#sorry a little ranty
paperclipninja · 5 months
I'm gonna sound very old person yells at cloud but I don't care, I feel like I need to say this. We all (well most of us) know that messaging Neil with any headcanons/theories/wishes/hopes/dreams to do with the show is a no-go because it could potentially compromise the story he wants to tell or ends up telling. And yes, he is a grown up who chooses what to respond to etc and I think it's wonderful he engages with fans and answers a lot of lovely and interesting questions about his process, writing and journey etc.
However, there is another reason not to send theories and ideas about how the show should go to the show creator in the hope of a response: it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether a theory is correct, or a speculation may or may not play out. That is why fandom exists.
Online fandom is where we all come together to yell and cry and throw around weird-ass ideas and theories and look at art and read fanfic and unite in our love of characters and a show. A huge part of being in fandom, is the way fandom theories become like an understood little bit of fanon lore that some people attach to, others disregard. But it doesn't matter. And part of the fun of fandom, is when a new season or a new episode of the show comes out, you have this collective catalogue of ideas and theories and headcanons and you get to yell and scream, "omg it happened1" or "lol that that thing was ever talked about" or "thank god that theory didn't come to pass".
Wanting to know now (not that we ever will) and not wanting to wait until the next season to find out the answers diminishes the fandom experience. I cannot stress enough how much we are in the absolute peak of the fandom experience right now. The between seasons time is the ultimate time to be a part of a fandom (as I'm sure many people are well aware), knowing there's another season coming energises everyone to create and connect and speculate and it's glorious! I know it feels like it'll be like this forever, but it won't. Next season is the last and yes, there will be a flurry and uptick of all the energy and excitement once again, and I absolutely believe Good Omens fandom will live on and remain active and thrumming. But there won't be theories and what ifs and hunting for clues for the next season, and over time it will dwindle a little and plateau and some people will fall into other fandoms, and while it will probably bubble away, there won't be the anticipation that sits with us now.
My point is, fandom is where we get to throw around ideas and flail and be ridiculous and also serious sometimes, but it's all for us. For the fans. Showing Neil theories or getting in a flap about a particular speculation and asking if x, y, or z might happen isn't just about putting the creator in an awkward spot, it takes away what fandom is about. Just let this time be ours. If you haven't been in fandom before, enjoy it! Don't be in a hurry to seek definitive answers or know things either way.
It doesn't matter if any or none or all of the things that float around end up being correct or incorrect. Fandom isn't about being right. It's about being a part of a community and being able to share ideas and it's about it being FUN.
So TL;DR Stop sending Neil fan ideas because that is for fandom, not for the creator.
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bliss-wily · 2 months
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Knew he was already in the game but ahhhh so pretty! The difference between Xenoverse 2 and this is amazing.
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I did notice a change in this boy though, his shoes are now white like they were in DBS Broly. Just clarifying: not a complaint just an observation. Besides how could I have any complaints when…
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Ahhhhhh!!! It’s felt like forever since his transformation was playable in a game. I loved using him in Raging Blast 2 and I’m so happy to see his beast form again and usable too!
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I’m afraid that’s the only screenshot I got as my phone wasn’t cooperating. Poor Vegeta. But :3
And yes I’m excited for everything else I seen too, but it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t fixate on Zarbon now would it? Although definitely a special mention for Raditz because 💯.
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I swear, if Zarbon and Raditz are playable I’m sold. The game could be utter garbage and I’d love it hehe.
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highlifeboat · 8 months
FINALLY SOMEBODY ELSE TO MOURN LIN WITH! They did her so wrong man ;_; We *had time to save her* man!!
I'VE NEVER SEEN HER DEATH SCENE BEFORE AND I AM JUST--SO UPSET??? Like I'm not someone who gets overly emotional with video games usually, but that shit HURTS? SO MUCH??
I wanna know how we got out of the trunk but then just left her ass. Like even if she was dead by that point why did we not at least get her body? (Maybe to maintain cover but if they already know Lin is a Saint who cares). Left my girl FLOATING IN THE RIVER.
ALSO FUUUCK the dude who kidnaps/kills her because he was WAY too creepy towards her. Like the way he talks to her makes me feel so eugh.
Just everything about her death is WILD and for WHAT? Just to kill the best female character in the game? WACK DECISIONS.
