#sorcery fight kamo
blueraimo · 5 months
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colourstreakgryffin · 5 months
Yandere Choso and Yandere Sukuna with a reader who had extremely rare and beautiful eyes? Unfortunately, she had her eyes taken away and was blinded by an evil sect?
Hmmmm… okkkaaayy. Pretty simple to be honest. No clue what a sect in Jujutsu Kaisen is but anyway! I’ll try this out. Thanks for the simplicity but interesting idea! Spreading out lots of love and appreciation! I think this is the first time I’ve written Ryomen so let’s goooo~! Welcome in, King!
Yandere! Kamo Choso
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Furious… that’s it. That’s the only thing Choso feels. This single stupid cursed item has taken away his beloved most beautiful feature. Her eyes, her gorgeous, rare, magnificent, worth-millions eyes. Now, they are gone. He is so furious that he can barely stay together when he is bringing you home after the incident
Choso cannot beleive he failed to protect you… you’re his everything, his precious little angel, the one who turned him from some fighting machine of a cursed object to a real being with emotions and sanity. You changed him and he doesn’t even have the strength to protect you? How pathetic of him
Choso does his best to try help you through this event. He clings onto you tightly and curses himself out for not being able to save your eyesight. Not only are the most beautiful things possible gone, now you can’t see anymore. He swears on his life he will always take care of you and this results in a extreme amount of isolation and possession
Choso can’t afford to lose any piece of you. You’re precious and you’ve lost those sparkling crystals called your eyes. He is always fuming with rage over your lost but he needs to shove that aside to never let this happen again
Yandere! Sukuna Ryomen
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Ryomen immediately rampaged the second he found out his beautiful princess has suffered such a traumatising incident and lost her eyesight for good. Those beautiful, shining, eccentric, jaw-dropping eyes have been torn out and torn apart. How did— oh god. Ryomen is raging at Yuji, taking over the body and destroying venturing in his path in his immense anger. He couldn’t protect you… all because of Yuji!
Ryomen immediately rushes to you and checks on you, so worried and kicking at himself for the fact he let your eyes being ripped out from a nonsensical sect. He just cuddles onto you and holds back the urge to cry out in outrage. Nothing will touch you, he will destroy this Earth and if anybody tries to. He lost his angel’s happiness and her intense beauty
Ryomen, from within Yuji, stalks you intensely. Since Yuji is taking care of you when he suppresses Ryomen, he stalks you and threatens Yuji to protect you since you need it. Ryomen is almost desperate to seperate himself from this brat to make sure he can constantly guard and control you so this never happens once more
He has a intense grudge over the sect that took away your eyesight, he can’t stand not being around you and he is basically clawing at the within of Yuji to get out so he can drag you into a safe environment. Isolate you, grow even more possessive and obsessive, he needs to make sure you’ll always be okay… always, no matter what
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glittercritters69 · 1 month
SHAKING CRYING SCREAMING. I cannot believe this. GEGE WHEN I CATCH YOU GEGE 😭😭. Grieving for the next several months. I’m a widow now.
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almayuu1 · 3 months
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Choso 🩸
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shysheeperz · 2 years
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kamuisen-boxsplits · 2 years
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sweet-evie · 8 months
I have so many thoughts and headcanons about the Gojo clan... You have no idea. 😭 Also, I'm talking out of my ass and everything I say is fictional and from pure imagination... Don't take it seriously.
The Gojo clan may or may not span 40 generations based off of how long ago Suguwara Michizane lived...
and ummm... That's a lot of generational wealth 🤯.
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Imagine if you married into that -- married Satoru Gojo. You're automatically the highest-ranking woman in the family, on top of having access to all that money. 😆
Listen, some of the world's richest families like the Rockefellers currently span 7 generations and they're worth billions of dollars.
Damn I really need a full backstory on the 3 major clans. I need to know how rich they are and how they maintained and/or grew that wealth until the modern day.
There's plenty of drama and info on the Zen'in clan. We get crumbs and pieces about the Kamo clan...
But info on the Gojo clan is close to nada, and I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THEM DAMMIT! I'm so thirsty for more worldbuilding in JJK, you have no idea.
At this point, just seeing Satoru's parents would make me happy.
I have a headcanon that Gojo's family, apart from being sorcerers and political powers in the jujutsu community, are probably mixed bags of company shareholders, politicians, lawyers, philantropists, etc.
Yeah, it's said that the Gojo clan is a one-man army that consists of Satoru Gojo, but I interpret that as Satoru outshining every other family member -- especially every other practicing sorcerer in the family. (There's simply no surpassing the wielder of the Six Eyes and the Limitless technique).
The Gojo clan is a sorcerer clan first and upper tier members of Japanese society second.
Some of Satoru's male relatives are probably Shinto and Buddhist monks. The point is to have a foothold in influential religions among non-sorcerers.
I like to think that maybe one sorcerer in the clan has Limitless... maybe his grandpa, but the man was never as efficient with it as Satoru Gojo.
Maybe the majority of the sorcerers in the Gojo clan fight with Grade 1 cursed tools and good-old hand-to-hand imbued with cursed energy. Maybe other cursed techniques exist within the Gojo clan too... It's all just overshadowed by Satoru.
I also think the Big 3 actually tend to keep to themselves (e.g., the Zen'ins having their own military unit). Their spawns don't ALL go to Jujutsu High, do they? It's a choice for them rather than a necessity. Like, Jujutsu High was established primarily for sorcerers who come from "somewhat normal" backgrounds, unlike people from the Big 3. Satoru was born into jujutsu sorcery and it's the only life he's ever known, whereas people like Suguru who come from non-sorcerer families are brought into Jujutsu Tech to learn about what it means to be a part of jujutsu society, and to teach them that they're not, you know, mentally ill because they can see curses.
Quick side note, I imagine Jujutsu Tech as the bridge between the branch of the Japanese government that is aware of the existence of curses and the jujutsu society as a whole. It just kind of makes sense that way, especially when you consider where their funds to pay people come from -- not from thin air, that's for sure. I mean, how else do the higher-ups get the funding to pay their actively practicing sorcerers, especially the special-grades? Does jujutsu sorcerer pay roll come from citizens' tax money?
