#sorry about the chan and pete ones
fromperdition4 · 5 months
Small moments from the Finale that stick in my brain
Kinn's cold smile (about to ruin some lives):
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Chan's apology (there goes my heart):
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The little car (timeout everybody - what is that?):
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Kim saving the bottles (he's got his priorities straight):
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Porsche gripping Kinn (standing by his man):
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Tankuhn's shame (at least he didn't kill his brother):
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Pete's shock (it really is like he's the one getting shot):
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Kinn and Porsche kiss (so in sync):
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Tankuhn regrets drinking (you and me both, Kuhn):
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And finally - Macau spying on his brother (the little shit):
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crystallinemoonlight · 9 months
sometimes i'll think about how, at the start of episode four, pete offers to help porsche guess who he might have kissed at the pier the night before, and i imagine a crackfic where porsche goes on a quest to find out who it was by kissing his colleagues one by one - starting with pete of course that man was ready to sacrifice himself for the cause when porsche had questions about casual hookups later in the episode, offering himself up without hesitation
he visits them one by one; pol is confused... but intrigued, it's like one of tankhun's series! arm already knows it wasn't him but insists they check it anyway... just to be sure, right? you never know. ken says he'll break his face if he tries anything (very suspicious, porsche makes sure to highlight his name). big doesn't know whether to be angry or confused, he wasn't even there??? no he and ken didn't sneak in halfway through because of a secret crush, this isn't one of tankhun's series! tankhun asks what they're doing and if he can join but porsche isn't about to open that can of worms.
maybe at some point kinn catches on and realizes porsche doesn't remember but is rating the others based on if they kiss better or worse than the ~mystery person~, which is giving him an ego boost up until porsche declares that one of his friends is actually a better kisser and therefore can't possibly have been involved (said friend is very confused about why khun kinn is giving him death glares for the rest of the week)
you can even throw in some chan or vegas or anyone else if you want to, just go crazy with it, i think that'd be really funny especially if porsche just casually blasts vegas after they make out for a solid minute saying "no you're good but the other guy was just less desperate you feel me, sorry bro".
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ae-azile · 6 months
Kind of have a Chan/Big one-shot in my head that I am thinking about writing but have no time for. I'm going to bullet point it here to have on hand for later.
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Big still takes the bullets for Porsche. When Kinn arrives, he initially thinks he is dead. Tawan still presses the button and kills himself. However, the bombs Tawan placed end up being duds and the effort was for nothing.
Once they realize the place isn't about to blow up, they go back inside to get Big's body. He turns out to be unconscious but alive. They rush him to the infirmary and he miraculously pulls through, but is going to be there for a while.
Despite the Drama™️ going on, Kinn, Porsche, and his fellow guards visit him. Kinn is very thankful and sorry, Porsche is thankful as well but feels like Big should value himself more highly and tells him as much, and the rest are trying to be present.
Even Tankhun visits him. He usually talks about how he should put demands on Korn to change up the decor of his room. But occasionally, he tearfully thanks Big for saving Porsche. There is also one time that he tells Big he deserves a better ending than the one he tried to give himself. That he may not have leading man energy, but he could totally be half of a secondary couple in a K-Drama if he just found the right person.
"And sometimes the secondary couple is more interesting anyway!"
But out of everyone, Chan visits the most frequently and has been putting the most work in when it comes to Big's care.
The thing is, Big notices two guards aren't around: Pete and Ken. The guards tell him Pete is visiting his grandmother, and they sound believable enough when they say that, even though it seems like strange timing. But they won't meet his eyes when he asks about Ken, and their stories never line up.
Chan eventually tells him. While the truth paints Ken as a traitor and there is no getting around that, Chan tries his best to empathize with Ken by telling Big that Ken was likely approached by Gun with an incentive to be a double agent. If he would have refused, it would have cost him his life a lot earlier on. He says it to let Big know it's okay to mourn Ken. Ken was still his roommate and his friend, regardless of what he did.
They become closer after that night, and Chan talks to Big in a way that is less gruff and more gentle. Big finds comfort in him, and has prior to this. Chan was the one who made sure Big took an extended break after his father died. He drove an hour each way to check on him at his mother's house back when that happened. So Big has felt comfortable coming to Chan in his moments of worry or doubt, and he has always viewed Chan with respect and affection while the other guards tended to be more intimidated by him. But something feels different now.
He doesn't know who to talk about it with though. Ken is dead, and he probably would have teased him and said he had a crush on their boss.
Does he?
Chan is at least ten years older than him. He probably shouldn't have a crush on him. He's also actively taking care of Big, and Big has a long recovery in front of him. He's setting himself up for unrequited love. Again.
Speaking of, Kinn is continuing to visit. He does so frequently, and Big can see that he's wracked with gullt. Big still feels his heart beat a little faster whenever he walks into a room, but that is starting to feel different too. Kinn almost feels like a friend now. That's probably inappropriate as well, but on a lesser level.
So he holds it in. He plans on doing so forever until he wakes up gasping from a nightmare. Chan had fallen asleep in the chair, but wakes up when Big does. Instead of telling him it's just a dream, he scoots closer to comfort him, strokes his hair, and holds his hand until he falls back asleep.
Big ends up telling Pol, of all people. It just slips out. Pol doesn't seem like the right person to tell, but not the wrong person either. He manages to strongly empathize with and defend Tankhun, while most of the guards tend to steer clear of him, so maybe he will understand this insanity.
Pol is actually nice to talk to. While he doesn't completely understand a potential crush on Chan because Chan is intimidating, he gets having a crush on someone a good bit older. He thinks he might be into a bartender friend of Porsche's, and she has several years on him.
The conversation doesn't give Big any answers, but it does make him feel a little better. He's able to be around Chan and not feel like freaking out.
That is, until Korn "dies" and the attack approaches. Chan has Big moved to a more secure location a day prior. Big wants to stay, Chan won't let him. Big only feels okay about leaving when Chan says he will command from the armory while Arm sends out remote attacks, that he won't be a frontline guard.
Chan lied.
Does he die? Does he miraculously live like Big manages to in this canon divergent fic or like Vegas does in canon? Depends on how much I want to torture Big, I suppose...
Jk, I want them as infirmary roomies falling in love, all while Pol wheels in to visit while he heals from his less serious injury. I also want Chan to be finished with Korn altogether after everything he pulled.
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onlyonewoman · 7 months
It's damn nice both KP and LITA showed condoms and especially the fact that it seemed to be a given for both Vegas and Payu. Like, YES, safe sex ftw! We also love to see some damn good kissing and moanining (and a big shoutout to Kinn and Porsche for one of the best handjob scenes in the history of LGBTQ+ shows, goddamnit!) But as someone who likes anal sex every once in a while, THE LACK OF LUBE makes me roll my eyes so far back they're about to tumble down my spine. Look: just show a damn bottle along the rubbers, okay? We're entering some damn sensitive territory here, you know and while fingering isn't necessary, especially Rain is most definitely an ass virgin (sorry for not recalling Porsche's or Pete's cases) and while we love some face to face fucking, the position is just NOT PRACTICAL, PAYU! (Yes, it's hot and I adore it, but ffs, the actual, physical gymnastics here isn't realistic.) At least Pete's legs were up and resting nicely in those chains (good job, Vegas!) but what the hell was Kinn doing by that window? Porsche's legs were about as wide as a Chan's at ease position and we all know how relaxed HE was! It takes some fucking effort, you know! Porsche needed to bend some, at least and once again - where. was. the. LUBE!?!?? (Sure, we can all ASSUME it was there, but that's not the point!) The point is: It's perfectly good, fine and doesn't "ruin" the mood/scene to grab a bottle of lube or adding five seconds of adjustment to the position!!! Just because fingering (mostly) isn't needed, it doesn't mean you're all the way in within two sec, especially not with an ass virgin! There's no natural lube there, it can hurt. Show off the lube, make it a little real here, it's DRY down there and now that we've passed the "somewhat dangerous/mean/socipathic/violent/etc guy at least cares about consent and not spreading the clam" milestone, can we please add some much needed lubrication and perhaps a position that fits the occasion? All that aside, this old ass queer loves to see couples who have chemistry, who cuddle, grabs hold, kisses, moans, lets go and doesn't look like they're doing an assignment. I love the handholding, the pillow talk, the spooning, the way they really touch each other while fucking - and outside it. (Yes, vegaspete is a bit of another story, but the hospital scene was really cute!) Just... my dear, horrible, obnoxious, criminal, stupid, stuck-up, kinky, self-loathing, violent, scheming, over-the-rainbow-gay-or-bi sons: Stop. Tearing. Your. Lovey's. Assholes. Okay? /Love from an old auntie who knows what she's talking about
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i-sveikata · 4 months
Hello author Just wanted to say that I am really enjoying the relationship dynamic between Vegas and Pete in your story. I somehow feel that in spite of how the whole relationship began, they both are on equal footing now. They both really respect the other truly. You also mentioned this whole idea in your story too when Pete confronted Kinn about his relationship with Porsche. I am really looking forward to how they are going to navigate their relationship, now that it will truly be out in the open. while Vegas has never hidden or shied away from his feelings since the beginning (kind of like when he was confronted by his father in the safehouse), it will become real for Pete once he comes out to his grandmother. Sure, he has admitted his feelings to other people especially ones in the Main family, but I am really looking forward to how he will deal with everything once his Yaai is involved While we're waiting for the new chapter, there is something I have been meaning to ask about your story. Since you have been so actively interacting with readers of your work and getting feedback, are there any parts which you have altered from the original direction you planning to go to.
