was only JUST caught and we know nothing about, that's totally safe!
Now we're BOTH to blame for Kieran and Carmine requiring therapy!
Despite this I don't hate her
but GodDAMN she nearly gave me a stroke-
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cantstoplovingjude · 3 months
Underneath the Black Veil: Alfons Sylvatica Ch.2
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This is from Ikemen Villains EN, Cybird owns everything.
Alfons: "Why do you think people want to have weddings, anyway?"
Kate: "Hmm?"
Alfons: "If they truly love each other, why go to all the trouble?"
Alfons: "It's expensive, takes a lot of work and causes all manners of frustration, so why bother with it?"
Kate: "That's awfully blunt, isn't it?"
(Still, he's got a point. I've never really thought about the point of having a wedding.)
Kate: "I'm sure there are various reasons."
Kate: "Like wanting to look your best in front of each other, or wanting to share your special day with family and friends."
Kate: "But probably the most important reason is to create happy memories."
Alfons: "What do you mean by that?"
Kate: "Well, there's always sad and painful times in life. No one can avoid that."
Kate: "But when you go through tough times, if you have happy memories to think back on, it can help you move forward."
Kate: "So maybe that's part of it."
Alfons: "Perhaps, but I personally believe that humans are forgetful creatures."
Alfons: "And you know what they say. Sometimes people can only live by forgetting."
It was true that it was difficult to live while carrying around sad and painful things.
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That's why time robbed people of their memories. Sometimes gently, and sometimes cruelly.
Kate: "I don't think I'd forget something I want to remember forever."
His gaze focused on me, his ash-grey eyes narrowing slightly.
Kate: "Alfons?"
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Alfons: "Ah, that's right. There's something I wanted to ask you."
Alfons: "What color was the candy you just wrapped?"
Kate: "Huh? Um..."
Kate: "Red? Or no, maybe it was yellow..."
Alfons: "Ahha!"
Alfons: "You're not very convincing talking about remembering things forever when you forget something that happened just now."
Kate: "That's not..."
Follower: "Ahem."
Kate: "Oh..."
Instead of showing the followers how much we loved each other, we just ended up bickering.
Alfons: "I'm so excited to have our first sleepover, Miss Robin!"
(I never thought we'd be staying overnight...)
(That means they're still suspicious of us.)
I felt bad that things weren't going as smoothly as I expected.
Alfons: "There's only one bed for a loving couple to share. Just what are we to do?"
With a smirk, he pushed my shoulders, making me stumble backwards onto the bed.
Kate: "W-wait a second!"
He brought his lips to my ear as he climbed on top of me.
Alfons: "Hush. There's still someone outside."
(Oh, the followers are still listening...)
Alfons: "Come on and get to work, my dear."
The moment he whispered that to me, I felt a sweet stimulation running down my neck.
The proximity of him and his warmth had my thoughts wandering elsewhere...
Alfons: "Aww, are you feeling nervous because we're not in our usual bed at home? Or does it feel more thrilling?"
Alfons: "You're so cute, my shy little lover."
He wedged his knee between my legs.
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Kate: "A-ahh...!"
Alfons: "Yes, that's right... Moan for me like you always do."
Alfons: "And let's love each other as much as we possibly can, hm?"
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Despite my better judgment, my body grew hot.
I wondered how long he was going to tease me, because if he kept this up much longer, I might just-
Alfons: "...They're gone."
He let go of me as I gasped, trying to catch my breath.
Alfons: "Ahha. Look at that needy look on your face. How divine... Don't worry, you don't have to act anymore."
Alfons: "Unless you want to continue, of course?"
Kate: "I-I didn't say that-"
Alfons: "I'd like to live up to your expectations, but unfortunately I have other things to do."
Kate: "Like what?"
Alfons: "Like looking for the hidden bodies. Her Majesty told me to make sure to check for evidence."
Alfons: "And although I may not look it, I always do my job properly."
(That means...)
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Kate: "...You intentionally did all that so that we'd have to stay overnight, didn't you?"
Alfons: "You can interpret things however you'd like. Tata for now!"
I let out a sigh as Alfons disappeared again.
(He's so ridiculous and dishonest.)
Kate: "I don't think I'd forget something I want to remember forever."
Alfons: "....."
-Flashback Ends-
For some reason, it felt like I caught a glimpse of his true feelings in that moment.
(Or maybe it was just my imagination. Why am I thinking about him so much anyway?)
Alfons: "Kate, Kate. It's time to wake up."
Kate: "Mmm..."
Alfons: "I can't believe you fell asleep just waiting for your lover to come back."
Kate: "Oh, I guess I did fall asleep..."
It was already light outside and a new day had begun.
Alfons: "Well. Would you like the good news or the bad news first?"
Kate: "The bad news."
Alfons: "I found the bodies in a hidden room in the basement."
(Well, I can't say that's surprising.)
Alfons: "Some of them were already skeletons, but when I examined the ones that had recently died, I realized something."
Alfons: "The wounds were clean stab wounds. That must mean they were put to sleep or drugged, and then stabbed to death."
Alfons: "I think it's safe to assume that the followers are helping, but the actual murders are being done by the leader acting alone."
Alfons: "But now, let me tell you the good news."
He took something out of a box next to him.
Kate: "A black dress?"
Alfons: "Thanks to our naughty behavior last night, they've allowed us to get married today."
Alfons: "You'll have to hurry, because our wedding will start in a few hours."
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Kate: "A few hours?!"
Alfons: "Yes. Would you like me to help you get ready? I will gladly undress you and all that."
Kate: "N-no, thank you!"
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Alfons: "Aw, that's a shame."
I quickly put on my wedding dress and rushed out to Alfons, who was waiting on me.
Kate: "Thanks for waiting."
Alfons: "Hm. That looks rather lovely on you."
Alfons: "Well, that's no surprise given that Victor chose the dress."
