mcbenson25 · 3 years
Forgetful Appetite (Carisi X Reader)
Request: Y/N is overworked and has gone far too long without eating. One day, after work and Carisi's place, Y/N becomes so fatigued she collapses into his arms. With Y/N pressed against him, Carisi hears the hollow, rumbling noises coming from Y/N's stomach as he lays her on the couch. When the reader regains consciousness, Carisi immediately launches into a livid, but concerned rant that ends with him asking her, "Why didn't you tell me you hadn't eaten anything sooner?"
If they were one word to describe today is would be ugh.
You had been running around all day from the courthouse to the station to other various locations.
And on top of that, you had accumulated a mountain of paperwork.
To say you were irritated was an understatement.
You just wanted the day to be over.
"Hey Y/N-"
"What!" You snapped as you turned around.
"Woah relax!" Sonny said defensively.
You sighed.
"I'm sorry it's just been a long day."
He nodded. "Seems like it's never gonna end."
You hum in agreement.
"Why don't you come over and watch the game with me."
Your eyes lit up.
"What's on tonight?"
You smiled.
It was a weird tradition you had with him. You would criticize and commentate on whatever sport happened to be on tv. After today you really needed something to wind down on.
"I'd love to," you said smiling.
Before he could say anything there was a sharp voice behind you.
"L/N you're needed at the courthouse," you turned and saw Olivia say.
You groaned as both Olivia and Sonny gave you a sympathetic look.
When will today ever end?
You could swear you feet were going to fall off.
As you trudged towards Sonny's apartment you felt light headed.
Well of course you did who wouldn't after a day like today?
You were looking forward to some time with your best friend after such a busy day and hopefully that would make you feel better.
You knocked on his door and all of a sudden your body felt like a heavy elephant had sat on top of your shoulders.
As you heard someone approaching the door you started to feel like the hall was spinning.
And then everything was a blur as you felt yourself falling.
"Y/N!" You heard a voice exclaim as someone held you up.
You felt weird. As if you body was doing it own thing and did not let you get back up.
You felt someone pick you up bridal style as you brain tried to catch up with what was happening.
As you were put down on a couch you felt a pain in your stomach as you heard a small gurgle.
It was the last thing you heard before you drifted off.
What the heck happened?
As you opened you eyes you tried to remember where you were.
"When was the last time you ate?" You heard a stern voice as your eyes began to adjust to the lights.
"What?" You said groggy as you looked around for the source of the voice.
"The last time you ate. When was it?" The voice that belonged to Sonny Carisi began to raise.
"Um I don't know," you said as you sat up and the memories began coming back to you.
You were at the door. And then you fainted.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW?" Sonny practically yelled at you.
You were immediately taken back.
"Sonny-" you tried but he was not having it.
"You literally worked for more than 12 hours and have absolutely nothing in your stomach. It doesn't matter how busy it gets you have to eat to keep going. It's basic science. Food is energy so you need to eat."
There was a pause as you looked away in shame.
"I'm sorry," you finally managed to say.
He sighed.
"Why didn't you tell me you hadn't eaten anything sooner?"
It was your turn to sigh but as you went to answer your heard a small growl coming for your stomach and you couldn't help but laugh.
As you looked up Sonny laughed too.
You knew he couldn't stay mad at you long.
"How does pizza sound?"
Your mouth practically waters at the thought of some greasy cheesy pizza.
"Absolutely," you say immediately.
As Sonny order you turn the TV on and find that the baseball game was still on.
As you sat back down with some blankets and pillows Sonny came back and sat next to you.
"How soon will it get here?" You ask.
He smiles.
"In 20 minutes."
"Whaaaat?" You whine.
Sonny playfully rubs your stomach.
"Maybe next time you'll remember to eat," he says playfully.
You laugh and lightly hit his arm.
As your attention turned towards the game you smiled.
Today may have been hard but you were thankful that it had ended on a good note.
Taglist: @wittysunflower
Heyyyyy everyone!!! So sorry it's taken me forever to get stuff written. Finished fall term this week so I'm trying to write as much as I can before winter term starts. As always thank for reading I hope you enjoyed!
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imaginelover88 · 6 years
Sonny Carisi Pregnancy HC
So I’m giving this whole Tumblr writing thing a shot! I’m sorry if this sucks!!
*Not my gif
Tumblr media
- Sonny would be SUPER hands on
- He attends every doctor appointment and pregnancy class
- he wants to know everything he could possibly know before the babies come
- which means your house his filled with baby books
- even in his excitement he doubts his ability to be a father, usually relating to his job
- you usually reassure him how amazing he is with Jesse and Noah
- you getting advice from Liv, Amanda, and Bella
- Sonny attempting to get some advice from Fin
- you have a baby shower with the squad and his family
- Sonny LOVES talking to your bump
- sometimes it drives you crazy, but you secretly love it
- your sex life gets better due to the hormones (plus I mean... it’s Carisi....)
- the babies kick when he talks
- and when the twins come, Sonny is an amazing father
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
What Was Never Meant To Be (Carisi X Reader)
Request: Are you open to requests? I had this idea where Sonny and reader are together and engaged, but nobody knows, she didn’t even meet the team despite wanting to meet them. On Fin’s wedding/engagement party (where she was going to tell him that she’s pregnant) she sees Amanda kissing Sonny and he doesn’t pull away, this breaks her heart. She always knew that he never really loved her, she’s not as beautiful as her, more on the curvier side and felt like his dirty secret and he’s been distant lately too. She leaves him on the same night leaving the ring and a note at their/his apartment wishing him to be happy with Amanda and decided not telling him about the baby and rising them on her own. Up to you if the make up. Would you mind writing this please?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
“Why can’t I meet them?”
