#sorry @ all the girls who will think i am lame now but i've been lame the whole time so it's okay
punkitt-is-here · 1 year
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Hey everyone! As MANY of you know following last night...
I am a transgender woman!
Big moment for me! I have been for many years actually, I've been out in my public life offline for quite a while now! But I was always nervous about coming out online, for a myriad of reasons I don't really think I need to get into. But! I'm so glad I could come out in the silliest way possible. I'm super honored by all the sweet messages I've been getting, and it has me incredibly overjoyed that everyone has been so supportive of me. Thank you to everyone who supported me on this silly saga, and I hope it's been worth the wait! It feels REALLY nice to finally be out online, as this was really the last space I wasn't "upfront" about it. As much fun as being a mystery was, I much prefer being explicitly a girl online much like I am in real life.
A couple things!!! I don't want this to be everything about me; it's partially why I didn't come out earlier! I've seen how some audiences make the transness of creators their WHOLE thing, and I'd prefer it not be the thing that defines me. I LOVE being trans, and it's a big part of me, but I'd rather be known as someone who makes really cool art and not "that funny trans woman" (even though I am, hehe). I'm super cool with people talking about my transness, just don't make it the only thing about me!
Two, as fun as the pronoun mystery was, it's officially over! Sorry to the any/all-he/him-they/them punkitt truthers out there, btw. (Excited that my energy really isn't genderable at all, though!) So, even if it was fun that I was a gender mystery, I'd prefer everyone refer to me as she/her exclusively! No he/him, and I'd prefer not to be they/them'd consistently (although I know for some people it's the default and it's fine if it slips, and if someone just doesn't know that's not an issue in the slightest). Even if me being a funny gender wizard is entertaining (and it WAS, lemme tell ya) I want to have my identity respected!
ANYWAY that's all that LAME STUFF out of the way; I want to say thank you to everyone who's helped me along the way and the overwhelming support I've had in the time of me coming out to now. I'm incredibly happy I have an audience of such sweet, caring folks, and I can't wait to make more silly, fun stuff for everyone now that I'm truly allowed to be my silly, fun self online. Have a great one, folks! ❤️
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Hi. I'm Adam. Adam Stanheight. 26 years old. He/Him, what else do I say... I got no goddamn clue what I am. Bi? Gay? Pan? Don't give a shit. Women are cool. Men are fucking great. Like all those kinds of people. I'm that one guy, you probably know me, from that fucking bathroom shithole or whatever. It fucking sucked. ...And now I'm here. Posting on some random website I thought was interesting, plus it's full of freaks to make fun of. What will I post exactly? No fucking idea. Cats, photos I've taken, maybe some death threats to Jigsaw... By the way Jigsaw go kill yourself. Old Prick. Anyway. Do whatever. I really don't give a shit, you wanna talk? Talk. You wanna send memes? Send memes. Make sure they're fucking funny. You wanna whine to me about how sad your sorry life is? Go right ahead. I'm not a therapist so I'll probably laugh in your face.
Everyone shut the fuck up we have a fucking art fridge now this is a new addition yes I’m serious
Art 1. (Mr Millipede ily /p)
Art 2. (Aka me kissing billy its canon)
Art 3. (Smiling friends… smiling friends save me…)
Art 4. (Me and the HOMIE!!! A COUPLE OF BFFSSS!!! Unless… WHO SAID THAT!!!!)
By the way look at my cool ass cat. Her name is Mabel.
Frowns... Hi chat... It's me... Dew... Sighs....... I have been uncovered from the depths of hell.... sad face emoji... but hi :,]
I'm sure all my mutuals will come swarming so i'm not gonna go thru the whole junk ab pronouns or whatnot ugh... he/him just in case. also don't be weird. I am an adult and yeaes ... so yeah if i see age below 18 i will nawt be doing weird 18+ stuff BITES OWN ARM OFF
But heeeeeyyyy, I'm a chainshipping, rustynailshipping and yapping FREAK so i made this to hopefully hang out w chatters... but also i wanna bother the fuck outta apprentices and other people sorry not sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Erm.. what else... my writing of Adam will be that he's trans!!!!! Omg ur transgener... That is so cool... He has top surgery but not bottom surgery,, guh... girl queen pussy boss....
AAAAnd I think I'm gonna let a bit of my chaos out so expect poootentially sooome sexual schtuffs?? Yours truly has some sillies in mind as a hypersexual loser like myself... I won't make it his whole personality tho idk :P
How did Adam get out of the trap? I don't fucking know and I am too goddamn lazy to think of it rn. I'll post tho when I actually can think , puts splinters in my eyes
Tags... lame. Whatever yapyap i'm a loser and i like 2 b fan see
|📸| ~ 𝑴𝑶𝑫 𝑻𝑨𝑳𝑲𝑺. - ya boy is yapping
|📸| ~ 𝑨𝑫𝑨𝑴 𝑨𝑵𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑹𝑺. - ask replies ofc
|📸| ~ 𝑨𝑫𝑨𝑴𝑺 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺. - hes talking to people waoah,...
|📸| ~ 𝑨𝑫𝑨𝑴𝑺 𝑹𝑨𝑴𝑩𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺. - he's talking!!!!! just for fun
|📸| ~ 𝑷𝑯𝑶𝑻𝑶𝑮𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑯𝑺. - beginning to roleplays perhaps idk i just like to have them
anyway erm... face reveal!!!!
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beargraphs · 1 year
Heathers the Musical | Sentence Starters contains. sex-references, insults, suicide-refs, alcohol & drug ref.
"I believe I'm a good person."
"What did you say to me, skank?"
"Yeah, you're on Jiffy Pop detail"
"She/He is a mythic bitch"
"For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure"
"Why now are you pulling on my dick?"
"You just gotta prove, you're not a pussy anymore!"
"You're not a lame ass anymore!"
"Hey, mister no-name kid...so who might you be?
"It's fine if you don't agree...but I would fight for you, If you would fight for me."
"When everything numbs, who needs cocaine?"
"Does your mommy know you eat all that crap?"
"Freeze your brain, shatter your skull, fight pain with more pain."
"Let's rub each other's backs, while watching porn on Cinemax!"
"So, it's salt, and then lime, and then shot?"
"Fill that joint and roll it tight, ain't nobody home tonight!"
"I think that's what they call "Third base"."
"Showing up here took some guts, time to rip them out."
"People wouldn't hate you so much if you acted normal."
"There's no alcohol in here! Are you trying to poison me?
"I need it hard, I'm a dead girl walkin'!"
"I'm hot and pissed and on the pill."
You say you're numb inside, but I can't agree."
"Slap me! Pull my hair! Touch me there and there and there!"
"What is her final statement to a cold, uncaring planet?"
"No one sees the me inside of me..."
"I am more than just a source of handjobs."
"Once, you were geeky and nerd, now you’re flirty, freaky, and dirty."
"I bit my tongue so long, I learned to count to ten."
"Move bitch, this my song!"
"Our love is God."
"I worship you, I'd trade my life for yours."
"Oh, well, I was hoping you could rip my clothes off me, sport."
"What the fuck have you done?!"
"I've been thinking. Praying. Reading some magazines. And it's time we opened our eyes!"
"We're "damaged". Really "damaged". But that does not make us "wise"."
"Don't stop looking in my eyes."
"The revolution came and went, tried to change the world, barely made a dent."
"So [NAME]! I'm ending our affair, and I faked it, every single time!"
"We'll sink any minute, so someone must go."
"There's nowhere to hide."
"You don't deserve to live!"
"Here have a sedative!"
"Now we're all grown up and we know better..."
"But I believe that any dream worth having, is a dream that should not have to end."
"You don't know what my world looks like!"
"Knock! Knock! Sorry for coming in through the window. Dreadful etiquette, I know!"
"We'll watch the smoke pour out the doors, bring marshmallows, we'll make s'mores! We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars!"
"You left me and I fell apart. I punched the wall and cried.."
"Please don't leave me alone. You were all I could trust. I can't do this alone."
"This little thing? I'd hardly call this a bomb."
"I wish we'd met before, they convinced you life is war!
"I am damaged, far too damaged, but you're not beyond repair."
"Hope you'll miss me, wish you'd kiss me."
"You look like hell."
"I just got back."
"Are there any happy endings?"
"If no one loves me now, someday somebody will."
"We'll make it beautiful."
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Favorite Crime - Struck by Love Legacy Challenge - Episode 16
Naomi was wishful for a good last year as a senior, but it looks like it was not going her way.
