#sorry for being a hater y'all have fun tho
filmbro · 2 years
when you love the mighty nein but can't watch the reunion because all the canon ships piss you off
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poisonousquinzel · 3 years
the eat bang kill writer is lesbophobic??
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@drayna: The writer of the comics is lesbophobic??? How does that even work with the whole point of these comics then lmao
@hello-gaynow: Oh no! What has she done thats lesbiphobic?
(I was gonna respond on that post itself but I figured I could just move it all over here since someone sent an ask <3)
so yeah, unfortunately 😬 it came out a few weeks ago after she confirmed that Ivy in this comic / in the show is bisexual and some people started giving her shit for it, which like don't do that, but her response to someone apologizing for the backlash was:
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Comment: As a lesbian I wanna apologize for how half this community reacts to literally anything they're legitimately some of the most annoying fucking people on the planet
Tee Franklin: You don't have to apologize, these ignoramuses don't speak for all lesbians.
You good with me boo even tho I hate lesbians. 😩
And clearly that set off a wave of valid criticism and for some reason ig she can't figure out why people took issue with her just flat out saying she hates lesbians.
Like yeah, people were absolutely in the wrong for harassing her about writing her version of Ivy as bisexual, but I've seen a lot of people completely talking over the lesbian community in the DC fandom who've expressed being hurt over her comments and have brushed those criticisms aside because "oh, y'all are just mad she's not writing Ivy how y'all want."
Not to mention that I’ve seen a lot of lesbians say that it feels like she’s actively pushing the idea that if you’ve ever been in a relationship with a man, you cannot be a lesbian, and that that’s why Ivy’s bisexual! Obviously! She was with Kiteman! Which not only completely disregards the comphet vibes a lot of us got from Ivy in the show, but also just in general it invalidates lesbians who’ve been with men in the past.
and on September 1 she replied to a TikTok about it.
Their TikTok was just the above screenshot captioned with "not the writer of Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: The Eat Bang Kill Tour literally being homophobic towards lesbians 🙁”
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And she responded in the replies with:
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MizTee Franklin: How about you actually READ the entire thing instead of cherry picking what you want. People were claiming this is what I am so I “agreed” with em
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MizTee Franklin: I wasn’t making a joke. I had hundreds of comments calling me a TERF & a lesbian hater & enby hater. I’m not arguing w/ppl about what I said.
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MizTee Franklin: But you posted this to cause controversy I see you and the rest of y’all. Everyone who followed knows exactly what went down
But if this is the narrative you wanna spin have fun. I know what’s what and so does everyone else who follows me.
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@ cowboyharley​​: yeah like i said i read all the tweets and you’re just unprofessional and refuse to acknowledge when people tell u something u said was harmful
MizTee Franklin: Good thing your opinion isn’t canon.
which is.... certainly a response... I guess.
Like genuinely, I think this would have ended quickly if she’d just, idk, apologized to the lesbians she hurt when she said she hates lesbians???? It’s not that hard to understand why that was a harmful statement that people took issue with, lady.
It wouldn’t have been that hard to fix this situation, at all. Literally she just needed to say “hey, I don’t hate lesbians, sorry!”, but no, she doubled down and has continued to just make it worse and then said she wasn’t joking.
Like I don’t understand how she can say she was “agreeing” with the hate comments in a sarcastic manner, and then turn around and immediately say in her next comment that she wasn’t joking. 
Those are contradictory statements.
And I’ve seen some people trying to dismiss her comments because she’s queer and like y’all
That. Is. Not. An. Excuse.
You can be hateful towards and spread harmful statements about other members of the LGBT community even if you are part of it.
And I’m not going to stand by and pretend that what she said wasn’t harmful and didn’t hurt a lot of people because it did.
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How I think being in a queer platonic relationship with Kenma Kozume would be like (gn! reader)
English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistake. Hope you guys like it and I might have gotten carried away lol <3
Kuroo definitely helped you two get together and teases both of you (mainely Kenma) a lot
Very perceptive but also kinda cluless so I think he'd rather sit and talk about each others boundaries instead of waiting to see how you would react to somethings
Kenma will let you play in his switch almost everytime you ask if his not using it
If you like gaming as well he will make you buy a switch (or buy it for you) so you two can play games together
Will get mad if you are better than him on mario kart and will get salty cuz of it, but nothing a couple cuddles can't fix (only if you are comfortable with it)
Animal crossing dates!!!!!
If you don't know how to play Kenma will happily teach you how to while you sit on his lap (if that's something you like)
But if you don't like gaming he does not mind as long as you let him play
Loves when you cuddle him while watching him play
Not a huge fan of Just dance but would end up playing with you and getting competitive
Now when it comes to volleyball...
