#soon I’ll be working 5 days a week and after I’m done with school I’ll pick up even more hours
Another day of going to work so that me and my love can move out together <3
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emsgwenstan · 6 months
Personal or professional?
Chap 3 | chap 4 | chap 5
Larissa Weems x fem(carpenter/joiner) named reader
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Words: 2.5k
Warnings: alcohol, severe angst, longing, bodily issues.
Note: well… idk just read and find out there may be a lil x.
Larissa woke at 4am to start her day, for the first time in a while she hadn’t the energy to get up and be motivated, though, ultimately she did rise and started the monotonous process of her hair after she prepared a cup of tea to rest beside her on the counter in her bathroom. Larissa finished her hair and make up, she dressed and took her empty cup back to the kitchenette and for some reason she had forgone stepping into her office as of yet and opted to sit in bed with her laptop, even though it was only 6am.
It had been 3 weeks since the dinner at my house, Larissa and I had kept in touch from that time, especially since I needed to return her purse. She had come to the front of the school to retrieve the item and thanked me for the the trouble of driving it out to her, I brushed it off and said it wasn’t a big deal, any excuse to see or be near her was a blessing. Larissa opened messages on her phone to see if there were any missed phone calls or texts from any of her faculty or god forbid the board, but not only did she find a sum of ridiculous unanswered questions, I had sent a text to inform her that the cupboard’s are right to be installed and I’m ready whenever is a good time for her.
She replied with “Is today too soon?” And of course I was already loaded to go and told her the time I’ll be there, if it was fine with her of course. 3pm. She jumped of her bed and suddenly had an abundance of energy to burn, for the next six hours she would fly through all of the work she had been procrastinating on doing for the past week and eventually find herself for the first time in a long time out of paperwork, meetings and duties, until the next week obviously. Larissa had taken to going for a spontaneous walk through the school at the time students were doing their extra curricular activities and stopped at every one to greet students. She asked staff if anyone was in need of her assistance to which they all declined.
At 1:30 Larissa had ended up at the lake, she walked the length of the peer and inhaled a deep breath of cold air and let her tense shoulders drop back into a comfortable position, she checked her watch and debated on staying for a while longer or if she should get going, the latter was the choice she settled with. Some days Larissa wonders why she constantly chooses to wear dresses even in the winter, her only con is because she likes them, maybe I should wear pants, it might be warmer, definitely more suitable. What am I even thinking Larissa doesn’t do trousers in public. She thought to herself.
Back in the comfort of her office, she peeled off her gloves and stood so close to the fire she might have caught alight trying to warm up her ice cold hands, the only downside to this time of year to her apparently. Just as she was about to take a seat in her chair, her phone started ringing.
*Violet Hastings*
“Hello darling.” She answered.
“Hey… um im here, is there any easy way of getting the stuff inside before I make myself look like a fool and you tell me there was in fact an easier way.” I chuckled.
“Your parked at the front correct?” She asked.
“Yeah, just go up the stairs and down the corridor and take a left yeah? I only really know the way from your office.” I asked.
“Yes, do you think you’ll manage sweetheart?” She wondered.
“Of course I will, I’ll get into it and I’ll come get you when I’m done, does that sound alright?” I questioned.
“Sure, if there’s anything you need you know where to find me.” She said.
“Ok, I’ll see you later.”
Larissa hung up and debated just coming to find me but decided not to be a bother and only come if needed. She sat in her office doing next to nothing, she even considered cleaning, but knew that everything was already spic and span, she knows that, otherwise she wouldn’t give extra pays the the ones who do the impeccable job of keeping her office, classrooms and the school in general tidy.
I haled all of the cupboards from the back of the trailer to their destination and stuck in to placing them on the kick boards screwing them to the walls and putting all of the shelves in them as well as all of the chrome handles on each door. The cupboards themselves were a mix of dark blue and grey, the handles were simple, but all together matched very well with the aesthetic of the rooms. It took only two hours to complete the six and with all of my tools and power cords packed up it was time to deliver the items for Larissa.
With no students around it was quite easy to manoeuvre the two huge items in and up the stairs. With a blanket tucked under my arm I knocked on Larissa’s door. “Come in.” She was sat in her chair with her laptop placed in front of her displaying the fourth round of solitaire. “Hey it’s just me.” I said stepping into the threshold, only opening the door enough to shimmy through so she didn’t see what was behind the doors. “How did you go?” She asked, closing her laptop and turning all of her attention to me. “Really good, all finished, but I’ve got your surprise with me so I’ll show you that first.” I said excitedly, rocking back and forth on my heels. “Do you now?” She questioned. “Yes and you need to close your eyes.” I said. Larissa gave me a hesitant look before finally closing her eyes. “No peeking! I mean it.”
Throwing the blanket in the floor, I turned and went back to the door opening both of them, quickly bringing them inside right in the middle of the room, I picked up the blanket and splayed it across the items. “Open.” I said looking at her. Larissa’s eyes fluttered open before her expression turned confused, she rose from her chair and rounded the table she was sat at. “What is it exactly?” She asked in a low raspy voice. “See for yourself.” I said taking a step back, only now is it that i find myself so incredibly nervous, I hope this isn’t to much, what if she hates them.
Standing fiddling with my hands, I cautiously watch Larissa as she takes slow steps toward whatever was beneath the fabric. She grasped the corner of the blanket and lifted it up gently revealing the vanity I agreed to give her and as told I fixed, well slightly tweaked, I had extended the legs, retouched the paint and polished the top. Larissa let out a breath that sounded like ‘oh’ and faced me with wide eyes. “Is that ok?” I asked. She nodded before saying anything. “I-I…” she started struggling to find words. “Violet.” She managed to whisper as she was taking her time to examine it again as if she hadn’t already seen it before. I wandered slowly beside her. “I know that it’s probably not really your thing but I just thought if you wanted to…” I leaned forward and winded the internal music box that’s located on the side.
The melody of ‘once upon a December’ emanated from within it. “I know it’s kinda sil-.” I said before she cut me off. “No.” I straightened up and looked at her. “No. This is… beautiful, truly.” She said. “You still have another one.” I spoke. Larissa moved a little closer to the next covered item, it was far larger than the vanity, she re-grasped the blanket and completely pulled it off. “Oh my god! Is this!…is this a desk!?- for me?” She asked excitedly, she dropped the cloth to the floor and was just about jumping for joy. “I thought you deserved a better one than that crappy thing you have, do you mind?” I asked. “Do I mind!? Are you serious! Look at it vi, it’s so big and gorgeous.” She giggled and clamped her hands on my shoulders shaking me a little. “Well it’s all yours, your very own big girl desk.” I laughed. “I don’t even know what to say, just- oh thank you darling I love it, I love it so so much.” She said wrapping her arms around me.
I pulled away and tried to hide my red cheeks, Larissa’s hands found purchase together against her chest and I could tell she couldn’t stop grinning. After a while we decided to completely remove her old shitty desk and put her new one in its place doing the same with her vanity. “Hang on, how the hell did you get these up here and in the room with me hearing it?” She asked out of nowhere. I should have been more noisy. “I don’t muck around Larissa, I’m quite strong.” I said hoping she doesn’t pick up on the small lie. Later on once everything was in its place, I led her back down stairs to show her the end result of the installations in the classrooms.
Larissa was ecstatic about all of the work I had done, she feels so greatfull for all the effort I put into each and every piece I had made. It was almost 5pm by the time I walked her up to her office, she couldn’t help but go and touch the desk yet again.
“Stay right here I’ll be back In one moment.” She demanded. I stood in front of the fireplace waiting for her to return from the doors attached to the wall of the office. She came waltzing out and made a b-line for me. “Hold out your hand.” She asked, I did as she requested and place my palm up in the space between us. Larissa laid three stacks of hundred dollar bills in my hand, my eyes widened in shock. “Is 10,000 enough?” She asked. “No.” I said mechanically. “No? Another five?” She asked. “Oh god no! Larissa I don’t want this I don’t want any of it, you’re supposed to give my boss the money.” I said still holding it. “I’ve already paid for the schools components, this is for the desk and vanity, I know how much the materials cost, mahogany isn’t cheep.” She said. I lifted my free hand to reach for one of hers placing the cash back in her hands. “I don’t want or need a dollar of it Larissa, their a gift, you don’t pay for them, the pieces I used were all recycled from past projects, they don’t have any value… but I appreciate the offer.” I said. “You’re being stubborn sweetheart.” She hummed leaning closer and shoving the money in the back pocket of my pants. I had to physically refrain myself from pulling it out and giving it back to her again.
“Would you like a drink? A big girl drink to celebrate my new big girl desk hmm?” She asked rounding me and walking to a cabinet, she pulled out a bottle of red and a decanter of whiskey. “I don’t know I’ll have to think about it… yep thought about it!” I said reaching for the auburn liquid. Larissa passed me a glass to pour the drink into, as well as getting a wine glass for herself, it wasn’t a surprise that she had an entire cabinet full of liquor in her office I know if I had to stress over a thousand students and deal with the shit she does, I’d have the same.
Larissa kicked off her heels being done for the day and stood in front of the fire place. Orange and pink hues lit up the sky outside with bits of blue and purple, the setting sun casting rays into the clouds like perfection, I walked to the bay window in the room and pulled the curtains away to get a better view, Larissa noticed me not being near her and faced my position, she gazed at my form and the way my head involuntarily rolled to the side in appreciation for the the sky. She quietly moved to be beside me, I could feel her presence but I didn’t face her. Still looking out the window, my lips twitched into a small smile, the feeling of gazing at something so beautiful whilst being in the company of someone who’s just as- if not more beautiful, felt delightful, felt wonderful, right.
“You look like you’ve never seen a sunset before.” She mentioned in a quiet voice just above a whisper. “I haven’t… well no, I mean not for a very long time, I always get to work before sunrise and after sunset, on the weekends I try sleep long enough in the morning and in the evening all my curtains are drawn, because of the position it sets.” I said still looking out the window. I could tell Larissa was staring at me but I didn’t acknowledge it. “It is stunning.” She said finally looking out the glass.
Returning in front of the fire place, I put down the glass of whiskey an turn to Larissa who perched herself on the arm chair she dragged over. “What now?” I asked almost solemnly. “What do you mean?” She questioned taking another sip of her drink. “Well I’ve never been this…close to a client before, the jobs are done, everything is paid for… Is this it?” I wondered out loud not necessarily asking her per se, I guess just coming to relise that this is probably the end of whatever kind of relationship we have. Is it personal or still professional?
“I don’t think i would just stop talking to you. We’ve become good friends Violet… don’t you think?” She asked. Good friends, somehow that felt like a kick in the guts, it’s not like… well nevertheless this is good, good friends right? Good good friends. “Yes I agree, it’s just that I don’t have a lot of time to see you, your very busy, I don’t want to burden you with being yet another person you have to talk to.” I said quietly. “Don’t say that, I enjoy your company and look forward to spending time with you.” She spoke. I picked up my glass once again and held it out in front of me. “To being friends then.” I jokingly toasted. Larissa mimicked my actions and we both drank more.
An hour later and two bottles down I was sitting right next to her in another chair, with my boots off and jumper discarded along with them. We shared conversation about her staff and my past colleagues before she changed the subject. “So tell me, what do I not know about you? Five things go.” She asked. “Oh fuck I don’t know, ooh sorry.” I apologised for my language, thank god she doesn’t hear the vile things I say at work. “Um… five things?” I said out loud, at this point I was tipsy and had trouble retaining things that won’t want her to know, just yet at least.
“Uhh, I’m 38. My birthday is this month. Um, my parents are divorced, but I’m sure you put two and two together, they have been since I was 3. I change my hair all the time and…. I adore all kinds of art, drawings, paintings, poetry, music, all of the above really.” I spoke, pouring another glass for myself and topping up hers while I was at it. “You?” I asked. “Wow, I do have questions.” She said. “Mmmm?” I hummed in waiting. “What’s the date of your birthday and what was your previous hair like?” She asked, swirling around the liquid in her glass. “My birthday is the 12th and my hair was dark brown and very long.” I stated. “I honestly can’t picture it.” She said. I laughed at her, I had to remember not to show her a photo.
“Enough about me though I wanna know about you.” I said. “Ok well I’m 48, and my birthday is the 24th of February. I was raised in a ridiculously lavish lifestyle that I don’t usually brag about, with both my parents. And… I’ve looked the same for years not very much has changed. I too love the arts, usually when I go back to London I visit lots of museums and spend hours a day just wandering around them.” She expressed casually. “You’re so… cool, really, you’re so lucky.” I said. “Why?” She giggled. “I don’t know, your freedom, your ability to be so free when you’re alone.” I said. “And your not?” She asked. “No.” I said not elaborating, wanting to move away from the subject.
“I have another question.” I asked. “You don’t have to answer, but if you went here and your the principal… does that make you an outcast to?” I questioned hoping not to seem nosy. “Yes… is that a problem for you?” She asked. “No!” I said a bit to loud. “Not at all, just, wondering… I think it’s extraordinary honestly.” I said hoping to easy her obviously defensive demeanour. “Sorry i shouldn’t pry.” I said. “It’s ok, I knew you would ask eventually.” She smiled. “If you don’t mind me asking- what, are you though, you don’t need to tell me I’m just curious.” I asked. “What do you think I am?” She wondered raising her brows with a smirk.
“Let’s see… I know you’re not a vampire- no fangs, not a werwolf- to tame, clearly not a gorgon- self explanatory, I know you don’t have telekinesis- not very Larissa, that leaves siren or a seer, but that’s still not right.” I said her face grew more amused indicating I’m right, I’m getting warmer. “I don’t think you’re very common… something special, different, rare perhaps.” I said, she slightly eased her shoulders, but shrugging trying not to give anything away. My eyes flicked down to her necklace while I was observing her state, a moment went by and Larissa could see the gears turning in my head, the longer I looked at it the more I realised how much she thinks I’ll never guess, little does she know that I can see her in plain sight. I snap my eyes to hers and grin not saying a thing.
The more I gazed into her eyes my smile spread and Larissa’s faded. “I know what you are.” I whispered. She scoffed in an attempt to make my decision falter. “You seem so sure.” She said. “I am.” I stated. “So what’s your conclusion?” She hummed. “You know it’s very clever to hide your identity you do it very well.” I said leaning into grasp the chain around her neck. “But not clever enough… remember when I said your necklace was personally made? I should have realised then.” I traced the metal with my thumb, my eyes boring holes into hers. “You my dear are a shapeshifter.” I said knowing I just won this twisted and unspoken game.
“Very good, your no fool.” She said averting her gaze and taking a large gulp of wine. I sat back relaxing against the back of the chair, my chest flushed and fluttering from the close proximity and the reality of the situation. “Do you have another secret I can know?” I asked randomly to break the silence, still up for conversation. “What kind of secret?” She questioned, seemingly un-apposed to continue. “how about love interest, anyone your interested in or have loved in the past?” I asked pretty care free, the alcohol clearly the one talking. “Oh god. No im not really interested in anyone im married to my career, past loves, that is a whole other story. A whole other story.” She said. “Tell me? Please?” I asked. “Well it’s complicated, maybe another time.” She said quietly. “No I respect that, but it always is isn’t it… complicated.” “Always.” She replied.
More hours went by just talking and drinking, it was never my intention to get drunk, just saying that sounds ridiculous, I hardly ever drink and when I do I still have a high tolerance, safe to say I’ve drank enough alcohol within a couple of hours to last a week’s hangover. Larissa was to, not that would ever admit, so much for me being the stubborn one, she was giddy though and I couldn’t stop laughing, if I was sober and sat back watching as a different person I’d be repulsed, but than again I don’t have it in me to care.
Thinking it was a great idea I stood and fell on my ass-Well my ass fell on her. I was trying to walk around Larissa but my knee gave way and I fell into her lap. “Shit! oh my god sorry.” I said laughing, Larissa wrapped her hand around me to stabilise, but she held onto my waist and wouldn’t let me get up. “It’s ok.” She said trailing her hand further to my hip. My cheeks burned, blushing like an idiot, Larissa didn’t say another word, her eyes flicking around the room, I could feel her stiffen as I tried to get up again, but she tightened the grip, her face to was a shade of pink I was lucky to see through the orange glow of the room. “Stay.” She said, but it wasn’t sexual or flirty in any manner, it almost sounded like a sad plea.
If she wouldn’t let me go I may as well get comfortable, I wrapped my arm around her neck and rolled my hips sideways so I was just about hugging her, I rested my head on my bicep and let my feet dangle over the side of the chair. “I’m really heavy, are you sure you’re ok?” I asked. “Yes.” She whispered her gaze now set on the fire, A minute later she spoke again. “You’re not heavy either.” She said. I could feel myself slightly sobering up and hear my heart beating In my ears. I lifted my head so my chin was resting on my arm as well as shifting my elbow manoeuvring my hand to gently stroke her hair. “God you’re so pretty, you know that.” I whispered accidentally letting it slip whilst looking in her dark blue eyes. She turned her head to look at me, her gaze unfaltering and expression melancholy.
Subtly moving again her shoulders caught my attention, how I didn’t notice before was beyond me. “Ohh, you have little freckles.” I said grinning using my free hand to trace her skin, halting my movements on her hair. “They’re like little stars kissing your skin.” I whispered, my eyes unable to retain the average amount of liquid as they became glassy from the heightened emotions, silly I know but for someone who hardly gets emotional over something someone else would find a common thing to be upset or happy about, it’s a big deal.
Larissa was feeling so many thing in that moment, although it was anything but relaxed, she was calm but also a bit nervous and insecure, for the longest time she hasn’t had the privilege of being called such nice things like pretty, or such admiration towards what’s she deems as flaws, because that’s what she saw and heard, admiration. She isn’t just looking in my eyes when I say them, she’s peering into my soul, finding nothing but kind and pure intentions behind every word. Many people thought she ought to be a cunning woman who’s only goal is to be in control and do what ever she can to get her way, in some aspect it was true but she wasn’t a horrid, selfish or malicious person, behind the layers of professionalism she was just Larissa Weems. Rissa. Just Rissa.
I hadn’t seen my oversized work shirt gape at the front, not until I relised Larissa was looking, but in her line of sight wasn’t my bra nor cleavage, it was the stretch marks. Once it clicked, I sat up and removed my arm from around her and shot up swaying a little. Larissa was startled at the sudden movement and stood, her brows came together in confusion and also fright, hoping that what she did wasn’t what scared you away, but she was wrong. Panic riddled my being, I was becoming short of breath and the alcohol didn't help. "I-I'm sorry Violet, please forgive me that was utterly wrong of me to do I apologise." She said fiddling with her fingers on either side of herself. "Please... please forget you saw them." I whispered just about inaudible, but loud enough for her to hear. "What?" She breathed. "I don't-I don't want you to see them." I said looking at my feet. "No I should have not been looking at your br-... oh... oh." She realised it wasn't what she thought, she did infact look at the marks but only for a moment not even long enough to process what she was doing, this is worse, Larissa's stomach churned and her heart tinged at the thought of me panicking because of natural marks on my skin. "Oh darling, I- I wasn't, I wasn't judging, please you have to believe me." She said taking a step forward, I took a step back.
