#sorry I love akatsuki so bad please talk to me about my akatsuki headcanons
squidcandy · 1 year
horrible boyfriend chronicles 14: summer bird and the empty nesters he left behind
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mixelation · 10 months
some itachi + romance meta for reborn au ->
so, my personal headcanon for itachi is that he has a lot of little idle romantic fantasies about a nondescript fantasy partner, but it takes a pretty big push for him to go "oh, i love this person." he's open to sex if his partner wants it, but he doesn't really care about it otherwise. in other words, he'd be into a romantic partner if he happened upon one (and, like, he didn't have four thousand other high-priority problems the relationship would be incompatible with), but he's not actively looking and he doesn't really need one to be happy.
in an AU where the massacre didn't happen, I think he'd be open to dating. but in mutagenicity, he DID live through the massacre and being in akatsuki, and he IS mentally 20+ years older than he looks, and oh my god, please don't make him talk to children. especially uchiha children he killed in previous life. please.
i don't think all ninja clans necessarily cling to old fashioned traditions about marriage and bloodlines, but i like the idea of some of them hanging around for Shenanigans. like no one would really care if itachi were gay, as long as he quietly kept his boyfriend as a boyfriend and married someone capable of childbirth and made that new heir. they don't even care if the heir is female! progress :)
but also itachi has a mysterious genetic disease so they're like. hmm yeah okay you may marry outside of the clan. (desperately start researching if there's some sort of Test for sharigan babies)
mikoto has of course Noticed itachi just like.... isn't interested? in even talking to other teens?? so she wants to get him started kind of early. listen itachi, marriage will be SO much easier if you've dated your bride and figured out someone you actually like. also if you don't find one i will simply find one for you at some certain age and you will have no say in the matter.
the first few times she sends him on dates she just socially manipulates a situation where somehow he ends up alone with a girl mikoto likes. the girl is almost always very accomplished for her age, polite, pretty. literally nothing is wrong with her except she's 16 and itachi hates strangers. like, he's fine with them. he can put on a smile and be polite for a limited amount of time. but Inner Itachi is so fucking mean and fucked up, getting socially close to people almost always makes them hate him (for valid reasons) and then also his date is 16. so mikoto keeps putting him in a position where he's inevitably going to make a poor teenaged girl cry because he told her she'll never get promoted to jounin because her mission completion rate is mediocre, which he does often feel bad about, but also he cannot do anything about his horrible personality and cannot help himself. and then even if he likes her, what is he supposed to do? be like "yeah i'm just going to tell you my opinion and it will come out blunt and mean and also i'll be right and refuse to apologize, it's because of my deeply fucked up past life where the state told me i had to pick between murdering my entire family or letting my family destroy everything i care about, sorry about that." no! obviously he can't do that!!!
and his feelings about mikoto in general just, like, insane. she had her hand in supporting the coup in his previous life, but she raised him and loved him, but also she let him kill her so he'd see it in his nightmares constantly, and this mikoto didn't do any of that but he still sees her in his dreams and she is EQUALLY socially manipulative in this timeline, and honestly this is sort of making his feelings about her even more insane, but obviously he can't talk to her about it. so he needs to figure out way to dodge this whole dating situation in order to avoid uchiha massacre #2
so one day he's stealing dango right off tori's plate while she's in the bathroom, and he's like. holy fuck. tori is a girl, and she's not even going to get upset i'm about to do this to her. and then she comes back and is like "why the fuck did you steal my food" and he tells her it's because she did a disproportionately low amount of substandard work on the mission and hence deserves less of the mission budget. and she DOES rub the inside of his sleeping bag down with poison ivy but she also doesn't fucking cry.
