#son dean
asmutwriter · 1 year
Phone Call (Dean x f!reader)
DESCRIPTION: (season 11) After a long day at work you get back home and receive a phone call from an emotionally (or as emotional as he gets) Dean Winchester
A/N - I hope you guys don’t mind the fact that I write fluff content to try and help show the build up of their relationship. I feel like it helps you see their dynamic grow if it has some angst and fluff rather then just pure smut. I say this, I do have an idea for a smutty scene so stay tuned for that
A/N - This was part of my ‘You Saved Me’ story I had however I didn’t like it as part of the story line so I’ve made it its own one shot story
One Shots / ‘You Saved Me’
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WARNINGS: swearing, light implications of insomnia/anxiety, flirting, 
- This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
- Not been proof read
“Thank you Hope... for saving our son” the woman says as she holds your hands. You smile at her. 
“Its my pleasure to help” you look at her as she kisses your hands. She heads over to her son. You pick up the box that now contains the demon inside of it. Going to your car and driving to your secure lock up. Filled with various items used for securing demons and ghosts. Or cult items used for worship. Anything that youve dealt wih that holds significant power you have kept safe here. You place the new addition onto one of the shelves. Blessing the room before you leave.
You unlock your front door. Loking it again behind you as you place the keys onto the hook. Hearing a soft humming coming from the living room. You walk in. The two girls curled up under a blanket on the sofa. Billy on the floor with his back resting agaisnt the same sofa. The three of them watching a film “Sorry Im so late back. Had a problem at work that meant I had to stay overtime”
“Its ok mum. We ordered a chinese. Left some of it for you in the fridge” Anna says, titling her head to look at you. You smile. Going over and kissing the top of her head
“You guys all done you’re homework?” they nod “oh you guys are so good. I’ll be in in a second” you smile at them as you go into the kitchen. Grabbing out the leftivers and heatung it up. Then joinging them in the living room as they watch their film. Once it finishes they slowly make their way to bed. Lydia having a quick shower, Billy making them all a hot drink as Anna packs her school bag ready for the morning. You unload the dishwasher as you takj to him “Ive already said this to the girls but I have a work thing tomorrow afternoon so I wont be able to pick you guys up from school. You’ll have to get the bus back”
“God I hate the bus”
“I know. Im sorry. But I can drive you in so you all get a lie in” you smile at him as he chuckles. 
“When they come in here tell them their drinks are ready. Im going to bed” he smiles “night”
“Goodnight” you say as he walks out. A few minutes later and botht e girl walk in. They take their drinks and also say goodnight. Heading off to their rooms. You do your usual check of the house. Making sure all the doors are locked and secure before reteiring to your bed. Getting in you snuggle under the soft duvet. Jumping slightly as you hear your ohone buzz, Turning on the bedside lamp you pick it up. Why was he ringing ths late at night? you answer it. 
“Hey Rose” he says.
“Dean. Is everything ok?”
“Yeah. I just thought that I should be better at keeping in touch with you. As we always say we will and never do. Thought Id start the process of it”
“But this late at night?”
“Its not- shit sorry. Didnt realise how late it had gotten. I’ll leave you to sleep” you shake your head as you rest your head down on pillow.
“No its ok. Its nice to hear from you. Like you said, we need to keep in contact more often then we do as we always say we will” a soft chuckle coming down the phone. “Did you have a hunt today then?”
“Yeah. Had a bit of a weird case today and I needed to talk to someone to help clear my head”
“What was the case?”
“A banshee. It really managed to screw with my head today. Quite badly screwed with it infact. But thats enough about my life. How are you and the girls? And Billy now I guess?”
“Theyre all good. We had a bit of a ghost problem in our old house so we had to move but that was a few months ago now”
“A ghost problem? ANd you didnt call me?” you laugh slightly
“Im a grown up. I can deal with my own ghosts” a soft chuckle coming down the phone
“How did the others react to you javeing a haunted house?”
“Well... they dont know. Well the girls dont anyway. Billy saw the spirit. He doesnt liek talking about it as he thinks hes going insane but he saw her. I didnt tell the girls. I just said that we had to move. Thankfully they know how I am with staying in one place to long so didnt question it”
“They dont know about the ghost then?”