Also... On top of Satoru Gojo having access to his clan's generational wealth and assets, how much is he getting paid as an instructor at Jujutsu Tech? Is that salary separate from his special-grade sorcerer salary? Is he technically working 2 full-time jobs?
Man is rolling in cash...
Anyway, I want to circle back to the point that Satoru Gojo is the most active sorcerer in the Gojo clan when it comes to interacting with the higher-ups and being a constant presence in Jujutsu Tech. Obviously, his fingerprints are all over Jujutsu society politics as well.
I headcanon that Satoru comes from a big family, actually. Satoru is an only child, but I imagine lots of cousins and aunts and uncles and distant relatives, and the Gojo estate is probably one massive compound where most of the family lives. Like, they can live in that huge ass ancestral property if they want too... There's plenty of room.
The clan also likely owns several other properties and probably small temples or shrines across Japan. They have one ancestral seat and other properties. That goes for the Kamo and the Zen'in clans as well.
That real estate portfolio be popping.
As for actual size, think Heian estate in ancient Japan big. It's expansive.
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Maybe the sorcerers in the family would be fond of living in the Gojo estate. The others, especially the ones who hold positions in the government or the military or who have public-facing jobs have their own homes registered under their own name, and not... you know... registered under the family with the clan head.
Another headcanon is that the clan head is capable of assigning properties and other clan assets to family members if he chooses to. Satoru Gojo can give away houses if he wants too, like a nobleman or European feudal lord. But for real, the Gojo clan might have been part of the nobility in ancient Japan, only losing their noble titles after the Imperial family changed the rules around the 1940s.
Speaking of, it's probably not a reach to assume, that the clan head has his fingers in many many honey pots. 🍯 That is to say, Satoru Gojo has access to more money than he can spend in a single life time. And after he's passed, maybe the money just goes back to the surviving members of the clan.
I need to know Satoru Gojo's net worth.
I think each of the Big 3 has their own hierarchy and their own family politics. Again, the Zen'ins are a prime example...
For the Gojo clan, I headcanon that there's a small council of elders -- people way older than Satoru. Satoru's own father is probably part of that. Put his grandfather and a couple of uncles and aunts in there too.
How do they work? I imagine it's pretty similar to how the Small Council functions in Game of Thrones. Like, there's someone in charge of managing finances, someone who keeps an ear on clan politics, someone who has a foothold in the national military, etc.
I imagine they have a bi-weekly gathering. They offer counsel, but the final decision in any dilemma they discuss always falls to the clan head -- Satoru Gojo.
I also headcanon that Satoru has a penthouse somewhere in Tokyo -- a place he considers as his own residence, away from clan politics and the rest of his probably snobby family.
But Satoru is always busy, so his penthouse is way too clean. It looks like no one lives there.
This is the vibe of the penthouse... I have his penthouse in my Sims 4 game.
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Speaking of snobby... The Gojo's clan general reputation? I would say... They're intellectual people, some of them are likely obsessed with history, and rigid and formal when it comes to observing traditions. I imagine they have a tendency to be really elegant.
Whenever the Zen'ins look at them, the stereotypical thought is, "Look at those pompous, snobby, jackasses."
In the succeeding years since December 7, 1989, the Gojo clan's sense of pride has only grown, because well... The most powerful and strongest sorcerer of the modern age came through their lineage.
Needless to say, Satoru Gojo is the pride and power of the Gojo clan.
Satoru's parents were practicing Grade 1 sorcerers... really active in the field, and Satoru's grandfather was Clan Head for a time.
Satoru's mom retired from fieldwork after she married Satoru's dad and after she got pregnant and became a mom. I love my headcanon that she's a shrewd politician and is all about maintaining good standing with the elders while doing intelligence gathering. The woman maintains a network, so she's always in-the-know.
Satoru doesn't make it easy for his mom especially when he goes around and does what he wants. e.g., Becoming a benefactor to Megumi, saving Yuji and Yuta, etc. She's actively working to cover his tracks wherever she can.
Satoru's mom is actively looking for a wife for him, for obvious reasons. The plan never came to fruition because of the Shibuya incident and Ch #236.
Satoru's father is more politician than actively practicing sorcerer by the time Satoru was studying in Jujutsu Tech. He's all about maintaining solid relations with the other clans, the elders, and collaborating with the branch of Japanese government that knows of the existence of jujutsu sorcery. He probably works with the Japanese government too.
Satoru Gojo visits the family estate once in a while... for other business, but primarily for hearings and clan meetings. It's peculiar to look at during these meetings because Satoru is the only person in that room who isn't wearing traditional clothes. Like, I headcanon that he shows up in casual attire, or his Jujutsu Tech uniform, complete with the blindfold.
His mom probably tried to talk him into wearing traditional clothes for these meetings when he was younger, but it just never stuck. Satoru is Satoru, after all.
After Satoru Gojo passes away, I like to imagine the Gojo clan takes a bit of a backseat. It's probably the wiser course of action too, considering everything that's happened in Japan after October 31, 2018.
[I know some people think he's the only survivor of the Gojo clan, but you gotta think of the fact that he learned about Hollow Purple from some people. Someone taught him FBE as a kid.]
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yunalinwrites · 4 months
jjk fics i'll never write (but maybe you will!)
i have a bunch of fic ideas i dont think i'll ever get to bc saved by the bell is taking rlly long and i don't have a lot of time (╥﹏╥)
i still wanna see them come to life tho so i think im just gonna throw them out there for anyone who wants to use lol
idk maybe ill write these eventually but even in that case im not gonna stop anyone else from using them as well
go ahead and alter however u like, but tag me if u use!! im letting u peek in my brain >:)
and even if ur not a writer these can just b like imagination prompts for when u go to bed LMAO
"love is work" - nanami kento x reader
summary: title is self-explanatory tbh--the idea that nanami kento views love as work could be applied to any scenario. but, i think it would be interesting for the reader to be the person he meets at the bakery. maybe the bakery is a family business, so the reader's work is literally driven by familial love. although, im not sure if that means they agree or disagree with nanami about love being work.
alternatively, the reader could be a co-worker of nanami's.
serving oneself vs. serving others
what makes love/work worth it?