I spun around and picked up my jumper and shoes off the floor and clutched the boots, throwing the piece of clothing on, I struggled for a moment before it finally slipped over my head. "What are you doing?" She asked. "I need to go, I need to go home." I said. "No please it's late, you've had to much to drink you can't drive... just... stay, you can stay here." She said hopefully. She could see my jaw tensing and it was making her more anxious. "Don't bite so hard sweetheart." She said knowingly. I did stop but I still debated just going home, call a cab or a fucking Uber and leave.
I let out a breath i knew i was holding and dropped my shoes to the side. Larissa did the same exhaling slowly, she took another step towards me so slow as if I'd run away if she moved to quickly. It didn't take long until she reached me and grasped my hand. "Come on I'll put you to bed." I absentmindedly flowed her to the doors that access her quarters. I didn't look around the only thing I saw was the floor and then the edge of the bed. Larissa sat me down and retrieved a pair of pyjamas, a glass of water and meds. "Here you can have these to change into, and have the tablets you'll feel ok in the morning." She had another set of tablets for herself and took them taking sip from the glass than passed it to me giving my own meds. "You don't mind that I had some?" She asked. "No I don't mind." I said with my voice breaking a little.
Larissa let me be to change and came back from her bathroom in her own pyjamas and her hair in a lose braid. She walked over to the other side of the bed and reached over to grab my clothes and place them on a nere by chair making sure to pull out the cash and wrap it into my jumper, when she came back Larissa grabbed a pillow and tucked it under her arm and grabbed the throw at the end of the bed. Turning off the large light and leaving on the lamp she paced to the doorway and turned around. "You think you will be ok?" She asked. "Where are you going?" I wondered. “I’m just going to sleep on the futon in the office.” She said as if I was supposed to know that. “No you’re not, you’re sleeping in your bed, I- I’m… not going to allow you to sleep elsewhere in your own home, otherwise I’m just going to leave, unless you want me to sleep out there.” I expressed. Larissa walked back towards the other side of the bed and threw the pillow and blanket back in place and ungraciously fell into bed. I sat up and pulled the covers over myself and her, I practically just tucked her in, making sure she had enough blanket and pulled it up and over her chest leaving her arm out, she was laying in her side facing me and eyeing my movements, curious, she thought.
In all honesty it’s been a very long time since I’ve consumed so much alcohol, I’m glad I don’t feel sick, a part of me is greatfull that I have an excuse to stay but another part is still trying to retreat. Don’t get too close, she will dispose of you, you know what happened last time Violet. Apart of me vaguely thought. Larissa was cautiously watching me as my brows came together in a distasteful manner she wondered what I was thinking, but failed to ask. I rolled over to turn off the lamp beside me and got comfortable again in my original position laying on my side to face her.
Mindlessly I reach for the hem of her satin sleeve on Larissa exposed arm, playing with it for a while I push it upward to reveal her freckled arms again, I can still see them, so clear, so golden in the silver moonlight. The domesticity of how uncannily stunning just one little part of her is, just about bring tears to my eyes. I trace over them again raising goosebumps to the surface of her skin, once I’d had enough and my arm was burning I let myself steal a glance at her, only to find Larissa had already been gazing at me. Feeling the blood rush to my face I went to turn over, however she stopped me from doing so by grasping my shoulder.
It wasn’t just me admiring, Larissa had watched the entire time I was kindly examining, she’s not sure why, but when I’m near her she can’t help but feel so secure, so safe, so… cared for. When she grasped my shoulder to stop me from rolling over, her fingers involuntarily gripped harder to feel the muscle she didn’t acquire, when she found herself doing it Larissa revoked her hand. Her hair is what I focused on, not wanting to hold eye contact, it’s the same colour as the moon itself, just as bright, just as alluring, I stretched out to move the loose bit of hair around her forehead and continued the path all the way to the end of her braid.
What surprised me was that she did exactly the same to me, brushing the bits of hair that had fallen from my ponytail out of my eyes and behind my ear. This time, I looked at her, I really looked at her, taking in every single detail of her face, every line and wrinkle, her eyes. I wish I could see her without makeup. She still adorned makeup but didn’t have her lipstick on, the red stain is what’s left. Larissa let me grab her cheek and stroke it, I ever so slightly brushed my thumb over her cheekbone caressing it carefully almost as if I would hurt her. “I’m scared, I’m so scared.” I said as a breathless whisper. Larissa stayed silent but I could see her wordlessly asking me to elaborate, I shouldn’t have let that out, she doesn’t understand what I mean, I hope she doesn’t, I don’t want her to.
Larissa’s eyes scanned over my features again and she let out a shaky exhale. “I know.” She said, well then. I closed my eyes and moved closer to rest my forehead against hers. Still stroking her face I jutted my chin forward slowly, only a strand of hair widths away from her lips, our breaths deep and thorough. I pulled away to ask permission, Larissa opens her eyes and nodded knowing what I wanted to ask. I leaned back in brushing her lips with my own, she didn’t hold her breath and embraced the moment, both of us letting it happen, Violet… Larissa had grasped my waist trying to pull me closer but I arched my back trying to move away from her touch. Stop now. I did everything to keep that fucking voice at bay, I want this, she seems to want this but I can’t do it. Kissing Larissa was the best experience, the softness of her lips, the alcohol I could taste, she was my every sense, touch, taste, smell, even with my eyes closed I could see her, hear her.
VIOLET STOP. Larissa’s hand just landed on my hip before I ripped away from her completely. I rolled over trying to catch my breath, guilt came gnawing, I squeezed my eyes shut so hard the insides of my eye lids became kaleidoscopic, Larissa was confused, had she done something wrong? Did i not want this? For a while she say laying in the same position just staring at my back, the way she felt so uneasy as to what to do now, does she leave? Does she stay? Her internal questioning was put to a slow when I reached behind me and found her hand, I intertwined our fingers and pulled her arm to wrap under my elbow.
Larissa let out a breath that ghosted over my neck and shoulder, releasing the pent up adrenaline. The longer we stayed there the more I let myself melt into her touch, my back against her front, the sound of her heartbeat. I wish I hadn’t done what I did, but I also know it was the right thing to do. Safe to say the both of us are snapped back to sober at this point and with the alcohol wearing off it won’t take long for sleep to overtake me.
In many, many years this will be the first time I go to bed and I’m not alone, I don’t need a pillow to give the support that isn’t enough, I don’t need back round noise to interject the raging thoughts and loneliness. I have her, I have Larissa, this may be the last time but I know to cherish every fucking second whether I’m in the waking world or not. Her embrace is comforting and gentle, her touch is soft and soothing, as of now I’m going to let myself succumb to sleep and work out what’s going on tomorrow. Once Larissa knew I was asleep she placed a kiss to my shoulder and whispered.
‘goodnight sweetheart.’
@lex13cm @im-a-carnivorous-plant @barbarasstar @giogwensversion @sabraaabra @readingtheentrails
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Neighbors 5
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Hi my friends. What a surprise seeing you here. Okay, actually I’m sorry I haven’t been active. I’ve been going through it and everytime I promise to come back something was always getting in the way, but thankfully I should have more free time in my life soon. That means more stories and I’ll actually finish this little series I love so so much and write more. I really appreciate all the love and support I get from all of you and the community you created. I hope I don’t disappoint, but I’ve been rusty. I won’t promise to make a huge comeback because the past hasn’t been in my favor, but I will say that I’ll try better and not leave you to hang dry. Okay that’s it I love love love you guys hope you like… :)
Summary: y/n has a school assignment and Harry can’t stop himself from fantasizing.
Warning: smut 18+, cum swapping, daddy kink, degradation kink, praise kink (idk how, but they both are here), Jealousy, cheating, age gap (she’s 18), breeding kink, pregnancy kink, mentions of school, pregnancy (she’s not pregnant lol neither is Olivia) fluff, and olivia wilde? (if there’s any more tell me plz)
My phone dings as I finish up getting ready. My friend Sophie texted me reminding me to leave my house soon because I have to return the pregnancy belly for my parenting class. The same damn parenting class that made me too busy to see my Harry for the past week.
I had this pregnancy belly for two days straight. Since I finish most of my classes, I get to leave three classes earlier. Thankfully being a “gifted student” gave me first choice in classes leaving me to be ahead of my other friends. Because of that I have to return to school wearing this horrible sack of 30 pounds.
I walk down the stairs quickly and more carefully because if I run down too fast I’ll probably topple over with the extra weight in my front.
Before I run to the door a familiar figure catches my eye. I slow down to the kitchen island where my dad and Harry are talking. He leaned over the table trying to look at whatever my dad was showing him.
Harry immediately looks at me with wide eyes, whilst my dad laughs and explains to him “ she’s in a parenting class so she’s been wearing that since yesterday”. Harry nods and laughs lightly as he shakes his head and rubs his face with one hand. I smile and wave acknowledging his presence. 
My father and Harry continue their conversation while I purposely walk around the kitchen ‘getting water’. My dad shows him the new route they want to build for the country club so they can expand the golf course. I can’t help but smile to myself to see the British man trying so hard not to eye me up and down. His leg bounces up and down and he furrows his brows in fake interest leaning toward my dad as if he is looking at the map, but his eyes bore into me. 
I haven’t seen him for a few days because of my project and him visiting Los Angeles for some work. Olivia was with him in LA, but stayed back for one week. So I know he’s a horny as it gets and has been waiting for this for a long time. Plus seeing me in a pregnancy belly and his not so secret breeding kink is makes this so much better. 
I walk out to leave after my hefty glass of water partially regretting my decision, because this belly is pressing on my stomach. Stepping into my favorite car my phone pings with a text who I think is from Sophie, but actually turns out to be Harry. 
Harry: What made you think you can get away with walking around like that? I’ll make sure that thing is real when I’m done with you.
Harry: do whatever you have to do and go to my house. I better see you naked on my bed.
I decided to not be as bratty, because I know how much of a grump he is when he’s horny so I responded quickly. 
Me: what do you mean? I wasn’t doing anything on purpose. I’ll go over to you soon. 
I throw my phone onto the seat next to mine and take my usual route to school. 
After dropping off the pregnancy belly. I stop by home to drop my car off and walk to the back of my house where I cut through my backyard secretly and make my way through his back door. I take the oddly familiar path I used to take when I was younger. Reliving the time I used to secretly leave my house to get cookies from our old neighbor. Sadly, she moved out to a retirement home in Florida. So my cookie days are over, but I do get a hot man. 
I walk through his backyard making my way to the usually unlocked door, where I meet the familiar living room. The moment my feet hit the carpet of his bedroom, I start stripping myself of my clothes. My dress falls to my feet, as I start to unclip my bra, following orders. 
I look at the time realizing that Harry wouldn’t be back anytime soon or soon enough because I’m quite impatient horny. I lay back on his comfy bed as I wait for the curly haired man to make his way back. 
I stare off into space for a while until the sound of a cough catches my attention. Thankfully the cough came from one handsome man. He looks at me with a smile before walking towards me. I sit back on my elbows and smile, while he burns holes into my body with his staring. 
“I love seeing you like this, all ready for me” he continues “you know how much I like you right? How much I care about you?” I nod looking up. He smiles at my reaction and places his palm to my cheek using his thumb to rub my cheek sweetly “good because I need you to remember how much because I’m about to fuck you like I don’t” he say before placing his lips onto mine, keeping his hand on my cheek and his other resting on my hips.
He kisses me so feverishly so deeply that I start to lose air quickly. I pull back to breath but my eyes see his. I barely see anymore green just his pupils. He goes back down while his other hand moves from my hips to my tits grabbing onto them. His fingers play with my nipples pulling a prodding. I moaned loudly, but it was covered by his lips.
 Harry pulls back this time to see the pleasure on my face “ look at you baby? So desperate for it. I know you want it so bad” I moan in response 
“such pretty tits” he murmurs “can’t wait to see what they look like swollen when you have my baby in you” he says before lowering his mouth on my nipple sucking and teething on it. He doesn’t leave my other boob lonely with his ring cover hands playing and pulling on it. 
I moan in pleasure from the stimulation. Harry’s eyes looked up at me as he mouthed on my tits. Watching him on me was too much and I started looking for something to relieve me. When my hips bucked up from Harry sucking too hard. I learned to realize what I can do. My core starts rubbing on his thigh, while he lays on top of me, but before I can do anymore he stands up looking at me disapprovingly “god you’re such a whore rubbing on me because what? Are you feeling achy? You can wait”
I pout at his words looking at him with lust in my eyes. He stands back up at the foot of the bed. I watch as he pulls his shirt off, messing with his perfectly messy hair leaving one curly strand hanging off his forehead. His finger meets the button of his trousers making my eyes stare directly at the hard on he’s rocking. 
“You wanna do it baby? Go ahead, take me out” he says. I sit back up and look into his eyes staring at his fully blown pupils. I kiss his lower stomach and smile back up at him. His ring clad hand makes its way to my cheek rubbing my face, I lean into his hand. “ C'mon bunny don’t leave daddy waiting”. 
I listen and finally open his trousers and pull in down. I see the outline of his cock and my eyes follow to the tip to see it having a wet spot with precum. I kiss his tip through his boxers causing him to moan. I look up to see  Harry furrowing his eyebrows in desperation. “ Please puppy, I need you. You think you can take me in your mouth?”
I nod eagerly while taking him out of his boxers. My eyes widen in surprise as I see how red his poor tip is. I kiss his head again causing him to sigh heavily. I start doing kitten licks on his tip before slowly putting him into my mouth. He groans in satisfaction that he has some sort of relief. I slowly take him in my mouth till he’s close to the back of my throat . I feel his cock slip deeper and deeper. I start to swallow around his cock making him moan. I look up at him to see Harry’s jaw slack and eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. He puts his hold in my hair pushing himself deeper causing me to unintentionally gag and swallow around him in reflex.  
“Fuck” he breathes out “ feels so good when you swallow around me, can feel you squeezing around me”  the brunette moans. 
I do it again, making Harry’s hips jut up, making me gag and cough. He pulls me off his cock and grabs my face by my chin pulling me in “I’m sorry felt so good didn’t mean to. Are you okay baby? I’m so sorry” he said with concern on his face. His other hand tries to soothe me by cupping my face while he runs his thumb up and down my cheek wiping tears off my face. 
“It’s fine I’m okay , just wasn’t expecting it. That’s all” I say trying to reassure him. He looks at me almost scared to break me. I don’t know why he freaked out, I know it was an accident. I move his hands off me and kiss his cock that up against his tummy. He looks at me worriedly, but I calm his thoughts downs by saying “ can you fuck my mouth daddy? Don’t have to go too deep just want to feel you in my mouth” 
Harry nods, leaning down to kiss me. It was messy. I mean I was already a mess, but he didn’t seem to care. He separates first from the kiss and grabs my face “open” he command. I follow suit with my tongue before he spits in my mouth and draws his cock back into it. 
This time he doesn’t go deep in my throat but hits my cheek. His cock was already ti big for my mouth but with the angle he had it, he could see the outline of his cock thrusting in and out of my mouth. Harry slows down a bit while saying “ look at that, a perfect cock slut If you ask me. Can see my cock moving in ur mouth it’s so pretty” he says. Soon after, he angles himself so he can really see the outline of his cock in my mouth. His hand falls on my jaw while this thumb rubs back and forward on the outline of his length on my jaw. 
“fuck seeing you like this is gonna make me cum” he says closing his eyes and continuing to rub his cock through my cheek. He looks at me one more time before pulling out of my mouth with a pop. 
“I need to taste you baby” he says, but before he can I stop him “ please not right now. I wanna feel you in me so bad” I pleaded with him. 
Harry hovers over till my back hits the sheets. His lips find mine while he fist his cock. He rubs his tip on my folds spreading the arousal all over my pussy before he dips his tip into my cunt. Harry doesn’t push further keeping his head in the opening of my cunt making me squeeze around his head for more.
He leans down so close to my face “such a mess” he murmurs “ are you my good girl?” He says index fingers play with my bottom lip. He watches carefully as my lip gets pulled down and bounces up. 
“ Yes, I’m your good girl” I say in response. Harry rewards me with thrusting his hips up.
I gasp from the quick action of his cock filling me up. My thighs squeezed around his waist in pleasure and pain. I breathe heavily as Harry does the same right in front of me. 
Harry slowly starts to pull out just to thrust with the same force as before. I moan from the sudden pressure in my stomach. My walls swallow his cock every time his hips meet mine.
“ Har-Harry Harry stop” I say as soon as I feel the urge to pee. Harry stops all his movement and stays still hovering over my concern all over his face.
“ what’s wrong? Are you hurt? Did I hurt yo-“ Harry says freaking out 
“No-no I’m okay. I just…I…I need to pee” I say lower than a whisper.
A smirk falls onto Harry’s lips as he thrust his hip towards. I gasp at his sudden movement, not expecting it.
His head falls into the crook of my neck as he continues pounding me. My fingers claw at his back as I cry in pleasure.
The knot in my stomach starts to build making me cry out loud “fuck-fuck I’m gonna cum” 
“go ahead, let it go show daddy how good he makes you feel” Harry replies 
My back arches off the bed while my fingers get tangled in his soft curls. I start feeling something wet and warm go down on my thighs soaking me and Harry’s upper things and cock in me. He continues to fuck me until the coils in my tummy release.
My jaw goes slack and I almost feel out of my body. Everything goes pretty black and I lose myself in the nothingness, but get pulled back when I feel Harry kissing my flushed chest.
“ c’mon baby wanna see those pretty eyes” he coos at me.
I shake my head trying to stay in my state of euphoria, but he starts kissing my eyelids trying to coax me out of the state I was in. When I reluctantly open my eyes I see Harry smiling down at me.
“ You okay, pearl? Can I finish?” He asked. I nod wanting to feel him. He starts thrusting up again. My body moves from the overstimulation, but he calms me down by kissing my chest, neck, and face giving me something to focus on.
Suddenly, my focus shifts from his lips moving all over my body to the pleasure building in my stomach. 
“Oh god, daddy, I’m gonna cum-fuck please” I cry out. 
“hold it” he says as he raises my leg over his shoulder. 
I moan from the new angle his cock hits my g-spot. Feeling my body trying its best to hold my orgasm. I look at Harry above me with his mouth open taking in the pleasure. His eyebrows are furrowed focusing on getting close. 
“Daddy please I can’t hold it anymore” I cry out.
His hips start to thrust faster. His hand rests against my face, as his thumb finds its way in my mouth. 
“Are you my good girl?” Harry questions.
I nod vigorously trying to do whatever to reach my climate. He smiles at my obedience.
“open your mouth” he orders.
I follow what he says and open my mouth, sticking my tongue out. His thumb pulls my mouth open while he spits in my mouth.
“ don’t swallow yet” he commands as he starts to thrust into me faster. I start to try harder to not cum from his actions. When I feel like I’m to cum I hear him say “swallow”.
I listen to his orders and swallow and open my mouth to show him. I’m met with his approval by his mouth meeting me and kissing me deeply.
 “cum for daddy, let it go, wanna feel out milk me dry” he says as he quickened his pace as he places his hand around my throat.
My orgasm comes again and I cry out holding wrist around my neck to keep his hand there. “Cum in me please. Wanna have your baby’s. I Want to be full of you. Please please please” I cry as I reach my high.
