#sometimes you just message your friend and ask if you should spend your Friday night making sad gifs and they come through with a yes
pink-flame · 2 years
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1d1195 · 1 year
Traditional X
You can read the rest of Traditional here.
We are getting to the end of what I believe is the main storyline here. Maybe one or two more parts but I already have at least three little extras lined up in my head too.
Additionally, I added in the days because it was kind of getting all over the place and I wanted to make sure the timeline wasn't too confusing--especially since we're winding down on days until the internship is over. I hope it doesn't detract from the story. Also, another reminder I don't know anything about running a business.
This part has some minor character death/trauma mentioned, sensitive topics, grief, angst, and I may or may not have cried a bit while writing, so that should put it in perspective I think. Try not to hate me at the end I don't think you're going to like it. Thank you, thank you, thank you for continuing to read.
Just wanted to hear your voice, kitten. Didn’t get to see you much today other than tea. Get some sleep, of course. I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well, love.
So now she texted him: I’m awake now if you want to hear my voice.
The phone rang almost instantly. “Hi,” she whispered.
“S’like music,” he said sleepily. She giggled. “That’s a symphony,” he murmured.
Louis and Eleanor were lying on her couch (and one another) while she lay on the rug in front of the coffee table, facing the TV. Her phone vibrated with a message from Harry.
Can we chat sometime today?
That sounds like a terrible way to break up with me. Don’t tell your other girls that.
Don’t be ridiculous, kitten. All of it.
I’ll call you when Louis and El leave.
I’ll be waiting impatiently.
“Must be Harry. She definitely doesn’t smile at Niall’s messages like that,” Louis chuckled.
She rolled her eyes and tilted her head back to her friends. They were watching a movie trying to decide where to eat or if they should order in. It was a regular, run of the mill day. They worked their Friday shifts and now they were lying about her pretty apartment that she hardly felt she’d been spending any time in. Mondays of course were still dinner out with Harry, Thursdays were movie nights at his place (and with any luck something a bit cheekier, now), and she spent many Saturday nights at his place sleeping beside him until one in the morning where they spoke quietly, candidly about anything. In the morning, she woke up to a rotation of pancakes, waffles, or French toast.
And kisses.
She woke up to a ton of kisses.
So, this Friday evening, she spent with Louis and Eleanor watching a movie that was so trashy it was wonderful. “How’s the job search?” Louis asked.
She frowned. The one sore spot that seemed to get sorer each passing day. “I really thought interning at Styles Incorporated was going to give me a leg up,” she sighed. “I don’t know... I’ve applied to some top places and they’ve either passed or ghosted me. Maybe I need to lower my standards.”
“Absolutely not,” Eleanor said immediately. “You deserve the top. You deserve it all,” she said.
Smiling, she looked at Eleanor, snuggled under Louis who was draped across her lap, and he winked at her. “You deserve the very best, babe,” he told her.
She shrugged and let out a sad sigh. “I don’t think these places think I do though,” she mumbled. “But it’s fine...I... I don’t know... I’ll figure it out. I’m not going to let it stop me now. Another month and I’ll be done.”
There was a pause. “Speaking of,” Louis began. “I’m told your program does in fact, have a graduation ceremony.”
She blinked surprised by the idea as if she didn’t already know. “What?”
“Harry told me that of course your college has one and you—”
She only vaguely heard the end of Louis’ sentence. She was feeling...anger? Anger at Harry? It didn’t seem like that was a reasonable conclusion. She had never been mad at him in the eight months she had known him. But her chest started to ache, and her blood felt hot, and she didn’t want to be mad at Harry, but she was sad he betrayed her trust in what she told him at one in the morning. Even if it was a silly little thing like making sure she had people at her graduation ceremony. She shook her head. “I’m not walking,” she interrupted. “I don’t want to.”
“Love, you worked so hard!” Eleanor gasped. “Please! It would mean so much to us to see you do it. We want you to have that.”
While the kindness and the meaningfulness of their words was not lost on her, she was serious in what she told Harry. But maybe she left out the part that she didn’t want to walk across the stage because it would remind her of the last graduation ceremony she attended. The last time she remembered a big happy family memory. “When did Harry tell you?” She asked quietly.
“He didn’t know for sure when it was...He was probing around, I think, because he might be trying to get you something,” Eleanor said so excitedly she was practically clapping. “Oh, I bet it’s going to be amazing whatever he gets you.”
“We weren’t that surprised, but we told him that you weren’t walking because there wasn’t a ceremony...and he told us there most assuredly was—which did surprise us. Most interns went in the past, so what’s the scoop on that, love?” Louis smirked, throwing a piece of popcorn at her. It caught in her hair. “Lying to your best friends?”
She didn’t feel like rehashing all the sad details and explaining why she didn’t want to go. “I just didn’t want it to be a big deal,” she shrugged as casually as she possibly could. She should have just told them, but she didn’t want it to be a thing.
However, Louis sensed there was more to her hiding it, immediately. It was why he was her best friend. But he didn’t press. Maybe he would later when he could get her alone. Every once in a while, he managed to pick up on something in her voice that said something of her past was coming through. “Hmm,” he hummed. “Well, that’s fine. We’d still like to go. A couple pictures and that’s it. Then dinner. Nothing else. I won’t even get you a card to commemorate the day.”
“Oh, I’m getting you a card,” Eleanor nodded fiercely. “Gonna write you the mushiest proud letter there is to write,” she smiled wrinkling her nose at her.
So, how could she say no to them? They loved her so wholly it really was unfair to exclude them after their endless support. Sighing, she shook her head. “It’s Saturday, the 14th,” she rolled her eyes. Both pulled out their phones and tapped rapidly putting it in their calendars.
“Good,” Louis smiled. “Now let’s go get dinner,” he said kissing Eleanor on his way off her lap and helping her up as he nearly ran for the door all in one movement. Eleanor rolled his eyes.
“You picked him,” she reminded El. “In high school too,” she shook her head and wrinkled her nose in distaste.
“I know, aren’t I lucky?” El said with a mocking dreamy tone in her voice but she meant it. It was obvious on her face, and she loved that about Eleanor most of all. Letting Louis be himself, unapologetically. Louis was the very best and she was glad someone else saw it too. Eleanor squeezed her arm and followed him. She took a second to take in the moment. She couldn’t help but smile so completely happy with her life for the first time in a very long while.
She woke up at some point in the night by herself on the comfiest mattress she ever owned all thanks to Harry. She peered through two of the slats on the blinds of her window to get a better estimate of the time without having to look at her phone in hopes of falling back asleep in a few moments. It was still pitch-black out, save for the moon illuminating the sky.
After tossing and turning for nearly five minutes without drifting off quickly, she decided she may as well make good use of her time. She grabbed for her phone. As expected, the clock told her that if they were sharing a bed, it was time to have her nightly chat with Harry.
When she came back from dinner and before she fell asleep this evening, she told Harry she was a bit tired. She would call, of course. But she might drift off while talking.
Just wanted to hear your voice, kitten. Didn’t get to see you much today other than tea. Get some sleep, of course. I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well, love.
So now she texted him. I’m awake now if you want to hear my voice.
The phone rang almost instantly. “Hi,” she whispered.
“S’like music,” he said sleepily. She giggled. “That’s a symphony,” he murmured.
Her heart was bursting. “Yeah?”
“Did I wake you?”
“Yes,” he said simply. She frowned. But it was like he knew she was frowning, because he continued, putting her mind at ease. “I would probably wake up from a coma t’hear your voice.”
She was so close to saying she loved him out loud. How could she not? But how would she be any different than any intern or companion before her? She was determined to wait until it was over. Until he stopped paying her and then she could at least tell him. So he knew and he could...decide if she was worth it. “Did you have a good day?” She whispered instead.
He yawned and she heard the rustling of his sheets. Sitting up against his fluffy pillows, she assumed. “S’alright,” it sounded as if he were shrugging it off. “I was in a crummy mood all morning.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she wished she went into his office earlier to see how she could have helped.
“Not something y’could have helped with, beautiful,” he had a smirk in his voice. It left her breathless that he could tell how she was feeling without seeing her. “Before y’worry.”
“Me? Worry?”
He chuckled that beautiful breathy laugh of his. She imagined his dimples, his glittering eyes. “Mmm...”
It was quiet for a moment and since he wanted to hear her talk, she thought she may as well get it out of the way. “So...” she sighed. “Louis and Eleanor found out about my graduation ceremony actually happening somehow...and they’re making me go.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment, which told her he already knew that they had found out because of him. “I think y’should go, love.”
“I know. I’m going to.”
He sighed with relief. “That’s good.”
“If...” she swallowed awkwardly hating how she was even asking in the first place. “If you wanted to come...I think I get a ton of tickets...it is a Saturday so you wouldn’t miss wor—”
“Kitten, of course m’going t’be there,” he promised. “I’d sell m’company t’be there for you.”
She scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’d sell it t’Niall, maybe. But I’d still sell it.”
She giggled. “Do you think Niall would want to come, too?”
“Yes, absolutely. We wouldn’t miss it.”
She clutched the phone tighter to her ear enjoying the sound of Harry at the other end. The irritation she felt was only a nagging little bite on the inside of her head that she pushed away. Because really, this whole month had to be the most, and totally, happiest she had been in years.
“I blame myself for my brother’s death,” she said it softly. She didn’t even ask if he was awake. Either she somehow knew, or she wasn’t looking for him to answer. Harry frowned, trailing his fingers up and down her arm. It was a sudden comment, but it was the middle of the night. It was what they did.
“I don’t think that’s possible, kitten.”
“I went to some stupid school party. I didn’t want to get in the car with the person offering a ride home. So, he came to pick me up, no questions asked. Not a care in the world that it was almost two in the morning,” she shrugged against him. “A car hit us,” she said simply. It was silent for a minute. Harry hardly moved. “He must have seen it coming before I did... because he turned...so his side of the car took the brunt of the hit.” He squeezed her. “I tried to pull him out. Begged him to breathe,” she shook her head. “It was awful,” her voice cracked. Harry couldn’t imagine what she had seen. Couldn’t imagine what it took for her to get in the car. No wonder she walked everywhere.
“Y’don’t have t’tell me, love,” he told her, and he meant it. That was plenty. He could fill in the gaps if it meant she didn’t have to relive it again. He was sure she relived it every day.
“It’s why my parents hate me.”
Harry sucked his lip into his mouth. “They shouldn’t,” he fully believed that. He may not have judged them for the way they grieved but they lost one child in that accident. It easily could have been two and yet somehow, they chose to lose them both even though she was right there, alive and in need of love more than ever.
Harry wouldn’t say it to her now, but he would think part of his heart would feel like it was missing if she had been lost all those years ago. Whether he knew her or not.
“Sometimes I think they’re right to,” she sniffled. “I’d hate me, too. He was the best,” she whispered shakily.
He loved the dark and their little chats every day since they started. Today, he hated it. It was too revealing. This was hurting her. And he hated that most. “I should have died.”
“Thank God, you didn’t.”
“It’s not fair,” she whispered. How many times had she said it to herself, her therapist, to Louis of all people? The only person who consoled her and not her parents...the only person who needed to be consoled as much as her was Louis. As he was breaking down, he was trying to keep her together. It wasn’t fair at all.
“No,” Harry shook his head. “It’s not.”
“I miss him.”
“I know.”
More silence. “I told you the dark is revealing.”
He smirked sadly. He wished he could tell her something just as revealing. But telling her he loved her so wholly when they weren’t in a relationship, not an actual one, after she was grieving for a moment in time, didn’t seem right. Harry wanted to tell her it was easy. Easy to love her. It was effortless having her in his life. He wanted to reveal something of equal weight. If only so she wouldn’t be sad. “I like getting t’know you,” he said instead.
“Even though I’m the reason someone died?”
He shook his head and gave her a reassuring squeeze. “Someone else made a dumb decision, love. Of course, your brother would come t’help you. I’d do the same for Gem,” he promised. “S’in the brother handbook.”
“Louis said the same thing...he has a bunch of younger sisters...and me.”
“Louis would still do it for you, too; I’m sure.” They were silent again. He thought she fell asleep. Sometimes she would do that. So, he asked the question that had been burning in his mind forever. “I don’t want t’pry...What happened with your parents...after that?”
She shook her head. “Maybe another middle of the night talk. Not this one,” she mumbled.
He nodded. “Yeah, of course, love.”
“Thank you for...everything Harry. Really,” she yawned and nuzzled closer to his chest.
“Course, love,” he repeated and let her fall asleep beside him peacefully.
There was yelling from the other side of the door as she knocked, then immediately entered his office with tea. Right as she opened the door, he slammed the phone down to his desk. Then picked it back up and slammed it three more times into the receiver. She blinked and cringed with each hit. He slid a hand over his face and turned to face the window. Part of her thought he didn’t register she was in the room.
“Harry,” she said softly.
He shook his head. “Love, please jus’ leave the tea and go,” he grumbled. “M’gonna snap and I don’t want it t’be at you,” he sounded infuriated. Interns never seemed to work out because of his anger... She knew Niall worked hard to keep her away from Harry���s outbursts. Mostly because Niall knew Harry would never forgive himself if he ever broke her heart or scared her because of his job. But she still knew the stories. The whispers in the breakroom and by the copier about his anger weren’t something she could ignore. Sometimes Harry’s angry tone filled the whole floor. She bit her lip at his warning and nodded silently.
After she set the tea on his desk, she sat on the couch across the room. She sipped at her drink watching him tap on his phone screen searching for something. He turned back around after a moment looking at his computer and then she saw his eyes flicker over to her. “I know I told you t’leave,” his voice was icy. But she saw his gaze soften just a hair.
She didn’t say anything because she didn’t want to set him off or make him any angrier than he already was. She was content to sit there...just wanted to wait there in case he needed her because that’s what she did. Even if he was going to pretend that she wasn’t there.
His phone was ringing from the other end while he called someone. “I need the file we looked at this morning...” A pause and she watched him clench his fist and he squeezed his eyes shut angrily. “Well, I don’t have it!” he snapped slamming his fist on the desk. “If I had it, I wouldn’t have called! Can’t you just do what I fucking ask and bring—"
She hurried to his computer after he slammed his fist down. Not caring even a little, when he hardly moved out of her way and continued yelling at the poor person at the other end of the line. The words he snarled into the phone didn’t reach her ears. With three clicks and a few taps it was on his screen. She stepped out of his way and sat back on the couch waiting for the next mini blowup. He put his phone down again as his eyes scanned the screen. He grumbled about something unintelligible under his breath and he tapped on his phone screen again and brought it to his ear for all of five seconds.
“Come here,” he said into his phone.
Within moments, Niall was there. He frowned seeing Harry’s anger but managed a quick wink at the sweet girl sitting quietly on the couch. She sipped her coffee while Niall went behind Harry’s desk. He looked at the screen for a few moments and she saw his face falter a bit; he rubbed his hand on the back of his head. “Well, we knew this was coming.”
Harry turned away and paced to the other end of the room. Hands on the back of his head. Niall scrolled on his screen and sighed. He glanced at her. She hadn’t taken her eyes off the pair of them since Niall stood next to Harry. “C’mere,” he said to her. She hurried back over. He pointed to several itemized lines and murmured a few things that she only had a vague understanding of due to her limited understanding of things that happened here at Styles Incorporated solely because in the grand scheme of things, she hadn’t been there that long, and she was just an intern.
She looked at the numbers, pursed her lips in concentration and did her best to calculate quickly. “Can you shrink this number?” She asked, pointing at the screen.
He glanced at Harry who looked ready to jump out the window. His head pressed to the glass taking deep, angry breaths. “No, darling.”
“How about this one?” She pointed to a different cell. He shook his head again. She looked over at Harry who was clearly distraught. Sighing, she thought for a few quiet breaths and Niall frowned as he scrolled. She thought back to all her classes, every lecture, and every assignment she had ever worked on. Unfortunately, she came to only one conclusion.
“You can have them file for bankruptcy,” she shrugged.
Niall pushed her behind him as soon as the beginning of that b-word left her mouth. Harry hated that word. At the same time, Harry spun rapidly, took three long strides, and menacingly glared through Niall in her direction. “Are you fucking serious?” He hissed but he was staring so angrily at Niall, but the expression was really meant for her. She gulped audibly. This had to have been the nightmarish things that previous interns spoke about. It made her stomach churn and she thought she might throw up. God bless Niall for standing in her way—she knew Harry wouldn’t resort to physical violence. Not even a little. She felt it in her soul. But part of her wondered if it would hurt less than his cutting, angry voice.
No wonder Niall never let her be around Harry when he was mad. This was terrifying.
“Harry—” Niall started.
She blinked in surprise at how angry he got. At her. But he did warn her. Her heart felt like it was going to beat right out of her chest. “I am not having them file,” he growled.
Her face definitely turned red, and she swallowed nervously. “It’s your only option,” she whispered standing her ground anyway. He flung the cordless keyboard across the room. It smashed into the wall and many of the keys fluttered off in a heap against the wall. She flinched at the sound as he paced back to that side of the room.
“Darling, kindly shut it,” Niall whispered over his shoulder.
Harry paced and paced. Niall was still standing in front of her protectively as Harry grumbled to himself trying to make sense of it. “Why?” He practically barked at her. “Why’s it my only option?”
She took a deep breath. “The legal fees would equate to more than the bankruptcy payback.” He stopped pacing and turned to look at her. Niall even turned around and stared at her in surprise. “What?” She felt like this was a worse thing to say than bankruptcy. Niall stepped from in front of her and used the mouse to click through different screens on the computer, it took a moment because he no longer had a keyboard. He glanced at Harry and nodded.
Harry took a deep breath. “Can y’please explain that for me, love?” His voice was still tight with anger but at least he wasn’t barking at her or throwing things.
So, she did her best to explain that she remembered this once case she studied in her quantitative decision-making class. How it was expensive but kept the company afloat to file for a chapter of bankruptcy that allowed them to pay back the debt and keep going on if they could make it a few years. “She’s right...” Niall said clicking on the computer and gesturing to the screen. “Obviously,” he muttered under her breath.
Harry looked at the screen. While they did, she did some calculations on her phone. “So, they keep their assets?” He asked, looking up at her from the screen while Niall searched something on his phone to show Harry.
She nodded. “As long as they make this much,” she said and held her phone up to the two men.
Niall smirked. “I like her,” he said knowingly.
Harry sighed, still embittered. “Can you go buy me a new keyboard, love?” He asked.
Feeling like she had finally made a difference and helped a bit, she grabbed her coffee and nodded. “Sure,” she said softly.
“Don’t spend your own money on it either,” Harry said knowingly without looking up at her. She smirked to herself and left his office before she could say any more wrong things.
Since it was a Wednesday, she hadn’t seen Harry outside the office for two days. After getting the new keyboard and plugging it in, Harry was swamped for the remainder of the day. Lawyers, Niall, and others kept filing in and out of his office. At five in the evening, when most everyone was leaving, they were still coming and going. Niall hadn’t seen her in hours while she sat at her desk sending him files, answering calls, and taking messages. She knocked on the door before entering, carrying five or so pizzas and an assortment of drinks. Niall was the only one who noticed.
He winked at her, mouthed thank you, and watched as she left.
It was another hour before Harry noticed he was eating pizza...with pineapple on the slice. “Who got this?” He muttered.
“That cute intern of Niall’s,” one of the lawyers said.
“That’s your intern Niall? I’d be begging for her to alleviate the stress—”
“I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you,” Niall said calmly. Harry was glad he had a bite of pizza in his mouth and Niall interrupted that sentence before it finished. After the day Harry had he wasn’t sure he had much self-control left to not physically attack someone—especially on behalf of her.
How did he not notice the sweet girl bringing pizza? He was certain even if the room was on fire, he would still take the time to notice her. He frowned. He had no idea she did this.
“I think this is enough for tonight, Mr. Styles,” someone said after hours of being there. Harry hadn’t looked at the time in ages. Since before lunch at least. He was only vaguely aware that it was after one at some point only because she brought his daily tea. He nodded silently, still upset about the day but also that he had no idea the perfect girl was there.
“You screamed at her, y’know,” Niall said condensing the pizza boxes. Placing the empty ones by the trashcan for the maintainers to take care of. After everyone left. Harry was helping clean up as well and packing his things.
Harry tended to get a little fuzzy on his consciousness when he was mad. “I told her to leave.”
“You’re stupid for thinking she would,” he rolled his eyes. “She’s quite brilliant,” Niall said knowingly. “When are you going to offer her a job?”
“It’s complicated,” he remarked. “I think if I create a job for her, people...will get suspicious.”
“Who cares?”
Harry worked extremely hard to get Styles Incorporated where it was so quickly. You didn’t become a thirty under thirty member without working hard. In all that time, Harry made every decision he could to the best of his ability. He always wondered if he made mistakes. He loved this company. It was his pride and joy.
The idea of losing pieces of it broke his heart. Since it happened twice within the last three months, and she managed to save both those pieces from falling to the wayside...
She seemed to know how much he loved his job, his legacy. He didn’t like her idea all that much today, even if it was good or his only option. Even when he yelled at her and snarled like she wasn’t the most special person he knew. She still voiced her opinion, and he knew that had to have been hard for her.
It hurt him to think of failing in even one little branch. But he couldn’t argue with her that it was the best option he had for this moment. “This was a brilliant idea,” one of the lawyers said as they typed furiously on their laptop. It was hours after the lovely girl left the new keyboard on his desk. Harry didn’t respond with anything but one little nod. “We should keep this in mind...would have saved you some money a few years ago,” she remarked with a gentle smile.
Niall saying “who cares” suddenly sparked something in him. Why did he care? She was brilliant. He didn’t have to convince anyone of that. It was obvious when she walked into any room, took a passing glance at whatever document they were discussing, any graph they were looking at and she casually pointed out inconsistencies and almost always managed to save him money.
“Have the other interns been like her?” He asked quietly. He had been so closed off, so worried about the reasons they were truly there... The thought of that horrible woman who made comments to the sweet girl about sleeping with him... Harry would feel terrible if he was so cynical about the entire intern process if a quarter of them were as smart as her.
Niall smiled at his best friend. The relief flooded him before Niall even spoke. “Harry, I don’t think there’s anyone like her.”
The knock on her door surprised her. She thought it might be Louis or Eleanor who couldn’t be bothered to walk the last five blocks back to their place after a late-night dinner. It was nearing ten and she was snuggled up on the couch with her book and music playing on the TV.
Harry was leaning against the opposite wall as she opened the door. “Oh, hi,” she said softly.
Harry stayed where he was, and he smiled at her, tiredly. “You’re so cute,” he mumbled.
She glanced down at her pajamas. A mismatching pair of shorts and a tank top. One sock on because only the left one was cold. Harry looked tired but beautiful as ever. His button-down sleeves rolled up to his elbows, tucked into his dress pants. The tie he had been wearing all day was gone, the button at his neck undone. His hair looked as if he ran his hand through it a few too many times but his tiredness seemed most evident on his face.
“Come in,” she said opening the door wider. “Do you need something to eat or drink?” She asked.
“No... had the pizza y’got us,” he murmured finding his way to the couch, he folded the corner of the page where she was reading and set the book on the coffee table. He waited for her to sit beside him and once she did, his head was in her lap. “M’sorry I screamed at you. Y’didn’t deserve that.”
“I knew you didn’t mean it,” she threaded her fingers through his hair and lightly rubbed at his scalp. “Is it all taken care of?”
“Thanks t’you,” he mumbled. She smiled softly, grateful she could ease his anger and allow him to sleep. She didn’t say anything for a bit and soon enough he was asleep in her lap. She reached for her book and read for the better part of an hour while he snored gently into her leg.
When an hour had passed, she gently pulled herself out from his head and began undressing him down to his boxers. It took effort but once he was mostly naked, she tugged him off the couch holding him up as much as she could with his tall frame to drop him into her bed. She curled up to him, grateful for the extra night with him. The first one at her place, at that.
The moon was bright even through the closed blinds, making his skin practically glow as she faced his sleeping figure. His arm beneath her pillow outstretched so she fit neatly beneath his chin if she was close enough. Their legs twisted together, his much longer than hers.
She was quiet for a bit, tracing the sparrows tattooed just below his collarbones. “They stopped talking to me,” she whispered. It wasn’t quite the standard middle of the night, but it was pressing on her mind because it was rapidly approaching the seven-year anniversary of that horrible day and it hurt so freshly, so sharply. Like it was only a week ago. She wasn’t sure Harry was even awake, but she said it anyway...maybe it was better he didn’t hear anyway. “Except for when they had too much to drink. Then they just yelled and yelled. At each other, at me...” she swallowed the pain down. “If I didn’t go out, he wouldn’t have gone to get me. We would still be a family...he was their prince,” she explained.
Her fingers drifted over his arm that rested gently with his hand at her hip. She traced the heart tattoo, the rose, and then the anchor at his wrist. “They stopped caring about me, but I couldn’t stop caring about them. I made dinner for them even if they didn’t always eat. If they did, they complained about it. I stopped eating with them. We didn’t watch movies together on Sunday evenings. We didn’t celebrate Christmas. Part of me thinks they only kept me there because they knew deep down, I was still a minor and they had to—I could ruin their lives worse by reporting them...” she bit her lip. “I don’t even think I would do that... At some point... they were the only people that ever took care of me... but then they just stopped and honestly, I don’t blame them.”
Harry didn’t make any note that he could hear but she kept going anyway. “So, I started taking care of everyone I crossed paths with...” she paused for a moment just to see if anything registered on Harry’s mind. It didn’t seem like it. But it made it easier for her to tell the story.
“When I turned 18, I invited Louis over to help me. I didn’t say with what. But the second he saw my parents...the ones that didn’t love me anymore... Louis moved me into his place... I felt so horrible, but I actually asked him to stay there just until... until I left for university at the end of the summer. He looked... betrayed. Like I let him down... He gave me the lecture of the century and Eleanor just braided my hair while he did. They made my favorite food. Neither of them said Happy Birthday once and I didn’t even care because for even just one day someone was taking care of me again,” she had done well up to this point not crying.
She sniffled and shook her head. She reached up and outlined Harry’s eyebrows, the shape of his nose. The curve of his lips and the jawline that ached her to the core. “Louis doesn’t talk about it, but I know he saw more than I ever wanted him to. I know he resents the way I hid. I think part of him wished I still lived with him. He insisted I stay the summers I came home from university,” she told the sleeping figure.
“But I got a boyfriend part way through university. We moved in quickly. Of course, I took care of him... and I didn’t mind. I liked it. He liked it. He was easy... food, sex, cleaning...” she mumbled. “But I still went to visit my parents because I couldn’t help it. I’ve never told Louis that. I didn’t tell my therapist that either...I’m sure she would be mad. And you know, I still go twice a month without telling anyone. Well, except you now... I don’t know why... I don’t know... I couldn’t leave them...they...they have to be in there still, right? The people that threw me princess birthday parties and put Band-Aids on my knees after a fall on my bike? Even after...after all of it...they’re my parents somewhere in there. Every time I go it’s just...yelling and hating me. I clean, make sure there’s food in the fridge, and then I leave,” Harry didn’t answer her. “I was supposed to stay the night at a hotel because I was supposed to move some of the last of my things...but it was a bad day. I just wanted to go home... I guess I got the sex part right with him,” she said with a smirk but without humor in her voice. “Just...not with me. Guess I didn’t do a good job there either,” she sighed sadly. “So... There it is. They just...acted as if I died too.”
