#soph's edition room
dollyboned · 26 days
im sooo funny /hj
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Lt. James Vega, EDI, and Lt. Tarquin Victus With: Lt. Steve Cortez and The Ninth Turian Platoon Decisions like these weigh heavy on me- when I was a General, I could pass them up the chain of command. But now? I'm all I've got. I'm beginning to understand why leaders so often seem lonely... Worst case scenarios aren't just theories- they're what you'll be dealing with five minutes from now. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#sophie shepard#james vega#EDI#steve cortez#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#i was originally planning to make platoon and bomb one big gifset since it’s 2 halves of one big story#but i ended up splitting it bc i ran out of room due to the post limit 🫠#i don’t really have the most to say for platoon individually bc these quests are pretty short#but victus and sons y’all are a bit shady for lying to shep about the bomb’s origins if i'm being 100% honest rn#and if i’m being completely honest here keeping something like that secret would have blown up in their faces so fucking badly#with krogan leadership??? like??? like wrex would be fucking peaved about a fucking turian bomb on tuchanka#but like for a second can we imagine wreav??? someone who is already gunning for revenge?? and this was kept a secret???#i've never had wreav as my krogan leader but i know in my heart that man is out for fucking blood when he finds out about the bomb#but for me it's the way every other race constantly does awful shit to the krogan and wonders why the krogan are “wArMonGeRs!!!” like???#and why krogan leadership just doesn't give a fuck about anyone else's problems?? which is literally 100% understandable for the krogan#maybe it's bc you guys gave them a STERILITY PLAGUE and planted a fucking BOMB on their planet idk#*inserting soph’s ‘sometimes i understand why the krogan want to shoot everyone in sight’ quote here*#on a final tiny note i like the parallel between that soldier saying “who cares about a few dead krogan?”#and that scene during the normandy summit when wrex says “why should i care if a few turians go extinct?”#i adore the poetic cinema of those lines in parallel with one another#especially when you take into account the fact that victus helps wrex cure the genophage#and then his son helps stop the bomb on tuchanka by sacrificing his life for it#and that wrex sends squads of krogan soldiers to help defend palaven afterwards#it's a nice callback to both those moments imo :)
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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The Suzuka Clan: threads of the same fabric - @jiingweii / @imarahuyo
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Twenty-Five: Heart Felt Truths
Summary: 4.7k Curtis x Plus!Sized Reader. While still dealing with the power outage, you get to spend more time with Curtis's family and Curtis takes you out with Sophia to show you something special.
Warnings- None.
A/N- Wow it's been a while but I hope you all are still here for the ride. @what-is-your-plan-today edited this chapter for me ages ago, so I have to thank you for doing, I always appreciate your input with these two. @mumbles411 ... This is for you! You have been asking for this moment for a while. Again, THANK YOU EVERYONE for reading and sharing. Dividers made by the lovely @firefly-graphics
Chapter Twenty-Four / Masterlist
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There was a soft patter of feet across the old creaky floor and a giggle at the end of the bed. Curtis knew it was coming, had warned you that Sophia would probably crawl in with you both first thing in the morning. He let his gaze slit open to see her at the foot of the bed, grabbing onto the blankets to pull herself up. 
The room was still gray, the hues of dawn barely coming, not quite arriving fully yet and of course, his niece was wide awake right now. He was going to need coffee, coffee would require more work than usual with the power out. 
Maybe if he waited long enough Ella or Lisa would make coffee, that sounded like a better plan. 
Next to him, you stirred, lifting your head enough to see what was moving at the end of the bed, before you burrowed back into your pillows, making Curtis snort softly in amusement. You weren’t a morning person, not unless you had to be. 
“Uncle Curtis.” Sophia whispered, crawling up the middle of the bed. Curtis lifted an arm for her to come snuggle in against his chest, Sophia tumbling under the blankets while both you and Curtis shifted to give her space. “Momma is snoring.” 
“Does she sound like the train at work?” Curtis muttered sleepily. 
“Louder!” Sophia said with some enthusiasm and Curtis pressed a finger to his lips, pointing at you next to them. 
“Quiet voices, Y/N and I are still sleeping.” 
You were quick to fall back asleep while Sophia tucked herself up under her uncle's chin.
“Can I have your phone?” She whispered and without opening his eyes, he reached behind him on the nightstand, feeling around for the device. When he handed it to her, she expertly unlocked it and picked her favorite app he had downloaded for her. 
“Volume off Soph.” He whispered against the crown of her head, which Sophia compiled while she started her game. 
Curtis knew he wasn’t going to be falling back to sleep, but he could just enjoy this moment of peace before the day came blaring full force, requiring him to participate. Now very grateful that he had insisted the two of you get fully dressed again just in case this happened. He let his mind wander, recalling how good a day yesterday was for all of you. The house was full of laughter and games, Sophia keeping all of you busy while the cold weather and loss of power kept you all together. 
He knew Lillian and WIlford would have wanted their house like this, full of family and friends and no longer an empty shell of what was once a home. 
Finally, Sophia got bored and announced she was leaving, so Curtis let her back out into the cool air and he pulled in closer to you, hugging around your waist to press his hand under your shirt to rest just under your breasts, making you wiggle back into him. 
“Your hand is still cold.” You muttered, pulling the blankets further over them. 
“Hmm sorry, do you want me to stop?” He nuzzled the back of your neck as he slipped further into the bed, spooning you from behind. 
“No, it's warming up now.” Your hand rubbed against his arm around you and settled over the top of it. “It’s cold out there, isn't it?” 
“Yeah Honey, I should go check that fire.” Curtis made no move to get up, just letting himself not leave his little warm bubble for a few more moments. “I was hoping Lisa or Ella would start coffee.” 
“Oh god…” You half twisted to face him, your eyes hopeful. “What are the chances?” 
He grinned, pushing up to lean over and kiss you, morning breath be damned, he was feeling good and wanted you to feel just as good. “Give me ten minutes and I will be back, with coffee.” 
You squealed in laughter as he flushed more kisses across your nose and then pulled away while you flipped all the blankets back over yourself. 
Curtis hummed as he went down the stairs, his bare feet cold on the floor when he landed on at the bottom, making him hop from one foot to the other till he got to one of the runner rugs he had scattered around the downstairs. He glanced around to see the bedroom where Lisa had the door eased open enough to let heat in but she must still be in bed. The pullout couch where Ella had slept with Sophia was back to being folded up in place, meaning his cousin must be awake. Curtis assumed Sophia was in Lisa’s bedroom by the sounds of a tablet playing a cartoon.
“I already got the fire going.” Ella said from the kitchen as she stepped into view, a steaming mug in her hands as she sipped from it. “It was chilly.” 
“Thanks, I should have gotten up and checked it earlier.” Curtis bypassed her, stealing her cup to sip from. When she smacked at his back, he flashed her a grin and took another before handing it back to her with a grimace on his face. “Too much sugar.” 
“Heathen.” Ella sputtered as she claimed her mug once more, scowling at him. “I need it to sweeten me up. Mom’s here, but you mind watching Soph for a while? I gotta get to the aquarium, check in on what the upcoming plan is and help feed. Cole already sent me a message saying he was there all night.” Ella sputtered to herself as she glanced once more at her phone. “Idiot never told me he actually needed help keeping everything functioning.”  
Curtis was busy at the stove to make you both a mug, giving a nod. “Of course, you know I’m never gonna say no to watching my favorite niece.” He motioned with his hand that she should go. 
“Your only niece and this is why I keep you around. You are useful.” Ella teased as she savored more of her coffee. 
“Glad to be useful.” Curtis pipped up as he mixed everything together. “Want me to take you over? I don’t think it snowed or anything last night. But you never know what the wind kicked onto the roads.” He peered out his back window over the sink, but it looked like yesterday, his backyard knee deep in snow.
“Nah, I’m good. Stop trying to take care of all of us.” Ella scolded him while draining the last of her cup, Curtis mimicking her with a roll of his eyes. “Have more fun today, chill out. You are just getting the hang of it.” She winked as she set her mug in the sink. “Even Mom noticed how much you have changed.” 
“What do you mean changed?” His brows arched in surprise. 
Ella continued getting ready to leave, sliding on a jacket and stuffing a scarf around her neck. “Yeah, she said you hadn’t laughed like that since you were a kid.” Ella gave a wave. “And yes, if I need anything, I will call. See you later!”
Curtis mused a moment at what Ella said. She was right though just as she had been before Christmas, he was happier. Life has been better since the beginning of September. It made him smile, a content feeling settling in his chest. 
His thoughts drifted to last night and how different even that was for him. Last night he was overcome with just needing to feel you and make you feel good. He didn’t even have his own pleasure in mind when he was with you. It was all about making you feel beautiful and appreciated. It wasn’t sex, it didn’t feel like sex. 
Sex was always good, but that wasn't it. He never was that kind of intimate with someone, rarely did he bring anyone home before and the times he was dating, sex was always just for fun. Now you lived here part time and it was still for fun, but he craved that connection it built each time as well. 
This was more and the tingles of realization tickled his mind. Love, that was love and it settled like he was wrapped in a blanket around him. 
He really loved you. 
Curtis inhaled deeply in a calming manner as he let this knowledge take hold, in the silence of his kitchen with the morning sun shining bright to light up the room, he glanced up, looking around the old kitchen, swearing he felt someone with him. 
“Is this what it's like? You two would know.” 
As he picked up the mugs to bring back upstairs, Curtis could have sworn he felt a hand on his shoulder like it was confirming that it was a yes. 
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You rolled to your back, still wrapped up in clothes and blankets, the sun warming your face. A soft smile played on your lips. Last night had been incredible, you never felt such passion and connection with anyone before. It made flutters fill your belly, excited at what overcame the two of you last night. Whatever it was, you wanted more of that feeling, that feeling that it was just the two of you in the world.
Curtis had always been an affectionate man with his loved ones and that attention was what you felt last night. His complete devotion. You wanted to think of it as love, but you just weren’t quite sure that’s what it was. You thought Jake loved you, he said it early on to you and you were sure that's what it was for you too. Towards the end, he said it less and less, only when he was trying to persuade you to do something you didn’t want to. It was always the nudge to push you to do what he wanted till that last night. The memories that you had yet to talk about out loud with anyone made you shudder for a second, pushing it away. 
That was something you still weren’t ready to deal with. 
Instead, you went back to thinking about last night, your connection with Curtis, how it felt so absolute for you. Curtis never said anything beyond needing you, but it felt like so much more than just a quickie for you two. 
But you didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
You were still mulling over the sensation when Curtis came in, two mugs carefully balanced. You pushed up to a sit, taking a steaming mug gratefully to take a sip. 
He knew you well, having your coffee made just the way you liked it. “Ella is already out the door, I told her I didn’t mind watching Sophia today.” 
“Mmmh.” Your eyes closed peacefully as the caffeine worked its magic. “Anything you wanted to do? Or anything you had to do away from the house? I don’t mind sticking around with Sophia while you go out.” You offered and peeked at him while you took another sip, sensing his surprise at your offer. “What?” 
“You would do that?” Curtis asked incredulously, like you were offering the world. 
“Well yeah? Why wouldn’t I? I love hanging out with Sophia, she is such a great kid to be around.” You shrugged it off, still not seeing why he was so surprised. 
Curtis blew on his coffee before taking a rather large swallow, getting as much of the hot liquid in him as possible to prepare for his niece's energy before answering. “Not many jump at a chance to babysit, especially someone else’s kid in my experience.” He shrugged back, a grin forming on his face as he leaned forward to peck your lips affectionately. “So thank you, I know Ella would let you take Sophia anytime. But today you are stuck with me. I don’t have to go anywhere.” He set his mug down and rubbed at his head, waking himself up further. “I wish the power would come back on so I could trim this down.” His fingers tugged at the slightly longer strands, making your gaze lift. 
He might not like the longer strands, but you did. You bit at your lip and set your mug aside to shift to a kneel before him, running your hands through his hair and marveling at how soft it felt against your palm. “Not gonna lie stud, I like it.” 
A wicked gleam formed in his eyes as he watched the way you enjoyed touching him. “Do you now… I might have to keep it.” Your fingers tightened in the short hair, barely able to tug on it a bit. 
“Will you? Not for long, I just really want to…” Your fingers gave another slight pull to drag his head back to expose his neck, making you lean into it, nipping playful kisses along his bobbing adam’s apple. Your tongue darted out, another playful seduction that made Curtis groan in your hands. 
“Anything for you.” He muttered, letting himself enjoy the change in the room, both of you edging on staying in bed just like this. 
“You spoil me Curtis.” You let your hands smooth through his hair and lean into him while he wrapped you into his arms, pulling you in against him while stealing a coffee laced kiss from you. 
“As long as you will let me.” He winked and the bedroom door creaked open to show Sophia poking her head in, staring at the two of them. “What's up Sophia Bear?” Curtis questioned while you moved back for your mug on your nightstand. 
“I’m hungry!” 
Curtis pushed up and swiftly grabbed a giggling Sophia in his arms. “Alright, let's go feed you, what do you say? Brussel sprouts? Last I knew that's what little cubs like you eat.” 
You give him a look and snort into your coffee, Sophia mimicking you with utter repulsion. “Ice cream!” 
“No way kid, it's cold out already and you want ice cream? How about…. A chicken leg?” He wrapped his hand around her ankle giving it a shake and lifting like he was gonna take a bite out of it. 
“NO!” Sophia squealed, squirming till he dropped her on the bed, making her roll into you to protect her from her uncle. When she was snuggled in your side, she contemplated what he could make her. “Tater tots.” 
“Where am I supposed to get tater tots, Soph? Powers out.” Curtis flopped back on the bed next to you two. “I can make you some toast.” He started and she gave a sigh and rolled her eyes. 
You pipped up just as Curtis was gearing up with another hopeless suggestion. “Have you ever had cinnamon sugar toast?” 
“What’s that?” Sophia asked and Curtis smacked his palm against his forehead. 
“Oh I forgot all about that. Sophia wouldn't want that though… it's too good.” 
“No, I want it.” Sophia started and you shrugged, sipping from your coffee. 
“You sure, I mean… It's pretty special. Much more special then tater tots and ice cream.”
You said in all seriousness and Sophia’s eyes got huge. 
“I want it.” 
You looked at Curtis, his eyes showed relief that you were able to bring Sophia around to the suggestion of something easy. “Alright kiddo, let's go make it together.” He held his arms out and the bouncing child leaped at him, clinging around his neck while Curtis moved to a stand. “My grammy used to make this for me and your mom so I got the super-secret recipe.” He glanced over at you still curled up on the bed, savoring more of your coffee. “Take your time coming down Honey.” He dropped earnestly and you nodded with a smile, watching as the two of them headed for the stairs, Sophia now asking questions about the super secret recipe. 
You sighed in pure happiness at where you were right that moment. 
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The morning went quickly, Ella sent a message saying that she was going to be at the aquarium for the day helping out, which Curtis told her to take her time. Sophia loved the cinnamon toast, which you also diced up an apple with some yogurt you had in the fridge, luckily still cold. Lisa came out later in the morning, looking bleary-eyed and angling for some hot water that you heated on the stovetop. 