itachi, flipping his sleeping bag inside out: perfect. we're dating now. <3
tori is NOT mikoto's top pick because she's a wild card and not the easily controlled nice girl mikoto was aiming for, but. at least itachi seems to actually like her? and she hasn't come crying to mikoto about how her son horrible yet, so. she's even got a decent amount of social clout for (checks note) a defector from another village who seems to go out of her way to be annoying and unlikable. mikoto isn't really thrilled but she backs off
dating is basically nothing like itachi's idle fantasies because tori is also deeply messed up, and also itachi spent a VERY long time in the other timeline convinced she was going to blab his secrets and Ruin Everything and he really wanted to kill her, but also that DID translate into a weird sort of respect pretty early on in this timeline, and they can have actual conversations about stuff. she helped him kill danzo, no questions asked. they like watching bad movies and dragging them to pieces together. she willingly reads his favorite book. they say mean shit to each other and it's fine because they've mutually accepted the other is just like this. it's comfortable. also pointing tori'a ability to ruin everything for everyone is so nice when pointed at someone itachi doesn't like
so even once itachi is old enough he can date Actual Adults, tori is like, "hey are you going to break up with me?" and he's like, "........no?" and she's like "okay." and they move in together and have separate bedrooms and tori attempts to kill him at least twice over burning food so bad it won't come off the pot, but it's comfortable and they're both happy
(and also itachi realizes tori fucking loves going along with bits, so if he tells her he wants to do some stupid romantic thing, she will just go along with it and have fun. wild)
i think they get married kind of late For The Setting (like very late twenties) because it takes tori years to figure out their illegal test tube baby and they just don't really see the point without the baby. mikoto finds this immensely frustrating. but at least they're on the same page, even if it's the WRONG PAGE
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gompereatsall · 2 years
Also if you wanna, juza hyodo and yuki rurikawa for the ask game too!!
(i'll be real, it's been a while since I've consumed canon a3 content, so,,, some stuff might be inaccurate my bad)
it's the guy i share a bday with, juza!!
favorite thing about them: his whole deal about being self conscious about who you are?? like. like his whole portrait episode. my god. that alone made him one of my favorite characters. his character growth about being more confident not only on stage but in other stuff like life?? im in love
least favorite thing about them: I? I literally can't think of anything?? i guess just how much sugar he eats, i mean yeah it's hilarious but also guy please. please no (i mean this light heatedly dw)
favorite line: I'll be honest, I'll be skipping these ones because I cannot remember any quotes for the life of my lmao (I JUST SAW YOUR POST IT'S "Uh... what sounds so bears make again? Beeeaaar!")
brOTP: muku and kumon,,,,, I love when the family hangs out, those three are my faves <33 ALSO O High Boys are so good,, those three make the PERFECT asobi asobase au ever
OTP: juza x banri 100%, the rivals to friends to lovers,,, so good,,,
nOTP: other than the obvious kumon and muku, no one in particular? also no weird age stuff, like anyone in high school when he's in college
random headcanon: has acne bc of all the sugar he eats. also he has lots of energy bc of the sugar he eats. he has to bounce his legs or tap his fingers or SOMETHING, he also just lays awake at night because he can't resist eating something sweet before going to bed...
unpopular opinion: fandom makes him a big himbo and, in juban fics, only cares about banri and i?? I don't like that?? please expand on his family and his whole self esteem issues. I want fics about his self esteem issues please
song i associate with them: UHH AGAIN I DON'T HAVE A LOT OF SONGS... I'm also so bad at assigning songs to characters that aren't my OCs... ig Sweet Magic by Junky PURELY for all the sweets and desserts and not the actual meaning lmao. Also maybe Ado's Gira Gira?? About his scary demeanor and all. (Also just figured out that the songs don't have to fit them, just remind me of them. These two may not fit but I always think of Juza when I listen to them.) Also Akatsuki Arrival!! Makes me think of Juza and Banri everytime :)
favorite picture of them: This card is the good shit. I have no idea why, I just like his outfit lmaoo
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favorite thing about them: he's so sassy, and i LOVE his quips
least favorite thing about them: uhhh idk, let people in more?? talk out your problems man idk
favorite line: skip, sorry
brOTP: UGH friendship with muku, first of all. I love those two so much <33 also I love his friendship with Azami and then bonding over their dislike of Sakyo working with like fashion and make up (idk, i've always related those two things closely together). Obviously he's very close to the summer troupe, but i love him hanging out with misumi, kazunari, and kumon just to be their sole braincell
OTP: actually no one?? because i headcanon him as aroace, I don't ship him with anyone. Platonically however, him and muku are very cute <33
nOTP: nothing really, just no weird age stuff (so no one from the winter troupe, and no one in college)
random headcanon: his arm has small, tiny injuries from missing the pincushion, and the pins just stabbing his arm. This only happens when he's REALLY focused and is 'in the zone,' so he doesn't really feel it when it happens.