Kenma would be very happy if you went to his games
Would totally drag you to play it with him if Kuroo was draging him
Speaking of the rooster boy y'all would be reaaaaaally close
You'd have to hear Kenma complaning about Lev
After a hard practice Kenma would like to cuddle with you while watching something
Nappping together <3
Not a fan of pda but likes to hold your hand if he's not gaming, otherwise walking close to you works as well
Would 100% curse someone if they disrespect you or yours relationship
Being friends with Bokuto, Akaashi and Hinata >>>>>
I think Kenma might be a bit shy when it comes to talking about you to his team but would end up doing it if Kuroo asks him to do so
Not a big fan of outside dates but would do it if you ask to (while complaning but we all know he does not really mean it)
likes going to cafes tho
Hates cooking but likes to do it with you
A great listener but isn't very good with advises
Might get shy or cocky with complements depending on what you say
If that’s something you are comfortable with he might give you cheek kisses and also likes to receive it
Studying with Kenma would be pretty peaceful and helpful but I think he might lose his patience if his tutoring you
If you decided to live together your house would be so cool and fancy omg I can't
Doesn't mind if you wear his clothes and might end up wearing yours as well
Playful fights would be pretty common
If you are feeling sad or insecure Kenma would 100% get out of his comfort zone to make you feel better
Gossiping together >>>>
The best person to talk about your queer experience with (but you might end up crying with him who knows)
Yaku would definitively fight people if they insist in saying you and Kenma are a romantic couple (Kuroo would too)
Likes to record you two just to have it on his phone
Would MELT if you played with his hair
I don't think he would like to call you pet names like he preferes to call you by your nickname and wouldn't mind if you called him Ken or something
Would tell you everything after he's comfortable with you
Having to beg him to sleep in a decent time but if you also likes to go to sleep late than it's a lost cause
If having kids is something you’d like to Kenma would definitely take it into consideration
When his mental health is getting bad doing something he likes with you would make him feel better
Imagine playing board games with him during a rainy day while drinking hot chocolate omg I'm soft now
Would 100% start to watch, read or play something you like if you ask him to
A big ass hater of amatonormativity
Would always try to help you
Likes to buy you random stuff
In general I think that being Kenma's qp partner would be pretty chill and fun
Sorry for taking so long to post this lol. I hope you guys enjoyed and feel free to request more fics :)
Here's my masterlist:
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crystu-cii · 4 years
OF COURSE!!!! I'd say you're hella close to it!!! Definitely closer than I am XDD 💖💞💝💕💝❤️💕💕❤️ A G R EED /hj XDD
Yeah ;w; oohh that sounds super interesting!! I can understand not pursuing a story tho, stories are d i f f icult-- XD fun, but difficult, and you need an attention span for them! (Why do you think I only write one page stories??)
OMS yessss that's so accurate tho-- like I haven't changed much if I'm being honest (I spend a LOT of time inside.. XD) awww-- I can understand that- in japan we didn't have a backyard, so I stopped going outside much at all-- occasionally I biked to convenience stores or walked to vending machines, that was cool, but no backyard :/ having no backyard sUCks, like where am I supposed to scream into the void?? INSIDE?? /j
OMS-- CRYS XDD what a Mood™ tho- "oh I'm gonna continue this thing!!" *does something else entirely*
XDD It was done Against My Will™ (get Against My Will on the album I Haven't Awoken Well Rested Since I Was A Child by the band The Bags Under My Eyes Aren't Makeup! XD) MOOD-- I spent the quarantine summer doing nothing but staying up until the sun rose and sleeping until it was at its peak- where did the time goooo
I AGREE HOW DARE HE- LIKE EXCUSE?? YOU TINY HEATHEN??? anyways now I'm trying to go back to squirting him with a squirt bottle to startle him(even tho he's a fan of water, the harsh spray startles him) but anyways thank you crysss I'm never getting a cat in my life now bc of this rude child (dogs are superior anyways /hj)
(and now time to reply to the OTHER ask cause I'm efficient and not going to send two separate asks to respond to things that can be responded to at the same time.. ....why did I even ramble about that wtf henry(huh I never refer to myself by name that felt weird))
Okay!! No worries dude, you can always take your time with replies, I just don't trust tumblr XD 💞❤️💕💝💝💖💕❤️💖 of course!!! Thank you!!! 💖💕💕💖💞💕
Oooh!!! That sounds super fun!!! Man I miss hanging out with my friends-- but my closest friend(lives in my neighborhood) has a parent who works in other people's houses, so high risk, and the rest live several hours away :)) but anyways yeah that sounds hella!!!! I love that y'all were just like "okay well. we're gonna hang out anyways." XDD
Aww-- I'm glad you are!! My brother and his bf were supposed to come but I think we have to postpone that cause someone in his workplace tested positive for covid :( YESS FOODDDD-- oooh cheesecake?? I've never heard of having it on Thanksgiving!! Usually we have pumpkin, cherry, apple, and pecan pies!! (We're having pumpkin and cherry ones this yeah!! Two pumpkin pies, a cherry pie, and a cherry cobbler--) I... Have never heard of pineapple pie in my life! Sounds like it would make pineapple-on-pizza haters burst into tears tho--
YOURE WHAT-- CRYS YOU HEATHEN IT IS NOVEMBER!!!!! /j I can't stand Christmas music, being a choir student made me not be a huge fan of it-- too much Christmas music.. ugh. (Straight no chaser is tolerable at least. And Pentatonix. And covers by artists I like. But if I have to hear Jingle Bells ONE MORE TIME--) YESSS BESTOW UPON ME THOU'S PRESENCE AND PRESENTS... Ooh nice!! Pfft XDD Yess- I have multiple on my wishlist-- mostly for the switch-- OMS I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T ASK FOR THSC-- MAYBE IM THE HEATHEN--
Okay, it's January 5th! Literally not even two weeks after Christmas-- Feel free to scream happy birthday at me :3 XDD now I'm curious, what's yours?