Just wanted to add that I am in awe of the way you have just dealt with these characters. Yours is one of the first few fanfics that I came across ever, and it has made me appreciate fanfic writers in a way I never knew I could.
hello anon!!! thank you so much!! yes they are much closer to equal footing than they ever have been before and they are finally beginning to understand one another a hell of a lot better!
ah anon im sorry but dont get too far ahead of yourself there!! you are forgetting how deeply in denial of his own feelings pete has been so as annoying as it might be his grandmother knowing about them isn't going to be the final push he needs to fully face what they are to each other (though that is coming soon!!). Pete is still very much in the denial phase. but yes part of the russian deal will be them standing out in the open with their relationship and navigating everything that comes with that and im looking forward to playing around with the new dynamic bringing pete out into the spotlight for once!!
oh that's a great question!!!! tbh i wouldnt say that ive drastically changed the trajectory of things based off reader feedback because that would imply i had a step by step plan in the first place (lol nope) whereas it was more like vibes and the emotional journey along with a general basic outline ive been following all along. but yes i definitely have been influenced by people's takes or observations on vegas and pete's dynamic in the comments or even just based off characters readers ended up enjoying (for example i hadnt actually planned for dr kunakorn to be a recurring kind of character but everyone seemed delighted with him and then it just worked out having a medical professional around that pete actually trusted and one theyd need cause they keep getting half killed all the time lol) so it's probably been minor things like that. nothing has really been set in stone from the get go (besides me refusing to kill Chan and sort of vaguely following the events of the show) which is more of my preferred style tbh since im writing free of rigid plans so that leaves a lot of room for ideas to shift the story along as they come in tbh.
ahhh thank you so much that's really kind of you to say!! oh wow im so honoured to be one of the first fanfics under your belt! so glad to hear that!!! we really are just a community of writing nerds over here its amazing!
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angsty-violet · 9 months
Four times Kinn took care of his brothers
And the one time they took care of him.
Tankhun was savvier than he seemed. It was one of Kinn’s greatest weights that his brother was too broken to take up the position of head of their family. He was intelligent, cunning, and brutal. The kind of man who could lead their family into a new time of prosperity. He was imminently suited to this life. Unfortunately, he was just too broken to lead their family. He didn’t have the ability to be serious constantly anymore.
Kinn still loved his older brother, though. A lot. Which is why he was there, watching as Khun fussed at being forced to choose more guards.
“I have Pete. Isn’t that good enough? I never even leave the house. What does it matter?”
“Because you are still vulnerable. I don’t want anything to happen to you again. If I have to hire a hundred men, I am never letting anything happen to you again.”
Tankhun licked his lips and looked over at the guards that had been gathered. Chan had done a good job with them. Each of them would work well as Khun’s bodyguard. They had the right mixture of skill and laziness. They could defend, but they could also just sit around watching dramas with Tankhun.
Tankhun gestured to Pete to follow him, and he did. The two of them carefully inspected the rows of men, conversing about what they were looking for. Finally, after several minutes, they nodded to each other and returned to Kinn.
“I want Arm and Pol. They will serve under Pete.”
Vegas sat silently, staring at the weights and resistance bands he was supposed to be doing his exercises with. They did not get up and start moving on their own and help him rebuild the strength he had lost.
“Aren’t you supposed to be using those?”
Vegas turned to look at Kinn. “Yeah, I am.” He didn’t expand beyond that.
“Are you okay?”
Vegas looked up at him from underneath his eyelashes and shrugged. Kinn, mindless of his expensive suit, sat on the floor next to him and put an arm around him.
“Why aren’t you doing your physio?”
Vegas tried to hold back his tears. “Because it’s hard! Because I’m going to spend all of this time on it, and I won’t even get back to where I was before. Kinn, I will never be the person I was before I was hospitalized.”
“Oh, Vegas. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m sorry that you have to live with this every day. I’m not going to lie and say you’ll be back to what you were before because I don’t know that. All I know is that wherever you get to, it is more than enough. You are more than enough for this family. I want you to do these exercises because you deserve to be healthy, not because you need to be any more than what you already are now.”
“Hia,” Vegas said and wrapped his arms around Kinn.
“I know, I know it’s hard for you. But I know you can do it. And even if you can’t, even if you never do another exercise again, you’ll always be good enough.”
“Damn it.” Kinn watched as Kim threw the pencil across the room angrily.
 “What’s wrong?”
Kim turned and glared, and for a split second, he looked so much like Vegas they could’ve been twins. The narrow faces and that impressive scowl. Kinn raised an eyebrow at him and gestured at the mess of his studio.
“Come on then, tell me.”
“It just doesn’t work. This damn song. I keep trying and trying, but I just can’t seem to figure out how it should go. It’s making me insane. Like when you have a word you can’t quite remember.”
“Do you want a little help with it?”
Kim hesitated and then nodded. “Yeah, will you just listen to it and see if you can pick out where it’s going wrong?”
Kinn nodded and took a seat. Kim started to play, and Kinn listened. It took a few minutes, but “I think your chord changes are wrong.”
Kim frowned, glanced at his music, and then looked down at the spot in particular. He played it through, altering one and then smiled.
“Hey! That sounds so much better.”
Kinn smiled and thought fondly about his own music aspirations. That path had long since closed to him, but he liked being able to help Kim with his music now and then. Kim replayed through the whole piece, smiling when it sounded much better to him.
He grinned, delighted, at Kinn, and Kinn’s heart went so soft. Soon, he’d be a teenager who never needed a bit of help and would be much too cool to talk to him. For now, he was still his little brother.
It was undeniable that Macau was babied. It was inevitable, being the youngest of five. Kim was the closest in age, but even he was three years older. They just couldn’t help themselves, though.
Kinn was definitely the worst for it. Which is why he was staying up late with Macau, watching movies. It was the anniversary of the death of Macau’s mother, and he had asked Kinn to stay up with him. How was Kinn supposed to say no when that sweet little face looked up at him? He couldn’t, so that’s why they were watching romantic movies and lying on the couch together.
“You didn’t want to do this with Vegas?”
Macau shrugged lightly. “I don’t remember a lot about her, but he does. Whenever we talk about her, he gets really sad. So, I do my thing, and he does his. He likes to sit at her graveside alone for a little while with flowers. The one thing I really do remember is that she really loved these kinds of movies. So, I watch them.”
Kinn turned to the screen. He hadn’t known his aunt Milan very well. They had spent very little time over at the main family home. However, what he did remember was that she was a total romantic.
“Okay, kiddo. We can watch as many as you want and stay up as late as you want. I’ll call tomorrow and excuse you from school. We can sleep late and then have a good breakfast. Just you and me.”
“Thanks, hia.”
Kinn was falling to pieces. He didn’t want to admit it to anyone, but he was. The work was piling up, and with the tensions with one of the smaller gangs, he was just starting to feel completely incompetent. But he didn’t feel like he could go to any of his brothers with it. He was the head of the household. He should’ve been fine. He took care of anything. So why was he so tired?
He got up from his desk and walked toward his room, thinking about taking a nap before his next meeting. When he opened up the door, instead of the overpowering silence of his rooms, there was the sound of laughter and teasing. Khun, Vegas, Kim and Macau were all sitting in his living room.
“Kinn!” exclaimed Tankhun. He got to his feet and threw his arms around Kinn. Kinn hugged his brother back.
“Is everything okay?”
They all grinned at each other.
“Everything’s fine. We’ve just noticed that you’ve been having a hard time, and we wanted to cheer you up,” Vegas offered from the couch.
Kinn felt his throat close up slightly. “Oh, you guys, that’s so sweet.”
Khun gestured dramatically. “Yeah, so we just knew we had to have the best party in the world. We’ve got snacks and movies. Anything you could want tonight. It’s all about you. You’re going to leave that boring paperwork for later and come and join us.”