"meet cute" - fushiguro megumi x reader
there are so many canon strangers to lovers opportunities with megumi lol.
like, being the person "hitting on" (asking for directions from) fushiguro during that one juju stroll.
or the person getting robbed and saved by the 1st year crew, also from juju stroll. (also applicable for yuji and nobara x reader)
there's also the light novel chapter where megumi and yuji stalk gojo at a maid cafe, so maybe the reader works at the maid cafe, and the very stoic but handsome megumi catches their eye. this scenario could also be applicable to yuji x reader or gojo x reader.
there's also an original scenario i was thinking of cuz megumi likes reading (specifically non fiction) so what if the reader was a worker at a book store or a librarian. maybe they know about sorcery already because they read a non-fic book about it and recognize his uniform when he walks in.
also i haven't seen a megumi x tsumiki's friend!reader, esp considering that one girl when tsumiki is confronting megumi about bullying lol. this one could have an interesting conflict bc that girl urged tsumiki to do the test of courage that ended up getting her cursed! so then how would megumi deal with his love interest (the reader) also being the person somewhat at fault for his sister's demise?
not a meet-cute prompt but generally i think it would b interesting in any megumi fic for gojo to be a conflict. like, as megumi's father figure, he doesn't want megumi to end up like him and suguru, so he's very hesitant about letting megumi fall in love with someone since "love is the most twisted curse of them all." but i think in the end, he might realize that love/the reader is exactly what will stop megumi from turning into suguru, so gojo ends up giving the reader his blessing.
"sugar makes blood thicker" - geto suguru x reader
tw: spoilers for gojo's past/hidden inventory/star plasma vessel/premature death arc, angst, DARK CONTENT, self-destructive behaviors, self-harm, eating disorders
summary: reader is a student at jujutsu high in 2006, alongside geto and gojo. reader is from the kamo clan and uses blood manipulation. they've been taught to keep a very strict diet to optimize the viscosity of their blood. just like how geto hates the taste of cursed spirits, reader hates the taste of their diet. they fall in love with each other, because they've finally met someone that makes them feel understood.
if you want to go even darker, the reader's technique may involve cutting (kind of like marie from gen v)
what's the point of fighting for a world that's done nothing for you in return? ("what has the world done for me lately?")
sugar makes blood thicker, which i can imagine is harder to control for a blood manipulation user
gojo satoru is the opposite of the reader: he eats however he pleases, which includes lots of sweets, so it's hard for the reader to be around him/doesn't like him. as a result, it's also hard for geto to have to pick sides between his best friend and the reader
ending: canon ending; geto chooses reader over gojo; they turn evil and run away together with nanako and mimiko. although it could also be interesting for geto to choose gojo over the reader, or if there's somehow a happy ending for everyone here.
I have no title for this one but gojo x megumi's older sister reader
self-explanatory. during the 2006 arc, after gojo kills toji. they raise megumi together <3
"if only i could go back" - any character x reader
summary: this is pretty self-indulgent lol this one's for everyone who wants to heal everyone's trauma and just have a happy ending lmao. i had this idea of the reader either being a sorcerer or a curse who has the power to grant one wish but in doing so sacrifices themselves (they die). so, obviously, they're in high demand by everyone:
megumi wants to heal his sister
gojo wants to bring suguru back
geto wants to rid the world of non-sorcerers
toji wants his wife back
shoko wants her friends back
some situations the reader may find themselves in are being held at the school so that nobody can use their power unless absolutely necessary. or maybe they were captured by the curse users.
technicalities about the reader's power: they can't grant their own wish, but they have full autonomy over whose wish they can grant, meaning the only way that someone could get their wish granted is through befriending and persuading the reader.
characters having to choose between their wish (which kills the reader) and their fondness of the reader (wanting the reader to stay)
will they truly be happy if their wishes are granted?
how does the reader feel about being the method of people's desires but not actually being the desire?
alr im done yapping
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sabosbabygirl · 11 months
Beautiful Eyes
Female reader but all are welcome
You at Jujutsu High as a Sorcerer
You x GoJo; smut; 2.2k
You and Ino were essentially the same person. Both of you are considered Professional Sorcerers and were taken under Kento Nanami’s wing. Bickering, like siblings, over who defeats the most cursed spirits to telling Nanami that neither of you will be promoted until he gives his blessing.
Ino, Yuta and Gojo are the only ones who know what you look like. Everyone else, knows you as the “Girl behind the mask”. You stay hidden in the shadows..camouflaged. Dressed in all black head to toe, no skin exposed, with a mask that you often change: sometimes it’s a skull, other times it’s a traditional Japanese mask. The only thing people see is one eye which is as blue as the ocean. You don’t really talk unless you are with Ino. And you normal don’t participate in trainings until Aoi requested you and Kamo face each other.
----Day of Training-----
“Lets make a deal…”Aoi continues, “if Kamo is able to injure you, you have to show us what you look like without the mask”…all the other students, senasis and Ino are shocked. You being overly confident, laughs “haha, fine”, you look at Kamo, “blood manipulation…..this will be easy”.
The strategy is simple, keep him using his blood techniques until he is weak enough to land a punch…or you could keep this fight between he and himself by activating your mirror technique (recently learned). First lets start off with illusion….
Illusion gives you the ability to change the scenery, with one swift motion you and Kamo are above the ocean. Water. Kamo is a bit taken back, “don’t let her fool you Kamo, she’s good at playing into your psychology and bending things around her to make it different than what it really is…” Aoi tells him. Kamo knows. He has seen your moves in action…but seeing and being on the other side of it are two very different things.
You shake your head. Water is good….slows blood down, but it’s no good if he now knows it’s fake. Kamo starts with piercing blood. Once pierce will easily poison you. To avoid these arrows you must move around a lot, bouncing around as if you are doing parkour.
