#guys who are delusional about a guy who is not even a year younger than them
squidcandy · 1 year
horrible boyfriend chronicles 14: summer bird and the empty nesters he left behind
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 3 months
Supersons +1 prompt answer
If you asked Danny, 12 year old half-ghost hero of Amity Park, how half-life was going, he'd tell you things were mixed.
On the one hand, he had just spent the last three or four months in family/scientist/'this house is a death trap waiting to happen' therapy with Jazz, and by some miracle, it worked. He wasn't sure if this was some kind of dream as his parents poured over years upon years of research, crossing out lines, rewriting equations, and reevaulating everything they thought they knew about ghosts.
Was the shudders family therapy worth not going over how they'd like to dissect him? he's still not sure. The horror.
Not to mention the attention. Danny was sure he was going to throw up if his parents drag him away for more bonding time, only for a ghost to attack and for him to run off to transform. What made it worse was when the Fentons came barrelling out, guns blazing, alternating between getting mad that he'd interrupted their family time, and asking him questions about "Your suspicious spook culture, if you even have one you dangerous delusional delinquent!"
At least they were trying, but Danny was very much comfortable not spilling the beans on the whole half-ghost situation, thank you very much.
And that's why, when Dad proposed to take him to Gotham to show off their latest invention, he jumped at the chance. The home city of the Batman, one of the greatest heroes known to man (except for Martian Manhunter and Superman of course) and Dad promised to take him to Gotham Observatory too. Not to mention how much he wanted to get away from Jazz's smug looks of superiority. Gotham here he comes!
Damian Wayne scowled as he scanned the crowed of scientists with more smarts than sense. Really, a flying toilet seat. For what deviant?
"Maybe they're for people who can fly." Kent piped up beside him. Father had let the two of them run off together, and his company was mildly more appealing than being alone with his thoughts.
"Why would Superman ever need to relieve himself mid-air. I do not believe you would appreciate your father's rear end being on display for all the world to see."
"True." Jon hummed. His voice lowered to a whisper. "You think indecent exposure is what your dad meant by "scoping out any potential future villains?"
Damian gave Jon a flat look. The sooner this convention ended, the better.
The crowded shifted, and the mass of visitors pushed toward a certain corner, where a man large enough to rival Superman's build stood upon a podium, with a boy their age off to the side.
"Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you the latest in FentonWorks' innovations, the Fenton Ghost Zone Radar, soon to revolutionise the study of ghosts!"
"I thought ghosts were a magic thing." Jon said. "You know, stuff Constantine and JLD deal with."
"They are."
"Mixing magic and science is like, like, oil and water. No way this guy's serious, is he?"
"His name is Jack Fenton. That's Daniel Fenton, his son." Damian pointed to the boy in question, looking like he'd seen this scene a hundred times before, but with that knowing glint that promised something deeper. "They're normally spotted alongside Jack's wife, Madeline. Widely regarded as quacks by the larger scientific community for chasing paper-thin theories about ghosts, they've nonetheless gained funding from the government. This is the first time they've left their base of operations in Amity Park for years."
"Woah, you know your stuff, Dami!"
Damian glared at the young Superboy in disguise. "I read the briefing files. Didn't you?"
Kent looked uncomfortable and looked away. "Uhh, maybe?"
"Well, if he's so crazy, then why'd your dad even let him in." Upon another scathing glare, Kent relented. "Oh right, the whole supervillain thing."
"Enough chatter. We'll zero in on the younger Fenton. I intend to squeeze him like a grape, and make Father proud."
"Dami maybe you should be a little nicer-" Only for Damian to march off without him.
Honestly, inane niceties were above someone of his status. Those things were Superboy's job, and if Daniel Fenton wouldn't crack, then Damian was itching to try a new torture technique.
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otgo-brooklyn · 1 year
Older Brother!Slider with Baby Brother!Ice
Okay, so another contribution rant to the Top Gun Fandom:
Big Brother Slider, but ONLY, ONLY to Ice. And not the generic sibling relationship, no, but Ice is his Baby Brother.
For any who don't have that 'Baby' Sibling, as an eldest child, let me explain: A sibling is a younger, less better, version of yourself because your parents were a bit delusional and now there is Another™.
HOWEVER, a Baby Sibling, a BABY Sibling? No, they are essentially your own child, typically the youngest, they are your pride and joy, and when I tell you that with a Baby Sibling you become so protective over them you would commit horrible crimes for them- literally becoming an attack dog on a leash held by said Baby Sibling, that is a true Baby Sibling/Older Sibling relationship. The minute they are born they're just, your child, like so what the birth certificate says that their parents are my parents, that's obviously a lie. They legitimately become your child in more ways than one, whose only role in life is to be happy and loved. And this is SO the relationship between Slider and Ice.
Ice is the Baby Sibling™, with Slider as the protective older brother. Slider makes sure that Ice is happy, and cared for/loved, protected, everything for the Baby™. I cannot explain enough how much I love this head-cannon, and all the proof I'll ever need to explain it is this one GIF;
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Look at Slider, the protective arm around the shoulder, the glare, the judgement in his very being, the way his jaw tenses-, compared to Ice, who is just sitting there, not even noticing, focusing on something else all happy like (Or as happy as Ice can get while in Ice-man mode (Or as happy as one can get when translating languages, if you saw my other post about Russian!Ice ;D)).
Slider nearly getting kicked out of the Top Gun program due to beating a fellow pilot unconscious because he DARED shit talk Ice
So they never gave Slider a DOB/specified age in Top Gun, but his actor, Rick Rossovich is 2 years older than Val Kilmer, so that only furthers the point of Slider's Older Brother Agenda
One time Goose was showing Ice how to cartwheel after Ice was interested in how he did it on the deck of the ship they were stationed on and Slider refused to allow Ice to do it because "What if he falls and cracks his skull open on the tarmac Goose!"
When reassured that Ice cracking his skull open isn't going to happen, and Goose was only going to demonstrate, Slider still wont budge on it. Ice never learned how to do a cartwheel to this day
Ice's foot getting caught in the track and wheels of a stationary, not turned on/working tank on accident and one singular, quiet, whispered "ow" after pulling it out of said track/wheel, was all it took to have Slider screaming his head off carrying Ice into medical absolutely positive that Ice just "Broke his own god-damn ankle, GET A MEDIC-"
Someone shoving past Ice on their way to the mess hall in a rush, causing Ice to stumble back literally 2 steps, and Slider getting in their face, slamming them into a wall with a "I swear you put your hands on Ice one more time, your not gonna have hands AT ALL"
He then slings his arm around Ice's shoulder and directs him to the mess hall, glaring at any poor soul who dared look in Ice's direction
They were at the bar and a woman started to approach Ice, who, of course was not noticing (he only has eyes for a 5'7" gremlin named Mav), and Slider shuts that down REAL QUICK. Like, no, not today Lilith, pick a different naval guy-
Give Mav The Talk when he notices Mav giving eyes to Ice, and Goose because Slider can never be too sure, and everyone observing this is sitting there like 'what the actual fuck' after Slider threatens to, and I quote, "French braid your fuckin' nervous system you shitty dwarf" towards Maverick amongst other colorful threats
It gets to the point where Slider is so protective over Ice, people don't ask Ice anything without looking to Slider for some kind of acceptance or denial, like;
Hollywood: Hey Ice do you wanna- Slider, the coldest look ever seen, actively dropping the temperature in the room while promising a slow and tortuous death: Hollywood: -help me figure out this trajectory angle equation for this [classified] mission? Ice, absolutely oblivious to the entire situation: Sure? I guess?