You were able to keep Sophia entertained with coloring at the table while you read through some manuscripts looking for the next drama club play. Curtis was back and forth between hanging at the kitchen table, coloring with Sophia and out in his shed out behind the house, a motor once in a while sputtering to life before it would die out. Lisa spent her time in the living room, back to her crochet project. 
When you sank in the couch next to her, Sophia cuddling up under some blankets next to you to watch her tablet, you took a few more lessons from Lisa, listening to her talk about more of Curtis’s past as a kid and her own memories of her childhood in the house. 
It was late afternoon when Curtis triumphantly came inside, Sophia having just woken up from a nap in her grandmother's bed, all bundled up back in the blankets on the couch watching some other cartoon Ella had saved for her.
“How would you two feel about going for a ride?” 
“What kind of ride?” You asked, knowing he wouldn't ever consider taking the vintage Camaro out in the snow. However, Sophia jumped right up as if she knew what he was talking about. 
“Yeah!” She bolted down the hall off the kitchen for where the coat closet was. Lisa tucked the blanket over her leg all that much more. 
“Have fun and be safe.” Clearly she had no interest in going. 
“Snow machine.” Curtis grabbed your coat to hold it up, enticing you to join them. Sophia already was trying to wriggle into her snow pants. 
“Oh no way, you have one?” You asked excitedly while going to stuff your arms into the jacket sleeves. 
“Yeah, an old junker, but with some tweaking she works just fine.” Curtis admitted while you zipped up your coat. 
“It’s not gonna break down on us, is it?” You asked with a tease, but the worried hint was still there, questioning if he had to work on it.” 
“It’s fine, trust me.” He turned to help Sophia, who was almost dressed now while you were also pulling on more clothes for the wintery ride. “Right Sophia Bear?” 
“Yeah! Uncle Curtis goes fast.” 
“Not too fast!” Lisa called from the living room and Curtis huffed.
“Of course not.” Then he ushered you two out the door before any more questions could be asked. Out in the backyard, you three crossed to an older modeled two-seater. You stalled a bit, noticing it was just the one. 
“Are you sure Curtis? It might be too much with both of us on it.” 
Curtis tugged you closer, easily lifting you by your waist which you yelped in surprise and he perched you up on the back seat, making you sit slightly higher than his. “Honey, I swear this thing can easily handle more then the two of us.” Sophia was already climbing on, grabbing at the handles like she was going to drive. You fidgeted a bit while Curtis leaned forward, hands braced on the machine's seat as his forehead dipped with yours. “I also have something I really want to share with you. Please?” 
When he asked like that, how could you continue to question it? With a nod, you smiled and Curtis dipped his head enough to kiss you, making you giggle as he disappeared into the shed to go grab some helmets. You fit yours on while Curtis made sure Sophia’s was on correctly. Eventually, he swung himself onto the sled and settled with you as you wrapped your arms around his waist to press up behind him. Sophia sat in front of him, protected in his arms, excited to go. He turned the key, and the sound of the machine filled the snowy area and you lurched off into the woods, on a well-worn path Curtis had made over the years. 
It was exhilarating, watching the trees zip by as Curtis took turns on occasion, leading you further away from the house. He was sure to slow at the curves, having you all lean just right to keep the sled from tipping on the uneven ground. Eventually, you guys made your way towards the snowy covered lake, severely frozen over in the late winter months, all across it were tracks where other people enjoyed the freedom the lake provided. Sophia squealed excitedly from the front, loving the rush of the machine with all the speed it gave. Curtis revved the motor several times, making her all that more excited. 
He took you along the lake’s edge, letting you all see the quiet expanse of the town, just the occasional lights and hums from someone’s generators making a disturbance in the quickening approaching evening. The sky was turning all hues of color, stars quickly dotting the landscape's edge of the lake. The wind howled across, making you feel the bite of it escaping under the helmet and you would hide your face against Curtis’s shoulder when he turned the machine towards the middle of the lake, opening it up fully to zip further away from the shore. It wasn't far though before he started slowing back down, the ice far ahead was giving way to choppy water where the lake was to wild to freeze over.
You lifted your head to admire the way the snow glinted off the bit of light coming from the stars and moon above where twilight finally gave way to the night sky. The frozen crystals started putting on a show, once the motor quieted, the water could be heard even from quite a distance away. You leaned off Curtis’s strong back to sit up straight again, tugging off the helmet to let the cool air wash over your face. Curtis swung off onto the ice and helped Sophia off. 
“Soph, what are the rules when we are on the lake?” 
“No going past Mater.” She patted the snow machine and Curtis gave a nod before letting her go. 
Sophia pushed herself across like she was ice skating on her boots, back towards the shore. He popped his helmet off and held out his hands to help you off as well. Swinging your leg over the seat, you slipped off, sliding into his arms, which he held you up with a grin. “Watch out, it's slick Honey.” 
“We need ice skates.” You clutched at his jacket till you were steady.
“Next time we can grab some. I have a bunch stored in the shed I kept the snow machine in. The snow is kept just shallow enough here by the wind to easily skate.” Curtis backed up slowly, taking your hands and bringing you with him while Sophia shot around you two, giggling and dancing to some music she was imagining.
“Is your snowmobile named Mater, after the Disney truck?” You asked as he suddenly swung you closer, making you two grip at each other.
“Last winter she was obsessed with Cars. She named the Camaro Lightning McQueen.” 
You laughed with a tilt of your head. “Perfect name. You know, I used to skate all the time with Jade when we both lived in Lake George together. When she moved to Florida, no one was interested.” You shared while you two slipped on the ice, using each other for balance. “What did you want to show me?” 
“Look up Honey.” His head tilted back and you followed suit to see a night sky as brilliant as your first date. Only here the Milky Way took over, stretching overhead in a light-colored streak, dappled with so many stars it was impossible to count them all. “Do you know what mythology says that is?” 
You gave a slight shake of your head, still in awe of the miracle above you. Curtis turned you around so you were tucked under his chin, your back pressed to his chest. “That’s the bifrost or birost depending on what you're reading. A rainbow bridge from earth to Asgard, where the Norse gods live.” 
“Did Wilford tell you that?” You questioned as you admired the sky, appreciating all that much more, you could tell from Curtis’s tone that it was a thing of beauty and wonder for him too. 
“He did, he would bring me out here on nights like this. Usually ice fishing, we had to hike out here. But I always looked forward to it, when you get to see something like this…” His tone drifted off, tucking his face in closer to your neck, you could feel the warmth of him seeping into you. Around you Sophia plopped in the snow, singing Frosty the Snowman although it was the very beginning of March. “Honey, I gotta tell you something. I’ve been waiting all day, for this moment really..” 
You tore your gaze away from the wonder above you, trepidation seeping into your pores. Curtis sounded so serious what you turned in his hold, to face him. Whatever he was going to say, you wanted it to your face, so that there was no mistaking what it was.
“Honey…” His hands came up to your cool face, the touch warming you as calloused fingers slid against the softness of your full cheeks. “I love you, I have for a while and right now, when I get to show you some of my favorite wonders in this world that I have never wanted to share with anyone else, you have to know.”
You let out a huff of surprise at his words, not at all what you were expecting. Your lips parted, unsure of what you were about to say because so much was filling your mind in this moment, standing before Curtis, someone who treated you better then anyone ever has before.
“Before you say it Honey, mean it. I don’t want you feeling like you need to say it because I did… do it when you are ready to, if you ever are.” 
That was it, you literally couldn't fall more in love with him anymore and you shook your gloves off to fall at your snow-covered boots. You placed your warm hands over his on your cheeks, to feel his hold in your own and luck would have it warm up his fingers with yours as you weaved your touch into his, tucking his hands down and closer to your heart, your warmth able to fill him. 
“Curtis of course I love you! You showed me what I wanted in this life, what being with someone should be like. You have so much to give to everyone in your life and every day I count myself lucky to be yours, to be able to love you back.”
His blue eyes were soft in the small bit of light the Milky Way provided. Around you Sophia was still entertaining herself, flinging herself across the ice and smacking into Curtis’s legs, making the two of you tumble on the ice into the snow, laughter ringing out from you. A very shocked Curtis rolled off you enough to make sure you were okay while Sophia pulled herself up off the ground. Curtis gave a quick glance at his niece, who was happily back to skating on the patch of ice before turning back to you. 
“Are you okay?” He leaned over as you lay in the snow under him, looking up once more at the Milky Way streaking across the night sky, so clear without the light pollution from the nearby city. 
“More than okay Curtis.” You pushed yourself up on your elbows, facing him. “I'm the happiest I have ever been and that is because I am with you.” You felt his arm slip under you, pulling you up enough to share the most passionate kiss you have ever experienced. 
The stars shine as your witness.
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chaoticbindery · 10 months
Here's Looking at You Kid
By Messermoon(@sophsicle )
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world..."
George wanders into a bar. Nothing is ever the same.
Thanks to Soph for accepting a copy of this story. Apologies for the delay and ups being trash 💀
Thanks to @upthehillart for approving my use of their art for this fic.
Special thanks to the @renegadepublishing server for all your support, advice, and encouragement during the making of these books.
To ups, I hope you never feel the gentle touch of a woman, that your child never hugs you again, and that every time you enter a room, you forget the reason you are there.
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Below, I will discuss the process, which will include a lot of spoilers. (But also more pics 😈)
When I heard this story was set in the same universe as choices, I lost my shit a little and read it. Slowly, however, this story began to mean a lot more to me than I could put into words. George's grief over the lost of his soul mate, the struggle to find himself, and Blaise's love, passion, kindness, and confidence in himself resonated to me in such a way that I knew I needed to hold it in my greedy little hands.
I started to think about what I wanted to do and how I wanted to bind this story. I struggle a lot from picking the font for the body text to picking the chapter titles. I finally, after fucking around with canva for more time than I'm willing to admit , I was able to come up with these:
(If you would like the files for anything I used, please dm me, and I will send them to you! I will eventually set up a google drive)
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In the story, there is this moment where Blaise casts a spell that creates a constellation, of which George got the inspiration to make a mood ring that created a little sky, and depending on your mood the sky changes to reflect how you feel. He gives it to Blaise, and they have a picnic under the sky, indoors, later at Blaise's party they have such a cute moment at night and so I wanted to implant the sky in some way.
I also wanted to use constellations in this bind. I didn't know how or where. I just knew I needed them in my life. So while i mop over my inability to impelent them, I took a break. So one day, I was reading a book with these very cute corners, and then it hit me. (No, I didn't finish the book i was reading. I was busy stalking the internet, trying to find the perfect image)
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After that, picking the page breaks was easy. I wanted something simple since I didn't want the typeset to look so busy that it took away from the most important element of the bind, aka the story. I added a few little things for me in Draco and Harry's 2 chapters because I'm weak, and that's for soph to find all on her own 👀
I will put this here, tho.
Lastly, because Tumblr won't let me post more pictures, here are the endpapers I used for 2 of the 3 books.
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As some of you may have notice, there are blues, pinks, and whites in this bind. It's a subtle yet very loud depiction of the Trans flag. It was very important to me to show that this story is of a Trans man that, as soph, puts it, saved himself.
I added all the chapter notes, trigger warnings, and more information about this bind on the typeset itself. Ultimately, to me, this is a form of archiving stories I think matter, and if for whatever reason, technology dies on us, this story will still live on.
The info that's only important to the binders 💀:
Materials list:
Bookcloth: Colibri in color Cornflower, this cloth has a silk like finish.
Htv: I used siser's htv easy weed vinyl with a bit of a pinkish undertone to it.
Endpapers: they are from paper tree nook in the uk
Endband: 2 mm 100% leather with blue viscous thread
Textblock: I used standard 20lbs cream color paper. I used toner to print. To sew the textblock, I use blue linen thread and remie bands gifted to me by my friend duranbinding. I painted the edges using golden acrylic paint, and the charm and ribbon are both from Michael's
(I will edit in this bit later since I made so many changes its hard to recall them all)
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sturniolo04 · 27 days
Break up N.S.
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Bsf!Nick x Bsf!Fem!Reader x Bf!Matt
Summary: in which Matt edits a text message to Sophia after sending it.
Nick has always been my best friend. I was friends him before I ever started dating his triplet brother Matt. We never let the relationship i had with Matt affect the friendship. In doing so he kept being my rock, my shoulder to cry on when i needed it. i especially needed it once my whole world came crashing down.
Sophia; what the fuck
she exclaims softly standing up from her bed looking at a text message from matt
She dials his phone number
Sophia; come on come on pick up pick it up matt
she mumbles under her breath as the line drops indicating that he didnt answer
Sophia: fuck
she exclaims letting her tears escape finally, grabbing her keys and shoes going to her car and making her way to the only place she knows to go to. her vision blurry from her tears driving the familiar route, arriving at her designed destination, climbing out of the car and making her way to the front door, giving it a quick knock
Nick: Soph what happened
he exclaims see her crying bring ing her into a hug
Sophia: m-matt and i broke up
Nick; what soph im so sorry
Chris: where the fuck did matt go- oh my sophia
he exclaims coming over to the pair
Nick: Chris
chris: what- Sophia what happened
he asks curious gaining her eye contact as she pulls away from nick
Sophia; matt broke up with me
Chris: what that doesnt seem like matt
Sophia; well he texted me it
she states sad and shows him the text she received from him
Nick: what a fucking idiot
Chris: soph im so sorry
 he says hugging the girl as he rest his head on top of hers
nick: you know what fuck him okay he may be my brother but like text dumping you is ridiculous
he states as a minivan pulls in the driveway
Sophia: oh my fuck im going to your room nick
Nick; be my guest
he says gesturing inside.
Matt: SOPH SOPH wait 
Sophia: what what are you going to break my heart again matt
she exclaims staring at him as he chuckles
Sophia; is it fucking funny to you 
Chris: bro come on
Matt; no omg no it just look at your phone
Sophia; no NO
Matt: soph trust me
he asks again as she rolls her eyes grabbing her phone to see that matt edited the message 2 minutes after sending it
Matt; i wasn't breaking up with you silly i could never i meant to type that 'im bringing you food' and i got to your house and you werent there
he says grabbing the girl's shoulders bring her into a hug
Nick; holy fuck sophia scared me for no reason
Sophia; im sorry i didnt know
Chris: im going back to bed
he says rolling his eyes and going back to his room
Matt: i believe this is for you
he states  handing her a McDonalds bag 
Sophia; thank you
she says leaning on her tip toes to place a kiss on his lips
Nick: oh vomit
he exasperates out walking away from the pair
Sophia: love you nick!!
she screams to him giggling
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listen. okay. i haven’t edited this since 2:36 am last night and i am half convinced that i just blacked out because i only have a vague recollection of writing this and it’s just “OH GOD SOPHIE WITH GLASSES” leave me alone. also keefe is she/they according to my only-slightly-consciousness so take that as you will
(@synonymroll648 this is your fault and you should feel bad /j/lh)
keefe didn’t pay attention to the leaping crystal they grabbed, just that it was warm and comforting around her neck. they laughed quietly when they materialized under a blue-petaled tree, the lights of havenfield cutting through the night and thin fog from the ocean off the cliffs. that tracks. she dropped the home crystal edaline had insisted on giving her from her palm, it falling to rest under their shirt. it should have been fine, but she was just tired as fuck and her father wouldn’t stop making snide comments and it was so completely and utterly fine but they just didn’t have the energy to deal with the world tonight, and apparently this was the one corner of it that was bearable.
they didn’t have any hesitation anymore about letting herself in the back door. “it’s called a home crystal for a reason, love,” edaline had told her with a smile when she had apologized for the umpteenth time. they didn’t start crying, and anyone claiming otherwise was lying, and maybe she stopped apologizing so much after that.
the light was still on under sophie’s door, because of course it was, at 12 am on a school night. keefe pushed it open. “hey, dumbass,” she announced blindly into the room. “you should be asleep.” (keefe was glad that she wasn’t, and would not be admitting that to anyone.) sophie was sitting on the ground next to her desk, spine pressed against the glass of her window and a book propped up on her knees, brow furrowed. the pencil in her hand was pressed up against the bridge of gold-rimmed glasses, and she looked up and the corner of her mouth lifted, and something in keefe melted just a bit. they crossed the room, wordlessly pushing sophie’s book to the side to settle their head in her lap, fingers immediately moving to run through their hair, and she exhaled. shoulders leaving their rigid stance. inhaled. sophie’s room smelled like her, like vanilla and matcha and something warm.
