#sorry dave but you gave yourself away
piovascosimo · 1 year
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thank you dave for ~not~ conforming blur at primavera in lat am!
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notsopersonalcharlie · 2 months
Work Divorce
Aaron Hotchner x BAU!reader angst/fluff
Summary: Aaron and you come to a realization when you get into a fight about a case.
Warnings: Cannon typical descriptions of violence, alcohol, mentions of divorce, aaron being cuddly, no use of Y/N
Notes: I thought of this (and wrote it) at the airport so sorry for mistakes! Read more of my hotch stuff here and the angsty interlude to this here Gif isn't mine
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“Absolutely not. You are not going out there.” Hotch’s mouth was a straight line, and his features read anger to anyone but you. It was his eyes that gave him away. Pure panic and fear.
“Hotch, I built a rapport with him over the phone. I can-“ You tried.
“That’s final.” The whole room was tense, the police officers who didn’t understand the implications and your team, who felt like they were watching their parents get into an argument.
“You have to let me do my job.” It hung in the air, and Hotch didn’t respond.
The tension followed the team onto the plane. The case had ended badly. Yes, the team had managed to rescue four of the five hostages, but not all of them and the unsub was dead. And it had become abundantly clear that Hotch had made the wrong choice. You could have saved them all.
You were kneeling on the dirt floor of the cave the unsub had dug, holding cloth to a bleeding hostage. The other four had been able to walk out on their own and you were waiting with her for the paramedics who had to make their way through the forest. She was crying, tears leaking down the sides of face and dragging clean lines in the dirt and blood that had been caked there.
“He wanted to talk to you. I could hear your voice. I cou-“ she hiccuped, “Why didn’t you come?”
Your lip trembled and you swallowed trying not to think of the memory as you curled yourself into a seat beside Derek, using him as a barrier against Aaron. He had sat down in his usual seat, the one beside it occupied by JJ who usually sat where you were now.
“You did what you could, kid,” Dave said, patting your shoulder on his way past you.
You tried to sleep on the flight, closing your eyes and staring at the back of your eyelids. You had no idea how much time had passed since the plane took off, but you heard an exchange beside you and Derek moved, replaced with the familiar warmth you knew as your husband.
“I don’t want to talk right now,” you responded, eyes still closed. The scene of her body being carried out of the hole, limp hand sliding out of yours, was replaying on a loop. Aaron’s hand rested lightly on your calf where you’d pulled it up to make yourself smaller. It was his form of an ‘I’m sorry’.
Derek and Emily were whispering over the dividers between their desks when Spencer got in. He tossed his satchel in its usual spot and leaned over.
“What’s going on?”
“Their stuff is gone from their desk. Hotch got here alone,” Emily hissed, nodding to where you usually sat. All of your trinkets, colorful pens, and most importantly your wedding photo were gone. It had been a week since the last case, and the last time the team had seen the two of you together was the day after you got off the jet. You had gone into Hotch’s office, door closed, and from the expressions visible through the noise proof window, it looked like you were yelling at him.
You had left, stormed off was more like it, and not been back over the week. And now this on a monday morning. Hotch was visible through the window, frown prominent as he read over a case file. All three younger agents averted their eyes when he looked out, but Spencer managed to scan over the expression when Hotch looked at your empty desk. Melancholy was the best way he could name it.
Another week and another case passed without a single mention of you. Hotch had never been one to wear a wedding ring, not after his first divorce, so there was no indication there. Still Hotch’s expression flickered to sad when he looked anywhere you usually were, beside him on the jet, in the bullpen, at the round table, and even in moments when the team was used to your quips against him.
“Whatcha got, babygirl?”
“Is everyone there?” Garcia asked, uncharacteristic of her. All ears turned in that direction.
“Everyone but Hotch and Rossi.”
“Good. They are still married! Legally at least. Hotch put in the transfer papers two days after the fight for them to move to the counterterrorism team.”
“Three whole floors?” JJ joked.
“This isn’t a laughing matter, Jennifer!” Penelope’s voice shrilled, “This could be serious! The fight was real!”
“Baby girl, let’s not get all sorts of spin up.”
“They drive to work separately!” Reid cut in. All eyes turned to him.
“Wednesday and Thursday I saw both their cars in the garage on my way in.”
“And you kept it to yourself?” Emily complained. The door to the conference room, turned BAU office opened admitting the other two members of the team.
“Thanks for the heads up, baby girl. We gotta go.” Morgan ended the call before she could give them away.
“What was that about?” Rossi asked, taking one of the seats.
“Just warning us about weather patterns,” Emily said at the same time as Morgan said, “She was telling us about another case to keep an eye on.” The two agents glared at one another.
“Smooth,” Rossi joked, “Can we get back to work now?“
The case didn’t end up being too horrible or difficult. They made it out without another killing and the unsub was caught without a firefight.
Emily picked up her phone, the ringtone distinctly Garcia.
“Hey, we’re almost-“
“Stall! I don’t want to see them fight!” Emily’s eyebrows knit and she frowned. JJ gave her a questioning look.
“The Hotchners! Just stall!” The call ended. Emily looked at the team, who were slowly getting out of the SUV, a few protesting groans since they all had to run through the streets of Cincinnati a little bit longer than they would have preferred. She huffed to herself and quickly unclipped an earring, dropping it between the seats.
“Shit!” The whole team turned to look.
“I dropped my earring.” Hotch looked exasperated, but he turned the car back on so they could turn the lights on and climbed in the back with Emily to hunt it down.
Upstairs the other SUV of the team was standing in the hallway talking to you.
"How was the case?" You were carrying a few things from Hotch's office, the blanket from the back of the couch and one of the photos of you and Jack that sat on his desk. Spencer was documenting the items in your hands and cataloguing them, JJ could tell based on how is eyes scanned over the items twice.
"Not bad. We were just talking about celebrating." You gave a tight smile and your eyes flickered to the elevator coming up from the garage.
"I'll talk to Hotch. I gotta go." You rushed for the stairs, the door closing just before the elevator doors opened to reveal the rest of the team.
"They seem like sturdy earrings," Morgan sighed, "but whatever." JJ and Spencer were staring at Hotch openly before Emily coughed.
"What?" Hotch asked, looking down at his suit.
"Nothing. We were just talking about celebrating today. We haven't all hung out for a while. Rossi, can you host?" The older agent rolled his eyes.
"You know you could at least ask me before asking in front of the whole team," he griped, "But yes. I can host. Make yourselves scarce. Drink some water. See you at seven." The agents scattered to their desks, but once Hotch and Rossi were in their offices, they stood with their heads together, occasionally glancing up at Hotch's office to see if he noticed the missing items.
Aaron walked into his office and immediately noticed the lack of blanket on the couch. Additionally a spot in the dust on his shelf and an absent little plastic dinosaur that sat next to the Captain America figurine on his desk gave away your recent presence. He narrowed his eyes, scanning the rest of the room before deciding everything else was in place. With a sigh, Aaron tossed his go bag by the door and removed some files from his briefcase before picking both bags up and heading for the door.
The agents in the bullpen were whispering and Aaron rolled his eyes at them. They were terrible profilers sometimes.
"See you soon," he called, hiding his smile when they all jumped apart.
"It must have been so bad! For them to be avoiding each other! And stealing stuff out of Hotch's office? That's crazy!" Emily hissed.
"We'll find out tonight." They knew you would never miss an evening at Rossi's. You two were always there first and left later than everyone else.
The younger agents nodded in agreement and dispersed, a continuous drone of concerned texts in their chat as they got dressed for the evening and stopped for snacks, wine, and beer.
Spencer, who was chronically punctual arrived first, the driveway conspicuously empty. He jabbed a message into the chat 'no one's here yet'. The responses of shock were followed by 'go inside and ask dave about it!' from Emily.
The front door was always unlocked when he knew they were over, given Dave's chronic laziness and the access to a firearm in basically every room in his massive house.
"Rossi! It's Spencer, don't kill me."
"We're in the kitchen," came Hotch's voice. Spencer peaked in and failed to hide his shock. You were sitting across Aaron's lap, red in the cheeks from alcohol. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and you were in a full body laugh. Aaron was laughing too, his headshaking, eyerolling one when you said something particularly silly. Dave was leaning on the other side of the counter, the grin on his face prominent.
"I can't believe you would betray me like that," Aaron chuckled, "It's my stuff."
"Nuh uh! We're married! It's my stuff too." Aaron's arms squeezed tighter around your middle, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You could feel his smile when he kissed you again and you felt like a teenager blushing. Dave pointed past you to the doorway.
"Don't you dare start texting, boy genius. Let the kids find out on their own." You and Aaron both turned to see Spencer put his hands up, phone slipped back into his sweater pocket.
"Take a seat, Doctor Reid. Have a drink," you joked. Dave poured him a glass of wine.
"So you just switched teams?" You looked at Aaron, who shrugged a little bit. No use lying.
"Kind of. We both realized there was no world in which Aaron could be impartial, no matter how hard either of us tried. And I got promoted." Watching Spencer's gears turn was always fun. You could almost see the puzzle pieces fall into place as they did in a split second.
"You're the new supervisor in the CT unit! That's why you stole your stuff from his office. They were for yours." You nodded.
"Precisely. And it's not stealing! It's mine!"
"It is absolutely stealing, you're a menace."
"Your menace," you corrected, booping him on the nose before reaching for your wine.
"We're here!" Penelope's voice echoed through the house, followed by the cacophony of Emily and Derek arguing. It was about you.
"Just come in here!" You complained. There was a thunder of footsteps running through the front hallway and the three other agents cartoonishly paused in the doorway staring.
"You know people are allowed to get new jobs right?" Aaron asked. He wasn't usually the joker in the group, but sometimes with just the right amount of alcohol his dry humor took over.
"Thank god! I thought I was going to have to start planning two parties!" Penelope gushed, running over to hug you. You laughed, sliding out of Aaron's lap. He was reluctant to let you go. He had been every time you were together, now that you didn't see each other constantly he missed you being beside him.
"Anyway, if we ever separated I would get the team," you stage whispered. Aaron pinched your thigh.
"Absolutely no you wouldn't."
"We will have to write up a contract for your work divorce," Spencer laughed.
"That's not fair! He used to be a lawyer," you whined. Aaron pulled you back into his arms, resting his chin on your shoulder where you stood in front of his stool.
"187 over here can help you." You bickered and laughed and explained yourself to the team once JJ and Will arrived.
"I can't believe you thought we broke up," you sighed once dinner was over and all of you had settled in the backyard under the summer stars.
"I can't either," Dave laughed, "They have no idea how much more of a mess you two would be."
"Hey!" Both of you interjected. The team laughed as you both looked at each other. Aaron pulled you ever closer, nuzzling his nose to your cheek. He was properly drunk now, which is why you both decided ubering over was a better idea so you didn't have to worry about a car.
"He's right," he muttered, his letters slurring together. You chuckled, wrapping your arms over his shoulder and squishing him to your chest.
"I know. I would be too."
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home away from home
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a/n: my first emily fic y’alllll 😫😫😫 i love her so bad i just had to write for her she is sooo foine. tysm anon for giving me the chance 🤸
pairing: unit chief!emily prentiss x f!reader
warnings: mention of gore, murder, blood, sensitive imagery & topics. smut!!, cursing, getting caught
“wheels up in 30.”
as much as you loved your job, you hated being away for extended periods of time. you hated airplanes and you hated the long travel, it stressed you out. your home— your house, specifically, was your safe place. you hated leaving it for too long.
your family was also back home. with the job came a lot of paranoia that something would happen to your family. you’d seen it happen with your co-workers, you were sure you weren’t an exception.
you grabbed your go-bag from under your desk, sighing and slinging it over your shoulder. you didn’t look pleased at all.
you were about to walk towards the doors when you were stopped by emily. you had been seeing the woman for a while now, you didn’t have an established relationship as you both were incredibly busy and valued separating personal life and work life. but you would be lying if you said you didn’t care for her.
“hey, what’s wrong?” she asked, her brows furrowed as she placed a hand on your shoulder.
“nothing, i just hate being away from home so much.” you rubbed your forehead with your pointer finger and thumb.
“i know… but we all go on break soon. it’s just a little bit more.” she frowned. “i’m sorry, i know you get worried about your family.”
“it’s okay, it comes with the job. it’s what i signed myself up for.”
she pulled you closer, you almost folded into her warmth but you realised you had others around you.
“it doesn’t make it any better.”
“you’re right… it doesn’t.”
you sat next to emily on the plane. you usually kept yourselves distant as you usually sat with spencer and derek, goofing about like you all usually did.
today was different, you needed to be around her. she gave you a comfort that nobody else was capable of. you tried not to let your feelings take you so harshly but in this case, it was all feelings.
spencer eventually set up a game of chess, gesturing to you across the plane. you nodded and stood up, needing to take your mind off things. emily watched you as you made your way to spencer.
you were no match for him during the game. you were only really at your learning stage, but he was impressed with you nonetheless. you always did your best with the resources provided, and that was what he valued the most.
“you’re not a good opponent. we’re at completely different skill sets.” you rolled your eyes in defeat.
“well if you never play against someone with a higher knowledge of these things, you’ll never improve.” he said, leaning back in his chair.
“i suppose you make a fair point.” you huffed.
you got the announcement to prepare for landing and made your way back over to emily. she was on her phone, looking through the digitized version of the case file.
you sat down next to her and buckled up your seatbelt. you looked around the room, when you saw that everyone was focused on something else, you reached for emily’s hand. she intertwined your fingers and you squeezed her hand as the plane landed.
you hated planes.
the team made their way to the precinct, you were assigned with dave and derek to investigate the crime scene.
you felt yourself hesitate, holding back like you would be sick to your stomach upon seeing the crime scene.
“an entire family dead. they were all facing each other, tied up to chairs.” penelope said, flicking through the picture. you felt your head spin, cases that involved families made you feel the ultimate amount of discomfort.
you shook the thoughts in your head away, walking into the household behind dave. the bodies were moved but the chairs were still there. you walked around the scene, seeing the symbols and words written in the family’s blood.
you felt absolutely sick, like you might throw up. you let dave & derek take the lead on examining the scene, only chiming in every now and then.
you stayed to the side as they took pictures. david walked over to you.
“what’s on your mind, kid?” he asked you. you always allowed yourself to be honest with david.
“it’s just horrible… two of them were so young.” you whispered. “it’s disgusting that someone could just do this to them.”
“it is… is it hitting close to home?” he was too good at reading you.
“a little bit. i just worry about my family.” you shrugged.
“that’s fair enough. you’ve been working a lot of hours too, i’m sure you miss them.” david nodded. “you’ll have to see them when you’re back.”
“that’s the plan.”
you all met back at the hotel for the night. you gathered in dave’s room to share information before retreating to your rooms.
you and emily were paired together. this was a normal occurrence nowadays, you knew emily was riggging the rooms so you two would be together. the thought made you smile— the first one you’ve cracked all day.
she slid the card into the door that allowed you to enter your bedroom.
the entire team had rooms with two beds, including the two of you, but you usually ended up sharing the bed anyways.
you chucked your bag onto one of the beds, plopping down onto the other one. you groaned softly and didn’t even take your clothes off and just tucked right in.
“you tired?” emily asked, tilting her head and joining you on the bed.
“not really, just mentally drained.” you clarified, opening the blanket to let her in.
“i’m sorry. anything i can do to help?” she asked, slipping in beside you and immediately wrapping her arms around your waist. her hand slipped underneath your shirt, drawing lazy circles on your back.
“you could… keep doing that.” you said, another smile forming on your lips.
“oh really?” she chuckled. “does someone need some extra affection after today?”
“mmhm.” you nodded, placing your head on her chest but looking up at her. you gave her your famous puppy dog eyes. “i’ll take anything you give me.”
the woman rolled her eyes at you, “okay, now you’re just pushing it.”
“maybe i wanna push it.”
“hmm… you’re testing me now.” she turned to look down at you.
you stared at her for a second. you had a mischievous grin on your face and connected your lips for a kiss. you lifted yourself up a bit and moved so that your body rested on top of hers. you had your hands on her cheeks while hers were on the back of your thighs.
you sat up, your legs at her sides. you started unbuttoning your shirt, pushing it off your shoulders. emily sat up to unclasp your bra, kissing your chest. you ran your hand through her gray hair, you loved the color.
you let out a few fluttering sighs while she left open-mouthed kisses on you, she was definitely going to leave a few marks.
“em…” you shifted a bit, starting to feel yourself drench the fabric of your panties.
“mmhm?” she asked, muffled.
“i need you.” you sighed out.
she flipped you both over, causing you to yelp softly as your back hit the bed. in one swift motion, she was on top of you.
you placed your hands on her shoulders, wriggling under her and pulling her in for another kiss.
she pushed her own blazer off. you loved how she looked in her business attire. you could dress as casually as you wanted— with exceptions of formal meetings, but with emily being the unit chief, she was always in something that screamed authority. you found it incredibly attractive.
her hand slipped under the waistband of your pants. she found your wet core and smiled at you, you knew she was about to make fun of you.
“i haven’t even done anything.” she mocked you, grinning.
“shut it, will you?”
“you talk to your chief like that?”
“no, i talk to emily like that.” you huffed, rolling your eyes at her.
“well— i’m not so sure emily likes that either.” she made a tsking noise with her tongue clicking. she applied some pressure against your cunt with her fingers. you hissed at the sudden contact. you started throbbing against her, and she felt it.
“well maybe if emily fucked me, she wouldn’t have to deal with the back talk.” you said, pulling away and crossing your arms.
“as you wish then.” she said, pushing your panties aside and slipping a finger into you. you gasped, your hands going straight to the back of her neck.
you let out soft moans as her finger moved in and out of you. none of your clothes were even off but you just needed her too much. her hand moved against the fabric of your pants, being pushed back into you by the resistance. you started to build up a sweat as you both were still clothed and under the blanket.
“keep going, em.” you whimpered out, your bottom lip between your teeth.
“oh fuck, yeah… yeah, keep going!” you cried out.
“hey guys, i have the key to your room—“ spencer said, walking into your room without warning.
“oh fuck!” you said softly, pushing emily off you and trying to pull the blanket over your bottom half. you grabbed your phone and tried to play it off like you were showing emily a video on your phone.
she fell into position, looking over at spencer with a glare.
“you could have knocked?!” emily said, a mild rage in her voice.
“well i didn’t have anything to worry about. it’s not like you two are hooking up.” oblivious boy.
“we could be!” you protested, teasing emily at that point.
“you? and emily? sure…” he said, rolling his eyes and tossing the key card on the table.
“which one didn’t you guys use?” he asked, pointing between the two others.
“the one on the left.” you said. he picked it up and made his way out.
you both let out a breath that you didn’t realise you were holding.
“christ…” you mumbled, pushing the blanket off and forcing your pants off.
“now where were we?”
a/n: part of me lowkey wants to make a part two where they get discovered or sumnnnn
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albertdabuttler · 1 year
Masked Adversary | D.L.
Pt. II
this fics masterlist
fandom: Kick-Ass
pairings: Dave Lizewski/Kick-Ass x F!Reader
WARNINGS: language! patching up an open wound, mentions of blood, wound descriptions, fluff OOOO, also angst because he knows you don’t like HIM, kinda proofread but idk..
summary: You and Dave have lost a childhood friendship. The circumstances have made you grow to despise one another, until Kick-Ass has no one else to turn to but you, causing him to develop a small crush. The only problem being that you don't know it's him.
WC: 3.1K
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gif not mine!!!
A/N: Low key insane this is the first fic I write that isn’t smut ☠️ also sorry for posting this a day late mb…
“Dammit,” You spoke as you quickly lifted your water bottle up from your desk. It had spilled all over your research papers and ruined some of the fresh ink.
You had already spent a little over an hour trying to get your information together and you needed a break. Grabbing your headphones, you made your way to the little sofa you had sitting by your window and took out a comic.
It was rare, but it didn’t take long for you to get bored, you had read this specific issue many times. The music made it that much more boring and you were getting restless. Cracking your window open just a bit, you heard the soft chirps of the birds and crickets outside, feeling some of the cool breeze enter into your room. The sun was set and there was still some twilight left over the New York skyline. You lived a few blocks from Dave, getting a decent view of the city although it was blocked by a tree near your window.
Soon after you had opened your window, you felt yourself getting drowsy, that breeze and the sounds of the night settling in almost made you doze off.
The state you were in wasn’t fully conscious, but you weren’t quite asleep either. You heard a faint sound outside your window, like some big bird just fell onto your roof. You tried to ignore it and relax, but soon you began hearing faint taps at your window.
How odd.
Your eyes slowly opened, allowing your pupils to adjust to the soft fluorescent light.
“Please,” You heard someone whisper, in that moment your eyes shot open and you jumped out of your chair, turning to your window.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” You almost yelled, keeping it quiet enough not to alarm your parents. Kick-Ass.
“You said I could—“ he groaned quietly, wincing.
“You said I could stop by if I needed something,” he sighed.
“What?” You questioned, confused at first until you noticed one of his gloves covered in blood, clutching his side.
“Please, you said…” He paused to take a breath, “Your mom’s a nurse, right? I—I can’t go to the cops or the hospital.”
“Well—I mean yeah, she’s a nurse, but… If she helps you she’s gonna end up telling someone.”
He only stood there and waited.
“I can patch you up myself,” You swiftly moved forward to open the window, allowing the boy into your room.
“Agh, fuck—” He groaned, you helped him walk over to your bed.
