#sophie replays dai
shadowglens · 9 months
a series of three screenshots that bring nothing but pain and suffering
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jazminrhode1 · 1 year
"I Don't Love You Anymore" Matt Sturniolo x Reader One Shot
Summary: You bump into Matt a few years after breaking up.
Word Count: 1744 words
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You and your hometown friends were at the mall. You hadn’t seen them since heading off to college and, as much as you loved being away and doing your own thing, there was nothing quite like coming home. The vibe was never quite the same in California.
Every time you came back, your parents were a little older, your brother was a little taller, and it was always a little harder to leave. So much time had passed while you were away even though it felt like no time had passed at all. You fell right back into life as you had always known it. Almost.
Since breaking up with Matt, you had dreaded coming back to Boston. The last time you left, almost two years ago, you didn’t think there was anything left for you here. If your memories of home were a jigsaw, there were a lot of pieces he had taken with him when he left.
Being back - being without him - felt like you were missing a limb. You could feel him everywhere that you went but, he wasn’t there.
Your friends were though. They had been a constant in your life since you were all in diapers and you couldn't picture a world without them in it.
As you strolled through the mall going from store to store, you were glad to be catching up on what had happened in their lives since you last saw each other. Taylor had won some smart-person award at LSU, Hailey had just gotten back from a humanitarian mission, Sophie’s high school boyfriend proposed at the end of the last semester and Jake met the man of his dreams on the streets of Baton Rouge.
You couldn’t help but feel like their lives were moving forward and you just kept falling further and further behind. Apart from good grades and a Bachelor’s degree you really didn’t have much to show for the last couple of years. Nevertheless, you were happy for your friends and they were the reason your world kept spinning after the breakup.
You and Matt had dated all through high school and you thought he was the one. Not only you but, everyone around you. He was kind, he was steady and there was no doubt in your mind that he loved you.
That’s what made the breakup so incomprehensible. You couldn’t understand how his feelings changed overnight. He never really gave you a reason as to why he walked away.
The one person that you trusted more than anyone in the world was the same person who broke you in an instant. Even after all this time, you replayed the words in your head, “I don’t love you anymore”.
As you stood in line at Starbucks, you couldn’t help but think back to when it was you working behind the counter. Most days after school your Mom would drop you off and you would take orders from strangers for hours. No matter how much you hated that job, you kind of miss it now. You missed simpler times.
You could hear your friends talking about boys and travel and kids you went to high school with. You chuckled under your breath at how quickly you all reverted to being teenagers when you were together.
As the barista called your name, a laugh you knew all too well cut through the air and almost made you drop your iced coffee. Taylor saw the color drain from your face, confused she asked “Are you ok?”
Your mouth went dry, butterflies swarmed your stomach and your legs could barely hold you up. “Can we go?” you whispered before you made a B-line for the exit.
You had to get out, you had to leave, you couldn’t bear to see him. You had dreamt of the moment you’d run into each other 10 years from now with your new husband and your shit together. Today was not that day.
Just when you thought you had escaped potentially the most humiliating, depressing encounter of your life, there he was walking straight towards you. And by ‘he’, I mean Matt. Chris was still cackling like a hyena in the Starbucks line.
You froze - panicked - your legs refused to move. Maybe he wouldn’t see you. Maybe he’d do the decent thing and ignore you but, you knew he wasn’t like that.
“Y/n?” he said when he finally looked up from his phone and saw you standing in front of him. He had changed, he didn’t have the ‘baby face’ anymore. He was so fucking hot, it made you sick.
Of course, you would have known this if you hadn't blocked him on every social media platform but, that was the only way that you knew how to move on at 17.
“I didn’t know you were back,” he said, snapping you out of your little daydream. When you didn’t reply he asked, “How are you?”.
There it was, the smile you missed so much. The same one that he flashed when he snuck into your room at night or when he saw you in your prom dress for the first time. It was the smile you thought would always be reserved just for you but, it wasn’t and that was the cruelty of a relationship like that - the same things that were so sweet at the time feel bitter now it’s over.
You couldn’t bear to engage in small talk and made a pathetic excuse to leave. If you were being honest you wanted him to chase after you but, he didn’t do that.
That evening you were sitting in your childhood bedroom wondering why you ever chose pink frilly bedding. So much had changed over the years but, this room was frozen in time.
“Y/n,” you heard your Mom calling from downstairs. You were not in the mood for a spontaneous movie night but, you did promise her that you’d spend more time with the family while you were home. You dragged yourself out of bed and slowly made your way downstairs.
She was standing by the front door that was cracked open. She didn’t say anything as she walked past you to the kitchen offering a reassuring smile.
When you opened the door, Matt was standing there underneath the dim porch light. Your heart began to race, you didn’t want to talk to him. You didn’t have it in you to hash out your past at this moment.
“Y/n…” he began. “I can’t do this…” you interrupted.
He looked confused, almost hurt. “Do what?” he asked.
“This…” you said, gesturing to the distance between you both.
“I just wanted...” he started.
“You broke my heart, Matt” you blurted out. You hadn’t said that before. When he said he didn’t love you, you didn’t say anything. Those were the last words spoken between you both... until this afternoon.
“I know” he whispered. Sadness washed across his face. “I’m sorry,” he said.
You couldn’t make eye contact. It was as though it was happening all over again. You wanted to throw up or pass out, you wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
“Why are you here?” you asked. You wanted him to leave. Rather, you wanted him to have never left but, you couldn’t re-write history.
“When I saw you today… Y/n…” he said with a quiver in his voice.
“Whatever you are going to say, don’t” you warned. You couldn’t hold back your tears and you didn’t care if he thought you were weak. You didn’t want to have this conversation 4 years later but, maybe it’s what you needed.
“I loved you,” you cried, “and you left me… And you never gave me a reason. And you never told me what made you stop loving me.”
“I never stopped loving you,” he whispered as his brows pulled together in a frown.
Your heart sunk. He broke it all over again.
“I didn’t want to hold you back,” he explained. “I knew you were going off to college and I knew I couldn’t go with you.”
“Not good enough,” you spat, “we could’ve made it work.”
“I couldn’t have done that,” he said as tears rolled down his cheeks. “I know it's pathetic but, I couldn’t have been away from you. Not for a second.”
“You couldn’t have got your shit together?” you argued, “For me?”
“Everything I ever did was for you,” he said.
“Liar!” you screamed. “You’re a fucking liar! None of this was for me. This was all about you. You couldn’t handle the long distance. After everything that we went through, you threw it all away when shit got too hard. And, for what? You don’t do that to someone that you love.”
He was silent. You could see the heartbreak in his eyes. You had struck a nerve just like you intended to do but, still, it didn’t make you feel any better. You said everything that you wanted to say and your heart still ached.
“I saw how hard it was for you to leave,” he started. “You were going to stay... for me. You were going to give up your whole future for me. I couldn’t let you do that.”
You bit down on your lip to stop it from shaking. You could hear the regret in his voice as he spoke.
“If at 17 I could have found another way, I would have,” he said. “I didn’t know what to do. I just knew that I couldn't stand in your way. I didn’t want you to regret not going to college. I didn’t want you to regret us... or me…” he sucked in a sharp breath and wiped his eyes on the back of his sleeve.
You couldn’t talk. You wanted to reach out to him, to hold him but, you weren’t strong enough to let go again.
“Y/n, I did love you. I do. I loved you more than anything. I just didn’t know how to tell you how much I wanted you to stay and I couldn’t bear the thought of letting you go again and again.” he said, “I know I broke your heart, Y/n... I broke mine too.”
He turned away from you and sat on the step with his head in his hands. He choked out a silent sob as his whole body shook.
This was unbearable. Maybe the way it ended was for the best. The thought that he was OK made it easier to handle than the mess sitting in front of you. You walked slowly toward the steps and sat down next to him.
“I wish you told me,” you said as he held you close. “I really didn’t know how” he replied.
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cxhleel108 · 7 months
LITG S8 Thots for this week: Here we go again…
(Sorry friends a bitch was getting crunk the last two days so I did not have time to do this until today❤️)
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• Ok before we even start why is he sitting like thiskdmsmsnsnd someone help me.
• So the customization…I told y’all I wasn’t trying to gag too hard when they first revealed MC and this is exactly why cuz once again why we only get braids for textured hair??? They’re not even free like y’all already pissing me off.
• So clearly this season is about zodiac because why else would we only be getting star sign tattoos?
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• Meet Jaylin y’all😝😝😝 You’ll be getting all her info soon.
• Everyone hating this swim suit but it actually being my favorite. The others were just ok to me Idk sue me.
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• Mind you it’s only been like 2 minutes and we already causing issues.
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• I think we’re already getting married tomorrow guys Idk.
• And he has a lion tattoo so that means he’s most likely a Leo and my girl is a Gemini oh look how I ate this pairing up!
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• Oh Theo stans I’m so sorry…
• I’m so glad I’ve never ended up getting the guy stuck in the “Day One” couple like I really would just end it all.
• The job options being the exact same…ok! I wanted her to be an athlete anyway😁
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• Him assuming that he had a high chance of being picked when Oakley and Jin are present…I just busted out laughing.
• Yeah all this talk about compatibility and these dudes talking about being “magnetized” and “drawn” to us is def giving let’s compare our charts to see if we should fuck each other or not.
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• Such a real bitch oh Claudia I love you already💯💯💯
• Sophie telling me to cool it around Jack like I want him…I just busted out laughing again.
• Our date with Theo just feeling like two people building a friendship and not a relationship was nice I would love for it to stay that way tbh (Him like 5 minutes later saying he was trying not to flirt with us can they not do this again like please).
• Jack’s date was a snooze fest who’s shocked? Also him having two moms just makes sense Idk why.
• I am gonna have so much fun replaying this season to do Jin’s route omg this man is too good.
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• Yeah I already don’t like Emel. Girl who is bringing yo ass a bouquet at 8 in the morning??? Don’t piss me off.
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• Uhhh cuz I’m badder than you, duh!
• Outfit time🥳🥳🥳
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• These are cute!
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• This is not!
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• Right…anyways so!
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• Yikes!
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• Hehehehe no y’all don’t understand like she is already my bestie fr. Love when one of the girls is here for the fuckshit.
• The drama that be happening sometimes be so stupid like girl. Claudia sitting here telling me everyone was mad at each other on DAY FUCKING ONE because nobody wanted to be with who they were with…do y’all just come on here and then forget how the show works.
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• Oh girl just stop like fuuuuck😭😭😭
• Outfit time again✨
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• The panties did not need the sheer added.
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• This literally being a swimsuit.
• Claudia’s outfit is so cute ugh werk!
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• He wanna compete with me so bad!
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• I’m cryinggggg why we really living the storybook romance that Emel keep begging for.
• Me & Oakley: “Cheats are the lowest of the low”
• Also Me & Oakley: *Eating each other’s faces off outside*
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• Yes please get Emel out of here before she takes Willow’s place and actually starts annoying the fuck outta me.
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alaydabug2 · 2 months
Totally didn't sob as I wrote this
Nope nope nope 😭
*inspired by song*
(Sophie POV)
Sophie frantically searched through the fields with her friends. The battle was over. The Neverseen was defeated. But Keefe was still nowhere to be found.
Giselle was dead, Gethen, and the others were captured. Where was Keefe? He had to be somewhere! When she heard a pitiful moan, her heart dropped.
"KEEFE!" She yelled, running towards the noise. "KEEFE! WHERE ARE YOU?"
Her worst fear was confirmed when she crested over a hill. Keefe in a pool of blood. She could see the side of his shirt where he was stabbed.
She got on her knees beside him, applying pressure to the wound. "Guys, he's over here!" She called to her friends.
She met his exhausted eyes. "Hey. Come on, you need to stay awake for me. We can still get you to Elwin!"
She moved to go pick him up, but he stopped her. He took in a ragged breath before shaking his head.
"It's... it's not going to help. Too deep," Keefe rasped.
"Of course it'll help!" Please," she begged. "You can't die! The Neverseen is gone. You can't die now!"
He gave a weak smile. "Good. Then you'll all be safe now." It quickly faded, though. "Will you stay with me? Please?" He asked as their friends joined them. "I don't want to be alone," his voice broke.
Sophie pulled him in her lap. "Of course."
She pressed her forehead to his as tears fell down her face. Their friends crowded them, taking in the scene in stunned silence.
Several minutes passed, Keefe growing weaker, before his horse voice whispered, "I love you, Sophie. I'd always swore I would until the day I die. I just never thought..." His voice trailed off as his gaze fell to their intertwined hands, pressed against the wound.
She let out a sob. "I'll always love you, Keefe. I can swear to you that."