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Kate: "I was wondering if that was the case."
Alfons: "Haha. Now, let's open the door and start the condemnation. Your hand?"
He put my hand through his arm to escort me inside.
(Even though I know it's just a mission, I'm nervous about the idea of getting married.)
Alfons: "Ah, you might remember today on your real wedding day."
I blinked, looking at him with mild surprise.
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Alfons: "But I'm sure I'm the only one who could give you such a thrilling experience."
Alfons: "Shall we go?"
There were no guests in the chapel. Just me and Alfons.
And before we knew it, the person we were waiting for finally appeared at the altar...
End Ch.2
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My Favorite Things About Sheldon Cooper
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I will be adding to this list as I go and remember various things.
His eidetic memory. It is something I kind of always wished I had, but I know that with great power comes great responsibility. In any case, I love that Sheldon literally remembers like E V E R Y T H I N G. I know Sheldon has a tendency towards arrogance, but is it really arrogance when you are as smart as he is?
His unique style. In Young Sheldon, everyone always makes fun of his bow ties and in TBBT everyone always makes fun of his nerdy shirts. I think everyone is clearly insane because this guy is fly and is a smart dresser! I love that he loves color and patterns, and even does conflicting patterns quite often, somehow making it work. But he also wears a black suit VERY WELL INDEED. 🫠🫠🫠 (My favorite t-shirt of his is, of course, the melting Rubick’s cube shirt.)
His hiccup, airy stuttering little laugh. He did it more often earlier in TBBT, so I miss it now, but I think it is just sooooo adorable. Everything he does is adorable. Oh, and Iain Armitage imitates it so well! Actually, Armitage is doing a phenomenal job portraying young Sheldon, and mimicking Jim Parson’s style and exhibiting Sheldon’s personal ticks. I love seeing genius at work!
His love of trains. I think it is a pure love, a child-like love. The fact that he would almost give up Physics for them says a lot. Everyone makes fun of him for this as well, but I think bro just knows what he loves and loves it unabashedly. (Amy’s a lucky, lucky girl!)
His love of Star Trek. He’s a full-blooded Trekkie and Spock fanboy. Love how he often uses Trek to understand his world and process his emotions, especially in relation to Spock’s personal journey. This is me. That’s literally just me. (And he loves TAS too! But he gets points off for dissing TMP! He’s absolutely insane to think that it is poor quality cinema, but considering that the film is more abstract, I can understand why Sheldon wouldn’t like it.)
His love of tea. The fact that the boy has a box of tea on hand to make anyone in distress a hot beverage is like his top saintly trait! Get you such a man! “Tea is drunk to forget the din of the world.” – T’ien Yiheng
When he says, “Aww…” Both Jim Parsons and Iain Armitage sound SOOOO cute when they say it. Sad little string bean boy!
The fact that his story sometimes takes a quasi-Forest Gump vibe, if Forest Gump was completely unhinged. In that he befriends famous people, influences them unawares (mostly to their chagrin), or effects history (e.g. Elon Musk stealing his formula for the SpaceX rocket.) I think it is very charming and Americana-esque!
Dr. Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler presents Dr. Sheldon Cooper’s Fun with Flags. While watching TBBT, I wanted his YouTube show to be real SO BAD, especially when Amy joined him. I don’t give a crap about flags, but I would eat that content right up you have no idea! 🤤 It would have been so cool if they created his YouTube channel for real and aired it simultaneously as TBBT was running. I bet fans would have loved that! I know I would have! I feel so, so bad for Sheldon because he is a hyperfixating stan just like me! But no one understands or respects his super obscure niche interests.
The fact that he can sing and dance so well. I loved how Young Sheldon showed how this came about for him. That Annie episode was brilliant and hysterical, and I loved how it showed Sheldon’s boldness and unorthodox personality. Yeah, he ended up getting stage fright, but that was based in his anxiety and fear of crowds, and not the fact that he was a boy about to play a girl’s role in a musical at a Texas high school! (Everyone if you haven’t watch YS, you really need to!!) I love, though, that he has such a good voice and that TBBT gives him chances to sing and perform so often, especially when he gets intoxicated. It made me so happy to see that Jim Parsons got an Emmy for his role as Sheldon, because really he is an amazing performer on every level! Comedy, music, drama - he can do it all, and sometimes all three at once! I should do a whole other post just analyzing the different layers of Parson’s performances on this show! 😍
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Media Death of a Superhero
Character Donald
Couple Donald X Reader
Rating Sweet
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I sat on the desk watching him, Donald sat drawing in his notebook. We were meant to be discussing the topic for the lesson while the teacher popped out for something, we knew she'd be gone until five minuets before the bell so of course, no one actually was everyone was busy talking about their own business but of course, Donald and I shared a table so not much conversation was really flowing. 
He didn't care.
Honestly neither did I.
But I didn't want to just sit in silence.
"So... What are you doing?" I asked leaning on my elbow,
"Drawing," he answered not even picking his head up, 
"Uhh... okay.... what are you drawing?"
"What's the comic about?"
"Like superheroes?"
"No." he shot me down looking up at me, "Superhumans."
"Okay... sorry," I answered as the silence returned, "So... like Xmen mutants kinda superhumans?"
"Like... Avengers superhumans?"
"So like what then?"
"Like...." he sighed, "Like superhumans based on their environmental elements, not mutants, not gods, not aliens, not cyborgs, But manipulated humans based on their environmental tragedies." 
"... Like Batman villains?" 
"Like Batman villains,"
"How like Batman villains?" he glared, 
"You know, Mr freeze has to freeze his beloved wife to keep her from dying, but it goes wrong and now he has to keep his body in a suit in order to make sure he is kept at a low temperature, and only does the crimes to fund research into his wife cure," I explain, "Or like poison ivy who in her attempts to look into the ancient plant life and ends up getting poisoned but it goes wrong so her DNA becomes mixed with the plants turning her into a sexy eco-terrorist," I explained "Or even babydoll... aww babydoll is so sad with a condition that makes her appear young when she is actually really old and her show gets cancelled so she goes out for revenge on the old cast and crew members for taking away her only purpose in life," I explained, "Like that Donald?"