unpopular opinion: idk, i can't really think of anything? yeah he enjoys wearing skirts and dresses, but only because women's clothing are more fashionable and prettier than men's clothing. He also really enjoys wearing guy stuff if it's really cool or fashionable. he also doesn't really like wearing make up; doesn't like the feeling of it on his face
song i associate with them: Jitterbug I feel fits Yuki really well! Surii's Telecaster B-Boy also fits i think!
favorite picture of them: UGH THIS CARD OF HIM HAS ALWAYS BEEN ONE OF MY FAVORITES, I JUST LOVE HIS CLOTHES i am,,, very weak for traditional clothing,,,
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shinobi-imagines · 4 years
More Akatsuki head canons please! Just any you have, whether general or romantic or nsfw. Love your work💖
Random Akatsuki Headcanons
Warning: some NSFW 
Sorry this is kind of messy...Excuse the chaos but here are my hot takes.
Itachi is really good at painting his nails. Even better than Deidara which annoys him. Kisame asks Itachi for help from time to time.
I personally think Itachi doesn’t want to love anyone and would try his best to stay from it. Not only does he feel undeserving of love, but he is also too scared to. If he did meet someone he fell in love with, he’d try to push them as far away as possible. Almost like he did to Sasuke...
(nsfw?) If Itachi does come around to loving someone, he’d be kind of an awkward lover who’s not really sure what to do all the time. However, he knows all the right things to say and is surprisingly good in bed because he’s a good listener and will listen to your needs and likes to hear you-
(nsfw) Itachi wouldn’t be very comfortable with kinks and is pretty vanilla. I think he’d be open to being a sub though. In the end, he wants your pleasure to be above his.
Hidan wants someone as crazy as him. This would be a kind of toxic relationship almost like Joker and Harley Quinn. 
He would hate the fact that he loves you because you’re his weakness, but on the other hand, he desperately needs you at his side.
(nsfw?) I said it before but Hidan and his partner dance in the blood of their enemies. He’d also pull them in and grab their face harshly to kiss them. Then he’d say “You’re fucking pretty covered in blood.” Does he also say this in bed? Yes.
(nsfw) Hidan would “experiment” on you with his abilities during sex. He gets off on the pain and pleasure you feel which of course is amplified by his powers.
(nsfw) Call him daddy or master. 
He’d also want someone kind of insane to keep up with him. That doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily just as loud, but they can keep him interested and entertained. 
I do think Deidara likes to play with people and their feelings because it’s all about the thrill for him. Relationships to him are kind of meaningless since the only thing that matters is his own art.
However, if he does settle with one partner, I do think he’d be loyal. Maybe not fair all the time, but loyal.
(nsfw? ;) ) Hands. That’s all I’m going to say.
Sasori is a nerd in the sense I think he’d be obsessed with what he does and his craft. You can’t catch him doing anything other than working or studying in his free time.
While Itachi is good at doing his nails, Sasori is the best. He’s just the most meticulous.
If Sasori had a lover, he would wonder what they would look like as a puppet. He’d secretly draw plans for what to do with their body if they ever died. 
While every member of the Akatsuki would kill their partner if they had to, I think Sasori might actually be the most willing because he can “immortalize” them.
Bleh. Sorry. Thank you. Next.
He invests his money in various things, but is kind of bad at it. That’s why he’s always looking for more cash. Kind of like how Tsunade is bad at gambling.
He had a lover a long time ago. 
I feel like he’d offer to share his ability with a dying lover or at least try. He’d want to give them one of his hearts.
(nsfw) Bondage. Like... Are we not going to talk about what his like stringy-things do? o__o
He gets really flirty when he’s drunk.
Kisame thought Itachi was a really pretty girl when he was intoxicated once and tried to make moves on Itachi. 
(nsfw) Contrary to belief, Kisame has an impressive body count... 
Pain (and I guess Nagato in a way)
Would have some sort of secret relationship (could be non-romantic) that nobody, not even Konan, knows about. 
He writes to them about his philosophy and genuinely wants to hear their thoughts. He would go by an alias so to not reveal himself. 
He and his pen pal always include some sort of riddle to solve in their letters.
Because they’re probably far away or he doesn’t have time, he writes numerous pages at a time. Whatever they write back, he reads it multiple times over before burning the pages. 
Does anyone else get bi energy from Konan? I know she loved Yahiko, but something just tells me that she likes women too. 
I think she would also send secretive messages, but they’re shorter than Nagato’s lengthy texts. 