“Hold on,”
Setting a towel on your bed, you motioned for him to sit down, grabbing his batons from his back and setting them to the side. You ran to your closet to grab a cloth or anything similar.
“Here, put this on there with pressure, okay? I’ll be right back.” You gave him an old shirt and left your room to find a med kit your mom had somewhere downstairs.
He noticed the shirt you gave him and smiled softly. It was an old shirt you had matched with him, well, Dave, in middle school. It was really oversized when you got it, so it still fit. He was surprised you hadn’t thrown it away. It was a Robin shirt, himself owning the Batman one. He remembered how much you loved Robin.
Kick-Ass sighed as he waited for you, holding the shirt to his wound with as much pressure as he could to stop the bleeding.
“Okay,” you spoke out of breath, closing your door and locking it.
“Um…” You looked at him awkwardly, and he waited for you to continue. Clearly in pain.
“I’m gonna need you to take your suit off.” You informed, it was only necessary.
“Okay…” he hesitated, “I can’t really take the suit off...by myself,” he breathed. You could tell that speaking was quite the chore.
You moved towards him, helping him take his gloves off one at a time as either of his hands held the cloth to his wound. Sitting behind him, you unzipped his suit, pushing it off each one of his shoulders.
His back was very well defined and it took everything in you not to graze your fingers along his muscles. He felt this, trying to hold in a smile.
“You’re gonna have to let go for a second, okay?” You warned him. Kick-Ass let go of the cloth on his cut, clenching his teeth as you pulled his suit down to his hips. The blood caused it to stick to the wound, it seemed to burn as you peeled it off.
“Shit,” He sighed in pain, taking a deep breath as you soaked a small towel in a little bowl of soap water. He frowned as you brought it up to the gash on his side.
“This is really gonna sting, so you should use something to bite on.” You handed him the cleaner glove and as soon as he bit down onto it, you began dabbing the cloth onto his injury.
He let out a significantly loud groan through the glove and tears welled up in his eyes, his breathing quickened due to the sharp, stinging pain of the soap seeping into his wound. He was seeing stars.
“Okay, we’re done.” You spoke, turning back to the med kit to take out a gauze pad. “This cut is too big to heal on its own, I’m gonna have to stitch it up…” You looked at him to make sure he was okay with it. He only nodded. You continued to dab at his skin to remove all the blood around the slash to see it clearly. It was a cut right above the chiseled area of his iliac furrow, a few inches to the left of an already healed scar that seemed to appear like another stab wound.
“You okay?” You asked him, just to make sure. He nodded once more, removing the glove from his mouth and smiling weakly as you grabbed a needle and suture. You noticed he had a pretty nasty cut on his lip, and his eye was starting to bruise.
“This one’s gonna hurt even more, right?” He joked.
“Yeah,” you chuckled. “Are you ready?”
Kick-Ass clenched his jaw, locking eyes with you for a moment, “Yeah,” he grunted, keeping his eyes glued to yours.
You pierced through his skin and his back straightened. Choking out an agony-filled moan, he threw his head back, his hand flying to cover his mouth. Your eyes widened looking up at him.
“If my parents hear you, it’s over.” You whispered and he nodded, chewing on his lip.
Continuing the process of piecing him together, he kept whining about how much it stung even with his fucked up nerve endings.
“Of course it’s gonna hurt, dipshit! How the fuck did this happen to you anyway?” You questioned.
“Oh y’know, some muggers with a knife. Guess they were serious about taking that lady’s bag.” He chuckled.
As you drove the needle through him one last time, he inhaled a sharp breath, gripping into your sheets for his life.
It was quiet for the moment in which you cleaned up, putting everything away and leaving out some bandages to put on him.
You could feel his gaze on you, but goodness, were you scared to look him in the eyes. You knew that if you looked, you’d wanna lean in and kiss him.
“Thank you,” He said, watching you intently as you got up to take the med kit back.
“No problem, Kick-Ass,” you smiled at him, and he couldn’t help but smile back. Your smile was super pretty and holy hell was this mask giving him confidence.
“I’m gonna go put this back, the bathroom’s right outside my door to the left, incase you wanna wash your face or something.” You made your way to your door and left it slightly ajar, so that no one would hear it open while you were downstairs.
Kick-Ass slowly limped into your bathroom, finally taking off his mask after closing the door. His face was covered in blood, so much more happened than some muggers with a knife. Frank D’Amico’s men had tried beating him senseless, but he oh so fortunately got away due to a patrol car nearing the area. Yes, he had made sure no one followed him to your home. He wouldn’t know what to do if he was the reason some fucked up kingpin tried to hurt you.
He washed his face as best he could without getting any blood anywhere, his left eye beginning to grow a soft red color.
You knocked softly on the door, “Hey, just come back to my room when you’re done. My parents are watching TV so you should be good.”
“Thanks.” He answered, staring at the door.
Guilt began to overcome him. He was lying to you, not only in keeping his identity from you, but in making up some bullshit about getting jumped by some "muggers."
He wanted to tell you it was him, but he found the thought embarrassing, maybe you would call him pathetic for this whole Kick-Ass thing, even the thought of coming to you when he had no one else was enough to make him cringe. He would rather get stitched up without anesthesia again than have you react badly and get angry at him for lying to you.
Sitting at your desk waiting for him, you finally heard the bathroom light shut off, the door just then clicking open. He limped into your room and you quickly ran to help him sit on the edge of your bed.
You grabbed the gauze, pausing and taking a look at him for a second. Goodness gracious, he was an Adonis of a man. He had really well toned arms, his abdominal muscles very defined as well. He was quite the specimen. And his eyes. The way he looked up at you, like some lost puppy, it made you melt.
“Um, just lift your arms up a bit,” You cleared your throat, embarrassed of the way you were thinking in such a moment.
He lifted his arms and you put the gauze over his now closed wound, grabbing a roll of bandages to wrap around his waist.
“Hold this here,” you told him as you knelt in front of him. Pulling the white fabric around his side, you had to move closer to him in order to reach for it with your other hand behind his back.
You tried focusing on what you were doing, but he kept staring holes into your head. His hand twitched, wanting to brush a stray hair from your face to see it clearly but he held back.
After wrapping the bandage around his waist a few times, you used some medical tape to keep it in place.
“Alright, I’m almost done.” you spoke, finishing up.
Kick-Ass spoke your name with a light tone. This startled you and you looked up at him to see what he was going to say. He only looked at you, glancing at your lips before looking away and it caused your heart to beat a million miles a minute.
“Thank you...” He finally moved his eyes to meet yours, a look of guilt upon whatever you could see of his face.
“I’m really sorry…” He frowned, looking at the ground next to you.
“It’s not your fault, Kick-Ass,” you reassured him without even knowing what he was talking about.
He shook his head as if he was about to speak but the two of you could only watch each other those following moments, your faces moving closer together like magnets. You didn't know why it felt so right in the moment, but you quickly leaned up and kissed him.
He slightly jumped but immediately kissed back. His lips were so plush and smooth, they felt like clouds. And he kissed you like no other boy had ever kissed you before. He kissed you with emotion, he didn’t just kiss you for the sake of kissing. Even if he wasn't the best at it.
The fabric of his mask brushed against your chin as he tilted his head to the side, moving himself closer to you. You felt like he was going to pull away because you were already starting to feel the need to breathe, but he kept kissing you.
Resting your hand on his chest, you felt his heart beating rapidly under your palm. You stood up, causing him to have to lean upwards in order to keep his lips attached to yours, but the movement caused him pain, making him release a grunt and quickly pull away.
“Sorry,” you apologized, referring to the kiss and the wound. He stared at you in utter surprise.
From now on, Dave knew he would look at you in a different light. Why’d you even kiss him? And what gave him such a desperate urge to keep his own lips connected to yours?
He chewed on his bottom lip, "It's okay..." He replied softly.
“I shouldn't have done that, right...? I—It won't happen again—“ You rambled, suddenly cutting yourself off and picking up the empty packaging of the bandages to throw them away and keep yourself busy.
Kick-Ass watched you pick things up with his jaw hanging, still trying to process the kiss and why he... Enjoyed it?
“You can do it again, if you want.” He mentally screamed at himself, why the fuck would he say that!?
You whipped your head around and stared at him from across the room, your face heating up like the Titanic's boiler room.
"I haven’t kissed anyone since like… sixth grade, so…" He chuckled.
Hiding a smile, "Yeah…that was kind of obvious." you spoke, scrunching your nose.
"Sorry." He looked away while giggling at how pathetic it was.
“It’s okay…” you smiled.
You sat next to him. "Everyone needs practice…” You said suggestively.
Turning to look at him, you saw that he was already gaping at you.
"Yeah..." He kept his eyes on yours this time. The reason he was so afraid to do so before was because he felt vulnerable, like you’d know it was him just by his eyes or something.
“So…” you began, “can I kiss you..?”
“Yes—“ he replied a little too quick for his own comfort. “I mean…Yeah.”
You placed your hand on the side of his neck and moved your head closer to his. You noticed him watching your mouth as it neared his, the palm of his hand coming to press against your lower back as you finally connected your lips.
He kissed you softly, innocently, almost like he was afraid you’d pull away if he kissed you any differently.
Moving one of your hands to rest on the back of his neck, you slipped your fingers under his mask, feeling a bit of his soft curls.
You just wanted to kiss him, missing the feeling of someone's mouth on your own. He felt the same, he didn’t feel judged on the fact he was kind of a shitty kisser.
The two of you sat there for a minute, his calloused hands moving from your waist to the sides of your face, the tips of his fingers playing with the shorter hairs on the nape of your neck.
“I hope you don’t hate me,” he breathed, mumbling against your mouth.
“Mm-“ You made a sound of confusion.
You began to realize why he had said it as he brought his hand up to the hem of his mask and began tugging it upward. Quickly pulling away, you reached for his wrist to stop him.
“Don’t do that…” You watched him, slightly alarmed.
His heart dropped, “Why not…?” he spoke, uneasy.
He couldn’t lie to you. Yeah sometimes he hated your guts and wanted you to just shut the fuck up, but today was a completely different story. He changed in the way he saw you. With everything that had just happened in the past ten minutes, he couldn’t lie to you.
“What if I tell someone? How can you trust me if you barely even know me…?”
But he did know you. He knew you enough to trust you, and that there was no way in hell you would ever tell anyone a secret entrusted to you. But he didn’t want to argue with you. Not as Kick-Ass.
“Fine. Sorry...” He apologized.
"You should probably get home... It's kind of late." You suggested looking at your hands as you fidgeted.
“Yeah,” He stood up, grunting as he pulled his arms through his suit to put it back on. “Could you…” He was nodding at you, referring to the back of his suit where the zipper was.
You pulled the slider along the teeth of the zipper, enclosing him completely in his suit.
He turned around to face you “Thanks…” He watched you for a moment. “For patching me up… And stuff…”
You chuckled, “No problem.”
He smiled awkwardly. “I’ll see you tomor—or uhh, whenever I need you again—or whenever you need me,” He stammered, realizing what position he’d almost put himself in. “I’ll just see you.” He chuckled, swallowing hard as he grabbed his gloves and batons and turned to your window.
“Will you be okay to get home?” You watched as he limped by your window. “I could walk with you… Until we get to your neighborhood or whatever.”
“Uh—No, it's like a 10 minute walk. I’ll be fine. Thanks though.” He smiled softly, beginning to climb through your window as he held his side.
You thought about that. There were no other neighborhoods within ten minutes of walking, so he had to live here. That means he had to go to your school. And that means you have to know him if he said he was your age. Holy shit.
“Kick-Ass?” You rested your palms on your windowsill as he crouched down to look at you from your roof.
“Do you go to Fillmore?”
He paused, staring at you like he’d just been caught.
You felt your hands getting clammy.
After a few more moments of silence, you spoke again.
“Do I know you…?”
He stayed silent. All you could do was take it as a yes.
“Weren’t you just getting mad at me for wanting to take my mask off?” He shot back.
“Fuck, you’re right. I’m sorry.” You looked down. “I’ll… I’ll see you around.” You pursed your lips.
He smiled back softly and made his way off your roof and out of your view.
You sat back down to finish your homework, somehow taking three times as long because the only thing on your mind was those beautiful blue eyes of his. And who else in your school had them.
Thank you for reading!! x
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lot-of-nothing · 4 months
Entwined (Ch. 7)
Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Weekend getaway :)
Warnings: Suggestive themes aaaaandd a little of that internalize homophobia again
Author's Note: NO BETA BC THIS TOOK ME FOREVER GOOD LORD IM SORRY FOLKS! I moved and started a new job and I leave for Europe in a week so life has been NUTS
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6
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Melissa led the way through the front doors of the hotel. You could tell she was excited by the highly animated way in which she spoke to you. She used her hands and fingers to gesture to you and she lingered close to you with her last word, “This weekend is about three things: the endless buffet, laying by the pool, and sex.”
The corners of your lips rose as her lips neared your own. There were still a few inches between you, but you knew that was plenty close for a place as public as a hotel lobby, “In that order too?”
Your response made the redhead laugh as both of her hands squeezed your bicep. You lost yourself for a moment while you watched her grin at you. It was the voice of a man that unfortunately ripped her eyes from you, “Melissa?” 
As she turned to face the voice, her red hair flicked over her shoulder with the spin of her head. When her eyes landed on the familiar face of her ex boyfriend, her smile faded, but her tone remained polite, “Hey, Gare.”
A brief silence fell between the former lovers (as did a thick awkwardness), and you waited patiently for one of them to speak up. Gary was the first to break the silence when he noticed Melissa’s eyes wander over to the brunette at his side, “Oh, this is my girlfriend - Lea Ann”
Melissa only nodded, remaining silent and giving a faux smile to the lofty man. It was when he realized Melissa had very little interest engaging with Gary and Lea Ann that Gary decided to turn his attention to you. With a kind smile, he reached out his hand, offering it to you along with his name, “Gary.”
“Y/N.” You return the smile and handshake, surprised at the way his face lit up at hearing your name.
“Mel told me about you when we were dating.” He quipped while wrapping his arm around Lea Ann’s shoulders, hugging her to his side. He seemed genuinely delighted to make your acquaintance - it made you wonder why Melissa refused to commit to something more serious with him.
You folded your arms over your chest, glancing down at Melissa and then back to Gary again, “Did she now?”
Gary was highly enthusiastic with how he spoke to you, recalling memories Melissa had shared with him months ago, “Of course. You were her date to the senior prom after some punk ditched her.”
You couldn’t hide your pleasure in knowing Melissa had talked about you in her previous relationship. You had always assumed she would have kept even your friendship a secret. With a great big smile, you bump your shoulder against hers lightly, “I mean, how could I say no to a face like that?”
Melissa gave a reluctant smile, changing the subject away from your relationship, “What are you guys doin’ out here?”
Gary eagerly squeezed Lea Ann to his side once more and beamed at her. The brunette shifted into his side, wrapping an arm behind his back to better lean against him. It was clear they were enamored with one another, “Early anniversary trip. Lea Ann and I met at Dave & Busters not too long after we broke up. She is real good at skeeball.” 
Lea Ann added to the conversation with a shy voice, “How about you guys?”
“A trip for old times’ sake.” Melissa’s response contained a tone that was anything other than warm. While some might not have noticed, you saw her turn snarky and her nose wrinkled ever so slightly. It was obvious to you Melissa was offended by what she thought was Lea Ann’s ‘nosiness’. The redhead folded her arms over her chest, indicating she was finished with the conversation.
Gary knew Mel well enough to give a curt nod and guide Lea Ann away from you both, “Well, I hope you two have a great time.’
“Yeah, you too.” Your voice fell as they walked away - knowing full well Melissa would be upset at this interaction when you arrived at the hotel room.
You shifted awkwardly near the door of the hotel room. Melissa had abandoned her luggage in the middle of the room and tossed her purse on the bed before dropping into the chair into the corner to scroll on her phone. She seemed increasingly detached from you since you had spoken to Gary. 
While the detachment made you furious, you gave her a chance to tell you how she was feeling before you spiraled, “Everything okay?”
She didn’t even look up from her phone when she replied. If anything, she seemed annoyed that you would even ask such a question, “Why wouldn’t it be?”
Biting your tongue, you turn your back to her with a huff and tug open the door, “I’m gonna go downstairs.”
You twist the glass of dark liquor in your hand, mindlessly watching the ice swirl about in the liquid. A fire had been lit in your stomach at the realization that nothing had changed between Melissa and you. She still refused to admit her feelings for you or the opposite sex. Of course you were infuriated, but it was more of a rage fueled sadness had you refusing to look at Melissa who sat (im)patiently next to you. 
“You gotta work with me here. It’s one thing to take a weekend away together, but it’s a whole other thing to be tellin’ people that we are a couple.” Melissa sounded colder than she would have wanted, but there was no taking the words back now. You felt yourself growing angrier by the second.
It was clear Melissa didn’t truly understand why you were upset with the entire situation. With a deep sigh, you chose to explain your feelings to her, “I don’t mind that we aren’t official or whatever. I don’t even care that this is so casual. I just can’t be your dirty little secret anymore.”
“It isn’t like that.” 
Her reply was quick, but you weren’t convinced. “Melissa… Anytime someone gets remotely close to the truth, you get all spooked and then I have to deal with the consequences.”
The redhead chewed at the inside of her cheek, unsure of what to say to you. She remained facing forward, her fingers absentmindedly ripping at the napkin placed in front of her by the bartender. Mel furrowed her brow as she spoke, “I’m not spooked. I just don’t want people all up in my business.”
You weren’t convinced.
“Either way... You know how I feel about you... how I have always felt about you, and I-” In an instant, you regret opening your mouth. You could see a faint blush spreading across her cheeks from the corner of your eye. As always, you had gotten ahead of yourself, and now it was time for you to finish explaining your emotions before Melissa found a way to steer the conversation away from the vulnerability it was currently steeped in, “For me, it feels like you’re ashamed... of me, and it’s not a great feeling.”
Melissa glared at you for a few moments, and then you saw her left hand reach out to hold you by the back of the neck to pull your lips to hers. Your heart began pounding in your chest as you felt Mel’s teeth teasing your bottom lip and her right hand creep up to the middle of your thigh.
When she pulled her lips away from yours, her voice was low, “I’m sorry I made ya’ feel that way. I could never be ashamed of you.”
Regardless of the people sitting all around, you dove back in for another kiss. You felt her melting into you. With every second you kissed her, Melissa inched closer to the point in which she had slipped off her chair to stand between your knees. Her hands braced against your thighs and breasts pressed to your chest. 
The redhead was breathing heavily when she finally drew her lips away from yours. She had turned her head to glance around the room in search of prying eyes when you buried your nose in her hair. 
After Melissa’s worries of being watched were soothed by the absence of onlookers, she turned back to you, capturing your face in her hands. She spoke in a low tone which caused you to swallow hard, “Let’s go upstairs, hon.” She took your hand, tugging you along after her towards the hotel lobby. 
The deafening chorus of casino games, live music, and both winning and losing gamblers was all but a mere whisper to you the moment Melissa peered over her shoulder at you with a smile - a smile that only confirmed your long standing love for her.  
When she had you in the elevator, you were up against the wall before the door was closed with her mouth against yours. Mel was busy trailing her lipstick from your lips to your neck as you choked out a dizzied concern, “We are... going to miss our... uh, dinner reservations.”
“Where at?” Melissa was far too busy tasting your collarbone to give much attention to the thought of going out for dinner. She was far more interested in getting you up to your hotel room to get more acquainted with the hotel bed.
“Some fancy steakhouse.” You murmur before returning her fervor. By now the elevator doors were shut and neither of you had given much more thought to pressing a button to get the elevator moving. Instead you were more consumed with the urge to turn the tables on Melissa and press her against the elevator wall. 
Melissa’s hands were woven tightly into your hair as you pinned her to the wall. Your force only propelled her further into the raging desire she felt for you. Mel didn’t need to use any words to convey how much she needed you. Everything about your kisses was sloppy and steeped in desire. 
She allowed one of her hands to wander to the back of your neck as your lips drifted down her neck to her cleavage. The redhead held you tight with one arm while the other clumsily reached to illuminate the button to floor 15, “We can just order pizza.”
Her efforts to get the elevator headed towards your floor weren’t swift enough. The elevator dinged and the doors to the lobby parted, allowing a familiar tall, bald headed man and his brunette girlfriend onto the elevator with you both. 
With the introduction of Gary and Lea-Ann onto the elevator, Mel and you partially parted. She kept an arm around you with a hand resting on your hip and her body was pressed to yours as she suppressed a coy smile. Melissa raised a manicured hand to her lips, attempting to tidy her smeared lipstick with her thumb. All the while she stared at you down like a starved lion. 
Your heart was pounding and you couldn’t take your eyes off her. It took everything in you not to confess your love then and there. She was beautiful like this - seemingly liberated of her shame and enthralled with the premise of being caught in such a public act of affection. 
Gary was obviously confused by your closeness and he cocked his head, needing to double check to see if it was really Melissa who was really pinned into the corner of the elevator by you, “Melissa?”
“Oh, hey.” She cleared her throat and acknowledged him with a wave of her hand. You attempted to move your hands from her waist, but her hand caught your wrist to prevent you from pulling away. 
The elevator devolved into silence as it began moving to the upper floors. You couldn’t see the looks on Gary or Lea-Ann’s faces as you were too busy watching every shift in Melissa’s expressions. You wondered if this would be the end of your relationship. Your heart was pounding and you were growing anxious at the thought of the potential rejection headed your way. The only thing that kept you from completely losing it was Melissa’s manicured hand on the back of your neck, softly twirling your loose locks between her digits. 