"I already told you Y/N. I want to surprise them."
You and your fiance were at it again. You had wanted to meet his coworkers for the longest time ever since you were dating but he always put it off saying he wasn't ready and now that he wanted to surprise them.
Pure BS in your opinion.
You huffed in frustration.
"Sonny we gonna get married soon. Don't you think it's time for everyone to know?"
Sonny sighed.
"Look Y/N Fin just got engaged and I don't want to kill his momentum"
You rolled your eyes.
"Fine. Whatever."
You got up from the couch and walked away annoyed.
"Y/N, wait" Sonny called after you.
You turned around fed up with him.
"I'm gonna go take a walk. Maybe I'll go and get myself a fiance who's not afraid to show his future bride off," You snapped as you grabbed your jacket and keys.
You slammed the door. ‐------------------------
As you walked down the busy streets of New York City you thought about your relationship.
Everything started out great. It was like a dream. Perfect in every sense. You loved Sonny so much and he loved you even more so.
When you started dating things seemed to take a turn. He began to see you less and started making up excuses when you asked about his family and friends.
At first you had believed him because when you did see him he showed you with love and gifts. He told you he loved you more than anything else in the world.
And you believed him.
He has asked you to marry him and a small part of you was hesitant in saying yes.
A small part doubted his loyalty to you.
He said he loved you.
Then why was he so afraid for the rest of the world to know? Why was it so hard to spend time together?
He always used the work excuse but the love that had been clouding your vision was starting to clear up and you knew he lied. One day you spotted a picture of his squad on his phone and saw he was had his arm around a pretty blonde. The blonde was much prettier than you. This made you extremely self-conscious. You had always been happy with your body. You had curves and you weren't afraid to flaunt them. But there was a small fear that presents itself when you saw how pretty the blonde was. She was skinny and she had a pretty face with bright blue eyes and she looked at Sonny with an expression of what seemed to be adoration. A pang of hurt went through you when you saw Sonny looking at her with a similar feeling. You felt like his dirty little secret. It seems as if he lived a double life.
But he would never cheat on you.
Or would he?
You became more suspicious.
But yet you chose to stay with him.
You sighed frustrated.
You would get to the bottom of this.
Even if it broke your heart along the way. --------------------------- A few days after your fight you had noticed a change in your fiance's behavior. He tried extra hard to make you happy. He took you up to a cabin during the weekend and had bought you a bunch of gifts and cooked for you almost every day. He was home early and everything seemed to be great.
Except there was something wrong.
Your period hadn't come yet.
You were never late and lately, you had started feeling light-headed and nauseous. It could only mean one thing.
You had to be pregnant.
You didn't want to jump to conclusions but you were sure that you were. You had made a doctor's appointment to confirm your suspicions because you didn't believe in the pregnancy sticks they sold at the store.
As you waited patiently in the waiting room you felt your thought start to wonder.
What will I do if I am pregnant? Would Sonny be happy? We haven't even gotten married yet.
More and more questions invaded your mind. You missed when the nurse came out and called your name. She looked at you almost understandably almost as if she knew what you were thinking.
"Are you ready ma'am?"
"As ready as I'll ever be" --------------------------------------- "Congratulations Miss L/N! You're pregnant!"
You could still feel the doctor's words ringing in your head.
You felt a mix of emotions. You were nervous and scared but overall happy and excited.
Had the news came a week ago you would have been unsure about how Sonny would have reacted but he had shown that he loved you and you were excited to tell him.
*Do you want to go to Fin's wedding together?*
You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw Sonny's text.
He was inviting you to his friend's wedding.
You were going to meet his friends.
You smiled excitedly and you sent him a text saying you did want to go.
He loved you.
And he was finally ready for everyone else to know.
You felt terrible forever even doubting him. Of course, he loved you. He asked you to marry him for goodness sake.
You were going to have his child.
The thought made you smile from ear to ear. You would surprise him at the wedding. It was gonna a be a big night. ------------------------ Sonny had agreed to pick you up after work.
You were filled with nerves as you looked for something to wear.
You were finally going to meet his friends and you wanted to have a good first impression of yourself.
In the end, you chose a medium-length blue flowy dress that hugs your curves but not too much while still being comfortable. You applied some light makeup and did your hair in a half-updo and finally grabbed cute flats and your purse. Your phone rings.
*Hey Doll I'm downstairs*
You smile as you head down.
Tonight would be unforgettable. --------------------------- It turns out Sonny had to finish some paperwork and so he was running super late. He was upset because he was supposed to marry Fin and his fiancee he was afraid they would get upset.
"Sonny darling I doubt they'll be upset. I may not know them but it seems like they care about you a whole bunch," you reassured him as he drove.
"Yeah I know but I feel so bad. I had one job as a friend and I'm late," he said as he ran a hand through his hair.
"It'll be fine Sonny," you placed a hand on his leg. He took your hand and lightly squeezed it as you pulled up to the parking lot of the venue.
You were smiling and gazing out the window as he parked.
Hopefully, everything would be okay and you could still pull off your little surprise. You had brought a pair of baby shoes in your purse to use for your announcement. You would wait until Sonny introduced you to drop the bomb.
A voice pulled you back from your thoughts.
"Doll you alright? You seem a little too giddy today."
You flashed him a smile as you took his arm and pulled him toward the venue.
"I'm about to meet your friends that mean a lot to you. Of course, I'm happy"
And we're having a baby.
He looked at you questionably but then just decided to press a kiss to your forehead as you both headed in.