She gently kissed him, hand lingering on his cheek. When they pulled away, Keefe let his eyes flutter closed, exhaling a slow, seemingly content, breath. He never took another.
(Three months later)
Sophie wound through the path she'd become accustomed to taking through the wandering woods. She stopped at a pale sapling.
Its leaves we're a pastel yellow in color, growing in direction of no rhyme or reason. The small buds of flowers were ice blue. They hadn't bloomed yet, but it was apparent a few would soon. The little wanderling didn't grow in the correct direction. It was, however, growing sideways, tilting to one side.
Sophie slid onto the ground next to it. She clutched a small stuffed gulon in her hands.
"Hey, Keefe," she whispered. "It's official, they've gotten statues of all of us up in Enternalia. They did a dedication ceremony for it. Everyone seemed really impressed." She chuckled a little. "If you were there, your ego would've gotten about twenty times bigger."
She raked her fingers through the dirt near the root of his tree. "Speaking of which. The council talked about you. A bit of a mini memorial of sorts, I suppose. They said that despite you being the son of a Neverseen leader, you died a hero. You helped save everyone."
She eased herself to lay on the dirt beside him. She curled her knees into her chest, her green dress fanning around her.
"And they're right," Sophie's voice cracked. She waited a second before saying, "I'm so proud of you. You did so well during that battle. No one ever got to tell you, but thank you. For your sacrifice. For being you. Being amazing." She sniffled. "Being my friend. Being more.... You deserved so much better than this."
She hadn't slept in what felt like days. It was too much. The nightmares were overwhelming. Horrific scenes replayed over and over in her mind whenever she closed her eyes.
But for some reason, with the rustling of leaves, the tickling of wind, and her grip on Mrs. Stinkbottom, she felt her eyes growing heavy. A sense of comfort washed over her, almost like Keefe was still beside her. The wind seemed to be sending her calming blue breezes.
She closed her eyes, falling asleep. She didn't have a single nightmare.
(Twenty years later)
Sophie sat against the trunk of Keefe's wanderling.
"Hey, I'm back," she murmured. "Sorry I haven't visited in a bit. Life's been a little hectic."
She blew the hair out of her face before gathering it in a ponytail. She stared up at the beautiful blossoming flowers.
"Dex and Biana just had a baby. He's the sweetest thing in the world. His name is Dennis. They wanted him to have a more human-ish sounding name to break the norm." She chuckled. "Well... that's his first name, at least. His full name is Dennis Keefe Dizznee."
Sophie had to wipe her eyes. "They wanted to honor you. I think it fits pretty well, actually. You can already tell he's going to be a little troublemaker. He keeps trying to hide his binky. You'd be pround."
She sat it the quiet for a while, drinking in the sereneness.
Eventually, she whispered, "You would've made a great dad. Despite your own parents, you would have. I have zero doubt about it."
Instead, he was six feet under. Sophie's heart felt heavy. Every time when she thought she might finally be able to move on...
"I'll just have to tell Dex and Biana's kids about you," she decided. "They'll love your funny antics. I just wish they'd have been able to meet you."
She rested her head against his tree and closed her eyes. "I love you."
(One hundred years later)
"The humans are being reinstated as an intelligent species!" Sophie exclaimed.
"Amy's great grand daughter is the representative for humans. She's an awesome spokesperson. I just wish... that Amy could still be here to see everything come together. She died a few decades ago."
She glanced up at the yellow leaves swishing in the breeze. "But, I guess you already know that, don't you?"
She smudged away a few of her tears. "Tell her I love her, will you? And I miss her. I miss the both of you."
Now that she was thinking about it... "Are you with Calla up there, too?" She gave a shaky smile. "I hope so. Have some of her Starkflower stew with her for me. What about Forkle? And Kenric? Let them know everything is ok down here. Everything they sacrificed paid off. Things are slowly getting better."
(Two thousand years later)
Sophie brushed her hand against the pale tree bark. She gave a gentle smile.
"Hey Keefe, guess what? I was just enstated as councilor. Oralie stepped down, and I was nominated. I accepted."
She tucked her hair behind one of her pointed ears. "I'm going to try and put a few laws into place for you. It's so no other kids have to deal with what you had to with your parents. The meeting for it will be on Thursday. I've got high hopes for it. I also plan on finding a better matchmaking system."
Shr kicked the dirt. "I still haven't figured out who my father is. I don't plan to keep looking. I haven't in a while. I have no reason for matchmaking anymore. Well... I haven't in a few thousand years, I suppose," she chuckled.
"I know you would've been ok with me finding someone else, but... it doesn't feel right. It wouldn't be fair. For either me, or them. I know I wouldn't be able to fully love someone again, and they should deserve my full heart. But I just can't. At least not like I love you.
She pressed her forehead against the trunk. "When I gave you that promise, I meant it. I'm always going to love you. No matter what."
The blue breezes in the air picked up, wrapping around Sophie it what felt to be a hug. She hadn't felt that physically close to Keefe in a few millennia. Now, it felt like he was right there.
The wind seemed to whisper in her ear. She could've sworn she heard words in it.
'I love you too, Foster.'
Sophie smiled and closed her eyes. She knew he would always be with her. She knew he was there protecting her and taking care of her. He would always be a part of her.
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ramsashi · 25 days
My LIs from Romance Club
Sails in The Fog: Sebastian???
Moonborn: MAX!! OH GOD HE'S SO COOL!!
My Hollywood Story: Mike
Queen in 30 Days: Queen in 30 Days: I used to like Adam, but he started to creep me out in the final season, so now I'm aiming for Richard and Leonard for the achievement. LMAO
Shadows of Saintfour: Luke Morring (or should I call the bootleg version of young Leo DiCaprio? LMAO. TBH, I wanted to have Ethan as the main LI. too bad, he was not even a casual LI.
Wave Patrol: Jake (I initially wanted Alek, but he's in jail for a long time?? How can an FBI agent wait that long for his freedom?)
Seduced by The Rhythm: Hiro (I broke up twice with Charles because of him. lmao)
Chasing You: Alexander Nielsen (EDWARD & CHRISTOPHER were tempting!!)
Legend of The Willow: KAZU ALL THE WAY <33
Path of the Valkyrie: Now is Ullr (I didn't know that I have to stay single to pursue Thor. I'm going to replay this book)
Rage of the Titans: Adrian (the old flame is still on fire 🔥)
Sophie's Ten Wishes: SEXY BENEDICT <33
Sins of London: Not impressed that much with Glasthyn, Should I replay this book to pursue Sherlock?
On Thin Ice: Dom
Arcanum: Liam, my softie heart <33
Gladiator Chronicles: SO HARD TO CHOOSE A LI in this book. I ended up with Paulina, now I want to pursue Stortia
Heart of Trespia: Wyatt, my softie boy
Kali: Call of Darkness: Amrit (although I've tried to pursue Killian or Ratan to the end, I failed)
The Flower from Tiamat's Fire: Niall
Theodora: Lawrence!! replaying this book 3 times, only ended up choosing Lawrence all over again.
The One Volume 1: Deshawn
Vying for Versailles: FIRST LI IN RC UNIVERSE THAT MADE ME HEAD OVER HEELS, ALEXANDRE. He's still the best compared with King's romance path. I'm now looking for a happy ending with Prince
The Desert Rose: ADIL!! But now I'm replaying for pursuing Zain, then perhaps Mustafa and Jack in the future. I'm also curious to explore Zain or Adil's disloyal storyline. This book has really made me feel conflicted about my choices.
Heaven's Secret 2: STILL LOYAL TO LUCIFER. I've also had Astaroth's ending.
Elite Tag: Karl, now replaying for pursuing Daniel's ending
Dracula: A Love Story: I'm not sure who I'm going to pursue in this book. I might end up with Hasan in the end. I mean, I was getting bored with Vlad and Leo's routes 🫠
Love From Outer Space: Never expected that I'd pursue an Alien Prince. lol
Hell and High Water: CHAND!! OH MY GOD. HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!
Song of the Crimson Nile: So, once upon a time there's this man named Livius, but then there are Ramesses and Set also
Chasing You 2: Still Alexander. I mean...his cgs are way too hot compared with the first book
Love, Sin & Evil: Tony is still the best I guess?
Kali: Flame of Samsara: No need to choose another LI, just RAM my baby
Garden of Eden: Seonghwa <33
Soulless: Walter is such a softie baby, my heart melts for his big puppy eyes. but then there's this bickering man named Vincent 🤭
Astrea's Broken Heart: Not sure which LI i'm going to end up with. I mean, they're all gorgeous!! the closest one may be Raphael??
Heaven's Secret: Requiem: GREG AND CAIN. I'M TORN BETWEEN THEM!
7 Brothers: still having my eyes on the sweet vanilla Grant
And the Haze Will Take Us: I laid my eyes on Ozar (of course) and Volot
The Thunderstorms Saga: I might pursue Tai in this book. TOO BAD, THEY DON'T MAKE LADY TENNERLY AS AN LI.
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dutifullynuttywitch · 6 months
My Romance Club books to Diamond Mine for (a tiny help and guidance for you):
Queen in 30 Days
Hollywood Story
Seduced by the Rythm
Moonborn (maybee?)
Sophie's 10 Wishes
Wave Patrol
Ooooh thank you!! I'm glad we now get 5 (+3 if we watch a pub) diamonds every time we replay an old chapter. I wish choices did that too... I'd be rich with all my replays of WtD and Blades of Light and Shadow 🤭
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Fuck buddies X
Warning: searing, drinking, smut Author note: it's a superrrrr long one! Not sure if there'll be a part 11 but I love this story so much so never say never!
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It had been almost a month and a half since you last saw Colson. You keep replaying that night in your head over and over again. You desperately try to cling to anything about that night that can give you comfort. The way he kissed you, the way he spoke to you so softly, how he wanted to comfort you when you cried. You felt yourself going through the motions of your day, not really focusing on anything in particular. You’d get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, clean the dishes and go to bed. The weekends were for laundry, housework and grocery shopping. Being a two bedroom apartment with a tiny kitchen and just you living in it though, that hardly filled your day and you weren’t much of a chef so groceries were just the essentials.
You can feel yourself becoming more and more reclusive as the days go by. You haven’t really seen or spoken to any of your friends. Not because they’ve been ignoring you, it’s more you ignoring them. You’re not trying to be rude, you just don’t really feel like talking to anyone these days. Jacob has texted you a couple of times here and there but as your responses grew more and more blunt, his messages stopped coming. You’re trying to give yourself a clean break and even though that feels hard at times, you feel yourself growing more and more each day.
A knock on your door pulls you out of your robotic laundry folding. You’re not in a particular rush to answer it but you stand anyway. When you open the door, a very apprehensive pair of eyes are staring back at you. Ashleigh and Sophie share a look with each other that you pretend not to notice and then they each flash their largest, fakeest smiles. 
“We brought wine!” Sophie flashes the wine bottle in her hand and they push past you before you can protest. 
You grab your folded washing of the coffee table and place it all on your bed, shoving the half finished basket in your wardrobe. When you come back into the living room, Sophie is pouring wine into 2 glasses that Ashleigh is holding. She hands one to you before sitting on the couch and resting her feet on your coffee table.
“So, we have a proposition for you,” Sophie grins and your stomach immediately drops. She plonks herself down on the floor in front of your TV and straightens herself as a form of weird intimidation. “There’s a party tomorrow night–” she begins but you cut her off before she can continue.
“I have plans to…um do something,” you stutter out and they both roll their eyes at you.
“If you’re going to lie, at least make it sound convincing,” Ashleigh interjects.
“I just…I want to hang out with you guys, I really do, I just…I can’t face him, not yet,” you take a wobbling breath and slump yourself back against the couch cushion.
“We know everything. Rook told us. Most of it was bits and pieces that you’d told him and that…Colson told him but we think we have a fairly good understanding of what went down,” Sophie says and then drains her entire glass of wine. “We just don’t want you locking yourself away in the hopes that all your feelings will magically fade and you can stand to be around him again. That’s why when we say proposition, we actually mean kidnapping.”
You’re so mad at yourself for allowing them to drag you to this house and force you to ‘have a good time’. One thing you’re grateful for is that Colson is clearly avoiding you because you’ve been here for an hour and a half and you still haven’t seen him. The music is pumping, the liquor is following, everyone is talking, laughing and dancing and all you can do is wish you were home in the silence of your apartment. After a while, the noise and the overly drunk people begin to get on your nerves. You know you shouldn’t but you decide to sneak upstairs to the solace and quiet of one of the bedrooms. You contemplate sitting in Casie’s room, maybe find a good book to read until you can leave without anyone causing a fuss but you don’t want to invade her privacy like that. 