Its single-handedly the funniest and most terrifying thing to ever happen in Top Gun history, aside from whoever decided to put Maverick Mitchell in a plane
And the cherry on top is that Ice DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE at the entire situation
When someone tries saying how terrifying Slider is to Ice he just brushes it off, like, "Oh Slider? No he's very nice, he even walks with me wherever I have to go in the day. He's all bark and no bite"
And everyone in the immediate vicinity just looking at Ice either with pity or like he's stupid because he doesn't know
He never figures it out either
(This overprotectiveness doubles, if not triples when he meets baby Bradley Bradshaw, and Slider just cant compute because now there is another person who has my undying love and protection-)
(Goose once lost Bradley on a very important, very large Naval destroyer and the entirety of the Top Gun Class of '86 is frantically searching the entire ship before Viper finds out and one of them just stumbling into Slider sitting on a couch with Ice and Bradley just absolutely passed out, sleeping like a brick, essentially using him as human furniture, and the look Slider gives them promises a 100 years of death if they wake either of them up-)
(After Goose's death when baby Bradley lives with IceMav, he just clings onto Slider whenever he's over because "I feel safest with Pops, but Pops feels safest with Uncle Sli', so I'm safest-est with Uncle Sli'")
(Mav doesn't know whether to cry because that is so cute- or be annoyed that Slider is preferred over himself)
(After Bradley reconciles with Mav, he's caught sleeping(read absolutely dead to the world) on Slider's chest like when he was as a child and no one knowing what to do because "Rooster that is a 2-STAR ADMIRAL OF THE US NAVY-" Slider is just like "I'm safest-est", and Bradley sleepily chiming in with a "safest-est" and deciding to just go back to sleep like nothing happened)
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777gojosgf · 6 months
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777gojosgf is typing…
777gojosgf: ex!reader x satoru gojo.
IN WHERE :: reader comes back after a year to jujutsu high because of the break up with satoru and your mission that had found place far away.
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THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS were perplexed as they heard the second-year students’ footsteps echoing loudly through the hallways. maybe there was something going on that they were unaware of? like an event or an disturbance. it’s possible that maki pulled of a stunt that piqued the curiosity of the other students.
but it wasn’t any of that. no, instead there was a young woman—you—being crushed by all of the second years. everyone pulling you in for a hug as your personalized katana fell onto the ground, not being able to embrace everyone at once with a soft affectionate smile that made your eyes crinkle in that certain way that they did. this earned yuuji a confused frown as he looked at nobara.
“who is that?”
however, megumi was aware of who you were so he didn’t need to be surprised and had to maintain composure to avoid approaching you. you had a way of constantly making him feel small and safe, even though he wasn’t an affectionate person in the slightest. as a matter of fact, you were the one who looked after him with gojo when he was younger.
ah yes, gojo.
there was no need to tell gojo what was happening because he had sensed your presence the moment you stepped onto the grounds of jujutsu high. he would be able to recognize you at any time, anyplace. the need to instantly teleport to your side was hard to ignore but the memories of your soul crushing break up raced through head, which had been on repeat ever since it happened. it had destroyed him beyond recognition.
you could not be forgotten, and you could not be denied.
not right now, nor ever.
“i don’t know but she’s very pretty— is she a student?” nobara asked but megumi had rolled his eyes. “no, she is not. she’s a teacher too, here at jujutsu high but only taught the second years when they were first years,” he answered her.
“okay, makes sense.” she nodded in agreement, but popped in another question. “how come she left for so long?”
“that would be—“
“my fault.” gojo’s voice interrupted their conversation as the three students turned around to face him with widened eyes. but his gaze could not lift from you, his eyes hardening at the smile on your face he had missed so deeply.
your giggles were heard from all the way where the four of them were standing. “i missed you too guys. have you all been good?” you questioned the second years teasingly, eying all of them after giving every single one of them a hug. you hadn’t expected to be missed so much, especially because they were all aware that you had agreed to go on a mission that would take you away from them for months.
away from satoru for months.
you were foolish to believe that being away from him would stop you from thinking about him. but that definitely wasn’t the case. the white haired sorcerer had never been so much on your mind than when you were away from him, the memories of your argument in his apartment haunting you for days. if only you could retract your steps, take back your words and think of something else to say to resolve that stupid disagreement you two had.
if only.
though your accumulating thoughts had come to a stop when his voice rang through your ears and you had first thought it was all in your head. but the awkward looks on your students’ faced had proved your theory to be false. he was indeed right behind you.
sighing, you turned around to be met face to face with the one person you craved to touch for months. “hey to you too, gojo.”
it was selfish of him to think you would still call him by his first name, and maybe even delusional to think your nickname for him would escape your lips, but alas, it was his last name. and he swore it felt like a dagger straight to his heart. a reality check, as if they were truly strangers again. but how could two people become strangers again if they bled for each other for years. if they were able to look past each other’s flaws and find each other in a time of sorrow.
“i haven’t seen you in a while, huh?” he commented not being able to stop his eyes from scanning you for any injuries just like he always did when you came back from a mission. he was grateful for his blindfold only this once.
“mhm, it would seem so.”
“no welcome back hug?” he asked and it earned a scoff from you, a grin threatening to display on your face. “aren’t i the one who is supposed to receive one from you? considering i’m the one coming back after all.” the old banter was something you two could never move on from, it was that one consistent thing that was always able to heat your face. “are you saying you want me to?” his eyebrow raised and he took one step forward.
if you didn’t know better you would have rushed to him in an instant and find yourself lost in his embrace. the one providing comfort and safety, the only thing to able to calm you down. but you taking one step back was a sign that you weren’t going to do this anymore.
“don’t. please.” it came out more like a whisper than anything, a sad expression on your face as it felt as if your heart would explode at any second. you couldn’t let him touch you again, because you knew that once you did that you would let him in again. and if that were true, you would forever find yourself lost in him.
you expected him to be hurt, but instead he simply nodded. you weren’t able to read his face but something about him told you that he was aching as much as you were.
“i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have.” he apologized, not being able to face you. “i just— it’s difficult. you know?”
“i know.”
just like you always knew.
you had always been so painfully understanding without him ever having to use his words. one shared look was all it took for you two to figure out what was going on, almost as if it were a secret language no one else but you spoke.
“i miss you, y/n.”
he shouldn’t have said that. it was unfair to say such things after a year of not having seen each other, of a year dreaming about him. wondering about how he was or what he was doing and with who. for blaming yourself on what happened in that argument, for the words you’ve exchanged. for what it had cost.
“you shouldn’t.”
and with that,
your chapter with him had officially closed.
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a/n:: i definitely want to write about the argument they had that led to them not seeing each other for a year!!! and don’t worry…. maybe it didn’t exactly close. :p also this was super shit and i didnt proofread but i wanted to write something like this for a while
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not-goldy · 2 months
Let's make one thing clear i wasn't the og anon who asked you about the "did jungkook said all those vile things to jm" but i did saw it so i commented on it and i stand by the fact that making fun of someone's looks when the said person is insecure about his looks is "evil" cause it is. The male treat e/o differently bs you can keep to yourself cause teasing is one thing but making fun of someone's insecurity is not the same get that fact clear.
Did i anywhere said jungkook is not jimin's friend? NO i did not so idk exactly what y'all are yapping about. Did i say "And jk is the standard of love for jkkrs" refering to his past self which jkkrs romanticize and glorify? Yes i did. so now what all it means is i said jungkook is not "the partner" for jimin and i never commented on their friendship and there's difference between friendship and romantic relationship. You can't always chose your friends or even best friends as your romantic partner cause you don't feel it and it doens't work like that. Just because someone's friends with you doens't mean you see them as your partner cause you want more and different. Also the ppl who says we make jm looks pathetic nahh bro fact here is it's you who love the "jm fell first jk fell harder" edits not us. Jm is sweetheart with everyone and he especially takes care of his younger ones, he babies V too who's literally 2 months younger than him. Just because jk learned how to be nice over the years doens't mean it can erase what he said when he was 18-19-20 yrs old. He did say all those things to jm it is what it is.
About the anon who said you have been waiting for jm and jk to reveal their partners from 2017 cause ppl said so then you and those people both are dumb cause why on earth would you think they're gonna reveal their partners at their peak?? By revealing their partners i completely mean them officially introducing and CONFIRMING their partners which is also not the case with taennie (i know they dated but they never confirmed so doens't fit in what i mean). Like they debuted in 2013 and you were expecting their partner's official reveal in 2017 cause some ppl said so? Lol. But here i say wait for some more years. Let them get to the age of 35-40 and you'll see. And the list you posted to show how jungkook treats jm can be applied to how jungkook treats other members too then, so maybe he's dating them too (again except one gcft yet). Btw we all did saw jungkook with a woman at night in his apartment, back hugging her....yes he doesn't have a gc now but does that earse the exsistance of that video? The times when jkkrs were like "he's missing his love of life jm" while the guy was having women at his home? Sure. He was missing jm so much that rather visiting jm at any of his sets or anything like other members jungkook was at home doing lives singing songs live..i see how much he was missing. I'm not telling this because i expected that from him it's because y'all make big deal out of nothing.