Kinn couldn’t think of anything he’d rather be doing.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hi again abl, thanks for answering my question yesterday. I have another on Thai language. Do Thai people speak of themselves and others in third person? I often hear actors say their names when speaking but it doesn't appear in the translation. Sorry if you answered this before, im new to BL. A thousand thank yous 🙏🏾
Yes, you say your own name for the "I" pronoun a lot. At least in BL. Captioners will pretty much always translate it as I (otherwise it’s v confusing to English speakers). Also “i” uses up less visual space. 
It's extremely useful when you don't really know a relationship dynamic yet, but you are among peers (same generation). Do I use chan/pom, am I the younger one? Or do I use phi, because I'm the older one? Fuck it, my own name will do.
After knowing the register (honorific and pronoun) in play, it can then be used intentionally. It's a touch... cute? Often used in more familiar, friendly, or intimate situations. It’s tends to pair with slightly more formal uke characters so Pete in Love By Chance, and Pharm in Until We Meet Again both use their own names with their lovers A LOT. It’s a little intimate though, so you won’t hear it much on the interview circuit from the actors. 
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Payu and Rain have a whole THING about this in Love in the air. Payu really wants Rain to use his own name with him. It's a respectful "good boy" thing. 
LeonPob in Don’t Say No (side couple) also go over this but for a different reason. Leon is younger but the seme. Pob uses phi with him, but Leon doesn’t like that because it implies superiority and authority, so he spends a great deal of time trying to persuade Pob to drop the phi and just use his own own name (in lieu of pom, which an older character would never use with a  younger one unless roll-play is occurring). When Pob finally does, Leon is absolute jelly for it. How this action, in public, from an older character, is declarative of a relationship of “some” kind that’s not just friends. 
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kinnporsche finale ep 14
this was fun as hell! truly cannot thank @vegaseatsass enough for getting me to watch it less than a month ago. really put in the work there, bb <3
shit i loved about episode 14:
vegas just out here wearing a silk pajamas shirt as a top like some kind of thrifty lesbian. more importantly, he warns porsche! he does care about him! (the alternate interpretation is that he's doing it for pete. honestly porque no los dos?)
the first time i watched the finale i was slightly stoned and upon seeing gun, whispered very sincerely to my wife, "that's how you can tell they're in the past. his ascot is smaller."
i'm so sorry, but the incest fake out is extremely funny to me
the audacity of korn to claim that he lost track of porsche and porchay when they are still living in their parents' house. unless he straight up forgot they existed for the last ten years, he damn well knew.
lol kim would rip chan's throat out with his teeth fiven five minutes.
my hottest take for this fandom is that i think porsche was always in the family, he just didn't know. so going from being totally in the dark at the start to being in a position where he can do something about it is strongly hopeful. gun and korn's fucking around has finally been found out, which means porsche and kinn can start their own fucking around.
my second hottest take is that i don't think it really matters which brother shot his dad. i think the years long captivity of his mom is the much worse thing.
actually it's very hot of kinn when he starts shooting at board meetings. the subtle red stripe to his suit is such a chef's kiss moment. i love that he really hasn't killed a ton of people, which makes this moment a little bit shocking.
what in the bougie ass head camp counselor fuck is this war outfit, gun?
i'm! on! your! side! and that, i think, is why korn has, at bare minimum, not totally won. yes, he is masterful at pulling the strings, but he's dealing with people not puppets and there is inherent unpredictability (and incest apparently) in that.
kinn getting in one last grope in case he dies and this is his last chance. the hug/dance/shooting sequence is a work of art.
the saddest thing about vegas is that kinn has consumed so much of his interior life and kinn doesn't really think that much about him at all. also the panic in kinn yelling "don't" is great for me personally, known enjoyer of hot men suffering.
oh shit we've come full circle and we're running through parking garages again! somewhere in the hospital where big is definitely alive he just rolled his eyes and doesn't know why.
"if i die today, could you be the one to kill me?" DERANGED (positive)
"because i'm hungry"/"are you very hungry" once again my soul exits my body and flies toward the sun. the way vegas's voice breaks on "why did you follow me?"
can you imagine what the other mafia families in the world make of this shit? korn's nephew taking power, also fucking korn's son.
it's actually very funny that most of the time kinn and porsche are fucking it's to the soundtrack of kinn's baby brother singing a song about porsche's baby brother.
i find tankhun sending that photo really fucking pointed and i love that about him
and finally, macau's response of, "i was eavesdropping obviously" is the exact little brother energy i appreciate in this family.
obvi the next step for vegas and pete is getting vegas to understand that someone can be both the most important person in the world to you and also a beloved pet.
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29daffodils · 1 year
KP Rewatch : Ep #1
wow, okay, this took me a while. in my defence, i had a LOT of household chores, okay?
now, let's begin. i do wish tumblr had a thread system like twitter, but this works too. be ready for loads of thoughts about the episode (i just finished watching ep. 01 and it's already august 3rd lol).
okay, let's just get this out of my system first : i will never stop cringing at the opening scene and the accented italian. i dunno if it's just me but it feels too clunky. i really don't wanna offend any italian fans but the actions feel too exaggerated i am deeply sorry 😭
ahhh he is indeed all grown now, and he is so pretty too!!
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one of my favourite transitions that shows the very fundamental difference between the two MCs and sets the background for the story.
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also, the translation is so shoddy i never understand why kinn just shot the interpreter (was he the one laundering money?? was money laundering happening at all?? someone explain the context with the italian mafia please? thanks in advance!)
everyone shut up and look at my boy big here!!!! he is so fucking cool!!!!
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not big being injured and still looking out to see if kinn fled the scene of the shootout ughhh my heart, my boy deserved so much better than what he got (iykyk)
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okay, he really doesn't look like a jom
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every time i look at the kittisawasd home i wonder how they still own it if they are so deep in debt but i also suck at math and shit so i don't bother thinking about that
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okay, alright, so they *were* going to lose the house if only they hadn't had the plot armour 😂
okay, shit, i feel so bad for the kittisawasd brothers. like, porsche taking all that responsibility upon himself and then doing the stuff that he hated the most and chay, probably beating himself up about it all, that had he not been there, maybe porsche wouldn't have had to struggle as hard. just....ughhh.
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>> attaching part #2 here because i discovered you can post 30 pictures in a post only via web and not through the app, wtf tumblr???
part #2 :
uncle probably knew at this point that the watch belonged to a theerapanyakul 😂
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chay is such a cutie patootie ahhhh
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he looks so proud of himself lmaoooo
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aaah yes, iron balls 😂
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he's so bad at flirting omg 😂
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my boy ken be like : "can he not drag me into one of his shitty attempts at getting laid again? i need to get back to my job (of being a mole) 🙄"
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uncle korn has clearly planned his moves beforehand what the fuck, going after porsche seems to be very deliberate. i dunno why i never saw this before
to think that porchay was ready to leave everything behind just to escape the hellhole of debt and constant bullying and in the end he ended up entangled in the same kind of world both through his brother and because of his love for kim. poor babie 🥺
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yeahhhh sure you would 😒
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i just know that chan knew porsche was the cousin. i just know it. he looks wayyyyy too unsurprised for korn to be making such a loaded comment about some chess game right after getting porsche to agree to the bodyguard position. there is no way chan — right hand mafia man — didn't know the truth about porsche.
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alright, that is it for now. i have a couple more posts about ep.1 that i'll share later. bye! happy watching fam!
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ur-boyfiend · 10 months
Bang The Doldrums
based on this board by @snug-gyu
-> writing stuff with happy / positive (or at least , not depressing) endings but also based on this song feels so weird lol ,,, didn't read the pete wentz livejournals for nothin. maybe i'll write some proper angst for it soon ,,, summer of like kinda content <3
also it's like 01:30 here and i'm tired but like what else is new lol. gonna see if i can write a bit more before i actually head to sleep
blue skies, forget-me-nots, winding country roads. a summer so much like the last summer you spent together, you have to force yourself not to think about it.
singing along to a playlist you made at 3am when you were lonely and in love, you continue your drive to the campsite. there was no real reason to go, he had been the one to like camping after all, but you need the catharsis more than ever.
you see the familiar gated dirt road and smile sadly, used to the feeling of missing people, but no better at dealing with it than before.
you pay the fee at the small office that sits just in front of the gates, waiting for a moment afterwards as the old metal creaks open. you thank the person working the booth and continue towards the lake near the middle of the park.
people usually gravitate towards the open area surrounding the lake and the noise filling the air is just as loud as ever, you're not planning on setting up on the lakeshore but you like the water anyway.
parking in the gravel lot you turn off your car's engine and grab the messenger bag sitting on the passenger seat next to you. you double, then triple-check that your car is locked before walking down to the lake's edge and sitting on the grass.
the messenger bag previously slung over your shoulder is now slumped on the ground next to you, and you grab the worn notebook and overfilled pencil case from the main pocket, flipping to a half-finished sketch you'd started the day before.
you're quickly lost in your work, focusing on the scratching sound of your pencil on the paper and the hushing of the water in front of you. when you turn to grab a different color pencil from your bag you're surprised to see someone sitting next to you, then even more surprised when you see who it is.
you don't say anything for a moment, not entirely sure that he's real. it wouldn't be the first time you saw him when he wasn't there.
but then he smiles at you, and you think you might start crying right then and there.