Her eyes flickered between the rising elevator numbers, your company, and the elevator doors. Melissa was terrified of who Gary could tell. Through all of her family and friends, she knew this moment could reach someone she knew in a matter of hours. Her personal fears were being slowly subdued by her own willpower. As her eyes drifted back up to your face, they were now filled with a subtle determination to prove herself to you. 
Melissa pushed against your abdomen so you would step aside, but she kept both hands on you as she talked to Gary, “How’s your night goin’?”
“Good. I- I didn’t know you two were-” Gary couldn’t hide an ounce of his confusion at seeing you together. 
“Together? Yeah, well... Now you know.” The redhead finished his sentence before adding her own bit of attitude at the end of her thought. A lump formed in the back of her throat at admitting your relationship out loud, but there was no taking it back now. 
While Melissa was dealing with her own inner turmoil, you were relishing in the fact that Melissa described you two as being ‘together’. You were riding that high even after the elevator stopped on your floor and Mel took your hand to pull you after her. 
It was Melissa who lifted your arm to place around her shoulders when you stepped off the elevator. She also turned back to face her ex boyfriend with a cheeky grin, “Have a good night you two.”
Link to Chapter 8
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta, @unicorniusfallapatorius, @sapphicxrat, @earpivore, @jeridandridge @petty-femme27, @darkcolorphantom, @a-queen-and-her-throne, @cosmichymns
167 notes · View notes
guiltyasdave · 7 months
three’s a crowd
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pairing: Dave York x f!reader x OFC
word count: ~3.4k
summary: it’s your birthday and dave has a special surprise for you. (this is literally 3k of porn without plot, there’s no denying it)
tags/warnings: explicit smut -> 18+ only, fluff, able bodied reader, reader’s hair gets pulled, dom/sub dynamics, sub!reader, threesome, established relationship, unprotected p in v, oral sex (m&f receiving), sir kink, praise kink, light degradation kink, pet names, dirty talk, use of a blindfold, use of restraints, let me know if i missed something please 🫶🏻
a/n: dedicated to my lovely friend em @catchallfangirl, the happiest (early, depending on where you are) birthday to you! i hope this is something like what you wished for. i’m so happy to know you and grateful to be able to call you my friend. thank you for being my wife, my partner in shit talking, my fellow pedro lover, my fellow swiftie and for always being there for me. i hope we’ll be able to meet each other in person one day. i love you so much babe 🤍
dividers by @saradika-graphics because who else 🫶🏻
find my full masterlist here & follow @guiltyasdavenotifs for fic updates!
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It has been an almost perfect birthday. You’ve had the day off, just like your boyfriend, who surprised you with breakfast in bed, a day filled with all your favorite activities, a beautiful cake and a delicious dinner at the restaurant you both love.
Only one thing is missing to make the day absolutely perfect, but, judging from your current position and the fact that you’re only clad in your prettiest set of lingerie right now, perfection might be within your reach already.
“Close your eyes, baby. Hands behind your back, good girl.”
You’re kneeling on your bed, hands obediently folded behind you. Dave caresses your cheek before you feel him tie a blindfold over your eyes. A mewl full of need escapes you and he kisses you softly while his fingers ghost over the necklace that he gave you over dinner as a birthday gift, just a short hour ago.
“Patience, sweetheart.”
His footsteps retreat and you hear the click of the bedroom door. Did he just leave you like this?
You open your mouth with half a mind to protest, but then you hear movement again and lips are pressing gently against yours. Not Dave’s, you can tell even with your eyes closed, but still someone whose touch you know.
“Happy birthday, baby,” a familiar female voice hums.
A gasp of surprise leaves you and your hands fly forward to her hips before you can stop yourself. Dave tuts at you, from a little further away, you think.
“What did I say, about your hands?”
“Sorry, sir,” you mumble and reluctantly retract your fingers again.
She breathes a soft laugh and your lips chase hers, but she seems to be leaning away and you can’t reach her in the darkness behind your eyelids that Dave has put you in. Instead, her fingertips start trailing over your body, starting at your shoulders and stroking down over the swell of your breasts, toying with the straps of the expensive lingerie and letting them snap against your flesh before continuing onward, over your stomach and down to the hem of your panties.
Her touch causes goosebumps to rise on your skin and you’re breathing heavier, leaning into it and interlocking your fingers to keep yourself from touching her again.
“Good girl,” she coos when she presses down on the fabric at your crotch, already drenched with your arousal and her lips are back on yours, kissing you more urgently now. Her tongue slips into your mouth and she swallows the desperate moans that are spilling from you.
Another hand sinks into your hair and you feel Dave’s presence beside you, his strong grip that pushes your head forward to not let the kissing stop, even if you wanted to.
“Do you like your surprise?” he rasps into your ear and pulls you back so that you can answer him.
“Yes, sir. Thank you.”
Both of them chuckle at your beaming smile and the breathless delight in your voice.
It has been some time since the three of you have been together like this, especially outside of the club that you and Dave sometimes visit and where you met her for the first time, and while you’re more than satisfied in your relationship with Dave, being with both of them at the same time is a different kind of thrill that always fuels your arousal like nothing else.
She pulls down the cups of your bra and pinches your already pebbled nipples between her fingertips, causing you to chase after her touch when she pulls away again, only to be rewarded with her mouth sucking on the sensitive flesh instead and her teeth nibbling at your hardened buds.
You’re squirming under her ministrations, still fighting to keep your hands behind your back. Dave has taken to your neck, mouthing at the delicate skin there to suck and bite bruises into it until you’re a mess between them.
They keep teasing you, waiting for you to break, their touches stoking the desire that’s burning inside of you, but it’s never enough, always leaving you with craving more, more, more.
“Please,” a broken whimper leaves your throat eventually, after what feels like hours. A sheen of sweat is covering your forehead, the blindfold sticking to your skin. You already feel filthy, you can tell how soaked the thin fabric of your panties is, how you’re all able to smell your arousal in the air.
“Please what, baby?” she asks, biting down harder on your nipple and making you gasp.
“More, I need more, please.”
They both chuckle, their breath hot against your skin.
“Use your words,” Dave rasps, his lips moving on your neck. “What exactly do you need?”
Heat is creeping up your cheeks, always embarrassed to be forced to vocalize your desires, but you know them and the games they like to play with you. You won’t get what you want, unless you ask for it.
“I- I need you to fuck me. Please.” Your voice is high pitched and whiny, leaving no doubts about how desperate you are.
An open mouthed kiss is pressed against your lips, one that you’re eager to reciprocate, and Dave groans into your mouth.
“Alright.” You feel him shift, hear the sound of him opening his belt and stepping out of his pants. “On all fours, then. I’m gonna fuck your mouth, just like you asked, right?” The predatory tone in his voice and her condescending giggle at the way he’s twisting your words are enough to have even more slick gathering between your thighs.
You nod and obediently move, positioning yourself on your hands and knees, your mouth wide open and waiting, just how he likes it.
She’s still toying with your breasts, pulling on your nipples and slapping your skin a few times, causing more moans and whines to tumble from your lips. Dave’s fingers gently stroke your face, swiping over your lips and dipping into your mouth to press down on your tongue, then pulling back out and smearing your saliva around your mouth and over your chin.
“Good girl,” comes his praise, paired with a light slap against your cheek. You’re burning up, almost trembling with anticipation and pure want.
Finally, he sinks his cock into your waiting mouth, your lips stretching to accommodate his girth. You eagerly circle the head with your tongue, determined to make him feel as good as you possibly can, to earn more of his praise.
At the same time, her hand pulls your panties down and two fingers plunge into your heat, forcing a garbled moan from you. You’re overwhelmed, can’t decide where to move, if you should push back against her fingers or chase his cock with your mouth, eager to take him deeper.
You’re rocking back and forth, trying to do both, not even registering that she moved until you feel her tongue against your burning core, lapping at your slick and teasing your clit in small, controlled licks. Her fingers start thrusting quicker while her tongue keeps stimulating you and you feel your body sprinting towards an orgasm, the blissful high finally in reach after their endless teasing.
Dave speeds up as well, sinking deeper into your throat, causing you to splutter and drool around him. It sets you on fire, the feeling of being at his mercy, the thought of him using your mouth for his pleasure, and combined with her constant licks on your clit, you hurtle over the edge. It takes your breath away, the pleasure overwhelming, so many sensations stimulating your body at once, only heightened by the loss of your sight. You pulse wildly around her fingers that are pressed deep into you, curling slightly, creating a delicious pressure against your g-spot and prolonging your orgasm.
When you finally come down, she slowly slides them out of you and you think you can hear her licking them clean, moaning softly at the taste of you.
“You like sucking cock that much, baby?” she coos, her thumb swiping over your clit once more and making your thighs tremble with the effort of holding yourself upright while you try to nod in reply to her.
Dave’s fist tightens in your hair and he thrusts into your mouth a few more times, as deep as he can go, causing you to gag violently before he pulls you off of him. The blindfold is soaked with your tears and spit is dribbling down your chin, but between your gasps for breath, you’re still smiling up at where you think he’s standing in front of you.
“Such a good girl,” he murmurs.
His fingers find the blindfold that’s tangled with your hair by now and slowly remove it, careful not to pull on the strands in the process. Your face lights up when your eyes find his again and you revel in the unmasked hunger in his gaze, an expression that you’re sure you’re mirroring with your own.
“So good,” he repeats and leans down to capture your lips. You willingly meet him, leaning into the kiss and enjoying the sudden gentleness that will surely be replaced by rough touches again in no time.
Her fingers are still playing with your pussy, sliding through the wetness and circling over your clit before dipping down and thrusting into you again, causing you to moan into Dave’s mouth.
“I think she’s ready for more,” her voice sounds from behind you and you don’t need to see her face to picture the glint in her eyes. “Aren’t you, sweetheart?”
Her hand connects with your ass in a resounding smack and you jerk forward, the sudden pain hitting you unexpectedly. It transforms into pleasure in an instant and another moan tumbles from your lips as you’re pushing back against her, wishing for another slap or her fingers to fuck you again or maybe both, you’re not sure at this point, nothing but raw desire pulsing through your veins.
“Please,” you whimper, craning your neck to meet her eyes behind you for the first time tonight. The evil smirk on her face has your pussy clenching around nothing and you rock back again, desperate for anything that they’re willing to give you.
“You wanna taste her?” Dave asks you, his lips close to your cheek and his voice raspy in your ear.
You nod eagerly and they move your body until you’ve turned around, still on your hands and knees but now facing the headboard where she’s leaning against the pillows, her legs already spread and her pussy on display for you, glistening with her arousal.
She’s so pretty, you think to yourself as you’re crawling towards her, desperate to be closer, to taste her, to make her feel good, to please her.
“Please, can I?” you ask, feeling small under the hard look in her eyes that she regards you with.
As an answer, her hand fists your hair and pulls you down, practically pressing your face down against her folds. Your tongue darts out to lick through her slit, her wetness gathering in your mouth and you moan out loud at the taste, the tangy sweetness turning you on even further. Eagerly, you focus on her clit, starting with little kitten licks that have her writhing underneath you, her fingernails digging into your scalp, before you flatten your tongue and apply more pressure.
Dave chooses this moment to thrust his cock into you without warning and you wail out, the unexpected stretch of your walls around his length sending sparks of the most pleasurable pain up your spine.
“Didn’t tell you to stop,” he snarls, spanking your ass roughly and pulling out until only his tip is still sheathed inside of you before he pushes forward again with so much force that you almost collapse under him.
You suck her clit into your mouth, unable to stop the moans that are forming in your throat. The added vibrations have her crying out, fisting your hair even tighter and pressing your face down against her folds.
You alternate by fucking her with your tongue and sucking on her clit, delighting in the sounds that you’re pulling from her and the way her slick is pouring out of her, just waiting to be licked up and savoured by you. You gaze up at her, taking in her dazed expression, amazed that you’re the one to make her feel this good.
Dave doesn’t let up, plunging into you again and again, his cock dragging against your walls and propelling you to new heights of pleasure while his hand keeps slapping your ass, causing you to clench around him every single time.
When her moans reach a higher pitch and her grip turns desperate, holding you down until she pulses against your mouth and floods your tongue with her wetness, Dave reaches around and swipes his thumb over your clit, just once. It’s enough to make you come again, make you whine into her and tremble under his touch, until you feel like your whole body is filled with nothing but pure bliss.
They keep you like this, barely able to move with his hands on your hips and her fingers in your hair, until you lick her to another shuddering orgasm. Dave lands one more playful slap against your backside before he pulls out of you.
You’re vaguely aware that they’re moving your body until you’re on your back, your eyes dazedly flicking back and forth between them. You’re spent, but you still want more, never want this feeling to end.
She kneels beside you, her fingers closing around your wrists and pulling them up until you’re spread out underneath them. She holds you down as she leans down to give you a kiss, her tongue darting out to play with yours and you both moan at your combined tastes on each other’s lips.
Dave spreads your legs and situates himself between them, the tip of his cock nudging at your soaked entrance, fueling your desire once again.
“Alright, baby,” he says, his tone carefully controlled, “you just lie here nice and pretty and let us take care of you, yeah? Don’t move those hands.”
“But-” you start to protest in a feeble voice and Dave fixes you with a hard glare.
“You want to be good, don’t you?”
You bite your lip in thought; the glint in his eyes has you more than aware that you’re entering dangerous territory. But you haven’t felt his skin under your fingertips at all yet and you desperately wish that you could.
“Yeah,” you admit, your eyes darting between the both of them, “but I really want to touch you… And it’s my birthday after all.”
You pout up at them. She raises an eyebrow and Dave shakes his head disapprovingly.
“Which is why you’ve gotten a very nice gift. And now, to show us how grateful you are, you’re gonna be good and do as you’re told.”
His voice is cold, which only results in more heat gathering in your core. You very rarely don’t back down when he gets like this, but right now, riling him up feels kind of fun.
“But I can also show you how grateful I am with my hands,” you suggest, throwing him a wink for good measure.
“You’re on thin ice, sweetheart,” she laughs, her grip around your wrists tightening.
Dave studies you, his jaw set and fire burning in his eyes. You love him like this. He shakes his head and leans over to the nightstand, grabbing two pairs of handcuffs and hovering over you.
“Fine,” he bites. “If you’re asking for it, we’re gonna do it like this. One more but and you’re gonna regret it, are we clear?”
You give up and nod, not exactly keen on finding out how he would make you regret more objections. They secure your wrists to the bedposts until your arms are spread wide and your movements are severely restricted. You tug at your restraints experimentally, but it’s no use. The feeling of being utterly at their mercy has you feeling hot all over again and you subconsciously try rubbing your legs together, which results in pressing them up against Dave’s hips. He chuckles, his fingers finding your thighs and digging into the flesh, spreading you open for him again.
The expression on his face is ravenous as he looks down, taking you in, completely on display for him, obscene amounts of wetness coating your pussy and inner thighs.
“Poor baby,” he murmurs, mock sympathy lacing his tone, “you’re dripping for it, made such a big mess already, huh?”
Your responding whine breaks off when he sinks into you again in one hard thrust, burying his entire length inside of you and punching the air from your lungs. He hoists one of your legs up and rests it over his shoulder, pushing down on your other thigh until you’re spread out as wide as possible, taking him even deeper like this.
You had almost tuned her out for a second, your eyes glued to the face of the man on top of you, until she leans down from beside you and starts caressing your body with her mouth once more. She sucks your tits into her mouth and bites down on your nipples so hard that the sensation is bordering on painful in the most pleasurable way, before she slowly kisses her way downwards, until her tongue is flicking at your clit again, eliciting breathless moans from you.
You wish you could move your hands, longing to grab her hair or his hips, pull them both as close as you can, but you’re immobilized, forced to take whatever they choose to give you. Dave grins down at you and thrusts in particularly deep, nudging at your cervix and causing your eyes to almost roll back into your skull.
“Eyes on the mirror,” he commands, “look at your dirty little self.”
Goosebumps are erupting on your skin at his words and you force your gaze up to the ceiling, where Dave installed a huge mirror a couple of months ago, under your watchful (and giggly) eye.
Seeing yourself in this position, your wrists tied, writhing under the ministrations of the two of them, sends an intense surge of arousal through you. Paired with the sensation of Dave’s cock hammering into you and her tongue insistently teasing your clit, your pleasure is mounting higher and higher, your toes are curling and you’re tensing up until it feels like your whole body snaps in an overwhelming release.
You’re clenching wildly around his length, your eyes fall shut and stars are bursting behind your eyelids. All the pressure inside of you is exploding and a gush of wetness releases out of you, soaking Dave’s cock, her tongue and the sheets beneath you.
“Fuck,” he gasps, plunging deep into you once more, “you’re so fucking hot, fucking messy, good girl.” His voice stumbles over the words, sounding utterly wrecked and after a couple more erratic thrusts he stills and comes with a shout, spilling his release inside of you.
His head hangs between his shoulder blades and he eases himself down until his sweat slicked forehead is resting on your stomach, his arms wrapped around your middle. She joins in, her head resting on your chest and peppering your skin with kisses for a few peaceful moments, before they release your wrists and the three of you sink into the sheets in a tangle of limbs.
Eventually, you gather enough energy to clean each other up and after more extensive cuddling, she says goodbye with a deep kiss against your lips, all softness now. You thank her, your voice still breathless and she shushes you, engulfing you in another hug. Dave walks her out and you hear them talking briefly before the door falls shut and he comes back into the bedroom to slip under the covers beside you, enveloping you in his embrace.
“Did I do good?” His breath fans against your neck and you smile, turning towards him to capture his lips.
“You did perfect.”
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if you liked this, please consider reblogging or leaving a comment, it truly makes my day every single time 🫶🏻
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emilysholster · 1 year
Lunch Break (David Rossi x Reader)
Summary: you surprised an injured David during his lunch break
Tags: NSFW, mentions of injury, dry humping, oral sex (blow job, face-fucking), dirty talk/praising, takes place in office, bau team overhears, (fem!reader)
Translations: tesoro (darling), amore mio (my love), oddio ([oh] my god), gattina (kitten), bella (beautiful)
A/N: my frustration at the lack of rossi fics led to this. I’m about halfway through the show right now so I’m sorry if this doesn’t align with canon or is ooc!
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Miss you.
You smiled at the text on your phone as you stepped out of the elevator and onto the BAU’s floor. You’d been able to push back a few meetings at work, giving you just enough time to come by the headquarters to surprise David with lunch. He’d flown in late last night after spending a week away on a case and truth be told, you had missed him quite a bit.
Takeout bag in hand, you knocked on his office door. The bullpen was fairly empty considering it was lunch time, and you made a mental note to say hi to David’s team before you left. In the time that you two had been dating, you’d gotten to know them well and had become close with the girls especially.
“Come in,” his voice called from inside. Smiling, you opened the door. “Surprise…oh.” Your smile faltered when you saw your boyfriend at his desk, with his right arm in a sling.
David grinned upon seeing you. “Tesoro, what’s all this?” Ignoring your incredulous look, he stood and attempted to pull you into a one-armed embrace.
“Dave, what the hell?” You exclaimed, placing the takeout bag onto his desk and grabbing his outstretched arm. “What happened to you?”
“What, this?” David looked down at his sling and then back to you, a dismissive look on his face. “It’s nothing. Just a shoulder injury. I’ll be back to normal in no time.”
“‘Just a shoulder injury?’” You couldn’t believe him. “I thought we agreed you would tell me if anything happened in the field, no matter what? Do you know how much I worry about you when-”
“Y/N,” David interrupted you, putting a hand on your cheek. “I promise you, I’m okay. I didn’t tell you about this because it really isn’t that bad of an injury.”
He pulled you into a tight embrace and you gave in this time, breathing in his scent. “You have enough on your plate amore mio,” he whispered into your hair. “Don’t worry about me.”
“That’s for me to decide,” you grumbled against him.
“Come on, Y/N,” he sighed, gently moving your head so that you were facing him. “Don’t be mad at me. Don’t I deserve a kiss? I caught the bad guy and have the injury to prove it.” He smirked down at you.
You tried to fight back a smile but failed. “I suppose,” you said before bringing your mouth to his. David wrapped his good arm around you and pressed you close against him as the kiss deepened.
His tongue made its way into your mouth, making you moan as he savoured your taste. You could feel his hard-on through his pants as you pushed yourself against his front, earning an approving groan from him.
You pulled away, grinning. “Already? You must’ve really missed me.”
“Always,” he said, before kissing along your jaw. You sighed softly and turned your head to expose your neck for him, but not before seeing him wince as he shifted his arm.
“David, I saw that.” You pushed his head away as he groaned in protest. “I’m fine, Y/N.”
You roll your eyes at his stubbornness. “Fine my ass. I may not be the profiler but that doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” Before he could protest again, you walked him backwards until he was back in his chair, lunch completely forgotten.
“Bullpen’s empty. Is Hotch in his office?”
David smirked up at you, liking where this was going. “No.”
Gently, you straddled him, making sure that his arm was comfortably positioned and that you weren’t putting any weight on it. The skirt you were wearing was now bunched up around your hips, and David brought his hand down to rest on your exposed behind. “Now,” you smiled, lightly grinding down onto his erection. “Where were we?”
“Fuck,” David muttered before your lips met each other again. You moaned into his mouth as you felt his constrained cock beneath you through the thin fabric of your panties. Grinding harder to get more stimulation to your clit, you felt David’s hips begin to match your movements as he rubbed himself against you. The feeling of his length against your mound was enough to get you to throw your head back and moan in pleasure.
