#Long-Distance Relationship
slicesofapple · 11 months
Sometimes, when the rain is pounding on the roof, or it's a dark, cold, wintry day, or Tobio has had a shit practice, or his muscles are more sore than usual, he opens up his wallet to take out the picture of Tooru he carries with him everywhere. It's getting a little battered from handling, but he pulls it carefully out and smooths out the edges. Tobio has a digital copy too, of course, but sometimes he likes (needs) to hold the actual photo in his hands.
It's from that very first trip he took to Argentina, back when they'd only been dating for a few months. Tooru had greeted him at the gate and Tobio had quickly snapped it, capturing that smile that welcomed Tobio to his country and his home - to his heart, really.
It's not as good as being with the real thing (not nearly as good), but sometimes it has to do.
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outworldletters · 8 months
Horn Over Heels For You! | Arataki Itto x Reader
Pairing: Arataki Itto x Reader
Summary: Arataki Itto did not let you leave for Sumeru Akademiya without declaring his love for you. Still, you left for your studies, leaving him wondering if you would still have a space for him in your life after growing so much and meeting new, interesting people - people who are less rough around the edges.
After all, what does he bring to a relationship besides a big heart and a loud mouth?
Word Count: 1.2k
Morning, Sunshine!
Are you reading this just as you wake? Or getting ready to hit the sack? Either way, you light up my world, so I'm gonna kick off these letter thingies like this! Darkness ain't a thing when you're on my mind!
Aww, I got kinda sappy. But shhh, keep it on the down-low, alright? I am a total tough cookie. A badass oni-cookie!
I'm gonna write to you every day when you're away. So, if this ever bugs you, you better keep me closer.
Look, the thing is, I know you want to paint instead of burying your pretty face in books. So, I thought, maybe I could paint your beautiful smile in a way only this Oni-king can? So, what do ya say? Do you want to hear a story?
There was once a tarantula, living alone and minding her business in a dark corner.
If you were a little critter, what do you think you would be? You look all soft and fluffy like a moth, and strong and fierce like a big ol' tarantula. Yeah, I know, it's weird. They're both bugs, but you remind me of a mix of both.
What?! But tarantulas are beautiful and elegant! And it's not all about looks. They're calm and quiet like you, but will attack if threatened. And... Yeah, I think it's still a compliment. 
I'm my own sorta of spider, ain't I? I weave words into a web that catches a cutie like you! 
I'm sorry, that was bad. Hahaha.
Anyway! I was telling you a story.
The little tarantula was a pretty tough girl, but sometimes even the best of us wish we had someone to talk to and share our troubles. So, this little spider decided to give herself a little challenge: she'd use her skills to make two gifts, and then offer them to the first person she met.
The first gift was a fluffy blanket of her finest silk, soft as soft can be... and the other was the most fiddly poison.
Well, the first person that met little Miss Tarantula took the bait of the soft, fluffy blanket, thinking it was the greatest gift ever given. So, he went back to her cozy corner, tucked herself into the blanket and was lulled to sleep, never to wake up…
But, the second person to meet up with her... chose the bite. And even if it made them sweat and shake and want to scream, it cured them all of their woes and worries. They could finally live free, free of all fear and pain.
The point is, sometimes what appears as the greatest thing ever isn't really what you need; what you need isn't always what it looks like. It's about making a choice between what looks like the most comforting, perfect thing in the world, or picking something scary but necessary to move forward.
It's about knowing what you really need and making that call, not settling for something just because it looks safe. I get that, y'know? I get it, Sunshine.
I am not angry or sad because you left.
You didn't want to make that choice... But you did, didn't you? You took the bite. I know you're worried about whether we made the right call. But I have no doubts.
I'm proud of ya. You're brave, for leaving everything you know and choosing to honor your Vision. 
Listen, the distance is hard on both of us, no doubt about it. But you, me, us? We got this. There ain't nothing keeping us apart. Not when our bond is this strong. 
After all, if you were not strong enough to take the bite, you would never choose to date me either. So I am glad this is who you are.