The first thing you noticed was the fact that everyone was inside drinking and dancing which puzzled you because the ceremony was supposed to have started. You looked at Sonny who appeared to be as confused as you were.
"Hon can you stay here I'm gonna find out what's going on."
You nodded as he gave you a quick smile before leaving.
You strolled over to a table with some snack trays and grabbed a plate. You started to fill it when you felt a light bump on your shoulder and you turned around to see.
"Sorry! I thought I could catch my son but it seems he's a little too fast for me!" A tall woman with brown hair and eyes said to you apologetically.
You had seen this woman before. He was one of Sonny's coworkers.
"It's alright!" you said as you spotted the child laughing before grinning towards his mother, "kids are quite rowdy sometimes!"
She exhaled dramatically as she smiled.
"You have no idea!"
You giggled as the child came up to you.
"What's your name?" He asked sweetly.
You crouched down a little to get down to his level.
"I'm Y/N. What's yours?"
The boy beamed at you. "I'm Noah!"
His mother laughed at her son's outburst before looking at you.
"I'm Olivia. And as you know," she said as she pointed to Noah, "this is my son Noah."
"Are you here for the groom, the bride, or both?" She asked you.
You took a moment to think. You wanted Sonny to be with you to tell everyone together but you didn't want to lie to Olivia.
"I'm here for both!" You said. Technically Sonny knew both of them so it technically wasn't a lie
She smiled. "Me too."
She then asked if the food was good and from then you both continued to talk before you noticed Sonny hadn't come back yet. You excused yourself from Olivia before you went to go look for him outside on the deck.
You saw him talking to a woman.
Not just any woman though.
It was the pretty blonde from the picture.
She was standing very close next to Sonny, their shoulders touching.
You couldn't hear what they were saying but the blonde placed he head on his shoulder and you felt lightheaded.
He isn't backing away.
Then it seems as if time slowed down as she looked up up him her cheeks wet with tears that glistened in the night as he looked at her and she leaned in and kissed him.
You felt your heartbreak into a million pieces.
He then placed his hands on her waist and kissed her back with a passionate gentleness that made you feel like getting stabbed in the heart.
This isn't how it was supposed to be.
You turned around ads you felt the tears fall from your eyes and ran out of the venue.
Once you were out you let out a heartbreaking sob.
But then maybe it wasn't meant to be.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
What Was Never Meant to Be Part 2
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
It had to be a dream.
This couldn't be happening.
And yet you knew it wasn’t a dream.
Your fiance kissed another women.
He loved another woman.
As you walked out further into the parking lot you could feel the tears streaming down your face like tiny waterfalls.
"Y/N!" A voice called.
You turned and saw Olivia rushing towards you.
"Hey are you alright? I heard you crying," she said concerned.
You shook your head as another sob escaped your lips.
Olivia hugged you as you continued to sob.
"The man I was going to mar-ry" you hiccuped, "doesn't even love me."
"Shhh it's alright," Olivia said gently.
After a while you stopped crying and came back to your senses.
"I have to go," you said as you turned around to keep walking.
"Oh no no no no," Olivia said pulling you arm to stop you, "Let me go get Noah and we'll drive you home."
You nodded and she squeezed your arm in reassurance before going back towards the venue.
As you waited you felt the soft breeze blow around you. It was a cool evening. Perfect for a wedding.
Perfect for heartbreak.
When Olivia came back she looked very conflicted.
"What's wrong?" You asked.
"You're Sonny's girlfriend aren't you?" She asked gently.
You were quiet for a moment before hesitantly nodding.
"How did you know?"
Olivia sighed before she continued walking towards her car.
"In his wallet he keeps a picture of you."
You felt your eyes water again.
"Oh," was all you could say.
What else was there to say?
When you got to the apartment Olivia stopped you.
"Do you need a ride somewhere?"
You sighed. Of course she knew you couldn't stay. You had told her everything on the way there. All she could do was shake her head in disappointment.
"I've already bothered you with too-" you start but Olivia holds up her hand to stop you.
"You are no bother. Wherever you want to go, Noah and I will take you."
You smile gratefully before you go up to get your stuff and felt something buzz. It was your phone. You had 20 missed calls from Sonny. You turned you phone off before leaving the car.
As you walked into the apartment you felt out of place.
All of a sudden all the pictures and momentos felt foriegn to you.
You sighed heavily as you gathered your belongings.
You didn't even notice you were crying until you saw tears dribbling down the clothes you were packing.
How had everything gone so bad?
How could he have broken your heart?
How could he have done this after everything?
When you finished you took one last look at the home you had shared with the man you loved for so long. You took off your engangement ring and placed it on the kitchen table and decided to leave him one more thing.
You went to get a sheet of paper and a pen.
Dear Sonny,
In a way I knew this would happen. But I was naive and stubborn because I loved you so much. That same love blinded me from seeing the truth. You don't love me. And that's okay. I just wish you would have told me. I wish we could have talked. I wish you the best. To you and Amanda. Don't break her heart like you did mine.
Love, Y/N
As you placed the note on the table you thought about the small life growing inside you. Part of you felt like you should at least tell Sonny. But another part of you told you you shouldn't. You should have to chain him to you when he loves someone else. You wanted him to be happy but most of all you wanted to move on.
And that's what you would do.
As you got back into Olivia's car you noticed that your purse had managed to fall onto the ground. You went to pick it up but it managed to slip out of you hand and spill its contents.
"I'm so sorry! I seem a bit clumsy today"  you say.
Noah gets out of his seat and moves up.
"I'll help you!" The small boy exclaimed.
You laughed softly.