"chan...?" you curse yourself for how your voice wavers, though ultimately you're a bit surprised that you can speak at all.
his smile grows a bit wider, his dimples showing through even more, "hi."
you're not sure how to respond, but before you can make up your mind he reaches up, gently brushing his hand across your cheek, "you're crying."
you hadn't noticed, reaching up to touch your face you realize he's right. you wipe at your cheeks, trying to stop the tears still slipping from your eyes.
"sorry, sorry," you can barely hear yourself speak, your voice muffled by the way you've curled in on yourself.
but apparently chan can still hear you, because he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his side.
"it's alright, you're alright. you don't need to apologize to me, remember?"
you're frozen for a moment, not expecting him to reference the promise you'd made years ago, that neither of you would apologize to each other for their emotions.
"'course, that was the first time someone told me that i could have negative emotions without having to feel bad about it." you don't mention that you thought he might've forgotten, not sure if the promise held the same importance to him as it did to you.
you feel chan go completely still for a moment, and realize belatedly that you'd never told him that before. you don't have time to regret your choice because he pulls you even closer, resting his chin on top of your head.
you relax into his touch without even thinking about it, still used to the feeling even after all the time that's passed. you push the heels of your palms into your eyes, feeling the tears drying on your face and caught in your eyelashes.
after a couple minutes of comfortable silence, you pull yourself together enough to speak again.
"i missed you."
he weaves his fingers through your hair, and you hum at the action, leaning into his hand.
"i missed you too."
there's a tinge of bitterness in the back of your throat, and you swallow hard, words briefly sticking in your throat, unwilling to taint the sweetness of the moment.
it seems like chan can tell something's changed, because his hand stills to rest on your head, and he presses a soft kiss to your scalp, mumbling an "i'm sorry" into your hair.
you shake your head slightly, refusing to let him shoulder all the blame.
"no, no i'm sorry. it was my fault too."
"i was the one who left."
"and i was the one who let you."
you move slightly, kissing his cheek in an attempt to make him stop talking. it works, and before he can say anything else, you shake your head more firmly.
"you're not allowed to blame yourself completely, that's not fair to you. please."
he looks like he wants to say something else but after a moment he closes his mouth again and shakes his head.
"alright, alright. if you insist."
you laugh quietly, "i do."
after a brief pause he asks, "wanna set up at the same campsite?"
"yeah, yeah that'd be lovely."
chan stands up, offering you a hand. you take it and feel yourself being pulled to your feet, neither of you letting go even after you're both standing.
going back in the direction of your car, the comfortable chatter you'd missed so dearly wraps around you again, and it's like there was never any disconnect, never any time away from one another.
you'd had a last summer together, but maybe now you could have another first.
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 32)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: Daddy Chan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the Captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 32
(Chan POV)
Two weeks later -- Knight Residence 
Chan decided to park his black Range Rover in front of his house. He was too tired and way too grumpy tonight to park his car in the garage. The flight that brought the BSFC team back to Bangkok tonight was delayed for more than two hours and it had ruined his plan. He should have taken Tankhun to dinner tonight as a token of gratitude to the Doctor, for helping him get his house ready for the housewarming party. 
It was such a relief that earlier when he called Tankhun to inform him about his delayed flight, the scientist didn't sound too annoyed. He just chuckled and said that Chan owed him two dinners instead of one, which the Captain immediately agreed to.
"I'll take you to dinner as much as you want, Tankhun, let alone two. Your wish is my command."
“Chan, please~ stop it, way too corny!” 
“I’ll call you as soon as I get home,” said Chan as he chuckled. 
“Hmm, ‘kay. Safe flight.” 
It was almost 10 and he should have given Tankhun a call right away, but the beautiful image before him, that greeted him as he stepped into the living room of his house, stunned him for a moment. Tankhun really was a miracle worker. Chan was grateful he decided to hear the Doctor's suggestion to choose this colorful Persian rug instead of the plain earth tone colored one, which was his initial choice.
"There has to be a pop of color in every room, Chan, or everything will seem monotonous."
And Tankhun was proven right. Chan immediately took his cell phone out of his pants pocket to call the doctor.
“Uhm… Chan?” 
“Oh, God, did I wake you?” asked Chan, who suddenly felt bad. “I’m so sorry, baby. Please, go back to sleep, we can talk tomorrow.” 
“No, no, it’s okay,” replied Tankhun. “I’m waiting for your call, but then I fell asleep. It's quite busy today.”
“Please, tell me about your day. We won the match, by the way,” begged Chan as he took a seat on his new camel-colored three-seat sofa. 
Ah~ I love this~  
"I know, Cap, I watched the game.” 
Chan smiled. Tankhun never missed their match.
“Anyway, the store where we bought the sofa and carpet gave me a call, since they cannot reach you, and told me that they were ready to deliver all your orders. So I came over to your house this morning to wait for them and give the staff instructions on where to place the furniture. Hopefully, everything is according to your liking and imagination. They look really good if you ask me.”
"Yes, yes, everything looks wonderful, Tankhun, thank you so much,” said the Captain. “I can't believe that I forgot, this Saturday we are scheduled to play out of town. I’m so sorry to bother you with this."
"I gave you my words that I will help you, right? It’s OKAY,” stated Tankhun firmly. “Don’t make me repeat myself.” 
“I know, but still…”
“No BUT…” Tankhun insisted, and Chan knew when to give in. 
“Okay. Thanks.” 
“Now, I believe everything is set for the party next Sunday, right? Have you called the caterer?” asked Tankhun. 
“I have.”
“Good, then we’re ready,” confirmed Tankhun. “I just need to bake one savory dish and one sweet dish for your party. You don’t mind, I'll bring Kim to the party, right?”
“Of course not, I’m thinking of inviting Kinn and Porsche too.”
“Ah… the more the merrier.”
“True. Umh, Tankhun…” 
“Please, don’t kill me, but I still need your help.”
“I thought we already covered all the rooms that we need for the party,” stated Tankhun, who started to list them. “Living room, dining room, kitchen, the back patio, and the pool. Did I miss anything?” 
“Please come here tomorrow morning around 10, I’ll show you myself,” replied Chan. “Please?”
“Okay,” answered Tankhun. “You owed me lunch too.” 
Chan chuckled. “Deal! Till tomorrow, baby.” 
“See ya~ good night.” 
(Tankhun POV)
Sunday Morning -- Knight Residence. 
Tankhun saw the condition of the main bedroom that was located on the second floor with his mouth and eyes wide open. It was that pitiful. How!? It had been more than two months since he had helped the Captain move. How was it possible that in this gigantic room, there was only a single-size mattress (not even a fucking bed frame!) tucked away to one side of the room on a small rug? How could he sleep like this!?
"Chan!?" cried Tankhun, turning his head to where Chan was standing. "I'm so sorry, but what the fuck!?"
"I know I'm the worst," replied Chan.
“Please, tell me there are clothes inside the walk-in closet.”
“Of course, you’re the one who sorted and packed my clothes at the penthouse, remember?” asked Chan. “You want a tour?”
“Yes, please.” 
This main bedroom was magnificent. How could Chan neglect it like this? Was the job as a Captain of one of the top football teams in the country truly super busy that he didn't have free time to take care of his personal affairs? If this were his room, Tankhun would use all his spare time to create the most amazing sanctuary for himself. 
When Tankhun entered the walk-in-closet area he felt like entering nirvana -- think the walk-in closet that Big made for Carrie but this one even more amazing -- AND Chan had not only one but two walk-in-closets separated by the biggest and most luxurious bathroom he had ever seen. Almost everything in the bathroom was double... Two sinks, two cabinets, a bathtub for two, a shower for two... Tankhun realized at that second that this master bedroom was intended for two people.
Fuck, this is super awkward.
Because, as much as he wanted to be the Captain -- boyfriend!!! there I’ve said it! --things were still unclear between the two of them. How could he help him decorate this space for him?
What to do... what to do...
“As you can see, I need help.” 
“But, Chan… this is your bedroom,” said Tankhun. “Don't you think it’s a bit too personal?” 
And this room is for TWO people!!!
“I trust you.” 
The way Chan looked at him that time when he said those three words, Tankhun couldn't explain it. But he'd be lying if he said those words didn't flatter him. He was so damn close to confessing his feelings right then and there.
Not now, Tankhun Theerapanyakun. Not yet.
Nevertheless, those words and that look Chan gave him just now, increased the percentage of possibility in Tankhun’s book like… A LOT. 
Just a bit more assurance, just a teeny tiny more. 
