#sonic is so smug it's adorable
weirdofish · 6 months
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Made this in five hours
Anyway, do you think Tails likes peppermint bark? I like to think he does. I also freaking love how Eggman's hands turned out in this. I just used my hands as a reference XD
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thecoolertails · 1 year
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akdhdkhdjd he is DEVASTATED
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poisonlove · 2 months
Make you mine | t.c
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pairing: Tara carpenter X rea
Summary: Tara is engaged, but the reader couldn't care less.
Warning: smut
Music blared within the walls of the Meeks-Martin home.Pulsating bass made the walls vibrate, while twinkling lights danced in perfect harmony with the music. The teenagers, with glasses in hand, abandoned themselves to the frenetic pace, letting themselves be carried away by the wave of euphoria that permeated the air.
The attention of my eyes was magnetized by the presence of the girl who had already captured my attention for some time: Tara Carpenter.
The brunette wore an adorable and sexy pirate costume, her hips swaying to the beat of the music asa smug smile printed on her lips as she felt her boyfriend Chad's hands roaming over her body.
I squeeze the glass tightly, causing the beer to fall to the floor.
My Jennifer Check costume gets a little stained but it's not really a problem.
—Hey!- I turn towards the sound of the voice and see Mindy giving me a dirty look —You ruined the carpet- she says desperately and I snort at her exaggeration.
— I was distracted.– I say seriously.
Mindy raises an eyebrow and turns to see where I was looking with so much intensity and saw Tara give Chad a kiss.
—friend, you should stop this Tara fixation, she doesn't want you- Mindy makes a face and looks at me with a hint of pity.
—don't look at me like that- I stick my tongue out at my friend and she raises her hands as a sign of surrender, her girlfriend at her side observing the situation with curiosity.
— and I assure you it does, you just don't see it- I say shyly looking at Tara.
—she hates you- Mindy says sing-sonically and I roll my eyes at her comment.
— from hate to love there is a subtle thread- I say with a small smile, my finger wiping away the lipstick that simulates blood on my lips.
—You're wasting time-Mindy shouts and then looks at her girlfriend with a smile on her lips.— I advise you to go and have fun with other girls, many die for you - Mindy admits and then kisses her girlfriend making me feel a shiver of discomfort.
I turned my attention to Tara Carpenter and skillfully avoided an idiot carrying a barrel of beer on his shoulders.—I'm sorry- he apologized hastily and I forced a fake smile.
—It's alright- I muttered through gritted teeth and the guy grinned widely, showing off his white teeth. The song "Make you mine" by Public starts playing and the guy raises his free arm to the sky, shouting as he walks towards his friends.
I rolled my eyes and saw Chad whispering something into Tara's ear, making her smile. Meeks-Martin walked away from her towards his football team friends.
It was my moment.
Like a predator, I kept my focus on Tara's figure as I walked through the crowd, trying to get as close as possible. The brunette held a glass in her hand,swaying gently to the music. I bit my lower lip and positioned myself behind her wrapping my arms around her waist.
—You're back already?- Tara asked with a smile, and I bit my lower lip to refrain from shouting in excitement. Tara's body relaxed against mine as we swayed together, making me smile widely.
I knew I was doing something wrong, but I couldn't easily give up.
—Everything okay?- she asked timidly and I nodded against her neck, making her sigh. Tara tilted her head to the side and I smile mischievously thought it was the right time to make my presence known.
—With you by my side, everything's wonderful- I said seductively and Tara's body tensed up.
The brunette freed herself from my touch and turned abruptly towards me, giving me a dirty look. —You- Tara clenched her jaw, her eyes narrowing emphasizing her hostility towards me.
—In the flesh- I ran my hands along my body and Tara gave a quick glance before looking at me with annoyance.
—What do you think you're doing? Touching me as if I'm not already taken?- she asked calmly, and I shrugged indifferently.
—You didn't complain- I justified with a smirk, making her grunt in annoyance.
—I thought you were Chad- she confessed, and I looked at her with a smug smile, irritating her even more. —As if you didn't notice feeling two smaller arms- I said timidly and she huffed annoyed.
—I hate you- she muttered through her teeth and I smiled even more.
I leaned towards her and her eyes observed my movement carefully. I licked my lips and she shivered noticeably at our proximity.
—I know you like me- I said hoarsely and Tara shook her head. her hand rest on my chest to push me away.
—No- she whispered and I smiled timidly.
—Come on, Tara... Stop denying it- I said softly, and the brunette shook her head making me angry. —Stay away from me- she said seriously, slipping out of my grasp and heading upstairs.
I closed my eyes and groaned in despair.
Without thinking twice I went upstairs and looked for the pirate, seeing her enter Chad's room. I sighed loudly, anger boiling in my veins as I entered behind her tired of the flirting situation.
I locked the door.
—what the hell are you doing?!- Tara Carpenter lets out a yelp of surprise feeling my hands around her waist making her back slam against the door. —I just want the truth- I said calmly and looked at Tara curiously.
The brunette breathes loudly, our noses touching.
—I want Chad- she says calmly. Her eyes trail down to my lips and I smile wide catching her in the act. —You can do better- I say shyly, her hand gripping her hip.
Tara seemed to hyperventilate at any moment.
—and would that be you?- Tara laughs mockingly but her attempt to ridicule me fails miserably. —Yes-I confess in a low voice and Tara tilts her head to the side, analyzing me carefully.
—I hate you- she murmurs, swallowing her saliva loudly, avoiding my gaze.—Say it looking into my eyes- I say seriously, mentally preparing myself for her answer.
Tara looks up and her brown eyes stare into mine with superb attention.
—I...- she begins and swallows her saliva loudly, her  teeth clenching her jaw. —I ...- she repeats again and sighs with frustration.
—to hell with it— Tara grabs my face and pushes me violently against her, bringing our lips together abruptly.
I sigh against her mouth and squeeze her waist tighter, bringing her closer to my body. The brunette's hands roam along my body making me smile and feel shivers of excitement. I increase the intensity of the kiss wanting to literally merge our bodies and I let myself be carried away by the carousel of fantastic sensations that are circulating in my body.
—I knew you wanted me- I smile widely knowing I have gained her attention.
Tara pulls away a little, her gaze mixed with desire and uncertainty on her part.—I can't... I shouldn't...-
I look at her intently, trying to grasp every nuance of her mood.
—You don't have to worry about should or could- I reply firmly, moving closer to her again. —We just have to follow what makes us feel alive, at least for a moment.-
Tara hesitates for a moment, but then she abandons herself to the kiss again, letting herself be carried away by the whirlwind of emotion that envelops us. Our lips move together in a synchronized kiss as my hands slowly roam her body.
I slowly undo the strings of Tara's dress and the brunette raises her arms, making the gesture easier for me. Our lips connect again as Tara walks towards the bed in the room, resting her back on the mattress.
I break the kiss and see Tara's eyes completely hooded with excitement, a shiver runs through my body.
I get lost in her facial features: full, perfect lips, long eyelashes, freckles and such a damn sexy smile.
—Shall we take this off?- I say in a hoarse voice and Tara nods weakly, taking off her dress. My mouth waters at the sight of her body covered in underwear.
I bring our lips together again and start attacking her neck making her sigh loudly.
My hand was between her fully open legs silently inviting me to continue.—Please- Tara begs me softly and I moan from the feeling of her nails digging into my skin.
—what do you want- I say between my teeth.My fingers play with her underwear making her exasperated.
The party music could be heard in the background in this room.
—Y/n— she says through her teeth and I smile with satisfaction.
(Don't you feel the rush?) Make you mine Look at it in my eyes, how they never lie.
I accept her silent please and literally tear off her panties—Y/n! They were new!— Tara looks at me reproachfully.
— Oh shit!- Her facial expression changes instantly as she feels my fingers sink into her.
My lips find their home on her neck, Tara's sighs and moans escalating recklessly.
—Fuck! — Tara moans and bites her lips hard, her nails digging into my still-clothed back.
I increase the speed and intensity of  her making the brunette who was close to her orgasm moan more.
—Are you coming already? -I tease her by whispering in her ear and the brunette sighs loudly-shut up and continue- Tara says in a serious voice and I obey her orders by increasing the speed.
Tara's walls enveloped my fingers and I knew she was at her limit.
—Say my name- I say against her neck and Tara moans more.—Fuck... Y/N!- Tara moans louder and her fluids pour onto my fingers.
I prolong her wave of pleasure.
I kissed her again.
Someone knocks on the door and moves the handle trying to enter the room. Tara separates from me and looks at the door with alarm.
—love? It's you?-Chad says behind the door.I bit my lip trying to hold back my laughter.
Tara's eyes widen and she looks at the door with concern.
What a shitty situation.
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cowgurrrl · 5 months
I Believe In You
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Summary: A bet is made [3.0k]
Warnings: so many kisses I stopped counting, Joel talking about his past, parental death, slight angst (???) but lots of comfort (!!!), so many pet names, so much flirting, these two MAKE ME SICK
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You thought getting back in the car would be awkward or silently suffocating you with tension. You thought he'd disappear when you finally found the strength to pull away from his stained lips or that he'd panic the way you had started to panic. He doesn't. 
