#sorry for being late to this meme
actuallyimabird · 1 year
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He brought his own spoon this time
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mikaikaika · 1 year
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baalzebufo · 2 years
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posted earlier about how fake peppino doesnt like its reflection because it reminds him that its not the ‘real’ peppino and kind of shatters the illusion. but also i wanted something a lil sappy because, despite being freaked out by his clone, peppino is a good egg. so, This
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iffasart · 4 months
@campbenji JWCTcountdown Day 5: fav ship (part 2)
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I love themmmm!!!
Bonus because i think i'm funny
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This was funnier in my head 🥲
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hyena-frog · 24 days
Not to sound ungrateful but why is the 10th anniversary edition so boring looking?
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Like it's just the same. But gold now. 🥱
Give me an illustration edition... A full graphic novel adaptation announcement... Anything! Please my crops are dying.
Plus this is the UK publisher. Does Del Rey not have anything planned? I haven't heard a peep. The 10th anniversary of one of your extremely popular series is a big opportunity to make money off loyal fans. Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?
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louis-memes · 4 months
Louis during the whole show in Buenos Aires:
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rysttle · 7 months
self indulgent oc doodle dump
here's hector and isaac who sometimes are sailors, sometimes a dragon and a half demon(?), sometimes divorced, sometimes suffering in tma au, sometimes just regular dudes, sometimes regular dudes with a tail
no further context just doodle dump nyeh-
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ft arthur sometimes
Phew sorry for the worst compilation ever(jkjk unless),,,,
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frau-wilhelm-klink · 14 days
I mean this in the most affectionate way possible, of course.
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But hey, that's okay! Somebody has to keep the people in Geneva busy😂
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can-of-slorgs · 6 months
Im dying at your tags on that last anon 😭😂 youre now the dr.sloth pinup artist that neopets needed
Not the title i wanted to craft for myself when i started this blog but hey, it brought us such good memories like
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Umm the usual assortment of lance allura and kuron for that ask thingy <33(can be all three or just one if you dont feel like it!!!) scurries away
Thank you for asking bestie ❤❤❤. Ngl my brain is baked these days so I'll be only one this time
three facts about them from my personal headcanons-
Huge ass nerd. Especially about classic lit but he's also this pic about it-
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2. Enters 'Shiro look-a-like Cosplay' competition specifically to do the Worst Most Awful impression of Shiro, he also got the scar on the wrong side through makeup (its a coping mechanism leave him alone) If he and Shiro had a better relationship (and Shiro stopped being a bitch about the clone thing) they both would enter that competition and Kuron will win while Shiro will get last and Kuron doesn't know whether to laugh or cry or curl up in a corner and die
3. Fighting for his life anytime he gets a headache or a migraine. Constantly swinging between "it's just a headache! Haggar's dead! It's just a headache! Haggar's dead! It's just-" And "I am going to die"
a reason they suck-
Babygirl I know you are going Through it but you got to stop going behind your teams back and yell at them, Lotor was so not worth it.
Also is just so focused on being The Leader he forgot being Team Member
a reason they are great-
He's just trying so much???!?! Like he is doomed no matter what happened and he didn't even know it but he was still trying his best and he fought and tried to survive till his very last breath 🥺🥺🥺🥺 my boy he deserved better
a reason I relate to them-
I kinda don't? Relatability of a character isn't really my priority as much as studying them in a microscope is. If I had to I guess our tendency to not communicate well and be a bit snappish when stressed? The feeling of not being in control about anything in your life? Otherwise I can't think of any
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character-
I still think about toxic yaoi Kuron/Lotor that would never work and destroy them both btw if you even care
But also like screw romance give him as many friends as he wants
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened-
Him getting to live
Him getting to live as his own person
Him getting to live as his own person in his own body
Him getting to live as his own person in his own body and not treated as Evil Shiro clone but a friend
Shiro fucking apologises to him (I know there are others who have done far FAR worse things to Kuron and Shiro has his own trauma and I like Shiro! But also listening to him being mean to my son no. 1 WHILE being mean about my tragic son no. 2 and all I could think of was, "Shut the fuck up forever actually bitch")
five people that character never fell in love with and why-
Again do I really have to answer this one?? Like can't we ignore all shipping fandom? Ugh fine
Haggar (for obvious reasons)
Zarkon (stated as above and in fact these two can be interchanged)
Sendak (sure Kuron hasn't actually met Sendak but he does have Shiro's memories and he sucks in all of them)
Iverson (because fuck him)
Slav (I don't hate Slav but I have to agree with people when they say that Slav and Shiro trigger each other's anxieties and trauma and this applies to Kuron as well)
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okay I'm going to be so honest rn but like...why do packs even exist????
i love their dynamic and allat but like??? what do you even need it for??? the shaw pack is basically just a group of really close coworkers who also choose to call this one guy their alpha and listen to his every word??? because of his dad??? huh???
also are there packs for other animal shifters or are the wolf ones just freaky like that???
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A Job Interview Chapter 13
New chapter, new me? Have a small excerpt:
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teecupangel · 1 year
I've been seeing these grimace shakes videos lately and I just thought what if some assassin gave the templars that? Like it can be some random assassin who was told to give it to the templars and all the templars either dying or going insane makes me so happy
You know what would be fun?
If Abstergo just started getting deliveries of Grimace Shakes, they’d think it would be a joke and some of them would drink it because waste not, want not and it's free food and all that.
There will be one, just one…
That is actually not just a normal shake.
It doesn’t immediately act, no, of course not.
And it is completely tasteless and odorless so all they taste is the actual shake.
Just this… desire to share it.
To tell people to try it out.
“Come on, join the fun.”
“It’s pretty good. Take a sip.”