Kamo is shocked, “she moves quicker than my arrows do….” One swift punch and kick send him flying. “Remember Kamo, she is full combative…expect a lot of punches and kicks,” Nanami warned. Why is he helping him……Ino looks at Nanami, as if he is asking the same thing. “Whose side are you on?” Ino questions. Nanami looks at him, “there are no sides, it’s good for Kamo to know what he is against. You and I know how y/n can be….” he said. You and GoJo often get compared and not because you are on his level of sorcery, although there have been mentions, it’s because you are just as cocky as him. But you both have a past….and that past has lead you both to be the way you are now.
Should I activate mirror affect now? You can’t keep running, although your stigma is high, you also must ensure you conserve energy. Your issue has always been energy. You go hard at the start that by the time you do want to activate a more powerful move, you can’t. You settle in one spot. Waiting.
“Why is y/n, just waiting?” Yuji asks. “She is conserving,” GoJo smiles. GoJo has been secretly training you….among other things (devilish smirk). GoJo knows your powers and your greatest but if exhausted for too long, you run low.
Kamo being as smart as he is, knows what you are doing. “Slicing Exorcism” he motions. Perfect. As soon as he executes, he is surrounded by mirrors. “Whaaat?!?!” he shouts.
Mirror Affect, the action that other user does is bounced off and hits them back….the bonus, it’s affect is doubled.
Kamo gets hit with his own wheel of blood….doesn’t sound bad at first but since the affect allows for double the force, he is hit stronger than what he initially had. Thus, the blood won’t affect him, however, the force will.
Kamo goes flying and crashes into a tree. Illusion is no longer there, and all the mirrors are gone. Kamo is now bleeding, eyes wide.
“Whaat?!”, yelled Aoi. “When did she learn that?” Ino looks over at Nanami. Ino is shocked. You have never done that before.
Yuji looks at GoJo….GoJo is smiling but there behind his eyes, is worry. Not just for Kamo, but he also sees how much energy was taken away from you in that one move…is that move worth it?! Especially against someone higher than Kamo and y/n.
You go over to Kamo, during the force, you ensured that he would hit a tree but you also slowed the hit, only injuring him a little bit. You look over at him, “are you okay?” you ask…you took some of the force out, but you didn’t know it would still hit him that hard. This was your first time using it.
Kamo looks at you, and with one quick motion, you are pierced with a blood arrow.
Shock is filled all around. You aren’t surprised. Kamo is much stronger than he thinks. There’s a reason the higher ups like him. And although you were slightly caught off guard, you were easily able to take it…at least until the poison took effect.
He got the leg…smart. Kamo looks at you. “Smart!!” you shout…he managed to injury…the fight is no longer worth continuing.
Aoi is cheering. Kamo, hurt, but is smiling. Yuji, Ino, and Megumi are shocked. Nanami shakes his head, like a disappointed dad. “You showed your cards too soon y/n,” he tells you. Mirror affect was smart but you could’ve used other affects to dodging/killing his wheel of blood. Mirror affect should be used when you are no longer able to keep going…but again it takes energy…so at what cost is the mirror affect worth it.
You look over at GoJo, concern fills his face. He doesn’t care about the deal, he cares that you are okay. Yuta comes over and heals you. Yuta knows about GoJo and you. He is the only one who does.
“A deal is a deal, y/n” Aoi shouts, slapping Kamo on the back. A deal is a deal. You look at Yuta, Yuta gives a weak smile and whispers “there’s nothing to fear, y/n”. You stay concealed for a reason. You aren’t ugly, you are the opposite. Your beauty was passed down, however, the scar on your lip and the different color eye…was not.
You nod lowering your hood, revealing long, beautiful brown hair that flows to your mid back. You then take off your mask. Right eye is the beautiful blue and the left is the color of blood. The scar is from the top left corner of your mouth to the bottom right corner. Your red eye draws the most attention. Where you’re from, it is said that the one the possess the red eye, is the evil one. Takes souls. If a person possesses one red eye, execution is immediate. Hence your camouflage. When Geto and GoJo came to you, they did not care about that. For where they were taking you, you’d be safe.
Aoi is shocked. You are beautiful but dangerous. The red eye has power of its own, and if you allow it, it will take over.
“I always thought the red eye thing was bullshit….guess not” Aoi says. Most know the history and meaning behind the red eye. Normally sorcerers are not the ones who have it. Sorcerers are the ones who hunt them.
You look over at Yuji, he’s confused but not in a bad way. Nanami looks as though he always knew and the rest…the rest are just confused and taken aback.
Your saving grace comes to the rescue, “The higher ups must not know about this, clear? Y/N has been part of this since Nanami and I graduated. There’s no reason to fear her. However, this will be the last time you see her face fully.” GoJo explained. All agreed and nodded.
Yuta looks at you, “see….” Yuta was like a younger brother to you. You smile at him.
GoJo walks over to you, “We need to talk.”
We need to talk
“Why did you activate mirror affect? We agreed you wouldn’t do that…” he looks at you. You were hoping the “we need to talk” was an excuse to fuck. He is concerned. “It seemed right,” you tell him.
“It seemed right?! Really….that’s it….y/n, do you realize how dangerous that affect is? Not just on you but Kamo? You could’ve killed him.” He looks at you, this time disappointment.
“I know. I slowed the force down once it hit him so he wouldn’t crash too hard….obviously he was okay.” You tell him, remembering that he got you with one of his arrows.
“That was luck. But imagine if you didn’t have energy to do that for him….Y/n, you need to think before using something as powerful as that.” He continued.
At this point you are upset. Not so much at GoJo but just in general.
“This coming from you,” you regretted those words the moment they came out. You covered your mouth. Normally your temper is in check…what happened.
GoJo, keeping it stoic, “I know how to control myself….you….” he breaks off. He must be careful how he says it next. “Your eye, you have more power than you know y/n, hell, if you fully activated it, you could wipe me out.” GoJo continues, “I just don’t want to see it overpower you.” It. It.
You look at him. Hurt fills you….but so does anger. “Okay.” Is all you can muster now.
He looks at you, “Y/n, I didn’t mean to hurt you. We just don’t know your full power and given the history of those with a red eye, a person can completely change in an instant because of it….I…” you break him off.
“I know. You’re sorry and concerned. Can we please stop?” you look up him, his beautiful blue eyes shining it yours.