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sobashahzadi · 9 months
as gen z’s I want all of you lovely lovely people to teach children about how some people wear different things and look a bit different from them and that it’s okay
because tell me why I was in Penneys just now with my sister, just browsing through the jewellery (im wearing an abaya, not covering my face just hijab because I didn’t feel like getting all dressed to go shopping so I slipped on my abaya to make it easier before I headed out)
my sister however is much younger than me and looks like any other kid, I walk towards this rack of jewellery, where 2 children and their mother I’d say are talking excitedly about something, tbh idrc I just wanted a look at those flower earrings I spotted and this kid, a little boy, goes silent, instantly shuts his mouth and looks up at me terrified,
like sir, what did I do? He looks so genuinely upset and scared to be seeing me, his mom isn’t saying anything and neither does his sister until I get uncomfortable and try talking to my sister about the jewellery so they know I don’t mind them being there, eventually I feel so bad that I’m scaring this kid so much that I move out of the isle.
I don’t blame the kid at all, (only a bit, because that side eye was fucking nasty) but the parent should’ve continued talking or just moved them or even told them not to stare? Like mind u these are the most white Irish kids ever but ye okay they should know other people but themselves exist.
I don’t know if they’re uneducated, Islamophobic, internally racist, or just scared of me because I’m not pretty, like literally at times like that I wish I was born prettier so strangers around me wouldn’t have to be so uncomfortable when I dress in my culture, because I see pretty people in public being praised for that but I always feel shamed.
anyways rant over, educate your kids
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garrettauthor · 1 year
Hey, can I ask you something?
How do you do this? I feel super awkward trying to self promote my Kindlevella, even to my friends. Do you have any tips for how to handle that feeling? Or just in general for that matter.
Honestly? I never try to promote my books to friends or family. Ever. If they read it, great, I’ll talk to them about it. But if they don’t, I never encourage them to. Many of them apologize for never having read it! And I never expect them to.
What you kind of have to realize, is the fact that you wrote a book and they didn’t, makes you kind of special. I don’t say that to be egotistical. It doesn’t make you GOOD or BETTER. It just makes you special. It makes you someone who loves that kind of story enough that you wrote it because you wanted to be able to read it.
So you need to direct your attention to other people who love that kind of story. Statistically speaking, that’s unlikely to be people you know IRL. You have to go online and find those folks. And you have to realize that they are HUNGRY for that kind of story.
Because if you’re a fan of that kind of story, you KNOW that there aren’t enough of them out there. You know that every time you finish reading a good one, you wish you had another one to read right away. Or you wish the one you just finished had another book in the series to read.
That’s the secret. Be a huge fan. Write what you’re a fan of. Find other huge fans and tell them, however you can, that you’re writing what you’re both fans of.
That’s it.
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spacedustmantis · 1 year
everyone's a hater
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blueinkie · 9 months
(Last cookie standing spoilers ahead)
Y’all I can’t make this shut up omg
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Be so fr rn bro she’s literally the only I care about on this show bro. She was the best oooone.
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It was funny seeing her get pissed at Licorice tho, I will admit. I hope she murks him in another timeline. But I am disappointed that there was no call back to her alliance with Caramel Arrow before she left. Like I knew Rye would def get eliminated before Carrow and I thought if this sweet little moment the two of them would have before Rye is sent off the island. Of course that’s just me being a shipper, and not really having any context as to who would want her eliminated and why. It still sucks.
Sorry to all the Milkway fans out there that wanted her to win. They really had you with that false hope with the immunity necklace from the other episode.
Im just disappointed bro. Like it was even strategical on Licorice’s part, it was literally just luck, litterally anyone could’ve been eliminated then. It wasn’t even smart like what Fishogato did to Chili. Like I wasn’t even that mad because even I didn’t really believe that she didn’t steal shit from her other teammates. This elimination feels cheap. Very cheap. Or I just don’t like it. At all.
TLDR: Feminism is not winning. My girl Rye was eliminated and I’m not happy. It should’ve been someone else. Except Expresso. He was cool. And also not Carrow. She was pretty cool too. Also Let Rye and Carrow be gay please please. But also Rye and Chili were made for each other. Both of them wanted to beat up a twink from the cookie of darkness. Chiliryearrow on top frfr.
Fuck Licorice.
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steelycunt · 2 years
peter pettigrew! ☕️
ooh good one. okay firstly i do not like him being removed from the marauders. i understand why people do it but i think to pretend he was never really a part of the marauders undermines his betrayal? the whole point is that it was the betrayal of a friend. like they didnt make sirius the secret keeper because it was too obvious but they would not have picked someone they did not trust/barely knew. i think it is boring and easy to pretend he wasnt actually apart of the group and i find it soo much more interesting when hes included. i sympathise with him as a young boy and obviously lose that sympathy for him by the time he gets older but. idk i think he has sort of had the opposite treatment to regulus. regulus has been completely morally purified so that he's more easily uwu-ified whereas peter has been completely condemned and removed from the narrative so that people dont have to deal with writing/engaging with him? and honestly i think a lot of that stems from fatphobia honestly lol the uwu-ification of tom riddle and evan rosier and barty crouch and the uwu-ification of draco because people had a hard-on for tom felton (which. take a good long look at yourself please) and the desperate charge to refute regulus' being canonically less handsome than sirius (because apparently the whole moral purification thing isnt as high on the agenda for characters who arent conventionally attractive and fancast as timothee chalament) and the movement stops at peter? why is that? oh i wonder. why ever could that be. anyway yeah i think whether you like him or hate him (and i personally do neither) hes a pretty interesting character especially in his capacity to act as a perspective on the dynamics of the others and i really enjoyed writing for his pov in owt!!
send me a topic + ☕️ emoji and i’ll tell my honest opinion about it!
