#sorry I am so blind
buggyandthebartoclub · 11 months
A smooch 😘
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I saved this bc I was going to answer w a quick doodle of your icon but bestie I am BLIND 🥴😭 who is that?? Benn ?? I’m so sorry RIP I’ll add him to the doodle list (or whoever you can toss someone out xD)
But THANK YOU OMG MUWAH MUWAH MUWAH 🥹🥹💕💕💕💕 I hope you have a fantastic day beautiful!!
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puppyeared · 4 months
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thanks @chipper-smol for getting me ISAT i will be so irresponsible with the looping
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cipher-the-sidhe · 6 months
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Stay with me, Birdie...
for Apex Polarity by @naffeclipse
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sneez · 3 months
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morning in the green box [id in alt text]
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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ropes3amthoughts · 1 month
This exact scenario happened to me before and I think it would also happen to Laios so I empathize with him
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Full messy page and unorganized rant about what happened in detail:
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Ok so in my sophomore year of high school I was best friends and queer platonic partners with this guy and I saw him like everyday because we went to the same school and we liked to hang out but one day she approached me after swimming in the morning and their hair was drenched like totally soggy and I could not recognize him at all like she walked up to me and I was so confused and then they started talking and slowly I was “wait a minute…” and then I asked if it was him and she said yes and then I explained I didn’t recognize them at first because his hair was wet and she laughed at me 😭 they were all like “you couldn’t recognize me because my hair was wet? You saw me walking over to you and saying hi and you were like “who’s this stranger” because my hair was wet?” And keep in mind this wasn’t because I didn’t know him or didn’t care about her or anything we saw each other everyday and we were best friends and we were queer platonic partners and we kissed like three times every time we saw each other this guy was my number one homeboy ever but because their was wet I just couldn’t recognize him and that’s just how it is with me like if someone puts on or takes off glasses or changes their hairstyle or something like that I often can’t recognize them very well and it can take me anywhere from a few minutes to weeks to realize it’s the same person and I think Laios is like that too he seems to have a lot of problems remembering faces and names like me like once I even forgot my own name anyways some people are mean to Laios sometimes like faces are just really really hard to recognize and I don’t think that’s him being careless or anything it’s just difficult a thing and I can really relate to that aspect of him like he’s not forgetting or anything it’s just a difficult thing for my brain and probably his too like recognizing people is hard and remembering names is hard
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spacetravelingelf · 2 months
I’m on the last episode of The Magnus Archives
Nobody talk to me for the next 3-5 business days
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tinartss · 11 months
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on moving out
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catboyolli · 3 months
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06.07.2024 - rare bear sighting from irotlas's instagram story (cropped)
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wayfayrr · 4 months
The Menace Anon heed your call and you choose "Lone Wolf" so here is something for you to read.
I got this idea from a book on Quotev called "Skipped Cutscene" from MayBeDragon12. And this book has an interesting feature. Reader is a Link, Wild to be specific, but it's not a Yandere Chain x Reader but a normal Chain x Reader. So I thought to myself, why not turn them into Yandere? So here we are. This is Sage!Reader and how I headcanon my TotK Link.
They loath Wild and Twilight.
They are different from Wild like a alternative universe, where Wild was never named Link. Or they are Wild and just said, that they aren't Link anymore.
Twilight was still their guide through the first adventure, though.
Twilight was confused as hell before feeling guilty. He feels guilty because he thinks he abandoned Ruins as they needed him the most, on their second journey, third if we count pre-calamity.
Wild is Pup, they are Pup Cub in his mind.
Ruins' Sword is a fused Master Sword, but to be specific a fusion of Gloom Sword and Master Sword. This Sword Fi doesn't react to the other heroes at all.
It's because of the Gloom Sword and the Gloom and Malice inside of Reader's blood.
Nobody but them can wield this sword properly because of the Gloom.
If you thought Legend took awhile to trust the Chain, he still doesn't trust them completely.
Well Ruins will not trust them for a loooonnnng time maybe even never.
Because I found the nicknames weird, I came with a new one "Ruins" as they literally are surrounded by them.
As for "Sage", it's kinda mean as they got the nickname because of the sages they wield?  So how about "Pilot"?
Their title is "Hero of Ruins" because they deserve one.
Twilight is always near them, he's trying to make amends.
Reader doesn't want that at all.
Reader doesn't want to be a hero anymore just Reader who lives in the outskirts of Tarrey Town.
As the Chain said, that they still are a hero, that they needed them to be the hero once again. Reader wanted to scream and blow up a goddess statue.
If the Chain want's to capture Reader to take them with them? A wild goose chase is going on.
They have a slide for snowy mountains and a makeshift skateboard for the hills and cars. And don't forget, that they can teleport.
It was one hell of a fight.
They would jump of Skyloft, without a care for the world. Twilight is losing it.