Isla Robles began talking badly about Kaito, talking about how he always wears his red pullover hat. All Naomi saw was red, nobody talks badly about her brother.
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Standing up for her brother, got her expelled for a day. She was happy to sit herself at home instead of going to this new, lame school anyway. She was happy to.
On her day free of school, Naomi found this stray cat named Cosmo and brought him home. Ever since Lily Pad passed away, Salem had been really sad. She thought it would cheer up Kaito and Cosmo.
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A couple weeks go by, Maeve is throwing her annual Halloween party! At school, Naomi has been falling in with the wrong crowd, she's able to keep up with her grades since this school isn't as progressed as her last. Naomi had been getting high for weeks under the nose of her mothers. During the party, Maeve noticed her daughter's bright red eyes.
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Maeve: Naomi Anderson Kibo, Are you high right now?
Naomi tries to lie: Uhhhhhh, no?
Maeve could feel her face reddening: First, the fight you got into at school was out of character, and now this?? What has gotten into you?
Naomi: Maybe we should've stayed in the city! At least until I was out of school! And Kaito too!
Maeve noticing the amount of people were gathering around them as people were arriving for the party: We'll talk about this later. Go to your room.
Naomi: But MOM! The party? I wanna go to the party.
Maeve: I've made up my mind Naomi. Go to your room. We'll talk later or in the morning.
Naomi groans: Ugh, this is so unfair. You're so uncool.
Maeve: I'm okay with not being cool! Now go.
Naomi gets a plate of food and heads up the stairs to her room. Maeve sighs and looks for Star while greeting fellow partygoers.
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Maeve: Thank you all for coming, year after year, this is my favorite tradition. As always, the party may be going on elsewhere, you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!
Everyone in the room cheers. They thank Maeve and Star for throwing another amazing Halloween party. A couple hours go by in the Library ....
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Star: I missed you in bed, you zoned into a book love?
Maeve doesn't bother looking up at Star, intent on trying to find answers to her parenting problem. Clearly she went wrong some where for Naomi to be acting the way she does.
Star notices the lack of response and ponders for a couple minutes: I hate to be a bother, but my love you seem upset?
Maeve sighs and closes the book: Yes and no. You know how Naomi got into that fight on the first day of school?
Star: Yeah, I remember.
Maeve stands up, paces around the room before standing in front of Star: I caught her earlier tonight high as a kite in the dining room. I'm not sure if she was hiding from me or she didn't care that I knew. But she was high. Where did I go wrong in raising her? What did I do for her to resort to drugs?
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Star: She was high? On what?
Maeve: I'm assuming weed, I haven't spoken with her yet. I sent her up to her room before more people got here and saw her bright red eyes.
Star: I don't think that you went wrong with her. Teenagers try things, they do stupid stuff, it's a part of growing up. Didn't you do anything wild in your teens? I know I did. I have a whole list of things I did when I was 14, Naomi is turning 18 soon. I'm happy to see her break out of her shell.
Maeve: You're happy about this?
Star: Wait, that's not exactly what I meant. She's always been somewhat of a shy girl. She's had the same friend group since elementary school after moving to the city. She asked you if she could date, you said no, to our knowledge she respected that. I'm not saying that I'm happy she's doing drugs or getting into fights. But I am happy that she's finding out who she is outside of us, outside of her main friend group.
Maeve: You're right, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I did things in my teens that would put Naomi to shame far earlier than this too.
They both chuckle. The space between the two disappears and they embrace.
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Star: I love you so much May.
Maeve: I love you more than any word can say. Let's go to bed so I can show you how much ......
Star smiles: I like the sound of that.
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Writing: 10/10
Handiness: 8/10
Charisma: 7/10
CAREER: Author (8) Fan Favorite
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endlessnightlock · 2 years
hi i was wondering if you could please combine numbers 11 and 12 for the fluff everlark fics? i love what you’ve written so far and am off to find more of your stuff to read :) have a good day 🫶🏼
Sorry this is so late @anchoredhopes. I've been having a bad case of writer's block lately. Hope to kick it!
From Fluff Dialogue Prompts List
11. "Do you want a gummy worm?"
12. "You're being so lame right now."
"What about that one?" Prim leaned close to her sister's ear so no one could overhear their conversation. "The one with the red hair," she added when Katniss stared blankly at the group of guys
"Absolutely not," Katniss frowned, waving her hand in dismissal.
"What's wrong with him?
"Too tall. Do you want a gummy worm?" Katniss asked, her sister sighing in annoyance.
"Give them to me," Prim said, snatching the bag of candy away. Frustrated, she dug into a gummy worm, chomping into the candy and then ripping the rest away from her mouth like it had personally offended her. "We're going to be here all day because you're too picky," she wagged the worm's tail end so close to Katniss's face that she batted it away.
"No, I'm not being picky."
"You said the last guy was too handsome."
"And?" Katniss reminded Prim pointedly. There was no way she would approach some honest-to-god Adonis, like Finnick Odair, over something ridiculous as needing a partner for chicken at the Everdeen family's beach day. It wasn't her fault no one reminded her she needed to find someone until today. Gale would never stop teasing her if she showed up at the picnic alone.
"No one is too handsome," Prim replied. "You're being so lame right now."
Katniss crossed her arms over her chest. "Easy for you to say. Finnick is way too old for you! If I approached him, I would look sad and pathetic. Not what I had in mind for today."
"Who would look sad and pathetic?" a voice piped in from behind their backs. As one, the girls turned to find Peeta Mellark staring at them expectantly, a confused half-smile on his face.
A wave of nausea swept over Katniss. Peeta was the last person she wanted to overhear their conversation. She’s had a crush on him for as long as she can remember, but never talked to him until this year when Mr. Abernathy partnered them in biology class. They evolved from working together to friends quickly, but their relationship seemed different from the one he had with Delly Cartwright.
Sometimes she thinks Peeta was flirting with her, making her alternately want to puke in nervous excitement or prance around the room, humming some silly love song under her breath. She wished she knew what he thought of her. She wished she knew how to ask him.
Katniss really didn't want to explain to Peeta Mellark what she and Prim were doing. It sounded idiotic enough inside her head, without saying the words out loud.
"Nevermind, it's nothing-" Katniss began.
"Because our problem is solved if you can help us out. What are you doing this afternoon, Peeta?" Prim interrupted, bobbing back and forth on her heels. 
Katniss sighed. She would kick Prim if she could get away with it. There was no way her sister could expect her to sit on Peeta’s shoulders in a bathing suit without giving herself a heart attack.
“Katniss needs a partner for the battle to end all chicken battles,” Prim said, before explaining further. As if any of it was a real explanation.
She was sure Peeta caught her watching him lick his lips. Instead of glancing away like one or the other usually did, he held her gaze. “Sounds fun,” he said, smiling at her. “What time do I need to be there?”
Katniss swallowed hard. 
Crap. She really needed to get home and shave her legs since they were going to be hanging off Peeta’s shoulders soon.
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st-eve-barnes · 2 years
Rules: list eight shows for your followers to get to know you better.
I was tagged by @marthawrites and @ewanmitchellcrumbs, thank you ladies!
Buffy the vampire slayer: always my nr 1. I remember when my husband tried to get me into this show and I wasn't feeling it. A show about a teenage girl slaying vampires and falling in love with one, it all sounded very lame to me. But then we watched an episode on tv together, it was "Hush" (every Buffy fan knows enough now lol) and it just changed my opinion completely. That episode was so creepy, so funny, so well written from start to finish. I knew I had to see more. I fell in love with the rest of the show pretty quickly. Some episode are still some of the best tv I've ever seen (The Body!) and now we rewatch it every 1-2 years and I'm still not sick of it. Anyone who hasn't watched it yet please go give this masterpiece a chance.
Friends: I know it's a cliche show but I just adore it, I grew up with it, I've loved these characters for years and I will continue to love them. Another show I like to rewatch every few years. (I'm still very disappointed adult life isn't like it is in Friends lol)
Battlestar Galactica (the 2004 version): hands down best sci fi show for me because it's so much more than a sci fi show. This is so well written, the character development is probably the best I've watched in any tv show. I remember watching it for the first time and just being on the edge of my seat with every episode. Also love that this is a story with a beginning and ending that just feels completely finished, full circle, something that is rare these days.