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momentsofamberclarity · 7 months
apologies for combing through your blog and liking all of your posts. i just really enjoy your viewpoints and your courage. you don't try to take some kind of high ground, and you don't tolerate threats to people even if they're against you. it's inspiring to me and i'd like to stand up for people who are minding their own business, and also those who are actually getting hurt by false claims of pedophilia being thrown around by others who think they're heroes. but i'm too scared currently. :( i hope it's okay for me to cheer you on from afar.
Thank you, Anon. That means a lot to me to hear you say that. 🥹❤️
Spam liking and reblogging actually validates my bpd's longing for attention in a healthy way; it makes me feel good about how I'm running my blog and that I'm doing something that is helping others, so never be sorry for doing so!!
And it's completely okay to not be ready to speak up yet. This isn't my main tumblr by any means; the one I've had since my teens ( been here since 2011 ) is still active elsewhere, it's just unmarked on shipping and has no dni. But I made this sideblog and the main blog it's attached to so that I had a place where I could start speaking out. A place where no one would recognize me, and I could start over fresh, learn new things and new perspectives, unlearn that old black and white thinking, and become a better person who one day will be ready to say fuck it and out my main as proship like it used to be back in 2011-2015-ish when I didn't have to say it, I just reblogged stuff freely.
At this point I just want to put some good back out there into the world. I've been watching that downward spiral of the internet since my own teens, and I can use that information to make other people of all ages feel safe to express themselves without feeling guilty for liking or identifying with things other people may not agree with. Because the internet was NOT always like this, and it doesn't need to be this way.
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storm-of-feathers · 2 years
Hi slept for ever and im still tired asf but idk where to even fucking start
So, after calling in to refill my ambien, which they said was fine, I waited ab 3 hours. So I wanted to call them again to check on it and make sure they understood the insurance issue (I've been fighting w my insurance for ever ab it)
Anyways around 12-1sh I tried to call them and their stupid little voice robot thing wasn't working. Like at all. So i decided to go in person to the store and ask ab it.
So after explaining a couple things to the pharmacy tech(? I think) she calls someone else over and asks what something means while pointing to something on the screen I can't see
And her coworker says, in no secret way, that it says "drug abuse red flag". And she seemed SHOCKED when I said "what?" And was likely visibly pissed bc. Wtf. Like they were standing directly in front of me, with only a counter and a thin covid shield. There was no way she could have said it that I WOULDNT have heard her.
So I tried to repeat myself, for probably the 10th fucking time by that point, that I am trying to get ambien refilled. I've called it in every other Tuesday for months, why now is it a problem? To which she says she's gonna go talk to the pharmacist
Since she has no volume control I got to overhear "[They] seemed really upset" and I guess me being angry only added to Reasons I'm A Red Flag. But of course I was fucking angry?? They cancelled one prescription the day before and now they've given me the run around on a medication that I have an ongoing prescription for?? What the HELL.
Like. Even if I wasnt trying to refill a control (and to reiterate this is for fucking ambien, I wasnt trying to get oxys or something), they had already fucked with one of my other prescriptions and their phone system was busted so I had to get dressed and go see them in person. Of COURSE I was annoyed.
And she had the AUDACITY to be like "oh its just our lingo :)" like no bitch you werent exactly talking in code were you. And i didn't even really say much outside of "what." At first because i didn't know WHAT to fucking say.
They said they'd prepare the refill a "day early" for me even though they "normally wouldn't" (which is bullshit bc they've done that for me consistently for MONTHS. I get 15 at a time and I call in every 14). Like they were acting like I had Karen'd my way into making them do something when they normally do it??
I'm absolutely going to change pharmacies bc that was just ridiculous. And the fucked irony is if I had ever spoken like that to/about a customer(/patient) in any job that I've ever had I'd have gotten my ass handed to me. What the hell.
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angelbvn · 1 year
2, 24, and 26 :3
2 ;; colour palette for your system?
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boom :> it’s not perfect but yea
24 ;; does anyone have different handwriting than the body?
YES OMG ITS KINDA FREAKY— but yes it varies  between alters!
