#sometimes i have to marinate my art until it is (i am) ready
onemagpie · 1 year
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Jack Kirby would have wanted it
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imminentinertia · 9 months
In which I keep a promise to a bunch of people who read a fic five years ago and try to explain why I'm doing that now
In 2018, @vesperthine and I collaborated on run down till the rain delights you and when some people asked for more, we promised a sequel. That didn't happen.
Until now.
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Now it's snaking its way to AO3 like an aging Toyota on cold Tromsø roads (I'm really sorry for this silliness but one of the inspo photos we used did this to me).
There's a bit of a backstory:
First of all, you have @nofeartina to blame for run down in the first place and @peacestew to blame for me sliding into the SKAM fandom in 2023 going "hiiii I haven't been in this fandom for years but here's a fic".
In 2018, Tina wanted fisherman!Isak in a knit woolen jumper* and somehow roped V into writing it, and then V somehow roped me into a collab (I'm still entirely unsure how I ended up saying yes), we brainstormed and looked for inspo and wrote some scenes** to see how it went. Fisherman!Isak turned into marine!biologist!Isak with an old fishing boat and a cabin, Even pretended to be suave, the Tromsø area piped up about wanting to be more of a character than a location and there we were:
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Gif by @peacestew
It was so much fun writing with V, and we got along so well, so we wrote a short sequel quite soon after. It just needed a few final tweaks.
Then life happened.
Long story short, I haven't heard from Vesperthine since summer 2019. I hope she's happy and well, and I hope she's writing original fiction because she's seriously gifted, and I miss her because she's a very sweet and smart and lovely person. I was left with a nearly finished draft and a hope she'd turn up again. Since then I've turned down requests to translate and podfic run down, and disappointed a few people asking about the promised sequel, because it didn't feel at all right to make those decisions without V's input.
But it's been five years (!!!), I doubt I'll ever hear from her again, that draft is sitting there on my drive, and... so earlier this year I started thinking about just going ahead and posting it. I went through all our notes and figured out what remained to be done (not much, we even had the title ready), and decided to do those tweaks at some point.
Then Peace slid into my notes a while ago (it had been a few years since we were in touch, I love it when old mates show up), we chatted quite a bit and somehow mentioned run down, and I'm entirely unsure how this snowball started rolling but now we're doing an art + fic collab with that sequel. She's been terribly enabling, and dangling pretty gifs in front of me, how could I resist? She even made a gorgeous title gif for run down. V would have been just as happy with this, I'm sure.
Considering that the sequel was just about finished, and V and I never had any actual disagreements while writing (one tiny scuffle about adjectives, we compromised), I think she'd be okay having her name put on the sequel. And I am okay with making that decision, since it's been so long. I've done the final editing, Peace has added her lovely gifs and now I'm just going to work up the courage to post it.
As stupid as I feel giving directions for fic reading I recommend you read (or re-read, bless everyone who has read it) run down till the rain delights you first, I'm not sure the sequel will make much sense otherwise.
the roll of the harbour wake is coming soon to a fic archive near you. Peace and I hope you will enjoy it.
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Gif by @peacestew
*the fic was almost immediately nicknamed The sweater fetish fic. Drooling over the guys in knit woolen jumpers kept happening for ages.
**the first scene we wrote didn't actually make it to run down, but we put it in harbour wake, and it goes to show that sometimes a fic takes a very different direction from where you start it.
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whatmakesagod · 1 year
Some things that have helped me (so far) on my journey to writing a novel
Caveat that I am not agented and am still writing. I'm just sharing what is helping me in case it might help someone else.
Writing a query after 10k. Nothing sucks more than getting 40k in and realizing that you don't actually have stakes. Or character motivations. Or a throughline. Or worse, all three are missing. If you are a pantster/gardener like me, it really pays to write until you've had a bit of time to get to know the world, plot, and characters and figure out what they are and what they are doing and then write a query. If you struggle to write it, you might need to pivot, especially if you realize all you have is events and characters passively doing things.
Be willing to let projects marinate. I'm not gonna talk about how many WIPs I have because that's a really embarrassing number. The amount of ideas marinating in the back of my head is even longer. When a project is just not working and you cannot force it, set it aside and give it more time. Come back to it when you're ready to tackle it; maybe you'll have new ideas and better ways to handle the subject matter or characters.
Writing short stories can be a great way to try things out. Want to improve your descriptions or combat scenes? Or maybe you really just want to get a better grasp on word choice and sentence variety. Maybe that idea can be developed further or maybe it's only meant to be a short story. Either way, the idea has been exorcised and you have a new project to develop your editing skills on on top of having worked on your other skills.
Do a reverse outline as you go. If you are not a plotter/architect, the idea of the outline can either be really scary or it can be counterproductive. If I write an outline before the work, I feel as if I've written it. The journey matters more to me than the destination and I lose all motivation if I have a finished, developed outline. Instead, I write a chapter and then jot down what the audience learns, what the characters learn/are revealed to have known, and the contents of the chapter. I also keep notes in a spreadsheet on characters, motifs, potential changes, themes, and worldbuilding details.
This is to my fellow pantsters: do not let yourself become too inspired by your New Favorite Thing when it comes to the WIP. Do not do it. Do not let the themes of infertility in the Witcher invade your retelliing of Snow White if you never had plans for it to be there without seriously thinking it over. Make a note, let it sit, and decide later when you are no longer as inspired. Sometimes it really can work and is the right choice. Other times...no. Mermaids do not belong in every project no matter much you love The Little Mermaid. Save yourself the grief of taking hard pivots you have to undo at a later date.
Not keeping everything in my head and writing it down. Things still in your brain are beautiful and perfect and are still so very malleable. You cannot possibly keep track of every aspect of your WIPs if it's only in your head and, worse yet, if you're anything like me, you cannot edit what you cannot physical see on the page. When it's on the page, then you can do the real work of figuring out if it actually works.
Regularly consume media from a variety of cultures, genres, and voices. Netflix has an incredible catalogue of works ranging from a Nigerian legal drama to a South African conspiracy teen drama to an Irish comedy about the Troubles and life under normalized violence to a South Korean historical zombie horror series. For books, there is a growing wealth of translated works from many different cultures and a sharp rise in diverse authors. Australia has it's own literary movements as does Japan and Brazil. There are more and more books by and for Queer and neurodivergent people. Even listening to music can help. It's important to see what groups outside of your own are doing in media and art, how they represent themselves and their identity/culture/history, and the kinds of stories they want to see and make. It might inspire you, but it's also a great chance to learn and help uplift other voices.
Reading. This is tied to number 7, but reading really cannot be understated. Read the age category and genre you want to write in. Read short stories professionally published online. If you do better with audiobooks, listen to audiobooks. Thankfully, more and more authors seem to be getting them.
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dailybeastarsthings · 3 years
Chapter 11 - A Day In The Life Of Durham
My name is Durham. I’m a coyote student studying at the Cherryton Academy. Since Cherryton is a boarding school, I’m staying here most of the year. As you probably already know, students are accommodated in dormitories according to their diet and species. I’m in room 701 with my best friends, Legoshi, Jack, Miguno, Collot and Voss.
Breakfast is served at 7:30 AM. In order for us to get ready and have seats for everyone, our alarm is set for 6:45. I swear, waking up is the second hardest thing – right after Marine Languages.
For most of us, getting up is not that difficult. Voss is usually the first to jump out of bed and turn the alarm off. He usually does it with either a karate chop or some kind of martial arts move. He sometimes adds a little scream for making it sink in that, and I quote, “It’s time to get up you lazy giants!” As adorable as this may sound, this is a warning for us that he is about to spend a good 20 minutes in the bathroom before anyone if we are not fast enough.
Legoshi is usually the most difficult to get out of bed. He is the heaviest sleeper of all of us. You could detonate a bomb right next to him and he wouldn’t care. That’s not a surprise, though. He usually spends a lot of his time at the Drama Club, making sure that everything is according to the preferences of the lead actor, some kind of Louis, if I recall correctly.
Legoshi is usually woken up by either Jack or Collot. Jack usually just gently whispers into his ears to avoid scaring him – and any injuries that may result in. Collot, on the other hand, just straight up pulls him out of bed, onto the floor of the dorm. Our wolf roommate usually looks pretty gloomy in the morning, which is difficult to be helped and it usually stays with him until after breakfast.
The rest of us usually get up in between Voss and Legoshi.
Getting ready on time is the next big challenge for us. Having a singular bathroom for 6 male students is probably punishment enough, but there are some, who enjoy having an entire ritual in there! Yes, Voss, I’m looking at you.
After getting ready, we head to the dining area. We usually arrive at around 7:40. The day’s menu is hung right next to the entrance for all students to see. We usually have egg salad sandwiches, bean paste buns, French toasts or something with high protein value for us, carnivores. However, we sometimes take the herbivore meal from time to time, if we fancy fruits, vegetables or salads.
At breakfast, we plan our whole day. Lessons, extracurricular lessons, clubs, you name it. This is for us to know about each other if one of us needs a hand in something or gets lost. We usually also discuss the latest episodes of our favorite series, The Lost Souls of Crimes. It’s a story about a wolf police officer, who has the ability to see the spirits of the dead and help them move on to the afterlife by solving their murder cases if the culprit is still out and about. One thing we noticed is that the main character is looking eerily similar to Legoshi. He denies any relations to him but we are almost 100% sure that that wolf is somehow related to him. I think his name is Miyagi or something like that.
After breakfast, we usually disband the group, since we have different lessons, and head to our morning classes. Morning classes are from 9:00 AM to 1 PM. We usually have some more difficult subjects, like maths, languages or sciences – the ones, which require more concentration to learn. This is a practice, which benefit the students, since our brain is (supposedly) more fresh and awake in the morning and we can pay better attention to our teachers. We have language and math lessons every day, while science subjects are rotated throughout the week.
I sometimes meet with the others at some of my classes but we can’t sit next to each other. You see, students are sat in alphabetical order so none of us sit next to another. Sometimes our teachers surprise us with quizzes at the beginning or at the end of the class. They are usually not that difficult but they can have a huge impact on your final grade.
Lunch break is between 1 PM and 2 PM. Since this is not that much time to get in line and eat your meal in a normal pace, most students visit the school supplies shop, found at multiple places in the school buildings. Besides uniforms and notebooks, students can buy delicious, yet simple meals like bean paste buns, ant shakes or egg salad sandwiches. We usually meet up during the lunch break to discuss the events of the day and to share notes if any of us missed the class.
Afternoon classes are between 2 PM and 6 PM. During these classes, we have more relaxed subjects, like history, culture, art and music. I really like these subjects. Especially the music classes. I play on the guitar and I love learning about music history and instrument theory. Most of the students are allowed to leave the last class at 5:45 PM in order to avoid them being late for extracurricular activities.
These activities take place between 6 PM and 8 PM and include clubs and extra lessons for those who need a bit of extra training in a subject. The time is not set in stone, however. I remember seeing Legoshi leave the Drama Club building way later. He sometimes gets back to the dorm way after 12 AM. No wonder he is so tired all the time.
There are many clubs at Cherryton Academy. I am the member of the Music Club, for example, with Miguno, where we have a lot of friends. I play on the guitar and he’s a vocalist. As a club, we practice as much as we can, since we perform during school events all year long. With Miguno, we’re also planning on starting a new band, called COYENA. We play many genres of music from rock to pop and have already started working on our first song. Miguno writes the lyrics and I compose the melody. So far, it’s working out pretty well. I wonder if we can perform it in front of the audience at the next big school event.
Dinner is served between 7 PM and 9:30 PM. For dinner, they usually serve ramen, sushi or egg rolls with different kinds of dipping sauces. Sometimes, dessert is also served in the form of cakes or other sweets. I don’t have a sweet tooth myself, but Collot cannot resist having at least two slices when cake is served.
Before any of us gets in line to order, we wait for each other outside the dining hall entrance. Since Legoshi is often occupied with Drama Club activities until late night, he often doesn’t join us.
During dinner, we discuss what we learned during the day and try to do the majority of our homework. Thanks to the smarts of Jack, we can complete it quite fast. We also get some help with difficult subjects from him. I think it’s pretty neat of him to help us with our studies. We can definitely thank a lot to him.
After dinner, we return to our rooms, where we finish any leftover schoolwork and then get ready for the night. This, of course, means another race for the showers. Of course, any of us could use the common shower room placed at the corridor, but we just feel uncomfortable from the thought of it.
Anyway, after a long wait for everyone to get ready, we watch the new episodes of The Lost Souls of Crimes. By the time the show starts, Legoshi usually arrives at last and can join us. During the show, we usually take guesses as to who is the murderer. Whoever gets it right, the others owe him a treat of his choice. Not to brag or anything but I’m correct 6/10 times so I’m pretty good at this game. After the show, we sometimes play videogames for a bit. We have a lot of them so, in order to not spend too much time deciding what to play, we put the games in a bag, shake it a bit and then pick one out randomly. After a good session, we head to bed.
This is how my weekdays are.
During the weekends, we get up later, usually at around 9 or 10 AM, so our first meal is lunch. At weekends, we usually clean the room and make sense of the chaos we create during the week. We also study a lot for tests and play video games, too. Sometimes, we go to B-Strike and have a good session of playing fetch. We enjoy our time together there, too. Some of us enjoy it a bit more though. For example Legoshi, who is just unbeatable at fetch. I swear, he moves at the speed of light sometimes, completely effortlessly.
During the weekends, we also stay up late and watch horror movies sometimes. Voss likes to hide during those and scare the living soul out of us, screaming at us out of nowhere. It’s kind of annoying at first, but you get used to it sooner or later.
One thing’s for sure. We never know what the new day will bring us, but we always make sure to make the most of it.
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noire-pandora · 3 years
“Midnight Rendezvous” (and “Take my hand”) for @14daysdalovers. Also on A03
Words: 3162
Pairing: Solavellan
Warnings: it gets a tiny bit steamy towards the end. Nothing too intense but just to be sure. (still not confident enough to write smut. One day!)
Before joining the Inquisition, midnight rarely found Solas wide awake, staring at the ceiling of his room, thoughts racing through his mind and refusing to bend down to his will. In his long life, he succeeded in becoming the master of his thoughts and feelings, able to switch and navigate through them as effortlessly as a seamstress spun her threads. He walked through life, taking pride in his concentration techniques, his indomitable focus not once defeated. Until he met the Inquisitor.
Her mind numbing smirk and cheerful laughter silently found their way into his mind, nestling there and slowly eroding through the barriers set to keep any distraction at bay. Her curiosity and kind nature planted the seed of acceptance in his heart, acceptance that maybe, maybe this Tranquil like world wasn't a world out of his nightmares. 
Slowly, she pushed him to become curious about her life, her thoughts and her mind. There, he found a feeling he had never hoped of meeting again since Mythal's death: love. A gentle, patient love. One that accepted him as he was, without questioning and without prodding his mind to reach his deepest secrets.
And now, midnight found him contemplating those facts, turning and tossing in his humble bed, the sheets wrapping around his ankles. He could not comprehend why she willingly offered her heart to him. Her behaviour forced him to lay awake at night, rummaging on his thoughts, every calming technique he knew unable to stop his mind from thinking about her. For the first time in hundreds of years, someone succeeded in distracting him from walking the ever-changing paths of the Fade. 
He turned on his side to stare at the door, punching his pillow to fluff it, as if that was the reason for his wandering mind. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in through his nose, in an attempt to focus. Instantly the memory of their last heated kiss came to his mind, and he groaned as heat travelled down towards his pelvis. He didn't deserve her, he didn't deserve her love or her acceptance. He should turned his back on her, but the thought of losing her, the idea of another one tasting her lips and curling their fingers into her fire like locks brought a heaviness in his stomach.
A faint knock on the door brought him back to the present, and he opened his eyes, unsure if he indeed heard it. He waited for a voice to follow it and call for him, but no sounds reached his ears after almost a minute. He closed his eyes again, ready to accept the Fade's embrace, when another knock, followed by the sound of shuffling feet interrupted him again. 
This time, confident he heard someone knocking at his door, he rose from the bed, grabbing the robe resting on the back of the chair, to cover his bare torso, wrapping the sash around his abdomen. 
When he opened the door, no one stood in front of it, but he spotted a petite silhouette turning around the corner. He followed it, his footsteps quiet. Soon, the red locks bouncing on the woman's shoulders gave away the silhouette's identity.
"Solas!" she gasped, spinning on her heels to face him. "You're up!"
He hurried his pace to erase the distance between them, the smile on his face creating little wrinkles around his eyes and grooves in his cheeks. "Yes, I am. But why are you awake at this hour? Nightmares?" he slipped a hand around her waist to pull her close and kissed her head. Heat radiated through his chest as she softly giggled at his touch. 