Harry follows right after me saying “ fuck said I was gonna breed you and look at you now” he continues “such a little slut, talking cum that doesn’t belong to hers, on the bed me and my wife share. Take my cum baby wanna see you swollen right after this” I start to feel his cum pour into me making my cunt feel full from him. Adding pleasure to my orgasm besides hiss words.
Harry’s hand moves from my neck to next to my head as he dips down to kiss me one more time while he tries to chase both of our orgasms.
After we settled down, he looks for my approval to move leg off of his shoulder. I nod slightly and he gently places my leg back down. I start to squeeze around Harry’s cock not wanting him to leave me yet. 
“C’mon need to let me out so I can eat” Harry says.
I stop clenching from confusion, but am met with my clarification when I feel Harry’s tongue licking my puffy clit.
“Daddy no-no-no” I cry.
“ You know the safe word baby you can use it” Harry says knowing I don’t want him to stop. I look at Harry with his face wet from our orgasm. He goes back down licking as much as he can. 
“Fuck we taste so good together. You wanna try, baby?” Harry says as he climbs up and leans down to kiss me. 
I hum into our messy but sweet kiss. Harry breaks away from the kiss. I open my eyes again to see Harry smiling down at me with eyes he never really gave me before. I smile at him and laugh before trying to meet his lips by raising myself on my elbows, but my attempt fails when he pulls my arms down and over my head kissing me again only stopping when we either laugh or to smile.
Hi! thank your for reading! I'm not sure where I want this story to go or how I want it to go, but I hoped you liked it. the next part should be out in a week or two so keep an eye out. okay see you soon ily,
(ps. if your read this and realized the way the ending goes is different it's because I was trying to make up my mind on how plot lol)
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medusapelagia · 8 months
Steddie Week Day 5: The Guitar
May 26: Together / Established relationship / Hold the Line by Toto 
Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WT: established relationship, Steddie Dads WC: 2489
The phone rings and Steve sighs.
He has tried to work all day but it seems that everyone wants to disturb him.
He gets up and answers the phone.
“Hello, am I speaking to Mr. Harrington?”
“Good morning Mr. Harrington, this is Joyce, from your kid’s school, sorry to disturb you but we had a little problem with your daughter.”
“Oh my god! Did something happen to Chrissy?”
“Oh, no, she is fine. But… she got into a fight with another student and we need a parent and we called your husband but...”
“Oh, he never answers, I know. Don’t worry, I’ll be there in ten.”
“Well, your husband is already here but… I think that is better if you come as well.”
What the fuck has happened?
“I’m coming.” He said, taking off his glasses and closing his laptop.
When he enters the Principal’s Office Chrissy and Eddie are sitting outside looking guilty.
“What the hell happened?” He asks, then he kneels next to his daughter “Are you ok? Did someone hurt you?”
Chrissy shakes his blond hair while Eddie adds “No one messes with my daughter Steve!” 
Steve sighs.
He has no fucking idea of what is going on the only thing that he knows is that he has to hope that his stupid husband didn’t get their daughter expelled from school.
“Mr. Harrington.” The Principal calls him and he enters his office.
“Good morning Principal Hopper. I came as soon as possible. What happened?”
It was funny to see the big man sitting on the little chair, but Steve kept that thought from himself and sits on the chair in front of him.
“Your daughter got into a fight this morning. I see that your family it’s a… peculiar kind of family, but we don’t allow aggressive behavior between classmates.”
What the fuck does it mean that their family is peculiar?!
“Are we really speaking about the fact that I’m married to a man and we have a beautiful adoptive daughter?”
“No, of course. We are talking about the fact that your husband is a famous rockstar and his image for the public is… peculiar. I mean, everyone saw him smash guitars on the stage or say some stupid things. But that is for the show. And your daughter doesn’t seem to know the difference between this kind of behavior. She broke her classmate’s guitar. Smash it on the floor after the music lesson.”
“Whose guitar was that?”
“Hagan, Tommy Hagan jr.”
“Ok. I’m sorry. We will pay for a new one, a better one. If that’s all.”
“No, it’s not. Because we called your husband and he got into a fight with the kid's father and now he wants to press charges against him and against the school. You could clearly understand that we don’t want that kind of publicity on our school so Hagan proposed to drop the charges if we expel your daughter.”
“I know that Chrissy is a lovely girl and that she is going through a rebellious phase but I cannot accept aggressive behavior and I don’t know how you are raising the girl but maybe you should ask for some help. Not anyone is ready to become a parent and I think that your husband may need some support, maybe from a psychologist or…”
“Why did she break his guitar?” he asks.
“Chrissy. Why did she do it? Have you asked her?”
“Of course I did but she refuse to answer. She just said that she was angry at him.”
Steve has seen the same kind of behavior in Max a long time ago. Something happened and she reacted. Now he has to find out what.
“Can I speak to my daughter? Or I’m not prepared enough?” he asks mockingly.
“Don’t take this the wrong way. Chrissy is a sweet girl but sometimes she has this kind of outbursts that she can’t control.”
Steve doesn’t answer and gets up “If we are done. I have a kid to bring back home."
“I’m suspending her for a week. And if this doesn’t stop Mr. Hagan, we will discuss her expulsion at the next class meeting.
Steve nods and gets out.
“Come on. Let’s go home.” He says to his family.
“Are you angry, Daddy?” Chrissy asks.
“I’m not happy about what you did Chrissy, but we will talk about it later. Now I want to know why you got into a fight with Tommy, Eddie!”
“You know that he is a prick! He said some shit and…”
“And you punched him in the face?! We are not animals Eddie! You can always talk about things or press charges, as he did. You don’t have to punch people!” he comments while he is driving them back home.
“Sorry, Steve.”
“Well, now we have a bigger problem. Chrissy is suspended for a week and maybe she will be expelled so I think that we should look for other good schools in the neighborhood.”
“No way! Chrissy didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Chrissy broke TJ’s guitar!”
Eddie looks at Chrissy perplexed “Sweetheart that’s not what you told me.”
“Let’s go home and we will discuss everything there.” Steve concludes looking at his girl from the rear mirror.
When they get home Steve makes them sit in the kitchen and when they start simultaneously to explain what happened Steve stops them.
He will never stop being amazed about how alike they are even if they are not blood-related, but right now he has to understand what happened.
“One at a time. First, Chrissy. Can you tell me why you broke TJ’s guitar?”
She mumbles something incomprehensible.
“Sorry pumpkin, I can’t hear you. Can you repeat that for me?”
“Because he is a dick!”
“Hey! We don’t say that kind of word!”
“Papa does!”
“Daddy will have a long conversation with Papa if he used that word in front of you but I don’t want you to repeat it. And it doesn’t seem like a good excuse to break something.”
Chrissy lowers her blue eyes “He said something I didn’t like and Aunt Max told me that I have to fight for myself so I break his guitar. Maybe I should have punched him in the face like Papa did with his dad!”
“No, we don’t punch either. Now it’s your turn, Ed, why did you punch Tommy?”
“He said some shit…”
“Ok, they told you stupid things, but that is not an excuse to act like you did guys!” Steve says tiredly.
Both of them angrily reply “He said a bad thing about you!”
Eddie and Chrissy look at each other.
“What did they say?” Steve asks “Chrissy?”
“He said… he said that you are not a real Daddy because you didn’t make me. I told him that you are a good Daddy and he said that you are so bad that someone will come to take me away.” Chrissy has tears “I don’t want it! I want to stay with you! You are a good Daddy!” she cries, and Steve gets closer to her, cuddling her.
“Oh pumpkin, no one is going to take you away from me ok? I’m your Daddy and I love you very much and if you are scared about this kind of thing you just have to ask me, ok?”
Chrissy nods.
“I’m not saying that breaking things is a good way of dealing with your emotions… but now I understand better what happened. Did you tell that to Principal Hopper?”
Chrissy shakes his head “TJ’s dad told me not no. He said that he would have to make sure someone would have taken me away if I did.”
Holy fucking shit! He knew that Tommy was still angry about his rejection in high school, but threatening a kid was too much even for him.
“And what about you Eddie? Why did you punch him?”
“He said that I should have been ashamed to be married to someone like you who clearly was unable to teach some manners to his kid. So I told him that she got her fire from me and I punched him in his stupid face!”
Jesus… “Eddie, you are a famous rockstar. You can’t punch people in the face! Your manager is going to be so pissed…”
“But you don’t care about the shit that he says about you?”
“Tommy? He always did. Since we stopped hanging out, and no, pumpkin, no one will take you away from us. No one.” He sighs “I’m going to pay a visit to Tommy and see if I can clean up this mess.”
“No way! You are not going near him.”
“Why? Do you think he will punch me?”
“If he even thinks about it..”
“I’m joking. I was joking. Ok? Now back to your rooms, both of you and thought about what you have done. I know that you meant well but being aggressive is never the right solution, ok? I’ll be back soon.”
Tommy’s parents left him the house when he got married to Carol, so Steve knows exactly where it is: just behind his parents' one. He takes a quick look at the house he used to live in that now is so different. His parents sold it years ago and now they are living in Italy.
Tommy’s house, on the other side, looks exactly as it did years ago when they were best friends.
He rings the bell and after a few moments, TJ opens the door.
“Hi TJ. I’d like to see your dad, is he here?”
The boy turns around and Steve sees Tommy sitting on the sofa watching the match.
“Harrington. What are you doing here? Don’t think that I’ll drop the charges. That man is a fucking psycho! Someone should put him in a psychiatric hospital, or in jail, it’s the same to me.”
This is going well. Really well.
“Listen, Chrissy is very sorry about the guitar and we will buy TJ a new one, we could go all together to choose the one that he prefers. And Eddie reacted badly, but you provoke him, Tommy, we both know that.” A long pause “How is Carol? I haven’t seen her car outside.”
“She as at her mother. She said that she feels more comfortable there now that she is close to the birth date.”
“A girl, am I right?”
“Yes. Meredith.”
“Nice. So, when do you think we could go to buy the guitar?”
“I’m not dropping charges.”
“Yes, you are.”
“I’m fucking not.”
“That’s not the way of talking in front of your kid.”
“Don’t fucking say to me how should I talk in front of my kid. And I am not dropping charges.”
Steve sighs.
“Come on, Tommy. Do you really have to keep this thing up? We could be friends! Our kids could be friends. Stop being so stubborn.”
“I’m not going to be a friend to a couple of fag.”
“You were my friend.”
“You weren’t gay!”
“I was. You just didn’t know it.” Steve sighs “Ok. If we can’t resolve this matter like adults I’ll move Chrissy to another school and you will not have to see me and my family again. Are you happy?”
TJ suddenly startle “Are you going to take Chrissy away?” he asks.
“I am. So I’ll be sure that you don’t fight with each other anymore. And I’ll buy the new guitar in any case, don’t worry.”
“But… but… I don’t want her to leave!”
What the fuck?!
Steve kneels near the kid “TJ, you know that you said some very bad thing to Chrissy, don’t you?” He nods with his eyes on the floor “So why are you upset that she is going to leave the school?”
“Because I don’t want it! I… I just want her to talk to me! But she never does!”
Holy shit.
“She doesn’t talk to you. At school? That’s why you told her that bad things? Because you were angry?”
TJ nods “Daddy always said that you are not a good family. That someone should take care of Chrissy…”
Oh, Jesus…
“TJ, I take good care of Chrissy and I don’t know why she doesn’t speak to you, but I think that we can solve everything really quick if we go right now to buy you a new guitar. What do you say?”
TJ nods again and then he looks at his father.
“Come on Tommy. I’ll even let you to take shotgun.”
Getting Chrissy and Eddie in the car was not easy, but finally, the five of them got to the music store.
Steve leaves the kids and Eddie to choose the guitar while he talks with Tommy.
“We have to clear this stupid thing, Tommy. Are you angry with me? Are you jealous? I really don’t know! But I have done nothing to you, neither did my family. Ok, apart from the punch but you must admit that you deserved it! So, please, talk to me and tell me how can I make things right.”
“I didn’t know it.” Tommy said.
“I didn’t think that TJ said those things to your kid. He must have overheard them and he repeated them.”
“Well, it could sound surprising but that’s how kids learn things so…”
“I’m sorry. I mean, I still think that a family should be more… traditional, but that was a shitty thing to say to a kid. And I’m sorry for having threatened your kid, I was just trying to protect mine.”
Steve nods in understanding “And I’m sorry that Eddie punched you in the face. He is quite protective as well.” He explains, looking from afar at the man who is talking with the sales assistant about the guitars.
“Are you happy?” Tommy asks him and Steve looks at him surprised.
“Are you happy?” he asks him again.
Steve looks at his family and smiles “Yeah. And you?”
“Sometimes. Other times I think that I should have left Carol that night, after the cinema’s prank. But now it’s too late, you know?”
Steve looks seriously at Tommy and for the first time, he sees how his life could have been if he hadn’t met Eddie.
A beautiful wife, a good job, great kids, and a gigantic hole in his heart.
“You know what? Today is Taco Tuesday. You should stay for dinner.”
Maybe this could be the beginning of a new friendship, or just a dinner to forget all that happened today, but Steve really thinks that they all need it.
He knows that Eddie is not going to be thrilled about that, but it’s time that his hooligans learn some manners.
“Eds. Choose one! I have to go shopping for Taco Tuesday! Tommy and TJ are staying for dinner!”
The shock on Eddie’s face is amazing, but he nods.
Steve is happy.
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americahasasuperstar · 11 months
Netflix & Chill
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Adonis was cool peoples.
Of course, Nyla didn’t really have any worries that he wasn’t, but it was nice to confirm what she already thought.
Baking him a cake seemed to be the easiest way to get him to like her. Which she was grateful for because honestly, she didn’t care to do anything more to make him like if the cake didn’t work. She watched with an amused look on her face as he practically devoured the entire cake before him. She never understood how men could just eat so much and not gain a single pound. It made her wonder why they got that little superpower and not her.
He would take moments to stop eating to ask if she wanted any more than what she got or to tell her that she was a master at baking, which she surely appreciated. She was good with her one slice though, that was already too much sugar for her. 5 minutes had passed and it seemed like he was done eating for now. He only had like two slices left but she figured that he had ate enough to last him for the entire week, so she took it upon herself to grab the rest of the cake and put it in the fridge for him to eat later on.
“So, why move to Philly?” Nyla asked him as she closed the fridge after she placed the cake pan in there.
“Let’s just say I got some business to handle.” He shrugged.
“Oh, so you’re a dealer?”
“Girl what?” Adonis scoffed, furrowing his eyebrows at how she even came to such a conclusion. “No. Why you even guess that?” He asked.
“So… you’re a nigga with nowhere to go?” Nyla asked.
“Ain’t I just say I got shit to do here?”
“That’s what everyone says.” Nyla argued. “Truth is, nobody moves to Philly for anything other than the schools. It’s not like y’all aren’t aware of how dangerous it is.” She explained, shrugging her shoulders as she pushed her plate to the side.
“You not repping your city?” Adonis asked her.
“What’s there to rep? I’m leaving the moment I can.” She told him.
“Where to?”
“New Orleans maybe. Or maybe somewhere on the west coast. L.A. comes to mind.” Nyla said.
“I’ll take you one day.”
Nyla’s eyes lit up as she let out a cute little snort. “I knew you were from there!” She exclaimed.
“I don’t know, you just give California. And I’m never wrong when reading someone’s vibe.” Nyla explained.
“Didn’t you just call me a drug dealer with nowhere to go?” Adonis asked her, amusement written on his face as she blushed out of embarrassment.
“I was simply asking.” She shrugged.
She walked around the counter, looking down at him as she stood by his side now. “So, what did you do before you moved?” She wondered.
“Boring ass office job.” Adonis muttered, clearly uninterested in talking about that aspect of his life.
“Oh yeah, that totally doesn’t seem appealing. I can barely stand still for more than 30 seconds.” Nyla chuckled.
“Nope. The will to explore.” Nyla grinned, placing her hand on her hip as she stopped by his side.
“How about you? What do you do?” Adonis wondered.
“I’m just your average waitress.” She shrugged.
“Doesn’t sound like much of a career to me.” He said.
“It’s a job. Not a career.” Nyla corrected him. “I’ll get started in my career soon though.” She said.
“What you thinking of?”
“Interior design.”
“Oh, that’s why you been disgusted and judging my empty ass apartment this whole time.” Adonis pointed out.
Nyla snorted as she hit his shoulder. “I have not been judging your place.” She giggled.
“You lying.”
“Am not!”
“Name three things in here you like then.” Adonis told her.
Nyla took a look around the very crappy— yet still beautiful in its own way— apartment for a few seconds. “Well, the cabinets are very evenly lined—“
“Don’t play in my face.” Adonis grinned.
“I’m not!” Nyla exclaimed. “The floors are nice. Love a good swept floor.” She told him.
“You really playing with me right now.” Adonis chucked, shaking his head in amusement as she rolled her eyes playfully.
“And the man that’s renting this place happens to be fine. So, that’s a good sign.” Nyla finished, smiling innocently as she batted her eyelashes at the man.
“How fine we talking?” Adonis wondered, raising an eyebrow.
“Real fine.”
Adonis grinned in satisfaction, patting himself on the back while she just rolled her eyes. He already knew he was fine. He just wanted her to validate it. He was so corny and it made her wanna rip her eyes out. She liked it though. It made him different than most of the men she had encountered in the past that took themselves way too serious for her liking. She actually liked being around Adonis. He wasn’t boring. And while that wasn’t anything special if we’re being honest, it still made him stand out.
The man stared at Nyla as she tapped her nails on his counter top, wondering if she was bored or not. He was enjoying himself, but of course, it didn’t take much to make him enjoy himself when he was in the company of the most beautiful girl he ever saw. Nyla was just enjoying the silence. There weren’t many people that she could be comfortable enough with to just sit in silence with them and enjoy their presence. Adonis happened to make himself one of those people in less than 24 hours of knowing Nyla. She couldn’t pinpoint it. Why him? What made him someone that she liked being around? Out of all the men that desperately tried to get her attention, here came Adonis, not even trying yet still getting something most men in Philly would die for.
“You got plans for tonight?” Adonis wondered, interrupting Nyla’s train of thought.
“Just staying in.” Nyla shrugged.
“Stay in with me.”
Nyla blinked a few times at his very bold statement, shaking off the feeling in her stomach that she felt as she bit her lip. “To do what in this lavish apartment?”
“You like movies?”
“What type of question is that, Adonis? Of course I do.” Nyla scoffed.
“My bad, some people don’t.” Adonis shrugged as he walked away from the counter. “Let’s see what we can find on Netflix.”
“Netflix and chill is what they call this.” Nyla told him, eagerly following him over to his couch.
“We just Netflix-ing. No chilling involved.” Adonis reassured her.
“Unfortunate.” Nyla muttered.
Adonis smirked as he looked at her over his shoulder. “You say something?”
“No, not at all.” Nyla chuckled, waving her hand dismissively. He had clearly heard her though. Didn’t mean she would give him the satisfaction of seeing her blush.
“Wanna watch The Purge?”
“What’s that?” Nyla said, gently sitting down next to him.
Adonis eyes widened as he looked at her. “You’ve never seen The Purge? You living under a rock or something, shorty?” He asked her.