“talk?” sophie’s voice was unbearably soft. keefe shook her head, temple pressing against her knee.
“just this.” they closed their eyes. “just you,” they mumbled.
sophie hummed in response, lopsided grin apparent in her voice.
keefe felt the spine of her book resting back on the crown of their head, the sound of her pencil scribbling intermittently against it, and keefe didn’t know how she was supposed to deal with this enormity inside of her chest, didn’t know if their ribcage was built to hold this much without shattering. sophie’s carpet was soft against their back. maybe cracked ribs are worth trading for this, she thought nonsensically. they let the world slip away, let it fall into the darkness behind her eyelids and the imprint of gold-rimmed glasses in it.
the light around keefe was warm when they opened their eyes. the world around them felt like sophie. she was distantly aware that thought made no sense, and distantly couldn’t give any less fucks. she lifted her head up, pushing something heavy off their forehead, laughing when she realized it was sophie’s book, and the world came back in little pieces. sophie was slumped against the window above them, glasses slipping down the slope of her nose, lashes casting a long shadow across her cheekbones from the lamp on on her desk. the clock by her bed read 2:17 a.m. keefe sat up.
“soph, love.” her voice was quiet and rough. “come on, you need to get to bed.” sophie mumbled something incomprehensible, squeaking as she curled in on herself, and for a moment keefe had the overwhelming urge to savor this moment, to paint sophie and her auburn lashes in ink and write her down over and over on every canvas they could find.
keefe relented and scooped up sophie’s boneless form in her arms, sliding off her glasses and pushing a strand of hair off her forehead. sophie’s brows furrowed, and she tried to protest with something about studying, even as she melted into keefe. she grinned and walked across the room to lay sophie down on her bed, pulling a blanket over her. they turned to switch the light off, then sophie’s arm reached out and tugged on her wrist until she climbed under the covers alongside her.
“c‘mere,” sophie mumbled, curling herself into keefe’s chest. her hair smelled like coconut.
“i love you.”
keefe wanted to say so much, wanted to scream and cry and never let go of this softness, never give it up. instead, she just wrapped her arms tighter around sophie, pressing her lips against her forehead. a fine replacement.
“love you too, sophie. love you so much.” she inhaled. matcha, vanilla, coconut. exhaled. warmth.
cracked ribs were fair trade for this.
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toadallytickles · 2 years
NEST 2022
We just got home from NEST 2022- and AH! It was SO MUCH FUN!! I just want to share a few of my highlights as I really pushed myself out of my comfort zone this time and I’m really proud of myself!
I checked off one of my New Years Resolutions of playing with someone new this year!! And it was with someone I’ve had a tickle crush on literally since NEST 2019!! Since Clay and I have been open, I haven’t played with anyone else, and I’m just really ecstatic that I got to this weekend!! Yes I lee’d.. twice.. but maybe it was a trap all along to get revenge at the next gathering~
Also acquired a Spongebob gummy shish kebab for showing up to session lol~
WE MET SOPH @sophucking-kinky AND ZACK @silly-panic !! IT WAS THEIR FIRST NEST AND WE GOT TO HANG OUT WITH THEM. IN. PERSON. I’ve literally known them online longer than Clay.. and it was so wonderful and honouring to hang out with them!! Cannot believe they like a gremlin like me!! ❤️
We also played Mario Kart with them, and listened to The Wiggles~
And we met the THE AMAZING ARTIST @yourhardnerdcollector !! We met him by surprise, he showed us his work and I recognized it immediately!! SO AWESOME to meet him!! Such a cool guy, and it was so honouring meeting him and hanging out! Please go follow his accounts and enjoy his talent!
I also had Fritos for the first time too and omg so good.. new favourite snack probably lol
I actually found the courage to enter the tickle colouring game (where you colour in a picture while being tickled~), and I surprisingly WON by amount of votes on it!! EDIT MAY 6th: Just found out winning tickle colouring means I won a free NEST ticket for next time!! 🎉
On Sunday I wore a very revealing outfit of fishnets and a crop-top! I’m not used to showing that much skin (especially my tummy) and presenting feminine, so it was a big step for me to wear that all day in front of 150 NEST attendees! But I really wanted to, and I’m happy I did because I felt cute and sexy af!! Ya! :)
Allison alliron-art was at NEST selling cute kink and sexuality buttons + customs! I got this custom-made androgynous button with a feather!! She was super awesome and her stickers are cute, please go check her out!
For the tickle auction, you use Rhino Bucks (the auction currency) to buy people, and you can collect more by volunteering, helping, doing a demo or class- but Clay and I received extra Rhino Bucks for tickle fighting in a giant inflatable unicorn~
And lastly, I’m just overly proud of myself for sticking to my boundaries, like waiting until I was comfortable to play with someone new, and saying “no thank you” when I needed to! I’m really happy I could bring my more confident, grown self to this NEST! I did a lot of socializing and hanging out in the public play room! I’m very to myself and awkward (I think) but there were a ton of really cool people that made me feel comfortable to be myself and open up more! Yeah, at this NEST I made so many good connections I honestly feel like I’m making true friends and potential play partners (if it goes in that direction!) and I’m just really excited to stay connected and see where it goes! Definitely wanted to play with so many people but I can’t pick-up play!
This NESTing season was wonderful~! Staff did another amazing job keeping it a fun, safe place! Thanks to everyone who attended and made it special! And thank you to those who love our content and came to introduce themselves! It’s honestly so flattering!! So looking forward to future events! ❤️
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letmewriteinpeace · 2 years
"Return of the.. Kid?" || FNaF:SB Future AU
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Title: “Return of the.. Kid?” Characters: R!Future!Gregory, CG!Freddy, Monty, Chica, Roxanne Genera: Agere, Fluff, Slight-angst, Hurt-And-Comfort, AU(Future/Engineer Gregory AU) Warning: Angst, First-time regression(?), Cursing(its not too bad and like, 1 word) Extra Notes: All platonic, I aged Gregory up to 19 so it’d go with the plot, not to ship or whatever. If you think about it like that, please don’t interact with this and block me. Also, this is after a peaceful yet non-canon ending. Gregory leaves at 6am, but Vanny doesn’t go after him and he just continues his life. There is a prologue, if you wish to skip it, look after the second time skip or the second “<--->” and the regression has started and things are fluffy with only slight angst.
[edited:] Word count: 2,126 Character Count: 11,996 [unedited:] Word count: 2,130 Character Count: 12,028 
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  Gregory sighed as he walked into the Pizzaplex, eyes glazed over with sleep. It had been a decent 8 years since he'd been stuck in this place, and he decided to work there. Not the best decision, that much was obvious, but he needed pay and this was the only place that would hire him with their floor-level standards. Going back to the streets was out of the question, and with him having a rough past in school, getting any job that'd hold an apartment in this world that'd pay for that and accept him was nearly impossible.
  He walked over to the desk, a woman that didn't look too much older than him stood behind it, scrolling on her phone. "Excuse me?" His voice was rough, laced with the neutral exhaustion he was filled with. "Hello and Welcome to Freddy Fazbea- Oh, it's you! You're the new employee," She looked up at him, her gloomy expression becoming more of a relieved happiness."Uh, yeah. Name's Gregory," He smiled slightly at her, looking slightly unsure. "Nice to meet you Gregory, I'm Sophie but you can call me Soph."
  She seemed happy he was here. Too happy. Though, he couldn't be surprised. This place was hell, and he wasn't even a worker in his experience. "You're the new engineer, right?" Sophie had set her phone down. "Uh, yeah, I am." She started to walk around the desk. "Well, I'll show you where you can keep your stuff and a small little tour while we're at it!" He nodded and followed her as she began to show him around the Pizzaplex. After the tour, Gregory was tired and there wasn't really much he had to do in parts and services so, he just drifted off to sleep.
  Gregory stirred slightly, hearing something or someone talking quite loudly around him. With a soft groan, he opened his eyes slightly and practically jumped out of his skin at what he saw. There were the main four, repaired with slight changes, standing about 10ft. in front of him - talking about him without noticing he was awake. He pressed himself against the wall.
  His eyes were narrowed as he internally shouted at himself for falling asleep. They haven't noticed him being awake, so maybe, just maybe, he could sneak out of the room and try to go out through a backdoor. He was not having any type of redo happen, no way. Careful not to make any noise, Gregory slowly stood.
   He started to walk away quietly, but he couldn't get far as Freddy saw him and smiled. "Oh, Hello Gregory! I apologize for not noticing you earlier." The others turned to him while Gregory was slightly frozen. He didn't want a redo, and he would avoid it. Freddy began walking over, and Gregory was debating whether to make a run for it or not. What happened those 8 years ago didn't leave him, and it honestly would never. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten this job, maybe he should've applied somewhere else. Like a cheap fast food place or crappy supermarket.
  He did miss Freddy though in those years, but the others he didn't miss. He decided to make a run for it. Sure, Freddy was there, but the others were too. He wasn't gonna risk getting jumpscared or worse. He ran away and towards the tunnels, hearing Freddy call after him and 4 sets of heavy foot prints chasing after him. He didn't look back, nor could he. He turned several corners, he was pretty much lost but he couldn't stop running.
  There was an unfamiliar fuzziness growing in his mind that made it hard to focus, or even think straight. He just wanted comfort and care right now, just to be held and comforted and he knew he couldn't get it, he felt childish for wanting it, but the thought of him not getting it almost made him want to cry. This was confusing, everything felt like it was getting bigger as the fuzziness grew and it was slowly becoming overwhelming, which only made the fuzziness grow. He heard someone coming closer, but it seemed to only be two(2) of them instead of all four(4).
  Gregory decided to take a chance and look back, which was a mistake as it only panicked him more. Chica and Monty were right behind him, though they looked sympathetic and Chica seemed to be calling out at him to stop. The fuzziness was practically swallowing his mind now, the urge to cry being overwhelming and confusing. He was an adult now dammit! But, he didn't feel like one really. He felt.. smaller, younger than he actually was. He attempted to run faster but ran into something - more of someone - which held him to their chest. Then, the flood gates opened.
  Gregory went into tears and he struggled to get away from whoever this was. It was just Freddy, but he was unaware of his surroundings - which includes the gentle words that Freddy was murmuring to him and the confused talking of the other animatronics about his behavior. "Sorry! 'M sorry! Leave! Will leave!" Gregory shook his head violently, the odd fuzz becoming the least of his worries. Why was he acting like this? Why did he feel like this? It was so.. strange, different. The hot tears were the only thing keeping him from settling into the oddly comforting desire to let the fuzz take over.
  "Gregory, we only wish to speak to you," Freddy sounded worried, though understanding. Chica looked slightly sympathetic, while Roxy and Monty were looking at each other while being equally confused. "You do not have to leave, I promise you." Gregory's heavy breathing was calming, and he began to relax in Freddy's hold. "There we go," Freddy seemed to sigh, "You are alright now, nothing can harm you." At those words, Gregory looked at the other three(3) with some suspicion and fear, though he looked away just as quickly. His face was hidden against Freddy's chest. He now stood only a "little" shorter than Freddy, well, more of Freddy was a little less than a foot taller than him standing at 6'7.
  Roxy's expression flashed with guilt, but it was quickly hidden with a neutral expression. Chica, however, didn't hide her guilt while Monty didn't show if he felt guilty or not. Freddy knew all his friends felt guilty about what had happened all those years ago, but Gregory didn't. It's why they wanted to talk to him but it seemed like now wasn't the time to talk about anything this serious. They could later, when they figured out what was happening and things calmed down completely.
  Gregory lifted his arms slightly, looking at Freddy with a pleading look. He didn't know why he did it, but he wasn't going to question it. His legs were tired from all the running and being chased anyways. Freddy looked at Gregory confused, unsure of what he wanted to which Gregory simply emphasized by throwing his hands up again. Monty rolled his eyes, "Words, use your words. We can't read ya' mind."  Gregory just shot a look at Monty, before looking at Freddy again and mumbling "Up."
  Freddy smiled slightly - or so it seemed - and complied, picking Gregory up and resting him on his hip. "What's up with him? He wasn't like this before," Monty sounded more confused than criticizing. "I am unsure, we may have to look it up." Freddy looked at Gregory worriedly as Gregory was zoned out with his head on Freddy's shoulder, nibbling his thumb absent-mindedly with too many thoughts behind his eyes about who knows what.
  Chica nodded, her eyes going distant as she searched their limited internet access for answers. Roxy was looking at Gregory as if she knew something, her arms crossed as she seemed to be studying him. "Roxy? Are you alright?" Freddy looked towards his wolf friend, with a confused look on his face. "I know what's happening," She stated simply and Monty looked at her questioningly. "Really? Then tell us!" He yelled. Chica blinked as she evidently stopped searching. "I found something as well." And so, they explained to Monty and Freddy.
  Gregory had fallen asleep during the explanation and they had moved to Freddy's room, all of the animtronics talking quietly. Monty was sitting on the arm rest of the couch, while Chica and Freddy sat on it, Gregory resting on Freddy's chest, and Roxy was on the table. Gregory woke up, still feeling fuzzy, and rubbed his eye messily. Monty was the first to notice, "Aye, the hatchling's awake." The conversation they were having stopped as they greeted him. Freddy patted his head as Chica smiled softly at him, "Hey little one."
  Gregory sat up confused, looking at the others to see Chica smiling kindly at him, Roxy leading back on the table while using her arms as support while having a neutral expression. Monty was just looking at him, then giving him a toothy smile. He then looked over at Freddy, who was also smiling at him much like Chica was. "How was your nap Superstar?" The fuzziness grew at the nickname, before he nodded softly. "'Was good." He climbed off Freddy's lap to explore, or simply leave the room do something he'd find out later.