“Look at you,” David panted from underneath you. “Already a mess without me even getting my cock out.” He buried his hand in your hair and further exposed your neck so he could sloppily trail wet kisses down towards your chest. “I love seeing you like this.”
“Fuck, Dave,” you whimpered as you continued to dry hump him. “You feel so good.”
You could feel the knot within you tightening and you buried your head into David’s shoulder, biting down to stifle the moans threatening to spill out of you. “That’s it, gattina,” he hissed, breath hot in your ear. “Come for me, that’s a good girl.”
The fabric of his shirt muffled your moans as you rode out your orgasm, feeling waves of pleasure wash through you. You slumped against him, trying to regain your breath as he gently caressed you.
Once you were ready, you snaked one hand into his hair, gently pulling his mouth back to yours. David groaned as you nipped his lower lip while you trailed your hand down his chest until you were palming his erection through the fabric of his pants. You dragged your nails over the area, eliciting a needy moan from David, clearly wanting more.
You got off his lap and sank to your knees before unbuckling his belt. Ever the gentleman, he pulled his coat off from his chair, and balled it up to for you to use as a knee pad before tugging his pants and boxers down with your help.
You could almost drool looking at his now freed cock, glistening with precum. You gave it a few pumps, admiring its swollen appearance and the thick veins that ran along it. Looking up at him through your lashes, you brought its tip to your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and savouring the taste of his precum.
“Oddio,” David groaned as you slowly took him into your mouth. “How I missed this.” His office was soon filled with the lewd sounds of your mouth slurping around his cock and both of your moans intermingling in the thickening air.
You used one hand to pump the base of his cock while your tongue elicited a string of curses from David’s mouth. “Gattina,” he grunted from above you. “You’re a sight to see.”
He brought his good hand down to gently brush away the hair sticking to your forehead, which was slick with sweat. You moaned around his cock, sending pleasurable vibrations down it, and you could hear his breathing become erratic.
David’s eyes were trained on you, lips parted as he watched you release his cock, a trail of saliva and precum clinging to your lips, before dragging your tongue from the base to the tip. “Yes, that’s it,” David groaned, throwing his head back. “Such a good girl for me.”
You looked up and took pleasure in the sight of him: damp with sweat, tie askew, and his dark hair tousled. Bringing his cock back into your mouth, you felt it twitch against your tongue, indicating he was close.
Intent on bringing about his release, you picked up your pace, pumping his cock harder with your fist. “Shit, bella,” he grunted from above you. Unable to help himself, he began thrusting his cock into your mouth.
“F-fuck,” he groaned. You braced yourself by placing your hands on his knees, relaxing your throat to allow him in deeper. “Oh, just like that,” he moaned as he fucked your mouth. “Yes, yes,” David grunted. “God, Y/N, I’m..f-fuck.”
His hand fisted your hair, holding you in place as his cock pulsed and released his cum into your mouth. He moaned your name repeatedly between expletives as his load shot down your throat, and he watched with lust in his eyes as you swallowed it down before releasing his cock from your mouth.
You wiped your mouth and stood up as David pulled his pants back up. “Come here,” he said, pulling you down into his lap. You grinned down at him before his lips captured yours in a bruising kiss. David loved being able to taste you in his mouth and never shied away from kissing you after you pleasured him.
“Thank you for that tesoro,” he mumbled against your lips. Drawing back, he smirked up at you. “Does this mean I’m forgiven now?”
“Only if you promise that you’ll always tell me if anything happens to you,” you said, giving him a look. “For real this time.”
“Promise,” he said before pulling you back into a deep kiss, unable to get enough of you. You couldn’t help rocking your hips against him and could already feel him getting hard again beneath you. A soft moan escaped your lips, your clit welcoming the stimulation as David pressed you ever closer. But before you could even think about round two, your phone began buzzing on his desk. Your meetings.
“Shit,” you exclaimed, gently maneuvering off of David, much to his disdain. “I’m sorry baby I have to go.”
He sighed dramatically, mourning the loss of contact. “Fine. But you know I won’t be satisfied until I have you bent over and coming on my cock.”
You smirked at him as you cleaned yourself up, trying to ignore the spark that seemed to travel straight to your clit at his words. “Walk me out?”
“Of course.” David rose, and you quickly made him look presentable before the two of you stepped out of his office. Unfortunately, it seemed like his team had come back from lunch a while ago. And judging from the looks on their faces, had heard everything.
JJ, Emily, and Derek looked at you with shit-eating grins as you and Dave descended the steps. Spencer was facing away from you at his desk, but you could see the tips of his ears were tinged pink.
“Have a good break, Rossi?” Derek smirked.
“Oh that must’ve been a really great lunch you brought him, Y/N.” Emily cackled as your face warmed from their jokes. You could see JJ behind her, trying to stifle her own laughter.
David just rolled his eyes. “Ignore them,” he whispered to you before calling over his shoulder, “Don’t you guys have work to do?”.
Their snickers could be heard as the two of you made your way to the elevator, and you couldn’t help but giggle at David’s annoyance.
He pressed a kiss into your hair, breathing in the smell of your shampoo as the elevator arrived. “Come to mine after work,” he said, almost pleadingly, as you stepped in. “I miss having you in my bed.”
“You know you don’t have to tell me twice,” you grinned. You pressed a quick peck to his lips before stepping back and letting the elevator doors close, excited for tonight.
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vampgal202 · 1 year
My Brothers Best Friend. (Dave Franco x Female reader.) P A R T O N E.
summary: When Y/n's brother's best friend comes to visit for a few nights, the ever-lasting attraction towards him only develops more. Little does she know the feeling might be mutual, leaving them both making bad decisions out of desire.
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Warnings: smut, ?blood?
My hands carded through my hair as I looked at myself in my vanity mirror. Tonight my brother's best friend Dave was coming over for dinner. Nonetheless, I was excited. Ever since I was 10 years old I've always had a huge crush on Dave. I remember one time my brother scolded me for an hour straight after he caught me staring at Dave a little too hard. I was not a day over 12 when that happened, things are different now. But I can't lie and say that my attraction for him has only become stronger over the years.
"Quit looking at yourself, weirdo." I turn around to see my brother standing at my doorframe. "Ugh get out," I respond, annoyed and somewhat embarrassed. It wasn't much later until I heard the sound of the doorbell ring, indicating that Dave was there. I gave myself one last glance in the mirror and made my way downstairs to be met with my brother and Dave, giving each other their 'bro hug.'
"Dave it's so nice to see you!" I hear my mom say, perking up from her seat. After greeting everyone Dave made his way over to me, giving me a hug and quickly pulling back to say. "Wait, Y/n, is that... Lipstick." He jokingly says pretending to act shocked. "Screw off!" I say, creating a fit of laughter between us.
"Goodnight mom, I love you." I gave my mom a hug goodnight and made my way to my room. For the longest time, I could still hear Dave and my brother talking but now the house is silent. The silent house was a clear indication that everyone was asleep, so I made my way to the kitchen for a glass of water. My steps were soft and gentle, trying to avoid the sounds of the creaking floorboards. But when I made my way to the kitchen I was faced with a bareback, Dave. He was wearing plaid pajama pants low on his hips exposing his deep v-line. He was wearing no shirt, exposing me to his defined abs.
He looks up from his phone noticing me."Shit, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" He says to me setting his half-empty glass of water and his phone down. "No, I just needed some water," I whisper back, now walking towards him. "Here." He says to me, holding out his glass of water for me to finish. "Thanks," I say, resting my hip against the countertop. Dave was now only a foot away from me, watching me finish his glass of water. The kitchen was dark, the moonlight from the windows make it visible to see.
He crosses his arms over his bare chest, a smirk appearing on his face. "You know, your brother was telling me your little secret." He says finally breaking the silence. "Oh yeah, what did he say?" I respond, setting the now empty glass beside me. "He said that you have a little crush on me." A full grin now appears on his face, but not on mine. I roll my eyes, using my arms to hop on the counter behind me, now level with Dave. "Not true," I say, biting back a smile. With every word, it seems like Dave is getting closer to me. "No?" He says to me, turning his head slightly, still smiling.
He was now only a couple inches away from me, and I could feel my cheeks heating up. Soon enough, Dave was standing right in front of me, my closed knees hitting against his chest, stopping him from coming towards me any further. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I was worried he could hear it too. Before I could even think another thought his lips were on mine.
"Sorry." He says pulling away. "Don't be," I said, wasting no time connecting our lips again. I felt his tongue enter my mouth, moving with my tongue. The kiss was intense and needy, it felt like we were finally doing the one thing we wanted all these years. My legs spread open to let him move between them, making us even closer. His hands caressed my thighs, hooking them around his waist. I could feel his hard dick pressing against me. He then pulled away, kissing down my neck, on my collarbone. "Is this okay?" he whispered to me, looking up at me. I nod my head, hoping for dear god he doesn't stop.
He brought his hand down between us, making his way down to the waistband of my shorts. I felt his fingers run through my slit, gathering the wetness on his fingers and thrusting them into me making me let out a gasp. "Shh baby we gotta be quiet." He says to me, now pumping his fingers in and out of me. My hands quickly grabbed onto his bare shoulders, needing some sort of stabilizer.
His pace started to quicken, thrusting fast and hard in and out of me. I was biting my lip trying to not let out the sounds of my whimpers and moans. He brought his thumb to my clit and started roughly massaging it as he fingered me. Making me claw at his shoulder, still biting back my moans. I was so turned on, I could see the muscles in his arms flexing as he fingered me, the obvious boner in his pants, and his reassuring looks. It wasn't long before I was coming undone all over him.
My vision felt hazy as I came all over his fingers. The feeling of wetness in my mouth hit me and brought my finger up to see blood coating it. I bit my lip so hard I made it bleed. Dave looked up at me, enclosing my lips in a kiss, smearing my blood on his lips. He broke the kiss, pulling his fingers out of me and licking my cum off his fingers. The sight had me going crazy. Grabbing his face and enclosing his lips in another kiss.
The kitchen was filled with the sounds of our smacking lips and heavy breathing. I pulled his body close to mine, grinding my clit on his bulge making him throw his head back. My wet, openmouthed kisses made their way down his jaw and neck while continuing to grind harder. I knew he couldn't take it anymore and neither could I. We both knew fucking on the kitchen counter was risky, but neither of us cared at that point.
My hand reached down at his waistband pulling out his hard throbbing cock. I looked back up at him, his pupils blown, lips parted. His hand made its way down to my shorts, moving them to the side exposing my pussy. I still had a hold of his cock. Holding it by the base I dragged it through my wet folds making his breathing become hitched and making him let out a small moan. He was thick, I lined his cock up to my entrance, letting him do the work and closing the proximity between us. He slowly started thrusting in and out of me. But even the slowest movements were causing shocks of pleasure all over my body.
He then started to quicken the pace, thrusting fast and hard out of me. He was letting out moans and whimpers in my ear making me wetter by the second. My tits bounced in my shirt as he fucked me roughly. "Fuck Dave, oh my god." I was whispering curse words and moans of pleasure under my breath, trying to be quiet. I could feel myself coming close to coming undone, and I could tell he was too. His face was screwed up in pleasure, I watched as his v-line and abs flexed as he fucked in and out of my pussy. It took no time before we were both coming. A loud whimper came out of my mouth, making Dave kiss me to shut me up. My hands grabbed at his shoulders yet again as we simultaneously came.
The kitchen was now silent. His body was on mine as we silently tried to catch our breaths. "You okay?" he says to me, looking me in the eyes. "Yeah," I respond, giving him a warm-hearted smile. He slowly pulls out of me, grabbing paper towels and cleaning him and me up. He put his hands on my waist helping me off the counter. When my feet hit the ground my legs felt like jello. "woah what the fuck." I say to myself, making Dave start laughing. "Shut up," I say, now laughing with him. "cmon' let's go," I whisper out, leading the way back to our rooms. Once I was in front of my door I turned back to face Dave. "Sweet dreams." He says quietly, kissing my lips delicately and walking off toward his room.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 9 months
Hearts to rest
Dave Lizewski x Male Reader
Request - Dave Lizewsk x male reader, reader has recently been going through some thing and distancing himself from Dave and others and Dave being worried checks up on him and they just cuddle.
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You just came out to your parents and they didn't accept you. They forced you to pack your clothes and leave, and your mother said horrible words to you that made your heart ache. Your father hates gay people and told you that you are a disgrace and they won't pay for your education at the University. They slammed the door on you, and then you picked up your duffle bag and started to walk away. You can't hold back your tears and you start to cry hard.
You take out your phone and call your boyfriend, but he doesn't pick up. You didn't leave a voicemail or a text. Then you called your aunt telling her to pick you up, and she did pick you up. You tell her what happened then she hugs you, and she will let you stay with her. She takes you home and she has an extra bedroom for you.
“It doesn't bother you that I like guys?” You asked.
“No, of course not. My sister and your asshole father always hated gay people. You can stay here as long as you want and I want you to finish your education. But I have rules, no random guys coming in and out, and if you have guests over then leave the door open. And your curfew is at 2 am or I'm locking the doors all night. Y/n, I want you to be yourself, and don't be ashamed” Your aunt said.
“Means a lot what you said to me, thank you,” You said.
“Go rest and I will call you when dinner is ready,” Your aunt said and she smiled at you.
You go to your room then you lie on the bed. Dave did call you back, but you wanted to be alone and ignored the calls and texts from your boyfriend.
For days you have been ignoring your boyfriend at the university. You haven't told him what happened with your parents. You go to school and you don't talk to anyone and you are feeling depressed.
“Y/n, wait,” Dave said.
You walked out of class and he saw you.
“I can't hang out today,” You said.
He gently grabbed your hand but you moved your hand away.
“What is going on? You have been avoiding me and you won't talk to me, Y/n” Dave said.
“It's complicated, Dave,” You said.
“Tell me why? Did I do something wrong?” Dave asked.
“I-I have to go!” You said.
You start to walk away fast and Dave is mad that you won't open up to him.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
Again, you have been ignoring him. You didn't notice him following you home, but he noticed that you didn't go to your parents’ house. Once you went inside seconds later, he knocked on the door. He met your aunt and he said that he is your friend.
He went upstairs and he found your bedroom. And you are surprised to see him and you wipe the tears away.
“Dave? Dave, what are you doing here?” You said.
He sits next to you and he wipes your tears away.
“Y/n, what happened,” Dave said.
“I told my parents, that I like guys and I have a boyfriend. But everything went wrong… they told me why it was wrong to be gay and how I was a disgrace to them. My parents won't pay for my college tuition they kicked me out. She is my aunt and she letting me live with her” You said.
“Oh, that's why you have been avoiding me,” Dave said.
“I’m sorry. I just didn't want to bother you with my problems” You said.
Dave gave you a peck on the lips.
“Don't think like that. You can talk to me about anything and I will be by your side no matter what, Y/n. Your parents are stupid and they are wrong about you” Dave said.
“You still want to be my boyfriend?” You asked.
“Yes, I'm still your boyfriend” Dave smiled.
Dave lies down then you lie down next to him. You have your head on his chest and he puts his arm on you. You and Dave don't say anything at all. But he did notice that you fell asleep then he managed to get the blanket and put it on you and him. He kissed your head then he took off his glasses and closed his eyes.
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shadowdaddies · 10 months
I PROMISE I will stop sending so many Eris requests but I NEED an Eris x reader where she tends to his injuries after Beron tortures him, it's a need please🙏
NO don't promise!! keep sending them 😈 I'm loving your Eris requests honey, writing this made my day so much better
Find a Way
Eris x Reader angst/fluff
Warnings: mentions of torture/injury
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Eris winnowed just inside the doorway to your apartment, causing you to jump in fright, nearly letting out a scream at the sight of him. Bruises covered nearly every part of his body that you could see through his torn clothes, his right leg bent at an unnatural angle. 
You let out a sob, running from where you stood in your kitchen to where he leaned against the wall. Taking his face in your hands, you studied those beautiful amber eyes for any explanation. Eris gave you his signature feline smirk, but blood stained his teeth. “Hi, love. Little run-in with my father.” Fury rushed through your body and you saw red. “I’ll kill him one day,” you promised.
Eris brought a shaky hand to your cheek, smiling proudly at you. “I love you, my little vixen.” You turned your head just enough to kiss his palm, further sizing up his injuries as you did so. “Where can I support you to get you to bed?” 
Eris winced, but managed to lift himself up from the wall enough to drape an arm around your shoulders. “If you could just be careful of the ribs, love. They’re slightly cracked on this side,” he spoke in a teasing voice as he gestured to his left. “By the cauldron, Eris,” you mumbled as you helped him to your room. “Lay down, love,” you whispered, easing Eris into the bed and pressing a kiss to his temple. You gently removed his clothing, bringing the covers up over his body to keep him warm. 
Heading back into the kitchen, you ladled out the soup you had made earlier that evening and boiled water for tea. Taking the tea and soup back to your bedroom, Eris watched you with droopy eyes as you set the tray down and headed towards the bathroom. You returned with a bowl of warm water and a soft rag, which you used to gently wipe the blood from his wounds which had already begun to heal. 
Eris watched you with a quiet reverence, eyes following your movements until you looked up at him. Giving you a boyish grin, Eris coyly asked the question that you knew was coming. “Will you sing to me, vixen?” You couldn’t hold back your smile as you sighed, and began to sing a traditional Autumn song:
“My Lady of Autumn, sing me your song
Play me your tune; tell me I’m wrong.
Tell me you don’t mean the things that you say
Tell me that we will find a way”
You helped Eris sit up against the pillows, giving him medicine to speed up the healing process. His arms still sore, you fed him the soup yourself, continuing to make idle chit chat about your day to distract him from his pain. One day, you would make Beron sorry for how he treated his sons - for now, you would stay with Eris, simply loving him.
After he’d eaten, you changed for bed and crawled under the covers next to him. Careful not to press into his injuries, you kept a distance away from his body - until Eris pulled you with surprising strength into his side. Curling into his warmth, you read aloud to him until he fell asleep. You laid there for awhile, admiring his red hair glowing in the dim faelight, how peaceful and beautiful he was - a work of art inside and out.
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Song featured in the story: My Lady of Autumn by Dave Webber & Annie Fentiman
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 5 months
Omg can you please do a part 2 to the “pervert Dave” headcannons, I’m begging, thank youu
A/n: Don't ask why I changed the format for this one, can't explain, just enjoy <3
Warnings: Smut, overstimulation, dom!reader sub!Dave, slight bondage, begging, if you think I missed something please let me know otherwise enjoy :3
Link to part 1
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He hadn’t quite noticed you yet, eyes shut tight as his hand kept moving up and down his length. The little piece of fabric in his hands, your panties, was soaked through with his cum. You could tell by how red his dick was that he’d been going at this for a while
You watched him, mesmerised at how he moved, the sounds he made. Soft moans and low grunts. How his back arched slightly, indicating he was close again.
“Naughty boy.” You said at last, clueing Dave into your presence. He shot up and covered himself with the blanket, tossing the used panties away, as if you hadn’t already seen them.
“I-I’m sorry! Fuck, I didn’t- I didn’t know you were coming over.” He sputtered, face flushed a bright red as he looked anywhere but you.
You tsked and shook your head at him. “Touching yourself with my clothes?” You came over and sat on the edge of the bed. “Could’ve just asked for some help, you know.” Dave stared at you as you came over to sit with him, taking in everything you’re saying.
“I-I could’ve..?” He asked, his voice airy. You nodded with a hum.
“Not anymore.” You said with a sigh. “You lost that chance, didn’t you?” Dave shook his head and reached out for you, not caring that the blanket moved off of him.
“No, no, I didn’t! I didn’t mean to, please!” He whined, tugging on your arm. “Please fuck me.” You chewed your cheek, looking him up and down. You smirked and reached for his pulsing cock, giving it a few slow strokes.
“You wanted to cum so bad, did you?” He whined in response and relaxed a little as you started jerking him off. Of course you wanted him to get what he wanted, helping him to reach another high, but that wasn’t all you had planned. He wanted to cum, so he’s going to cum until you’re done.
Dave was now on his back, you had to tie his wrists to the bed at some point because he just wouldn’t stop squirming. His stomach, chest and thighs were all covered in spurts of his cum, the bed sheets were also soaked through and your hand was no exception to his mess.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, he was sobbing and begging for you to stop but you knew he didn’t want you to, not when he was helplessly bucking his hips up to your hand.
You never thought you’d love seeing him in this state so much, all fucked out and whining like a bitch in heat. You couldn’t stop yourself from pulling more and more orgasms out of him, all just to see his face contorted in pleasure.
You could see in his eyes he could barely stay conscious so you decided enough was almost enough. “Just one more for me, alright? Just one more’s all I need, baby boy.” He whined softly at that but nodded and continued to squirm in your hold. His cock twitching in your hand as you sped up once more.
It didn’t take much at this point, he was ready to cum untouched and the way you toyed with his tip had him drooling and soon he was leaking all over your hand again, eyes rolling to the back of his head.
Dave’s body finally gave in, going limp onto the mattress beneath him. His body was still twitching as he looked up at you, eyes glazed over and not fully focusing on your figure. You smiled at him and gave him a quick peck on the forehead before going off to get something to clean him up with.
117 notes · View notes
Title: Atta Girl
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Word count: 1,330
Warnings: dirty talk, no actual smut but a definite lead up
A/N: I’ve never written Hotch before, so please be kind. I apologize for no editing, the idea came to me and I immediately wrote it on my phone lmao Enjoy! Feedback appreciated!!