They are a savage bastard after all.
The best songs that fit Sage!Reader would be "Link up" the TotK Rap from Austin Simmon.
Now how they met.
Twilight PoV:
We landed in Hyrule again. At first Wild and I thought that we were in his, but his doesn't have any floating islands. So then we thought it was Sky's, which wasn't it either. So we came to the conclusion that it has to be a Hyrule shortly after Sky, maybe like 100 years? So we went to explore it, I had to catch Wild a few times as he tried to run off. He really acted like a pup. We saw a monster camp near us, so Warriors began to formulate a plan to annihilate them.
„Yeah... Forget about that, someone with a robot is going through this.“ We all turned around and looked at the said person which Four mentioned.
They wore a blue tunic with a hylian hood, and brown pants and boots. Finished with the camp, they started to build something, which reminded me of a carriage but it wasn't drawn by any horses, yet. They climbed onto the strange carriage and it drove... Without any horses or rails... They came to our direction and stopped sideways in front of us.
„Do you need help?“
„Do you know, where the next town is?“ Pup asked them.
They looked with the eyes to us before signaled us to come up to them.
„I can drive you to the nearest lookout from there your on your own.“
„That would be very appreciated.“ said the old man.
We climbed onto the vehicle and they drove with us off.
We tried to speak to them but they didn't budge. They kept silent, just looking at the road before them. We could see a wooden wall in the distance with the castle behind it. They stopped at the door and turned the carriage sideways.
„We are here, you're safe in there.“ They sounded annoyed and mumbled under their breaths profanities. So we jumped off and they drove off. I looked at them quite a while. They were so familiar...
"Why do I feel like I know them...?" I thought to myself.
I jumped out of my train of thoughts as Wild laid a hand on my shoulder.
„Twi, you alright?“ I looked at Wild.
„Yeah, everythin' is 'lright, just somethin' is naggin' me about them“
„What bothers you?“ I looked at Hyrule beside me.
„I don't know... It's like I know them, but we aren't anywhere near my Hyrule...“ I told them while we were walking inside the "lookout". We looked around, it was like Ordon a small little village not town or anything. Zora, Hylian, Rito and some Gorons were here and trained. We heard fast footsteps and before we could see, who it was, Wild laid on the ground with a girl with short blonde hair on top of him.
„Reader! Where have you been?! Purah and I were so worried!!!“ She released the Champion from her hug and as she saw her mistake. She stood up abruptly and went red.
„I'm So Sorry!!! I thought, you were someone else! ~But you wear a Champion's Tunic and the hood in your face... I really thought you were them...~ Again I'm sorry...“
„Sorry mylady, but who is that "Reader" and can we help you with them?“ asked Warriors while I helped Wild up.
„Reader is the Hero of Hyrule... They changed after this adventure... After they woke up inside the Shrine of Resurrection they were so openly friendly and curious like a little puppy hehehe... But after this one it was like that they went from the curious puppy to a distrusting lone wolf... They travel around Hyrule to find anything to soothe their pain... I know, I was at fault at that, I even took over their house... I want my best friend back... The only one, who understands me the most...“ She laughed sadly and looked at the ground. She had probably tears in her eyes.
„Do ya want us 'da look for them? Maybe even bringin' them back here?“ I asked her, while the boys looked shocked to me.
„You would do that? Thanks!! Oh... I didn't even asked you for your names. I'm Zelda from Hyrule, the princess and next Queen of Hyrule.“ she bowed down slightly. 
So we bowed down as well, before introducing us.
„Well, our name is Link, so everyone has a nickname. I'm Warriors, that's Time, Legend, Four, Hyrule, Wind, Sky, Twilight and the one you tackled is Wild. We are all heroes of Hyrule but from a different era.“ Wars introduced us by pointing to said person. The said person either bowed or nodded.
She nodded with a sad smile. „So you will take them with you, right? You are definitely not travelling just to have a vacation... They need to be a hero again, right...?“
The Captain nodded with a sad smile.
„The threat we're dealing with isn't easy to slay, we could need any helping hand, that we can find.“ My ancestor told the princess with a stony face, but his eyes reflecting the worry of the soon-to-be new addition to the group.
So we said her we help her and bring the hero here before we depart around Hyrule to find the shadow. We went out of the village and headed the way, that "Reader" drived off to. But they were much faster than we ever could be. So we crossed the bridge and saw a destroyed Talus with bodies of Bokoblins.
„Does that Talus look strange for you too?“ Wind asked as Wild rushed to it's side to investigate it.
„That's awesome! The Bokoblins took the Talus as a walking fortress!!“
„Their called "Battle Talus" and they are a real pain in the ass with the right monsters on it's head.“ We looked up the hill and saw the obvious hero of this Hyrule. They wore the Champion's Tunic with a leather armour over it, they wore the same cape as Wild but their's was more tattered and ripped at some parts. Their pants was a normal beige-brown with a ripped green tunic with Triforce symbols tied to their hip and hanged down sideways and heavy looking travel boots. Their hood hid their face even as they jumped down and slided down the cliff. They stopped before us and stood on the remains of the Talus.