When you look at him, he just smiles and caresses your chin gently. You're both slow to disentangle from each other, but the night's humidity warrants it. Still, he doesn't move very far once his hands are to himself again. You feel better or, at least, less crazy. Joel is somehow really got at making your shitty moments feel less shitty. "Do you wanna go home, or can I take you for some ice cream?" He asks, his voice a little hoarse, and you smile. Your lipstick is stuck to his mouth, but he doesn't seem to mind. He seems proud of it. When you reach out to smooth some of it away, he lets you get most of it before he presses a kiss to the pad of your thumb. Smug, you think to yourself. 
"I think ice cream sounds great." You say. He grabs the hand you used to wipe away the lipstick, interlocks your fingers, and escorts you to the passenger side to open the door for you. He doesn't let go until you're settled in the seat, and even then, he leans against the door, just looking at you. There's an adorably giddy twinkle in his eyes and a smear of lipstick on his chin. You have to kiss him one more time to fight the fuzzy feeling between your temples. You really meant for it to be quick so you could get ice cream, but he chases your lips and kisses you again. 
"I like kissin' you," he hums against your lips, and you laugh.
"Oh, yeah. We should've done this sooner."
"You're a mess." You tease as you push him away. He stares at you fondly for another second or two before finally closing the door and jogging around to the other side to start the car. It takes a whole two red lights before he finally builds up the courage to rest a hand on your thigh, casually drumming the beat of an old country song into the fabric of your dress as he drives. 
The Sonic he pulls into is pretty dead, with only the tired workers and high school students filling the space. The neon lights of the signs buzz and crackle outside your window as you half-lean across Joel to look at the menu, even though you already know what you want. You order a cookie dough blast, and he orders a mint chocolate chip shake, which you make a face at. He catches you and furrows his eyebrows at you as he fishes his wallet out of his pocket.
"What's that look for?" He asks, and you shake your head. 
"You think you know someone." 
"D'you have a problem with my order?" 
"Mint chocolate chip ice cream is your go-to order? Seriously?" You ask, and he chuckles as he pays. You think about arguing with him about paying for you, but you can't imagine he'd take any money you offered, so you just go back to not not flirting with him. 
"Is this gonna be a deal-breaker for ya?"
"It just might be." Your smile betrays your words, and his hand again finds a place on your leg. Now that the dam is broken, it seems like his favorite thing is to have you close enough to touch, and you're not gonna be one to get in the way of that. You talk until your ice cream rolls its way to the truck, and then you enjoy the cold treats quietly. That is until you catch sight of one of the stray, fat cats lingering in the parking lot. You gasp and get Joel's attention, but he tries to act as excited as you feel. 
"I'm gonna go get one." You threaten, and Joel laughs.
"They'll scratch you."
"No, they won't. Cats love me," you point at a particular plump orange one. "I'd snag that one and take it home. Name it Tubs or somethin'."
"You'd be walkin' home with Tubs." He says, and you turn back to look at him, your jaw dropping slightly at him. He smirks at the reaction and takes a sip of his shake. 
"What? You don't like cats?" 
"'M allergic." He says, and you suck your teeth as you sink back into the seat.
"That sucks."
"Tell me bout it. Sarah used to leave milk out on the porch for the neighborhood cats to try and convince one of 'em to come live with us. Even told her second-grade teacher bout her little plan," he says. "Then, she had to tell 'em all bout how Daddy's allergy broke her heart."
"I think it's heartbreaking, and I'm an adult." You say, and he laughs, shaking his head at you. You trade stories back and forth between bites, and once your styrofoam cups are empty, you slide your uncomfortable heels off and stretch out across the bench seat. Joel doesn't hesitate to pull your legs across his lap and trace happy little circles into your calves as you talk. 
It's always been easy to talk to Joel, but in the privacy of his truck, it feels like it's second nature. He's a good listener, nodding and asking questions along the way, and tells his own stories without hesitation. You could probably sit there for hours and listen to him talk, especially as the nights get darker and his accent gets a little thicker. But you think his laugh is what gets you the most. That big, hearty, throwing-your-head-back kinda laugh that makes your heart sing.
"I can't believe that!" He laughs, and you shake your head, smiling. 
"What? That college is expensive, or that I ran a semi-successful tattoo business out of my apartment for a few months?" You ask, and he pinches your skin playfully, not enough to hurt but enough to remind you of his hands on you.
"I know college is expensive, smartass. I just can't believe you did that."
"Better believe it, maverick. There are some really successful adults out there with my shitty tattoos on them." 
"Were they really shitty, or are you tryna be modest again?" He asks, seeing right through you, and you squint at him. He copies the eagle-eyed stare, and you push at him a little, only a little annoyed at how good he is at reading you. 
"I guess we'll never know," you shrug. "C'mon, your turn. What were you like in college?"
"I didn't go to college." 
"Okay, what were you like during that time?"
"In high school, I was kinda pain in the ass. Showin' up late, not doin' my work, breakin' rules, makin' bad decisions." 
"A bad boy. I bet the girls musta loved you."
"Somethin' like that." He laughs. 
"What changed?" You ask, and he takes a deep breath. A crease forms between his eyebrows, and his jaw flexes as he thinks. The air in the truck seems to shift in seconds. You're about to take back the question and tell him he doesn't have to answer, or you can talk about something else, but he pushes forward.
"My dad died the first week of my senior year," he shakes his head, and you get a glimpse of the grieving seventeen-year-old who's probably always been just below the surface, but you couldn't see. He seems so small and so scared. Nothing like the man in front of you now. You put your hand over his without thinking. "It was a freak accident. Heart attack while he was workin'. There wasn't anythin' anyone could've done. My mom took over his contracting company and did her best but was strugglin' too. Tommy wasn't even a teenager yet, so I took over a lot of the day-to-day carin' for him, takin' him to school, gettin' groceries, homework, and all that. When I graduated, I took the company over from my mom and basically had to start over, and I've been doin' it ever since."
"I'm so sorry, Joel." The words feel like trying to put a bandaid on a bullet hole. You would think after so many centuries of people losing loved ones, we'd find something better to say to each other. Joel swallows thickly and shakes his head. He keeps his eyes glued to your hands and clears his throat of sudden emotion.
"'S alright. 'S been a few years." He mumbles, the fatherless seventeen-year-old vanishing and being replaced by the man who's been a father for longer than his dad was. 
"Still doesn't make it easier."
"No, it doesn't," he says. "I did think about goin' to college. I thought that once Tommy got through and settled, maybe I could go. But he enlisted right outta high school, and we had Sarah, and it just wasn't in the cards for me." 
"That's okay." You say, and he nods. You've never asked Ellie about her or Sarah's mother. The most you know is that she was a ward of the state before being adopted, and that's only because it's in her paperwork. It's not your place to ask about her, but now, you can't help the wonder brewing in the back of your mind. We had Sarah, he said. When did 'we' turn into 'I' and why?
"I don't regret it… havin' her so young. It was just hard. I was a kid, and she was so goddamn small and perfect, and I wasn't. Tommy was overseas. There'd be weeks where we didn't hear from him, and we were so fuckin' scared. Mom hasn't been all there since Dad died, and I can't even blame her," he says as his thumb taps against yours. "But I'd do it all over again if it meant I got to be that little girl's dad."
"You're a good dad," you say, and he scoffs. 
"Doesn't feel like it most days." He says. You sit up and look him in the eyes so he knows how genuine you are. 
"I'm serious, Joel. You're a good dad. Do you know how many parents don't even respond to my emails, let alone show up to discuss solutions with me? In my entire career, I haven't met a parent so involved and selfless. It's refreshing," you say. "And you're a good son. And a good brother. You should be really proud of yourself," he looks at you with heavy, emotional eyes and you double down. "I mean it." 
He takes a second to process your words, seemingly turning them over like rocks in his mind. When was the last time someone granted him the kindness of knowing how wanted he is? How important he is? How necessary he is? It might not be your responsibility, but you think it'd be okay if you took on a little bit of that mission. If only to get him to talk better of himself. 
"Thank you," he says, devastating tears welling in his eyes. "I mean it." You nod, and he squeezes your hand tightly like he's looking for grounding. You kiss his cheek, jaw, nose, everything to calm him down, and he kisses you in return. 
This kiss is different than the first one. Where that one was fire and impatience, this one is soft and slow, like you have all the time in the world. Your hand lands on his chest, and your fingers finally get to memorize the chain that's been taunting you all night. Kissing him— feeling the scratch of his beard, the heaviness of his hands, the almost hungry press of his lips— is addicting. He tastes like the mint chocolate chip shake you teased him for and your lipstick. Surprisingly, he's the one to break the kiss this time but tucks you under his arm before you can miss him too much. 