Anyways, idt y'all gonna be here after those many yrs but if y'all stay I'd love to see that reaction.
Again with the anachronisms
I'm running out of patience here-
When did you find out Jimin was insecure about his looks??? 2013, 2014? 2015 when he was in his hypermasculine state doing 360 flips in the air, flexing his biceps, talking bout girls chasing him, when he was strong confident in his masculinty and showing it off- is this the same year he opened up about his vulnerabilities???
In fact when did Jimin discuss this self image issue???
And when was Jungkook teasing Jimin????
Making fun of his insecurities bitch you're crazy. Lost it. Pulling stuff from your ass get a life cos your whole existence is an illusion.
In your crazy delusional head what did you think was happening???
Poor poor insecure Jimin walking around shy hiding from people explaining to everyone he has body image issues while his younger maknae followed him around pointing to him telling the world his biceps was fake his abs had been drawn on????
Same Jimin who had the hyung line busting their ass off to catch up? Same Jimin whom the company used as a model for the others to emulate Same Jimin whom the company preferred him showcasing his gorgeous body and the others had to work had to attain his level of physique but even that they were still passed over for Jimin???
Same Jimin?????
Use your brains for a sec, with the way he looked and the way he carried himself around who could tell he was feeling insure??? You only know that NOW years forward into the future when he opened up and not the actual moment it was happening.
You think Jungkook would play like that with him if he knew any of that ? And ever since he'd become like that- well as you put it, he's been "nice".
Well well well
Again confirming my diagnosis of you and your kind
"Just because JK has learned to be nice over the years don't erase what he said and did when he was 18 19 20
Actually he was 15, 16, 17 you creep.
Also you are not saying anything we don't know. Like I said WE KNOW HOW YALL WORK you not difficult to figure out.
At least you admitting he's a nice person others of your kind have a hard time admitting that.
If you want to Judge a grown man you claim is nice over his playful ribbings with HIS FRIENDS WHILE HE WAS A MINOR that's your crazy to deal with.
But do tell that to your new recruits and the impressionable minds you try to twist and brainwash like the fine Tuktukker relative you are.
I simply disagree with you. That's all.
I don't see any of what he said and did as malicious. He did it with everyone and especially Taehyung. Jimin simply wasn't comfortable with that which is fine because he's after all not a very typical or traditional male in every sense of the word and how was Jungkook to know he couldn't just toss him around and throw him in the air and break his back like he was doing his other friends.
We all have our idiosyncrasies and I think BTS work so well because they have learned to respect eachother's boundaries- well some of them.
I think if that was Jimins boundaries he is entitled to his boundaries and all anyone can do is respect those boundaries.
But I'm starting to also appreciate why JK solos would equally hate Jimin and Jimin stans like you.
I mean for one he was also constantly disturbing that dude trying to kiss him and bug him when CLEARLY JUNGKOOK ALSO DIDN'T WANT THAT especially as it was done publicly. For an introverted fella I can see how stressful that whole experience must have been for him 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Poor poor guy 🥲
Respect goes both ways Anon.
You can't insist on your boundaries while also constantly pushing someone else's. Especially since Jungkook was the shy type and didn't like being the center of attention. If someone doesn't want to be bothered or doesn't want to be friends with you you leave them alone. You don't act sad about it on camera and inadvertently put your fans on their back.
I'm open to discussing all the toxic things Jimin did as a teen with you since you enjoy living in the past but ll rather redirect you to another toxic Jk solo who is equally stuck in the past as you so you two can take each other out.
For me, jikook grew and I grew with them.
Take care.
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11queensupreme11 · 6 months
In Ancient Greece women and men couldn’t be “friends” so do u think that the yanderes will think Luke was trying to court Percy?
(you're talking about how luke was towards percy in the tv show right?? since they were a lot closer there than in the books??)
not ALL of them would assume that cuz some have enough brain cells to realize that "hey this is the modern times rn, things aren't the same anymore so this guy's obviously just being a brotherly figure to her"
poseidon is not one of them 💀 i think back in ancient greece, 12 was the common age for girls to get married?? and since percy was 12, he is DEFINITELY going to see luke's brotherly acts as an attempt to court her 💀💀💀
hades would see it as it is: luke acting as percy's big brother figure 💖 he's actually quite happy with how caring and attentive the boy is towards her since percy obviously needs care and guidance! it reminds hades of himself when he was younger and taking care of his lil bros. ofc, he won't be saying the same thing once he finds out about the betrayal......
APOLLO WOULD BE JEALOUS. literally any time a male is nice to percy, he's going to assume that the dude's into her, even tho she's fucking 12 years old and luke was like 19 💀 it doesn't help that luke's blonde too, apollo's always paranoid about the blondes in percy's life. anthonius, daddyseidon, now luke was gonna be another love rival too???
loki would be just like apollo tbh. he's unreasonable and delusional, so he's also gonna assume that anyone being nice to percy, is out to fuck her too 💀💀💀 he won't see luke as her big brother figure, but as someone who romantically/sexually WANTS her 💀
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so more about the messed up reincarnation AU:
shi qingxuan spends shi wudu's parties either out or locked in his room with noise cancelling headphones on with a few appearances to get something from the kitchen or the cellar. these are not to keep an eye on shi wudu's associates. pei ming and ling wen would beg to differ as shi qingxuan glares at them every time without fail. conversations with shi qingxuan are filled with insinuations on how they better enable shi wudu to do anything immoral. anyways, shi qingxuan deals with shi wudu's parties like this for years, even though shi wudu never fails to tell them that they're more than welcome.
until one day, shi wudu hears shi qingxuan laugh, he jumps up from the couch startling pei ming and ling wen. they weren't cuddling, ok, there's just not enough space! yes even ginormous can run out of couch space, it happens. shi wudu stalks along like he's doing a mission impossible heist. ling wen and pei ming following him curiously. they peek inside the kitchen.
"who is that?" pei ming asks.
shi qingxuan is mixing drinks for a nerdy guy in glasses whose pallid skin suggests that he spends more time in the library than ling wen.
"he-xiong that's so cool." shi qingxuan laughs, the nerd raises a brow at him. shi wudu seethes just look at qingxuan, they're gorgeous, looking like a million dollars, who does this peasant think he is not to worship the ground they walk on?
"his name is he xuan. i think." ling wen mutters. "the rising star of the literature department."
uggh, literature. only pretentious rich kids and delusional scholarship kids study literature. the guy is definetely not rich. he's some sucker, he's a leech...
"your shi wudu's younger brother, aren't you?" shi qingxuan's smile freezes for an instant. oh, they hate being called that. shi wudu's mouth pulls down, it would have been nice for shi qingxuan to make a friend. "what do you do?"
"i run a pop up bar." shi qingxuan says and shi wudu can see them brace for the reaction. the disbelief, the barely veiled assumptions that he's paying for shi qingxuan's business. shi qingxuan didn't speak to him for three weeks because shi wudu dared to hand out their business card at a work event.
"you make a living of that?" behind him, pei ming winces. shi wudu wonders if he can get a scholarship revoked if he makes a donation big enough.
shi qingxuan giggles. ling wen makes a noise that expresses shi wudu's exact feeling, what the fuck?
"he-xiong, you're so bold asking me that when you've been inhaling my drinks all evening."
a big hand clamps over shi wudu's mouth. an arm wraps around him and he's pulled back. his foot kicks against the wall making a noise that sends ling wen running, pei ming with shi wudu thrown over his shoulder right after her. they jump into a linen closet. shi wudu bites pei ming.
"tell me you didn't see that!" he demands. pei ming and ling wen stare back at him. "shi qingxuan was flirting with that guy."
ling wen pats his shoulder. "there, there," she's so charmingly terrible at comforting. "everyone makes a few mistakes. just look at pei, what is his dating history but a long line of mistakes?"
"harsh." pei ming calls, he's pressed all along shi wudu's back.