You spot Colson’s door at the end of the hallway and even though you want to be strong, you’re desperate for some kind of connection with him, even if it just means sitting on his bed for a few minutes, imagining he’s there with you. You know in a month, you’ve made a lot of progress. You don’t cry when you lay down to sleep at night anymore. Your chest doesn’t ache quite as much when you think about him. You don’t want to destroy all of that but you just need a moment to pretend the last few months haven’t happened.
You push the door open gently, checking to make sure the room is empty. When you’re sure the coast is clear, you step into the room, closing the door softly behind you. His room looks the same. Messy, manly and all Colson. There’s a few astrology books strewn across his bedside table, there’s writing paper on his bed and his black graphic acoustic guitar. There’s a bunch of scrunched up pieces of paper on the floor and all the lyrics are blacked out and destroyed. There’s half empty bottles of liquor everyone, empty coffee cups, empty pill bottles. The room is a mess and 100% Colson’s. His scent is everywhere. You can smell his cologne on every surface, the faint musk of weed. You sit on his bed, close your eyes and just soak it all in.
“Hey, Y/N, you in here?” there’s a knock and then the door begins to slowly open. 
You quickly jump off the bed just as Rook opens it fully. He smiles at you sympathetically and you feel like the biggest loser in the world.
“Hey, I was just…” you look around the room, not entirely sure what a good explanation for why you’re in Colson’s room would be. “Um needed to pee but all the other bathrooms were occupied.”
“Are you sure it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you looked completely fucking miserable downstairs?” he quirks an eyebrow at you and blush bright red.
“I came here under protest ok, I never promised anyone that I’d be happy while doing it.” Rook laughs and you slump back down onto the bed, throwing your body back so you can stare at the ceiling. “He hasn’t even come anywhere near me,” you whine and you feel so pathetic, it’s sickening.
“I think he honestly believes that’s what you want,” Rook lies next to you on the bed, resting his hands behind his head.
“In what possible universe would I want him to feel he can’t move freely around his own home?”
“What do you want?” Rook turns his head to look at you, a serious expression on his features.
“Oh Rookie, how much time do you have?” you take a deep breath and you finally admit the thing you’ve been trying to deny for so long. “I just want him to love me as deeply as I love him and as tragic as it is to admit, I would probably keep sleeping with him if it meant he’d stick around.”
“I guess neither of you are very good at reading the other person,” Rook shakes his head and you’re so thrown by his blunt tone that you have a million questions.
You lean up onto your elbow and stare down at Rook, ready to bombard him, but before you even say a word, the door swings open violently. You jump off the bed at the sound of it slamming into the wall behind it, almost coming off its hinges in the movement. Colson is staring you both down, eyeing your bewildered expression and Rook’s casual position on his bed. You look at Rook and he just looks at you and shrugs. You’re not really sure what the look on Colson’s face means. It is a weird twist between a smirk and rage.
“Well, well, well I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything less,” he chuckles humorlessly. “I ignore you at my party so you thought you’d get back at me by fucking my best friend in my bed?” 
Your jaw drops and the blood drains from your face. You want to cry and smack him across his stupid face at the same time. Sure, it doesn’t exactly look great. You, lying in his bed, with Rook but you thought he knew you well enough to know that you’d never stoop to that level, no matter how much you thought it would get his attention. It’s more something he would do just to get his own way.
“Oh fuck off Kells,” Rook stands up and folds his arms across his chest. “That’s not what was going on and you know it.”
“Oh and how the fuck would I know it?” he scoffs, not taking his eyes off you.
“Because if she wanted to fuck me, she’d be naked and screaming my name right now as she came all over my dick,” Rook grins and Colson’s face drains of all colour and his stare shifts to Rook.
He steps forward, ready to take a swing but you quickly place your body between Rook and him. At last second, Colson drops his fist, his face filled with murderous contempt for his best friend. Your heart is pounding and the room is spinning. Why the fuck would Rook purposely goad him like that? It’s like he wanted to get his ass whooped.
“Colson, you know he didn’t mean it,” you try to soothe him but you know the sound of you defending Rook is definitely not helping the situation. 
“Get out of my fucking way, Y/N! I’m going to fucking kill him!” Colson screams in your face and you flinch away from the sound. He’s so close you can almost feel the rapid rise and fall of his chest.
You’re so grateful for the loud music right now because no one from the party can hear the commotion going on above them. The pure, unfiltered fury in Colson’s voice is so confusing to you right now. He was the one that accused the two of you in the first place, why would he care that Rook is just joining in on his twisted fantasy? It’s not like it would ever happen. You’ve never seen him that way, he’s alway only ever been a friend to you. Someone you confide in when you feel like you have no one else to talk to. He’s been one of the best friends you’ve ever had.
“Oh calm the fuck down man. Just tell her what you’ve been dying to tell her since the nightclub! Goddamn, I need a fucking drink. You two are not to leave this room until you grow the fuck up and talk to each other like adults.”
Rook pushes past you, not even fazed by the death stare Colson gives him as he leaves the bedroom. As soon as he leaves, Colson’s lips are on you and you’re so taken aback that for a second, you kiss him back. Suddenly you remember the promise you’d made to yourself that night he left your apartment for the last time. You will not be sucked in by him, no matter how hard he tries. You push him away and stumble back, creating some distance between your bodies, and he whimpers. Colson physically whimpers at the loss of your touch.
“I’m–I’m sorry, we can’t. I told you,” you hold a hand to your forehead as you try to regain some composure around him and catch your breath.
“No,” he says so simply but with so much assurance that you have to do a double take. He folds his arms across his chest and stares you down.
“What the fuck do you mean no?” you ask dumbfounded.
“I mean no,” he steps towards you and you step back until you’re literally pinned to the foot of his bed. “Just because you say it, doesn’t mean I have to go along with it. I want you and I’m not accepting your decision to end things.”
“What the fu–” he cuts you off by crashing his lips to yours again and you can’t actually comprehend what’s happening. He kisses down your neck, talking every few kisses against your skin.
“You’re saying no because you think that’s what you should say, it’s not actually what you want. You want me, I can feel it.” he holds his hand over your heart, feeling it pound against your ribcage. “Your body tells me exactly what you want and it’s me.” 
He kisses the pulse point on your neck and a moan escapes your lips. You don’t even try to shove him off you. You meant what you told Rook. If this is what it means to have Colson in your life, you’ll take it. Anything is better than the emptiness you’ve been sitting in for the past month.
“If you want me, you have to answer one question,” you sigh as he licks just below your ear drum.
“Anything,” he whispers in your ear.
“What have you been dying to tell me since the nightclub?”
Colson flinches away from you and is suddenly 10 feet away from you on the other side of the room. His cheeks are flushed and you can see all of his male glory begging to be released from his jeans. He’s panting so hard you can hear his breathing from where you stand.
“You said anything,” you defend yourself and he laughs. 
An actual, real Colson laugh. The laugh you love the sound of whenever you hear it. You know it means he’s truly happy and it always makes your heart swell to hear. He sits on the edge of his bed, pushing the papers and guitar away and pats the spot beside him. You sit next to him and he surprises you by grabbing your hand in his, lacing his fingers in yours.
“I really should’ve put a condition on that,” he jokes and you laugh half-heartedly. “Fuck it,” you brace yourself for the worst and you’re fighting so hard to just focus on exactly what he’s saying. “I’ve had…feelings for you for a…well a long time, I guess. It started way before we slept together. I was trying so hard to suppress it or pretend it didn’t exist but that night in your apartment, I just couldn’t help myself. I thought I’d messed it up by crossing that line and I panicked. When I got home, I was so fucking angry at myself that I just used the fuck buddy thing as a shitty bandaid to fix it.”
“I…I’m sorry but I just– I don’t know if I can believe you,” you let go of his hand and stand up, creating distance between you. You can see the hurt on his face but he doesn’t make any attempt to try and touch you. “That dinner you were so mean and after the way you’d acted already I just, I couldn’t believe how you were treating me, in front of everyone. Telling Carly about us was such a low blow.”
“I know, fuck I know. Seeing Jacob just drove me over the fucking edge and I know that is no excuse and if you let me, I will spend forever making it up to you.”
“Colson, we both know you’re only telling me this now because you don’t want to lose me as a friend or because you don’t want me telling people about how we’ve been secretly hooking up for almost a year.”
“I’m telling you this because you asked!” he’s on his feet now, completely ignoring the distance you tried so hard to create.
“I’d convinced myself that even though it wasn’t how I wanted things to be between us, at least it meant I’d get to touch you and kiss you. I had this fucking dumb idea in my head that there was never a chance in hell that a woman like you, could fall for a guy like me,” he rubs the back of his neck uncomfortably.“The more times we did it though, the harder it was becoming to not tell you how I felt. I got this genius idea that if I started coming over drunk, it’d help keep my mouth shut. It was so hard to push it all down because I don’t know if you’ve noticed but sex with you is like 10000 orgasms rolled into one.” 
You know in his own strange way, Colson is trying to compliment and you tell you how deep his feelings for you are all in one cheesy line. 
“After that last time when I let the voices in my head get to me and I ran like a fucking bitch. I watched you sleep and my mind just kept telling me that you deserve someone better. I knew that I’d finally gone and sabotaged the closest thing I had to an ‘intimate’ relationship. I should’ve just told you all of this when you told me on my birthday how you felt. I just– I wanted you to have better, that’s why I came over and tried to end things but you refused,” he smirks at you and suddenly how he acted early made sense. He was using your tactic against you and so help you god if it didn’t fucking work perfectly.
“I really liked that day with you,” you confess and he tilts his head in confusion. “That day that we spent in my apartment, just hanging out together. It was the best day I’ve had in a long time.” 
He reaches out and strokes your cheek, your eyes fluttering closed. He just stands there, stroking your cheek and you enjoy every second of it. There’s no words you need to share right this second. You have so many questions that you need answers to but for right now, you’re just enjoying being still. Having this chance to just stop and breathe for a second, the aching in your chest gone because Colson is here with you, you can think clearly for the first time in weeks.
“I had such a hard time just admitting how I felt. I didn’t want anyone to know. Rook knew bits and pieces but I don’t think he ever actually grasped my feelings for you, not completely anyway. In the restaurant that night, I spotted you from the moment we stepped in there and the only reason Rook and I were so deep in conversation was because we arguing about how badly I’d fucked up. Jacob being there just made me feel worse and worse about it and that’s why I lashed out. I wish I could go back to that night and tell Carly to shut the fuck up.”
“I wish I could go back to the night and punch her fucking lights out. Of all the women you could’ve picked…”
“Yeah, I know. She was always more of a headache than anything.”
He’s staring at you now, a question burning in his eyes. The scrutiny of his stare is so intense that you have to look away. You walk back to the bed and sit down but his eyes continue to watch you. You’re starting to feel self-conscious about why he’s staring and it’s raising your blood pressure so much you crack.
“Ok, just say what you want to say before you give me a brain aneurysm from the stress!” you yell at him, running your hands through your hair.
“I have no right to ask this, I know, and you can curse me out if you want to but I just need to know…Did you and him…sleep together?”
Suddenly you see that vulnerability that you were honestly starting to believe didn’t exist. He looks so unsure of himself, so insecure. You wonder if that’s how he’s seen you this past few weeks and that’s why it’s taken him so long to finally tell you how he feels. You want to quell his chaotic mind so you tell him exactly what happened when you left the restaurant. How kind Jacob was to you, how kind he was to Colson actually. He didn’t have to talk to you about him at all but he did. He wanted to show you exactly what Colson has just told you. You wonder if you should text him and tell him what Colson said but you push that thought away for now.
“Ok, good. I’m glad,” Colson chuckles and you give him a quizzical look. “I know this is a strange thing to confess but I have slept with someone since the first time we were together. I didn’t want to make you seem cheap by sleeping with other women. Like I said, you deserve better.”
You’re shocked to say the least. You can’t believe that all this time you thought he was still banging his way around LA and instead he’d been almost…faithful to you in some weird twisted way. You’d never talk about exclusivity when you worked out your ‘rules’. You feel bad for assuming that Colson would be like that but in your defense, up until 2 minutes ago, you didn’t know that Colson saw you as anything but a hook up. 
“I really want to kiss you right now,” you confess and the grin that lights up Colson’s face makes your chest warm and your heart literally skip a beat.