And those who takes a sip from that one starts to ask for more, grabbing another shake then just tipping a bit of the ‘original’ shake into it.
“Come on… don’t be a spoilsport. Get with the program.”
“Just a little sip.”
“That’s all.”
Then, before those who haven’t drank from any of the ‘contaminated’ shakes realizes it, everybody else was going…
“Drink! Drink! Drink!”
And so they drink.
And they feel the desire to share it once more.
To ensure the entire building had a taste.
To make sure every member of the Abstergo family…
… tastes it and desires it until it consumes them.
And the delivery boy?
Looks a lot like the supposed dead Elijah, illegitimate son of Desmond Miles.
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stalebagels · 9 months
Attempted Stephen and Conan tonight
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toshitophchan · 10 months
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Roddacember 2023 Day 13 | Memorable Power Moment
Magic powerful belt magic powerful belt magic powerful belt magic powerful belt!
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ferromagnetiic · 9 months
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literally every hue of red
faded whiffs of cheap deodorant mingled with sweat at the end of a busy afternoon. distinct, masculine musk and warmed skin from being outside in the summer sun, beating down on him. the shared tang of the ocean’s headwind.
the nervousness lingering in the back of your nose, during moments of sharpened instincts; staining your tongue with something foul. like trepidation. he smells like oncoming threat. he smells like the anxiety you experience when you know danger is approaching, like something bad is about to occur, though you're uncertain of what that entails. he smells like clammy palms and a quickened heartbeat and a distrust that never quite dissipates.
metallic notes: spilled blood and laborious metalwork. the dryness of dusty tools in need of a polish, accompanied by the overwhelming bite of motor oil. an engine that's been running for too long, been functioning too hard, and is now emitting fumes.
the booze he's been drinking. rum on the rocks, or a frothy beer. stale fruit. shrouded in miasma while glasses clink in celebration as his men exchange a round of hearty toasts. an occasional cigarette when he steps outside for a smoke break. cheap thrills and long nights.
his signature coat: an exotic plume of feathers, heavier than it looks and impossible to ignore, racing like a sea of soft fire down his back.
gaudy-printed pants which some would consider an eyesore for being so needlessly dramatic.
crimson hair, spiked each morning with copious amounts of hair gel.
a sizeable collection of expensive jewelry: bangles, cuffs, rings; stolen and never once bought.
bold lipstick in dark shades and kohl eyeliner painted on a face that would otherwise be too bare without.
a pair of tinted goggles from an old friend dear to him, still.
the harsh, jagged edges of a false alloy arm: a paradox in both loss and gain. of something clearly solid yet missing.
a welding torch carelessly abandoned on the ground next to the incomplete body of an unfinished project.
a well-used electric guitar resting atop an amp.
imposing mechanical animals seeming to contain life of their own, rattling and hissing with complicated motions.
the brutal collision of a fist; knowing precisely where to land to make his opponent reel.
the brawl-promised warning of a sneer poorly disguised as a wry smile.
the fluid movement of a tongue, thick with an accent belonging to an almost-dead language.
the absentminded wiping of grease-smears on an old rag.
bellowing laughter; gruff, satisfied rumbling lodged within a throat.
“the scream of thunderbolts overhead; a country that has lost its privileges to quiet skies. the deafening patter of raindrops crashing onto tin roofs. there’s a presence in the junkyard hidden amongst the piles of scrap. sparks that are unpleasant to touch. a thousand flesh-eating sea kings swarming the coast, keeping you at bay. fingertips smudged with pencil lead from designing blueprints, so many of which are torn. your first successful invention, and short-lived moments of joy. pride swells in your chest.”
"a storehouse of restless discomfort and emotion. static stammering beyond your rabid snarling, the rushing of blood giving rise to the fine hairs on the back of your neck, disobedient and unlistening. a tense jaw that’s starting to go sore from gritted molars. everything about you is so loud. they won't part from you, uninjured. they'll speak of spite as though they'll understand it half as well as you do."
“being too good at these war-games. at collecting broken teeth and lacerations on your knees. a narrowed set of copper eyes — alight with animosity, dangerous and unnerving. it should hurt each time they knock you down; yet you don't quite feel it anymore. no love for the frail. you're about as angry as a bruise can get."
"your pull, magnetized on the outside, commands the creaking of the earth’s core. all iron folds to your will. you have little interest in playing god; despite what they say. you don't believe in transcendence, only perspective. so you continue to climb, tireless: a sentient contraption of mismatched parts continuously breaking down in the pursuit of strength. you’re an unburied artefact, terror on hooves. a rampaging minotaur lost inside the remnants of a once-great civilization. the wild shrillness of your best friend’s laughter, reeking in sacrifice and hardship, makes your residual limb flare up in turn. the pressure upon your shoulders remains heavier than any monstrous prosthetic you wield. you’ll protect everyone who’s counting on you: you’ve no other choice. you glint in spite of the rust."
"you were a boy once, turned man too early. you cling to survival like a hungry dogchild, thinking he can feast on raw bones alone, hurting yourself on every splinter. your stomach pierced; you, swearing you're never going to die. this is what it means to be the underdog. this is what it means to have the mettle not to recoil when you were made to stand in the living room of fear. you dread nothing and no one."
tagged by: @gumpistol (thank you, love you lala) tagging: @raidpink, @goddslayerr, @ryusokcn, @meowgiciann, @sozokami (ahmya or any of your op muses!), @melodysian (for uta my best girl, ofc), @primamirage, @ravarui (if you've already done this for shanks, do it for tony!), @akagamiko, @code01746, @chronocide (katakuri), @chillin-at-partys-bar (benn beckman), @seaoftales (mihawk), @wiinchgreen, @waraxarcana, @ncfertari, @swoonji
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