“One, you’re cute but not cute enough to call me that. Two, I prefer dramas.” Nyla told him.
“One, thank you. You cute too. Two, but you not cute enough to get out of watching this tonight.” Adonis told her, making her laugh as he put on the movie.
“Oh God, am I going to have nightmares?” Nyla asked him, already whining and the movie didn’t even start yet.
“If you do, just scream my name and I’ll come running.” Adonis told her.
Nyla chuckled as she held onto his very strong arm, surely aiming on using him as comfort whenever she got scared. “My Knight In Shining Armor.”
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  °
Opening her eyes, she was shocked to be met with the view of something other than her own ceiling.
Nyla shot up with panic coursing through her veins as she looked around to see where she was at. She felt dumb when she realized where she was at. She didn’t realize that she had fallen asleep in Adonis’ apartment. How long had she been asleep for? The last thing she remember was the movie beginning and now she was waking up. And where was Adonis? She was shocked to see the answer to her question being right in front of her eyes. She looked over to her right to see Adonis knocked out just like she was a few seconds ago.
She had tried to get up, but she was weighed down by the man’s heavy ass legs in her lap. How did they even end up in such position? Nyla shook her head in disbelief as tried to push them off of her, only to fail. Turns out she was no match for his muscle. Even when he was asleep, he was still stronger than her and he wasn’t even trying. Jesus. She really needed to start working out more.
“Adonis.” Nyla whispered, shaking his legs a bit. “Adonis, hello? Wake up.” She said, starting to shake him harder and harder.
“Leave me alone.”
Nyla groaned in annoyance, but that’s when an idea popped into her head. Her sister always used this trick to wake her up when they were younger. She put her finger in her mouth to wet it, which made her cringe but she managed to fight that, and then reached over to Adonis’s ear. It was a bit gross to do on a stranger, but hey, Nyla was desperate to get up. When she put her finger in his ear, she couldn’t help but laugh. She was so childish cause what the hell was she even doing right now? However, her amusement was cut short when Adonis suddenly shot up and snatched her by her wrist.
“Jesus! Don’t break my damn arm!” Nyla hissed.
Adonis’s eyes widened when he realized that he wasn’t man handling an intruder, instead the pretty girl he let spend the day with him. He cringed at himself, letting go of her arm immediately. Nyla sighed in relief when she got her arm back, looking down at the slight bruise that his grip left behind. And when he realized that he had his legs laying on top of hers, he took those off. Much to her relief. Though, she kind of liked having him touching her.
“Shit, my bad. I ain’t mean to be all in your space like that. And I definitely ain’t mean to hurt you.” Adonis apologized.
“Don’t worry about it.” Nyla muttered, rubbing her sore arm with a pout on her face.
“What time is it?” Adonis asked her.
“Almost 10.”
“Damn, you been here the whole day. We must’ve been knocked out.” Adonis said, laughing a bit.
“That’s what happens when you eat a ton of cake.” Nyla told him as she stood up from the couch finally.
“Where you going?” Adonis asked. He sounded a bit worried that she was leaving. A part of her believed that he wanted her to stay, but then again, she made a lot of shit up in her mind so who knew?
“Can I use the bathroom?” Nyla wondered.
“Oh, yeah. Go head.”
Nyla hurried and did her business. She wanted to leave and go sleep in her own bed, but a part of her wanted to stay and spend more time with Adonis. She wasn’t sure if he was giving the signs that he wanted her to stay as well. Maybe he was just being a good host and making her comfortable. Nyla surely want some stranger staying too long in her own home, but that was the thing. Adonis wasn’t just some stranger. She sounded crazy saying that but it was true. She felt as if she knew him for years now, so she didn’t feel the need to treat him as what he was. Which technically was a stranger.
She walked out of the bathroom, tossing the paper towels she used to dry her hand in the trash as she passed it. “How did you feel so comfortable letting yourself fall asleep around a stranger?” She wondered, leaning against the back of the couch.
“You fell asleep first so ask yourself that.” Adonis told her, shrugging his shoulder.
“I don’t even remember being tired.” Nyla said.
“Even if you didn’t, I like your vibe. It’s trustworthy. I don’t think you’d do anything to harm anyone.” Adonis admitted.
“Awe, well that’s true. I’m glad you can tell that off the bat.” Nyla smiled, slipping her sandals back on quickly.
“You leaving?” Adonis asked.
“Yeah, Adonis. I’ve been here for almost 5 hours.” Nyla told him, scoffing.
“You right. I just thought you’d want to watch another movie or something.” Adonis shrugged.
Nyla smirked as she sat back down next to the man, “You really don’t want me to go, huh?”
“It’s not even like that.” Adonis said, waving his hand. It was totally like that. “We just fell asleep for the first movie so we gotta make up for it.”
“Mhm.” Nyla grinned. “If we’re watching another movie, it’s my turn to pick a movie now.” She said.
“What movie is it?” Adonis asked, leaning back into the sofa.
“Hmm… ooh! I got it.” Nyla chirped, her favorite movie of all time popping into her head. “Hold on, lemme go get it.”
Nyla ignored his questions as she got up and ran out of the apartment as fast as she could. She hissed as her bare feet collided with the cold wood of each of the steps she ran down but she ignored that as she arrived at her destination. She started banging on the door immediately, already knowing that the person she needed at the moment was well awake. It took a few seconds before she finally decided to stop, pressing her ear up against the door to see if she heard footsteps approaching the door. And indeed she did.
“If you’re not bleeding or dying, go back where you came from!”
“It’s an emergency, Bi.” Nyla lied, grinning proudly when it worked and Bianca opened the door immediately. “You still got my Titanic dvd?” She wondered.
“Bitch.” Bianca scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. “It’s on my dresser. That jawn was too long. I gave up on even finishing it.” She said.
“Your attention span for anything other than music is shorter than ever.” Nyla pointed out, brushing past her friend into the apartment.
“It was too boring!” Bianca argued. “How you gonna blame me for that?”
Bianca stood in the doorway of her room as Nyla searched for her movie, arms crossed as she noticed how late in the night it was. “How did giving Adonis the cake go?”
“Good. Real good. We’re actually about to watch this right now.” Nyla said, picking up the dvd under Bianca’s pile of records.
“Wait, hold up, you been there all day?” Bianca asked.
“Yes.” Nyla nodded curtly. “Is that a problem?” She asked, turning around to face her best friend.
Bianca shook her head before a grin slowly spread across her face. “Did you fuck him?”
“Don’t ‘Bianca’ me, Nyla. Did you sleep with him or not?” Bianca questioned.
“No! I didn’t!”
“Boring!” Bianca sang. “Get out of my apartment.”
“You’re sick in the head.” Nyla scoffed, rolling her eyes as she made her way back to the front door.
“Tell me everything after y’all done fucking. For the 6th time tonight probably.” Bianca told her, snorting at her own joke.
“I hate you so much.” Nyla muttered, walking out into the hallway.
“Love you too!” Bianca exclaimed, slamming her door shut after Nyla was far enough from it.
Nyla hurried back up the stairs, hoping that Adonis didn’t fall asleep on her. When she entered the apartment, she was beaming with excitement as she stared down at the dvd as she walked over to the couch. She could watch Titanic a million times and never get bored of it.
“I found it—“ Nyla raised an eyebrow as she approached Adonis, who was setting up pillows and blankets on the couch. “And what is all this?” She chuckled.
“I just got some pillows and shit incase you got uncomfortable. I don’t want you twisting and turning like I be on this hard ass couch.” Adonis explained, shrugging his shoulders as he tried desperately to hide his blushing cheeks.
“Thank you for the kindness.” Nyla giggled. “Now, you ready to watch the best movie ever made?” She questioned.
“Close.” Nyla lied, revealing the disk she had behind her back with a wide grin on her face. “Titanic!”
Adonis sighed, but he already knew he wasn’t going to win the argument if started one. So sighed and laid back. “I’m going to die of boredom…”
“No you are not.” Nyla scoffed, sticking the disk inside the dvd player. She was surprised he even had one, but thankfully he did!
“What did you say? I’m already fading away.” Adonis said, making Nyla roll her eyes.
“You’re so dramatic.” Nyla chuckled.
“You like it.”
“Why you still over there?” Adonis asked her. “Come sit down.” He said, beckoning her over to the couch. To which she gladly obliged.
“Get comfy.” Nyla told him.
Adonis did that corny yawning move so he could put his arm around her, pulling her into his side as the movie started to play. “I’m comfortable enough being with you—
“Shh! It’s starting!” Nyla hushed, slapping his shoulder so he would shut the hell up.
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djarins-cyare · 4 months
Get to Know Me (tag game)
Thanks @burntheedges and @sydneyinacoma for the tags! 💖
I guess I don’t post much about myself on here, so behold the mystery of Jyar’ika revealed under the cut (because I waffle and didn't wanna take up y’all’s dashes)…
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Ahh space to include GIFs (*is happy*)...
1. Were you named after anyone? Hmm, that’s a sneaky way to get a name reveal outta me. Alright, I don’t mind… apparently one of the hosts on Blue Peter (the longest-running children’s TV show in the world - you’re not getting an age reveal outta me too!) had a baby just before I was born. Why my parents were watching a children’s TV show I have no idea, but this host evidently wrote/sang some kinda song on air about calling her baby daughter Jemma with a J not Gemma with a G. So I was named after a terribly trite and obscure TV reference that nobody will ever remember. You may call me Jem if you wish, my friends all do, and if you’re bothering to read this then you’re in that category.
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(If you're wondering about the GIF, the show was always broadcast live and they had several pets. The outtakes are numerous.)
2. When was the last time you cried? I think I’m weird… I don’t tend to cry? Or only if I’m really really upset. Maybe I’m Cameron Diaz in The Holiday? So yeah, I can’t actually remember 🤔.
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3. Do you have kids? Nope, although it’s a fairly recent decision to not have them. I spent much of my life assuming I wanted kids until I realised I had been conditioned by society to think I did. Since I started considering what I genuinely want and need in my life, I’ve never been happier! I'd make an exception to adopt a certain little green guy, though.
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4. What sports do you play/have played? Ugh, I hate questions like this. Nope, I’m a lazy asshole and now you all know it 🫣. I mean, I activity-hopped throughout my school years (gymnastics, karate, soccer), but these days I live in front of a computer. My exercise is lugging 24 bottles of water up 4 flights of stairs twice a week.
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5. Do you use sarcasm? I’m British. Sarcasm is my mother tongue.
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6. What’s the first thing you notice about people? I’m the least observant person ever! So voices a lot of the time, I think. Pretty sure that’s why something clicked inside me as soon as Din Djarin spoke his first on-screen words.
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7. What’s your eye color? Depends on the light, but somewhere between dark blue and grey.
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8. Scary movies or happy endings? I’m an absolute wuss when it comes to scary movies, so I don’t put myself through that. Also, the literature student in me desperately wants to point out that these things are not mutually exclusive, as you can have scary movies with happy endings, so a more appropriate ‘either/or’ scenario would be tragedies or happy endings. But either way, I will say no to the former and yes to the latter. I dislike making myself feel scared or sad – I consume fiction (in all formats) to feel good, so I’ll always look for the positive. I’m currently experimenting to see if I can write a massively angsty fic, and it was supposed to be done by the New Year, but I’m struggling. I will also have to include one of those open-ended ‘maybe it could work out after all’ epilogues. I just can’t leave my characters in pain.
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9. Any talents? Not sure what constitutes a talent… I can sing, play guitar, write a longass Din Djarin fanfic that people seem quite keen on, uh… cook, I guess (though I rarely bother), understand quite a few languages (less proficient at speaking them). I’m sort of a jack of all trades, master of none. I would say I have a talent for procrastination – I can complete a whole workday and get barely anything of substance done!
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10. Where were you born? In a village outside a town in Surrey, England. It's only about 30 miles from London. Lots of trees. Very dull. I left as soon as I could.
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11. What are your hobbies? Writing is my main obsession, specifically Din Djarin-related, of course. Also reading (same genre). Throughout my entire life I’ve enjoyed stories in all formats – reading, writing, watching, listening, proofreading the fuck out of them – so if it’s a good yarn, I’ll have a good time.
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12. Do you have any pets? Not currently, my landlord won’t allow it. I used to own 3 rats who were the most adorable boys and so smart – they knew their names, responded to commands, liked to snuggle. When I can finally buy my own place I’ll probably get a dog, as I like pets that listen to you, even if only sporadically. I had a very non-communicative chameleon once. He was called Minion. He was not a good minion.
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13. How tall are you? 5’4. Not tiny, but sometimes I have to go up on my tippytoes to reach stuff.
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14. Favorite subject in school? English literature (see hobbies question above). When I got to university and enrolled on an English lit/lang degree, I tried to take as many literature courses and avoid the language ones. It wasn’t until years after graduating when I started proofing/editing and writing more seriously that I developed a respect for all the mandatory language courses I had to do. I also liked media studies and film studies; you can guess why. Psychology was interesting too, it’s good to understand human nature if you want to write realistic characters.
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15. Dream job? I wish I could write novels for a living. It’s a goal as well as a dream. I know a couple of authors who’ve self-published via Kindle Direct Publishing (I proofread/edited for one of them), and they were successful enough to turn that into their careers. They keep encouraging me to try, although I’m currently in my ‘obsessed with Din Djarin so just writing fanfic to develop my authorial voice’ era. When my obsession wanes, as obsessions inevitably do, I’ll hopefully feel ready to write something original and take my shot. But I’m not pressuring myself, and right now I’m happy attempting to entertain the Mandalorian fan community. I feel safe here 💖
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Now I know I’m supposed to tag people since that’s the point of a tag game… but I’m that autistic kid in the corner who is too shy and worried about tagging people who might not reply. So I’m foregoing tags today. But, if you’ve bothered to read this and you haven't already played: TAG YOU’RE IT! That’s me tagging you, please take it seriously and thank me for your tag in your own post (I will be genuinely thrilled if anybody does this, and I’m sending advance love to anyone who does – you don’t know how much it means to someone autistic to have the decision-making element dealt with for them). So go on, now it’s your turn!
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tea-stained-notes · 6 months
Steve Rogers x OFC - Waiting On a Miracle, Chapter 5
After catching an infamous serial killer in the act, Julie Castillo is in line for the witness protection program. She is sent to a temporary safe house with U.S. Marshal Steve Rogers to protect her. Both of them scarred by trauma and tragedy, they find solace in each other. But how far will they dare to go?
A shorter one, but at least you're getting an update in record time :D Also, I finally got around to making a tag list for this - if you'd like to be added or removed, please let me know!
Series warnings: violence, death, angst, trauma, smut
Chapter warnings: anxiety, trauma
Chapter word count: ~1600
Song(s) referenced: Waving Through a Window (Dear Evan Hansen) Santa Fe (Newsies), Where Did the Rock Go (School of Rock), Empty Chairs At Empty Tables (Les Misérables)
Tag List: @multifanworld @peguem-o-pombo-agora @cvanstagram @yslvtre @wandasrogers @littleredone88 @before-we-get-started @sophham @missaprilt23 @chrissusmissus @dvmb-whxre @daddydraco0 @quicksilversthings @thechoosenonecreator @rosellia-hudsons @lokirogersgirl @333vadubios
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A couple of days later Natasha came by with a DVD player and a stack of movies. “I got about half of your list — even that should keep your busy for weeks,” she greeted us, then turned to Steve. “Never pegged you as a Disney guy, Rogers.” “Glad our relationship still retains some mystery,” he shot back with an easy grin. Natasha’s eyes widened infinitesimally, her gaze flickering between the two of us. “What have you done to him? I’ve never seen this man so chill in my life.” I chuckled awkwardly, heat rising in my cheeks. “Well, ya know how it is. Give a man a cute cottage and some books and suddenly his inner snappy Belle breaks out.” She stared at me for a moment, then burst into roaring laughter. “I like this one,” she said to Steve as she shouldered him out of the way to carry in our things. Our eyes met and I found a strange expression behind his amusement. “Yeah, me too,” he mumbled so softly I feared I had imagined it. Then Natasha dropped her big box onto the kitchen counter, breaking the spell.
“Other than this treasure trove of entertainment I’m also bringing some good news.” “And what’s that?” Steve asked, closing the door before gently guiding me towards his colleague. My skin caught on fire where his hand grazed the small of my back and I tried to ignore his comforting scent around me. A rather impossible task. “Okamoto called. They actually got some good leads on Parker. If all goes well, you’ve only got a few days left here.” “Oh,” I whispered. “Wow.” “Yeah, exciting stuff. I’m sure that’ll be a massive load off your shoulders.” “Definitely.” What I couldn’t tell her was that if that load was finally lifted, another heavy one would settle in its place. My old life seemed light years away and without Steve I wasn’t sure it would ever feel like home again. “So you might wanna get cracking on your little cinema experience soon.” She winked at us. “I put some popcorn in there as well.” “Thanks, Nat,” Steve said, his voice a little rough around the edges. “You’re the best.” “And don’t I know it.” She snatched one of the cookies we had made, then sauntered back towards the door. “Be good, kids. I’ll let you know if there’s any new developments.”
A long moment of silence followed her departure. Thoughts whirled around my brain at a million miles per second. I tried to convince myself that these were indeed good news. That with Parker safely behind bars I might finally be able to sleep through the night again. That I would soon see my friends, go back to work and… And what? With some distance I felt nothing but stuck in a life that wasn’t really leading anywhere. Talking about my past with Steve had brought up things I hadn’t allowed myself to fully feel in a very long time. I had been pushing them down for so long without realising how their leaden weight had held me in the same place for years. “How are you feeling?” I flinched, then slowly looked up at Steve. He was close, studying me with concern. “Strange. Relieved, I guess. But I…” My lip began to quiver. “I’m not sure if… if I can just go back.” “Yeah. I understand.” And when his eyes sank into mine I felt that he actually did. After all these hours together he could read me better than I was able to. I blinked away tears, gluing my gaze to the floorboards. “Would you like to talk about it?” “I don’t think so. Not now.” “Okay.” Out of habit I once more glanced at the piano. The strange object that was both siren and anchor in this room, calling out to me with the same force as the old piano in my house once had. I could almost see my younger self on that stool, my mom by my side, both of us smiling while treading the familiar path of a duet. “May I play something?” I surprised myself with the question spilling from my lips before the thought had even fully formed. I felt more than saw Steve nod, apparently too stunned to reply. A strange itch consumed me from the inside out, born of frustration and restlessness, of panic and longing. I didn’t know what I wanted to play, only that I needed to play, to sing, anything to release this painful tension. With newfound purpose I marched over to the piano, snapped it open and began to play before I had even fully sat down. Song after song poured out of me and I had never been so thankful for all the composers and lyricists who had labored to condense these emotions I could barely name into timeless ballads. Waving Through a Window turned into Santa Fe, then into Where Did the Rock Go. By the time I finally had to take a breath and stretch out my shaking fingers, I felt lighter, almost floating.