"... Yes, like Batman villains," he nodded before returning his eyes to his book, "I uhh... I didn't know you liked comics," he glanced up at me,
"Kinda hard to avoid them," I shrug,
"Yeah but... most girls aren't into that kinda stuff." he said "Or they like the Avengers for Captain America's butt, thors Abbs and sexy Loki," 
"I mean... I wouldn't say no to a sexy Loki," I laughed, "But I get your point it becomes some mainstream people just kinda like the generic stuff,"
"So you don't then?"
"Well... I admit I did see Morbius half for the meme and half for Matt Smith,"
"I think everyone saw it for the meme," he laughed, "But like you didn't see Guardians just for Chris Pratt?" 
"No, mostly for the soundtrack,"
"It is a great soundtrack," he chuckled, "Any other stuff?"
"Well... Wandavision is an amazing visualization of grief," 
"It really is," he nodded, "Would uhh... would you wanna come to the comic book store with me sometime?"
"I'd like that," I nodded,
"Great... I uhhh... I'm not busy tonight? We can walk there together after class and then I could walk you home?"
"I'd like that," I smiled, "but I've got my mum picking me up today we have to go visit family,"
"Ohh," he nodded, but I could see the disappointment on his face, 
"But I'm not busy tomorrow," I shurg, "Here," I smiled taking his pen and his hand and I wrote my number across his hand with a little heart, "Texted me and I'll meet you there, maybe we can go out for ice cream after?"
"I uhhh I'd really like that," he nodded, 
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unsleepingtales · 1 year
Episode two ayyyyyyy! Once again this is really long soz
The hype this intro fills me with is unreal.
Siobhan’s daily affirmations “this intro is not a tongue twister and is very easy to say”
The auld lang syne reference cracks me up because we know for sure that both Brennan and Siobhan do actually know the words to auld lang syne, because they sang them in the Unsleeping City finale, but they’re mumbling through it here so as not to disrupt the bit and I love them for it <3
Today’s spelling of Daniel’s last name: Fũks
(I had to look up “u with a tilde” to get that and then copy paste it in bc it’s not available on an english keyboard lmao)
God the whole pleasure district is shut down. Losing my mind at this.
Detective Hunch Curio: Vampire
I attempt to steal the child :|
A full on arms race lmao
They keep calling him The Child
Look at you!!
Imelda <3 they are best friends you’re right babe
There’s always so much banter!
Hank I hate to break it to you but dogs do in fact get hurt in this show.
(Gonna kill that dog 🤪😛✌️)
Why has “you’re my best friend” become such a thing in this show lmao first pib in neverafter now this
Siobhan looks wonderful this episode. She always does, but her hair looks particularly lovely here.
I love how Danielle is playing into the reporter thing
God this is sad.
Lore unlock!
Mind reading is fascinating in this context
Glossaries!!! I want to know what’s in those oh my gosh
You paid attention to the way that I behave good for you!
Hank what
You have been known to whisk!
Imelda <3
How long has he been waiting to say The Fix and the Fucks because that’s Great
Imelda going “it’s me, he knows me” is giving big “I killed him, yeah” vibes
He finds children quite fun! They’re good folk!
On behalf of ALL CHILDREN
The child personification of the conscience realizing that it has power is wild
I love that the facts can be comforting and not just threats
Aww they literally light up when they’re happy
A whole glass of grenadine oh god that sounds awful
Yeahhh that’s a good stick
The intense eye contact on room temperature vodka
Sure ok love that
Ngl I could go for a calzone rn. My brother makes great calzones.
I love it when people use their class feats
They’re rivals it’s healthy it’s fine
“Nothing fans of actual play love more than a murderer” “aww but he’s a good murderer” he’s onto us fuck-
Can I ask you a question? / (sad and scared) Okay -> ME ANY TIME ANYONE ASKS ME THAT
Literally what am I gonna say to that. No? You think I’m gonna say no when you ask me if you can ask me a question?
Imelda that sounded Pointy do you have Lore
I love this world
That seems like a reasonable idea Imelda but you seem too invested in it and I want to know why
Listen sometimes players set things up for us too well and you end up getting excited. Sometimes the party wants to separate of their own accord!
Conrad and The Fix are the two most straightforward communicators and them hanging out is great.
A bread bowl made out of muffin to hold coffee grounds that you eat. Augh.
If I was writing a story ;)
Dome antics!
What shocked Elias? Why is he having such a major fight or flight reaction?
Ooh reflex switches fun
Yes he does!
This person is scrambling so much
I do not know enough about biology for this what comes from the scalp that would require shock troopers??
Babe what
I’ll reprimand you greatly! And loudly! So that everyone looks at us!
Let’s hear it for FEATS
Ooooooh dome animation
Jesus christ Brennan is not holding back on the cop hate this season. Love him for it.
What hold on what
Pain responder oh god
Did someone fucking brain him in an alley after work because he took the file or is he just being mugged or something
Also. Shock officers not allowing the information that he’s been injured to reach his consciousness.
Cell phone? Cell phone would be a heavy thing vibrating near that area if it’s in his pocket?
Actually finding a partner is Not on the priority list for your government at the moment sorry. Why are you lying to this man.
Oh yeah he might not be conscious actually. The eyes are closed.
We love completely improvised lore
Fucks (expletive)
They share a courtyard probably
Conrad’s home is gonna make me so sad I already know
Man sometimes people say things and. We just have to live with them yk.
(Brennan makes that “hlblbblblhblhb” sound)
Sitting in this discomfort is so good actually. There is discomfort and uncertainty and fear here and that is good.
Ichabod. What was Ichabod the wayward interest?