awhhh thank you ;w;; 💕💞💕💞💞💕💞
and legiT- and omg- also what i do a lot is thinking i have a story all in control but then i realise that i only focused on the main parts and nOT the transitions and all that shit and then i end up last minute thinking them- XDD and ngl one page stories sound SOO much better- imo- not just for writing- but for reading as well- whenever i go to see a fanfic I always read the ones that has one chapter- dunno how to fully explain it- possibly cause its satisfying to see a story actually have its end other than a long lasting series that will never end- XDD oneshots are my FUEL
buT WoW omg this topic has now made me realise how i barely go outside- XDD i wish there would be other thingd around my neighborhood other than a "park" that has DEAD GRASS and the sprinklers go off like every hour for some reason- duNNo what the builders were thinking but i guess i dont mind- i stay in my house a whOLELE lot xD
and YESS IT GETS ME EVERYTIME- "hey lets draw-" *-WRITES-* XDD AND ABHAHAHAHA (NOW ON YOUR LOCAL MUSIC STORES- XDDDD) and omG MEEE- the times i would usually sleep would be around 3 am to 6 am- ironically my mom has a more screwed up schedule than i do- and SHE STILL HAS- last night she told me that she hasnt slept in 48 HOURSSS- MaMAAA PLEASE SLEEP
GO AWAY CAT HEATHEN- XD and omG a squirt bottle of water yes XDD and awh i definitely understand now how youll not get a cat- sounds like a hecka pain ;0;; i never even had a pet before (or not that i would recall- oh wait i think i had fish but i have an embarrassing story that made my mom ban fish from the household- OH MAN the shame)
and yeahh oh man- i hope you are okay with all these topics XDD and thank you!! 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞
awwhh i see- i wish you can hang out with your friends without it being too risky! that reminds me of that one time where my friend said "hey so uh you guys can hang out at my house since at my parent's workplace someone was positive for covid" and then immeadiately after they were like "SO WE NEED TO GO TO ONE OF YOUR GUYS' HOUSE" and Im LIKE- UH- NOO??? nOt AfTEr you just say THAT- nuh uh- thankfully we didnt hang out that day- better safe than sorry xD
and omggg those pies sound AWWESOMEEEE- i always wanted to try pumpkin pie before but when i asked my mom that she was like "nO iTS diSGusTing" and im like "*visible confusion*" and lOwKEY SAME- pineapple pie just sounds a bit off but my mom was really hyped to make it xD i'd actually say its not that bad! but im still not a fan of pineapple so uhhh xD (aNd YEAH IT DOES feel like it would make those haters cry-- XDD)
and PFHAOHFA IM A LIVING HEATHEN- XDD omg at this time of year- it gets CRAZYY for me- first off- Tree is a true filipino- right when it was the first day october- youd hear them say "FUCK HALLOWEEN"(and id just whine to them like "BUT HALLOWENENENEN") and then their family set up a whole christmas tree and over-the-top decorations- and omg- if you hate christmas music- you would despise the philippines sO MUCH- when the FIRST day of SEPTEMBER hits- CHRISTMAS MUSIC ON ALLLLL THE STORES- it will drive you WILDDD ( yeah its actually a normal filipino thing- not that i ever went to the philippines myself at tHAT time of year- but my friends and family tell me all about it- filipinos are the true christmas maniacs XDDD)
and awhhh choir must be a pain ;0;;; that would remind me how on one concert- the beginners class of choir screamed on purpose even though they werent supposed to- the teacher got so pissed XDDD and YESSS PRESENTSSSS- and awh man- i actually dont own ANY consoles at all- so the only things i can ask for is steam games- last year for christmas i got just shapes and beats- which was WORTHHH
and oo YAY- now i shall mark that on my calander- XD and mine is february 7!
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imagine-wannaone · 6 years
Park Jihoon Vampire Au
Word count: 3.3k
This was a request for a Jihoon Vampire au and rlly loved writing this so yanno, I’d love to write a vamp au for another member as well ;) Also I had no idea how to make a lil header for this one so I didn’t?? Sorry about that, I’d ask Otter admin but like she seems busy lately so whoops
Things crossed out - Commentary from me
Things in bold - Commentary from Editor Katie
Things in italic - Commentary from Otter Admin because she’s special
OG Admin
• Your school wasn't exactly known for being an accepting place for vamps, (no shit sherlock) • I mean they survived there, sure, but you couldn't say they were widely accepted, so they tried to stay within their own groups and the majority of them caused no trouble, • You didn't quite understand the prejudice towards them, like yeah they could be very dangerous, but all of the ones that attended school showed no signs of being the corrupt, evil type, • But there was one vampire in particular, whenever anyone said anything it really made you angry, • He looked soft and kind, he never did anything that could cause any conflict, he was clever and gentle, and definitely very pretty, • And shy, • You'd smiled at him in the corridors before, to which he'd avoided eye contact, • Or you'd say hi if waiting nearby, or try to chat if you sat near each other in class, to which he'd turn away with a light blush on his ghostly pale skin, • (Legit Editor Katie tho she pale af) • You just wanted to be nice, but it upset you - the thought you made him uncomfortable, • Or maybe he wasn't shy, as most of the vamps at school acted this way towards you, and you were pretty sure it was because they were afraid you'd bring trouble, like most other humans, • You understood of course, but it didn't stop your simple smiles in the corridors, • But you're walking down the halls with some friends towards a geography class, • Gotta learn about some rivers amiright, (Moana is quaking) • But you hear shouting from down the corridor which makes your blood change to cold, • "-You dirty bloodsucking parasites need to stay in the night where God doesn't have to look at you," • Wow you're off to start a fight (งツ)ว • lmao a verbal one, physical fights are stupid,  • You approach from behind, spotting the guy that has Jihoon himself in a corner, looking down nervously, like he wanted to be anywhere but there, • "You're such a weak, bigoted blood bag," • You march right in