It ain't everyone's jam to date an Oni, y'know? But it's the rough parts of me that make you laugh and get excited, isn't it? Like the first time you met me and I showed you my collection of beetles, and they started crawling all over you. But anyways, I'm rambling.
The thing is, the tarantula from that story? Yeah, I don’t like her a bit.
That little spider was trying to trick that second person into showing trust, right? That's why she did that whole “bite or blanket” routine. It was almost like she cared about what people thought more than making her own choices.
You and I, we choose to be vulnerable to each other, no matter what. I'm never afraid to admit my fears or to tell you when I'm feeling hurt or upset. And you can always tell me what's bothering you, so we can work together and figure it out. Right?
I gotta tell ya, I was scared, too, when I knew you had to leave. I was worried sick that once you got settled with your new studies, you'd forget all about me.
It's just my paranoia, y'know? It's the thought that I'll wake up one day, and you'll suddenly tell me about a more attractive, more... polished guy you met at school. And... that you wouldn't want to be with the guy with the horns and the fangs after all.
Even just writing about it makes me sick to my stomach, it's just-
Do you think I'm too rough around the edges for you? Am I holding you back?
I mean, you're a smart person going off to a big school and learning so much, and what do I bring to the table? A big heart? A loud mouth? It just feels like there's something inside you that needs much more than what I can offer.
I am not like that tarantula at all. That's cuz I'm me. I don't need to try to trick people or test them to make them take a bite from me. What you see is what you get from me.
And what I offer you is love, Sunshine. A love you wouldn't have to look hard to find. I wouldn't try to trick ya into showing you my affection. I can be rough, or I can be gentle, but it's always honest.
All your quirks, your insecurities, your talents, I would love every bit of it. And I would do my best to keep your chin up when you're feeling down. I wanna be the one you come to with good news, and the one who comforts you when you're feeling lonely. And most of all, I want to make you smile.
You're gonna do great. You'll make new friends and make all these dreams of yours come true. You'll keep growing, learning, taking the risks you want to take. If it ever gets tough, remember, I'm right here. I'll be your comfort cushion, your warm blanket. I'll be whatever you need, right? Just tell me, and I'll be there, okay?
I guess in the end, it's just about showing your heart, no tricks or tests, no tests or traps... Just being honest and loving, huh? Heh, and it ain't so complicated after all. But hey, if you'll allow it, please accept this gift.
The softest blanket ever: my strong arms!
You can always count on me. Even if I'm far away, it's so easy to make it feel like I'm holding you in my arms all over again.
Just remember... I will never, ever let you walk alone.
Arataki “horns over heels for you” Itto
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, Multi Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Relationships: Orym/Dorian Storm/Will | Orym's Spouse, Orym/Dorian Storm, Orym/Will | Orym's Spouse (Critical Role), Dorian Storm/Will | Orym's Spouse Characters: Dorian Storm, Orym (Critical Role), Will | Orym's Spouse (Critical Role) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Long-Distance Relationship, Texting, Fluff, Love, Married Life, Conversations, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling & Snuggling
Summary: It's hard for Dorian to be away on tour while his husbands remain home for the Jrusar FC season, but they make sure to keep connected. They text and call and send videos. Even though he misses them, he never has to doubt that they love and support him.
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“Don't forget your ring.”
“There is no universe where I forget my ring.” He slipped his finger into the ring that Will held up, then adjusted it to sit more comfortably at the same time he kissed Will's cheek. “I was cleaning it, so it's nice and pretty for all the photos they're going to snap when I get to the skyport. Shouldn't you be mentally preparing for preseason training?”
“How do you expect me to mentally prepare when you're leaving us for so long?”
“I would be saying the same thing to you when the season starts.”
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librathefangirl · 2 years
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[ID: a moodboard on the theme of a long-distance relationship between Steve, Nancy and Jonathan. Eight photos organized in a slightly overlapping cirle, in a scrapbook page manner, against a wooden table-like surface. Photos clockwise: Nancy talking on the phone, three people running across the beach, Jonathan sitting by a table with a newspaper, a overview shot of Lenora Hills, the trio sitting by a car and laughing together, a sign that says "leaving hawkins come again soon", Steve talking on the phone, and a sign that says "Emerson College". In the middle of the photos is a handwritten piece of paper that says "distance will only give us a reason to love harder". End ID]
Stoncy AU: long-distance relationship. Nancy at Emerson College, Jonathan with his family in California and Steve back in Hawkins.