Tobi or Obito
If he were on a normal date, he’d have flirty quotes and jokes written on his arm to refer to. And he’d still mess it up.
Maybe all of the Uchihas are awkward lovers...
Will offer to pay for the meal 100% of the time and forgets his wallet 40% of the time. He’ll always pay you back and make it up to you.
He’d pretend to be someone else for the time he’s “dating” someone. Ultimately, he’d have to break their heart because love isn’t his goal. 
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kanasmusings · 5 years
Do you have any good Starmyu headcanons or theories? What would you like S4 plot to be like? I could give you some bad Starmyu jokes if you want
Hi there, Anon-san~! Sorry for the late reply orz
OHHH!!! I do have like, a lot of headcanons, but they’re pretty shippy (i.e. A LOT OF NANJO/REN so... 👀👀 I have written fanfics of them, actually XD) but I do have ideas for things I want to see in S4 (if there ever will be)~! Also, please send me all the memes if you want~!!
Under the cut, just in case~?? ヽ(*・ω・)ノ
Season 3 ended in a way where the ending could be taken as the absolute ending, but at the same time it could give potential for a new season~
The 2nd years (at least, those of which the fans think are important, sorry Team Akatsuki T^T) are all members of the Kaoh Kai, right? I’ll bullet point them because honestly, my thoughts on this are not arranged at all  。゚(TヮT)゚。
First of all, I’m really interested in how they’re going to work Star Teams into this new system. Star Teams have 5 members each and there are 14 Kaoh Kai members!! That’s like, 70 students all-in-all?? I’m really curious about this because the Musical Department is absolutely strict with their screening of students, right? Will there even be enough first years?? Are they going to work with Star Teams by pair?? I need answers!! How will this affect the entire Musical Department? How will they do Ayanagi Festival??
Number two: I wanna see how Hoshitani and the others will change Ayanagi Academy.Technically, the Chairman is still in charge of the whole school, right? I don’t know how he let Shiki do what he wanted with the Council and how that flew under his radar if he’s so strict on following tradition. Maybe if there’s an S4, we’ll finally get to see Hoshitani and the others go against Mr. Chairman himself??
Number three: I really need to see Hoshitani become more thorough and not just be “No Plan Hoshitani” if we get a new season.I know that part of the appeal of his character is how he’s spontaneous and yet things still end up going his way, but I think it’s about time Hoshitani got real character development?? Don’t get me wrong though, I love him a lot!! I love that part of his character a lot, but I think that everyone in the Council would benefit more if Hoshitani got his act together and not just be saved by Kaito and the rest of Team Otori a lot T^T 
Number four: I want to see how the Council will work in general! There’s so many members that I’d figure it’d be difficult to have them all agreeing and working on something. Specially since Ageha still doesn’t seem to like Nanjo a lot!Would this cause conflict in the Council?? Will this make them re-think Shiki’s decision? IDK, but I want to know how it will play out~
Number five: I want to see what legacy Hoshitani will leave Ayanagi Academy~ He’s the main character and a lot of his senpais have really shown trust in him. I want to see what sort of new thing Hoshitani will leave the students with and how he’ll be remembered in the Academy~ 
Plot-wise, those are all things I want to see/need answers to, but I do have a lot of other um... miscellaneous?? (a.k.a. personal hopes and dreams) for a new season!
More interactions between the Ayanagi Middle School boys specially now that Ageha’s been more open with the rest of the characters~! 
Sawatari Eigo. That’s it, that’s the tweet. 
I wanna see Inumine doing more great things!!!! He’s not just a musical idiot, y’know??
If ever, I would want the 3rd Season Musical’s plot to be turned into an OVA or something. 
Cameos of the senpais~! And the Ancients too~! 
I really want to see them graduate and become the amazing people they were destined to be.
I want to see what the Nayuki Sisters will pursue in high school and at college! They’ve talked about opening a shop for the clothes/accessories they make and I want to see how they’d do~ (They have five great big brothers who will support them anyway~!)
FUYUSAWA AND CHIAKI!!! Have they fully made up??? Did we get a drama CD for this?? Do they have an “Osananajimi Melancholy” drama??? 
Kasugano really needs to confess to Shiki at this point in time, just saying. All that pent up emotion is not good for his health.
Irinatsu can just be himself wwww 
Tatsumi!! I wanna know if Tatsumi ever gets better at cooking!! How many more casualties will there be?? 