HELP Conrad was so resigned to dying Alex nodded like yeah that makes sense
I relate to The Fix in that I also will share random facts in the hope that it will make someone feel better.
If there was an amount of dead he didn’t want you, he wouldn’t have called me. DAMN.
Hank so genuinely lit up at the compliment
That’s Hank talking.
What is happening and why do I feel about it
I do feel bad that like. The kid’s losing his home.
Repressed trauma memory!
Oh god okay so his conscience made him defend his little sister and it ended incredibly traumatically so the lesson he learned from that was that listening to your conscience gets you hurt and he learned that as a child! So he never had a chance to see that that wasn’t the whole story!
(thoroughly impacted) Okay.
Still find it fascinating that the actual university is in the red light district.
Is it no longer the middle of the night? Wasn’t it the middle of the night? Why are students just now heading to the Big Game
Just a flat no. Love it.
Ammon’s Horn Memorial * look up later
He’s dabbling in the arts!
Oh god but really it makes so much sense that the brain university defunded the arts years ago. Like within the context of who this guy is and how harshly all distractions are dealt with it makes perfect sense that they don’t have art classes.
DC 20 😭
STEM only :(
Lady you are not poor-
Silly little woman :)
Add something fun!
Of course, every time a memory is recalled, it is altered! We demand that you add something cute and fun. Love that.
We try to have fun here
Hunch now is the time to let it GO
We need Stacy Fakename merch
You’re frickin haunted man
Oh god he got jumped.
Let’s just steal it!
De’lux meaning of light. Oy.
(Brennan makes a sound of satisfaction with his punnery)
Exceeded the dc by 10!!
Trapp uses moxie so freely
Oh they’re all getting jumped. Like host body like mental functions I guess?
Ugh, wool! So naturally oily and slippery!
The Fix and his traits <3
Ol’ Johnny Gullible
New life!
He’s gonna break all those bones
He’s so terrifying without trying
What a wild sequence of events
Bro I would also dissolve into mist if someone looked me in the eyes and talked to me like that.
I’m low key worried about what happens if they restore vision without anyone in the buildings to distill the raw visuals
Oh my GOD
Oh my god.
Oh my god????
(cheerful jazz music)
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yvannahaleth · 2 years
How about Miu who's with a Boyfriend who's the opposite of her personality wise he's kind and a bit airheaded but very loving towards her. He loves giving her affection whether through kisses or simply holding hands he loves being around her. When she's feeling insecure he comforts her and lets her know he'll always be there for her. Now miu's classmates are shocked she has a boyfriend much less one who's very opposite of her, though kaede while shocked is very much in support of them.
Miu Iruma x M! Reader Who's The Total Opposite Of Her
M! Reader, Fluff, SFW
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Before the confession:
Look, she maaayyy or may not feeling unsafe when near you
Don't get me wrong, yes, she loves you, she really reaally loves you
But, she can't help but be aware of you
Why are you being kind to her?
Why do you compliment her?
Why do you pats her head?
Why do you always smile at her?
Why do you always hang out with her?
Why do you listens to her rambles?
Why do you accompany her?
Why does she.. Likes it?
Why does she likes you?
You're so nice.
You're so gentle with her.
She doesn't flinch at your gentle touch.
You didn't even do anything
You just patted her shoulder as a greeting
But why is she blushing?
She likes you.
But, a part of her believes that you want something from her
A part of her believes that you are using her
A part of her knows that people are just using her for her body
Yet, why didn't you do it?
Why didn't you use her? Right now?
What are you waiting for?
What are you planning?
One day, you're just accompanying her when she's inventing something
She listens to you rambling about something while she's working
She loves to have a background music when she's inventing something (which is your voice)
And then, she says the unexpected..
"Why are you being so kind to me? Do you have a crush on me or something..?"
Then you have to explain that all of your doings is because you likes her
Because you loves her.
And you have to tell how amazing she is and how you genuinely loves her.
".... I.. I- you.. You really think so...?"
Aww, she's blushing~
She always is, but her blushing right now when you just confessed to her is rather an outstanding view.
It takes her a while to process what you just said
But she likes you back, and she knows that!
So, you two began dating!
After the confession:
She's soooo nervous around you
She blushes, stutters and all
Because she's not used to being genuinely loved
It takes 2 weeks for her to actually feel like herself with you
She no longer stutters
She's comfortable with you now
She loves to flirt with you and then blushes sooo hard when you flirt back
Though, it is quite... Unusual for her classmates to see your relationship with her
I mean, you're more of the 'calm, sweet, nice' type while she's more of the 'aggresive, lewd, weird' type
They always come up to you
Saying that you deserve better and stuff
But you didn't care.
You absolutely didn't.
You love her.
And she loves you.
Perhaps, she loves you more than you love her
I mean, your love language makes her feel loved!
She feels absolute joy!
maybe nervous too
She loves your gentle touches
She loves how you're so careful with her
She loves it.
It makes her feel like she's worth being loved.
She craves for your touch, that's a fact that she'd deny.
Tbh, it's kinda sad how she thought you were using her before
Anyhow, Kaede is one of the people that's shocked of your relationship
But not like those people, she supports you both!
She'll sometimes ask you both to hang out with her and forgot about the plan so you both could have a date instead on purpose
A supportive friend!
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walkingstackofbooks · 3 months
DS9 4x20 The Muse thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [12 July ‘23]
I had no idea Jake's mind-nomming happened in the same episode as the Lwxana/Odo marriage - okay let's gooo!
"I won't let him do it, Odo." "Who? What?" I guess being telepathic, she might forget she actually has to start from the beginning of a story and explain it rather than have people pick up from what she's thinking?
This alien talks in the weirdest way. I'm glad Jake starts out uneasy, at least.