So innocent.
"What are these?" Noah asks holding a pair of baby shoes.
Olivia's eyes go wide. "Are you-"
You smile sadly and nod as you pick up the rest of your things.
As you and Noah get situated back into your seats Olivia is hesitant to start the car.
"Does he know?" She asks gently.
You sighed. "No and I really don't want to tell him. Please don't pressure or lecture me. I've made up my mind."
"I won't. I just want to make sure you're aware of the potential problems that could cause later."
"I know."
Olivia gave you one last glance.
"Alright. Where are we going?"
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
I know it's been awhile and I'm super sorry. I'll try and post more frequently. Also I've decided to make this 3 parts.....
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Good Cooks are Hard to Find Part 2
Part 2 of request! So sorry it took longer than Friday. College is killing the life out of me!
Apologies in advance for the awkwardness in the beginning I started writing this at 5 am. Don't forget to drop requests!
Part 1 Part 2
When you hung up you felt warm all the way down to you toes with happiness.
Sonny was going to come to your house and help you cook.
Cue swoon.
You looked at your kitchen and realized that it looked like a tornado had gone through it. You signed as you started to clean up and make it look somewhat presentable.
By the time you were done cleaning you heard your doorbell ring.
You smiled and felt a tsunami of butterflies in you stomach. You literally skipped to the door and opened it.
A warm bright voice greeted you.
"Hey doll! Sorry I took so long but traffic was just a pain"
"Its fine haha I was just cleaning my monstrous attempt to make a meal"
He looked past you and saw that no sign that anyone had used that kitchen and looked back at you confused.
You laughed. "I may not be good at cooking but I'm a pro at cleaning"
He laughed with you. "We better get cooking the party is in 2 hours"
You looked at him uneasy, that guilt flooding back into you.
He saw that and rubbed the small of you back. "Doll its alright. I'm more than happy to help you. I'm gonna teach you how to make the best alfredo you will ever taste!"
You smiled. This man was just too good for this world.
*Time skip brought to you by elevator music, because why not*
"Is the sauce supposed to be rising!?"
Sonny had left you in charge of watching the sauce as he cooked the pasta and prepared the chicken. It seemed to be simple but now you were not sure.
He calmly said, "Turn the stove off."
How is he so calm about this? You thought to yourself as you were still panicking. I'm literally freaking out because it looks like it getting ready to explode!
You quickly turned it off but the sauce was still rising. You quickly took a few steps back instinctively and let out a small yelp when you ran into something that took ahold of your arms.
Not something. Someone. Sonny.
You turned around slowly so you were facing Sonny.
You saw he was just looking at you with a small twinkle in his eyes. You realized you were close enough to smell the cologne on him and feel his breath fanning over your face.
He leaned a bit closer before whispering something you would have missed if he was not that close to you.
"You're so cute when your scared"
You could have sworn your heart stopped beating in that exact moment before it starting beating so fast you thought it would beat out of you chest.
His hands moved from your arms to your waist and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
But then his phone went off and you both pulled apart as if you had been electrocuted. He looked at his phone before sighing and answering.
You literally felt light you were glowing red like a tomato and tried to make sense of what had just happened. There were so many thoughts going around in you head at that moment but there was one that stood out.
Had your all time crush Sonny Carisi almost kissed you?????
He had been so close to me. He must have at least thought about it.
Does this mean he likes me?
You were becoming overwhelmed with all of your thoughts and so you flinched when you felt a warm touch to your shoulder.
"Doll we've got half and hour left. We should set up plates." His voice was softer now.
"Ye-eah of course!" You said awkwardly.
Was he really not going to acknowledge what just happened?
You felt a huge wave of disappointment come over you. He had been so close to you and now he was so far. You mentally cursed yourself for being hopeful as you set up plates and cups.
There was just a cloud of silence as Sonny finished serving and you setting up the table and getting ready for the guests.
Sonny looked at you briefly before reverting his eyes towards the entrance of your house.
You could see a flash of regret through them.
"I should go get Amanda. I told her I would pick her up"
You felt sick.
"Okay go then" You said a bit aggressively as you looked away because you could feel your eyes watering up and the last thing you needed was for him to see you crying.
He looked back at you and because you had turned to face the other way you missed the hurt that flashed through his face.
He walked towards the door and you felt your tears threatening to fall.
But then he stopped as he reached the doorknob.
"Did you try it?"
You were taken back in surprise and confusion.
He turned back to face you.
"The food. Did you taste it?"
What the heck?
What does that have to do with anything?
He should just leave and let me wallow in peace.
He walked past you back to the kitchen. You stayed were you were in the dining room confused out of you mind.
After a couple seconds of rummaging he came back with some alfredo on a fork.
You looked at him quizzically before he handed you the fork.
"Try it"
You took the fork and shoved it into you mouth.
Oh my gosh.
If heaven were food it would be alfredo.
You had never had something so good in your life. You closed your eyes savoring it.
When you opened them you saw Sonny had come closer to you and he was smiling.
"I think that was the best things I've ever had in my entire life"
He chuckled softly and he moved even closer.
You looked into his eyes trying to see if he meant was he was doing. You didn't want to be hurt. You would be able to live if he was going to do things like this without clarifying his intentions.
"Hm I doubt that"
Without any hesitation he leaned in and his lips met yours.
You were surprised at first but gladly kissed him back.
Your kiss seemed to be eternal and was becoming steamy as he lifted you on the table and continued to ravage your mouth.
Before things got too out of control you pulled back and rested you forehead on his.
"You're right. That was the best thing I've ever had in my life" You said playfully.