there, shoving the guys shoulder back to stand next to Jihoon, the blood gushing through your ears, threatening to deafen you, • The boy has too much silver jewellery and a cross around his neck and you want to scoff, • Why make so much effort just to make someone uncomfortable? What's the point? • "You're always picking on vamps when, what? What did Jihoon do to trigger you? Simply walked past? Is your self control honestly so nonexistent you can't even keep your disgusting thoughts to yourself? You should work on that," • Wow the words just tumbling out what to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (-me to them peeps calling daehwi gay/greedy) • You didn’t think them through, and they're not what you'd imagined saying in the scenario you ran through your head every single time this happened, • But they're enough to make the brute stare at you in disbelief as you grab Jihoon's hand, still in a rage, and march him the hell outta there • Your adrenaline is running because you've finally done it, done what you'd always wanted to do • What someone (or everyone, really) should have done a long time ago, • You go to lead Jihoon outside but then realize there's only so much sun cream can do, so change direction to the school’s theater, where you know there's no lessons so it'll be dark • "Hey are you okay?" • You spin around to face him once you've arrived alone in the theater lobby, but you can't see him well in the gloom • You wonder how bad a vamp’s eyesight is in the day, if it's this bad and they just rely on their other senses • "You shouldn't have done that, they're going to pick on you as well now," • His quite voice is concerned and wary, it makes your heart ache • You head over to where the seats are probably are and successfully sit on one, not falling over in the dark • "Let them try," • You believe it • You may be known for being nice, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a sharp tongue and a strong passion • If people started to distance themselves from you now, you'd know who your true friends were • And you were definitely prepared to use your language, maybe even a few other ones as well, to make sure people knew you didn't give a shit about their prejudice opinions • And you definitely weren't going to let it stand anymore • Jihoon's quiet as he thinks over what you say, within the blink of an eye you can feel his cold presence sat near you • He doesn't quite understand you • Not at all • He doesn't understand why you stood up for him, what you have to gain, why you'd make yourself a target • Why someone he'd always viewed as so soft and kind, someone he tried to stay away from as to no be misfortune to, would voluntarily come to save him from an idiot in the hallway • He'd bite back, but he doesn't want the reputation of vampires to decrease even more, and he doesn't exactly see how it'd help, so he stays silent and resolute • But that confrontation is the beginning of a whole new life for you • A lot of your 'friends' started to distance themselves from you, or straight up told you they thought you were an idiot • Like it hurt, sure, but you stood by the fact that you were sick of the inequality, • You started to walk to classes more with Jihoon, your timetables startlingly similar • Not only because you could defend him easily when you're with him, but with your dwindling number of friends, you didn't have many other people to walk with • Not that you minded as much, you were glad you'd gotten rid of toxic people and were left with true friends
• Y'all 2k18 the year to get rid of toxic friendships (I should know rip) (-mood) • But one night it's like 2am and you're like???? I want to be free, go for a walk and buy some chocolate raisins because living on edge is fun • So that's exactly what you go to do • And you're walking back to your house in pitch black, feeling spooky™ and actually regretting your independence because something feels really off • Yeah I think we all know where this is going • You spot a pale, tall figure (everyone’s tall to u bro) behind you through a closed shop window, you instantly know it's a vamp (I’m 5′0″ legit I’m dying down here) • And you can hear them walking behind you, which means they're close because vampires are known for sneaking • And you will your heart beat to come down because you're 100% sure he can hear it and probably smell it • And you're just figuring out what to do as you speed walk down the street, • You can't run, vampires are speedy and they have better vision, you can't fight; they're stronger than humans • You're just about to start screaming when an icy hand wraps around your wrist, and you start to turn around to fight back, because what more can ya do, when you recognise the cologne, the height, the hair (I remember everyone’s height because they’re aLL TALLER THAN ME) • Wow Jihoon knows when to drop in, • He's gripped your wrist to make sure you stay behind him as he growls (exo is quakin), a terrifying hiss you'd never associate with someone as soft as Jihoon, at the dangerous stalker you had acquired  • Despite this, the feral vamp still lunges, dark sunken eyes focused onto you, almost oblivious of Jihoon • You guess he's hungry, and would feel bad if he wasn't making an attempt on your life • But I guess your own will to live outweighs your ability for sympathy, • (Can't relate) • But Jihoon skilfully spins you away before catching the attacker and basically throwing that bitch into a wall like shit man he got that pOwER • (By EXO is a bop), • You're shook because Jihoon, don't kill the already undead lil shit pls have some manners  • But then he grabs your hand and quickly leads you away like bruh slow down I'm only human, • "I'm so so sorry y/n, are you okay? Why are you out so late?" • You laugh at him as he stops you in a shadow of the already dark night, and wrap your arms around his shoulders tightly, • He's tense at first because human contact?? Why aren't u afraid imma drink your blood god dammit??? •And Jihoon can hear your blood and he's trying so hard not to smell it because you're in his arms and it'd be too easy, too evil (oh nonononono jeojang you ain’t gettin none of my blood) • But he wraps his arms loosely around you and sighs, calming himself down from the rage he felt when he'd seen you in imminent danger • Because this person protects him with everything