I hate when Jake picks something over spending time with his dad. Like, it checks out, he *is* a teenager, but Sisko's always so disappointed 😭
"What do you want me to do about it?" "Either cheer her up or get her to leave." Love how Quark thinks Odo could cheer her up rather than just be security getting her to leave.
Oh!! At Quark's request Odo does go and give up his routine and free time to make her happier :3 I do love these two.
Odo's war with himself over being unpleasant to ward her off from his quarters but also not wanting to. :3
"Major Kira and First Minister Shakaar are involved now." "How sad." "Not at all. I'm happy for her." For most of the time Odo is actually such a good bro. I don't like the framing later on that he somehow 'deserves' Kira just because he likes her, but he really is so respectful.
"Well, just don't go do what I did. Look for someone to fix your broken heart then end up pregnant and on the run." "I don't think there's too much danger of that happening." His little laugh. I am sad he and Lwxana couldn't be together.
"[I feel] Like a changeling who's had to hold his shape too long." It's sweet that she puts it in understandable terms, I think?
"Lwxana? Your replicator isn't really broken, is it?" Aww it took you that long? Call yourself a detective XD
"I'm sorry if I made you feel unwelcome." You literally did less to make her feel unwelcome than you do to any other person who comes your way though!
Oh damn I had paused this halfway through and once again forgot Jake's storyline was the other half of this episode!
Why do I feel like that pen should write in Jake's blood?
This alien is so creepy and I hate this so so soooo much
Haha! Odo laughing! I love how much they enjoy each other's time
Why not lie to Lwxana's husband, and tell him that she's not here??
Odo's so tender as he helps her up to the stage thing!
Miles' uncertain look at "add her to what is mine"
Quark's wistful sigh at Odo's "I didn't need anyone else."
"The truth is, I was ashamed of what I was, afraid that if people saw how truly different I was they would recoil from me." *camera pans to Julian* OH THESE TWO GIVE ME FEELINGS. They would just have the ability to relate so hard to each other! Tell me that that quote couldn't belong to Julian in DBIP.
"The day I met her is the day I stopped being alone." *Kira looks down* Oh, I wonder what she's feeling about that. Because she definitely thought they were good friends.
I am still surprised the husband doesn't fight harder. All he needs to do is doubt it. I guess some part of him really did love Lwxana?
"What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic!" Really, Quark? Sure.
"You know, for a minute there, I really believed you wanted to marry me." Oh, he DID.
"Orange juice." Sometimes Jake does things that make me remember how young he is. (Even though I'd be ordering apple juice all the time though... But everyone else usually guess got tea or coffee or alcohol.)
At least Jake's in a public place when he collapses. Glad he didn't go back to his quarters.
"He was the youngest I ever found. So eager, ready to give everything he had in one great burst." Apart from he hadn't agreed to give everything, he didn't know that was what you were doing and he wouldn't have consented if he had!
"You really should stay." "I'll miss you, too." Ohhh. Lwxana's ability to cut to what Odo is feeling.
"I could stay, try to make you fall in love with me, but we both know that won't happen. Then I'd end up resenting you, and our friendship is far too important for me to let that happen." I love these two so much though ❤️❤️
"The dialogue is sharp, the story's involving, the characters are real. The spelling is terrible. I especially liked the father." SISKO :3 I love his dad-ing
"All you need to do is learn to find them by yourself." Sisko is such a wonderful dad. And so good at advice and saying the right thing!
Anslem - he wrote that in the alternate timeline where Sisko dies? But on his own? I guess in that timeline, at this point was he too sad for the alien to find him an alluring target? I like how we know it's his - and I'm guessing Sisko does too from his memories of that timeline. :3
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outworldletters · 11 months
Horn Over Heels For You! | Arataki Itto x Reader
Pairing: Arataki Itto x Reader
Summary: Arataki Itto did not let you leave for Sumeru Akademiya without declaring his love for you. Still, you left for your studies, leaving him wondering if you would still have a space for him in your life after growing so much and meeting new, interesting people - people who are less rough around the edges.
After all, what does he bring to a relationship besides a big heart and a loud mouth?
Word Count: 1.2k
Morning, Sunshine!
Are you reading this just as you wake? Or getting ready to hit the sack? Either way, you light up my world, so I'm gonna kick off these letter thingies like this! Darkness ain't a thing when you're on my mind!
Aww, I got kinda sappy. But shhh, keep it on the down-low, alright? I am a total tough cookie. A badass oni-cookie!
I'm gonna write to you every day when you're away. So, if this ever bugs you, you better keep me closer.
Look, the thing is, I know you want to paint instead of burying your pretty face in books. So, I thought, maybe I could paint your beautiful smile in a way only this Oni-king can? So, what do ya say? Do you want to hear a story?
There was once a tarantula, living alone and minding her business in a dark corner.
If you were a little critter, what do you think you would be? You look all soft and fluffy like a moth, and strong and fierce like a big ol' tarantula. Yeah, I know, it's weird. They're both bugs, but you remind me of a mix of both.
What?! But tarantulas are beautiful and elegant! And it's not all about looks. They're calm and quiet like you, but will attack if threatened. And... Yeah, I think it's still a compliment. 
I'm my own sorta of spider, ain't I? I weave words into a web that catches a cutie like you! 
I'm sorry, that was bad. Hahaha.
Anyway! I was telling you a story.
The little tarantula was a pretty tough girl, but sometimes even the best of us wish we had someone to talk to and share our troubles. So, this little spider decided to give herself a little challenge: she'd use her skills to make two gifts, and then offer them to the first person she met.
The first gift was a fluffy blanket of her finest silk, soft as soft can be... and the other was the most fiddly poison.
Well, the first person that met little Miss Tarantula took the bait of the soft, fluffy blanket, thinking it was the greatest gift ever given. So, he went back to her cozy corner, tucked herself into the blanket and was lulled to sleep, never to wake up…
But, the second person to meet up with her... chose the bite. And even if it made them sweat and shake and want to scream, it cured them all of their woes and worries. They could finally live free, free of all fear and pain.