  Right before he reached the door, he was scooped up by Monty who turned him around to face him before holding him. "Not today Little guy, you're not going anywhere." Gregory huffed and pouted, which caused Roxy to chuckle. "Still a little troublemaker." Freddy sighed with a soft smile, "Mhm." Gregory layed his head on Monty's shoulder after sticking his tongue out at him playfully, earning him a soft, playful scoff in return. Gregory giggled softly, feeling too small to really care about the past experiences he had with the animatronics which honestly relieved Roxy.
  Roxanne had always felt guilty about what happened, more so than the others. She didn't like to think about it too often, so she wouldn't. "Little Cub over there doesn't seem too happy with you 'Gator." She teased, looking back at Monty. Chica giggled, "He really doesn't." Roxy stood up, going over to Monty and ruffling Gregory's hair. "He's so mean for not letting you explore, hm?" Gregory nodded as he turned his head to see Roxy, cheeks slightly puffed. Chica was right next to Roxy, Freddy walking over, "Someone's grumpy."
   Freddy smiled softly as when he came into sight, Gregory reached for him. Monty just handed him over to Freddy, laughing a bit. "Someone likes their papa bear." Gregory just nodded, not making any sort of disagreement as he cuddled into Freddy. "How old are you feeling, Superstar?" Freddy went back to the couch, and the others left the room as Freddy distracted Gregory. He sat down with Gregory in his lap. Gregory had grabbed a plush and played with it after shrugging at the asked question. Freddy just let him play for a bit after gently setting him on the floor.
   Gregory played for a bit, before he began to get tired. Yawning, he continued to lazily play with the toys, dozing off despite his desprate attempt not to sleep. Freddy smiled slightly, he'd expected it. It was currently 2:30 in the morning, and though he'd expected it earlier, he knew it'd happen eventually. He picked up Gregory off the floor, who let out a disapproving whine as he did so. "I can tell your tired Cub, you need to get some sleep." Gregory didn't take that too kindly, "No I don', wan'a stay up longer 'n' p'ay.."
   Freddy shook his head softly, "You can play in the morning, right now, it's bedtime." Gregory pouted a bit as Freddy lied him down on the couch, covering him up with a blanket and his plush. "Goodnight Superstar, we'll have plenty of time to play in the morning." Gregory turned over to face away from Freddy and promptly fell asleep. The others came into the room, carrying some stuff they found in the daycare for Gregory to play with and to help them take care of him properly but Freddy shushed them before they could speak and pointed to the sleeping Gregory.
   Chica seemed a little defeated that they went all the way to the daycare for nothing, while Roxy and Monty seemed content as they all set the things down in the corner of the room. When it happens again and they need to take care of the cub, they have the stuff to do so. And even though they still needed to talk to Gregory, it could wait. His rest and well being was more important than that by a long shot. 
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Misplaced Promises
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Eddie Diaz x Sister!Reader
Warnings: sibling arguing, general protectiveness, a few swear words and that’s it I think ? 
Category: angst/fluff
Word Count: 3.6k
Author’s Note: This one mostly focuses how Eddie tries his best to keep promises he makes and be a good brother but he keeps fucking up. I also tried my best for this to follow a timeline and make it make sense with canon but idk, I made shit up go with it. // 
14 years old // 19 years old. 
The 2 of you were 5 years apart but you were attached at the hip. Eddie was your big brother, the guy you looked up to the most, the person you went to when you didn’t know what to do. You had 2 sisters but what you and Eddie had was different. Sophia and Adriana were the two older ones, they stuck together and they included you but it wasn't the same. 
The day before Eddie announced that he enlisted, he had been quiet, shifty and weird all day. He avoided you at all costs. You needed him to look over a project for you - seeing that you ended up with the same English teacher he had in high school but he kept coming up with excuses as to why he couldn't help you. 
“Running to the store to pick up something for mom, I'll check when I get back” 
“Going to play some ball with the guys, remind me when I get back” 
“Gonna shower, I'll do it after” 
“Let me go see Shan for a bit, I'll check it when I come home” 
Excuse after excuse, he was up to something and knew you would be able to tell so he ignored you at all costs. The next morning at breakfast, he announced that he was enlisting, Shannon was at breakfast too and she didn’t seem shocked at all. 
Your father asked him why, your mother began crying and your sisters wished him good luck and hoped that he would be safe. You on the other hand, had your eyes glued to Shannon. 
“You knew?” your question directed straight at her. 
She nodded, “he told me last night” 
“Huh,” you scoff, getting up. “you told her before you told us ?” looking towards your brother. 
“y/n, don’t” his look pleading you not to start and you didn’t, simply walking away and going to your bedroom. You can hear bits of the conversation from your room, Eddie telling your parents that he’s only going to do one tour just until he finds what he really wants to do. 
It was a while before someone came looking for you and no surprise, it was Eddie. 
“Can I check the paper for you now?” he sticks his head in from the doorway, waiting for your answer- his way of hoping that you’d talk to him. 
“Sure” nodding toward the computer on the desk. Eddie made himself comfortable in the chair and began going over the paper. The keyboard clicking as he edited the paper and your sighing were the only sounds to be heard. 
Everyone had been dealing with the news differently. Your father had turned to whatever project he was building in the backyard, your mother had stepped out- probably to go to the store to get stuff to make one last proper meal for him before he left and your sisters seemed to be handling it well, you could hear them bickering in the hallway over who would get his room as they passed by. 
It’s not that they didn’t love him, they just had a different version of the world and of love. 
The whole family did.  
Sophia and Adriana were the first two, all the love and support of your parents was what they basked in. 
Eddie was the only boy, automatically gaining him an in as a mama’s boy and his father’s only son, someone to show off- he was their pride and joy. 
That left you, not that they loved you any less because they ‘love all their children the same’ but you never got the parental love and affection that your siblings did. Your parents were busy working and now that you were in high school and capable of looking after yourself, you saw them even less. Eddie had always been there, at the recitals, school concerts, whenever you learnt a new trick and was looking for someone to show, he was there. 
In some way, Eddie raised you more than your parents did. 
That’s why you couldn’t wrap your head around it. 
“Couldn't just find a job here like every other lost kid after high school ? You had to go sign up to get yourself killed?” sitting up, you look towards him. 
Eddie sighed, leaning back into the chair and looking at you. He looked sad, almost hurt. “I didn’t ‘sign up to get myself killed’” he tells you, “I can’t sit around watching Soph and Adriana get their lives together meanwhile I'm still living with mom and dad and I have no idea what to do” 
“So what? you take a little longer to get your life together, that’s not the end of the world.” 
“I’m supposed to know what I want to do, I've been out of high school for a year and a half. Most people have already moved out of their parents’ houses” 
“God you’re so stupid” you groan, falling back onto the bed.
“Excuse me?” he looks at you, obviously offended. You get up off the end, pacing the room for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts. 
“Just because you’re lost doesn't mean you sign up for the fricking army! Eddie, you could die” your voice breaks at the end of the sentence. Then and only then did Eddie really see how upset you were, you really thought he could die- yes there was that possibility but he knew that when he signed up. He gets up off the chair, you were now facing the window, not wanting him to see the tears that were forming. His hand resting gently on your shoulder. 
“I’m not gonna die” he whispers, pulling your shoulder towards him which caused you to turn. “You better not, I'll kill you” 
“But I'll be de-” “shut up” you give him a look, he chuckles and pulls you in for a hug. “I promise I'll come home, who else is going to keep you in check?” he teased which earned him a smack to the side, “more like who’s gonna keep you in check” you rebutted, a smile on your face now. Eddie kissed the top of your head, his cheek now resting atop of head - abuela’s words ringing in his head. 
“Don’t make promises you can't keep Edmundo” 
She had scolded him for promising to give his sister her candy back after he knew he was going to eat it (and he did, but that’s besides the point) 
He promised to come home but he didn’t know if he would. 
17 years old // 22 years old 
“We’re having a baby!” Eddie’s arm around Shannon as they announce the second piece of exciting news for that evening to the family.
Eddie had finally returned from his first tour with the announcement that he and Shannon were getting married all while they were expecting as well. Your parents were the first up to go congratulate the love birds, your sisters are next and you follow last. Hugging Shannon who was already beaming with happiness and then your brother who hugs you for a second longer than needed, whispering that he wants to talk to you afterwards. Humming, you step back and go to help your mother set up for dinner. 
The rest of the evening is spent talking about when the baby is arriving, the plans for the wedding and whatever other exciting things are happening for them at that moment. You tuned out about halfway through the conversation, only replying with the simplest answers to make it seem like you were actually listening. 
Your sisters, mother and Shannon were in the kitchen all gossiping and making plans for the wedding. A big church wedding, ‘do it right’ as your mother would say because ‘if you do it right the first time, you don’t need to do it again.’
The whole big wedding thing was a scam- a pile of bullshit that you wanted no part of. Don’t let that fool you, you were beyond happy for your brother, becoming a husband and a father- those were things the two of you used to joke about, thinking that it was such a long time from then yet here you are. 
The door slammed as it shut, Eddie sitting beside you on the porch. He set a bottle on the step beside you. You glance at the bottle and then at him, brows furrowed. 
“Thought you could use a drink after all the exciting news” he hums, taking a sip out of his own bottle. 
You let out a dry chuckle, taking a sip yourself. “Yeah, congrats dude. Husband and baby daddy in one go ? You got the guys around here beat” jokingly nudging him with your shoulder. Eddie laughs, “yeah.” the word kind of trailed off, there was more to the answer than he was letting on. 
“What's wrong ?” 
“Are you really happy for me ?” he turns to you, “I know you weren't exactly happy when I left, especially that I told Shannon first. I just.. you’re my little sister and it means so much that you’re on board with everything-” your hand rests on his. 
“You always were kind of an idiot huh?” you pat his hand, Eddie looking clearly offended again. “Of course I'm happy for you. You’re my brother and no matter how much we fight, there’s no way I wouldn't be there for you. Eddie, you’re going to be an amazing dad, you know that right ?” 
“Yeah ? You think so ?” 
“Mhm hm, know how I know?” 
“Do tell” 
“Because you raised me and I turned out just fine” you smiled and so did Eddie, shaking his head. 
23 years old // 28 years old 
Eddie’s place was covered in boxes, the fight with your parents was the last button to be pushed. He packed up the remnants of his life in El Paso and was on his way out to the door.  
Christopher was sitting on the couch, his favourite show on tv as you were packing up the last of the dishes in the kitchen. Eddie had just stepped back in after taking some boxes out to the truck. You leant against the counter, looking at him. He knew you weren't the biggest fan of his plan but you supported him nonetheless because that’s what siblings do. 
“What? Why do you keep staring ?” he snapped. 
“Jesus, who pissed in your coffee?” rolling your eyes at your brother.  
“Sorry, I'm just ready to get out of here” he tosses a few things into a box. There had been unspoken words between the two of you since he mentioned that he wanted to move. You didn’t say anything, just listened and helped pack boxes but all of that stops now. 
“Are you sure this is the smartest thing?” 
“What do you mean?” he stops what he was doing and turns his attention to you. 
“I know mom and dad were in the wrong for asking- telling you that Chris should move in with them, that’s bullshit. He’s not their kid, he’s your kid but why are you running Eddie ? You have family there besides them, Sophia and Adriana and me. I’m here Eddie, I've always been here, helping you with Chris since Shannon left.” 
“That’s exactly the point, Shannon left. She upped and left us y/n, left me to raise Chris by myself.” 
“So did you.” you tell him what you had been waiting to tell him since Christoper was a baby. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” the anger visible on his face. 
“You left. You upped and left Shannon when she needed you the most, she needed a partner that was here and not thousands of miles away. She just had a baby- your baby and you left her to go to the fucking desert! you risked your life for what ?! you had a family Eddie! You promised just one tour but you just had to go back, you had a family that needed you!” 
“Exactly! I had a family that needed me! That’s why I left, I had to provide for them.” 
“Don’t give me that shit. You wanna know why mom and dad walk all over you when it comes to raising Chris ? Because you left! You fucking left when the mother of your child, your wife and your child needed you! He needed a father and you left Eddie! Do you know what that does to a child?!” 
“Don’t tell me how to raise my child and you sure as hell don't get a say in where my marriage went wrong!” the two of you stood in the kitchen shouting at each other. 
The things you said were nothing but what you felt was the truth - he did leave Shannon after she had Chris, when she needed him to be there. You weren't siding with her but you weren't picking up for him either- someone had to let him straight and your parents would never dare say the things you would say to him. Although they didn’t like his approach to raising Christoper, they would never say that because Eddie was their son. They much rather half ass suggest things and beat around the bush than tell Eddie straight what they felt. 
The rest of the night was quiet, nothing left to be said between the two of you. Tucking Chris into bed one last time before they leave, you spend the night because you promised Chris you’d be there when they left. 
The morning comes and Eddie is quiet, no surprise there. Chris is attached to your hip and the 2 of you stood outside the house, saying goodbye. You crouch down in front of your nephew, “will you come visit?” he asks you sweetly, your heart breaks a little knowing that you won’t be visiting anytime soon but you put on a smile for him. “Of course, only if we stay up late and eat all the candy we can find” you tickle his side, earning a full belly laugh- your favourite sound. 
“I love you always, you know that right ?” you look up at the little boy who's nodding. “I love you” he smiles, his finger tapping your nose, yours comes up to mirror his action. 
“Okay, give me a big hug and you be good for your dad, he’s a good guy. He just bugs out sometimes” you hug Christoper, his arms wrapped around your neck as you pick him up, carrying him to the trunk. 
Eddie comes out just as you’re putting Chris in. He hands you the keys to the house as he checks to make sure Chris is buckled in properly. 
The two of you standing there awkwardly before Eddie mumbles bye and walks around the truck. Stepping back, you watch as they pull you, Christoper waving to you from the window. 
25 years old // 30 years old
El Paso had treated you well, growing up there and going to school but you needed a change now. Applying to teaching jobs all over the country, you hear back from two- one is Minnesota and one in LA but you couldn't handle the cold so LA it was. 
The staff at the school were sweet and welcoming, you had arrived just in time for the new school year. The woman at the front desk was asking you some standard questions when she came across your name on the form.
“Miss, is it l/n or Diaz for your last name ? You have both listed here” she looks to you for an answer. You stared at the paper in front of you- l/n was your mother’s last name and Diaz was your father’s. All your legal documents had Diaz on it but you weren’t sure if you wanted to go by it or not, maybe make something for yourself with the Diaz family name attached to you.
“Miss ?” She asked again, looking at you.
“Diaz. Y/n Diaz is fine” 
Classes start and you’re getting settled in nicely, there’s still some shuffling around in terms of students and you get a finalized class list at the end of the week. Not really looking over it, you set it on the desk until the next morning when you say hello to your new class.
You begin writing your name on the board as the children set in.  
Ms. Diaz in big bold letters. 
“Hey! We have the same last name!” a little boy calls out- voice almost identical to your Chris’ voice. 
Turning, there he was sitting n the middle of the class, your nephew Christopher - except no one knows he’s your nephew nor did he seem to remember that you were his aunt. 5 years without a phone call or a visit is a long time, you wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't remember you and he doesn’t. You treat him as you would treat the rest of your students. 