“Not trying to be nosy or anything like that, but I always think, even though the rest of your house is still a mess, at least this one room is all set. I mean, you just need to move the whole set in the main bedroom in your Pent-"
Chan grabbed Tankhun's hand and quickly cut him off, "Tankhun... I... let's just say before I moved into this house, I haven't slept in that bedroom for 10 months."
Chan looked paler, and Tankhun decided to stop himself from asking any further questions. Wild guessing attacked his mind at that moment, but Tankhun bit his tongue and just waited for Chan's explanation. 
Chan let out a long and heavy sigh before explaining, "The Penthouse... It's all Anna. She..."
Chan again let out a long and heavy sigh. 
"Chan, please... this is none of my business," said Tankhun, trying to lighten the mood. "You can tell me later on when you're ready."
"No, no, I need you to know about this," said Chan. "Give me a minute."
"I bought the penthouse because Anna refused to live in the old apartment that I used to share with my ex-fiancé. So, I let her take care of everything. From choosing the location, building, unit, decorating... everything. I didn't interfere at all."
"The first thing I did when I broke up with her called an architect and construction firm to build this house for me,” continued Chan, his voice much calmer now. “My dream has always been to live in a big house, far away from the crowds. I've had enough of living in tall buildings or living a city life. I just want some peace. So, here we are, and I think I just confessed how truly old I am to you."
Tankhun chuckled and squeezed Chan's hand that was still holding his hand. He felt, right now, that was the only thing he could do even though there were many other things he wanted to do to make Chan feel better. This 'fake dating' label really made Tankhun unable to act decisively, everything seems blurry. He wasn't sure where he stood, where the boundaries were, and he hated it, so fucking much. 
“Please say you’ll help me with this,” pleaded Chan, being so stubborn, and lately Tankhun found that Chan’s pleading eyes were almost as lethal as Kim’s teary eyes. 
God damn it! I have become such a softie! 
“Okay, fine, I’ll help you, BUT you have to tell me specifically what you want for your room. The vibe… the atmosphere,” said Tankhun firmly. “Your bedroom is your sanctuary, Chan.  Promise me, you’re gonna do the most work, I'll only give the minimum help."
"Deal!" replied Chan. “Shall we go?”
"Let’s go."
(Chan POV) 
Shopping with Tankhun was interesting and so much fun. 
He knew the best places, he had great taste and most importantly -- this was something that Chan honestly didn't expect from the Doctor -- he knew the value of money. He liked expensive things, that's for sure, but they had to have the quality and durability that was worth the money or else Tankhun would pay no attention to them at all. As someone who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Chan really appreciates this.
“How about this one? Made of solid teak wood, so it is definitely strong and durable. The shape is simple and classic. It doesn't have a lot of trivial trappings... and maybe I watch too many Disney Princess movies, but I love four-poster beds."
Tankhun's long, slender fingers gripped one of the pillars of the bed and tugged it slightly to test its sturdiness. At that time, frankly, Chan’s thoughts and imagination were far... make that very far from movies about Disney Princesses, they were unmistakably indecent. Chan immediately averted his eyes from those fingers. Suddenly he felt hot.
“Well, well, well… isn't it the hottest couple of the year?”
Before Chan could turn around to face whoever was standing behind him at that moment, who had just made that rude statement, that said person had already made a second one that was even more coarse.
"Almost 31 years old and you're still crazy about those four-poster beds... what did you use to call them? Princess beds?"
The only thing that kept Chan from throwing his fists at this tall man's face was his responsibility to protect the good name of the BSFC, but that didn’t mean he couldn't open his mouth to defend Tankhun. But, of course, Tankhun beat him to it. 
“Still so childish and still failed to keep my interest,” stated Tankhun, ice cold. “So not worth my time. Let’s go, Chan.” 
Chan could hear Tankhun's footsteps behind him, but he still didn't take his eyes off the man in front of him. If this man dared to take a step, even one step, to hell with his reputation, Chan would break this guy's nose.
"Mr. Knight, as a man who has been in a relationship with Tankhun, I need to give you a warning."
"No, thanks, I don't need a warning. Just stay the fuck away from him," warned Chan as he took a step forward, his hands clenched.
The man then stepped back holding up his hand, "I still think you should know this... Don't get your hopes up when it looks like he can't keep his hands off you. Everyone who has ever dated him knows, that's the kiss of death. Cap, your time is running out."
"Ooh~ did I touch a nerve? Tik Tok Tik Tok..."
Chan saw red. His fists were so ready to crush the man in front of him. 
"Chan, let's go! He's not worth your time!" shouted Tankhun, bringing Chan back to his senses.
“Coming, baby.” 
Oh, Chan could hear that cad's mocking snort behind him, clearly, as he walked toward the Doctor, but he was not going to embarrass himself and most importantly, not embarrass Tankhun. They were in a public place, so he chose to ignore him. 
Tankhun held out his hand to Chan as he whispered, "What did he say to you?"
Chan took Tankhun's hand and squeezed it before replying, "Nothing important.”
“Are you sure? You look kinda upset.” 
“This is my scary face, I just gave him the warning to stay away from you."
Tankhun smiled and then wrapped his other arm around his waist. "Aw~ My Hero~"
Chan hugs Tankhun's body tightly -- too tight? -- but he really needed an anchor that moment for his brain and his heart just couldn't stop fighting.
... the Kiss of death...
How Chan wished he never heard a word out of that bastard's mouth. 
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ae-azile · 7 months
Progression - Chapter 20 Preview
Arm: I'm taking the day off. Sorry. Good luck with the meeting and the dinner later, because I am not attending it either. 
Once Kinn looks at the message, it forces him to do a double take at his phone screen. He can (almost) ignore the fact that Douglas is talking to Porsche. 
The abrupt text really isn't like Arm. He rarely takes days off, likely because he is the most knowledgeable in all aspects of their security. There was no question on who would be replacing Chan. They asked Arm as soon as he began organizing the reconstruction and clean up. Tankhun had thrown a fit, and Arm initially said no because he thought it meant being removed from Tankhun’s team. It took a lot of incentives and adjustments to get him to agree, including letting him stay on Khun’s security team and becoming the co-head of it with Pol, which admittedly made sense since Arm was now the most seasoned out of Khun's guards and Pol was the most frequently scheduled with him. But Kinn has never seen Arm argue so much prior to that, although emotions were running high. While Arm never said as much, he is sure Pete’s abrupt departure upset him. Pa faking his death and getting so many people hurt or killed probably pissed him off more. Since he respects Arm and they could NOT lose more staff, Arm got pretty much every incentive he asked for. He probably knew he had the upperhand. Kinn is relatively sure Khun strongly encouraged Arm to play his hand that way, although Khun never admitted that. When Kinn mentioned Arm suddenly being a pain about it, Khun just smirked. 
Despite all of that, Kinn eventually respected Arm more for the out-of-character stubbornness he showed. But he hasn't experienced a defiant Arm since. 
At least until now.
Kinn: This is sort of sudden, considering you left the conference room without a word. Is everything okay? 
Arm: My preference is to not lie to you about this, so no. It's not okay. I sent the email file with the security upgrade plans and presentation if you wish to present it anyway.
Kinn: We can reschedule the presentation. The guests will be here all week. 
Arm: I will let you know if I feel like I can do it without significant decisions and adjustments being made. 
What the fuck? Why is Arm being an asshole right now? Since there is no active discussion going on and people are just socializing, he takes the time to step away to call him instead. He is actually grateful that Tankhun decided Arm and Pol would keep their phones, even if it was technically special treatment. He's probably right. They are in the know about Namphueng, and Arm is the head of security and surveillance. After everything he has done, he deserves his phone. 
But Arm sends his call to voicemail.
That. Fucker. 
Kinn: This is unprofessional. Call me. 
Arm: I am getting your brother out of the compound. That is more important right now. I apologize for the lack of notice. We should be back late tonight. Pol is staying with Nam and Phoenix. If you feel reprimanding me is called for, you can do so when we get back if you are still up. Or you can do it first thing in the morning. Up to you. 
Kinn grips his phone tightly in his hand, then lets out a steadying breath. If Pa saw these messages, he would require a punishment. He may say it calmly, or even chuckle about Arm’s sudden audacity, but he would still require it. 
He would punish Arm for having his phone without prior authorization too, but Kinn has long decided to let that drop. 
The thought of punishing Arm leaves a bad taste in his mouth. He has spent a lot of time with him the last few months, and he is the one who tracked down Kim. Not only does Kinn respect him, but he has also felt like a good and very reliable friend as of late. The anxiety brought on by the thought of spending the day in close proximity to Douglas actually lessened because he knew he would have people he trusted there. Mainly Porsche, but Arm was in second place, since Arm has been a friend. That's what he thought, at least. 