they have in the day and damn if he wasn't going to finally return the favor • "Why sorry, Jihoon, you just saved my life, god, thank you so much," • You jump back and beam at him because nothing in your whole language can tell him how much you love him in that moment • "It's a vampire, he shouldn't have done that, I'm just sorry," • You can't stand the way Jihoon looks, ashamed and disappointed, • "Don't be stupid, it's not your fault, there are feral people in every race," (-me to haters) • Jihoon's dark eyes stare into yours for a second; you feel as if you're being weighed up, but you stare back, letting him run through whatever thought process he's going through • "You should be careful when you’re out so late, there's too many people like that," • He softens instantly, running his eyes across you, checking to see if you're still in one piece, a hand subconsciously running through your hair, and tilting your head side to side to check the veins in your neck were untouched • The cold of his hands tickle, and the sensation sends tingles down your spine but you don't say anything, just wait till he's done and hold up your bag from the shop • He sighs with a smile, he gently places his hand in between your shoulder blades, pushing forward carefully as the two of you begin walking • "Let's get you home," • Honestly after that night you're shook at how different Jihoon was • In school he's quiet and polite, keeping to himself • But damn this Jihoon almost body slammed someone and talked with utter confidence in his element (i mean have you seen his bice-nope not getting wrekt today bitches) • You loved it tbh the real boy was showing and you were his no.1 fan • You find yourself walking home together the next day, you don't live that close but his house is sort of on the way to yours so it works • And you don't want anyone to pick on him in the daylight when he's alone because some people are absolute jerks • You hold your umbrella high to cover mainly Jihoon as the sun lies in the sky; again, there's only so much incredibly strong sun cream made for vampires can do, and you know the sun still stung, so you bought along your very handy, black umbrella for protection • Jihoon smiled at you when you first brought it out, and you let it make your stomach flip • "You know, I was thinking," • His voice is quiet, soft, weaker, as it always is in the day, and you raise your eyebrows questioningly, to which he huffed at you • "I think you should give me your phone number," • Wow you legit choke • Jihoon takes the umbrella carefully from your arm so you don't have to hold it so high for him, smiling softly at you • "You're a very straightforward guy, let me tell you that," • He laughs at that as you pass him your phone • "You like to go out at night right? Like some freedom? Since you stick up for me at school, I think whenever you want to go out, call me. I'll accompany you and fight off any bad guys," • "Maybe I'll take you up on that," • You swipe your phone back after he’s texted you and pinch his cool cheek making a light blush appear • "Honestly though, please call whenever you want, I'm always awake at night because of the whole, yanno, vamp thing, and I'd like to-" • " Y/n, Jihoon!" • One of your close friends call, running across the road towards the two of you, cutting him off • You're on edge because like??? What would he like to do???? But your friend has good intentions as they join the two of you and happily chat, and you decide you'll just have to leave it a mystery • But from then on you two are honestly your own tiny squad • Jihoon becomes more open with you, more talkative at school and happier whenever you're near, sitting with his vampire friends but sometimes joining you as well • Because he's now more confident that this isn't just a one sided friendship, that he takes and you give, but he now knows he can help you as well and it lifts his non beating heart • And you're not, by nature, supposed to be a nocturnal animal but you swear you're turning into one • You always sleep as soon as you get home from school and spend your nights walking around at night with Jihoon, chatting and relishing in the silence of the darkness and the secrets the stars hold • Your secrets; you've told them how he makes your arms tingle and heart race and how you'd protect him with not only your voice, even though you know he probably doesn't need to be protected • (Ofc he does, even strong ass people need to be protected sometimes, y'all let yourself be soft) • But honestly you're so glad you snapped that day in the corridor • "Okay but what if you're totally evil after all and you're just lulling me into your lair?” • You question isn't invalid, Jihoon has your hand in his chilly one, but it's nice in the summer air, • It's pitch black, possibly 12 or 1 A.M, and Jihoon is leading you through a nearby park, you can feel shrubbery around you but you have no idea what's happening • "Do you honestly trust me so little?" • Jihoon's super speed surprises you all of the time, so when he suddenly wraps his arms around your shoulder and whispers to your ear when he was leading in front 0.28472 seconds ago you're definitely shook • He lowers his voice in an imitation to scare you but it only makes you crack up • You laugh and push forward, spinning around so he can see your face, even though you can't see him properly, only a faint white glow • You sense him sitting down, and he tugs your hand so you can join him, knees bumping together • "What can I say, I bet my blood taste great," • He chokes a laugh at that, which makes your head snap to where you know he is • "What are you laughing at? You think my blood taste bad? Are you insulting me Park Jihoon?" • Your mock offence makes him laugh again, and that sound is the only fuel you'll ever need again, you feel like you could live off it, the ring of this vampires laugh • "Quite the opposite, you don't know how tempting it is," • I mean this could make things awkward, but it's you and Jihoon, so you giggle and take it as a compliment, you know he'd never do something like that without permission • "Well maybe one day, Mr. Park, when you've fought off a gang of evil vampires and forgotten to drink your bag of animal blood for breakfast, I'll let you," • He hums at that and looks to the stars, and you take up tracing the dark veins that