For Stoncy Week 2022, Day 3: “I can’t be in love with you” OR I’m scared but won’t admit it, so you take my hand Alternate prompt: Long-Distance Relationship.
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hidden-akasha · 11 months
This work is a part of our Valentine collection ♥️
Between their countless partings and reunions, letters from the traveler always find their way to his doorstep. And in each and every one Zhongli receives, between the carefully penned lines of exciting stories and casual chatter, he can always feel Aether's warmth. He can always feel Aether's longing to see him again, because he feels it just as much. [ H.A.R. Valentine Exchange 2023 ]
Words: 3,314
Rating: General Audiences
Join our Discord to participate in future events and to interact with Genshin Impact fan content creators! We welcome artists, writers, and readers ♥️
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Death by Cheerleader (What A Way To Go)
Author: @Canadianmaebe
Rating/Warning: Explicit
Chapter Count: 1/1 (Part 1 of Lips To The Mic, You Hearing Me Alright? series)
They’d never been apart like this before. She’d joined him on the last three tours and they’d lived in the van together at the very beginning of this bullshit music career. But a world tour? Four packed months of non-stop shows and time changes? This was a whole different animal and it was slowly killing them both.
When the separation during a world tour becomes too much, Chrissy surprises Eddie at one of his shows.
Tags: Alternate Universe- no vecna, established relationship, Rockstar!Eddie, long-distance relationship, light angst, fluff, SO MUCH FLUFF, smut, Eddie POV, one-shot, part of a series, status: completed
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ujomuttainnokas · 2 years
Also, woke up thinking about someone.
Mostly cuddling them so very close, but also, well.. [censored]. I got a dashboard full of very beautiful, hot people, and all I want is them. I look so forward to talking with them properly, once their internet isn't hot garbage anymore, and... Oh I hope, getting to know them like you get to know a person when they are a part of your life for, a.. Long time. But that is too much to think about, yet.
She seems to be on the same page about taking it slow, bc of fairly recent Everything, but yeah.. I want to see where these feels go. They have been alright with a lot of stuff, possible poly stuff and other things, so, yeah.. Got a good feeling about this.
If anyone has good tips about looong-distance dating (think thousands of miles), those would be appreciated.
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thedaveandkimmershow · 5 months
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If there's a photograph that captures this year... you're looking at it.
2023 began with the both of us on a flight down to southern California where her uncle died less that very morning, early early morning. We were on the ground maybe twelve hours after Kimmer got that early morning phone call.
The flights continued through every month of the year. Not for that reason. Not only for emergencies. There were also some epic vacations in there. It also wasn't the both of us.
Me, yes. I traveled more this year than others in recent memory. Kimmer was on a plane every month. For emergencies. For vacations. For family care. For a lot of reasons.
I should also mention that any time Kimmer was on the road, she took her work with her. She saw clients from the road. She attended doctoral classes, did all that work... from the road.
Anyway. Every month.
Most of that was tied up in her aunt. Making sure of her care because she was on her own after the death of her husband. Coordinating with, well, seemingly every admin in the area.
Every month.
We also celebrated our wedding anniversary at Universal Studios, Florida. We also joined her southern California family and friends for camping by a lake... and then by the Pacific Ocean.
And yeah. Sometimes I joined her when she flew down to visit family and take care of her aunt.
So that photo of us above?
We did that move a bunch in 2023.
None of this, however, is my point, believe it or not.
My point is that Kimmer's aunt injured herself, broke her hip, and Kimmer was on a flight down nearly the next day. What sets this trip apart from every other... is that we bought a one-way ticket for her.
A one-way ticket.
Because we didn't know.
We didn't.
Because of that, we couldn't make a plan. We couldn't even make our best guess. What we could do, however, was make a start.