Tagging @ssahotstuff and @hotchscvm because I recently discovered you guys and love your fics (hope it’s okay I tagged you!)
Pulling into the motel parking lot the team exited their SUV’s, grabbing their bags and slowly walking towards the rooms. Each of you were at the brink of near collapse from exhaustion, so everyone agreed to whatever lodging was closest.
“Alright, get some sleep. We regroup around 8am.” Hotchner looked over his shoulder.
“Come on Hotch,” Morgan groaned. “Give us a break, man.”
Hotch stopped and took in the teams exhausted faces. “Okay, I’ll give you a break. 8:15am be ready.”
“Such generosity,” Emily laughed.
“Reid, Morgan, Dave, you’re all in room 7. Emily, JJ, Garcia, you’re all in room 8. Y/N,” he turned to you. “You’re with me. Each of the rooms can only sleep 3 with someone taking the couch.”
“Fine.” You didn’t argue and walked past him. “But if you snore I’m sleeping in the car.”
Walking into the room you both gave each other an exasperated look. The beds were tiny. There was a table and chair in the corner that looked like it would collapse any second. And neither of you wanted to be there, but also didn’t have the energy to verbally protest.
“I’m going to feel huge in this bed.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his words. “What?”
“Um, in a different context that was kinda dirty.” You started to laugh again and Hotch ran his hands over his face.
“Must everything be dirty?”
“When it’s going to be funny, yeah.” You gave him a quick smirk and turned back to your bag. But it’s also a good option when you want to get a topic going.”
Hotch paused, staring down at his own bag. “Which one is it?”
You paused. “Right now? Funny.” You paused again. “But that’s just right now.”
Hotch let your words sink in and before he could respond you were the first to speak.
“Shower?” Hotch turned at your words. “Do you need it right now because I’m gross as hell.”
“Oh, no, all yours.” Hotch turned back to his bags to unpack his things.
You got the shower running and were halfway through shampooing when you heard a knock. “Y/N? I…”
“I really, really need to pee. I’m sorry.” You could tell the mortification on his part through the door.
“You’re fine! Come in. I grew up with one bathroom so I’m used to it.”
As the door opened Hotch tried to keep his composure. “I am sorry.” You could tell he was hesitating.
“Um, you do remember I was a nurse for 5 years right? This is nothing.” Your words helped him relax.
While you finished rinsing your hair you were extremely aware of the fact that only a thin curtain stood between the two of you. You were completely exposed, and in a way so was he.
You could hear him wash his hands and leave the room. Quickly finishing you toweled off, threw your hair in a second towel, and wrapped yourself tightly making sure it wouldn’t fall. Grabbing the door handle you opened the door. “Bathrooms free.”
Hotch grabbed his things and walked over. As you moved to leave, he was coming through the doorway. Your chest brushed against his and your towel started to slip. As your hand flew to grab the towel, Hotch stared down at you, focusing on your face.
“That’s the second time you’ve been ‘inappropriate’ tonight.” Hotch’s eyes never left yours. “I’m starting to think you were trying to start a conversation earlier.”
Unsure of how to respond you moved through the doorway and turned to him. “Glad you’re finally catching on,” you smirked and walked away. Hotch took a deep breath and closed the door.
You grabbed a tank top and underwear and right as you covered yourself you heard the door open. “Can I come out? I forgot something.”
“Yeah no problem.” You answered not really realizing the level of undressed you were.
When Hotch turned the corner, he stopped mid-step, completely caught off guard. You didn’t even realize it until you felt his eyes on you.
“Oh, shit. Sorry. It’s how I slee-“ but you couldn’t finish your sentence. Standing there in nothing but a towel you took in his body. His large frame, his arms and shoulders, chest and torso.
“You good?” Hotch smirked, taking a few steps towards you.
“Um, respectfully,” you paused. “No way I could have guessed you looked….well this good under your suit.” Each of you let your words hang in the air. Hotch slowly started walking towards you.
“What caught your eye first?”
“I think…your biceps.” Your mind raced to give a reason. “You could really throw a girl around.”
In one motion Hotch crossed to you, grabbed your arms, circled them around his neck, and grabbed both your legs at your thigh to wrap around his waist. You buried your face in the base of his neck as you tightened your grip around his waist. Without a word he walked you to a wall and as soon as your back hit, he pulled his head back as you let yours rest against the wall. His eyes studied your face. Pupils dilated, lips parted, cheeks flushed, and chest rapidly rising and falling.
“You’re right. I can throw a girl around.”
“Show me.” You challenged.
Hotch smirked. “First I gotta make sure you’ll be worth it.”
It was your turn to smile. “Oh I promise…I will be.”
“I knew you would.”
Finally breaking the tension you pulled his lips to yours. You held the kiss, neither of you moving for several seconds. When the kiss finally broke, you each pulled back and smiled.
“Fucking hell Y/N.”
Hotch pressed his lips back to yours and this time the kiss was deeper. Your tongues slowly met and you tangled your fingers into his hair as your grip tightened on the top of his back. He dug his nails lightly, but firmly into your thigh with one hand and brought the other to tangle in your hair at the base of your head.
You needed him to know you were all in, but also you weren’t going to let him run the show. At least not right away. Getting a good grip on his hair you pulled his head back. You dragged your tongue up the side of his neck before resting your lips right next to his ear.
“You take on too much, and are in control too often. Let me show you what a good girl like me can do to you.”
Hotch’s breath caught in his throat before he let out a soft, low laugh that made his chest rumble. It was his turn to fist and pull your hair, exposing your neck to drag his tongue across your pulse point. His lips rested at the base of your ear and he paused to collect himself.
“You will be my good girl…however,” his hand let go of your hair and moved in one smooth motion to lightly grip your throat, “you will also be my dirty little slut, just for me, and show me every trick you have. I will take control when you edge me to the point I have no choice but to stop you so that after I make you cum again,” his grip tightened around your throat, “and again,” his grip tightened more, “and again, I will force you to the point you are literally begging for me to rail you until you nearly black out you cum so hard on my cock.” His hand let go and went back to grab your thigh. “Understand?”
Your head was spinning. Your pussy was tingling. You couldn’t decide if you wanted to kiss him or drop to your knees right then.
“I understand completely…sir.”
“Atta girl.”
He let you down slowly to your feet. His towel falling away as you slid down his body.
“Now,” he took a step back. “Show me how my perfect good girl will be my dirty little slut.”
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supercriminalbean · 10 months
Our princess.
Dave Rossi x NB!Reader x Aaron Hotchner.
Summary: Threesome smut. Their little princess keeps playing up so they have to teach them a lesson. (Reader uses they/them pronoun but AFAB)
Warnings: SMUT!! R18 only. minors do not read! Being tied up, toys involved, degrading, praising, chocking, sharing, anal. Use of princess for reader. Men on men action (They kiss and touch each other) (Let me know if I have missed anything)
A/N: This is hot, so hehe. I kinda rushed the aftercare part so Im sorry about that but yeah other wise enjoy my two fav men. Sorry for the delay work became crazy.
Update: change this from gender neutral reader to non binary reader as I feel like it just suits better. Reader is AFAB
Words: 4.5k
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“Now princess, I’m going to need you to stay quiet, I have company coming over soon” Dave smirks down at you, looking at you all tied to his bed, spread eagle tie. Your favourite virbarter tied to your thigh, pressing against your clit, small whimpers slipping through your lips. 
“Dave please, I’m sorry” Pouting softly as you look up at him, your heart racing as his fingers tracing down your naked body. Suddenly a sharp slap is laid on your inner thigh, forcing your body to lunge upwards, pulling on your restraints. 
“That's not my name Princess” Dave snarls as he turns the vibrator on, glaring at you angrily “you’re already broken enough rules today, I'm sure you want to stop being a brat and be my good little kitten” 
“Y yes daddy” Small whimpers slipping throughout your words, your body stinging from the spanking he gave you earlier. 
“Aw maybe you do know how to behave” His laughter belittles you, his eyes racking over your body. “But I know better than that, you just wanted attention all day, to bad you don’t get any” 
Ding dong.
“Ah look my friend’s here, now you better stay quiet, I’ll check on you soon, and you are not allowed to come at all” Dave smirks at you, enjoying the view of you all tied up at his mercy. Grabbing the remote that's beside the bed, before leaning down and kissing you deeply.
“Colour?” He pulls away from your lips, studying you closely with concern. 
“Green Daddy” Smiling up at him, nervous and excitement running through your body. 
“That's my good kitten, now you know how to get out of here if it's too much?” 
“Yes Daddy, I just pull this rope here and I can then untie myself” Gripping onto the rope that will undo the knot. 
“Good” Dave smiles, feeling at ease now.
Ding dong.
“Looks like someone else is impatient” Dave chuckles a little, turning up your vibrator before walking out.
You're not sure how long you’ve been left alone, you’ve done your best to keep quite small whimpers and moans slipping out. You can’t help it, Dave has edged you at least four times, always turning the vibrator off just as you get close enough. The last time you got closer you couldn’t help the moans getting louder, pulling on the restraints as you try to get away from the vibrator pushed tightly on your clit. Ever since you let out the loudest moan, the vibrator has been turned off and that's when you realise you're in trouble.
The door finally starts to open, grinning with relief as you look up expecting to see Dave, instead fear and excitement runs through your body as your eyes land on your boss.
“A aaron” Your eyes widen as you stare up at him, pulling at your restraints hoping you could cover yourself up. 
“God Sweetheart, look at you” A dark smirk plays on his lips as his eyes run down your body, taking you all in. 
“What did you do for him to tie you up a little this huh?” Aaron walks into the room, leaving the door open as he walks towards you. 
“I uh.. Um” Your brain goes blank as you watch Aarons every move, watching as he rolls his sleeves up as he walks around the bed, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“Speak up sweetheart, I know you know how to use that mouth of yours” A snigger rolls off his tongue as you whimper softly. 
“I.. I was being a brat all day to daddy” Glancing up at Aaron a pout playing on your lips, your heart racing away in your chest. 
“Oh just today huh?” Aaron rolls his eyes as he comes to a stop right beside you, his eyes dark and swirling with lust. “Because from what I have seen, you’ve been a brat all week wearing that fucking skirt of yours to work yesterday” Aaron snarls out as he slides his hand down the middle of your chest, ideas swimming in his mind of thing things he going to do to you tonight. “You know you aren’t allowed to wear that at the office” His cold fingers slide over your hardened nipples slowly, rubbing them between his two fingers, a small whine escaping you.
“I I’m sorry Sir” Biting your lip as he pinches your nipple hard, trying your hardest to stay quiet. 
“No your fucking not” Rolling his eyes up at you as he moves his hand up tp grab your jaw tightly. “If you were fucking sorry, you would have been listening to Dave today when he was in charge of you and not being a stupid little brat” Venom drips from his words as he squeezes your jaw tightly. “And if you were truely sorry, you wouldn’t of worn that fucking skirt yesterday and be bending over, leaning against a desk every signal time me or Dave walked passed, are you trying to get us caught, little one” 
“N no no” Your words are barely above a whisper, your breath getting stuck in your throat as he leans down, closer. 
“Then why, sweetie?” Aaron licks his lips as he spots you shelving under his touch. 
“I.. W we hadn’t played in awhile, so I um” Taking a deep breath as his grip loose on your jaw. 
“Oh so you're needy, so you decided to play up for some attention huh, god you're such a whore” Aaron smirks as he slowly moves closer, his lips barely touching yours, and his hold on your jaw stopping you from closing the gap. 
“P please sir”
“Please what, slut?” Aaron chuckles softly as he glances down at your lips. 
“Please kiss me, sir” Your breathless as you ask, pouting softly as you stare at him. 
“Only because you asked so nicely” Aaron smiles softly, leaning forward, capturing your lips with his. 
The kiss soon turns from sweet to rough and heavy, his tongue parting your lips slipping easily into your mouth. His hand stays firmly on your jaw, as he slides onto the bed with you, his other hand slides down your chest, playing with your nipples make you squeak and groan softly into the kiss. 
Suddenly the low buzzing starts up again, forcing you to thrust upwards at the sudden vibration, moaning softly into the kiss. Aaron pulls away slowly, chuckling as he looks up.
“Finally decided to join us Dave” Aaron takes his hand off your jaw as you lean your head back down, the vibrator being turned up again. 
“Well someone had to clean up” Dave smirks as he looks over at you, a small puddle that's forming under you, wetness running down your shaking thighs. “Someone learning their lesson kitten?” Dave walks over to you, sitting on your other side, his hand coming to rest on your inner thigh. You can barely form words so all you do is whimper and nod in response, not daring to look at him 
“Words kitten” Dave smirks as he turns up the vibrator, earning louder whimpers. 
“Yes Daddy I’m learning my lesson” Glancing at him, a small pout still playing on your lips, even though you know it's useless when it comes to him. 
“Wipe that look off your face princess, you brought this on yourself” Dave smirks, looking over at Aaron who looks at Dave excitedly, before holding his hand out for the remote, a soft smile on his face. 
“Can I, please” 
Dave can’t help but chuckle softly before handing it over to him. “Just behave Aaron, because I wouldn’t mind seeing you in this same position” Dave licks his lips as your thighs clench, Aaron blushing deeply before nodding.
“Good boy” Dave winks, before moving his attention back to you, his hand trailing up your thigh slowly. “Your dripping kitten, you need us hmm” Dave chuckles as you whimper back yes. His fingers move past the vibrator, running up your slit slowly collecting your wetness. “I bet I could slide straight into you princess, your wet enough that I don’t even need to stretch you, aren't you my little slut”
“Yes Daddy please” Grinding yourself against his hips and the toy, your pussy aching for him.
“Oh you want daddy to wreck you baby?, use your holes until you can’t take it anymore” Dave smirks as he slides a finger in you, groaning softly at how warm and soft you are. “Want me to fill you of my cum then have Aaron fuck it back into you” Dave slides his finger in and out of you slowly, feeling the vibrator pulsing on your clit.
“Yes daddy yes please I need you to use me please, I need your cum in me” You cry out as he curls his fingers,just as Aaron turns the vibrator up. “No no no please, I need to cum” Your walls tighten around Dave finger, moans dripping from you, eyes closed tightly.
“Fucking hold it” Dave snarls at you, pulling his fingers out. 
“C can’t, I can’t, please Daddy” Whimpering loudly as you pull against the restraints, Aaron smirking down at you, before turning the vibrator completely off. 
“W what no no” Groaning frustrated, leaning back into the bed as you take deep breath, trying to calm yourself down again from being edged for at least the 5th time that night.
“We told you to behave, now if you listen to us, we may allow you to cum at least once tonight” Aaron smirks evilly down at you. Pouting softly you nod, tears sliding down your face.
“Yes sir”
“Good, now colour?” Aaron demands.
“Green sir” Giving him a small tired smile, which only grows as he leans down and kisses you sweetly.
“You're so good for us” He whispers as he pulls away. “You're our good little whore aren’t you sweetie” 
“Yes sir” Grinning softly as he kisses you again, only for the moment to be broken up by a loud scoff.
“God you're too soft on them Aaron” Dave rolls his eyes as he unties your ankle, before removing the vibrator placing it on the bedside table.
“No I’m not” Aaron pulls away to defend himself, smirking down at you. “I’m not too soft, am I Sweetheart?”
“Never” You agree, licking your lips as he chuckles lightly, before untying your wrists, rubbing them between his hands. 
“No Aaron you're too soft” Dave disagrees, before standing up holding his hand out to you, which you take without hesitation. Dave pulls you up onto your legs, which shake as soon as you try to put pressure on them a painful whimper slips through your lips, which makes both boys grin. Dave leads you to the front of the bed, where you meet Aaron who is now holding a collar. 
“On your knees kitten” Dave kisses your neck as he speaks, with  a quick nod you slide down onto your knees.
“Yes Daddy” You slide onto your knees, back straight, hands behind your back and head slightly bent as your doms stand above you. 
“Oh what a good little doll for us” Aaron smiles at you, stepping closer. “Head up, sweetheart” With that simple and soft command you lift your head, and his hands are quick to put the collar around your neck. Dave smirks as he looks you over, all naked and gorgeous, sweating and breathless from the things they have done to you. Your collar around your neck with the words, ‘Property of Daddy and sir.’ Written boldly across the front of it.
“You going to behave for once and suck Sir off princess” Dave asks, walking closer to Aaron.
“Yes Daddy” Smiling up at them as you reach up to unbutton Aaron jeans, gulping thickly as you feel just how hard he is, which halts your action.
“What's wrong darling, you never touched such a hard cock before” Dave teases as he sees your startled look, glancing up at him shyly, before continuing to pull it out. 
“It's just.. Oh so pretty” Gulping as you hold it softly, listening to Aarons softly groan.
“Come on sweetheart, why don’t you put your mouth to better use, seeing as it kept getting you in trouble lately” Aaron smirks down at you, leaning back a little, as Dave moves to stand behind him, his arms wrapping around waist. 
“Yes sir” Spitting into your hand before you start stroking him, listening to his small whimpers and low groans as you tease him. 
“If you don’t hurry up, you don’t get to cum tonight” Aaron glares down at you, his cock throbbing in your hand. Quickly you bring your mouth down, taking it slowly into your mouth. 
Aaron groans loudly as you take him down your throat, leaning into Dave touch, enjoying his soft kisses on his neck. Dave fingers sliding up Aarons chest as he undoes the buttons throwing the shirt across the room. 
God you love the way he feels deep in your throat, the way he keeps thrusting, the soft groans that leave Aarons mouth as he uses you for his pleasure. Glancing up at him through watery eyes, you can’t help but groan around his cock, the view above you is beautiful. Aaron is leaning into Dave, his eyes fluttering close as you suck him off. Daves hands travel up Aarons chest gently pinching his nipples as he kisses his neck, whispering sweet nothings in his ears. 
“You like that don’t you baby boy, enjoying the way you fuck our princesses throart” Dave smirks, glancing down at you before continuing to suck some hickey on Aarons neck.
“Fuck, they feel so good” Aaron groans thrusting a little harder, making you whimper.
Soon Aaron pulls you off, giving you time to catch your breath, tears sliding down your face as you grin up at him, drawl slipping down your chin. 
“Maybe you do know how to behave for us” Aaron smirks darkens as he helps you up, quickly pulling you into a deep kiss. You can’t help but fall into his arms as he takes control of the kiss, his hands sliding down your body, grabbing your ass tightly as his tongue slides in. Another pair of hands join your body, sliding around your waist as he beggans kissing your neck. Soon you have both pairs of lips attacking your neck, one pair of hands playing and pinching your nipples as the other slides down the mess between your legs, sliding them open before rubbing soft circles on your sensitive clit. 
“God please, I need you both” Groaning softly as you lean into Dave's chest.
“I need to taste you first kitten” Dave nips your neck before slowly pulling away.
Dave strips himself clear of the clothes before laying himself down on the bed, as Aaron holds you in his arms, giving you a small breather before leading you over to the bed. 
“Ready to ride his face, sweetheart?” Aaron smirks as he feels your cheeks heat up, you always get embarrassed about sitting on either of their faces, but god do you all love it so much. With a small nod and some chuckles from your doms, Aaron holds your hand as you crawl on the bed and half hover over Dave's face, your heart beating pounding  as you try to relax. 
“Calm down princess, it's okay” Dave reassures you, rubbing your inner thigh softly before pulling you straight down onto his face, you gasp lightly not expecting the sudden movement. Nor are you prepared for the way he attacks your slit with his tongue, the way he eats you out as if it's his last meal. Soft groans escape from you, as his tongue swirls around your clit.
“Oh god, Daddy” Groaning loudly, as your eyes lock with Aaron, who's watching you hungrily, he can’t help but lean forward, capturing your lips with his, swallowing all those beautiful sounds you are making. 
“Fuck those sounds you make for us sweetheart, so perfect for us” Aaron breaths out, kissing down your body.
“Just for you two” Your soft giggle turns into a groan as Dave's assault on your clit continues. Aaron can’t help his next move as he moves down your body, and onto Daves, his hands sliding across his stomach and onto his thighs before gently brushing over his cock, which twitches in anticipation. Aaron smirks at you before lowering his mouth over Daves cock, licks the tip of it in a teasing way. You can feel Dave's low groan vibrating through you as Aaron begins to tease him, whimpering softly as Dave’s hand leaves your thigh before slapping your ass hard. 
“Fuck” Whimpering softly as the soft burn, sends sparks through you. “Sir, I don’t think he wants you teasing him” Giggling softly, as Aaron winks at you, before taking Dave all the way in his mouth. You can’t help but groan, with the way Dave is eating you, the low vibrations from his own groaning, plus the view you have of Aaron oh god you not going to last much longer. It's like Dave knows you swear, he squeezes your thighs harder, focusing more on your clit as you reach your high.
“Oh god, oh god, Daddy I need to come please” Whimpering as you beg, your legs shaking around Dave's head. But you get no response from either of your men.
“Please, please can I cum I can’t hold it” Your back arches as you try to fight against the pleasure Dave is attacking you with, your eyes meet Aaron, begging him for permission.
“Please sir, please let me cum” Biting your lip as you beg yourself to keep it together. Aaron smirks, pulling himself on Daves throbbing cock, as he smirks at you. 
“That's it then, cum for us your pathetic slut” Aaron chuckles, licking his lips as he watches you let go. Moans drip from you as your eyes roll backwards, your body becoming limp as you squirt all over Dave's face. 
“Oh fuck…fuck” You whisper breathlessly as your body slumps forward, Aaron is quick to grab you, helping bring you off Dave, laying on the bed beside him. 