“They dont know about ghosts period. And I plan on keeping it that way. The less they know about monsters the better”
“I agree with you on that” you rub yoru eyes slightly. Standing up you wrap your dressing gown around you as you head to the kitchen. You dont register that he was talking to you as you walked until you hear him say your name “Kat?”
“Sorry what did you say?” he laughs, you can almsot hear him shaking his head
“I asked how long youve been in your new place”
“Oh gosh. About 9 months Id say” you grab a cereal bar from the cupbaord “how long have youlived in your place?”
“We moved in about three years ago”
“Its just you and Sam there right?”
“Yeah. I mean Cas lives with us too but not constantly”
“Ive not heard you talk about Cas before”
"Hes just a friend of ours. Hes an angel”
“An angel? As in...”
“Yeah. Feathers, harps, robes, all that shit”
“I jave images of you and your brother being serrenaded each morning as you wake by a random man wearing a robe and playing a harp” he laughs
“Sadly not quite that ammusing” you chuckle soflt
“Thats a shame. Id pay money to see that”
“I would too” you smile as you finish off your food. Standing up you turn off the kitchen light. Going back into your room you hang your dressing gown on the back of the door before you climb into bed. Sitting cross legged with the duvet over your lower half. “What does he look like then? This angel friend of yours”
“Why? You hoping hes cute so you can get laid?”
“Shut up” a chuckle going down the phone “no I was just curious as to if he looked like how the bible depicts them to look like”
“No. Similar to demons they posess people so they look like whoever they are possessing. But angels have to ask for permission”
“Oh at least they are keen on peoes consent to be a meat puppet” another soft chuckle down the phone. You smile down the phone
“Thining of friends, how is... whats her name...” a pause as he thinks. “Tash. Thats her name. How is she?” you let out a small scoff as you roll your eyes
“Im not sure. Havent heard from her directly in about 3 weeks. She moved to Spain”
“Please do sound more disapointed” you say sarcasticly “really helps buid up my attraction towards you”
“No I- I didnt mean it like that” you chuckle as he tries to backtrack
“Just keep digging dude. Keep digging”
“I just wanted to know how she was doing. Thats all”
“Oh of course. Defiantly not because you wanted to ask me for her number a you forgot to get it when you last saw her”
“SHut up” you smile as you grab your water from your side, sipping it slightly “do you have her number though?”
“I do. But I feel liker he new boyfriend might be a bit pissed at me if I gave it to you” you laugh as he lets out an annoyed sigh
“Just a quick thing. Next time lead with that information”
“Aww but it was funny hearing you sound all hopeful” you mock him down the phone
“Bitch” he playfully mutters down the phone
“Im offended. Truly” you let out a soft laugh as he pauses on the other side
“WHat did you mean by your attraction towards me?” you can hear the smirk in his voice
“Wh-what do you mean?” you curxe at yourself silently for sutterong
“You said that it helos build up your attraction towards me. Just wanted to know what you eamtn by that exactly?” the teasing in his voice evident.
“I said it sarcasticly so...” you shrug “wouldnt think to much into it” you smile as he lets put a soft ‘uh huh’ down the phone.
“You sure that it doesnt mean that you have secretly have the hots for me?”
“You wish” he chuckles slightly. His voice goi g lower as he speaks
“I dont make you squirm just by the sound of my voice? That you dont think of me on those lonely nights when its just you and your thoughts?” you move slightly. Trying to think of a good comeback as his words go straight to your core.
“Idiot” you mutter. He chuckles
“Thats the best you got?”
“SHut up. Its late and I wasnt expecting this conversation”
“SO what you have to have a comeback prethpught of?”
“How would me hanging up on you be for a comeback?”
“Ok ok. Im sorry” you roll your eyes “I get it though. I am devilishly handsome”
“I would so kick your ass right now if you were here”
“Oh Id like to see you try sweetheart” once again you can hear the cocky grin on his face. You glare at the wall as you hear him let out a soft chuckle. 
“how is Sam?”
“Hes good. He met someone tday that I think hes pretty keen on. Of course he would never admit that” you chuckle soflty
“Of course not” you smile down the phone “How about you? You got any fancy ladies?” he chuckles soflty. Pausing for a little bit before he answers
“Im very much single” he says, you can hear a soft smile on his voice “how about you? You got any special man? Or woman for that matter?”