The point is, sometimes what appears as the greatest thing ever isn't really what you need; what you need isn't always what it looks like. It's about making a choice between what looks like the most comforting, perfect thing in the world, or picking something scary but necessary to move forward.
It's about knowing what you really need and making that call, not settling for something just because it looks safe. I get that, y'know? I get it, Sunshine.
I am not angry or sad because you left.
You didn't want to make that choice... But you did, didn't you? You took the bite. I know you're worried about whether we made the right call. But I have no doubts.
I'm proud of ya. You're brave, for leaving everything you know and choosing to honor your Vision. 
Listen, the distance is hard on both of us, no doubt about it. But you, me, us? We got this. There ain't nothing keeping us apart. Not when our bond is this strong. 
After all, if you were not strong enough to take the bite, you would never choose to date me either. So I am glad this is who you are.
It ain't everyone's jam to date an Oni, y'know? But it's the rough parts of me that make you laugh and get excited, isn't it? Like the first time you met me and I showed you my collection of beetles, and they started crawling all over you. But anyways, I'm rambling.
The thing is, the tarantula from that story? Yeah, I don’t like her a bit.
That little spider was trying to trick that second person into showing trust, right? That's why she did that whole “bite or blanket” routine. It was almost like she cared about what people thought more than making her own choices.
You and I, we choose to be vulnerable to each other, no matter what. I'm never afraid to admit my fears or to tell you when I'm feeling hurt or upset. And you can always tell me what's bothering you, so we can work together and figure it out. Right?
I gotta tell ya, I was scared, too, when I knew you had to leave. I was worried sick that once you got settled with your new studies, you'd forget all about me.
It's just my paranoia, y'know? It's the thought that I'll wake up one day, and you'll suddenly tell me about a more attractive, more... polished guy you met at school. And... that you wouldn't want to be with the guy with the horns and the fangs after all.
Even just writing about it makes me sick to my stomach, it's just-
Do you think I'm too rough around the edges for you? Am I holding you back?
I mean, you're a smart person going off to a big school and learning so much, and what do I bring to the table? A big heart? A loud mouth? It just feels like there's something inside you that needs much more than what I can offer.
I am not like that tarantula at all. That's cuz I'm me. I don't need to try to trick people or test them to make them take a bite from me. What you see is what you get from me.
And what I offer you is love, Sunshine. A love you wouldn't have to look hard to find. I wouldn't try to trick ya into showing you my affection. I can be rough, or I can be gentle, but it's always honest.
All your quirks, your insecurities, your talents, I would love every bit of it. And I would do my best to keep your chin up when you're feeling down. I wanna be the one you come to with good news, and the one who comforts you when you're feeling lonely. And most of all, I want to make you smile.
You're gonna do great. You'll make new friends and make all these dreams of yours come true. You'll keep growing, learning, taking the risks you want to take. If it ever gets tough, remember, I'm right here. I'll be your comfort cushion, your warm blanket. I'll be whatever you need, right? Just tell me, and I'll be there, okay?
I guess in the end, it's just about showing your heart, no tricks or tests, no tests or traps... Just being honest and loving, huh? Heh, and it ain't so complicated after all. But hey, if you'll allow it, please accept this gift.
The softest blanket ever: my strong arms!
You can always count on me. Even if I'm far away, it's so easy to make it feel like I'm holding you in my arms all over again.
Just remember... I will never, ever let you walk alone.
Arataki “horns over heels for you” Itto
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spaceyflowers · 2 years
HI ADRIEN!!! I hope you’re having a lovely day so far. 😩💓 TY FOR ALWAYS REBLOGGING, I LOVE YOUR TAGS AND I LOVE RRADING THE COMMENTS YOU HAVE. 🥰🥰🥰 I have a few questions for you, from a fellow writer! 😎🙌🏽
If you were to be sucked into the Lookism webtoon, what would your character be in the story?
Adding onto the first question as a Lookism character, who would be your main allies/friends and who would be your main enemies/foes? 😳
What is your favorite romance trope? 👀
Who is your favorite Lookism character to write for/write about?
Do you listen to music while writing/drawing? And if so, what do you listen to?
I hope this isn’t too much to ask. If it is, I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE. 😬🙏🏽 Wishing you a good rest of your day!! 😘
speaking of my disease i went on quite a bit so im putting a cut after my first reply <3
my life in the lookism webtoon: realistically, i think i would be one of the j high student background charas who say funny one liners whenever humor is needed and then im never seen again JSHDJWJD
but if im allowed to be delusional then i want to be a member of big deal that plays an older sibling role to them like jake/sinu does 🫶 i think it'd also be nice to befriend some of the j high kids unknowingly lol
like i can imagine the j high trio showing up during the big deal vs workers arc and spotting me, going "hey, you're the nice person we meet at the cafe sometimes! you're a member of big deal?! you said you worked at a convenience store!" and im just like "well... i do work at a convenience store. on big deal's street. you guys never asked"
and ofc this means my main enemies would be gun, eugene/workers, and prob dg ^_^
fave romance trope: friends to lovers bc im such a sappy soft loser 🤞 also,, i was really sad when i saw u, day, and jann talking about friends to lovers being a bland trope a while ago but i understand 😭😭 i was going to say sumn but didnt want to be the "um ACTUALLY" guy 😭😭😭
anyways all i have to offer for what i had wanted to say is this 💔:
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fave lookism chara to write for/about: hm... kind of a hard choice, but ironically i think it's probably my writing blog's top requested 3: james, gun, and jake. they're all starkly different compared to each other lol but their unique personalities are fun to write!! vin jin's also pretty fun to write bc of how obnoxious he is <3
listening to music while writing/drawing: YES MUSIC IS MY LIFE I WOULD BE LIFELESS WITHOUT IT 😭😭😭😭😭😭 #1 MUSIC ENTHUSIAST FOREVER ‼️ (thus why i am always asking for music reccs lol)
i listen to a wide variety of stuff in many languages!! indie, vocaloid, pop, jazz, rock, etc... unfortunately i am also the "i listen to every genre :] not country tho." guy and im not a fan of super heavy metal either u_u;;
most of the time i listen to whatever i want to fit the mood of what im working on! and since i usually work on romantic stuff (lol) that means ive usually got a romantic playlist/song on loop ^_^
ik this wasnt asked but here's a recc from me to you: finding something to do by hellogoodbye 💖 (this song makes me think of going on a fun road trip with a crush!)