"but true." shi wudu mutters to which pei ming responds by flopping onto him. "i never thought qingxuan would be interested in anyone." li
"don't worry, he'll always love you the most. just this evening, he insinuated, he would molotov my office if i got you implicated in tax evasion."
shi wudu huffs. "as if you'd be caught." ling wen laughs and threads her fingers through his hair.
the door to the linen closet is wrenched open. "what are you doing?" shi qingxuan demands flatly.
shi wudu glares at his sibling who apparently doesn't think it's important to tell him about their flirtations ambitions. well, two can play that game!
"what does it look like? we're having a threesome."
which is the wrong and the right thing to say. the right because it's nice to know that shi qingxuan isn't opposed to a potential relationshhip. wrong because they disapprove of the linen closet , loudly and at length as it is not a fit place for pei ming and ling wen to romance shi wudu. eventually, shi qingxuan has to draw breath which is when a cold voice interjects, "shi-xiong." he xuan creeps from the shadows like some kind of ghoul. honestly, what does shi qingxuan see in him. it can't be his fucking eloquence because the guy just stares. after the moment has long passed from awkward to cringeworthy, he xuan grits out. "what's the name of your bar?"
shi qingxuan softens, "he-xiong are you drunk? come on," he takes the man's arm. "let me call you a taxi."
shi wudu stares after his sibling. "fuck." he lets his head fall on ling wen shoulder. "they're doing it again."
"the distancing thing?" pei ming asks.
"fuck." shi wudu says again. he knows shi qingxuan, knows they will put he xuan into that taxi with a bottle of water, knows they won't exchange numbers and try their best not to talk to anyone for months. he also knows what shi qingxuan looks like when they genuinely like someone. he'll have to invite this he xuan person to all his parties.
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lauvwar-r · 10 months
05 from the start ⸝⸝ antiseptic memories
tw. . . minor mentions of blood (sorry guys :')
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you fell silent. im going to jump off these fucking stairs i swear.
fortunately, you quickly arrive at the school's infirmary, the tissue in hand (which gepard lent you along the way) already soaked in scarlet.
"this kinda reminds me of high school right, name? you used to go to the nurse's office all the time."
the infirmary is somewhat similar to the one you used to frequently visit when you were younger: creamy white walls, neatly lined tables with scattered computers, medical records decorating shelves, two single beds (one which you gladly hop on) with a blue curtain as a divider and the familiar stench of a shit ton of antiseptic. however, it did lack the cranky school nurse who used to constantly berate you for your 'reckless' behaviour.
"hey! it's not my fault serval nearly killed me with a hacksaw!" you argued. i think i get my 'reckless' behaviour from her.
"didn't you want to see if she could hit a target with it like an axe thrower?"
"don't tell me you weren't curious too!"
you hear a goofy snort from near the counter. "maybe..." you use a hand to cover your idiotic grin.
with a wet cloth in hand, he handles yours, wiping away at the remaining dried blood and dirt. he was so gentle too, your skin flushing at the tender attention and focused gaze, as if he was tending to something precious like a jeweller to a gem — or a florist to flowers. of course, you were anything but delicate with that roguish attitude of yours.
regardless, you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
"hold this cloth for me will you? make sure to maintain pressure on the wounds to prevent anymore bleeding." gepard instructs, heading over to the medical cabinet to search for a bandage roll.
"alright, alright. but you know, i could've done this myself..."
"but i want to," he interrupts, "it's only natural that i do."
naturally, for the ever-so righteous and caring student council member gepard landau, right? if it was pela, she'd throw a bandage at you and call you stupid for getting hurt in the first place.
"ah there it is." he grabs a roll from the top shelf, taking your hand to wrap the bandage slowly around your palm, making sure to avoid wrapping it too tightly to your liking — just like he's used to. his actions are warm but his colder, almost frustrated expression from earlier returned to him. your heart stirs a little.
"i wished you cherished yourself a little more, though..." he quietly mumbles. but you definitely heard him.
please don't make me more delusional than i already am, gepard.
"anyway...im sorry i wasted your time. we even left our drinks at the library" you whispered, opting to stare at the floor instead of him.
"it's not your fault, name." he reassured, "your health comes first. we can just meet up another time."
"how about tomorrow after your meeting? i'll pay for the coffee this time." you tempt instead of letting out an 'agonising' scream at his remark. at this, his ocean eyes soften, a grin spreading back onto his face.
"sure. for you, i'll be there any time."
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MASTERLIST ⸝⸝ previous! ⸝⸝ next!
𑁤 sypnosis. despite claiming to be 'rizz master 3000' name has failed to ask out their crush and childhood best friend, gepard, for a few years (L). with this new wave of courage, will this lovestruck idiot be able to confess before gepard buys a house and adopts 3 cats and a bunny with someone else? (this is a joke. geppie will not be adopting 3 cats and a bunny).
notes. . . as of the time in writing this note, i had completed my first escape room (yipeee)! i'm not that smart tho so we took a long time but i still had fun :) 8/10
. . .tags @520cafe , @kitsuxiv , @91ed0 , @iridescentsunsetwaters, @yevene, @aestellia
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Jack Harlow x Reader Instagram AU
A/N: This was all over the place 😞 I had a vision for it, but it just went out the window. Enjoy though 🫶🏻
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Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, 2forwoyne, and 9,678,456 others
jackharlow Only me and her, I don't care what you heard ❤️‍🔥 📸: urbanwyatt
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yourbestiename MY PARENTS ARE HOT 🥵
jackharlow Not you too calling us parents. But yea we are 😜
allabouttheharlows 🔥 🔥 Y/N, come home the kids miss you 🥵 😋
jackharlow Hey now 🤨
user them girls sitting right 👁 🫦 👁 let me get a turn please
jackharlow Man wtf? What you think this is?
druski2funnny Idk who I want more???? My Jacky boy or miss thangggg? 🤔
yourusername Knowing you, you probably want Jack more 💀
druski2funnny You’re right 😭😭😭
ynupdates Wow mommy is hotttt, I bet she’s a real deal when she does school pick up.
jackharlow Funny you mention that…..
yourusername Babe noooo!!!!!
druski2funnny Babe yess, tell us. Even though I already know what this is about
yourusername You’re annoying, go away!
druski2funnny Maybe wear your wedding rings next time you do school pick up. See Jack, now me, I will ALWAYS wear my ring.
jackharlow 😭😭😭😭😭
yourusername Bubs, if you’re going to be telling the incident, tell it correctly 🤦🏻‍♀️
jackharlow Don’t know what you’re talking about 🤪🤪😏
yourusername Alright, bet…
jackharlow What does that mean?
druski2funnny Ohhh that’s your ass now Jack
jackharlow BAAABE????
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Liked by jackharlow, g_eazy, yourbestiename, urbanwyatt, druski2funnny, and 8,677,467 others
yourusername Y no me importa que usted sea mayor que yo 😈 🎶 ❤️‍🔥
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ynupdates Please tell me Jack knows what this song is saying 😅
yourusername I mean 🤫
yourbestiename 💀 Would you like some galletas with your tea??
claysgirlfriend 👀 LMAAOOO
jackharlow Na because I’m about to go on google and translate all the damn lyrics if none of y’all about to tell me.
druski2funnny Ahead of you bro, brb.
yourusername Instigating little shit
allabouttheharlows The guys part says they don’t care if she’s younger, and y/n is singing she doesn’t care if they’re older. If you know what they mean with that 👀 😲
yourusername I thought y’all would have my back with this 💔
jackharlow Now idk who you’re singing that to since you’re older than me but go off 😤
yourusername By likeeee 3 years, calm your little ass down.
jackharlow Still older than me, so go with the guy you’re singing it too.
yourusername Alright, I’m taking my kids with me.
yourbestiename & they call us toxic babe
urbanwyatt 🤦🏼‍♂️
allabouttheharlows It’s been 2 days, are The Harlows good? Or divorced?? Lmao
• jackharlow added to their story
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Liked by jackharlow, yourbestiename, urbanwyatt, druski2funnny, and 8,677,467 others
yourusername Dressed up or dressed down, Harlow’s gonna serve each time 💅🏼
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druski2funnny Serve what? My food ? Because that’s the only thing y’all serving with those clothes on the second pic
jackharlow Te amo 🤭😘
yourusername I love you bubs
urbanwyatt Lmao druski got you there 💀 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
yourusername You know what Urb? Go fuck yourself
urbanwyatt That’s what your best friend is for, thanks for that, I’ll keep her for life.