He laughed and you swore you would never tire of hearing it.
He gave a small peck to your lips before  saying, "I better go get Amanda. She probably thinks I forgot I was going to pick her up"
As he turned around to leave you grabbed his hand to turn him back to you.
There was one thing you needed to know.
"What does this mean between us?"
He broke put into a huge smile as he leaned in to kiss you again.
"It means I'm glad your cooking skills were lacking and I hope you feel the same."
You smiled back, "Good cooks are hard to find but I'm glad I have you"
------------------ Bonus:
Sonny winced. He had told Amanda about what had happened and she was freaking out.
"Sonny you actually kissed her?" She asked incredulously.
"Yeah?" He said nervously.
"It's about time!" She said happily. "You two have been making googly eyes at each other forever! The squad and I had devised a plan so you two could spill the beans today at my party but now I see you both manned up and went for it!"
Sonny laughed, "Well it's good to know it was that obvious to everyone exce-"
He paused confused.
"How did you know we were throwing you a party?"
Amanda mischievously smiled as they pulled up to your house and saw you outside with the rest of the squad. You had told them what happened and they were beyond happy and relieved.
"Sonny I know you throw something for me every year. I just pulled some strings so you would ask Y/N to cook and obviously she can't so..."
It was now Sonny's turn to look at Amanda incredulously.
He was about to argue the ethics of what she had done but then he heard you laugh and saw you beaming and he knew that it was worth it.
It was indeed a good thing that he was a good cook.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Birthday (Carisi X Reader)
Summary:  Another busy day in New York except that today is not just any normal day...
Traffic in New York is a pain.
Everyone knew this and yet people still thought they could be on time during rush hour. Of course, that was a lie. Walking wasn't a very good idea either but it was better than traffic. With walking, you could only hope no one would run you over as you crossed the street.
Today was one of those days you had slept in. In any other normal city, you could easily rush to work with no obstacles. But it wasn't a normal city and there were obstacles. Welcome to New York.
"Great I'm going to be late. There is no way I can nake it on time," you thought as you tried to dress presentful without looking like someone who rolled out of bed. When you were satisfied with how you looked you grabbed your keys and left your apartment to work. As you walked outside your phone rang.
"Morning Y/n," a cheerful voice answered.
You couldn't help but smile at the voice that belonged to Detective Carisi. It was no secret that you had an enormous crush on him. That is to anyone but him. The both of you were very close friends but you felt something more towards him. You were afraid to tell him because you weren't sure he felt the same way about you.
"Morning Carisi," you responded back with a smile.
"So Lui is wondering where you are 'cause we thought you were coming with us this morning for coffee."
Right. You were going to get coffee with them today.
"Oh um can you tell Liv I'm running a little late?" you asked him.
"Sure. Don't worry about it," Carisi told you.
"Okay, thanks. See you later."
After you hung up you yet again, debated on taking a taxi or walking. Traffic still didn't look friendly enough to be in a taxi so you walked.
On your way to the station, you decided to stop for coffee since you were not going to be able to catch up with the rest of the squad for coffee. As you ordered you spotted Barba sitting at a table with coffee. He glanced up and saw you and you approached him.
"Hey weren't you supposed to go out for coffee with them?" he asked you.
"Yeah I woke up a little late so I couldn't," you explained to him, pausing before saying, "Weren't you supposed to go too?"
"I couldn't because I had an errand to run this morning," he said simply before taking a drink of coffee.
"That's weird. Barba never misses coffee with us. Plus what errand did he have to get done so early in the morning? You thought to yourself. Probably some court stuff before work. You glanced at your watch realizing you needed to start heading towards the station if you wanted to get there at a decent time.
"Well I'll see you later then," you said to him getting ready to leave but as you turned around he grabbed your wrist.
"Actually Liv just texted me that there's a problem at the courthouse and she wants you to come with me," he said.
Confused you checked your phone to see if she had texted you but the screen was blank.
"Well she didn't-," you were cut off by Barba who grabbed your arm and said, "Come on we have to go."
"Okay Mr. Grabby I heard you, chillax with the grip," you said to him as you tried to pull out.
He chuckled as he let you go, "Just making sure your coming". As you both walked out you could have sworn that in the distance you saw Carisi with a huge red bundle walking towards the coffee shop but quickly dismissed it when Barba engaged you in conversation. ------------------------------------------------------ "Picking up some papers? That was the big emergency?" you asked frustrated as Barba received the papers he had requested.
"Not just any papers. They are case papers," he said.
"That you could have literally picked up by yourself."
"Well it wasn't my call it was-," he was cut off by the ring of his phone.
"Thank God you finally called I can't stand her any longer," he said pretending to be annoyed," Okay we're on our way".
"What's up?" you asked.
"We have to go to the station. There's a little surprise waiting for you."
------------------------------------------------------ "This better is worth all this running around," you say as you both walk into the station.
"SURPRISE!" the squad exclaims as they throw confetti at you which causes you to jump.
"Holy cow. You all scared me," you say as you clutch your chest recovering from the scare it gave you.
"We didn't mean to scare you!" Liv said as she pulled you into a hug.
"What is this all about?" you asked as Olivia let you out of her embrace, confused as to why they had planned this for you.
She looked at you confused. "Isn't it your birthday today?"
You were quiet for a moment as it dawned on you. You had been so busy lately you had completely forgotten about your own birthday.
"I forgot about my own birthday," you said quietly.
"That's what we're here for," Amanda said hitting your arm lightly, "to keep you on track and make sure you don't marry your job."
"That's so sweet of you guys. Thank you so much," you said happily.
Someone behind you cleared their throat making you turn around.