Steve had sat down on the sofa, watching me with a certain kind of wonder when I dared to turn to him. “Sorry about th—“ “No. Absolutely not. Don’t apologize.” He inhaled deeply, then gave me the softest of smiles. “That was incredible.” I blushed, my hands a tangled mess in my lap. “And it seemed very cathartic.” “Yeah. It really was.” I shrugged. “That’s one of the many reasons I’ve always loved musicals. There’s a song for every emotion, every situation. It’s not just the same tired pop songs you’ve heard a thousand times in a thousand variations. Theatre songs tell stories, real stories. Even mine.” Steve nodded thoughtfully. “I used to like that, too.” “But you’d forgotten.” “Somehow yes.” “I think I kind of had as well. Until that… outburst on our first day here. I used to do that all the time, just express whatever I was feeling through a specific song.” “People always find it weird when characters in a film or on stage do that but honestly, maybe we’d be a better society if everyone could just let out their feelings through song every now and then.” We both grinned. Steve sat back in the sofa, his legs casually pulled up beneath him. I once more marveled at the domesticity of our strange arrangement. “Would you mind doing a few more songs?” “Really?” “Only if you want to.” I was stunned to find that I did in fact want to. As if a dam had broken inside, letting something to flow through me that I hadn’t felt in ages. I nodded fervently. “Okay, you seem to really like ballads. So what's the saddest song from a musical?” “Wow, going right where it hurts, huh?” I blew out some air, contemplating for a few seconds. “There's so many good ones. And obviously the ones you relate to most hit the hardest. But a classic would be Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Mis.” “What's that one about?” Steve smirked. “A failing restaurant?” “Not quite. Wait, let's see if I can still play it.” I sat down at the piano and ran my fingers over the keys, closing my eyes as I tried to recall the notes.
“There's a grief that can't be spoken,” I began softly. “There's a pain goes on and on. Empty chairs at empty tables. Now my friends are dead and gone… Here they talked of revolution. Here it was they lit the flame. Here they sang about tomorrow and tomorrow never came.” I slowly increased the volume in both my voice and the piano, getting lost in the piece. “From the table in the corner they could see a world reborn. And they rose with voices ringing and I can hear them now. The very words that they had sung became their last communion on this lonely barricade at dawn. Oh my friends, my friends, forgive me that I live and you are gone. There's a grief that can't be spoken, there's a pain goes on and on. Phantom faces at the window, phantom shadows on the floor. Empty chairs at empty tables where my friends will meet no more. Oh my friends, my friends, don't ask me what your sacrifice was for. Empty chairs at empty tables where my friends will sing no more…” I let the last note ring out for a long moment, revelling in the ballad’s echo. And then I heard it. Broken sobs. I spun around, my gaze flying to Steve. His cheeks glistened with tears, teeth buried in his bottom lip to stifle the violent noises almost breaking through. “Hey, hey…” I whispered in shock. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—” A breath later I found myself kneeling in front of him, my hands gently holding his clammy, trembling ones. “Steve, I'm so sorry.” He shook his head and took a shuddering breath, falling back into the couch. I moved to sit beside him, trying to keep some distance but he never let go of my hands. We sat like that for a long time, our knees pressed together, while Steve slowly calmed himself. My thumbs kept caressing his knuckles, as naturally as breathing. “You were right, it hits much harder when you relate to it,” he eventually said, voice raspy from crying. I glanced up at his bloodshot eyes. “Will you tell me about it?”
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sharkneto · 1 year
5 Rob 1234... These exist?!? How MUCH do they exist??? What are the odds that we will eventually see them someday?
(for WIP ask game)
I've shared a few snips of them before (found HERE), and god... hopefully? I've got so many goddamn WIPs and so much less time to write than I used to during covid times, I can't promise anything and especially can't promise anything being soon.
It's a concept I love a lot - I love Five and Rob's relationship, I love Rob constantly tricking Five into cooperating with therapy until he starts doing it willingly on his own. I like the idea of Five trying to keep everything tight to his chest and aggressively keeping it there until Rob can get him to understand that he doesn't have to do that, that he doesn't have to live like that.
But it's a rarely worked on WIP (partly hence why there's multiple files of different Rob and Five conversations rather than One Set WIP), around JT and the apocalypse fic and Number vs Apocalypse Week fic and random odds and ends I play around with.
So, would I like to share it? Absolutely. Will it be any time soon? Absolutely not.
Long snip for your time, though. This is 5 Rob 3
(cw: some discussion of the implications of Five's physical vs actual age in terms of his brain and cognition, mostly from the angle of Rob being excited about brains and Five unimpressed by it)
“What are you thinking about?” Five asks after Rob doesn’t start off their session in the first minute of their meeting starting.
Rob keeps considering Five through the screen. “Your brain.”
Five blinks. “You do that to everyone?”
“More or less. When they’re my patients, definitely. And if there might be something interesting going on. Yours definitely has a lot going on.”
“Thank you?”
“You’re welcome.”
The sit and stare at each other through the screen some more. Five leans back in his seat, eyes narrowed slightly. “If I ask for specifics for what you’re thinking about in regards to my brain, will it be a long winded way of talking about something I don’t want to talk about or is this genuinely a tangent about my brain?”
Rob hums. “If I’m clever enough maybe I can loop it back to your problems but currently I’m just thinking about your brain.”
“This a hobby of yours?”
“A little bit, I guess,” he says with a laugh. “Also my job, but it is why I went psychiatrist route instead of psychologist route. If you go to medical school they let you look at more brain scans.”
“I’m sure that’s super normal,” Five deadpans.
“How would you know, with your fifty-eight-year-old consciousness in a thirteen-year-old brain?”
Five crosses his arms. “It’s almost fourteen,” he defends.
Rob thinks about that for a second. They’ve sort of talked around this before, and maybe with the birthdate coming up they should talk about it some more. He’ll poke. “Aren’t we technically still six months or so away from your physical birthday?”
That gets an exasperated huff from Five. “October 1, 1989 is my actual birthdate and I’m keeping that, it’s a constant that’s never going to change short of me fucking up so badly I’m not born, in which case I’ve got bigger problems – although not ones I’ll care about because I won’t exist.” Rob keeps a straight face. He actually loves it when Five gets on these little time-travel-insane-consequence rambles. Feels like a sci-fi movie and Sarah can’t poke holes in it like she does when they watch time-travel movies. Five also really likes to get on these tangents, so they’re really good for getting him talking on days he doesn’t want to talk – not that seems to be a problem today.
Five pauses but Rob waits. He’s not done. The pause stretches for a couple seconds before Five huffs again. “I’m not moving my birthday because I arbitrarily and accidentally changed my linear position in time. October first isn’t my actual birthday anymore, either, but the amount of effort to figure out the new date is completely not worth the effort. I could do the much easier-to-calculate physical birthday in February—” he cuts himself off with a suddenly blank expression.
Rob frowns. “Five?”
“The day’s not February tenth anymore,” he says, brow lightly furrowed.
“Why not?”
He blinks again, obviously doing math. Rob doesn’t know what it is about Five’s expression that tells him that he’s doing math, but there’s a specific sort of blankness he gets when he’s running numbers. “February tenth was my physical birthday in the apocalypse,” Five says slowly, still a bit distant. Rob subtly slides his notebook over and grabs a pen, even though Five can’t see it with how Rob has his camera angled. “It was February tenth. Now, though, assuming this body is the body I originally jumped from 2002 in…. oh, it’s still just February second. That was dumb.”
“Did you want it to be more different?”
Five shakes his head, a small frown on his lips. “No. I don’t know why I thought that was going to be a significantly different date. April 2, 2019 versus March 24, 2019 are only a week apart. I could have done that math much smarter. Christ, I’m getting stupid in my old age.”
Rob smiles. They’ve looped back to what he’d originally been thinking about. “Or your brain is thirteen. And a half,” he adds when Five gives him a flat look.
“What does my brain’s age have to do with anything?”
“A lot, actually. Maybe. What do you know about brain development?”
Five stares at him for a long moment. “Nothing.”
“Ah, lucky for us I know a lot about it. The cliff notes version of it is that there are set developmental phases for brains from ages zero to around twenty-five. Twenty-five is when science and medicine generally agree that everything is up and functioning, it hangs out there for a few years before it starts going in the other direction. Before that point, it’s building up pieces and pruning connections that allow for better logic and more complex thinking.”
“You’re saying I’m half developed. And you’re declining,” Five says dryly.
Rob shakes his head, ignoring the easy insult. “No. Maybe. See, you’re a really interesting case of the physical versus consciousness. A really fascinating case study that could be a missing key in understanding where what makes us us sits. You, yourself, are fifty-eight, assuming you haven’t been messing with me and your whole family this entire time—”
“What would the point be of doing that?”
“—which I don’t think you are, which is why I accepted you as a patient. I don’t know how you’d even go about trying to parse it out, because it’s such a messy knot. It’s why we’ve been wondering about consciousness and the self for centuries, millennia. But you have such an extreme difference between the two that we might just be able to get a hint.”
It’s quiet as Rob finishes. Five sits considering that, expression slightly pinched. Rob waits.
As Five continues to not say anything, Rob’s gut sinks a little. Maybe he got a little too excited about this, misjudged how interested Five would be about it. He did just pretty blatantly say that this man, who is already stuck looking like a thirteen-year-old, might actually be stuck in a much more real way as a thirteen-year-old.
“You know,” Five interrupts, “you and Sarah make a bit more sense now.”
It isn’t clear if that’s supposed to be a compliment or an insult. Maybe it’s neither. Five usually likes to rub in insults. “How do you mean?”
 “You both like puzzles. You just hide your intensity better than she does.”
Rob might have gotten a little too enthusiastic about how interesting a case Five is. “I’m sorry, Five, I—”
Five waves a hand, tone still low. “Don’t apologize. You know I appreciate candor. Was this the point?”
They haven’t been here in a little bit – Five directing with questions. Rob did miscalculate this. He can let Five keep the control. “Was what my point?”
“To talk about how shit it is to be a fully grown man who looks like a child?”
“No. It’s just something I’ve been thinking about and thought you might find it interesting, too. I had planned on today being a bit lighter on Big Things after last week.”
Five nods slowly. He’s not looking at Rob. “Wow,” he says after another moment. “Bad job of doing that.”
“I’m seeing that now, yeah.”
Five forces them to sit in that. Rob glances at the clock. He has forty minutes to salvage unless Five ends the session early.
“I get the appeal,” Five says after another long minute. “I’m an enigma on a lot of levels. Most of my life doesn’t exist anymore and what it was is so statistically improbable it should be impossible and unbelievable. This isn’t what all this has been about, right?”
He slips that question in as if it’s just an unimportant end to his statement. That’s how Rob knows it’s important. Five likes to bluster, likes to misdirect to avoid feelings and hard topics. The exception is when he needs real, important information. He’s not good at direct lies and it’s obvious the tactic he figured out for learning information he needed while trying to stay under the radar is to be as casual and nonplussed as possible. If Five doesn’t seem to care about the answer, maybe the person giving it won’t care about giving it either.
“No, Five,” Rob says without hesitation. Waiting until Five looks back up at the screen, he continues, “I agreed to be your psychiatrist because I think you need the help to sort through the everything of your life and also think I’m a good fit for helping you do that. You seem to agree, since we’ve been doing this for three months now. My own, side interest of what might be going on in your head isn’t a part of it, outside of my thoughts on non-psychotherapy approaches that might help you should you ever decide you want to try some drugs or physical treatments. Today’s tangent is just that, a tangent that I think is interesting but is non-defining of you or the work we do here.”
Five nods at that with a small frown. “To help you along on that tangent, then, so we don’t have to do it again – it’s wrong.”
“Your little theory has me half-developed and stupid, of which I am neither.” He waves off Rob as he opens his mouth to apologize and explain. “It’s fine, as you just explained to me your brain function is also declining due to your advancing age. It is interesting, though, that your go-to direction for me doing a simple math calculation in an indirect way was to blame it on a possibly under-developed brain rather than the fact that I’m thirteen years older than you are and am farther along on my brain slipping into mush.”
Rob swallows and waits.
“But how I know you’re wrong about my brain is because, while I don’t remember much from being thirteen, I do remember some decisions I made when I was that age. One very big, very dumb decision. With absolutely no concern for the consequences and no back-up plan. That’s the sort of thinking thirteen-year-old brains do. It was a childish and very poorly calculated mistake. And I’m not that stupid now.”
“Understood,” Rob says. That sits between them, a bit heavy which was not Rob’s goal for the day so he adds, “You’re dumb because you’re old, not because you’re young.”
A smile ghosts at the edge of Five’s mouth. “Exactly.”
“Glad we cleared this up. I’m sorry I pushed us here, I misjudged. We’re good?”
Five nods. “We’re good.”
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yuumaofc · 2 years
//EP. 5; Did I do something wrong..?
Damn it’s been a whole ass month since I last updated this series🧍🏻 IM BEING FR RN GUYS I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES😭😭 I low key be forgetting that I’m a writer on here💀
It’s strange.. I don’t know how I should be feeling as of right now. The brothers have been avoiding me for at least a week now. Have I done something offensive to them? I don’t recall a moment where I could have possibly done so.. And if that were to be the case, they would speak to me face to face about it. I know them, I’ve lived with them for 2 years now!.. Maybe I just don’t know them well enough as they’re probably older than Saturns rings.
Have I wronged them? Why are they avoiding me? Why won’t they talk to me? I want to speak to hear mammon talk about ways to scam other demons, as bad as it may be. I want to hear Asmo tell me about how his photo shoot and after school spa day went. I want to listen to Levi rant about how invested he is in a new anime he’s discovered. I want to be able to have small talk with Lucifer over tea after working all day. I want to have passive aggressive banter with Satan. I want to listen to Beel give me his newest addition to his workout routine. I want to stay by Belphie’s side while he sleeps and comfort him when he has nightmares.
I want to listen to them. I want to hear them. I NEED to be with them!
I don’t think I’ll be able to live without them. I’ve become so attached to them that they’re the first thing I think of when I wake up in the mornings.
I bit my fingers and peeled tiny bits of the skin around my fingernail off. A very bad habit of mine that I thought I got rid of back in junior high school. I guess I was wrong.
My breathing became uneven as the self deprecating thoughts flooded my head and forced my composure to come loose.
MC- ‘Maybe I’m just overreacting.. Maybe they’ve just been having a bad day! Yeah that could be it. No no no you’re wrong, it’s been a whole week and they still aren’t talking to you! Something’s wrong. You’ve done something wrong. I did a bad thing!-‘
Felix- “MC? A-are you okay? I was just passing by your room and heard muttering.. I thought it was nothing till I noticed the sound of fast paced footsteps in here so I thought that I’d check up on you. I guess that was a good decision? I-I mean it- It’s not really my place to invade your privacy a-AND in no way is invading your privacy a good thing to do! I- um I was just checking up on you because.. y-your footsteps made you sound.. distressed??? I-IM SORRY FOR BARGING IN HERE AND THEN JUST RANTING NVM I-I’LL GO!-“
MC- “No!”
I lunged out at him and grabbed his wrist before he could rush out of my room. He jolted and yelped at the sudden feeling of being pulled back into my chest. I never really noticed how small he was compared to me but I don’t noticed a lot of things till I deem it whatever.
MC- “No.. Don’t go. It’s fine that you came in here.. Do you mind staying with me for a bit? I need someone to confide my feelings in and with the brothers ignoring me, I don’t think I’ll be able to confide in any of them any time soon.”
Felix- “O-oh! Okay”
As soon as he agreed to listen to me, I pulled him over to my bed and sat him down with me so that I can speak with him comfortably. It wouldn’t be very comfortable to have more than an hour long conversation with someone while standing if you have somewhere to sit.
As I rambled on and on, Felix sat across from me. Listening attentively and making small but meaningful comments every now and then. I know I shouldn’t have opened up to him so easily but I needed someone to confide in and the brothers were avoiding me so I couldn’t help it. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Felix’s POV
MC fell asleep not too long ago, having cried themself to sleep after contemplating if the brothers wanted to keep them around anymore. They’re not be aware of it but it pains me to see MC so hurt. But to see MC so vulnerable but relaxed and snoring softly puts me at ease. It keeps the raging concern and worries to calm down.
“My my!~ I didn’t know you were one for watching the people you like sleep! How perverted of you, Felix~”
I flinched and looked over my shoulder to see Kain standing there with a smug yet teasing smirk displayed across his handsome face. Kain was an incubi but his drive was much more mellow than other incubi and succubi. More for seeking out the flustered faces and fluttering butterflies in your stomach.
Felix- “Kain.. Are you the reason why the brothers are avoiding MC..?”
Kain- “HmHm! You could say that~”
I hardened my stare towards him.
Felix- “How could you do such a thing?! They mean so much to MC! I may have feelings for them but that doesn’t mean you can just go and ruin their life!”
Kain- “Oh but it was that very reason that your beloved confided in you isn’t it?~”
I stiffened at his comment. He wasn’t wrong at the very least. Whatever Kain did truly did lead to MC confiding in me, causing us to grow a little closer than before. But it was cruel!
Kain- “Oh? Cat got your tongue? Hmhmhm! Silly little human boy, it seems as even though you’ve forgotten about our little deal we had!”
I gulped. Of course I remember the deal. We made it when I awoke in the nurses office two weeks ago. We made a deal to share my body whenever he pleases, just as long as he doesn’t do anything to cause MC to dislike me in anyway. When he takes control, I’m not aware of what he’s doing. It’s like I fall unconscious until he gets bored of me or something..
Felix- “N-no, I remember.. wh-what did you do..?!”
Kain smiled menacingly and covered mouth with his hand before laughing at my pitiful expression.
Kain- “Let’s just say that its for me to know, and you to find out!~”
I widened my eyes at his comment, he did something bad. Something horrible and now MC has to pay the price.
MC, my one and only, did I do something wrong..?
Anyways, Happy thanksgivings giving to those who live in the US! Be grateful for this chapter👹
/j you dont have to be since I think it’s a little underwhelming AND I BET YOU DIDNT SEE THE TITLE BEING IN FELIXS WORDS DIDJA >:D
@aki-maki-aki @books-and-catears @justrika @gallantys @time-shardz @m1ss-c4mrader1e @0-candlecove-0(I can’t tag you??? I could last time so idk what’s goin on unless you changed something) @avanae @slugbugg @tsunotaro-san @pichulakkjkk @bonezzzzzz @sumiiichan @valeriele3
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
A Redemption Earned Ch 22
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Heather Dunbar x reader Warnings: it's the final plot twist besties. well. the beginning of it. and don't yell at me because it was definitely foreshadowed. And congrats to @ms-calhoun for figuring it out. round of applause and a cookie for you.
January seemed to absolutely fly by, it was at an end before you even realized it. February was well into swing already, school going steady and Heather had spent a good chunk of her time occupied with Becca and Sarah as they house hunted, making sure they weren’t getting screwed over or spending too much money (or too little). They found a place in Upper Chevy Chase that they both really liked and knew would have enough space for them, Heather deemed it more than acceptable. It was a nice four bedroom place, hardwood flooring throughout, a finished and completely separate basement they could rent out if they wanted. Lots of light, and enough space for them to have a guest room, a home office and whatever they wanted to do with the rest of it.
She ended up helping the girls a little bit more than she’d originally planned, but they’d asked for her thoughts on a couple of trickier situations that the lawyer side of her was more than able to walk them through. Not that either of them had any doubts about their relationship, but buying a house together was a big step, so she drafted up a couple pages of how things could be split up between them if something happened. Both about the house itself and everything inside of it. It honestly gave Heather a little peace of mind, she knew Sarah came from a good family, and obviously loved Becca and wasn’t trying to get anything out of it, but if they did break up, she wanted to make sure Becca’s wouldn’t end up taken advantage of.  