yourbestiename 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
yourusername Everyone has gone mad today 🙄
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, cozane, yourbestiename, princeroyce, and 9,677,466 others
yourusername When you see him, just know that’s all mine 😈
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jackharlow Someone is getting a bit territorial and I’m here for it 😜
yourusername Have to let these females and Dru know.
druski2funnny See I was minding my business and here your ass go bringing my name up. Plus girl, you know damn well he’s mine. He said it himself, we’re life partners boo.
jackharlow 😭😭😭 stop it
yourusername You’re so delusional, I might have to go take you to the doctor Druski
yourbestiename LET THEM KNOW BITCHHH
user Keep the same energy when your other friend hoenitttaaa goes near him
yourbestiename Ok nosy….. if you must know, I cut ties with her when she kept being disrespectful. No go sit your ass down.
urbanwyatt My parents 😎
claybornharlow My favorites
allabouttheharlows We love y’all, but umm we want Harlow babies content 🙈 🙊
jackharlow Wooooowwwe just for that…. NOOOO
@heavyhitterheaux 💕
@harlowsbby 💕
@arination99 💕
@cmalass 💕
@jackharloww 💕
@minkookie95 💕
@deannaard 💕
@jacksmoviestar 💕
@harlowcomehome 💕
@fdl305 💕
@httpkoylinnn 💕
@xoxokiaraaxoxo 💕
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bright-and-burning · 1 month
thank you k @mecachrome i LOVE to yap and i love to see other ppl yapping!!! f1 tag game time!!!
Who is your favorite driver?: lando's grip on my brain should be studied in a lab tbh
Do you have other favorite drivers?: i am fond of many many drivers... oscar obviously is #2 to me. just the tiniest bit below lando, sorry oscar <3 and then there's a medium sized gap to anyone else but i am extremely fond of the williams guys. and i am studying alpine and aston martin like bugs. and i have a lot of blorbo-in-laws that i feel very fond of...
Who is your least favorite driver?: it depends on the day whether i even dislike anyone or not. today i feel neutral and up about everyone!! sometimes i distinctly do Not feel neutral... (usually during races)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: i am very driver oriented but obviously my like . internal ideas about drivers are heavily influenced by who their teammate is/what team they're on. and since i've been into f1 the driver lineups have. not changed. so in my head the teams n the driver pairings are pretty immutable (obviously that will Change djfldsakjfa)
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?: i am so deeply attached to the orange bitches 😔 i just watched the season 6 mclaren dts episode and when claire williams went “the likelihood of a team being able to turn around their performance to any kind of significant degree during a season? i can’t tell you how difficult it is. it’s pretty much unheard of” i just smiled SOOOO evil. sooooo evil. i believe in andrea stella's hot nerd vibes bless that man
How long have you been into F1?: since uhhhh approximately one week after qatar 2023. made this account right around cota 2023
What got you into F1?: twitter algorithm put some tweets about the shitshow that was qatar on my timeline (literally one of them was just. a little of names and like . blank threw up. blank was hospitalized. blank couldnt get off the ground.) and i was like:
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(why is that picture SOOO large) and also i had been admiring the f1 web weaves for a while bc i would look at the 'web weave' tag and half of them would be f1 and i was like wow. these guys have a collective shit ton of daddy issues. fascinating... tbf!!! i have always been sports brain lol. just never quite rpf sports brained? so the stars aligned for this fr (recommended tweets, f1 web weaves, and me being unemployed, geographically isolated from all my friends, and severely depressed)
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?: yes . i am constantly cooking . everyone here is soooo smart and cool and the writing is genuinely so incredible. and 8104 specifically has just like. a really dope bunch of ppl ive become friends with that i am constantly like. wow i cant believe these ppl want to talk to me!!! (k you are included in that <3)
How do you view new fans?: by looking in the mirror... djfladsj jk. i am a new fan! i am not a ""dts fan"" (have literally watched two episodes Ever and one of them was today) but none of it matters and i don't really find those kind of lines to be helpful. i have disagreed with ""dts fans"" and i have disagreed w ppl who started watching before i was born and i'd do it all again (this probably says more abt how opinionated i am than anything else)
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: personally i am delusionally confident enough to believe i could run that bitch like the MARINES. at the very least i would not be running my mouth like toto lol. vibes wise idk if i could do it at Any Team (like. imagine mercedes being run by a punchy american woman. LMFAO. imagine FERRARI) (i'd say mclaren for papaya reasons but a) andrea stella i could never replace you and b) i think i would set zak brown's fuckin sports car on fire day 1.) but based on location only alpine!!
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?: uhhhh no. my dad went to exactly one motorsports event when he was like my age maybe a year or two younger and saw a really horrific deadly crash so that ended any family interest. my friends are mega sports ppl but they're into like. american popular sports. and running. i do have a tifosi coworker and a couple friends from high school who are into it but that's it
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: yes!!!!! i am so horrifically extroverted i love to chat i love to make friends!!! i am in so many ppl's dms on the Daily just sayin shit to the point where im like maybe i should cool it. lol.
tagginggggg @monacotrophywife @freeuselandonorris @liamlawsonlesbian andddd @red-flagging if you want !!!! this was fun n i love hearing how ppl got into f1 bc i feel like i might've taken an odd route
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animentality · 5 months
Hello durgetash lore holder, I have a question. What’s the general timeline for these two?
Do we have an idea on how old Gortash is or even how long he spent with his parents or in the hells?
I know he’s more than ten but that’s as useful as knowing Jesus is larger than a baby but smaller than a church.
OK please don't call me that because there are far smarter people out there who retain information better than my hole filled adhd brain. I'm making shit up based on my own disgusting fantasies.
I have played the game far more hours than the normal person, but that doesn't mean I actually know what the fuck happened before the game started.
it's also contradictory.
like the dark urge has a note that says outright, Gortash was a chosen of Bane before they first fought together.
but then Gortash's memoirs say they worked together before they were ever Chosens.
which doesn't make sense.
he also said that the gods came to them in a vision... and said to go hang out with Ketheric.
but like. no one can agree on whether or not the dark urge has been to moonrise more than once...
so did Gortash go alone???
but... there's a mindflayer colony down there... you'd think they might need to all work together to kill all the mindflayers and shit to get to the brain?
also, Gortash seems to imply that you and him came up with the plan, so...
so... ?
I have no idea.
I know I'm dumb and all, but I have also seen smart people who weren't sure of the timeline.
all I can tell you is that the dark urge is somewhere around 40. Gortash is supposed to be slightly younger. Orin is younger than both of them, and Ketheric was dead for a while before becoming the chosen of Myrkul and becoming immortal.
I think someone told me that the dark urge and gortash knew each other for at least 10 years though...
which doesn't... quite make sense, unless Gortash knew about the mindflayer colony for longer than he said he did...
but we also don't know how long it took to steal the crown of Karsus, so...
tell the people.
I am the holder of delusional Durgetash.
i don't know the canon lore all that well because it's WEIRD.
i also haven't seen all of Gortash's notes became I have yet to kill him anywhere but the Morphic Pool.
I need to buck up and kill him at wyrm's rock so I can see his desk notes.
but I haven't done it yet, because I hate killing him...
sorry, anon.
weavewithshadow knows this stuff better than me. I go to them when I need confirmation on one of my shitposts.
also I think Gortash was pretty young when he got sold.
nowhere does it say specifically how old he was, but nubaldin called him "little" and nubaldin is a little guy himself, so maybe he was REALLLLLY young.
we are not sure.
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ecileh · 4 months
You (Dark!Azriel x his own delusions)
Canon-compliant reimagining of Azriel’s crush on Mor as a delusional nice guy stalker’s obsession. I wrote this a while ago after a silly joke about Azriel being like Joe Goldberg of You (book/netflix show about a stalker/serial killer who’s completely sure he’s just a nice guy) and always meant to give it another chapter or two to round out Az’s pre-ACOTAR backstory. But I reread it and felt like it was kinda alright as is. Intended as a one shot for now but may write the rest someday!
