#sorry I cannot find it anymore
lizmindpalace · 5 months
40 days
The house had gone quiet after a book had been slammed shut with such a force the sound had leaked through the closed door and reached out their ears as a threat, the low groan that followed startled them as though a lightning had struck their chests. In silent agreement the inhabitants of the gloomy manor tiptoed upstairs towards the room where the muffled screams were coming from.
"I am aware of the fact I must do as you say, however on this occasion my final answer is a no". 
A deep sigh was audible, and the eavesdroppers could picture the eyes rolling that accompanied such sound. 
"Lucifer..." the always friendly yet commanding voice uttered with a slight hue of a plead. "I have no option here, refusing it could lead us to another war, you know. And that's not good for anyone, it won't change anything, it's just a protocol... he promised". 
"I know better than trusting father's promises", as usual, the words were expressed with resent, however, this time, pain could also be perceived in his voice. 
Silence followed to such statement, they were surprised father was mentioned, and they knew that name could only mean trouble, the curiosity they had been feeling was slowly replaced with the growing concern encroaching their hearts, they held their breaths for some minutes waiting for the conversation to continue.
"You have to do it, Lucifer, I wish I could do something in order to prevent that from happening because I know how much pain it brings to you, but as the next in line for the Devildom's throne I seek for peace between your father and us". 
Another sigh, one that made the ones listening on the other side of the door feel sorrow. 
"Tempting this new favourite human of his to prove if he'll remain loyal after he makes him go through more suffering than his body and heart can bare sounds souless"
"I have to agree, especially since he claims he's his son, the best one, but I don't have any right to interfere". 
"He hasn't changed one bit, and I still don't understand what he wants from us... I used to be his favourite too at some point,  he punished me and my brothers for my lack of obeying due to unfair matters, now he's repeating his actions, maybe he's afraid he'll turn his back at him as I did when he finds out he only cares about power, for his own good I hope he's able to thrive".
"Even if he does..." Diavolo muttered, and then stopped himself.
"Even if he does? What's that supposed to mean?" Lucifer raised an eyebrow, fearing about that man's fate. 
"I've heard he's been condemned ever since he was born, he's had plans about his death, which are not pleasant by the way". 
Everyone including Lucifer felt a shiver running down their spines. 
"There must be another option".
"You know your father better than I do. You have to leave tomorrow and take water with you because these thirty days in the desert will be tough, that guy will be put on a test, and he'll be fastening for the thirty days, at least you won't have to do through that, come to my office tomorrow, I'll hand you the instructions given by the Celestial Realm".
Everyone was in shock after hearing those sentences and five out of the six demons listening, trembled, as they remembered the pain and suffering, they had been forced to face and feared for the fate of the man Diavolo and Lucifer were talking about. They looked at each other, sharing their sorrow, except for Satan who seemed oblivious to it, as he knew the story but had not witnessed it completely. Heavy steps reached the door and it soon opened without notice, the sorrow was replaced by surprise, the now uncovered six demons ran towards their rooms and Diavolo chuckled at the sight, it had not annoyed him, he always found the demon brothers' shenanigans hilarious.
"So... Lucifer has to tempt this guy" Leviathan summarised while his body trembled... "Because father wants to prove if he'll stay by his side even if he tortures him?"
"And Lucifer will have to do the dirty work? How's that fair? Everyone will think he's all evil" Asmodeus stated with a concerned look on his face. 
"He's not though?" Satan frowned; he had been trying to retrieve his memories from the celestial war, he had been able to see a bit through Lucifer's eyes, but it was like a blurred picture, where everything he was able to distinguish was blood, "He's a sadist, that's what he does". 
"It'll be humiliating for him". Beelzebub sighed and left the rice he was having aside. "Having to fulfill father's orders after being treated the way he was treated and having to pretend everything that's happening it's because of him... that's sad". 
The six of them remained silent and thinking and left early to bed, Lucifer didn't leave his office for the rest of the day, and they knew probably they'd find a brief explanation letter about his absence the next morning. 
No demon in the House of Lamentation was able to sleep that night, all of them remained quiet within their bedrooms as they were too concerned and didn't want to create additional trouble for their eldest brother, except for Lucifer's archenemy who left the house without being noticed and way earlier than the eldest.
"It has to be him?" 
Diavolo nodded, but Satan could see the lack of confidence in his eyes, something that was not usual. 
"It's not stated in the instructions, but Michael said it had to be him". 