You cuddle into him and grab his hand to play with his fingers and count the freckles, scars, and marks on the bumps and valleys on his knuckles. You go back to a comfortable silence. He kisses your temple, jaw, and shoulder every few minutes like he forgets what your skin tastes like and desperately needs another hit. Whatever might be left in your cups has long since melted, and the cats have moved from one end of the parking lot to the other. You don't want the night to end. You don't want the morning light to reveal all your obligations and rules again. You want to sit in this deserted Sonic and talk about nothing with him. 
"So, if college wasn't in the cards for you, what is? What's the next thing?" You finally ask after letting the question simmer in your head for a while. 
"Besides gettin' my kids through school?" He asks against your temple, and you laugh. 
"Yeah. In a perfect world where you could do anything you wanted, what's the first thing you'd want to do? Not what you think you should or have to do. What do you want to do? Professionally or just in life." You poke his forearm to drive your point home. You thought it would take him a minute to think about his options, but he's quick with the answer. 
"I'd want to expand my dad's business. Maybe open up another department of homemade tables and nice chairs and stuff like that. Make it really worth somethin'." He says dreamily, and you smile. 
"Sounds nice," you say, and he hums. "What's stopping you?"
"Money. We have enough to do day-to-day operations and make a profit, but we don't have enough to take big leaps like the one I'm thinkin'."
"So, apply for money." You say, and he scoffs.
"Right. Easy."
"I'm serious. There's gotta be loans or grants out there for small business owners. Especially ones that are as dedicated as you." 
"I don't know. Aren't those things kinda based on luck?" He asks.
"And you don't think the Millers are due some luck?" You counter, and he sighs. "You can admit I'm right sometimes. It's okay." 
"Alright, simmer down there, sweetheart. I didn't say all that," he says. "Your turn. Perfect world, what's the first thing you'd want to do?"
"Get my work in a gallery and get people with way more money than me to buy my art so I can keep making more. In an absolutely perfect world, I'd be able to make things people really connect with and care about." You answer equally as fast as he did. 
"What's stoppin' you?" He asks.
"Nobody's taking my work. They keep saying they want something with more emotion or more of a story, and I just don't have time to make art like that right now. I know I could. It'd just be a lot." 
"What are you makin' now?"
"Shitty commissions that I don't really care about. They're just something to pay bills. Or if it's not shitty commissions, it's just shitty art." 
"Wow," he scoffs, and you turn to look at him, his eyes wide in disbelief. "Are you this mean to your students? 'Cause if you are, I think I've gotta report you to someone." He says, and you slap his arm. 
"No, c'mon. It's just, I don't know! It's different!" 
"You just don't think you deserve the same grace you give them 'cause you think you have to have everythin' figured out." 
"Damn, Miller!" You exclaim at his effortless analysis. If it wasn't so spot-on and unexpected, you might be embarrassed. He bows his head a little and smirks.
"You can say I'm right sometimes. It's okay." He echoes, and you roll your eyes. You adopt a deep voice and mimic him, making him laugh and swear that he "doesn't sound like that." He gets pensive again like he did when he started talking about his dad, and you sit up, waiting for whatever he might throw your way. "I have an idea," he says, and you smile. "How bout we make a deal? I'll apply for whatever fundin' is available, and you make those pieces and submit them to galleries, and we'll see who gets what. Either way, we both do somethin' that pushes us further."
"What? Like a bet?" 
"If that helps you get motivated, sure." He says, and you hum.
"What do I get if I win?" You ask. 
"Something to lord over me forever?"
"Oh, I'm sure I'll find plenty of those."
"Alright, if you win, I'll... do whatever classroom renovations you need or want for free for a whole school year." He says. You'd be lying if you said the idea wasn't a good one. You'd get to upgrade your classroom and stop things from falling apart while getting to watch Joel work. And it's free? It's too good of an opportunity to pass up. 
"Alright, and what do you get if you win?" You ask even though you have an idea of what he's going to say. 
"I want to take you out on a date. A real date. Not one these… what'd you call 'em?"
"Not dates?"
"Yeah," he says. "If I win, you have to let me take you on a real nice date. We'll get all dressed up, and I'll take you somewhere much fancier than fuckin' Sonic. I'd even make sure Ellie has no idea it's happenin' if it'll make you feel better." It sounds like a dream. You'd be stupid to say no.
"I think I can manage that." You agree, and he raises his eyebrows at you.
"Yeah," you offer him your hand. "You've got yourself a bet, Miller. I hope you like climbing on tables."
"Gettin' cocky already?" He asks, squeezing your hand, and you shrug. "Alright, princess, it's on." 
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 @ignorethisplz2004 @buckyispunk @casssiopeia @d1lf-loverrr @vee-bees-blog @moel-jiller
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Yandere Platonic Shadow the hedgehog(Boom) with reader being controlled by Lyric
I'm not familiar with Sonic Boom, but I watched cutscenes from Rise of Lyric and Shattered Crystal so hopefully that'll do?
Yandere! Platonic! Boom! Shadow with Darling controlled by Lyric
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Overprotective behavior, Murder, Blood, Dubious companionship.
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Well, if Shadow was mad when he found out Lyric was controlling him... he'd be even more mad if you were under his control too.
Boom! Shadow is probably the most aggressive version of Shadow I've seen.
He's blunt, aggressive, uncaring, and arrogant.
He disposes of anyone who gets in his way.
He's selfish and out of ant of the Boom characters, he may be the most likely to kill.
He lacks a general interest in anything and often acts calm when not pursuing a goal.
Shadow is independent and sees friendship as a weakness...
Despite this Shadow and you have managed to form something similar to a friendship with each other.
You allow him to do his own thing and he has soft spot towards you.
Shadow has also been shown to be vengeful.
He hates that Lyric controlled him and focuses on getting revenge for it.
That makes him bad enough.
But when he sees that very same mind control device on you?
Team Sonic notes that it looks like something snaps in Shadow when he sees such a thing.
Shadow always tries to downplay your friendship to others.
He feels he's superior to you like he is with Sonic, he doesn't care about friendship.
Yet he blows off such a facade the moment he sees you in such a state.
He wastes no time breaking off the device from your head and smashing and robots that come near you.
It's like there's a feral anger in his eyes when he walks away from the rubble.
You're stunned and surprised when Shadow stands over you.
He checks to see if anyone is looking before helping you up.
"Lyric did this to you, didn't he?"
You don't even need to answer, he already knows.
Shadow may not be the most caring character but he does check in on you.
He now has another reason to get revenge on Lyric.
Although before he leaves, he unexpectedly pulls you into a hug.
He's shaking in what you assume to be anger... yet it's also relief.
He's happy you're no longer controlled.
Shadow would hide you somewhere you can't be hurt before heading off to take on Lyric.
You can imagine that after you being hurt, not just Shadow, Lyric is in for a wild time.
I have a feeling Shadow isn't going to settle for just throwing the snake out of an airlock.
He plans to beat him to a pulp... he wants to stain his gloves in the blood of that snake...
He wants him dead.
Sonic may try to stop him, but Shadow pushes him aside.
No... Lyric will pay.
He will pay with his life.
By the time Shadow comes back, who knows what state he's in?
Maybe he comes back covered in blood?
You don't know if you want to ask what happened or not.
Does it make it any better when he tells you he took care of the issue for you?
His quills are covered in the stuff... his gloves are too...
His eyes... they stare into you with a cooling rage and... adoration.
"You're safe now."
His grin is smug... he's satisfied with what he's done.
You stare at him terrified.
"He can't hurt you anymore... you're lucky to have someone like me, aren't you?"
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xxe123spiderfreakxx · 10 months
i love when we see shadow doing things on his own, and he pleases himself when he does something right or cool. like his intro in prime where he gets the emerald and he looks smug is so adorable, or when he's tormenting sonic after he's like schooled or robbed him HAHAHA.
it's one of those mirrors he has to sonic where they are both kind of loner weirdos that have very simple pleasures and cockiness express them differently but very reminiscent of each other that makes me go coo coo bananas crazy
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noeggets · 1 month
making a post about Tails and Belle because i honestly thought she was gonna be his new love interest, someone once told me they dont think Tails could have another one but i feel like it isn't far fetched considering they allowed Cosmo and she is kinda canon and they allowed Boom!Tails to have one as well. Tails isn't the protagonist he's a supporting role so if Rouge can have a crush on Knuckles it isn't too far out there that Belle could like Tails or Tails could have a crush on her, she is tech afterall and that peaks his interest alot about her.