"No, couldn't sleep, so I decided to walk around for a while." 
He hummed, cocking an eyebrow at her. He knew his love roamed the halls of the castle at night, but something in her cheeky smile made him suspicious of that answer "Is that so? And where are you heading?"
"Well," she started, placing one hand on his chest, raising her chin to look at his face. "Do you know Josephine will meet with a few Orlesian nobles in the morning? The type of people who keep their noses crinkled like they smell shit everywhere?"
"Yes," he patiently answered, tilting his head to the side. He took a step back, his hands living her body.
"And she asked Marin to bake sweets for them. But, the last time he did that, the Orlesians refused to eat it."
"Oh, is that so?"
She nodded. "Yeah, he told me the next day, when I went to grab some food from the kitchen. He ranted about how the Orlesians can't appreciate the skills of a Ferelden baker. After that, he mopped around for days, doubting his skills." 
"Too bad. His sweets are delicious." 
"Exactly. And I'm sure tomorrow they will refuse to eat Marin's sweets again, and he'll end up upset for another week. I have a plan to stop that." 
"A plan?" he repeated, leaning forward to examine her face. She had excellent plans at day, but at night, her ideas transformed into various shenanigans, like stealing food from the kitchen and having a late dinner in the courtyard, under the ancient oak tree. The cooks of Skyhold learned how to hide the food they cooked for the next day before the Inquisitor's nose caught a whiff of it and devoured it at night.  
"Yes. I'm going to eat everything he baked for them."
Solas caught a glimpse of pride shining in her eyes as she announced her plan. He bit down on his lip to contain a laugh. "What? Why? How would that help the poor man?"
"When he finds out that the Inquisitor snuck out at night to eat his sweets, he will be annoyed but also happy because the word will spread. And everyone will know how I, the most important person in this hold, ate his food like a glutton," a knowing grin grew on her face, a grin that was too infectious to fight.
In moments like this, when she uttered her plans with unshakable confidence, her shoulders back and chin raised high, he realised why every single soul in the Inquisition followed her without doubting her. Right now, if she decreed she planned to move the mountains, he would believe her instantly. But the idea of making a man feel better by devouring his food brought a smile on his face and reminded him how strange she could sometimes be.
"Oh, the brave Inquisitor, always sacrificing herself for the wellbeing of her subjects." he jested, offering her a bemused smile.
"But of course! C'mon, let's go, we still have a few hours until the cook's apprentice will wake up to heat the ovens."
She walked away from him a few meters, but she stopped as Solas didn't follow her. 
"Are you coming?" she asked, holding out her hand for him to take it.
"Is that the reason why you knocked at my door?" 
"Yes, I want to share them with you. I like to eat, but I doubt I'll be able to eat the sweets made for four people." 
"Vhenan, you know I prefer not to eat at night."
She huffed, rolling her eyes at him. "A late dinner won't kill you," she muttered, shaking her head. "Oh, c'mon Solas, it's going to be fun. Take my hand and join me in this quest of keeping sadness away from my dear subjects!" 
With her hand outstretched for him to grab it, and a serious frown knitting her eyebrows, Solas couldn't say no to her. He took her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers to walk by her side on their way to the kitchen. 
The hallways were empty, their soft steps resounding in the silence. The majority of the people inhabiting Skyhold slept soundly, a few snores and grumbles reaching Solas' ears. From time to time, he could hear giggles coming from some rooms, and he hurried his step, eager to respect the privacy of those behind the doors.
The wall sconces held large touches to illuminate their way, and, in combination with their Elvhen sight, they could clearly see the path ahead of them. The flames cast long shadows on the floors, and sometimes, their light touched Elluin's face, colouring her pale, freckled kissed skin a soft orange. He found himself staring at her as they walked, his mouth drying and his throat growing thick. An impervious need to touch her, to push her against the wall and kiss her until she moaned with pleasure took over him, clouding his mind. He took a deep breath to steady himself, annoyed she broke his indomitable focus without actually doing anything. He fixed his gaze on the floor, counting backwards from one hundred to calm himself, refusing to take another look at her. 
After a few more minutes of walking in silence, they reached the kitchen, one of the three kitchens in Skyhold. The smell of cinnamon and yeast tickled his nose as Elluin slowly opened the door, carefully not to announce their presence. He followed her, closing the door behind him with a low thud. 
Inside, the three, tall working tables stood spotless, with no trace of flour or dough to stain their surface. The measuring cups were lined up on the tabletop, small soldiers waiting for orders. He could see the pans, plates and brushes through the cupboards display, their doors locked. He frowned, staring at the small locks, wondering why the baker decided to lock his tools so diligently. 
A  clay oven with a thick iron door, large enough for a person to climb inside, stood in a corner along the wall. A long flue reached outside through the wall, specially built by the baker to avoid any fumes escaping in the room. Solas admired the man's ingenuity and his ability to keep everyone safe without the usage of magic. He spent a few fascinating hours speaking with him, learning more about the art of creating functionally clay ovens. 
"Well, this is weird," Elluin commented, scratching her cheek. "I can't see any tray with sweets." 
He snorted. "I believe the Master Baker hid his creations from you. The man learned his lesson." 
She rolled up her sleeves, revealing her toned arms. "Like that's going to stop me."
She approached one of the locked cabinets and grabbed a lockpick from her pocket, jamming it into the lock, twisting it a few times. "Let's see if Varric's lock-picking lessons will help me."
As Elluin struggled with the lock, he studied the room, one finger gently tapping his lips, his eyes analysing the potential hiding spots. He realised a man as bright as Marin would know better than to hide his food in locked cupboards. No, that was a trick, an ingenious method to keep the intruder busy until one of the kitchen workers heard the noise and came to stop them. It had to be somewhere in plain sight, a location no one would think about.
"The oven," he muttered, snapping his fingers. "Elluin," he spoke out, a faint trace of excitement in his voice. "The oven, he hid them in the oven. That door is closed to hide the tray from our view." 
"The oven?" she made her way towards the oven, narrowing her eyes. "Why would he hide it there? There's ash everywhere!" 
"Good question. Let us see."
The iron door made no sound as he pulled it opened, a testament of the cook's care. A faint magical barrier buzzed around the brass tray inside it, protecting the brownies from any ash or unburned charcoal. 
"Magic!" she laughed, slapping the back of her thigh. " I can't believe this. He asked a mage to cast a barrier on his brownies." 
"Indeed." He gave her a satisfied smile and crossed his arms, content he uncovered the cook's plans. 
Elluin licked her lips as she waved her hands to cancel the spell. She reached for the tray and gulped down with gluttony, her mouth watering at the chocolate covering the brownies. She grabbed one, the tray dangerously balanced in her left hand, and bit it. A moan escaped her lips as the chocolate poured from inside it. Solas eyed her, the sound leaving her mouth causing his fingers to twitch as if pushing him to touch her. 
"Vhenan," he intervened, taking the tray from her and setting it on the table. "How do you plan to eat twelve pieces of chocolate filled cake without getting sick?"
"That's why I asked you to come here with me, I need your help." she gulped down the food, hitting her chest with her fist as it refused to go down. "Those bastards don't deserve all this chocolate. It's been years since I tasted it, not gonna let it go to waste," she bit down on another, humming with pleasure and licking her fingers. "Take one, you're going to love it." 
He gingerly took a piece from the trail, admiring the perfectly spread layer of chocolate, the soft texture reminding him of satin. He smelled it, the hint of vanilla tempting him to take a bite. The chocolate melted in his mouth, wrapping his tongue in a thick layer of pure pleasure. He closed his eyes, and a sigh of satisfaction escaped his throat. 
"Delicious, isn't it?" Elluin remarked, smirking at him. "I knew you'd love it." 
He opened his eyes and offered her a small smile. "You were right."
She winked at him and grabbed another piece, shoving half of it in her mouth. He laughed and shook his head at her, worried for the integrity of her jaw. He watched as she devoured three more brownies, baffled by her ability to swallow the food barely chewed. 
A feeling of weightlessness cloaked his soul as she beamed with happiness, her cheeks rosy with delight. Her joy was contagious, and he smiled at her, grateful she chose to spend this moment with him. She picked him over the hundreds of people around her, over the men and women who craved for her love. She offered her heart and joy to him, a man who hid the truth, a man who had no right to receive this pure, untainted happiness. His shoulders dropped, and he averted his eyes from her smile. 
She came closer to him, her fingers reaching for his chin, gently encouraging him to face her again. "You're doing that again," she whispered, her breath tickling his skin. "Getting lost inside your head. Don't. Stay here with me." 
His gaze still avoided her face. "I apologise. My thoughts distracted me from the present."
"Is that so?" she murmured." I know the perfect way to keep you here."
Before he had a chance to ask more about it, Elluin grabbed the collar of his robe, pulling him down towards her to meet her chocolate cover lips. His lips instantly parted, as her tongue darted out to lick them, eager to explore his mouth. His muscles relaxed, hands resting lazily on her butt. She was right, he thought as his fingers curled into her hair, gently tugging it. When she kissed him, nothing mattered anymore, just the taste of her lips and the faint scent of lily of the valley coming from her hair. 
Her hand moved to the nape of his neck, slipping under his robe. The touch of her skin against his sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine, and he moaned, raw and insatiable lust replacing any thought.  He pushed her against the table, and her knees gave out, her butt hitting the tabletop. She wrapped her legs and hands around him, as if afraid he will pull away. 
He wanted her. Right here and right now. He wanted to taste her skin, to follow the path of her freckles with his lips, from the top of her forehead to her toes. To make her sing as his tongue played with her folds, to finally taste her. He wished for nothing more than his nighttime fantasies to transform into reality. And right now, he couldn't care less they were in a kitchen, where anyone could find them. 
A low growl left his throat as a part of his mind screamed at him, yelled at him to stop this foolishness, to remember his real purpose, his identity. He had no right to taste her body when he gave her only half-truths. He was wrong to take her fully when he hid parts of him. She deserved more than this, more than a man who was too afraid to speak the truth. 
With a draining effort, he broke the kiss, gently pushing her away from him. She whimpered as his body left hers and she opened her eyes, arousal and confusion blending in her gaze. 
He shook her head when her hands reached for him again. "No. This is not right." 
Before Elluin could answer, the door opened with a loud bang, and a woman entered the room, waving a cooking paddle and shouting at them. "How many times do I have to kick you out, you thieves, this isn't the place for…." she stopped in her tracks, eyes widening with shock as she noticed the two of them.
"Your Grace! And you!" she frowned at Solas, confused by his presence. He could see it on her face how the pieces clicked together in her mind, her eyebrows shooting up. "I'm sorry Herald, I had no idea you two--," she stammered, a faint blush dusting her cheeks. "I have to warm  the oven, but I'll come later," she left in a hurry, barely giving them another glance. 
Solas sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, his hopes for keeping the matters of their relationship private, shattered. 
"Well, this was bound to happen sooner or later," Elluin nonchalantly explained, getting off from the table and reaching for another brownie. "Until morning, every single person in Skyhold will think the Inquisitor had sex with the weird elf in the kitchen."
"Venan, I," he started, but she interrupted him with a wave of his hand. 
"Don't apologise. You told me months ago you aren't ready and now you weren't ready yet. I get it," she shrugged, shoving the cake in her mouth, slowly chewing it. 
Solas stared at his toes, cursing his mind for not stopping him faster. 
"But I did enjoy our intense make-out session," she giggled and winked at him as he raised his head to look at her. 
"C'mon, we still have a few of those. Let's be fast before that lady comes back and finds us here again. "
He watched her, eyes widen, once again awestruck by her kindness. Why? Why did she accept his explanations so easily? He had no idea, but he knew one thing: this fantastic, mysterious, infuriating woman would be his undoing. And he gladly accepted it because her love tasted like chocolate and brownies. 
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mystical-flute · 3 years
Uncharted Waters (ch 8)
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AO3 || Ko-Fi
She had half a mind to turn around and have someone else do this. The Pharaoh had been cagey enough prior to his ascension to the throne, but now, with the war over and rebuilding efforts underway, his temper had grown even shorter.
But, they had already established a level of trust with each other prior to their promotions to their respective positions, and, if the gods had chosen her for this duty, so be it.
She took a deep breath and stepped into the room. “My king - ”
He turned away from the window, his blue eyes narrowing slightly. “Is it time already?” he asked with a sigh. “Fine. Please, make it quick. I have a lot of work that needs to get done.”
He sat in a free chair as she shuffled over to him, spreading her medical equipment in front of her before bowing.
“They say you have not been eating well, my king. Are you in pain?” she asked, delicate hands taking his pulse.
“I am the ruler of Egypt. The rebuilding efforts are taking most of my time,” he scoffed. “Perhaps I should execute those that gossip about me.”
“It is not gossip to me when it is about your health! It is my job to keep you alive!” she snapped, rising to her feet. “Seto, no one on this court knows how great the pain of losing A - him was more than you, but that does not mean you can waste away because of it! Egypt has been through enough. We cannot lose another pharaoh. Please - ” her voice cut off as a ball of emotion lodged in her throat. “ He would not want that. I do not speak to you as a swnwt, but as a friend.”
There was a high chance that she shouldn’t be speaking to him as a friend, given his position, but she would not allow him to waste away. If he wanted to execute her for it, she would go to the afterlife as a proud woman.
Seto sighed, leaning his head against the back of the chair. “He wouldn’t. You’re right. But there is one thing I need you to do.”
“What is that?”
“The dye in your hair. Rinse it out. If we are to follow his wishes, then we must remove even the smallest traces of him.”
Azila glanced down at the multicolored strands that hung past her shoulders. “I understand, my king. The dye will be gone by morning.”
Everything was too still.
She hadn’t noticed it before, but the shop in the dawn hour was just so still . Yes, she heard the muffled sounds of snoring coming from the living room, but her bedroom was just so quiet . So still.
Even on the calmest days at sea, there would be a gentle rocking of the waves, making her sway in the hammock she’d slept in.
She didn’t get that moment of peace here.
“Your thoughts are scattering again…”
She sighed, staring up at the ceiling in a fruitless effort to fall back to sleep. “It’s nothing serious this time.”
“You are certain?”
“Yes. Why?”
Azila materialized next to the bed. “Osiris allowed me another memory while you were asleep.”
Reika sat up on her elbows. “Oh? And?”
Distress was written on Azila’s face. “The spirit of the puzzle… was the pharaoh before my husband. I do not know his name, but I do know it is important we return to the museum.”
“Your god only just allowed you access to that memory? After we’ve been connected for a year ? No offense, Azila, but Osiris sounds like an asshole.”
“Reika!” Azila admonished. “You should not insult the gods like that. You will never end up in the Field of Reeds!”
“Azila. We’ve been connected long enough for you to know there is no paradise waiting for me when I die.” She felt the slippery ooze of blood on her hands, the weight of all she’d done in Eturn.
“That’s not true. You are a good person, Reika.”
She let a bitter chuckle escape her. “Am I?”
A couple hours later, she stepped out of her bedroom to get breakfast. It was probably still early for teens at a sleepover, but she was starving and there were only so many stupid videos she could watch online.
Not to mention, it was getting a little weird seeing her face plastered all over the internet.
She glanced over. “Hey Yugi. I didn’t wake you up, did I?”
Yugi flinched as a particularly loud snore came out of Joey. “No.”
“Your friends are something else, you know,” she chuckled, steeping a mug of tea. “But they seem like good people.”
“You mean it? You didn’t seem thrilled at Duelist Kingdom.”
She sighed. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It was a rough weekend for all of us. Did you find anything out at the museum about the puzzle?”
“No, but Azila thinks we need to head back there, so there’s probably something I missed,” Reika explained, reaching into the fridge. “Do you want me to make you some eggs?”
“Uhh, are you sure you want to cook? Last time you did, we ended up having to order takeout,” Yugi said, looking a little nervous at the thought of her cooking. “And mom made banana bread yesterday.”
Kumi’s banana bread for breakfast was a tempting idea as she spun a pan in her hand. “Yeah, it’s fine. My friend Sanji is a culinary arts student.”
“Scrambled, then.”
“Oh nice, are we making breakfast? I’m starved!” Duke suddenly said, lifting his head from the ground.
Téa let out a soft groan. “Do you guys have to be so noisy?”
Duke and Téa joined Yugi at the table as Reika cracked more eggs, the low sounds of conversation making for a peaceful morning, until -
“Reika, look out!”
Reflex took over as she grabbed a clean spatula, batting away whatever it was that had come flying toward her, adrenaline surging through her veins. Was it the Marines? Baroque Works? Bounty Hunters come for -
A pillow.