That’s about it for now, I guess??? I still have a lot of things I’m really wishing to see, but at this point I feel like it’ll be spammy XD Thanks for reading until here though~! If you all have ideas, feel free to add/reblog/reply this post~! Let’s talk about them!! 
Have a great day, Anon-san~!  (〃^▽^〃)
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ninjaimagines · 7 years
I hope this isn't too confusing ahh, may I have a scenario/imagine where the Akatsuki work together to raise an orphan that Pein and Konan find? I've always thought of them as family n I love them so much hhh,,, thank you for reading ;; ♡
hi !!! okay so i’m with you on them being like a family!!  And i did these in headcanons, im sorry. for me personally and the way i write i feel like i’d turn it into a fic or something, so i hope these are still acceptable. please enjoy :-) 
Pein and Konan found the orphan in the rain village and decided to take him in. They bring him to the hideout and introduce him to everyone.  Everyone is so sus at first. Like what the fuck do they think they’re doing bringing a child into a criminal organization smh. 
Kakuzu could literally care less about the child, he just informs the boy that he needs to earn his keep and for that comment Pein throws a rock at him on the low. 
“Behave and be nice Kakuzu, he has no one, just us.” 
Kakuzu mutters about how Pein and Konan had no parents either and they turned out fine.
Konan makes it a strict rule that Hidan is not allowed to spend time alone with the child because they would end up cursing and worshipping Jashin just like him. 
“You’re no fun Konan. I just wanna tell him about the way and the truth of Jashin.” 
Konan rolls her eyes at him and chooses to ignore him for the rest of the day.
Kisame doesn’t want much to do with the kid but the kid ends up taking an interest in Kisame. 
“Kisame, I thought you didn’t want to get mixed up in the child mess?” “Shut up Itachi, you’re just jealous because he likes me because I read to him and you cant.” Kisame even sticks his tongue out for good measure. 
“How mature, no wonder you two get along, you’re both children.”  Kisame doesn’t care, he likes spending time with the child, it makes him feel refreshed. 
Itachi helps keep the child company when no one else is really around. It’s hard for him because of his health but he doesn’t mind too much, and it reminds him of Sasuke. 
“I know I’m not as fun as everyone else, but thank you for the company.” “You’re only being nice because you have the old maid.” Itachi is not amused.
The child does actually end up liking Itachi and on days when Itachiu is too sick to leave bed, he goes and keeps him company and plays cards with him for awhile. “You’re not going to die right Itachi?” “Unfortunately I am, I’m just waiting for my little brother to be fully truthful. I want to see him smile one last time.” 
Deidara isn’t allowed to be alone with the child either because they’d probably blow up the hideout together, but Deidara does teach him about making clay sculptures and about the aesthetics of art. 
Deidara also colors with him when he has the chance and occasionally Deidara invites Tobi to join them. All three of them like to prank cranky Kakuzu together :^)
“Oh Kakuzu, I found this dollar outside and I thought I’d bring to you!” “You little brat this is made of clay,  get out of here.” Next thing you know there is a small bang and a poof of smoke and the child is running and hiding in Deidara’s room giggling with the blond
Sasori hates children so he avoids the child. He really want’s nothing to do with him. He gets very angry when the child interrupts him while he’s making a puppet. 
Tobi and the kid get along like two peas in a pod. You can find the child mostly with Tobi because they just have so much fun together. They talk about funny jokes, why the sky is blue and world domination. 
Even if Tobi is just a character played my Obito, it makes Obito happy. He feels like he gets a chance at being a brother or guardian and that was always something he wanted. 
Pein is a very busy man that runs the rain village but he does take some time to spend with the child, usually trying to teach him a cool jutsu or taking him out for a special treat if he mastered a jutsu. 
Nagato may be controlling Pein but he feels so happy helping the child out and making his life better than what it would of been. He hopes that everyone helps make the boy into a fine ninja.
Konan is busy as well but not as busy as Pein. She teaches the child basic math, reading, writing and some basic jutsus to hopefully help him escape a bad situation if needed. She also helps him work on the jutsu that Pein is trying to teach.
She really loves the child and she shows it. She protects him for the other members when needed, she ensures he stays out of harms way and Konan also makes sure he gets all his needs met. 