So more than anything, he feels hurt. 
Kinn: I really don't want to do that. Are you upset with me about something? You are being very short with me, so if you are and want to discuss some things, we can do that tonight or tomorrow. If I did anything to piss you off, I apologize. 
Kinn: I can't think of anything recent, but please let me know if I did.
Kinn: Can you let me know what it is? 
Arm: I have no issues with you. I am sorry if I came off that way. My sudden absence has nothing to do with you, but I need some time to cool off. It's personal, but I will let you know if I am able to talk about it soon. I need to leave for the day, and I want to work on some things tonight when I get back. I will let you know if we can talk about this in the morning. Sorry again. 
Just as Kinn trying to figure out a way to get Arm to call him so he can get a slightly better idea of what's going on, he gets a text from Khun. 
Khun: Leave Arm be. Please. It's my fault he's so worked up. He's protective of me. You know that. We are going on a day trip so we can both get our minds off it.
Kinn: Off of what? 
Khun: If I say, then I am failing to get my mind off of it, aren't I? 🙄 Arm is trying his best though. He even called Pete to see if he wanted to go on the day trip with us! But Pete is already out of town with Vegas and Macau. 😒 I would be more hurt, but he said he would rather be with us. Some family drama is going on back in Sisaket. He said his grandma was fine, so it is probably his annoying and abusive estranged father getting arrested for assault or drugs. 😡😤 His grandma HATES his father, so she won't help her ex son-in-law when he gets in trouble with the law. If Vegas truly loves Pete as much as his Instagram implies, he should slaughter him for everyone’s sake. 
Kinn knows Khun is trying to distract him from the topic at hand. It's glaringly obvious, even if Khun is telling the truth and genuinely wants Vegas to kill Pete’s father. The thing is, it sort of works. Bringing up Vegas tends to distract Kinn from whatever he was talking about. It doesn't distract him in a good way, but it distracts him. 
But that frustration is quelled by the relief of seeing emojis in Khun’s text. The first one didn't have any, and that is usually a sign Khun is anxious and not doing well, as strange of a sign that is. 
Kinn: Can you please convince Arm to meet with me tomorrow morning?
Khun takes longer to answer than Kinn likes, but he does get back to him. 
Khun: We’ll see.
“Is everything okay?” Porsche asks when Kinn walks in. Kinn doesn't nod, shake his head, or provide any peace of mind. He just opens his texts with Arm and hands his phone over to Porsche.
“What has gotten into him?” Porsche asks, “This isn't like him.” 
“I was hoping you could tell me. He's your friend.” 
Porsche glances at him, “He's becoming yours too. This might be a good sign, at least in some ways. He feels more comfortable being defiant with you.”
“Is defiance something he frequently displays outside of work?” 
“Not really,” Porsche says, “But he has a strong sass streak when he's feeling annoyed.” 
Kinn huffs at that, “Still shouldn't have left.” 
“Oh, come on,” Porsche says quietly, “Maybe something personal happened and he needs some time. It's not the greatest timing, but he's done so much for everyone. I doubt he would just take off without a legitimate reason. Besides, all these men are longtime allies, right? The mutual business connections are beneficial for everyone? There probably isn't a reason to prepare for a significant threat. Right?”
As Kinn looks away and chooses not to answer that, he locks eyes with Douglas. The older man is staring right back at him with a smirk on his face. 
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captainshorter · 2 years
Part 2 of sorting Kinnporsche characters in hogwarts houses
Find part 1 here 
Note; Im not in any way a sorting hat so you may disagree, i’m just doing this for fun after all, also i’m not here to offend anyone. If y’all wanna share your own thoughts feel free too, but keep it respectful please
Starting this part with Vegas: Slytherin. No i am not sorting him there because it’s the ��evil’ and ‘coolest’ house. It actually does fit him. He’s cunning, shrewd and despite being forced to do this he is achievement-oriented. He focus on one main-goal, defeating Kinn, does he care what happens to others? Not really, if it’s not harming those he cares about he’s willing to do nearly anything to achieve his goal. You see that with the way he treats Macau and how in the novel, so i’ve heard at least i haven’t read the novel, he says to all his men that they’d be dead if they put even one scratch on Pete. One thing slytherin is also known for is their deep and fierce loving, which Vegas has shown he is capable of. The love he has for Pete is a raw and real and fierce. Like with Kim, Vegas also has self-preservation, he weighs all his option before acting and aiming for the best possible outcome, not reckless at all like the Gryffindor tend to be, he thinks everything through till he has a nearly perfected plan.
Macau: OKAY honestly i just wanted to include him and i dont really have a clue for him but I think maybe Gryffindor? He has been basically raised the same as Vegas but with a fairly less amount of the pressure Vegas has, not being the heir and all. Therefore he got more freedom to be himself. Macau seem brave and daring. Also sort of reckless? i dont know. Some say Gryffindors are short-tempered which fits Macau. Im just bullshitting stuff at this point IM SORRY.
Pete: ive said Kinn and Tankhun were hard to sort ,but Pete? Pete definitely takesthe crown with how hard he was to sort into a hogwarts house. At first sight you’d say he’s either a Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, judging from his kindness and silly nature he’s been introduced with but if you look further and deeper you’d say he’s more of a Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Throughout typing this i still haven’t really made my mind up because he really has a duality but i think im going with Slytherin. Why? He’s cunning, clever, determined and most of all a good and strong leader. He has proven to be quite a good head-bodyguard and an understanding person, being able to understand people is a very good quality for a strong leader, it makes you connect with people and they will like you for it and Pete knows that and probably uses that. Pete doesn’t appear to have that high self-preservation slytherin has and appears to be more reckless. But i don’t think he’s reckless, he calculates possible outcomes of a situation, that is shown from that one moment Pete is with Kinn asking him to send him into the minor families house. Pete knows the consequences but he just doesn’t care about these said consequences, he doesn’t care about his own wellbeing because he’s loyal to the main family above everything else. This on its own could be said to be a Gryffindor quality and thus would make Pete a Gryffindor but i still think he’s slightly better fit for Slytherin, though i think Gryffindor would definitely be his second house if not his first. 
Gun: slytherin. Quite obvious this one i think. He’s willing to sacrifice and do EVERYTHING to get out above Korn. He’s determind, cunning, strong-leader and everything a slytherin is 
Korn: also a slytherin. Very cunning and shrewd. Good plan making and predicting the possible outcomes of said plan. No further explanaton needed i think
Chan: Probably a Gryffindor. Immensely loyal to the main-family, strong leader, which funnily enough is also a gryffindor trait even though it’s also a trait slytherin’s are known to have, and brave. Doing things head-on without any hesitation. Chan is not reckless though, he’s quite calculated with the moves he makes
Big: also a gryffindor. Also immensely loyal to the main-family, especially to Kinn, so loyal even that he would give his life for Porsche who is important for Kinn. He’s got nerve. He is brave and maybe a bit short-tempered. Yet again Big isn’t as reckless as most Gryffindors which could be debated because he went head-on together with Kim inside that Storage room to save Porsche and Porchay, which then again was also kind of planned, back-up was underway and they knew Vegas intentions right? Anyway he’s a gryffindor. 
Tay: hufflepuff? like im not sure because i dont want to put him in this house because he looks like a hufflepuff, but i think he is one. (He could also sort of be a slytherin, i think that’d be his second house).  He’s kind, loyal and trustworthy. He cares about others more than himself, example with Time. He loves Time so much and he wants the best for him, but even when Time seems so uninterested about Tay he still stays by his side even though it’s hurting him a lot. 
Time: Slytherin probably, im not sure about this one but i think he is. I dont really have anything to elaborate on this. Just that
 Anyways that was it for sorting kinnporsche characters in hogwarts houses:)
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i-sveikata · 11 months
You have no idea how immersed I was in this chapter. I'm still slightly shaking from all the emotions- just finished reading.
Even though I knew what should happen I still was so anxious about every next sentence!! I love you so much for keeping those scenes that most of us fell in love with in the series! Exact scenes and lines 🖤 The pool scene!!! (Although I'm so thankful that you left out "I'm hungry" 😂)
Really, reading Vegas's misery after only seeing adds up to a whole miserable image. Why can't these unhinged bastards have any peace for a moment!? I cried again reading how Pete had broken down so bad - I would too.
I did notice you left out the L-bomb Vegas said originally and I was secretly waiting for Pete to say that 👀 But ok, I can wait. They can do it in their own time not pressured by the necessity of events happening around them.
And the cliffhanger!! I knew there would be one but this kind? 🥲
I'm still thankful it's over now. The tension is not gone but bearable.
Chan ❤️ His death is what I couldn't forgive in the series so I'm glad he is ok.
And the ring!!! Omg! I really hope it stays on him or I will throw my hands on who may take it away!! It's almost like proposing 😅
I really loved how you managed to sneak so many fond and hot interactions between them while the world seemed to be on fire. But it works so well for them ❤️‍🔥
Anyway, I'm dead.