She blinked down at the pillow that lay on the boundary between the kitchen and living room. Yugi and his friends stared at her with wide eyes.
“... You okay?” Tristan asked.
A laugh escaped her. Domino. She was still in Domino. Safe.
“I’m fine. Sorry. I just had a weird dream about being chased by a dinosaur and I think my imagination got the best of me. You two go sit at the table, I’m making scrambled eggs!”
The promise of food distracted all but one of the teenagers. Yugi’s worried gaze cut through her, but she forced herself not to look at him.
“Wait a second, you have the spirit of an Ancient Egyptian queen living in your bracelet?” Joey asked as the group quietly wandered through the museum.
“Azila. Yeah.”
“And the spirit in Yugi’s puzzle is a pharaoh ?”
“That’s what Azila said this morning, yup.”
“Okay. So, now what?”
Reika sighed, rubbing her eyes. “I don’t know. I feel like we’ve looked at everything twice, but there’s nothing about a mysterious, nameless pharaoh listed anywhere.”
“Guys? I think he found something!” Téa said.
They followed the pharaoh down a flight of stairs she knew they probably shouldn’t be going down, and approached a large tablet on the wall.
Azila gasped, appearing before them. “I - I remember this! My husband had this commissioned. It was the only way he could think of to keep your spirit alive… my pharaoh.”
“Thank you for bringing him here, Reika Muto.”
This one was a new voice. An unfamiliar woman stood behind them, dressed in white. What caught Reika’s attention immediately was the symbol on the necklace.
“Isis?” Azila asked with wide eyes.
“It’s Ishizu, actually,” the woman replied, turning to the pharaoh. “This tablet depicts you and your greatest rival. Priest Seto, playing the ancient version of Duel Monsters with your magic.”
Tristan groaned. “Priest Seto? Please tell me you don’t mean - ”
“Seto Kaiba, yes. He was in awe of this tablet last night.”
Reika could hear Seto’s grumbling about magic tricks and lunacy rather than the supposed awe .
“Pharaoh, I’m afraid the war to return your memories has only just begun,” Ishizu continued. “There is a group soon to arrive in Domino, called the Rare Hunters. You must use caution against them.”
“Pfft, I’m sure they’re nothin’ compared to us!” Joey declared, punching the air.
“I am glad you seem to be so confident, Mr. Wheeler,” Ishizu said with a weak smile. “I fear the battle will not be easy, but I am pleased to see that the pharaoh has those willing to fight for him. Here. There is something I would like to show you.”
A bright light filled the room, transporting them… somewhere.
Azila looked up, startled. “Yes, Pharaoh? Is something wrong?”
“No, no, nothing is wrong. I was hoping you could help me with something.”
“I am hardly an advisor, sir.”
“Which is what makes you perfect for the question I have,” the pharaoh gestured to a nearby chair. “Please, sit.”
Azila did so, apprehension on her face.
“I want to know what you think of Seto.”
Azila went quiet for a moment as she thought, then reached down and plucked a coin from her bag, flicking it in the air. “In truth, my king, sometimes it feels like you and Seto are two sides of the same coin.” It was clear Azila was choosing her words very carefully. “You both care deeply about this country and the success of our people. It is just… you have your methods and he has his.”
“I cannot tell if that is good or bad.”
Azila only shrugged. “As I said, my king, I am not an advisor. That will be up to the gods to decide.”
“Did we all just see that, or am I going crazy?” Duke asked as the light faded and the museum came back into existence.
“We all just saw that,” Téa said. “Hey - where did Ishizu go?”
An eerie silence fell over the room.
“Let’s go home. We can talk more there,” Reika said, before frowning as her phone began to buzz.
Meet at my house at one?
Reika checked her phone. Twelve-thirty. It wasn’t a lot of time, but she would probably be able to drop Yugi and his friends off, grab a suit blazer, and rush to Tanaka Manor.
I’ll be there.
“Something is coming, Reika. Something that will expose Earth and Eturn,” Ishizu’s voice said quietly as Yugi and his friends raced ahead of her.
Reika paused, clutching her phone tighter in her hand. “Then we’ll stop it. The worlds aren’t ready.”
“It’s too late. A floodgate has opened.”
She turned. “Ishizu - ”
But she was alone in the hall.
It was quiet in the boardroom, five teenagers rooted to their chairs in shock. They’d been told to do their homework, but no textbook was open on the table.
Gozaburo Kaiba, the man who had brought them all together when they had been just children, was dead. By his own hand.
Reika had known something had happened with the swarms of emergency vehicles and press surrounding KaibaCorp as she’d tried to squeeze through the crowds.
Leichter had found her then, tried to shield her from the tarp on the ground as he took her around the back, but she’d realized something terrible had transpired.
She just hadn’t realized it was Gozaburo, of all people.
“What do you think is going to happen now?” Hideo asked, his usually loud, brash voice hushed.
“Seto’s going to be CEO now, right?” Reika said, biting her lip. “I don’t see why anything would change. Besides, Seto’s our friend.”
“Can we trust him, though?” Katsuo asked, lacing his fingers together. “I mean, he was ruthless enough to yank KaibaCorp out from under Gozaburo.”
“Even so, he should be aware that he needs allies in the wake of just… how this all happened,” Mei said.
“Who better to be on his side? We were all featured in the news just last week!” Sora added.
The door opened then, the five executives sweeping into the room with worn faces.
“Mr. Leichter, is everything okay?”
Leichter dropped a hand to her shoulder, squeezing it with a tired smile. “Yes, Miss Reika. Everything is going to be okay.”
“Fucking liar,” she muttered to herself as she parked her car and made her way to the large back gardens of Tanaka Manor.
“Reika, there you are!” Sora called.
She forced a smile and a wave, taking a seat at the table. “It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve been on the same continent.”
“You aren’t kidding about that,” Katsuo said with a weak smile. “How was America?”
She paused, trying to find the right word. “A learning curve,” she settled on. “But at least the food was good.”
“And how is Seto ?” Mei asked with a smug smirk. “I saw the news this morning. Tell me, just what did you do in order to snatch him up?”
“Seto’s fine.” Reika shrugged. “Nothing special. But I feel like this isn’t a totally innocent conversation about my love life.”
“We want to know what happened to the Big Five.”
Reika leaned back in her chair. “They staged a coup to take KaibaCorp back from Seto and Mokuba, aided and abetted in a kidnapping of Mokuba, locked Seto in a video game, then tried to kill my cousin and his friends when they went to go rescue them. Any other questions?”
Mei’s eyes were damp with tears, understandable considering Johnson was her uncle. “Why would they do something like that?”
“Because they were old men obsessed with power,” Hideo said, narrowing his eyes. “You know the old saying. Absolute power corrupts absolutely… and it happened to the Big Five.”
Sora bit her lip, reaching to squeeze Mei’s shoulder. “I saw Seto last night at the museum gala. He said our standings with KaibaCorp will not change, so we’ll all still have our positions. It’s just…”
“Time for the new generation to fully take over,” Hideo finished, leaning against his elbows. “I can handle that, can’t you guys?”
“This is what they took us under their wings for,” Katsuo agreed. “It’s just weird to think that they were the last pillars standing of the old KC. Noah, then Gozaburo, and now the Big Five. Gone. What happened to them, anyway?”
Reika shrugged. “I don’t know. By the time the police got there, they were gone.”
The others had worried looks on their faces.
“What do we do, then?” Sora asked. “What if they come back?”
“Then they know their place,” Hideo replied, lifting his glass in the air. “Their time is over. It’s our turn now. To the new generation of KaibaCorp.”
There was an awkward clinking of glasses and several long drinks of champagne before Mei broke the silence.
“Noah. I haven’t thought about him in a long time.”
“Do you ever think what KaibaCorp would be like if he hadn’t died?” Sora asked.
“The old farts would still be in charge. They’d still be focused on war tech instead of things like games,” Hideo replied. “A lot of people would be unhappy.”
“What do you mean?” Mei questioned with a frown.
Hideo shrugged. “Have contracts that deal with weapons of war, build and design weapons for war, or deal with, build and design games that make people happy, and even a theme park if he can get the specs off the ground. It’s simple math. Plus it’s a lot easier on the consciousness. I don’t know how much longer I would have been able to take the war profiteering.”
“I have to agree,” Sora said. “I’m grateful for the opportunity for hands-on engineering lessons from Mr. Nezbitt, but some of the weapons he built were truly just… awful. There’s a reason he was called the Demon Warlord of the Factory.”
Reika shuddered. “I actually had a dream a few nights ago about Noah. He wasn’t pleased that he’s been a secret. I ended up telling Seto about him.”
Katsuo stared at her. “You did? How’d he take it?”
“More pissed at Gozaburo than at any of us. Said it wasn’t fair that he threatened us the way he did.”
“He’s not wrong about that. Threatening twelve year olds? Gozaburo was a damned lunatic,” Hideo snapped. “KaibaCorp - no, the world - is better off without him.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Reika replied, clinking her glass against his.
Katsuo and Mei seemed more quiet as the meeting went on, but whenever it was brought up, they brushed it off, which made Reika suspicious.
She was surprised to find Yugi alone in the apartment when she got home.
“Your friends left?”
“Yeah. Duke had to help his dad at their shop, Serenity’s operation is tonight, so Joey went to the hospital, Tristan’s babysitting his nephew, and Téa needed to catch up on homework. How was your Young Five thing?” Yugi asked as Reika collapsed on the couch with a groan. “It went well, huh?”
“It was fine. It just brought up a lot of old emotions, that’s all,” she said, resting her hand on her forehead. “We talked about the Big Five. No one has heard from them since the day you went into that virtual world.”
“And the police haven’t found anything?”
“If they have, Seto hasn’t told me.”
Yugi frowned. “And it’d be pretty weird for him not to tell you.”
There was something hanging in the air between them, and Reika let out a sigh. “Go ahead, ask away.”
“Does Kaiba make you happy?”
Reika pushed herself into a sitting position. “He does.”
Yugi smiled. “I’m glad. I don’t like what he did to grandpa, but - ”
“Grandpa said he forgave him for what happened.”
“Good. You know, the other - er, the pharaoh and I were talking about that day before you got home,” Yugi said, taking a seat next to her. “He said Kaiba had a lot of darkness in his heart.”
“Well, that’s not a surprise, considering his father,” Reika said.
“Right… it got me thinking, what day was it that Gozaburo died?”
“May eighth, I think it was. Why?”
“That was the day Kaiba stole grandpa’s card.”
Reika’s eyes widened. “Oh. Oh ! I didn’t even realize that.No wonder the pharaoh felt a lot of darkness in his heart that day.”
“The pharaoh said he used some of his magic to get rid of it.”
She chuckled bitterly. “I’m glad. Gozaburo was… not a good man. It’s still something that weighs on Seto,” she said.
“I’m not surprised. It would weigh on anyone. I’m glad he has a friend like you, though.”
Yugi blinked. “It’s not that I’m happy for you, I’m just surprised that Kaiba would move so quickly.”
“Yeah, so here’s the thing, we’ve been dating for two years already.”
“Two - ?!”
“We wanted to take it slow. Keep it away from the press.”
Yugi laughed softly. “Are you sure you’re prepared for the press now?”
She grinned and ruffled his hair. “I’ve faced scarier things than cameras.”
“What do you mean?”
“Hm?” Crap. “Oh. I mean like… all the stuff I saw in the desert on that first expedition. Do you know how freaky it is to have to learn to protect yourself against snakes, scorpions, or coyotes? Hearing them howl at night, like you’re about to be their meal?”
“Uh, I can’t say I do, but it must be pretty freaky.”
“Yeah, kinda, but it was fun!” she said with a wide grin. “C’mon, I’ll tell you about it while we figure out dinner.”
Guilt twisted in her gut.
“The latest intel says the Marines took all the credit for what happened at Alabasta,” Aiko said the next day. “They say Captain Smoker was offered a promotion and everything.”
“Ugh, of course they did. Can’t have a pirate crew do something nice for the poor civilians, can we?” Reika replied with a roll of her eyes, glancing at the wanted poster of her captain. “At least Luffy’s happy.”
“Weird that someone would be happy having a bounty on their head.”
“Luffy’s a pirate, he wants to make a big name for himself,” she laughed. “Besides, he’s going to be the Pirate King. I’m sure the bounty’s going to be even higher before long. I just hope I can be there with them when it happens.”
“How can you be sure that he’ll be the one to find Roger’s treasure? If it even exists…”
Reika paused, setting the papers down on the table in front of her. “I… I don’t know. It’s just this feeling I have. It’s like I said at the meeting, Luffy just has this… energy around him that I was drawn to. I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel like… he’s the one that’s supposed to find the One Piece.”
“Like that destiny shit you were talking about regarding Yugi?”
She shrugged. “I think we all have a destiny, Aiko. Something that our soul is drawn to do.”
“You sound like, like…”
“... Like I have an ancient spirit living in my head and talking to me all hours of the day?” Reika snorted.
“It is not all hours of the day.”
Aiko nearly fell out of her chair as Azila materialized in the room. “What the hell is that?!”
“My name is Azila. I am the guardian of the Millennium Bracelet. I am surprised your commander did not inform you of my presence.”
“Well, she did, most of us were just thinking she’d lost her mind.”
Reika rolled her eyes. “Your grandfather cracked a code that led us to another dimension, and your limit is Ancient Egyptian magic being real?”
“It just sounds so insane!”
Reika gestured to the computers and maps surrounding them. “And this doesn’t?!”
Her phone began to buzz before Aiko had a chance to reply.
“Aunt Kumi?” she frowned as her aunt sobbed on the other end of the line. “What’s wrong?”
“Reika, Yugi’s in the hospital.”
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lo-mindpalace · 4 years
26 - Walk of Shame
Alternative Universe: The characters are young adults and they are studying in The University of Kansas in Lawrence.
I looked at my watch. He was late. My brother was always late and it was annoying me. It was the last year of College for Dean, he was studying Mechanical Engineering. He was more interested in his drawing class and practicing sport rather than the studies but he was good at it anyway. As for me, it was my first year at College, I was in Law School and it was exactly how I imagined it. I was really enjoying this campus and student life, far away from my parents. I was sharing a big apartment with Dean and Charlie – our best friend, but Dean was often outside, dating girls, having one-night stands, … My brother was very popular, he always was. In high school, now in College. And I am known as “Dean’s smart brother” or something, but I don’t really care.
Dean, Charlie and I were supposed to eat together every Tuesday and Friday noon. This Friday, Dean was late and didn’t even text me. I looked at my lunch and sighed again.
“Hey Sam!”
I raised my head and saw Charlie sitting in front of me, in the campus yard.
“Hello, Charlie. How was your morning class?”
“Meh. I was a bit bored so I played League of Legends.” Charlie pouted.
I shook my head. Charlie was doing a bachelor of science in Information Technology. She was very, very talented with computers. She could hack a system in only a few minutes. Somehow, I was proud of her but she scared me sometimes. We met in High school with Dean and since that day, we’ve been best friends. She is such a wonderful person, always here to help. She is very attentive and such a geek. My redhead friend looked around and raised an eyebrow.
“… Where is Dean?”
I sighed and shrugged. Charlie seemed to think and then made a little “Oh.”. I raised an eyebrow, not understanding what was going on. She nodded to herself and looked at me.
“We are on Friday right?”
“Huh… Yes?”
“He was supposed to have a date with Mister Cute Guy yesterday.”
“Oh.” I said. “Castiel.”
We both looked at each other and sighed in amusement. Right. Of course, Dean was late. It was logical now. Dean met Castiel last year – when my brother was in second year and Cas in first year, and in the last five months they were turning around each other, flirting from time to time. My brother figured out he was bisexual when he was at his first year of College. He never really dated a guy, just flirted with them. He always said it was different with a man, he preferred doing things slowly whereas with a woman, he was always ready for a one-night-stand. Maybe he was afraid of judgement? I didn’t know. But the good thing was that no one mocked him for who he was, because Dean was so confident and cool. At least, that’s what Dean wanted to show. I knew the real Dean, the real anxious and vulnerable brother. But even if he was anxious and not self-confident, he was still a cool brother and a good friend.
Castiel was a Western guy, from San Francisco. He had a rich family with a lot of brothers and sisters and cousins. He always had what he wanted and had always obeyed to his parents. After High school, when he was awarded his diploma with high grades, he said no to his parents for the first time ever. They wanted him to become either a vet or a high-ranking business man. But he didn’t want that. He had always had a passion for art and science. So, he left his family to move to Lawrence and start his studies in the Liberal Arts & Science school. His family was against it at first but they didn’t have a choice. Moreover, Castiel’s older brother Gabriel did exactly the same, and the other brother Balthazar moved away one year after Castiel as well. He was a passionate guy, doing History and Art History studies but with many options such as Ecology, Foreign Languages, Anthropology and even Philosophy. This guy always wanted more and more knowledge. He was such a good student as well. His parents sent him money every month but he gave half of it to charities. Castiel didn’t need money thanks to his parents, but he wanted a normal life so he was working at the campus library.