Things were sorted relatively quickly after they put the offer in and as of today they officially took possession of the keys. Heather sent you a rather cute snap of the two of them on the stoop of the house with the keys in hand, Sarah kissing Becca’s cheek.
‘Little homeowners’ She captioned it and you smiled.
‘Looks like someone’s a very proud momma today.’
‘I’m taking them to Macon for dinner if you’d like to join?’
‘I’d love to. What time? My car’s still in the shop.’
‘Made the reservation for six, I can swing by and pick you up?’
‘From work?’
‘Yes, unless that’s too late for you?’
‘No, I’ve got grading to get done anyways.’
‘I’ll see you around 5:30?’
A smile on your lips you closed your phone, turning back to your lunch before you got swept up in a conversation with a couple of your friends. The lunch hour was over relatively soon after that and you headed back to your classroom, wading your way through third grade science including a test, and rounding out your day with a little bit of creative time. You didn’t really care what the kids did, some drew, some painted, some wrote, as long as they followed the prompts you gave them and were using the creative side of their brain, that’s all that mattered.
When the bell rang you helped them pack up their bags, making sure lunch boxes were all packed up to be taken home so there was no rotting food left in the classroom. You fell in step with the other third grade class on your way out to the pick up zone, some going off to busses, others to their parents cars or car services. Once everyone had been accounted for, you retreated back to your classroom, tidying up a bit and wiping the board clean before sitting down at your desk to start marking the science tests.
You couldn’t help but find yourself distracted with your phone multiple times throughout the process. Considering this lesson plan had been on your brain for the past about two weeks you weren’t exactly keen on reading it over and over again right now. Social media helped you distract yourself, another teacher popping into your room to have a brief chat on their way out of work before you finally refocussed.
It wasn’t long after that there was a small knock on the door jam and you glanced up expecting another teacher visit but found Heather standing there. You couldn’t help but smile, thinking back to the very first day you’d met, in this exact same spot.
“I believe I’m here to pick up from detention?” She teased with a smirk and you let out an offended scoff.
“Rude.” You replied with a laugh as she chuckled, crossing the room and ducking to kiss you. “And you’re early!”
“Turns out there’s not a lot to do at a law firm when you have no open cases.” She let out a soft sigh, leaning against one of the smaller desks, “I’m more than willing to wait if you need a few minutes.”
“I’ll just finish this test up, mark the rest at home later.” You suggested and Heather nodded, leaving you to it as she slipped out of her coat, folding it over her arms to not overheat inside. She noticed the way your eyes followed her as she meandered through the room, her hips swaying in a perhaps too form fitting skirt.
“Eyes on your paper missy.” She teased and you tossed an eraser in her general direction that she laughed at, returning it to your desk with a smirk.
She crossed the room over to the wall you’d decorated and done up with the collages and mini bios made by the kids. Her lips curved into a smile as she looked at the drawings, the family portraits, especially compared to the actual class photos of the kids. She found herself chuckling at some of the bios, kids really did say the darndest things. She made a mental note to go through the other box she’d found in the basement, find out what other memories of her own kids she had stashed down there. Her mind drifted a bit and she thought that maybe there were even some crafts down there that might be able to spark an idea with you to bring into class you hadn’t thought of yet. She was about to say something to you about it when her eyes landed on a picture of a little blonde boy in a SpongeBob shirt, smiling brightly toward the camera and her heart nearly stopped.
She felt tears prick into her eyes, and then a sudden burst of anger as she reached out toward the picture. Why the fuck would you have taken a picture of Jordan from one of those boxes to put up in here, especially without discussing it with her first. Luckily she came to her senses before she let rage take control of the situation, realizing that the building the boy was standing in front of was built just last year. That it was a very modern photo, and the kid was not Jordan.
“That’s Cody!” You popped up beside her so quickly that she jumped, shaking herself out of her trance as you kissed at the side of her neck, “kid that transferred in after Christmas, isn’t he adorable?”
“Yeah…” she replied, barely able to tear her eyes away from the photo. She glanced toward the rest of his little square, a self drawn portrait of him and his mom in crayon under the title ‘my family’ scrawled in messy writing.
“You ready?” You asked, pecking her cheek before crossing back through the room to stash the unmarked papers in your bag, collecting the other things you needed as you slipped into your coat. Heather remained unmoved, still staring at the cork board, “Heat?” You asked softly and she finally whipped around,
“Yeah, sorry.” She shook out of it, moving through the room to pick up her coat, sliding it on, “uh…third grade, right?”
“How…old are kids in third grade?”
“Seven to nine, depending.” Buttoning your coat you reached for her hand, linking it in yours as you lead her toward the door. Her head swiveled back to the wall of collages, a near wistful expression in her eyes as she stared at it for another moment as you flicked the light off.
“How well do you know the parents of your students?”
“Depends.” You shrugged, “some of them I only see on parent teacher day, others daily at pick up.”
“Have you met Cody’s?”
“Once?” Your face scrunched, “I can’t remember her name, cute little blonde thing, probably not much older than Becca if I had to guess?”
Heather’s breath caught in her throat and she wasn’t sure if it was what you’d said or the cold February air hitting her lungs as the two of you stepped outside. She felt her pulse pick up, her mind whirring faster than she could try to control it. Instead, she dropped the subject, clamming up about it, figuring it was better to keep it to herself.
The ride over to Macon was relatively silent. You could tell something was bothering Heather, but weren’t about to pry, she’d let you in when she was ready. You’d been sifting through all the old family videos and albums since the night she found them, making sure things were labelled correctly and putting things into the proper chronological order. You assumed it was something linking between that and the collage wall she’d been inspecting, perhaps just having another melancholy mom moment as you’d dubbed them, one where she realized she’d never met any of her kids teachers or something.
You squeezed at her hand, pressing a kiss to her cheek when you arrived at the restaurant, pulling her out of her daze and she followed you inside. You saw Becca and Sarah tucked away at a table in the corner by the window and made your way over to them, exchanging greets and congratulating them on the house. There was a little bit of small talk as everyone settled in, a bottle of champagne ordered on Heather’s request since you were celebrating, and appetizers soon made their way to the table to be shared.
You weren’t the only one that noticed the way Heather picked at her food, barely touching any of the starters, only having a few bites of salad before topping up her champagne. She was present in the conversation, but it was as if she was behind some kind of veil, not really there. The chicken on her plate only had a very small chunk cut out of it, basically untouched as she just ate a couple of carrots and sprouts instead. In an attempt to at least gain her full attention Becca decided to be brash, she knew how much Heather hated sharing food off the same plate, that if you were to want something, you ask and it would be placed on a side plate to share. Her arm darted across the table and scooped up a forkful of mashed potato, winching as a piece of it dropped onto the tablecloth, (that part unintentional) before it ended up in her mouth.
“Mmm… this is fucking delicious.” She groaned, distracted by the delectable taste.
“Hmm?” Heather glanced her way, her eyes moving from Becca to the dollop of potato on the table and then her plate, “oh…. yeah.”
“Mom are you okay?” Becca asked outright and the older woman glanced across at her.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You’re deflecting.” She challenged, “what’s going on?”
“Nothing.” She shrugged, fork coming to play with her food once again, rolling a sprout across her plate.
“Babe…” you started, your hand squeezing at her thigh softly, “she’s right… you’ve been strange since we left the school…”
“Not here…” her voice was clipped, her gaze directly in front of her before it darted over to you lightning fast as her voice lowered, “I’ll tell you once we’re home, I just can’t right now.”
“Okay…” your voice softened, squeezing at her leg once again and you decided to leave her alone, turning back to your food, asking Sarah about the house.
A moment later Heather gave your arm a little squeeze before she vanished from the table toward the restroom and Becca turned to you.
“What’s going on with her?”
“I’m not sure.” You sighed, glancing towards where she’d disappeared, “we’ve been going through a bunch of old photos and like, family videos recently. I know she’s been struggling with the realization of how much of your lives she missed out on, how much of an absent mother she was. She was really upset about the whole ballet thing with you.” Becca’s cheeks instantly flushed at the mention and Sarah turned to her with a curious look on her face,
“I didn’t know you danced.”
“I don’t.” She huffed, “Mom didn’t seem to care about it and I only wanted to do it because she used to dance.”
“You should look up an adult class.” Sarah suggested, “go together.”
“That’s a really good idea.” You commented and Becca glanced up to you.
“You think so?”
“I do.” You nodded, “I mean it might take some convincing on her part, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she said yes.”
“Really?” Becca’s nose scrunched and you let out a little laugh,
“Yeah. I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I think she’s wanting to make up for lost time. She wants to try to be the mom she should have been back then but can’t quite figure out how to do that since you’re all grown up now and she’s sure a lot of her suggestions would be considered lame to you.”
“I…honestly… that would be amazing. Like, Dad and I still try to find time to fish, I’d like something to do with Mom that isn’t just dinner dates.”
“Then it doesn’t hurt to ask.” You smiled, taking another sip of your champagne before you returned to your dinner.
“And… you guys are okay, right?” Becca asked, glancing up at you and you laughed.
“We are okay, better than okay.” You smiled, “amazing. We’ve got everything out in the open as usual, I went to a couple of sessions with her, we love each other and that’s really all that matters at this point.”
Becca’s eyes widened every so quickly before she nearly beamed across at you, unaware that the two of you had taken that step in your relationship a couple of months back. You simply smiled warmly back at her, tucking into your dinner as the conversation began to flow across the table again. A few moments later Heather returned to the table, sliding into her seat and you turned to her,
“You okay? Migraine? Stomach ache? I can get you a ginger ale?” You offered her the out, knowing that she wanted to head home, and that Becca would understand.
“Mom, if you’re sick you don’t have to feel bad about ditching, just go. Let y/n take care of you.”
“I have lost my appetite.” She finally admitted with a soft sigh, “you’ll let me take care of the cheque though, right? You two did just buy a house.”
“Absolutely.” Becca and Sarah agreed with a small laugh as you flagged your server down, asking for to go boxes and the bill. Heather settled it as promised, swiftly calling the car as you packed up the food, Becca and Sarah making the decision to stick around at least until the champagne was finished.
You said your goodnights, congratulating the girls on their new adventure together as they said their well wishes that Heather feel better soon. The car ride home, much like the car ride to dinner was silent, your hand on Heather’s thigh, thumb rubbing reassuringly as you made your short way through the streets of D.C. You wordlessly made your way through your house, changing into pyjamas and wiping off make up from the day, washing faces and getting comfortable. It wasn’t late enough for bed yet, so you wandered back downstairs to crack a bottle of wine, wondering whether Heather would follow you or feign sick. You got your answer a few minutes later when she turned up in the doorway of your kitchen, a timid smile on her face,
“You have a spare glass of that?” She asked and you smiled.
You pulled down a second glass, filling it and passing it to her before you kissed her cheek and wandered into the living room, dropping onto the couch. She hesitated behind you, leant against the archway into the living room before she began to pace slowly.
“You wanna talk about it now or later?” You asked softly, taking a sip of wine.
“I can’t stop thinking about that kid.” She murmured.
“Cody?” You asked, your brow furrowing.
“Yes. He looks exactly like Jordan did at that age, it’s uncanny, a carbon copy.”
“Are you sure you’re not just spiraling because we’ve been going through the old videos?”
“I wish that was it.” Heather admitted with a shaky breath, “I didn’t want to get into it at dinner because I knew I wouldn’t be able to not cry.”
“Jordan was always a momma’s boy…. he came to me for everything no matter how old he was or how much of a degenerate he was.” She took a hefty swig of wine, “about nine years ago he came to me… said a girl he’d slept with was pregnant and he needed to fix things.” She let out a heavy breath and you let her continue without interrupting, “from what I know it was a one night stand, they’d met that night. She’d told Jordan she wanted to get rid of it, and I didn’t exactly like the idea of him being a father, so I handed over a wad of cash and figured it was taken care of.”
“Did you ever talk to Jordan about it later?” You asked gently, “I mean, if she knew who you were… maybe she just wanted money.”
“It didn’t strike me as that.” She took another sip, “he said that he didn’t even remember her name until she called him. She’d had to get in touch through a mutual friend who’d been at the party that night.”
“Jesus.” You muttered over the rim of your glass.
“Yeah.” She finally collapsed onto the sofa beside you, “her name was Lily. They never spoke again. That’s all I know.” She risked a glance up at you, “no one else knows about this, but I swear to fucking god, that kid in your class is his.”
“Heather…” you squeezed at her hand, “I can’t say anything to either of them, it’s a major legal issue.”
“I know!” She scoffed, swatting in your direction, “I am a lawyer, remember?” You chuckled, “I just… I have my second chance with Becca, but I don’t get one with Jordan because he’s gone…. It’s like this is the world’s way of letting me prove I can do this.” Her hand linked with yours and she looked up at you, tears in her eyes, “can you at least tell me what her name is when you find out?”
“Of course.” You leant in to kiss her softly, “if you have a grandkid out there, you deserve to know.”
“Do you think I’m crazy?” She asked, her voice nearly cracking and you laughed softly, cupping her cheeks in your hands.
“No.” You pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose, “absolutely not. Cody does look a lot like Jordan did. And I’ve never heard him talk about his dad, he’s in the right age range… we’ll figure this out.”
“Thank you.” Heather replied, her eyes misty as she gazed across at you.
“I’d do anything for you.” You shrugged, “I love you.”
“I love you more than you could ever imagine.” She murmured back before kissing you and burying into your shoulder, eyes directed towards the television that you flicked on to distract the both of you the most it could right now.
_____________ @ms-calhoun @naturalxselection @yesterdaysgone @hbkpop @giftedchildturns40 @anya-casablanca @svulife-rl  @swimmingstudentchaos8911 @alexusonfire @jamiethetrans @natasha-danvers @oliviaswifey @mysticfalls01 @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @svushots @yourtaletotell @cerberus-spectre @emskisworld @ex-uallyactive @addictedtodinosaurs @imaginaryoperagloves @multifandomlesbianic @annegilletteslostwh0r3 @bookpillows @drduckthief @whimsicallymad @mmmmokdok @ladysc @momlifebehard @mmemalwa @holycrapraewth @poisonedcrownss @wannabe-fic-reader @when-wolves-howl @dead-of-niight @fighterkimburgess @lannister-slings-and-arrowss @borg-queer @godard-muse  @itisdoctortoyousir @brooklynmhm @nobody-important1212 @emilyprentiss4life
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petri808 · 2 years
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For my tumblr bestie @random-rave early birthday gift 🎁
@thenaluarchive Nalu Week 7-part story
“So, you and Gray will be heading back home to Cali for the summer?” Lucy questioned her friend Natsu. The University of Hawaii at Hilo just finished their spring semester, and all the dormies needed to vacate soon.
“Yeah, our lease is up at the end of the month.”
Lucy pursed her lips briefly. “In that case, I was wondering if you guys would like to come with Levy and I to my family’s beach house in Waikoloa?” She questioned. It had become their tradition to go after school finished for two weeks. “We’ll be back before you leave.”
“I’ll check with Gray, but I think he’ll say okay. So, just the four of us?”
“Yup. Gajeel,” Levy’s longtime boyfriend, “has to work so he can’t come.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
One week later, the four friends piled into Lucy’s Toyota 4Runner and headed out to Waikoloa. The quickest route was a 1-1/2 hour drive on the Daniel K. Inouye highway. A scenic route that cut between two of the island’s volcanoes, Mauna (mountain) Kea and Mauna Loa. Flanked by ancient ohia forests and lava flows on the eastern side, and miles of open fields on the west. You can even see rising across the ocean, mount Haleakala on the island of Maui on a clear day.
They arrived in Waikoloa’s Anaeho’omalu area nestled along the azure blue Pacific Ocean. A developed piece of land surrounded by crumbling ancient lava flows and sparse grass lands— a very dry environment. Here hotels like the Hilton and Marriott had built along side condos like the one Lucy’s family owned.
“Very nice,” Natsu remarked as he got out of the vehicle. “How much does a place like this cost?”
“I’m not sure,” Lucy responded. “All I know is they bought this place a couple years after I was born.” Her mom had heard about it’s sale while working at her realty company.
He chuckled, “so, out of our price range, got it.”
“Yeah,” she giggled too.
Lucy lead the group into the home and parceled out the rooms. It was a three bedroom condo, so she and Levy got one room each while the two boys had to share one. But they were fairly large and comfortable, plus Natsu and Gray were already used to sharing a dorm. Then after a quick tour of the place, they head out for supplies at the nearest store.
Foodland farms market was located in a shopping center a few miles away near the Mauna Lani resort. Since this was the boys first time there, the group walked around the shopping center, window shopping really. It was just a mix of clothing stores and restaurants.
“Can you believe there used to be a 4-D theater here?” Lucy explained. “They only played really short films, but it was the first time I experienced 4-D.”
“Yeah I saw a scene from that movie Journey to the Center of the Earth here,” Levy added. “That scene where they’re on the boat and flying fish we’re jumping all over, they spritzed us with water!”
Everyone laughed.
“At least you got to try a 4-D, I haven’t seen one yet,” Natsu griped.
“Well one day while here, we can check out the luxury cinemas at Queen’s marketplace.” Lucy offered Natsu with a light blush to her cheeks. “I haven’t been there yet.”
“Like a date? I’m game,” he teased pulling a deeper flush from Lucy.
“When you two are done flirting, meet us at the market,” Levy teased before pulling Gray away from the now flustered pair.
After a couple seconds, Natsu and Lucy gained their composure and followed. The group shopped for food to last a few days along with drinks and snacks. It was a decent haul leaving them with arms full of groceries.
On the way back to the car, Natsu stopped Lucy briefly. “I just wanted to say thanks again for inviting us. I think this is gonna be the best vacation I ever had.”
“Aww,” Lucy blushed, “I think so too.”