OKAY THAT'S ALL dw about the question amount i had lots of fun answering them <33 !! i hope you have a very lovely day youself, cat!! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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superblysubpar · 1 year
Hi babe! I need to talk to someone who don’t know about this situation ‘cause I’m going CRAZY; I have a crush for one of my friend, I’ve liked him for three years (I know I’m embarrassing), in 2020 we had a period where we dated, but at some point he broken up with me because he didn’t like me anymore. At the begging I was not bothered with this, but then after new year, I became very sad, and depressed, I had a very dark period, when I was as hanging out with my friend the most of the time I didn’t speak, I was so angry with myself, and I blamed myself for what happened because finally I had found someone who likes me, and then, maybe for my temper (I have trust issues, at the begging I’m a little cold) he left me. At some point I stopped drinking alcohol because when I became drunk, I locked me in the bathroom for crying, or for throwing up and sometimes I called him a piece of shit 😃 he was always there because we have the same friend.
BUT, I noticed that recently when I make a joke he laughs A LOT, he’s the only one who laughs at something it’s not so funny, maybe I do a sarcastic comment under my breath and he laughs!!!! And when he does obviously I laugh too and I look at him and he looks at me, and this beautiful thing happens where both of us laugh and we look at each other, last week it happened and I wanted TO DIE, we almost fell out of chairs I’m not joking. (The same night he gifted me some Harry Potter’s stuff he found in a sort of chocolate egg ‘cause I didn’t have it and he had them double)
I don’t feel the same love I did three years ago, but when this things happen I want to punch myself because I know that maybe he just trying to be friendly, he want to be my friend (and I want too) so I have to wake up and go on, but I can’t, today he texted me for asking a thing about the city I live, and then he asked me how I was and then he told me he was good too except for the hot weather, I was like a kid in the candy store but I kept telling my self that he was just being friendly he doesn’t care about me 😭😭😭😭
Sorry for this looong ramble, but I have to tell to someone to see if I’m the one who sees things and you look like a really good and sweet person, sorry if I took your time 💛
-🍝 (I’m the Italian one who go crazy for Jo’s hands😇)
Aww babe 💛 so to be fully transparent, I'm totally not a relationship advice person in terms of knowing how dating is going today / or having been with multiple people. I had two boyfriends growing up (one who was actual literal garbage in the form of a human flesh, but that's a different story) and then my now husband who I've been with for almost 12 years.
All I can say is something I've learned with being with him for so long. We were friends first and that I think is always the most important thing to me. He's my best friend, and I still wanna tell him everything & that totally stems from the friendship we formed before dating. But what I've learned through that friendship and our relationship is just communication 💛
If you're confused about your title/what this is - ask him. If you wanna put your heart out there - do it. Whatever happens, then you know and you're not left with questions and what ifs and it's all out there - for both of you to know. Sure, it could end up ruining what you have or make things messier, but then in my opinion it wasn't meant to be and you don't have to spend more energy wondering. It of course wouldn't be all perfect and feeling good right away, but I promise you that a future you will be happy you communicated how you were feeling.
Also, I think for your particular situation, it would be really beneficial to talk about how things went down and what's happened since if you never had those kind of chats before. It sounds like you went through a lot together as well as personally and talking it out is always beneficial in my opinion 💛
Also! Even if he's just a friend, then you have a really great friend you can not only laugh with, but have these cool and meaningful convos with, you know?
I really hope this helped! 💛
- XOXO Gossip Girl Taylor
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karmas-chameleon · 3 months
🪦 rotted, 🖼️ i'll paint a picture, & ⛓️‍💥 i'm free, from the ask game u rb'd from me!!
(also i think it's banger that u f/o von karma, i haven't played those games in years but still)
~ @pupships
Aww, thank you! ☺️ And thanks for the ask!
🪦 rotted ; do you want to spend your entire life with them? whether or not you want to, do you think you will?
I absolutely want to, but with him being 65 and my S/I 26, things don't add up too well. I actually wrote a short one shot about her being sad that she probably won't be able to share her whole life with him.
But! With the magic of f/os, I can just do whatever I want lol. If I'm still shipping with him when I'm that old, I'll just make him immortal or something 😅. Honestly with the nature of some of my past f/os, an immortal multiversal polycule is not out of the question.
🖼️ i'll paint a picture ; are you artsy? are they? if so, do you create for each other? if not, do you want to? do they?
I am! At least in real life. I guess my S/I would like making art too, but like...most of my creative pursuits are dedicated to making Manfred stuff, so what would my self insert be drawing and writing about in a world where he's actually real? I'm not entirely sure. She'd probably try to draw something for him at some point in their relationship though.
Manfred isn't so much into the visual art side of things, but I'm going to take this official art as canon:
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...and say that he plays the violin. And also, judging by his perfectionism in every other part of his life, I'm gonna assume he's pretty good at it. I've imagined him playing it for me at home, as well as singing to me (he does karaoke, and that's canon for sure! I think). He'll do this either when I ask him to or when I'm feeling down. Normally cuddles will do in that latter scenario, but sometimes I just don't want to be touched and so Manfred will try his best to comfort me how he can.
And I'll never tell him this, but the violin isn't actually one of my favorite instruments, and I'd rather be listening to Damon Gant playing on his pipe organ. But I don't want to break his heart, so he must never know.