He met Dean when Castiel was trying to find his Art History class and ended up in the Drawing Class. Dean helped him and then my brother offered Castiel to help him for his first year, showing him all the buildings in the campus, even some good spots in Lawrence, and so on. They gradually became friends, obviously, and I became friends with Cas. He was so happy to have friends. He always had either rich friends who were uninteresting, or fake friends who were taking advantage of him just for his money. Dean and I were from a modest family. Our father, John was part of the United States Marine Corps before becoming a mechanic in a garage in Lawrence. The garage was one of Singer’s branch. Bobby Singer was a good friend of John and we considered him as our uncle. Our mother, Mary, was a housewife when we were little and now, she was working at a Café. I guess it was pretty different from Castiel’s former “friends”. But he was happy and I was glad to have a friend like him. He was always embarrassed about his family and situation so he never talked about it, and we respected that decision. But I could see that sometimes he felt uncomfortable when someone was talking about money issues.
Dean and Castiel kissed each other five months ago during the Halloween party. They were both drunk but they liked it and they couldn’t stop thinking about this moment afterwards. So, they were flirting a bit from time to time, analyzing the other. I became tired of their games and Dean knew what I was thinking. So, when he said Cas and him were going on a real date yesterday, the only word that came to my mind was “Finally.” I remembered my brother rolling his eyes, blushing a bit. I didn’t want to know what they did because it wasn’t my business but when I finally saw my brother in the distance, I was certain about one thing. Someone got laid. I nudged Charlie so she could look at this funny show. Dean was walking weirdly, wearing the same jeans and the College jacket, shirt but this scarf wasn’t his. I smiled even more when he saw us and walked toward our table. Gosh, he was so tired, dark rings under his eyes, his tousled hair. He sat next to us and yawned, scratching the back of his neck.
“Sorry, I’m late.” He said with a husky voice.
“Hey Charlie, did Dean just do the walk of shame or am I dreaming?” I said with a hint of amusement.
“Nah, you’re right Sam. I think he did.” Charlie smiled widely.
Dean looked at us with wide eyes.
“Is it that obvious?!”
“Well, first of all, you are wearing the same clothes as yesterday except this scarf.” I said.
“Then you look so exhausted as if you had a partied the whole night.” Charlie said.
“Can we talk about your messy hair?”
“Nah, dude. Can we talk about that big ass hickey?” Charlie said.
Dean blushed beet-red and tried to hide the hickey.
“I… Uh… Well I spent a good night with Cas…” He said with a sudden shy voice.
“Well, I’m sure about that, and I’m sure all the people that saw you coming here are aware about this too.” Charlie said with a chuckle.
“What do you mean?” Dean said.
He looked around and saw some of his friends, the quarterbacks and some of his class winking at him and nodding like the proud friends they were. Dean swallowed hard and gave them a little smile before turning his face to us again. He closed his eyes and mumbled something. I wanted to add something just to annoy my brother but I saw Castiel with a classmate going to a building. He saw us and waved at us with a shy smile and Dean looked at him. They both glanced at each other, Castiel blushing and making an adorable face. Dean smiled and winked at him. Cas entered the building and Dean was still smiling like an idiot before noticing that Charlie and I were staring at him. He cleared his throat and took a sandwich I bought him. He began to eat without saying a word. I rolled my eyes.
“Tell me, Dean. Tell me you are finally officially dating Castiel Novak.” I said, crossing my arms on my chest.
Dean swallowed what he had in his mouth and looked at me and Charlie.
“What a pain in my ass you are, Sammy. Yes. We are officially dating. Now, give me a break. I need to properly eat, drink water, take a shower and go to class. And then, after all this, we can talk about that.”
Dean made a surprised face when I high-fived Charlie. Our redhead friend gave me a bit of money while chuckling.
“Damn, dude. You rock!” She said to me.
“You guys had a bet?!” Dean said.
“Yup. I bet you and Cas would finally officially date and get laid. Charlie didn’t believe me because, well, you took so much time to ask Castiel out.” I said.
“Your brother was right. Congratulation, Deano!” Charlie said while patting Dean’s shoulder.
My brother pouted and shrugged. He made a little amused smile after all, our good mood was too contagious. He blushed a little, probably thinking about his wonderful night and I chuckled while rolling my eyes. I swear… My brother is something. We ate happily until it was finally time for me to go back to class, leaving my best friend and my mushy older brother.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Hope you liked it :)
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lubeny · 3 years
Electro rock
'' Every trolls is the reflection of the music they listen to '' That phrase echoed in the head of that rock queen, the meaning of it was obvious. The POP trolls were cheerful and brightly colored, the funk trolls conveyed a good vibe no matter what, the classical music trolls were refined and neat, the country trolls had the face of being serious and proud but at the same time pleasant, their race, rock trolls were crazy and somewhat violent, that was their nature, and finally, techno trolls, that race where the person he loves most belonged. I know it's strange or even wrong, but the rock queen only sighed when she saw the Trollex king, everything about him seemed perfect, his face, his smile, that beautiful body, his colors, by God that hair and of course that cute personality that made her turn redder than her hair, she was not a sweetheart and much less romantic, these feelings were very confusing at the time, no one imagined that after Trollstopia was founded, the queen of rock and the king techno began to come out, many did not see it in the best way, but heck they were royalty, do you think that the whining of some trolls would prevent the happiness of both monarchs? If you answered yes, you are an asshole '' to Sometimes the love of your life can come after the mistake of your life '' that queen thought. What started with helping to rebuild techno reef turned into a beautiful friendship, which turned into laughter, fights, reconciliations and many beautiful moments, after all that, he formed a courtship, many were excited, others disapproved and many gave him Likewise, they had already been dating for 4 years, they were planning to marry at 25, they were both 24 years old at the time and as their last wedding anniversary, before joining their lives forever, Barb wanted to do something special for trollex. In recent years Barb has given several things, headphones, necklaces, nights of passion, and much more, she wanted this year to be unforgettable, she tried for hours to write her a song in the type of music that her boyfriend loved almost at the same level that she, EYE almost, Barb knew that trollex loved her more than her music, "Damn," Barb cursed, trying to put lyrics to music that she was 99% sure had no instrument was difficult. -Barb what's up? -His little brother Riff entered his room, that prince was attracted by the curses of his superior "Why is Riff difficult?" Barb asked his brother somewhat tiredly. "Why is it difficult to put lyrics to some beep and bup?" -Bip and bup? - The prince was somewhat confused, he did not know what his sister was referring to, but, looking at Barb, he could see the photo of the king of the trolls ceiling next to him, his neurons already started to work- Ohhh you talk about music ceiling "Of course I'm talking about techno music!" Barb said looking at the mess of papers next to her. -What exactly do you want to do? - -I want to write a song to trollex for our anniversary- Barb took one of the papers where she had written a song trying to imitate or at least get closer to techno -but everything I write is terrible- said that, the queen of rock made a ball paper and I throw it
-Have you tried writing him one in rock? -
-Many, I have hundreds, but I want this to be special - Barb said disappointed in herself
"You can go to Bliss Marin's house, she's a good DJ, she can give you some advice," her brother suggested. The focus of that queen lit up. (...) -Okey, okey, okey- The techno trolls read the notes of that girl with maroon hair Barb went to visit Bliss Marina as her brother had suggested, that mermaid was very happy for the queen's visit, but Barb got to the point and wanted her to help him write a song. -Barb I'll be very honest ... this is all rubbish- Marina threw all the barb notes in the trash "ARG KNEW IT !!!" Barb was upset and frustrated, her king deserved the best. -These losses girl, your anniversary is tomorrow and it is already 5 in the afternoon, I cannot teach you to be a Techno music in an afternoon, this is an art that you have been practicing for years, - affirmed Marina -Then you can't help me? - Barb asked, she was a little desperate -If you want I can write him a song and make a rhythm- Marina suggested -Of course not, this has to come from me, I will feel very bad if what I am singing for the love of my life comes from another person- reveals barb -Well, I can't do much- Both girls were thinking for a while, Marina was thinking about how to help barb and meanwhile the Queen of Rock just sat staring at nothing, she was disappointed and frustrated for not being able to give a song to her king. -I know! - Marina turned on the spotlight- you could look for the neon pearl -Neon pearl? -Barb didn't know what she meant -It is a pearl that is said to make anyone a techno expert just by having it- says Marina -That's a ... good idea? - Barb didn't know what to call it -Perfect, just go to the field of black algae and in the brightest clam you will find the neon pearl- Marina pushed Barb outside her house to start her journey. -I never leave home without my guitar- Barb took the guitar from her and said goodbye to Marina to start her journey. (...) -Where is he, where is he? - It had been about 5 hours, Barb was already in the black kelp forest, a place both beautiful and mysterious, The algae lit up since the sun set the sun, but the rocker did not know it or did not care, it was too focused on finding the neon pearl to dedicate a song worthy of the king to her beloved. She was searching the forest for that gem that would help him show her love for the techno leader. Of course, in her hair were several rock songs that she wrote with her lover in mind, but no, the song had to be techno. Barb kept looking all over the place, she wouldn't give up until she found something to help her play the same music as Trollex. Without paying attention to anything other than finding a clam, Barb did not realize that, in the distance, a moray eel was stalking her, the large fish saw her as a potential prey, Maybe Bliss Marina I didn't know that eels can eat rock trolls, but it was obvious that barb would be in danger. (...) -Hey Marina, do you know where Barb is? - The one who spoke was Trollex, the Trollex king of techno trolls, that young king was looking for her beloved, he hadn't seen her in hours and he started to worry. -Riff told me she was with me and that you were helping her with something- -She's ...- Bliss Marina tried to make up an excuse, she didn't want Barb's surprise- she's in the library -Library? - the trollex king did not believe him at all - You are right- -Marina tell the truth you are bad at lying- said trollex -well ... she is, in the Black algae forest- reveals the mermaid "WHAT?" The words of her subordinate worried the king "IN THE BLACK ALGAE FOREST?" Trollex felt that he would give her a fit. -Yes, why so worried? -THIS PLACE IS INFESTED OF PREDATORS !!! - said trollex altered -Predators? but you didn't expel them- says Bliss -I THOUGHT THAT, BUT THEY CAME BACK FOR THE REPRODUCTION SEASON- he said excitedly Bliss Marina thought for a moment and analyzed what she was thinking. -Oh shit...- (...) While all that was happening ... What was the matter with Queen Barb? -AHHHH- The poor queen of rock was fleeing from a ferocious eel, that fish only opened and closed her jaw trying to get those trolls to enter and devour her. Barb swam for her life, she was scared and with good reason, these eels have taken their lives many techno trolls, Barb did not want to be next, they not only had to look for a pearl to write a song for her lover, of course, if this I came out of this alive. -cu-cute little fish- Barb was cornered in a coral, she tried to distract the beast, calm it and thus be able to flee. The beast only growled getting closer and closer, it opened its mouth showing its sticky, blood-filled mouth, ready to eat. Barb was waiting for him but and she got into the fetal position, there was nothing else to do, she couldn't run away; until, she could feel something next to her, it was her guitar. Then she Barb remembered when she invaded Techno Reef, she remembered what her guitar did and she knew what to do ... (...) -Barb! - -Barbara!- -Her majesty of her! - All those voices were those of Trollex and the other leaders, they were looking for Barb, it was almost midnight and there was no sign of Barb. -Barb, Barbara, My QUEEN !!! - Trollex took a breath and shouted with all his might, he was worried about her girlfriend, that place was very dangerous and he feared the worst, he did not want to lose her like that, in half an hour of her anniversary. -Any new advance? -Asked the essence queen to her son D - nothing mom- answered D -We must find it, we have 1 hours looking for it and I think Trollex's heart won't take it anymore- said delta pointing to Trollex The poor man was very ill, you could see the despair and anxiety on his face, the simple fact of thinking that the love of his life, the trolls that was the cause of his smiles and his sighs, is hurt or even worse ... He was not able to say those words, he asked his ancestors not to be today the day when he says: "Barb" and "dead" in the same sentence. While the hands of the clock advanced the hopes were lost. -I found something !!! - Ramón yelled and everyone heard them. Trollex swam quickly to where Ramón was, when he arrived he desperately began to look for Barb. -Where, where is she? -Asked Trollex altered -Quiet friend- Ramón took out a handful of clothes -What is that? -It's Barb's clothes, I only found that with a little blood on a coral, - revealed Ramón- sorry Bro Trollex just took the clothes and smelled them, they still had their scent, these clothes, it may mean that their queen is gone, all those beautiful moments that they planned for the future were fading, Trollex's smile was fading, some tears were coming out From his eyes, he couldn't believe it was true, his beloved had been eaten. The other leaders lowered their heads sadly and approached Trollex -My boy- the queen stroked the head of the techno king trying to comfort him. Trollex clung to them needed maternal care. -Why-why sniff ahhhhh- the young king cried in the essence chest, he felt a lot of pain at that moment, his beautiful queen, his girlfriend and future
His wife had left his side, everything hurt, he could no longer see his beloved again, her smiles, laughter, her music, all that only lived in her memory. Her body started to go pale, her colors were fading. Everyone was sad and in mourning, until suddenly she could hear a very loud sound, a roar that made all the algae tremble and some animals came out swimming quickly. They all looked confused, but as the noise got closer to them they started to panic and raised their guard. They heard a roar even louder than all the previous ones, also a great blow, when the paraton noises were all confused. A great cloud of dust covered the gar, many coughed and others closed their eyes. Poppy opened her eyes and saw a figure. -Ba-Barb? - Saying that, everyone opened their eyes and smiled, she was the queen of rock. Barb was still alive, tired and with a guitar in her hands. -BARB! - The trollex king separated himself from his essence and swam out to embrace his beloved. -TROLLEX- -BARB- -TROLLEX- Both lovers hugged each other tightly and began to cry on the shoulders of others, the tears danced with each other, they were happy and very happy, barb was fine, Trollex had recovered his beloved, her colors began to shine, everything was fine. . The others covered their eyes, there is something that trollex did not realize. -Barb my love is it okay? -Trollex took his cheek, he was very worried -I'm fine and you? you look awful-answered Barb -I'm fine but you- -Who cares? -Asked barb -I care- said trollex hugging her Barb just laughs and trollex smiles at her, the king of techno picks up her girlfriend and starts kissing her whole face with a warm smile. -what happened?- -I'll just say that ... I tried to find something to help me play techno, I found an eel and ... I killed it to the point of rock- barb looked at the distance, trollex also looked, and could see a large eel with the exploded and bleeding ears. -HAHAHAHA- trollex laughed a little, he was happy to have her in his arms again. The clock struck 12, it was a new day, it was the anniversary of trollex and barb. -Happy anniversary my queen- Trollex kiss barb on the lips -Thank you my king ... I'm sorry I don't have a song for you-Barb said a little disappointed- I wanted to write you a song in the kind of song that you love, I wanted to show you how much I love you, the music that you love, that reminds me of you, I wanted you to know how much you mean to me
-Barb you don't need anything like that, I'm happy just to see you, you didn't have to risk your life for me, my music is not what I love the most, that's you, my music would no longer be music if you are, since you arrived my music improved, before my music was only music, it was something normal, and before it meant something to me, but, looking at the past, I realize that now, with you, that music compared to the me of the past is not music, now it's magic, that's how I feel about you- the techmo king tells his girlfriend Barb just kissed her boyfriend, they both closed their eyes letting themselves be carried away by the moment, both were happy, her love was strong, it was perfect. -Hey guys- The moment didn't last long, Poppy spoke up and interrupted them. They parted ways and Barb gave Poppy a bad look. -I just wanted to tell you that ... you can cover yourself Barb- the queen of pop pointed to Barb and she was completely naked. -AHHH- the queen screamed and hid behind trollex -Ya heart - trollex charge her to take her home (...) I was hanging out with you and then I realized I didn't think it was true I was surprised When I found out that I have fallen in love with you If I told you how I feel But i can't help it I'm falling in love with you And i can't quit Because i'm trapped in you And it could be pathetic and you could be skeptical But I just want to be with you Please tell me boy Can you give me a hint? Or it happens because I just want to be with you I am scared To tell you how i feel Maybe it's better if I try to hide the truth For me and for you But I'm still caught up in you, ooh, ooh I, I'm still falling in love with you For you Barb finished singing while she caressed the cheek of her lover, it was 4 in the morning of her anniversary, the trollex king was only sleeping peacefully in the bed of his girlfriend. Barb smiled at every move her partner made while she dreamed, seeing him, she imagined a thousand things, things would come true, a future together and the day that officially Rock and Techno would unite and form: electro rock . END -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Hahaha well this is the first one-shot of the couple, I honestly think I look bad, I would like to know your opinion, do you like it? Give ideas for more one.shot Thank you for reading. Sorry if the translation is bad, English is not my mother tongue
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dailyyooniex2 · 4 years
Almost two years without him gracing our screens, Yoon Si-yoon has been making multiple strides right after completing his mandatory army service: he is currently starring in jtbc’s Mirror of the Witch and joining 2 Days 1 Night as the latest addition to the fixed cast after Kim Joo-hyuk’s departure from the variety. As his fan, I can say that my weekend has been blessed with his appearance on my screen from Friday to Sunday. He donned colourful (and sometimes questionable) clothes for Grazia and the interview has been released. Enjoy!