weave across his bare arms, wondering how it all works, how vampires work, how they live, how people live with such hate built in their hearts towards those who are different • "Why did you do it, that day? Why did you shout for me?" • You, in turn, hum at this, and send him a smile • "You obviously weren't going to, and I was sick of the meaningless hate you got," • You state your thoughts as they are, not altering them, you'd never had to alter them for your vampire friend, so why now • "You have no idea how hot that makes you," (smooth, fam) • Wow Jihoon has a talent for making you choke on your breath, because once again his straight forward words make you blush a deep ruby • It seems Jihoon wasn't going to change his thoughts for you either • "Pardon me?" • You raise your eyebrows at him with a smile, playing laid back even though you know he can hear your heartbeat speeding up • Like jeez wow you can't hide anything • "The way you didn't care; you didn't care and you still don’t. You don't care that people call you a rat, carrying a parasite, or whatever. You were brave, because you didn't like the inequality and the fact you think outside of the box and do whatever you can just to make me feel more...more included. Just how you stand for what you believe, that's pretty beautiful" • It isn't exactly poetry, and it doesn't get across how Jihoon feels to the extent he wants it to, but you understand the message, and that's all that matters honestly • "It's what you deserve, Jihoon," • His dark eyes stare at you then, closer than you remember • "You think? You think I deserve something so wonderful?" • "I know, silly, I don't only think," • He goes silent again at that, tracing patterns with his cold hands onto your palm • You can guess what he's thinking • All through his school life he's been told he was dirt and an inconvenience, an insect, (a stuck-up half witter scruffy-looking nerf-herder,) • So when someone finally tells him he's worth something? He deserves something good? • He's stumped, and you know he's trying to get his head around it • "Y/n, I'm trying not to kiss you right now," • Bitch okay he may be thinking that as well • "As long as you promise not to lose your head and try to drain me of my blood, then I think there's no reason in trying not to, if I'm being honest," • His eyes b u r n like shit that's intense okay • His spare hand, the one not constantly drawing patterns onto your arm, the same steady cold as they always had been, moves to rest on the back of your neck • It makes your hair stand up and goose-bumps to jump and run along your neck • "I can't say I can promise anything," • His voice is soft again before he presses his lips to yours, gentle as he always had been with you, and it makes your head spin wildly • Your hands jump up his spine in a dance of emotion and tangle into his dark hair • Jihoon is just lost in your warmth, the warmth of your heart and the warmth of your hands and lips • The two of you gaze at the sky later, making promises and telling truths you thought only the sky would ever know • You've never felt as if someone else could make you feel like one, whole, but with a cold hand encircling yours, your head resting on his soft stomach, no words have ever made more sense to you
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kuraagins · 7 years
Some Danatole YouTube au headcanons (I'm sorry)
Based off some asks from @melchirits' blog They have a prank channel Because OF COURSE they fucking do It starts off with Dolokhov being like "let's prank Pierre and put it on the Internet" And Anatole comes up with a MASTER PLAN of putting a piece of paper that says some dumb shit like "ur gay" in one of his books. They film Pierre opening the book and he's just like "??????? Okay???????" But these two fucking assholes think it's the funniest thing, and they do that laugh that prank channels do where they just scream into the camera. And pretty much immediately they start to get a following (Because they're two attractive guys on the Internet the teenagers can SHIP THEM) So they just do more dumb shit to Pierre (and occasionally Ippolyte and Hélène if they're around and in good enough moods that they won't kill them) Balaga helps them out sometimes And their YouTube channel starts to get pretty big Anatole decides to start streaming as well because he likes video games (and also attention) So one time on a stream Hélène comes in and is like "tolya you should make out with Dolokhov for a prank" Because the girl KNOWS her brother is lowkey gay for his bff And Anatole is like "IM NOT GAY IM NOT GONNA KISS A DUDE I LIKE WOMEN" But also everyone in the chat is like YOU SHOULD KISS HIM Because like I said... The internet Ship Them Anatole is a slut for views and attention so he's like "WOW guys I can't BELIEVE you're MAKING me do this y'all are CRAZY, kissing boys is GROSS" And he just grabs the camera goes into Dolokhov's room (because I just decided that they live together in this au) and MAKES OUT WITH HIM Like.... Not a little peck on the cheek like Hélène was expecting There's like tongue and everything Anatole pulls away and they both go super red because they're both so in love with each other but they can't even admit it to themselves let alone each other And Dolokhov is sat there completely dazed And Anatole gets super scared that Dolokhov is gonna get mad at him (because his dad maybe used accuse Anatole of being gay because our boy loves his fashion, which is why he tries to repress his feelings for Fedya???) So he just thrusts the camera in his face and is like "HA ITS A PRANK BRO I GOT U NO HOMO" and runs out the room flustered as hell Dolokhov is just left sitting there like "yes this is fine..... I am 100% okay that my best friend-and long time crush-has just made out with me as a prank" Everyone in the stream chat is going crazy Hélène is Shook Anatole promptly ends the stream early with some weak ass excuse like "oh suddenly I am very sick goodbye" He begins to regret kissing Fedya because MAYBE HE HATES ANATOLE NOW But it does get them more followers so... And now there's thousands of fanfictions about them Anatole googles himself because of course he does and shortly after The Incident he finds some 'danatole' fanfiction And he's like what is this danatole they speak of He reads a couple(hundred) and is like HOLY SHIT