Satan took the sheets of expensive paper covered with golden letters that resumed everything  Lucifer had to do.
"Let me do it, as long as his name is not in the contract it doesn't matter", Diavolo knew Satan had acquired vast knowledge due to the time he spent in the library, and while it was a risky decision, yet Satan was willing to help and it would save Lucifer from the humiliation, so he nodded, "leave before your brother finds out". 
It took Satan two days in order to get to the dessert where the appointment was, he knew by then Lucifer was far behind, when he arrived he wrapped himself in a black sheet that covered him from head to toes just leaving his green eyes at sight. He noticed a young man on his knees praying by a huge rock. Satan intentions were not following the instructions as they had been told because while he still hold some kind of resent against Lucifer and he loved to annoy him, he didn't appreciate the Celestial Realm meddling in their affairs, they had been kicked out of it, now why they should obey them? It definitely had nothing to do with the fact he didn't want Lucifer to be humiliated by his father again. 
Satan took a second but finally walked towards him. 
"So, are you the son of God?" he asked casually, feeling the awkwardness of the situation raising, he could see the other man was nervous and scared, he didn't even dare to look at Satan directly in the eye as he continued praying in silence with his eyes closed, Satan sighed and cleared his throat, he didn't like to be ignored. 
"Go away creature of darkness, no matter what you say I won't not listen to your evil words". 
Satan sighed and sat by his side, surprisingly he didn't feel anger, even considering he was the avatar of wrath. Seeing that man in such condition made him feel bad. He was nervous, scared and he could see the uncertainty in his face, he was holding on the hope his father would come and rescue him at the very last moment, and he felt sadness knowing what the plans for him were.
"He'll forsake you, you know". He muttered as someone else's memory crossed his mind and his body... a memory of distress and abandonment, it overwhelmed him at a degree he didn't expect until he found a tear rolling down his cheek that he had to cover, he was supposed to be all evil and yet he was now crying because of a stolen memory from Lucifer. 
"He won't" the other stated with a trembling voice, he was determined and had hope. Hope was a good thing, he decided no one should be deprived from such sentiment, so Satan just sighed and took the book he had been carrying while the other man kept praying for a couple of hours, after all, even if it was a bit boring, he had asked Diavolo to allow him to go and now he had to at least remain there. 
"Do you want some?" It had been hours and Satan was getting rather peckish, he had been prepared for the trip and so, he offered the other man a bit of his beloved apple pie he had taken with him.
"I will not fall into temptation, you demon". Satan frowned and wondered what fastening had to do with anything, he looked tired and hungry. 
He shrugged and started eating, since he could not bear it anymore.
"You know, it's very good you're not a cat or you'd very soon be having issues with your liver".
The man looked at him, frowning. 
"What's... what's a liver?"
Satan frowned, then he remembered humans were still way behind when it came to science.
"It makes your body works" he explained. "Anyways, do you know cats can only survive a week without food? Still, it's very dangerous because their health condition could be severely damaged". 
"I had no idea" the man responded, it was a bit odd a demon was talking to him about cats. 
"How's that possible? Are there not cats in your hometown?"
"There are but I have never paid attention to them."
Satan took a hand to his chest and her mouth dropped wide. 
"How's that even possible! Cats are beautiful creatures and fascinating, you know they can fall and always land on their feet without suffering any kind of damage, that's quite fascinating"
The interest of the man grew as Satan talked about cats in such a way, he was surprised, and for a considerable amount of time, he forgot it was a demon, and by the time the night fell upon them, he had to accept he was making his staying in that desert more bearable. 
"And where's this book conference being held, Diavolo?" Lucifer frowned in suspicion as he crossed his arms over his chest, it had been a month or more since last time Satan had departed, Diavolo had said he had sent him to a book conference because he knew he'd enjoy it, it was only a coincidence the Celestial Realm didn't longer needed Lucifer to go to tempt that poor man, of course. 
"In the East" he shrugged, "don't worry the event will end soon". 
Lucifer didn't have too much of an option but to wait, he had a lot of work to get done so he committed himself to it, a letter buried in his previous paperwork then appeared in his desk. 
It's been forty days, the temptation was supposed to last only thirty, go and pick up your young brother.
- Michael. 