Here are a lot of moments between them i thought were cute
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Tails often goes to hold her hands alot and she's very :) about it
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she's a little distance about them at first, and Sonic is very protective about Tails here i love it
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Again, but this time she had just pushed him out of the way a second time saving him from getting trapped they are adorable look at them
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Sonic is not about this life, he doesn't want anything to do with her lol not with my lil bro your not
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Sonic thought she was gonna leave but he's come around to the idea of her staying, Tails is praising her
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Tails outright asking her to stay with him as his assistant, this isn't about her being a help she's just so glad somebody wants her around for once
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Belle values what he's done for her, he's given her a place to stay and a job to do, thats a big thing for a robot
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he's not gonna be pushy about this, he knows this is hard for her to talk about
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Excited to introduce his new friend :)
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being the only one saying bye to her
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saying "We" instead of "I" including her in helping fix things after fixing her hand for her
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Taking a interest in her ideas and dreams of making badniks good
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Tails wasn't afraid she would hit him, he didn't even care but Sonic cared, Sonic still seems to be slightly worried about that fact she's technically a badnik, IDK why Sonic's always there to 3rd wheel lol
Belle's life is a really thought one, between getting stolen by Starline and pouring her heart out to somebody who's not even listening nor cares too much about her struggles, being disowned by Eggman, slapped by Metal sonic HER BROTHER Belle's life is really tough and i think she deserves Tails as someone in her life who will be there for her, she's got friends like Tangle,Whisper Amy others but nobody is doing it like Tails and also Vector
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that's her father, she's part of the Chaotix now bc this scene
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true-blue-sonic · 3 months
why was Infinite your fav Sonic character?
I think I got very much swept up in the pre-Forces hype, basically. I don't know if you were around at that time, but there was a lot done with him on Tumblr, mostly related to Gadget/the Avatar. Many people seemed to think that they would be related somehow: not as family, but that they had been friends before or something like that, and then Infinite somehow got swept up in the Phantom Ruby business and Gadget was left to join the Resistance to find his friend again. In the very depths of my Tumblr likes, I should have lots of fanart and fics and such from that time around! And people loved the idea of what would happen post-Forces between them in such a scenario, with Infinite being responsible for such destruction and Gadget being the one standing up for him and such.
Of course, that is not at all what we got. But even then, I really liked (and still do!) Infinite for the "deconstruction" of a character type he is: he presents himself as the most epic, coolest, strongest being in the world, except he's actually an overpowered bully fostering a massive inferiority complex who is entirely under Eggman's control, and he doesn't even know it. And one thing I appreciate about Forces is that, despite the fact it often becomes unintentionally funny precisely for this reason, it plays everything one hundred percent straight. Sonic could not care for the Avatar more genuinely, the Avatar could not grow into more of a cool hero that the Resistance adores and who saves the world (and since the Avatar is you, you save the world!! Makes me feel genuinely epic), and Infinite could not be more cool and smug in the way he is presented, for me. So overall, I just really liked that! It helps that I also really like his design, theme song, and voice. I wonder if we'll ever get a return of his character in a mainline game.
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Issue #31: Recovery (Part 1)
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After the last Issue confirmed that Sonic was still alive (and let’s be honest, we know he wouldn’t die) and with Blaze, it is time to hopefully put behind all of the horrors of The Metal Virus Saga and enjoy ourselves. Right?
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We first check in with Sonic and Blaze, who are having tea. Blaze tells Sonic about her perception of him, of being a hero and swift and free as the wind, and Sonic retorts how he’d like to meet this “Sonic” one day.
Not even one page in and Sonic has basically turned into a less grumpy version of Heroes!Shadow.
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If you don’t get it, Sonic basically has amnesia. Blaze is exasperated, while Sonic introduces himself as Mr. Needlemouse. For those who don’t know, the Japanese word for hedgehog is harinezumi, which basically translates into needle mouse/rat. Therefore, Sonic introduced himself as Mr. Hedgehog here.
Also, before I continue, I absolutely love just how smug amnesiac Sonic looks like in these panels, calmly sipping tea and being very formal. No wonder people dubbed him British Sonic. I completely adore him.
As for Blaze, she just wonders what the hell has happened to him.
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Back at Restoration HQ, Amy is faced with a crumbled building and tons of paperwork. Again, this shows that Amy is not Sally 2.0. She is her own character in IDW, preferring to go on adventures rather than being the leader. The only reason she agreed to it is because she wanted to help people. We then see Jewel entering the room.
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Amy is happy to meet her, wondering why Jewel is here. Jewel admits how Tangle told her how Amy doesn’t like doing office stuff, like Jewel is all about organizing and cataloging, and she wants to bring the Restoration HQ into order, asking to be put in charge of administration.
Amy is moved to tears by the offer, thanking her and calling her a life-saver. The two get right into the work, with Amy noting how one of their goals is finding people displaced during their time as Zombots, the scene shifting right to Echo Mine.
Rough and Tumble are still trapped there, alive but hungry and miserable. We then see Tangle and Tails, Tangle yelling at them to grab her tail and that she’ll get them out.
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The skunk brothers climb up, with Rough wondering why they’re so nice to them. Tangle explains how Sonic cured the whole world from the Metal Virus, giving it a second chance, and since they figured that Rough and Tumble had been tricked by Eggman, they too deserve a second chance.
Rough and Tumble just laugh at the two, running off into the mines yelling how the baddest boys are back, and Tangle and Tails just grin, figuring they’ll put the two into jail... if they find their way out of the mines.
Tangle then wonders how Tails is handling Sonic’s absence, and in a moment of real character growth, Tails replies that he’s fine. He believes that Sonic will return eventually, and until then, they can go celebrate their victory. They really deserved it.
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We then check in on Silver and his future, which is now all green and bright and restored. Silver is thankful for everyone’s help and honestly, he really deserves a happy ending (or, a happy future).
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Back in the present with Eggman, we see him restoring Omega’s body. Omega is pissed off, wanting to destroy Eggman, but his body is locked down and Eggman plans to use him as a part of a special project. He then walks away, checking in with Orbot and Cubot.
Orbot reports how the Zombots did a number on their facilities, especially after the Zeti took over. Eggman wonders where they are, with Orbot noting how Zavok is locked up, while the rest is still at large, but laying low.
Eggman figures that this is fine and wants to go full ahead with the next project, while Orbot and Cubot suggest a vacation, mostly because they themselves want one. Eggman refuses, knowing full well that Sonic is probably alive somewhere and that he needs to take control of the situation before the hedgehog returns.
Orbot also addresses Starline’s absence, with Eggman saying how he (well, technically, it was Metal Sonic) punted him through a Warp Topaz portal and has no idea where he landed.
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We then check in on Starline, who seems to be at a repository, having taken over the Badniks and Eggman’s supplies, lamenting how inept Eggman is. He decides to use the wasted potential to show Eggman how to conquer the world. He is still loyal to Eggman, but wants to prove himself to be an equal.
Let’s put a pin in that for later.
We then check on the Chaotix Detective Agency, which is a bit in chaos. Vector, Espio and Charmy have so many cases to work with, with Vector wishing they could go back to the old days where they had nothing to do, only to hear knocking on the door.
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In come Cream, Cheese, Vanilla, Chocola and Gemerl, offering our boys food and their thanks for reuniting missing family members. Vanilla and Vector also get a little moment, with Vector blushing, only to start sweating when he hears the phone ringing.
He explains to Vanilla how they don’t have the time to eat, sleep or even do their jobs properly due to how many cases they’re getting, so Vanilla takes the lead, quickly giving out orders: Gemerl will process the mission files, Cheese and Chocola put the files in order and she and Cream will handle the calls; allowing Team Chaotix to finally get to work properly.
God, this Issue is just filled with sweet and heartwarming moments (when it’s not about Eggman... or Starline). Speaking of which...
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We are now at Forest Hill, with Shadow overlooking the plains, contemplating, while Rouge calls him out for being a pain to track down. She then informs him how things have settled down, the bad guys are hiding, but at least no one is causing trouble. Shadow remains silent, with Rouge wondering whether he even heard her. Shadow answers that he did, so Rouge asks him what’s up.
Now, I absolutely love this part.
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Shadow doesn’t answer Rouge’s question, but he proceeds to think about how Sonic had told him to run, and he took it as a sign of cowardice instead of a warning. He is obviously regretful and angry at himself for not listening to Sonic, with Rouge telling him how, if he doesn’t want to talk about it, she’ll leave.
Shadow responds that he just owes Sonic, with Rouge smiling at him, now aware what’s going through his head. She then tells him he’s invited to the party, but Shadow refuses. Rouge has already figured that he’ll say no, but she tried anyway.
Now, remember how I said that Ian and SEGA are in a literal tug-of-war with Shadow’s character? This one is Ian pulling back, taking control of the character if only for a moment.
Luckily, he did manage to convince SEGA to have Shadow admit his faults in Issue 31, but even that scene had to be toned down a bit from what he wanted, though he didn't elaborate on how much. It's gotten to the point where Flynn stated he was less willing to write for Shadow until SEGA eases up their grip on him. (Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW)/Executive Meddling)
I know that this scene could’ve been written better, but you guys have no idea how relieved I was to see a bit of old Shadow. Sure, he mentions how, as The Ultimate Lifeform, he shouldn’t have miscalculated, but I feel that this is more his way of saying that he regrets his actions and admits his faults. It is not much, but I’m happy to get at least something from IDW!Shadow.