So we sent Kimmer away with a one-way ticket and a commitment to figuring it all out on the fly.
On the fly?
Yeah. She would, we would, figure it out in real-time. We would improvise when necessary and, as events and decisions played out, we would strategize and re-strategize. We would trouble shoot. We would course correct.
On the fly.
In real-time.
Its what you do, it's what you can do, when you have very little by way of answers.
So that's how we rolled.
Five weeks, by the way.
The answer is five weeks.
We made the choice to coordinate our lives from different states for an unknown amount of time. We were on the phone every day. We talked about her aunt's circumstance every day. Getting better? Getting worse? Any idea how much time left?
Because yeah. Her aunt was dying. She was going to die.
We just didn't know when.
When, by the way, turned out to be a handful of days after Kimmer returned home.
Five weeks later.
Helluva thing, I've gotta tell you. We lived our lives in tandem, in different states. Coordinating our efforts across 1100 miles.
When you get married, they say things like "better or worse, richer or poorer, 'till death do you part".
What they don't tell you is that sometimes you won't have the answers. A lot of times you won't have the answers. So you'll have to sort of make life up as you go. You'll have to wing it. Testing your circumstance every day and making decisions according to what you find.
It all worked out, by the way. We did it. What strikes me, though, is the ease with which we did it. The ease with which we managed the circumstance in which we found ourselves with 1100 miles between us.
It's probably for the best they don't tell you the kind of things that could happen when you're standing at the altar in front of everyone.
The kinds of things that come up during the course of a marriage will blow your mind. As will the kinds of things you're tasked with handling.
We're aided and abetted by a lot of tech. I won't lie. That totally helps. But I guess mostly I'm proud of what we handled and how we handled it.
I didn't know we could successfully do that kind of thing.
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conditionaljewel · 5 months
Being in a long distance relationship is getting to be like "okay now that i'm done with work let me go see what they reblogged all day" and "okay let me go see what they posted while i slept all night" and "babe why are you up so late?" "what do you mean, why are you up so early?"
And I love that for you all, I hope all my ldr girlies are having a great [time zone appropriate time of day] wherever you and your partners are
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slicesofapple · 2 years
When Tobio exits practice, it's dark out. His breath makes a cloud in the frosty night air.
And up above is the moon - so large and full, hanging so low in the sky it's as though he could reach out and touch it.
He wants to reach out and touch it.
He is struck by the thought that Tooru will see this very same moon in only a few hours.
Suddenly, Tobio wants, so very very badly, to reach out and touch Tooru. To have him here, at Tobio’s side, walking together back to their own apartment, their own home.
To have a bath together, and dinner, and fall asleep in the same bed.
To no longer be separated by thousands of miles.
He sighs.
Wanting won’t make it happen.
But... at least he got to see the moon tonight.
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newrelationshipgoals · 7 months
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headlinehorizon · 7 months
Love's Headline Horizon: Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's Long-Distance Romance
Discover the latest news about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's captivating long-distance relationship, filled with surprises and challenges. Follow their journey as they navigate their love amidst demanding schedules and public displays of affection.
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canadianartjunkie · 8 months
Long Distance Yearnings
Hong Kong artist Peony Yip blends the real and the imagined in these vignettes about the ache of a long-distance relationship. See more of her drawings on Behance .
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msperfectim · 8 months
A Decade of Memories to Forget.
How can you forget and forgive someone who hurt you and whom you shared almost a decade of your life with?
I was in an 8-year relationship when I decided to find my future overseas. I believe that the people who love you will still be there, even through the distance. I thought a long-distance relationship would not be an issue, as we have already been together for years. Months apart, I started to feel that something was wrong, but I couldn’t figure it out. I went home on a holiday, and everything…
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dc-probate-attorney · 8 months
The Realities and Triumphs of Long-Distance Marriages
In a world that’s increasingly interconnected, yet still vast in its geographical expanse, long-distance relationships have become more common than ever before. Among these, long-distance marriages stand out as a testament to the power of love and commitment in the face of physical separation. While distance undoubtedly presents its own set of challenges, these marriages often flourish, proving…
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incognitopolls · 4 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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