All in all they all teach the child important lessons before they all die. They teach him how to be a good ninja, how to look after himself, they teach him what it is like to have a family and most importantly they teach him that not every bad person is truly a bad person. Sure all of them committed crimes and were all trying to take over the world, but they all still did good things and helped him out. 
The child cries anytime one of the members die and it really does break his heart. But it’s an important time and Itachi and Tobi help try and teach him how to deal with grieving. They know all too well that if you dont grieve properly it can get you into some dark places. 
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seigibathala · 7 years
Naruto Challenge
I was tagged by @cornelia1992 (I’m back!)
Name your Favorite
Female Character(s): Sakura Uchiha
Male Character(s): Sasuke Uchiha
Team: 7
Sensei: Jiraiya
Hokage: Hashirama
Kage: Gaara
Village: Konoha
Akatsuki: Itachi & Pain
Jutsu: Banshō Ten'in, Shinra Tensei, Chibaku Tensei and Tsukuyomi
Episode/Chapters: Canon Episodes
Fight Scene: (Oh this is hard) 1. Itachi Vs. Sasuke 2. Gaara Vs. Lee 3. Naruto Vs. Pain
Fanfiction: I forgot the title... sorry!
Story Arc: I like everything if you remove all the fillers (Except Kaguya’s)
Filler: Kaguya’s (I dunno the title)
OTP (explain why): SasuSaku - Complex pairing. I like how Sakura developed her character because of her love for him.
NOTP (be nice): Except from Sakura, any character paired with Sasuke hurts my eye.
Crackship(s): None
BROTP: sasunaru, narusaku, sakuino, 
OT3: Team 7, inoshikachou
Crossover Ship: None.
Do you have any headcanons: Hmm... too many. I write fanfics which is always canon based, so you may read them, hehe..,
Are you happy with the ending? What would you have done differently? Yes. Naruto became Hokage, and I was surprised that Sasuke’s alive. So the ending for SasuSaku is a bonus for me. I don’t have any complain about the conclusion, I respect the manga wholeheartedly. Maybe I love how Kishimoto didn’t waver about the other’s suggestions such as who’s heroine for the story, and who’s the person that Naruto should ended up with, I can say he stick to his guns until the end.
How do you feel about the new generation? I like Sarada and Cho Cho
Say something about your favorite character. Good and bad. I like how pure Sasuke is, he can be the worst or he can be the coolest guy, good thing is, he already found himself, he’s no longer a blank canvass like what Itachi said.
What would a child between your OTP look like? How would they behave as parents? Sarada. I guess sometimes Sasuke and Sarada teams up to make fun of Sakura,.. among the three, she wear her heart on her sleeve.
Say something genuinely nice about your NoTP. Don’t wanna talk about it...
Say something negative about your OTP. None.
Is there anyway you could be convinced to ship your NoTP? What would make you change your mind about the pairing? Oh common stop this, haha.
What makes you mad about the series? Sakura’s haters who jumped the bandwagon just to look cool, and Studio Pierrot at times...
If you could see anything happen in the series, what would it be? More of SS.
What would you say to Kishimoto if given the chance? “Sign my fan art please!” (Then I’ll cry at home staring at his signature for months lol)
Thanks for reading :)
Now I tag: @careeningaway @crazyphase @layla0foxy @shannaro-kamo @sharinghoe @hope2findthelight
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novicesmileegao · 7 years
Akatsuki no Yona
Sorry for the long answer. For the “Give me a fandom and I’ll tell you”:
The first character I first fell in love with: 
Um, here will be several answers, because I had a few very important first impressions:
Yona – she was literaly the first character seen in manga, and I liked her expressions and a huge range of genuine emotions she could show and how cute she is, being all in love. The thing that totally hooked me at time was her reasons to love Su-Won. After description I half-expected her ranting daily and nightly about how handsome he is or something that silly. But it was so pure and true in-between of puppy-love and first attraction for actual human reasons… I just can’t.
Hiryuu – the first time I saw him, I was like: “I want a whole manga about him, but sadly, he more likely is just a symbolic token, who’s never gonna to show up, and actually author must be never made his personality up, thus he doesn’t exist… forget him, move on”. But I loved him all this time.