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We then check in on the party, with everyone having a fun time.
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Even the Babylon Rogues are here, with Jet being annoyed how Sonic gets an ice sculpture (carved by Espio), but he doesn’t. Wave and Storm don’t care, as they get dinner and a show for saving the world.
We also see Tangle and Whisper, with Tangle looking a little red there (yeah, we all have figured out the implications and it is not for shipping reasons). Whisper is alert, glaring at the Babylon Rogues, but Tangle convinces her to just join in on the party, with Whisper wagging her tail (so cute!).
Then, they hear a loud crash and three guesses who it is, and the last two don’t count.
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Dr. Eggman is back with a mecha, ready to end them all.
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#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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caffeine-clouds · 1 year
Tis the Sonknux oneshot ya'll ordered - read on Ao3 or read below! :)
“The tent’s set up, so I think now all we need is some sticks so we can make a fire.” Knuckles told Sonic, leaves crunching beneath his feet as he made his way over to the hedgehog.
“Say no more!” Sonic grinned, dashing away.
Knuckles made the mistake of turning around to head within the tent to grab something while he waited, but Sonic reappeared again as quickly as he disappeared. “For yours truly!” Sonic held out the pile, an undeniable smugness twinkling in his eyes.
Knuckles rolled his eyes in amusement. “Whatever. Do you ever take your time with anything?”
Sonic blinked with a genuine bewilderment. “Dude, do you even know who I am?” He asked.
“Well- Yeah, fair point.” Knuckles huffed a little impatiently. “But aren’t you ever worried you’ll miss something?”
“Like what?” Sonic tilted his head.
“Like the world around you – I don’t know, on Angel Island I always take long and slow hikes throughout its biomes, and I find something new every time.” Knuckles pointed out.
“I mean, we’ve spent all day slowly walking, Knux.” The hedgehog reminded him. “But believe it or not – some days I also enjoy stopping and looking at all the scenery, it’s good to do when you need some alone time – at least I think so.” Sonic shrugged.
“I suppose that’s true.” Knuckles acknowledged, only to have Sonic disappear abruptly again.
He returned with several food items in his hand, grinning widely. “But either way – who’s got time for being slow when they’re hungry?” Sonic asked. “I’ve got the buns, got the glizzies, and I’ve got the chilli!”
Knuckles glanced over Sonic’s offering, and his face twisted with apprehension and slight disdain. “I was hoping to get you away from… processed foods and teach you how to scavenge…”
“We’ve got plenty of other nights for all that!” Sonic waved away his concerns. “Besides, tonight marks the first night of our camping trip – so it’s only right if we eat something a bit more special.”
When Knuckles still looked unconvinced, Sonic made his largest, widest puppy-dog eyes he could manage. “Pleeease?”
Knuckles tried to remain unwavering, but Sonic’s shimmering and adorable eyes broke the echidna down quickly. Knuckles pursed his lips. “Fine.” He grumbled, folding his arms and looking to the side.
“Woohoo!” Sonic pumped the air in excitement. “These are going to be the best chilidogs of your life, Knux – I can promise you that!”
Sonic was only right because Knuckles didn’t have much to compare them to. Knuckles had a preference for natural foods and wasn’t on the surface often, meaning he’d only ever tried those made by Sonic – and he always lathered them in far too much chilli.
Here, Knuckles had been able to assemble them to his liking – and meat always tasted better when it was cooked over an open fire anyway.
“Phew!” Sonic let out, sitting on the ground beside Knuckles in front of the fire. “I’m gonna be sleeping good tonight!”
“I’d sure hope so, you ate far more than me…” Knuckles told him with his own grin.
“It wouldn’t be good to waste any of our food!” Sonic made an excuse that he was sticking to.
“Sure, we’ll go with that.” Knuckles wasn’t about to argue – instead, he found his gaze drifting upwards towards the dark navy blue sky. There weren’t many stars in the sky – but the ones there shone dazzlingly bright.
The flames crackled softly, filling the silence.
The hedgehog shuffled wordlessly across the ground, bringing him closer to Knuckles to the point where their arms threatened to touch. The echidna could feel his presence, and found his muscles tensing with nerves.
He hated how Sonic always had that effect on him.
The more that time passed though, the comfier his nerves felt to sit with– perhaps he was just getting used to them. Knuckles looked towards the hedgehog and felt a warmth rise within his chest.
“Hey, Sonic?”
“I’m… really thankful you decided to come out with me on this trip.”
Sonic leaned over, resting his head on top of Knuckles’ shoulder. The echidna’s widened drastically as a million thoughts rushed through his head like a tidal wave.
Oh God, what is he doing? Why is he touching me? Should I move? Should I just sit still? Does he even know what he’s doing?
“No need to thank me, Knux. You know I’m always up for an adventure.” Sonic pointed out with a smile, his eyes closing.
Knuckles gulped, his heartbeat beginning to quicken.
“Can I be honest with you?” Knuckles asked.
“Well, I hope you wouldn’t be lying to me, Knuckles.” Sonic replied with a quiet snicker.
Knuckles pouted. “Don’t make this hard for me!”
“Alright, alright-” Sonic surrendered, still laughing.
Knuckles let out a long sigh, not even sure how Sonic would take his words. Would he think it as weird, or too sappy?
“I’ve spent most of my life alone, and while I enjoy solitude… it’s become harder in recent years to spend long periods on Angel Island all on my own.” Knuckles confessed. “I think it might have to do with finally getting to know what I was missing out on. The lives you all lead below… I envy it.”
Sonic opened one of his eyes. “I don’t think there’s any shame in that.” He said, still so relaxed – as though Knuckles pouring out his insecurities meant nothing to him.
“Yeah… I guess you could say I’ve been a bit lonely, that’s all. So, I’m glad you decided to come with me on my travels. I want to explore the world, but I’m finding it even better that I get to do it with a friend.”
“You know, seeing your softer side is funny.” Sonic remarked simply, causing Knuckles to stare down at him. “Does it come out more when you’re sleepy?”
“I-” Knuckles stuttered in confusion. “I don’t know-?”
“It’s cute though.” It took just one simple statement from Sonic to turn the echidna’s face bright red. “Wish you’d show it a bit more often.”
“H-huh?” Words were alluding him.
“Look, Knux – you like to hide your feelings a lot, but thing is – I’ve known you for a long time, I can read you like a book – I know you’ve been lonely, and as a friend – I’ve been trying to do everything to make sure that you feel a bit happier, you know?”
Knuckles’ eyes shifted away. “I… hope you didn’t just admit that you’re hanging out with me out of pity-”
“Nah, you know I wouldn’t bother with that – if I don’t like someone, I tell ‘em. No room for debate.”
“If you’re certain…” Knuckles said, still unsure. “The last thing I do want to do is be a burden.”
It was Sonic’s turn to roll his eyes. “Knux, do I need to show you how much I care about you? Do you need a live demonstration?”
“Uhhh, what do you even mean by that?” Knuckles asked, his brow furrowing.
Sonic slowly lifted his head up from Knuckles’ shoulder, eyeing him with a concentrated gaze. They locked eyes, and for a moment – he forgot to think, purely transfixed by the hedgehog’s emerald eyes.
Before Knuckles knew it, Sonic closed his eyes and leaned forward – gently planting a kiss on the echidna’s cheek that fluttered against his skin like gentle caress. Sonic’s lips were unimaginably soft, like a cotton pillow – and Knuckles was most certainly convinced he had to be dreaming.
Sonic’s breath was cold as he pulled away, undoubtedly due to the cold night air – and it was at that moment that the situation truly sunk in for the echidna.
Knuckles yelped aloud, and it was high-pitched – he sharply turned his whole body away as he covered his bright red face with his two hands.
The hedgehog certainly hadn’t expected that reaction. “Uh, you uh – you okay, Knux?”
Knuckles heart pounded loudly like a drum, and he could feel each pump within his chest. “I… I think I’m having a heart attack-” Knuckles choked out.
Sonic thought for a moment. “Well, I suppose I wouldn’t mind doing mouth-to-mouth if you needed it.” The hedgehog smirked.
Knuckles squeaked, trying to bury his face further into his hands despite it being impossible to hide himself more.
Chuckling, Sonic placed a hand on Knuckles’ shoulder and rubbed it. “Come on, Knux – I’m not that bad of a kisser, am I?”
“Of course, you’re not!” Knuckles exclaimed; his voice muffled. “B-But I don’t get it, that wasn’t like – that wasn’t intended romantically, right?”
Sonic blinked. “Totally platonic – just kissing a homie goodnight, you know how it is.” Sonic replied sarcastically.
“Oh, okay…” Knuckles sighed with some relief, but his disappointment was also evident by the way his voice lowered.
“Heh, you’re a knucklehead – you know that, right?” Sonic told him fondly. “I’d love to talk more about the status of our relationship but I’m worried you’ll genuinely have a heart attack… So how about we call it a night, yeah?”