He steps towards you slowly, holding your face in his large hands. He leans down to you so steadily, grazing your lips gently at first. As your lips move against each other, the kiss becomes more intimate. Your lips part to allow Colson to slip his tongue in. Your hands begin to explore his body as your tongues war for control. He concedes and finally allows you to take the lead. You run your fingertips under his t-shirt, across his taut stomach and he shivers at your touch. You run your fingers along his hips, to his back where you lightly run your nails down his back. He moans into your mouth but quickly pulls away. You’re left breathless and slightly confused by his self-control.
“I want to wait, until everyone’s gone,” he nods his head towards the door and now you’re even more confused.
“Why?” you ask him, embarrassed at his rejection until he leans down to whisper in your ear.
“Because I want to take my time with you,” he tells you and now it’s your turn to shiver.
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Last First Kiss (Jean Grey x Reader)
Summary: Sometimes you wonder if he’ll ever learn.
Words: 921
Warnings: Mild violence, Jean’s unpredictable powers, maybe language?
A/N: There isn’t a version of Jean I haven’t loved. They did Sophie Turner dirty in writing but she put her whole heart into it and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Taglist: @natasharomanoffswife​ @natasha-danvers​ @aaron-despair​ @username23345 @xjiasx​ @nowthisisliving27 @higherfurther-romanova​ @summergeezburr @imnotasuperhero @miscmarvelwritings @captain-josslett @onlyafewfindtheway @hayleyokami @b-5by5  @evilcr0ne​  @everything201197​  @lostandsearching​ @marvels-writings​​
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Rolling your eyes at Scott’s latest attempt to flirt with Jean, you studied the uncomfortable redhead inching away from the younger Summers brother from your perch on a tree limb a few feet away. Normally you’d step in before it got to such a point but Jean had begged you to let her handle him after you nearly beheaded him the last time he refused to take “no” for an answer. In your defense, he’d threatened to take his glasses off – “let’s see if you can walk off my powers, (Y/N), if you’re so special,” – so you simply reciprocated with a similar threat of your own except...
You were a woman of few words.
It sucked that it’d cost you an entire day rebuilding the marble statue he’d crashed into, but it was a fair price to pay. Especially since Peter had recorded Scott flying through the air, his screams turning more to shrieks as he neared the statue before dissolving into whines as he smashed through it.
And yes, you kept that video – and replayed it often.
Watching Scott grip Jean’s wrist roughly, you dropped to the ground silently. His voice was growing loud and she was clearly trying to break the hold without using her powers. Despite the control she’d gained over the years, she was still hesitant when it came to those in the mansion, fearing it would slip and hurt someone she cared for.
“Why do you always say no?! I know you like me, so why won’t you go out with me?” his question was posed jokingly but there was real heat beneath it. He was truly angry she kept turning him down, refusing to understand she wasn’t interested in him. “I get you, Jean. I know what it’s like having dangerous powers but that’s why we work! You know what I think? You say no because of (Y/N). Because she doesn’t like me.”
“I don’t want to go out because I don’t see you like that,” Jean argued, the energy around them becoming unstable as her panic and anger rose. “The last time we did anything just the two of us, you kissed me. Without asking. And got mad when I said I didn’t want to be your girlfriend. I don’t like you like that, Scott. Right now, I barely like you at all.”
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see her deteriorating control as Scott’s grip didn’t waiver despite Jean’s irritation, so you decided you’d stayed out of it long enough. Reaching for the scruff of Scott’s neck as you neared him – intent of dropping the man-child to his knees – a sudden screech echoed through your mind and he released his hold on Jean immediately, hand flying to his ear to try and block out the noise.
Eyes jerking to the redhead, you saw the familiar blankness wash over her features. You’d seen it too many times. In fights, during her training sessions…
“Hey, Jean,” you called out, forcing the hesitation and pain from your voice. “You’re okay. He let go.”
Emerald eyes flickered to meet yours, recognition fleeting as the screeching suddenly ended. You were the last person she ever wanted to hurt and everyone knew that. The professor often called you her anchor; the one tangible thing that kept her tethered to this plane whenever her powers overcame her. The one voice her mind sought after when all others fueled her misery and rage. You often teased her about it – joking that it clearly made you soulmates – but you were starting to believe there was something deeper there.
Either way, you were her safety when nothing else felt okay.
Despite noting your presence, the absence of “Jean” was obvious. Scott was stumbling away from her, trying to separate himself from the noise rattling in his brain but you were worried he might find himself in a worse predicament if she became anymore agitated. You couldn’t care less for his safety, honestly, but you knew she’d feel nothing but utter guilt if she hurt him.
Steeling your nerves, you cupped her cheeks and dragged her emotionless stare towards you. It was unnerving to see such a lack of warmth residing there but you remained steady. You could see bits of the mask fracturing but Scott’s whimpers were growing frenzied.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, crashing your lips to hers.
Was it your best plan? No. Could it blow up in your face? Hell yes. Did you regret it? No…? Maybe…?
Did it work?
Scott’s sudden gasp of air was almost heavenly as she yelped against your mouth, hands flying to your shoulders as Jean became Jean again, the energy lingering dissipating into nothingness once more. You could see the surprise in her eyes as she took in the current state of your actions before she melted against you, which truthfully surprised you in return. You tried to create a bit of distance – to explain or to apologize, you weren’t terribly sure – but her lips moved tentatively against yours, a silent plea that you were happy to fulfill.
It was shy, a gentle brushing of mouths, but it was the purest kiss you’d ever experienced. There was fire low in your belly but you didn’t think much of it, only savoring the embrace you’d never really thought you’d have.
Eventually separating, her head fell to your shoulder. Nose grazing your neck, she whispered, “You kissed me.”
Face burning, you nodded. “I did.”
“…I hope you are the last first kiss I ever have.”
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shadowglens · 9 months
i know everyone voted for me to replay cyberpunk, but i started another playthrough of dai last night instead 🤣
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salisburyliam · 5 months
¡Hola! You can call me Selena. 20s. Spanish girl living in the UK. This is my blog, focused exclusively on Romance Club as it has become my obsession
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Heaven's Secret 2
The Desert Rose
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Hogwarts Edition
RC Thoughts
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7 Brothers: no one atm And the Haze Will Take Us: OG Volot 🥵 Arcanum: LIAM MY SWEET LIAM 👑❤️ Astrea's Broken Heart: Cassiel 😍 Chasing You 1 & 2: Alexander Dracula Love Story: MEHMED 🔥🔥 Elite Tag: Ari Garden of Eden: Seong-hwa 😊 Gladiator Chronicles: Labelle Heart of Trespia: Reinhold Heaven's Secret 1 & 2: Lucifer 😈 Heaven's Secret Requiem: Dmitry 🔥 Hell on High Water: RJ Kali Call of Darkness: Ratan Kali Flame of Samsara: RAM MY HUSBAND ❤️❤️️ Legend of the Willow: Kazu ❤️ Love from Outer Space: diamond mining this one Love, Sin & Evil: Wolf Vampire Moonborn: Max My Hollywood Story: diamond mined On Thin Ice: Tate Marshall, a literal ray of sunshine ☀️☀️☀️ Path of the Valkyrie: Andvari Psi: Ivo / replaying for Jonas 😍 Queen in 30 days: diamond mined Rage of the Titans: Murphy Sails in the Fog: diamond mined Seduced by the Rhythm: Hiro Shadows of Saintfour: Aaron / replaying for Michael Shakespeare's Code: xxx Sins of London: Glashtyn no LI was any good in this book tbh Song of the Crimson Nile: LIVIUS my dear ❤️ Sophie’s Ten Wishes: Benedict I wanted Haku 😒 Soulless: Walter 🤭 The Desert Rose: Zain 🔥 The Flower from Tiamat’s Fire: Niall I wanted Varassa 😒 The One: Evan The One 2: Joel, but Bradley is better 😂 The Thunderstorms Saga: Sha'arnez Theodora: Lawrence 💔 / Antonio / Darius & John Vying for Versailles: Alexandre Wave Patrol: diamond mined this one I hate you Jake 😡 W Time Catcher: Shen
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alitgblog · 7 months
ok thoughts for volume IV bc I actually enjoyed it a lot lol
also I'm currently on a Jin route (i might switch to claudia i have not decided) so that's important context lol
I Spy was an interesting concept for a game but if i can nitpick here, it felt much more like a firepit game than a challenge and that would be nice to have some variety since last week was the Heartbreaker thing and next week we have Excess Baggage.
For whatever reason I can't remember the format of the show rn but I think if the game is gonna continue with doing about a day more or less per volume, it should be like the show where there is at least one or two major events being either dates (where couples are either all in the same area, one couple goes out of the villa, or there's bombshells involved), challenges (where they go out onto the stage and do some physical challenge), or parties (which can include games). And right now I feel like we're getting three challenges in a row and I'd rather we change it up. But that's besides the point
anyway i believed Jack when he said his secret wasn't supposed to cause drama but I did not believe Theo at all and the fact that we got to tell him that later? Great choice. (and also so in character for MC to tell him off and him to just continue pretending like she didn't say that)
Also very flirty moments with Claudia is what is making this Jin route so hard. she's very forward and the fact that you can pursue her so soon is great actually. I thought maybe she and theo would share a slow burn route but it seems like it might be just Theo (or that you can't officially couple up with her later but apparently you can kiss her and go to the hideaway and stuff so that's cool).
I'm always hoping for non MC centered drama and we got it (but also there WAS MC centered drama too so that's even better)
I love to have a character to hate/dislike, so thank you so much Sophie and Jack. I can't imagine what it would be like with Luna and Jin though because they seem way more chill whereas I can see Sophie (a PERFORMER) doing all that and Jack (self proclaimed romantic) also just doing stuff to fit with Sophie.
And honestly still having residual feelings from the previous episode works. Like, yes to the Jack and Emel kiss (at least from Jack's POV about being insecure about Sophie,,, I'm not so sure about Emel but as someone who played it flirting with Oakley up until the end of Vol II and knowing Emel wants a romantic guy like Jack, I will let it slide). I kinda wish it implied more that Jin rejected Sophie so that's why she didn't pick him at the last recoupling so she's still hurt and still antagonizing MC and Jin for that reason. Otherwise it's just like, why are they still mad though?
Emel and Oakley are so cute. I also kept wishing after S5 and S6 that we got more strong couples in the game and I'm very glad they seem happy and if anything happens to them I'm gonna be so upset.
And tbh Jack and Sophie making it work is so nice too. Even though I think they're gonna keep having a lot of drama, it's entertaining and it's also great to have a couple that's probably gonna get dumped or split up at some point (and you know they're not gonna make it on the outside).
I don't care for Brad and Christy at all but why is that option 29 gems?? Like even asking for drama about the Islanders currently in the Villa is 17 gems (which I still don't think should be behind a pay wall but it feels like that one might be more relevant).
I do like that Jack is trying to be sweet to Sophie because even though he has also been an asshole to MC and her couple, he's still a possible route for if you replay, so that's nice they're not making the other LI's unappealing like in S6 (...yet???? im not giving fusebox the all clear yet)
I hate that Jack called his apology thing a game, I wish he just gathered everyone at the firepit and did the same thing but not called it a compliment game.
in the same vein, why did he invent the chemistry game because that feels like they should've gotten a text about that and then the next text about voting for the couple with the strongest chemistry to go into the hideaway would make more sense.
regardless, I really liked Jack's compliment to MC because that's how I've been playing this character and the fact he pointed it out, I feel like she'd love that. Also everyone else's compliments were fun too except maybe Sophie's which is funny.
And then he tried to make a joke at the end which was bold, but then I found out it might have been Jin's fault which is far more in character but again I don't know how well that would play out if I was playing a different route.
Also you can cheekily ask Oakley how he felt about Jack's joke about Emel being the best kisser in front of everyone and you best believe I did that
Then everything seems fine until the chemistry game and then suddenly Sophie, Jack, Emel, and Oakley are doing fine and everyone else is not and I love that turn in drama. Again, can't speak for a Theo route but the way suddenly Claudia is in between Jin and MC is crazy and Jin has a somewhat reasonable response (considering that fusebox wanted to give you space to go to the hideaway with Claudia). he probably forgave MC too fast imo but that's on me for playing the messy route.
Also Claudia's response after hearing Jin and MC are going to the hideaway together instead of her and MC is so good. Like she does convey she's disappointed but understands, and MC says there's still time for them, and Claudia's response is like it would blow your mind like we gotta give Jin a fighting chance, and I love that. also bc I'm indecisive so I'm glad her routes not closed yet.
as much as I like the drama, Tyler did not make a big splash so it does feel like we just got drama four volumes in a row, so I'm kind of hoping we get a bombshell mid challenge. Unfortunately, it's the excess baggage challenge, which I do like and I think we're due for this challenge to show up, but a bombshell showing up mid excess baggage challenge is literally what happens in S3 so I don't think I'm right.