He leans down and kisses you on the forehead and then on the lips. His lips feel so silky and smooth. Melting into yours. His tongue enters inside your mouth. Wet and hungry for yours.
His hands come to your waist pulling you into him. The warmth and bigness of his arms engulf you.
He gently pulls away. “Lets take this somewhere else.”
He pushes you into a storage closest. Honestly not what you had in mind but fuck it. You are so horny and wet already and his cock is erect in his pants. He places you on a tiny desk, hands feeling all over you, his lips kissing yours and then trailing down your neck. He finds that soft spot on your neck and begins to suck and nibble at it. You let out a moan. While he continues to kiss and bite your neck his hands are in your shirt. Thumbs grazing your hard nipples. “Please, GoJo”. He looks you “Please what?” a grin forms on his face as he continues playing your nipples and looking you in the eyes. “Please…fuck me” you tell him. You moan again. He lifts your shirt off and bra, your nipples hard, he looks at you, winks and then takes one of your breasts cups it and starts to suck on your nipple. His tongue swirling over your nipple. “GoJo…I..” you let out a sign and moan. “Use your words” he tells you. FUCK. “I want you so bad” he says as he moves to your other breast and takes your nipple in his mouth and swirls his tongue all around. The more you moan the more it ignites him. He leaves your now erect nipple and moves back to your lips. Taking in your tongue in his mouth. You feel him slide his hand down your pants. Your panties are wet, he feels the wetness and moans into your mouth. His fingers glide up and down your panties before he hooks two fingers inside. His index finger is stroking your clit. You begin to breathe heavy, and the sensation causes you to toss your back. You let out a big moan.
“You like that huh baby?” He smirks. He bites his lip as he enters his finger inside your pussy. His eyes roll back, “Fuck you are so wet”. “Fuck, y/n, I need you now.” He rips off your pants and panties, leans you back and pulls out his erect cock. His cock is already pulsating with a little bit of precum on the tip. He slides in you making your back arch. His cock has a slight curve, and you feel it hit your G Spot. He continues the rhythm of sliding his cock in and out of your tight pussy. “Fuck, y/n, you pussy takes it so good.” He slams his cock back into you and picks up the pace. Faster and harder, he hits the G Spot. “GoJo, I’m” you are about to cum, when he pulls out and flips you to your stomach on you the desk and him holding your legs as he inserts his cock back into your pussy. Your ass claps against him as he thrusts.
“Y/N” he whimpers. “I’m so close baby” he says. You feel his cock rearranging your insides has picks up the pace. Panting, whimpering, moaning. Your pussy is soon filled with his warmth. He slowly takes his cock out and flips you back to the position you started in. He gets on his knees, puts your legs over his shoulders and begins eating you out.
“FUCK GOJO”, you whimper. His tongue slides up and down your clit and then into your pussy before going back to your clit. He focuses tongue on your clit, flicking it with his wet, hot tongue. He slides three fingers inside you. Twirling your insides. He begins sucking your clit and finger fucking you.
“Right there…GoJo….fuckkk…” you release, squirt soaking his face and him slurping it all up. His fingers covered in a mixture of his and your cum. He sucks his own fingers off. No drop of you wasted. He gets up and leans into you, “your eyes have always been beautiful to me” and kisses your forehead before taking off his jacket and wiping you off.
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dellalyra · 1 year
Hi pixie ☺️
Would you please be able to explain family formations readers cursed technique/ability I really like your entire nature concept and I kinda wanna understand it in depth
Thank you in advance💗
Hi ily this made me so happy!!!! I love getting questions like this, I’ve changed some things throughout the series, which I’m in the process of editing a few bits that didn’t sit right w me after the fact so here’s the definitive guide to the CT :) rly thank u so much for this, knowing people are thinking about/interest in what I write to this degree makes me so damn happy
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so imma try put this into words bc like ! It’s so clear in my head but so hard to explain
So some backstory:
The clan the reader is from is a really old clan, like maybe even older than Sukuna old. Legend says that her clan is descended from forest spirits, and that’s the root (no pun intended) of her technique. The last person to hold the clans trump card (think ten shadows technique to the Zen’in’s) was 300 years ago, her great-great-great-great grandmother, and she was the one who got the clan considered outcasts by the higher ups/society elders because she was a bad bitch who don’t listen to men basically (queen behaviour) and refused to follow along with their standards for women in jujutsu and their treachery and cruelty and decided that the clan would remain a central part of jujutsu sorcery but would not be held accountable to the higher ups, think of it like they became chaotic good instead of lawful neutral. They wanted to be jujutsu sorcerer to protect people, no matter who they were and were against basically all their crazy shit like trying to kill teenagers. So yeah, that’s the clan backstory. It’s a matriarchal family and reader was made her clan head at 21. So when she was born, as the eldest and the heir to the clan, and she held all the coveted techniques - she was the higher ups nightmare combination. They could pretend she didn’t exist because she wouldn’t let them.
Now - for the practical side.
Technique: Sunburst - a trump card, a final move. At lower levels of skill, all a persons CE or with training a certain amount is expelled from their body in literally a radius of a sunburst. Golden light with the ability to stun, blind but mainly a pure, unfiltered burst of raw cursed energy. Think pure alcohol, not even vodka, or a vodka cranberry.
Cursed weaponry technique; Thorn Whip - 2 thick (like 1ft thick) ropes of sturdy thorny vines are summoned and can be used to control, grapple or maim an opponent.
Technique: Bluebell: a shield of light blue energy forms a dome over the user, useful for protection but renders the user incapable of doing anything else at the same time. Mostly defensive.
Gentle Hail Technique: (most effective in DE) the target is surrounded by hundred of blue leaves made of cursed energy, which pierce through the skin leaving no marks or trace externally but tear the targets cursed energy apart internally, can be merged into one larger leaf for more impact or damage in a specific area (think through the chest in DE) it’s a pretty technique so reader likes it :)
Conjuring technique: bloodline - the user can decide on a shape or form for a ‘spirit’ made of cursed energy to form as an ally or protection, can fight alongside but has no cursed technique so purely melee or distraction. Y/N commonly summons animal shaped ‘spirits’
Clan specific trait - controlling a small amount of cursed energy, canine teeth morph into sharp yet short fangs and nails grow into light green claws - similar to those of forest spirits in some mythologies.