“Th-that’s fine-”
“Cool. Now, I was actually thinking that I might want to sleep under the stars tonight, rather than the tent – what about you?” Sonic asked him.
Knuckles’ mind was somewhere else entirely, but he did manage to show his face again – even if it was still the same shade as his fur. “S-sure.”
Sonic smirked mischievously. “Is that because you want to cuddle with me tonight~?”
The echidna hid his face right away again, shaking his head rapidly. “Why do you do this to me?!” He whined.
Sonic chuckled heartily, standing up and looking down on him. “It’s funny.” He admitted honestly. “And your reactions are adorable. But for now, I think you need some time to recover. I’ll grab some blankets from the tent.” Sonic told him, turning around and making his way inside.
Once the area around him was silent, he set his arms down at his sides and his heartbeat began to finally slow. The night had suddenly turned into a complete whirlwind – and he wasn’t about to forget it any time soon.
He’d just been kissed by the most important guy in his life… how was he ever supposed to recover from this?
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animaginaryartblog · 2 years
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[Image ID: Three digital drawings of Leonardo from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on a beige background, with blue paint splatters behind each drawing.
On the left Leo stands proudly, one hand on his hip while the other holds his sword over his head, a cocky grin on his face. In the top right corner he is half-running, half-falling forwards with an alarmed expression, arms spread for balance. In both he wears his usual blue mask, dark grey gloves, and blue belt.
In the bottom right he stands with a smug expression, his eyes looking to the right. His hips are cocked to the side, one hand pointing to the left while the other holds his elbow. He still has his blue mask on, but now his gloves and belt are black.
The first two drawings are based on screenshots from the first episode. The third is based on a screenshot from the movie. /.End ID]
DeviantArt | Twitter
bingewatched the entirety Rise of the TMNT recently and adored every second. I want to inject this art style directly into my veins, so I decided to try and redraw some screenshots (thank u Fancaps.net), two from the first ep and one from the movie (which is incredible btw, please watch it).
Leo was already my favorite from back when I watched 2012 (…’s first season, we didn’t have any of the others rip), and then Rise went and turned him into Sonic the Hedgehog so of course I was gonna love him. horrid little man. I’d die for him.
Screenshot refs below:
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From season 1 episode 1, Mystic Mayhem
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From the movie.
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bluebunnyears-08 · 1 year
Do you have any ideas on the Tails Squad?
I love the Tails Squad!!! The idea of all of those adorable fluffy foxes scurrying around together and going on adventures with each other is enough to make my heart melt. The fact that it exists makes me very happy! Thank you to whoever invented it!!! Thank you @heckinconfusedparade, @nights-nonsensical-ramblings, and any other creator for providing such adorable sceneries with them! It's the most wonderful thing on earth. It raised crops, cured every disease, and it made my year! I LOOOOOVE IT <3
The only thing that bothers me is that Nine (Sonic Prime) is in it as well. Don't get me wrong, Nine deserves hugs and snuggles (definitely by Sonic because he'd rip my face off if I tried, he's not as cuddly as the other Tails), but it just doesn't really make sense with his character and arc so far.
Nine is a loner, he avoids everyone to protect himself, and it's a firm coping mechanism (and as a person with trauma, a coping mechanism is NOT easy to break apart). Then he meets Sonic, he's given warmth and care and he latches onto Sonic, but nobody else. I noticed that Nine doesn't even seem to try to make friends or bond with the others because, in his mind, Sonic is the only friend he wants and needs. I also think Nine doesn't really like himself that much.
He isn't really prideful, more of a smug genius. Not an 'im better than you' but more an 'i look down on you to protect myself by seeing myself as superior to seem in control'. Not to mention he doesn't try to justify himself being bullied when he was telling Sonic his backstory, he says he 'wasn't paying attention to his surroundings', not I didn't know, or 'it wasn't my fault', he still blames himself.
So I don't think Nine loves himself. If he did he wouldn't have blamed himself for being bullied, he wouldn't have clung onto Sonic, and he would've been content to live by himself and left Sonic behind if he loved himself but he doesn't. So seeing these soft, nice, cuddly foxes he would see a smaller weaker version of himself. He wouldn't hate them specifically, just who they remind him of, which happens to be someone he loathes.
He wouldn't be mean, he'd just be indifferent to them, polite but distant. Not considering them enemies, but not friends or allies either. If they don't get in his way they're not going to be attacked by him.
Self-loathing isn't something you can just take down easily, especially if you've had it for years due to other people calling you names and abusing you so much that you hide away, hide the things you were bullied for, and constantly blame yourself for what happened. With how far Nine is into it, I don't think he can be saved from the pit of hatred and pain.
It's horribly too late for that.
Some of you might be saying he could bond over being bullied because the other Tails were bullied too, and I'm sad to say it doesn't really work that way. People with trauma don't immediately become besties and form close bonds, most of the time, they're either animistic towards each other or avoid and keep their distance from each other to avoid being reminded of their own pain, and Nine would definitely do the latter firmly from his behavior so far.
Another thing is that the others have a Sonic of their own. Nine would not hate them, but he'd have a deeply repressed jealousy over them having the life he has dreamed of. Again, he wouldn't really hate them over this, he'd just merely have a painful pang of jealousy whenever that Tails and their Sonic would come up and embrace each other with such love and care, the things he was void of in his life.
I can see him bonding with the other Sonics, but it's only because Sonic himself is a coping mechanism for Nine and was the first one to give him affection. The other Sonic's are no different, so he latches onto them, but still keeps his distance due to them having their Tails right beside them. So hugs or head pats aren't accepted by Nine because it doesn't feel right to him, he doesn't deserve it, because he's not their Tails.
It would hurt every time seeing others given affection or he was offered affection that he can't have more than briefly, but he'd repress and hide it to not bother the others, or not to seem weak.
I actually have a prompt written out on how I think Nine would really react to the Tails Squad, if y'all want to see it, let me know and I'll post it!
But other than that, I have so, SO much love for the Tails Squad, but I can't see Nine being buddy-buddy with them. It's more of a neutral alignment, not enemies but not friends either.
Thanks for the ask!!!
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nottheweirdest · 2 years
I Suppose What Makes Me Happy Is... You
There's a scene (you probably know the one) in Our Flag Means Death that I adore, so naturally I had to make it Sonadow.
Slight spoilers for Our Flag Means Death episode 9. Read on ao3 or below. 😊 Rated Gen.
“Hey, Shadow?”
“What do you think things would be like? If Eggman ever stopped and that whole world peace thing happened? What would you do?”
Shadow inhaled deeply, as he settled a little more into the lush green grass he and his counterpart rested in. His eyes searched the puffy clouds above like they held answers, but the truth was… He’d never really thought about it. “I suppose,” he said quietly, “I’d do things that make me happy.”
Sonic huffed slightly, turning to his side and gracing his rival with an amused smirk. “Shadow the Hedgehog? Happy, huh? And what makes the list of the Ultimate Lifeform’s favorite things?”
Shadow ignored Sonic’s teasing tone and shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Oh come on. There has to be something that makes you happy.”
Crimson eyes peered over to meet green. “Care to give an example of things you enjoy?”
Sonic shrugged, shifting a hand to support his head while the other gently traced the bright yellow petals of a dandelion. “I dunno. Running. Spoiling Egghead’s day. Racing.”
“Chili dogs?”
Sonic let out a short laugh and Shadow couldn’t help but smile back. “Heh, yeah. Chili dogs are definitely up there.”
Shadow’s brow furrowed slightly as he turned his gaze back to the sky, his mind pensive. He did like racing. Those were some of his most coveted moments. Being pushed to his limits and defeating the smug blue idiot at his side was enough to turn any bad day around. And then of course, this wasn’t so bad either. Lounging in a mountainside field after a particularly exhilarating race and letting his mind empty as wisps of water vapor shifted and floated past in a bright cerulean sky. 
Maybe Sonic’s endless, pointless, random questions weren’t so bad either. 
“I suppose,” Shadow said softly after a long pause. “It’s this.” He turned back to Sonic and felt something increasingly familiar and epically breathtaking swirl in his stomach. He licked his lips, mouth suddenly dry. “I suppose, what makes me happy, is… you.”
Emerald eyes widened in surprise for a moment and Shadow felt his heart all but stop in the realization of what he’d just said. Oh, but Chaos, he meant it. He didn’t know until just that moment, but… it was true. Sonic did make him happy. He was happy. Right now. 
Sonic’s breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding in tentative joy, but still feeling unsure. “Well, that’s, uh–”
Shadow moved like he was compelled by something outside himself and suddenly he was on his side, a hand cupping Sonic’s muzzle as he brought the blue hedgehog down to meet him in an awkward kiss. Shadow held his breath, lips pressed to Sonic’s, all at once exhilarated and more scared than he’d ever been in his life, but then…
Sonic kissed him back. It was tentative, clumsy, and the sweetest thing Shadow had ever experienced. 