Harry didn’t move a muscle. She smiled softly and kissed his cheek. “I think that’s everything,” she whispered. “I think you know everything now,” she told him. “Good night, baby,” she whispered tucking herself against his chest.
There was no movement for at least a full minute and then his arms came around her so tightly, he squeezed her like he was trying to press all the broken pieces back together. “You’re so lovely,” he murmured. “Don’t forget that,” he pressed his lips to her temple and she closed her eyes tight trying to keep the tears from spilling over like a waterfall. “S’great t’know you,” he squeezed her again. “S’an honor t’know y’care ‘bout me,” he mumbled to her.
She nodded her head in recognition that she had heard him but if she spoke, she would either cry or, worse, tell him she loved him. So, she sighed deeply against his chest and slowly fell asleep while he pressed another kiss to her forehead. Like he was trying to heal her from the outside in just by kissing the front of her tired, sad brain.
Part of her thought that with Harry it might work.
Next Wednesday
Harry was going to lose his mind. When he started the day, he was so excited that he finally had good news for the sweet girl and was excited about their future. He couldn’t wait to surprise her during their movie night the following day, at home snuggled on the comfy couch.
Instead, he was totally blindsided by the fourth of the same type of phone call of that same day.
The call started out the same as all the other ones he’d been getting. They introduced themselves. “Aye, Harry. Zayn. How are you?”
Harry blinked in surprise at the voice at the other end. Zayn was CEO of his own company, located a few towns over called Malik Industries. Rarely did they interact with one another because their clientele was very different. But every so often at big black-tie shin digs and philanthropic events they’d run into one another. In this business, it was all about networking. He was hoping he wouldn’t get this call only because Zayn was closest to his age... which was closer to her age... “Right, good. Yourself?”
“Great. Listen, I’ll make this quick, I know you’re a busy guy. I have an application in front of me and it lists you and Niall as references, and I’m used to seeing Niall’s name... but I had to ask you. You never give your name as a reference.” His heart stopped because he could only guess who the application belonged to.
She applied here too?
“Harry?” He asked. “Did I lose you?”
“Uh...” he shook his head trying to regain his composure. He was absolutely confused. She didn’t say anything about applying to any of these places and this was the fourth phone call he had to sit through with an aching heart. “No, sorry. Untimely email,” he muttered quickly. He wasn’t even facing his computer.
“Right, I understand. I’ll keep it short... you think she would be good here?”
His breath caught in his throat. She would be good anywhere. But the idea of not seeing her smiling face each afternoon carrying tea in her hands to his office (not that she would continue to have to do that if she worked here full time) was the last thing Harry wanted. “Uh...yeah, she...she would be great.”
There was a pause and a short chuckle. “I know you don’t usually do these reference calls, but there’s usually a bit more than that.”
Harry swallowed the lump in his throat trying to get the words to spill out. How could he tell her she was perfect? How could he just give her away? He wanted her there all the time in every facet of his life. She made everything better. “I know, I know,” Harry shook his head again in an attempt to get his verbal processing to work again. “She’s perfect. She can do anything. Fit in anywhere. If she doesn’t know how t’do something, she’ll figure it out. Brilliant. Truly. It’s cutthroat out there and she still manages t’be an angel. Doesn’t even bat an eye in the face of adversity. She’ll keep morale up by decorating for holidays and she makes the best chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever had.”
“See that’s what—”
“You can’t have her,” Harry interrupted flatly.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought she applied because there—”
“Yes. No. I’m sorry,” he shook his head. “She did apply. She would be perfect. You can’t question that. Seriously. Y’would probably hand her the keys t’your office if she joined y’in any capacity. I want t’do that somedays...but I want t’keep her here.”
“I see,” Zayn sounded agreeable. “She sounds quite special. Her recommendations, her transcript, everything is incredible. She seems like a wonderful asset Harry. Are you sure you have room for her?”
He prickled at the notion that he wouldn’t make room for her. “Yes,” he said definitively.
“Alright. Well, good for you. I hope she’s happy there. I’ll take her application any time in the future if you see a reason she needs to go elsewhere.”
Harry didn’t see it happening ever. “Sorry t’disappoint.”
“Not a problem at all. You know a good one when you see them, I get it. Have a good one,” the call ended abruptly. As if on cue, she knocked and opened his door at quarter past the hour. Clockwork. She closed the door quickly.
“Hi baby,” she winked as she whispered the pet name at him. “Brought your tea. And I got us some cake pops. I think they’re yummy. Maybe we could try to make them from scratch this weekend.”
There is no way she could just go. His heart fluttered at her words, and he smiled. He felt the ache in his chest melting away as it always did when she was around while he was upset. “Whatever you want, kitten.”
Harry didn’t tell her about the good news during movie night. He was too upset about all the phone calls.
He didn’t tell her while they were making cake Pops on that Saturday either.
When she chose to just exist that weekend a couple months ago, and not remember anything that happened over her horrible couple of days and not think about her parents, she did catch up with Louis and Eleanor that following Tuesday. Harry watched from her kitchen as the pair of them cooed over her and she let some tears fall.
“Your mum’s not having a memorial,” Eleanor told her. So that was that. It was over.
“Oh,” she said like it was a surprise.
Louis glanced at Eleanor and pursed his lips. She combed her hair back and gave her another hug while Louis pressed his hand to her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. Louis glanced at Harry and shrugged. Harry thought that meant her mum wasn’t having a memorial that she could attend. It hardened Harry’s heart while he set some mugs of tea on her counter out for the three of them.
The lawyers managed to get some information about her inheritance. The house was already in a trust under her name. “Harry, we’re grasping a bit at straws here. We don’t practice family law,” he reminded him during their next movie night.
“I know, I know. M’sorry,” he said rubbing the back of his neck while he watched from the kitchen as the girl swayed quietly on the porch swing. At the end of February, she was still insistent on sitting in the freezing cold. “I jus’ want t’make sure she’s taken care of.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t think this woman cares,” he said bluntly.
Harry frowned and ended the phone call before heading to the swing with mugs of hot chocolate. She lifted the blanket, a beanie hat almost falling into her eyes as he slid in beside her. She rested her head on his shoulder and for the moment Harry just let her live knowing that as long as she stayed here, she was cared for.
Which is why he was so happy when the lawyers finally informed him that she would have the house... eventually. The life insurance policy was never changed out of her name, and it wasn’t like they could change it now. All of it was something that could ease the ache of the worry she had.
Harry attended the memorial service, too, a week or so after that. He told her and Niall he was attending to business out of town. Niall looked at him suspiciously and he felt bad lying to the sweet girl but he...he wanted to...well he didn’t even know what he wanted. He just wanted to know what her parents were like.  There were many people there. He was surprised that they still had friends after cutting off their sweet daughter. But Harry was trying his best not to judge their mourning.
He saw Louis and Eleanor there gently consoling her mother without it truly reaching their eyes. Louis saw Harry at the edge of the mourners at the cemetery, he gave him a succinct nod and then tilted his head discreetly to the right.
When everyone left, he headed to where Louis gestured, totally alone.
He read the dates on the stone, did the math, and he sighed. “I’ll do anything for her,” he knelt and pulled some weeds away from the flowers laid there. Quietly to her brother’s grave, he whispered “I promise.”
Now seemed like it was too late to tell her anything about the good news. She had seemed off all evening. Maybe it was the stress of graduation and her internship. The office had been so busy lately they hardly had a moment to have tea in the afternoon.
It was his own fault, however. When all said and done.
Now, he was walking her home from dinner. Well, actually, he was nearly running after her. She refused to get in the car. Despite how late it was. So, Harry followed her on foot. She was fast, even in the little heels she wore. The driver was close behind on their trail as well.
“I didn’t ask for you to do that!” She snapped at him. She never snapped at him. Not once. And there were plenty of times she could have over the last eight and a half months. But he thought he was being helpful. Figuring out the stuff with her mum, finding a way to finally split Niall’s position. All of it.
He thought things were going so well and even with the end of her internship coming up at the end of the next month, he was so hopeful for their future in so many ways. He didn’t really know what went wrong. He kept the conversation light trying to figure out her slightly soured mood. It didn’t seem completely fair, but he was heartbroken that he made her upset.
But it was the email that was the final straw. She received it in the middle of dinner. Mr. Malik stated there must have been miscommunication as she would be staying with Styles Incorporated. He would love to have her, feel free to apply in the future if so needed, but of course, she should stay where she’s comfortable.
Harry was in mid-conversation with the waiter, ordering dessert. Something she was reallylooking forward to when she read through the email. But the second she finished it she was angry and didn’t want dessert. She called Niall quickly, while Harry was still chatting, holding one finger up as she put her phone to her ear.
He winked at her, continuing his conversation and didn’t mind at all whether she was using her phone nor questioning it. He’d done so many times before and she was always so kind and patient about it. If he did question it, so shortly after the email, maybe he would have seen it coming. But he didn’t...he didn’t see it coming at all. “Did you...talk to Mr. Malik?” She asked him when Niall answered.
“No, darling, I haven’t heard from him or...or anyone yet about your applic—”
“Never mind,” she hung up. The second she uttered the name of another company Harry’s voice died in the conversation he was having, and he directed his attention to her.
“Did you?” She asked, point blank.
“Yes,” he said. “I told him you would be a perfect fit.”
She blinked. “Then why does he think I’m staying at Styles Incorporated?”
Harry frowned. “Don’t you want to?”
She wasn’t going to lie. “I mean...yes...but don’t you think you should have told me you were going to hire me before—”
“I just figured—"
“Harry...I’ve been rejected or ghosted from everywhere I applied to. I’ve been crying to Niall so stressed and anxious that I’m not good enough and—have you been telling everyone in the area?”
“You’ve been crying about—?”
“Harry,” she snapped.
He was surprised by her tone. “Of course...I want t’keep you,” he whispered.
“Well, what if I can’t,” her voice cracked, her hand fiddling with her silverware on the plate.
“What are y’talking about? Of course, y’can,” he said quickly reaching across the table for her hand but she pulled it back. “Kitten.”
“I don’t want dessert,” she said and stood up and marched out of the restaurant. He hurried to throw money on the table and follow after her.
When they made it to her apartment building, she was huffing. She was angry the entire way there not listening to Harry call after her, not stopping even though he begged. Harry felt like he was losing her with every step. When they reached her door, he tried again to console her as best he could. “Love, I just wanted to hel—”
“I know you feel entitled to everything I am and do because of what we are, but I didn’t ask you to do any of that! Stay out of my business.”
“Kitten,” Harry felt crushed, like she stole all the air out of her lungs.
“I know you told Louis and Eleanor about my graduation ceremony, and I let it slide... because part of me is hoping they forget that it’s in two weeks because right now, I don’t want to go. It hurts to think about my brother’s ceremony—the last time we were a family. And I know you had your lawyers talking to my mom because she called me today all up and arms about how I’m selfish to even take what she’s giving me and of course I hadn’t a clue what she was talking about. I thought it was a prank,” Harry was silent as he listened. “I know you have your driver follow me around whenever I’m out walking. Not even at night,” still quiet. But he dropped his gaze to the floor for a moment before looking back up at her. It did sound controlling when she was so angry. “On top of all that, I hadn’t gotten any notice about my student loans so I called my servicer to inquire. And guess what?”
Harry’s lips pressed together. He didn’t say a word. Because of course he already knew why she didn’t get any info about her loans. “Now this? Harry, I’ve worked my butt off to do this on my own and you just...told every company within a twenty-mile radius that I’m staying, and I didn’t even get to know that I could do it on my own? That all my hard work and all those hard things I had to face on my own just meant nothing? I thought I failed so miserably.” She was crying so hard, and she wished she wasn’t but every time she felt anger coursing through her it was an unfortunate consequence. Harry just wanted to console her and make it stop. He felt so terrible.
Every day she showed up to work and made everyone’s life so much easier. She baked brownies for the breakroom, made copies for anyone that asked because she was the only one who could stop it from jamming, and of course she went out every day, snow, sleet, hail, or rain to get himself and Niall their Starbucks order. She took care of him when he was sick and saved such a large chunk of his company, he could never repay her. All he wanted to do was help her the way she helped everyone else.
“Love,” he whispered reaching for her. She stepped out of his way.
“Just go,” she snapped as she slammed the door shut in his face. His heart felt broken, but he couldn’t think of anything to say. Because as always, she was right. He just...did everything for her because he could. Really because he wanted to, but he should have at least asked.
He could hear the sniffles and her tears through the door. He waited a minute listening to her gasping breath hoping something in his head would click. Something would appear in his mind that he could say to her. But in times like this, it was usually her that knew what to do. So of course, he couldn’t ask her. As he turned to leave, he heard her croaked voice whispering Louis’ name into the phone.
taglist: @tpwkstiles @matildasatellite @jessitpwk @jerseygirlinca @stylesfever @tiredinwinter @ameerakane20 @kimmi-kat @avasversion @youcouldstartacult @likeapplejuicenpeach @manrocket-mo @golden-hoax @harryssky1 @michellekstyles @soachibstel1 @morklee02 @loving-hazz @harrysflorencex @cherrycolas-things @emma34501 @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @foreverxholland
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
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capseycartwright · 2 years
i think, when you're a writer, you're cursed to be a fantasist -
and maybe that's an excuse, for being a hopeless romantic who can't help but dream of a life with you that i might not ever get to have, but i swear, i see the threads of the opening chapters of our novel coming together in a way that writes a story i would love to get to live.
it starts like this -
a quiet introduction, a football match, and a nervous smile. an explanation of who i was - and then that was it, until months later, and suddenly you were a constant part of my life and i was in so deep so quickly.
soft smiles, and silly jokes, and meetings spend messaging each other on teams to question if we really even needed to have this meeting at all. work events and wine glasses and cheersing to the fact we survived another day.
the transition from work friends to friends came slowly, and steadily - as it always done - after work drinks running later and later until they couldn't be counted as work anymore, until i bit the bullet and threw a party and invited you all and in crossing the entrance into my apartment the line was officially crossed -
i'm happy with friends.
but -
there's more threads and the one that's burning so brightly red in my imagination today is a round of snog, marry, kill about our colleagues where you turn to me and grin, and say, they haven't noticed that neither you or i have answered properly yet.
and i couldn't answer, because i would have had to tell an entire table of our friends that the only person i want to snog, and marry is you - and if my life were a hollywood movie, that would be the moment the audience were on board with the end of us. endgame, they'd say - the friends to lovers slowburn that the novel was marketed as coming to life in a dimly lit bar on a friday night.
and if i were the protagonist of this novel - which, i suppose, i am - the feeling of your hand rubbing slow circles on my back as we huddled together for warmth on a grim january evening as we waited for an uber would be burned into my memory, and the way your knee knocked against mine as you listened intently while someone else told a story would be enough for me to begin to dream of a life i might never get to have for myself -
and i know, in the novel this makes for, this is the moment that the reader is yelling that i should just ask and it's the same lecture i have gotten from my friends for weeks, now, and i know i should ask so then at least i would finally know -
except if i ask and all these threads are nothing more than wisps of fantasy and this great love story i crave so wholeheartedly is nothing more than a comfort blanket of make-believe that will never amount to more than this, words on a page that promise something beautiful that will never be mine -
i don't think i could survive knowing you'd never be mine.
and maybe its nothing to do with being a writer at all - maybe its more to do with the fact that i crave love in a way that feels fucking crippling sometimes and it has never ever worked out to be the sunday kind of love i have wanted my whole adult life and maybe i am just hopelessly romantic at heart and that's why i'm sitting here dreaming of a novel -
because i haven't yet figured out how to be brave enough to make that novel ideal my life.
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wyndhamvossler · 2 years
I love (not) writing things
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an AI wrote my official lore
WyndhamVossler is a Detective VTuber and Part-time Cat.
At least that was how I started. It's not like I had any other choice, really. My parents were both dead, my sister was in jail for murder, and the only thing I could think of to do with myself was become a detective.
I'd been watching videos on YouTube for years before I decided to start making them. The idea of being able to make your own show seemed so cool! And it wasn't just me who thought so; there were thousands of people out there doing it. Some of them made millions of dollars every year.
But I didn't have any money, and I couldn't afford to buy equipment or pay anyone else to help me. So I did what everyone does when they want to be a YouTuber: I went to school.
After high school, I took an associate degree in computer science from a local community college. Then I moved onto the University of California at Berkeley, where I got my bachelor's degree in computer engineering. That was almost four years ago now.
While I was studying, I made videos on my off time, mostly about video games. Those videos never gained much traction, but I didn't care. They gave me something to do while I was working toward my degree. It also helped me meet some friends who became very important to me.
VTT is the name of this friend group it consisted of Astrid, Merlin, Yume, Yereza and Hilda. We hung out all the time, and when we weren't hanging out together, we would all talk about our lives over text messages.
Eventually, one of them asked if I wanted to join a new channel that he was starting. He said that he needed someone to run social media and create graphics for his videos. I told him I'd give it a shot, and that's how I ended up doing what I'm doing today.
The first few months were rough. I had no experience in making videos, and it was hard trying to figure out how everything worked. But as I got used to it, I started enjoying myself more and more. Now I love what I do.
Most days, I work on my videos from 9 am until 6 pm. After that, I relax by taking care of my dog, Hugo. Sometimes I'll go back to sleep or play video games for a bit, then get ready for bed.
On weekends, I usually hang out with VTT. On Friday nights, we watch horror movies, which is basically the highlight of my life. Saturdays are devoted to gaming, we all play Dungeons and Dragons together. Sundays we usually spend playing board games.
Hilda and Yereza live on the east coast, and Astrid lives in the Bay Area, so we don't see each other often. When we do get together though, it's always fun. Even if I don't get to talk to them much, I still think about them all the time.
And of course, there's Hugo. He's a shih-tzu puppy, and he's adorably ugly. I can't imagine being without him. He's my best friend.
Not to mention my sister, Elaine. She lives in San Diego. And she's… complicated. One day, I hope to forgive her for the things she did. For now though, I just avoid talking about her.
My family was pretty fucked up, but I know things could've been worse. I mean, I only had to move across the country to get away from them. At least I'm safe here.
I'm making a video right now about my birthday. it's very nice and super high quality. You should watch it.
Well, that's about it for the backstory. I hope you liked it. If you did, please subscribe to me.
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vgckwb · 1 year
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 149: Necessary Third Wheeling
Friday during break, Ren got a message on her phone.
Lena: Hey, do you mind if we talk after school?
Ren: Sure. What’s up?
Lena: It’s…complicated…
Lena: But I think you’ll relate to it well enough.
Ren: Well…um…OK?
Lena: Don’t worry. It’s not terrible or anything.
Lena: Although, being honest, it might be a little painful.
Ren: I see…
Lena: But it’ll be fine.
Ren: Well, I’ll help.
Ren: Anywhere you want to go?
Lena: I think I just want some fresh air.
Ren: There’s a park we can go to.
Lena: Oh, right. Where we did the cleanup.
Lena: Sorry. A lot’s happened.
Ren: You can say that again.
Lena: Lol!
Lena: Seeya then.
Ren: Seeya!
Ren finished her lunch, and then headed back to class.
After school, she met up with Lena, and the two went to the park. Once they got situated, Lena let out a long sigh. “So, what’s on your mind?” Ren asked.
It took a minute for Lena to answer. “Well, Goro and I went on a date last night?”
Ren was a little surprised. “Um, did he do anything…um…untoward…?” Lena gave her a confused look. “Yeah, it sounded odd coming out of my mouth. I mean, I can’t imagine him doing something like that.”
Lena chuckled. “No, nothing like that. We just got to talking. Goro is a detective, and so he can be a bit preoccupied. Even after I’ve gotten out more, we don’t go out that much because he’s so busy.”
“I see…” Ren said, picking up on what Lena was putting down.
“It’s not that I mind entirely,” Lena quickly countered. “I mean, I even told him I liked him for it. But…it can get lonely sometimes.”
“Right…” Ren said.
“So, I was kind of wondering,” Lena asked, “how do you deal with it?”
Ren was confused. “I beg your pardon?”
“Well…” Lena said. “A lot of days, I see Sumire leave school quickly after the bell rings. Sometimes even before. She goes to practice a lot. I just…imagined you’d have a similar separation anxiety.”
“Oh…” Ren said, fully realizing why she asked Ren here specifically.
“ButIt’sOKYouDon’tHaveToSayAnythingIThinkIShouldGetGoing!” Lena sputtered nervously.
She was about to leave, when Ren called out “Wait!” Lena paused. Ren sighed. “It’s fine.”
Lena was still concerned. “Are you sure?”
Ren nodded. “Trust me.” Lena sighed. She and Ren sat down. Ren slightly chuckled. “To be honest, I’ve never thought about it like that before. But I can see why you’d think I would.”
“Huh,” Lena said, surprised.
“To be honest, I’m still sort of getting used to the idea of having a girlfriend in the first place,” Ren said. “I…kind of resigned myself to being single forever. So actually having someone is, well, nothing short of magic.”
“I see,” Lena said.
“We’ve had a couple dates,” Ren told her. “We’ve hung out. And of course, we are business cohorts.” Lena laughed at the casual cover-up of them being Phantom Thieves. “Do I wish we had more time together? Of course. But…this is gonna sound silly…” She sighed. “I…don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, you know.”
Lena put her hand on Ren’s, surprising her. “Ren…It’s OK to want more…” Lena slightly frowned. “I mean, when I was locked up in my mom’s house, I wanted more. It’s OK to be a dreamer.”
Ren was still a little stunned, but then she smiled. “Thanks.” Lena let go. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a dream like this. But I do want to hold onto it for as long as I can.”
Lena blushed. “Me too.”
Ren glanced at Lena. “I mean, I can also help you with your problem as well.”
“You can?” Lena asked.
Ren nodded. “Well, to the best of my ability.” Lena giggled. “I mean, I get it,” Ren continued. “I also want to spend more time with Sumire. But I think something that helps me is that I don’t just have her.”
“Woah,” Lena said.
Ren giggled. “I mean, right now, I’m not with Sumire, but I’m here with you, and that’s not nothing.”
“So, you think I should get more friends?” Lena asked.
“Well, I don’t think that would hurt…” Ren said. “Maybe a little. But I think anyone else in our group would be willing to hang out with you as well.”
“I see,” Lena replied. She grew more confident. “Alright, I think I got it!” She let out a slight chuckle. “Thanks.”
“Anytime,” Ren replied.
Adjustment-Lena Minamoto: Rank 3
“Um, as long as we’re hanging out, is there anything else you want to do?” Lena asked.
“Hmmm,” Ren responded. “Oh! Why don’t I show you a good spot where you and Akechi could have a date.”
“Oooo! Wonderful!” Lena said, excited. “Let’s go.”
Ren showed Lena the boats, and she was in awe. They spent a little more time in the park together before going their separate ways.
As Ren was coming home, she got another message.
Akechi: Pardon me, but do you mind if I stop by this evening?
Ren giggled.
Ren: Not at all.
Akechi: Great! I’m on my way!
Ren: As am I.
Akechi: Oh? Where’d you go?
Ren: I was hanging out with your girlfriend.
Akechi: Oh. Ha ha. I see.
Akechi: Well, I’m glad she’s found a friend in you.
Akechi: What did you talk about?
Ren: Girl stuff. ;P
Akechi: I…see…
Akechi: Well, I’ll be there soon.
Ren giggled and put her phone away, and continued to Leblanc.
A few minutes after she got back, Akechi walked in. “Greetings!” Ren chuckled again. He took a seat next to her. “So, um, how did things go with Lena today?”
“They went well,” Ren said.
“She didn’t seem upset or anything?”
“I see,” Akechi replied. He sighed, relieved. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“Should she be upset?” Ren asked in her playful voice.
Akechi rolled his eyes. “Do you really take me for that kind of person?”
“Nah, I just wanted to see how you’d react,” Ren replied.
Akechi chuckled. “Well, it is amusing.”
Ren got a little more serious. “How are you doing?”
Akechi sighed. “Well, I’d be lying if I said things were going easy. But at the same time, things are getting more interesting. This whole business with Okumura and The Phantom Thieves is pushing this case to an all-time-high in terms of public fervor. But my objective remains the same. Although…”
“Although what?” Ren wondered.
Akechi sighed. “It’s nothing.” He paused. “Well, not nothing…” He sighed. “For the first time, I’m wondering what will happen after the fact.”
“Huh?” Ren said.
“Well, normally, I assist in cases that are more open and shut,” Akechi said. “Someone kills someone, I find out who did it, they get arrested, they deserve it, and I go on with my life. But a lot of people really believe in The Phantom Thieves. Part of me is starting to see them as something human too. They’re also people with hopes and dreams. When they get caught, what will happen to them?”
“IF they get caught,” Ren corrected.
“Heh heh,” Akechi laughed. “I appreciate your enthusiasm. But I feel like sooner or later, something will catch up to them.”
“If you say so,” Ren said. “Or should I say ‘WHEN you say so’?”
Akechi laughed. “I gotta say, Sumire’s really lucky to have someone as witty as you for a girlfriend.”
Ren paused. She was worried about the crossroads of Akechi running into The Phantom Thieves, which includes Lena. “Hey,” Ren said, more seriously. “What if it’s not just The Phantom Thieves that are only human?”
Akechi was confused. “I beg your pardon?”
“Well…I mean, if The Phantom Thieves are human, then the people they care about and would be doing this for would be human too.”
“Huh,” Akechi said. “I have to admit, that’s a new one on me. A lot of people who I put away have families, some of whom are shocked and don’t want to believe the truth, but yeah…” He sighed. “I know when Lena was being kept in Tamako’s house, being apart from her was devastating. I mean, it sort of still is. I’ve been so busy as of late that we haven’t had much time to be a couple. For it to be similar… Hmmm. I’d have to think about that.”
Ren wasn’t sure if she should say this, but she felt like she needed to. “I think…Lena feels the same…”
“Hm,” Akechi smirked. “I see. I can’t say I’m completely surprised.”
“What are you going to do?” Ren asked.
“Well, there’s nothing I really can do at the moment,” Akechi replied. “Of course, I’d like to spend more time with her, but things are busy as is. I’ve got school, I’ve got cases, I’ve got you.”
Ren was confused. “Me?”
“Yes,” Akechi said. “I’m taking the place of you crude parole officer. Pardon my bluntness.”
“Oh right,” Ren said. “I kind of forgot.”
“Well, it’s not terrible,” Akechi siad. “I like talking with you as friends.”
“Ditto,” Ren replied.
“Maybe once this whole Phantom Thieves thing is over, things will settle down,” Akechi said.
“Maybe…:” Ren said.
“Hm,” Akechi smirked. “Are you worried?” Ren was a little concerned. “Well, don’t worry. You’ve given me a new perspective. Something to help me grow. And for now, that’s enough.”
Justice-Goro Akechi: Rank 6
Akechi checked the time. “I should get going. I’ve gotta get sleep sometime.”
“Oh, right,” Ren said. “Goodnight!” she called out.
“Hm hm. Goodnight!” Akechi replied. He left.
Ren seemed puzzled. “Hey,” Sojiro said. Ren turned to him. “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation.” Ren seemed puzzled. “You want to lighten his load, don’t you?” Ren wasn’t sure where this was going, but she trusted Sojiro enough to nod. “Hm. I’ve got just the thing.”
He took out a piece of paper. “Your parole officer stops by every once in a while asking about you. I normally try to politely but firmly tell him to scram. But then he heard Futaba’s voice after not hearing it for a while, and now he’s convinced I’m in on some child smuggling operation with you. His name is on this piece of paper.” He slid it over to Ren.