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yoonieper · 1 year
Yoongi Experience + Update
So this was the post where I was going to tell you guys about how much I enjoyed Yoongi’s show and I might have a quick oneshot in the works because I got inspo because that’s my husband and he was so hot tonight, but well things didn’t go my way yesterday… or today really 🙃 I will be sparing with details but we were on our way to Newark but our train was delayed so badly to the point we arrived after the show ended (we were supposed to get there at 5 btw— 5 hours behind). We were literally stuck at a station for hours (it was probably around 4:30 ish when we got there (our train was already delayed so it wasn’t a big deal)) because of apparent “police activity” ahead. They didn’t tell us anything and we had to wait there for 2 hours because of sumn mysterious. I was already getting worried, but it was around 6ish when we started moving again from the station so I was like cool— we’ll have to rush, might miss the beginning but we’ll get there. Well we were stuck again in who knows where for hours, probably 3 maybe, and we couldn’t get off the train so we had to sit there as time ticked away and I watched the concert start without us there. Literally the worst experience ever and I broke down pretty bad— there were other armys on the train and yeah, the mood was just horrible. So yeah, by the time we got there, just picture us coming off the train and the station was filled with all the army’s going home from the show. If that ain’t my 13th reason right there this morning too our train back home had mechanical issues so we had to wait in the cold for a while before we had to catch a different train (3 hours and nearly 30 minutes behind schedule). I was supposed to be back at school already, prepping for my last few days of classes before I needed to grind on my final projects and studying for exams, but I’m still here at home. Anyway all this to say is that I’ve been having a very shitty time these past few days (I’ve went through the 5 stages of grief like 100 different times) but I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that the delay was out of my hands and involved a very unfortunate accident, as much as I’ve cried there’s nothing I can do about it :’). I’ll be busy up till… the end of next week maybe so with everything going on I can’t promise I’ll get too much writing done until my break starts… I’m nearly done with the chapter I’ve been grinding, finishing up the smut scene and just a little plot to add at the end then I’ll finally be able to get out those oneshots that I’ve teased on my Progress Page (hint hint please check it out if you haven’t already)! I hope to do a lot of writing this summer and also get that special project out by the end of the summer (maybe? it at least should be completed and ready for beta feedback if not)! I’ll be back with more updates probably after I come home for good and I don’t have school stuff to think about~
tl/dr: Train got delayed to the point I ended up missing the Newark show (been crying my eyes out) 🙃 On the last leg for the semester and will be pretty busy and won’t be able to write for the next two weeks— hope to get started as soon as my break starts on those oneshots I teased on the Progress Page!
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mstrickster · 10 months
For Banksway: how they'd spend a quiet, Sunday morning. I loves me some domestic Banksway lol
Sorry for the wait, here you go.
Also I couldn't decide if I wanted to have them in high school, college or adulthood. So I did all three, enjoy! Now on Ao3
Adam Banks was not good at relaxing. He never had the luxury of a lazy morning. For as long as he could remember, Adam would wake every day and go for a run. 
Then he came back and ate breakfast with his parents. After that was practice or studying NHL games. 
In fact, for most of his life, Adam never did a task that wasn’t somehow a lead-up to an arbitrary goal. 
However, his boyfriend, Charlie, was almost the exact opposite. Casey had taught Charlie to work hard and play hard. She also taught him to care for himself and prioritize his mental health. 
So, Adam spent Sunday mornings training and studying. Charlie spent them sleeping in and watching cartoons in his PJs. 
Of course, this wouldn’t cause an issue until they started dating. Every Sunday Adam would get up and go for a run. Charlie would always whine at him to come back, but Adam ignored him. He knew Charlie would fall back asleep with or without him there. 
Yet, it still bugged Charlie. All he wanted was to spend the morning lazing in bed with his boyfriend. So, after being left in bed alone again, Charlie made a plan. Next Sunday he would get Adam to stay in bed and they would enjoy a lazy morning. 
Charlie plotted and schemed all week. He even enlisted Connie and Guy. 
On Sunday, they woke up early and decorated the halls with caution tape. Even going as far as to print out a fake notice about staying inside from the Dean. Which Connie slipped under the door. 
Should all that fail, Guy and her barricaded the door to the building so Adam couldn’t escape. They also made sure to hide and watch. In case, Adam tried anyway. 
Thankfully, when Adam woke up to his alarm he did spot the notice on the floor. He picked it up and read it with a frown. 
Adam sighed and sat back down on his bed. 
Charlie feigned a yawn and turned to look at Adam. 
“No run?” He asks, attempting to hide his glee. 
“Dean Buckley issued a notice,” He showed the paper to Charlie, “I guess they’re doing some work on the hallways and we can’t leave until around noon.”
How unfortunate,” Charlie smirks, “I guess you’ll just have to come back to bed.” 
Adam eyed him suspiciously, “I actually think I’ll work on some homework.” 
Charlie visibly deflated, “Adam it’s 5 AM…”
“I am already awake, Charlie,” Adam reasons, “I should do something productive.” 
“Ok, you know what, no.” Charlie sits up. 
“No?” Adam asks, confused. 
“I am dragging you back to bed and you’re gonna cuddle with me,” Charlie resolves, reaching for Adam and pulling him down on top of Charlie.
“Charlie!” Adam exclaims as he falls onto his boyfriend. 
“I want a lazy morning with you and I will get it,” Charlie replies. Without releasing his grasp on Adam, Charlie shifts himself into a more comfortable position. 
When he is done Adam is laying with his head under Charlie’s chin. His body is half on Charlie, half on the bed. 
Charlie smiles contently and moves to wrap his arms around Adam. 
Adam rolls his eyes but allows himself to settle in. He knew Charlie wasn’t going to relinquish his hold anytime soon. 
“Did you plan this?” Adam asks. 
“No,” Charlie lies, “But, I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” 
“I didn’t realize this meant so much to you,” Adam teases. 
“It means a lot,” Charlie confesses, “We don’t get to be this close outside our dorm, and you are always so busy when we’re alone together.” 
“I am?” Adam asks, surprised. 
Charlie nods, “There’s been a few times where I’ve come in and you’re either gone or buried into whatever you’re doing.” 
“I’m sorry,” Adam apologized. “I’m not used to being allowed to just relax.” 
“I know,” Charlie acknowledges, “But, it’s ok if you want to.” 
“It is?” Adam replies. 
Charlie nods, “I don’t expect the world out of you like your dad does Adam so you don’t have to perform here.” 
Adam turns into Charlie’s side and wraps his arms around Charlie's middle; hugging him tightly.
“Thank you,” Adam says quietly, “This is nice.” 
“Anytime Banksie,” Charlie replies with a smile. He kisses Adam’s head softly. Charlie allows his arms to loosen slightly, confident Adam would stay put, choosing to run his hand slowly up and down Adam’s back. 
Adam sighs contently and closes his eyes. He lets Charlie’s breathing distract his racing mind. Soon falling back to sleep.
Charlie chuckled softly when he heard Adam snore softly. He had fallen back asleep. Charlie snuggled into the bed and closed his eyes. Following Adam into sleep shortly after. 
After that first lazy Sunday, Charlie and Adam made it part of their weekly routine. However, after graduation, their lives began to change rapidly. 
Charlie had gotten accepted into the University of Minnesota on a full ride and was elated to attend his state school. However, that excitement dimmed when Adam revealed had chosen to go to another school. 
Thankfully, the other school wasn’t too far. Adam had gotten accepted into the University of Chicago Law School. A 6-hour drive from the University of Minnesota. 
It certainly wasn’t ideal, but it was better than not seeing each other at all. 
So, Charlie and Adam made a plan. They would call every other day. Text every day if they could and every month, they would meet up in the Wisconsin Dells to see each other. It was the exact halfway point between the two schools. 
This particular meet-up happened around Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day had, unfortunately, fallen on a weekday that year. So they agreed to meet up the week after and spend two days together. 
Charlie was released from school first. His last class was canceled due to the weather. He texted Adam to let him know he was driving down. 
Adam texted back right away reminding him to drive safely. 
Charlie rolled his eyes and pocketed his phone. He hurried back to his dorm and grabbed his bag. It was already packed. He made sure everything was off before locking the door and heading out. 
The drive down to the Dells wasn’t too bad for Charlie. After he got out of the Twin Cities, the traffic and the weather cleared up. 
 Knowing Adam wouldn’t be there until later, Charlie took his time and didn’t speed. He arrived at their hotel a little over three hours later. 
Charlie parked and texted Adam to let him know he had arrived safely. Adam replies with a heart emoji so Charlie knew he must be in class. 
Charlie checked into their room and texted Adam the room number.  
The Best Western they had chosen wasn’t fancy but it was comfortable and private. 
Charlie got to their room and dumped his luggage on the ground. He stripped down to his T-shirt and long johns before curling into the bed. 
He sighed contently and let himself drift off while he waited for Adam to arrive. 
Adam got out of class around 2. He had put his duffle bag in the car before he left that morning so he was ready to go. 
Adam hurried to his car and got in. He turned on the engine and the defrost. 
While he waited for his car to defrost, Adam checked his phone. 
He smiles when he sees Charlie had sent him the room number. He sends Charlie a quick text to let him know he is leaving before turning off his phone and putting it in the glove compartment. 
Adam wiped off his windshield and put his car into drive, taking off. 
The drive up was a little more congested for Adam. However, he was glad because it made sure he didn’t speed out of excitement. 
After what felt like an eternity, Adam pulled into the parking lot of the Best Western. 
He turned off his car and grabbed his duffle bag. 
Adam didn’t have to go far to get to the room. It was on the first floor just off from the lobby.
Adam smiles softly and knocks on the door. He figured Charlie had taken a nap and just hoped he was awake by now. 
Luck was on Adam’s side when the door swung open shortly after and he was met with a beaming Charlie Conway. 
“Hey, Babe,” Charlie greeted. 
“Are you gonna stand there or let me in?” Adam teases 
Charlie chuckles and steps aside to let Adam in. Adam took a cue from Charlie and dumped his bag on the floor. 
He turned back to the door and was enveloped in a tight hug by Charlie. 
“I missed you,” Charlie says. 
“You just talked to me,” Adam laughs. 
“Yes, but I haven’t held you in a month,” Charlie counters. 
Adam snorts and rolls his eyes with a fond smile. 
“I missed you too,” He confesses, “Were you waiting long?” 
“Naw,” Charlie answers, “I took a nap when I got here and just woke up about 10 minutes ago,” Charlie explains, “My Adam senses were tingling.” 
Adam laughs, “I’m sure.” 
He removes his outerwear and sits down on the bed. 
“So, what did you plan for our Valentine’s weekend?” Adam asks. 
“Actually,” Charlie sits next to him and takes Adam’s hands in his, “I was kinda hoping we could have a lazy weekend.” 
“A lazy weekend?” Adam asks. 
“Yeah, finals were rough,” Charlie confesses, “I would prefer just to relax with you.” 
“I like that idea,” Adam agrees, “We can order room service or delivery and just enjoy the time we have.” 
“Exactly,” Charlie smiles, “Thanks for understanding.” 
“We don’t travel to do anything big, Charlie,” Adam replies, “I just want to see you.” 
“It’s the same for me,” Charlie agrees, leaning over to kiss Adam’s temple. 
Adam smiles softly and leans his forehead against Charlie’s. 
“Are you hungry?” Charlie asks. 
“Not yet,” Adam replies, “Is the bed comfy?” 
“Very,” Charlie agrees, “Wanna see?” 
Adam nods and allows Charlie to drag him up. 
Charlie lays down in bed, getting comfortable before opening his arms for Adam. 
Adam smiles and climbs into bed. He sighs contently as Charlie’s arms curl around him. Using his own arms to hug Charlie’s waist. 
“I’m not tired,” Charlie notes.
“That’s ok,” Adam replies, “Is it ok if I take a nap?”
“Yeah of course,” Charlie replies. 
“Will you talk to me until I fall asleep?” Adam asks. 
“What do you want me to talk about?” Charlie replies. 
“Anything, just want to hear you talk,” Adam replies. 
Charlie nods and begins to prattle on about anything he can think of. Adam smiles and rests his head in the crook of Charlie’s neck, letting Charlie’s voice lure him to sleep. 
Charlie wakes Adam up a few hours later. The room is dark and a little cold. 
Adam whines and tries to curl further into Charlie’s warmth. 
“Banksie, get up,” Charlie laughs, “You shouldn’t go to sleep on an empty stomach.” 
Adam groans and pulls back to look up at Charlie. 
“I was dead asleep,” He pouts.
Charlie laughs, “I know but I want you to eat.” 
Adam sighs and nods. He pulls himself free from Charlie and sits up. 
“I don’t want to go out in the cold,” Adam resolves. 
“That’s ok, I ordered delivery,” Charlie tells him, “From that pizza place you like.” 
“I have never been so attracted to you,” Adam replies, causing Charlie to laugh again. 
“It should be here soon,” Charlie tells him. 
“Good, I’m gonna go shower and change into my pajamas,” Adam says, scooting off the bed. 
“Can I join you?” Charlie replies cheekily. 
“I suppose so,” Adam snarks. 
Charlie barks out a laugh and grabs his clothes, following Adam to the shower. 
Adam turns on the water and gets it set to the perfect temperature.
“It’s ready,” He tells Charlie. 
Charlie nods and strips down, entering the shower. 
Charlie lets out a sigh and the warm water runs over his aching bones. 
Charlie turns when he hears the shower curtain open and close. He offers his hands to Adam who takes them without a second thought. 
Adam allows Charlie to pull him under the water, sighing contently when it hits his skin. 
Charlie turns Adam around so he can lean into him. Adam lets himself relax in Charlie’s arms. 
The other man takes the time to run his hands over Adam’s skin. Despite the warm water, Adam shivers. 
“Charlie, I am still tired,” Adam explains.
“I know,” Charlie acknowledges, “I am content with just having you here, we don’t have to go any further.” 
Adam smiles and takes Charlie’s hands, pulling them so they wrap around his waist. 
“Besides,  we have all weekend,” He smirks. 
“We do,” Adam agrees. 
Adam allowed Charlie to wash his hair and body. He did the same for Charlie. 
Once they were all done, they got out and toweled off. Slipping into their pajamas. 
When pizza arrived they ate in bed, curled around each other happily. Adam told Charlie about his internship and Charlie told Adam about making varsity for the hockey team. 
Later on, they lay in bed in each other’s arms. Adam sighed happily. 
“I miss this when we’re separated,” Adam confesses. 
“Me too,” Charlie agrees. 
“It’ll be nice once we graduate and can find an apartment,” Adam notes. 
Charlie nods, “Remember when I had to force you to relax and cuddle with me?” 
“I remember,” Adam responds, “I didn’t think I’d ever miss it.” 
“I knew you would,” Charlie boasted. 
“No you didn’t,” Adam replies. 
“Well, I hoped you would,” Charlie counters. 
Adam snorts and rolls his eyes, “Whatever, Charlie.” 
Adam yawned and curled closer to Charlie. He blinked to clear his eyes and looked around the room. It had been five years since that Valentine’s weekend. 
Charlie and Adam had both graduated on time. After receiving his diploma, Adam packed up his dorm and prepared to go home. 
Charlie had offered to drive down to make the ride back with him. However, Adam wanted him to focus on moving his stuff into the new apartment they had found. 
Casey had been the one that had found the apartment. It was in downtown Minneapolis, not far from her place. 
Adam made time to come up so Charlie and him could view it. It wasn’t anything extravagant, but Adam loved it.  
They have only been in the apartment for a week so far, but Adam prefers it over their small dorm in Eden Hall and all those hotels they stayed in. 
Sure boxes were still spread across the apartment. They had only unpacked a few kitchen items and their bed sheets. However, for some reason, it didn't bother Adam. They had time to do all that. 
Charlie yawned and stretched his arms.
“Morning,” He says through a yawn. 
“Morning,” Adam replies. 
“What time is it?” Charlie asks. 
“Not sure, our phones are on the ground,” Adam notes, “And we haven’t set up the alarm clock.” 
Charlie shifts to glance out their bedroom window,
“It’s still a bit dark out,” Charlie notes, “Probably still early.” 
“Do we have anything to do today?” Adam asks. 
“It’s Sunday,” Charlie recalls, “So, no not really.” 
“Good,” Adam sighs. 
“Good?” Charlie teases, “You don’t have anywhere to be?” 
“No,” Adam replies, “If you’re not tired, we could get up and make breakfast.” 
“In a bit,” Charlie replies. 
Adam nods and settles back in. 
The couple lay there for another hour, just enjoying each other’s presence. Until Charlie’s stomach began to rumble. 
Adam laughed and pulled himself away from Charlie to get out of bed.
Both men shuffled out of bed and down the hall to their kitchen. 
Charlie got out the one pan they had unpacked and began to make eggs. Meanwhile, Adam got the coffee brewed and prepared Charlie a cup. 
Charlie dished up the eggs and made his way to the table. Adam followed with two steaming cups of coffee. 
“Thanks, babe,” Charlie says, taking his cup. 
“You know we have more than one plate,” Adam jokes. 
“Yeah, but what’s the point,” Charlie replies, “You’ll eat off my plate anyways.” 
“Fair point,” Adam says with a laugh. He picked up one of the forks and scooped up some of the eggs, offering them to Charlie. 
Charlie smiled and ate happily. The couple took turns feeding each other. 
“Are we gonna unpack today?” Charlie asks. 
“Maybe later,” Adam replies, “We have time.” 
“That we do,” Charlie agrees. 
The couple finishes their food and drinks. Adam sets the dishes in the sink to do later. 
Taking Charlie's hand, he leads the other man to the living room and their ratty hand-me-down couch. 
Charlie takes a seat and pulls Adam into his lap. Adam cuddles close and grabs the tv remote. He turns it on and puts it on the history channel. It’s mostly background noise but it’s entertaining. 
Charlie leans his cheek on Adam’s head and squeezes his arms around him.
“I love our lazy days,” He says. 
Adam smiles and nods, he couldn’t agree more.
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trash-writer-kenzie · 2 years
Always in my Heart
Divorced Parents AU(Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase)
Annabeth woke with a start as her four-year-old son pounced on her bladder.
“Mama, Mama, you have to get up! I’m going to Daddy’s apartment today, remember?” She internally groaned. Today was Saturday, which meant that she would have to bring her son to her ex-husband’s house, then pick him up after school on Tuesday.
“Good morning to you too, Jordan,”
“Morning! Now get out of bed! I need to get to Daddy’s house early. He said we’d make blue cookies together, just like how Grandma does.” Jordan bounced on her again.
“Okay, I’m up!” Annabeth laughed. “Go get your clothes and toys ready. I’ll make breakfast.”
Jordan ran off, and Annabeth pulled herself out of her bed. She walked over to her closet, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She picked out a white button-up paired with high-waisted black pants.
She went out to her kitchen and put a bagel in the toaster oven for her and an English muffin for her son.
“Daddy is taking me to the aquarium. When he is done with work he is going to show me the fishies. When we get back to his apartment we are going to make cookies and watch Moana and Soul and Finding Memo!”
“That sounds like a lot of fun; Daddy’s working on the weekend?”
“Yeah. Only for an hour or two, though. Just some random stuff he needed to catch up on. He said we might get to go see Grandma and Grandpa and Estelle after school Monday.”
“I’m sure you two will have a blast,” Annabeth smiled as she handed the toasted English Muffin to her son. “And it’s Finding Nemo, with an ‘n’.”
Once Jordan and Annabeth had finished their breakfast, they left the small apartment and walked to a bus stop down the street.
“Mama?” Jordan tugged on Annabeth’s skirt.
“Why aren’t you and Daddy married anymore? I thought people were always married forever and ever.”
Annabeth gulped. She’d been hoping that this topic wouldn’t be brought up anytime soon. “Well…” she began, “When you were two, we started getting into fights a lot. Not physical, but verbal. One day, we sat down and decided that it would be best for all of us if we split up since we didn’t want you to have to grow up in a house where your parents were constantly fighting.”
Jordan’s face fell. “That’s sad. I wish you and Daddy got along. But if you do get married again someday, it would make me happy!”
This made her tear up a bit. Even though it had been two years since their split, a part of her heart was still in love with her ex-husband. A small part of her wanted him back, wishing they’d been able to work things out a different way.
“We are still great friends, we just don’t...kiss anymore or anything.”
“You should kiss him when we get there.” Jordan smiled at Annabeth. Her breath hitched. That was the last thing she wanted to do. She didn’t even know if Percy still even liked her.
