#sorry but WHAT. W H A T
vero-niche · 10 months
started watching kekkai sensen and im just kicking off with ep2 when some character stats come up with the usual abilities and such:
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and here comes legato whitesummers' too
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ok coo- wait. computer enhance
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
the way i keep watching the kiss and the hands over and over and over again absolutely unable to fathom it and so im just left looking at my computer screen like ⚫️👄⚫️
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stevethehairington · 5 months
not to be completely horny on main or anything buuuuuut i went to my local usl men's soccer team game tonight and there is this one player who's shorts are like. AT LEAST one to two sizes too small so like they are very tight and very short, and his thighs are INCREDIBLE, like hot damn soccer player legs man. BUT tonight it was RAINY and WET so all the players were slippin and slidin across that turf even more than usual and naturally this made the guy's shorts ride up even more fjksksld so they fully looked like volleyball spandex. aLSO they were the home team so they were wearing their WHITE uniforms in the RAIN and HOBOY. let 👏 me 👏 just 👏 tell 👏 you 👏 i suuuuuure enjoyed the show 🥵🤪🥴
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
suddenly remembered this thing from an old interview soooo
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Q: You mentioned that the characters, Suzumi Hiyori and both Someya Yujiro and Shibasaki Aizo of LIPxLIP, were created at the same time, but how did they come to be?
Yamako: Yujiro and Hiyori made their first appearance at the end of the MV for “Koiiro ni Sake” to indicate that a new generation was about to begin as the first generation of characters from the CEC graduated from high school. At that time, I didn’t have a specific vision for their future, but it gradually took shape as I thought up Aizo’s character visuals afterwards. I think LIPxLIP became idols because shito said that he wanted to create idol characters in the series.
shito: Yes, that’s indeed the case (laughs). Up till then, we had only written love songs for the CEC, but even before that, I had wanted to write idol songs. So, since we’re able to create our own characters and have them move around as we wish through our songs as HoneyWorks, I proposed the idea of creating a two-man idol unit. Around the same time, we also created Hiyori, a girl who could bring out the two-faced nature of the idols, since a completely ordinary girl like her would be able to bring out both their natural personalities and their bad-tempered natures (laughs). So I get the feeling that Hiyori naturally came about as we were creating LIPxLIP.
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owlyflufff · 1 year
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Japanese: “Ore no Bokuto-san...”
English: “My Bokuto-san is the best.” 
My Bokuto-san
My Bokuto-san 
Akaashi’s Bokuto-san
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voidtoufu · 11 months
this emotionally reaped arpart psychopathic marshmellow is new to tumblr and struggling
how do things work here?
do I get to bitch and moan about how I ain't got any skills I want cus we've been too busy keeping ourselves outside of a psychward or is it just about being gay and liking bugs
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lastwave · 2 years
the amount of self restraint (or self hatred) harry has for not immediately punching jean when he says he didn't help harry out during a politically charged shoot out where harry had severe amnesia because he (jean) has depression is astounding . i wouldve actually lost my shit i think.
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catboygretzky · 1 year
no, i wasn't joking. he's not just some fictional character or sex toy you can just play with. he's a real person and i don't think he'd appreciate you talking about him like this. you're no better than a hentai watching incel that owns 10 sex dolls and has named them all after women that wouldn't fuck him.
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torao-chan · 9 months
g... google... google docs....
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google docs......... what?!
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diagonal-queen · 7 months
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maxthesillyy · 1 year
people who hate chloe piss me off so much. and its mainly because the only reason they hate her is because they won’t even TRY and understand her in the slightest.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 months
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nghy for today’s mv announcement plsplsplsplspls—
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mrcspectr · 2 years
Q: What do you call a turkey’s evil twin?
A: a Gobblegänger.
happy thanksgiving <3
...alright, c'mon, it's time to go.
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peapod20001 · 11 months
I’m sorry I fucking refuse to accept that August’s boyfriends have been around for TWO YEARS
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morepopcornplease · 1 year
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wait.....do yall literally just tip people for shitposting on this site???
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septembersghost · 1 year
It's so funny that when tayjoe were together swifties(not you sweetie😘😘) were literally sh*tting on harry and made fun of him for writing 'I love you'(which was sweet af) and looking sad at bbmas. And when tayjoe broke up they were calling him YB(🤢)and making poor man jokes. Yet after m*** h**** happened they are literally begging for both of them lol. And the amount of people I have seen who are predicting a haylor reunion is insane. I always thought no one took their relationship as anything beyond a fling yet even people in reddit(biggest anti haylors and the ones who hate harry ) knows about the 2014 phase and thinks they would give it a shot. I am not overly invested as in I'll be happy if they date but I will support any relationship they have(as long as it's not matt Healy). But I definitely didn't know people thought of haylor as anything beyond pr and I am shocked in the best way possible.
is now an appropriate time to say how horrendously some fans treated joe for actual years over nothing? calling him a nepo boyfriend (what does that even mean), calling him poor/jobless/boring, accusing him of all sorts of baseless things (the DV hand signal, for example), anons on here harassing blogs by saying she didn't care about him and he was a joke, i've never seen someone treated so badly for quietly minding his business and trying to stay in his lane. idk how tuned in he ever was to any of that noise, and i hope not at all, but that alone would become unbearable for a lot of people after awhile. and like i said before, we have no idea what happened between them and it's not our place to know (unless she decides to tell us), but there's no concrete reason to believe he betrayed her in some massive way right now. people grow apart. the dissolution of a six+ year relationship is going to leave hurt and scars and wreckage even if it WAS somewhat amicable, because you're losing a whole life you've built together, and whatever plans you might have had for the future. so of course she's hurting, i'm sure he is too, but i'm just not ready yet to skewer him and put him on the list with JM, JG, and CH as this terrible partner when all we knew was him being a good and decent and kind one for years (from more commentary than just taylor's). the tweets begging for joe to fight for her and to come back are funny, but also very sad - it's like the epitome of you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. (i also don't think ANY of us were prepared for this massive of a shift in one month's time. during tour. with a re-recording coming soon. it's a lot to process.)
then with harry, i've never understood making fun of what he wrote if you're a fan of what she writes, because they're both drawing on confessional personal experiences? where is the logic? he's the only instance where we've gotten the other side of the conversation! i think the (totally idiotic) pr accusation started to really die down several years ago as more and more people got into the truth of their relationship and when he repeatedly praised her songwriting (the only people who accuse them of that now are detached from reality akljsdkljf). but yeah it's quite the mood switch to see the subreddits bringing him up in a positive way and acknowledging that he's a sweet and talented guy after ripping him to shreds for no reason last year. :/ although that's what he deserves to have said!
i've also never seen swifties and even people who don't like her so united in an opinion as they are in collectively being in shambles over this development. 😭 and as i said before, there's a difference between a bad boy edgy persona and actively causing harm with bigoted words/actions - you can only use racism as "satire" so many times before it stops being a joke, or make sexist comments and follow someone like andr*w t*te without being legitimately misogynistic. i just. *head in hands* someone on the sub said, "people keep saying 'let her live her life' - and i absolutely am, but i don't have to be comfortable with the way she's doing it when it involves racist boys, and i don't have to support it," and someone else said, "being hurt can make you do crazy things, and she is only a human just like all of us," and i honestly feel there's room for both thoughts here. we can understand it wholly and let her live, and that doesn't mean we have to support it ourselves.
meanwhile let us just keep manifesting haylor friends era. anything feels possible at this point!
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