Ren was stunned. “Are you asking me what I think you’re asking me?”
“I’m not asking you anything,” Sojiro said. “I’m asking The Phantom Thieves to deal with a person causing needless strife.”
Ren took the paper. She looked it over, nodded, and said “Gotcha.” She yawned. “I should get some sleep too.” She headed upstairs. “Goodnight Sojiro!”
“Goodnight Ren!” Sojiro replied. Ren finished getting up the stairs while Sojiro closed for the night.
0 notes
jungkxook · 4 years
—hot boy bummer. (m)
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⟶ pairing: jungkook x reader 
⟶ genre: fuckboy!jungkook / friends with benefits / friends to lovers + smut  
⟶ words: 14,633
⟶ rating: 18+ 
⟶ summary: when jungkook offers you a proposition of just sex, no strings attached, how can you possibly say no? after all, what are best friends for?
⟶ warnings: kind of a crack fic, sprinkle of angst, way too casual conversations mid-sex, jealous jungkook, slight himbo jungkook tbh (he’s kind of a sweet loveable idiot), he also has a big dick oops, man bun and blonde jungkook to feed my fantasies!, multiple smut scenes!!!, missionary, dry humping, oral sex (m receiving), face fucking, unprotected sex, slight degradation (mostly jungkook hating himself), brief name calling, light choking, sort of praise kink
⟶ note: this was inspired by a number of things but mainly do me by kim petras being on jungkook’s spotify playlist, this tiktok sound, and this tumblr post lol also big thank you to @bratkook​ and @onherwings​ for letting me ramble on about this fic and reigniting my inspo for it 💛
( p.s. i tried to proofread this but if y’all see any typos no u didn’t, thank u <3 )
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Being friends with Jungkook meant a myriad of things but mainly that there were hardly ever any boundaries that stood between you and him.
Having known him for most of your life, it was just a quintessential part of yours and his relationship with one another. From high school parties where you drunkenly spewed on his shoes and in his dad’s car after he tried lugging you home (and taking the fall all himself for your sake) to letting him lose his virginity in your bed to some girl you didn’t know because your parents were out of town and his would crucify him on the spot if they had found out; or him discovering your stash of vibrators in your dorm one day, or seeing each other naked more often than was probably necessary, there was nothing that either of you could do that would phase the other at this point even when it maybe, probably, definitely should.
College, and Jungkook’s sudden six pack of hard rock abs, only seemed to amplify the chaos of your friendship. If you’re being honest, the abs are sort of a plus ━ but they brought an air of fuckboy to him that is undeniably there even if he tries to deny it sometimes. You suppose it isn’t all his fault. Jungkook has always been bold and brash, attractively charming. Considering he’s seemingly made it his mission to sleep with every girl on campus before he graduates (undisclosed, if you’re being honest, because he’s never outwardly admitted it but you have a hunch), his confidence somehow hasn’t failed him yet.
But then there’s one night in which you think to yourself briefly: this surely must draw some sort of line.
“What if we, like, had sex?”
Jungkook says this a little too casually from beside you. He’s sat on the couch in his dorm, scrolling aimlessly on his phone, and you’re sprawled out on the remaining space, feet kicked up in his lap. You’re positive he’s drunk but, then again, so are you. The remnant shot glasses of soju you had both started the night with (though you think Jungkook’s had half the bottle himself), and your second glass of wine, are all evidence of that. You’re so absorbed by some anime Jungkook had been watching upon your arrival and refused to change that you almost don’t hear what he says. Almost. You do, however, nearly choke on the gummy bear you’ve just tossed into your mouth.
After a sudden hysterical fit of coughs, you manage to sputter, “Excuse me?”
“Like, hypothetically speaking.” He hardly budges when you turn to gawk at him, as if he’s asking you something as casual as what to eat for dinner or if you could pass him the T.V. remote. “Except, not really hypothetically.”
“You’re joking, right?” You scoff.
Jungkook blinks. “No. Why would I be joking?”
You blink. The longer you stare at him, the quicker you’re able to discern that there’s some sort of earnesty in his words and it slightly concerns you. Suddenly, you’re warm in the face. To distract from that painfully obvious fact, an incredulous laugh bubbles at your lips and you kick one of your feet at his thighs. “Very funny, Koo. Can we change the show now if you’re not even watching it?”
“I’m not joking, Y/N.” The severity in his tone makes you sit up at once. When you turn to look at him, he flashes you a taunting smirk, though the devious sparkle in his eyes lets you know this seems to be anything but a joke to him. “I’m sure you’ve thought of me naked before.”
“You’re such a fucking idiot━” Okay, so maybe you have thought of him naked before but how is it your fault when you literally have seen him naked before, and he’s so unabashed around you? “Should I bring you to a hospital to get your head checked, or━?”
“Just hear me out━” Now, he pushes himself to the edge of the sofa. “Why are you here right now?”
“In life? Because I honestly have no clue━”
“No, I meant here. Getting drunk in my apartment on a Friday night instead of getting railed.”
“Okay, I didn’t ask to get called out like that,” You grumble stiffly. “And because you’re my best friend, and I like spending time with you.” It’s not entirely a lie, because you would much rather spend time with Jungkook than anyone else. But when you feel his eyes boring into you in a look of scrutiny, your lips form into a pout which you try to hide by puckering them. “Also because boys are stupid and Hoseok’s blind date stood me up. Again.”
The events from hours earlier resurface in your memory, in which you had spent all evening making yourself look pretty for a boy you had only talked to through text that your roommate had introduced you to, only to arrive to the restaurant you were supposed to be meeting at and waiting there for half an hour by yourself before the boy had sent you a message saying something along the lines of “something came up, hope we can reschedule,” filing it under one of the lamest excuses you’ve ever heard because it hardly even borders on a valid excuse. It’s what had ultimately made you storm into Jungkook’s apartment an hour ago, exclaiming aloud as a greeting with a simple yet scarily cheerful I hate men! because Jungkook knows all about your plights with finding a significant other (or even just someone decent enough to open your legs to), usually lamenting men’s inability to have any emotions. Even the ones who you think are respectable enough, who say they’re fine not having sex on the first date, usually tend to flee right after you finally let them in because sex, as you come to find, seems to be all that men care about.
Admittedly, Jungkook is not any different.
“But it’s not like you’re any better.”
This seems to personally offend Jungkook. He looks at you cynically. “Me?”
“Tell me why you’re here with me on a Friday night when you’re literally one of the hottest guys on campus,” You point out. “You can get any girl, and yet you somehow manage to ruin it every single time. Like with Eunha.”
Jungkook winces. The poor Eunha in question is a pretty girl from your chem class, whomst Jungkook had somehow managed to charm. From what you know, they had hooked up a handful of times before that fateful night in which Jungkook had abruptly broken things off with her. If you’re being honest, he’s not a total monster. The only thing that seems to scare him away is when a girl asks to cuddle him in the morning or talks about the prospective future together. He doesn’t want to hurt them, he told you once before, and finds it much easier to nip any potential relationship in the bud before it can get too far, too out of control.
“We literally only slept together three times anyway and we never went out,” Jungkook points out. “What’s the big deal?”
A roll of your eyes doesn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook. “Yeah, it’s not her fault you’re scared of commitment.”
“Nu’uh,” The boy sulks. “I’m only scared of realistic things, like microwaves.”
A snort bubbles at your lips, and it’s frustrating how adorable he finds the simple action. Rather than entertain the thought of his irrational fear of kitchen appliances (because you’ve heard it all before, and you still can’t find where he was incited with the terror of an exploding microwave), you sit up.
“Jungkook, I don’t even like you like that.”
“I don’t like you like that either. That’s why it’s so perfect!” Jungkook says brightly. “Look, we know each other better than anyone else ever could. We’re already comfortable with each other. We don’t have to go through all that boring small talk. All I’m saying is we could give it a try. No relationship, no emotions, just sex.”
You consider the thought for a moment, weigh the pros and cons in your head.
The cons? He’s your best friend.
The pros? He’s your best friend, and he’s hot.
Truthfully, your slightly buzzed mind can find very little to dissuade you away from the inviting proposition and maybe that’s why you begin to entertain the idea. And, sure, you had just complained profusely about how men sometimes only used you for sex, but it’s not like you don’t have needs too. You just don’t have the gusto in you anymore to spend days on a boy who will only just leave you the moment you let him have sex with you. At least with Jungkook, he’s already offering you a blatant deal of sex only and you know you won’t have to worry about him breaking your heart; and he doesn’t have to worry about the dreaded dreamy post-sex cuddle talk of a future family and babies and a white picket-fence home. It’s a win-win for the both of you, really. Or maybe you’re just telling yourself that.
“How would we even start?” You ask finally. “I mean… Do you even find me attractive enough in that way?”
“Yeah.” Jungkook hardly bats a lash. He meets your stare, licks slowly at his lower lip. When he sees the cross look of disbelief scrunching at your face, he hastens to respond. “I’m not blind. You’re fucking drop dead gorgeous, Y/N.”
“But physically attractive? I’m no hot girl Eunha.”
“If I wanted Eunha, I’d be between her legs right now. Y/N, of course I think you’re attractive.” A gentle sliver of a smile dances upon his lips. He leans his head on the back of the couch, eyes fluttering over your appearance shortly. “I’ve always liked your lips, and your eyes. Think they’re beautiful.”
Suddenly, you’re flustered again. The room feels as if it’s getting increasingly warmer, yet you seem to want to bask in the feeling and attention a little longer. “That’s too sentimental.”
“It’s true though.”
“Well, you’re lucky I’ve always had a thing for idiots,” You jest playfully. “Jerks, too. Playboys who are too hot for their own good.”
“Ah, and I love it when you talk dirty to me.” A cheeky grin tugs at his lips as he clutches at his heart over his chest. “It’s a good thing I like it a little too much, knowing you’ll always keep me in check.”
But then the mirth seems to fade from your mind long enough for you to hum aloud pensively, “And I’ve always liked your eyes. I’ve never seen such big eyes before. Sometimes, if I look long enough, it’s like I can see the stars in them.”
As you’re speaking about them, his irises glisten magnificently. He bites at his lip now, as if to hide the way his soft smile turns sheepish. “I like your bum.”
“Really? I always worry it’s too flat.”
“Are you kidding? Your ass is a fucking god-send. It’s hard not to stare when you wear leggings sometimes,” Jungkook admits, earning a small giggle from you. “And I like your boobs. I’ve always wondered…” He trails off abruptly, shaking his head. He shoots you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop. I’m being an idiot, aren’t I?”
“Well, maybe I don’t want you to stop.”
Silence saturates the room now, settling comfortably between the two of you. He wonders what you’re thinking, and you wonder if he can hear your heart hammering against your chest. Perhaps on any other day when you were of sound mind, you could find a plethora of reasons as to why sleeping with your best friend was a terrible idea. But being that you were slightly tipsy, and Jungkook isn’t far off, you can find not one fault, except for maybe how tragically hot Jungkook looks sitting across from you and how he’s never been yours, at least in that way. Would it be so wrong to try just once?
You shift then, pushing yourself to your knees if only so you can worm your way towards him before swinging one leg over his. You settle back on his lap, hands gripping his shoulders. He can feel your core press against the inside of his thigh, just where his dick is nestled and he has to bite back a moan. His eyes are wider than usual, as if believing the moment to be surreal, though something sultry threatens to darken them.
The excitement crackles through your veins like electricity. You’ve never been in such a compromising position with Jungkook before, and you wonder if it should be concerning just how much you’re enjoying it. It almost feels as if time slows down, every second dragging on, yet he can’t look away. His hands come to tug at your hoodie (that he’s almost positive was his once upon a time before you nicked it from his closet) and you meet him part way, replacing his efforts as you pull it up and off your body. Then, you’re sitting back on his lap in your full nude glory, chest bare and right in his face. He eyes the swell of your breasts, the perk of your nipples. Of course you’re not wearing anything beneath your hoodie ━ and, god, he loves it.
“Touch me?”
Your voice comes to him in an almost dream. You reach for his hand then, your palm soft around his knuckles and the tattoos that ink his skin. It’s the same hand of which he wears the other half to your pair of friendship bracelets in one of his favourite colours of red, decorated with little pink hearts. It came in a matching set of two (yours in your own favourite colour, currently on the wrist of the hand you’re using to guide Jungkook’s), cute little macrame braid ones with hearts woven into the design that you had pointed out one day while you were both at the mall and he had bought without any hesitation mostly as a joke but resulted in both of you wearing them on a daily basis.
Now, all he can do is continue watching you with bated breath as you guide his hand right where you both want him. He comes to cup the underside of one of your breasts, your hand over his pressing his fingers tighter together until you can feel some sort of pleasant pressure. And, just like that, something feral and needy seems to snap within him. His hand slithers from your grasp if only so he can flick his thumb across your nipple, mesmerized by the softness of it. He’s only ever seen you naked once before and it was fleeting. You were both drunk, skinny dipping in a lake with a handful of other friends, but it had been too dark to notice much else. But now? Now, he can see all of you and the sight strikes a chord right down to his dick.
“You’re fucking beautiful,” Jungkook groans.
“Koo.” The cute little nickname you had given him sounds dirty now as it slips from your lips in a moan. “Too sentimental.”
But Jungkook isn’t listening because you really, really, really are so beautiful. He bows his head to your chest, catching one of your nipples in his mouth. He murmurs something against your chest that sounds akin to, “We can take things slow.”
“Slow…” Your head is spinning, but it’s a delightful sensation. Something hard pokes against your ass now, and the adrenaline only seems to build within you. It’s odd how everything feels so foreign ━ exploring his body and these newfound feelings like the uncharted territory it is ━ yet secure and safe at the same time. As if you know what to do next, where to touch next, how to move, your bodies almost fitting together like pieces to a puzzle. “Y-Yeah, I like that. Can I move?”
“Fuck, yes, please,” he growls. He’s much too busy nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin on your chest, teeth tugging at your nipple.
You hurry to obey, giving a small experimental swivel of your hips that almost immediately has the both of your inhaling a sharp breath of air. His dick strains against his sweatpants, the material doing very little in protecting him against you. Your core throbs as you rub yourself on him.
“Like this?” You rasp.
“Yeah, just like that.” Jungkook’s head rolls back onto the couch, his eyes squeezing shut and his blonde hair spilling into his eyes. He clenches his jaw, the nerves fluttering in the corner, as pure euphoria riddles his features. You don’t think you’ve ever seen anything so sexy. “Fuck, we probably shouldn’t be doing this.”
“Yeah,” You agree, breathless. “Do you wanna stop?”
“No. Do you?”
“Thank god.” The sigh of relief that emits from Jungkook startles even him but, in the heat of the moment, he doesn’t register how any of this could be a mistake. “Ah, shit━ Faster━”
“Mmm, Koo━” You whimper as you quicken your pace, the vulgar harbored thought of his dick in you thrilling you to no end.
“Fuuck, I’ve never heard you sound like this before. So needy, so desperate,” Jungkook grunts, his fingers digging into your hips. And it’s all because of him, the way you’re feeling. He’s never wanted to hurry to please you faster, itching to tear you apart if he’ll get to hear those noises from you again and again. “I━”
He’s gonna cum, and he’s not even in your pussy. What’s gotten into him?  
He presses you a little harsher against his dick, sitting up straighter so that his chest is pressed flush against yours. He leans forward, lips chasing after yours, before you pull back just enough sluggishly to press your finger to his mouth.
“Uh uh. No kissing,” You rasp.
The words process in Jungkook’s head, but the weight of them don’t seem to linger in his daze. He’s far too overwhelmed by you and the way you’re making him feel to even begin to try to decipher why you avoid his mouth and so, for now, he doesn’t care. Instead, he buries his face in the crook of your neck, nose nuzzling against your throat. You clutch at his hair, tugging at the roots tight enough for him to moan.
“Nnngh, Jungkook━” You whine. “I’m gonna━ Oh, fuck, Koo━”
And then you’re unravelling, right in his very arms. He holds you close as you tremble and shake, rutting your hips sloppily against his to ride out your high, and Jungkook thinks he can definitely get used to this. The familiar burn forms in his stomach and, without even thinking of it, he comes in the confinements of his pants.
But in the heat of the moment, he doesn’t notice quite a lot of things. Neither do you.
So, maybe you could both find a hundred and one reasons why having sex with your best friend would surely cross some lines, but the thing with you and Jungkook (and what would eventually blossom into a hubristic relationship of sorts) is that it wasn’t just sex. You would always be comfortable around him, as he would be with you. And nothing could ever possibly get weird between the two of you ━ not when you had both made a promise to each other that it wouldn’t get in the way of your friendship.
Because ━ while, yeah, he’s hot and suffers from fuckboy tendencies from time-to-time and, aside from random late night hookups ━ he was still the same boy that would drag you out at three in the morning to drive to the next city over for a bowl of ramen, who would marathon shows as long as One Piece or Game of Thrones with you, watching as much as you can in one all-nighter; who would come to your dorm, no matter the time of day, the moment you said you were sick or suffering from cramps, piled high with your favourite snacks; who shared a repertoire of silly inside jokes with you that never made any sense to anyone but the both of you; who insisted you both wear friendship bracelets even in college. He would always be an angel to you, treat you well, because you meant that much to him.
A small thought in the back of Jungkook’s head wonders, above all else, if you were anyone different, would he have even bothered suggesting such a ludicrous idea, drunk or not?
Because he’s positive no one else could make him cum in his pants like a horny prepubescent teen ━ no one except for you.
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“If we’re really gonna do this, we need to set some ground rules.”
Admittedly, neither you nor Jungkook knew what would happen after Jungkook’s proposition to you. Maybe you were expecting the two of you to pretend as if nothing had ever happened, or laugh it off as something so inconsequential that neither of you should bother worrying about it. Instead, the very next day, you find that you’re back in Jungkook’s dorm. Only this time, you’re in his bed, and he spent the past half hour sufficiently eating you out.
Now, you’ve had an epiphany in the form of Jungkook’s dick, and that is that it’s big.
You’ve seen it before on occasion ━ like when he streaked nude across campus as a dare or when he needed to use your shower because his apartment was under maintenance and he walked out on you in the living room ━ but this is clearly a very different circumstance. All red, swollen, angry tip wet and glistening with precum. You had to brace yourself as he pushed himself into you, cautiously and slowly, enjoying the way you stretch to fit around him. If you had a drunken excuse the night before for loving the thought of getting off with Jungkook, then you surely don’t have one now. It’s a shameless guilty pleasure, you think, that he’s at least indulging in.
“Rules,” Jungkook scoffs now. “You’re such a nerd. Fuck, you feel so fucking good━ You doing okay?”
More than. Your head lolls back against his pillow, eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head. “Mhm.”
“Want a minute?”
Jungkook pauses without any hesitation, gnawing on his lower lip as your walls clench around him so tightly he feels he might fall apart then and there. His hands are on your hips, thumbs rubbing comforting circles against your burning skin. A few deep breaths later and you’re probing Jungkook to move again. His hips rut into yours at a leisure pace, and he marvels for a moment at the way his dick disappears into your pussy, slick and wet with your own arousal. The thought of being in you ━ of finally feeling your walls wrapped around him, all wet and snug ━ is enough to make him bust then and there, but he refrains miraculously.
“Holy fuck,” You groan. “Why are you so big━”
Your voice cuts off into a delightful whimper, walls aching around him. Jungkook snorts, burrowing his face in the crook of your neck. “Nothing sexier than hearing you stroke my ego.”
“Don’t let it get to your already big head,” You retort sluggishly.
“Big head!” he grumbles against your throat, lips brushing faintly against your skin and sending shivers down your spine. “Insult me some more. You know how it gets me going.”
“Oh my god, shut up. Where were we?”
“Right,” You breathe in a sharp inhale of air as he grinds against your hips. “And rule number one is no kissing. That’s way too intimate.”
Jungkook quirks a brow. “How is kissing more intimate than having my dick in you?”
“It just is.” You refuse to tell him the truth. You poke your fingers at his sides, causing him to jerk against you. “Don’t question it.”
“Fine. Then no sentimental shit in general, like cuddling or pet names,” Jungkook retorts. “And no public displays of affection.”
“Okay,” You nod. “Fuck, Jungkook━”
“God, I love hearing you moan my name,” Jungkook grunts. He watches with fascination the way your face reacts at his every movement. “Too much?”
“No. Kinda hot,” You admit. An abrupt thought pops into your head that has you murmuring hazily, “Oh, and you can’t have sex with me to your sex playlist.”
Jungkook looks appalled. The sex playlist in question is one you’ve heard briefly before, if only because you’ve walked in on Jungkook and his flavour of the month a handful of times one too many times.
“So you’re telling me you don’t want to have the best orgasm of your life to The Weeknd or the Neighbourhood? WAP?” Jungkook asks, wriggling his brows suggestively. “Alanis Morissette?” You have less than half a second to register the 90s pop singer as out of place before Jungkook breaks out into song with a brief rendition of Head over Feet. “You’re my best friend, best friend with benefits━!”
Part of you knows he’s joking, but there’s still a small sliver of you that makes you gawk at him dubiously before dissolving into a fit of unabashed laughter. It rumbles against his chest, vibrates his dick in you. “You’re not serious, are you? That’s not actually in your sex playlist, is it?”
He flashes you a shit-eating grin. “Guess you’ll never know now.”
Another roll of your eyes makes him snicker. He’s gotten used to your snide remarks, but he’ll gladly keep suffering under them if he gets to wipe that taunting smirk off your face each time with the way his dick makes you feel. You cling a little tighter to his shoulders and muse aloud, “So that’s it then?”
“Yeah━” Jungkook knows you’re referring to the rules and your plan, although it’s getting harder to focus on talking as he continues to grind against you. “And nothing has to change between us, even if we stop. We’re still just two best friends.”
“Who have sex from time to time.”
He can’t help himself. He tries again. “Who might kiss.”
“Nope.” You’re smiling even despite the way you shoot him an aggravated stare first.
“We might?”
“No, we definitely won’t.”
Worth a shot, he thinks to himself. At least you really do always keep him in check.
After all, what are best friends for?
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So, maybe a part of you thought the shift in your relationship with Jungkook wouldn’t last very long. A week at most, and maybe Hoseok would find you another pointless let down of a blind date to go on and Jungkook would get horny for some other girl ━ but it’s certainly been more than a week now, and you’ve had sex with him more than two times.
A third, and a fourth, if you’re being blatantly honest, and maybe a few more times after that but you don’t really remember what count you’re both on now which should probably be concerning. Days elapse into days, which turn to weeks, then months. Morning, afternoon, and night.
It’s not as if you hadn’t already spent almost every waking moment with Jungkook but now you had a reason to be at his apartment at any and all hours of the day and not solely for movie watching marathons. You’re positive he’s still having his occasional random flings, though you’re fortunate his commitment issues at least force him to go to their homes rather than his for the most part, so you never really have to witness half-naked girls stumbling out of his apartment just as you’re wandering in. He says it has something to do with how his bedroom is his sacred space, though you think it’s more like he wouldn’t want his hook ups discovering his Overwatch figurines or something (because, before Jungkook’s proposition, you’ve walked in on him once and a girl when they were entangled on the couch in his living room).
But you’ve noticed lately you’re getting too comfortable with your arrangement with Jungkook; too comfortable knowing he’ll be there at the end of a long day to greet you, to please you until you’re crying out his name. Sometimes he tells you about the girls he’s texting, or shows you a picture from a hot girl’s Instagram whose D.M.s he’s just slid into. And sometimes you’re left wondering how often he comes straight to you after hooking up with a random girl.
It shouldn’t matter to you, and you swear that it doesn’t.
Maybe you’re just overthinking things. Hoseok certainly seems to think so, but his judgement wasn’t much to go by.
Because, lately, Hoseok has been encouraging you more and more to give Yukhei (the blind date Hoseok had initially set you up with when you found yourself at Jungkook’s) another chance for two reasons: 1) “Yukhei’s a nice boy,” he had cheerfully reminded you, “he’ll treat you well,” and 2) “Stop fucking your best friend. It’s morally wrong.”
There were many things wrong with his statement, from the fact that you didn’t exactly consider standing up a date as “nice” and that you were also still begrudgingly lamenting the way Hoseok had discovered your recent fling with Jungkook (although, you weren’t being very inconspicuous, having shower sex with Jungkook early one morning when you were certain Hoseok would be spending the day at his fiance’s home instead of yours).
But then you meet Yukhei and you realize that, oh crap, he’s cute. And he’s nice.
As it turns out, after bumping into him one day when you’re with Hoseok lounging on the quad of your campus and he comes bounding over to return a textbook Hoseok had lent him for a specific class, Yukhei is so easily charming. He also gives a pretty valid excuse for flaking on your date, proving that he had to present his dissertation, making you clearly aware that he’s cute, nice, and smart. Jungkook, on the other hand, doesn’t see the appeal, yet his curiosity and intrigue seems to get the best of him.
“So that was your blind date?” Jungkook asks after grabbing your attention on the quad and stealing you away from Hoseok and Yukhei. “Yukhei?”
“You know him?”
“Seen him around,” Jungkook shrugs nonchalantly. “I’ve never really talked to him. But him? You’re not telling me you’re actually interested in him, are you?”
“I don’t know. Maybe,” You’re truly just as clueless about your feelings towards Yukhei as Jungkook seems to be. “What’s so wrong about him?”
“He’s━” Jungkook stops. He shakes his head. “Heard he’s got a small dick anyway.”
You shoot the boy a wary look, only to find him grinning deviously at himself. “Maybe he just wants to be friends.”
At this, Jungkook lets out a scoffing sound that borders on disbelieving laughter. “No, I definitely think he wants to have sex with you in his Toyota Camry, Y/N, but what do I know?”
“You’re not jealous, are you?”
“No, why would I be jealous?”
You can’t quite tell if he’s angry or not but, then again, why would he be? As far as either of you are concerned, there’s nothing to be jealous of.
So then why does it feel like he’s simply just telling himself that?
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“Are you seriously on your phone right now?”
Jungkook asks this from somewhere behind you a handful of days later, a little peeved but most likely because your jarring 8:00 a.m. alarm had roused the both of you violently awake. In his defense, Jungkook is not a morning person.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You’re currently sprawled out on your hands and knees on his bed, phone still in your grasp after having plucked it off the nightstand in haste. Your clothes are scattered across the floor of his room, remnant clues of the night before when he had beckoned you over after hours, and your body is covered in nothing but hickeys and an unbuttoned blue flannel belonging to Jungkook that you had chucked on last night that does nothing in covering up the swell of your breasts which Jungkook is now currently eyeing. “Am I not giving you enough attention? Were you expecting cuddles or something? Thought that wasn’t in the rules.”
“No,” Jungkook huffs. He runs a hand through his long messy hair in an attempt to fix it; he ultimately gives up taming his locks, instead using the hair tie around his wrist to tie his hair back into a cute yet sexy little ponytail. As he does so, you notice the red friendship bracelet around his wrist and smile smally. “But my dick could use some cuddles. Preferably with your mouth, but it will also gladly accept your hand.”
Jungkook may not be a morning person but, as you’ve come to realize, his dick certainly is.
It’s painfully obvious too, his hardened length straining against the gray sweatpants he had thrown on at some point. And, god, did he have to wear those? It left little to the imagination, the outline of his length teasing you just enough.
“I should get going,” You say. “I have a test coming up. There’s supposed to be a review session today in class, and I don’t want to miss it.”