When Jordan and Annabeth arrived at the Veterinary Center that Percy worked at, she took a deep breath and pushed open the door.
“Remember to kiss Daddy,” Jordan said, not breaking a smile.
Annabeth didn’t respond. She walked up to the front desk.
“Annabeth! So great to see you! And Jordan, do you have a wiggly tooth?” Anita, the grey-haired lady at the front desk greeted them.
“Hi, Ms. Anita! My tooth is this close,” Jordan held his fingers about half a centimeter apart, “to falling out.”
“That’s so great,” she turned to Annabeth. “Percy is working on spaying a cat right now, but he should be done in twenty minutes or so. You can wait here, or you can just leave Jordan with me.”
“It’s okay, Anita. I need to talk to Percy anyway.”
“Alright,” she went back to typing furiously on her thick keyboard.
Twenty minutes later, the door opened and Percy came out, holding a shaking cat and handing it to its owner.
“She’ll need about a week of rest before you let her outside, don’t make her uncomfortable or get her running. It could rip the stitches.” He smiled at her as she left, muttering soft encouragement to her grumpy kitty.
“Jordan, Annabeth!” Percy greeted them, giving them the smile Annabeth couldn’t help but miss.
“Hi, Daddy! I have a lot of stuff to tell you. On the way here, I asked Mama why we don’t all live together and she said because you two fight, and I asked why and she said because you disagree with a lot of stuff and you are divorced. You don’t kiss anymore, so I told her that you guys have to kiss when you see each other because she said that you are still good friends but you are my parents and I want you to kiss!” Jordan said all in one breath.
“Slow down, Buddy. I didn’t understand a word you said.” Percy laughed.
“You. Have. To. Kiss. Mama. Because. You. Love. Her.”
“I-okay then. If it makes you happy, I will kiss Mama.” Percy looked up at her, and she shrugged, begging herself to keep a straight face.
He moved towards Annabeth and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Is this making you uncomfortable?” Percy whispered in Annabeth’s ear.
“No,” she answered timidly.
“Great,” he leaned in and kissed her softly.
Her mind exploded. It had been forever since she’d felt this good, and she wanted more, yet still she pulled away.
“Now say you love each other and hug it out, just like they do on Full House,” Jordan demanded.
“I love you,” we said, then hugged, laughing.
Percy turned to Jordan. “I have a golden coming in about twenty minutes, do you want to go get some snacks?”
“Yes!” Jordan ran into his father’s office to put his backpack away.
“I’m sorry about that,” said Annabeth once Jordan was out of sight.
“It’s fine. I don’t mind.”
Ignoring Percy’s reply, she pulled a notebook out of her purse.
“What’s this?” he asked.
“Jordan’s drawing notebook from school,” she opened it carefully. “His teacher gave it to me yesterday when I picked him up from school. She asked if things were okay at home. He’s been drawing people putting pills in their mouths, gravediggers, crime scenes, and dead people.” Percy’s eyes widened.
“He’s drawing what?” She handed him the notebook and he began to leaf through it.
“This is…” he trailed off.
“I was freaked out too. Is everything going well on your side? I can’t think of anything going on when he’s with me.”
“He has seen me take ibuprofen and antibiotics before, but none of us have been to any funerals or seen anyone die on tv.”
“Do you let him keep his iPad in his room after bed? Do you let him watch YouTube alone?” Annabeth asked, beginning to worry even more.
Percy put his hands on her shoulders, calming her down. “No. I hardly let him go on his iPad when he is at my place. The only problem I can think of is his friend Theo. That kid is the weirdest person I’ve ever met and a lot of people come in here with their pajamas. He talks about his Uncle a lot, who apparently has an addiction and he’s a gravedigger. I don’t know about the crime.”
“Mama, Daddy! This nice lady said we can keep her cat! She can’t keep her anymore and Sprinkles needs a home. Please?!”
Annabeth sneezed, silently cursing. “Sweetie, you’ve got to ask Daddy. I’m allergic to cats.”
“Please, Daddy? Miss Angela said her boyfriend, Andy, hates cats so she has to give her up. We would be saving Sprinkles’ life.” Jordan gave Percy the puppy eyes(which he’d gotten from him).
He sighed, rubbing his temple. “I’ll talk to Sprinkles’ owner.”
“Yes!” Jordan skipped back into his father’s office.
“I’ll talk to him about the drawings tonight and tell you how it goes,” Percy turned back to Annabeth.
“Thank you. Make sure to ask him about Theo.” Annabeth said seriously. He only laughed.
“Of course. Anything for you, m’lady.”
“Shut up and do your job. I’ll pick him up after school Tuesday?”
“Actually, I need to talk to you about that. You know how the vet clinic is next to a children’s hospital?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“I’m running this fundraiser where you pay ten dollars to make a build-a-bear for the hospitalized kids. All the money goes towards hospital funds, and the stuffed animals go to the kids.” Percy explained.
Annabeth smiled. “And you want Jordan to come with you?”
“Hey, he’s your kid too, you know,” she chuckled.
“I know, and I’m not asking for your approval. I’m asking if you will come too.”
“It depends...what time is it at?”
“One thirty to five.”
Annabeth bit her lip. “Can I be there a little late? I have a meeting with our corporate manager on Tuesday from noon to two.”
“Yeah!” Percy smiled, clearly happy that his ex-wife and best friend could make it.
Jordan came running back out of the office and clung onto his father’s leg.
“Mama, are you coming to the build-a-bear thing?”
“Yes, buddy. I’ve got to go now. Be good for your dad, alright?”
“Okay,” she knelt down to give her son a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She then gave Percy a quick hug and ran out the door, waving behind her.
As she was closing the door, she heard Anita say, “You’re whipped, Jackson. I hope you know that” After, the only thing to be heard was his sweet laughter.
Part Two ↓
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brianwashere · 2 years
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I posted 1,313 times in 2022
That's 1,313 more posts than 2021!
125 posts created (10%)
1,188 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 129 of my posts in 2022
#brian’s untagged thoughts - 31 posts
#fanfic - 31 posts
#fanfic writing - 28 posts
#marvel - 26 posts
#matt murdock - 18 posts
#daredevil - 17 posts
#matt murdock x reader - 14 posts
#marvel x male reader - 14 posts
#male reader - 13 posts
#daredevil x reader - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 72 characters
#you may call me crazy now but when it comes true you’ll call me a profit
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dawg Istg this took so long like—agh. But it’s done and the idea is out of my head now.
I’m actually really proud of it please like it
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from DC or Batman**
Pairing: batfam x poc!son!reader
Genre: found family and a lil sprinkle of angst but it ends up alright
Summary: Alrighty what do people thing about a one shot with a teen poc male reader ( older than Damian but younger than Tim ) and the Batfam. It’s the reader’s first time it this large fancy private school and they keep getting bullied for their ethnicity. By the end of the day a group of bullies writes in sharpie “go back to where you came from” and the reader doesn’t do anything for a few weeks but then on of the batbros finds out and they get super mad. Confrontation then it’s got a happy ending and stuff.
Tw: racism, no slur use but degrading comments about race, bullying
Maybe I’ll stick around
You didn’t know what to expect when Bruce Wayne, the prince of Gotham, adopted you. You’d lived years on the street and ran away from all of your foster homes at least once.
You definitely weren’t expecting him to put you in the same high class snobby rich kid school as his two youngest sons. When you asked why you were going to a “rich bitch school” he told you that you were his son now and that meant you didn’t get any different treatment than his own kids.
What a bunch of bullshit. You’re obviously just a charity case. You saw the article in the paper the day after you were officially adopted.
“Bruce Wayne adopts immigrant teenage boy”
You weren’t an immigrant.
You hated the media. Whatever. Soon he’s gunna realize how “troubled” you are and send you back to another home. You’ll run away from there too. You’ll run until they catch and deport you because, apparently, you’re an immigrant.
Your first day of school started out relatively normal. You tried to sleep in but Dick was still staying over and dragged you out of bed. That left you no choice but to get dressed into your uniform. Alfred had cooked you breakfast but you didn’t want any then he drove you, Damian, and Tim to school.
Tim looked like hell. Literal hell. His hair looked like it had never seen a hairbrush and the bags under his eyes could make Louis Vuitton jealous.
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380 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
Dad!Matt struggling to communicate with his nonverbal autistic son while he is overestimated
Hello hello hello. Back again with another fic! Btw my friend with autism proof read this to make sure it was accurate and not offensive so yaaaaaayyyyyy.
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from Daredevil**
Pairing: father!Matt Murdock x autistic!son!reader!
Genre: slight angst but ends with comfort
Summary: go to req
Tw: cussing, overstimulation, Matt sorta snaps at his son :(
All Too Much
It was a humid day. Too humid. Gross. Muggy. It made your clothes stick to your skin and made your hair damp. It made you want to gag.
Matt had to take you to work this Saturday. You didn’t really mind because you liked Foggy and Karen but the office smelled horrible and the color hurt your eyes. You sighed and flapped the hand that wasn’t being held by your dad.
“Almost there, Jr, c’mon.” Your dad seemed distracted, which means he couldn’t pay attention to what you were signing in his hand.
Not that you really could anyway; one of your hands was holding his. His phone was in his pocket which meant you couldn’t use the text to speech app he downloaded for you.
You two stopped in front of his law firm. He buzzed in opened the door, gesturing for you to go in. As soon as you walked in the smell of the neighboring offices hit you. The scent of smoke and mold and the feel of the dust brushing your face made you gag. You looked at your father. You wanted to tell him you didn’t wanna be in here.
“Alright Jr, up we go. I’m running late.” He picked up his walking stick and began jogging up the stairs.
You watched him and took a deep breath before following him up the stairs. You bit your bottom lip hard.
Every possible sense was immediately flooded with too much information.
The phone ringing. People talking. Papers flicking. All the different smells of individual people. Cigarette smoke coming in through the window from a neighboring office. The underlying stench of mold. The sun was too bright. The paint on the walls reflected a horrible color due to the light. Suddenly your once soft shirt’s collar gripped your neck too tight. It felt like every fibre of the shirt was rubbing just the wrong way on your arm hairs, your skin. There was a gross taste of sweat mixed with the copper taste from your now bleeding lip.
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381 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Hello there, simps. I am here to give you ✨smut✨. I actually wasn’t really planning on posting this but then my lovely friend encouraged me to…so here we are—
**i do not own any franchise or characters from Daredevil**
Shameless teasing
Pairing: Bottom!Matt Murdock x top!m!reader
Warnings: smut, top reader, m!reader
Smut under the cut!!!
◈𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 ◈
You. You. You. That’s the only thing Matt can think of. You stretching him out with two fingers as he clenches. He’s already rock hard just from some foreplay.
He whimpers as you barely brush his prostate. God, he wanted to scream. He wanted to make the most sinful noises in hopes of pleasing you.
“God, please—I just—“ Matt was interrupted by a moan when you hit his prostate again, that drove him over the edge “PLEASE JUST FUCK ME ALREADY—please please please please please.”
“Aw baby, who am I to deny such a humble request?” You replied cooly.
You pulled your fingers out of him slowly, deliberately. He let out another small whimper; it was pathetic and high pitched. You’re heart curled with something—arousal. You rested your tip on his rim.
“Ready, baby cakes?”
“Yes, daddy.” He breathed out.
You pushed into him gently until you bottomed out.
“Tell me when.” You said as you massaged his thighs tenderly.
“Now. Please—God, now…” he was so desperate.
You pulled out and slammed into him with so much force he was knocked from his elbows to flat on his face. He didn’t have the energy to get up.
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427 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
Okie dokie here I am again. Another batbro reader insert lol. I wrote this cause I wanted to write and also cause I looked at how MASSIVE the Wayne manor is.
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from DC or Batman**
Pairing: Damian Wayne x older!brother!reader
Genre: found family fluff stuff
Summary: Damian noticed his older brother gets anxious around people so he decided to show him a secret
Trigger warnings: mentions of social anxiety and being overwhelmed
A Small Secret
Damian sighed with feigned annoyance as he dragged you by the hand through the halls of Wayne Manor.
“You really are just as stupid as I thought you were.” He lied.
“Yeah yeah talk it up Mr. ‘I don’t know how to work Snapchat.’” You mocked.
Damian scoffed but remained quiet.
“You said you get anxious and overwhelmed when a lot of people come over, even if you know them.” Damian stated.
“Yes I…did.” You were confused how that played into him dragging you to a far wing of the manor.
When you got to a bookshelf he stopped.
“Wow. A bookshelf. Congratulations Damian, I think you found the cure to my social anxiety.” Sarcasm dripped from your words.
“It’s not just a bookshelf.” He said as he pulled a book from the shelf.
The book shelf opened on its hinges and revealed a small cozy library.
“What? This is…” You trailed off.
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512 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Puppy eyes
Ok so I was watching Daredevil and realized how frikin different Matt looked with and without his glasses. With glasses he’s a super cool handsome bastard and without them he’s just this puppy lookin dude.
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from Daredevil**
Pairing: Matt Murdock x gn!reader
Genre: fluff, pure light hearted stuff
Tw: none really, beginning of a make out session but not too much detail about it. Sorta implied sexual content(???)
Imagine you and Matt just starting out in a relationship and your having your first make out session at his place. You take his glasses off and you realize it’s the first time you’ve seen him with no glasses. You just sort of stare at his puppy face for a second. He gets really confused ( and worried ) though because he can hear your heartbeat increase. When he asks you what’s wrong you just sort of giggle and cup his face in your hands and whisper “you look like a puppy” to which he blushes and laughs the purest laugh you’ve ever heard
It was dark outside. You were sitting on Matt’s lap, gently kissing him. You shifted and he groaned slightly. You pulled away, gasping for breath.
“You might wanna take these off.” You chuckled and reached for his red lenses.
He closed his eyes when you pulled them off. You folded them and reached to set them on the small table beside the couch. You returned and cupped his face before realizing something and stopping.
You stared at him with wide eyes. Gently tracing his jaw absentmindedly. His eyes were looking off to the side and his face knit together into a look of worry.
“Is…everything ok?” He asked quietly. The concern was evident in his tone.
“Yeah, yeah…everything is fantastic it’s just—I’ve never seen your eyes before…” You continue to look at the beautiful color of them.
“You look like a puppy” You whispered in a giggle.
His face recoils a bit and his eyes widen before it relaxes and he laughs. Such a sweet and beautiful laugh.
“I’ll keep that in mind whenever I need to beg for something from you.” He chuckles. “Ok ok, let’s get back to it.”
“Whatever you want, Puppy.”
903 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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star2sworld · 18 days
5/22/24 things are I don’t know
I haven’t been on here in awhile so there is a lot to say. First, I scrolled a little down my page and god I saw the post I made about HIM last year and god I am so glad that situation is over with. It was actually so so bad. After we stopped talking things got really great for me you know. Practicing self love helped me love me for me. Not so much anymore though. Don’t know when I stopped but I did . It sucks because I feel like I worked really hard to get to where I was just to have it messed up by some boy. I mean I didn’t like him but it takes me really long to get over anything and just not being chosen hurt me I guess. I say I don’t care then think about it everyday . I mean I’ll eventually really stop caring. I wish I could stop caring now. On top of that I just finished reading perks of being a wallflower and I saw myself so much in Charlie. I ended up sobbing reading the last few pages. It was just sad. And on top of that Deeya makes me feel like she doesn’t want to talk to me. I’ve also realized that she’s kind of really negative and only focused on the bad parts so I decided to stop talking to her from today. I think she will be fine be she she adopted a dog today. The dog will save her.
I feel like I’m lying to myself when I say things are getting bad again because I’m not sure if they really are. I mean I’m doing good in school, I’ve been driving, and living I guess. I do feel off tho. My energy isn’t there and I haven’t been doing much for the past few weeks. I kinda don’t want to get better. And i especially hate taking to my therapist. I’m sorry I’m kind of writing like Charlie but I just feel like it
I decided collectively to delete all of my social media as well as ghosting deeya. I’m pretty sure I’m going there next week. Not to her house but to Ohio. If it comes up i will text her I guess. Also I kinda feel like relapsing… I just got the chills
Maybe I’m just to into my head and I’ll feel better in the morning and maybe I won’t. I’m going to try my hardest to do some self care tomorrow. I think that is the biggest cause for how I feel. I wish I never talked to that boy. He really messed me up and I barely spoke to him! Idk, just messed up my flow. Ik im focusing on the negatives right now but I just want to let it all out
Im also listening to sad songs so its adding onto the sadness yk? I also hate my body but I try to just avoid staring at my self for too long. I’ve been feeling un pretty too. I don’t feel like saying ugly. It’s pretty Kate and I have school in the morning.
I have to make up my English keystones which is embarrassing to even say LOL. But I do because I didn’t take it on the keystone days so I’m just going to take it on the makeup day which is tomorrow. I’m listening to Alex G right now
I do journal on here from time to time. Well not here on my journals app. But I want to start saying it on here because I feel like I am talking to someone and I’m being heard even tho no one will see this. My account is public so it’s still a possibility
I think the book just made me realize how lonely I feel. Just like Charlie. Having no friends does suck. And I’m going to be alone next year. When I graduate and that’s just really sad for me. I always sit alone during pep rally’s and I already hate that so much. I also have social anxiety so I know graduation is going to absolutely suck. Unless I start loving myself and start living freely. Then I won’t care if I get judged. I thought I was at the point but at the end of the day I still care about getting judged
Im getting tired I think I will sleep soon. Also, I’m going to really try to keep this no social media thing going for as long as humanly possible. I want to be done with social media especially tiktok as a whole. I have brain rot from being online so much.
One last thing. My friends birthday is coming up this Friday. I need to make her a bracelet so that’s all I’ll be doing tomorrow. I’ve gotten really close with her and I love being friends with her. Sometimes I’m scared it will get too awkward and then realize I’m not her cup of tea. I feel like I’ve always struggled with friendships tbh. I just came fake it and be bubbly so I’ll just be quiet and go mute basically. I feel like I’ve never reached that level of friendship. It might be good in the beginning but it never last yk?
Well she invited me to her birthday party. It’s next week and I’m nervous to go because her friend group will be there and I don’t know any of them. Only know of them. I’m not sure they’re okay with me even coming. I don’t want to like disturb them or interfere with their friendship and make the party awkward. I’d rather just stay home if that was the case. But, I decided to go for my friend bc I have it out her before me in this case. She invited me so I’ll show up for her. I hope it goes good. Who knows maybe they will be my future best friends. I just hope it goes good. I’m going to be manifesting it.
I’m going to visualize a good day tomorrow and then visualize me connecting to her friends really well and having a good time.
So yeah, that’s all I can think of and have the energy to write. My hands are hurting so. I’m going to be writing on here a lot with the date in front. Tomorrow I will decide when I want to go back to social media or if I want to go back at all. I just want TikTok for the pictures cuz that’s where I take my selfies lol.
Anyways! I have to be up early because I have to shower and get ready for school. Wish me luck on the keystone. I’ll try to write in the morning if I can. I’m sad I will miss class because I want to see my friend ( the girl who’s birthday party I’m going to.
Okay goodnight
going ghost on the world once again
Oh also 2 weeks until school is over yay
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