Ally McBeal: I'm sure my age is showing in these choices lol, but this show shaped me as a young adult. I wanted to be Ally and tackle adult life the way she did, she made me feel it was okay to be a little crazy. The show is just so original, I loved the music as well (I used to buy all the Vonda Shepard cd's lol) and it was so sentimental and melancholic, if you wanted to have a cry you knew you could do it with this show. I haven't rewatched it in a long time so I don't know how well it stands now but I may just have to see for myself soon.
Stranger Things: I know the show gets a bad rep cause it's so overhyped but it's genuinely just an amazing show. I've been on board since season 1 and every season just gets better for me, I mean I already loved it and then they gave us Eddie! :) But seriously, it's just the perfect mix between mysterious horror/sci fi and that 80's nostalgia that takes me back in time. For those how haven't watched it yet, forget about the hype and just watch it.
Haunting of Hill House/Haunting of Bly Manor: yes, I'm listing them both cause I can't really choose. I love ghost stories and I love them even more when they revolve around love (as the show says, a ghost story is a love story) They are both so hauntingly beautiful and sad, the perfect mix between creepy and romantic. And that quote: "I loved you completely. And you loved me the same. That's all. The rest is confetti." has me in tears every time.
Extraordinary attorney Woo: It's still a pretty new show and it only has one season but I have to put this one in here because it is such a gem. I think it's the best way I've ever seen autism portrayed in a tv show. All characters are brilliantly written and the show, a K drama which isn't always my thing, is just so heartwarming and lovely to watch. Definitely recommend!
The Boys: If you're MCU tired (like I am) this show is the biggest breath of fresh air in the superhero genre (and also a big Fuck You to all the other superhero movies/shows). Bold, bloody and disgusting and anything but family friendly lol I was hooked after one episode and I'm still hooked 3 seasons later. This show dares to go where others don't and I just find it hilarious and so on point!
(Oops, that turned out longer than I intended, sorry! lol) I'm tagging @aemondmama @aemondx @neonhairspray @josephfakingquinn @arcielee @lauraneedstochill @jasonsmirrorball @aemonds-wifey (feel free to ignore)
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
I mean Austin and Z both do have a connection to Kaia lol its just a fact, anon. I personally wuld find it a lil awkward bt Austin n Z seem cool, Austin did praise Z multiple times and it is nice that Kaia seems to show support to Z via IG (mayb in person too). The fact that this was the 2nd time she dated Zs coworker is just funny to me lol I feel lik its continuously stated on this blog that Kaia seems lik a nice person. We talk a lot about Tom, Z, and Austin and Zs connection to Kaia is that they dated the same lame man and now Zs coworker. She isnt the "bad guy" (whatever that means lol), but yes, unfortunately I recgonize she does has haters purely based off who she dates, which is unfortunate. Ppl also dnt care for her cuz of her acting too, which is valid. She has fans (and if you look up "Kaia Gerber" on twitter, ig, tumblr, im sure u'll find them), who seem to lik her, which is good for her and is getting various projects, so... this "poor girl" is going to b fine off of a few comments on a blog lol
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Exactly Anon lol 💯
I feel lik its continuously stated on this blog that Kaia seems lik a nice person.
Exactly! We've said this countless of times.
Ppl also dnt care for her cuz of her acting too, which is valid.
Thank you! 👏🏾 And that's people's right to think that! It's not "hating" on someone, it's simply an opinion on someone's acting.
How many times have we clowned JDW's acting in here lol? We've clowned him so bad... even to the point of talking about that weird photoshoot he did with his mom cradling his head rofl. 🤣
Funny, I never heard anyone coming to HIS defense and calling us "haters" when we've talked and joked about his acting. 🙄
I've said countless times on here that I don't think Laura Harrier can act either. Again.... SILENCE.
But as soon as we dare to say that we don't think Kaia is that great of an actress, all of a sudden, her two fans come up in here acting like we've called her all sorts of names or smthg. 🙄 Get real lol....
Personally, Kaia has always been kinda meh to me....I felt that way even when she was dating JE. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't hate the girl or anything, I just find her boring, and I'm just not really a fan.
It's kind of irksome already to see Nepobabies getting opportunities over struggling actors/actresses and poc who've been working their butts off for YEARS just to get the chance to get auditions in Hollywood, but it's even MORE annoying to see nepobabies without acting talent getting roles over these individuals. 😔
But hey, nobody can help who they're born to, so I get it. 🙃
I'm just not really a fan? She seems like she's a nice person though. 😊 And if she makes Austin happy, then even better! 👍🏾
She has fans (and if you look up "Kaia Gerber" on twitter, ig, tumblr, im sure u'll find them), who seem to lik her, which is good for her and is getting various projects, so... this "poor girl" is going to b fine off of a few comments on a blog lol
Thank 👏🏾 you! ����🏾
If you're a fan of Kaia, then go to her fan blogs. Or look up her fan accounts on Twitter. @bcofl0ve is a huge fan of Kaia on Tumblr. You can go check out her blog, and I'm sure you'll be welcomed with open arms!
Look, I am not one of those fans who's of the mindset that I HAVE to become a fan of whoever my fave is dating. 🥴
I wasn't a fan of Kaia's BEFORE she was dating Austin, and I don't have to be a fan of hers now.🤷🏾‍♀️ Kudos to her and her acting goals, but I already have more than enough actresses that I actually enjoy to watch. I don't need to force myself to become a fan of hers, or lie about how I feel regarding her acting just because Austin is currently dating her lol. 😄
And YES, Kaia will be just fine. Unlike MOST actors out here, she was born in wealth, she has famous parents, she's white, she's privileged, and she has a ton of connections to make her dreams come true! Nobody needs to feel sorry for this girl. She's gonna be alright lol. 😅
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double-j · 2 years
17 questions, 17 people
thank you for the tag @antiquitea
nickname: jess
sign: leo, and yes i do have the co-star app. (which today asked me "are you ignorning your sadness?" so that's great). anyway my friend who made me download the app would want me to specify that i am a leo sun, cancer moon, scorpio ascendant.
height: 5'5"
last thing i googled: how to rearrange photos on a tumblr post LOL
song stuck in head: "arabella" by arctic monkeys
number of followers: 217
amount of sleep: usually shoot for 7-8, sometimes 6. i used to be an intense sleeper, like 9-12 hours every night, it was not great. feel much more like a person now, haha
lucky number: 3
dream job: legit i do not wanna work, oops. changed my major 4 times in undergrad (econ, econ&math, computer engineering, film&tv), added a minor because i still wasn't sold on my major (poli sci), then panicked senior year and applied to law school. now i do in fact have two degrees staring at me and don't really want to do anything with either one, but couldn't tell you anything else that i'd rather do either. sometimes think i would maybe go back and do something with film&tv, like editing, but ya never know.
wearing: aerie leggings, savagexfenty ribbed tank, savagexfenty cropped hoodie, claw clip, white ankle socks seemingly from old navy. pretty much your everyday WFH fit for me, though lately i've been subbing the hoodie for a flannel.
movies/books that summarise you: omg hahaha just realizing i was thinking about this one and never changed it okay wow. give me some time and maybe i will think of something cause right now only the most tragic books and movies are coming to me and that’s just not accurate
favourite song: usual go to when asked for all time fave is "sweet child o' mine" by guns 'n roses. a mix of current and long-term faves, courtesy of my spotify wrapped hitting today: "atlantic city" by the band; "mardy bum" by arctic monkeys; "high infidelity" by taylor swift; "vanilla" by flipturn; "still the one" by shania twain; and "julia" by mt. joy.
favourite instrument: drums. have been harassing my husband to let me buy myself/buy me a drum kit.
aesthetic: just took a buzzfeed quiz that told me it's "dark academia" and also "4am at the airportcore." feel like that vaguely fits my personal style, because i typically dress like it's 4am at the airport, and on the rare occasion that i do go out i suppose it's vaguely dark academia? idk.
favorite author: ya girl reads almost exclusively romance novels, okay? so mostly whatever is recommended to me on the kindle app, recently read a ton from natasha knight. my sister is a diehard colleen hoover fan, which i have heard is vvv basic/lame (sorry if she's ur fave), and i've given her one opportunity to convince me. she has me reading november 9, and i cannot get past the first chapter right now.
random fun fact: i mean i feel like i just gave way too much info to every question above, lol, but my go to fun fact in college was always that i still have one of my baby teeth. still do now, as a 27 year old. no adult tooth was ever underneath. luckily it's a molar so not visible from the front, cause it is incredibly short.