“No. To both of those. I did go on a date a couple of weeks ago withh a guy”
“Oh yeah? How did that go?”
“It went well. Very well actually. Until I realised he didn actually like kids. Very much disliked children. SO I just kind of... left him... didnt really think we would becompatable considering I have three”
“Three? When did you pop anotherone out?”
“Im incorporationg Billy into the mix. Gotta include the adoptive son” he chuckles slightly
“Yes. Having met him I can picture him being quite upset if you didnt consider him one of yours”
“Oh very much so. He insisited we had new family pictures done proffesionally so he was part of them. Its cute to be honest. I think hes just happy that he has a family again. Only downside is that Im more outnumbered when it comes to thwm asking for a pet”
“Oh really?”
“Yep. Im not keen on getting a pet anything. Lyida really wants a pet cat and Anna was never bothered. So it was essentially even. But now Billy wants a cat to. SHes done some sort of jedi mind trick on him to want to get one I think” he chuckles
“You could get a cat”
“No. Dont you side with them either”
“You could though. Really help add to your stress levels I feel. Needing to look after another living thing” you roll your eyss at his sarcasm
“Theyd look after it well enough. They always forget to drink and eat themselves but are great at reminding each other to do it” he chuckles softly down the phone
“Yeah that sounds about right. Exactly like their mother”
“SHut up” you glare down the phone, hearing him let out another chuckle. You smile. There was something about bis  laugh that coule easliy light up a room. You mentally shake yourself before mvoing under your duvet. STretching your legs out under the soft sheets, hearing Dean let out a muffled yawn on th enother end of the line. You chuckle slighty “Am I keeping you up?”
“No. Defiantl not. I did ring you so its me whos keeping you up, surely”
“ou arent wrong. But it is-” you look at the clock on the bedside table “12:06am. So I understand if you’re tired” he laughs slightly. 
“Ive stayed up way later then this”
“We cant pull an all nighter”
“And why not?” although the tone in his voice was slightly mocking, the way it sounded made you realise he was asking it as a genune question as well.
“No we cant. I have work tomorrow. Plus I have to get the girls and Billy to school” a soft ‘oh’ leaves his lips. The sadness in his voice making your heart break. You shut your eyes. Trying to think of a solution that meets you both. “I would say that you’re welcome to come round. But its very late and I imagine you wont want to travel far just for the sake of a sleepover” 
“Id like to. A lot actually. But I shouldnt. Too much going on for me to leave in the middle of the night. I really wish I could though. More then you think” you smile softly as you nod
“I understand. You have a hectic life. Saving the world and everything. Cant be easy”
“No its certainly a pain in my ass” you chuckle softly
“Its been lovely hearing from you though Dean. But I really should go to sleep now. Sorry”
“Its ok. I should get some shut eye too” you smile down the phone softly “I’ll see you around Kat” you nod at his statement
“I hope so. Goodnight”
“Night”. Click off. You place your phone down on the side cabinet. Rubbing your hand over your face before settling down underneath the covers. 
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pumpkinhead666 · 6 months
1st time
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2nd time
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3rd time
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4th time
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5th time
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last time
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screaming, crying, fucking throwing up
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arabella-s-arts · 7 months
Scenes/Things in Supernatural that genuinely don't make sense to me if Dean was straight:
The confession booth scene.
Sam just rolling with the fact that Dean's siren is a guy while still thinking sirens infect people through sex.
Dean being flustered by several men: Gunner Lawless, Aaron, Doctor Sexy, etc.
All the parallels between Destiel and other couples. (A big one being "last night on Earth" bc how do you do that accidentally.)
Having all the gay jokes be on Dean instead of Sam.
Paralleling Sam meeting his childhood celebrity crush with Dean meeting Gunner Lawless.
The boner Dean got when Cas cleaned up.
Dean gulping after Cas does an impression from a Western movie.
Charlie, a lesbian, calling Castiel "dreamy."
The way Mary looks at Dean and Cas when they hug.
Dean wondering why everyone assumes he's gay, while Sam not caring.
The logic that Charlie can't flirt with guys because she's only attracted to women, but then having Dean flirt with the guy for her.
Dean seeming disappointed when learning that Aaron's flirting was fake.