I WISH THIS WAS REAL LIFE It's Balaga that comes up with idea of a fake feud "It'll get you a fuckton of views Anatole. A fuckton." Both Anatole and Fedya love the views So Balaga writes diss tracks for them both and gives them ideas for some vague tweets "Can u believe some people just won't stop talking about their foot fetish smh" "When someone u care about takes ur sister out to the opera instead of u #ratsthesedays" (I KNOW 'rats these days' is a very northern British thing but PLEASE guys I find it so funny thinking of Anatole saying it) And then they release the diss tracks Millions of views Everyone is choosing sides There's 'team Anatole' and 'team Dolokhov' merch Anatole calls his fans the 'Anatole kuragin-ers' Dolokhov calls his fans something even dumber like "tHE FIERCE SQUAD" "Anyway fierce squad don't forget to like comment and subscribe and dab on those haters like Anatole kuragin" So then Anatole takes it a Step Too Far And he tweets something like "lol I bet @crazygoodshot was totally into that time I kissed him as a prank #DoesFedyaDolokhovIsGay?" (Anatole is an obnoxious hashtag user fight me) About 5-10 minutes later he walks in on Dolokhov SOBBING And Anatole freaks out It takes him like a good forty five minutes to calm him down because Dolokhov is genuinely devastated He thinks that Anatole knows he's gay and is in love with him and that he hates him for it Eventually Anatole calms him down enough so that Fedya can speak and all he can get out is "do you HATE me Tolya" before breaking down into sobs again Anatole is heartbroken that HE'S done this to Dolokhov so he deletes the tweet and once Dolokhov no longer has any more tears to cry they Anatole takes him out for coffee Buys a drink and a cake for him to try and make up for what he's done All Dolokhov can do is stare blankly at the table He's a whole mix of emotions He's angry that Anatole would out him like that, upset that his friend clearly dislikes him for enjoying the kiss, confused as to why he would tweet that out because this was just supposed to be a bit of harmless fun for the Views Anatole tries to apologise but there's nothing he can say that makes Dolokhov feel better They sit in silence for over an hour and Anatole ends up blurting out "I love you" And Dolokhov looks up for the first time in confusion and Anatole looks at him and says "I'm in love with you Fedya" And Anatole gets all shy and flustered because he finally told Dolokhov about this crush that he'd bottled up for years Poor Dolokhov still doesn't get it he's like "love me in like,,,,, a friend way?" NO YOU FOOL HE LIKE LIKES YOU And once Fedya has come to terms with this after Anatole has gone on some big ramble about how beautiful he finds him Fedya confesses his love for Anatole And they spend the rest of the day holding hands and doing cute couple stuff!!!! Someone sees them and posts a picture of them holding hands and I'd like "are danatole really feuding????" And then the eye emoji about 10 times The picture goes VIRAL Anatole and Fedya make a video a couple of weeks later explains that the feud is over (they're both too proud to admit it was all fake tho) and now they're dating and in love!! And then everyone writes Dan and Phil-esque fanfiction about them BYE
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harrv · 7 years
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today may not be a good time to post this and im sorry for blowing up ur notifs but what the fuck !!!! i hit 1.1k followers !!!! i usually do my follow forever posts at end of the year but i didn’t do this last year bc i was waiting to hit 1k ! now here i am !
i made this blog on april 21, 2014 and had my first post in may 1st of the same year then abandoned this blog and officially came back after a year and now this blog has been running since july 2015 lmao it took me 2 yrs to get 1k rip me
anyways! my experience here on tumblr is Awesome so far! (i am not being sarcastic) (or am i?) and i met great people thru here and have made a lot of amazing friends and lost quite a few, sadly
of course @ everyone thank you thank you thank you thank you all for making my tumblr experience great! i still don’t even understand why y'all still follow my lame ass trash of a blog but i couldn’t ask for more lol i love y'all for still keeping up
NOW all i wanted to do right now at this very fucking moment is to give my mutuals a Huge Shoutout for being so so fucking lovely and so so fucking awesome and so so fucking nice! (even tho i only every occasionally talked to some of you and wish i had the guts to talk to everyone), my sappy ff starts below! :)
special mentions
the pepito elvis gc (i am only mentioning the ones that talk the most) - amy aka the louie who mistaken this harrie gc for a larrie gc (@given-a-chance), cat (@smolbirds), brenda aka my mom (@sweetcreature-lou), amber aka pure (@skamb3r) , antwahnise (@gilmoregirlsau), and fucking ciarra aka #1 harry hater who also sings like an angel (@larriez)
what the flipping fuck guys i love every single one of you??? thank fuck im in the same gc as y'all and thanks for indulging the shit outta me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even this gc is still a Baby (its only three weeks old) i had so many fun memories with y’all :’) and i think its really cute waking up with like 79 messages <3</p>
henri (@onlyangele) - love even tho we had only talked thru replies u made me laugh so much binch wish we could talk more
vika (@louisosoft) - the sweetest darling!!! every time i see u on my notifs i fucking smile bc i just love ur blog ok??? and i love ur cat even tho i kinda despise cats (dont block me im a dog person)
libby (@angelpolvo) -  girl………………… ur the Gayest and also the Nicest and i just love the shit out of you??? i love that we screamed over josephine vander bc thats what gays do right ??? and bitch??? is she urs already???? I AM DYING TO KNOW PLS UPDATE ME
rachel (@sugarbabykink) - rachel, u cute ok?? ur very fucking cute and i love seeing you on my dash, tw*tter tl, and ig :’) and **** ** ******** forever
liz (@angelharry) - remember when u wanna change your url but you’re scared and i was the one who encouraged you to change it and supported u thru it wow Great Times lol and i love your shitposts???? you’re one of the funniest people i met in my life ??  wow ?????????????