“Well, you don’t seem like you’re in a rush since you’re still on your phone,” Jungkook points out. “Who are you texting anyway? Yukhei?”
“Anger is an emotion,” You rebuke casually. “So is jealousy.”
Jungkook feigns a look of mock hurt. “I’m not angry or jealous! I’m needy.”
Still, Jungkook reaches out to swiftly pluck your phone from your hands.
He’s pressed up against your back in an instant, his dick hard against your ass, and he doesn’t move very far even when you twist in your spot in an attempt to grab your phone back. You don’t, and instead you end up on your back with him on his side, propped up on his elbow. You miss when he casts a swift gaze down at your phone, only to see that Yukhei’s chat messages are indeed open, and something seems to gnaw terribly at his gut before he tosses your phone to the side. He’s looking at you now with those big beautiful eyes of his, and you hate it.
“Please?” he beckons. He ruts his hips impatiently but slowly against your leg. He drops his head to bury his face in the crook of your neck, lips dangerously close to brushing against your flesh but he refrains somehow. “M’so hard right now, could probably bust the moment you touch me.”
The thought is tempting, having a helpless Jungkook cumming in your hands. The sight alone has quickly become your favourite thing, helping the frustrated boy get off. Besides, you’re certain you could ask Hoseok for the review notes.
Fuck it, you cave.
You fidget until you’ve pressed him back against the bed and have clambered on top of him, wiggling your way down to fit between his legs. Jungkook is watching you now with a half-asleep expression, though his teeth sink into his lower lip as you pull at his sweatpants until they’re down at his thighs, letting his swollen dick spring free.
“You know━” You hum. You reach out to grab at the base of his cock. “Yukhei wants to hang out, and Hoseok keeps telling me to give it a shot.”
That much is true. Part of you wants to say yes, if only because Yukhei seems promising enough, but the thought alone is enough for you to feel as if you’ve done something horribly wrong to Jungkook.
“Oh.” The word eclipses Jungkook’s mouth in a shallow breath of air. Then, your mouth wraps around the puffy head of his dick, shining with leaking precum that you swallow back, and Jungkook’s reaction is immediate. Head thrown back, face scrunching together, muscles in his toned abdomen flexing as he seizes and grunts aloud. “Oh, fuck━ Well… Are you gonna?”
Jungkook asks the last question with much difficulty, and a part of him thinks it doesn’t all have to do with how you’re making him feel.
“Dunno.” You snort around his dick, and he marvels at how adorable such a lewd action can seem.
You decide to focus on sucking him off because it truly is a sexy sight to see, letting the topic of Yukhei drop. Jungkook certainly doesn’t mind. As you swirl your tongue around his tip and reach up with your free hand to fondle at his balls, his long hair falls into his lashes but he still tries to find you past his wild locks, hooded eyes gazing down at you.  
“Ah, shit━” Jungkook hisses delightfully, hips jerking forward instinctively into your mouth. The faintest hints of a drowsy smirk tug at his lips. “Fuck, yes, just like that.”
Yeah, you think to yourself then, you’re definitely going to ride him later. Screw going to class.
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From: Jungkook Sent: 1:05 a.m.
bro i noticed u werent wearing our friendship bracelet while u were giving me head earlier. is everything ok??
You wake in the morning to a single text from Jungkook ━ and one you had not been expecting.
That’s not to say that getting the occasional text message from Jungkook at any and all hours of the day was abnormal, but the extent of his messages sent anywhere past midnight usually always range from something more coherent in the form of “what would u do if i was there rn?” to something exuding typical lazy Jungkook manner with a simple “dtf?” or “send noods lol” to something even more provocatively cryptic such as the eggplant and splashing water (or, as far as Jungkook is concerned, something else entirely) emojis and nothing else, left open for your own interpretation that typically, usually, without a doubt, results in you in his bed and his dick in you. But this seems to be something else entirely.
Unfortunately, Jungkook’s text isn’t the only concern of yours.
Hoseok has spent the better part of the morning giving you a lecture on why having sex with your best friend is bad. He seems so passionate about the topic that you’re certain he would have pulled out a powerpoint at any moment, each slide ending in a picture of Yukhei and why you should maybe try fucking him instead, if you entertained the idea a little longer. Hoseok claims it’s just a harmless date. Yukhei might be a nice boy, but you don’t know how you feel about him. You don’t want to lead him on, and a scary thought points out the fact that maybe, while Yukhei is a nice boy, he isn’t Jungkook.
“I don’t get why you don’t just give Yukhei a chance━” Hoseok is saying now, sat on the couch in your shared apartment with him. “It’s not like you have to marry him. I don’t think one date will hurt━ Aaand, you’re not even listening to me anymore, are you?”
The sheepish look on your face is enough of an answer for him. You’ve been anxiously eyeing your phone and the text Jungkook had sent you last that you’ve yet to respond to, even despite being awake for more than a few hours now.
“Yes, I am listening,” You say dismissively. “Something about how one date won’t hurt, but that’s what you said when Yoongi asked you out, and you’re literally engaged now.”
The glistening metallic ring on Hoseok’s finger is evidence enough. The boy looks down at it as if seeing it for the first time, purses his lips, and then nods in agreement. “Okay, yeah, maybe you’re right. But you’re holding out for Jungkook and for what? He’s hot, yeah, and he’s your best friend, sure, but at the end of the day he’s still just a horny male who wants to stick his dick in anything that moves.”
“Hoseok.” Your grumbling sigh is interrupted by the motion of your phone vibrating against your thigh once more. You peek at the screen fleetingly to see a new text.
From: Jungkook Sent: 2:35 p.m.
send n00ds?
miss ur tits :(
Typical Jungkook.
The text from the night before is all but seemingly forgotten from his mind, and you can’t quite tell if you’re devastated or relieved. You don’t have very long to discern which emotion you’re feeling when Hoseok snatches your phone to look at what’s gotten your attention before exclaiming suddenly, “Aha! See! What did I say?”
“It’s not like that,” You wave Hoseok off. “Jungkook treats me well. He respects me, and I’m comfortable with him.”
“And how long until whatever this is━” He gestures vaguely to your phone as if to point out your relationship with Jungkook, “has to end? Do you really think a pinky promise is going to make sure your friendship with him isn’t totally ruined? I mean, how can you continue being casual friends with someone, see them dating someone else, when they’ve had their dick in you?”
You know it makes sense. Realistically, you either stop sleeping with each other or it potentially develops into something more. But in both circumstances, what were the chances that either of you didn’t get your heart broken? Maybe a part of you was apprehensive of Jungkook finding the “right” person for him one day that has him ending things with you, and while you swear you’d be happy for him, relationships sometimes have a way of distracting people from those already around them. Were you prepared to have someone take him away from you, platonically and whatever it is else that you have with him? Did you really think you could just keep being friends with him, as if nothing ever occurred between you two?
You don’t think Jungkook is bothered worrying about the state of your friendship with him, much less overthinking it like you seem to be. It shouldn’t be a big deal ━ yet why was there still that terrible nagging voice in the back of your mind? Whether or not Hoseok is right, you don’t want to find out. You don’t have feelings for Jungkook anyway.
But your ability to bend at his every will is certainly interesting.
You grab your phone before Hoseok can do any serious damage like unlocking it and responding to Jungkook, clutching it to your chest as you start to cross the living room. The other boy looks at you in bewilderment. “Where are you going now?”
“Where does it look?” You call over your shoulder just before you disappear into the bathroom, and Hoseok deduces all at once that you’re truly a lost cause. “I need to send him a picture of my boobs.”
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“He’s totally into you, Y/N.”
Admittedly, there were many mundane but essentially weird things you’ve talked to Jungkook about while having sex. You’ve had many heated debates about everything under the sun from whether or not pineapple on pizza should be illegal to top five betrayals in either movies or animes, to passionate grand philosophical discussions about what exists outside of the universe.
It’s not as if you had been planning on talking about Yukhei to Jungkook when he had invited you over to his apartment late at night after sending your risqué boob picture to him but, like many things in your friendship with Jungkook, it sort of just happened. He had asked you how your day was and you had decided to broach the topic experimentally, though you think deep down you’re doing it on purpose to see if he’d react in any way. What started with you mentioning Hoseok’s adamance and you sort of genuinely asking Jungkook for advice on Yukhei somehow evolved into Jungkook interrogating you on whether or not you’ve hung out with him yet.
“Jungkook. You’re getting off topic,” You admonish him now, as if your own choice of topic is any better when his dick is currently in you.
Jungkook is wedged between your thighs smushed up against your chest, large palms holding you on your ribcage in place beneath him. He’s a comfortable heavy draped over top of you, cock stretching you wide. You can feel his heart hammering against yours and he’s slick with sweat, golden hair clinging to his forehead and in his pretty eyes. You resist the urge to reach out and brush the messy locks away but, again, how would that be any less intimate of an action than what you’re already doing? Another line uncrossed, you suppose.
“How am I off topic?” Jungkook retorts. “You literally just said you can’t tell if he’s into you but he dropped by when you were done class and bought you lunch. You don’t just do that for a girl you don’t care that much about.”
“You buy me lunch, like, every day,” You point out.
“Because you’re my best friend. Of course I care about you,” Jungkook says.
“Ah, Jungkook━” You curse suddenly, grabbing his attention when you shift your weight beneath him. “You’re crushing me. Why’d you stop moving?”
He doesn’t have an answer, if only because he hadn’t even realized he’d stop moving in the first place. Without hesitation, he continues leisurely rutting his hips against yours, grabbing at one of your legs to hook it around his waist. This new angle lets you feel even more of him as he sinks further into you, if that was even still possible, reaching so far into you that you swear it’s like you can feel him in your stomach. Your head lolls back against the pillows, pure euphoria contorting your face so much so to the point that it distracts you entirely from the distant look glazing over Jungkook’s eyes.
“Yukhei definitely wants to bang,” he huffs under his breath.
At once, an exasperated groan fills his ears.
“I can’t believe we’re seriously having this conversation right now,” You roll your eyes, fingers prodding at his sides. “I don’t wanna talk about Yukhei potentially wanting to have sex with me.”
Jungkook’s glad you said it, at least. Though now he’s watching you with hooded eyes as he thrusts into you a little harder, maybe a little intentionally. His indulgent gaze droops to your breasts, admiring the way they bounce beneath him each time his hips make contact with yours. He thinks back earlier in the day to the picture you had sent him which, really, had sparked the mood for the rest of the night.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he whines abruptly. His eyes screw shut and brows furrow together as your walls clench around him. He drops his head to bury his face in your chest, lips momentarily wrapping around one of your nipples as he sucks harshly at the soft flesh. When he speaks next, forehead still resting against your collarbones, his voice is a breathless croak, “Well, do you like him?”
“No,” You moan. “Maybe━ Fuck, Koo━ I don’t know.”
“He’s gonna be at that party Tae’s throwing, isn’t he?” Jungkook tries to focus, but it’s becoming increasingly harder to do so when he’s inching closer and closer to his high. “Shit, ah, Y/N━ Why don’t you try talking to him or something? See how the night goes?”
“He’s nice but I don’t think he’s the one for me,” You admit sheepishly. “I think I’m just gonna end things while I still can, with as little harm as possible.”
“Well, glad that’s settled,” Jungkook mumbles. “Can we please stop talking about Yukhei now?”
You seem to miss the way he clings to you a little tighter, hands flying down to grip at your hips, nails digging crescent moon shapes into your skin. He snaps his hips into yours a little faster this time, your pussy throbbing around him.
“Nngh, Jungkook━”
Your hands fumble to grip at his hair, tugging tightly at the roots and earning a delightful hiss from the boy. Your own mouth drops open in a silent moan and it’s a wonder he doesn’t combust at just how sexy the sight is. He hates how his eyes stay trained on the shape of your lips, the soft plumpness of them. He’s felt them wrapped around his dick plenty of times before but he concedes that it’s probably hardly anywhere near to how it would feel to kiss you. Like actually kiss you, tongue and all.
God, what’d he give just to smother your lips with his.
And, god, he hopes you never find out. He’s positive that thought is far more scandalous alone than anything you’ve ever done together.
You’re writhing beneath him now, hips jutting forward desperately to meet his. “I’m gonna cum, Jungkook━”
“Fuck, yes,” Jungkook growls. “Wanna feel you cream around my cock so bad. Come on, baby━”
In the heat of the moment, you seem to miss the pet name that slurs off his tongue and the sentiment in it. A few more jolting slams of his hips and you’re tumbling over the edge. He has to sputter for air when he feels your pussy wrapping so tightly around him, stuttering in his pace above you if only to watch as you unravel beneath him. Hooded dark eyes glazed over in that perfect fucked out expression he loves so much, teeth biting at your lower lip so hard he wonders if it’ll bruise in the morning.
A sudden thought pops into his head when you’ve settled enough, amongst the blinding pure white of bliss that clouds his thoughts. “Did you get my text by the way? The one I sent last night?”
You gasp for air. The bracelet on your wrist itches at the mention of it, and you’re fortunate you decided to wear it that afternoon before coming to Jungkook’s. “Y-Yeah━”
“Everything’s fine,” You say this as dismissively as you can. Your core is still vibrating after the harsh impact of your orgasm paired with Jungkook’s swollen length still in you. “I just… I was taking a shower and didn’t want to get it wet. I forgot to put it back on in the morning.”
That’s a lie. You had mostly taken it off as part of an experiment, though it hasn’t answered much. At least Jungkook doesn’t seem to realize that.
“Oh,” Jungkook breathes. A beat of silence passes, before he deadpans cockily, “Wait, you were taking a shower and I wasn’t invited?”
“Oh my god, shut up━” Maybe if he hadn’t just currently driven you to nirvana and back, you’d notice the way the sloppy grin on his face is a simple taunt. But you’re much too distracted to care. Instead, you use your leg that’s still hooked around his waist to gently push and roll him onto his back so that you can straddle his hips. His eyes sparkle mischievously as he watches you waste no time in hurrying to grind against him at an agonizingly steady pace that makes his head spin. “You’re ruining the moment. I’m trying to make you cum.”
A devious cackle rumbles from his chest, albeit a little contented at the same time. Yeah, he definitely likes the sound of that. “Well then, by all means, don’t let me stop you.”
It’s only then that his question comes back into your mind. If he felt the need to ask you again about the bracelet, maybe that meant something after all. At the very least, it means he hadn’t forgotten about it altogether. On the other hand, you wonder how often he had spent thinking, or over-thinking, the issue in the past twenty-four hours, if at all.
Was it wrong to feel some semblance of joy over that potential fact? Probably.
That doesn’t seem to bother you much this time. Not when he’s gazing up at you as if you’re some divine sexy goddess, all his to enjoy. You can’t help yourself; you reach down to brush the sweaty hair from his eyes, perhaps all too gentle of an action for best friends.
And he smiles, maybe a little too softly and maybe a little too ardently if you look close enough.
He smiles.
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The thing about your supposed “rules” with your relationship with Jungkook is that there might be a few loose ends that neither you nor Jungkook pay much attention to sometimes.
But that’s neither here nor there.
Mostly, the “no public displays of affection” clause is easily disregardable. It’s typically when you’re too drunk to remember it and a bit needy, craving one another’s touch, but those around you never truly seem to care or even notice because, if you’re lucky, they’re equally as smashed. Sometimes the “no cuddles” clause blurs into a gray area where it’s simply just you and Jungkook post-sex, sprawled out in his bed, not necessarily wrapped up in one another’s arms and cooing sweet nothings to one another but giggling at nothing in particular except one another as you bask in each other’s company and nothing more. You suppose some rules are meant to be broken.
For the most part, Jungkook never seems to question the no kissing rule you were so adamant in insisting. Not until one night in which you’re left wondering where things go so drastically wrong. It starts off as normally as any other day with you and Jungkook can, spent in his apartment binge watching movies. You hadn’t expected that night to switch as suddenly as it does when Jungkook shoots you a text earlier in the day asking if you want to come to his for a night of casual drinking as simply “best friends.” But, as always, one thing seems to lead to another, and you can’t get enough of Jungkook. Maybe it’s in the way he holds you a little tighter, the way he tugs you onto his lap on the sofa in his living room, the way he grips your thighs with a certain type of insatiable desire.
“You know…” he hums. “You drive me insane. In, like, the best way possible.”
Part of you realizes his actions even without him seeming to, and the drunken smile on your face remaining frozen in place, a little dumbfounded. “Jungkook…”
“When I’m with you…” He lifts his stare to look at you, but you have nothing to say. Neither does he. Instead, you’re left grinning at one another and suddenly your face is warm. He leans towards you, his nose nuzzling against the side of your throat. Your hands stay threaded in his hair now, and he swears he feels you secure your grip as if to pull him closer.
You can feel his lips brush faintly against your skin, grazing along your neck to the underside of your jaw. Up, up, up, until━
It’s just as his mouth meets with the corner of yours that you register what he’s doing, even in your clouded state. You turn your head just in time, and he comes to an immediate halt, his lips barely making contact with your cheek instead before he pulls away. He doesn’t move very far but you also don’t push him away just yet. Instead, you shift your head to look at him, still inches apart from him.
“What are you doing?” You ask. He can’t quite tell if you’re appalled or not, an empty expression staring back at him.
“I━ You━” He fumbles over his words, squeezes his eyes shut. He blames it on the alcohol even though his head is swimming with thoughts that seem to only concern you. But then a fierceness seems to stir within him, one that makes his jaw clench as he meets your stunned stare. The question rolls off his tongue without meaning to. “Is this about Yukhei?”
“Is that why you weren’t wearing our bracelet the other day?”
The question is so ridiculous, you have to laugh. “What are you going on about?”
But Jungkook doesn’t see what’s so funny and so he tries again, his persistence taking hold. “Is that why you won’t ever let me kiss you?”
You blink. Then, you’re shaking your head at him. Exasperation hangs heavy in your words, shaping in the form of a tired scoff. “You’re not serious.”
You’ve slithered off of his lap before he can even think to stop you ━ but if he had, would you have even stayed? You’re mad, but he doesn’t know why. “No, I wanna know. Because if what we have is already so meaningless, what makes a kiss any different?”
“So I wanna know,” he says, brows unconsciously knitting together. His gaze is searching yours desperately, as if begging for an answer he’ll want to hear. But he knows he’s being an idiot, a small sober part in him makes him realize that. “Humour me. Have you had sex with him yet?”
“Oh my god. I can’t believe that’s what you’re on about.” Suddenly, you’re frowning. Your hardened stare meets the boy’s and the irritation that scrunches at your face makes him wince, but it’s too late for him to take back the damage that he’s done. “Yeah, Jungkook, we fucked in his stupid Toyota that you hate so much and he choked me and I liked it. He did all sorts of dirty things to me. Is that what you want to hear?” The sardonic tone hisses at his ears, but he bites back his words, the sober part in him doing some decent good by shushing him. “No, Jungkook, we didn’t fuck. We haven’t even gone on a date, and I don’t even know if I want to, and you think I’m throwing myself at him.”
“But you wanna.”
“You’re being an idiot,” You admonish. “I’m going home. Talk to me when you’re sober.”
He has just enough time to watch you turn on your heel, march towards his door, when he scrambles to his feet. The weight of his words and actions finally seem to dawn on him, hitting him harshly in the face and in the heart.
“Fuck, wait! Wait━” he gasps.
He chases after you, hand reaching out to press his palm against the door before you can shimmy it open. He’s fortunate when you turn to look at him, though your arms are folded impatiently over your chest.
“You’re right. I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you mad,” he promises earnestly. Then, he lets out a frustrated groan. “I just… What if we… Shit, what if we stop for right now? Y’know… Hooking up. Whatever this is.”
He gestures vaguely between the two of you with his hands, a wearied look plastering his face.
You hate to admit how his words seem to affect you. They bite at the air, leave you breathless as you gawk at him, but the harsh realization of it all is that you were never his to have and he was never yours. Hoseok had been right when he said these things were bound to come to an end ━ so why did it seem to hurt you so much?
A beat of prolonged silence passes between the two of you. Jungkook runs a hand through his chaotic blonde hair, digging the heel of his palm into his temple as if to rid himself of a headache he’s no doubt sporting. Maybe you’re waiting for a better explanation, but he gives none, and you don’t feel as if you have the right to ask why. He’s not your boyfriend, for god’s sake. It’s not like he’s breaking your heart.
Instead, you take a deep breath and say, “Okay.”
“Okay.” It’s all that he says in return.
So then why does it feel like he is?
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When Jungkook had promised that if your fling with him ended you would go back to being untainted best friends, he was apparently lying.
A part of you can’t believe the sheer nerve of him to ghost you in his traditional fuckboy ways, and yet he does. You suppose not entirely, at the very least. Part of it ends up with you being even more vexed by his sudden shift in emotion, and the tangible tension that rises between the two of you should have been dealt with properly, yet neither of you do anything about it, leaving your friendship stagnant and stale for a week. After all, how are you really supposed to go back to “just friends” when you’ve seen his dick one too many times?
You refrain from telling Hoseok, if only so you don’t have to hear him tell you he told you so ━ but you also decide to give Yukhei that one chance, and so you think Hoseok wouldn’t mind so much anyway.
Admittedly, when Yukhei asks to hang with you at Taehyung’s eventual party, you aren’t entirely too keen, but you accept it if only because you heard Jungkook will be there too. For the majority of the night, you don’t see the boy, and you spend the hours cozying up with Yukhei in a conversation that dulls you. As it would appear, it seems to bore Yukhei too, but you only notice that when he starts touching you on your waist and the small of your back. There’s a moment where he leans his head close enough to yours that you realize he’s trying to kiss you, resulting in an awkward encounter in which you push him away, palms on his chest.
“What’s wrong?” he asks. The answer is obvious enough to you, but you don’t think you should tell him for his own dignity. That, instead, all you can imagine is Jungkook in his place. “Should we get out of here?”
“Y/N. Can I talk to you?”
You’re both fortunate yet horrified when you hear Jungkook’s voice. He’s standing just behind you, his own stare devoid of any emotion, though his brows furrow and his jaw clenches in a signature Jungkook manner that you know means he’s pissed. He hardly acknowledges Yukhei, nodding in his general direction. You don’t remember if you leave Yukhei there or if he leaves, or if Jungkook even gives a poor attempt of an excuse to the boy, but you’ve not so much as uttered a single word or let out an exhalation of air, when Jungkook ultimately pulls you off to the side where it’s just you and him once more.
“I’m not sucking your dick in Tae’s grimy bathroom, if that’s what you want,” You scowl once Yukhei is out of earshot. “You’ve lost the privilege that is my mouth.”
“That’s not━” Jungkook shakes his head, exasperated. “That’s not what I want. I just━ I’ll take you home. Please?”
You know the offer is much more than him simply walking you the route to your dorm, which you already know like the back of your hand. Yet, you don’t argue. Truthfully, it’s a relief when Jungkook lugs you out of the party. The entire venture back to your apartment is treacherous, in the way that you’re left sobering up enough to the point that your dizzying thoughts become more coherent. Hoseok is gone for the weekend at least, spending the days with his fiance, so you don’t have to worry about humiliating yourself in front of your roommate when it comes to Jungkook.
You’ve barely made it through your front door when you’re grumbling aloud, “What do you want, Jungkook?”
“I wanna talk,” he says firmly. “About us. About Yukhei.”
“Maybe I don’t want to.” But that’s a lie. Talking to Jungkook, even despite masquerading your annoyance for him, is a blessing in disguise. You’ve missed the idiot, and hearing his voice. “Besides, you told me to give him a chance.”
“And you said you didn’t want to.”
“Maybe I changed my mind.”
“Yeah, you sure seemed like you loved it when he was trying to shove his tongue down your throat,” Jungkook retorts bitterly. “C’mon, Y/N. We both know that’s a lie.”
“You know, you’ve been a real dick lately.”
A sliver of a smirk tugs at Jungkook’s face. “I thought you love dick.”
Clearly, his poor attempt at a joke doesn’t land well with you. “Why do you even care so much if Yukhei and I get together? Stop acting so high and mighty and moral, Jungkook. It’s not like you’re some virgin saint. How many times have I heard you talk about all those girls you’ve fucked? And what was I? Just another notch in your belt this whole time?”
“What?” Jungkook gasps now, as if disbelieving you would ever think such a thing. “No! You’re not just another notch. I would never even think about you that way. And I haven’t had sex with anyone else but you this whole time and I easily could have.”
“Wow! Such a martyr,” You remark dryly. When you speak next, you meet his stare with your own crestfallen gaze. “I just want my best friend back.” Your words hurt him more than you think, but he can’t say he doesn’t deserve it. “You’re the one who tried to kiss me, then suggested we stop whatever it is we’re doing━”
Jungkook flinches. “I know.”
“Then you ignore me for days even though you promised nothing would change━”
“I know,” he says desperately. He closes the distance between the two of you, yearning to reach out and touch you. Instead, he clamps his eyes shut, trying with all his might to focus when the room feels like it’s spinning.
“And then you get mad when Yukhei tries to make a move. It’s like you’re jealous or something!”
“I am.” He can’t take it anymore. The words tumble from his lips in a rush that he hardly bothers to bite back.
“Because━ Because━” He struggles to form his thoughts into words, stumbling over his sentence. Fuck, he’s never like this. Even you can tell. He grits his teeth next. “I lean in to kiss you and you look at me as if I’m out of my mind. I just don’t get it. You don’t want me to kiss you but you let me put my dick in your ass.”
The taut line of your lip quivers as you break. “That was one time and you didn’t even get all the way in!”
“Y/N.” Jungkook hums now. He’s gazing at you a little softly, reaching out to place his hands on your waist. “Look, I know I’ve been an idiot. But lately, when I touch you, I fucking feel so alive and the thought of Yukhei doing anything with you when it isn’t me, who should be with you, makes me want to vomit. And when I wake up in the morning alone, I only want you next to me. And I can’t be the only one feeling that way. If I am, tell me. Right now. Please. I just wanna know why you won’t ever let me kiss you, but you let me do all sorts of things with you. Am I really that repulsive?”
Another moment of silence stifles the room. Jungkook is so close to you now, you can’t help yourself. You reach up to tug at the collar of his shirt, fingers twisting in the material as you lean your forehead out of frustration against his shoulder and he instinctively lets his arms slither around your waist, holding you to him. Then━
“I only made the rule because I don’t want you to kiss me unless you mean it,” You murmur into his chest. “Like really, really mean it. Like I’m more than just a notch in your belt. Because I want to kiss you so badly, and I’m already in love with you but then I’ll really be in love with you and I don’t want to get my heart broken.”
The anticipation kills you, awaiting his response. You refuse to lift your head, until you hear him grumble, “You’re so fucking stupid.”
The retort is filled with your typical jestering hostility as you finally look at him. But just as you do so, Jungkook’s reaching out to grasp at your face, rough hands all soft and gentle as they cradle your cheeks, guiding you towards him and smoothing his lips over yours until you melt like putty in his hands.
Kissing Jungkook, you deduce at once, is not at all how you imagined it.
It’s everything and more. You’ve felt his mouth on you before but in much different circumstances. Between your legs, on your throat, down past the valley of your breasts ━ and each kiss then had been feral, sloppy, rough. Now, it’s sweet and tender, the feeling of his lips as soft as how he makes your heart feel. And the butterflies━ god, the butterflies.
Impatient hands tug and pull at one another until you’ve both stumbled into your room and onto your bed. He’s clambered over top of you, lips struggling to not part throughout the whole ordeal, until he’s wedged himself between your thighs.
Only then does Jungkook part from you just enough in the next moment, lips brushing against yours, as he whispers ardently, “I mean it.”