Four months after his discharge from army service, actor Yoon Si-yoon is still as bright and dazzling as ever. Between his ambition to show his real self like a blowing wind in 2 Days 1 Nightthrough his Yoon Dong-gu persona and his character Heo Joon in the drama Mirror of the Witch, both images of him faintly resemble the person Yoon Si-yoon.
It has been almost 3 years since the last time we met.
Have we met before this? I am so sorry. It seems that I have lost some of my memories when I went into army…since I underwent CBR training thrice there…Hahaha.
What is the best thing to you after becoming a normal citizen again post-army?
Of course it’s being able to do my job. There are different sources of worries. The job is as tiring and as worrisome as always, but the most important thing is I get to achieve my dream. I am willing to worry about and make an effort for it. I am happy although I have to worry about the work, because I am doing something that I want.
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Is that the reason why Dong-gu in 2 Days 1 Night always seems happy?
When I did my first variety program with Barefoot Friends, I thought that since I was going into varieties, I should give my best. But for 2 Days 1 Night, the thought of showing my true self grew bigger. It doesn’t matter if I’m being cursed at or being praised; I want to show the thorough Yoon Si-yoon-like image and colour. Dong-gu is my real self.
People normally show the image of themselves that others want to see.
That has something to do with self-confidence. Actually, in the past, after being accepted by so many people all of a sudden, I was afraid to show my natural self. Thus, I hid it. But then, an actor should be truthful about himself and able to express himself clearly to all kinds of people.
Why did you have that kind of thought all of a sudden?
While I was doing my service, when I thought of my 4 years of being active in the industry, I realized one thing. There are many images of me inside myself and if I can’t express any of them, will I be able to portray different characters in my line of work? I thought that the first duty as an actor and a celebrity is to be able to show both acting and image which are like myself to public. Hence, the reason I chose my comeback project was because it was most Yoon Si-yoon-like. Not because it is a cool role but because the role is closest to my true self. And the project is Mirror of the Witch.
Then why did you choose 2 Days 1 Night?
It is my first attempt and a courageous trial to show the closest image to my true self as a celebrity. Although it’s not something every actor need, for me, I was afraid of showing my true self to the public. I went into Marines because I was afraid of water, and I chose 2 Days 1 Night because I was afraid to show my innermost self to the public.
There are many comments saying that Dong-gu is too unrealistic.
Although it’s endless positive image for now, later it will slowly evolve into an irritated image too. That one was slightly visible during the ping-pong game. I was just showing the exact image and thoughts I had at that time. Of course, when my whole image as a person is shown clearly, there will be times when I will be cursed at. But it’s okay, because it’s something I want to do.
How was the first filming? Didn’t you find it awkward trying to blend in with the other members who were already familiar with each other?
Maybe it was because of my lacking variety skills that I didn’t find it awkward. Because I was not in charge of being funny.
Do you read a lot of books in real life too?
Rather than activities which exert energy, I prefer activities which involve thinking, like reading books and traveling. But I don’t really like studying. My academic performance is actually lower than my reading amount (laughs).
Studying and reading aren’t that different, right?
(Cha) Tae-hyun hyung always says that if the cast are to be judged from their reading habit, they would be seen as people who come from ordinary colleges. But he was actually my college senior (laughs). It’s just that I enjoy reading.
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What do you usually think of?
To put it simply, everything. I thoughtlessly write down things which suddenly came into my mind or those staying on my mind. I feel happy and at ease just from looking at them, even when they are just doodles. I like the feeling when I can organize my thoughts in an orderly manner. The notes and doodles aren’t really for somebody to read anyway.
You will go on to publish a book at this rate.
Eyyyy~ that’s not something that can be done by just anyone (laughs). I prefer to separate my hobby and resting time. I think of everything opposite of the thorough day as my resting time. For instance, as someone who can’t stop thinking when talking with someone, ‘rest’ is when I don’t do thorough thinking at all. That is why I also enjoy playing video games. I also went for a fishing trip with (Jung) Joon-young.
That is an upright life of a young man.
Joon-young said that it’s a nerdy life for nerds. But I want to add something to that. Voluntary nerd. I like that actually. You must have read a book recently. What kind of book it was?
I read The Taebaek Mountains recently. Although the last book I read was actually The True Story of Ah Q, The Taebaek Mountains came to my mind when I thought of a book I have finished. I bought it at a secondhand bookstore to read it again.
Does your schedule draw you apart from your books?
There are instances where I read books with similar characters I am portraying to get into the emotions of the characters. In order to match my acting with much younger (Kim) Sae-ron in Mirror of the Witch, The Stars by Alphonse Daudet came to my mind. Thus, I take the motif from it and apply it into my acting.
What kind of motif did you incorporate into your acting to be exact?
There is love which transcends all time: there is love that makes two people grow together; there is love that blooms from the most unfortunate encounters. And then there is this kind of love that is borderline friendship and love. Perhaps, that kind of love doesn’t necessarily require the two of them to look at the same place while holding hands. With that emotions, I feel that I can portray the character of Heo Joon.
But then, people would always think of Kim Takgu first when they see Yoon Si-yoon. What does Kim Taegu mean to you?
It’s like Yoon Si-yoon himself. Just like people thinking of Mirror of the Eastern Medicine when they think of Heo Joon.
Like a proper noun then?
Yeah. People would think of Apple when they think of Steve Jobs. It’s something to be thankful of to be able to show one proper role of himself in his entire life.
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But that is not a good thing for an actor.
Normally, people would see a single image when looking at someone. I think of it as having actor Yoon Si-yoon expressing the colour of a person. Removing the image of Kim Takgu is a homework I am happy with. If I am able to show another image of me, that means that my own ability is getting better.
Now, it seems that you will be remembered as Dong-gu instead of Kim Takgu.
Right? Yoon Si-yoon is being pushed into a corner….
Still, Dong-gu seems to fit you more (laughs).
You’re right, isn’t it analog-like? That’s me. I’m serious but I love comedy. I think that it is not right not to mix art with truthful laughter. It will just come out as being unfriendly. That is why I watch difficult movies, no matter how bad it is for me. If I am going to show the reality and convey it to the audience, they must be mixed properly with comedy.
Do you apply this too when you are choosing your projects?
Of course. All the projects I have done all this while have their own good messages to be conveyed through the story. That is also the reason why I love watching Stephen Chow’s movies. Be it Stephen Chow or Takeshi Kitano’s movies, there is comedy mixed into the movies; but if the message in the story fails to be conveyed, a movie will become a mere slapstick, gag show. But the movies are kind. That is the image I want to portray.
There are times when you are being overshadowed by others’ less serious approach.
There were instances where I would stop and think: “Why is he so good at making jokes?” “Why is he so playful? “Why is he smirking while talking?” I would also look less serious when I did that. It is okay to see me as it is at that moment, because that is also when I put in my sincerity.
Do you mean becoming a fun but not too careless actor?
I’d like it if I can be someone who can make jokes and be a fun person. One day, I hope that I can share my thought and other things with other people but for now, I am not ready for it yet. That is also the same reason why I don’t write a book. Because I don’t want to mix laughter and comedy into it. It’s the same as having a ball hitting the beam instead of the goal, missing the real target.
Instead of Takgu or Dong-gu, when will we be able to meet another image of Yoon Si-yoon?
This is just my senseless and worthless philosophy. My points are still lacking. I look forward to and feel that it is possible for me to be able to carry the colour and mind of an actor, showing everything without any hesitation.
What kind of steps need to be taken in order for you to reach that phase?
“This role should be given to Yoon Si-yoon”, “As expected, it’s Yoon Si-yoon.” I will wait until I can hear these kinds of compliments. From one point to another, I will have to control my performance until it becomes a constant line and I believe that will be the moment for me to be someone who can act better. Maybe at that time, I will become another person with another image as a well-rounded actor. I still have a long way to go.
How far have you come so far?
Maybe around 40~50% at the moment? I want to rake in more realistic points. Thus, I am showing my whole self. I don’t really know how far my talent can go but I believe that I will be able to reach that goal eventually (laughs).
Before you knew it, you’re already passing 30 years old.
No~ I am only 29 this year. It will come out if you do a quick search on Naver (laughs).
Do you think you will change once you enter the 30s?
I think I will be the same. I think I should be the same. There might be regression in some parts. People still think of me as young because of my boyish image.
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Right. Your boyish image is still going on strong.
It can be both advantage and disadvantage. However, a boy will become an adult and a man one day. For now, I am living as a boy until my growth into a man is complete. I want to focus a little bit more on my dreams and become more truthful in conveying my emotions at this moment. When a boy matures into a man as he lives, the public will eventually see him as a man. I can’t turn myself into a man just like that. I still think that it’s more fun living as a boy. Maybe it will be better to act like a man, with less talking and showing a splendid pose as one? To me, that is just like a comedy.
You are very clear when it comes to your wants.
Of course. I have my life planned according to its stage. Right now, it’s the stage of (gaining) experience. I’m experimenting by going on various dramas and varieties.
What is the next stage after experimenting with works?
I want to organize different images of mine, including those I portray through my works. Maybe I will show the image of educating people. That might come true when I reach mid-40s so I will work hard until then.
What will be the life of an actor to Yoon Si-yoon when you look back at this moment later on?
I always write this down when I give my signature: ‘I believe in the triumph of an honest man’. I want to live honestly without any dirty play. Honesty doesn’t necessarily mean good-natured. I want to live as somebody who can admit his wrong when he makes mistakes.
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sickforever · 5 years
5:00 am
goosebumps forming on the end of my knees and i feel my hairs on the back of my neck stand as the cold air brushes off my ear.
i like to be touched and i like to be devoured, i want to be the pool of light from your lamp.
please call me sunshine oh god.
i just want to be sunshine.
i let my toes fall back into the receding patches of dirt and i am falling into bodies of water
into cigarette smoke trapped in bodies
into my old house with my old dog, my brother still lives with us he still talked to me my parents slept in the same room and i thought of love as something that escaped from my body like light from a lamp and i needed to pour it out every night . i knew love as something that has ridden my body and shakes it until i am begging for more
and i always get more.
to me, love is something that i still very much have. i still have it running through me and catching me on my bad days; i still feel the need to pour this gushing love out. but it hurts now and i don’t mean it stings my cold body sometimes, i mean that it destroys me from the inside out. Love was a word used so many times with so much meaning behind it and they keep repeating the word but angrier and angrier and they are pushing me down to the floor because they love me and they are telling me to shut up with a chokehold they taught him in the marines because they love me. i am crying on my bathroom floor with nothing but a towel to hold and wrap around me and this is what love is to me. Love is my ex boyfriend of two years posting him burning my art 2 months later like a weepy teenage girl. i feel it in the depths of my heart that i truly loved him and once i left him he didn’t hold that value to it anymore. how do i tell him i have his notes on my wall? i left him and i wanted to leave i wanted to be on different parts of a fuckung globe where he couldn’t hurt me anymore and i could be friends with guys and nobody would be looking through my phone and yelling at me to the point of specks of spit hitting my face. i left him, because i needed to. but it doesn’t mean i don’t love him. Love is freshman year sex in the back of a car because i loved this skinny asshole too much to keep saying No to him. i wasn’t ready and i think he knew that. it was the puppy eyes and the pouty lips. it’s always the lips. love, to me and now is him calling me to tell me he’s in love with me but has sex with my best friend since third grade. love is my best friend since third grade never apologizing to me.
love is terrible and i am sick of this bad taste it leaves in my mouth.
love is terrible. i wish i could never love anyone again. and sometimes i feel as if love is vacant and gone. and then i see the oranges start to pop into brown leaves, i see people happy with red lips sprawled across their face and dimples. and i think that this love inside of me isn’t too bad and maybe i shouldn’t push it down.
but then again, Love is fucking terrible.
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platinum-happy · 5 years
Announcement Regarding Eve & Graduation Letters for Willow
To all of our supporters, thank you for your ongoing support of Platinum Happy! While we’re hard at work behind the scenes on new releases and hope to have something new for you all to enjoy soon, we must announce with mixed emotions that Generation 1 member, Eve, has graduated from Platinum Happy to focus on her personal life. Eve has been an asset to Platinum Happy and has contributed so much to us since starting off in our first generation, and we would like to express our gratitude to Eve for everything she has done for us and the joy she has brought to the group! Below, you will find letters from current members to Eve, as well as graduation letters for former Generation 2 member, Willow, who graduated from the group in 2018.
Graduation Letters for Eve
Dear Iibu,
The things you create are truly wonderful, thank you for taking some time to create things with us over the years! You’ve introduced me to so many cool idol groups and songs, and our mutual love of rilakkuma and other cute stuff was always fun~
I appreciate your calming presence, and I’m super grateful I got to meet you, Eve!! If there’s ever anything you need me for, never hesitate to message me. I hope your future will be full of excitement and happiness!
I legit cried when I read you were graduating. You’ve been one of my favorite Purappi members from the BEGINNING. From the start, I fangirled over your voice, style and personality. You’re very talented but kind at the same time. An Idol with a heart as gold as your image color.
I know you’re off to bigger and brighter things, but I hope you’ll stop by to chat sometimes. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say Platinum Happy won’t be the same without you! (T_T) Please don’t be a stranger! ♥ ♥
Love, Bea
Dear Eve,
I’m not EVEn sure where to begin here, and I don’t think a letter like this can succinctly describe the way I’m feeling, but the biggest sentiments I want to express to you are THANK YOU and YOU ARE AMAZING!
You’ve always been the kind of person who is quietly talented – rather than flaunting your crazy skills right up front, you’ve been weaving something grand with your talents in your own way until suddenly you’ve burst onto the scene, and everyone’s like, “This is amazing!” And it’s TRUE. Your music, your art, your ideas, and everything that you put your heart into turns out to be a masterpiece. You’ve done so much for Purappi, and I can’t thank you enough for being here with us and sharing your talents with the world alongside everyone here. You’ve been a cherished member and a cherished friend to us, and you’ve truly left a sort of golden touch on the group that we’ll never forget. We owe you so much!
On a personal note, thank you for being there to fangirl with me about CY8ER and alternative and tattooed idols and electronic J-pop and all of these fun things! You’ve always been so sweet and thoughtful – and always were at the ready to share exciting idol news (whether through fangirly messages between us or on PuraRadio)! After your graduation, I hope we continue to talk about these things!
I wish you nothing but the best, and I know your talents will take you so, so far. Good luck Eve, we will miss you so much!
Love, Bonnie
Hey Eve,
Honestly I’m at a loss as to what to write because I’m worried that it will turn into “noooo, please don’t leave.”
When gen one first came together, you were one of the only people I already knew. We kind of paired off because of that and because we have similar tastes in idols and are kind of awkward nerds, and I really do think of you as one of my closest friends. I’m so glad that we got to meet so many times and I really hope you come to Japan again soon because you are so fun to hang out with.
I think that it’s because of you that I was able to really do anything at all in Purappi. Having you around was what encouraged me to break out of my shell with both the other members behind the scenes and be more of the weirdo in front of the camera, too. Because you were there to share ideas with me I was able to come up with my own and try them out. And of course you were always my partner in crime for PuraRadio and PuraStreaming. You’ve always been a huge part of the group to me, and I’m sure that goes for the other members as well.
And you honestly have had such a big impact on us. After all, “Platinum de Somete” is something you gave us! I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you so much for being a part of Platinum Happy with me.
Of course I can still talk to you whenever and I will, don’t you doubt that! Seriously. BFFs. That us.