(Also note to Az lovers that this is really not serious, I usually write Azriel completely different and I was just having fun imagining him as an insane freak)
AO3 link
Rating: Mature/not graphic but it’s DARK and UNHINGED Word Count: 2.1k TW: unhinged stalker vibes, no smut just Azriel being insane, sexless but very horny, inspired by Joe Goldberg/You so that should give you an idea of what’s happening here, maybe a little dead dove Relationships: kind of Az/Mor but not really it’s 100% in his head, if anything this ended up giving repressed Az/Cassion vibes
You winnow into the war-camp with your bare arm linked through Rhys’s and you look around, shivering, unsure if you belong here. You don’t. I don’t either. You’re underdressed—a slinky, artful arrangement of glittering black fabric. It’s impossible to know if you’re wearing any undergarments, but I don’t think that you are. Where did you come from?
Your clothes are appropriate for the Hewn City, but you’re freezing in this war-camp, high in the Illyrian mountains. You must be Rhys’s cousin, the one who is Cassian’s age, which is two years younger than me and one year older than Rhys. You are classically beautiful, with golden curls and pleading brown eyes and pale skin that has never seen sun or snow or scars. Shadows, though, you’ve certainly seen in the Hewn City. Maybe you won’t balk from mine. But even as I think that, my shadows shrink away. Maybe they’re just giving you the space to shine.
Look at you, walking right toward me. I’m trembling, and I’d fly away just to show you the power and size of my wings. But I don’t want to fly away. I want to be here, watching the connection dawn on your face when Rhys introduces us. Azriel, you’ll say. I’ve heard so much about you.
You’ll giggle and twirl your golden hair as I say, Only good things, I hope.
You come closer. Your gown tucks between your legs when you walk and you are definitely not wearing any undergarments under that slip of a dress and you definitely wanted me to notice. I see there’s a darkness in your eyes.  It doesn’t quite mirror mine, but … maybe you don’t want good.
Scratch out my last line. Your eyes will smolder and you’ll bite your lip as I purr, Only bad things, I hope.
The bad things are what I’ll do to you, you’ll say before running a delicate finger along the waistband of my leathers. Then I’ll sweep you up into my arms and unfurl my wings and fly until we find a spot where no one will be able to hear us. Miles, if I’m right about how loud I’ll make you climax.
Calm down, Azriel. They don’t like it when a male smells aroused the first time you meet, I remind myself. I take a deep breath, taking in the scent of my brother-in-arms next to me. Cassian reeks like sweat and balls and blood and dirt. He really should bathe before dinner, especially since we have all the hot water we want in the cabin, but he grew up half-feral, like a kitten without a mother to teach it how to lick its asshole clean. Some days he’ll train the extra half-hour rather than fill the tub, and sometimes he’ll continue to drill after dinner until he’s too tired to bathe at all. He picked a terrible day to go without a scrub before dinner, what with your arrival, but it’s good news for me. There are many Illyrian females who make eyes at him, the perfect rogue and dashing Illyrian warrior, even if he’s as bastard-born as I am. But your palate is more refined than these brutish Illyrians. You’ve run away from your home and I can’t wait to run away from mine. You’ll understand.
I put my hands in my pockets so you don’t see the shaking or the scars, then tilt my chin up and smirk. It’s what Rhys does when he’s trying to look nonchalant, and he looks damn good doing it so he must be doing something right. I straighten, but Cassian is slouching so we look about the same height side by side. Thanks, brother. He knows, my wingman—he knows you are for me.
But then you sashay right past the pair of us, still clinging to Rhys’s arm, and you glance furtively around the camp, nearly empty with everyone else in the mess tent for dinner, as you accompany your cousin into the Lady’s cabin.
I glance at Cassian, and he shrugs, lifting his shoulder slightly to sniff his armpit. “Should I have rinsed? You don’t think the Lady will scold me since we have company?”
Rhys’s mother, the Lady of the Night Court, is like our foster-mother and used to make us wash before dinner and again before bed if we went back to the training ring, but now that we’re preparing in earnest for the Blood Rite she usually looks the other way when Cassian pushes himself every free minute of the day. She’s Illyrian through and through, and she understands that the rules in the war-camps are different from the rules in the two cities of the Night Court, where neither of us have ever gone but will someday serve at Rhys’s side.
You, however, are High Fae from the Hewn City, and you’ll care about that etiquette. You’ll notice that I’m clean and smell nice and have manners and that Cassian stinks like sweaty balls and looks like hell, and then you’ll surely choose me over him, unlike the Illyrian camp females who like their males brutish and smelly and foul-mouthed.
I smile and slap a hand on Cassian’s shoulder. “If it were important, Rhys or the Lady would have given us a heads-up.” Cassian shrugs and follows me into the cabin.
We sit down at the table with Rhys and wait for him to explain because you’re nowhere to be seen, and neither is the Lady. The shadows whisper to me that she is giving you something warm to wear. You shivering, little thing, I could give you something warm, wrap my wings around you—
You come out of the Lady’s bedroom and I’ve changed my mind, because warm clothes means more layers for me to peel off. Even though I can’t see the bare skin of your arms and sides and legs anymore, I can imagine them with the way the warm Illyrian bodice and fur-trimmed skirts cling to your silhouette. Even better, I can imagine removing each piece one by one, slowly and with care.
The Lady smiles and shows you to a seat the good-smelling side of the table between me and Rhys, just as I’d hoped. The Lady takes the seat next to Cassian, then clears her throat and says, “Cassian, Azriel, you boys have heard us mention Rhys’s cousin. Morrigan is going to stay with us for a few weeks.”
Morrigan. A hard, consonant, ancient name. But your friends—Rhys—call you Mor.
Mor, a sweet sound I can’t get enough of. I need more Mor. Do you even have any other friends besides your cousin? I don’t think you’d be here on this cold, windy, unforgiving mountaintop if you did, Mor. I can see in your eyes and hear in the Lady’s voice that you’re hiding from something and we are the only ones who can save you.
That’s why you followed Rhys here. That’s why the Lady is keeping you here with us instead of sheltering you in Velaris, where the Lady was supposed to move next week, because she’s pregnant and the best Healers are in Velaris and an Illyrian war-camp is no place to give birth to a High Lord’s scion. But she’s changed her plans because she knows we—Rhys and me and Cassian too, I guess—are your protectors. She knows we—I—will keep you safe from whatever it is in the Hewn City that haunts your eyes.
I learn so much about you at dinner, Mor, and most of all, I learn how much you need a male like me: powerful, polite, protective. A strong male. A good male.
You’re quite possibly the most powerful and coveted female on this entire island, except maybe that monster in a High Fae body that the High Lord only tolerates for fear that she’ll waste the entire court, though she is only coveted by those with a death wish.
You’re running from an arranged marriage to some sadistic little teenaged tyrant, the eldest son of the High Lord of Autumn. The whole family has a reputation for torturing small animals and breeding females like livestock—the Lady of Autumn is already on her third or fourth pregnancy in fifteen years, practically unheard of for High Fae, and you swear you’ll never breed which is perfectly fine by me.
My childhood was so fucked up, the last thing I want is to witness someone else have a good one.
Your power-hungry father has traded you for an alliance as if a single court is all you are worth. Everyone here sees your worth is beyond measure and has vowed to do what we can to free you. The Lady is going to beseech her husband to let you take permanent refuge in Velaris. But my brothers and I know he will never listen to her. I notice that Rhys and Cassian both set their jaws and sit up a little straighter because they are ready to stand behind me as I slowly tear your fiancé and your father limb from limb to end this ridiculous engagement.
Once a glimmer of hope sparks in your eyes, Rhys teases and goads you. He knows you, knows that this is the best way to bring you out of the misery that this arranged marriage has caused you. Soon you’re goading him back. Little do you know that this is my and Cassian’s favorite subject. We usually keep it to the training ring and don’t mock Rhys like this at home out of respect for the Lady, but she sees how you start to glow as the jokes start rolling. Because Rhys laughs good-naturedly, so does she and so do you.