Standing there was Carisi holding a huge bunch of red roses.
"Happy Birthday to the most brilliant, beautiful woman ever," he said as he handed you the roses.
"Thank you so much," you said as you felt your cheeks heat up.
He smiled before saying, "I have one more present for you," he said as he enlaced his hand with yours, "Y/n I have had the honor of being with you for so long but I have felt something I have never felt before and the truth is that I love you more than anything in the word and I would love for you to be my girlfriend."
You stood there shocked not being able to believe what had just happened.
"You know, I think he's waiting for an answer," Barba said to you.
You glared at him before turning back to Carisi and saying, "Yes I would love that!"
He smiled as he pulled you into a hug as whispered so only you could hear, "I love you."
You pulled him for a kiss. This was by far the best birthday present ever.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Good Cooks Are Hard to Find (Carisi X Reader)
Request: *If you are still accepting requests. Can I request a carisi x reader one shot? Where The reader is a terrible cook and sonny teaches her how to make something?*
I'm gonna be honest. I wasn't sure how to write this but once I started writing I loved where it was going so I made it into two parts! Might post part two today might wait until next week. Let me know how much y'all want to see part two in the comments!
Part 1 Part 2
You didn't quite know what unearthly thing had caused to suggest hosting dinner for Amanda's birthday.
It wasn't because you didn't want to do something special for your best friend but because you could not, for the love of anything, cook.
You had lived with your parents for most of your life so they had cooked and when you moved out you had met Amanda who let you come over to eat whenever you wanted in exchange for babysitting her kids.
In all that time you had maybe cooked once or twice and it had been a total disaster.
So why did you even sign yourself up for this?
Well, that was quite a simple yet complicated answer.
You did it because of Sonny Carisi.
He had been asking Amanda's coworkers and friends if they could help plan a surprise for her after she got off work. He needed someone to provide food and he asked you and because you had a massive crush on him you said you could cook.
Big mistake.
Now you faced a huge problem. You had to make tasty food for lots of people in less than 5
hours and you had no idea what you were going to do.
After spending a good amount of time at the grocery you decided that the easiest thing to cook would probably be chicken alfredo.
How hard could that be? It was just boiling pasta and then making the chicken and mixing it with the sauce.
Apparently pretty hard for the novice cook.
In a matter of minutes, your entire "meal" had just fallen out. The pasta was overcooked, the chicken was burnt, and the sauce smelled weird. It was a full-on disaster. You groaned as you looked at the clock in your kitchen.
3 hours left.
You started to regret your decision. Why had you even decided to do this in the first place? You ran your hand down your face in defeat. What were you going to do now? If you didn't come up with something, and fast, then you risked not only letting your best friend down but also letting your crush down.
You glanced up at the clock again. Time was ticking away. There was nothing you could do.
At that moment your phone rang and you looked to see who it was and you literally wished the world would just suck you into the Earth.
Sonny Freaking Carisi
You panicked trying to think of something to say to make it seem like everything was good but you knew lying would get you nowhere so with a hesitant sigh you answered the phone.
"Hiya Y/N! I was wondering how you were doing? How is the food coming?"
Damn his chirpiness and his accent.
You looked at your petty attempt to make a meal before letting out a deep breath.
"Ummm actually I have a confession to make"
"What's up?"
"IactuallyhavenoideahowtocookandItriedbutruinedeverything" You said quickly.
"What was that doll I didn't catch any of that"
You groaned. You knew there was no escaping the disappointment you would inevitably face.
"I don't know how to cook Sonny! I should have told you but I just didn't want to let Amanda down."
Or you.
"I tried to make chicken alfredo but now my kitchen smells like something just died and the party is in three hours"
"It looked so simple on the recipe and I thought I could manage but apparently everything I touch that has to do with food just crumbles and fails" You continue to ramble while you feel something wet streaming down your face.
You stop realizing that at this point you are in tears and just sobbing on the phone.
Way to go Y/N. He probably thinks your crazy or something.
"Y/N doll. It's alright. I understand that you meant well."
You snorted. "It doesn't matter now. Amanda's gonna hate me"
Sonny sighed. "You know there is nothing you do that will ever upset her."
There was a pause before he spoke again in a sweet gentle voice.
"Doll how about I come over and we can try making that alfredo?"
You could not believe your ears. Did he just offer to come over to your house and help you cook?
"Tha-at would be gre-eat!" You cursed yourself for stuttering.
Sonny let out a light laugh.
"Let me stop at the store and pick up some stuff and I'll be there!"
You were glad he wasn't there to see the stupid smile on your face.
"Okay, I'll see you then!"
"I'll see you then Doll"
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Lost (Carisi X Reader)
Summary:  After falling off your bike trail you realize you are lost but luckily a cute blond stops to help you.
Accepting requests!