I already posted my little joke about the Hideaway scene but yeah it's so much better than it's been recently. And like it looks like there's a few more options to change up the scene/dialogue so that's good they put effort into small stuff like that
and I'm not advocating for them hiding scenes behind a pay wall (like I rather them put these expensive gem choices behind drama I don't care about, that's fine) but like if there was ever a time to have a pay to win part of the game I would've made it this and not the kissing challenge. HEAR ME OUT: so it's like an early in the game hideaway first of all, technically you've known each other for like four days and if it comes up again for free, i wouldnt even miss it. Second, it kinda dismisses the drama that JUST happened. Like, either Theo or Claudia have just blown up their strong couple to pursue MC and their LI doesn't do anything? And the other couples vote for them anyway? Like get rid of the gem choice early on for MC and Jin to prove their chemistry and have them stumble anyway. Then after the Claudia/Theo confession, the gem choice is MC announces she wants another shot and because Sophie, Jack, and Emel like her for solving their drama they agree. And then MC can choose her second try with Theo, Claudia, or her LI. And then still has the chat later with her LI and then you win with whoever you pick (or I guess if you pick Theo then you don't bc I guess it's the slow burn route. Maybe you get a chat with him on the daybeds or SOMETHING lol). And third, Jack did this whole campaign to get him and Sophie to a stronger place so like there was a perfect backup couple right there.
and also some non volume specific thoughts:
I'm kind of excited to replay and like couple with Jack or Oakley at this point because I'm curious if the dialogue is much different. I really like Jin's dialogue and it fits his character, so I'm wondering how much of it is copy paste (but most people here are also on a Jin route so I can't cross reference damn).
also I would've reordered the past couple of episodes so that like Luna and Tyler would stay for longer and have a bigger impact but I don't need to make this long post even longer so maybe I'll post it some other time
still don't know why it's called tempting fate but if we're returning to the non themed seasons I'm not complaining
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alaydabug2 · 2 months
@sokeefemicrofics August day 2:
Word count: 1399
(Sophie POV)
Sophie frantically searched through the fields with her friends. The battle was over. The Neverseen was defeated. But Keefe was still nowhere to be found.
Giselle was dead, Gethen, and the others were captured. Where was Keefe? He had to be somewhere! When she heard a pitiful moan, her heart dropped.
"KEEFE!" She yelled, running towards the noise. "KEEFE! WHERE ARE YOU?"
Her worst fear was confirmed when she crested over a hill. Keefe in a pool of blood. She could see the side of his shirt where he was stabbed.
She got on her knees beside him, applying pressure to the wound. "Guys, he's over here!" She called to her friends.
She met his exhausted eyes. "Hey. Come on, you need to stay awake for me. We can still get you to Elwin!"
She moved to go pick him up, but he stopped her. He took in a ragged breath before shaking his head.
"It's... it's not going to help. Too deep," Keefe rasped.
"Of course it'll help!" Please," she begged. "You can't die! The Neverseen is gone. You can't die now!"
He gave a weak smile. "Good. Then you'll all be safe now." It quickly faded, though. "Will you stay with me? Please?" He asked as their friends joined them. "I don't want to be alone," his voice broke.
Sophie pulled him in her lap. "Of course."
She pressed her forehead to his as tears fell down her face. Their friends crowded them, taking in the scene in stunned silence.
Several minutes passed, Keefe growing weaker, before his horse voice whispered, "I love you, Sophie. I'd always swore I would until the day I die. I just never thought..." His voice trailed off as his gaze fell to their intertwined hands, pressed against the wound.
She let out a sob. "I'll always love you, Keefe. I can swear to you that."
She gently kissed him, hand lingering on his cheek. When they pulled away, Keefe let his eyes flutter closed, exhaling a slow, seemingly content, breath. He never took another.
(Three months later)
Sophie wound through the path she'd become accustomed to taking through the wandering woods. She stopped at a pale sapling.
Its leaves we're a pastel yellow in color, growing in direction of no rhyme or reason. The small buds of flowers were ice blue. They hadn't bloomed yet, but it was apparent a few would soon. The little wanderling didn't grow in the correct direction. It was, however, growing sideways, tilting to one side.
Sophie slid onto the ground next to it. She clutched a small stuffed gulon in her hands.
"Hey, Keefe," she whispered. "It's official, they've gotten statues of all of us up in Enternalia. They did a dedication ceremony for it. Everyone seemed really impressed." She chuckled a little. "If you were there, your ego would've gotten about twenty times bigger."
She raked her fingers through the dirt near the root of his tree. "Speaking of which. The council talked about you. A bit of a mini memorial of sorts, I suppose. They said that despite you being the son of a Neverseen leader, you died a hero. You helped save everyone."
She eased herself to lay on the dirt beside him. She curled her knees into her chest, her green dress fanning around her.
"And they're right," Sophie's voice cracked. She waited a second before saying, "I'm so proud of you. You did so well during that battle. No one ever got to tell you, but thank you. For your sacrifice. For being you. Being amazing." She sniffled. "Being my friend. Being more.... You deserved so much better than this."
She hadn't slept in what felt like days. It was too much. The nightmares were overwhelming. Horrific scenes replayed over and over in her mind whenever she closed her eyes.
But for some reason, with the rustling of leaves, the tickling of wind, and her grip on Mrs. Stinkbottom, she felt her eyes growing heavy. A sense of comfort washed over her, almost like Keefe was still beside her. The wind seemed to be sending her calming blue breezes.
She closed her eyes, falling asleep. She didn't have a single nightmare.
(Twenty years later)
Sophie sat against the trunk of Keefe's wanderling.
"Hey, I'm back," she murmured. "Sorry I haven't visited in a bit. Life's been a little hectic."
She blew the hair out of her face before gathering it in a ponytail. She stared up at the beautiful blossoming flowers.
"Dex and Biana just had a baby. He's the sweetest thing in the world. His name is Dennis. They wanted him to have a more human-ish sounding name to break the norm." She chuckled. "Well... that's his first name, at least. His full name is Dennis Keefe Dizznee."
Sophie had to wipe her eyes. "They wanted to honor you. I think it fits pretty well, actually. You can already tell he's going to be a little troublemaker. He keeps trying to hide his binky. You'd be pround."
She sat it the quiet for a while, drinking in the sereneness.
Eventually, she whispered, "You would've made a great dad. Despite your own parents, you would have. I have zero doubt about it."
Instead, he was six feet under. Sophie's heart felt heavy. Every time when she thought she might finally be able to move on...
"I'll just have to tell Dex and Biana's kids about you," she decided. "They'll love your funny antics. I just wish they'd have been able to meet you."
She rested her head against his tree and closed her eyes. "I love you."
(One hundred years later)
"The humans are being reinstated as an intelligent species!" Sophie exclaimed.
"Amy's great grand daughter is the representative for humans. She's an awesome spokesperson. I just wish... that Amy could still be here to see everything come together. She died a few decades ago."
She glanced up at the yellow leaves swishing in the breeze. "But, I guess you already know that, don't you?"
She smudged away a few of her tears. "Tell her I love her, will you? And I miss her. I miss the both of you."
Now that she was thinking about it... "Are you with Calla up there, too?" She gave a shaky smile. "I hope so. Have some of her Starkflower stew with her for me. What about Forkle? And Kenric? Let them know everything is ok down here. Everything they sacrificed paid off. Things are slowly getting better."
(Two thousand years later)
Sophie brushed her hand against the pale tree bark. She gave a gentle smile.
"Hey Keefe, guess what? I was just enstated as councilor. Oralie stepped down, and I was nominated. I accepted."
She tucked her hair behind one of her pointed ears. "I'm going to try and put a few laws into place for you. It's so no other kids have to deal with what you had to with your parents. The meeting for it will be on Thursday. I've got high hopes for it. I also plan on finding a better matchmaking system."
Shr kicked the dirt. "I still haven't figured out who my father is. I don't plan to keep looking. I haven't in a while. I have no reason for matchmaking anymore. Well... I haven't in a few thousand years, I suppose," she chuckled.
"I know you would've been ok with me finding someone else, but... it doesn't feel right. It wouldn't be fair. For either me, or them. I know I wouldn't be able to fully love someone again, and they should deserve my full heart. But I just can't. At least not like I love you.
She pressed her forehead against the trunk. "When I gave you that promise, I meant it. I'm always going to love you. No matter what."
The blue breezes in the air picked up, wrapping around Sophie it what felt to be a hug. She hadn't felt that physically close to Keefe in a few millennia. Now, it felt like he was right there.
The wind seemed to whisper in her ear. She could've sworn she heard words in it.
'I love you too, Foster.'
Sophie smiled and closed her eyes. She knew he would always be with her. She knew he was there protecting her and taking care of her. He would always be a part of her.
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loveislandthegame · 6 months
thoughts on todays volume! i hope there isn’t a movie night because i was absolutely messy , kissed damn near everybody 💀
they still didn’t really explain the couple situation ?? when we first arrived in casa i wanted a “what the hell , im literally SINGLE, who am i even sticking/twisting from” option . will we just be forced to pick a casa guy or something ? at least we can openly flirt with claudia here
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all the available casa guys seem lovely , they’re all in different art styles but still adorable ... i will say RIP to those who thought liam was gonna be gary 2.0 . he ended up being shein, temu, aliexpress Hamish . the fact that he's the only one that looks straight out of season 6 doesn't really help
kyle though !! i’m twirling my hair babe . the painted nails (or press ons ? since it's only in his evening outfit lol) the dimples, his gold earrings in evening wear & silver earrings in swim wear 😮‍💨 i’m sticking with claudia, but if this season isn’t a dumpster fire i’d definitely replay for him (after the boring, hideous, sad male LI outfits in s7 i'm really glad FB is branching out with some different styles)
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girl… 😭 she’s not wrong though, especially with something that’ll come up later
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i also appreciate having the choice on who our bed partner is (casa boys, claudia, or alone) and being able to change our mind . i picked claudia both days
these Episode ass gem choices 😭 FB, have some shame
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... bea is for the girlies ? 👀
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bea is for the girliessss 👀 (side note, i don't know why everyone acts surprised with the amount of times MC and claud have openly kissed & flirted with each other 💀 i guess you could argue the casa guys wouldn't know but ... they've seen the show)
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theo who ? i'm here for the MC/claudia/bea love triangle now
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alright 💀 i see why they forced us to pick a guy now , for your “rival” to make a fool of herself . i saved emel because i liked her personality, but unfortunately she already merged with luna & sophie ... anyways my man that's not my man has some explaining to do !
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Unfinished Sentences
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A Ben Mendelsohn fic
Summary: You’re a actor who’s known for your indie work, but when you get a job working for Marvel on Secret Invasion with Ben Mendelsohn as your partner in crime, things may get complicated.  
Story Masterlist
Chapter 6 
You managed to sleep for another hour when you got back to your hotel room, before waking to start the day properly. Your body was aching in all the right places and every time you moved, a memory would flash in front of your eyes.
    You loved every moment of the night before, you could only half understand why you hadn’t given in before then, but the other part of you, the part of you that knew yourself far too well, was telling you all the reasons you could come to regret it.
        You dressed and headed down to the lobby to meet with your assistant for the day, she was already sitting having breakfast with Ben who looked in good spirits considering it was early.
    ‘Morning Y/N.’ She said cheerfully, announcing your presence to Ben who gently pulled the chair next to him out.
    ‘Morning, Sophie,’ you smiled, politely taking the seat Ben offered. ‘Did you sleep okay?’
    ‘Not too bad, thanks.’
    Ben pushed an already full cup of coffee in front of you, smiling to himself. ‘You get back to your room okay after the party?’ He asked, trying to keep it casual.
  ‘Yeah, yeah, fine, it wasn’t that far.’ You nodded, sipping the hot coffee.
    ‘Glad to hear it.’ Ben stood up. ‘I’m going for a smoke; you want your usual?’
    ‘Only if it’s on the way.’ You said, not sure how you were supposed to answer.
    ‘I got you.’ He winked heading out for a smoke.
    ‘He’s so lovely.’ Sophie smiled almost swooning over Ben and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
    ‘Yeah, he’s a bit of sweetheart.’ You agreed. ‘So, what’s on the agenda today?’
    Sophie took you through what the day would entail and at some point, Ben came back with a plate of bacon and eggs for you. He refilled your coffee cup and anyone looking over might have mistaken you for a couple. A big part of you didn’t actually mind.
    It seemed like a fairly straight forward few days, it would be spent with Ben doing interviews and then coming together for some group sessions. You ate your breakfast and Sophie needed to make a few calls before the car came around to pick you up.