……and of fucking course, the snapchat king, the louis to my harry, the harry to my louis, my moon and stars, the bitch who still puts up with my stupid gay ass and im wondering why he still does that wtf……………………………..
agatha (@lourrious) - bih. what the fuck ??? i would d*e for you???? i never thought we’d be friends until Now??????? such Soulmates we are, aren’t we? the universe really found a way for us to meet again ? wow ? and thank fuck i knew you !!!! thank you for always making my day and making me laugh with ur snaps and making me smile whenever im sad. you are always there to comfort me, and i never met someone like that til you. bih, i would sell my liver just to meet you in person. im getting all sappy bc of u bitch and i love getting sappy. i treasure you very close to my heart. heck i treasure you in my heart. you’re always in my heart bih :3) :3) :3) :3) :3) :3) :3) :3) :3)
that’s it whew okay lets start
(bolded are…well..u know the drill)
# to b
@1-800-garbage @1989rosesxx @19yrs @1dconcertblog @3chic @8walls @acejade @aimhpal @alestiaa @alwaysinmyheartweet @amaerie @anathemaer @anchorliam @andd-all-his-little-things @ange1s @angelbud @angelharry @angelhoney @angeliety @angeltaurus @asterfairy @aurae @avenroger @babeharrie @beauthxrry @beingsoft @bengaligf @beysharrys @bloglaurel711 @blushbae @boringangel @buerella @butimthechosen1 
c to e
@candybisous @catharticphan @cherrielouie @chilllarries @coffeegirlfriend @compasstatt @complementarytatts @constellarry @curlycuelou @dancerharry @dareharry @degenerateharry @doriangrayss @dvinefeminine @eclecticitys @ecliptique @edolouis @elebeard @engjelll @estrelune @etherealnyc @everrsincenewyork @eversincesnlharry @exposealienharry
f to g
@fairydustlou @favoriteirishmember @feminist-tomlinson @fendiontop @filthyt0kyo @fireprocf @flowoury @flufy-louis @fondsmol @fooledangel @foolsgoldkink @forharrys @frickydazzle @fuckboivibes @fuckingastrology @gaysfic @gayymothman @geantle @geminivenus  @gigglelou @gilmoregirlsau @girlov @given-a-chance @glitterrthug @gloomycancer @glowingangel @glowystyle @godgavemelou @goldenharrie @goldvnbby @grapefruitseltzer @grinching @growgardens 
h to k
@h-isforhome @happileeds @happlouis @haroldtwerkin @harrsys @harryandlana @harryfromplanetstyles @harryftariana @harryhugs @harrylouie @harryrs @harrys @harrysgayalbum @harrystyles-mybabyboy @harrystylesisaprettyprincess @harrystylesthealbum @harryz @hazzastop @heckheckk @hershelstyles @hesnlt @highlightharry @holyfucklarrry @homeisharry @homelyrics @homemp3 @horchati @howgreenmetblue @hufflepufsh @hzzs @imafoolforlou @iridescentblooms @itrose @itslovestylinson @jeffsazoff @jennydixon @kalelube @kathrynactually @kingsofpeace @kissharryufool @kitkatp @kiwilivemp3 @knjpeg
l to m
@languidheart @larriekisses @larriez @larrsygettinglarried @larrydagger @latte-louis @laurnts @lhrryonce @liames @lilcurlies @liltinylouis @louiesdarlings @louis2k15 @louisbuttcheek @louisisloved @louislikesboys @louislittletummy @louisosoft @louiswantstomarryharry @lourrious @lovehoperomance @loves2much @loveutae @lthica @lunarosa @magicalhalo @memeharry @menudo @mexicanasapphic @minirose @mitamdemo @mitamhalo @moonblessd @moonsunhl @mounshine @mutualfond
n to r
@notsebastan @oceanoflouis @ofsighs @olivemel @onlyangele @onlyangelharold @oopstatt @organicysl @packersbeanie @pearlgorl @petalful @peterpansexuallarrie @pinkflowerlarrie @pinkflowersharry @pinkhalo @poppunknouis @poptropicaofficial @purerosewaters @rainbowlads @realfalsiane @realytired @redsatin @redyke @rlphlaurn @rose-forces @rosegoldeyelids @rosehoneywater @roseofhalfeti @rosedgirls @roseputa @roseylouie @rosyharry 
@satinmilk @scaryharrybooeylouis @sccorpio @secret-lil-rendez-vous @sherrybomb @shimmersapphic @skamb3r @smolbeanlt @smolbirds @sofharry @some-guys-like-guys @spaannk @spceboystyles @sspookyjimchristmas @strawberrylipg1oss @strawberrypiebaby @styles2017 @stylesandtrash @stylespaceboy @stylespug @stylinsoney @stylishirish @sugarbabykink @sweetcreature-lou @syzygay 
t to z
@t-h-e-q-u-i-e-t @thegayankle @thegaynkle @thekhilla @thelovesclubs @thereylouis @thestyles @tigertat @tomlinfeeling @tomlinfinitys @tomlinsonaoki @toxicsxciety @trianglelouie @tzujs @unf @vanillagloss @vagueangel @vainbitch @vibrantess @victoryjacket @viplourry @virgomtv @warmfringe @waturs @westindia @wildepixie @wwwlouis @xlytherin @yowapeda @yslfond @yvesdidas @yvhes @zarnes @zourrygf
i thought i’d like to add my fave non mutuals bc i usually unfollow non mutuals but here are the ones that made it so hard for me to click on their unfollow button:
@organicstunts @kindofsharethat @dunkirks @domestic-harry @softhie @thedebutsingle @worththewhiletweet @youfuckingloosah @softestswan @birdonahotdog 
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