Zeno – from the first sight. But I was kind of wary of him in terms: “It’s not possible, to have there a character as just for me. Obiviously, he have a lot of behind, but there is no way for him to be much cooler, than he is now. Maybe his character’s flaws make him uncool or sort of..?” Nah, his characters flaws made him like 100 times more cool and human. And while I’m sort of tired of “character with happy faciade lied all the time. On an inside he is constantly suicidal and angsty, and holds tons of grude” trope, Zeno totally don’t come off as one of these angsty buckets.His happiness and fondness is just as true, as his grieve and dark moments. And his way to fit in any clothes is iconic to me.And imagine my feelings, when it’s become known these two above are coming as a set with addition of 3 more unique dorky bros… this far Hiryuu and Zeno were just what I dreamed of from the start.
Kaya – I see the character– I love the character. No reasons. “Hey, Zeno… Zeno, if that’s your future wife, can I go out with your future son, who obiviously doesn’t even exist, but still??? Please???”.
Tae-Wu and Han-Dae sleeping by the Fuuga gates. The first time I saw them, it was a turning point. Like: “You said you giving this manga a try and eventualy you will drop? Haha, silly Egao, welcome to your new home. Forever ”.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Hak. To me, all his interesting and precious traits are unfolding in further details and actions. His respect to Yona, his loyality to king Il, his grieveing over the lost friendship with Su-Won, his very personal friendship with each of the dragons and Yun, his deep love for the Wind tribe, his unique himor, his little ‘kincks’, his 'Hak-faces’ and even the way he occasionaly interacts with Ao-chan (believe or not, I oftenly see, when someone headcanons on how Ao sees each of her friends, Hak is that one guy, who is left out as a someone, who don’t play with her, while in the manga are at least 5 cutiest Hak | pukyuu moments).If not for these and alike details he’d probably come off as another tsundere with severe emotional constipation and 'scary at the outside/soft inside’ 'super-sexy’ powerful male lead type of a character you can see in any other shoujo manga in a pack of 4.
Su-Won – description left an impression of standart powerhungry villian and I didn’t expected much from him. My bad. Turning point was me seeng his bitter look, when he faced Yona after the murder of Il and was quite literally pushed to kill her (“may be, he is more, than that”). But I never expected a mixature of fun, cuteness, stubborness, drama king act, mistery, inner conflict, angst and parody, that waited me on the way.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
I don’t see if there is one. At the same time, I often prefer rare characters over more popular ones.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Mizari – well, not that anyone massively hates him in fandom now, but I kind of left a room for loving him (and Kouren team) even from the time when he talked about eating the dragons.
Garou – I don’t think there are many people, who actually hate him deeply, but still, as confusing as it sounds, I kind of can understand what he felt. And while I’m not apologetic to some of his pretty obivious actions, I guess my understanding makes me more calm and patient towards him.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
I guess, there is no such a character. Well, maybe I expected some more backstory or badassnes from Hiek, but not that I loved him or something.
The character I would totally smooch: Yona, Ao-chan, 'Hakuneko’, Tae-Jun. And Gulfan (but I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t allow)Also I want to hug Kaya, to bake an apple pie for Heuk-Chi, and to knit a scarf for Yun. And I’m lost what to do to Zeno, he probably would want all of this and to hug Kaya in my place. As for Hiryuu… I’d fangirl from the distance too scared of his dragons’ jealousy.
The character I’d want to be like: 
Yun and Heuk-Chi, because these men are so talanted and can do anything and are so capabale in practical tasks! And if it comes to outer look, I want Su-Won’s hair.
The character I’d slap: 
Anyone, who needs it, or look like they need. For now settled with Su-Won and Keyshuk, because I hope to see their 'moment of hysteria’. Also Gobi, because I hope someone is still home inside of his head, and I want to see that. I’d also say the royal brothers probably, but for now it wouldn’t be too useful. And we still need more canon on them.
A pairing that I love:
KaZe is my favourite. I can write an essey, so I’ll stop for now.
A pairing that I despise: 
Well, I kind of wary of yaoi and yuri fanmade pairings. Like you never know, if the author of the fic not preferred personal 'kincks’ over in-characterisation. But I admit, that reality can be not that bad (stumbled upon a few untagged and lived)). And if one of these actually’d become canon, I will accept and like it. I’d only be wary of the lemonish part of fanbase then.
Also I was not too fond of Su-Won/Lili, because I was like: “neither of these two are in love, and I want them to be happy, because they need love”. But now I think, they can be probably good enouh for each other. So now I even low-key ship it if a chance given.
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