26 ;; describe the/a part of the innerworld? (if applicable)
hmmm which to chooseeeee… hm okay! (it’s gonna be long ish)
in the mansion there’s obviously a living room and it’s a very dark victorian kinda style. there’s a large fireplace in the middle of the room with some comfy chairs and couches around a wooden table close ish to the fireplace. there’s also some bean bags by the fireplace 4 some of the littles to sit. if you’re facing the fireplace to the left is a large bookshelf, with various books and some other knickknacks. to the right of the fire place is a large window with a loveseat in front of it and a small cut out where you can sit on the windowsill and watch the front of the mansion. further to the right leads to the kitchen and further to the left is the entrance to the living space. behind the couch + tables are a set of 2 large stairs that lead up to some rooms. (ig i could go more into detail but uh we’d be here longer so maybe i’ll just post abt it some other time)
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pastballads · 2 years
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I'll be hopping over to Izren's blog and my Pokemon blog here real soon, but first I wanted to ask you all something. I kinda ramble on, so I've put it all under the cut.
During my hiatus, I've spent a lot of time thinking about things, mostly plot ideas and the like, but something that keeps coming up to the forefront of my mind is muses, mostly removing a few often unused ones from the already existing ones from the list and possibly adding others.
Muse ideas often come and go for me, as many ideas do with my sporadic mind. Frequently in the past, if I had an idea for a character, I'd make a sideblog dedicated solely to that one character. At one point, that led to me almost having nine blogs just for one fandom. That wasn't even including the six others in other fandoms I was running at the same time and their sideblogs. This is my first run with a multimuse blog. Although I could easily fill the roster with dozens of characters inspired by whatever or taken directly from a source, I'm trying to keep it from being bloated.
Usually with this kind of stuff I just make a strawpoll or two. A poll for "Add this character" here, a poll for "Remove this character" there, and call it good. Not because of indecisiveness though it does play a small part, but to gauge interest and not fill up the roster with a bunch of muses that'll take up space despite never being used. I want to have a good selection of characters I've worked hard on, yet how good a character might be doesn't matter if they just collect dust.
I've been thinking about this specific topic for well over a year. I know I ask questions about adding or subtracting characters at least once every other month, but as writing partners, I enjoy hearing what you all think. Because at the end of the day, I just want to weave narratives together with y'all and write characters that everyone enjoys, myself included.
I've rambled on enough though. The question I wanted to ask is if I should keep throwing out simple strawpolls with goofy character info fragments, if I should make character poll posts with full google doc bios linked, if I should have a monthly rotation where a new muse is tested for the duration of the month, or if I should stop adding new ones and cull the lesser-used muses so I can hone the common few?
If you'd like, you can throw in your own answer. Or leave your thoughts.
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stephthestallion · 2 years
this might be really random, but i would love to know more about Austin Butler and Vanessa Hudgen's relationship. They're both private people, but i am so interested in what those nine years must have been like.
like what did their morning routine look like? did they help each other pack when they had to leave for work? who cleaned more in the relationship? did the topic of marriage and children ever come up? what was their favorite and least favorite thing about each other? who was more sentimental in the relationship and who was more nonchalant? how did they plan Halloween together? how did they plan Christmas? who cooked more on Thanksgiving? what were date nights like?
judging by what we see now, Austin Butler is really private and shy and Vanessa is more outgoing and outspoken, so it is to be assumed that she was the more dominant one in the relationship. (or maybe it isn't)
Nine years is a long time to be with someone, and for them to break up and never speak of each other again is weird. I guarantee that if sharing your life on social media was as popular back then as it is now, we would know so much more.
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survivoirs · 2 years
me trying to set up a psychiatrist appointment to be able to get my adhd med refills going forward
scheduler: looks like the next availability is in march
me: yeah that’s not gonna work my doctor only is giving me a script for a month and its a controlled substance so i have to get a new script every month to get my medication and can’t just have stacked up refills like most meds and he wants me going through a psychiatrist for that.
scheduler: ...let me put you on hold.
scheduler: we can do tomorrow morning at 11:30 as a telehealth.
me: perfect. 
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dolceterzo · 4 months
i wrote 57 fics between 2022 and 2023, totalling 276,362 words. i know you can't always be creating, i know it's okay to take breaks, i know that i can't be so hard on myself but there's so much in my brain and i can't get it out in any way that feels meaningful or of quality. it's beyond maddening.
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the-silly-birds · 6 months
💌 - The muse talks about something from their past they hope they'll always remember
Well theres alot i'd like to remember personally. However one of the things i feel like i want to always remember is just the warm embrace of black wings, Uncaring of my strange coloration compared to the rest of my species. Just being able to sit down and feel safe in a comforting environment is a feeling i never want to forget..
Sometimes i even pick up larger black feathers and try to cover myself in them.. Trying to simulate that old feeling, and yet it never feels quite the same..
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