The end of the day rolls around, Chris is the last student waiting with you. It was getting a bit chilly so the two of you headed into the classroom. Christoper tells you about his dad- unknowing to him that Eddie is your brother and talks about how he’s a firefighter and all the cool things he got to do when he visited the station. 
A blonde man, tall and built in stature comes running into your classroom. “Chris! Buddy!” he heads over to the boy, giving him a hug. “Buck!” the boy smiles, returning the gesture. It was obvious that he knew Chris, the man noticed you watching them. 
“Hi, I'm Ms. Diaz, y/n. Christopher’s teacher” you introduce yourself. The man smiles, “I'm Buck, I work with Christopher’s dad” 
“He sent you to pick up Chris ?” 
“Oh no, he's parking, I just came in to find him because we didn’t see anyone outside. Sorry about that, work ran late” he apologizes. 
“No worries, Chris is a great kid. oh buddy, I was supposed to give you a sticker for your work today hold on” you leave Chris and Buck by the door as you go back to your desk, looking for a sticker sheet. When you returned, Eddie was there with Buck, both men had their backs turned to you. 
“Yeah! She has the same last name as us dad, there is she” the boy smiled, waving at you. “Ms. Diaz!” he shouts as you make your way over. You don't look at the men instead you step past them, crouching down in front of Chris showing him the sticker sheet. 
“Which one would you like?” showing him the sheet, Christopher picks out a little green star with a smiley face on it. Peeling it from the sheet, you stick it on his shirt. 
“Can dad and Buck have matching ones too ?” he asks sweetly and who were you to turn down such a cute face.
“Of course,” smiling at him, you stand and turn to Buck. “Can I ?” he nods, watching as you repeat the process and stick the green star to his shirt. 
When it comes Eddie’s turn, you can feel Buck’s eyes on you and you see him move to Eddie as well. As for Eddie himself, his eyes were wide, he hadn't spoken to you in almost 5 years and his parents refused to tell him anything other than ‘she’s fine’ when he asked. You didn’t ask him, you just stuck the sticker on him, on his forehead to be exact. 
Eddie pulled you in for a hug, a well needed yet weird one. Buck and Chris are whispering behind the two of you. 
“I’m sorry” Eddie whispers, his arms still around you. 
“I’m the one that said all that shit” you tell him, he shakes his head and lets you go. 
“You were right. I’m sorry. I know sorry isn't going to fix it but you’re here and I- I just wanna fix things. I miss my sister and I know Chris misses his aunt” 
“Yeah, you’re an ass but you’re still my brother. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try” 
Buck goes “oh” behind you, you’re now standing beside Eddie- arms folded and brows furrowed, the same expression on both of you. 
“Yeah, I see it now” Buck mumbles, “I’m starving, what’s for dinner ?” he asks, him and Chris walking towards the door together.
 You and Eddie follow them out, “why don't you join us for dinner ?” Eddie turns to you, you give him a look. “I can’t crash your time with your boyfriend, y’all are probably-” “my what ?” once again, Eddie had a stupid look on his face. 
“So you’re telling me that wonderful human ball of joy isn't your boyfriend ?” looking at your brother, the stupid look still on his face. 
“No, why would you think that ?” hearing the genuine confusion in his voice, you laugh. 
“No reason, but if you’re not gonna date him, I might.” Giving your brother a smile, his head tilts and a look you know all too well on his face. 
“Don’t” his finger pointed at you, you were now biting back a laugh. 
“Hey Buck!” you shout, running towards him, Eddie running behind you and shouting for you to stop. 
Things were going to fall back into place pretty easily. 
taglist: @advicefromnixxxx @keenmarvellover​ @beth-winchester21​ @fernandaweasley2​ @yikesyikesyikes95​ @hotchsdarling​ @duhbar1975​@hailsstormthings @averyhotchner​ @captainxholmes​ 
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Fourteen: It's The Merriest Time Of Year
Summary- 5k Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. Christmas is just days away. You and Curtis finalize your plans for the holiday. You also meet Mason Academy's newest teachers aide and then it's off to Paulie's to celebrate the upcoming winter vacation.
Warnings- this is a pretty tame chapter, with mild talk of smut but nothing explicit, drinking, and improper use of a Santa Hat.
A/N- I know I have been piling on the chapters but I wanted to get the holiday chapters out during the season. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and shared. You all are the reason I continue posting. Thank you so much! Special thanks to @what-is-your-plan-today for all the speedy editing. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics
Chapter Thirteen / Masterlist
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“So… you and Y/N have a good date at the aquarium?” Ella asked as she set down a steaming mug of coffee in front of Curtis while he colored with Sophia at her kitchen table. The little girl already had stolen his beanie hat and had it crookedly sitting on her head while she kept switching crayons with her uncle, informing him that Rudolph had a RED nose, not a green nose. 
“Yes, thank you for hooking me up with tickets. She absolutely loved it.” Curtis was sure to be careful sipping from the mug around Sophia. Ella smiled sweetly as she sat across from him. 
“Soph, how about you go watch some Doc McStuffins while Uncle Curtis and I talk.” 
“No.” She said without looking up, studying her coloring. 
“Sophia Jean.” Ella gave a warning tone and Curtis tapped his niece's nose gently to have her look at him.
“Do as your mother says, I will come to play before I go.” With a sassy roll of her eyes, she gave in, Curtis easing her off his lap so she could march into the living room, giving the adults privacy. 
“She is just like her mother.” He joked and Ella smirked. 
“Good means she ain't gonna take shit from anyone. So… back to the date. Tell me about it.” 
Here Curtis got suspicious of his cousin, narrowing his eyes at her. “We walked around and looked at stuff like you do in an aquarium. Why?” 
Ella gave a laugh, her grin going secretive. “Well, that's not what I heard.” 
“What did you hear?” 
“I was told that they had a couple going at it in one of the fire escapes.” 
Ella studied him closely and Curtis could feel his face heat up, sure enough, she knew so they must have actually been seen as well as heard. But he wasn't ready to admit to anything. “What makes you think it was me?” 
“Laurie told me that the girl said your name.” Ella chose to dip her spoon into her mug and scoop out some fluff she had in hers. “You gonna lie to me and say that it wasn’t you?” Curtis did his best to keep a straight face and Ella narrowed her eyes at him. “You were always a terrible liar. Grammy always knew when you were fibbing. I got her gift.” 
Giving a roll of his eyes that would put Sophia's earlier sassy look to shame, he growled out.
“Fine! Yes, we got a bit distracted.” 
Ella cackled over her mug, flashing him a thumbs up. “Good! About time you had some fun. You two are fucking like rabbits though, first Tanya’s, now the aquarium.” 
“Can we like… drop this? I don’t want to discuss my sex life with you.” Curtis scoffed and Ella shook her head. 
“Oh stop, I’m not asking for details. And I mean it, I’m really happy for you Curtis. You seem… “ She paused, looking for what she wanted to say. “Lighter? Y/N is good for you. I haven't seen you like this with anyone.” Curtis let her words sink in, if anyone would notice a change in him, it would be Ella. “Even Tanya has noticed, although I didn't tell her you defiled her mudroom.” 
“It wasn’t the mudroom.” Curtis interjected. “And we have a good thing going, I really care for Y/N, Ella, probably more than any woman I have been with before.” 
"Damn it, I thought I guessed it." Ella teased but her smile softened this time. “I can tell. Grammy and Grandpa would have loved Y/N.” They both grew quiet, Ella withdrawing to her own thoughts. Curtis thought about his grandparents, having to agree with Ella’s observation. They would have welcomed Y/N into their home just as quickly as Curtis had.
“I think you are right Ella, both of them would have absolutely loved her.” 
“Well, you certainly have Sophia’s and mine approval. We both adore Y/N. Oh, Christmas!” Ella quickly switched subjects, which Curtis was a bit relieved about. “I’m sorry Curtis, Grey’s parents really want us to come up to stay with them for a few days. I know you usually come here to spend it with Sophia…” 
“I was hoping you would.” Curtis shrugged it off. “Sophia should see her grandparents. What about your mom?” 
“Oh Mom is coming with me, you know my mom refuses to give up holidays with Soph. They invited all of us anyways. We will be going up for about a week, and be home just before New Year. So how about you come over then? I will leave stuff here for Sophia to unwrap, there will be more than enough at her grandparents. We can do a little Christmas here with you and Y/N.” 
“Sure, I will bring it up to Y/N and see what she says, but I know she loves holidays. I’m sure she will.” 
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Christmas time was fast approaching and you were feeling the pressure to get everything sent out to both New York and Florida. Curtis stopped at your apartment with the shipping boxes he offered to pick up when you were currently on skype with your parents. 
“I wish you could come to visit this year Baby, but it just doesn't make sense for you to fly all the way here for that.” Your mother said on the computer, your dad in the background with his kiss the cook apron on. The familiar scene caused a sharp pain in your chest, but it was also heart-warming as well. Curtis was quiet as he came into your apartment, hearing you talk to your mother. “Besides, it's your father and mines twenty-fifth anniversary. You should bring your new boyfriend and have him meet the family in August.” 
You glanced at Curtis setting down the boxes. “Well, we will have to discuss it Mom.” 
“You know we want to meet him properly, none of this skype over the computer, it feels impersonal.” 
Curtis chose this moment to come into view of the camera, waving at your mother. “Hi Mrs.Y/L/N.” 
“Curtis! It’s Shelly, or Mom, whatever you wanna call me. I was just telling Y/N that you two should come up to Lake George this summer.” 
“I heard, I’m sure we can work something out. I should have some time off. Y/N and I will talk about it and she can let you know.” 
“See Mom.” You cut in, pointedly giving your mother a look. “Is dad making his no-bakes?” 
Your mother conveniently ignored the look, glancing at your father. “Scott, come say hello to your daughter before she has to get off.”
“I'm right in the middle of these!” He remarked as you saw him scooping out big hunks of chocolate onto wax paper. “I love you kiddo!” 
You laughed. “Mom, it's okay. Just be sure to send me some of those in your care package.” 
“Will do Sweetie, talk soon?” 
“I always do. I love you both, I will chat soon.” You waved goodbye to the screen and as soon as your mother disappeared, you closed the screen. Curtis sat on the other end of the couch for a second till he scooted closer. 
“So… New York in August.” His arm came over your shoulder and you let yourself cuddle into his side, ignoring the mess of gifts spread around your living room floor that needed to be wrapped. 
“What do you think? I mean, I know it's a lot, traveling to meet my parents and essentially my whole family as I know my parents will be having a party. My sister will be there with Frank and Mary, my aunts, uncles, and cousins, not to mention their friends.” You started picking at his pendant, rubbing it between your fingers. “It's a lot, and I hate for you to have to take time off from work to do this…” 
“Honey.” Curtis reached to grasp your chin and make you look up at him. “Do you want to go and bring me?” 
“It’s like eight months away still, we don't have to-” 
“Y/N, do you want to bring me to your parents?” 
You blinked up at him, the worries about how inconvenient it would be still festering, but he asked a straight to the point question and expected you to answer in the same sense. It was almost relieving in a way, not to have to guess and wonder what Curtis wanted to know. It was one of those things you appreciated about him. “I would like us to go together.” 
“Okay, then we will plan for it.” He pressed a kiss to your temple and moved to get up. “So I got you these two from the office, Tanya says she uses them all the time to ship stuff. Are they big enough?”
You followed along behind him into your tiny kitchen. “Plenty big enough, thank you.” You inspected them for a moment. “I can get things done tonight and shipped out tomorrow. They should reach them in time.” 
“Good.” Curtis grabbed a beer from your fridge and unscrewed the cap. You returned to the couch and he followed along, you cuddling up into his side once more. “I also stopped at Ella’s on the way over, she is going to go to Grey’s parents for a few days so I won’t be going to her place on Christmas morning. She did invite us over on New Year's Day to do a small Christmas with her and Sophia.” 
“Perfect, I can pick up a few things for under her tree then.” You sidled up to Curtis. “So… you are all mine Christmas day?” Rubbing a hand against his chest. 
“Christmas Eve too, naughty girl.” He wiggled his brows playfully. “I told Gilliam we needed the twenty-fourth off too, everyone at the freight yard deserves to spend it with their families.” 
You nodded, taking all that into account. You would be out for good around the twenty-second, you could do your deep clean of your classroom on the twenty-third and spend the rest of the time with Curtis without having to worry about returning to school till the beginning of the new year. “I have an offer.” You stated while shifting to sit up. 
“Oh, you do?” Curtis swept you into his lap, simply because he could. You were starting to get used to him pulling you on top of him whenever the mood struck him. “Let's hear it, Honey.” 
You resettled yourself till you were straddling him. “Well, Edgar gave us those tickets for a couple of nights in the cabins. What if we drove up there to spend Christmas? It will be a nice little first-time getaway for us, you said it’s only an hour away.” 
Curtis let his hands settle to your waist, pondering what you said. “Let’s give them a call, see what they are willing to do. Do you have the number?” 
You slipped from his lap to go collect the tickets and call while you wandered back to where he was waiting. After a few rings, a friendly voice answered. 
“Lakeside Cabins, How can I help you?”
“Hi. My name is Y/N and I have a gift certificate for a couple of nights I was hoping to use.”
You felt Curtis's hands fall back to your waist and make you tumble back into his lap, wrapping you up in his hold. You flashed him a look and he returned it with a smirk.
“Sure! What nights were you thinking? We have quite a few openings right now, so anything specific you were wanting?” 
“Well, I was hoping to arrive on the twenty-fourth and leave on the twenty-sixth. And as far as something special… one with some good views and maybe a hot tub?” You asked hopefully while Curtis nuzzled at your free ear, whispering. 
“We gonna get kinky in the hot tub Pretty Girl?” 
You swore the person on the other end would hear him, making you reach over your shoulder to cover his mouth to shut him up, making him laugh deeply while you did your best to keep it together. 
“Oh, I have the perfect setup. It's an open loft bedroom with a double bed, and the views from the porch make it all worth it. And it has a hot tub. In fact…” You heard some clicking on the computer and a triumphant sound from the person. 
Although it might have been Curtis behind you trying to mess with you. 
“... No one will be in this unit till after New Year, I can give you another night half off?” 
You didn't even have a chance to answer when Curtis pulled away to answer for you. “We will take it.” 
“You heard him, we will take it.” You exclaimed into the phone, after everything was finalized, you tossed your phone at the other end of the couch, twisting to face Curtis. 
“You’re a menace.” 
Curtis couldn't hide his grin, wiggling brows as he swept you up in his arms and pushed himself to a stand to carry you off to the bedroom. “Not me, I've been nothing but good.” 
“Santa’s leaving you coal in your stocking.” 
He lowered you to the bed, kissing you deeply while shifting over you to push you back. “All I care about is who's in my bed, not what is in my stocking.” 
You couldn't help but laugh as he pinned you underneath him on the bed.
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Days before Christmas Vacation were hectic at the school. More so the kids were excited about the long upcoming break and having a hard time focusing. You chose not to assign them any homework during the break, knowing first that your colleagues had all given them assignments and you didn't want to set up half of them for failure. You knew that if they did manage to finish the work, it would probably be half-ass. 