no pressure tags: @theharddeck; @fandomxpreferences; @cherrycola27; @imjess-themess; @wildbornsiren; @roosterforme; @3tabbiesandalab; @thesewordsareallihavetogive; @justfandomwritings; @callsignvalley
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mangoposts · 9 months
OKAY im finally alone so TW for anyone reading this, i will be mentioning rape & knives/scars.
i'll try to make this short but the summer before i went into 10th grade, i had hung out w this guy and i really did just wanna hang out and go for a drive, but he thought i wanted to hook up. i definitely did not because i was a virgin and never done anything with a guy at all. he was a senior and a lot bigger than me and forced me into having sex w him, i kept saying no and stop and take me home but he just kept getting angrier and eventually held a knife to my like pubic bone? pelvis? just down there idk. so i caved. i hated every second and cried but i stopped fighting. i haven't had sex since then, im 20 years old now and i haven't even been fingered by a guy, never given or received head, and never given a handjob. and im honestly really embarrassed about it and wanna have sex with someone SO BADLY but im scared.
the main reason i'm scared isn't because i'm scared i'll be forced into it again, although that is absolutely in the back of my mind. i'm completely fine now and over the situation, but it does worry me that i could get overwhelmed and the guy im with wouldn't wanna stop. but my bigger fear which im 100x more embarrassed of, is what a guy is gonna think when he sees my pussy. now hear me out bc i know that sounds weird😭 but all throughout high school i always heard guys make comments about how ugly this girls pussy is or how gross this girls is and it terrified me. but now i'm even more scared because of what that guy did to me, he literally cut into my skin and left scars. what is a guy gonna think when he sees that? how am i supposed to explain all this? i just i have a lot of questions and concerns but i'm a fucking 20 year old "virgin" if i can even call myself that, i've technically had sex but i didn't want it so idk if i even count that as a body. i just have been panicking over this for forever and have no idea what to do, if you have any advice at all i'd really appreciate it so so much
- 🌙
Oh baby :-(. Im so sorry this happened to you. You were really young and you didn’t deserve that whatsoever, if you can feel it im giving you a hug thru the phone. Im so so so sorry and i hope that man is dead in a ditch somewhere 🤍
On the other hand, i promise you you have nothing to worry about at all. Im telling you rn and i know it sounds so corny and lame and everybody always says this but its true, the right person is not going to judge you for anything and im so Fr when i say that. Trust when i was in high school guys would say all kinda stupid shit like that about girls in the school and it never bothered me because i knew there was at least one person out there who wouldn’t care about anything other people would talk shit about, and i was right 🤷🏻‍♀️ There’s so many people out there who would find u beautiful the way u are and just because some guys in the past thought in that immature goofy ass way doesn’t mean every guy will you know what i mean?
Babe, my only advice for you is to stay the way you are, hang out w ur frennies and the right person is gon come trust. It’ll come when you aren’t looking for it or worrying about it, when you least expect it to be honest. What you went through was horrible and it might be the worlds way of saying you gotta give yourself time before exploring that area of your life yanno. There’s NOTHINGGG wrong with being a virgin at any age let alone 20. You’re still young and you have ur whole life ahead of you. Don’t worry about this, when it happens it’s gonna be fine you’ll see it
Thank you so much for trusting me to be vulnerable with, im sorry if im treating you too delicately im just speaking thru the soul rn 😭 And again im sorry this happened to you. Even if i dont know u i love u a lot and im proud of you for moving past the situation despite how hard it might’ve been
Also im sorry for taking awhile to get back to you, i just scrolled through my inbox and finally found this
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girltober · 11 months
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Girlfit! Gamer socks/armthings and a sundress might not go well together on paper, but I like this fit a lot 🩷 girls just have so many more customisation options to pick from. And you know what they say, you gotta Get Railed in a Sundress 😜
So! Girl Month is two thirds over... whats the state of affairs?
Its been a little while since I last posted anything substantive bc well... girltime has been normalised. In the first week I was very strict about wearing only "proper" girly clothes, not even using my normal dressing gown! But as time passed I've allowed myself to wear more unisex clothing - for better or worse. In general Girl month has become less... exciting and wild and more a mundane part of life. I go out in girlmode and don't think twice about it.
I've been on E nearly 2 weeks now with no effect, which I guess I expected but its a little disappointing. My nips don't feel any more sensitive than usual which is lame.
Sidequest 2 and 3 have not been completed, but I'm planning to complete 3 tomorrow which I'm looking forward to (shes soo hot). And I forsee myself completing 2 also bc like... cmon, how hard can it be?
Girl month has also been a little bit of a slut month for me- which has honestly been kind of the best part lmao. I mean my bodycount is still 1, but I've really enjoyed wearing revealing clothes, going out with my girltreat in, and thinking a lot about being a... well a free use fucktoy 😳.
Maybe I'll make another post trying to delve into the psychology of it, but I guess long story short... horny guys are gross, but horny girls are hot. That might only be true in my own lesbian*(?) head but I feel like its not just me who feels that way. Idk theres a lot to unpack there. Being a girl made me feel more confident being a pervert is what I'm saying, for better or worse.
(*For this month(?))
But to the main event: gender.
I started this month with the view that i was doing this for shits and giggles and nipple-orgasms.
I was planning to walk out of this having unlocked Cis+, as a BoyChad like Finnster who can walk through the Valley of Girl and not flinch at the feminine shadows cast over me.
*deep sigh*
I guess... I'm probably not cis.
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Yeah yeah I know the guy who volunteered to dress as a girl for a month for no reason is actually trans big surprise, someone call the pope, who could have seen this coming yada yada.
I will say that I'm not sure that I'm a girl either though.
I enjoy dressing up femme, and I get a little hit of dopamine whenever someone calls me Charlotte or uses she/her pronouns, but...
(Wait typing that sentence in real time just made me realise that i might just be a girl after all uuuh nvm continuing with my original point)
...I don't necessarily... feel like a girl? Like I mostly forget I'm a girl and then occasionally I think "oh yeah I'm supposed to be a girl rn. Or maybe... I just AM a girl for this month? Oh nice I'm a girl I guess sweet" and then carry on with my usual activities.
Although even that sounds pretty trans hmm.
(Good thing I successfully turned off Pop-ups or this post would be unreadable with the amount of Transgender XP I've gained lmao)
Does anyone remember that one comic? Its like the car driving "PENIS" face one except the thought is "im a girl". This is nonsense to non-tumblrinas I'm so sorry, if anyone finds the comic I'm thinking of please send it to me.
Anyway, i may not be a trans girl, maybe I'm nonbinary or maybe genderfluid or bigender or something else... but M** left Plato's cave when he became me/Charlotte, and I/she can't imagine going back in there and forgetting. Wearing a dress is just too much fun to quit lmao.
I definitely think i just don't have a very strong sense of gender in general- I've boymoded for family events and doctors appointments and felt no discomfort or dysphoria- but being a girl recreationally is just more fun!
I might do Boyweek in early november to try to solidify my gender opinions, but for now... my gender is almost certainly queer and i can't wait to find out what I become ^^.
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Thank you everyone for reading and supporting me, thank you all my friends for being chill about this and thank you M & L for supplying me with E and thank you Y for being the madlad who took E for lols in the first place and MASSIVE thank you to the one who took me opshopping and opened my mind to polyamory and made this whole experience... just so much more comfortable and fun.
Oh and thanks to the random internet people who followed along too- Its been really cool to see this break containment in little ways!
Uuuh anyway this might feel like a very final retrospective post but I still have a couple of girlweeks left in girlmonth so I'll keep y'all posted with my future girlfits and antics!