Thank you so much for this! Love you 🥺
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omg i cant believe it made you feel that much thats insane and makes me so happy to hear! lol yeah i did keep a lot of the core from the show and some of the translated lines but yeah the hungry part did not fit for the vibe of this fic because i never went into the pet/master version of the story because that really didnt interest me tbh.
oh yeah that was also intentional!! i wanted it to be in a less high stakes moment especially because most of the time the both of them are arguing/trying to leverage the other person's feelings and attractions against the other during the fight. like throwing in a love bomb in there would have felt too disingenuous (and im so sure that pete wouldnt have fully trusted it if vegas had)
yeah im sorry about that one i couldnt resist!!! just felt so funny to me the idea that pete spends his whole time worried about vegas- so hyped up on adrenaline that he doesnt even realise he himself has been shot. but i promise he'll be okay!! he'll totally recover faster than vegas thats for sure.
omg hahahaha yeah i literally noped out of that plot point. dead chan? never heard of the concept.
yessssss the ring!!! so much of vegas staking his claim on pete in really obvious ways- he is not holding back at all now that he's noticed pete's actions changing towards him. and its going to be really interesting when the other realise that pete is wearing the ring.
hahahahahahaha LITERALLY but like was so fun and amusing at the same time somehow? like i guess murder and the world being on fire makes them horny gahefjagkhflgsghj
ahhh youre so welcome! love you right back :)
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angsty-violet · 9 months
Deviant Thoughts
I filled this for an anonymous prompt on the KPTS kinkmeme.
“Kinn looks amazing in that suit.” God, could Big be any more absurd? Aim a little lower, buddy, because it ain’t happening.
“Big’s ass looks amazing in those pants.” Finally, some realism, and from Ken of all people.
“We’ve got five shipments coming in in the next few weeks. Going to have to be on top of that.” Nothing but work, work, work from Golden Boy Kinn.
“Those new recruits are basically useless. It’ll take weeks, possibly months, to get them anywhere near ready.” Well, that could be a good in, and from Chan of all people.
“We’re going to need to be careful with the Russians,” Don said.
Vegas could feel his temper starting to rise. He continued to scroll through each set of thoughts, trying to distract himself from the stupidity of that man.
“God, I want a nap.
“I am starving. They never give us anything real to eat.
“I could totally bludgeon that Italian dick with my bare hands. Just crack his skull open and spill his brains all over the floor.”
“Man, my shoulder hurts.”
Wait, what? Vegas backtracked for a minute. Who had thought about bludgeoning Don? He rescanned the thoughts, focusing on each face in turn. Finally, he found the one with the violence.
“Could he be any more conceited? I just want to make him beg and scream for mercy. I want to force him to beg for death. Stupid bastard.”
Was that Pete?!
Not sweet little, blushed when he was flirted with, Pete!
Vegas smirked. Oh, this was going to be fun.
He lingered after the meeting. Normally, he liked to mess with Kinn. Rile him up, fuck with his mind and then take his leave before he really explodes. However, Vegas followed Pete instead of following Kinn to his office to start messing with him.
He was walking back toward Khun’s floor, and Vegas knew that if he wanted to talk to Pete, he would have to get to him before Khun saw him. So, he jogged to catch up.
“Hey, Pete!”
Pete halted and eyed Vegas warily. Then he pasted on that fake smile he did so well.
“Can I help you, Khun Vegas?”
God, he wanted to mess with him so badly. Vegas smiled at him.
“I just wanted to see how you were, Pete. You seem to be a little frustrated and a little on edge.”
Pete’s eyes narrowed, and he looked at Vegas, really looked at him. Vegas knew that most of the main family considered him a pest. He was the eldest son of the minor family. Only good for torture and interrogation. Because of that, their eyes tended to just skim past him. Which was fine with Vegas. He liked flying under the radar. Occasionally, one of them would see him, for real, and then Vegas had them.
Like now, he knew that Pete was intrigued. He didn’t do it during conversations very often because it tended to confuse him, but he skimmed Pete’s thoughts.
“Why is he talking to me? I can barely control myself. If I could tear that expensive shirt off him and get away with it, I’d be all over him. I’d show him who’s really boss and leave my mark all over that lovely skin. Play with his nipples until he’s wet and helpless.”
“I’m fine, Khun Vegas.”
Vegas smirked and stepped a little closer, thrusting his chest forward. Pete’s eyes flicked to the nipples in question and back to Vegas’ face, but he didn’t back down.
“Shame, for a moment there, you almost seemed interesting.”
“Please, please leave. I don’t know how long I can stand this without making a huge mistake. God, he’s so beautiful. Those cheekbones and that smirk. I bet his cock is big. I bet it feels so good. I bet he makes all of Kinn’s twinks his pets. They’re probably putty in those strong, capable hands. If I could kill them all just to get a taste of him, I would.”
“Well, I’m not.”
Vegas smirked since Pete seemed to like it so much and turned around. “I’ll see you later, pet. Oh, sorry, I mean Pete.”
Vegas made sure to put an extra bit of saunter into his hips as he walked away. He knew the pants were ridiculously tight and would show off absolutely everything. Vegas couldn’t wait until the next meeting.
“Okay, keep it cool. Just take deep breaths. You get through this meeting, and tomorrow’s your day off. You just need to not think about Vegas. Not about his gorgeous hands. Or his skill at torture. Or that large cock that would feel so good inside of you. It would fill every empty space and….no, stop, fuck. You moron, he’s the enemy.”
It was all Vegas could do to listen to the meeting. Whenever he tried to focus on what Kinn was saying, his mind would wander back to Pete’s thoughts. Vegas wasn’t sure what was causing Pete to have all of these thoughts, but he would have fun with it.
Today, he had dressed in his tightest pants and shirt. The shirt was a lacy, semi-translucent thing that stuck to his nipples. It was probably the sluttiest thing he owned, but he rarely wore it. Not enough people would appreciate the taunt and tease of barely seeing something. But Vegas had a feeling Pete would.
Kinn was blathering on about duty and some crap, so Vegas was free to let his mind wander over to his new favorite plaything.
“Oh, why is he wearing that shirt? His nipples, dear God, his nipples. How am I supposed to focus when they’re on display? How am I supposed to do my job when that pretty chest is right there for the taking? Stupid, slutty, Vegas.”
Oh, Vegas was a slut? Who was fantasizing about the enemy?
Vegas made sure to linger and then dropped his pen right in front of Pete. He watched as Pete’s eyes looked down his V-neck and smirked.
“He is right there, being a whore, and I can’t do anything? How is this fair? He has to be doing this on purpose. He has to be fucking with me. Stupid boy. I am going to bend him over this table if he doesn’t leave. Okay, take deep breaths. Don’t let anyone know how he makes you feel, least of all him.”
“Well, I’d love to stay and chat, but I have to be going. Don’t worry though, I’ll be back.”
 “How has no one ever spanked him? How has no one turned him over their laps and paddled that misbehaving little ass until he apologized and begged for mercy? If I could get away with it, I’d force him to take hit after hit. I wouldn’t stop until he was a desperate, sobbing, helpless little mess.”
Vegas was forced to cross his legs to hide his slight hardness. Normally, he liked to do the spanking, but the very detailed image of him across Pete’s knees was turning him on so much he could hardly stand it.
Pete’s face never seemed to change during these little fantasies. He could be imagining forcing Vegas to take his cock for hours at a time, and his expression never lost that blank look.
Vegas was having the absolute best time fucking with Pete. Suddenly, the meetings he had spent so long dreading were the highlight of his day. He could also tell that Pete was starting to get suspicious of something. That suited Vegas just fine. He couldn’t wait to fuck with Pete even more. He had worn a suspiciously inconspicuous white t-shirt. Something that normally he wouldn’t be caught dead in. However, today was a special occasion, and this one would work the best. It was finally time to fulfill one of Pete’s regular fantasies.
Vegas had been waiting nearly a week and a half for a meeting to be held outside over by the sprinklers. He’d been planning it since he had heard Pete’s off-hand thought about seeing him soaking wet. It had taken some planning, but he knew exactly when the sprinklers would turn on.
It was easy to pretend he had just wandered off because he was nosy. It didn’t take any time to be in the middle of them when they went off. He made an excellent show of anger and upset. Playing at having not done it on purpose and being very put out. However, it was all worth it when he met Pete’s eyes and skimmed his thoughts.
“Why the fuck is he wet? He’s literally sopping wet. That shouldn’t be a real thing in life?! I am going to get him for this.”
“Okay, that’s it,” was all Vegas heard before being slammed face-first against a wall. A large hand pressed against the back of his neck, and another grabbed both of his hands, pinning them to the small of his back. He felt warm breath against his ear.