Cassian gets some good jabs in but his humor is crude and loud and sometimes surreal and absurdist, and Rhys is appropriately self-deprecating, but you, Mor, you’re more like me. My jokes are dry and wry and quiet and cutting, and though I have fewer of them, they mean more because they make you laugh that much harder than anyone else’s.
I can feel this chemistry between us growing. Like a bond.
At one point, mirthful tears streaming down your cheeks, you hold yourself together by placing a warm, dainty hand on my shoulder. Frankly, it’s a little forward of you, to make me imagine how that hand will feel on my cock or my wings. You are already marking me as your territory in front of Cassian, the only other male whom you might have deigned to touch in this camp but you chose me. I have to stop myself from leaning into your touch like a cat so I don’t come on too strong, but it’s the best feeling I’ve experienced since the first time I flew on my own.
As we clear the table I don’t even mind that you say you’re tired and want to go to sleep early because I can’t wait to learn what secrets the shadows in your room have to tell me.
Will you dream of me and touch yourself? Will you whisper my name in your sleep?
I wish I had known sooner that Rhys’s cousin Mor was you because I would have whispered to the many shadows of the Hewn City and learned everything there was to know before you even got here so that I could have catered to all of your tastes. You probably would have already been in my bed if that were the case, but I don’t mind playing this longer game with you.
Mor the truth speaker and Azriel the shadowsinger.
We’ll be each others’ first and only,  and when you’re this well-matched and immortal and powerful—and let’s face it, until Rhys inherits his title and the power along with it, we’re the most powerful beings in this entire Court besides the aforementioned she-monster and the High Lord himself—these things are worth waiting for. Mates.
I barely sleep in the living room where three cots have been set up in order to give you and the Lady each your own bedroom in the little cabin. I try to ignore my brothers’ snores and listen only to the whispers of my shadows as they relay every detail of your night to me. Like me, you’re restless, tossing and turning until your hand slips below the waistband of your pajamas. I listen—respectfully—to the little sounds you make, the way your breath evens out as you finally drift into fitful sleep. As for me, I keep watch all night, my shadows swirling through the corners of your room and around the camp, ensuring that I’m ready to fight if anyone comes.
But no one does. Rhys was right to bring you to the edge of the world, where I can watch over you.
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amemenojaku · 9 months
for the character ask prompt! what about Keiki?
General opinion/How much I care about them: She's a very solid character and surely part of the reason why WBaWC feels like one of the most-liked recent games! When the full version came out a lot of my friends and mutuals who were past touhou fans but had lost their interest came back thanks to that game specifically, so in my brain she's linked to that moment of shared happiness. I like how she's very much a classic god in terms of personality while being easier to reach than the others thanks to her role to the human spirits. I feel like she'd be easy to talk with, as long as you don't forget she's still a god of course, and I really like characters who act as a bridge of sort between others. She's also definitely unhinged under all that and it's fun to imagine situations where the politeness just goes out of the window.
A ship I love: (puts on my clown makeup again) My favorite Keiki ship is with Okina..... It's pretty high up there in my fav touhou pairings overall too lol. They're both loners and I tend to really enjoy romantic pairings where two people get to feel a bit less lonely together. I just think they'd get along really well! and I like their shared connection to art in general. The two of them crafting something special together is a nice image... It's also funny to imagine Keiki playing along Okina's boasting about her status and her powers as a secret god etc when Keiki is a god herself. She's Keiki's poor little meow meow!!! Oh and I also quite like Keiki/Mayumi too. I wish the fanon interpretation of them as parent/child would die down already... it's a bit sad that they didn't take off on the english speaking side as well as they did in the jp community even though literally everyone asks for more knight/princess wlw ships. It's Right There
A non-romantic relationship that I love: Gotta admit I haven't thought about her sphere of relationships much beyond the ones that also work as romances, but I love the implication that she's Eika's younger sibling if you follow the mythos. Keiki would probably be quite protective of Eika despite being the little sister... And with the recent addition of Hisami I'm really excited to see more fanworks with the characters based on the Nihonshoki/Kojiki (this better not monkeypaw on me). They need to have tea and chat about the old times!!!
The NOTP: It's Yachie/Keiki, sorry guys but I'm a yachisaki believer.....
My biggest headcanon about them: I'm pretty sure I've already mentioned that one in the past but the beast-shaped aura in her portrait looks like a familiar to me! Maybe some kind of fire spirit to help her crafting :)
An idea for a fanwork I would like to make/see about them: I'd like to read a good fic/comic where she interacts with the other beast leaders seriously... I'm so sad she didn't get proper dialogue with Saki or Yuuma despite them being as much of a threat as Yachie. As for something I would like to make myself... A visual retelling of some of Koda Rohan's works (especially Furyubutsu) but with Keiki as the protag is an idea I've had for 2-3 years but if I ever get to it, it'll probably just be little doodles :-)
Something that makes me think of them: Koda Rohan's work again lol (delusional)
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viscerast · 1 month
hey non oomf. please don’t shoot the messenger. your ex would like you to know that their dni is set up like that (and it includes kins of their comforts as well) because they are delusional and are uncomfortable with doubles. also no one is friends with your abusers anymore, because harpy is dead. she died last august. not much to say on that one but thank god tbh.
hey noomf thank you for reaching out and telling me this. id like to preface this post that no ill will goes towards you, anon, but towards PF. you're welcome to screenshot and send this post to damien if you want. very curious on how you know damien/PF but. wtv youre anon for a reason
for context, this is the post anon is talking about. also for simplicity, i'm going to be using the names i remember everyone using, but strictly they/them pronouns instead of the ones i remember them using just to avoid misgendering, i know a lot of people had gender discoveries over lockdown and coming out of lockdown and PF is not free from the transgender beam /silly
i will not comment on damiens DNI any further because, frankly, im staying as far as i can from any delusion related discourse as possible. as a potentially schizophrenic person, i know how sensitive the topic of delusions can be, especially D/A's, erotomania and platonic erotomanic delusions. i still think its a bit off that damien, a singlet, as a core part of being a system in their dni but. thog doesnt caare /ref i don't know their story at all
quite frankly, i'm glad to hear that no ones associating with my abusers anymore. part of me was always a little worried for the remaining members of the group (especially the younger ones), i didn't want anyone to have to deal with the blatant toxic bullshit that i had. even if you lot had a falling out with harpy in some respect, i want to say that i'm sorry for your loss. i remember how close PF was in general, especially with harpy.
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i'll tentatively accept the offer to talk with damien, but maybe later. maybe when we're more stable. i'll unblock them for now, because honestly i had no quarrel with damien, just that they were still associating with PF.
this, however, is not an open invite to anyone who associated with/was apart of PF to contact me. in fact, fuck the rest of you completely. stay off my page.
i hate how you guys keep finding our accounts. you almost put us into the hospital with the stunt ezra and karen pulled a few years back joining our personal server. to this day we don't feel safe anywhere we go, irl and online, because of how you guys acted. i know we weren't the best person, i know we were rude and lashed out and were generally hard to deal with, but we were fucking 15 or 16. we had known you guys since we were 13, we trusted your voices and opinions more than anything. if PF said the sky was red, then the sky was fucking red. we trusted you guys enough to give you our address. we were dealing with the horrors of being the only openly trans and queer kid in a small town catholic middle/high school ON TOP of having a slough of undiagnosed disabilities and disorders. and then going home to cope with how stressed we were and talking to our "friends". we should have turned tail and ran the second chai was kicked out. we should have realized earlier how chai had hurt us and cut ties with the rest of you, because no one seemed to care how weirdly romantic chai and i were getting. no one seemed to care about how weird ezra treated us, that the almost adult was jokingly calling the 14 year old their husband. PF actively encouraged our identity delusions and spirals. i was expected to have the emotional and mental capacity of a fully grown adult when i barely even knew who i was. i remember semi-frequently having our possibility of undiagnosed BPD (and potentially NPD? i cant remember if thats something they ever mentioned) recognized by ezra and harpy(?), but the fact that we were untreated, experiencing symptoms of the disorder they were sure we had, struggling to understand our emotions let alone regulate them was all thrown out the window the second we made even the smallest of mistakes. our bpd and delusions were used against us as a way to keep us in line, or when we were noticeably in a spiral we would have our identity delusions towards danganronpa villains invoked to encourage us to be cruel to other people- either members of PF or strangers on twitter.
tldr fuck peach fuzz. yall messed us up. sorry for the long vent/rant we just. really really needed to get that off our chest. we have for years and it feels like we were only able to heal enough this year to actually confront it and say something about what happened. there was a lot more than just this but this is what was fucking us up the most. sorry . i gotta go take a walk goodbye
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autumntouched · 1 year
Top Gun Headcanon - Hangman Edition
Warnings: Grief, sibling death, mentions of death and suicidal ideation
As Veronica Mars might introduce him, “Every school has an obligatory psychotic jackass, he’s ours.”