You woke up not knowing where you were or how you had gotten there. Actually, you couldn't remember any of the events right before you opened your eyes. No wait you had been hiking with some friends and you had fallen off the trail and apparently rolled all the way to the bottom. Yep, this was a great situation to be in. You sat up looking around you. You saw you were surrounded by trees. From the distance, you could hear cars passing by. You figured that if there were cars there were people and that they would help her. Finding a highway took longer than you expected. You walked to where the sounds were coming from. Cars sped by while you stood there at the side not knowing what to do. You saw a gas station on the other side. Going there seemed like a good idea to get help. Maybe, someone, there could help you find whoever you had been with. You started walking to the other side not noticing the black car speeding towards you. You tried to hurry, seeing that the car had no intention of stopping but you tripped on your shoelace that had somehow gotten untied. You stumbled trying to catch yourself but failed as you hit the hard concrete highway. The car screeched to a stop right before hitting you. You let out a sigh of relief as you tried to stand up. A man got out of the black car running his fingers through his blonde hair. He saw you struggle to get up and went over to help you. "Are you alright?" He asked you with a thick accent sounding concerned. "I'm fine," you responded. "I'm so sorry!" He told you," I was busy picking up my phone and then I didn't see you I'm so sorry." You smiled. "It's fine I should have been watching where I was going." Both of them were silent not knowing what to say or do. You glanced up at the man and stared into his light blue eyes. He was a very good-looking man. After what seemed like forever the man said, "So where are you heading to?" You blanked out. You hadn't been expecting anyone to ask you that. "I um don't know," The man looked at you puzzled. "What do you mean you don't know?" "I was hiking with some friends and kinda got off-trail." The man carefully chose his words, "Are you lost?" "I guess you could say that." "Maybe we should take you down to the police station." You shook her head, "Actually can you just give me a ride to a hotel or something?" "Well you're a bit far from any hotel but if you want I live a little ways away so you could stay there for the night." You frowned at the man. "Not trying to be offensive but you haven't even told me your name is. For all I know is you could be an ax murderer or something". The man laughed. "You're absolutely right. The name's Dominick Carisi but everyone calls me Sonny and I can assure you I'm not anything you just listed." "Sure that's what they all say," you said. Just then there was a rumble of loud thunder and it began to rain. "We should probably get outta the rain. Wouldn't want you to get sick," Sonny said. You stood there thinking about all your possible choices. You could go with Sonny or stand here in the rain. Sonny seemed to be waiting for you. By now you were soaking wet from head to toe. Sonny took a jacket from his car and put it around your shivering frame. "I won't bite I promise," he said. You can seem to process why you trusted the cute man but yet you smile and get into the car.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Sooooooooooo... I know I have a couple of requests I need to get done for this book and I said that I would publish the other Barba fanfic soon as well but I got inspiration. I've been having a tough time with life right now (gotta love anxiety) and so I came up with this cute idea. The only problem is I don't know what fandom I should write it for.
I need off of y'alls help to decide which fandom and character this story will go to. I will give the blurb and then you can all drop your comments below! Whichever has the most comments wins!
Fandoms: Law and Order Svu, Star Wars, Criminal Minds, MCU
Also, should it be a reader insert or OFC?
Dear Mr. B,
It's so hard to keep going. Nothing seems to be enough. I am not enough. Every day is a constant war in my head and I am afraid that one day it will.Sincerely, Miss F/I
Dear Miss F/I,It pains me every day to read this feeling that is taking you over. How I wish that I could take away your pain. I may have never laid eyes upon you but I would steal the moon and stars just to make you happy.Forever yours, Mr. B
To the world, it may seem as if you were the luckiest person on Earth. A full-ride scholarship, a new luxury apartment, a mother with the perfect job. But no ones knows what happens within those walls. To cope you write letters and hide them on the roof of your building. But one day the letters disappear and is replaced with one with elegant writing. This will mark the beginning of your correspondence with a mysterious Mr. B.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
First Day Part 2
Request: *will you do a part two of this?*
Well, I don't see why not! Here you go!
Part 1 Part 2
After a long day of interviewing and investigating you decided that you needed some rest. It was exhausting but your new partner had made it bearable. He had made you laugh and was ever so attentive to make sure you felt comfortable on your first day. Now you both we back at the station getting ready to go home.
"So how was your first day?" 
You smiled. "It was kinda intense"
He nodded. "You'll get used to it"
"I know"
As you were gathering your belongings you caught Sonny stealing a glance at you before looking back to his desk. You noticed that he was acting odd and seemed nervous all of a sudden. 
Right when you were about to confront him he nervously asked, "Do you want to go get food?"
He looked at you half expecting you to reject his offer but instead, you smiled.
"I would love to." 
His face burst into a huge smile as he gathered the remaining of his belongings.
"Great! I know this great Italian place that we can walk to."
Your feet had felt like they were going to fall off but there was something about Sonny that made the pain disappear.
"Okay sounds good! Let me just get the rest of my stuff."
There was a small voice in your mind that was hesitant about your sudden boldness. You usually didn't just go get food with someone you just met. 
But there was something about the man in front of you that made you feel safe and comfortable. 
Have gave you a signature charming smile as he offered his arm to walk you out.
You hooked your arm in his and as the two of you rode the elevator in silence you wondered how this man was still single.
Was he single????
He had no ring so he wasn't married but that didn't mean he was on the market.
Could it be possible you read into his intentions too much? Was he only being friendly to his new coworker?
These questions plagued your mind as he lead you outside where you felt a cold breeze hit your warm body causing you to shiver.
And of course Carisi noticed this and immediately took off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders.
It was such a sweet gesture but your mind seemed to think otherwise.
It's just a friendly gesture.
But was it?
You discreetly glaced at him from the side. He had unhooked your arm from his but walked so close beside you that your shoulders touched. He seemed to be off in his own world as he walked next to you. You desperately wanted to know what was going on in his mind.
Was he thinking about dinner? About work? About you?
Don't be naïve he just met you this morning.
Well technically you had met way before in a previous case.
Little did you know that similar thoughts invaded the thoughts of the man next to you.
As you both kept walking you noticed it had gotten dark. As you looked around you you processed that you both had walked for a looooong time.
"Hey Carisi...I'm pretty sure we passed the restaurant"
He looked at you in confusion at first as he tried to recollect his thoughts so he could progress what you had said.