Lucifer rolled his eyes but forced Diavolo to disclose the location of Satan, and he picked him up, he saw how the human and his brother exchanged a hug while Satan wished him good luck and the man walked away while the demon looked at him with a saddened expression as he knew what future held for him, he thought he was a nice man and he was also smart even accounting to the fact humans had not discovered anything about their world yet... and by the end his new acquaintance was now also a cat lover due to the information he had shared with him, yet he could feel the pain of everything that was going to happen, he could perceive the same kind of pain Lucifer had once felt... The eldest frowned and Satan gasped as he saw Lucifer, no words were needed, they both began their way home.
"You didn't have to do this". Lucifer spoke in a low voice, always looking at the path that would lead them to the door to the Devildom.
"I did it because I wanted, not because of you". Satan lied.
Lucifer nodded and once they reached out the Devildom he smiled at him.
"Thank you". 
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thewickling · 1 year
I realized that the updated Tag Search function makes it way easier to attempt to parallel search relationships including a specific character.
This method works better for characters who are not glitter and shipped with every person and creature and object under the sun.
This tutorial is written for people not familiar with tag ids. If you know how tag ids work, you should read the last two paragraph of this tutorial first.
You can find the Tag Search by looking at the menu at the top of the AO3 page that’s off to the left side.
Click Search and click Tag (the third option from the top).
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Type in your character. If the character only ever appears in one fandom, you also include that. If the character you want to search as a very common name, you will probably have to include a fandom to avoid pulling in unrelated tags. Do not include more than one fandom otherwise the result will only pull up any tags that exist in all the fandoms you listed.
Select Relationship for type
Select Canonical
Hit Search Tags
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The results should pull up every relationship that includes that character for that specific fandom or if you did not restrict by fandom, every relationship that has character with an identical name to the character you’re searching for.
For the character I picked, “Arm”, there are 29 results.
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Open the Work Search page in a new tab or window. You can find a link in the same menu as Tag Search.
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Or you can also open it through button labeled Work Search beside the Tag Search heading.
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On the Work Search page, find the Any Field box. 
This next part will be time-consuming but you will need to format all the relationships you want to parallel search like this: "X/Y" OR "X & A"  OR   "B & Z".
The tags need to match how they were shown on the Tag Search page. Each relationship needs to be placed between straight quotes. Curly quotes will break this search. Between each relationship tag, there needs to be an OR in all caps, but not one at the start or end.
After you’ve formatted things like this you can paste it into the Any Field box. (You could have just composed your search in there but if you’re parallel searching many relationship tags, doing it in notepad or something may make it easier to see what you’ve already included.)
There are filter options on this page. If you want to sort by completed or such, this is the point you need to do it at this point. This kind of search does not allow you to filter after you have clicked search. Unlike filtering on a specific tag, there is no filtering sidebar. A few other caveats:
If you want to exclude tags, you will have to input them into the Any Field box alongside the relationship tags. Those excluded tags will need to be formatted like such: - "tag 1"  - "tag 2"
Basically they just need a minus sign in front of them. You do not need to include OR between them.
If you include more than one tag in the Character, Relationship, or Additional Tag boxes, the search will only bring up results that match all of your search parameters. So if you inputted “Fluff” and “High School” into the Additional Tag field, it would only bring up works that have both the “Fluff” and “High School” tag as well as any of the relationship tags in the Any Field.
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I just want search for every work that includes Arm so I have no other filtering added. It looks like something below.
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Once you’ve finished setting up your search, click the search button.
In the case of my search, I only set it up to pull up any of the 29 relationship tags I found  that included Arm. When I saved this screenshot, there were 412 results.
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A few important things to note. While AO3 doesn’t really restrict how many text characters you put into the Any Field box, most browsers have a limit. So if you want to parallel search a lot of relationship or any tags in fact, you may run into your browser breaking your search.
If you’re searching a high number of tags, it’s better to use tag ids instead because they’re shorter and so you’ll be able to include way more information with less text characters. The tutorial works similarly except the list will be formatted like such: filter_ids:123 OR filter_id:456
You will not need to put quotes around a tag id. To find a tag id, you can open a specific tag and look at its RSS Feed, or by using the following script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/29917-ao3-display-tag-id  
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ok, once more I realize that my own kindness and friendliness has been taken for implied consent, and as always, the troubles that are brewing now are connected to OCs.
So let me be clear and frank one more time, one last time, because I have NO INTENTION of going through what I went through in 2021.
While I am always immensely happy that my Original Characters are enjoyed and that they can serve as source of inspiration, they are NOT however a template for anyone to base their OCs on.
They are not something that you can take in their entirety, change whatever suits you, and then call it your own.