⛓️‍💥 i'm free ; have you ever felt imprisoned by something, external or internal? have they? how have you helped each other with these things? (alternatively, how would you help each other if one of you felt that way?)
Manfred is absolutely held down by his strict standards of perfection in basically everything. In my story, he's spent practically his whole life trying to seem like the perfect prosecutor and the perfect husband, and when either of those things show the tiniest cracks in their facade, it doesn't go well. But my S/I will make an attempt at the end of my fic (haven't quite written this part yet lol) to make him reconsider his methods. It takes a lot to make someone like him change at all, but the power of love will win out.
My S/I at the beginning of the story is trapped both in a dull job and in her own shell, having pretty much zero social contact with anyone outside of work. She's never had a boyfriend, hardly even had friends at all, but Manfred unexpectedly helps her out of that. She opens up to him and experiences a lot of things she never could've dreamed of before.
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sarah-dipitous · 10 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 332
Proverbs 17:3/Fugitive of the Judoon
“Proverbs 17:3”
Plot Description: when several campers meet a grisly fate in Colorado, Sam and Dean discover a werewolf presence—and have an unexpected run-in with an old foe
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: if the everything about camping didn’t turn me off already, this show has me completely sworn off of it
Omg girl, do not leave that tent wtf
Awwww Sam’s been trying to get in touch with Cas again
Love when they get small opportunities to just be shitty siblings
I hate all these nightmares Sam is having about being Lucifer’s vessel and killing Dean
Aww Dean’s denial of his own aging….is actually super sad considering he’s gonna die fr this season
Dean’s so comforting and genuine rn with this girl who survived the attack. What’s goin on with him? He’s not usually that immediately open with those impacted by monster attacks unless they’re in immediate danger
(You know who I miss? The twin witches.)
Speaking of shitty siblings. These werewolf brothers are terrible (Josh more than Andy but neither are particularly GOOD)
I know this show does obvious parallels within an inch of its life but the scene of Dean talking to the girl about if things would be better or easier if everything was planned out for you was so 🙄
I’ve complained about it before so many times, but the “cut away from the person holding the gun only to find they didn’t shoot who you thought they shot” is way too overdone. It’s no longer a surprise when the Winchesters don’t get shot
Oh no. Andyyyyy you didn’t have to kill yourself, too
Hello??? I knew something was sus about Ashley but I thought it was a more Alex situation
Of all foes to bring back, Lilith? I guess I was just underwhelmed with her last time, so hopefully she gets something good this time around…but I’m not THAT hopeful
Dean’s little apologetic nod at her that she’s not going to seduce him
So, Chuck sent her there to get his gun back?
TWO nightmares in one episode? I guess at least in this one it’s Demon Dean. Mark of Cain Dean
I KNEW that conversation was bad…but it was Chuck’s writing bad
He wanted the gun destroyed? For what??
The weird commentary of Dean asking if they just keep running in Chuck’s maze forever or until they get boring and he ends them IN THE LAST SEASON which is ten seasons AFTER it was initially supposed to end
The “how are we supposed to fight God, Sam?” I was really waiting for Sam to say “together,” but thankfully he didn’t
(How has JPad’s voice only altered slightly in those 15 years and Jensen’s…Jensen doesn’t even sound like the same person)
“Fugitive of the Judoon”
Plot Description: the Doctor and friends race toward 21st century Gloucester—to stand in the way of trigger-happy space police the Judoon. But who or what are the Judoon investigating?
Oh…oh wait, I’d this the Doctor? The future Doctor??
Why does this barista have a dossier on this woman’s boyfriend??
I know the Doctor’s always kept their companions at an arm’s length when it comes to Gallifrey but 13 takes it to a new level. But part of that is my constant complaint about how she doesn’t really bond with them at all individually
I have a few theories for who the Judoon are looking for: boyfriend (unlikely but I’ve seen weirder twists), the woman I’m convinced is the future Doctor, and the Master (because 13 is looking for him)
A platoon of Judoon near the moon…sometimes the dumbest jokes are the funniest
I know he’s an old white man but does Graham really think the police don’t kill??? Please…
I’m still convinced it’s her even though she scans human
This barista needs to back off. You don’t get to write “you can do better” on a cake ordered and paid for by the boyfriend of the woman you’re infatuated with
Oh, he’s not gonna be a problem anymore. Not that it’s right, but he picked a fight with the Judoon and they killed him for it
Aw, Ryan 😣 he tried. Here’s a star, kiddo ⭐️
Making up Earth rules on the spot to enforce against the Judoon
Ok but where IS Graham?? Omg, Captain Jack??? (Though I’ve kind of soured on him since John Barrowman’s comments on not being in the 60th specials, like he was OWED it)
Is the boyfriend like Martha in the family of blood episodes?? He’s gotta keep her safe while her memories are sealed away?
I don’t like that Jack assumed Graham was the Doctor, however I’d like it even less if he’d greeted 13 with that kiss. Also don’t like him saying “this I gotta see!” Upon hearing the Doctor is a woman now
Has he always been this sleazy?? Have I been making excuses for him this whole time??
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Who is SHE?? Ok. Is she the Master from the future?? The way she called boyfriend “faithful companion”
The instinct future Doctor has in close combat is kinda hot
Boyfriend wasn’t boyfriend, he was husband (before the other woman killed him)
“Beware the long (?) Cybermen”?? Or was it lone? Oh we’re trying for an overarching plot
Of all the lighthouses one could live and grow up in, this one’s probably the best and most cozy
THERE IT ISSSS!! She’s got her memories back
Oooooo!! I like her TARDIS interior
Ooo!! And these glasses are fantastic
Why must the girls fight?? And being so petty about it.
So, the future Doctor (or au Doctor maybe??) had a job and the woman who killed her companion was her boss, and this is just messy
Why are we doing a best of tour here too?? I just realized
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