“I don’t know what you are or how you’re figuring out what I’m thinking, but I am done with having my thoughts read.”
Vegas squirmed in the hold and pressed his ass back against the hard cock. “Come on, Pete. You can’t tell me you don’t enjoy someone finally noticing you. That someone knows what and how you feel. The real you underneath all those fake smiles.”
Pete’s hand moved from the back of Vegas’ neck to the front, and he squeezed. “I knew it was something like that. It was all a little too convenient. The clothes, the flirting, you somehow ending up drenched in water. That was all too close to what I was thinking about.”
Vegas moaned as the hand tightened. His vision was starting to go blurry around the edges, and it was so turned on that he could barely think. The pressure just slightly let up, and he took a deep breath and coughed.
“I should hurt you for invading my privacy like that,” Pete muttered darkly.
“Then do it. Punish me for being bad, show me who’s boss. Or would you rather I be the one to take control instead? Would you rather it be me that takes and gives you nothing? Turn you into my helpless little pet.”
“No, I don’t think so.”
Pete started steering Vegas out of the building and toward his bike. He never let that tight grip go on Vegas’ neck, and Vegas never protested the rough treatment. He was really enjoying being thrown around like a ragdoll.
Pete pushed him toward the bike. “Drive, I’ll ride, and you’re going to take us to a nice hotel where no one knows who you are.”
Vegas grinned in delight and climbed onto the bike. Pete got behind him and put his arms around Vegas’ waist tightly.
“Better hurry. I’m starting to grow impatient.”
Vegas let out a shaky breath, and then they were speeding off.
The hotel was nice, but Pete had no issue letting Vegas put down his credit card. That staff didn’t even blink at Pete’s possessive grip on Vegas.
Pete took both keys from them and steered Vegas toward the elevator. Vegas tried not to squirm too much as he was walked over.
“In,” Pete ordered him.
Vegas complied, entering the hotel room. He thought of skimming Pete’s thoughts again just to get a glimpse of what the man had in store for him, but then he thought better of it. He wanted this to be a surprise, and he didn’t want to actually upset Pete. At least not when they were about to be naked together.
“Clothes off. Let’s see all of those things you’ve spent the last few weeks taunting me with. Maybe if you behave well enough, I’ll even let you top me. But I bet a slut like you likes getting fucked even more than to top.”
Vegas stripped out of his clothes quickly. He was way too turned on to try to turn it into a show. Pete inspected him with a careful eye, and Vegas bit back a whimper.
“Very nice. I can see why all of Kinn’s twink hookers thought you were worth risking their lives. I’m not them. You can’t skim my thoughts and get away with it. Speaking of which, tonight, if I catch you having a peak, I’m going to get up and leave you here, no matter what condition you’re in. Do you understand me?”
“Yes,” Vegas breathed out. “I understand.”
“I’m glad, on the bed, on your back, legs apart. I want you to hold still, but feel free to be loud if you want to.”
Vegas did as he was told. He laid down and spread his legs. Pete settled between them and looked down at Vegas. He inspected him for a moment and then bent over, placing his mouth on the body part that had been torturing him for weeks. Vegas moaned at the feeling of Pete’s teeth scraping against his right nipple but stayed still. Pete’s hand tweaked the left, and Vegas took several deep, shaky breaths in a row. Pete pulled back from him.
“Whore,” he muttered.
Pete was in no mood for a long, drawn-out prep, and he also wasn’t in the mood to be fingered. He had heard stories from a few of the prostitutes at Vegas’ best skill. Pete was determined to feel it in action. He adjusted his position on the bed so his ass was right in front of Vegas’ face.
“Go on then, show me your favorite skill. I’ve heard stories. If you do a good enough job, you’ll get to fuck me. If you don’t, well then, I guess you’re in for a long, lonely night.”
Vegas ate ass like he was in the ass-eating Olympics and determined to get gold. Pete could understand why all those men would throw away Kinn when they had Vegas doing this to them each night.
“Oh, you can be a good boy, can’t you? You can do as you’re told and please your partner, not just tease.”
Vegas moaned against Pete’s hole. Pete wanted to continue this treatment, but he was impatient for the next step. It had been a long, frustrating few weeks with Vegas constantly tormenting and turning him on. It was time to get what he was owed from the tease.
Pete pulled back, ignoring Vegas’ whines. He leaned over the bed and, retrieved the bag he had placed there earlier and removed a condom and a small packet of travel lube. Then he turned around so he was facing Vegas.
Vegas was looking at him up through his eyelashes, and Pete couldn’t resist. He slapped him across the face, delighting in the bloom of bruise on Vegas’ cheek.
“Pete,” he whined softly.
“I know, baby. Let me get you ready.” Pete rolled the condom onto Vegas, watching as he fought to keep still. Then he slicked him up with the lube. He didn’t care for any more prep and straddled Vegas’ hips.
“You want it?”
Vegas bit his lip and nodded.
“No, use your words Vegas. Tell me what you want.”
“Want to fuck you.”
Pete leaned over, feeling mean. “Yeah, that’s what you want?”
“Please, Pete, yes.”
“Alright then,” and Pete sunk down on his cock. Vegas threw his head back and moaned loudly. Pete moved until Vegas was all the way inside of him and then stopped. They were both panting, and Pete was reveling in the stretch and burn.
“I should’ve done this to you years ago. I should’ve bent you over a meeting table and fucked you. Had you fuck me. Put you into every imaginable position until we were so tangled in each other it could never come undone.”
Pete started to rock gently, and Vegas’ hands clenched in the bedsheets, not sure what he could do with them. Pete picked one of them up and guided it to his back.
“You can touch.”
Given permission, Vegas’ hands roamed all over his body. His front, his back, up and down his side, cataloging everything he found there. Pete found his rhythm and started riding Vegas. He was right about the big cock filling him up so well.
“Oh, you’re good. You feel so good inside me. I should keep you. Just not let you go back. Keep you tucked away in a house somewhere like you do with all of Kinn’s throwaways.”
Vegas’ hands dug in, and Pete tossed back his head, moaning in delight at the pleasure-pain contrast. He delighted in it.
Pete could feel his orgasm starting to rise, but he didn’t want to come before being filled up. That was his favorite part.
Vegas looked up at him.
“Will you come for me, sweet boy?”
Vegas whined, long and high, and Pete felt the warmth inside of him. He continued to ride Vegas, not letting him get away from the overstimulation.
Pete could tell that he wasn’t going to get there from just the fucking, so he guided one of Vegas’ hands to his cock. Vegas took the initiative and started stroking him. His other hand came up to play with Pete’s balls, which were hanging low and heavy.
“That’s it, baby. There you go, darling. Just like that.”
It was enough to get him over that edge, and when he clamped down during his orgasm, Vegas let out the most pathetic whimper Pete had ever heard in his entire life. Pete cooed condescendingly at him. He was starting to become oversensitive, so Pete gently lifted himself off Vegas and rolled over. He heard Vegas deal with the condom while he fetched a towel from the bathroom.
Pete cleaned both of them and then lay down on the bed.
“Come here, right now.”
Vegas blinked, looking a little vulnerable and then scooted closer. Pete placed a possessive arm around his waist and kissed his cheek.
“If you’re gone in the morning, I’m going to hunt you down. Do you believe me? You can peek if you don’t.”
Vegas looked up at him and leaned over for their first kiss. Pete met him and kissed him soundly.
“Yeah, I understand.”
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absolutebl · 1 year
Hi P’ABL! I was watching Be Mine Superstar, and heard that when Title confessed, he said something like “leuy rak nai?”
I kinda thought that luey was “at all,” or “totally” and I’m not sure about nai. What’s up with that? Is it another honorific?
are you sue it wasn't rao?
Rao, the we pronoun, can be used as the I pronoun by certain characters in certain circumstances.
It can often sound like an l instead of an r so sounds like:
Pete uses it in Love By Chance as the first person pronoun often, so that should tell you the personality type most often associated with it.
Sorry but I'm not rewatching Be Mine Superstar to check for you.
Rao would be unusual paired with nai, but not unheard of.
Nai is a formal and slightly old fashioned you pronoun for men with other men (equal, superior, or workplace formal). It's used in the business and gangster sphere, so we hear it in office BLs and crime ones (KinnPorsche, Unforgotten Night). Currently Est's character (On the bodyguard) is using it in Naughty Babe with Yi. You'll hear him say "Kap, Nai" = the Thai version of Yessir.
Oddly (for those new to Thai) nai is usually paired with chan as the first person. Yes, spoken by a man. Although I think Est is using pom, because his character is younger than Yi.
Nai, like pom, is one of the few fully gendered pronouns. Only males can use it, and only on other males. It comes from the time of noble families, and was far more common on TV before the Thai censors relaxed their stance on guu/mueng in the 70s.
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