Then he’s kissing the corner of your lips down to the underside of your jaw, his mouth grazing along your skin in a feathery touch. His hands help you shed your shirt, and the bra underneath. “I mean it when I kiss you here.”
Then he drops his head to your neck, kissing at the base of your throat, before nipping at it lightly. “And here.”
Your hands come to thread in his hair, tugging at the roots. He burrows his face lastly in your chest, snatching the nipple of one of your breasts between his teeth. “Here…”
You’re so soft and supple beneath his hands, all his to love and explore.
“I want you, all of you,” he mumbles. “Only you.”
“Oh, Koo…”
A pretty moan tumbles from your mouth, and he could nearly cry. He had surely thought you were far past the point of enraged, far past the point of pensive words shaped in a heartfelt apology to bring you back to him. But then hearing you rasp his name ━ the little cute nickname that only you call him ━ makes him so goddamn remorseful.
He smothers your lips with his once more, groaning into your mouth. “I’m such a fucking dick. I don’t deserve you.”
“Don’t say that,” You whine.
“I’m sorry,” he laments. He bites at your lower lip, suckling against it. “Please let me make it up to you.”
“You already have.”
“But I’ve been such a shitty friend,” he groans. It’s hard to focus when he’s pressing his hips against yours, the forming bulge in his pants straining against the inside of your thigh. “I should’ve known when to stop. I shouldn’t have even suggested the whole thing in the first place, because then I wouldn’t have messed us all up.”
“Jungkook,” Your grip tightens in his hair. “Jungkook━ I want you so bad. Just wanna be yours.”
“Yeah?” His breath is warm as it fans against your neck. You rub your core eagerly against him, throbbing pussy so close to making contact with his dick.
“Yeah,” You mewl.
“What do you want from me?”
“You. Wanna feel your dick in me, please,” Your fingers tug at the top of his jeans, prodding at the muscles on his abdomen. “In my mouth. Can make you feel better, Koo, I promise. Just wanna be your good girl.”
“Mmm, I like the sound of that.”
He lets you push him until he’s on his back and you’re straddling his hips. Your limbs entangle with his as you shed the rest of your clothes, your own hands wandering up and down the front of his body after he’s tossed his shirt onto the floor. Then he watches as you shimmy your way down his body. You’re so zealous in pleasing him, wrapping your hand around the base of his dick, head angry and red, dribbling pearly beads of precum down the shaft and over the bulging vein that lines it. You run your thumb over the tip and down, spreading the sticky fluid over him. He grunts in response, nearly jolting at your touch, as his head drops back against his shoulders.
“Oh, fuck,” he growls.
You pump him slowly, taking you time as your closed fist glides up and down his length. He shudders each time your hand reaches the base, and becomes so carried away with your leisure teasing that his eyes are screwed shut and misses the way you dip down to kiss at the tip of his cock. His eyes immediately flutter open, a flustered expression painting his face. You lap again at the head, saltiness coating your tongue, and you let out a simpering moan that has him quivering. And when you wrap your mouth entirely around his cock, sinking down along his length, he swears he’s about to fall apart. Your eyes flicker upward to meet him and the moment they lock, so sexy and dark, he has to look away for fear of busting right then and there. He reclines back against the bed once more, his hand flying out to grab at your hair.
“You’re so good to me, baby,” he rasps.
He can feel the curve of your lips against his cock as you suck him off. You do so well, too. Puffing your cheeks out, taking as much of him as you can until it feels as if he’s hitting the back of your throat. Then, you’ll suck at the tip of his cock, tongue swirling rapidly around, as your fist rubs his shaft. It’s a beautiful mix, one that inches him closer and closer to his high, and each time you switch he has to hold it together to not let go so soon. He wants to enjoy it, needs to bask in it. Your pretty mouth doing such sinful things, making him feel as if he were in heaven.
“Shit━” His hips jut forward to meet with your mouth, accidentally hitting the back of your throat without warning. You gag a little, but don’t pull away, and when he apologizes to you hastily, you only moan in response. A thought pops into his head that has him beckon aloud, “Will you be a good girl and let me fuck your mouth? Huh, baby?”
You hum in approval, eyes shimmering with glee.
So, he plants both hands in your hair, grabs at the sides of your head, and as you hollow out your cheeks, he bucks into your mouth. He does it again and again, listening to your crescendoing mewls of delight, forming a sticky mess of drool and cum that spills onto your chin.
“God, you’re so good,” Jungkook grunts. He’s a complete wreck, eyes screwing shut, blonde tresses spilling into his lashes. The muscles in his abdomen twitch with each sharp inhale of air he takes, so mesmerized by the shape of your pretty mouth around his dick, like you were made for him. “Such a good girl, huh?”
He fucks himself into your mouth roughly, frantically. Tears start to prick at your eyes from holding your breath, yet you keep yourself together just a little longer for him, lashes fluttering shut tightly.
“All mine too,” Jungkook hisses. “Wouldn’t let Yukhei do this to you, would you? Fuck, I’m━”
With your head left immobile stuck in his grasp, you hum in disapproval instead. You know he’s close when you start to hear him panting breathily. When he cums, it’s with a fractured whine and in short hot bursts onto your tongue and down your throat. You swallow as much as you can and, when he parts from you with a resonating lewd pop, you wipe away with your knuckles at the rest of his cum leaking out of the corner of your mouth and onto your chin. Dark hooded eyes meet with yours, a mischievous glint captivating them. You crawl over to him, straddling his hips once more, chasing his mouth with yours. Your own lips are so wet, coated in saliva and cum, bruised plump, but yet you’re smiling so innocently past the way he can taste himself on his tongue.
A dazed thought pops into your head that has you murmuring wistfully against him, “Say it again. I like hearing you call me baby.”
“Hmm? What about when I call you my good girl?” Jungkook nips at your lips. He grasps at your waist, flipping you over until you’re on your back beneath him. “You treat me so well, baby; you’re my only girl, you know that.”
A contented sigh sounds from you as you rut your hips in thinning desperation to meet his, so close to rubbing against his dick nestled against his thigh. He licks at his fingers hastily, reaching between the two of you to press against your clit, rubbing leisurely at the soft bundle of nerves. He’s learned how to navigate your body after months of supposed emotionless fucking, but now? Now, he felt as if his heart may just burst through his chest. Every reaction you make to his every touch ━ the needy plea to have him make you his, call you baby ━ makes him want to see more, and more.
“Am I?” You ask hoarsely. He grasps at his dick, guiding his tip to your core, so slick and wet, glistening with your own arousal. As he pushes himself in with a hiss, he watches as you contort beneath him. “Nnngh, Jungkook━”
“Fuuck,” he groans. He sinks into you, spreading your thighs further and further apart, until his hips make contact with yours. His mouth attacks yours with a feverish passion, the rumble of his moans and your whimpers muffling against one another. Then, he remembers to answer your awaiting question, barely audible between the way his tongue lavs at yours. “You are. I’m so fucking in love with you. But I don’t deserve you.”
Your hands tug impatiently at his hair. “Stop saying that.”
“But it’s true,” he hums. He’s quick to start rutting at your hips in a steady yet agonizing pace, dick burrowing into your pussy as your walls throb and shake. He can’t help but watch, mesmerized as always by the way his length slips past your folds and disappears into you. Again, and again, and again, so lewdly destroying your pretty cunt. “Just want Yukhei to touch you all over instead, don’t you?”
“No,” You croak.
You spread your thighs instinctively wider apart, allowing him to sink even further into you until it feels as if he’s hitting you so far in your stomach. Each roll of his hips is punctuated by the crude noise of skin against skin, sending you spiralling.
“Want him to do all sorts of dirty things to you, huh?”
“N-No. Fuck, Jungkook━ Harder, please━”
“That’s what you said,” Jungkook retorts. Still, he listens to your pleas, snapping his hips into yours roughly enough to send you jolting back on the bed. His hands start to roam your body, pinching at your hips, then grasping ferociously at one of your breasts. “Want him to fuck you in his car, right?” His palm feels like fire as it slides up past your collarbones to your throat. “Want him to choke you.”
His hand comes to wrap around the underside of your jaw on your throat, thumb and index finger pressing against the pressure points there. He squeezes, though with barely any force, just enough to feel your rapid pulse beneath his digits in a way that makes you so suddenly hyper aware of everything he’s doing to you. Cock stretching you wide, palm heavy around your throat, mouth folding over yours. So caught up in the overwhelming sensations you’re feeling, you can’t tell if he’s genuinely upset with himself, though you suspect part of him is. You can sense it in the way he clings to you a little tighter, can see it laced within his dazzling pupils.
Jungkook huffs, hair flopping into his eyes as he grits his teeth and ruts his hips faster into you if only to see more of your pretty little reactions. Your jaw unhinges at the feeling, head falling back onto the pillows. “He could probably treat you nicer too.”
You shake your head wildly, fingers digging into the skin on his shoulders. “Just want you, Koo.”
“Still?” he asks. His grip on your neck fastens a little more, pure euphoria riddling all your senses and making you writhe beneath him. “God, you’re such a dumb little slut, aren’t you?”
You nod in your groggy exhaustion, the familiar burn coiling in your stomach, making your toes curl.
Jungkook feels your own high approach. Your walls are clenched so tightly around him, he has to sputter for air. “Could he make you feel like this?”
“No, Koo,” You whine. “Only you.”
“Yeah?” Jungkook growls. “Good girl. Gonna cum around my dick like the good little slut you are?”
Your hips ricochet upwards to meet his, relentless pounding into your core. “Please, please━”
Jungkook quickens his pace until you’ve deteriorated into absolute shambles, whimpering his name after each thrust. You tumble towards your high, cuming around his length as he burrows it into you again and again, and all he can think is mine, mine, mine. As you unravel beneath him, he slides his hand off of your throat and slithers it underneath you and around your waist, hoisting you slightly enough off the bed so that he can reach his own orgasm. He’s a little more frantic now, sloppy and restless as he pummels into you.
“Shit, baby━” he cries out. “Oh, fuck, you’re so good━”
As you come down from your high enough, you somehow manage to murmur drowsily, “Cum in me, Koo. Wanna feel it.”
You grab at his face, pulling him down to catch his lips on yours, and the thought is so tempting he can’t refuse. He gets so lost in your lips, cuming with one final slam of his hips into yours and a chorus of curses mingling with your name in whimpers. He rides out both of your highs with a few half-hearted thrusts, more concerned with kissing you in useless open-mouthed kisses as your own mouth parts with one last weary moan while he fills you up.
When he’s spent, he collapses against your chest, and you collapse onto the bed. It’s quiet long enough for the both of you to calm the shrill beat of your hearts when you feel Jungkook stir, moving to part from you, pulling his dick from your swollen pussy and planting a lingering peck on your cheek. He disappears momentarily but returns a few seconds later, towel in hand which he uses to wipe at your core now leaking with his cum and your heart croons at all his tender touches.
It makes you realize all at once that, god, yes, you’re so in love with your idiot best friend and he’s so in love with you.
He turns to look at you, an adoring smile dancing upon his lips when he sees your own radiant beaming face. You beckon him over and he relents, letting you pull him into your arms. He nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck as he wraps his own arms around you to tug you closer to his side. As your fingers come to rake through his sweaty hair, he cranes his neck to follow your hand and hear him coo against your neck, “That feels so good.”
A sudden thought crosses your mind that has you smirking smally to yourself. “Are we… Are we cuddling? Jungkook, I thought you didn’t like cuddling. Said it was, and I quote, sentimental bullshit.”
“I never liked it because it wasn’t with you. Didn’t wanna waste my time on someone that wasn’t you,” Jungkook hums, matter-of-fact. You can tell he’s a little embarrassed at the way you so casually taunt him about such an obvious fact, though he’s fortunate you can’t see him smiling like a complete fool. “And I wanna do all that sentimental bullshit with only you. Now, shush━” He scolds you playfully. “M’so tired and I just wanna hold you tight.”
“Can’t argue with that.” Your heart leaps in your chest. “Just promise me one thing?”
It’s only then that he lifts his sleepy gaze to find yours, apprehensive of any potentially looming severity in your words. “Anything.”
Instead, all he can find is the way you trace your finger along the details of his face, from his nose, to his cheekbones, down to the freckle under his lip with the hand that sports your friendship bracelet. “In the morning, when we wake up, you’ll still be here to hold me tight. And every other morning after that.”
His smile widens even more, if that was even possible. “Wouldn’t want it any other way. But━”
“On one condition.”
“What’s that?”
His eyes sparkle cheekily. “Kiss me.”
So, you do, again and again and again; and Jungkook thinks, yeah, he certainly can get used to this.
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It takes you a month to cave in to Jungkook’s incessant pleas to fuck you to his sex playlist. You do it mostly to humour him, though part of you is a little bit intrigued at the thought.
Stowed away in his room, he eats you out to the choruses of sultry The Weeknd and raunchy Ariana Grande songs, fucks you to the likes of the Neighbourhood and Kim Petras while you’re on all fours, and you’re only half-paying attention to the music until you hear it. Admittedly, you almost completely miss it but you blame Jungkook and the way he’s making you currently feel, sprawled out beneath him, chests pressed flush against one another in a sweaty, sticky mess, breathy and glorious moans of your name filling your ears when━
“I had no choice but to hear you. You stated your case time and again━”
The dulcet chime of Alanis Morissette thrums about the room, a complete and utter shift in contrast in the atmosphere that has you immediately pausing.
“Jungkook.” But he knows what you set out to say even before you do, judging by the tone in your voice and the stifling smirk on his face. You gawk at him, biting at your lip to hide your laughter but you fail miserably. “You weren’t joking?”
He shrugs innocently, leaving you just as dumbfounded as you were two seconds ago. Instead, he says, “Gotta do what I promised then, don’t I?”
You quirk a brow. “What was that exactly?”
“Gotta give you the best orgasm of your life.”
“If you can do that to cheesy 90s pop, I’ll have your actual babies, Jungkook.” The effort is endearing and impressive, to say the least.
A roll of your eyes is met with a taunting roll of his hips into yours that wipes the jest off your face immediately. He grins like a madman, uttering a little stupidly, and a little ardently, “Say no more.”
Because, all things considered and joking aside, he wants it with you ━ the dazed daydreamy talk of a future together and kids, friendship bracelets, and cuddles in the morning. Because you mean the world to him and more. Because you’re his best friend, and he’s so madly in love with you.
Because he wants it all with you.
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⟶ All rights reserved to © jungkxook. I do not allow reposting, translating, or any sort of modifying and reuploading of my work.
⟶ Feedback is always appreciated!
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sunkissedpages · 3 years
instead of you [part fifteen]
pairing: [best friend’s brother] tom holland x college!reader
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption
word count: 1.7k
series masterlist
Don’t tell Sam. Sam. SAM.
You had to fix this in a matter of seconds. Should you slap him? Act like nothing happened? Pretend you were drunker than you actually were and play dumb?
“Wait, you’re not Sam?” you squinted your eyes like you were trying to see who was in front of you, acting like you were too drunk to remember who you were with. “Oh my god.”
“Y/n, I’m so sorry,” Tom tried. 
“I-” you didn’t know how to respond. “Why did you do that?”
He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. “I don’t know, it didn’t mean anything!” You’d be lying if you told yourself that didn’t sting a little. If he didn’t have any sort of feelings for you, why would he kiss you? “I wasn’t thinking.”
“No, you weren’t.”
“I’m sorry,” he repeated. “Please don’t tell my brother.”
“You want me to lie to my boyfriend?”
“I mean, is it lying if you just don’t mention it?”
“It’s a lie of omission- are you really going to debate me about philosophy right now?”
“Then yes, I do want you to lie to your boyfriend because if he finds out he’ll never speak to me again.”
“You realize what kind of position that puts me in?”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Yes.”
You couldn’t even think straight. Feelings of confusion, panic, anger, and regret fought for control of your conscience. “What if someone had seen us? Taken a picture of us? You’re a public fucking figure, Tom. That could’ve put your career at risk.” “Don’t you think I know that?” he growled. “I don’t need you to lecture me on how stupid it was.”
“You’re an asshole,” you scoffed.
“I know.”
You stood from the table to leave, hoping he wouldn’t follow you, but he called after you, your name echoing in your ears like a warning. Reluctantly, you turned back to face him with a bitter taste on your tongue.
“You won’t tell him, right?”
You stared him down for a moment, watching nerves etch themselves onto his features before answering. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
It was a promise you didn’t want to make, but you felt like you had no other choice. You hadn’t just broken the ‘no flirting’ rule, you’d blown straight past it into completely uncharted territory. And technically Tom had been the one to initiate, you hadn’t kissed him back, but you couldn’t say you hadn’t felt something when he did. 
You had never lied to Sam before- at least not on this scale. You felt sick to your stomach, and it had nothing to do with the alcohol. 
You almost didn’t want to go back to your room. You urged the elevator to go as slow as possible as you checked your appearance in the reflective wall. The tarnished gold was smudged with handprints, but you were still able to make out your ruined lipstick. You weren’t sure it had been messed up sometime during dinner, or if it was Tom’s doing but you couldn’t take a chance. You used your thumb to wipe away the evidence as the intercom on the elevator let out a ding to let you know you’d reached your floor.
With a shaky breath you pushed yourself into the hallway and forced yourself to put one foot in front of the other to walk to your room. You didn’t have a key, so you had to knock. You half-hoped Sam was already asleep, even if it meant you’d have to spend the night in the hallway. 
But as luck would have it he was still up and he opened the door seconds later. He was definitely out of it, blinking at you to put you in focus. 
“There you are,” he said tiredly, rubbing one of his eyes with his hand. “I was wondering when you’d come up.”
“I hope I didn’t keep you up,” you apologized as you breezed past him into the room. 
“Nah, I was just messing around.”
A lie, you knew, but you let it slide knowing you were keeping a much bigger secret. He was already dressed for bed in his boxers and one of your t-shirts and his hair was wet from a shower. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, noticing your anxious energy.
You nodded. “I had too much to drink.”
“Ah, me too, I think. Come take a shower. It’ll help.” 
You took his advice and tried to sober up in the shower, letting the cold water run over your bare skin until you were shivering. When it didn’t make you feel any better you turned off the faucet completely and dried off, wrapping a towel around your body and sitting on the edge of the tub. 
“Y/n?” came Sam’s muffled voice from the other side of the door. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” 
You sighed. Why did he have to know you better than you knew yourself? You pushed yourself up from the tub and opened the door. 
“I had like three more shots after you left,” you mumbled.
The color drained from his face as he took in this additional information and he frowned. “Jesus, I thought I was drunk. Do you feel sick?”
“Not yet.”
“Okay, well let’s go to bed,” he urged. His accent was always thicker when he was drunk, and in a funny way it sounded like home, like all of those Friday nights back on campus. 
Sam gave you space to change into your clothes for bed and crawled under the covers to wait for you. You dressed yourself, hung your towel in the bathroom, and shut off the main light before feeling your way through the darkness over to the bed. 
You managed to get your drunk ass in bed without tripping which you considered to be a miracle. Sam slung his arm across your stomach as soon as you settled on the mattress and pulled you against his hip. You tensed underneath his touch, but he didn’t seem to notice. 
You couldn’t relax no matter how hard you tried, and sleep taunted you for hours, hovering just out of your reach. 
Sam’s alarm woke you from restless dreaming some hours later, when the sun had barely brushed the horizon. 
You groaned and rolled over onto your stomach, burying your face in your pillow. Your head was pounding and you didn’t even want to think about facing Tom. The simple motion of rolling over had made you nauseous and you knew that standing up was going to be a whole nother ordeal. 
“Come on, love,” Sam said, nudging you with his knee. He was already sitting up, rolling the tension out of his neck from a night on the stiff mattress. “We gotta be downstairs in a few minutes.”
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes and you felt pathetic. You didn’t have the strength to be around Tom today, especially with Sam right there.
“Don’t feel good,” you moaned.
“We’re all hungover,” Sam sighed. “We’re not even doing that much walking today.”
You turned your head enough for him to see the tears running down your cheeks and he pursed his lips, expression turning worried. 
“Can you make something up?” you pleaded. 
He nodded. “I’ll tell them you have a fever or something.”
You swallowed your shame and squeezed your eyes shut, whispering thanks into his shirt. Sam kissed your forehead and then got up. You vaguely heard him moving around the room getting ready, but drifted in and out of sleep as he did. 
Once he was dressed he softly told you goodbye, that he hoped you felt better, and that he’d bring you back some food later on. 
The door clicked shut and you let your guilt continue eating you alive. 
You wondered how Tom would react when Sam told his family you weren’t feeling well, if his face would give anything away. He was an actor, he should be able to handle it. But you also wondered what he was feeling, if he felt as guilty as you did- or even more so. Or maybe he wouldn’t even care. You never knew when it came to him.
You rolled onto your back and propped yourself up on a pillow, using the free time to respond to some messages from friends and family. It was the middle of the night back in the States, but at least they’d wake up knowing you weren’t dead. To be fair, everyone knew your communication skills weren’t the best so they probably weren’t expecting anything from you anyway, but you still wanted to put in the effort. 
The rest of the day passed by quicker than you would’ve liked. You spent it in bed, tossing and turning as you desperately tried to fall back asleep. You kept pushing the blankets off of you, then burying yourself beneath them again, flipping between hot and cold. Maybe you really did have a fever. Your clothes were suffocating you so you ended up stripping and dropping them on the floor by the bed. 
By the mercy of some higher power you were able to nap for a couple of hours scattered throughout the afternoon, but by dinner time you were wide awake again and passed the time by watching Avatar: The Last Airbender in Italian on the hotel tv. 
It was playing an earlier episode, the one where the gaang visited Kyoshi Island. You couldn’t understand any of the dialogue, obviously, but you still found comfort in the familiar scenes. 
There was a knock on the door suddenly, startling you out of your focus. You jerked your head towards the sound and scrambled from the bed. You slipped back into your t-shirt, but didn’t bother putting on pants before opening the door because you figured it was just Sam. And it was. He looked exhausted, but in the best kind of way and was holding a styrofoam container of food that was presumably for you.
“Forgot the key,” he said sheepishly, offering you the food. You smiled and took it from him, stepping aside to let him in. 
He didn’t take your cue, instead he stayed where he was standing in the doorway awkwardly. It was then that you realized he wasn’t alone, that his older brother had been standing behind him the entire time.
Sam offered no explanation, only shrugged like he didn’t know why he was there either.
“Tom?” you asked, awaiting an explanation for yourself.
“Can we talk?” 
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uncpanda · 4 years
A Night Out
Prompt: Hi, could you do a Hotch x reader where there is an age gap between them and so he’s feeling insecure about his age and body (because of his scars) and she reminds him how much she loves him? Thank you!
Requested by: ANON 
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“Your phone has been buzzing for the past ten minutes, non-stop. It’s very distracting.” You can’t help but laugh at the teasing in Aaron’s voice. His lips are currently attached right below your ear, where he’s nibbling a little love bite. 
“You’re one to talk. The last time you got a call for a case, I was left high and dry.” 
He stares down at you, an incredulous look on his face, “I have NEVER left you high and dry.” 
“Only one round Aaron. For you, that’s high and dry.” 
He laughs, as he settles on top of you, and snuggles his head into the crook of your neck, “Answer your phone.” 
You run your fingers through his hair, and scratch your nails against his scalp. Your phone is flooded with messages in a group chat from your work friends. You worked at the local middle school, and most of the teachers on your hall were close. Most of the time, you guys met for pizza and drinks every Friday after work. You had passed on the last two, since Aaron had actually been home. Your presence was being demanded at tomorrow’s meeting.
“Everything okay?” 
“Just the work group. They want to know if I’m coming out for pizza and drinks tomorrow.” 
Aaron adjusts the two of you on the couch so that he’s now wrapped around you. “You should go.” 
“Maybe I want to spend the night with my boyfriend and his adorable son.” 
He kisses your cheek, “I could go with you. Are significant others allowed at these things?” 
You shrug, “They’ll meet us there sometimes, not all the time.” There’s a moment of silence, before you get what he’s saying. “You want to come teacher drinks?” 
He grins, “Only if you want me to.” 
“I think it could be fun. Plus, I’ll get to show you off.” 
He snorts, “Other way around Sweetheart.” 
You blushed slightly. 
You honestly didn’t have high hopes for tomorrow. More often than not, the mere mention of plans seemed to summon a case for Aaron and the team, but that didn’t stop you from hoping or even telling some of your coworkers about him. 
You didn’t usually share too much about your personal life, but you had been very smiley since you and Aaron had started dating over a year ago. You’d shown off pictures, and a few of the teachers on the hall called him, “Y/n’s hot DILF.” 
The questions were numerous: 
“Is he really over forty?” 
“How old is his kid again?” 
“Does his kid know about you?” 
“How is he in bed?
“He works for the FBI, right? Can he tell us what really happened at the Kennedy shooting?”
Your answers were straight forward, “He’s forty two, Jack is six, yes Jack knows about me, I’m fairly certain he’s the sweetest kid ever, and I don’t know Matt, you’ll have to ask him about that.” 
You were luckily saved from any more questions by Aaron’s appearance. The moment he walked through the door, Lisa, a history teacher let out a whistle. You were quick to elbow her, and she grinned. 
You could feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment as Aaron walked over. He had changed out of his work clothes and into jeans and a dark blue polo shirt. Without the weight of the office on his shoulders he looked almost carefree, and was quick to swoop down and give you a quick kiss and hello. When there was a mass chorus of “Awws,” you resolved yourself to mass murder. The only thing that stopped you was Aaron’s hand on your thigh. You imagined, him arresting his girlfriend for murder wouldn’t go down well at the FBI and just flipped your friends off instead. 
That got a quick quirk of the lips from Aaron. From there began an inquisition into Aaron’s personal and work life, with Matt asking about way too many conspiracy theories. Aaron takes it all in stride, and before long the conversation drifts back to the usual topic: The stupid antics of the school board, the stupid antics of the DOE, and how much you all hate testing. 
By the time you all start rolling out, it’s nearly seven, and you can tell Aaron is confused, “Isn’t too early to be leaving?” 
You snort, “Most of us have been up since five am, most of us will end up doing some sort of work this weekend, or do you not remember me grading while you and Jack played legos?” 
He kisses the tip of your nose, “I remember.” Mainly because he had wanted to hold you while playing with Jack, but the massive amount of papers had prevented that. 
You sigh, “Matt will probably end up going into the building.” 
“Teachers do that?” 
“Yeah. We call it being a weekend warrior. Less depressing than saying we’re working for free.” 
You hook your hand into the crook of his arm while the two of you walk, “So, what did you think of everybody?” 
“It was a lot different than hanging out with the BAU.” 
You shrug, “That’s because we’re work friends. We rely on each other for coffee fixes, and chocolate on the bad days, but we don’t hang out a ton outside of work. I barely see them during the summer.” 
You watch as his gaze shifts, and you realize he’s gone into deep thought. You stroll in silence for a few minutes before you ask, “Dollar for your thoughts?” 
He raises an eyebrow, “A dollar?” 
“A penny seemed insulting.”
“Do you ever wish you were with someone your own age? Someone like Matt?” 
Your brow furrows, “No.” 
“Yeah, I think Matt’s husband would have a problem with me trying to seduce him.” 
He stops walking, “I’m being serious. I’m thirteen years older than you, I have the scars, I’m gone all the time, I have Jack . . .” 