Readers cursed energy can really mainly interact with natural energy and flora/fauna. Think where Kamo = blood, megumi = shadows, Inumaki = speech then reader equals = nature.
Her CE can also be used and channeled into control of plants and often small insects/animals for a period of time (more so there’s an enhanced level of communication than control there) and flora can be used to will or with a little extra effort conjured so as to use say ivy to restrain, a wooden spike to lengthen, a polite request to a cat to deliver a note or pick up milk from the local store. Given that roots are found even under cities there’s usually always no need to conjure but rather manipulate the surrounding supplies.
Often the reader also uses daggers. Small, devastatingly pointy ones she keeps holstered on her thighs (much to her husbands delight). She gave one of the three family heirloom daggers to Yuta when he left for Africa.
DOMAIN EXPANSION is something we’ve not seen from the reader yet hehehehe
But bc I’ll forget to write it
Domain Expansion: Blue Forest Illusion
You’re trapped inside the most dense, mystical forest with ever moving plants and trees so there is no clear view point or stable direction. Makes it perfect for reader because physical strength is not her strong point but stealth and her techniques are where her focus lays. Her daggers are also kinda boomerang vibe so they fly back to their user so she uses them akin to shuriken.
So yeah. There’s a reason why she’s the higher ups worst nightmare. She’s not quite at the level where she can destroy the world on a purely atomic level (wtf gojo) or can just ✨consume✨ a whole ass curse (again wtf geto) but she’s close behind.
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bloodfixnd · 4 months
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—Sorcery Fight; Jujutsu Kaisen
-ˏˋ➛TAGLIST: @pinkwisteria, @muitsuri, @makimasluv ꗃ
¡ creds to @michaelixs on pinterest !
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colourstreakgryffin · 5 months
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I saw this image on Pinterest and it made me giggle a lot. May I request a Choso x Female Reader fluff oneshot based on this? Like after this awkward encounter choso attempts to talk to someone else which is reader who is actually really kind and is actually willing to make conversation with Choso making him feel human 😊
Oooh! Definitely! That’d be a amazing concept for our dear big brother Choso himself. He deserves so much love and affection so goddamn yes, I am going to write this. Love the idea, big credits to you! And sorry, this is also short and bad
Kamo Choso- One of the Same
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Choso did not suspect this whatsoever… he didn’t suspect you to be so friendly, sociable and open-hearted. Almost everybody here are hardened and closed-off, that it’s almost tiresome. He cannot help but feel that you don’t belong within this team. You’re glowing with positivity and shining brighter than the sun, willing to talk to somebody like him whilst Kashimo, the first person Choso tried to communicate with, immediately ignored him and rightfully ignored him
Choso is so confused, even though he was the one who approached you, defeated and certain he’d get rejected again, as he listens to you talk to him and he answers after a bit of hesitation and timidity. He isn’t the best at social situations, clearly very socially-inept and whilst he wanted to know what friendship is like, outside of guarding and caring for his beloved little brother Yuji, he isn’t actually ready to handle such a extroverted, kind person like you. It doesn’t mean he will walk away now
He actually really appreciates how sweet you are, it’s a rarity to find a sugary gemstone within this dark cruel world
Choso… feels like a person when he talks to you. The way you smile genuinely, the way you respond excitably at his every small comment, the way you look at him like he isn’t a Cursed Object called a ‘Death Painting’. He feels likes you, that he isn’t a monster at all and that was has drawn him to you in such a small time
Choso went from just standing in the corner, only communicating with Yuji when he needed to, to full-blown talking to and nodding in response to you, the kind gentle member of this little Sorcery squad. Sitting down with you on a nice big rock whilst the group had been setting up camp outside during this whole Culling Games, Yuji feels immense pride for Choso, for his ‘older brother’ finally being able to branch out and find a new friend. It doesn’t help that Choso finds you very pretty
He could listen to you talk to him anytime and he is pretty glad he gathered back enough self-confidence to approach you on his own. He has his first ever non-family friend he wished he had made beforehand and he really likes this warm, fuzzy feeling you’re giving him as you keep hearing him out and boosting him up to speak more. He is still little and quiet whilst having this conversation, but he feels less isolated and alienated. He feels like he can say anything and be supported
In reality, you’ve always liked how cool and loving he is to his brothers so you’ve been wanting to talk to him seperately for a while now. You can see why Yuji has decided to ally with him, Choso is a wonderful person, even if he is a Cursed Object to his core. Yet, this Cursed Object really likes the pretty sorcerer listening to him and flashing that gorgeous smile on her pretty face
“Well… do you have any siblings, Dokusha?”
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glittercritters69 · 1 month
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I purchased him yesterday >:), I love living in a big city because the comic book stores always have amazing merch. ESPECIALLY FOR JJK. He’s on my shelf now next to his baby brother 🤗🤗.
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 5 months
||The Misadventures of the Phoenix and the Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 10- Battle of Ice and Fire ||
Hi everyone. This is Part 10 of this Drabble series. This is for my rp friend, @the-silver-peahen-residence. If you haven't read the parts yet, please do. That said...my grammar is a bit iffy as this is written for pure enjoyment. Enjoy.
---- Previous Parts -----
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
--- Esteemed Guests in drabble ---
Taz Hellion, Kinie, Rioto Kir-IN, belong to me Taz and Kine from @demon-blood-youths and Daichi and Rioto on this blog. Both blogs belong to me.
Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki are Peahen-men's muses. They are mentioned briefly in the Drabble.
----- Summary ----
The Tokyo and Kyoto have a team-up mission regarding an infenstion of cursed spirits in huge village. The mission has been completed and both schools are taking a break. Daichi and Rioto meet up and hang out together until they came across a missing one. What will happened?
"So Rioto. How are you doing at Kyoto High?" Daichi asked.
"Um....Kyoto is alright. Utahime-sensei is nice and but a little strict. So is the principal, Gakuhanji is something. I had to prove myself why I want to become a sorcerer. So I did and told me that I should stick to being a first-year to catch up and help other years."