„So what do you want? I heard you guys talking about me. So what is it?“
I looked in-between Wild and the newcomer and noticed something that made me a little dizzy.
"They have the same scent!! That's what's nagging me! That's why I had the feeling I know them!!" I thought and looked at the older copy of Wild, my pup.
They looked at me but they didn't seem happy like Wild always was as I appeared before him as a wolf. They seemed cold and angry and stepped aside as I tried to hug them. They are my pup, after all!
„Don't come near me, you mutt! I will behead you myself, if you try it again! You abandoned me as I needed you the most! As I stumbled around like a newly born fawn and crawled out of the shrine as I woke up, The Second Time! You weren't there! So do me a favour and get the fuck lost!!“ It hurts like hell to hear that from the one I took under my wing but I could understand it. I abandoned them...
„Is this how the old man felt as he heard that he abandoned Wind's time?“ was my first thought.
They acted so feral and snarled at me so I stepped back.
„I'll not tryin' 'da come near ya again, but please hear us out...“ The others looked shocked to my and my second pup.
„Spit it out, I still have things to do!“
„Stop acting like a child! What are you five?! You can't jus...“ Warriors was interrupted as the hero before us stripped off their tunic and hood.
We could see their arm. It wasn't their arm and it's reeking old magic while also reeking dark magic.
„Just what?! I lost my arm and got cursed!! I wander around Hyrule to find shrines to complete them under pain! Normal people would trying to bit their arm off! Under a blood moon I can feel the Gloom and Malice swirling in my blood!! If I could I would do Ganondorf a favour and jump off the next cliff!! Without the glider!!“ They put their clothes back on before walking away.
„Look for someone else to travel with you, I distanced myself from my so called "titel". I'm no hero anymore!“
With that the wild goose chase began and the Chain, especially Twilight, were hunting Sage!Reader like the monster hunted Hyrule on his journey. Reader really thought at first they were puppets but after some "investigation" or "stalking" they new they were the real deal. It didn't make it any better. After Reader is back from their forced fourth adventure, they can fix their house as that got rearranged during their fight against the Chain. During the journey many insults were thrown around, especially on Wild's and Twilight's head but since when is a Link known for giving up? Oh and what Chain tries to do with Reader so they stay? Well, trying to be the most trusted companion obviously. So now please help me stop Sage from beheading Legend with their bare hands.
okay so - I hate to start it like this (and feel a little bad because I did choose this) but I cannot handle sage anymore. There is a reason I stopped writing him, and had to block any tags to do with him - it isn't something I would like to take public though with all due respect. it is the reason why tears exists as a link that I now write for as my preferred totk link. So this was something that took me a bit to read through and I couldn't really read all of it. This is something that I should have made clearer on my blog however, and I'll take responsibility for that. but in the future I will ask to please not send me anything to do with that version of the character for my own sanity.
but the premise is really good! I love the idea of a reader being an alternate link and how it could impact their relationship with the chain
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arachnid-party · 5 days
>be me
>17. light skinned kid. 5’0 little girl
>pick up order at local burger joint
>go to leave store and get back into my truck
>car is pulling in to the spot next to the truck
>panic because i wont be able to open the truck door if the truck pulls in (it is a big black truck)
>frantically open truck door like i am about to get shot
>hear “hey hey hey!!!!” from the drivers seat
>look up
>old bald black man
>apologize profusely and say i thought he was my mom
>i meant it
>go to my mom, mortified
>black man looks over to see what my mom looks like
>hispanic woman
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soullessjack · 5 months
idk i just think it’s a little weird that almost every character who gets the “innocent baby” / “little ray of sunshine” treatment usually ends up just having neurodivergent traits and actual negative traits in the show that nobody pays attention to. like idk man it just feels like diet infantilization to me and it’s a teeny weeny bit uncomfortable to see all the time
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paint-it-dead · 30 days
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Berserk 369 Summary.
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kayak-lmao · 3 months
I tried :']
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averageludwig · 11 months
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This will forever be the worst post I have seen this month from tf2 twt.... There is so many things wrong with this I wont even get into it..
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thejadearia · 6 months
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Speaking of Shimazaki, I learned a lot about myself this week making these terrible memes so I could drop them in the discord chat as I made my friends watch MP100. What I learned was, I have a terrible sense of humor (actually I already knew that, I just didn't realize it was this bad) and that the only thing I enjoy more than watching Shimazaki kick ass, is Shimazaki getting his ass kicked. (I'll have more of these for next week when we get to Serizawa's stuff! Sorry!)
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