“Whoa!” You stop him there, “First off, let’s start with the obvious. Jack is a delight, and I feel honored that you would let me into his life. Second of all, I don’t mind the scars Aaron. I hate what you had to go through to get them, but they’re not a turn off or anything like that. As for the thirteen years. . . that’s never mattered to me. So, let me ask you this, do you wish you were in a relationship with someone your own age?” 
His eyes go wide, “No. I’m very happy with you. I love you. I just . . . sometimes I wonder if I deserve you.” 
You reach up to cup his face with your hands, “Aaron, I love you. I love you so freaking much, and you deserve good things. If I get my way, I’ll spend the rest of my life loving you.” 
He smiles at that and turns his head just enough to kiss the palm of your right hand. When you drag your fingers over his lips, he kisses the pads of each one. He smiles, “I love you.” 
“I love you too Aaron Hotchner.”  
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
dirty thoughts from a distance
pairing: dom!changmin x virgin!reader, best friends to lovers, college au!
synopsis: you masturbate while thinking of your best friend and he catches you moan out his name
word count: 3.8k
warnings: maybe slight angst, (getting caught) masturbating, mutual masturbation, sex in general ig
a/n: y'all are crazyy! it has barely been 19 days and I have already hit 100 followers🤧 thank you guys so much for your support and sending in requests!!! everytime I see leave me nice messages I feel so encouraged to keep on writing even though there is still a lot of room to improve and I am not always completely satisfied with what I create. I wish all of you a great day and hope that you stay happy and healthy!!
this chapter is especially dedicated to @bangcrispychannie​ and anon who requested this kind of scenario ❤️
masterlist + requests
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for three years you wondered why you hadn't lost your virginity yet. it's not like you didn't have enough opportunities since you had been in two relationships so far, both lasted about five to seven months.
the feelings in your first relationship were been mostly one-sided however.
when a guy in your biology class named Minho confessed his crush for you, you thought that the only logical next step was to become a couple. you were quite flattered that he had taken such an interest in you and believed and hoped you would eventually develop feelings for him as well. the problem was you didn't. after not being able to be emotionally let alone physically intimate with him for a few months into your relationship, he finally confronted you and you confessed that you just couldn't bring yourself to see him that way. your relationship came to an end just before becoming a senior in high school.
in your last year, you got close with Seonghwa. you were seat neighbors in your english class and you'd chat all the time. he was perfectly sweet, smart and funny and you instantly got along just fine. you developed an interest in him and he seemed to feel the same way. he asked you out with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and some chocolate and you agreed to being his girlfriend without much thought. you caught yourself falling in love with this boy and didn't shy away from physical affection such as kissing and holding hands. you were convinced you were ready to give yourself to him during prom night but when it came to it you chickened out. a couple of hours before, you had found out that your best friend changmin had broken up with his girlfriend of six months.
for a long time you hadn't been able to decipher why you hadn't slept with Seonghwa then. as time passed, the unpleasant answer became clearer and clearer: you had brought up your hopes.
you had been best friends with changmin basically since you started elementary school. on the first day, he scared you with a stupid horror mask he had sneaked in from home and made you cry. he felt so guilty and was determined to make it up to you and to become friends. you had been inseparable ever since.
when he got his first girlfriend in junior year you were devastated. you convinced yourself that the reason for that was that you had been scared he was going to replace you as his best friend but in reality you had felt jealousy.
you were suppressing your feelings because if you confessed, things might become awkward. there was no way changmin could ever like you the same way.
all of this became more difficult as you moved in together for college. you were sharing an apartment now and every day, it became harder to avoid your growing and troublesome feelings. your heart would beat faster whenever he walked around shirtless (which was most of the time) and you decided to try to ignore him. this was especially difficult since you wanted to appreciate his physique. when had he become this handsome? changmin had been dancing all his life so he had always been fit but now that he was majoring in it and training most of the time, his body had developed and he had become super toned and his abs were more prominent.
he'd often make his way into your dreams and you'd let him do inappropriate things with you. you'd wake up wet and needy and even more confused. you were ashamed of seeing him this way. this was not how one normally thought about their best friend.
it was a wednesday morning and you were eating breakfast when changmin joined you in the kitchen. he flashed you a big smile, making his pretty dimples appear which you didn't see as you did not look at him.
'good morning, y/n!' he greeted you in a good mood. you just grunted in response, intensely staring at the cereal swimming in your bowl.
the fact that you couldn't even spare him a glance hurt changmin but he tried to not let it show. he wanted to get you to talk to him.
'do you want to watch a movie and play some board games today after class?' he proposed. you hadn't spent a lot of time together ever since you had become aware of your feelings.
'I have an essay due tomorrow,' you quickly made up as an excuse. the corners of changmin's mouth twitched but you didn't notice as you were too preoccupied with doing anything that didn't include looking at him.
'then maybe on the weekend. or next-' 'I'll be busy,' you interjected. 'I have lots to do.' you stressed the lots to emphasize there was absolutely no way you would be able to hang out with him any time soon.
'umm… okay. I'll be going to class.' he told you dejected. your heart sank but you didn't respond. he was wondering whether he had done anything to make you upset but he couldn't wrap his mind around it. this had been going on for a while and he was starting to become desperate.
when you first got the apartment you spent every free minute of the day together, happy that you finally moved out and could be with each other 24/7, but then you stopped talking to him completely out of nowhere. from one day to the other, you would avoid leaving your room when he was outside and barely talked to him anymore. at first, changmin thought you were just stressed and that you'd eventually warm up again when exam season came to an end but a few months had passed and, if anything, the situation was even worse than before.
you were watching the time and after ten minutes you decided to leave for classes as well. you had started doing this so you couldn't possibly catch up to him and risk having a conversation.
'hey, y/n, what's up!' your friend chanhee hugged you when you arrived on campus. you were both majoring in fashion design and were getting along on well since the beginning of the first semester.
you sighed exasperatedly. 'changmin's up.' you puffed your cheeks and pouted. chanhee nodded knowingly. he was the only person who was aware of your little secret and that was only because you had accidentally drunk confessed the whole story to him at your first college party.
'you know maybe you should tell him. this whole thing is clearly not making you happy and I saw changmin walk by a few minutes ago. if I had to guess I'd say he was in an even worse mood than you. someone accidentally ran into him and he pushed them hard and called them names. it's not like him to overreact like this. he's usually super collected. I think you finally managed to break his spirit,' chanhee reported to you.
this had never been what you intended. why did everything have to be so difficult? you didn't want to be the cause of your best friend's unhappiness.
'he must feel like I despise him. but I cannot confess to him, that would be the end of our friendship!' you were constantly torn apart by this dilemma.
'well, if you're not gonna act on your feelings, maybe try to move on? find something casual or serious with someone new? then you'd forget all about changmin and you'd be able to go back to acting normal around him' he suggested.
chanhee's advice didn't sound too bad. if you couldn't get with changmin then you had to de-crush yourself and find somebody different to focus your emotional energy on. but on who?
'is there anyone you could think of?' you ask chanhee. he had great taste in practically everything so you highly valued his opinion.
'hmm, you could potentially try younghoon hyung? I've seen him eyeing you for weeks now and he even told me thinks your gorgeous.' he wiggled his eyebrows teasingly.
younghoon was a pretty art student, whom chanhee knew from high school. you didn't talk to him often, mostly at parties and he wasn't exactly your type but you tried to remember shouldn't judge him by his first impression when you haven't even got to know him.
chanhee pulled out his phone and soon you felt yours vibrate in your back pocket. you looked at him questioningly.
'I sent you his number in case you're interested,' he explained proudly. he put his hand on your shoulder and you could see the concern in his eyes. 'you really need to get over changmin if don't want to confess,' he insisted firmly.
so you decided to text younghoon during class. he was very polite and you thought he was cute as he seemed excited to talk to you. you agreed to hang out sometime to get to know each other and decided to meet up friday for dinner.
after the end of your classes, you walked home to warm up yesterday's leftovers. to your dismay, changmin had also decided to come home for once. since you began acting all weird and refused to eat with him, he usually spent lunch time with his dance mates as they had practice after anyway. why had he decided to come here today? your question was answered when he ran up to you, smiling from ear to ear and you noticed he was hiding something behind his back.
'you know how there is a blackpink concert downtown on friday? guess what!' he held up two tickets. surely you would at least agree to spend time with him if it meant being able to see your favorite group, right?
he must have gone through so much trouble to get tickets for you and since blackpink were your favorite music artists you were actually contemplating on going but then you remembered you had made plans.
'I can't. I'm going out with younghoon friday night.'
'kim younghoon?' he raised an eyebrow skeptically.
'why would you to be spending time together? I didn't know he was even talking to you,' he questioned you. anger was boiling inside of you.
'maybe it's because you don't know everything about me,' you snapped at him. you were aware that you were being harsh but somehow his words hurt you. why did he doubt you? did he think you weren't able to get with someone as awesome and popular as younghoon? did he not consider you pretty enough?
the microwave beeped, indicating your food was ready, making you snap out of your thoughts.
'y/n, I swear, that's not what I meant.' he stepped directly in front of you so you were forced to look at him. you stared deep into his pleading eyes as you closed the microwave door, turned your back to him, stomped to your room and slammed the door shut, leaving changmin behind in the kitchen.
your whole body was tense as you listened closely to any sounds coming from outside and felt relieved when you heard the front door close. feeling sad and depressed always made you feel tired so you decided to take a nap to forget about all the negative feelings.
when you woke up you were horny af. you had a dream about changmin taking you on the kitchen counter and now your panties were completely soaked with your arousal.
desperate, you pulled them down and tossed them somewhere to the side. it didn't matter. you needed relief now.
you closed your eyes as you slowly started rubbing your clit, imagining it was changmin's slender fingers touching you instead. your imagination was running wild and you sped up the tempo.
eventually, you plunged your middle finger and then your index finger inside you, pretending that changmin was stretching your walls with his cock.
you moaned loudly and picked up the pace, chasing your high. oh, how much you wished he was the one making you come.
'yes?' you opened your eyes and gasped loudly as you saw changmin watching you from the doorway. you hecticly pulled up your blankets to your chest to cover your naked lower body. for how fucking long had he been standing there?
'oh fuck, changmin...' you cursed out loud.
to your surpise he laughed. 'oh, is this why you have been so distant? were you embarrassed about imagining doing dirty things with me?' your cheeks were burning red and you were unable to move a muscle.
'you know, if you had told me you were thinking of me while doing it then I could've helped you out already. that would have spared both of us a lot of frustration.' he stepped into the room and pulled the sheets away, his hungry eyes fixed on your desperately dripping pussy. you tried to hide it with your hands.
'n-no… what are you saying? aren't we best friends? ' you couldn't comprehend what was happening right now. the way he was acting was so unexpected that you didn't know how to react or what to say. he brushed his hand over your burning cheeks. his eyes were conveying disparity.
'but what if I told you I don't care? that I like you? that I see you as more than just my best friend?'
'wait, you like me?' you couldn't believe your ears. was he actually reciprocating your feelings?
he groaned in exasperation. 'y/n, why did you think I ended things with my ex out of the blue?' you shrugged your shoulders as you weren't sure. you had thought it was because she had lost interest in him, at least that's what changmin had told you back then.
'because I realized I was in love you, you dumbass. how could I be together with someone if I had feelings for someone else?'
'I actually ruined my chances of having sex with seonghwa for the first time for the same reason. it was just after I had found out about the breakup,' you confessed, relieved that you were finally beginning to make sense of everything.
he climbed onto the mattress and positioned his knees next to your closed legs, leaning his hands on the wall behind you so that he was hovering above you.
'I'm sorry that you lost that opportunity. let me make it up to you,' he whispered with his face mere inches from yours and then kissed you. losing all self-restraint, you immediately pulled his body closer so that he was straddling you. after all these months filled with sexual frustration and just frustration in general, you were desperate for his touch. your hands wandered under his dance shirt and you were finally able to touch those abs you had been secretly admiring for so long.
you broke the kiss to take off both of your shirts and changmin skillfully unclasped your bra.
while his tongue was exploring the insides of your mouth, his hands were kneading your breasts, occasionally rubbing and pinching your hardened nipples. you felt his hard dick press against your lower abdomen as he grinded himself into you to get friction.
after having dreamt about this moment for so long, you felt impatient. this was too good to be true and you were scared that if you didn't act quick, your bubble would bust.
without thinking twice about it, you pulled down the hem of his sweatpants and boxers just far enough so you could easily reach inside and whip out his dick. you stopped for a moment to admire his length. it looked even better than you had ever imagined in any of your wildest dreams.
he sat upright, leaning on the wall behind you, while you stroked his cock. he was sensitive to your touch and not shy to show you how well you were doing by responding with moans.
'fuck, y/n. you're doing amazing.' his praise made you eager to show him just how good you could make him feel. your lack of experience was barely noticeable as the adrenaline flowing through your veins was guiding you.
you tapped his thighs to signalize him to inch closer. that way your mouth had easier access to his dick. you hesitantly licked up his length and were fascinated by how he tasted. wanting to have more of it, you swirl your tongue around his pink tip. changmin eventually became impatient and forced more of his dick inside your mouth so you tried to take as much of him as you could but your gag reflex made it difficult for you. instead, you worked your hands where your mouth couldn't do its job.
not wanting you to feel neglected, changmin reached behind him to stimulate your clit. he skillfully started rubbing all the right places and you moaned around him, sending vibrations through his cock.
he couldn't take this stimulation for much longer before he had to force himself to pull out of your mouth.
'wow, you almost made me come there.' he panted heavily. 'but I want to be inside you first.' you got lost in his touch as he placed a long kiss on your lips but a sudden thought brought you back to reality.
'wait, I don't have a condom,' you informed him embarrassed. you hadn't planned to lose your virginity any time soon so you hadn't bought any. did that mean the end of this wonderful dream?
but changmin laughed light heartedly. 'no need to worry. hold up, let me get some from my room.' you relaxed again as he disappeared and came back shortly with a condom wrapper in his hand.
you were prepared for him to start right away and took a deep breath in preparation but he didn't do anything.
'I don't think it's a good idea to start yet since I haven't even prepared you. the last thing I would want to do is hurt you so just lay back.'
he positioned your legs over his shoulders so your hips were hovering in the air. you felt his warm breath against your vagina before he drove his tongue inside you, seeing for himself how wet he had made you and tasting your arousal. you clasped your hands over your mouth to stop yourself from releasing any sounds.
'don't do that. I want to hear how good I make you feel,' changmin complained.
when he slid two fingers inside you, you couldn't hold it in anymore and let out some kind of aroused squeal. you felt self-conscious but it seemed like changmin was only more eager to please you.
at the same time, his tongue was abusing your swollen clit and it was impossible for you to hold back the curses that were spilling out of your mouth. the pleasure he was making you feel was a whole different sensation from anything else you've experienced before.
'more please, changmin!' you begged. you wanted more. you needed more. you needed him.
he carefully lowered your hips back down. 'are you sure you want this?' he asked you, waiting for you to clearly consent to having sex with him.
'I want you. you, and only you,' you reassured him and brought his face closer to kiss him. changmin's typical bright smile formed and you felt the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
he positioned himself at your entrance, swiping his dick between your folds like a credit card to coat it with your juices.
you gripped his arms tightly as he pushed in. he slowly continued until all of him was buried deep inside you before stopping. the feeling of a whole penis inside of you was very different from your or changmin's fingers. it filled you up to the brim and was rubbing all the good spots. while it initially caused you a bit of discomfort, it wasn't overwhelming and it also felt good in a weird way.
when your walls finished adjusting to his length, he began to steadily move his dick in and out.
changmin intensely studied your face. he couldn't believe that after all those years you were finally close to being his. he wanted to savor every single expression you made while he was inside you.
you wrapped your legs around his torso, trying to push him deeper. he slammed his cock back inside you.
'you are mine,' he declared and started going harder and faster.
'I am yours,' you confirmed and wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him in for a kiss.
because of the extensive foreplay and your own masturbation prior to this, it didn't take long until your walls were tightening around his dick and you felt an orgasm approaching.
driven wild by you clenching around his cock, he thrusted into you even faster. you rested your sweaty foreheads against each other as both of you almost came simultaneously.
changmin kissed the top of your head before he pulled out and threw away the used condom. you opened your arms and he let himself fall right into your embrace.
'I know this might be kind of weird to talk about right now but do you want to be my girlfriend?' Changmin asked you. he still wasn't too sure what all of this meant for your relationship and he desperately needed to know where your mind was at.
'after having liked you for all this time I'd be an idiot to say no.' 'you're an idiot anyway,' he teased. you slapped his arm.
'hey! I'm not the one who ignored you for a couple of months because my hormones are out of control.' you hid your face in the crook of his neck, too embarrassed face him.
'I'm really sorry for that. you just mean so much to me and I didn't want my feelings to get in the way of our friendship.' he stroked your hair.
'I do understand that. if I hadn't heard you moan my name today I wouldn't have acted on my feelings either. but all is good now, right?' 'right.' you smiled and placed a small kiss below his ear.
'there is still one thing you need to do,' changmin tried to remind you. you looked at him, puzzled.
'what do you mean?' 'younghoon,' he hinted. you immediately started looking for your phone. that date was definitely going to have to be cancelled. there was no need for you to find a distraction anymore since you had been granted your wish after all.
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theysayitscrazy · 3 years
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Ok ok I got a new idea for you:
Brock taking Cerb or Pepper to a park and the dog running to the reader to get attention and that's how Brock and reader meet.
Dog Days of Summer
Brock Reynolds x Reader
Tag List: @bravo-four-seal-team @rebelwrites @heathermann200
Shoot me a message if you want to be added to my tag list when I post new stories.
You laugh as your golden retriever jumps from the car and beelines for the gate of the dog park. You just started stopping here on your way home from work, but it had quickly become Roxy’s favorite place after her doggy day care.
Now on Friday nights, it became your tradition. Pick Roxy up from doggy daycare, then head to the dog park. Afterwards, you hit your favorite take out restaurant that usually had something special for Roxy too.
Somehow this became your life, but you were new in town and didn’t know anyone.
So, you close the car door behind your pup and head over to the gate to let her in. Thankful that that park is empty as usual, and you can sit on bench and read a book while tossing a tennis ball to Rox.
You’ve settled on ‘your bench’ as you’ve dubbed it and toss the ball across the fenced in area and settle into your book. You’ve settled into a routine and don’t even realize when another dog brings you the tennis ball and drops it in your lap.
You just pick it up and toss it.
After the third time this happens, the dog doesn’t let go of the ball, instead it set its big old head down in your lap and nudges the book out of the way. “Oh hello,” you laugh and pet the dark haired Malinois that’s chomping on the tennis ball in your lap.
“Cerberus, no!” A dark-haired man yells from across the way. He had his phone against his ear, but quickly hangs up and walks over.
“I’m so sorry,” the man says as he gets closer. “Cerberus, come on buddy,” he tries to pull the dog away from you.
You laugh as Cerberus climbs up on the bench and tries to get in your lap.
“No!” the man shouts and pulls the large animal off you. “Come on buddy, we talked about this,” he murmurs when the dog is back on the ground at your feet.
“This a common occurrence?” you question, raising an eyebrow at man crouched before you.
He looks up startled and his hazel eyes are wide and beautiful. You have to hide your smirk. He looks so innocent. Black hair curls up under a black ball cap, a black scruffy beard, and tall lanky build, but you can see the lean muscles in his vein lined arms. He’s pretty fricken gorgeous, you think to yourself.
“No, no,” he shakes his head. “My brother Sonny, he borrows Cerb sometimes to pick up chicks. Now I’m trying to break the habit,” he quickly explains, petting Cerberus.
You laugh and nod good naturedly. “Sounds like quite the character.”
He laughs and nods. “Sorry, I’m Brock,” he holds out a hand.
You shake it immediately and smile, “Y/N,” you answer as Roxy comes running over and slides right up to Cerberus, licking his face. “And that’s Roxy,” you laugh.
His laugh is easy and genuine as he reaches out and pets the goldens fur. “Well, aren’t you a pretty girl,” he compliments her. “Just like your mom,” he adds and glances at you.
You blush and bite your lower lip, feeling butterflies in your stomach.
“I haven’t seen you around here before,” Brock says.
“Yeah, I just moved to town a couple months ago. We’ve started coming here pretty regularly lately. It’s on my way home from work and Roxy’s doggy daycare,” you tell him, not quite sure why your telling this total stranger the finer details of your routine, or admitted that you’re basically alone here every week.
“Yeah, I work just up the street,” he admits, “but my schedule is all over the place so I never know when we’re gonna get a chance to play.”
You smile at the way he’s crouched down before you, petting both dogs who seem infatuated with each other. “He usually like this?” you ask, motioning to Cerberus.
“Not really. He’s a work dog, not really able to socialize with other dogs too much, that’s why I bring him here,” Brock admits, standing from his crouch.
Once he’s out of the way, Roxy and Cerberus cozy up to each other, tails wagging and snouts nuzzling. “I think we have a problem,” Brock admits and takes a seat on the bench next to. “Sorry, you mind?” he asks, standing back up and motioning to the bench.
You giggle and nod. “Go head.”
You spend the next couple hours talking to Brock, learning about his job as a SEAL and you tell him about yours as a physical therapist.
Your dogs have snuggled in next to each other on the grass at your feet and dozed off with their heads tucked together. They’re too cute and look too comfortable to wake, so you let them doze and keep talking.
When it starts to get dark, you shiver and realize you’re still in short sleeves, and its actually quite dark already. “I uh should go,” you murmur, looking down at your pups, not really feeling like leaving yet. You’re having such a good time with Brock.
He seems to sense the shift in the evening and nods, glancing down at the pups too. You’re both quiet for a few moments before you both say at the same time, “You wanna get dinner?”
You look over at him and laugh and nod. “Yeah, sounds good.”
The pups jump excited and bark, ready to go.
“Oh, you two were play sleeping?” you ask as Roxy nuzzles your hand.
Brock chuckles next to you, “It worked, didn’t it?”
���You mean, your dog makin a move, so you could slide on in?” you question with a smirk.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Brock grins cheekily and shakes his head, the look of pure innocence.
“Uh huh,” you say, but agree to follow him to your favorite restaurant. They have a patio and are dog friendly.
“Looks like we made friends, Cerb,” Brock grins at his dog. “Good boy.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Burnt ~ MYG [Request]
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PAIRING: Yoongi x Reader
GENRE: established-relationship, fluffy ending, running into ex, mentions of burning by accident, 
A/N: Again I used a wheel of names to select the member so that it was fair, we got Yoongi this time so I hope you enjoy it!!
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It wasn't often that you and Yoongi got to enjoy some one on one time together so going out for the morning dog walks you did every day was something that you cherished. An hour-long walk just the three of you as you spoke about anything and everything that came to mind, catching up and spending time with the one guy you loved and your dog. The two of you had made it a tradition that you would go together deciding that since Yoongi was always so busy with something in his life this was his designated time for you and only you. Of course, you spent other times together but this was always a for-sure fire plan, there was no way out of it, it was always going to happen unless it was pouring it down with rain. This morning it was bright and early, the grass that you walked Min Holly on was crisp, the air was fresh and there was almost no one around besides the other people that were walking their dogs. Yoongi and you walked hand in hand as you took Holly over a field that wasn't fair from your home, 
"I was thinking of cooking dinner for you and the boys, Friday night?" You suggested as you threw a ball for Holly she began sprinting after it wildly while you stood with Yoongi under a tree, 
"Sure. We should try and make that cake they loved the last time they were over," He suggested as he gently took your hand in his, stroking his thumb over your knuckles and smiling happily as he looked at you. He never would have thought he could be this happy again but you brought out the best in him, he hadn't been this happy since his last relationship which had ended on pretty good terms. 
"Jimin loved it, even if it was falling apart," You laughed softly, bending down to pick up the ball that Holly had dropped by your feet, you handed over the wet tennis ball to Yoongi who threw it for his dog once again, going further than before. 
"Jimin loves everything you make for him, he swears by your cooking," Yoongi chuckled, standing behind you and wrapping his arms around your body enjoying the feeling of standing this close to you. Laying his head down on your shoulder he hummed in satisfaction of the silence that surrounded you. All that could be heard was the occasional car passing on a nearby road and the birds that were waking up in all of the trees, it was more relaxing than ever.
"I wonder what's taking Holly so long to get that ball," He mumbled a few moments later when he realised Holly hadn't come bounding back over to you as he usually would, ball in his mouth. 
"Holly?" You called out, patting your legs as you both began wandering over in the direction he was last seen running in, calling out his name as the both of you waited for some kind of sign that Holly was around there somewhere.
"Holly?" Yoongi cried out as you walked down the back of some trees that were heading towards a forest-like area, there was Holly rolled over on her back and getting belly rubs from another person who was dressed in a hoodie and some jeans. 
"Such a good boy, aren't you?" You heard a female voice coo as you approach her and your dog with Yoongi, worrying slightly if she was some kind of fan that had decided to stalk out where Yoongi walked Holly. 
"Hey, I'm sorry. He's just overly friendly sometimes, I'm sure he didn't mean to-" Yoongi stopped speaking mid-sentence when he looked up to see his ex-girlfriend sitting there with his dog, all of a sudden it was like he was only there with her and her alone. The rest of the world ceased to exist as they locked eyes for the first time in over six years, you stared at Yoongi wondering why he had suddenly stopped speaking and you glanced over at the female who was staring at him. Aera. You recognised her from the photos you'd found in Yoongi's home studio, she was his ex-girlfriend and the love of his life. Her name literally meant love. The sight of them looking at one another the way they did made your heart sink, he was looking at her as if she was the only woman in the world while she stared at him like it was the last time she ever would.
"Aera this is Y/n, Y/n this is Aera..." Yoongi finally said as he tore his eyes away from her, turning to look at you briefly before his eyes were glued to her once again. You didn't blame him she had been the love of his life for years until up and leaving six years ago to move to a different country, both of them deciding to end the relationship so neither of them had to go through with a terrible long-distance relationship. 
"It's lovely to meet you, I've heard a lot." You told her as you shook her hand, doing your best to seem as polite as possible, just because they had been together all those years ago didn't mean that they would be together again now, right? 
"It's been too long, what are you doing back?" He questioned her as you began to leash Holly back up to his walking gear, stroking the dog that was with Aera as you went down onto the floor. 
"I moved back, I was done with my studying and decided I missed home," She smiled softly at him and then all of a sudden it was as if you were no longer there again, the two of them began conversing back and forth about everything she had been doing over the last few years, catching up as you began a slow walk back home being ignored by your fiancé but you let it slide. He hadn't seen her in years and they had been best friends before they dated, you had nothing to worry about since you trusted him with your life.
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"That was nice seeing her for a while," You told Yoongi as you began making breakfast for Holly, hoping to get your fiancé back into conversation with you but his head had been in his phone since getting back home probably letting the boys know who he had seen that morning. 
"Yoongi?" You questioned when he still didn't respond to you, sighing to yourself you kissed the top of his head before leaving to go and get a shower he was probably just stressed with work stuff. 
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When you woke up the next morning you expected to roll over and find Yoongi as you usually would but you were created by cold and empty sheets, he was missing with no note left behind to say he had gone into work earlier than expected. 
"Yoongles?" You called out down the stairs as you walked down them, wrapping a dressing gown around your body in case he or the boys were around the house somewhere, it wasn't uncommon for the boys to just let themselves in when they saw fit. As you reached the porch you saw that Yoongi's coat was missing along with Holly's walking gear and Yoongi's walking boots, he'd gone without you? Glancing over at the clock there was no reason for him to have gone without you, the two of you would normally wake up now and walk Holly together. There was a sinking feeling in your gut as you thought about how he and Aera had been texting back and forth all day yesterday, had he gone out with her without telling you? It wouldn't have bothered you if he had just mentioned it to you or even left some kind of note as to where he was. 