Shadow swallowed hard as he reluctantly pulled away, eyes slowly opening to savor the bright pink blush that dusted Sonic’s muzzle. The hero smiled bashfully, eyes falling down to land on the cheerful dandelion he’d been admiring moments before. Without pause, Sonic gently reached down and plucked the flower from the ground, twirling it between his fingertips for a moment before looking back at Shadow. 
Faster than Shadow could see, his rival slid the flower into the ebony quills near his temple and followed it with a quick kiss pressed to his burning cheek. 
“You make me happy too, Shads.”
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starlight-vixen-emiko · 7 months
A Day at the Beach
ao3 ff.net
Pairings: Miles "Tails" Prower x Cream the Rabbit and Sonic the Hedgehog x Blaze the Cat
Hello everyone! I remember someone on fanfiction.net asked me to write another Sonaze fanfic and I am here to deliver.
...Well actually Sonic and Blaze are the secondary ship in this fanfic and this fanfic is primarily a Tails and Cream romance...
But this fanfic is important to me because it's a Taiream and Sonaze double date beach day from when I was in high school. I finally brought this fanfic to life!
I hope it's not too cliche but this fanfic is important to me so I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading!
It was a beautiful, bright summer day. And all Miles "Tails" Prower wanted to do was be hard at work with the new airplane he was building.
Sure, he was sweating a lot, but the young fox was so inspired that he couldn't stop himself from making a new airplane. Besides, after all the hard work, drinking some sweet lemonade and eating ice-cold ice cream would hit the spot.
But there was a knock on his door, and Tails wondered who would need him now and that it better have been for something important. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and put down his rag before heading to the door.
"I'm coming!" Tails whined.
When he opened the door, he saw Sonic standing before him, looking smug as he hummed to himself a jolly tune. Tails was wondering what seemed to be on Sonic's mind, but he had to admit he would always be happy when his older brother visited.
"Hi Sonic!"
Sonic flashed a grin. "Hey Tails! I wanted to ask if you were available for something."
Tails thought about his mental blueprint of the plane he was working on. Still, simultaneously, he honestly wondered what Sonic was up to.
"What is it?" Tails said.
"Well, Blaze mentioned how nice it would be to go to the beach, and Cream seemed excited over the idea…"
Tails' eyes widened as Sonic revealed a purple flower he was holding.
"Cream wanted to know if you would like to go to the beach with us as well, Tails."
Suddenly, cogs started to move in Tails' head, and a soft blush formed on his face. Cream? Sweet, adorable, kind-hearted Cream wanted to spend time on the beach with a second-rate hero like him. This almost seemed too good to be true.
"Really?" Tails uttered.
Sonic speeded right next to Tails and gave him a sly grin. "Of course, little bro! Cream really likes you after all!" Sonic winked.
Well, Sonic didn't need to tell him that twice. Cream was always sweet to him, and they were good friends, but did Cream feel the same rush of embarrassing romantic feelings that he felt for her?
"And while we're at the beach, I can hear more of Blaze's deepest secrets!" Sonic exclaimed smugly.
Or, this could be another scheme by Sonic so he could finally hear Blaze confess. Sure, Tails was always supportive of Sonic and Blaze. He felt if there was anyone who could understand Sonic on a fundamental level, someone who fit Sonic perfectly, it was the fiery cat princess. The young fox waited patiently, wondering when those two would finally become official. But the days waiting were becoming long and vigorous.
And at this point, Tails didn't want this to be the Sonic the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat show!
Tails wasn't going to play hard to get with Cream!
Maybe today, he would finally find the guts to tell Cream he liked her.
…Even if Cream didn't like him back and she only saw him as a friend.
But Tails would play it cool either way. He confidently marched on the beach, wearing his sunglasses on top of his head and carrying a practical floatation tube. The waves would be no match for him. Nothing would be a match for him! Because he was becoming a strong hero like his older brother Sonic every day! He was almost on the same level as him!
But at a distance, two girls stood under two umbrellas. And both of them took notice of him and Sonic. A girl with bunny ears walked into the sunlight with the brightest smile, and the sunshine illuminated the young girl.
"Hi Tails!"
Tails lost his cool as he gasped, and he felt his heart beating out of his chest. He nearly fell over! Tails almost lost his breath, but Sonic kept him steady as he helped the young boy walk over to where the two girls placed their beach towels and umbrellas and towels. Sonic raised his hand. "Hi Blaze! Hi Cream!"
Cream smiled again. "Hi, Mr. Sonic!"
When Sonic finally got Tails to their destination, he gave his younger brother a shake. Tails was able to compose himself as he sheepishly grinned and waved his hand to the young rabbit girl. "Hi Cream!"
Cream giggled as she moved closer to Tails, and Tails' face again turned bright pink. Oh god! He hoped he wouldn't faint.
"I'm so glad you two decided to come!" Cream said.
Meanwhile, Sonic turned to Blaze, and her amber eye gleamed as she flashed Sonic a quick smile before turning to the ocean. Sonic would always get used to that beautiful glint in her eye and how her smile was so warm, even if it was sly.
"Yes, I am so grateful you boys decided to join us," Blaze said.
Sonic chuckled under his breath. "It's great to see you too Blaze!"
Sonic gazed at the cascade blue sea sparkling like diamonds, and the waves were gentle.
"The entire beach is our oyster today!" Sonic exclaimed.
Cream grabbed her inner tube, ready to swim. "And the ocean looks so beautiful!" The young rabbit girl wasted no time running to the shore and jumping into the cool water. Tails felt so nervous as he watched her go and gently reached his hand out to her; Sonic and Blaze were watching his desperation quietly.
Cream looked so happy swimming, but when she turned back, she waved to her friends to call them over.
Tails knew he couldn't just stand around and wait. He questioned how something so simple and amazing could be so difficult for a genius kid like him. But when the little fox breathed and thought about him and Cream swimming and having a good time, he knew he needed to take action.
He took his inner tube and ran across the beach as if racing for the last train at Station Square. When Cream called his name, Tails placed the inner tube around him, but he tripped and fell face-first into the water. Cream cried out for him again and quickly dove in to help him surface.
Tails gasped for air, but then he was stunned to see Cream before him, holding his hands and smiling at him.
"That's a relief! I was so scared you hurt yourself!"
Tails blushed hard. "I'm fine Cream!" He looked away. "Thanks for saving me though…"
At a distance, Sonic was holding an umbrella over Blaze as the two of them walked for the shore. They watched Cream and Tails' interaction intently, right down to every look they gave each other and how gentle they were toward each other.
Blaze slyly ran from the umbrella so she could soak her feet on the shifting waves. Sonic smiled and set the umbrella aside so he could run after her. Sonic enjoyed stepping in shallow water and watching Blaze enjoy herself on the shore and in the bright sunlight. It felt great for the two of them to be in their element but also try to reach out of their comfort zone, and Tails and Cream witnessed the teenager's relationship in awe.
"They're doing it again," Tails mumbled to himself.
Cream moved closer and whispered into Tails' ear. "Looking at each other a lot and knowing?"
"Yeah, exactly," Tails said as Sonic kicked some water in Blaze's direction, and Blaze coyly dodged.
But the two of them eventually noticed Tails and Cream watching them, and Tails and Cream gasped. Sonic and Blaze replied with knowing smirks, and Tails and Cream quickly dived underwater to hide. And when Tails opened his eyes, he saw Cream smiling at him. She swam closer to take his hands, and Tails gasped and caused himself to lose his air. Cream nearly did the same laughing, but she pulled both of them up.
Tails was stunned as Cream continued to hold his hands, and he realized this wasn't a dream. They were swimming together, and Cream was smiling brightly at him.
"Are you ok Tails?" Cream asked him.
Tails paused for a moment, blushing hard, but then he blinked his eyes and smiled back.
"Yeah, I am!"
Cream caught Tails off guard as she led him into the water.
"Then let's keep swimming!" Cream cried.
Just then, Tails felt like the luckiest boy alive.
The fox boy and the rabbit girl felt so energized swimming in the ocean together. Sonic and Blaze didn't know what they were missing as they only soaked their feet and indirectly flirted with each other. Tails couldn't help but laugh along with the adorable rabbit girl, and they were having so much fun with each other that they didn't realize they were drifting in the water. But Tails couldn't feel more alive! It made him wish he found the courage to spend time with Cream earlier. But neither child was aware of the waves getting higher. Sonic and Blaze watched the two younger kids in awe, but their delight turned into horror when they saw rough waves about to splash on Tails and Cream.
"Tails! Cream! Look out!" Sonic cried.
Tails' heart leaped as a big wave towered over Cream. He held her hands tightly as Cream yelped, but it was too late, and the wave overcame her and pulled her under.
Cream flailed underwater, and Tails dived in for her without hesitation. Cream tried to hold on, but she felt herself slipping as she reached out to Tails, and she fell unconscious. The ocean depth was strong for the young fox boy, but using his two tails, he pushed through and held Cream safe in his arms as he pulled her up.