Besides, it was their vacation as much as yours, you didn't relish the thought of having to grade those papers. 
So, you were doing your best to engage them in class, hushed whispers oftentimes rising above you speaking until you flicked the lights off and pulled in one of the school's ancient television and DVD sets. You turned to one of your trusty David Attenborough films and plugged it in. In your last attempt to gain their attention, you promised them a pop quiz before stepping from your classroom, the hallway was quiet for the moment as you took a deep breath. “Just a few more days Y/N.” You said to yourself. 
Coming up the hallway, the principal came, trailing a young woman behind her. “Miss Y/L/N, do you have a moment? I want to introduce you to the newest teacher's aide for the eighth-grade class, Yona.” You put on your most genuine smile as you held out your hand to shake the woman's hand. 
“No, kids are just getting ready to watch a film for their course. Hi, welcome to Mason Academy.” 
The woman shook your hand, smiling in return. “It’s my pleasure to be here.” 
“Miss. Y/L/N will you show her around a bit if your class is occupied?” 
“Of course, they should be good for at least another half hour. I will just have Claude open the door between our rooms, and keep her eye on them.” You offered and when the two of you were left alone, you started the tour. 
“So this is the science room, where I teach, then we got the math room, a computer lab, and then the two at the end of this hallway are the English and social studies rooms. Teachers' bathrooms are back towards the principal's office, so it's just easier to use the student ones. It also kind of keeps them from hanging out in them too much. The library is right across from us and if you go through there the cafeteria is the high school wing just down the hall. The gym is through these doors and that's really all I know. I don't go the high school side often.” You shrugged and walked the hallway with Yona. 
She was quiet, you observed her wide-eyed glances seemingly taking everything in and filing it away. “It’s smaller than I thought it would be.” She admitted. 
“It is, Duluth has quite a few other schools, I think it's split pretty evenly so we got lucky, no school has an insane amount of kids. I have been teaching here since September and so far have really enjoyed the atmosphere. Where are you coming from?” 
“California, so I’m used to everything being overcrowded,” Yona admitted. “I like this, it is exactly what I was hoping for. Smaller classroom sizes to work with the kids.” 
“Then I promise, you are going to love it.” You two had circled back to your classroom and peeked in. “And why not start now, the film is winding down.” You opened the door and stepped in, Yona following behind. 
“Class, we have a new addition.” 
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Yona settled right into the flow of the school that day. You always looked forward to having her join your classes when her schedule was set up. There was an instant connection to the students, she was able to draw some of them out of their shells and open up to her in a way you had struggled to do. 
Yona also had the uncanny talent of keeping them focused, the students that you knew struggled at times she would pull up a chair to their desk, talking through the work till it seemed to click for them what you were trying to teach, enabling you to focus on the class as a whole. You were incredibly relieved the school hired her. 
But, you were still incredibly grateful when vacation rolled around and you wished everyone a happy holiday and to see them in the new year. The only one to stick around with you afterward was Claude as you two were going to ride together to Paulie’s to celebrate with some beers and games. 
“I didn’t think we would ever make it to today!” Claude exclaimed as she helped you pick up your classroom and lock away anything of value. “What are your plans for the next week and a half?” 
You were grabbing your bag and shouldering it while digging for your keys. “Curtis and I are getting away for a few days with that gift certificate Edgar gave us.” You paused at your desk and sorted through some papers till you found the picture Steve had drawn all those months ago and tucked it in your bag as well. “I will skype with my parents and sister on Christmas day but that is really it. We will be soaking in a hot tub with a snowy lakeside view the entire time.” 
“Sure you will… or you two will never leave the bedroom.” Claude smirked and you shrugged. 
“Open loft actually and that's a fact I’m counting on it. I hope they have a really comfy bed.” You laughed. “Then New Year’s his cousin invited us over so Curtis can have a Christmas with his niece. What about you?” 
“That all sounds… really nice and relaxed. I'm jealous.” Claude pouted as you two made your way down the corridor to head into the teachers' parking lot. “I’m driving to my brother's place. His wife is like a freaken warden.” Claude started mimicking her sister-in-law. “The kids will only go to the best of the best. “I don't want the kids slumming it in those low-class public schools,” she states as I’m across the dinner table. I’m tempted to suddenly get a cough and can’t go.”  
You hurriedly unlocked your doors for the two of you to pile in out of the cold. “She sounds like a real nightmare.” 
“She is the worst. I don't know why Francesco puts up with her.” Claude shuddered as she rubbed her hands together, the two of you waiting for the car to heat up. “Think they are already at Paulie’s?” 
You glanced at your dashboard clock. “I’m sure of it, Curtis told me they were getting out early today. I'm sure Paulie has them nice and tipsy already.” 
Claude grinned. “Good, Grey is fun when he gets liquored.”
When the car finally heated enough to see out of the windshield, you changed the subject on Claude. “What do you think of Yona?” 
“Oh, I like her a lot. I almost invited her out with us tonight.” Claude admitted, giggling at her phone. “Yeah, they are already celebrating.” She flashed you a picture of Curtis and Edgar taking some shots of dark liquor. 
“I do too, you should next time, see if she will come.” You snorted in laughter seeing the picture.
“They are gonna put poor Edgar under the table if they keep doing shots.” 
“Probably.” Claude ditched her phone and started to check her appearance in the car's vanity mirror. “I have to make tonight count with Grey, he will be heading to his parents with Sophia and Ella.” She flipped the mirror back up. 
“And how are you feeling about that situation?” You asked, knowing that Claude had questioned it before, not wanting to step into something that would turn into a mess. 
“I’m learning to adjust to it. After you told me what Curtis said, Grey and I talked about it. He was flat-out adamant that he and Ella were never getting together, that they were friends and were before Sophia was in the picture. But they don't have any feelings outside of a friendship. It was really just a night they both were drunk and vulnerable. I mean, I get it. I've had those nights where I went home with someone from the bar.” 
“Grey also really loves Sophia.” 
“He does. I haven't met her yet, but he has shown me pictures and talks about her. She sounds like a sweet little girl. I honestly hope she will like me when we are to that point.” 
“Sophia is an absolute sweetheart. You two getting serious?” You turned into the parking lot, parking next to Curtis’s truck. 
“I think so, I mean we haven't put a label to anything or said exclusive but it feels like it's headed that way,” Claude admitted with a bright smile. “And I’m excited about it. I never thanked you really for introducing us at Halloween.” She leaned over, hugging you quickly.
You returned the gesture. “Right place, right time. Life is short, we gotta take our advantages where we get them.” 
Going into the bar, you were met with the blaring of Christmas music over the loudspeakers, decorations plastered around, including what looked like a singing Rudolph head lovingly covered in Christmas balls above the bar, glowing red nose and all. Claude split off to find Grey while you approached the bar, knowing Curtis would probably be behind it helping till you got there. 
Sure enough, he was standing under the red-nosed reindeer, filling up beer glasses for a couple of women leaning against the bar, making eyes at him. “You sure we can't get you to dance with us?” One batted her eyelashes at him and you settled a couple of seats down to watch the show. 
Another time, this would have sent you into a tailspin of doubt, expecting him to flirt back or take them up on the offer. Another man, like your ex would have jumped at the chance since these women were stunning. Curtis though set their beers on coasters, shaking his head. 
“Listen to me, I’m happily in a relationship.” He cocked his head towards you, still all in your work clothes, which were fairly modest compared to theirs. “And she just got here, so I’m also done being your barkeeper of the night but… I got someone who would love to meet you two?” They nodded, happily willing to move on to someone else. “EDGAR! Come’re.” He beckoned his friend who split away from Grey and Claude to approach the bar. 
“What’s up?” He asked, before turning to the ladies standing there. “Well Hello…” 
“These ladies would love some company, buy them a round?” 
Already they were flirting with each other as Edgar handed over a twenty, leading the two women away to talk with them. Curtis stashed the bill into the till and made his way to where you were. You arched a good-natured brow at him and laughed softly. “You know those were some good-looking women you passed up.” 
“Eh, I have someone a hell of a lot better waiting for me.” He shrugged as he wiped down the counter, looking every bit of relaxed as you knew him to be behind the bar. “They don't hold up to my lady, fuck no. My girl knows all the right ways to keep her man satisfied.” 
“Is that so?” You snorted in laughter at him. 
“Damn straight, what can I get you?” 
“Whatever you are having.” You threw out and he winked before turning to the wall of hard liquor. 
“Oh last time we snatched a bottle of tequila, we had a good time.” 
Paulie poked his head out from the kitchen, Santa hat perched on his head. “Not my good stuff this time Everett, I mean it!” 
This time Curtis took the bottle of Blue Label Johnny Walker whiskey, making the bar owner flip him off. “Merry Christmas Paulie.” 
Your eyes widened as he poured the two of you a healthy serving. “Are you trying to get me drunk Mr.Everett?” 
“Just to catch up to me.” He handed you a glass and clinked them together before the two of you took the shots, the lyrics to Rocking Around The Christmas Tree really starting to wind up. 
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Waking the next morning proved to be difficult for both Curtis and you. You were hiding your face in his chest and Curtis had his arm slung over his eyes to keep the sunlight out. The idea of driving the hour to the cabins suddenly felt like a lot of work. 
You lifted your head first to peer up at him, licking your lips and trying to get rid of the dry mouth that drinking always brings to you when you groaned. “Curtis you broke me.” 
He groaned out too, peeking down at you from under his arm. “I broke myself. Whose idea was it to drink whiskey?” 
“Yours.” You pushed up from laying on his chest to sit next to him. Curtis let his hand fall to your back and rub slow circles while you worked on waking up, glad to see that the two of you made it upstairs into his bed at least. “Who drove us home?” 
“I think Grey and Claude dropped us off.” 
You nodded, peeking over your shoulder at him. “I’m gonna go shower, and see if that helps.” 
“Let me know if it does.” He said while you slid from the bed and he let his head drop back to the pillow, eyes closed, listening to the shower start. When he guessed you to be halfway done, he rolled out of bed, knocking a Santa hat to the floor. Picking it up, he stuffed it on his head. Tis the season after all he reasoned with himself as he went to the closet to find clothes, comfy travel-worthy clothes. Pulling on boxers as you came out, you looked reasonably more awake and ready to start the day. 
“I left you some Tylenol on the sink, guzzle some water too. It helped me.” You offered, a toothbrush sticking out of your mouth while you made a grab for some clothes. Curtis allowed himself a peek at your backside with an appreciative groan before going into the bathroom to take his own. 
You were right, the shower, water, and meds helped, and by the time he got out and brushed his own teeth, he felt like a new man. Wrapping a towel around his waist and donning the Santa hat again in the spirit, he stepped out to get changed. You were in comfy clothes, wrapped in a hoodie and sweats. You looked up from your phone, questioning. “How much of last night do you remember?” 
“Umm… “ He shrugged while drying off, grabbing his boxer briefs to slide on and then his gray sweats. “Not much why?” 
You snorted in amusement, looking back at your phone. “I wondered if you remember wearing the Santa hat on your dick.” 
“What?” He exclaimed while falling on the bed next to you and looking at your phone. Sure enough there he was, standing in the bed with the Santa hat perched on his cock. “Fucking hell Y/N, this isn't the kind of pictures I expected us to ever take.” He groaned, falling back onto the mattress. “What else is in there?” 
“Nothing, just a few of us messing around in what looks like Grey's backseat and some bar pictures. Nothing as good as you using Santa's hat inappropriately.” You checked your messages, seeing Claude assured you that your car was in the driveway but you two would have to go pick up Curtis’s truck from Paulies. You thanked her, asking what else happened but she said nothing, you all had a great time although you and Curtis did get thoroughly drunk. “I think…” You said, reaching over to grab the hat. “We should take this with us to the cabin.” 
“You want another show?” 
“Maybe, one I will remember. I mean…if I got my own Chippendales, I wanna remember it.” You laughed as he tickled your sides, pulling you down beside him. 
“What if I wanna see you wear it? Be my sexy Mrs. Claus.” He wiggled his brows suggestively, making you snort as you pushed against his chest to make him go back to laying down. 
“You need more than a hat.” 
“Yeah, a bow. So I can unwrap you.” 
“Maybe that will be your Christmas present?” 
“God I hope so!” Curtis grinned wickedly, tilting in close and pressing his lips to yours, stealing away any other smart remark you may have had at the moment.
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shootthemessenger · 3 years
if the heavens ever did speak, she’s the last true mouthpiece [b.d.h.]
billie dean howard x fem!reader
summary: idk this came to me while cooking ramen
disclaimer: strong language, sexual nature, smut
gif belongs to @onlysarah235678
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Billie couldn’t keep herself from staring; between the swift way you floated around the room, and the dress that hugged your curves so deliciously. She recognized that dress - she had picked it up in a small shop in New York and made you promise you’d wear something nice underneath it for her.
She couldn’t tell if you remembered where the dress was from and deliberately wore it or if you were only wearing it because you knew how lovely you looked in it.
Either way, it was hard for her to deny that you radiated nothing but confidence and elegance as you made your rounds with the producers and actors and actresses; the cherry-red smile never once leaving the delicate curve of your lips.
And she hated you for it.
Specifically, she hated the way you clung to your girlfriend’s arm like a three-piece suit fitted to mold perfectly around her.
She hated the way you wouldn’t look her in the eyes with a soft bat those mesmerizing eyelashes the way you used to.
She hated that she was forced to watch you pad around with the woman that was taking up the other side of your bed; her side of your bed.
Ironically enough, she even hated that she hated you.
When you finally did meet her eyes - as you were escorted to your seat, which had conveniently been placed across the table from her - you sent nothing more than a soft glance which ended as soon as it had began.
She wondered, briefly, if she was imagining the thickness of the tension in the air and if her psycho-babbling with the producer next to her was enough to mask the fact that she was having trouble concentrating.
It only proved to be more difficult as your thumb reached to swipe a pool of chocolate syrup from your bottom lip.
Once again, your eyes met hers, and she wondered if she had imagined the way your pupils dilated as you sucked the mess from the pad of your thumb.
Her spine twitched as she blinked away her own thoughts, submerging herself back into the conversation she was now struggled to keep a hold of.
She could feel your heel bump against her shin underneath the table, “I’m so sorry,” you apologized, taking your bottom lip between your teeth.
She almost forgot where she was as she basked to the smoothness in your voice, the soft tone dripping from your lips like honey.
Her eyes darted to your, distracted, girlfriend before landing on you again.
Now she was angry for an entirely different reason.
She was angry that the woman in front of her had the audacity to focus on anything other than you when you were all she could think about.
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” She mumbled, hoping she could mask that sharpness in her voice as her eyes trailed down to your chest where she proceeded to stare at the curvature of your breasts.
It was getting harder for her to deny the urgency to bend you over the table and take you right there in front of everyone.
But she refrained, mostly because of the intrusiveness of the idea that maybe you weren’t still in love with her the way she was with you. Maybe you were only screwing with her because you knew the sight of you still make her weak in the knees, no matter how many months it had been since you had broken up.
The rattling in her brain was interrupted by your voice, excusing yourself from the table and sauntering towards the restroom. She watched your hips swing, blinking back the images of your naked ass pressed against her shower wall.