Love y'all! ❤️🩷💜
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martritzvonmercie · 1 year
HELLO i was tagged by rumi my friend rumi @ultimaid AND trix my friend trix @gh0str3c0rd3r for ten songs i have been listening to recently! (ok but just in advance you can't make fun of me for my lame ass music OKAY peace and love on planet earth)
SO IF YOU REMEMBER POPPY (she got really popular for her really strange youtube videos a very long time ago) she is actually one of my FAVORITE music artists EVER and this is her newest song!!! her music style is really unique and cool KINDA weirdly halfway between pop and metal IT'S SO COOL i'll actually PROBABLY bring her up again on this post tbh but!!!! YEAH LISTEN TO CHURCH OUTFIT and her new song that's coming out next week!!
so i've actually really really loved prince since middle school and i've been relistening to a lot of the songs i liked back then lately and this has to be ONE OF MY FAVORITES... it's not a very popular one but the lyrics FUCK SEVERELY imo, i'm a huge fan of "if i was your one and only friend, would you run to me if somebody hurt you, even if that somebody was me?"
this song is like. it may be my actual favorite piece of sapphic music EVER i love the lyrics, i love the vibes, it fits sosososo many ships and i literally listen to it SOOOO much, ask me what songs i've been listening to at any given time and this will be ON THE LIST
ALSO ONE OF MY FAVORITE SAPPHIC SONGS EVER AND WITH SUMMER COMING UP I HAVE HAD IT ON REPEAT!!!! perfect for summer, perfect for lesbians, perfect for me, a lesbian who has been calling it "hot girl summer" for weeks now (even tho it's april)
ANOTHER POPPY SONG okay so i LOVE her whole am i a girl? album SO MUCH but this is my favorite song off of it and one of the ones i listen to on repeat the most SO I TOTALLY RECOMMEND bc the lyrics and style are just SO COOL but also go listen to the whole album and i will love you forever
i honestly just listened to this recently bc i randomly remembered the nostalgia so i wouldn't necesssarily Recommend It if it doesn't give you fond memories of being in fifth grade like it does to me BUT to this day it's just super cute and super mecore
TO MAKE A VERY LONG ERA OF MY LIFE SHORT basically i had this like. CRAZY michael jackson hyperfixation in middle school. and i have obviously grown out of it BUT this is still one of my favorite songs ever and is still one i listen to all the time. the lyrics are simple but they scratch an itch in my brain and it's really beautiful. I WILL ACTUALLY also put the youtube link for this one bc the version on the michael album was released posthumously and i really think the overproduction takes away from what makes the song so beautiful. SO I RECOMMEND THE ORIGINAL INSTEAD (i love you sven nelson channel with all the rare demos and original versions of michael's stuff)
OK SORRY FOR PUTTING POPPY AGAIN BUT I COULDN'T NOT PUT THIS ONE even tho it's her most mainstream song it's also by far my most looped one bc IT'S JUST SO FUN and upbeat and nice to listen to, it was my top song in 2022 and i still loop it all the time!!! definitely give it a listen (BUT ALSO CHECK OUT THE REST OF THE ALBUM BC YOU HAVE PROBABLY HEARD THIS ONE BEFORE BUT REALLY THE REST OF THE ALBUM IS SO GOOD AND A LOT OF THE OTHER SONGS ARE A LOT MORE UNIQUE STYLISTICALLY AND LYRICALLY)
I'M SORRY FOR INCLUDING GLEE I'M SORRY I SWEAR IT'S JUST THE ONE bc this is like. my favorite glee song EVER. brittana literally made me who i am today when i was a confused queer middle schooler who wasn't allowed to have access to most queer media SO THIS SONG IS VERY SPECIAL TO ME OKAY and listening to it on repeat for hours is an ultimate therapeutic experience so i've highkey been doing it nonstop recently
janet jackson is so cool i'd actually marry her. anyways i have had this song on loop and have listened to it at least 50 times in the last week.... IT FUCKS SO SEVERELY songs i could sing sosososo loud word for word
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thisplacecanburn · 3 months
Im really sorry for a long message but we haven't been friends for years and I dont know how else to reach out. I just want you to know I am sorry for how things turned out between us. I never meant to hurt you or any of our mutual friends (I guess for me, ex friend). I know you're probably going to send this to some group chat and you'll all laugh about how lame I am for trying to reach out. The truth is I went through a lot in life very suddenly (and ik everyone does, its not an excuse) and I'm sorry you all had to see the ugliest parts of it. you guys are my roman empire and im sorry life made it hard for me to be the friend you needed. I honestly needed intense support in that time and its okay if you couldnt be that. Im not sure if you care but I genuinely had to go through everything I went through completely alone. You guys were my closest friends and my main support system at the time. I'm sorry if my behavior at the time harmed you in any way shape or form. I know I may not have been a good friend while I was going through things in life, but I never really mentally recovered from being ghosted and excluded by you two. I don't mean to be bitter but I've been afraid to make new friends for years because of the way you guys treated me. I see you reblog posts about feeling lonely and disconnected from others at times and I wonder if you ever realize how much of an impact you've had on other people's lives. I wish there was an easy way for you guys to tell me you were starting to secretly hate me but we were young. I wish we trusted each other enough to actually talk about it. I guess if you hate having me around it's not worth fixing. I just want you to know Im sorry and i know I made mistakes being your friend. Its been 7 years since we stopped being close, 7 years is how long we were friends before that. The anniversary effect is real and I think I've moved on but then I still find myself wondering about how you're doing. I hope you stay friends with the people you actually love and I hope they love you back. I hope you find people who will give you more chances than you gave me. I was hoping to be one of those people cheering you on but you don't want me to be there. And I think Ive finally accepted that. Im not sure if you care, but in case you do: I'm doing okay now so no need to worry about me. Again I am so sorry this got so long and is probably intense and scary to receive with no warning. I have needed to say this to you and I know it's a lot. It seems counterproductive to be this detailed on anon but it feels embarrassing to reach out any other way. You can block me on IG if it bothers you that I'm following you on there. There's no need to respond or reach out if you don't want to. I just don't know if I'll ever get the chance to tell you this. I'll probably never see or hear from you again. And I'm tired of being hurt by that fact. They always said if you love something, let it go. I loved our friendship so much. You were the coolest girl in school. You taught me a lot about life at such a young age. I'm so sad we don't share our lives with each other anymore, but thank you for the time that you did. Thank you for the times you tried to help me. You were someone I really genuinely cared about. I'm sorry if I didn't show it enough. I always admired how brave, sensitive, and intelligent you are. We were girls together. Now you are a beautiful woman and you are going to shine in life.
Thank you for reaching out please message me. I was a mean girl and a bitch to people that needed me for a long time, no one deserved how I treated them I have no excuses. I am full of regret and I miss girlhood and friendships I’ve lost due to nothing more then my own insecurities. The really shitty part is realizing I could have done this to more then one person and can’t even reach out myself. Thank you for being brave and kind and telling me it means a lot to be even thought of.
Please be kind to yourself I am glad you’re okay I hope you find nothing but joy and peace, I understand. Growing up is just so fucking hard
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paleclementine · 7 months
It's been a minute. Sorry.
Valentines day was awesome. Me and Anthony made chips and guac the day before that, and then on the 13th we had our annual valentines wing night and I fucked up those honey barbecue wings. we also watch jurassic park and he liked it :) on actual valentines day we... uh. what did we do. uh. oh yeah we cuddled and I had cauliflower rice for the first time with crab and sriracha and mayo and seaweed and Anthony got rancheritos. Thus marks the beginning of my grind after I gained weight from it and starting being in an intense deficit and working off every calorie at the gym/with steps. I got out of 109 hell and into 107 which I'm trying to work off now. School has been lame as hell. I have my full class workshop on tuesday and I'm nervous about it but it's a lot better than the girl who is going with me so uh yeah, that's fine. it doesn't really matter what people think of me or my writing at the end of the day. I just need to get through the workshop and then i'm homefree.
I'm so stupidly ready to go back home. I read Frankenstein, They Both Die at the End, Where the Crawdads Sing, and I'm halfway through Bones and All. I am trying to get through them so I can take some back with me and leave them at home. Anyway, where the crawdads sing mentioned southern food and heat and nature on every single page and it made me miss home so bad. if I really want good southern food while I'm at home and I'm too lazy to make it, all I have to do is drive literally 20 minutes away to Homewood and get it made for me at that awesome resturant that has a new menu every day. what do they call it? a meat and two sides place? sighhhhhh. It's really cool how soul food and southern food overlaps. I wish I could eat it rn.... that would be a binge I could withstand.
but overall I just want to be out of this awful cold. It's still grey, still freezing, still bleak. I called it that in a poem for class-- "Valentine-bleak"-- and everyone was like wooowww such good wording I love that!! even though in my head Valentines is the least bleak thing about all of winter. I just thought it sounded cool. ugh. I hate everyone.
I started watch h2o and it's really good. I ordered the necklaces from aliexpress lol and I'm getting rikki's (hot pink though) and hailey is getting cleo's blue one. I also ordered a red tank top because it was three dollars. I hope it's cute. uhhhhh oh yeah, I'm trying to get to at least 100 pounds by the time I go home. It's not hard as long as I STARVE. i tried to today but then me and anthony got raising canes and I'd never had it before and I wanted to try it. The verdict: Zaxby's is SO MUCH BETTER. the seasoning, sauce, and fries are all peak compared to Cane's. No fucking wonder western people love bland-ass Cane's-- they have no idea what they're missing. I hate the elitism people have out here. like, of course you think Americans have no culture. It's cause you're from white-ass mormon-ass Utah. travel ANYWHERE ELSE in the united states and you will find culture that are beyond lush and diverse. Step one foot in the south and you'll be stomping your foot to a folk song, drinking canned beer, and craving fried okra with your bland-ass raising canes.