    Ben hadn’t said anything since coming back from his smoke, in part you were terrified, but the other part of you was resisting laughing.
    You heard him snigger slightly and it just set you off. The two of you began giggling like teenagers once again, it was the only way you knew you were good, and nothing would be awkward.
    ‘So…’ Ben calmed down a little, taking a mouthful of coffee.
    ‘So.’ You repeated.
    ‘You wanna talk about it?’ He almost whispered. You turned to see his bashful expression, blue eyes flickering over your face, and you wondered if he was replaying the night in his head as well.
    ‘What do you wanna say?’ You asked, testing the waters.
    ‘Well,’ Ben quickly shifted his gaze around the room. ‘I wouldn’t mind expressing my complete and utter amazement that my own personal dream came true.’
    You covered your mouth in an attempt to stifle another laugh.
    ‘No, seriously, I feel fucking fantastic this morning.’ He went further, making it very difficult for you to not attract any attention. You took a breath and managed to compose yourself enough to speak.
    ‘Well, I can’t disagree.’ You admitted, watching Ben’s eyebrows raise suggestively. ‘Am I to understand that we are of the same opinion of keeping this under wraps?’
    ‘I think so.’ Ben nodded, a bit more seriously, taking another sip of coffee. ‘It’s no one’s business and I think unless we decided to make it a thing, there’s no reason to make it public information.’
    ‘Good.’ You nodded, glad you were both in agreement. You took a sip of coffee.
    ‘Of course, if you wanted to make it a regular thing, I would be jumping at every chance-‘ Ben stopped there, you couldn’t take much more of his playful nature, so much so that you were almost choking on your mouthful of coffee.
    ‘I’ll bear it in mind.’ You chuckled.
    Ben’s eyes locked with yours for a moment. ‘Please do.’ He said, sincerely. ‘I had a really good time and I think you probably did as well. It’d be a shame if we just ignored it and I don’t want anything to be awkward, so if you have anything you want to say, I’m all ears.’
    It was the sincerity that scared you. Someone had been this way with you once before and it ended in disaster, you weren’t about to fall into another trap.
    ‘What is that?’ Ben asked and you immediately smiled, changing your expression to anything other than what it was. ‘Is there something you’re not telling me?’
    ‘Yes.’ You smiled. ‘But I don’t want to talk about it. I’m not ready.’
    ‘That’s fine.’ Ben shook his head as if the last thing he wanted was for you to feel forced into anything. ‘Y/N, it’s fine, you don’t have to tell me anything. But is there anything you’d like me to know?’
    You thought for a moment, glancing out of the window to where a black car was pulling up presumably to take you to the interview venue.
    ‘I suppose one thing that might interest you,’ you started, catching Sophie returning out of the corner of your eye. ‘Your edging game is on point.’ You winked and stood up to greet Sophie, listening to that massive cackle that Ben had when he was really enjoying himself.
    The interviews would be easy enough, it was the same stuff mostly and with Ben’s playfulness, passing the time between it would be enjoyable as well.
    It was thinking on how amazing your relationship really was with Ben, the lack of awkwardness, the playfulness, the way nothing was really off limits, and you knew each other so well, staring at him in his light blue t-shirt underneath his navy jacket, looking so handsome and like a real movie star; you knew you had it bad for this man. The only question remained, could you keep him at enough of a distance to never feel the need to run away?
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : all about the little victories 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 6.7k words 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : explicit language, sexually suggestive dialogue & descriptions ; google translate dutch & greek
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Swamped is an understatement. Sophie isn’t sure where the influx of people needing clothing repairs came from, or who told a bridal party of six that her shop was the best place to get their dress hemmed and adjusted. She can’t complain, she’s flattered really, but after two weeks of being buried in thread and fabric she’s beat. 
Teddy hands the last of their urgent repairs off to its owner, the customer friendly smile on her face dropping the second the door closes. Sophie picks Ellie up from her play pen, pressing a soft kiss on her cheek. 
“You’re such a good baby,” Sophie coos at the little girl in her lap, “Waiting so patiently for mama to be done with work.” 
Ellie giggles loudly as Sophie swings her arms up and down and bounces her on her lap. She smiles down at her daughter and kisses her cheek one more time. 
Teddy plops down at her work station, head falling on her crossed arms that rest on the table. There is a soft, muffled groan that rumbles from the young girl and Sophie snorts. She stands from her place, switching her lamp off with her free hand. 
“Teddy, go home.” Sophie walks over to the girl, patting her head lightly before switching the other lamp off. “I also decided to keep the shop closed tomorrow, so enjoy your day off.”
“Oh you’re a godsend,” Teddy moans, lifting her head off the desk and looking up at the woman and her baby. She smiles tiredly, tickling the bottom of Ellie’s feet to which the one-year-old smiles widely back. 
“Yeah, yeah, now go. Go before someone else comes in.” 
Those words alone are enough to get her apprentice to stand and gather her belongings. Sophie only stays five minutes after Teddy leaves, pushing aside the mess of buttons she has yet to organize to make room for her little work notebook. She crosses out finished projects, scribbling other notes next to the ones that have yet to be done. Then, she shuts off all the lights and walks up to her apartment. She sets her daughter down in her play area, moving to prepare her bottle and a little dinner for herself. The sun is just beginning to set, the sky turning a pretty shade of orange and pink. 
After feeding and a very messy bubble bath, Sophie is slipping Ellie into her sleep sack and laying her down in her crib. She sits by the crib, arm slipping through the slats to pat her daughter’s bum until she’s fast asleep. It was still fairly early, the clock only ten minutes shy of nine in the evening. But Ellie had a long day, and she figured going to bed earlier than usual won’t hurt. 
Sophie finally sits on her bed after cleaning up her home and herself, plopping down with a quiet huff. It’s just about to be ten in the evening, and she begins to debate whether or not it’s too late to make a phone call she had put off for two weeks. Not that she meant to, but juggling work and a one year old is very time consuming. This is the first time in many nights she’s actually had a moment to herself. She swipes through her phone, scrolling through her contacts and stopping at M. 
Mick’s words from their last conversation, post Max and Pierre, replay in her head. She can hear his soft voice and strong words. Truth be told he was right to some degree. He may never fully understand the weight each man carries in her life, but then again neither did the men in question. She was giving them far too much credit, placing malice in their actions without them even realizing. While she still holds on to her reservations about Pierre, she shouldn’t have run away from Daniel like a madwoman and she shouldn’t hesitate so much over finally texting Max after a long two weeks.
She didn’t mean to push it off by two weeks, but life got in the way like it always does.
There is only a moment of hesitation, where he heart skips a beat and her mind makes her feel crazy before she mutters fuck it under her breath and clicks the phone icon by his name. 
It rings twice before the line is cut off. She looks at her screen incredulously, tapping his name to call again. It rings once before it gets cut off. She huffs, frustration growing inside her as she tries a third time. The phone only rings once again, but this time with an actual answer.
“Ik wil niet wat je verkoopt!” I don't want what you're selling! Sophie doesn’t have a clue what just fell out of his mouth, stifling a laugh at whatever he might’ve just spewed out.
There is a moment of silence, of just breathing into the receiver until Max finally speaks up. “Yes?” he drags the vowel out in the word, interest peaked at who the person is on the other end.
“It’s Sophie… Adams?”
There’s a thud, followed by several what she can only assume are cuss words, before she finally hears him again.
“Fuck, Sophie I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it was you, thought it might’ve been some telemarketer or spam caller.”
Sophie giggles softly, falling back onto her bed. “It’s fine.”
“I’m surprised you called.” Max leans back into the couch of his hotel room, paperwork forgotten. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner. Been swamped with work and,” Sophie pauses, looking over at Ellie sleeping quietly, “Other personal matters.” 
“Not a problem, Soph. Just glad you decided to call anyway.” 
The conversation comes to halt, both sitting with their phones pressed against their ear. Sophie lays in bed, eyes darting left and right as she tries to think of something to say. Her mind draws a blank, and she isn’t sure if it’s from the tiring two weeks behind her or if she’s stumped with nerves. Her pride says it’s the former, but her heart begs to differ. And just twenty minutes from her, Max is sitting on his couch, savoring the godsent moment of peace from the piles of paperwork he spent hours going through. He sits there, eyes shut, completely content even if all he could hear are her shallow breaths. 
“So Adams is your last name?” Max finally says. 
“I thought you knew?”
“Mmm, no. We didn’t get to last names the first time around.” Max chuckles.
“Ahhh, right,” Her cheeks tinge pink at the memory of their first encounter, “Well… there’s your fun fact of the day.” 
Max laughs into the phone and Sophie grins on the other end. The silence shifts to a more comfortable one. She sits up in her bed, leaning against the headboard and her knees coming up to her chest. Her fingers twirls with the ends of her hair, biting down on her bottom lip softly as she sits on the phone quietly. 
“What are you doing up, Sophie?” Max asks, standing from the couch and walking towards the balcony of his room. 
“Couldn’t sleep. And I figured I owed you a call. Why are you up?”
“At this time of night?” Sophie asks, disbelief evident in her tone.
The boy chuckles on the other end, elbows resting on the railing. “Yeah. I do this to myself though… I just wanna make sure I get it right.”
Sophie smiles knowingly, nodding to herself. “Guess you didn’t get that senior engineer position for nothing.” 
“Not for nothing no…” Max confirms. It’s quiet again, only the sound of them shifting in their place filling taking the place of small talk. “Are you okay Soph?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine… I just… I don’t know, I thought I’d call.” 
Max can’t fight the smile on his face. He’s happy she did. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t been obsessively looking at his lockscreen for an unknown number to appear with her name attached to it. Even buried in paperwork, he still managed to find the time to take a quick peek at his screen. After about a week, he began to give up on the notion, began to come to terms with the fact he’d probably never hear from her and he would just need to be okay with that. But then she calls, and now they’re here, sitting in comfortable silence.
“Well I’m glad you did.” He hears her soft giggles, and he tilts his head, “What?”
“I’m just so painfully awkward, but you’re still glad I called?”
“Baby steps… little victories you know?” 
Sophie raises her brow, “Little victories?”
“Yeah. This is a little victory.” 
Sophie blushes, head leaning against the wall. She’s happy that Max can’t see her, the way she grins like a little girl. She shakes her head, looking down at her knees. 
“I’m gonna go to bed now I think,” Sophie breathes, looking at the time. 9:17 PM. 
“Bedtime already?” Max asks playfully.
“It should be,” Sophie whispers, pulling the covers over her body, “I have to be up early tomorrow.”
Max nods, “I understand. It was really nice hearing from you again Soph.”
“Ditto…” Neither of them end the call. No wishes of a good night or sweet dreams, just a hanging silence. Sophie nibbles on her lips as she turns over, “Hey Max?”
“Did you maybe… wanna grab lunch on Saturday?”
Max is grinning like an idiot. He rubs his tired eyes, suddenly wide awake and elated. “This Saturday?”
“Yeah. I finally found some free time I guess.” She laughs nervously, squeezing her blanket in her fist. Max’s chuckle on the other end of the phone makes her smile. 
“Saturday works for me. I’ll text you a time and where, and let me know if that works for you.” 
“Okay, sounds good.” Sophie can’t help but the grin on her face, bottom lip caught between her teeth for a brief moment, “Goodnight Max.”
“Goodnight Sophie. I’ll see you soon. Sweet dreams.”
The call ends with a click and Sophie puts her phone down on the nightstand. For the first time in a long time, she is excited. She’s looking forward to something new, something different, and with a man other than Mick no less. She goes to bed that night, dreamless but peaceful. 
Max doesn’t go to sleep, instead the nerves are beginning to settle. Only three days until Saturday, and somehow that paired with the last two years doesn't feel like enough time. He begins to pace the room, the pad of his thumb between his teeth as he begins to overthink every little detail of their conversation and the potential their date on Saturday could hold. Heck, was it even a date? Max should’ve clarified. 
He does eventually go to bed that night, his mind swirling over whether or not buying her flowers is appropriate or not. 
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“Wow, you look nice!” Teddy coos, dropping her duffle onto the couch as she enters the threshold of the apartment. 
Sophie smiles awkwardly, adding the back to the left earring before straightening her posture and stepping back to look at her outfit once more. Hands run over the fabric of oversized cream cotton polo, adjusting the tuck as she tilts her head to examine her outfit in the mirror once more. 
“Not too much? Or maybe too little?”
When Sophie turns, Teddy is already bouncing Elise in her arms. Teddy gives the outfit one more time, “Uh, what shoes?” Sophie points to the white platform sneakers in the corner, nibbling on her bottom lip. Teddy nods, smiling. “Perfect. It’s cute Soph.”