If this is how the night was going to be; she was absolutely fucked.
She waited a moment, glancing around the room before she impulsively pushed her way out of her seat and stumbled towards the bathroom.
She carefully swung the door open, examining the room for anyone. The bathroom was empty other than you standing at the sink with your hands under the runnng water.
She leaned against the wall, examining your face through the mirror before finding the courage to speak. “So, you’ve got a new girlfriend.” She spoke sternly.
You met her eyes in the mirror, almost missing the way the lock clicked behind her. “I wouldn’t call her my girlfriend, hell, she’s hardly my friend.” You let out a defeated laugh, turning off the water.
Billie moved closer to you, pressed her hand to your hip and pulling you flush against her. She couldn’t fight the urge to breathe you in, your scent clouding her senses.
You withered underneath her, shuddering at the feeling of her breath against your ear. She was silent for a moment as she looked you over, “Dress looks good on you.” She stated shortly, finally pressing her lips against your shoulder.
You fought a hum, nearly paralyzed under her as you watched her through the mirror. Her lips traveled past the strap of the dress, her teeth pulling it to snap back against your skin. You whimpered at the burning sensation left on your sensitive skin.
You could see Billie’s eyes visibly darken as her hand began dancing down the outside of your thigh, “Almost forgot what you looked like underneath me.” She watched you carefully, trying to pick up on any indication that you wanted her to stop.
But the gentle pressure of your ass pushing against her made her smile. She took the dress in her fist and pulled it up over your thighs. She would have been suprised at the black-colored lingerie underneath if she hadn’t known you better.
Her voice dropped to a whisper, “Did you wear this for her, hmm?” She was toying with you just as you had toyed with her early. And, man, were you paying for it.
Her fingers found the hem of your underwear and traced along the burning skin. Before you could even let out the breath you were holding, her hand dipped under the thin fabric to swipe a soft line between your folds.
You cried out softly, gripping the edge of the counter until the skin of your knuckles turned white. You could hear the sound of her humming just over the blood rushing in your ears. “So wet.” She praised with a smile.
“Stop teasing,” you begged through a ragged breath, watching her face break out into an evil smirk. She met your eyes, glancing down the mirror at the sight of her hand dissapeared underneath your underwear.
“Why should I?” She almost sounded proud of the desperation leaking from your voice.
You grit your teeth as her thumb pressed teasingly against your clit, “Because you’ve already proved that no one is going to fuck me as good as you can. Don’t make me wait any longer to cum than I already have.”
She rewarded you with a soft circular motion against your clit, holding you flush against her with her free hand as you attempted to buck your hips in a chase for the orgasm you so-desperately needed.
The moans that began to fall from your lips were much appreciated by Billie as she pushed her finger inside of you, “Look at you, moaning like a desperate little mess. Such a fucking slut trying to get off on my fingers.”
Her hand traveled up to pull the dress below your chest, taking a nipple between her fingers and rolling gently. “God,” she mumbled in approval, her eyes locked on your closed ones in the mirror.
She could feel your knees buckling underneath you as you held yourself up against the sink and tried your best to ride her fingers to orgasm.
“Look at me,” she demanded, wrapping her hand around your throat. When you made no effort to open your eyes, she continued, “I have half a mind to make you scream my name for everyone to hear how needy this cunt is for me. Don’t make me regret giving you what you want without making you work for it. Look. At. Me.” If there was one thing Billie knew how to do, it was excite you.
Your eyes immediately shot open, water pooling in them and face flushed of all color except the rosy-pink blush on your cheeks. God, she wanted to take a picture of you in the moment; completely at her mercy and open to her with no metaphorical barrier between the two of you.
“Billie, I’m going to cum!” You were nearly shouting as she clamped her hand over your mouth. Her fingers worked effortlessly faster against your clit.
“Then be a good girl and cum for mommy.” She finally gave you her blessing. As if a flood gate had opened up, your orgasm rocked through you. A symphony of cries and moans flooded Billie’s ear, such a sweet sound.
She pinned your hips against the skin as you shuttered until finally your legs began to still. “Thank you,” was all you had the energy to mumble out as you looked up at her once again.
Her face broke out into a maniacal smirk, “Oh sweetheart, don’t think I’m done with you yet. I’m going to fuck to until you forget your own name.”
This is not edited and terrible, oops 😅 but hey atleast I’m writing for the first time in so long... :)
Taglist: @mssallymckenna , @proudnlittle , @coxmicbabygirl , @sapphicpaulsxn , @its-soph-xx , @fand0m-obsess3d-g33k , @paulsonix , @madamevirgo , @saucy-sapphic , @kikaykimkim , @billiedeansbottom
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Yeah you can’t leave snippets like Ben’s sexy librarian comments about Sophie and not expect a spicy Sunday request about Ben thirsting over Sophie in her glasses...
So please can we see Ben thirsting over Sophie and her glasses 🤓😍
Yes Yes, I should have really expected you to put in this request tbh Not sure why I was surprised. Sophie and Benedict were a popular request this week tbh I have another one about them in the kitchen that I don’t know if I’m going to do today or save for next week. 
Love love LOVE you and your work! And very into Spicy Sundays 🌶! Maybe a spicy take on Benedict and dear Sophie? If you’ve got the time?
So Let’s dive in. Nope. Don’t love how that sounded but anyway.
Sophie had thought, perhaps stupidly, that when she moved in with Benedict she would get used to his presence, or he would get used to hers, or the faintly ridiculous kind of wanting that always seemed to exist in her for him would finally dissipate. But really, it only seemed to make things worse. He constantly caught her by surprise, in the living room when she was watching television, making dinner, christ doing the laundry. Suddenly his hands were on her waist and his mouth on her neck heating building between them building and building and building until in snapped, sounds echoing off the walls. And it was honestly a little much really, how attracted she was to him, all the time. In his tiny tennis shorts, when his brow was furrowed as he edited pictures, when he was sitting on the couch laughing at the television, she seemed to burn with heat. And still, she couldn’t figure out why he seemed to feel the same way.  And then she started wearing glasses 
The first time she noticed him staring at her wearing them she was cooking in the kitchen. He was sitting at the breakfast bar, like he aways did when she was cooking, talking about his day, asking about hers, and she’d been telling him, about how Kate had decided she and Lucy would be going for lunch tomorrow, she’d asked if he had plans and... nothing. No response. She waited, still nothing. She turned towards him, eyebrows raised, and he was staring right back at her, his eyes burning at her, a slow sizzle, and she’d been very close to reaching to pull him into her, And then the timer on the oven dinged. Breaking them both out of whatever odd thing was between them. 
Days later she sat in his car, their fingers interlocked, and their gazes had accidentally tangled as she’d adjusted her glasses lightly. His own smile sliding off his face, an intense stare that had her shifting in her seat searching for something. Sophie took a deep breath turning her head to look out the windscreen in stead. A change of topic was best. “You should teach me to drive, Ben.” There that was safe, that didn’t have her wanting to ask him to pull the car over and drag her into the back seat. Benedict had scoffed “With those glasses on, I don’t think so.” a little darkly. 
It had all come to a head about a week after she’d picked up her glasses. She’d come home, hung her bag in the closet in the hall, her coat on the rack and shut the closet door only to find him standing right behind it his eyes fixed on her. Intensely Heat started pooling in her stomach though she cleared her throat. “Ben, did you have a good day, sweetheart?” This seemed to spur him into action he leapt forward his lips hot against her his hands pulling her tight to his chest, crowding her against the wall, his eyes staring into hers locked together, his hands tugging her legs to wrap around his waist. “Ben, What-?” She managed to stutter out as his lips nipped at her neck, her own little sighs interrupting the question>  “Do you want me to stop?” Questioning, his eyes intense as though if she even pushed lightly against his chest, The hands fumbling with the waist of her jeans would be gone. Sophie felt herself groan her hips rolling against his  “Fuck, No.” 
A slow grin spread across his face and then as his fingers finally slid into her jeans his voice in her ear “Soph, I really fucking love those glasses.” and when he dragged her into the living room, her legs still shaking, laughing as he lay back against the sofa and she fell bonelessly on top of him, her hands still pulling at his shirt tugging him closer as they moved together. She definitely didn’t hate her new glasses either. Especially when he groaned her name, his head falling back against the sofa  “Just so you know, I had a dream about sexy librarian Sophie when I took a nap this afternoon. She didn’t let me finish though.”   
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Relationship Q&A - Wildmoore Edition
Who confessed feelings first?
Sophie. Definitely Sophie. Ryan is too damn stubborn to admit or even realize that she has feelings for Sophie. Sophie knew for a while that she had feelings for Ryan and she had an inkling that Ryan liked her back but she knew that Ryan would not realize it or admit it if she did realize. Sophie admittedly wanted to start kissing Ryan and going out with her romantically instead of always leaving their hangouts feeling unsatisfied lol so she knew she had to make the first move. When she did, Ryan slapped her playfully on the arm and said, damn Soph, it took you look enough. 
Nicknames for each other? 
Ryan still calls Sophie, “Crowphie” but it’s endearing and playful and Sophie doesn’t mind it. She calls her, “Soph” as well. They both call each other bae, babe, boo, baby. Sophie calls Ryan, “Ry Ry” and also calls her “Shawty/shorty.” When they’re playing video games and it gets competitive, Ryan refers to herself as “Bdub” short for BW (batwoman). Bdub finna drop this 30 piece on your head Soph. Sophie usually let’s Ryan win when they play 2k because she thinks it’s cute when Ryan gets competitive and gloats. 
Who apologizes first in fights?
Since they are enemies to lovers they are used to fighting with each other and not seeing eye to eye. So they don’t ever really freak out about a big fight. They know one of them will eventually come around. Even though Ryan is more stubborn and hard headed, it’s usually her that apologizes first. Sophie can’t stay mad at Ryan’s puppy dog face and her sweet smile. They always hug and then Ryan says, Soph, I’m sorry. And then Sophie immediately says, no, babe, I’m sorry. They are good at talking through their issues and know how to have  healthy communication Then once they talk they have a lot of make up sex and cuddles. 
Who said I love you first?
Ryan said it first. Ryan was in the batsuit and she thought she was about to die after getting bested in a big fight. She turned on her comms and told Mary and Luke to get Sophie on the line.  
Yeah I’m here babe, what is it?
Sophie, I love you. Ryan said this with zero hesitation in her voice. She turned off the batsuit voice manipulator so that Sophie could hear Ryan’s real voice when she told her. 
You wha-
I love you. I’m in love with you. And I have been for a while now. I wanted to tell you but I didn’t know the right time. I thought maybe I would take you to dinner at our favorite spot, but it doesn’t look like I’m gonna make it. Ryan’s breath was coming out in short bursts and she was struggling. Sophie heard the distress. 
BABE, Ryan talk to me! What’s happening? 
I’m ok, I just needed to tell you this incase I didn’t get the chance. I love you with my whole heart Sophie. You’re the most important thing in my life and I’m so glad I didn’t die before I met you.
Are you quoting a Bright Eyes song to me right now? Sophie let out a raspy laugh.
Damnit Soph, I’m trying to be serious here. I didn’t know you know that song.
Ryan, I hear you sing it to yourself literally every morning when you’re getting dressed.
Yeah? Ryan’s voice comes out strained but she’s holding on. 
I love you too. And you’re not dying today. Hang tight shorty. I’m on my way. 
Who is the cuddler?
Ryan is more cuddly for sure. Ryan always wants cuddles even when Sophie isn’t in the mood. Ryan likes to act big and tough and she totally is but she’s also a huge softie. When Sophie is grumpy and they’re lying in bed together, Ryan rolls over and big spoons Sophie. When they’re on the couch watching movies, Ryan always wants the cuddles. She hasn’t felt very safe for most of her life and Sophie makes her feel safe. When she’s cuddled up with Sophie she feels like she’s in a cocoon where nothing and no one can harm her. Sophie has picked up on this being the reason Ryan cuddles so much and so she lets her do it whenever she wants even though Sophie isn’t the biggest cuddler. 
Who wakes up first?
Sophie does. And she makes breakfast, has her coffee. Reads through her twitter news feed, takes a shower, brushes her teeth, does her hair, and gets dressed and is ready to go before Ryan gets out of bed. Ryan always marvels at how Sophie is always so prompt and ready. Sophie says it’s because of her military background. Ryan thinks it’s because Sophie has had trouble sleeping ever since Kate died (and then came back to life as something that is not Kate). Ryan knows Sophie doesn’t have feelings for Kate anymore and she’s not jealous. But she knows how traumatizing it was for Sophie and she’s had trouble sleeping ever since. Ryan hopes that some day she can wake up before Sophie because it will mean she has slept through the night comfortably, uninterrupted and unbothered by her worries. 
Who falls asleep first?
Ryan usually does. Being Batwoman is tiring. They don’t tell you that when you sign up for this gig. Ryan usually knocks out on the couch while Sophie is making dinner or taking off her work clothes and slipping into something more comfortable. Sophie will come out of her room and see  Ryan curled up on the couch asleep. Sometimes she puts a blanket over her and then sits near her and runs her hands through Ryan’s hair or rubs her back. Or they will be watching TV or a movie and Ryan will fall asleep on Sophie’s shoulder. Sophie always finds these moment tender because it reminds her of when Batwoman, before she knew it was Ryan, rested her head on Sophie when she thought she was dying. Sophie likes listening to the sound of Ryan’s soft breathing, in and out in and out. It puts her at ease. And she often sneaks a kiss onto Ryan’s forehead. At night when they crawl into bed, Sophie will be telling Ryan about some new case and Ryan after a while will stop responding and Sophie will see that she’s fallen asleep. Sophie always finishes her story anyway and then she reads a book until she grows tired too and shuts off the light.
Who is more Romantic? 
Ryan is. I told you she’s a big softie. She loves spoiling Sophie. She kisses her all the time, she’s always reaching for Sophie’s hand and interlocking their fingers. She makes playlists for Sophie, she goes all out on Sophie’s bday or just because. And she likes planning dinner dates for the two of them. Ryan has been out longer than Sophie and she is more used to the PDA and the dating and spoiling a girl thing. Sophie is still learning what it looks like to be romantic with another woman. Besides the sex and kissing which she is very good at. Sophie does go all out for Vday, Ryan’s bday, and Christmas though. 
Who has more of a temper?
They both are hot heads and fly off the handle but it makes for great angry sex and make up sex. 
What do they argue about the most?
The others’ safety. 
Who is more jealous?
Neither of them are really the jealous type. They know they each only have eyes for each other. Before they started dating, they both were a little jealous of Mary. But it turns out Mary didn’t like either of them in that way and they were both didn’t like Mary in that way, they were just projecting. The conversation went something like this: I thought you liked Mary? What I thought you liked Mary? No. I like you. I like you too. Some girls at the bar do try and flirt with Ryan and if Sophie is there she just laughs. She finds it more amusing than anything. Because Ryan gets all cute and flustered. Ryan finds it funny when they’re out and guys try and hit on either one of them- assuming that the two are just gal pals. They shoot the guys down and then they laugh and say to each other, “why are we so hot?”
What do they do for fun/in their downtime?