Hey, I'll make some breakfast for when you're back if you like? xx Hitting send you waited anxiously for the message to be read but it was left as delivered while you went to shower and do your morning routine before he came home. 
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"I made your favourite!" You called out as you saw Yoongi running around the house in a rush, Holly was eating his breakfast in the kitchen while Yoongi had rushed in the house to shower and change for work. It had been a two-hour long walk with Aera which didn't help ease the uneasy feeling you had but you kept your faith in Yoongi, he loved you and you loved him that was all you needed to put your attention on.
"I don't have time to eat, I'll grab something at work." He yelled out as he ran out of the house, into his car before you could even ask if he had enjoyed his walk out there that morning, you stared down at Holly sighing to yourself. 
"Guess it's me and you then," You said to him as you poured him some more water into his bowl. 
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It continued on like that all week, Yoongi would go for the morning walks with Aera instead of with you, spending more and more time with her to the point where you felt you hardly saw him unless it was for an hour at night before going to bed but you were reminding yourself that tonight was your night with him and the boys. Friday night dinners together were traditional with him and the boys and everything was perfect, you'd spent all of that day preparing the food, baking desserts and perfecting everything that the boys would be eating that night but no one showed up. As each hour passed and they weren't there you began to grow sick with worry thinking that something had happened to them, calls and texts to each of them were going unanswered but there had been no reports in the media about what possibly could have happened. 
"Here Holly," You called out, pouring some of the food that he was able to eat into his food bowl before cleaning up the dining room, blowing out candles and putting the desserts into the fridge for a later time. It wasn't uncommon that the boys would work so late they lost track of time so you figured that was all that had happened. 
That was until Yoongi walked through the door looking as though he was about to burst, he had chocolate down his chin and behind him was Aera as she struggled to stand him up straight,
"What happened?!" You panicked, rushing over to them as you helped her stand him up, struggling to carry him up the stairs to your shared bedroom. 
"He had a little too much to drink with the boys at my place," Your heart practically stopped beating as you heard where he had been and who he had been with. 
"Your place?" Your voice was strong and it didn't stutter as much as you thought it was going to, she nodded at you not seeing an issue with it. 
"He's been with you all night?" She nodded again, 
"The guys and I have a tradition, meals every Friday and we used to switch who's place we went to...I figured since I was back I could invite them to mine...I asked Yoongi to bring you but he said you were busy." You nodded along with her as she began tucking Yoongi into bed but you stared at him, the subject hadn't even been bought up around you, Yoongi had neglected to mention he was going to cancel your dinner and go to hers instead. In fact, he'd neglected to mention anything as of late as he pushed you away and hung out with Aera more than you. 
"I'll let you get some sleep, it was nice meeting you again," She hugged you before leaving, you heard her lock the door before posting your keys back through the letterbox but your eyes never left Yoongi in his sleeping form. He was sneaking around to hang out with her but why? You trusted him and he knew that he could have just told you where he was going and there would never have been a problem but now it felt as if there was something going on. Something he was hiding.
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Time went on and you began to slowly distance yourself more and more from Yoongi, you'd tried getting him to talk to you more but he was working or catching up with Aera, you had no idea how much catching up needed to happen but it was bothering you. It was as if you were no longer a part of his life, just a ghost living in his house as he continued on as everything was normal. 
"Stupid fireplace," You hissed as you tried to get the fireplace in your living room to turn on, it was one of those exceptionally cold nights where you couldn't get warm so sitting by the fire with hot chocolate and a book was something you were going to do. Normally Yoongi would be the one to sort the fireplace out but he was nowhere to be seen so you were left to fend for yourself.
Letting out a smile in relief as the flames finally caught you began to get comfortable on the floor, settling down to read when you heard a crackling noise that didn't sound great but you pushed it aside thinking it was just the fireplace in its old age. 
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Guilt swelled up inside of Yoongi as he sat beside you in the hospital bed, he'd gotten a call to say you'd been rushed into emergency services when he was with Aera and he rushed to you. Sitting beside your bed the whole night before and even now, a day later, he was sitting with you. 
"What happened?" Jimin questioned as he walked into the room to see Yoongi watching you, Jimin placed a vase of flowers down onto the nightstand at the bottom of the hospital bed. 
"I was with Aera, she must have tried to light the fireplace," Yoongi explained as he looked at the burns that were on your left leg, it was nothing major but it was still a burn that he could have prevented if he hadn't wasted so much time hanging out with Aera so much. "She's been trying to get me to be with her for weeks and I kept pushing her away," His voice cracked as he began to cry, thinking of all the times he should have been with you. None of this would have happened if he had just been there. 
"I'm sure she'll understand that you wanted some time with Aera," Jimin explained but Yoongi shook his head, 
"There's no excuse for me to leave Y/n. I love her and I just pushed her aside because of what?!" You woke up to him yelling and you whined, turning to look at him you already knew what they were bickering about. 
"She was the love of your life...I didn't want to get in the way," You breathed out as you tried to sit up, hissing in pain as you stopped. 
"You can't move yet, the nurse will need to come and check you over." He whispered as he kissed your lips softly, calling the nurse button and watching Jimin leave the room. 
"I will never, ever leave you again...I was so stupid," He mumbled to himself, beating himself up over something that couldn't have been helped, 
"Yoongi you missed her, I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore..." His eyes shot to you as he shook his head dramatically, 
"Of course I want to be with you, only you!" He cried out, taking your hand in his and smiling, kissing your hands softly.
"Then say those three words," You giggled softly looking into his eyes as he looked back at you, 
"I love you." You smiled even more, leaning forward to kiss him softly, laying back down when the nurse came into the room.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @taestannie​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @innersooya​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​
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niksfics · 3 years
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↬ PAIRINGS: kenma x f!reader (side aka rebound mention) miya atsumu x f!reader
↬ WARNINGS: a whole lotta angst, breakup, it’s an online relationship, kenma is cold and hurts ur feelings
↬ SUMMARY: your relationship with kenma really had felt like the last one. He was it, turns out he didn’t have similar feelings.
↬ A/N: alright loves!! This isn’t proofread at all it’s 2 in the morning I’ll edit when I wake up, butttt Thanks to my lovely ex girlfriend you are now being graced with this steaming pile of trash. (Lovely was not meant sarcastically at all she is in fact very lovely.) Ngl almost, if not all of this story is about my relationship with my ex gf. This is how I cope people. → It’s taken me awhile to actually be able to right something that’s why things kinda stopped. Tbh after she broke up with me it’s been very hard for me to write so hopefully this helps! And I hope you enjoy!! I would also just like to say if it feels a lil weird it’s cause these are things I’ve actually written in my notes I tweaked it a little to fit the story but it’s straight from the source 😩
WC | 2.5K
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You sighed as you opened your notes app. Your eyes scanning over all of the little facts and quirks he had told you about himself. All the stuff you’d wanted to remember. The stuff that had seemed so important to you before. Now it was meaningless, almost like facts about a stranger. Almost as if you hadn’t spent four months learning about and growing with eachother.
You scrolled down a little bit right under, how his favorite marvel character is Spider-Man and you chewed on your lip. Your fingers hovering above the keyboard on your phone. You looked over the facts again. The things he dislikes and the stuff he adores, the things he likes to collect to the way he feels passionately about a certain topic. You begin to type.
Friday June 25th 2022 12:22 Am
I cried again tonight, because I still love you. It’s been a month and six days since we broke up. It feels like there’s a hole in my chest. You seem to be doing fine though, so I’m happy for you! This is the second time since we’ve broken up that I’ve felt actual physical emotional pain in my chest. Remember when I told you how bad it hurt after we broke up? Remember how you didn’t even ask if I was ok? Didn’t even bother to answer. Do you remember that? I remember. I’ve thought about it every day since. I remember it being so bad I genuinely thought I was having a heart attack. Wasn’t until I’d called tetsu crying that he’d told me it was just emotional and I should probably try to relax.
I read through our old messages. I’ve never wanted something back so bad. Never wanted to beg anyone to stay till now. I wish you loved me like I love you. I wish I hadn’t grown so attached, wish I hadn’t fallen so deeply into love with you. I wish it wasn’t my fault that we broke up. I wish I wasn’t so fucking scared. I wish I was fearless. Wish I could rise into love bravely. I wish I was brave when it came to you. I keep telling myself it was me. It was me not you. You didn’t love me anymore. You don’t love me anymore and you’re just too nice to say that. So you told me in the only way I could handle. Except you hadn’t used the words you should have. You got bored. We both know it’s true. You were bored of it, and I don’t blame you. I know we’ll never talk again, and part of me is so glad. Another part of me forces myself to read through all our messages though. I wish I could just tell you one last time. I love you.
You sighed saving it before closing out of it. Tears you hadn’t known were falling finally became known to you as they streamed down your cheeks. Your eyes puffy as you wet your lips, the salt of them coating your tongue. You were bitter and so were your tears. I briefly wondered what he was doing right now. Probably playing a video game. You knew his schedule all to well by now. Probably testing out a new game for his stream.
A new set of fresh tears fell as you remembered how you used to call him right before he went on. Being lulled to sleep by his occasionally curses and the clicking oh his controller or his keyboard.
You never expected things to end this way. You really thought he was the last one. Yes it had only been four months, but the way he made you feel. The way that it had felt. It had felt final, and you’d been friends before you even started dating.
You sniffle moving yourself to the kitchen to poor yourself a glass of water as you remembered how nervous you were when you first texted him. You had acumulated quite the crush on him back in high school. As Inarazaki’s manager you were required to go to the games, and even after your team lost you had stuck around. Watched him play and cheered him on. Two weeks later you had begun to text, as friends of course. It wasn’t until four months ago that you’d gotten together.
Your anniversary was only two days prior to your break up. You both had never been one to even care about that stuff. You had agreed early on in the relationship that we wouldn’t do anything due to the distance, and the business of our schedules. You were never one for remembering things like anniversaries anyways.
He really did feel like the one. Sometimes you just know. Sometimes you can just feel it. Like, you know that feeling you get when you know something is off or you know for sure something is about to happen even without being told it’s going to. That’s what it felt like to be with kozume kenma.
You thought you knew, you thought this time, this time its for real. You thought it was finally safe to say, that he was the one. You both had even admitted to looking for each others initials in those stupid soulmate tik tok videos.
You were finally in a mature relationship with someone you could talk about anything to. You had gotten so caught up in it, that you didn’t even see the end creeping up on you.
You’d finally gained the courage to text him again. Unfortunately it was in a drunken daze. Your hands shaking as you fumbled with your phone typing things you’d come to regret in the morning. You’d sent him a series of texts telling him how much you missed him, how you didn’t understand how he was so okay. You had been a wreck that night. One of your friends puking in her toilet as you cried. You were happy of course that he was doing so well, but you’d been a wreck for so long and he hadn’t even changed. You told him you wished you could be okay.
When you’d awoken the next morning hair knotted in a complete mess and wiping drool from your chin your heart had sunk even lower. His response was cold. You knew that kenma could be cold. You knew that it was just who he was, but this particular text had felt so unfeeling and unfamiliar, it was as if he hadn’t even sent it himself. He had only ever talked like this to you once and that was when you first became friends all those years ago.
Kozume ❤️
Hey, it’s okay. And yeah you see what I choose to put up. I could be better. But I choose to stay optimistic and busy. Sorry that things are this way.
You had never seen so many periods in a text before. He only used grammar like that when he was peeved, and maybe you were wrong, maybe he’d done that on purpose, but it had hurt so bad. It had caused an ache so deep in your chest that you weren’t sure if you’d ever even dated him at all.
It was the only thing you could bring yourself to respond back with. How were you supposed to respond to that? You’d stared at it for so long and after you’d sent it you wished you had said more. Wished you would’ve said something more insightful than a simple, heartbroken, “yeah.”
Not too long later there was another ping and you held your breath. His name briefly appearing across your screen.
Yeah. I could be better. But I hope you do well soon. I’m sorry that I can’t really do much to help out
And of course you did the only thing you could do. Deflect. Pretend like you hadn’t said what you’d said not even fourteen hours ago.
No it’s fine. I’m fine. You don’t have to apologize. I’m sorry that you could be doing better.
He left you on seen. You knew you sounded like an asshole. At least to you, you felt like an asshole. Why couldn’t you have come up with something else. Why couldn’t you tell him the truth. Tell him how you felt. Tell him that you didn’t think you should be broken up anymore. That the month long cruel joke was over and you were ready to spend your nights falling asleep to him playing video games again. You didn’t though, and you never would. You’re not brave enough, too prideful to even try.
You swallowed down the bile rising in your throat as you realized even if you did beg him. Begged him to take you back. Tell him that you still love him. You were too late, and you just couldn’t be selfish when it comes to him. He is over you and it was so plainly obvious. You know that deep down. Know that he’s moved on, and it kills you inside. So you did the only thing you could do. Try and put it into words.
So as you lay in bed the warm body you let occupy your space sound asleep beside you, his toned blonde hair tousled slightly and you sighed. Finally away from the shenanigans of your friends you took a deep breath before you closed your eyes.
You opened up your notes app again and scrolled past the last entry. You swallowed again as you blinked the tears out of your eyes. Your thumbs beginning to move before you even gave them permission.
Wednesday June 30th 2022 1:39 Am
Here I am again. Stuck. Stuck in the same place I’ve been for so long. You know, I write so beautifully when I’m broken. I’m most of my best work is written when I’m being torn apart. But I just, I can’t seem to find the words. I can’t seem to put it into a document and turn out little story into a different story to cope. Can’t seem to write it out. Can’t seem to move on.
I hovered over the unfollow button on your page today, to keep myself from scrolling through your things again. To keep myself from getting hurt. So I don’t have to be reminded. I want to delete it. Delete where we officially met. On a chat through my screen. I wanna wipe the messages clean. And I’ve tried. Oh how I’ve tried. But I can’t.
I want to delete our conversations. The hours long talks we had, but then, what happens afterwards? What keeps the memories alive. I’d never been so in love with someone before. I’ve never actually…. Been in love before. I thought I’d been in love, but it didn’t feel like that, and losing them never hurt like this. Losing someone has never hurt this bad before.
I’ve never felt the emptiness you left so deep in my very being with anyone I’ve ever met before. I can’t seem to pull myself together. And it’s pathetic I know. It’s pathetic that I’m still here. In the same place I was a month ago. It’s about to be two months we’ve haven’t been together. I’m hurting. Hurting so bad. It’s painful to look at you.
I haven’t deleted the photos even though I probably should. They’re still tucked away in an album in my camera roll labeled “us <3” the one one I made specially just for you. The way I’d been so excited when I was finally ready to tell my friends. I even have this stupid notes folder from when we were dating where I wrote all the little things about you that I never wanted to forget. I find you so endearing. Everything you do. I just couldn’t help but right it down to keep it safe so it never leaves my mind. So that I never forget. But now, forgetting is all I want to do.
I never thought there’d be a time in my life where I was more emotionally stunted that I normally. So stunted I can’t even put this, our split up, into words. Make it something entertaining for somebody else to read. Write a book about it. My publicist keeps asking when the sequel for my book will be done. I don’t know if it’ll ever be finished. I can’t do the one thing I’ve always been good at. I’m crying as I write this.
And I wish it would just end here in this little notes app. Wish the love would die in here. I always think I’m over you and then I see you again, and nowadays your everywhere. A very big hit and I’m happy for you and your success, but seeing you makes my heart squeeze in my chest.
I think I’m over you until I play that stupid fucking game that causes me to scream at my phone, or my laptop in frustration, but I just can’t seem to delete it because I know it’s something that you love. That show we used to talk about. I know you know which one, I can’t seem to watch it without thinking of what was. You’ve ruined it forever cause now it only reminds me of you. I know you’ll never see this, but I like to imagine you can. That my time for closure has somehow come.
When you told me you were sorry that things were this way, it was a real slap in the face. It stopped my false hope. My wishing. It all came to a halt. I’m glad. Glad that you’re happier. That you’re better without me. But god, now I’m so fucked up and I can’t even talk to you.
You were the only person I had left. The only one who understood me. And now you’re gone. You took a part of me with you that night. A part that I’ll never get back. I should’ve known that you would leave. I’ve never been able to get someone to stay for longer than three to four months.
I thought I could let my guard down though. I thought we were in the clear. I’d thought finally. Finally someone is gonna stay. I thought you were my person. I still think that to this day. I thought we were gonna make it. And now I’m with this guy I don’t even like. He’s not you, he doesn’t act like you. He doesn’t like video games like you do.
He doesn’t talk to me like you do. Like you did. But you know how it ended I don’t need to put it here. Unfortunately I’ll always love you even if you don’t love me. This is so scattered, I’m sorry I couldn’t make you happy.
With that you closed the app and put down your phone. Plugging in it and as it dinged miya atsumu rolled over in his sleep. He reached for you his hands wrapping around your waist to tug you against his strong body.
His gravely voice whispering through sleep, “mmm finally decided to come to bed?” You hum moving an arm under on of his to wrap around his thin waist. “Mhm, thought you might need the company.” You began to draw little shapes and letters against his back as he chuckled, “oh yea? How thoughtful of you princess.”
Suddenly it was quiet and your closed eyes opened to his wide brown ones, his eyebrows furrowing .
“Did you just spell kozume on my back?”
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slytherweasley · 4 years
Cam girl (George Weasley x reader)
Warnings: Smut and swearing
Summary: George logs onto his computer every week at the same time to watch his favourite cam girl because she reminds him of a girl he used to have a crush on at Hogwarts. One day he decides to pay to private message her and she responds.
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George logs onto his computer at 10pm, the same time every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Today’s Friday, the last day of the week until he has to wait until Monday. For the past month George has been watching a cam girl, she goes by Honey but that’s not her name. The thing that excites George about it all is that she’s anonymous, no one knows what she looks like under the mask.
You setup your computer so the webcam can get everything, you find all the toys you want to use and line them up. You put on your mask and watch the time as it hits 10pm and press stream. The viewers get transferred to your livestream. People assume everyone there is old men but you’ve seen pictures in private messages and some of them are quite good looking. Your job isn’t all sex, for the first 10 minutes you have conversations with the viewers and sometimes people just want to private message you to have some company.
George has never typed anything in the chat before because he’s too nervous too, he doesn’t know what to say. He watches you as you sit on the bed and answer comments from the live chat. He originally clicked on your stream because you reminded him of a girl he used to have a crush on at Hogwarts. She was in Hufflepuff and he had said only a few words to her but he knew so much about her.
You stop answering questions when you check the time and get ready. You ease into it by touching yourself over your lingerie. George tries to stop himself from touching himself so early in the show but the way you moan and mutter dirty things makes his mind go insane. You start to strip first revealing your breasts and you see the chat comments speed up as more new comments roll in and more viewers tune in. You get an average of 5-25k views, it all depends on the day.
You strip until you’re fully naked and lay down spreading your legs out. You use your fingers to spread your pussy open and tease your clit. George starts to palm himself through his pants. You get out a pink dildo, the men prefer 6-8 inches and bright coloured so you tend to use them but you have a large collection. You get closer to the webcam and lick up the dildo putting it in your mouth and making it wet.
You put it inside you once you’re satisfied with how long you’d been deepthroating it. George pulls his pants and boxers down and touches himself right away, wasting no time. He usually cums twice, it doesn’t take too long for him to get hard after once because he watches the whole show.
You liked doing the show because it is a way to let out all your stress and you have a desirable body that thousands of people want to see and you get generous donations during the livestream and to pay to private message you. You stay up for a few hours after your stream to talk to people because the more you talk the more they spend money on you.
Once you’d cum a few times and filled up the time you end the stream by reminding people about private messages, $5 to talk the whole night. George felt an urge to message you but he decided not tonight, he had to go to work the next day and help Fred with the shop. He took a shower and couldn’t stop thinking about you, he got ready for bed and closed his eyes and realised he couldn’t sleep if he didn’t attempt to message you. It was a couple hours after your show had ended and he decided to message you. You probably get hundreds of messages a night.
Ha pays the money to send a message he types in something simple “Hi, I watch your shows every night” he presses send and waits a bit doing other things, the notification pops up on the corner of his screen and he sees you answered. “Thank you, it means a lot, we haven’t spoken before, have we?” it was polite but George was thrilled you actually answered. He immediately types back “No we haven’t but I’ve been watching for a month now, I never got the courage to even send a live chat until now.”
George stayed up for hours talking to you. You signed off for the night to all the other men in your chats just to talk to him. He seemed like one of the guys who was nice and you were both the same age, he’s 25 as well but you don’t give out your age or actual name. You could pass for younger or older. Every night even when shows weren’t on you’d talk, the more detail you knew about him and the more sexual the conversations were the more you liked him. You’d stay up extra late to talk to him and you found yourself realising you’re getting attached and giving him false hope that you’d meet up one day.
“What’s your real name?” He asks “I can’t tell you, it’s apart of the mystery, besides you haven’t told me your name yet” “I understand and I do prefer not knowing, my name is George just so you know.” Your heart skips a beat and you feel as though you’d been transported back to Hogwarts, you had a huge crush on George Weasley, you didn’t know him well but you fancied him and your friends knew, you had common friends but never became friends. You used to be so shy and that is the one thing you wish you got over sooner so you could become friends with George. As far as you know he’s been doing very well for himself at Weasley’s Wizards Wheezes. You always thought about going in there but thinking about how shy you were makes you feel insecure and shy.
“I love that name, I used to know someone with that name, he was a great person, just like you” you reply “I’ll admit I’m so surprised you’ve been talking to me everyday for a week” “I’ve grown to like you, George.”After talking for another week you couldn’t get him off your mind and you knew that you were in too far.
“I don’t want you to keep paying every night, here’s my number. I trust you enough.” George just assumed you talked to everyone the same as him but you seemed to like him. He saves the number in his phone under Honey.
As the weeks went by, you were talking more than just at night. You became friends and you started to hate that George was calling you Honey. “I wish I could talk to you in person” he types “Why don’t we do it then?” “In person?” “Lets meet up, we can hook up at my place if you’re comfortable” you couldn’t believe you were doing this. “Are you sure? Neither of us know much about each other’s physical appearance, you don’t even know what I look like.” “I don’t care, I’ve fallen for you and we should meet up.” You send him an address to meet up a couple blocks from your house just in case he isn’t as sweet on the internet.
You get there early and stand on the busy street, each man that goes by you get hopeful until you see him, George Weasley standing there looking around for someone. In a matter of seconds everything clicks in your head, you’ve been talking to George Weasley, no wonder you were so in love with this guy you’d just met online. You apparate out of there before he sees you. You get into your apartment and send him a text “I’m so sorry George, I just threw up and I’m not in the mood to see anyone, I hope you know I’m not an asshole.” He texts back almost immediately “I get it, don’t feel bad we can reschedule” “Thank you for understanding.”
The next couple days you ignored his messages and he even tried to contact you on live chat but you wouldn’t message back. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t what you expected, I think I got the message” George knew it seemed weird she would text right as they were supposed to meet, she definitely saw him and ran. Your heart breaks and you feel obligated to message “Are you free right now?” You text back “Why?” “Let’s meet up, same spot and I promise I’ll be there to explain everything” “I’ll be there soon.”
You use magic to clean up your house just in case he isn’t grossed out by you and does want to come back to hook up. You apparate and see he is already there waiting, he seems shocked that you apparated “Honey?” He asks trying to get closer to see your face in the dark. You take a deep breath and get closer to him so he can see your face “Y/n?” “Hi George” “Did you know?” “No, I had no idea until I saw you and got scared so I apparated home.” “What do you think?” “I could ask the same” “I asked you first” “I’ve always fancied you, since about fourth year but I didn’t know you so I didn’t say anything.” “We knew each other just weren’t close” “So what do you think?” “I’ve fancied you since fifth year so I’m happy, I’m shocked though, you were so shy.” “I’m a different person to what I used to be” “I can tell” “So what do you want to do?” “Love, this makes this so much better, let’s go to yours.”
You take his hand and apparate him into your apartment. You help take off his coat and lead him to your bedroom. “Wow, this looks so much cooler in person” “It’s probably because you’ve only seen one wall of the room.” He walks around “Do you want to see the toys?” He nods and you open up a few drawers full of them. “Wow, that’s a lot, do you ever use magic?” “Sometimes if I’m tired of doing it myself but never on camera.”
You make the first move and kiss George, his lips are cold but your warm lips pressed to his feels nice. “Can I undress you?” “Of course, just promise me you won’t treat me differently now you know I’m me” “No way, I get to fuck you on the bed I’ve seen for months, I’m not going to treat you any differently than how I told you I would.” You smile and bite your lip trying to hide your excitement as he discards your clothes.
“You’re just as beautiful in real life” he kisses down your neck to your breasts and sucks on one of your nipples and you let out a whimper, he kisses down your body and hovers above your pussy. “Please George” you moan, he licks from your core up to your clit. He fingers you with two fingers first before sucking on your clit and curling his fingers inside you. Your fingers grasp his soft hair and pull on it while the other grips the side of the bed,
“George! I’m going to cum” you yell and he pounds his fingers into you “Fuck” he pulls his fingers out of you and licks them off. He takes off his shirt and unbuttons his pants while you’re recovering from your high. “I’m ready, I need your cock in me, George” you palm him through his pants and slide a hand into his boxers, jerking him off. He pulls them down “Lay down” you do as he says while he strokes himself a few times before lining himself up with your core.
He slides himself in and groans at the feeling “Fuck” he moans and slowly picks up the pace until he gets used to the feeling. “You’re so fucking tight, Y/n” he pounds himself into you, you feel yourself sink into the mattress with every stroke. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you let out a loud moan. “So fucking hot” You grip onto his bicep and look into his eyes when you are about to cum. Without saying anything he already knows “Come on, you’re so close” he rubs your clit with his other hand and you finish around him. “Holy shit, feels so good, you’re throbbing on my cock” you feel him finish and he lays beside you.
You lay your head on his chest “Thank you” he says “No, thank you, that was great” “I know you don’t do this for everyone so thanks and if you you did like it and want me to come around again I’ll be happy to.” You kiss his lips “George I want to see you again, a lot more often but also do other things like go to dinner or something.” You wait to see what he will say hoping he will agree. “Are you asking me on a date?” “No im asking you to be my boyfriend” “Really?” He sounds surprised “You don’t have to say yes I was just saying I’d like that” “Yes.”
George was fine with you doing your job, your shoes ever night and private messaging other guys because he knew that’s what you had to do to earn money. If he couldn’t be at your apartment one night he’d just watch your livestream.
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peterpparkerwrites · 3 years
all these years - part two
a/n: part one is posted - these are queued before my temporary studying hiatus, so it should be posted on my page right before this one. if you send me a message/ask and I don’t respond, it’s just because I’m taking that break - I should be back again by mid-december! warnings: language pairing: college!peter parker x reader word count: 2.6k summary: even though it’s been years since you and peter broke up, sometimes it feels like no time has passed at all
masterlist ~ requests are closed
Peter was sitting with you in the laundromat a few blocks from campus, as he usually did on Fridays when you washed your clothes for the week. The in-house laundry machines charged way too much money, but you also didn't feel comfortable being by yourself at a laundromat at night, the only time you had to go.