It doesn't work like that, especially because, and allow me to reiterate this once and for all, OCs are *immensely* personal.
They are an extention of the soul of the person that creates them.
So taking whatever suits your fancy and use it for the "aesthetic" or the "vibes" is immensely disrespectful and, dare I say, rather impertinent, especially when both characters happen to belong to the same fandom.
Now, I am not talking about certain tropes and subjects that are typical of certain genre, of course not.
We are all somehow reinveting something that's already there when we work with OCs and stories.
What I am talking about is taking certain specific idiosyncrasies that make a certain character unique, change them to suit your character, and then being SO IMPERTINENT to just call it your own and parading it around without even having the courtesy to quote the person that has inspired you, taking advantage of the fact that I am just a small creator with a small following.
This is a huge No No for me.
I appreciate that other creators might have a different opinion or perspective when it comes to OCs, and while I do not share entirely in that, I sure as hell respect it.
But allow me to be crystal clear: if this happens to me, like it had in 2021, that's the *easiest* way to lose all respect I might harbour for you, and I seldomly get mad or angry.
I am always accomodating, always supportive, and I think I have proven it aplenty in the past few years.
But this is something that I cannot condone nor agree with.
And it's not just a matter of ethic, in this sense: it's a matter of also hurting me, and literally put my whole creative process into shamble.
It's a matter of having respect of others.
Now, you might say: who cares if they hurt you? they are characters that do not exist, just move on and have thicker skin!
Well, as I said above, for when it concerns myself, my OCs are an extention of my own soul, a way for me to formulate and explain feelings that sometimes I have a hard time let out; a way for me to actually face, fragmentize and analyze my own trauma through them;
and most important of all, they are OFTEN a love letter to both the world I am exploring with them AND my own husband and child, such as in the case of Jacob and Dorothea,for whom, as I said often in the past 5 years, I have poured A LOT from myself and my husband's own story.
You could say that it probably my fault for having bared my feelings so much and poured so much of myself into a character;
And you might be correct, because I have learned my lesson, and ever since Dorothea and Jacob, no other character has been infused with as much of my own being as they were.
but that doesn't mean that it stings any less when I see it unravels in front of my eyes.
I am tired.
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lesbiansanemi · 8 months
I hate self proclaimed “queer theorists” on this stupid fucking website because 90% of their posts are like “All lesbians are terfs because gender can change which makes sexuality obsolete so that means lesbians automatically hate trans ppl <3 What about gay men you ask? No, it’s different, don’t ask me to elaborate <3 Haha I love trans women so much *insert most insane transmisogynistic take three lines down* And this is all real and true because I am a boygirl fagdyke and I said it is !!!!! Btw if you argue or point out any flaws here it’s because you’re an awful evil gate keeping exclusionist >:( Peace and love go firebomb a Walmart” and then somehow the post has 563782922992737228 reblogs of ppl agreeing
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wienners · 5 months
"thought about killing you today"
"I wish you could get pregnant "
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beck-a-leck · 5 months
Got tagged by @rockingroads95 earlier for a tag game and I was actually around my computer in a timely enough manner to remember to play along so here goes!
Picrew yourself and also share the last song you listened to
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I honestly can't remember that Last last song I listened to, because it was something on the radio. But I opened up my spotify and I guess this was the song I was listening to last. So close enough.
No pressure tags! @durotoswrites @aashiyancha @mauvecardigans and anyone else who thinks this looks fun. feel free to say I tagged you
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catharsim · 8 months
The age old question: have I finally outgrown the sims or am I depressed?
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laniidae-passerine · 3 months
I’m finding that the laziest moments of Doctor Who’s writing are the ‘retroactive twists’ - when the show runner reveals something happened way back over there, in the past, before they were even running the show. And we swear it happened, way over there, far back, and you didn’t see it because of reasons but it’s definitely been happening! And it totally makes sense and I absolutely didn’t just pull it out my ass to justify my paper thin plotline! All this kind of writing does is make me miss self contained season length plots. We’ve had people complaining that Moffat was guilty of the “this thing is big and scary and it’s going to happen, oh god it’s showing up, we’re going to discover what it truly is….. next season!!!!!!” plotline (and yes. he was. twelve is my fav doctor but yeah Moffat loved a mysterious horse and a big stick) but now suddenly when RTD gets out his own mysterious horse and a big stick, it’s got to be genius! everything is eventually going to make sense! and we’re absolutely not being had by a man who used to be able to write this show and is now a hack!