Ryan and Sophie are both huge tomboys and so it makes for a fun relationship. They play fight a lot! Mary walks in on some of their playfights and thinks they are fighting for real and tries to break it up. Then when she realizes they are play fighting she gets grossed out and says, ew is this foreplay?? They go mini golfing, bowling, go to the shooting range because Ryan wants to learn how to shoot like Sophie. They go to arcades, and they go to amusement parks and movies. When they’re at home they like to watch streaming services, watch sports, read, watch movies, take naps, and order take out. They like trying new places and ordering food for each other from the new places- and if they order food the other likes then they get a point, if they order food the other person doesn't like then they don’t get a point. Whoever gets 10 points doesn’t have to pay on their next date. 
Favorite thing about each other:
Sophie likes Ryan’s lips, Ryan likes Sophie’s eyes. Ryan likes that Sophie is not scared of standing up for herself or what she thinks is right. She likes her bravery and courage. She likes how bad ass Sophie is but also how she is so kind and sweet. She likes Sophie’s raspy voice. She won’t admit it but she likes how Sophie proved Ryan wrong. She likes that she kept her secret as Batwoman and how she isn’t like the Crows in the way she thought Sophie was. Sophie likes Ryan’s cute smile and puppy dog eyes. She likes Ryan’s unwavering confidence and strength. She likes that Ryan doesn’t back down and that she protects the people that she loves with her whole heart. She likes that Ryan isn’t afraid of anyone and will challenge and step up to anyone. They both love how the other loves them. They both love how safe, and protected the other one makes them feel. 
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herbalwhite · 4 years
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The Sims 2 Realistic Forest lighting breakdown/tutorial
or how I achieved this realistic looking forest in The Sims 2 without any editing.
It all boils down to being frustrated with the lighting system limitations (and reshade being the best thing ever). For those who have watched my tutorial: you know I am obsessed with light. I am eternally grateful to Gunmod for his lighting system that changed Sims 2 forever - but even with that beautiful mod sims still sometimes don’t look quite right, especially when it comes to outdoor lighting.
I’m using Reshade with CinematicDOF, MXAO, FXAA, bloom and curves. I used this tutorial to get it to work. Here’s another tutorial to make depth-dependent functions work. Also, I’m going to share my preset soon even though it’s just enabled mxao and dof!
So how did you do this, Soph? This forest looks dense, and moody and has sunlight in it! Well, reshade does most of the work - mxao gives deeper and better shadows, dof blurs the image in a cinematic way. But the in-game lighting is also super important! This picture explains the lighting set-up I used:
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The basic difference is that I placed all of the plants inside a room. This alone makes the light behave differently. Instead of very flat outdoor lighting you have a dark room where you can virtually place any light source you want. I let some of the natural light in using AnoeskaB’s invisible windows. Additionally, I placed 3 spotlights and a random low-intensity warm light on tilted OMSPs to add a feeling of sunlight peeking through the trees.
Also, I used my own very bad recolor of The Great Sky of Totalitarianism as a backdrop:
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Extra tip: the In-game moving light thing!
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Yes, this is an in-game moving light. I got inspired by one of theElonianCass’ videos and started digging around, trying out even the weirdest ideas to get this to work. Basically it is an invisible sim with a table lamp placed in their hand. The game allows you to place something in sims’ hands when they are occupied (ex. playing an animation). I chose a looped anim from Aikea's Animation Painting, placed a table lamp in the invisible sim’s hand, hid it with the lamp hider and placed the sim in the forest. Done. Maybe a step-by-step video tutorial would be better and easier to understand, but you get the idea. I might make that tut sometime in the future, so stay tuned.
Feel free to send me a pm if you have any questions! 
CC and mods mentioned:
OMSP by SilentLucidity Gunmod's Radiance Light System 2.4 by dDefinder The Great Sky of Totalitarianism by lowedeus Animated Lot Based Effects by Sophie-David Invisible window by AnoeskaB
Main cc you’ve seen in the gifs:
Quixel Megascans by HYDE Skyrim Pine trees by sunmoon-starfactory
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moldisgoodforyou · 3 years
march madness
this is dedicated to @sunnypogue​ and @oopmyheartwent-obx​ because they’re the homies and I said so 
wordcount: 2.2k
warnings: cursing, I didn’t edit this for shit, mentions of sexual situations
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Every year, the Delt house held a March Madness bracket competition. There were cash prizes involved and it was taken extremely seriously, only significant others were also invited to participate (no hookups allowed, unless the hookup was consistent enough to stick around through the end of the tournament in April). James was in charge this year as brotherhood chair and was taking it to the next level, upping the buy-in and scheduling several watch parties throughout the month. 
When Rafe casually let it slip that he was participating, Sophie’s interest was piqued right away. They were all hanging out in his room, Sophie’s legs draped across his lap while Rafe kept a constant touch on her ankle, her calf, anything.
“Can I do it with you guys?”
“Well...” Rafe trailed off, trying to think of any excuse possible. He knew Sophie’s competitive nature to a tee and was already predicting the fight that’d come of it.
Unfortunately for him, James loved nothing more than seeing Rafe lose in the tournament every year. “Yeah, of course you can. Why not?”
Rafe winced and Sophie caught it immediately, furrowing her brow. “Yeah, Rafe, why not?”
“No reason.” He squeezed her ankle and gave her a little smile. She merely raised her eyebrows back, skeptical, and started googling on her phone, pulling up a few sites.
“What are you looking for?” Rafe asked, leaning over to see.
She quickly moved her phone out of his reach. “None of your business.”
“Sophie, c’mon.”
“Jeez, Sophie, is he always this whiny?” Colin teased and Sophie laughed, clicking her phone off. “You should know, you live with him.”
“Nah. He’s different around you. Softer.” James reached over and ruffled Rafe’s hair, causing a mini scuffle between them.
“Yeah, see, he’s always aggressive with us.” Colin pointed out.
“He could stand to be a tiny bit more aggressive with me.” Sophie mumbled under her breath with a smirk, just loud enough so only Rafe could barely make out what she said. He whipped around, eyes wide. “What did you say?”
She grinned and batted her eyelashes innocently. “Nothing. When can we fill out our brackets?”
“They’re due in three days.” James told her, handing her an extra blank bracket from his desk. Sophie accepted it with a thank you and stood, not before kissing Rafe on the cheek. “Looks like I have some work to do then.”
“It’s not that complicated, Soph, you can just pick it on, like, jersey colors or mascots or whatever.” Rafe told her carelessly. She kept up with Ohio State sports and knew the rules of the game, but didn’t really seem to care otherwise. She’d prioritize alone time in the architecture studio for big games sometimes, or study through a tailgate instead of watching the other games on air that day. What Rafe failed to remember is that she was also extraordinarily stubborn, and always determined to win.
“I’m not just going to throw my money away. I need to research.”
He laughed. “When have you ever researched before a game in your life?”
With that she flicked him in the head, scowling. “I’ve never needed to before. Have you filled yours out yet?”
Rafe went to bat her hand away a moment too late, letting out a little yelp. “Hey! No, I’m just going to fill out the day before. Let the experts help me out.” He gestured to the TV, where ESPN hosts droned on in the background. 
“Hm.” She gathered her things and Rafe leaned over, tugging at the sleeve of her jacket. “No, wait, stay. We can do it together, if you want?” 
“And let you cheat off me? Absolutely not.” She fixed him with a scrutinizing look. “Why, need someone to tell you whether the green or red team is better?”  
He laughed. “No, baby, I’m not just gonna wing it.” 
Even James could feel the annoyance radiating from Sophie in the moment and he face-palmed behind her back, anticipating her response. She frowned at Rafe, arms crossed. “So why would I just wing it?” 
“Well that’s - that’s not what I meant -” He hastily backtracked. 
“Smooth.” Colin muttered under his breath, shaking his head. She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure. Now if you’ll excuse me, darling, I have some work to do.” The pet name held absolutely no affection to it, hurled like an insult instead. 
“Darling? Huh? Sophie, I didn’t mean it like that -” Rafe started again and she leaned over, kissing him shortly to cut him off. “Sure you didn’t. When do we hand them in, James?” 
“6pm, Friday. Hard deadline.” He responded cheerfully. 
“I’ll have it to you tomorrow.” She grinned and gave them all a little wave before leaving, ignoring Rafe’s small noise of protest. It wasn’t til she had hardly stepped out of the house to walk home when she had three texts from James with individual links to stats from prior tournaments and comparisons of each team’s performances throughout the season. 
James: If Colin and I can’t knock his ass out, I’d want you to do it 
Sophie: :) I’ll accept the honor 
The next day, Rafe was entirely unbothered by Sophie’s participation in the bracket challenge, after she had reassured him that she was mainly teasing about his comments. She also knew the exact time the Bracketology show aired on ESPN, as well as the shows on other networks, and made it her mission to distract him at every opportunity possible. 
She was over again the next day while James and Colin were busy, so they had the room to themselves. Sophie had brought over her homework, like usual, and the two were just enjoying each other’s company for a while - until she noticed Rafe pull out his bracket, completely blank. “You’re not done yet?” 
“Huh? No, the ESPN show’s about to be on. Do you mind if I keep the volume low?” He reached for the remote. “That’s fine, I just have a few questions left on this.” She purposely made a show of stretching her arms high, the hem of her cropped sweater lifting just enough to show a flash of her lacy bralette. 
He stopped in his tracks, clearly eyeing her over. “Your sweater’s short.” 
She hid a smirk, giving him a confused look instead as she tugged the hem back down. “Is it?” 
“You said you have how many questions left?” Rafe tried curling his hand around her hip and pulling her close, but she swatted his hand away. “Just five, but they’re long answer.”  
“Just five.” He nodded to himself and turned the TV, remembering why he had gotten his bracket out in the first place. She kept her head down, working as she listened to the hosts’ banter for a few minutes. When they started actually getting into the bracket predictions, Sophie rolled her shoulders, then tilted her head to crack her neck. “Rafe?” 
“Mm?” He replied, half paying attention to her as he scribbled out some of the early game decisions. 
“Do you mind rubbing my shoulders? They’re killing me.”  
“Course not, c’mere.” He turned on the couch to face her, keeping the bracket and pen in his lap. 
She didn’t waste any time pulling the sweater over her head, letting it drop to the floor as she moved to sit closer to him. He laughed, loud. “What was that for?” 
Sophie glanced at him over her shoulder, moving her hair to expose her back fully. “Figured it’s easier to massage on bare skin than through a bulky knit sweater.” 
She had fully captured his attention now, and he ran a finger down her spine, grinning. “Just a shoulder rub?” She was glad to be facing away from him, unable to hide her eye roll. “Mind out of the gutter. Just a shoulder rub.” 
Rafe nodded but couldn’t resist placing a few kisses along her bare shoulder before massaging her shoulders, pressing hard. When she noticed his massage got weaker as he got more distracted by the TV, Sophie let out a breathy moan. It sounded horribly fake even to her ears, but got his attention right away. 
“Soph.” He warned. 
“Hm?” She questioned, wincing as she faced away from him, hoping she sounded innocent enough. 
Lucky for her, Rafe was pretty clueless to the motives of her game. “You can’t say just a shoulder rub then make sounds like that.” 
“Sorry, sorry.” She grinned. “I’ll be good for you.” 
“Rafe.” She mimicked, turning back around and finally giving him an eyeful of her chest. He groaned and pulled her onto his lap immediately, hands going straight to her waist. “Sure you need to finish your homework?” 
She grinned. “How long are James and Colin gone for?” 
“Uh...” He glanced toward the door, at the TV, then at his watch. “We have an hour.” 
Sophie stood, blocking the TV, and held both her hands out. “Let’s take advantage of it then.”  
Her plan worked perfectly over the next three days, right up until the deadline for turning in the bracket. It laid forgotten on his desk while they made out on his bed, lazy kisses shared as their hands wandered. James barged in with only a single, split-second knock. “Hope you have your clothes on!” 
(They both did - they had almost been caught once and Sophie always triple checked the lock before taking her shirt off after that.) 
Rafe groaned and threw his pillow at James. “Give us a fucking warning, dude!” 
“Bracket’s due in five. You finished yet?” 
“Oh shit.” Rafe sat up immediately, glancing around for it. “No, I’ve been busy.” 
Sophie held back a smirk. “I think it’s on your desk.” 
“Did you ever finish yours, Soph?” Rafe asked as he got up to scramble for a pen. Unfortunately for him, she had taken all of them over the last few days - not a hard task, because he only owned four. 
“She turned hers in two days ago. It’s like, annotated and shit. You have four minutes now.” James tapped his watch, then decided to take pity on him and toss him a pen from his own desk. 
Rafe frowned, frantically filling out the bracket. “Annotated? With what?”  
She shrugged. “Stats to help me out.” Sophie leaned over, watching him fill out his choices. “Texas Tech is red and Purdue is gold, I think you should pick Purdue there. Gold is a fun color.” 
James snorted. “Two minutes, Cameron.” 
“Fuck, okay.” Rafe finished it quickly and handed it over, but Sophie grabbed it out of his hands first. 
“Wait, you picked Michigan to win? God, Rafe, do you have no loyalty?” She was violently offended, disbelieving of her eyes. 
“They’re a solid pick!” 
“They’re our fucking rivals!” 
He laughed and grinned, smug, as he remembered the nickname she had tried to use against him days earlier. “I’m playing to win here, darling. You didn’t seriously pick Ohio State to win, did you?” 
“I picked Villanova, thank you very little.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Oh.” He was surprised at her logical pick, which irked her even more. “Well, I don’t have the emotional attachment like you do here.” 
“You’d think two and a half years of school would be enough. Don’t need your parents as alumni to do that.” 
“She makes a point.” James chimed in, thoroughly entertained by the arguing, but made his way toward the door to collect other brackets. “Dude, you’ve had weeks to work on this, what happened?” 
“I don’t know, every time I’ve turned on ESPN to watch I...” He trailed off, thinking.
James shook his head and made his exit, making a point to securely shut the door behind him. 
Rafe finally put two and two together and pointed an accusing finger at Sophie. “You sabotaged me!” 
She grinned, giving herself up right away. “Yeah, what of it?” 
“That’s so low.” Rafe shook his head, scowling. 
Sophie laughed, sitting up on her knees and leaning forward to smirk at him. “Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” 
He stood at the edge of the bed and placed both palms on her knees and slid them up her legs, leaning over her. “You don’t really think you’ll win, do you?”
“Might not, darling, but at least I’ll beat you. You screwed up on several brackets, by the way.” She met him with a kiss, nipping teasingly at his lower lip.
“Huh?” He mumbled against her lips. 
“Wichita State plays Marshall, not West Virginia, and Auburn plays Charleston. Not Clemson. So that’s already two games you’ve lost.” She grinned as he curled his fingers into her thighs and stood up on her knees to kiss him harder, locking her hands to rest behind his neck.  
“And you didn’t correct me once. I can’t believe you.” He slid one hand up to squeeze her ass, laughing when she let out a small squeak of surprise.  
“Cameron.” She tried pulling him down to the bed.
“What.” He didn’t budge, keeping a firm grip on her butt.
“Shut up and finish what you started.” 
“Yes ma’am.”
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