I've grown very cynical lately. I don't think I'll get over this until I can be in the sunshine, eat homemade acai bowls for breakfast, ride a bike, wear a bikini by our pool, hang out with hailey, or be woken up by cicada song at 8 in the morning. fleetwood mac, fruit smoothies, mermaids, freckles, bike riding, the wind in my hair, sunset walks, spontaneous trips to the beach.
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moonlightperseus · 1 year
I was a classic girly girl as a kid so I wasn't watching any of the animated shows. I got into superheroes after watching the 2012 Avengers movie (which I still refused to watch for years) and I finally like really liked superheroes but it was a very fake, dabbling interest, and then my brother started sending me screenshots of injustice panels and now I don't shut up. 
I also primarily am a DC girlie, most Marvel I've read is either for specific Characters (Black widow, mostly) or because my eighth grade teacher lent me the comics. 
It's so annoying to have to find them, and worse when it's like random issues? So you're like "oh is this the new issue of (comic)? Well,,, it is *an* issue." And then you click on it and have to get like halfway through to know if you've read it or not. 
And some of them really are *so* long and that's so much to keep track of- I used to just have like 100 open tabs on my phone and they were all just different comics I was reading. Then I made a list just to remember what still running comics I was even reading so I'd remember to read new issues and that didn't even work. 
I loved BOP don't get me wrong! (Especially since I don't know if I already said that) but I am also the type of person who will complain about every little thing. (not all the time, and usually just inside my head, but like one thing I usually bring up with the movie is the way it's kind of weird that they like? Smashed Black Canary's two backstories together to make one? It's just a weird choice to me so I'll talk about that but it doesn't ruin the movie for me) Cass However is a big thing Im not a fan of. They didn't even make her a better character she's just lame. 
And in movies generally it's kind of annoying how studies and other movies can dictate things. I don't know if that makes sense, but how like in Marvel Spiderman was owned by someone else so he could never be in the main timeline. I understand why but it's still? Sad I guess? I don't think any of that made sense I am so sorry. 
I'm also sad that the DCEU is just non existent now. They're fumbling that ball so hard. I feel like they finally got somewhere? Like BOP was a very good movie (granted, it didn't get good reviews because women aren't allowed to exist, so I don't know how good it was for the studio's) and wonder woman was doing good. They had a lot of hype. And they just? Threw it away. Gal Gadot was loved as Diana but they threw that out. Same with Henry Cavill. They're making a mistake, I think. 
(I personally would probably consume little DCEU content anyway, because I don't like tv or movies, buy I 100% would've watched the Jurnee Smollet black canary show that was rumored to be in the works and am sad that has been thrown out) 
I've never heard of Luke Mitchell but I just googled him and that's not a bad fancast tbh. I personally am I did hard for Charlie Hunnam's fan cast though I think he's probably too rugged for Ollie. And all of that aside it still would've been really great to get any black canary or black canary and Green Arrow content. 
I bought a new comic today (Batgirl #1, rebirth) and found out I already owned it because my comic collection is such a mess since it's all from the dollarstore :(  I own the first Bombshells United, and other than that I haven't read any. I wanted it to be like, a comic I owned all of and read in person but I don't have the funds for that. 
I might use that site I appreciate that. I do the same thing but what I use is covered in bad pop ups and continuously opens new tabs I have ti be careful to delete and not open (I don't know how I still have a phone, but they almost certainly have all of my personal information). 
I don't know how comics heavy of a mood I'm in ATM (it's one of those things y'know, where you're like !! This is my main hobby!! And then you start it and you're like "I would literally rather die then do this hobby right now." ) but I will try to read the bombshells runs- I went as Bombshell Black Canary for Halloween a few years ago, so I AM a fan. And I'll try to finish secret six (do I know where I am? No. But I think it'll be worth it) 
​​​​​​​Also I'm so sorry that it took me this long I forgot I was doing this and got really distracted trying to see how likely id be to die if I broke into SeaWorld I did not mean to forget to send this 
no need to apologize on timing! i completely understand both life being busy and also being easily distracted & forgetting things. (for example, i started responding to this ask, and then very suddenly decided i needed to finish reading the batgirl 2000 run so that i could start on injustice bc my curiosity for it has been mounting, and now its almost 3am and i really should go to sleep so i might have to draft this to finish responding to hopefully tomorrow, but i’ve got a drive to do tomorrow so it may end up being a bit and now i’m going to apologize for the delay in my response and i do see the irony in that)
i have to ask, are you looking into breaking into seaworld to help the animals or more so just to see thats something you can do (no judgement either way im just genuinely very fascinated by that sentence)
okay under the cut i got ramble again
nothing wrong with being a classy girly girl! i was definitely inbetween being a tomboy and a girly girl personally. i didnt get into the superhero animated shows until i was like, 11? i didnt really have much exposure to superheroes much before finding the shows, but i got my little sibling to watch some of the shows with me
i remember watching the avengers (2012) maybe like a year or so after it came out (it was on netflix at the time) but im pretty sure i started by watching the shows (i remember being disappointed bc the wasp wasnt in the movie even tho in the show she was one of the founding members, which i believe is the same in the comics, and i really liked wasp from the show. i did enjoy the movie, but i never watched any of the sequels until endgame, which at that point i watched solely bc i was promised captain marvel and then they only gave me like 5 minutes of her.
as for marvel comics i’ve mostly read young avengers & runaways stuff. i can’t remember if i got around to any captain marvel comics but i was gifted the novelization that came out after the movie that was like an (unofficial?) prequel to it and i did enjoy reading that.
on the note of random comic issues i literally bought a like 50 pack of random comics that was like idk some kinda deal and that is most of my comic collection which is just literally random issues, i think its all dc stuff but it could be a mix of dc and marvel? i'm back at my parents now so i'll have to dig out the box to take home with me before i leave so i can go through it. another thing thats frustrating with comics is when theres like a uhh like story that spans across multiple different comic runs? like i was reading the 2000 batgirl run as previously mentioned (i have finished it now) but i did ended up just skimming a few issues bc they were a part of some bigger batfam plot that was spanning across other comics and i could not be bothered to go find the issues that that particular story continued through.
totally fair to be the person who likes to complain about every little thing, and super valid to like a movie and also have some issues with it! i can totally respect peoples hangups about the bop movie not being a perfect comic adaptation and i would agree, but to me being a perfect adaptation and being a perfect movie are not mutually exclusive and i will hold it in my heart as a perfect movie aksdjglk (its right up there with the old guard in my personal movie rankings) my problem is when people hate it for stupid reasons (i still remember seeing a post hating on the movie for how it killed black mask ((it wasn't a good enough death for him)) like this movie isn't about him!! hes a loser! the only "better" option for his death is if harley ran him over with a combine tractor bc i think that would be funny as hell. but i dont think gotham is the type of city that has a lot of combine tractors.)
yeah as far as the dceu goes i didnt have any attachment to the batman or superman films (i only watched bvs for wonder woman lajdfkjladf) but like the 1st wonder woman was really good! (didnt watch the second one bc i heard poor reviews of it ((and not just from fanboys who can't take a female centric superhero movie))), i enjoyed the aquaman movie and the 1st shazam (still need to watch the 2nd one) and obviously i loved bop. i was super excited for the batgirl film and the casting of supergirl (would LOVE to see her get a movie!!) i guess we'll just have to see where things go now. alas. i’m more of a tv show guy anyways. (not that there’s the best history for live action dc tv shows either…but they sure do. exist! and i sure have consumed a large quantity!)
yeah i’m also so mad about the BC show being thrown out i was sooo excited for it :(((
god super valid re buying a comic you already have. i lowkey wanna find out if there is a nice comic book store near where im living rn bc at the very least it could be a nice way to force myself to get out for reasons other than to go to work and to grocery stores (though idk if it’s a good idea financially but it could be a cool. occasional treat)
also SUPER valid w the not being in a heavy comic mood, it really is smth that comes n goes like the tide and it’s like a big mental investment (at least in my opinion) to delve into the comics world and sometimes there’s just not enough brain to spare! no worries/pressure on picking it back up. (but if you do, and check out bombshells, united comes after the original run so i would rec starting w the originals first!)
also :O going as bombshells bc for halloween is SO cool mad respect (i loveeeee her bombshells design. which. i love MOST of the bombshells designs but. y’know) i tried to go as black canary for halloween one year i got leather boots and a leather jacket and maybe leather pants and a blonde wig. i was aiming for an arrowverse black canary (e1 laurel lance) but i didn’t really match even that well lol. oh well.
okay i am gonna wrap up this reply bc i do feel like i could ramble literally forever and i already feel bad about the late response but i do have a question regarding injustice. as far as where to start, i looked up the reading order and there’s like the prequel (year zero?) which the article i found said you don’t have to start with or even read at all so i was wondering what your thoughts were on the best place to start/if the prequel is any good
hope you’re having a lovely day!!