#FUCK OFF RUSSELL#write a good show or go home christ alive#it’s just nostalgia glasses. we could get an episode where all 10 does is sit in a daybed and list the symptoms of shingles#and a lot of people on this website would be falling over themselves to try say that yeah it’s not good! it’s not well written! but it’s fun#and obviously that’s all doctor who needs to be. fun! not good or interesting or well written or good scifi but fun. just mediocre mush fun.#im sorry that you love dave 10nant so much (name censor bc tbf this ain’t his fault he’s just here)#that you cannot handle admitting that RTD is bad at his job now or that bringing 10 back as 14 was a shit idea#and that plotline was boring and kinda dumb#but it’s true. it’s gone downhill. RTD does not know what this show is anymore#and I frankly think he’s gone from a fanboy being able to write his dw dreams and make them episodes#from a man who views this show as his little pet project that sprung him into success#the best episodes are written by people who love this show. adore it. think of it as something big and grand#and are so thrilled that they get to add part of themselves to it with their stories and words#it’s why he used to be good. and now he doesn’t really care anymore and it shows.#it’s why my favourite doctor is my favourite doctor (and probably why people adore 9 + 10)#because you can feel the love exuding from every performance. it’s a childhood dream. there’s not time to waste a second of it.#sorry but this season was bad and the overarching story was bad#and the Christmas special is going to be bad. because it hinges on the idea we’re going to ‘find out more next time!’#shut up and tell me now. or at least in the season. ‘ooh ruby’s snow power will be explained next season’ NO! EXPLAIN IT NOW#doctor who#dw#dw negativity#rtd2 era#rtd2#rtd
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yael-things · 4 months
hiii does anyone have purple haze feedback link for me to read online without having to make an account or pay anything :3
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indigopoptart · 5 months
man i love the people im surrounded with. how did this happen. youre all so lovely😭
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zylphiacrowley · 5 months
rowan ultyr here (sadly its a sideblog so i cant send asks directly from it, oof), im so glad you liked those poses ;u;
Oh of course! I love swing dance and the photoset you posted with them was so sweet and the poses had a really nice motion to them! I'll tag you (or your sideblog) if I post anything using them if that's cool with you. :3
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sunshinetrinket · 17 days
i feel like commentary youtubers are so much harder for me to START watching now. like i get them recommended a lot because i dont watch youtube often and when i do its usually because the commentary youtubers i watch whom upload once a month or less have uploaded. but when i try scrolling and new people get recommended to me, i either see people with nice clean setups who i automatically feel like i cant relate to, or people with takes i just dont really agree with, or, worst of all, people with takes i do agree with that choose really annoying overused and complainy topics for the sake of making frequent videos
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#i knew the vibes were going to plummet as soon as we left the restaurant#ny dad actually isnt in a bad mood about it#he didn't like the loud music but hes not mad about it#but my mom is like 'i picked a bad place i shouldn't have picked that one i didnt even know they had music#and they just HAD to sit us at the loudest table 🙄'#well yeah. it was the only one open when we got there#and she kinda complained about her food and the waitress 😵‍💫#she said she was stressed the whole time bc she knew my dad was stressed#well. the difference between them is my dad was stressed about the loud music#but once we left the place with the loud music. he wasn't stressed anymore#my mom was stressed. so she will find every single thing she can to contribute to her stress. and it will remain. for hours#in fact. probably years from now. we will be like remember that nice trip in September 2024 :) and she will be like#'oh yeah the one with the awful restaurant that i picked out that everyone was miserable about'#(she was the most miserable bc she stressed herself out)#and its just.......... :/ im sorry my dad was uncomfortable with the noise. and that my mom didn't have a good time#but. i cannot remember the last time a restaurant caused LESS anxiety actually.#and on a different vacation earlier this year we went to a restaurant that Everyone else wanted to go to#and it was quite literally one of the most miserable experiences of my life#it was SO loud. the dining room was so small and cramped and it was so crowded and everyone was YELLING#i kept headphones in the whole time and sat with my head down and could barely even eat anything#it was like. an hour+ long panic attack. i wanted to cry the whole time#but when that happened. my moms dinner wasnt ruined bc she felt bad i was stressed#so . 😐 im just saying
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quillkiller · 11 months
omg im gonna be alone forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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georgeharrisonsmiling · 2 months
Tumblr ate my answer about my thoughts on Paul's baseline 😔.
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