I love you come to Japan and fight me by which I mean give me a hug and hang out with me,
Hellohellohello Eve, Iibu, Eevee, Eveveveveve,
I know what you might be thinking. I sound like I’m hyper right now. If that’s your train of thought, you might be right. The world will never know. Not really anyway.🤫🤫
I know I’m the somewhat formal type. I’ve rarely ever called anyone by their given nicknames. (If anything, I’ve often given my own nickname for everyone else, haha.) But by the end of this letter that’s gonna change!!!
We’ve been together as gen members for what… FOUR YEARS? Time passes!!! We’ve been in a few subgroup songs together like Love like Candyfloss and Because Happiness which is great but a bit sad that we won’t get a Team Nomimono cover in the future… 🤐 Maybe a reunion could happen in a hopeful future, right コーヒーブ ☺️
But like I’ve said to Willow, it doesn’t mean it’s the end! It doesn’t mean you’re not onto bigger and better things!!!! Flex positivity!!!! I believe in you in all your future endeavors!!!!!!!!! (# P O S I T I V I T Y 2 K 1 9 ! ! ! ! 😤 😤 😤)
We’ll miss you, Iibu. But you know exactly where to find us so don’t forget to send us some life updates!!! 😤😤😤
From the probably-hyper-but-the-world-will-never-know
ジュース 😘
Iibu! When I found out you wanted to graduate, I was devastated. You have this quiet, amazing, yet powerful energy that I LOVE! You’ve graced us with your presence since the beginning of Purappi, and for that, I am very thankful. Between your voice, art, lyrics, videos, and overall creative prowess, you’ve definitely made a large and incomparable positive impact on our little group. One of my favorite things was when you’d quietly sneak into the group chat and drop something amazing at our feet! I’m very sad to see you go, but I know wherever you end up in life, you will flourish. Good luck and full speed ahead!!!
IIBUU, I’m really gonna miss you! Before I joined, you were always one of my favorite members, so I’m glad I got to meet you and talk with you! You are super sweet and the most knowledgeable and passionate person about idols I know! I definitely wouldn’t have learned about Wasuta or Gang Parade if it wasn’t for you. <3
So much of Purappi’s identity is thanks to you, Eve! You’re incredibly talented and I know those talents will take you far! I wish you the best, take care of yourself and check in from time to time. <3
Love, Sadie <33333
Graduation Letters for Willow
Dear Ui,
OH MAN HOW ARE WE GONNA LIVE WITHOUT YOUR GOD-TIER MIXES AND ENERGY AROUND???? Actually at this point, it’s been a while since you’ve graduated and I’m glad that we still chat every now and then! It seems like you’re doing well and working on lots of fun projects! I hope you still think of me as a friend the way I do you. ♡
Dear Willow,
I was so sad to see you graduate! You were such a talented singer (and rapper!) who brought a lot to the Purrapi family. I remember hearing you in Silly Boy and becoming an instant fan! ♥
I’m definitely going to miss having you and your grand knowledge of idols around. I always felt like I learned something new whenever you spoke up. Also, I’ll forever be wishing we had gotten a chance to sing together while you were in the group. Maybe one day our paths will cross and allow it. But for now, keep doing your thing and chasing your dreams! Remember to keep in touch too!
Love, Bea
Dear Willow,
Miss Willow~ while I’m, of course, sad to see you go, I have nothing but positive thoughts for your future! With your talents, abilities, and confidence, you can pretty much take on the world, which I am totally down for!
Thank you for the time you spent with us in Purappi! Your gorgeous voice blended so well with Generation 2 and brought so much depth to our songs. Whenever I was color-coding lyrics and figuring out who should sing a certain line, I always knew I could count on you to absolutely nail whatever I gave you! One of my favorite Willow memories is your rapping in “deal,” because that was INSANELY cool and absolutely made me fangirl you!
I want to wish you the best of luck for your future. Keep in touch with us, okay! We’ll always be wota pals!
Love, Bonnie
Hi Uiui,
Okay, I kind of procrastinate with graduation letters in the first place because I don’t want anyone to graduate but like… I really procrastinated with this one. I was just really shocked when you told us because you were one of the last members I was expecting to announce that. You just are always so in place with us that it feels so weird?
Honestly I’m so blessed to have gotten to meet you and I’m so, so glad that we had this group in common that helped two people born on opposite sides of the planet meet and go to a maid cafe together not once, but like three times. You’re always a blast to hang out with which, of course, you’re just such a chill person who is also just so funny and interesting and please if you come back to Japan while I still haven’t been kicked out, hit me up let’s do karaoke again!!
Good luck with your studies and your future! I know you’re a super hard worker, so you will definitely succeed with anything you put yourself towards. Don’t be a stranger because we love you so much.
To the one and only Willow,
Hello uwu
It’s sad to see your departure from Purappi but that doesn’t mean you aren’t onto bigger and better things, right?!! (#POSITIVITY2K19!!!!! 😤😤) We’re still proud of you!!!!!!!!!
The songs are gonna have one more voice to miss from now on but it won’t be too bad, I’m sure. I think the new generation will do a splendid job in your stead. We’ll miss you, your voice, and your mixing, though. I hope you still get to meet up with our wonderful Calla and the other members every once in a while. Remember to keep in touch!! You know where to find us. 😚
Meep-meep (aka Mepp the Red Leaf uwu)
My precious UiUi!! Since we’ve been knowing each other for such a long time, I was elated when you auditioned for Purappi! It was a no brainer to accept you; someone who has a sweet solid voice, the ability to spit fire raps, a fun loving personality, AND a great mixer?! My dear, you are a catch of an idol! You’ll always be our sexy UiUi here in Purappi Land. I’m sad you’re leaving us, but I know you will do Great Things on your own. I look forward to gushing about Hello!Project idols with you soon! Much love!!
Dear UI! I just want to say it’s been a pleasure being a fellow 2nd gen member with you! I’m always pretty bad at these graduation letters, but I just want you to know I appreciated you and everything you did for our group! Its sad that you’re leaving/left, but I know you’re doing great things in life and so I’m happy I got to meet you! Good luck in your current ventures! I know you’ll become the best sexy UIUI you can be. <3  
I really miss you,
Love, Sadie
P.S., I’m gonna miss sharing lines with you 😮 lol
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
GONE TO SEA : World of Sea : Science Fiction : Part 3
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
WORK IN PROGRESS (Word count unknown at this time)
copyright 2018
Writing started 2005
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
Chapter 02. Colony
All thousand of the new colonists of Sea stood in the largest recreational plaza to wish the crew of the ESA 14 farewell.  Captain Alain wound up his speech by saying, “We have done our best to ensure that this colony has as good a start as it can have.  You know that we would have been willing to take you all back with us if it were possible.  The laws governing the physics of the Crossover drive will not let us.  
“We will see that an expedition is sent to see how you are doing as quickly as the ESA can do so.  You will be on your own until then. Sometime between forty two to fifty years from now they will arrive. Until then, may you be blessed by whatever Deity you choose to pray to.
“I hope that the relief expedition finds you well and prospering.  May that vessel need only take back whatever unique and wonderful trade goods and ideas you have found to contribute to the community of mankind among the stars.”
To somewhat subdued cheers, the crew of the ESA 14 filed aboard their Slowpoke shuttle to return to the orbiting starship.  Lifting with the silence of any well functioning Crossover device, the shuttle dwindled into the sky and was gone.
Giles Willon turned to Marcus Angerson and observed, “Got to say, this planet is a bit of a disappointment.”  He flexed his elbows out from his body and finished with a grin, “Expected more elbow room. Know what I mean?”
Marcus snapped back, “Are you mocking me?  You know that I am a soils engineer!  The services of my specialty have been vital to the very survival of all twenty three other ESA colonies.  Why did the ESA even bother sending me here?  There is no land to bring to the needs of mankind.  No soils to engineer at all!  This is a travesty!”
Giles raised hand placatingly.  “There is no need for such anger, Marcus. We all know why we are here.  None of us is suited to a world like this.  The probe that found this planet was programmed incorrectly but nobody knew it until we got here.  
“Its program assumed that any planet with an atmosphere like this one meant that it had significant land masses and that some form of photosynthetic plant life had to exist.  That is all.  We all knew that no matter what we found here, it was a one way trip for us.  It was a gamble.  We sort of lost.”
Small, black haired and eyed Pele Barant interjected, “Maybe we did win but just haven't realized it yet.  The gods can be really sneaky that way.”
With a sneer, Marcus turned his back on her, muttering, “False gods!”
Giles looked down a bit to Pele's usually cheerful Polynesian face and said, “Don't mind him.  He is just disappointed with his situation, that is all.
“By the way, I enjoyed working on the truss work of this station with you. You did a great design job.  We are lucky to have someone with your civil and mechanical engineering skills and marine architecture experience with us.”
Pele flashed Giles a ready smile and said, “Thank you.  I appreciate having someone who can look down to my face and up to my work at the same time.”
As the weeks passed into months, the station began to settle into a routine as people got used to the strange situation that they found themselves in.
In his quarters, Marcus Angerson closed the door of his study to shut out the sounds of his wife Trisha and their two children Benjamin and Lora while he brooded on the wrongness of his situation.  He pulled the blinds to seal away the glare of the sun and the vile sight of the endless ocean, with not so much as a sandbar above sea level anywhere on the entire planet.  
There is no reason to it!  All of my years of study on how to adapt alien soils to the needs of mankind have been wasted.  Instead of being one of the most vital men for the colony's survival, I am now very nearly the least. What should I do?
His eye fell to the Bible on his working desk.  Sourly, he picked it up and began to read.  Somehow, it did not give the solace that it used to in times of difficulty.  Doggedly, he went all the way back to Genesis and began at the very beginning.
Hugh Barant raced his wife Pele and daughter Mala'klea to their quarters. His long legs could have easily overtaken them but young Mala'klea loved beating him in races, as long as he didn't make it too easy for her.  Mala'klea's small hand hit the door frame only a tiny fraction of a second before Hugh's.  Flashing her father a high-spirited grin, Mala'klea ducked into their apartment.  Pele was already drawing wide the blinds to allow the generous sun of Sea to shine into their rooms and let them see the wonder of a rolling ocean that had no end.
There were some of Sea's many kinds of birds perching on the railing of their balcony.  They were waiting to see if the people inside had something that they would share with the birds . . . or that the birds could steal for that matter.  The birds apparently didn't see much difference.  Besides, Pele or Mala'klea always set out a plate of something for them to squabble over.  Today was no exception. Pele produced a fresh plate with a roasted fish that she had speared the other day while diving on the reef.  A small bird-storm developed around the plate.  The Barants sat on their side of the glass and watched with laughter and hugs.
Down in the Bio-safety and Nutrition laboratory, Kaim Hawadie told his many assistants, “Now that things are finally together, we need to got on the stick.  While we were helping to build this place we did get some reports out.  Just the construction area, less than one tenth of this reef complex, has yielded us a backlog of over three thousand samples to analyze.  
“To help out, we have devised a report cover page that lists the following items.  1. Toxic, 1a. Useful Y/N, 2. Edible- no nutritional value, 3. Edible- contains ______,  4. Pharmacological value ______, 5. Other useful features _______.
“Our job is to get the reports out as quickly and accurately as possible. Of course, we are watching for the thymine, lysine and missing vitamins in every organism or sample that we test.  If we find them, those reports will get a special red flag cover.
“Other experts will be trying to make sense out of our reports.  Our job, and it is a big one, is just to get them the data.  Now let's get to the analysis.”
Mister Torres sat back in an easy chair and watched his son Jason playing on the living room carpet.  It was a Periodic Table game.  His lovely and talented wife Mikhala was sitting opposite Jason, taking her turn at the game's cards.
Sadly he wondered, Will this place last long enough for you to grow up, Jason?  Mikhala, will we live to see grandchildren?  I really had no choice in doing this.  What we have here is the best that I could give to you all.  It is simply a hope.  In the end, an empty hope.
Perhaps, Mikhala, my love, your knowledge of Slowpoke drive systems will let us move into space.  I will need to ask you about the possibility of building us another shuttle.  We can't risk such a move with only one shuttle.  Farms in orbit or under domes on Wotan might actually allow us to survive.  Down here those monster Coriolis storms doom long term farming or pretty much anything else.
I wish that I had someone that I could open up to about these things.
Mister Torres went back to studying his tablet computer.  Immersing himself in the multitude of tasks needed to keep the colony running as smoothly as possible provided relief from his fatalistic ruminations.
Molly Miken called Mister Makle on the video link and invited, “Hey, Bronnie!  Me and my structural maintenance crew are planning a barbecue cook-out and pot luck down on dock A.  Want to come?  Bring Tam and your son Mark along.  We requisitioned one of the work boats for the afternoon to play about.”
A grin on his face, Mister Makle replied, “We will be there.  We will have to stop by the Commissary to get something, though.  Tam just got off work and Mark is on his way back from school.  By the way, please don't spread my first name around, I took a lot of ribbing in school over it.”
Molly promptly shot back, “Don't worry about that, Boss!  Your secret is safe with me!  Unless I need to blackmail you for better working conditions . . . Bronnie.”
Marcus Angerson laid aside the Koran.  In his shuttered den, away from the detested sight of endless ocean and the glare of the sun that could spawn such an abominable world, he glared at the books as if his problems were their fault.  He thought, Months wasted.  None of these, not the Bible, Koran or any of the other religious texts that I can find sheds any light on the real problem.  
Once again, the small voice that had been prodding and guiding him for the last month or so offered, ((Of course they don't.  Those books were written on Earth and, though they might provide some guidance, they were for the Earth.  You are not on Earth.  I do have a Plan for you, but the time is not yet ripe.))
Why am I so unnecessary?  By all rights I should be the most important single man in the colony!  In spite of my vital education, I remain utterly worthless. A mere teacher of children!
((At least that little pagan Barant got what she has had coming to her. In the end, all must come to Me.  Before that happens, you may need to be brought lower still.))
A knock at his study door interrupted Marcus' brooding.  Trisha, his wife, put her head in and announced, “Honey, dinner is waiting.  Would you please join us today?  We know how hard you are working, what with all of those school papers to grade.  Ben and Lora have missed you these last few weeks.”
With ill grace, Marcus came out to the apartment's dining area.  The window was open to the lowering sun, setting in a glory of low clouds, gilding them with gold, red and purple.  A light breeze came in off the ocean outside.
Seeing the light and the sight of the endless sea that he had been studiously shutting out irritated him.  Marcus strode angrily to the window and slid it shut with a bang.  He pulled the blinds, plunging the cheerful room into the gloom that better suited his mood.
Marcus stamped back to the table and sat.  He was reaching for his coffee when he heard Trisha's voice begin, “Sweet Lord, we thank you for the company at this table and this fine fish that you have provided us . . .”
Rudely he interrupted, “What are you doing?  The blessing is my duty!”
Benjamin, hands still folded, said mildly, “We didn't mean to upset you, father.  You haven't been here to say it for the last several weeks. We have been taking turns.  It was Mom's turn today.  Would you please say the grace for us?”
As he started to fold his hands, Marcus' eyes fell on the fish that lay on the plate at the center of the table.  It lay on a bed of green and wrinkly sea lettuce.  There was a hole through it, just back of the gills.  His brows drew down in a rage.  He demanded, “You were just asking me to sign for household money!  How could you afford such a fish as this?  You lied to me about being out of money!”
As Trisha looked up in shock at the accusation, Benjamin spoke up.  “The fish didn't cost us anything, Dad.  The Barants went diving on the reef a few days ago.  Pele sent Mala'klea around with it as a gift.”
Marcus' lip curled in disdain as he demanded, “And what would you have made for our dinner if you had not begged from that, that . . . heathen?”
Lora gave her father a confused look and said, “Nothing.  The kitchen is empty.  The Commissary turned down Mom's card when we went to shop today.  They said that there was no money left in it.  That is why she has been trying to get you to sign the transfer.”
Ignoring his daughter, Marcus grabbed the plate from the table and hurled both it and the fish on it against the wall.  He yelled in outrage, “We will not bend the knee to those vile pagans!
“That false idol worshiping fiend is behind all of my, eh, our misfortune!  At every turn, she is put up on a pedestal and I am cast lower!”
Trisha, eyes wide in fear, was looking at her husband as if she had never before seen him.  Tentatively she extended her tablet and stylus, saying, “Please dear, just sign the transfer and I will buy you whatever you want for din . . .”  Her head rocked back as Marcus slapped her in the face.  Her tablet fell to the table and skittered to a stop against Lora's dinner plate.
His own face twisted into a feral snarl, Marcus withdrew his stinging hand. Blood mingled with the tears that trickled down Trisha's cheek. He raged, “I sign you money every week!  You should have plenty!  Use it!”