“Fuck princess” Dave smirks, licking his lips that is just covered in your juice. “God I love it when you squirt for us” 
“Fuck” You whisper as you lay on Daves chest, his hand running through your hair as you calm down.
“Are you alright princess?” Dave mumbles, kissing your forehead.
“God yes” Smiling up at him, meeting his lust filled eyes.
“Good, because now I want you to ride me, kitten” Dave smirks as he kisses you, feeling how relaxed you feel on top of him. 
“Yes Daddy” Smiling brightly, as you sit up, moving your way down. Gently you grab his cock, feeling the way it throbs in your hand, whimpering softly as you tease it at your entrance. 
“Don’t tease me princess” Dave groans, griping hips tightly.
“Sorry” You giggle as you lower yourself on it, moaning softly as it fills you up. 
“God fuck princess you feel so fucking god” Dave groans, tilting his head as you start moving slowly. 
“Fuck, look at you sweetheart” Aaron groans, joining you from behind. His hands slide down your back as you lean into his touch.
“Sir please I need you as well” Moaning softly as Dave cock fills you perfectly. 
“Oh I know” Aaron chuckles as he picks up the bottle of lube, squirting some onto his fingers. “You just like being filled of cock don’t you, our good little slut” Aaron kisses your neck as he pushes you forward, his hands spreading your cheeks open, before circling your hole with his lubed up fingers. 
“God yes sir” Whimpering softly as he slides a finger in.
“Fuck, your so tight” Aaron groans, feeling you clutch around him. “You need to relax for me, just enjoy it” He smiles as he kisses down your neck, loving the way you give complete control of your body over to them. He slides in another finger, moving them slowly at first before picking up speeding, soon your own movement slows down enjoying the pleasure too much.
“Uh that's not right sweetheart, if you don’t want me to stop you better keep riding your Daddy, come on be good for us sweetie” Aaron licks his lips stopping his movements until you start moving again. 
“Sorry sir, I’ll be good i promise” Moaning softly,enjoying the way he keeps fingering you quickly. After a few moments he pulls them out earning a whine from you, your boys can’t help but laugh at how desperate you are for them. 
“I need you to stop moving” Aaron commands, pressing his cock against your back entrance. Your movements come to a stop, Dave hand gripping your hip keeping you still as your mouth falls open when Aaron slides all the way in. 
“Oh fuck sir” You moan louder as you become fill to the brim. 
“Fuck princess you look so good filled with our cocks, don’t they Aaron” Dave smirks up at the man behind you, who groans at the way you squeeze around them.
“So fucking good, god they really do know how to take cock don’t they” Aaron groans, beginning to thrust into you hard, your body rocking itself between Aaron and Dave, moaning loudly in pleasure. 
“It's funny, how they can be such a brat” Aaron chuckles, wrapping his hand around your neck. “But turns out to be a pretty dumb little thing as soon as they get cock, huh?” Aaron growls in your ear as he squeezes your throat. Dave groans loudly feeling the way you squeeze around him as Aaron chokes you.
“God they are such a slut for us, they don’t care how we use them as long as they get filled” Dave chuckles watching your pleasure filled face. God you love it when they talk about you like this, like you're only here for their pleasure and you can’t help but savour this moment. 
“Just for you” Moaning softly as Dave starts thrusting up into you.
“You gonna fucking cum for us princess?” Dave chuckles watching you fall apart on their cocks.
“I hope not, they have asked for permission yet” Aaron groans, feeling his own orgasm approaching rapidly.
“Please” You whimper, falling into Aaron's hands wrapped around them.
“Please what, kitten” Dave chuckles, holding himself back from filling you up with his cum just yet.
“Please let me cum Daddy” Your moans getting louder as Dave starts hitting your spot.
“That's it sweetheart, cum for us” Aaron groans, kissing just below your ear. 
Oh god, you can’t hold it anymore, feeling yourself come undone as they continue to pound into you, your body shaking as their movements slow down. 
Aaron gently lays you down on Dave's chest as he pulls out, carefully moving off the bed as he makes his way to the bathroom. Your eyes flutter close as you cuddle into Dave, his hand gently running through your hair. 
“You did so good for us darling” Dave hums, a soft smile plastered on his face as he watches your face lighten up slightly.
“I did good, Daddy?” Giggling softly as your body slowly calms down from tonight's actives. 
“You did so good for us princess, but it's Dave now baby” Dave smiles watching yo in sub spaces after a long session is his favourite. Back at the beginning he knew it was going to be a long road for you three to become this comfortable, but now it feels so natural. 
“Okay, thank you Dave” Smiling as you enjoy the peace. 
“Hey sweetheart, I need to clean you up, you can’t sleep yet” Aaron whispers gently, as he climbs back on the bed, his hand running down your back comforting. 
“Okay” You murmur back, feeling Aaron spread your legs as he takes a washcloth between your legs. You whine in protest as he moves you up just another to slide Dave out of you. 
“Just relax darling” Dave coons in your ears as you cuddle into his even move, as Aaron does his best to clean you up, before passing you a bottle of water.
“You need to drink as well sweetie” Aaron smiles as Dave takes it from him, opening the cap before tilting your head up as he brings it to your lips, you sipping it slowly. 
“Do you want to have a bath tonight love?” Dave slowly pulls the water away as you finish up, you nod in response smiling sleepy at him.
“I'll go get it ready” Aaron smiles standing up, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before walking out. In the meantime you stay snuggled up to Dave, sipping on the water as he praises you from how well you did tonight. Soon Aaron makes his way back, standing in the doorway watching the two of you, wondering how he got so lucky. 
“You ready sweetie?” Aaron smiles as he reaches the bed, you smile up at him nodding slowly as you roll off of Dave, taking Aarons hand as he helps you up. Aaron is quick to wrap his arms around you as you sway on your legs, finding it impossible to stay standing.
“You okay?” Aaron kissing you softly.
“So good, thank you” Smiling lovingly up at him as he leads you both to the bathroom. It takes a little bit of begging and your soft puppy eyes which you know he can't resist before he’s joining you in the bath. Your back against his chest, head resting on his arms as you listen to his breathing finding comfort in it. You two stay for that for a long time, until the water starts going cold and your eyes can barely stay open. Aaron climbs out first, holding his hand out for you, once you both are out and dried you make your way to the bedroom where Dave has changed the sheets and has remade the bed nicely. Smiling sleepily as you open up the closest as Aaron pulls his boxes on. You grab your favourite hoodie that's hanging up in there, of course it’s Dave. It's a bit tight but you don’t care, it smells like your boys, that's all that matters. A pair of arms wrap around you, kissing your neck softly as he leads you back to the bed. 
“Come on, you need some rest sweetheart,” Aaron smiles, pulling back the blankets for you. Smiling up at him you quickly climb in, cuddling up to his side once he joins you. 
“You two look comfy,” Dave chuckles from the door, making his way closer.
“Be better once you get your ass in here” Laughing softly as he rolls his eyes at you. 
“Is that so princess?” Dave smirks as he gets into the bed, rolling towards you so now you're snuggled up between your boys.
“See, much better” Giggling to yourself, before giving them each a kiss as you settle down for the night.
“Goodnight princess” Dave smiles, running his hand through your hair, before quickly giving Aaron a kiss and they both snuggle down. It doesn’t take either of them long to fall asleep tonight.
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Bucky x Reader imagine
This could prolly work with Logan too now that I think of it
Imagine you work in a DIY store (I'm from the UK so it would be B&Q for me but I think the equivalent would be home depot?) and you meet this awkward hulk of a man who's staring off into space vaguely in your direction.
"you alright?" He snaps out of it and nods quickly reassuring you he was just thinking. "Well come find me if you need anything."
He doesn't come back for a full month (he's embarrassed to have been caught spacing out and he also wants to know he's ready to be in public but his project isn't moving forward and he wants to finish it so he braves another trip to your store).
"screws are in aisle 21" you speak from behind him, having seen the one he brought for comparison in his hand.
Bucky quickly thanks you and heads off to the aisle. He hates that there's a loud radio and that there's constant chatter and even children running about without a care. It's a little much but his beloved family owned store had closed once Lester retired.
Bucky is back looking for new sanding sheets the next time he comes across you. A man is yelling at you about a refund you cannot provide but you keep your cool and tell him politely to leave the store. He had no receipt, no packaging and had paid cash there was no way to track when he purchased it or if it was even from your shop so of course you couldnt give him money. The man was escorted out by the security guard and you asked the young boy at the returns desk if he was okay, he nodded and thanked you before you walked off.
Bucky quickly fell into step with you, you gave him a curious side eye. "you alright?"
"yeah, just watched the commotion. You handled yourself well."
"thanks, at least I get paid to be shouted at, poor Ryan doesn't." You gave him a quick wink and walked away.
It was a while before you two saw eachother again, he had returned to the store (definitely not to see you) but you weren't in or were merely unavailable.
"hey." Bucky spoke as you handed a customer a tin of mixed paint.
"hey, there. Long time no see."
"yeah, been a while."
The conversation came to an abrupt stand still as you waited for him to elaborate. He never did and you quickly asked, "so why ya here now? What ya getting?"
"just some undercoat today."
"5." You provided him the opportunity to exit the conversation. He didn't take it and you continued with, "I can show you if you want."
Bucky nodded and let you lead him through to the undercoats. You showed him the difference between the brands and the sizing. He knew the one he wanted but liked you talking so let you.
"thank you (y/n)." He spoke as you left, your eyes flashed with confusion before remembering you were wearing a name badge
"hey, (y/n)." Your name woke you up.
"oh hey." You rubbed your eye. "Sorry, I closed last night and opened today so I am dead."
The security guard he had previously seen was walking past and heard your words. "They work you too hard." He spoke with a slight accent.
"yes they do Dave." You agreed with a chuckle
Bucky liked your smile and your laugh, it was a sweet, almost delicate, thing.
"you were just-" he motioned towards the computer you stood at. "Standing."
"yeah. I have to print the sales reports and do a team brief, then I can go home." You quickly logged back into the computer. "God I'm actually scarily tired." You made a face but we're still smiling.
"why did you close and then open?"
"Ahh, Carlota is sick." You shrugged. "I'm the next nearest so they call little ol' me. That's what I get for being a team leader."
"team leader?" He hadn't heard of that job role
"essentially I'm a manager but I get paid less and do more work." You pressed print. "Right, I'll see you soon I assume? Oh that rhymes!"
"paint is my thing." You agreed. "Let's get you paint. We want Dulux? Crown? We mix in Valspar."
Bucky gave you a shrug. "What's a good paint for a bedroom?"
"literally any emulsion." You waved a hand towards your colour charts. "What colour you feeling?"
"I don- black?"
"for your whole room?"
"I'd only ever say yes to that if your house had one full window wall. Black is a lot. Its the absence of colour, to put it dramatically... it'll depress you. We can do a deep colour like a green or a maroon or even a beige but I think black is too hardcore even for you."
Bucky listened and nodded. You seemed to know what you were talking about.
"maybe have a look online at some inspo pics?"
"I don't really do online." He confessed. "I barely have a phone, I don't even think it's on me." He patted his pockets.
"oh wow. I mean good for you. I wish I could get off mine more but I read a lot on my phone so it's a bit difficult."
"what are you reading?"
"I am currently rereading the lord of the rings." You thrust your forearm towards him displaying a tattoo he had noticed before. "Kinda a fan."
"I liked the hobbit." Bucky nodded. "I haven't read the lord of the rings, yet."
"oh you must! And the silmarillian(however you spell that, sue me)!" You gave him a big smile and looked to his left, Bucky followed and saw an elderly lady waiting patiently with a colour chip.
"I'll be back for a colour."
"So you've chosen your colour?"
"what's your favourite colour?"
"I dunno it changes a lot to be fair." He had noticed you decorated yourself in brightly coloured things, sometimes it was your nails, sometimes it was hair clips or bangles. Either way you always had some form of colour. "Been feeling blue recently. The colour, not sadness."
"then I'd like a blue."
"for your room?"
"pffftt. No! You strike me as a brown guy." You folded your arms. "You have a lot of mahogany and oak in your house, you probably built a lot of your furniture, so I think a nice deep warm feature wall and the rest can be white or cream."
Bucky was able to picture what you said and did agree it would look nice. "okay that."
"right now I have like 200 shades of brown, let's have a look."
It took less than five minutes for you to say "what about thi-" and him immediately say yes, you walked him to the tills and when he was at the exit you stopped him.
"you know you don't wear a name badge."
"no," he agreed "I don't."
"you know my name, that's a little unfair, right?"
"oh, B- call me James." He held out a hand
"call you James?" You raised a brow but shook the offered hand.
"it's my name."
"right." You laughed. "Well that does it. It's a shame. I've sworn off James'"
"my ex was a James, so I've sworn you lot off."
"oh I didn't know."
"well how could you." You playfully shrugged.
"no I didn't know that was on the cards."
The playful flirting continues a while before he eventually asks you on a date, it's beautiful and you had a wonderful time. Bucky even took up actually taking his phone out with him incase you sent a text, he was bad at responding but liked that you thought of him. He just liked you, you werent a hero or a mutant or someone with supreme intelligence. You were an average person making the most of their life, you weren't a massive fan of the job you were in a fact he knew when he asked if you'd get in trouble for talking to him so much "if they wanna be rid of me that's actually in my favour". You were normal. He loved it. The idea of normality was daunting when he thought of all he had done but when he pictured you he felt warm. It felt peaceful.
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suzdin · 1 year
Two For One: Ch. 2
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(Dave York x Max Phillips x f!reader)
Part One Here
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, pre-vampire Max, pre-Equalizer 2 Dave, small age gap (unspecified), no use of y/n, some angst, mention of weapons, romance, some fluff, alcohol use, smut, graphic depictions of sex, rough sex, degradation, sadism, kinda dubcon, dom!Dave, spanking, fingering, oral (f receiving), overstimulation, anal
Notes: This is a Dave heavy chapter and Max is kind of an afterthought, sorry if you’re here because of him. He’ll make a larger appearance in the next chapter, I promise! 🤪
“Careful, it’s a bit heavy—“ you say as you pass your bag to Dave. “—there’s glass,” you add for good measure, Dave’s fingers brushing yours as he grabs at the straps to hoist it over his shoulder. You watch as your bottle of Smirnoff lists to one side, breath catching in your throat until it eventually tips back.
Ignoring the almost-fiasco of it crashing to the sidewalk, Dave eyes you up and down once he settles everything, which causes your cheeks to heat. “What are you in the mood for?” he asks, his eyes large and brown, reminding you almost comically of a baby cow.
“Um,” you answer awkwardly, not sure what to say. You don’t want to pick something on the pricier side, your impoverished upbringing screaming at you in your head. “I don’t really have a lot of money, so…there’s a Burger King around the corner?” you suggest.
Dave shakes his head in disagreement, his lips tilting into a smirk, the skin around his eyes crinkling in a way that makes him look soft. Inviting. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m paying.”
And herein lies a new dilemma: you don’t want him to assume you’re gouging him for money. It isn’t like the restaurants in your neighborhood are high class, but they certainly aren’t cheap, either.
“Oh, um, well…” you begin. “What are you in the mood for?” you ask, deflecting the question back to him.
Dave knows what you’re doing; you don’t want to choose something that might leave a bad taste in his mouth, literally and figuratively. He can’t help to admit it strokes his ego a little that you want to make a good first impression; he thinks that bodes well for him. He tries not to let his gaze linger longer than necessary.
He cants his head forward, gesturing for you to follow him. Together, the two of you start down the street.
“Well,” he begins, raising his eyebrows in contemplation. “There’s Italian straight ahead. An Irish pub called Quinn’s that has decent enough food across from that. Greek and Indian on Broadway…” he trails off idly, hoping any of those sound appetizing.
“Greek is good. I like Greek. Hummus actually sounds killer right about now,” you admit, your stomach grumbling audibly at the mention of food. You clutch at yourself as if that will stop it. “Sorry.”
He re-adjusts the bag on his shoulder and smiles over at you, pointedly ignoring your wailing stomach. It isn’t heavy, not really. Not for a big guy like Dave. “Mythos it is.”
The restaurant isn’t far. You walk, shoulder to shoulder, mostly in silence. Dave can’t stop thinking about you or the sounds you’d made for Max; his dick fighting with his brain, trying to keep himself in check now that he’s this close to you.
He clocks right away how different you are from Carol, who would have vetoed every restaurant in the city and then complained about being hungry later. Carol, whom he’d met at his church—back when he gave a shit about such things—only a few months before being sent away to the Marine Corps, so that he hastily rushed into a marriage that neither of them ended up being happy in.
Carol liked to present herself as a godly, Christian woman, though from Dave’s experience, he knew that to be far from the truth.
You, on the other hand, did not give off such vibes, the way you often slept in until noon on Sundays (when you didn’t happen to be working, that was), the somewhat revealing cut of your clothes, or the fact that you didn’t care enough to keep your debauchery stowed away, if the constant slew of alcohol and cigarettes had anything to say about that.
Not to mention how you allowed yourself to be manhandled in a public space with little to no concern of being discovered.
Would you let him drink with you later? he wonders.
Would you let him touch you? Fuck you?
As if on cue, you pull a cigarette loose from your purse. “Is this okay?” you ask as you draw it up to your lips.
There’s something in his eyes you can’t quite read.
“By all means,” he responds, and you let go of a breath. His eyes track the way your lips curl around the filter as you bring the lighter up; the way you cup your other hand to block the wind as you walk. He’s never been more jealous of a cigarette in his entire life.
“Want one?” you offer, assuming that’s why he’s staring.
“No, thanks,” he replies with a small laugh. “Gave them up years ago when I left the Marines.”
Marines? This guy couldn’t possibly be anymore different from Jonathan, you think.
Jonathan, the tortured artist. Jonathan, who once tried to make his own beer and failed horribly, which landed you in the ER several months ago. Jonathan, who dragged you from your home state all the way to Massachusetts, depleting your life savings, and now you don’t have enough money to get home.
He was your type, once. Maybe Dave is what you need.
Maybe Max is what you need, you ponder, a particularly brisk step reminding you of the soreness blooming between your legs.
You don’t need a relationship, you think. What you need right now is no-strings-attached sex, which is exactly what Max seems to be able to offer you.
Dave is cute, though. And seems nice. You can’t deny there’s something reticent about him, however. Something tucked away.
It fascinates you.
You’re about half done with the cigarette by the time you reach the restaurant. You snuff it out on the ground and cram the remainder back into your purse.
It’s a small, hole in the wall sort of place with outdoor seating off to one side, somewhat hidden from view of the street. The inside is intimately lit, and seems a touch cramped for your taste.
“Inside or outside?” Dave asks.
“Out, if that’s okay,” you reply. It’s a cool September evening, which means it will be pleasant enough to sit outdoors, unlike back home this time of year. It’s a nice night and you’d like to enjoy it a bit longer.
“Yeah. Of course.” He tries to quell his nerves when he notices how empty the patio is; were you trying to hint at something? he wonders.
You realize at the same time Dave does that the patio is devoid of other patrons, and you hope you didn’t give off the wrong impression, but it’s too late to say anything by the time he tells the host to seat you there.
The patio is situated between two buildings, adorned with standard metal grid outdoor tables and chairs, a few planter boxes flanking the walls, and string lights strewn above your heads. The host seats you by one of the tables nearest a wall and tells you someone will be by to take your order shortly.
“This is nice,” Dave says, taking time to pull out your chair for you before you sit. It stokes something in you; none of the men you’ve dated ever took such a simple gesture into consideration.
It probably shouldn’t, though. You barely know him.
You shuffle uncomfortably under the table. It’s been a long time since you’ve been on a date, if that was in fact what this was, and you aren’t really sure how to feel about it; how to act and what to say.
“So, where are you from?” he asks, breaking the ice for you.
He is, of course, only making small talk out of formality; he already knows where you’re from. All the places you’ve lived, the jobs you’ve had, your relatives, your financial situation. Social media links. By simply finding out your name and knowing where you work, he was able to obtain more information about you in hours than he had in months of watching you.
It wasn’t enough. He needed to know more.
“Texas,” you answer. The waitress is here now, and she takes your drink orders. Dave orders a Diet Coke and you start to order a water—your go to because it’s free—but change your mind at the last second and order the same thing.
“Be right back with your drinks,” she speaks in what you assume is a Greek accent. You mumble a polite thank you out of habit.
“How about you?” Your turn to ask now.
“Baltimore. Parents were in the FBI, so we stayed close to D.C. for a reason,” he replies with a smile. You make a face of admiration because you don’t know how else to respond to that.
“Wow,” you say as a placeholder. “The FBI? Impressive.”
He preens and shakes his head with a small laugh. “Yeah, I guess so.”
And then you settle into another drawn out silence. It should feel jarring, but to you, it’s a reprieve. You were never good at carrying a conversation. You start looking over the menu to fill the time, even though you already know what you’re getting.
“So. You want hummus, right? I’ll order some when she comes back,” Dave says.
“I’m getting that as my meal,” you state and it’s true. You would normally get an entree if you were just eating alone and save it for later, but you’re being polite. Besides, you’re really jonesing for some hummus right now.
“You sure?” he asks. “You can get anything you want.”
“I know. Thank you. But I— the hummus sounds good,” you reiterate. He concedes, brushing a hand through his sweat damp hair.
“Dolmas, then,” he suggests, pointing it out on the menu. Your menu, in fact, so that his arm briefly comes into contact with yours.
“Yeah. That sounds nice,” you agree quietly.