"Did you make any friends?"
"Well...uh...there's Kamo and Miwa. They're just classmates but they were nice. The rest...are uh....getting used to it." Rioto sighed.
"That's good!" Daichi
"Not really? I mean Kamo feels bad for me and so is Miwa. The rest don't like but they like Miryu." Rioto mentions his cursed companion, Miryu. A blue seahorse with a unicorn horn and two antlers. Similar to Eito, he also look plush-like and flies with tiny flappers similar to seahorse. He blows bubbles while saying 'Buu...' and 'Muuu."
Both Miryu and Eito are playing as they are flying above the two sorcerers. No doubt, his classmates like Miryu.
"So what happened?"
"Everyone." Utahime introduced Rioto to the class, "This is our new student....Syougo Shin-"
"I am Rioto Kirin!" Rioto said his name. "I prefer if you all call me by that name!" He said firmly surprising the class and startled Utahime. "And this is my trusting partner, Miryu!"
A seahorse floats by Rioto's side.
"Muu..." Miryu introduces himself, blowing bubbles from its nose as he is swimming around the class. The girls in the class, Miwa, Momo and Mai find it cute. The boys are intrigued.
"It's nice to meet you, Rioto. My name is Noritoshi Kamo." He said with a respectful nod. "This is Mechamaru, Arata Nitta, Todo Aoi. You must be the new first-year."
That I am, yes." Rioto nods.
"What's up with horns?" Arata asked, pointing at his ice horns that look like antlers. Not to mention, the fur around his collar of his uniform.
"This is for daily battle!"
"Daily Battle?" Arata sweat dropped.
"So you must be the one who brought a village almost to a ice age ." Mai said. "I'm surprised a curse user is allow to attend our school."
Kamo sighs a little, hearing that. Mai has no filter. But he is surprised to hear Rioto's response.
"Correction. My issue is with the few people of the village before my deserving defeat at the hands of Great Daichi Pheon-X. My goal is fight Daichi Pheon-X. That said, I am here to owe a great debt to him and work to pay it off to make it up for my wrong choices by contributing in Kyoto High and to help jujutsu society in general." Rioto says.
"Daichi Pheon-X? The sorcerer who streams online?" Kamo asked.
"The guy with that little bird of his?" Mechamura asked.
"Looks dumb." Momo said. But the bird is cute.
"I hear he's attending Tokyo school." Said Miwa. Rioto nods, "Correct. The Great Daichi told me that Jujutsu High is a good place to meet others who wishes to understand jujutsu sorcery and curses along with other things. That said, I hope we get to along well."
"Doesn't sound bad." Daichi said. Rioto sighs, "Yes....errr..."
During lunch time where Kamo explains the classes to him, Todo got in his way.
"Hey! What kind of girls do you like?"
Rioto blinks. "What?"
"Todo...please." Kamo sighs, knowing where this is going.
"I asked if you have a type." Todo asked. "What kind of type is your woman? Answer me!"
"Uh....well..." Rioto looks unsure of this, looking dumbfound a bit.
"It can be boys too." Todo said. Kamo begins, "Rioto...you don't have to..."
"If you're talking about romance....then...then.." Rioto begins. Kamo held his breath, hoping Rioto has a good answer.
"Then I have no interest in that kind of thing! Something like that does not interest me at all!" Rioto said with utmost confidence which made Kamo gasp and sweat dropped. Oh no...
Then Rioto hears a sniffle and is staring wide as Todo cries. Making Rioto blinked, "Wait...why are you cryin-" The ice sorcerer got whiplash by a clothesline. "You! A coward!" Then he picks up Rioto and does German duplex, Rioto quickly breaks the fall using ice making Todo slip. Rioto got out of his hold and does a flip, not before taking his asthma pump.
"What do you think you're doing?! If you wish to fight, I will be glad to take your challenge!!"
"You don't think about women?! Not only, you're not interested in women and men?! What kind of man are you?!" Todo yelled. "What kind of answer was that?!"
"Why does that matter?!" Rioto yelled.
"I'm going to beat the crap out of you and I hope you change your answer!"
"BRING IT!" Rioto summons his ice golems. Kamo yells in a panic, "Not inside the school!"
Little does Rioto know, he has been brutally defeated thanks to Todo's Boogie Woogie technique. Kamo had to take him to the nurse's office for his injuries.
"Then I got beat up by the third year, Todo Ali The Oni!" Rioto tightens his fists as he is upset.
"Uhh...because of your answer on what kind of woman is your type?" Daichi blinked. Rioto sighs and nods, "And he keeps bothering me till I change my answer. To be honest, I don't know what woman or man is my type because I never think of it so I try to come up with a excuse."
"You could of been just honest?"
"So I get beat?!" Rioto exclaimed. "No way! I make sure to avoid him at all costs! I even try to pay Mai to get him out of the way!" He sighed. "I even ask Miwa to hide me from him!" He sighed.
"Well...at least you have friends!" Daichi pats him on the back. But as they walk together, passing a warehouse. They felt a prescence. A cursed one.
Both look at each other and enter inside without hesitation. They missed a cursed spirit and on their way to exorcise it. Not thinking this spirit is almost above their grade.
"Where are we?" Rioto asked as the room changes. Daichi gulps, "I read something about this. Where we are is in innate domain?"
"Huh?! Wait...if that's it! Then that means..."
"We're dealing with 1st grade or a special grade!" Daichi frowns which makes Rioto spooked a little. Both Miryu and Eitio can sense their concerns so they stay close to their partners. "Okay, Rioto. You and me gotta be careful until we found the cursed spirit."
"So what kind of cursed spirit would make this?"
The place is full of edges and stairs. It's like an labrinyth. Regardless, they kept going and going. Going. Going. Going. Still going.
"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Rioto yelled, stomping on the ground as ice freezes the part of the ground. Daichi sighs. They have been walking, climbing the stairs and everything. They keep on moving but nothing in sight. Daichi thinks as he sits down on a stair. Maybe the cursed spirit is smart and tries to exhaust them by having them walk anywhere in its domain. They passed rooms because Daichi doesn't think it's good idea to enter in one of them so sooner or later, they have to confront this spirit.