“Thanks Teddy,” Sophie sighs softly, walking over to find a pair of socks. 
After slipping on her shoes, she looks around the apartment. She’d be lying to herself if she said she isn’t nervous. She hadn’t been out to lunch with a guy in two years, much more a guy she had a one night stand with all that time ago. Her body is ridden with anxiety, hands shaking and sweating as she begins to gather all her belongings. 
“Her bottles are in the fridge, just set them in hot water to defrost and warm. Do not microwave the bottles. And then yes to puffs, yes to bananas. You can try the peas but I doubt she’ll want them. If you can’t reach me or Mick, Corinna’s number is on the fridge and…” Sophie trails off, head whipping left and right, checking off her mental list to be sure she’s told Teddy everything she needs to know before leaving. 
Teddy laughs softly, walking over with Elise in her arms. The young girl reaches out to her mother, gurgling softly. The sweet sounds pull Sophie’s attention, calming down her erratic heartbeat. Sophie takes the little hand in hers, pressing a kiss against the soft skin of her daughter’s palm before leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek. 
“We’ll be fine Soph. Go have fun on your date.” Teddy wiggles her eyebrows at the young mother, who returns a playful eye roll. 
“Thank you again, I owe you one.” Sophie smiles. She presses one more kiss to her daughter’s cheek, thumb coming up to swipe away the pink residue of her gloss. “Be good for Teddy okay?”
“Say good luck mama.”
The baby girl babbles, drool sliding down her chin with a huge grin. Sophie smiles widely at her daughter, waving one more time before finally walking out the door. She sends Max a quick text, letting him know that she’s on the way before pulling away from her home and driving towards the address he sent her. Her phone pings again as she pulls up to a red light.
max v. 11:43PM hey, at the restaurant and it looks like they’re closed today for renovations. do you mind if we just had lunch at my hotel?
promise i won’t con you into coming upstairs with me ;)
Sophie chuckles softly, shaking her head.
sophie 11:44PM aw, that’s fine. what hotel? i’ll head over there now.
max v. 11:44PM santellini hotel. meet you in the lobby.
Max attaches the address to the text, but she already knew the way. She drops her phone onto the passenger seat, driving towards the hotel. Her throat runs dry as she nears the place, heart thumping against her ribs. She parks, and leans back into her chair, taking deep breaths as she tries to soothe her anxieties. There isn’t anything to worry about, there isn’t anything she should be worrying about. 
“You’re gonna be fine Sophie,” She mumbles to herself, “Everything is gonna be fine.” 
Sophie walks through the lobby, eyes scanning the crowd for a head of blonde hair. The hotel is bustling with tourists, maybe even more busy than the last time she had been here. She cringes at the memory, the image of her sprinting across the lobby making her feel slightly uncomfortable in her own skin. There was a slight worry that maybe she would run into the curly haired boy today, but she knows she would’ve felt even worse bailing on Max fifteen minutes before they agreed to meet. And like Mick says, she’s been giving them far too much credit, far too much power over her. 
She’ll be fine. Everything is going to be just fine.
“Sophie, hey!” 
Max waves over at her, standing from one of the chairs in the corner of the lobby. Sophie smiles back walking over to him. He holds out his right arm, wrapping them around her shoulder in a poor attempt at a hug.
“Hi. I hope you weren’t waiting long,” Sophie greets, leaning into his brief embrace.
He shakes his head, “No, not at all. Well come on, now.” Max leads the way, but Sophie easily gets in step with him. “They have a really good club sandwich, and really good pasta.”
She hums softly as she listens to Max ramble about the menu as they make their way across the lobby. She can’t help looking around, trying to spot a head of curly hair in the crowd of people. To no avail– and her relief– she doesn’t spot him. She breathes a little easier, gaze returning to Max, watching as he asks for a table for two. He leans against the host stand, smiling down at her.
“You look really nice today” Max compliments. 
Sophie feels her cheeks heat up as she grins. She looks down at her outfit before looking up at him. “Thank’s Max.”
The host calls his name, Max straightening his posture and turning towards the host, who begins to walk towards their table. The two walk through the restaurant, all the way to the table on the far end by the window. The host steps aside to give them both room to move past and sit. The restaurant is not too busy, only a couple of guests scattered around the room and one party of six just a couple tables over from them. If Sophie had to guess, it was a bachelorette party. The one girl in white and her friends in hot pink is the dead giveaway. 
“Geia, my name is Mindy and I’ll be your server today. Can I start you guys off with any drinks?”
He orders a Pepsi and Sophie a lemonade. Max sends the waitress off with a smile, and when he turns his head he sees Sophie staring out the window. It’s overcast in Kamari, but it has yet to rain. The beach is still surprisingly filled with people, couples and stags and children alike, enjoying the mild temperatures and the chance to be on the coast. The light hits Sophie’s olive skin beautifully, making her glow even more so. Her cheek rests in the palm of her hand, a small smile on her lips. There’s almost a bit of sadness in her features, the way she stares at the people on the other side of the glass.
“What have you been up to since we last talked?” 
Max’s voice tears her attention away from people watching. She straightens up in her chair, eyes wide and that same absentminded smile on her lips. “Ah, work mostly. It’s finally slowed down after a hectic two weeks.”
“Hectic how?”
“Just had an unusual rush of customers. We even had a bridal party come in to do alterations, which is a first for us.” Sophie lets out a breath, “But I mean it’s nice… it’s always nice to be busy.” 
“It is. I’ve been drowning in paperwork the last week or so. Just numbers and sketches and revisions.” Max rubs his eyes, a chuckle rumbling out of his chest, “Been cooped up in my hotel room.” 
“Paperwork for what?” 
“Renovations.” Max’s eyes light up. He looks around the restaurant, head poking out slightly. “We’re expanding that whole side over there, and then adding a better gym facility on the second floor.” 
Sophie turns in her chair, looking in the direction of the boy’s animated gestures. He paints a picture, describing plans that he and other hotel executives have been working on. His eyes are bright, fingers dancing in the air as he tries to give her a visual. 
“So yeah, I’m really excited. It’ll be my first project really taking the lead and overseeing so I just want everything to be perfect.”
“I’m sure you’ll do great. How long are you going to be here?” Sophie sips on her lemonade.
“Six months for now, then I go back to London. I’d be flying in and out of here though, to keep tabs and all that.” Max leans back into his chair, “But enough about me. How have you been? What has the great Sophie Adams accomplished since moving to Greece?”
“Well…” Sophie trails off, picking apart the last two years of her life. She tries to think of moments worth sharing, of what she might be able to talk about just as vibrantly and passionately as Max just did. 
But the only thing that comes to mind is her daughter, and talking about Elise is not an option. At least not right now. 
“I have the shop. I own it actually, after inheriting it from this sweet old lady.” 
“Have you got any hobbies? Or traveled much since coming here? I can’t imagine that you would stay in Kamari for very long.” 
The mood changes. Sophie shifts uncomfortably in her seat, eyes cast down on her lap as she shakes her head to answer Max’s question. He notices the discomfort on her face, feels the way the air around them has grown thick. He opens his mouth to say something, but his lips close because truth be told he doesn’t know what he can say. He watches as she flips her menu open, eyes scanning the photos of the various food items.
“Are you guys ready to order?” Mindy is back at the table, a customer friendly smile on her face. She doesn’t feel the tension, completely oblivious to the awkward air.
“Uh, could we get a couple more minutes?” Max asks softly. 
The girl nods, “Sure! Just let me know if you have any questions.” 
Mindy turns to walk to the next table before Max looks back at Sophie, who is back staring blankly at the page titled Orektiká in front of her. He sighs softly, flipping open his own menu to try and pick what to eat. 
C’mon Max, he thinks to himself, you’re better than this.
“The pasta here isn’t half bad… the club sandwiches too.” He settles on discussing the menu, mentally slapping his forehead. He tries to take a peek at her through his lashes, catching an uneasy smile on her face. She looks back down at the menu. 
“You said that when we were walking in.”
Max can feel his cheeks heat up, fingers scratching at the nape of his neck. He curses himself in his head, eyes going back down to the neatly folded table napkin on his lap. “I forgot. Sorry.”
“Don’t be. I uh…” Sophie knows she ruined the mood. Max caught onto her discomfort and now she made him feel uncomfortable. There’s a slight panic that brews in her gut, her mind unable to read anything else on the menu in front of her. She tries to think of things to talk about, things she had to offer instead of asking him about his job, because truth be told that’s all she had in mind. But after reading Pizza Margherita three times, she huffs in her seat. She looks over at Max, who flips through the menu, looking between on page and what’s behind it. 
“I uh…,” Max looks up, eyes wide as he waits for her to continue, “I make clothes sometimes.”
“Do you?” She nods, pulling out her phone and going to a photo of the little girl in a dress she made a couple weeks before. She flips her screen, showing it to Max. He leans in with a smile on his face, cooing. “That’s really cool Soph.”
“Full transparency?” Sophie puts her phone away and Max nods. “I hate it.” 
He laughs. He lets out a hearty laugh, one that comes from deep in his belly. “Hate it?”
Sophie fights a smile, nodding. “I do. I’ll always appreciate Alice for all she’s done, for trusting me with the shop, and for giving me work and all that. But being a seamstress isn’t really all it’s cracked out to be.”
“Well what do you want to do then? If you had the chance to, what would you want to do?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. I feel like anything would be more exciting than a needle and a thread no?”
“Anything is exciting if you make it Sophie. Bet you could make watching paint dry exciting if you wanted to.” Max looks behind her, flipping through the menu. “Ah, any clue what you want? I accidentally made eye contact with Mindy and I think she’s on her way over here.”
Sophie frantically looks through the menu, “Uh… uh I-”
“Are we ready?” Mindy smiles widely at the two. 
Sophie’s wide eyes flicker from the menu, to Mindy, then back down to Max. He has the same expression on his face, the one of pure panic and fear. She fails to swallow her laugh, blowing air past her lips as she sputters soft giggles and turns away. Max laughs as well, mumbling apologies to the young waitress who is staring at the both of them confused. Sophie looks back down at her menu, quickly scanning the entrees before settling on chicken alfredo. 
Mindy turns on her heel after scribbling the order down messily on her notepad, leaving the pair to their quiet laughter over a joke she’s not a part of. 
“So your favorite food is still pasta then?” Max leans back in his chair, taking his glass with him as he takes a sip of his drink. 
“You remember?”
“Hard to forget, especially when you asked the bartender for some three times at the bar.” 
She turns red at the memory, hiding behind her hands as Max chuckles softly under his breath. He sets his glass back down on the table. “I’ll never forget the look on his face when I called him over to order chicken alfredo. He cut me off after I asked.” 
“Sweetheart,” Max drops his voice an octave, trying to imitate the bartender’s voice, “just because you ordered it three times, doesn’t mean we serve it.” 
Sophie whines softly, smacking her forehead with the palm of her hand softly. “I genuinely think they weren’t even closed when they told us they were. I think they were just sick of us.” 
“Of you.” Max corrects.
“Of us!” Sophie argues, “You were complicit in the crime too!” 
“Sophie, I did not order pasta three times.” 
“No, but you did climb onto the bar and tried to convince the bartender to let you install a new karaoke stage. I’ll do it for free man, I got you!” 
He laughs again, this time at her failed attempt to imitate his voice. The restaurant’s quiet ambiance is beautifully disrupted by the symphony of their light hearted laughter echoing softly. Talking to Max got a little easier, even with pasta and fries added to the mix. Sophie still kept pieces of her life quiet, but she indulged in him a little bit more as the minutes tick bye. She shares experiences she’s had with Mick and the few god-awful customers she’s come across in her time working in the city. But even with little to say, it was still nice. It’s refreshing, Sophie silently admits to herself, talking to someone other than Mick and Teddy. While she loves them dearly, she knows that as someone in her mid twenties, she should have more than two friends. 
Sophie drops her fork gently into her empty bowl, pushing the dish towards the end of the table. She falls back into her seat, hands resting on her abdomen. “That was really good.” 
Max nods, dabbing the corners of his mouth with a napkin, dropping it on the plate as he swallows the last bite of his burger. He lets out a breath, “First time having their burger and I must say, I’m impressed.” 
“We’ll have to go to that other restaurant next time,” She says absentmindedly, smiling up at the man across from her, “They make the best bacon avocado burger I’ve ever had. It’s my favorite place.” 
“So there’s a next time?” 
There’s a crooked smile splayed on his lips, blue eyes teasing her. “You said we have to go to that other restaurant next time…” He watches her cheeks go red again, the smile going on her lips as she shakes her head.