The amount of time Dean and Cas spend staring at each other.
Dean canonically having an orgy with Crowley.
A woman saying that she knows when someone's pining for someone else to Dean, just for us to learn that Dean was never in love with Amara.
The set design and script choices that lead to a cross in the background while Dean said "I do." to Cas after he came back to life.
That time when Dean wanted to say something and Cas was like, "It's okay, I heard your prayer." But Dean still looked like he wanted to say something important.
Amara: [about Dean] "I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel. Except, it’s cloaked in shame.” (Thanks @adeptune01 I honestly forgot about this one.)
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kara-winchest3r · 22 days
When Heat Of The Moment or Carry on Wayward Son begins playing and you have nobody to freak out about it to
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strawlessandbraless · 4 months
Jack in heaven and proudly introducing everyone to Dean and Cas like:
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drulalovescas · 10 months
When I tell you Mary KNEW
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hellredsky · 9 days
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Happy Supernatural day! It's been ages since I've posted something SPN related, and I wanted to commemorate the occasion by drawing something Season 1 related! I hope you all like it!
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clairenatural · 10 months
okay but you see sam has ALSO fallen for dean's act. sam also believes dean to be the macho, daddy's soldier, beer boobs cars guy he presents himself as. this is why sam makes fun of dean whenever he even lightly steps out of that mold and thinks it's harmless banter instead of attacking an insecurity. it's why he laughs when john talks down to dean in the early seasons and it's why he seems surprised when dean is more comfortable with himself in the later seasons. it's why he just scoffs but doesn't push it when dean puts up a front and refuses to talk about his emotions and just accepts whatever excuse he makes at face value. it's why he offers dean a strip club to make him feel better when cas dies. and this isn't his fault!! dean has spent a very long time perfecting this image in front of everyone and ESPECIALLY to sam because along with it comes safety and security and stability and the only person. who has consistently been able to see through it. is castiel
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casupremacy · 2 months
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mother and her baby boy
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strawberrryangel · 5 months
cas and jack sitting in the kitchen slow blinking at each other. dean walking in, grabbing a beer, and walking back out. sam is like what the fuck are they doing. dean is like yeah they do that. they’re bonding. leave them alone.
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zer0expektation · 5 months
how do some of you motherfuckers watch supernatural and end up hating one of the brothers??? how do you hate Dean Winchester for having a world dooming loyalty to his family? how do you hate Sam Winchester for having that justified rage that wants so desperately to come out? how are you not both of them at once, choking in understanding every time they hurt one another because they think they have to?
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waywardbabysis · 6 months
It's just us, Jessa and Tessa the Reaper Impala 🗡💀
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shadystranger · 2 months
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It's always important to remember that the rawest and most primary reason dean hated the demon-blood addiction had everything to do with ruby and nothing to do with morality. she was a threat. there's that one novel where dean gets jealous and irritated by the presence of another guy sam befriends, and one line of thought he has in it goes like "it should be you and me but on days it feels like you and me and whatever third person you decide for the day" and it's basically that
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cthulhum · 5 months
and dean winchester thought he was unlovable and didnt deserve happiness he hated himself and thought eveyone would eventually leave him and then a literal fucking angel fell in love with him. like loved him more than anything else in the world.
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haircurlscas · 8 months
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hunter!castiel u are so deeply loved by me
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shanastoryteller · 14 days
it would make dean fucking furious, but i actually love the idea that jack sometimes calls sam "sammy" and that sam lets him. he's the only one besides dean that doesn't get "it's sam"
jack is always watching dean, and while part of that is search for dean's approval, the rest is because it teaches him how to interpret and be loved by sam
he calls him sammy when he's scared, or worried, or even relieved (seeing sam after lucifer brought him back would definitely elicit a sammy)
dean says it and it's sammy (protected)
jack says it and it's sammy (protector)
i also think he's seen dean and sam hug each other, sees how sam scrunches himself up so dean can still get his arms over his shoulders and folds beneath his brother. and when sam hugs jack, he hugs him sort of like dean hugs him, like how jack thinks dean used to hug sam twenty years ago
being enveloped, sam hunching over to keep him tucked into him, and for a moment jack feels like nothing can get to him
(sam used to feel this way too)
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