Then both heard a chuckle. "You will never find me. You two are just bait!" A voice crackles. Two immediately became on guard as they brings out their preceptive elements. Daichi with his flame sword and Rioto with his icy lance. Miryu and Eito remain close to the duo. More laughter is heard.
"You two have no idea what you're dealing with! Can't believe one of you is with the vessels that held King of Curses and the other one that calls itself Kinie Ger."
Daichi widens his eyes. Wait..what?
"My master would be pleased."
Master? Daichi narrows his eyes. "Who are you?"
"The name is Tsumi! Your enemy and I found you two the most ridiculous bunch! You two make the perfect bait. I will lead those sorcerers here and kill them until I get to face off those two cursed spirits! Who knows! Maybe I can get that girl that hold Kinie Ger. She seems fun."
Daichi scowls hearing this. Yeah...no way in hell. He won't let anyone hurt his friends. "Where are you?"
"Patience. If you wish to jump to your death, go up!" Tsumi chuckled. Daichi takes a breath and looks to Rioto. Rioto nods. "Wherever you go, I will go with you, my great rival!" He grins. Daichi smiles. Both went up. To see a door and enters. Inside is a arena where a skinny male with a youthful look. He has green slick-back hair and swishes his long tail.
"Here we are!" Tsumi laughs as he brings out his claws. He jumps down, "So you two must be Rioto and Daichi! Two idiots over their heads. For I am Tsumi! A cursed spirit who is smarter than any human."
Rioto and Daichi just stared.
"Listen here, you foul curse! We will prevail!" Rioto points as he strikes. pose. Daichi chuckles and does it too. Tsumi sneers, "Let's see what you got!"
The battle begins.
----- Somewhere ------
"Hmmm..." Megumi sips his drink, making a face as he is eating his soba noodles. Nobara and Yuji noticed this. "You okay, Fushiguro?" Yuji asked, eating his noodles. Taz is eating her grilled eel over rice, hearing this with a curious look.
"Not sure. Just a feeling." He said. "A feeling where things go wrong." He said.
"I mean we exorcise all the cursed spirits in the area." Nobara said. Megumi grumbles a bit, "True. But...there's something else." A face came to his mind.
"Where's Daichi?" He asked.
"He's hanging out with Rioto." Taz answered. "That's what he told me." She answered. Megumi hears this and sighs, "I just hope those two don't run into trouble."
"Oh come on, what would the worst thing can happened?" Nobara said.
"Wow! So these are the Great Daichi and Rioto! You two with dumbest titles I ever heard of is on their knees. What makes you think you two can defeat me?!" Tsumi laughs. Daichi and Rioto are on their knees, panting. Right now, they felt disoriented whenever Tsumi keeps on moving.
Daichi tries to figure out his cursed technique. Is it dizziness, messing with the senses. Tsumi chuckles, "You see, my technique is Distortion. I mess sense of direction and spin the room around." He laughs.
So that's it. Daichi looks to Eito and whispers to him. Then Eito whispers to Miryu. Miryu whispers to Rioto. He widens his eyes and look at Daichi to whom he nods. Both are slowly standing up and hold their hands together. Tsumi laughs seeing this.
"What? Are you going to confess to each other? Well..I can't blame you. You two are going to die anyway!" Tsumi laugh and activates his distortion.
"Not quite!" Daichi said as both unleashes their curse technique. Flames and a blizzard. With them both holding hands, they go to dance as they go in a circle. Shooting out powerful flames and blizzard, this got Tsumi blink as he backs off. Soon, they turn into a spiral of the dual elements. Weathering the arena to where it becomes weak. Tsumi screams as he felt the burns of both fire and ice. Tsumi unwittingly turns off his technique. Tsumi got blasted by fire and was impaled by a ice shard. Tsumi stumbles and staggers. Then he widens to see Tsumi blink his eyes, both sorcerers of fire and ice jump in the air, throwing their respective attacks.
Fire in a form of a Pheonix. And a blizzard attack in form of a Kirin. Both hit Tsumi and send him flying and he was crashed against the wall. The domain begins to fall apart.
"Have you two lost your minds?!" Said the cursed spirit as he can't believe this. Tsumi can't believe these two will cause so much damage. The scaly figure had to take steps back from them with fear now. These human children. ARE NOT NORMAL!
"HAHAHAHAHA!" Rioto and Daichi laughed together insanely as they combine their attacks together. Calling it their combo attack, "Dual Elemental Blast!" They both said as they fire off their attack of their presceptive elements, fire and ice.
An explosion is heard in the distance. Megumi and Kamo look at the huge smoke coming off from their positions. What the???
--- Minutes later ----
Under the rubble, Daichi and Rioto got out as they are breathing heavily. Their companions, Eito and Buu were getting them out of the rubble. The sorcerers have won.
"We survived!" Rioto exclaimed with a grin.
"That was crazy." Said Daichi, dusting his hair off from the debris. As both Chunibyo sorcerers got out of the rubble and dust themselves, a crash is heard making them turn around. The warehouse is now half in rubble.
Both look at each other. How are they're going to explain this?
"Uh...so...how are we going to tell this to them?" Rioto asked.
"Well...let's just say we fought a strong cursed spirit with a domain! Knowing them, they pretty much understand!"
"Right! If I tell Kamo, he will understand! Kamo is always understanding!" Rioto smiled. Daichi blinks, "Kamo?"
"Yes! He's the first I trust!. " He said as Miryu is blows a bubble and gives a 'buy'. Eito chirps in understanding.
"Anyway! I'm going to go to Kamo for help and tell him what happened! I think he's nearby!" Said Rioto. Daichi nods. "Right!"
Daichi lets out a sign as Eito chirps. "I know, right! I think me and Rioto did a pretty good job. Now...we need to explain this! As long as we get our straight, we will be fine!"
Little did they know, the explosion is heard from others. And they're going to deal with a very angry Fushiguro very soon.
To be continued...
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shysheeperz · 2 years
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kamuisen-boxsplits · 2 years
I’m a bit late to posting this but the Jujutsu Kaisen Sister School Exchange Mamemate Plushies arrived to me last weekend!
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