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Jake Seresin grew up in an incredibly loving and supportive household. He has the type of parents who went to all his school performances, coached his little league teams, and cheered loudly for him at every sports game. They supported his interests but were honest about what he wasn’t good at (lol RIP trumpet). They were always willing to listen when he needed an ear and offer advice or just a hug. He’s the type of guy who talks to his mom regularly and has heart to hearts with his dad in the car. His parents told him he was special, and well, how could he not believe them eventually? They told him so often that he might have become entirely delusional about being God’s gift to man (and in this case, he would also add women, really everyone) if it weren’t for his older sister, and cousins, who had no problem checking his ego and checking it hard.
His sister, Colleen, was three years older and incredibly smart and competitive. He adored and looked up to her as much as he loved to annoy the hell out of her. As a kid, he mostly said he wanted to be a pilot when he grew up because that’s what Colleen wanted to be. Since she was the smart one in school, he set himself apart by being the class clown. His teachers often lamented that he was a brilliant student who distracted all the other kids from keeping up. Growing up, everything was a competition for Jake and Colleen, and she wasn’t the type of sister to let him win just because he was younger. She could also have a little bit of a mean streak and would bully him until he cried. He learned early on to have a stiff upper lip so she would get bored and leave him alone. However, no one was allowed to hurt her brother in any way except her, as any kid who dared to mess with him on the playground quickly and painfully found out.
Colleen hated having long hair, but their mom would never let her cut it shorter than her shoulders. She wore it in braids out of protest and when she broke her arm, Jake learned to braid hair so he could help her do it. Besides, it was the perfect party trick to get girls’ attention. That and being good at massages...
Then, Colleen died of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Hangman’s perfect world was turned upside down. He never minded being Colleen’s baby brother but suddenly he was the kid whose sister died. It felt like his life had been split, into before and after, and in the after all of who he was was gone. He’d always had a big personality but now he made it even bigger to feel seen beyond the family’s tragedy. At home, he felt like he had to hide his grief for his sister to help his parents through theirs. Everyone kept telling him to be good for them, to be strong for them, to make them proud because they no longer had Colleen. But no one asked him how he felt to have lost the person he always counted on, the one person he could always talk to--even if that was at the top of their lungs during a fight. He was a brother without a sister. 
It started to feel like no one truly knew him anymore. Although he had too much of a personality not to have a gaggle of friends, he never felt close to any of them. There were those who knew the Before Jake and those who knew the After Jake but fewer and fewer who knew both. The Naval Academy was good for him though. It gave him structure, it restored his sense of identity. He didn’t like telling people his sister had died because most people didn’t really know what to say about it. So he stopped. He never really liked showing anyone his vulnerabilities anyway. Jake took pride in no one being able to see the pain he’d been through. That’s what it meant to be strong.
Then he met Bradley Bradshaw during training in Meridian. Bradshaw was the kind of person people talked about before they met him--both his parents had died when he was young. His dad was a RIO. He possibly had Navy connections, although what those were no one could say. Those were exactly the things Jake didn’t want people saying about him behind his back so from the very start, he looked down on Bradshaw for exposing so much of himself. 
And Bradley Bradshaw? He’d be a brilliant pilot if he weren’t afraid of death. He was always so cautious at the very moments he needed to let go. Everyone plied Jake for his flying secrets, which he was generous with because he never told anyone the one that made the difference. After Colleen’s death, death became a matter of course for him. Something that would come one way or the other so it wasn’t really worth fearing. He flew like his life depended on it because it was the only thing he didn’t have to lose. A mandatory Navy shrink had once asked him if that meant he was suicidal--how did a psychologist not know the vast difference between wanting and accepting death? Jake lied his way through his evals after that one.
Professionally Bradshaw may have held promise during their training but personally he was a mess. A mess usually handled or cleaned up by one of the most competitive pilots in Bradshaw’s cohort, Natasha Trace. He didn’t think she was dangerous only in the air though.
Natasha Trace was too easy to talk to. He always found himself on the verge of divulging things to her that no one else knew about him. Jake could never understand why she was friends with Bradshaw. They were practically opposites. Jake’s teasing only made her better, but he could rattle Bradshaw off his game with a single quip. She was friendly, he was aloof. She kept her business to herself, everyone knew Bradshaw’s. Jake convinced himself she just felt sorry for Bradshaw. If Natasha Trace had one weakness, it was taking hurt people under her wing. And Jake was not hurt. He didn’t want her to feel sorry for him but hated that most times she wrote him off as an egocentric asshole. However, it served him when he needed a distraction from missing Colleen or needed to calm his nerves, when he felt them. She could verbally spar with him all day and not take it personally.
For all Rooster likes to get on his high horse about looking out for his wingman when they return to Top Gun for the uranium mission, it irks Jake that no one calls him on the emotional bomb strapped to his chest that Maverick seems to hold the detonator to. So these are Rooster’s Navy connections. Nothing he’d done during their hops had been half so dangerous as Maverick and Rooster having it out mid-air at hundreds of miles per hour with absolutely no regard for the hard deck. And of course, Phoenix takes Bradshaw’s side when Jake calls him out. But what is Jake supposed to say? I know you two are hung up on Goose’s death because this mission has me thinking about my sister’s right now too? This isn’t the fucking boy scouts.
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souryogurt64 · 2 years
i apologize if you’ve answered this before but a lot of younger gen-z especially ones on tiktok say ryan should’ve been the lead singer and panic would have had the same amount or more popularity do you think that has any substance or people are just delusional
ive seen that too, imo it is delusional and people are only saying that because brendon is canceled and everyone likes to pretend fan perceived morality is equivalent to success and talent. ryan was not even the sole singer of the young veins, he split vocals with jon. brendon is, objectively, a better vocalist than ryan. brendon may not use those vocals to the best extent, but ryan is not a strong singer.
i am finishing up the dissertation™️ right now and pete always knew ryan had a band. he didnt care until brendon joined and the girls on the forums started freaking out. they just lied about what happened later.
the dissertation is about pete and ryan meeting so i havent really done a deep dive into the split but im touching on it at the end. one thing i ran into while researching was the guy who co-authored petes book did a lot of writing about panic during their split and theyd do exclusives with him about it and its stuff i dont see floating around anywhere on here and i thought it was all really interesting and he said very explicitly pete and ryan were no longer friends.
anyway, it appears from that and kelties book and ryans interviews years later that ryan kind of went off and started doing a ton of drugs and drinking and gambling. i dont think he had a support system to cope with the death of his father and they were all really young and got really famous really fast and were getting really mean. brendon has talked about how mean he was back then and ryan acted the same way. i also think he was being a tool and its difficult to help someone acting that way especially since everyone else was also a douchebag dude in his 20s on drugs.
anyway its explicitly reported that pete cast his lots with brendon immediately and ryan didnt seem to know what was going on. im not sure if he was being told things and not listening because he was kind of in la la cocaine land or if everyone ganged up on him and jon despite the split being mutual. petes writer friend also wrote a super brutal review of the young veins that i think gets across why it failed. i think everything he said was right and i agree with it and think he was even trying to find something nice to say, but also. Woof. ryan also had and has no desire to continue being in panic and continue being famous, and he has been open these days about how tyv fell apart very quickly.
but anyway, no, panic never wouldve gotten very far without brendon. i think ryans backing vocals wouldve added a lot to the first record and i do think ryans lyricism and vision added a different dimension to the band that was completely critical to their early success and fan reception but that wasnt and wouldve never been enough on its own. people just like to say that because they dont like brendons career decisions.
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