Cringing in fear after his father's outburst, Benjamin found the courage to say, “You haven't signed us any money for about a month.  You keep saying that you will do it presently but you haven't done it.”
Scrabbling to recover her tablet, Trisha extended it in another desperate attempt to get the money that they all needed.  “Please, Marcus. Benjamin is right.  It has been three weeks since we had a weekly transfer for the household funds.  We are behind on our bills.  We have the money in the bank to pay for everything.  All that you need to do is sign the transfer.”
Anger causing him to draw a separate breath for each word, Marcus growled, “I. Am. Going. Out. . . When. I. Return. There. Will. be. Food. Fit. For. A. Godly. Man!”
Confused, the slap that she received bringing her greater pain than the brutal physical impact, Trisha asked, “Marcus?  What is wrong with you?  I am doing my best to . . .”  This time, the now furious Marcus hit her face so hard that her chair went over.  The tablet went flying, bouncing from the wall and landing on the floor.  The back of Trisha's head hit the wall and then thumped to the floor as she fell. Benjamin and Lora ran for their room and locked the door.
Marcus drove his heel deliberately into the tough glass of the tablet face, shattering it as he strode to the apartment door.  Over his shoulder he snapped, “You have joined the many seeking to bring me, to bring God Himself down and lift up the pagan above all!  It must not be! You must uphold me, uphold God, with proper food or suffer the consequence!”  The door slammed behind his retreating form.
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
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exyjunkies · 6 years
for the aftg au request. andreil + Your OTP as thieves. Person A watching, and complimenting how sexy B looks lithely weaving their way through the intricate network of deadly alarm lasers surrounding their target. A also make sure that B skillfully, gingerly, makes it all the way to the end end before A shuts the lasers off and just walks through. thank you!
ayeeee this gon’ be a thing i guess!! finally reached 1k on this blog this list!
au meme: andreil + your otp as thieves
(does anyone even say “otp” anymore omg are we back in 2012 or something)
“I thought they’d be… more of a threat.”
Past the red lasers crisscrossing in front of them was the goal of their heist — a collection of knives.
Wymack had assigned Neil and Andrew a job for the National Gallery of Reconnaissance - tourist attraction by day, and (unbeknownst to the general public) holding place of actual US military intel. Underneath the otherwise academic museum was where the US Air Force, Navy, and Marines converged to pool all acquired intel. Maps to secret military bases. Directories of underground contacts. Storage after storage of weapons. Blueprints of enemy territories.
For all that could be stolen from such a highly guarded facility, Wymack had ordered them to steal knives.
Specifically the knives kept on the wall in front of them, in a wooden case secured with a lock.
“What do you think is so special about them?” Neil was already a foot away from the first laser, scrutinizing how they were going to get past them.
“Don’t know, don’t care.” Andrew pulled Neil back by the arm. “Step back, idiot, you’ll set off the alarms.”
It was nearing midnight and they didn’t have to worry about security guards catching them with a flashlight. Matt had handled it, taking out each one with his sniper rifle. Now, he’d be back in the van with Renee, on the lookout for anyone else that could jeopardize their operation. All of the Foxes had found it weird when all five security guards chose to stand by open windows - maybe a life of guarding a museum was that boring.
“It’ll take some time dismantling this particular system,” Andrew continued, looking up at the sensors. “You’ll have to sneak past the lasers.”
“Pfsh. You just wanna see my hot body in action.” Neil put his finger an inch away from the first laser.
“I am fervently wishing for these lasers to slice through your body instead of set off a few alarms.”
“Whatever.” Neil maneuvered himself through the first laser, twisting his body like so. Andrew tried to ignore how attractive that looked and set to work. Wymack had told them to be in and out of there in under 15 minutes, but the intricacy of the lasers would have them last half an hour instead.
The alarm system’s unit was on the wall. Andrew walked up to it and did a primary inspection. On the surface, it looked simple - a 6-digit passcode would undo the lasers, and they could just walk through the path towards the knives. But Andrew knew better. The Foxes knew better.
It was how they lasted this long without ever being caught.
Andrew put on his gloves and touched the surface of the unit. Even the unit detected body heat. One unrecognized fingerprint anywhere would set off the alarm as well. He silently appraised the eye-detection just next to the alarm, and was a bit glad he was too short to be caught by his eye.
“Any luck, Andrew?” Neil called from his stance, his chin just a little bit above the next beam.
“Be patient.” Andrew opened the unit and got to the wires. He was trying his best to concentrate on hacking the security and not watch Neil weave his body through lasers.
After a beat, he added, “Your ass could afford a bit more flexibility practice, anyway.”
“Nice try. You’re not even looking my way.”
“I don’t need to.”
“Guys?” Dan’s voice from the walkie-talkie, on the floor beside their bags, cut through the silence. They were back at their base, running surveillance and readying back-up if they needed it. “Stop being gross and get to work.��
Allison agreed, and added, “You guys are too much. Thank the gods Aaron isn’t here to hear you both.”
Rolling his eyes, Andrew grabbed his tiny pair of scissors and worked on the audio sensors. State-of-the-art security wasn’t his favorite, but he knew his way around it. He cut off the green wire and thought for a bit. He could turn off the system now and save Neil the misery. 
Instead, he decided to wait until Neil managed to put his body through the spaces between the beams. As of now though, they were in the clear. If Neil messed up, the alarms would be muted.
Neil wasn’t giving up though. When he noticed Andrew’s eyes were on him once again, he playfully smiled. “Enjoying this, are you?” As he stretched, a bit of his shirt went up to reveal part of his toned stomach.
Andrew shrugged. “It’s alright for a sitcom.” He ran his eyes appreciatively over a body that was shaped by several runs. He cleared his throat at the way Neil craned his neck to avoid a nearby beam.
An exaggerated gasp came from the black-haired boy. “Not even prime time television. You’re becoming harsh.”
A scoff. “You’d put people off their breakfast if you aired in the morning.”
“And yet I continue to be your favorite ray of sunshine.”
Neil bent over backwards for the last laser beam, and brought himself up with a relieving sigh. Looking to Andrew, he drawled, “Your turn, sweetheart.”
“Coming.” Andrew rewired the rest of the unit and switched off the beams. One by one, the laser beams cleared off of the hallway. Casually, he strode over to where Neil was standing with his mouth open in shock. Andrew stared down Neil in reply.
“You were the one too stupid to ask if you could stop clowning around the lasers.”
Neil shook his head, amused. “You really did want to look at my ass.” A playful smirk that broke any ice left in Andrew’s system was on Neil’s face. Andrew made a face and shoved a hair pin to Neil’s face in reply.
After a few tries, the wooden case opened to reveal that behind each knife’s handle were security codes for intercontinental military databases. Andrew saw the flicker of interest on Neil’s face and was a bit intrigued himself. Neil put on his gloves and split the knives with Andrew. They each put their own knives in their armbands and closed the case.
“What now, lover boy?” Neil asked, as he packed up their things and handed Andrew’s bag to him. “We’ve got a few minutes left here.” He waggled his eyebrows in implication. 
Andrew slung his bag over his shoulder and curled a hand around Neil’s neck. He put his mouth to Neil’s ear and whispered, “Yes or no?”
“Ugh, subtle much. Yes.”
They kissed for what felt like an eternity, one of Neil’s hands in Andrew’s hair and Andrew pressing Neil up the wall. They broke apart abruptly when the walkie-talkie sounded with Matt’s slightly panicked voice.
“Are you guys done there? I think we need to get out of here.”
Neil groaned. “Already? Damn. Just when it was getting fun.” He licked at Andrew’s neck appreciatively before standing up straight. “Nice work, Andrew. Now let’s leave this shithole.”
Andrew tried to hide his shiver with his default apathetic stare. Sometimes, he really didn’t know what to do with him.
“Time to do what you do best, junkie. Run.”
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Thistle
The Daily Thistle – News From Scotland
Wednesday 4th July 2018
"Madainn Mhath” …Fellow Scot, I hope the day brings joy to you…. A very Happy 4th July to all our American reader, today is Independence Day … Independence Day or not, Bella still needs a walk first thing, so we set off under a star filled sky.. the hustle and bustle that is in Estepona in the day time, vanishes in the early hours of the morning and she and I are almost alone as we walk through the town, the odd cat or stray dog can be seen, along with a few cars driving to I have no idea, the trash truck driver toots his horn and he waves as he takes another load of plastic bags to the dump, we arrive at the ocean, almost stationary, just the occasional small wave washing up on the sands, we turn for home, me thinking about the man that had a country named after him that he never even discovered or saw for that matter, Amerigo Vespucci….
HOW DO YOU KEEP A POLAR BEAR CUB COOL IN 30C HEAT?....Measures have been taken to keep a polar bear cub cool after temperatures rose to more than 30C in Scotland. Six-month-old Hamish shares an enclosure with his mother Victoria at the Highland Wildlife Park at Kincraig, near Aviemore. While Victoria knows how to keep herself cool, park staff were concerned the cub would not. As a result, during the day they have had to stay in a shaded area which is not visible to visitors. They have also been given blocks of ice with treats, such as pieces of fruit, frozen inside. In the evening, when it is cooler, the pair have been able to enter the rest of their enclosure.The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland-run park's two adult male bears, Arktos and Walker, have been cooling off in a pond in their enclosure. They have also been given treat-filled ice blocks. During a previous spell of hot weather, park staff said polar bears can experience high summer temperatures in areas of their natural habitat in Canada. Earlier this week, temperatures in Aviemore exceeded 30C. The high temperatures have also been felt widely across the UK, and polar bears at Doncaster's Yorkshire Wildlife Park also sought out the cool of a pond in their enclosure during the hottest periods of the past few days.
DUNDEE PENGUIN SCULPTURES IN POSITION FOR CHARITY PARADE…. A penguin parade of 80 individually-designed sculptures has gone on display in Tayside and Fife as part of a 10-week charity art trail. The 5ft-tall penguins have been designed by local artists with designs ranging from golfers to footballers. The trail, in aid of cancer charity Maggie's, follows on from 2016's Oor Wullie Bucket Trail which raised nearly £900,000 for a children's charity. A map, app and sticker book can be used to help people find the penguins. The sculptures will be auctioned at the V&A in September. The penguins can be spotted across Dundee as well as in Broughty Ferry, St Andrews, Newport on Tay, Perth, Kirriemuir and Brechin. The organisers of the trail are encouraging people to upload photos while posing with the penguins. Maps can be collected from locations across the city, including Discovery Point and the VisitScotland tourist information office in Dundee City Square. Penguin artist and Maggie's Art co-ordinator Suzanne Scott worked closely with students from Abertay University to develop a unique app feature for her "Maggie and Fleur" penguin positioned outside the university's library. Ms Scott said: "The augmented reality app brings to life the theme of family and exploring Dundee's hidden gems, gardens and green spaces." Famous faces such as Judy Murray, Simple Minds and Lorraine Kelly have also been involved in designing or sponsoring a penguin. Designs have been inspired by things like the history of Dundee and climate change - others involve Star Wars, pirates and sporting heroes. Maggie's Dundee centre fundraising manager Annie Long said: "It's wonderful to have our penguins in place and ready to be enjoyed by people from across the Dundee area and hopefully far beyond. "Maggie's relies almost entirely on voluntary donations to support people to live well with cancer, and while I know our penguins will raise a tremendous amount for Maggie's Dundee, what's so lovely is that the whole project has perfectly echoed the warmth and togetherness of a Maggie's Centre. "I know people will love them - they certainly never fail to make me smile!" (See pictures at The land Called Scotland https://www.facebook.com/groups/LandCalledScotland/ )
'WORLD'S FATTEST HEDGEHOG' PLACED ON DIET AND EXERCISE REGIME…. A hedgehog which it is thought could be the world's fattest has been placed on a strict diet and exercise regime. Weighing in at 2.335kg (5lbs) - about four times the size of a normal hedgehog - it was handed in to a rescue centre in Aberdeenshire. Now named Arbuckle, the hedgehog could barely walk or form a defensive ball. Keith Marley, of The New Arc Animal Rescue Centre, near Ellon, said: "He's about the size of a World Cup football, after overfeeding." Mr Marley said it was the heaviest hedgehog they could find a record of. He told the BBC Scotland news website: "We were really surprised by his size and weight, as the average is about 600g. "The person who contacted us said he was feeding hedgehogs but this one stayed and refused to go - this may well have been due to the fact he could hardly walk. "He will be fed a restricted diet which is filling, and scatter his food around for exercise. It will be a long, gradual process."
RABBIT FOUND UNDER BONNET DURING MOT…. A mechanic carrying out an MoT found something unexpected under the bonnet - a live rabbit. The car was being worked on at Newburgh Motors in Aberdeenshire when Dave Gordon saw something white behind the front grill. He assumed the driver had hit something, but then it started moving. The rabbit was rescued from under the bonnet, taken to a vet for a health check, and is now being cared for at Mr Gordon's home. He told the BBC Scotland news website: "I had put the Vauxhall Corsa up on the ramp, and noticed a white flash. "I thought they had hit something, until I saw it moving. "I got the rabbit out - I have never seen that happen before - and then took it to the vet after work. It didn't have a chip." He added: "We contacted the car owner who said there are sometimes wild rabbits in her garden but we just don't know if it's a house rabbit or a wild one. "It's now at my house with my other half spoiling it until we find an owner. "My dog Cooper isn't sure what to think."
SEABIRDS FOLLOWING OF FISHING BOATS STUDIED IN SCOTLAND…. Scientists have studied seabirds' following of fishing boats in Scotland to develop a system for the analysis of foraging trips by animals. The researchers applied their modelling framework to GPS tracked fulmars that hunt for fish around Orkney and off Scotland's north mainland coast. They were able to identify occasions when birds switched from foraging to following a boat. Fulmars did this to find the same fish as the trawlers or pick up discards. The birds were found to spend as little as 10 minutes to more than seven hours interacting with fishing boats. In a new research article for the Journal of Animal Ecology, the scientists said the framework could be applied to other animals that might switch from foraging to heading towards human activity that may offer the chance of a meal. Scientists from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Washington State University, University of Aberdeen's Lighthouse Field Station in Cromarty and Marine Scotland worked on the study.
On that note I will say that I hope you have enjoyed the news from Scotland today,
Our look at Scotland today is of Hamish enjoying himself….
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Wednesday 4th July 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus #Scotland #Bear #Travel #News #Blog #Love
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acnlexplorer-emily · 4 years
4 Simple Steps to Jump Start Your Healthy Lifestyle
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Who doesn't need to live a joyful, energetic life filled with vibrant health? It is a goal we all share and aspire to. But sometimes it seems so far from our reach that we find it easier to just keep doing what we do and not be worried about it until we must buy larger size clothing, are shocked by a photo of ourselves or get bad news and strict orders from the physician. 
And once we reach that point we announced"Starting tomorrow I am going on a diet and exercising" we proclaim this endeavor with no plan, system or plan just fueled by a combination of good intentions and utter frustration. And how long can our unplanned advancement last? Not very long at all. 
That is because you can not just go from point A to point Z. A baby does not crawl 1 day and run the next, right? There are steps in between, steps that are required to ensure your success. By following, practicing and assessing your current standings on those four steps you can naturally and realistically transition from dieting to healthy living.
Mental Preparation
There are hardly any customs and behaviours we could change from one day to another, and our health and eating habits is definitely not among them. We're talking about undoing a life's worth of ideas, relationships and connection with food and exercise. 
Your craving, okay demand for chocolate, your love of lasagna, your love of Brussels sprouts and almost all of their vegetable family, and of course the emotional connection we have with food. Most individuals don't find relaxation after a demanding day or inner turmoil in a bowl of brown rice with teriyaki tofu and fresh fruit for dessert, no it's bring on the mashed potatoes, gravy, fried chicken and pecan pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. 
And if you're the jock or the cheerleader in college or were the last one to get picked for groups, you have some positive or negative relationships with physical fitness. These associations, thoughts and beliefs are deeply ingrained and they aren't likely to give up their well rooted holds without a struggle. So you must begin the slow process of establishing healthy habits and developing a positive, health promoting mindset that will be open, welcoming and supportive of change in healthy eating, exercise and healthy living all around.
The majority of the time we maintain our health aims to ourselves for two reasons #1 The Secret Before and After"I am not going to tell anyone about my plan to lose 20 pounds. Then completely take them for a loop with my fabulous transformation" or reason #2 Fear of Failure"If I say I will lose 20 lbs. By my birthday and I really don't everybody will know I am a failure and a loser". In both cases you're doing yourself a grave injustice, due to protecting yourself from reality and protecting yourself from criticism you're also depriving yourselves of support, encouragement and liability. And by not telling your own supportive, positive friends and family of your goals you're really avoiding responsibility, which you're reminded of each time you hear a well planned check-up question like"So how is the diet going?" Or"Have you begun eating more veggies and drinking more water instead of diet soda?" Or"Can you go to the gym like you said you would?