He can’t stop himself from smiling at you. You’re so kind. So polite. So shy. Everything that Carol isn’t.
He almost couldn’t believe what you’d let Max do to you. The sinful noises you’d made as a result.
Your duality captivates him. Not unlike yourself, he has his own duality.
He’s already growing stiff under the table. He can’t help it. He wishes you would make the same noises for him.
The waitress comes back a few minutes later with the drinks and takes your orders. “It will be out shortly,” she says when she’s done, tapping her pen against the ticket book as she strides away.
Dave starts asking you about your family. He already knows, of course. But he wants to hear you say it, perhaps to elaborate the details, see how much you’re willing to open up. He nods along patiently as you talk about your sick grandmother and how your mom takes care of her full-time. That you send money to them every once in a while, which is just one other thing that keeps you from saving, although you omit that last part.
You briefly touch on the subject of your brother—your only sibling—and how he’s been in and out of jail and rehab for years, but you don’t expound on that more than necessary.
Dave knows everything so he only lets you tell him what you’re comfortable sharing. He knows about the armed robberies, and that when you say jail, what you really mean is prison.
He notices how disquieted talking about your brother makes you. He’s overcome with the urge to kiss you, again. Take away the hurt. He settles on gently squeezing your shoulder instead. You don’t cringe away this time. He lets his hand dally a touch too long, perhaps, but you don’t say anything.
The dolmas come out a few minutes later. You admit to Dave you’ve never had them before, but after trying the first one, you’re hooked. They’re earthy, lemony and savory; everything you would expect and more.
“Glad you’re enjoying them,” Dave says affectionately. “They’re my favorite.”
You start to relax, a little. But you’re still mostly a bundle of raw nerves and when staff is out of view, you bend over to dig in your grocery bag to retrieve the vodka. It’s been such a long—and bizarre—day. It cannot be helped how you’re feeling or that you need relief.
You don’t catch Dave’s eyes on the droop of your chest as you bend…or the way he licks his lips salaciously, imagining how your nipples would taste against his tongue.
“Would you like any?” you query as you unscrew the top and dump what looks about a shot’s worth into your soda, swirling it with your straw.
Dave should say no. Lord knows he can barely contain himself as it is, stone cold sober.
But like most things having to do with you, he can’t resist, so he doesn’t. You pour some of the clear liquid into his cup.
And it continues like that for a while; adding another shot after every refill, halfway to being drunk by the time your food arrives, your anxiety dissipating with every drop of alcohol in your bloodstream.
Dave’s little touches grow more frequent, as well. Your hands and arms, your nearest shoulder, your knees. A few times, he has to stop himself from gripping your knees to spread them apart for him. It’s been a while since he’s been drunk; you’re probably handling it better than he is.
“What about you, then? Tell me about your family,” you pry, adding another shot to each of your cups.
Dave tells you about his parents, his siblings—one brother and one sister, both older. One lives in Rhode Island and the other in Florida. He says he doesn’t see them as often as he’d like.
“What do you do for work?” you question.
“I’m retired from the CIA,” he answers honestly, pointedly leaving out the part where he still acts as a consultant from time to time. He does not elaborate more than that.
Your eyes go wide, your brows shooting up your forehead. Dave must be the most decorated person you know. “CIA? This isn’t a situation where you have to kill me now that you’ve told me, right?” you ask playfully, and Dave laughs, his fingers grazing your hand.
“I’ll just pretend I didn’t,” he says around a laugh. You melt into a soft smile and he almost grabs you. Almost drags your mouth to his.
His control is waning by the minute.
“What brought you to Boston, anyway?” he finally asks. He knows already, of course, but he wants your side of it.
You’d been avoiding the subject, but the words flow easier now that you’re inebriated. You tell him about Jonathan; how you’d met online, fell in love—or so you thought—moved halfway across the country for him, only for him to leave you for another woman. Your cheeks shade red with anger.
You clock how hard Dave’s face gets while you’re recounting everything. It’s sort of amazing how swiftly his visage shifts from light to dark in the span of mere seconds. It’s unsettling in its own right, really, so you wave your hand dismissively, in order to change the subject.
“What about you? What brought you to Boston?”
He shifts back in his chair, knee brushing yours and bumping it aside ever so slightly. But he isn’t listening, his bubbling thoughts like a dull roar between his ears; he’s thinking of all the ways he would torture Jonathan before killing him. He’d killed many men, both for the Marines and the CIA. He enjoyed it. Got off on it. So what’s a little more blood in his ledger, in the shape of two men named Max and Jonathan?
He would kill them both as soon as he got the chance. The first in years.
“Dave? You okay?” you ask, placing a tentative hand on top of his where it grips the edge of the table, your thumb skimming the hills and valleys of his knuckles. His gaze snaps to yours, and he recognizes the worry in your eyes. You’re worried about him. It’s been a long time since anyone has worried about him.
That small reciprocative touch from you is all it takes to provoke him, drunk as he is. His opposite hand moves suddenly to your throat, then to the nape of your neck, and he pulls you into him, mouth crashing against yours, needy and messy, all teeth and lips until you open your mouth to him and he’s laving at you with broad strokes of his tongue.
You taste like vodka and heaven.
He swallows your whimper as it works its way up from the depths of your throat; as much as you can’t believe you’re kissing a man you’ve only just officially met, you’re impervious to stop him. This is exactly what you were wanting, what you were needing earlier, with Max. That intimacy, that connection, that Max had denied you. That Dave is offering freely. It’s what you wanted so badly and you only stop when Dave does, pulling apart from you to catch his breath, panting against each other’s lips.
You swipe your tongue against his bottom lip after a few moments, enticing him to return, and he takes advantage of the invitation with a deep groan, prodding his tongue hungrily into your mouth. He palms himself over his shorts as he does so—he can’t help it. You drive him fucking crazy.
You’re letting him touch you. He cannot believe you’re letting him. He wonders how much farther he could go.
His hand moves to your chest, curling lightly against the rise of your upper breast, skirting, testing. When you don’t object, he moves lower, gently cupping you from underneath, cradling the weight in his hand. He grunts into your mouth, dragging his thumb up to circle the stem of your nipple. Might as well go for it as long as you seem receptive.
You pull apart, panting hard, lust-drunk and intoxicated. His hand doesn’t move from your breast, his thumb deftly doing laps around the circumference of your stiffened peak, and it feels better than you could have ever imagined, your head draping over the back of the chair.
You need to know how his thumb would feel circling the bundle of nerves between your legs. You know how fucked it is, how fast everything is moving between the two of you, but you find yourself unable to give a shit after the year you’ve had.
You take his hand and move it down to the cradle of your lap as your legs splay wide for him. He cups your heat with his hand, wrist cocked, completely swallowing you in its mass.
His eyes go impossibly dark. Almost unreadable. His lips pull tight, and you think you see the promise of a smirk there, but you can’t be too sure. His brow is furrowed into a heavy line, lending him a feral—almost dangerous—appearance. And he absolutely is, right now—he’d wanted you for so long and he finally has you. Target acquired. God help anyone who might try to take you from him.
His hand doesn’t move right away and you almost think you’ve offended him. You start to cant your hips, seeking friction, and he stills you with the other hand, wide palm holding you in place against the chair.
The thin bike shorts don’t leave much to the imagination; he can feel your soft folds against his fingers and the dampness that is already creeping through. He starts to stroke with his fore and middle fingers along your seam, his thumb firmly pressed to your clothed clit, rolling tight circles.
It’s all so much that you would buck into his hand if he wasn’t holding you down. You mewl pathetically in his wake, and you’re certain you do see his lips curving into a grin now.
You feel like a rabbit locked in the jaws of a wolf.
“Feels so pretty for me,” Dave murmurs against your lips, his forehead pressed to yours as he holds your gaze in his. “What else would you let me do to you, huh?”
You swallow. Your heart is slamming in your chest. The hero facade from earlier is gone and the real Dave is now bared right in front of you.
“Whatever you want,” you respond in a shaky breath. You’re scared of him, but you kind of like it. The fear consuming you is enrapturing.
“That’s a dangerous proposition,” Dave tuts, tongue clicking between his teeth. Thumb continuously circling your sensitive nub.
A moan slips free and you find it nearly impossible to stay in one spot, even in his clutches. He eventually resigns himself and lets go, hand coming up to squeeze just under your jaw.
“Would you let me put a finger in you? Right here?” he rumbles lowly, his voice deep, dark. It almost doesn’t sound like a question, coming from him.
You already know the answer to such a devious question. You’d let Max almost do the same, after all, and you don’t even like Max.
“Yes,” you admit. “Yes…please.”
“Fucking filthy.” His eyes shine and his lips curl into a wicked smile. Carol would have never agreed to something like that; as if he hadn’t asked on multiple occasions. But that never stopped her from fucking a neighbor at a Christmas party several years ago.
The ache in his cock is burgeoning on painful. His grip under your chin tightens; still very much controlled, but enough to get his point across. “Grab my cock.”
Your breath catches. He leans in to kiss you again, your fingers skating along the inner plane of his thigh, snaking into the opening of his shorts. You find his stiffened member readily, lacing your fingers around the ample girth and stroking it along the ridges of your palm, slowing down when you reach the head. Precum leaks down your wrist. He’s warm and hard as steel and feels amazing. He grunts into your mouth, hips rolling forward, chasing your touch.
“Fuck,” he whispers. He’s spent so long dreaming of this exact scenario that now that it’s happening, it’s too much. Too much and not enough all at once. He breathes headily into your mouth, sucking and biting at your lips. He wonders if you’d suck him off under the table; he knows from listening to you earlier that Max hadn’t claimed your mouth. He wanted to be the one to claim that before Max, spill himself down your throat and mark you from the inside out.
It’s so much that he won’t last long if you keep touching him like that, your soft warm hand doing slow, rounded strokes on his cock. He stills your hand and you exchange a glance.
“Lean back, sweetheart.” His words go straight to your core. Max had also called you that, but the cadence was different, more derivative. Dave’s movements are deliberate and controlled, unlike Max’s more chaotic approach. Cold and calculating; yet something in the low pitch of his voice makes you want to trust him.
You lean against the chair, hips sliding forward. Dave wets two fingers against his tongue and, resuming the onslaught of his mouth on yours, pulls back the band of your skin tight shorts to slip the other hand inside.
Your head lolls back against the chair and your eyes flutter shut. Your head swims; what is wrong with you? The waitress could come back to find Dave knuckles deep inside of you at any second.
But that’s part of the allure.
His hand dips lower, skimming the soft curls of your mound, tracing your shape. He’s only inches away from discovering your drenched and waiting hole when a new sound penetrates the fog of your mind. It takes a moment for understanding to settle over you, and then hits you abruptly: someone is clearing their throat.
Your eyes snap open and Dave yanks his hand back so hard he elbows the arm of the chair, a quiet hiss escaping from his lips as he tries to downplay the hurt. You look up to see the waitress peering down at you.
“I was going to ask if you wanted dessert, but seems you’ve already started,” she points out. She looks more amused than angry, but it doesn’t stop the shame that blooms hot in your cheeks at being so careless.
“I’m sorry,” you tell her softly.
“Just the check,” Dave says, doing his best to feign innocence. He bites the inside of his cheek. “Thanks.”
You both burst into laughter like a pair of teenagers as soon as she’s out of earshot. You look down at your half eaten plate of hummus and pitas. “Shit, I should have asked for a box too,” you say, acting as though you didn’t just have hands down the other’s pants. He chuckles, brushing a hand through short, dark hair.
“Yeah, guess so.” His mouth hooks into a crooked smirk.
The air of the moment is gone as you fall into a silence that is more comfortable than the one before, his hand lingering on your knee, thumb circling your kneecap as a gentle reminder.
The waitress returns and she is a saint. Not only has she brought the check, she’s also brought boxes for your leftovers and something in a smaller to-go box. “Baklava, for after,” she says, giving you a knowing wink. You blush. “On the house.”
Dave pays the check and leaves a generous tip as quickly as he is able to do so.
Dave’s hands are all over you the entire way home.
Not in a gratuitous way; he’s learned his lesson there. But that doesn’t stop him from sliding his fingers up and down your back as you walk together, or the way his hand curls taut around your hip and ass to pull you in close to nip at your neck. You giggle and playfully try to fend him off, but it does very little to dissuade him, of which you don’t mind.
He’s grateful he chose to wear loose fitting shorts to jog in today. Anything tighter and it would leave very little to the imagination. He’s sure he’s showing enough already, but he can’t be arsed enough to care, or help how deranged you make him feel. He would have taken you at the restaurant, if you had let him. If the two of you could have gotten away with it.
You arrive at the passage between your buildings after what seems like an eternity of walking. You feel his fingers dig a little harder into your backside as soon as you round the corner, and then he’s turning you, pressing your back flush against his building the same way Max had done to you earlier against yours. The similarities between both men is eerie.
His mouth finds your neck and he sucks a line of red marks down to your shoulder, leaving behind a trail of hickies that won’t be going anyway anytime soon, but you’re too fucked out already to mind.
“My place or yours?” Dave asks. His pelvis crowds into you, erection grinding at your center, the thin fabrics of your outfits a blessing as you feel every hard press of him into you.
“Yours,” you mutter without a second thought. You don’t know if you could handle two men in your space in a single day. You’d barely had time to gather your thoughts from earlier, much less clean up after yourself.
If only you knew what Dave knows. What he did.
Dave pulls away from you, one hand circling your wrist as he drags you with him, the other digging into his pocket to retrieve the keycard from his wallet. You need the same for your building, he thinks. Safer that way, less chance of being tampered with, and he would be able to rest easier.
He readjusts the grocery bag on his shoulder as he slides the keycard into the lock and pushes the door open. “After you,” he says, motioning ahead. You do as he asks, stepping over the threshold and into the building, Dave following at your heels.
His building is nicer than yours, a little more modern and kept up. A bank of mail boxes sits off to your right, a seating area to the left. There’s a staircase directly in front of you and an elevator beyond that. He gestures you up the stairs.
“I’m just on the second floor, last door on the left,” he instructs, and you dutifully begin your ascent, slowly, as you’re still more than just slightly tipsy.
Dave falls in line behind you. A moment later, you feel his hands spanning the width of your ass, kneading your flesh against his palms, landing a soft smack to your right cheek; just hard enough to let you know that he’s there and what he’s about to do to you.
“I’ve thought about this ass a lot,” Dave says in a low pitch, “Feels just as nice as I imagined it would.”
You reach the landing and make your way down the narrow corridor until you reach a door with 2A emblazoned on it, canting your eyes towards Dave for conformation. He nods and you step aside as he moves to unlock the door.
The interior of Dave’s apartment is larger than your own. It has an actual bedroom, for one. It’s also more tidy—there isn’t a lot of furniture, very few personal items, which means less clutter. No pictures hung on the walls. Just the bare necessities. A man’s apartment.
Dave puts your bag on the kitchen counter and he’s on you before you can even slide your purse off, removing the burdensome item for you, tossing it thoughtlessly behind him to join the other. His lips crash into yours, needy and desperate, tongue licking into your mouth as his hands roam over your chest to cup both breasts.
You feel better than he could have ever imagined. Like your body was made just for him, the way it slots perfectly against his own.
You make a chirp of surprise as he scoops you up with a low growl, one arm across your back and the other in the bend of your knees as he carries you to the bedroom down the hall. His mouth doesn’t relent, sucking and biting at your lips, your jaw.
“Going to ruin you tonight,” he moans against your mouth.
He puts you down on the edge of the bed when you make it to the bedroom. It’s just as sparse of the rest of the apartment, with plain black sheets and a plain black comforter. At least the bed isn’t made up; that makes you feel a little better about how you live.
He crouches in front of you, large brown eyes darkening a shade as he studies your face. Hands gripping your thighs.
“Just so you know, darling, I don’t play nice,” he forewarns, hands sliding down your legs to stroke your bare calves. Going off of what he heard earlier, he’s sure that won’t be a problem. “Before we start, is there anything off the table?”
You consider his question for a moment, thoughtfully biting your lip. “Yes. I’m not on birth control, so…” you trail off with a nervous giggle. Your condoms are of no use back at your apartment.
His jaw clenches. Of course he doesn’t have any condoms either, as he hasn’t had a need for them in quite some time. He supposes he understands. It isn’t like he needs more kids, anyway.
“Guess I have to cum in one of your other holes, then,” he muses, squeezing and kneading your calves. His hands are large and warm and they feel fucking amazing. “If at any point you want me to stop, you say ‘foxglove’. Otherwise, I assume anything goes. Clear?”
“Clear,” you confirm, inclining your head in a small nod, a tremor slithering its way through you as you consider the possibilities.
Dave’s expression hardens as a hand lifts to your face, landing a smack across your cheek just hard enough to sting but not hurt. Not yet.
“Tell me what you say if it’s too much. I need to hear you say it,” his voice dark and heavy.
“Foxglove. The safe word…is foxglove.”
One corner of his mouth slants upwards into a smirk, his eyes remaining dark. Glassy. “Atta girl,” he says with a wink.
He begins removing your clothing, yanking and manipulating the fabric free from your form until you’re completely nude, your skin pebbling as cool air rushes over you. His gaze traverses your curves, drinking you in with his eyes as he licks his lips hungrily. He can see bruises forming where Max’s fingers gripped you, where they dug in. He surprises himself when it only serves to further turn him on, the head of his dick beading with precum as he pictures how Max must have fucked you. Part of him wishes he had been able to see it for himself.
He slaps you again, harder this time, hand moving to your throat to shove you down until your back makes contact with the mattress, a small gasp rushing out of you. Moving from the floor to the bed, he seats himself at your side, grabbing one of your knees to spread you open.
He drags a finger along your soaked seam, revering how wet you already are for him, how easily the tip of his finger slips inside. “Fuck, is this just for me?” he asks, voice barely above a whisper. You nod in response. “Fuckin’ slut.”
He sinks his finger to the last knuckle, pumping a few times, adding a second a moment later. You mewl and writhe underneath him, craving more friction between your legs.
“Just fuck me, Dave, please. Want your cock in me.”
He chuckles, balls pulsing in response to your words as he removes his fingers from your dripping heat. “My cock, pretty girl?” he purrs. “Who’s calling the shots here?” he asks you, pinching and twisting one of your nipples as retribution. The pain makes you cry out, tears stinging your eyes, your back arching.
When you don’t answer, he repeats himself, tugging harder this time. “Who?” he snarls.
“Y-you! You!” you whine, moving your hand over your breast to soothe the hurt, but Dave knocks it back, pinning it to the bed.
“Don’t move your hands. I mean it.”
Your body trembles. This isn’t the mild mannered Dave from earlier; the juxtaposition absolutely terrifies you and it’s fucked how much you like it.
“You,” you repeat for good measure. “You do.”
Dave beams down at you, caressing your cheek. “Good girl.”
His fingers move to curve inside of you, adding a third this time, splitting you open for him. You keen at the sting of being stretched around his knuckles, hips instinctively bucking against him. You whimper when his palm bumps your clit.
He stills you with his opposite hand and you flinch, anticipating more retaliation.
“Easy,” he soothes, flattening his palm against your hip as he strokes. “I got you.”
His fingers pump lazily through your slick, sinking to the hilt, allowing himself to feel every ridge and ripple of your tunnel. Memorizing it. You’re so wet for him; he still can’t believe that you’re letting him do this. How did he get so lucky?
He fishes his phone from his pocket in a moment of insight; he doesn’t want to take any chances in case you never let him do this again. His eyes move to your face as he does so, awaiting any kind of objection, only to continue when he finds there is none. You watch with curiosity from your perspective as he flicks open the camera app and begins to film, training the lens where his fingers are currently disappearing inside of you.
It goes on for several minutes like that, Dave filming as he fucks you with his fingers, the wet squelch of his digits driving into you paired with the accompanying sounds of your gradually building pleasure more than a little gratuitous, as if it was straight from a porno.
He can tell by the way your inner walls are tightening that you’re getting close. He wants to get you off before he does, prepare you for the inevitable stretch of him so he can properly ruin you on his cock.
He passes the phone to you now, scooting higher up on the bed. You watch him through the phone screen and realize he’s still completely clothed, the lewd bulge of his erection more than obvious even through the phone. As if on cue, he palms himself before settling in next to you.
He nibbles down the rise of your shoulder, trailing to your breast, leaving small suckling bites until his mouth reaches the hard peak of your nipple. His tongue laves over it, circling it, sucking it into his mouth and taking it between his teeth. It sends a shockwave of pain through you, your cunt clenching down on Dave’s fingers, momentarily blinded by your pleasure.
You do as best you can to capture everything on camera, but there’s so much going on, your brain so swimmy you can barely see straight.
“Mmf,” he groans against the stiffened bud. “Doing so well already,” he praises.
His teeth move to the pillowy flesh of your outer breast, biting down harder than you would have imagined he would—to the point of nearly drawing blood—another lance of pain shooting through you with a strangled cry. It’s at that moment an orgasm unexpectedly washes over you, taking you by complete surprise as you scream Dave’s name loud enough for the entire building to hear.
His cock pulses with the need to be buried in your dark, wet heat as he rides out the ebbs and flows of your ecstasy, hand still fucking into you, harder and faster than before, and before you even realize what’s happening, a second orgasm surges through you like an arc of lightning on the tail end of the first, your vision pulling white for what seems like a lifetime.
“Fuck,” you mewl, your voice almost a sob. “Fuck, Dave.”
He keeps pumping until the aftershocks of your back to back orgasms starts to be too much, burgeoning on painful, and you plead for him to stop, grabbing at his wrist without giving it much thought.