Tails was relieved breathing in air again and relieved that Cream coughed up water as soon as she surfaced. Tails got a glimpse of Sonic and Blaze swimming to deeper water to save them, but Tails didn't say anything as he used his twin tails to turbo him and Cream back to shore. Cream was still unconscious as he laid her gently on her back.
"Cream!" Tails' voice was shaky as he cupped her face.
"Please be ok!" He cried hoarsely.
Then, the safety protocol he learned echoed in his head, as if fate hammered the answer in his head right on time. His heart thudded as he thought about what he was going to do. It was crazy, but he didn't have time to be embarrassed right now.
Tails lifted Cream's head gently as she stirred slightly. Gently, he placed his lips over hers as he breathed oxygen into her. He did it ever so gently, and it felt as if time stopped for a moment, but Cream still wouldn't open her eyes.
Tails kept filling her with gentle breaths, pleading and saying her name multiple times until Cream gasped. Tails lifted himself to give her some air and allow her to cough multiple times.
The little rabbit girl needed a moment for her vision to come back into focus. But eventually, she saw Tails looking scared to death over her, and her brown eyes sparkled as if she saw the sun for the first time.
Her heart thudded fast when she realized that Tails saved her from drowning, and she found the strength to pick herself up, but Tails became even more frantic.
"Take it easy Cream!" Tails cried as he placed his hands on her shoulders, making Cream blush even more.
Cream froze briefly before blinking, and then she finally moved her lips.
"But Tails…"
Sonic and Blaze quickly ran for Tails and Cream as they called out for them, but they were taken aback by seeing Cream wrap her arms around Tails and hugging him tightly.
"You saved me!" Cream cried.
Tails felt so much shock as Cream hugged him so tenderly, but this time, he found the strength to hug her back as if to protect her, and the two children forgot about everything else at that moment.
Blaze smiled warmly, and Sonic shrugged.
"Well, there you have it!" Sonic said.
The rest of the day was quiet. Tails and Cream stuck together as if they were inseparable, and to be fair, Tails nearly had a heart attack after that close call. Cream was also a bit shaken up, but she could still smile with Tails by her side. The sunset on the beach drew near, and both children found the courage to move closer and watch the orange sun on the horizon.
But then Tails thought about how Cream nearly drowned, and he sighed, which caused Cream to perk her ears up and quickly try to comfort him.
"I wish the ocean wasn't so scary at times. Our beach day nearly got ruined," Tails said.
Cream shook her head as she took Tails' hand.
"Today was the best day ever!" She said.
Tails was so confused as Cream smiled at him with determination. The sunset helped the adorable rabbit glow and Tails' heartbeat a bit faster as he felt relief inside him.
Tails took her hand in his and smiled back at her.
"I'm just happy you're ok Cream."
The two children walked hand in hand as they met up with Sonic and Blaze again, just about ready to leave the beach for the day.
Tails and Cream walked ahead of them on the empty road as the sun set. Sonic and Blaze were still a distance apart, even if they enjoyed walking side by side. But Blaze still teased him with beautiful glances from her amber eyes.
Tails and Cream were growing up, and it made Sonic internally groan because he felt Tails and Cream were closer than Blaze and him were. And even though Blaze didn't wear such emotions on her sleeve, she admitted it was fascinating that Tails and Cream were progressing. Still, she had difficulty conveying her complicated emotions for Sonic the Hedgehog. And that the great blue blur couldn't say anything bold to her, and they would always run around in circles together.
But Sonic knew he would tell Blaze how he felt one day, or maybe she would just admit that she thought he was amazing and the guy she was crazy for.
But for now, he would try to reach out his hand for her, and her hand would brush it. And then both of them would play around again until one day, the sacred flame and the sonic wind would ignite this slow burn into something incredible.
But they had to be pleased with the two kids that were practically younger siblings to them. They were adorable together, and they would always support them.
So, after a moment of bitterness, they had to silently congratulate Tails and Cream for coming so far on this ordinary beach day they planned.
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chaomother · 2 years
Just like many others here, biting is so hot to me. But if they don’t want bites (more so sonic and silver than shadow but still) there are other ways to show off that they’re yours.
1) You know how everyone has a color/item that’s theirs? Imagine if your boy wore your particular color/item. Maybe it’s a brand new jacket similar to the one you love to wear with your color boldly the main focus and maybe hints of his own with yours being inverted but more or less the same, maybe they wear a matching gorgeous bracelet with both of your initials carved in sweetly with the vow you made with each other to one day get married, or maybe it’s a leather collar with ‘Property of *your name*’ in a heart shaped tag that he’s worn out on the field in a fight, walking around in busy streets, and more importantly in the bedroom when he’s working hard to worship you 😉
2) Imagine taking them out on dates, to when you show up you bring him his favorite flowers and maybe favorite treat depending on the date. You coo out compliments and flirty lines that has him absolutely red face but smiling. Your hand brushes his and he tries to make a grab at as if he needs to hold it, but when your fingers brush his back the fur immediately bristles and his shivers are embarrassing obvious. Your arm instead wraps around his waist and he leans so heavily, you may struggle slightly to keep walking but your able too. Everyone in public is in shock at how you turn such an amazing tough hero/legend etc into a oowey gooey Lovestruck punk! And when you shoot a smug grin at the strangers that turns sweet for your lovely S/O they can only hope their own partners will show them off just as much.
-TC anon (also welcome ☄️! Hope you enjoy your time here!)
these are as flawless as always, tc!!
there's no way you could convince sonic to take off your trademark jacket even if you tried! he's extremely proud to be your partner so of course he loves showing you off when he can, "yeah i'm their boyfriend and they're my partner!! i'm all theirs!" shameless.
i bet silver would love it if you'd wear the article of clothing first, so that way he can smell your sweet scent all day with him♡♡ he has absolutely no shame in the way you'd think—of course he gets shy when people point out how much he adores you, but i imagine him as the type of guy who would literally walk outside with the collar when you ask about it, like, aren't you going to take that off? you know it says property of [name] right?? and he'll respond, "it's true, what's the problem?"... lmao he's #1 worshipper out of the three of them!!
and shadow's conditions are simple: if he's wearing your colors, you're wearing his. it's as simple as that. it satisfies both of your jealous feelings, so it's all good! shadow is the most overprotective over you out of the three of them, so wearing matching things gives him an extra layer of comfort... he has major attachment issues so knowing he's wanted by you sates him just as much as him leaving his mark on you yknow?
thank you so much for sharing!♡
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atangledfate · 2 years
your portrayal is kind of actually amazing? i WILL admit i havent read most of the comics but tangle is just SO GOOD and SO MUCH FUN! just super bouncy and joyful while also having her moments here and there whenever something happens because who doesn't. and surge feels SO REAL.
i love your amy being snarky (this is from the little ive seen her) i love your tails being a SMUG JERK (it's SO FUNNY) i love jewel being slightly timid but overall well defined and belle is super duper great to see with her own problems and how she overcomes and whatnot it's all so AMAZING to see
and i know this isn't the right blog but your lilac and milla are downright INCREDIBLE??? you just understand those characters like no other and it's genuinely impressive to see how fast you latched onto those two and made them your own i love it i love it i love it
ten out of ten i have nothing but PRAISE for your portrayals!!!!!! you keep busting out bangers and it's awesome and i hope to continue seeing you on my dash!!!!!!!!!
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" This means alot! i will say my Tangle i think is a big departure from Canon as Canon Tangle is a bit one note at times. They just haven't got to flesh her out at all, but that's really more an issue with Sonic characters as a whole. So that's what i do! i try to flesh characters out, give them backstories and make them feel more real well as real as a furry alien creature can be!
Honestly before i started to interact with carol i had no idea what to do with Surge. So alot of her development is thanks to you! so i don't think i can take all the credit. Carol has really helped push her in just the right direction and really set her on a redemption arc which i always swore i'd never do! but its been a load of fun and i'm just gonna keep the ball rolling as its really made me love her character even more!
When it comes to Amy and Tails... that's more just me disliking how Sega has portrayed them. Amy is ALOT better in IDW but when i started to write her i decided i didn't want sweet soft Amy! but someone who lost that side of her because of War, and the things she's lost! she's got alot of fun backstory to! such as her power being strictly magical, and her being a sort of magical girl trope! mixed with traditional Witch/Wicca concepts! and Tails was honestly me going " but what if Tails was a snarky cunt like Sonic " and when you think about it---he probably is. Sonic did raise him after all!
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as for Lilac i'm still really getting a feel for her, but i really did click with Milla. She has alot of potential and i wanna explore her being a creation of brevon alot more! but that probably means diving into some really dark subjects for such a bright sunny character! so i'm gonna do it but---oh boy batten down the hatches cause that is gonna be a rocky plotline! me torture my muses HAHAH never! as for Lilac, i got plans--- things to make you cry! just need to spend more time on that blog! but its coming! "
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" Well enough of me rambling! Thanks again! i really do appreciate it! this makes me feel alot more confident going forward! "
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