You saw as his eyes went wide as he looked around him registering his surrounding and he realized that you both had passed the restaurant whiles ago.
"Oh doll I'm sorry! I guess I just got so deep in my thoughts I didn't even notice we passed it" he said frustrated with himself as he ran a hand back though his hair.
Doll. He had called you doll.
You realized right then with that one word that you need answers or you would go mad.
You turned to face him, "Carisi it's fine really. But I need to know what's going on with us"
He tilted his head to give you another look of confusion and he looked like such a cute dork you wanted to kiss.
You took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm going to be honest here. Ever since I saw you at the coffee shop this morning there is something that draws me to you. You have such a dorky smike and you're such a goof and when you asked me to dinner I got these vibes I guess that you liked me but I thought to myself there is no way way a hot man like that is single so I guess what I'm try-"
You were unexpectedly interrupted by soft lips on yours. You were surprised no doubt but it satisfied your need for him. He took his time kissing you, caressing you cheek and moving you closer to him.
It felt like being on a cloud. It felt so surreal.
When you pulled apart he looked into you eyes and pushed a loose hair behind your ear.
"I felt exactly the same when I met you. Not at the coffee shop but before on that case. I thought I would never see you again but I did and I knew I couldn't let you go again."
You beamed at him. His declaration made your heart swell and you realized you would never leave him.
As you leaned in for another kiss you whispered, "Do you know what my favorite part about by first day was?"
He chuckled lightly, "No I do not"
You smiled.
You felt his smile as he met your lips.
Okay y'all the votes are in and it looks like SVU gets the new fic! Watch for that and another Barba coming soon! Thanks for reading! As always drop those requests!
*sorry for the late post but I couldn't sleep and I knew if I didn't finish today it would not be good*
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
First Day (Carisi X Reader)
Request: *Can you make a a sonny Carisi  x reader where she is a new detective to the unit and he falls in love with her when they meet. Sorry I'm not good at this but I would love a story like that!*
I hope you like it!
Part 1 Part 2
It was the first day of your new job at SVU. You were a transfer from Narcotics and you were glad to be in a new department. You had worked with them before and had decided that you would be better there than in Narcotics. You were ready for a new change.
That morning you had decided to stop for coffee at your favorite coffeehouse. As you were in line you spotted a tall man with blonde hair right in front of you. He seemed frustrated with the length of the line. But there was just something about him that captivated you.
Suddenly he turned around and your eyes met. You held his gaze for while and then looked away realizing how long you had stared at him. You looked away embarrassed to think that now you looked weird because of how long you had stared.
There was a sudden tap on your shoulder and your whole body flinched and your drifted mind came back to the present and was met with those blue eyes again.
"Hi, there! This is gonna sound a little weird but I feel like I've seen you before but I don't remember where," he said in a cheerful tone, his annoyance with the long line disappeared.
You tilted your head in confusion. You would certainly remember seeing him before. He was too cute to miss (😉).
What? Too cute? Get yourself together Y/N! You thought to yourself as your mind continue to search for any memory of meeting the blue-eyed man.
"I really don't recall meeting you," you said to him.
It was his turn to tilt his head at you. After a moment his eyes lit up as he looked at you with a huge smile that you swore made you melt a little on the inside.
Right when he was about to say something the barista called to him and you both realized that the never-ending line had gone through a lot faster than expected.
He gave you a glance before turning back to order a simple coffee with lots of whipped cream. You couldn't help but smile because that was what you ordered all the time.
If you both came to this coffee shop then how was it possible you had not seen him before?
Right when you were about to ask him your phone rang. You quickly pulled at your phone and saw the caller ID: Olivia Benson.
Shoot. So much for finding out who this mystery man was.
"Y/L/N. I know I was going to introduce you and give you a run-through of the department but we just got a new case and I need you to go interview the victim at the scene at Central Park. I will have Detective Carisi meet you there."
"I'm on my way Captain"
With that, you hung up sighed, and looked up to the blue-eyed man whose phone went off. You were annoyed with yourself for not remembering if you had seen this man and annoyed at the world for not having enough time to talk and hear what he had been about to say. With a puff, you ordered your coffee and watched as he got his coffee, still on the phone, and rushed out.
You felt disappointed because he had left you hanging like that and sighed as the barista gave you your drink. When you opened the door you saw that the man was standing by the pole in front of the shop. Your heart fluttered as you saw he was making his way toward you.
He gave you a bright smile as he said "You're Y/N right? You worked a case with us. You're from Narcotics?"
You blinked and your mind raced to find that memory and you finally remembered who the blue-eyed accented man was.
This time you smiled at him.
"Yeah! And you detective Carisi? I remember you brought cannolis for everyone!"
He chuckled lightly as he ran his fingers through his blond hair, "That's me. Liv just called to let me know that I was supposed to meet you at Central Park but seeing that we are both here together I figured we can catch a ride together?"
You could literally not believe that a) you forgot who this handsome man was and b) you were going to be working together. Your head was flooded with so many thoughts before you heard him call your name.
"Um what?" you asked sheepishly.
"I was asking if you want to ride together"
You nodded.
He smiled again and you knew you would never get tired of seeing it. He opened the passenger side door.
"Your chariot to our adventure awaits milady," he said as he did a small bow.
You giggled at his gesture and got in. After he got in he turned to you and smiled before saying "You can call me Sonny if you want"
"Sonny," you said testing out how easily it rolled off your tongue "Thanks for a good first day"
He laughed before saying "Hopefully we will have good days all the time"
You blushed before playfully hitting his arm.
You were sure you would.
*Part 2 is up now!*
Part 1 Part 2
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