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Some Of My Favourite Out Of Context One Piece Quotes: Dubbed
Green is for Zoro or Bartolomeo, Red is Luffy or Chopper, Blue is Sanji or Sabo, Purple is Usopp or Brook, Pink is Franky or background characters ie Perona or Buggy, orange and black are also for background characters
"Nobody calls me stupid but me"
"She blew up that funny old man and he was nice so now I hate her 😠"
*casually staring down a dinosaur* "you're a rude son of a bitch" *kicks it*
"Pirates! Or worse, the government!"
"🎶Good evening!✋🎶"
"Well, as per usual I've been kickin ass, and what about you?" "Been kickin ass."
"Hold on a second pirate A (Sanji) Nami isn't a background character like you, its gonna take more then one sorry little bazooka attack to defeat her"
*menacingly* "I love giraffes"
"...wOAh that is lame,"
"It's a little early to be kissing his ass"
*casually throwing cannon balls* "WE DON'T WANT 'EM, TAKE 'EM BACK!"
"You just cook the meat, dont tell us how to eat it"
"Dead men tell no tales" *knows full well of Brook's existence*
"₲₳Ⱨ, ₳ ₮ⱤɆɆ ₩ł₮Ⱨ ₴Ø₥Ɇ ØⱠĐ ₲ɆɆⱫɆⱤ'₴ ₣₳₵Ɇ ł₴ ₮Ø₮₳ⱠⱠɎ ₲Ɇ₮₮ł₦₲ ĐⱤɄ₦₭ ₩ł₮Ⱨ ₳ ฿Ɇ₳₮ Ʉ₱ Ʉ₦ł₵ØⱤ₦"
"I'm so ashamed, my soul is as twisted as my curly eyebrows"
"Power has nothing to do with it, I just naturally have a negaTIVE PERSONALITYYYYYYYYYYYY"
"I-I don't believe this!" "Usopp actually looks cool for once." "Is his heart really that empty?" (I'm not sure if that's a good thing)
"What the hell is this guy? The Patron Saint of Pessimism?"
*not so casually catching fire and jumping off a cliff* "NAMI-SWAAAAAAN"
"H-he wants to see underwear! EVERYONE, SHOW HIM YOUR UNDERWEAR" "Um, I- I don't need to see any man panties, thank you, I- uh- oh W O W."
"He's not stupid, he's Luffy."
"Awe man, I miss when Jinbei was on our side"
"Okay, uh, a sword shouldn't be able to do that... can we please call that thing somthing other then a sword?"
"But wait, these guys are certified badasses,"
"What about child support?" "Put it on my tab" "THIS ISN'T A BAR"
"WHAT IS THIS, A CHILD LABOR SCHEME!?" (I love Sabo so much 😂😂)
"Ah, I didn't think you'd be the first," "Oh yeah? Nobody else has shown up? Well damn, I guess they got lost" (SAYS YOU ZORO)
"WHOA, DUDE!" "H E S G O T A H A N D I N H I S H A A A A A N D ! ! !"
"Still standing after all that? Maybe you got stronger after all," "Yeah, and your itty bitty baby attacks actually tickle a little now, too bad they still don't hurt as bad as your food hurts my stomach," "WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT!?"
"And so what if I am? Is it so wrong to want to share in the suffering of my friends? Cold is a state if mind after all! You don't need skin for that!"
*calmly but genuinely* "Resign from the warlords of the sea or go into battle with of the of the four emperors. Obviously he'll pass on both and kill us if he's wise. Yohohohoh- oh I'm scared!"
"I see, Racoon, so you can understand what animals say," "uh huh, it really comes in handy when we... HEY! COME ON, THERE WAS NO EXCUSE FOR IT THAT TIME!"
"Be extra careful, this is enemy territory," "HEY, ITS NOT AS DARK OVER HERE!" "what did I just tell you, stop yelling!" "Yeah, I hate to say this, but I'm with jerk face on this one," "*disgruntled noises*"
"Oh, so you're okay to be beaten up then,"
"I'mGonnaBeRealHonestWithYouHereSanjiAndGiveYouAHard I. Don't Know But!SayYourPrayersJustToBeSafe,K?"
Also any time someone other than Luffy calls Law "Traffy" is infinatly funny to me cause Dressrosa is super serious then Robin says "But Traffy's plan-" and I'm out of there
"My barrier only works on physical attacks, not verbal ones!"
"You lost me! You sound cool as hell and I still look up to you! Of course, but you lost me!"
*Brook being eaten alive and no one paying any mind*
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taechaos · 3 years
Your Boy, No?
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble, smut, college au
synopsis: You can't stand seeing Jungkook with another girl, so you give him a piece of your mind in a stranger's bedroom by becoming his outlet of sexual frustration.
warnings: losing virginity, riding, degradation
a/n: jungkook's character is not exactly submissive, so i added my own twists to this request. i hope you don't mind @madygswich c:
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word count: 2.5k
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You can't stop pouting. Holding back tears when seeing a woman perched up on Jungkook's lap while they make out has proven to be difficult, but you're trying. It hurts your heart; hell, you're aching everywhere. It doesn't take a genius to know he's doing it to get a reaction out of you when his eyes are throwing daggers at you with his tongue down another girl's throat.
Following Jungkook around like a lost puppy isn't ideal, especially at a frat party. He never gives you the time of the day if it's not out of menace, but you aren't willing to give up on him. It's just not possible when you are so in love with him, and so fucking jealous.
More than Jungkook, you're mad at the girl. You want to rip her heart out, make her suffer for ever touching the love of your life. You're becoming irrational, mentally cussing her out for being a whore while you stop yourself from breaking down in a house filled with horny young adults. You don't know a single person here, and you have to deal with your pent up emotions all by yourself.
You choke out a sob when Jungkook starts kneading the girl's ass shamelessly with her skirt hiked up to her back. They're being so inappropriate in the kitchen of a stranger's house, while you can't even take a sip from your spiked drink in the bustling living room. You abruptly stand up and throw away your plastic cup when Jungkook's hand disappears elsewhere, and you have an idea of what he's about to do. You march over to him, looking absolutely tiny next to the overbearing college students and you don't notice Jungkook's sinister smile as he watches you fume.
"Let go," you sound hoarse, and not at all intimidating when you push the girl off of his lap. She stumbles at the force, but you pay no mind to her confusion as you pull Jungkook up by his arm to drag him away. You think it's the anger and adrenaline giving you so much strength, but it's Jungkook amusing himself by allowing you to take him upstairs.
"This isn't a therapy session, little girl," he yells over the music, "I didn't come here to listen to you cry."
You huff and let a single tear slip before harshly wiping it away. When you reach the hallway, you enter the first bedroom you find. It's occupied by a foreplaying couple, but you're driven as you hiss, "Out!"
They leave at your demand, and you're confusing a lot of people tonight. Jungkook is surprised by your sudden aggression, but he doesn't stop with his remarks, "the chihuahua's gone mad."
"Shut up, Jungkook!" you whirl around angrily to face him. "How could you do that to me?!"
He quirks a brow. "Do what to you? I'm sorry, am I the one who forcefully brought you here? Am I tripping or are you?"
You push at his chest, "you're a fucking whore! Tonguing a girl in front of everyone, in front of me?"
His shoulders shake in silent laughter and you cross your arms when he starts cackling loudly. The music is drowned out and muffled behind the door, but it's nothing compared to how hysterically Jungkook is laughing.
"What's so funny?" you ask lamely. He throws his head back as he clutches his stomach, and you're starting to get annoyed. You push him on the bed, but he's still laughing. "Quit it already," your voice wavers, but you don't back down as you smack his chest. You place your knees on both sides of his hips to limit his movement and cover his mouth to shut him up.