“You know what to say if you want me to stop.” His face contorts into a wicked sneer. “I like when you tell me no.”
You let out a sigh of relief when you get a brief reprieve from the overstimulation as he pulls his fingers out of you, leaning forward to force your mouth open with his fingers. “Clean them off. Taste yourself. Taste what I did to you.”
You do your best to turn the camera to your face as you suck obediently, tasting a mixture of yourself and the salt of his skin, murmuring low in your throat as your eyes move to examine his face. He’s drunk on lust and on you, slack-jawed, dark eyes shimmering with dubiousness. Somehow, if it’s possible, it makes you even wetter than before.
When he removes his hand, a string of saliva connects your mouth to the tip of his middle finger, which you most definitely capture on the camera.
“My turn,” he says, sliding into a stand, removing his shirt and letting it join yours on the floor. The first thing you notice are his shoulders, endlessly broad and well defined, flexing with every movement. You’re unable to pull your attention away from the vastness of them until he’s kneeling again, grabbing you by the hips and pulling your ass to hang over the edge of the bed.
His face is buried between the juncture of your thighs a moment later, arched Roman nose nudging your overly sensitive bundle of nerves. His tongue dips to penetrate you, lips forming a tight seal around your entrance as his tongue scrubs at your inner walls, groaning deep in his throat as he tastes you for the first time.
“Taste so fucking good, baby,” he moans against your folds. “Best I’ve ever tasted.”
“No, Dave, stop,” you beg, weakly pushing at one of his shoulders with your free hand, so overstimulated it hurts. Between him and Max, they’ve already done a number on you today, and Dave hasn’t even properly fucked you yet. Your words don’t make Dave stall, however; if anything, he speeds up.
You know what to say if you want me to stop. His words echo in your mind as a single teardrop clings to your waterline. You could just say it, foxglove—a type of poisonous flower, aptly fitting—and you’re certain he would stop. But you’re willing to see how far you’re able to go, how much you can take, the word fading away behind your lips along with your considerations.
“Stop,” you whimper to spur him on, intentionally antagonizing him now, and he growls, animalistic, heady, unrelenting as he grazes his teeth over your sensitive nub, making you cry out before returning to his previous task of eating you out like a man starved.
It isn’t long before he drags a third orgasm out of you, your hips bucking completely off the bed to chase the fleeting stimulation, his name a chant on your tongue. Your fingers curl into the sheets to anchor yourself.
Dave falls back on his calves, chest heaving as he takes a moment to collect his breath, likewise allowing you to catch yours.
He runs a hand over his face, wiping away the sweat that wants to fall. He often stopped using his air conditioning after summer, and he’s feeling the effects now as perspiration beads up and rolls down his back.
“Are you ready for my cock?” he asks, his face cast in shadow, lending him an insidious appearance. It makes you shiver.
“Yes. Need your cock in me,” you whine, knowing how sore you’ll be after this, how sore you are now. You can’t find yourself able to care.
Dave rises, one hand on his hip, cock pulsing and leaking with arousal at the chance to fully bury himself in you. He goes over to the side of the bed, hauling you up the rest of the way by your arm, which makes you yelp.
He takes the phone from you and places it on the nightstand, angling it so that it faces the bed. You aren’t sure how much you were able to capture with his head between your legs, so you’re happy to be relieved of film maker duty.
He’s on top of you an instant later, shorts somehow shed in a frenzy of movement, lining himself up at your entrance and then pushing inside in one smooth, devastating go. His head rocking back to slump against his shoulders at how amazing you feel, how tight you are for him despite being with Max, how subservient you’ve been and how well you’re taking him. It takes every fiber of his being not to offload into you on the first thrust.
His hands lace around your throat as he begins to pump, squeezing into the meat of your neck. “Look at me,” he snarls.
You look up at him, brown eyes shifted to black, a dark band of shadow covering his visage, making him seem that much more sinister. He isn’t fully railing into you yet, but he isn’t exactly going easy on you, either, every thrust into you more tender than the previous.
“Open your mouth for me like the whore you are,” Dave commands, tightening his grip until the edges of the room start to blot away. “And stick out your tongue.”
Your lips part and you curl your tongue outward, thinking you know what’s coming, but still being taken aback when you feel a thick glob of saliva land directly onto your waiting tongue. You don’t give him a chance to tell you to swallow; you do it on your own, opening wider for more.
“Does my little slut want seconds?” Dave asks, and you nod. He smirks, spitting directly into your mouth again, watching intently as you swallow. “Filthy. Should make you eat my cum, too.”
You nod in wanton agreement, but you’re unable to speak with his massive hands digging into your windpipe as they are. The flash in his gaze tells you his understanding, though, and he starts fucking you harder, instructing you to lift your legs so he can slam into you as deep as he possibly can, the head of his dick knocking at the delicate spongy area at the back of your tunnel.
And then a fourth orgasm rolls over you, vision fading away momentarily as your head rocks back against the pillow, choked cry clawing its way out of your throat.
You aren’t sure how much more you can take, which Dave must admit is more than he expected you to. Your body is numb and your head is pounding; you hope for your sake he cums soon.
He loosens his hold on your neck, and you’re able to breathe again, chest rising and falling rapidly beneath him as you catch up. He taps the side of your face, softly, almost affectionate in comparison to how hard he slapped you before. Then he pulls out of you, wrapping his hand around his thick cock, slowly pumping himself with your slick and cum.
“Maybe I won’t spill into that pretty little whore mouth of yours,” he muses. “Maybe I should take your tight little asshole instead.”
Your heart palpitates faster, eyes going wide. You’ve never done anal more than just a finger or two and Dave is so girthy—the idea gives you pause, admittedly.
Dave expects you to say no. Like, actually say no, this time. The veins running the length of his shaft pulsing as he imagines how your ass would feel sheathed on his cock, but he isn’t pressing the issue, so he’s more than pleasantly shocked when you don’t abstain.
“Okay,” you mumble, hardly above a whisper. “Need you to fuck my ass, Dave.” You look up at him through your lashes and it stirs something primal in him, hearing those words come from your sweet mouth.
He wastes no time in flipping you over, pulling you up to your knees as he notches himself at your star of muscle.
“Have you ever done it before?”
“N-never, no. Just fingers,” you admit, biting back your trepidation.
“I’ll start off slow, then. Get you nice and stretched out. But I won’t be able to control myself for long, knowing I’m the first one who gets to claim your ass. I won’t go easy on you after that point.”
You swallow and nod. The alcohol will definitely help to loosen things up, but you aren’t sure how much.
Dave tilts your hips up, spreading your cheeks to spit directly onto the ring of muscle. He slips a thumb inside, pumping it easily a few times, groaning at how you squeeze him.
“So tight,” he growls. “Going to feel so fucking good.”
He slides his thumb out and spits again, first at your entrance and then into his palm, smearing the cocktail of saliva, slick and precum over himself. He grips your cheeks and spreads you open as wide as possible, positioning his head between them.
He starts to push slowly inward, the initial stretch painful, your vision temporarily reduced to nothing, tears stinging your eyes. It’s so much. He’s so much.
In spite of yourself, you do your best to relax, regulating your breathing and slackening your muscles. It seems to help as he claims another inch of you with a throaty reverberation. “Doing great, baby.”
You moan, an amalgamation of pleasure and pain when he pushes in about halfway, filling you in ways you never could have imagined. He pumps his hips languidly as he continues to gain ground, parting you slowly around his length, molding you into a desired shape for him, until he eventually bottoms out with a visceral groan.
“Fuck,” he pants. “So fucking perfect.”
He holds there a moment, relishing how fucking amazing you feel strangling his cock, knowing it won’t take much from this point to send him hurtling over the edge; he’ll have to make sure it counts.
He ruts into you a few times, gingerly, opening you further to ensure you have ample time to mentally prepare for the impending onslaught.
“How does it feel?” he asks, kneading your hips under his hands.
“G-good, so f-far,” you reply. “Okay.”
“That’s too bad,” Dave tuts. “We’ll have to fix that, won’t we, darling?”
He plants a hard smack to your ass, causing you to arch involuntarily with a high keening yelp, rocking you back into him as a dagger of pain courses through you. Dave grunts, snapping his hips into you, and you yelp again.
“That’s it, sweetheart. That’s it.”
He flattens his palm over where he made contact to soothe the hurt, but before you can settle he strikes you again, harder than before, gripping your hips with enough force to bruise as he begins riding you rough and frenzied, bucking his hips against yours.
His hand snakes around to your front and finds your swollen and overworked clit, administering quick tight circles to the delicate bud. Your initial instinct is to push him away, tell him to stop, and you do. You cry out for him to stop, because it’s so much, he’s so much, forgetting in your haste that it only spurs him on, makes him want you more. And it’s so much that he’s literally fucking you senseless, unable to breathe or even think.
Despite everything, that familiar tickle begins to build low in your abdomen again, the noises you make with every thrust inhuman and supplicant. You want him to stop but you don’t. You don’t know how much more you can withstand but at the same time want him to use you all night.
Dave rumbles from the depths of his chest, completely feral as he ruts into your ass, the noises you’re making driving him to the brink of insanity, the same ones you’d made earlier for Max. And he can feel his climax building, listening to your salacious inhuman noises, envisioning Max fucking you in your apartment and how much you’d fallen apart for him. And subsequently four times so far with himself.
“Whose ass is this?” Dave snarls, spanking you again, leaving an imprint of his hand behind.
“Yours, Dave, yours!” you cry.
“That’s right. No one else’s. Just mine. All mine,” he grunts. “Cum for me, baby. Need you to cum as I rail your ass.”
“I can’t, Dave, it’s so much…” you whine. Everything is disorientating. You’re glad you have tomorrow off because you aren’t certain you’ll be able to walk after this.
“Yes you can. Cum for me. Last one.”
He flicks the pads of his middle and index fingers over your clit, and when you think it isn’t going to be possible, another orgasm burns through you like a powder keg, your walls clamping down around nothing as Dave spears himself repeatedly into you. You see stars, crying out his name as your arms give out beneath you, the upper half of your body slumping into the bed.
Dave snaps his hips once, twice, three times more and then he’s cumming hard with a deep, animalistic snarl, pumping himself deep as he uses you to milk every last drop of himself.
He eventually slows to a halt, both of you panting hard, covered in a thin sheen of perspiration, your bodies like jello as you sink in tandem to the mattress below. Dave pulls out of you, rolling onto his back as he pants up at the ceiling.
He takes a moment to catch his breath and bearings before he scoots off the bed, checking to make sure you’re okay as he turns off the camera on his phone and then heads to the small en suite bathroom, the only one in the apartment. He starts the warm tap and retrieves a wash rag from the basket he keeps by the sink, running it under the water until it’s pleasantly warm.
He returns to you a moment later to find you already halfway to dozing, looking at him through sleepy, half-lidded eyes. It stokes something in the cold cockles of his heart seeing you like this, running an affectionate hand up the back of your thigh as he approaches you. “Here, open up.”
You hardly have any cognition left, yet you somehow manage to comprehend, spreading to allow him to clean you. The warmth of the rag is relieving against your sore and tender parts, and when he feels you’ve been sufficiently looked over, he seats himself next to you, brushing your hair from your eyes.
“You okay?” he asks.
“Mmhm,” you manage weakly, unable to keep your eyes open now. “Jus’ tired.”
“Rest,” Dave says, stroking along the edge of your jaw with his thumb. “You’ve earned it.”
He watches you a moment longer as you drift off, leaving your side only when he’s sufficiently sated on the image of you in his bed to go clean himself up in the bathroom. While he’s in there, he can’t help but think that being able to fuck you should have scratched that itch, scratched it enough that he could move past you, but now that he’s had you—he feels it growing even more restless than before, contorting into some kind of twisted, dangerous animal. He fears the things he would do for you. To you.
He needs to remember you like this. All fucked out and beautiful in your post-coitus glow, one hand rested under your cheek. He goes back to you, grabbing his phone to snap a picture of you. And then several more.
He has to see his daughters this weekend so his time with you is fleeting. And he won’t be around immediately after either, since he’s decided to make a little impromptu trip up to New York to pay a friendly visit to your ex.
He rejoins you in the bedroom, flipping on the wall unit air conditioning before sliding into bed next to you, wrapping you in his arms as he places kisses where he left marks on your neck. You utter a small, chirping sound, settling into his arms as the rest of your mind slips away to sleep.
You aren’t sure how long you were out.
Your mouth is parched and you’re simultaneously freezing and burning up, a layer of sweat between your bodies where your skin makes contact. He’s got you tangled up in his arms and he’s like a massive furnace, smothering you with his impressive body heat.
But the A/C is also going and everywhere the air touches is freezing, your skin bubbling with goosepimples.
You shift, hoping it will rouse him. You need to get home. When it doesn’t work, you move your limbs more, stretching and quietly murmuring his name. He eventually stirs, looking down at you with sleepy baby cow eyes, somehow soft in their regard of you, despite every debauched and depraved thing he did.
“Dave, I need to go.”
He frowns. He has to leave tomorrow morning for Virginia, but he was hoping you’d stay, wanting your face to be the last he sees before then.
“Spend the night. I make a mean bowl of cereal,” he jokes, the edge of his lip quirking up. “Or we can order in.”
You deliberate on it. Dave absolutely wrecked you, brought you the brink of losing yourself several times, frightened you and hurt you. You let him. You wanted it—you liked it. And you like him.
But your ex ruined you in the worst of ways. Things had moved quickly with him, you being absolutely starstruck in love from the start, and look where it got you. As much as you like Dave, you fear history repeating itself. You barely know him. You can’t risk going down the same road again.
“Next time,” you offer as compromise. He doesn’t do anything to hide his disappointment, but he nods in confirmation anyway. As much as he needs you to stay, he doesn’t want to push you away with his neediness.
“Next time,” he repeats with a nod. “Sure.”
You get up to use the rest room, slipping back into your clothes, checking yourself out in the mirror as you do so and notice how you’re absolutely riddled with marks. You can hide out in your apartment tomorrow, sure, but you aren’t sure what you’ll do for work. Wear a scarf, maybe.
“Let me walk you home,” Dave says as you gather your things, taking the grocery bag from you, even though it really isn’t that heavy. You lift heavier boxes of coffee at work, after all. “Please.”
“Dave,” you say with a laugh, “I live, like, a hundred feet from you.”
He offers a weak, nervous laugh of his own in response. He really is a man split right down the middle, personality wise. A study of duality. “I know. It’s just proper.”
You don’t fight it. You’re already turning down his request to stay; may as well give him this one. “Sure. Come on.”
He walks you down with his hand planted in the small of your back, gingerly stroking as you make your way outside. The air is stagnant and quiet, the faint sounds of traffic somewhere in the distance.
You reach the door of your building and turn to face Dave with a shy smile, your cheeks heating. You aren’t sure why, after what you let him do to you. “Well, this is me.”
“Yeah,” he says with a breathy laugh, placing his hands on his hips and looking you over. “I can walk you inside, if you want.”
“I think I can manage,” you reply with a smile. “Thanks, though. And thank you…for everything.”
As he passes you the bag, something else unspoken passes between the two of you, Dave rushing into you to plunge his tongue past your teeth, licking broad strokes into your mouth. You moan and sink your fingers into his hair without even thinking about it.
Fuck, he’s going to miss you.
He was hard again the moment you woke up naked in his arms, and he’s even harder now as he presses into you, cock twitching to feel you again.
“I have to go,” you plead against his lips. “I’ll see you this weekend. Promise.”
He frowns. He never told you about his daughters. Or his divorce. Now probably isn’t the most opportune time to bring it up, either.
“I’ll be out of town until next week,” he says. “But after. Yeah.”
It tugs at something in you, hearing his voice drop like that. You decide to compromise once again by offering your phone number up as penance.
“So, we’ll still be able to talk,” you say.
“Yeah. Sounds good.” He smiles, even though he doesn’t exactly feel up to it, the corners of his eyes wrinkling into crow’s feet.
“And bring me back a souvenir from wherever you’re going,” you say in jest. “I’m kidding, by the way. Don’t.”
He chuckles. “I’ll bring you back a “‘Virginia is For Lovers’ shirt,” he responds.
“Virginia? Nice.” You nod. “But seriously, don’t. And have a nice trip.”
“I’ll try,” he admits. And then he kisses you again, less aggressively this time, hand trailing down to the curve of your buttock, resting there, but not squeezing. It’s taking everything in him not to pull your shorts down and fuck you within an inch of your life, again, in the open like this. But he refrains.
“Talk to you soon, Dave,” you say as you take a step away from him, punching in the door code on the keypad. Dave watches your fingers move, tucking the number away for later use. 6435#. Easy enough.
“Soon,” he agrees. “Have a good night,” he says, his voice dropping to an affectionate octave when he says your name.
He watches you go. Watches you leave him. He swallows back his pride, knowing he hasn’t driven you away fully yet, but more than a little concerned he doesn’t have you exactly where he wants you.
He returns to his apartment alone, which already feels empty without you.
He knows it will be impossible to sleep right now. He brews himself a cup of Earl Grey and takes it over to his computer, the screen shining a bright white in his irises as he sits down to do some digging on Jonathan. He has enough information to go on; now it’s just a matter of filling in the gaps.
He can’t wait to pay your ex a visit.
Max surprises himself when his heart drops at not seeing you at the shop the next day.
Maurizio is there, whom he greets unenthusiastically, his ex-schoolmate little more than an acquaintance at this point, but the interaction is amiable enough. And some kid with a face full of piercings manning the counter who’s maybe all of eighteen at best, as far as Max can tell.
At least that pink haired bitch isn’t working today, Max thinks.
He orders a large Americano and a cookie to go, his usual order. He asks if you’re working today. The metal-faced kid—whose name tag says Vincent, and whom he recognizes from yesterday—tells him you’re off today.
“Thanks.” Figures you wouldn’t be here. For whatever reason he can’t seem to fathom, he hasn’t been able to get you off his mind since yesterday. Even wore the same tie as a reminder, which is something that meticulous, obsessed-with-his-own-appearance Max does not do. Ever.
He takes his Americano and cookie and leaves, thinking about you on his way to work as he takes small sips of the subpar coffee. He wonders what you do in your free time. What you’re doing now.
He thinks, perhaps, he’ll drop in after work. He knows where you live now, after all.
He can’t wait to see your face when he shows up unannounced at your door.
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@ohheypedrito @kateispunk @survivingandenduring @oberynslady @chronically-ghosted @onmysluttyknees @kellybelly1978 @annieispunk @sarap-77
Enjoy! 😘
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peacesells-imbuying · 25 days
can u write an angst where reader is pregnant with dave mustaines kid but when she tells him he goes off at her and then leaves her and the child but then ends up regretting it and begging the reader to come home to him and stuff but the reader is very stubborn and it takes a longg time to convince her
sorry if its a lot its just i love this ideaa <3
you’re fine! There’s a extra/bonus at the end Love Dave sm man 😍 | masterlist for more fics
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Was never ready for a baby until now. It already happened, there was no backing out. Nothing scared me except for telling Dave, my boyfriend. Megadeth stressed him out already, but I couldn’t keep it a secret any longer. That’s what couple do though right? No secrets from one another. 
“I’m home.” Dave grumbled and sat down on the couch. He smiled happily as I sat next to him. “Hey,” we gave each other a sweet kiss. “How you been?” Dave sighed deeply in thought. “Stressed as fuck. Missed you though.” He grinned at me while I laughed. 
Now or never. “Dave. I got something to tell you.” My stomach started to turn upside down. “Alright.” Dave focus was on me now. “I’m..pregnant.” His worried face turned into confusion then anger. “What the fuck! Get rid of it.” I scoffed. “I’m not getting rid of it, im sorry okay. Maybe I shouldn’t have told you.” Dave stood up pissed. “This whole relationship was a fucking mistake. If you won’t get rid of it then we’re done.” I stood up with tears pouring down my face. “Fuck you Dave! You’re right this was a mistake and im glad.” My confidence began to weaken. 
“Yeah! Fuck you too!” Dave slammed the table as I started to pack my things. Everything ended just like that. It had been 2 years since I had seen him. Megadeth popularity was now the same as Metallica.
I never got rid of Mary, our daughter. She had Dave hair, smile and eyes. She was my happiness. See I thought I would never see him again but at Thursday 8pm there was sudden knock on my door. 
“Dave? What the fuck are you doing here? How did you even find my place!” Yelled quietly not wanting to wake up Mary. His face softened at the sight of his daughter. “Um, your friend told me. I just wanted to visit..” I sighed. “Fine. Come in. I’m going to set Mary down.” I walked to the nursery room and I heard Dave whisper to himself. “Mary?” 
“I’m so sorry..I was being a bitch. It wasn’t my intention for us to break up the way we did.” I deeply sighed sitting down on my couch. “Dave. Have a seat, want anything to drink or eat?” He did as I said and rejected my offer. It was quiet for two minutes straight.
“So Mary?-“My well our daughter.” Dave eyebrows furrowed together. “Our daughter? You never got rid of it well her. Why didn’t you tell me?” I scoffed. “I wonder why Dave! Can’t believe you waited two whole years to apologize. What the fuck, do you actually want.” That made him a bit angry but he held his composure. “I want you back. Hell, I want to be a father for my daughter! Please give me a chance. Please?” I shaked my head standing up. “Help yourself, but stay away from the rooms.” With that the night ended. 
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with each passing month I finally gave in and allowed Dave to be the father he deserved to be. Eventually  building our relationship all over again which lead us to being closer than ever.
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