Peter was more than willing to spend the time to go with you, and it had been a tradition for you both since freshman year to bring your laundry on Friday nights and hang out in the laundromat for a few hours.
You were almost done with your laundry, listening as Peter's phone buzzed a few times. Based on his next words, it was from the group chat.
"Please, we cannot let Ned make us watch Weird Science for the fifth time," Peter groaned, shoving his hands over his face, "If I have to sit through that again tomorrow, I might have to throw myself off a roof without my web shooters."
Your brain seemed to register what he was saying, that your monthly movie nights with your friends was tomorrow. You usually switched off who drove up to Boston or down to New York, since the drive was long. This time Ned and MJ would be coming down, but not Betty - she apparently had a big test to study for.
And you had completely lost track of time.
"Tomorrow?" You asked, folding your last shirt. "Shit, is it already the end of the month?"
"Yes, silly," he flicked your nose, and you swatted his hand away. "Tomorrow is in fact Saturday."
"Shit, I'm sorry, Peter," you frowned, "I forgot it was the last Saturday of the month. I'm going on a date tomorrow, I won't be able to make it."
Peter stared at you like you just spoke another language. "What?"
"I said, I can't come out tomorrow, because I have a date," you repeated slowly, giving him a look, "I definitely wasn't mumbling so you can blame your bad hearing on that this time."
"With who?" He seemed shocked, and you weren't sure if you should have been offended by that reaction or not.
"Cindy, remember her? You've only met her about a hundred times," you joked, but he didn't laugh, which wasn't really like him. "You alright there?"
"I thought you said you didn't like her like that," he stated flatly.
You remembered the day she asked you out, feeling flattered and flustered at the same time. She was really pretty and kind and you were low-key kicking yourself for not saying yes, and you still couldn't figure out why you rejected her so quickly. Peter asked why you looked funny when you hung out with him later that day, and you told him she asked you out, but you ended up saying no, giving him the excuse that you only saw her as a friend.
"I mean, I didn't think I did at the time," you shrugged, feeling a little defensive, "But she's cute and funny and she's interested in me, and I could see myself liking her, so I don't see a problem with going on a date and seeing where it goes."
Peter huffed, and you gave him a look. "Hey, it's just a movie night. We have it every month, you don't need to be so annoyed about me missing just one night."
He rolled his eyes, as if you were missing something, but you didn't ask him to clarify. His attitude was annoying you, but you knew he would never let you walk back to your apartment alone, so you just waited for his laundry to finish in silence.
You didn't understand his annoyance. Yes, you were missing movie night, which was a shame - but he had also missed it many times. Maybe not for dates, but still. Not to mention you had the conversation with him not even two weeks before, about going out with the next person that asked - why did he seem to surprised?
It was still silent as he walked home with you, and you could tell he was wanting to say something. However, he remained silent, his lips pressed tightly together the entire walk back.
"So...where are you guys going to go on your date?"
You figured he was going to start somewhere to bring the conversation back - still, you told him the name of the restaurant. He said he never heard of it, which wasn't surprising - he tended to stick to Delmar's or delivery.
"It's just some panini place near Soho, we're going to be studying most of the time. Not really a traditional date."
Your first date with Peter was much the same, you realized a little awkwardly. He had asked you to study with him and during the studying had asked if it could be a date. You had to cut him some slack, you were both only fourteen - to you that was as romantic as it could get at the time.
"Are you going out with her just because our friends are pressuring us to start dating again?"
Ah - there it was. You wished he kept his thoughts to himself.
"Of course not," you nearly snapped, glad you were back at your building before he started asking the stupid questions. "What kind of person do you think I am? If I didn't think I could have feelings for her, I wouldn't go out with her and lead her on. That's cruel."
"I'm not saying that," he defended himself, "But, you have to admit, this is pretty out of nowhere. You say you don't have feelings for her, and then you go out with her not even a week or so after we talked about how we should start dating people."
"I never said I had feelings for her, but I could," you pinched your nose, "That's the problem. I haven't let myself be open to the idea of having feelings for anyone, so I have to actually try dating someone before I know if I like them like that or not. That's how many people function, Peter."
"I don't," he shook his head, "I knew how I felt about you long before I asked you out."
You felt your cheeks heat up a bit at that, and you were glad for the cold weather as an excuse for it. "Well, not all people work the same. Can we just drop it? I like Cindy. I want to see where it can go. End of discussion."
Peter's expression made it clear that he didn't think that was the end of the discussion, but you didn't give him the opportunity to continue it. You went to take the elevator, not waiting for him to follow - you had different floors, either way.
Your phone buzzed a few hours later with a message from Peter in the group chat - he couldn't make the movie night, apparently wanting to do some extra Spidey stuff with Miles. You had already warned them you couldn't go, after Peter reminded you of movie night at the laundromat.
MJ and Ned sounded a little relieved that they didn't have to make the drive down, though Ned made it clear he thought you were both bailing just because of his movie choice.
Either way, Saturday came quicker than you had planned.
Since it was a study date more than a date date, you didn't dress up too much. It was kind of exciting nonetheless to be getting ready to go on a date at all - you hadn't been on one in so long, it was almost embarrassing.
Plus, you had known Cindy for a while now. It might be awkward at first to be seeing each other in a way that wasn't necessarily just friends, but you knew well enough that it wasn't going to be awkward the whole time. Making the focus around studying was a good idea.
To your happy surprise, it wasn't awkward at all. In fact, it felt like any other time you hung out with Cindy - which you weren't sure if it was meant to, or not. She ended up buying the food, and you paid for the drinks, offering to pay for refills since the food was kind of expensive.
You spread out your books and got to work, not really focusing on the work as much as just talking. At this point, you knew Cindy pretty well, but she always had another story to tell.
She was in the middle of a pretty funny one, when you noticed a familiar kid walk into the restaurant.
If you saw just Miles Morales walk in, you wouldn't have thought anything of it - but then Peter came in right behind him, and immediately made eye contact with you.
Cindy was in the middle of telling a story, so you couldn't get up and go over and demand to know what he was doing there right away - but you definitely planned to. It would've been one thing if you were at a restaurant somewhere closer to where Miles and Peter usually patrolled, or even if it was at the time they usually patrolled. But it was not even dark yet in the middle of Soho, and Peter had explicitly said he'd never heard of this place.
You were so on to him.
"I'm going to get another drink, do you want anything?" You asked once Cindy wrapped up, trying not to look suspicious. Cindy didn't seem to notice and just asked for a tea, and you said you'd be right back as you got up and marched over to where Peter and Miles had just gotten their sandwiches.
Peter looked even more awkward when he realized you were walking up to them. Miles, on the other hand, smiled and waved.
"Hey Miles, Peter," you crossed your arms, "What are you guys doing here?"
"Peter suggested this place for our lunch break," Miles grinned, and you pretended you didn't notice Peter elbowing him in the arm.
"I thought you hadn't ever heard of this place, Peter?" you narrowed your eyes at him, but you also couldn't help the grin creeping up on your face. He was totally spying on your date.
"I googled it after you mentioned it last week, and apparently the paninis here are the best in all of New York," he said confidently, and you had to hold in a laugh.
"Uh huh. Well, I'm going to order and go back to my table," you gestured to where Cindy was sitting, "But you guys enjoy your 'paninis'. Also, you're not off the hook, I want to hear all about your girlfriend," you winked at Miles, who rolled his eyes.
"I should've known Peter would say something."
"Well, I'm gonna get back to...yeah. Have a good patrol, guys."
"See you later," Peter gave you a half smile, before not-so-subtly taking Miles' arm and dragging him out.
"Bye, Y/N!"
You chuckled at Miles' grinning face as Peter all but dragged him out of the restaurant. It wasn't long before you got Cindy's tea and your drink, heading back to the table and hoping you weren't gone so long.
"Who was that with Peter? I didn't recognize him," Cindy commented casually, and you weren't surprised she had noticed you chatting with them.
"Miles, Peter's his trainer at work," you said simply, not really far off from the truth. "Sorry, I hope that wasn't rude - I saw them and wanted to say hi."
"Of course not," she laughed, and you relaxed a little. She was way more laid back than any other person would have been if their ex popped up in the middle of a date. Cindy knew you and Peter dated, but she had never seen it, of course - only heard.
The rest of the night went fairly well. It kept bugging you that this didn't really feel like a date, though - you were having a lot of fun, of course, but nothing that felt different than any other study session with Cindy before.
You were wondering if you should have suggested you both do something else rather than studying - maybe something like a picnic or even a movie - when Cindy suggested you both call the night quits and head back.
She was right - it was way later than you thought it was, and considering you both had to take the subway home, the sooner you left, the better.
You both talked about the project on the way to campus, and while you were definitely glad you got a lot of work done, it still wasn't quite what you had hoped. Of course, you couldn't have expected to suddenly fall head over heels for someone just on a first date, but you didn't feel anything different for her, that was for sure.
The last thing you wanted to do was admit that Peter had a point, but you had hoped it would be different. Cindy would have been a great girlfriend, but you couldn't see past just "friend". You and Peter had been friends before dating, but you could already tell that was different. You did have feelings for Peter before he actually asked you out. You doubted changing the scenery of this date would have made feelings for Cindy suddenly appear.
Unfortunately, all you could compare it to was dates with Peter - and you knew immediately which one you preferred, even if you hadn't been on a date with Peter for years. You liked hanging out with Cindy, but only in a friend way, if you were being honest with yourself.
You were trying to think of what to say if she asked to see you again like this, but she seemed to have read your mind.
"Y/N, I had fun tonight and it was nice to hang out with you, but," she frowned, "I don't think...I don't think we should do a second date date."
As blunt as that was, you weren't even offended, but rather more surprised she said it before you did. "Oh?"
"You felt the same way I did, I could tell," she replied, blowing some hair out of her face, "It was fun. But it was friendly, that was it. And...I think it kind of made me realize I like you more as just a friend."
"I kind of agree," you admitted, "I haven't dated anyone in so long, much less been on a date, and I didn't know how I felt until we were sitting there and it was like...nothing was different?"
She nodded in agreement. "You put my thoughts into exact words."
You both laughed, and you were a little relieved she felt that way. It was a lot nicer to end that on good terms than if she thought she still had feelings for you like that. Way easier than if you had gone out with that crazy boy from your freshman year.
"Also, totally weird that your ex shows up on when you're on a date," she pointed out in a joking tone, and you rolled your eyes.
"Come on, you know he's a friend more than an ex," you chuckled. "That wasn't why...?"
"No, it would have been the same either way," she affirmed, "Hey, I'm really glad we tried it out, though. Would've been a big "what if" if we hadn't."
"I'm glad too," you smiled, "Thanks, Cindy."
"I think this kind of made things a little more clear for the both of us, huh?" She asked with a little grin. She was right. You wanted to test the waters, you wanted to try to date someone you could see yourself being with - and it didn't work out. But that wasn't a bad thing.
"Yeah. I think you're right."
taglist: @lilbeatlebear @somefuckshit1 @hufflepuffseeker
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lsholland · 3 years
London Lights (pt. 1) - Tom Holland
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader (1st person)
Genre: Party!Tom
Warnings: swearing; alcohol; nothing much but I don’t recommend -18 to read.
Word count: 1.9k
Author’s note: Hey guys! That’s my first story on this blog. I hope you’ll like it. I’m not native so there may be a few mistakes. I’m trying a new genre of fiction. It’s my first Tom Holland fiction. It’ll be a series of 2-3 chapters. If you want to be part of the master list for Tom please like this post and message me. 
Synopsis: Quarantine has been tough. I’ve lost my boyfriend, and I’m feeling lonely. Clubs and restaurants are open again, but I feel like it’ll never be like it used to. My friends have been pushing me to install Tinder and go on dates. Well, tonight, I’m going on a date. I don’t really want to but I’m going to try and have fun for once. Just a few drinks and I’ll go home. What else could happen?
PS. You can read the story on Wattpad.
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What am I doing here? I think to myself.
I matched with this guy on this famous dating app . . . And now I'm supposed to meet him here, at this bar. But I don't want to. I'm just hoping he won't show up so I can escape from this shit-place.
I've been seated at the table for a good 5 minutes. The waitress cleans up the table next to mine and asks if I'm ready to order.
No, I want to leave.
I quickly glance at the drinks menu.
"Ehm . . . A pour over Irish coffee, please."
She nods and leaves. I don't even know what I just ordered. I hope it tastes good. Hopefully it'll make me drunk enough not to remember this awful date.
It hasn't even started yet.
I'm sweating.
"Hey there" says a husky voice right behind me.
I turn around and see my date. His name is Jordan. He's good-looking and I bet he's intelligent, but I don't have this feeling with him. I don't know why I accepted to go on a date in the first place. It's awkward.
"Hey!" I grin.
"Have you ordered something already?" he asks, touching his short, clean beard. "I'm thirsty!"
He looks nice.
The waitress hands me my third drink. They help the clock tick a little faster.
He's been talking about his job, his passions. He loves football and practises daily. He has 2 sisters and lives in Camberwell.
For a moment, I feel sad for him. He drove all the way to this East London bar, put effort trying to look nice and being cool . . . and yet, he doesn't know it but he has no chance to get lucky tonight. Not with me.
I shouldn't be sorry.
But I am.
I glance around looking for something that might be a little more entertaining than him. I realise I've avoided eye contact since he arrived. I finally glimpse at him. He has beautiful hazel eyes.
Still not enough.
I quickly check my phone. It's getting late. I don't know how to end this.
"Look," I slightly bend over the table. "I'm so sorry but I don't feel like it tonight"
"I noticed." He smirked. "Kinda awkward, innit?"
I chuckle. I am so embarrassed.
"It's okay, though." He added. "I'm just trying to meet new people. I broke up with my ex-girlfriend a few weeks ago. My mates told me I should try these apps."
Okay, now I feel worse than ever. He's been so nice with me and that's how I treat him. I grab my drink and gulp it down.
I shouldn't have done this.
"Let's go dance. I owe you one." I say as I grab his hand and walk towards the dancing area. It becomes difficult to keep my head straight.
I'm drunk, I must admit.
I'm going to regret it, my sober-self shouts in my head.
I don't care is what I reply.
The dancing area is not crowded, but there are already a few people. Most of them are girls.
Girls . . . I wish my friends were not so busy all the time. I would've come to this bar with them instead of wasting my time with strangers.
I start dancing. I stare at him. He looks amused.
A group of guys join the dancefloor and all the girls on my right start screaming. It's so high pitched I cringe.
"What the fuck guys?" I shout, trying to focus on the music.
"Woah, that's Spider-Man!" says my date. He grabs my chin and makes me look in his direction.
No way, I think. It's actually him.
I know he lives in the area, but I've never met him before. It's always weird to see movie stars in real life. They look so much more attractive.
He is so much more attractive.
I try not to be a drunk fangirl and shyly wave to him. He doesn't notice.
"You wanna go and take a picture with him?" my date asks.
"Oh, no, no!" I answer. I'm blushing. "I don't even know what I'd tell him."
He laughs.
The worst thing that could happen is to annoy him during a night out. He needs privacy and I must respect it.
But it's so difficult.
I can't stop staring at him. I don't even control it. Being drunk doesn't help.
"D'you want a beer?" I ask my date whose name I completely forgot.
He nods.
I weave my way through the crowd. I can't believe there are so many people on the dancefloor. The area is so busy since the Spider-Man actor walked in.
Even the bar area is crowded.
I let my body rest against a barstool but quickly lose balance and almost fall on the dirty floor. The flickering lights are making me feel dizzy. I grip the counter and get up. I peer around to make sure nobody saw me.
He did.
I dust off my dress trying to save the dignity I have left.
"Want something?" someone asks behind me. I turn around, it's the barman.
"Two pints of Guinness, please."
I glance back at the same spot, but he's gone. It must've been a dream. I'm so drunk I can't trust everything I think I see.
I'm grabbing both my drinks and look around trying to find my date, but there are too many people. I take a sip of my beer and hold the other one above my head.
Someone hits my arm.
Oh no.
"Oh my God I'm so sorry!" yells the drunk blond girl.
I look at my dress. It's soaking wet. I politely smile at her. "It's okay," I mouth.
What a mess. I glance at the lavatory door. I need to go and save my dress.
"You haven't been lucky here."
I turn around to find out who's talking to me.
It's him. Tom Holland. Talking to me.
"What?" is all I manage to say.
"Do you need a hand?" he politely asks.
I blush so much it's noticeable in the dark.
I'm choking. I'm panicking.
I give him my two beers and walk towards the lavatory. I'm surely starstruck. And drunk. This isn't a good mix.
Once in the room, I grab a handful of tissues and try to soak up my dress. I groan. Did I expect to make that beer mark disappear? Yes. Did it work? Of course not.
I watch my face in the mirror.
I look like shit, I think.
A door slams shut. Two young girls just walked in.
"OH, MY G—THAT'S TOM HOLLAND!" shouts one. They are both panting.
I roll my eyes.
Oh . . . I've given him my beers. What about my date?
"Shit!" I hiss.
I violently open the door and frown my eyebrows as the lights blind me.
He's just here gazing at me. Two beers in his hands. One of them is half empty, the rest being displayed on my dress.
"I'm so sorry!" I say embarrassed as ever.
He smirks. "No worries." He hands me the full glass of beer.
I give him a questioning look as I grab it. What about the other one? Oh, right—He's drinking it.
"What's your na—"
I stop him.
"I know who you are." I peer down. "I'm sorry I didn't wanna disturb you" I say as I'm walking away.
This time I'm smart enough to avoid the crowd on my way out.
"That's rude to leave without saying goodbye!" Tom shouts from a distance.
I turn around and stare at him. He's got a soft smile; he doesn't look drunk at all. I wave him goodbye.
Now, he's approaching me.
"I meant to your boyfriend" he nods in the direction of my date who was dancing with a group of other people.
"He's not my—" is all I can say before he chuckles.
"I figured."
"How?" I clench my jaw. I'm hypnotised by his hand running through his hair. And his smile. And his lips.
"I can barely hear you," he points at a booth in the corner of the room "maybe we could sit there" he suggests.
My mouth softens into a smile.
It's difficult to walk with Tom Holland. Every couple of seconds he's stopped by fans requesting a picture. And he accepts every time.
I'd never be so patient.
"What's that?" he asks.
"It must be so annoying sometimes." I tell him as I sit on the booth.
"When they're nice and ask me, it's cool." He chooses to sit next to me. I can feel his arm touching mine. My heart is racing. He uses his other arm to hold his chin; he looks at me with so much intensity. Sometimes peering down my lips.
His face is so close, but he keeps talking. I can feel his breath on my skin. I'm going to burst into flames. "But when they're taking pictures without asking first, that's delicate."
I nod. I can't really listen to what he's talking about. I'm trying not to lose control.
"So, what's your name?"
He smiles when I tell him. "Why did you leave your date alone?" he asks.
I'm so nervous I stutter. I can't find my words. "I . . . I wasn't in the mood. He knows it. I shouldn't have come here."
"I'm happy you came." He says looking me in the eyes.
I raise my eyebrows. "Are you flirting with me?"
He barks out a laugh and breaks the eye contact. He rests his head on the wall behind us.
He isn't as confident as I thought he'd be. I don't know what's up with him, but I enjoy it.
I suddenly remember he's a movie star. He's always being watched. I glance at the crowd and see flashing lights. They're taking pictures of us.
I'm getting dizzier.
I don't want to see my face on a dumb article talking about Tom Holland's mysterious partner. I don't even know him.
"This is stupid" I mumble.
Tom is intrigued. He hasn't got a clue what I'm talking about. He hasn't even noticed the fans stalking him.
"I'm sorry, I gotta go" I abruptly say as I stand up. "Have a good night."
I grab my phone and leave the venue. I'm upset because I really wish I could've met him in a different context. I open my Uber app: there's no driver available.
How's that even possible on a Friday night? In London?
I refresh the app, but it doesn't work. I guess I'll have to walk home.
A part of me wants to go back in this bar and spend time with Tom. He's sweet and I'm sure we would've had so much fun together. I glance through the window trying to see his face one last time, but I can't find him.
"What are you looking for?"
I cringe.
"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to startle you."
It's him. It's Tom.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Going home too. The fun of the party is leaving . . ." he sighs. I smile back at him. I'm embarrassed.
I stand in front of him, none of us say a word. It's awkward. I'm getting anxious and walk away. I'm so overwhelmed.
He grabs my shoulder. "Wait, are you walking home?"
"Yeah, it's okay don't worry." I smile.
"I can drive you home."
"Sorry, but you've been drinking. I won't let you drive me." I curtly say.
He grins. He looks at one of his mates and nods.
"No way I'm letting you walk home alone," he sighs "besides, you're drunk."
"Come with me then" I instantly reply without thinking.
He nods.
He's coming with me. My heart is racing. I won't survive a 30-minute drunk walk with him.
Not with his beautiful glossy eyes staring at me.
Not with my burning desire to kiss him.
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mari-writes · 2 years
“Heart of Healing” [pt. 3]
Read from the beginning HERE.
When Bokuto isn’t at work one day, Akaashi immediately worries.
“Is he alright?” He asks Kuroo. “He’s not sick or anything, is he?”
Kuroo chuckles. “Nah, he’s fine. His sister is in town for the day so he’s showing her around. Anyway, that man is hardly ever sick. I think he’s had like, one case of the flu since I’ve known him.”
Akaashi is surprised at the relief washing over him. He’s only known Bokuto for a few weeks... Why does he care so much?
“Ready?” Kuroo waves him over to a weight machine. “I’m taking over your session today.”
“Oh joy,” Akaashi drawls. Kuroo just snorts. 
“Don’t start with me. Or else I’ll make you do an extra set of Dead Bugs. Bokuto says you hate those.”
Akaashi winces. “Yeah, yeah, okay…”
Later, when he emerges from the massage room, Kuroo finds him again. “You coming to Kenma’s game night?” he asks. “He said he asked you.”
Akaashi shrugs. “Maybe. I sometimes work late on Fridays. Any idea why Kenma’s suddenly being a social butterfly? He never does hangouts like this.” 
“Neither do you, from what I hear.” Kuroo smirks. “You guys usually just hang out at the bookstore, right? Nerds.”
Akaashi rolls his eyes, heading to the exit.
“Bokuto will be there.”
Akaashi stops in his tracks. He turns to find Kuroo’s smug smile growing wider. “W-Why does that matter?”
The man hums. “I mean, you two seem to get along...”
“Well, he’s my aid—”
“… and it might be fun to hang out somewhere else.”
Akaashi narrows his eyes. Kuroo looks too much like he’s trying to come off innocent, and it’s not working. But Akaashi is enticed by the invitation. It /would/ be nice to see Bokuto outside of the therapy center for once.
“Um, I’ll think about it.” He waves aimlessly to Kuroo as he leaves, thoughts racing. Does Bokuto talk about him? Is that why Kuroo asked? Would Bokuto really want to see him? Suddenly, his phone buzzes. He finds a text message from Kenma: 
Hey. You’re here on Friday, yeah?
Akaashi stares hard at the text. He knows he’s been overthinking. He always does it. It’s just in his nature. Maybe, just this once, he should let things fall where they may.
He takes a deep breath and types out his response: 
I’ll be there. See you then.
Kenma’s place is nice. Fancy, even. He’s doing well as a gamer and YouTuber, and had finally been able to move out of the apartment he shared with roommates last year.
The home is traditional, with a kotatsu in the living area and shoji separating a few rooms. There’s extra bedroom on the side he uses for streaming. It’s impressive, though still understated for someone of his status.
When Akaashi follows his friend into the gaming room, Kuroo and Bokuto are already there. The two friends are locked in a Mario Kart battle, shouting curses and pushing at each other’s elbows.
“Dammit, Kuroo! Don’t you blue shell me!”
“Then don’t try to run me off the road!”
“I didn’t mean to! I was trying to get back ONTO the road!”
“So you admit you suck at this course, then? Ha!”
“Shut up, bastard!“
Kenma sighs, shaking his head. “Guys, shut up. Akaashi’s here.”
Bokuto immediately abandons the game. He throws his controller to the side and shoots up from his seat, spinning around. His eyes are practically bursting out of their sockets. “Akaashi! Hey!”
“Dude, did you just forfeit?!” Kuroo whines. “Why am I even still playing...”
“Hello, Bokuto-san.” Akaashi bows. “It’s nice to see you.”
Bokuto nearly trips over some pillows as he hurries over. “Y-you too! Welcome! I mean, it’s Kenma’s house, and I’m sure you’ve been here before, but, um, hi! Hello!”
Kuroo snorts. “Smooth, bro.”
Akaashi smiles, smitten. Bokuto’s excitement is infectious. “Glad I could make it.”
They spend the evening passing around beers, munching on snacks and taking turns on various games. Akaashi discovers that Bokuto is quite the button-smasher.
Kuroo is more methodical, but has a quick temper. Akaashi thinks of himself as calm and analytical. But in the end, Kenma annihilates them all. 
Eventually, Akaashi settles down onto a floor cushion against the back wall to watch the trio finish another round. He smiles. It’s a fun group to hang out with. He’s surprised at how comfortable he feels already.
It doesn’t take long for Bokuto to join him. “Hey!” He offers Akaashi a wide grin. He’s got a slight flush to his cheeks, most likely from the alcohol. “Having a good time?”
Akaashi nods. “I am.” Bokuto flops down next to him. Instead of his normal polo and shorts, he’s wearing an old t-shirt and joggers. But the baggier clothing does nothing to hide his defined form. For once, Akaashi allows himself to stare shamelessly.
They fall into conversation. Bokuto asks him about his editor job, living with Kenma at university, his favorite movies (and then books, when he Akaashi says he studied literature).
When he learns that Akaashi used to play volleyball, he looks like he’ll faint.
“Are you serious?!” He grabs Akaashi by the shoulders, eyes wide, and shakes him gently. “What position did you play? Do you ever still play just for fun? Kuroo and I are part of a local league. You should join in sometime!”
Akaashi answers every question, delighting at Bokuto’s reaction when he agrees to play a game someday. “What about you, Bokuto-san? Sounds like you have a lot of experience with the sport.”
Bokuto’s expression falls. He rips his eyes away, curling in on himself.
(Akaashi has seen this happen a few times. Bokuto’s mood will plummet in seconds. It’s hard to watch.)
“Apologies, Bokuto-san. You don’t have to—” “Nah, that’s okay.” He shrugs. “I, um, played for a long time. Through high school. And then I was… scouted for a professional team.”
Akaashi blinks, more intrigued by the minute. “That’s impressive.” Bokuto chuckles, scratches the back on his neck shyly.
“Yeah, well, I got injured at the end my first season with the league. It was really bad. Bad enough to stop my career from going anywhere.”
“Oh.” Akaashi feels his heart clench. “I’m sorry to hear. That must’ve been hard.”
“Yeah, it was. But I’m happy where I am now!” He turns back to Akaashi hesitantly. “I decided to learn about physical therapy, to help other people who get hurt! I want to become an actual therapist someday!” He’s smiling again. The tension in Akaashi’s shoulders relaxes at the sight.
He’s beginning to realize how much better he feels when Bokuto is happy. It’s almost scary how much.
“You’ll be a great therapist, Bokuto-san. I just know it.” Bokuto grins. It’s uncertain, still half-sad, but grateful and genuine. 
Akaashi tries to calm his racing heart.
End of part 3! There will be one more update tomorrow. Thanks for reading and supporting this little story! Please reblog and comment—I love hearing your thoughts! —Mari ♥️
Edit: Here’s part 4!
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