His crescent eyes turn intense instantly as he glares at you under his hooded lids. He exerts only a tiny bit of his energy into pushing your hand away and you weakly collapse on him. It's foul play to compete with his muscles, and you realize he can snap you in half if he wanted to regardless of your rush of adrenaline.
You sit back up as he lowly speaks, "The fuck's it to you? I wanted to fuck her, and I was going to until you stepped in as if you're my girlfriend. Tell me why I shouldn't go back to her right now." He clasps his hands under his head, making himself comfortable with your weight pressing against his crotch.
"You know why," you huff with a frown, and you look so cute in the dim lighting with your baggy knitted sweater bunching up on the sleeves, sitting on his bulge with so much innocence in your expression. He's smitten, but it doesn't show in his cold stare. "I'm your girl, and I won't tolerate you messing around with other women. It's slutty!" You slightly bounce for emphasis, but your knee-length skirt hides your actions. Jungkook feels it with you, and his eyes trail down to your lower region.
"My girl?" he parrots with a raised brow. He gazes back into your eyes. "You do my homework."
"I don't care. I love you," you plead pathetically, "please say you love me back."
"Wasn't I a whore just a second ago?"
"You were! Apologize to me," you harshly yank his head back by his hair. He doesn't react in the slightest, so you softly add, "please."
"Oh little girl," he sighs, "are you really trying to dominate me right now?"
"I am dominating you. Promise me you won't kiss another girl like that again. I won't forgive you a second time."
"Yeah? What's my loss?"
"Well, you're lazy in school," you bluntly state, "and no one loves you like I do. No one would try to cater to you like I do. I'd do anything for you, Kookie." You tug down your skirt to take it off and plop back down on him before saying, "Including sex. You can only use me for your sexual needs."
He's enamored by your words, but he doesn't dare share it with you. Instead, he thrusts upwards and you yelp when you jump. "Go on then," he says nonchalantly. "Show me how much of a slut you are."
"U-Um, okay," you stutter and start unzipping his black denim jeans. You've seen a lot of porn videos to make sure you were prepared for the next step with Jungkook, but you have no experience with penetration.
And he realizes that rather quickly when you're so meek with your actions. With a groan, he asks, "You're not a fucking virgin, are you?"
"I've been saving it for the right guy," you answer with offence. This is a special occasion, and you want him to take it as seriously as you do. But it's definitely not a good idea to be snarky with him when you can barely remember the steps for safe sex. "Do you have a condom?"
"It's in my pocket," he grumbles and points at his front without taking it out himself. You're excited and nervous as you tear the wrapper and take out the preservative. You have no idea how to put it on, but you're topping so you clumsily push down his briefs. Jungkook is surprisingly throbbing under you, and you blush at the sight of his erection.
He stops himself from teasing you and saying that the girl from earlier gave him this boner, but he doesn't want to be cruel yet. It's your first time, and truthfully, he jacks off to thought of you too often anyway. He can handle being somewhat nice by staying quiet, but that doesn't mean he would teach you how to put on a condom.
You slip it on with little struggle, and don't waste any time in positioning his cock in your entrance. Before he can stop you, you sink down on his length with a painful moan. He wants to tell you that losing your virginity in this position is the most painful, but instead he groans, "Holy shit, how are you so fucking tight?"
It hurts so fucking bad. Your tear ducts are like clockwork as they water instantly, but you lower yourself down to the hilt anyway. You're quite literally sitting on his cock as you try to catch your breath because God, you're in so much pain.
"Fuck, are you okay?" he asks, but he's more worried about controlling himself from fucking into you before you can adjust. It's difficult, but he's trying.
"Jungkook," you whimper quietly with your eyes screwed shut, "it hurts."
"You're so fucking dumb for doing this, but you feel so fucking good," he pants as he holds your hips.
"Thank you," you muster out in a breath. A few seconds pass until the pain starts to numb, and you move against him very slowly. Your walls are stinging, but it feels like Heaven for Jungkook who you clench down on.
"Go up and down," he instructs with a bit lip. He tries to move your hips, but you're resisting in fear of another shock of pain. "Come on!"
"Can you wait?" you hiss through clenched teeth.
He's trying to rile you up when he says, "Sana wouldn't take this fucking long."
And it works, because you bounce once. "Don't say her name!"
He groans at your tightness, and he can't believe how wet you are. You're dripping on him, and he curses himself for holding back because of your hopeless romance. He can't entertain your conservative way of going on about this any longer, so he continues, "She would have made me cum by now, but this prissy princess can't even get a move on."
It's almost pathetic how one push from Jungkook makes you start moving, and it feels less uncomfortable to hop up and down against his pelvis. The filthy sound of slapping skin mixing with the generic radio music is making you feel so slutty because it's so stereotypical, but when Jungkook moans, it brings heat all over your body. You take your sweater off when sweat begins to cumulate on your temples, and he commands, "Take off your bra too."
He's thrusting into you as you unclasp the black material, freeing your breasts as he finds his new eyecandies. You are so pretty, your nipples are so hard, and your cunt sucks him in so perfectly. It almost upsets him when he realizes how much pleasure he's deprived himself of; the amount only you seem to be able to provide, because it's beyond physical intimacy.
"Good girl," he exhales and gently slams into you with his hands fondling your tits. You smile coyly through your tears, and he asks, "Does it still hurt?"
You contemplate for a second, because you don't feel the best yet, but you don't want to disappoint Jungkook either. "I-It doesn't," you lie.
Jungkook mentally rolls his eyes; he really wants to believe you so he can chase his high, but he sees right through you. He slaps your tit without mercy and chastises you, "don't lie. I thought this was your little moment of control."
"I'm sorry," you pout as you slowly ride him.
"Another lie," he slaps your other tit more harshly and you yelp.
"I'm not lying!" you plead and hasten your pace, desperate to sell your lie. It's working, because you're starting to feel a knot in your stomach the more you adjust.
He moans with you, and you lose yourself when he stills your hips and begins to fuck you himself. It's rough, loud, and the pain is your pleasure. His balls slap against your skin as he easily slides in and out of you with the help of your arousal. Your love dawns on him when you're so turned on for him without any foreplay, and he's on cloud nine because nothing can compare to being inside you.
The setting is so unlike you, fucking in someone's bedroom with a bunch of people behind the unlocked door who can barge in at any given moment, but he finds it so sexy. You only care about being with him, and you really do look like his slut now.
His hands start holding onto your ass, kneading it until it turns red with his fingerprints, and he demands you to kiss him. You're out of it, your ears are ringing and you can only moan out his name, but you can't bear to ignore him. Your lips fall on his, and the kiss is sloppy with his tongue all over your mouth. You can't keep up, but your chest swells with pride when you realize how needy he is for you. He goes as far as to spit in your mouth, and you swallow it without hesitation.
"You want me to play with your clit?" he murmurs against your lips, and his voice sounds so airy and melodic to your ears. "Hm? Want me to make you feel good, little slut?"
You whine without a clear response because his lips feel so soft and wet, and that's the only thing you can focus on. All you want to do is kiss him and he doesn't stop you from doing so, but you're even more overwhelmed when he starts touching you while penetrating you. "No," you whimper, "I'll cum."
"A slut can take it," he grunts and rubs your clit faster, and you come undone all too soon. You moan loudly as you tremble, shaking as he rides out your high with a pinch to your clit. You're numb when you collapse on top of him, but he's relentless with his thrusts. He's using your body as you intended, and he's vocal with his pleasure and teasing climax. It's remarkable how he holds you up when you've gone limp and still fucks you just as hard.
You want to record his voice when he starts to whine pathetically, but you have no energy left within. He's panting in your ear, and it's not long before his hips fall on the mattress with a sigh. He's surprised by how powerful his orgasm was, as he fills the condom with his release instantly. His cock is still nestled inside you as both of you recover from your climax.
"Get off," he taps your thigh, and he pushes you off when you don't obey immediately. Your spell has worn off as he starts to dress himself. "I'm going back to the dorms." You listen to him with your mind in a haze. "Unless you want to get raped on your way without me, get the fuck up now."
"Can you carry me please?"
He shrugs and swings your arm over his shoulder, picking up your body with ease. He collects your clothes in his hand, but doesn't hand them to you as he steps out of the room.
"W-Wait, Jungkook, I'm naked-"
"You're my girl, no? Be a good slut and shut the fuck up."
Dangling off his shoulder with your bare tits pressed against his back, you close your eyes and drift off on the way to campus.
Boyfriends typically drop their girlfriends off anyway, right?
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