“Oh well if you’re not interested in a next time-”
“I didn’t say that!” Max rushes, “I’ll take next time, whenever next time is.”
Sophie chortles softly, nodding. “No promises on when next time will be.”
“You have my number, just give me a call.”
Max pays, even after much resistance from Sophie. She swears she’ll pay next time, but the Dutch man only smiles to himself, teasing her over next time. They walk out of the restaurant, side by side. Max has his hands tucked in his pocket, while Sophie’s fingers clutch the straps of her purse slung over her shoulder. The silence is comfortable as they both try to figure out how to say goodbye, or if there was a chance goodbye could be delayed for another hour or so. 
Sophie’s phone dings in her back pocket, and when she looks at it there is a text from Teddy. It’s a picture of her daughter, smiling widely with what she can only assume to be crushed peas all over her cheeks. Look who’s eating her peas mama bear! Sophie is about to type a response, but Max calling her name tears her attention away from her phone. She stuffs it back into her pocket before finally looking up. 
“Sophie, this is Daniel. Daniel, Sophie.” 
Daniel didn’t see her when he waved Max down, her smaller frame well hidden behind the man. He just wanted to say hi, and now he sees her. There’s a bit of jealousy that ignites in him, realizing that Sophie is who Max has been referring to. She’s the mystery girl, the girl he’s been obsessively staring at his phone for. But of course she is, why wouldn’t she be? 
Sophie’s eyes are wide, brows slightly knit together and lips parted as she stares up at him. Her throat dries up, air caught in her lungs, as she stares into a familiar set of honey brown eyes. Her shoulders are rigid, slightly raised towards the top of her head, and she holds the strap of her purse so tightly he can see her knuckles begin to turn white. Her olive skin is dull, and if he didn’t know any better, he would’ve assumed she saw a ghost. But it’s just him. Just Daniel.
Max is blissfully unaware, his hand resting on the top of Sophie’s back to encourage her forward, planting her right next to him. Daniel catches a whiff of her perfume, the sweet scent taking him back to Michael’s little restaurant in Florence. 
“Nice to meet you.” Daniel says softly, left hand hanging in the air for her.
She stares up at him, confused. Does he not remember her? 
Her eyes flicker between his palm and his face, before she slowly raises her hand to meet his. Daniel’s slender fingers wrap around hers, shaking firmly before pausing. He gives it a light squeeze, a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes like she’s seen before. She breathes again, squeezing his hand back before they both let go. His eyes leave her, looking over at Max again. 
“Heading home?” Max asks the Australian. 
“Just the opposite actually. About to clock in, get off at one again.” 
Max is about to respond when his phone rings in his pocket. He pulls it out, staring at the screen before looking between the two of them, “Sorry, it’s Christian,” He rests his hand on Sophie’s shoulder, “Don’t leave. I’ll be right back.” 
Sophie nods and he smiles apologetically, walking off to a different side of the lobby to answer his phone, leaving her and Daniel to themselves. Once again, in the middle of a hotel lobby, only this time he isn’t watching the back of her head disappear in a sea of people and out the sliding glass doors. His features soften, honey brown eyes meeting hers. There's a glimmer of recognition as his eyes move from the top of her head to the tip of her toes, Sophie nearly misses it. 
“It’s really you.” His voice is rough, just barely above a whisper as he looks down at her. 
“So you remember me?”
“How could I ever forget?” 
She can’t help but smile, shaking her head. She inhales deeply through her nose, blowing air out pursed lips. “Always the charmer, huh Daniel?”
There’s a twinkle in his eye at the sound of his name in the tone of her voice. His heart skips a beat as he hangs his head low to disguise a knowing smile. Daniel soaks up every single detail of her, taking mental snapshots of her. Click. 
“Some things never change, Sophie Rae” He shrugs, giving her a wink. 
She cringes at the sound of her middle name, eliciting a soft laugh from the Aussie standing across her. “I still regret telling you that.” 
Daniel smiles proudly. “Are you gonna run?”
Sophie bites down on her bottom lip, shaking her head. “No, I won’t run. Sorry bout that by the way… not my best moment.”
“I’m just teasing.” He laughs. His eyes trace her frame again, another mental snapshot to keep safe. Click. “So you and Max?”
Her cheeks are even redder as she shakes her head, “It was just lunch.”
“Just lunch?” Sophie nods quickly, confirming that it was really just lunch. 
There is a sense of relief that washes over Daniel’s features when she does, and she almost wants to question it. But she doesn’t. Instead she looks at him, really looks at him. His hair is still a mess of curls, the sides just a little shorter than the top, and he let his beard grow in a lot more since she saw him last. He’s clad in a navy sweater and khaki shorts, thigh tattoo on full display. The lack of sleep is obvious, the circles under his eyes dark, but his eyes are still bright as ever. He looks really good. She cowers under his gaze, suddenly feeling exposed. Daniel notices the way she turns her face, the light shade of pink that adorns her cheeks easing his anxieties. 
“So… What do I do if I want to see you again?” 
Sophie feels the air get caught in her throat again, heart beating quickly at his question. He holds the same boyish smile on his face, the same one she remembers seeing from the passenger seat of his car the first time they met in Italy. There is a sense of nostalgia that washes over her, makes her feel warm inside. 
“Sophie’s Stitch, open Tuesday to Saturday. I’ll be there.”
He smiles to himself, already tapping away on his phone. He wanted to hand it off to her, hoping to get her number so that he can give her a text. But before Daniel can say or do anything else, Max is joining them again, phone still clasped tightly in his hand. “Sorry. Some troubles in London.” 
The two nod, Daniel looks at his watch before he returns his gaze back up at the Dutch man in front of him. “Hope everything is alright. Listen I gotta go clock in, but I’ll see you around, tomorrow probably.” Daniel pats Max’s back, as if to bid adieu, before his eyes are back on Sophie. “It’s nice meeting you Sophie. I’ll see you around.” 
“Yeah…” Sophie responds breathlessly. “It was nice meeting you Daniel.”
He says goodbye once more, waving goodbye with his hand in the air for a brief second before letting it drop down to his side. Sophie watches him walk across the lobby, greeting the people behind the desk with a wave and a soft hello. He stops at a door marked Employees Only, and before walking in, he looks back at her. She ducks down behind Max, who is too busy on his phone to notice the little exchange between the two. Daniel smiles to himself, shaking his head before finally pushing the door open and disappearing behind it.
Max groans softly, typing furiously on his phone and smashing his thumb into the corner of the screen. “My boss just emailed me…” Max taps something on his screen before looking up at Sophie. 
“Hey, I get it. It’s fine.” She pats his arm, a tight-lipped smile on her face. 
“I’m really sorry.” He runs his fingers through his hair, “I was going to offer coffee, or maybe even gelato but…” the phone rings, cutting him off. He looks down at his screen, stress visible on his features as debates between answering the call from his boss and trying to justify shutting off his phone and taking her to the gelato shop five minutes down the road. But the ringing doesn’t stop. 
“That’s okay Max, we can save it for next time.” She smiles reassuringly. She watches as his features soften, relief washing over him. 
“Yeah, next time.” Max nods, looking down at his phone one more time before reaching out to pull Sophie to him. She freezes in his embrace, body rigid and tense. “I’m glad we did this.” 
Five words, the gentle affirmation that he had a great time and a reminder that she did too, make her bones jelly. She really did. She wraps her arms around his torso, hand giving him a pat on his back before they release each other. 
“I’m glad we did too.” 
“So next time?” He takes small steps backwards, his phone ringing in his hand. The grin on his face is wide, holding so much excitement over unconfirmed plans. He points over at her, waiting for her response.
“Next time.” Sophie confirms, rolling her eyes playfully.
“I’ll see you. Drive safe, bye Sophie.” He only stumbles slightly, just as he’s raising the phone to his ear. He answers his call with an oof before mumbling a ‘Hi Christian…’
Teddy bombards her with questions the moment she walks past the front door, demanding for details of her little date. But Sophie walks past her, picking up her daughter and planting a kiss on her cheek. 
“It was good Teddy,” Sophie responds, paying no mind to the young girl’s disappointed expression from the lack of details.
“But why was it good?”
“It just was.” 
She knows Sophie all too well, knowing no amount of poking or prodding would get her to spill about the last two hours of her day. So instead Teddy gives her a quick rundown of what she and the little girl have been up to, bashfully including that Ellie only napped for forty minutes instead of the full hour and a half. And with that, she bids the mother and daughter goodbye and leaves them. 
“My good little girl,” Sophie whispers, “You’re such a good little girl.”
Elise looks at her mother, blue eyes wide and attentive, watching the way her lips move. Her little hands rest on her mom’s chest, drool falling down her chin. Sophie swipes it away with a napkin, even after tiny hands try to push her away. She drops the napkin in the waste bin before her finger tickles her daughter’s tummy. Loud giggles echo in the space of the small studio apartment, filling Sophie’s heart. 
“I love you, my sweet girl.”
The little girl pays no mind to her mother, eyes too busy staring at the toys on the floor below them. Sophie bends down, lowering her daughter onto her feet, hands taking the little ones in her own as she helps her walk across the small space of their home. They walk all the way to a pile of blocks before Elise loosens her legs, slowly falling onto her bum. Sophie sits across from her, handing a blue rectangular block to the baby, who gladly takes it from her mom. 
All things considered, from the slightly dampened mood to running into Daniel, today went well in her opinion. Two hours across from Max made her feel normal for the first time in a long time. It was different, sitting there and eating, enjoying the company of someone other than her two friends or her baby. For the first time, she didn’t feel guilty being without her daughter. But she knows she can never have a life separate from her motherhood. She can’t continue to meet Max and pretend that her daughter doesn’t exist. She knows that can’t hide her daughter for long, that sooner or later Max– and maybe even Daniel– will find out about her sweet Elise. But she’ll enjoy it for now, the bliss of their unknowing. For now she’ll revel in feeling normal, in the feeling of something new.
Sophie smiles down at Ellie, who hands her a red triangle block. She takes it from her tiny hands, empty hand coming up to flatten the hair behind her head. 
“Little victories,” She whispers to her daughter, “Today is a little victory.”
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NOTE: super heavy dialogue in this chapter, but its here. yay to more max, and yay to daniel's official introduction! not proofread, so mind the grammatical errors. can't wait for the next couple of chapters!! hope you enjoyed this and as always, feedback is always appreciated.
s/o to my bestie boo @ricc3rodeo for beta reading <3
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justanotherrcblog · 9 months
Just giving an update to my RC friend. These are the books I read with the chosen LIs. I want to know how much we have in common. Tell me please. Who was your LI?:
Heaven's Secret 1 (Angel Dino) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Queen in 30 Days (Adam, the bodyguard. The first meeting with the Prince Richard was wonderful so I thought I'll romance him, but later he got annoying to me. Then I chose funny, supportive, protective Adam)
Hollywood Story (none, I thought of Mike but he hurt my MC's feelings. Idk, there was a break-up and then he dated MC's friend and acted like nothing happened 😤😢)
WavePatrol (None. Jake annoyed me. Worst)
Shadows of Saintfour (Michael) 🩷
Moonborn (Max Fall and his cute smile)
Legend of the Willow (Kazu. He gives me somehow Nik Ryder vibes too, lol.) 😘😘😘😘
Sophie's 10 Wishes (shy, nerdy Benedict Reed)
Seduced by the Rythm (none)
Thanks for the ask 😊
Heaven’s Secret: ❤️ Lucifer and Mimi 💜. Dino was next but then HS2 happened. So his route is on hold for now
Queen in 30 Days: I diamond mined it, but if/when I replay it will probably be for Leo
MHS: yeah, the Mike/Ellen situation was not appealing to me either 😬
But in MHS the romance doesn’t look to be well developed for anyone, the story is one long fever dream and poor m.c is just living it 😄
I’ve only played two seasons, will probably pick Alex in the end
WP: yet another diamond mine, maybe Kayla? Edit: yes, I’ve now replayed & omanced Kayla. She’s gorgeous, but barely in it 🫤
SOS: *still* haven’t got back to my pt 😅, but it’s gonna be Derek (in part because I can avoid full intimacy with him while m.c is a minor. The other part being that I’m weak for friends to lovers 😁)
MB: not played yet
LOW: Takao 🤍
STW: poly route with Logan and Blake, chose Blake once a single LI choice was forced
SBTR: Claire, & she’s fine 🤷‍♀️, but I missed some of her route as this turned into a diamond mine by the end too
So it’s a big fat zero for RC LIs in common 😆. But what a boring (and terribly inconvenient) world it would be if we all had the same taste in everything
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