Reevaluate your Diet
Get real about your diet. All those sodas you consume, they've calories exactly like the sugar and milk you've got on your 5 cups of coffee daily. Again, this has to do without having a basic comprehension of how and where to begin rather than having a support system to hold you accountable. So make sure to do whatever is essential to lay that foundation for achievement. No one said that this was going to be easy, but getting honest and real about what you are doing wrong and then taking action to fix those bad habits, which includes asking for help, is an essential step.
Physical Activities
Though some physical activity is better than none, this is another area where we need a reality test. Eating while you are standing up does not burn off the calories of everything you are eating. Going on the treadmill for half an hour does not cancel out eating chocolate bar. If you enjoy the stationary bike as it is the best piece of gym equipment for studying, you need to stay home and read since you would probably burn the same number of calories. 
Finding the most benefit from exercise requires work, maybe that is why it's called a workout, both emotionally and physically. If you're not prepared to make the commitment to a mindful session in which you give 100%, you are not getting as much out of your workouts as you think or desire, which means you are not seeing results, which contributes to frustration and giving up. 
Find an activity you like, yes you can enjoy exercise when you discover something you prefer. If you do not like traditional gyms that is fine, there are many different things you can do enjoy dancing, running, fencing, hiking, tennis, swimming, boxing, roller/ice skating, bicycle riding and you know there's much more. 
Engage in such activities 3-4 times per week. Be mindful and current when doing your physical activity, this means concentrating both in mind and body. Honor the fact that you've taken time from your day to do something good for your body and remember your target and what you would like to accomplish.
Find out ACNL EXPLORER EMILY that teach you how to live healthier life.
5 Ways To Develop A Healthy Lifestyle
Everybody requires some hints once and while, but if your health is at risk then the stakes go higher. However, your health doesn't have to be immediately threatened in order for it to be a fantastic idea for you to get serious about living in a more healthy manner. The majority of us know that drinking and smoking or consuming loads of junk food on the sofa are bad ideas, but there's more to being healthy than just this. In addition to finding ways to push your mind ahead, you need to work to enhance your physical body by doing a number of those five items, or even better, all five items, listed below:
Eat Healthy as Possible and Maintain Portions Reasonable
All of us know that fresh fruits and veggies are a good source of nutrition. We've grown up hearing about this, but a great deal of people complain that they are costly. Try shopping at a farmer's market or only purchasing the fruits and veggies that are on sale. Worried about them going bad in the fridge? Then go ahead and find the suspended or even canned varieties. Whatever it takes, get fruits and vegetables into your diet instead of only fruit flavored drinks or dried fruits on your cereal. In addition, keep your meats lean and prevent sugared drinks as soon as you're able to. Here's the thing, however, none of this is going to be quite as successful as actually controlling your portions. Keep portions as little as possible and keep your eating schedule routine. Some people today need four meals, some folks like only three and others favor several very tiny meals. Locate a routine and stick with it.
Stay Consistent with Exercise and Just Advance with Caution
Whatever commitment you make to exercising will have to be held constant. You want to be certain you follow your routine and don't psyche yourself out by setting goals that are too lofty or are only going to exhaust you or worse yet - hurt you. Be cautious when you proceed and don't push yourself when you can have a little step forward instead. Whether you would like to hit the gym, take up a martial art, swim laps at the pool, go for walks, or buy an at-home DVD workout program and stick with it. Consistent effort will provide you the results you need in a way that nothing else can compare to.
Get Loads of Sleep and Don't Starve Yourself
Folks get carried away trying to be a superhero and this is just not required. You don't need to be a gung ho Marine so as to get fit. You can stick to a sensible sleep program is effective for your biological rhythm and you're able to eat enough food to feel satisfied without going overboard. Starving does not help you or does trying to cram in a lengthy workout regimen when it cuts into a good night's rest. Take naps if you want to and you might have the ability to get more from your workout, too. Manage yourself or all the exercise advances aren't likely to have quite the same effects.
Maintain your Workouts Fun and Find a Partner If You Can
Nobody will keep doing mind numbing running routines if they despise them or will they keep up with any other physical pursuits. You need to engage your mind, even if this means getting video games designed to increase fitness since that is what interests you. Try to find someone else involved with you, but don't build your entire exercise regimen around them. You need someone to be with you for companionship, not because you rely on them. Also bear in mind that dogs create some of the best walking and walking partners around since they're always happy and ready to go. You can have fun taking them out and get in quality time, and you know they want the exercise exactly like you do and you'll be safer no matter where you go to your canine friend by your side.
Find Social Support to Keep You Going Through Tough Times
Finally, do try to get people aware of what you're doing. You can either tell family and friends - so long as you understand they are going to have positive things to say - or you could go online. There are service communities on the net that may really help you and can provide you precisely what you require. It may change your life for the better.
Three Powerful Suggestions For A Healthy Lifestyle
Everybody wishes to be much healthier and have more energy. This is much more crucial than anything else, as you won't have the ability to enjoy life if you don't feel your very best. There are several activities you can take and customs you can practice to be healthier. These should not be tough or complex. What truly matters here is consistency, because you can not simply practice healthy living sometimes and expect to benefit. Let us take a look at some crucial suggestions that can allow you to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.
Getting enough sleep makes a significant difference in how you feel. When you are often sleep deprived, it may be detrimental to a number of areas of your life. You can not perform your best in the workplace (or school) when you're tired. It might present a real danger when you're driving or doing anything that requires a high level of alertness. It can even boost your risk for a variety of ailments as time passes. Getting far more sleep usually means making conscious changes in your lifestyle. A good deal of things, like consuming coffee during the night or watching late night TV is frequently responsible. Some, however, have sleep problems that will need medical assistance.
Apart from needing physical activity, your body also benefits from being outside daily. If you do all your exercising in the gym, you still need to ensure you get some fresh air and sun. It does not have to be for long amounts of time. It is common nowadays for people to go from the office to the mall to the gym etc. Find excuses to go outside the home, whether it is a walk in the woods or just a walk around the area. If it's nice out, consider fun outdoor activities you may plan with friends or loved ones.
Research suggests that those who participate in activities they genuinely like are healthier and keep their mental alertness more efficiently as they become older. You will need a feeling of balance in your life, and this also includes time for yourself. Your favourite sport, pastime or curiosity could enrich your life a good deal. You ought to select a few activities that engage your body or mind in some helpful way. For many, free time is spent in front of the TV, which is a purely passive action. In case you're having trouble coming up with any ideas, try to recall what interested you as a kid or teen.
If you basically keep these suggestions in mind, they could allow you to have a lifestyle that is much healthier. Health isn't about a couple of aspects of your life, but about how everything fits together. This is the reason you ought to focus on each area of your life, such as your diet, relationships, hobbies and exercise habits. It's also imperative that you remember to not take everything so seriously, seeing that understanding how to loosen up is among the most important facets of good health.
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Boundaries, part 8
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Steve Rogers x Plus Size!Reader
Characters: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes
A/N: A little short.
Summary: You just finished a two year long photojournalist stint overseas and decide to take a break from traveling. So you head back to your home town and lucky enough, your childhood friend Sam Wilson has a few rooms to rent out. So you head back to California and are met with a surprise, a very handsome surprise.
His name is Steve Rogers and he’s a shy guy from Brooklyn, New York. Dragged across the country by his best friend, Bucky Barnes - he hopes to start a new life after a pretty bad break up with his long time girlfriend, Sharon Carter.
Can the of four of maneuver the art of living together? Or will boundaries be crossed?
The small burger joint was packed for lunch, so when you walked in you were relieved that Sam had secured a small table in the back. He held up a hand and you smiled, making your way to the man. He stood up to greet you with a hug and told you he had ordered two lunch specials and a shake for you.
“I’m starving,” you exclaimed collapsing on the empty chair across from Sam. “We’ve been busy at the studio, how’s the VA?”
Sam shrugged. “It’s good, the sessions I’ve been running have been great.”
You beamed over at your childhood friend. “You’re perfect, Wilson. Too damn perfect.”
“I try,” he smirked confidently, nodding to you. “So what’s up with Steve and you?”
“Shit,” you scoffed. “You gotta feed a girl before you bombard her with questions.”
“I just asked one and the food’s here,” Sam looked behind you and smiled at the waiter. “Thanks, man.”
You grabbed a fry and blew on it. “Nothing’s going on with Steve, we’re just getting to know each other - like roommates are suppose to.”
Sam rolled his eyes and took a bite of his burger.
The two of you ate in comfortable silence for a minute, before Sam decided to press again.
“So what’s up with Bucky and you?”
This time you nearly choked and held up both hands. “What...I don’t even know how to answer that.”
He pursed his lips and reached for his drink. “You know he’d marry you in a heartbeat.”
“We’re best friends,” you muttered. “And you’re being really ridiculous with this sudden fascination with my dating life.”
“I’m just looking out for you,” he explained. “I don’t want anyone getting hurt, I like the way things are.”
“I know, okay? Now can we just enjoy our lunch?”
You sighed quietly and began to eat, stopping when an idea popped in your head. “Hey after this, want to stop by the record shop? Maybe we can pick up some sweet tunes?”
Sam’s face lit up and he nodded. “Hell yeah.”
“Honey! We're home!”
You called out to whoever was home, as Sam closed the door behind him. He took the brown paper bag of vinyls and walked into the living room to try them out on the record player his mom had bought nearly 12 years ago. You left the man and wandered into the kitchen and saw through the sliding door, Steve outside on the back porch hovering over a sketchbook. Grabbing two water bottles from the fridge, you went outside to greet him.
“Hey,” you announced closing the door and stepping up to him.
Steve looked over his shoulder and smiled. “Hey, how was work?”
You motioned at the spot next to him and Steve moved over. “It was good, Bruce is keeping me busy.”
“You like it there?”
“Yeah, I really do. I mean it’s not traveling the beautiful streets of the world,” you shrugged, burying the feeling of wanting to wander again away. “But it’s nice to be home..for now.”
“Have plans to take off again?”
Steve nudged you playfully and you laughed. “I’m always planning to take off, it’s in my blood. Meeting new people, seeing new cities - you should try it sometime.”
“I don’t know,” he sighed, looking down at his sketchbook.
You eyed the opened page. “Mind?”
He hesitated for a moment, but handed over the book. You brought onto your lap and gazed down in amazement. It was a magnificent portrait of a woman, only her eyes colored in the same shade of Steve’s. You ran a finger over the sketch and smiled.
“This is your mom.”
“How did you know?”
“You have her eyes, Steve,” you stated in a low whisper. “This is so great. What are you doing working at a gym?”
He laughed and took the sketchbook back. “I like the gym, Buck works at the gym.”
“Bucky working at the gym makes sense,” you countered. “He’s into fitness, is a people person and it’s what he wants to do. But you? I don’t see you working at the gym, not when you could do that.”
Steve took in your words and ran a hand over his face. You gave him a sympathetic smile and asked if he wanted to come inside with you.
“I want you to listen to something.”
When the two of you walked into the house, Sam wasn’t in the living room and you figured he went to shower. Steve followed you over to the record player, watching as you carefully leafed through the records Sam and you had purchased - until you came to your favorite one.
“This,” you sighed contently, holding up the slip. “My favorite album of all time.”
He examined the cover when you handed it over. You turned to the record player and lifted the top, placing the record down.
“I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning,” Steve read the cover out loud and you walked over to the couch, grabbing two pillows and the blue woven throw blanket.
��Bright Eyes,” you said, spreading the blanket down onto the carpet. He watched as you tossed the pillows down. “Go ahead, get comfortable. You have 45 minutes to spare, yeah?”
Steve chuckled and shrugged. “I have nothing better to do.”
“That a sport,” you patted his shoulder and pointed to the ground. “Go on, I’m going to play the record.”
You waited until Steve was situated on the floor, hands tucked under his head and a skeptical look on his face.
“Don’t worry,” you assured him. “You’re about to have an euphoric experience.”
“I’m ready,” he nodded and you moved the needle down to the record.
The crisp sound of the needle hitting the vinyl filled your ears and you quickly laid down beside Steve, relaxing against the soft pillow. The light from the sun came through the window and you watched the barely there rays of speckled dust in the air.
A man’s voice came through the speakers, it was the singer - telling a story about two strangers who were on a plane that was about to crash into the ocean, the woman asked the man where they were going and he told her a birthday party - in fact, her birthday party.
“It's your birthday party, happy birthday darling. We love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much. " And then he starts humming this little tune and it kind of goes like this..”
The song kicked in.
It’s lively with a hint of rebellion in the singer’s voice and when you turned to see what Steve thought, you were pleased and unsurprised that he was engaged in the song - in the story the singer was telling. When it ended, the next started and you hummed along, singing softly until Steve’s turned his attention to you. He opened his mouth to comment on the song, but you placed a finger over his lips and he blushed, but you pretended to not notice when you pulled back. His lips were soft and for a moment, he held your gaze until the front door opening broke it.
“Hey guys, I’m cooking chicken tonight!”
Bucky’s voice boomed over the music and he closed the door behind him, stopping when he finally noticed Steve and you. He grinned and adjusted the reusable grocery bags in his hand.
“Am I interrupting something?”
“Yeah,” you retorted. “I was obviously about to give Steve the greatest handjob he ever experienced.”
A chuckle came from beside you and Steve waved at his friend.
“Man, Steve,” Buck shook his head. “A handjob is better than nothing, take what you can get.”
“Come on, man,” Steve groaned and you laughed, getting up from the floor.
“You stay here,” you pointed to him. “Enjoy the music, I’ll go help Mr. Tact with the groceries.”
“Sounds good,” he responded, resting back onto the pillow.
Bucky gave you a suspicious look as you grabbed a bag from him and went to the kitchen.
“What the hell was that,” he questioned, setting the bags on the kitchen island. “Afternoon delight?”
You grinned. “Shit, I haven’t had one of those in a long time.”
“I’m always here,” Bucky offered.
“I’ll keep that in mind. Hey, did you bring..”
“In the greenbag,” he nodded and you grinned as you ruffled through the bag, producing a bag of plums.
“I love you, James Buchanan Barnes,” you announced with a sigh. You took out a plum and immediately bit into each, making a moaning noise. “Jesus, Buck.”
“Man, I haven’t heard you say my name like that since high school.”
You glared at the man, but laughed. “Stop.”
Bucky shrugged and started taking out the groceries from the bags. “You started it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you waved a hand and asked if you could help with preparing the dinner.
“Of course, baby,” he smiled warmly at you. “We have to marinate the chicken for a few hours. You do that and I’ll put the food way. What do you say we make a cake for dessert?””
“If I cared about the size of my pants, I’d hate you,” you sneered playfully. “But I don’t and I love cake. So yes!”
Bucky laughed. “You’re perfect the way you are.”
“I know,” you remarked, as you walked around the counter tossing him an apron from a draw. You grabbed one for yourself. The two of you put them on and he pulled you into his chest, pressing a deep kiss onto your forehead.
“Get the cutting board, doll.”
You drew from him. “Barnes, why the hell are you single?”
“Why are you?”
“Good question,” you poked his chest and went to get the cutting board. He started putting away the food in the fridge, muttering something about cutting. You grabbed the chicken from it’s bag and looked over to the living room. You didn’t have much of a view of Steve, but the music was flowing into the kitchen.
“Besides, maybe this time is different. I mean, I really think you like me..”
You looked down at the poultry and Bucky glanced over at you with a soft smile. “The chicken, babe.”
He chucked. “Make sure to cut enough pieces for everyone.”
“Right,” you shook away any thoughts of Steve and held up the knife. “I got it.”
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Boundaries Tags: @finallybreathee @scentofpineandhazelnutlattes @toniinhere @wildestdreamsrps @toofulloflove @thatgirlsar @smartmoochie @debzybrazy @ssweet-empowerment @cami23593 @arrowswithwifi @you-didnt-see-that-cuming @lovelylittlekittn@counted16hawks @the-doctor-called-loki @ashleydivine @grace-for-sale @explicitbucky @xxlashtonxjonnorxx @thedanifaith @frnkensteingrl @obsessedwithmisha @thebabewiththepwr@bkwrm523 @justcallmeyeli @yoyo800 @imstuckyonyou @tangle-of-ivy @holy-nerd-batman@acunningstargazer @anyakinamidala   @insanityismysanity12345 @summertime-nd-butterflies @debzybrazy
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